Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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4 - 1I1 : Ii ! UiIA1tA IA.I IiV 1HE : ? III1SIAY ! , JULY 14 , 198.
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! T1 . I
_ _ ceuitive CotniIfecmri Mir.e Ker.fCiciy .1 eu ucky Treturer awJersy Hebrk 0 io
, iivcntion oF tlo National Leagno is
aI flu' nf lit' l'tsIiIi'ii CIII'4'I1 , 01
" tor ( H , e , sin Ovn ( nnI JIip.
II U eli I . I IVNM ( $ % Vii rut I % p.
jililuiled II ) ' I 1u It.Ipgtt I
Whenever the nnne of'flhlan MeKiuley
us IflCittuI1l1 H. ShOUt ascendeti to the
fling ut floyd8 ( heater 'cstcrdny that
us ut once terrific and auI-tnsI)1rII1g. )
: flI the lialno \Vllhlain MclCliiley ,
1t of the United Statts of Atnerlczi , the
intral figure ot the wariti toiay , the PrII ( ,
his nittlon and hope of rii oprcs3c:1 ) :
'OllC ) , flifti the glory ot modem To-
ihilcankut , vas uttert1 very often.
It fs the eleventh ntiitinl , convention of the
( 'Pubhlcan League of. the UnIte4I Statri neil
0h11 nit IattS of the country , Vermont to
nhlfnrrnnln , Minnesota to TexnR. hinl come
In active workers of the party OR hehe-
tus from their state leagues to the na-
onni Ienguo to grdlior and tnlhc , neil write
leir cntorseinont of the pre3eut iuhtiitn-
tration tipon the nientnh tablets of thir
Duntryiiioi , of every iection.
Not nit the Iciegate to the national
tague had ctrrlvel ( , hut by the thue Prc1-
ent L. J. ( Jravforth of Kentucly rapped
is iIe1C VLt1I his gavel there were at 500
f theni Ecited.
lait p ( ei1 I iig IIcgiii y.
J large body 2I1O ca slowly and therefore
wa. after 11 ached : , Intcad of 10 o'clock
arp , when the convention got ready for
usincs4.t first the theater wes not very
ill , 1)111. ) heforo the rccea3 takeit for luu'hi
iv ieat vere left In the lower Part of
20 house tha t ihlil not coiitaln some dole-
flte or oxnc interestel .SPCCtatOr. There
os a goQui sprhiilIiiig of voinen In that
art of tii audience occupying the proacen-
tin hoxn iuiii the galleries.
Among thiote In the boxes were Mrs. J. L.
'ohigea oftirs. ! . Grei'ley W. Whitford of
' olorado , Miss eila hlnycs of Ohio , Mrs. E.
. \Vcclcs of Outline Center , 1a. Miss ( ] rnco
aufiman of St. Louis. Mrs. L. J. Crawford
f Newport. ICy. , wife of the president of
e National ltepullican league ; Mrs.
luirlee \\'ehiciueyer of Garner , In. , niitl
' Ta. A. A. lgbert and Mrs. fleecher IlIgby
I thihi city ; Lincoln Frost of Lincoln , T. L.
nttIiev of 1roniout. J. J. Boucher 811(1 S.
itli of Oniaha , F. \lcCarthy of floston.
: BFS. , and \VIihitim lieplingor of Aberdeen ,
1.TiOfl the Ftago hack of that suggestive
nce of hickory boughs which stretched
rO58 at the footlights Reveral aboriginal
iegates took theIrseati , proudly holding
OR tile BagV , J. Pceble had
resented to Tliurston county of this state
' IC night PreVious for Ita splendid repub-
can record. These % ver ( , Omaha and \'ln-
ebago Indians from tlmt county. Sizucon
, alioweil , Janu'i Jhlackbird. a son of clii
liter i3iaclblrii'lhilam ; Springer , George
anisoli , Dniti Monctt and Leonard Froit
th former. and Gray \Volt , Four Clouds ,
ugh hunter , Jo)111 ) Baird , Thomas Decora
nil Vihilani liensoloy of thin latter.
'l'ho Cosniopohitan hand had taken its phao
28t lCfleflth the footlights and started the
athusiasnj by seeral patriot airs.
I ) , . Slssiiii's ( ) i'ii lug J'rnyer.
: The Procecilings began with en Invocution
V 11ev. Fletcher M. Sisson of the hIa&iocoio
ark .lctl'odist Episcopal church.
'Vu thank Thee for the blassIeg5 that
lave collie to this flatiofl from the re-
% ibiican hnrty ) , " lirnycil Pastor Sissoii.
Nut only un thiaiik 'l'iieo for the
lcailIres which have led to the CIICCCSII Ot
lie istics before our ( ountry tolay ( , lint
ru Ilr.iiho Thee for the xiien that have been
lioen to lead In the trying times of our
at ion-Lincoln , ( ; rLllL , and now \Vililain
leKinley. 'ii thank The. for \Viliiazu Mc-
tflley ; for tue valor , for the Coleman
CUSO , for the dignity , for tti teadines
lInt hiau eliaractt'rizetl bile In these times
, f % flI.Ve pray Thee 1)01. o.iiy that Thou
.hl t TeniCIII her ii tnt I ii th ese t ryi ! ig I I nhi. ,
'Ut. that Thou wilt be with our army and
ILt..Y , On tile littiti ani Oil the iea ; and we
hank ' 1'lle for tilovictorieti already 'oii. \\e
, hank Ttu'e that tile tiurty Thou host been
1ezieii to bls in the vast Continues to
ilni our country. Oh , ( hOd , may It lead up-
lflri ( liritl on urd until that day w'llell
'huh ' shall ChililU tile nations of the earth as
' ' '
'hiltii' fl'l'
Then the that thing to be nttezulcil to was
roper ILshec for the Clflhlefll of the us-
loll , 'file 1)1111(1 ( prejiaruil its instruunleulta
nil Presidirut ( 'rtivfori1 lultrouluccul tills in-
plrluug feature by a COIlliuliflielIt In Nebraska.
rcsklt'nt Crawford lutil : ' 'I littelideti In
his tbuter ; lust evenluig tin iticlul state
? agile t'.uveultlon auiii hicurd It stated tlucue
hat the republican unitY II1WRil does
uslncss tinder tile 115g. We uuhall not ule-
ert froni tills usual rourso titin luoruliug. ' '
So Miss Itiiei Ihigby. daughter of ( 'Ity
ierk Ileeclier I iigby. ran up tile flag oIl the
cultrLul OlIt' of tile thIree masts of the singe.
0 vItero the electric fan IIIUIIC IL streaun nulil
tutter , the iiauud till ) while uiayiog "halt
oiuuulihuia , " iluuut the delegates uutioutlng
hemselves hoarse with eheeru of enthusiasm ,
ifter this Jiletty ecreillony tile ulational flu.
iicuut ' \ unerica" was lycd by the band
11(1 ( theul teeretai-y C. 'I' . Harris of the l'cnn-
yhvtnla delegation eiltertniuued tile COll'Cll-
Ion by * 3ingtng In i sonorous bass "A Thou-
auth Years1 My Own Columbia , " lie tuiso
ave ii s.tltIrieat soug having reference to
he I1lesCllt 'ar situation.
lint these tilings were only pvehiniinaries.
The gahierleR Were to resound with echoes
of oratory whlchi would have republican up-
iuortmuity 011(1 ( reutbutcnn success for its
tileulle. This begall with the first address
of elcoino by John l. % Vubstcr , on behalf
or the state of Nebraska. Said Mr. Web-
Rid' fllflOtl other thulngiu :
I sleflk tbit welcouiiu' of the state of Ne.
brashia. It Is the welcome whicil ought to
be o iced by ii rellilbi lean goverilor. Ilu
all ) ' Previous perloi of Nebraska political
huistors' It wciuhui llave hi'ell ) 50 , fluId it will
1)0 ) BO shirnului yrnu uneet lucre aguhti. It Is
ii v'ieoino tO 8 state hut unhulway hietween
Nes York 011(1 ( Sna IunuicIsco , but liliuiway
across tile laifli vhuIi'h the American
flag floated ulllthi the m'epluhuican party lifted
UI ) its voice 01111 niincxeil llnwull , Now ,
w ithi 3Ot % tIf No' 1llgiallui , we belong to the
cnst thIe west Is imi the Pacific OCI'flll. It
to a vclcotoo to a stnte wllich Wils till-
iirenunuui of Wileul Jefferson wrote tile
Declaration of IliulCpCndenco and wheel
\\'nshlngton deilvered lila farewell ndulress ;
a state Wllicil 1185 beeui evolved ( rome the
wihul chunouu of fifty years ago , WbCll tile
iitiihiies of nature was only disturbed by
the huudlai (1(111CC ( , and the llldiall wig-
% uumus ere grouped upou the ShOt vilero
now stands the Transluississippl 811th In-
terentionni Fxpostttoml ; a state yet ill its
cli I liii 0011 , but ii I CII I ii CLII tItle iiui ci Viii.
zat iou I s ( lie school house of lea rn I tug mm ii
which ill Ii anti ( iOCiOhflCIl t is the
young , giant of tile west.
w ( , wt'icoine the republican PnltY-the
hlarty of great deeds aiid the leader Ill great
sVeutuu ; the lart whichi has luatle our
collutry's ilistory ilco 1801. It wrote OIl
tile surface of our laud 'tthm it ieuu ulippeui
In the blood of Patriot macmm , more unfailing
and Inlperlshlable than the records carved
on Trajan'a ninrblu colutnut tIle worls of
Lincoln , tIllit " ( lie goverulment of the
peopht' , for the hiOIulo and by the people
shrill not iiorisil ( remit tile earth. " it imiaulo
the declaration that all illL'Il are created
eqlmaI a living reality , it saw Spain ChtIlg
log to her Idols and her despotic cunilire. It
saw her as a foturteentlu ceiltury nation that
hail forgotten the iioblness of chivalry and
the geuleruLtty of the bravo ; that , \silIlo she
hind the ( ItpIOnlfiC ) of tilt' % 'hi ) FerdhllflhlI ,
haul' departed from the just spirit of her
renovuucd 1nlwlin. 'l'rUe to tht' instincts of
our AmerIcan civihizat Ion , time repubhlcall
iinrty entered Its Pl'oteSt agahulat tile barbar.
18111 of tile middle ages being transplanted
to the beautiful island in tile w'atern hemls-
pilere. It Ii ; still writing history and will
go on writing huistoiy Ullttt Spain 511511 be
( lCtilrOull iii the Islands of tile seas and
Cluia shalt be free
It Is thu party of heroic IlICfl. ! t studies
Wttll 'iigerxiess and tile spirit of emulation
the lives of its great statesmen aiioi huh-
tary chieftains. It Points with luriLie to the
Ilistory of Frenuont antI Logall , of Sherman
and Garfield. The history of Greece uimay
lie uiunde known from the itv's of Demosthe-
lIes tititi Leoniias ; Itonue fronu the lives of
Cicero and Caesar ; ingiand froln tue lives
of IIanlpdeuu \Vehiington-and till' United
States from the hlv's of LhlIcohil ned Grant ,
limit time reitlbhicahu pail y may also point
with equal enthuslaslu to a galaxy of livIng -
Ing mdl. There Is GlOS'enOr anti Dingloy
end heed ; there is Foraker atid Thurston
and Allison ; there is ilarrison end D'pew.
i'onul In the hearts of tile American people
regardless of party afluhiatlon there Is an
abidIng confidence in the patriotism and
WisdOill of William McKinley.
I'l-t'sIuhu-ii t IVin I ur' $ t'elcoulse.
When Mr. Webster flulisileli a neat corn-
ihthTlCult Vas lersonaily Piliti also to Charles
l.'inter by Mr. Crawford , "Last night. as
I said , I attended a meeting of an Ideal
state league , fluId now I 'ishi to Present to
) Ohl all Ideal atato league President-i' Ac.
cordingly , l'reeldent'inter of tile Nebraska
league cameo forward anti extended a welcome -
come ill behalf of his orgamuizntioiu. Said he :
The Nebraska Republican league cxtend
to the \ittioai Itt1ItlbfiCLlhI ! Jeagtle Coil Yen-
tloii IL cordIal greeting and a hearty wci-
COlIlO. ' 'C are PrOUul aild happy to re-
COivu you. Tile Inhluenee of this enliven-
thou will be far-reaching and effective neil
the republicanism of the great westthh
ho rousei and inspired to greater efforts
and more enthusiastic loyalty by assocla-
tion with you.
Tile Nebraska league , tiloughi organized
but a few years , has today 400 clubs on-
roled. Wttll a nielutersllIp ) of 2,000. Its
first presiulent has since served two terms
as president of tile National ieflglle. Ills
funlo today Is more than national , Ills
name today is tittered vhthi enthusiasm
wilerever republicans gather together In
this broad illihli. Ills magilificehit 'otee
has been hiearui ill nearly every state of the
untoil proclaimIng repuhilicanlsni and patr'-
otisni-Scuintor John M. Thurston.
Nebraska Is both muent neil child of
the rephlbuicnul party. In 1S54 Stepheuu A.
Jougias , tile 'little giant of Illinois. "
laulleileui time Kaiuiuas-Nebrabka bill , It
ltirocattJ the doctrine of popular sover-
ignty. 'uhitu issue vaiiu wllethler thiesci new
states were tcu ho ennobled by thit' ilonest
Industry of nil inca or cllrsed by tblo labor
of ensiaveil nlc'n. Anti It was tllen and
thus awl over the destiny of this very soil
of curio that time greatest political imower
In hIstoryas ilOril. TilIlt power 'tia
t.iestiuieih to break time iron Imand of despot-
ISIII , give freedom to a brave ( iultl worthy
people anti s\veeh ) ( reel ( ho vestern hiemis-
phero a tyrant iliutloll ; that pewir was the
Lincoln , Ulysses S. Grant alIt ! \Vtiiianu Mc-
A determiuleui effort was Ihiade bY the 01)- )
position in limo canupaigii of 18'.Id to capture
tile ) OthIl hillel of ( hits country. Iii tile
nmitist of great holitletul exclteillent , Iii tile
whlrhvind of the conihict , by sviid appeal
therci , eleoquonce anti oirainatie oratory , they
hoped to lift thieni from the 50111111 rock of
lI'flson allot prin l ihO Il flU Ph huge them Into
t ho hi i ri 1)01,1 of 1111851 03 ii aild ilero vorsh I I ) ,
The republIcan imrt attributed to tue
young uilei of the nation too Ifluchl luatriet-
15111 , too munch Intelligence to believe tile ) '
totihil be carried away by the false Ct'lltt-
111(911 zulu Ilmission of aim bane. They were
rIght. 'i'imls conventloum today Is not ollly
a nulgulificent cnoiorseuuuellt of republican-
18111. but it rulheets crti1U alul honor auth
glory 1111011 thu 1.000.000 or yonimg voters it
represents. 'Ftiey stood steadfast , 'Flue en-
glalluoured Ilgulu ( I f a a I uud I v itt ual ( a I led
to ebarnu theIr sight and CCIISCH , 'lucy
refused to be swept a ay.
Hilt tile peollhtl of this state , ranking first
of all thuo state bu the siumalhuiess of her 11cr-
centago of Illiteracy , are too hntehhigt'nt to
leihlalul tuerulmaneotlY 'Vi'opg. ( : hiut people are
the bet representatist's of ( lust strong typo
of citizen , the brainy , lcrsistcnt , courage-
01114 , indomitable westerner. That type tie-
VCIOIl ) ( ii ) ' the ilrefldh of the prairies , the
I I I I Ill itabi eil'SB 0 f the ph a itma , t lie imu re an n -
I ight , time vital izing ntinosplio're , t lie sweep
of time western winds ; ( hint type , which as
Itns developed , Ill turn oievciopetl thce
Plahils , upturned ( ho sod , lmlauteoi the
grai ii , 1)11 I i t ( ii e e i t k's , broil gil t I u po inmlat ion
tiuitl C i V Ii I zat lou , um ut I I No'braslc a at a ui d s I
dfl3 time typical westerim atati''ithm such a
I'OI11 ) numol such a hIstory tile rcpubilcan
party lhi not call In vain twon Nebraska to
stalmil ngahil witlu tile lrnrty of imer origin.
ThIs Is it repubhicaum stto , reinubuican by
birth of au her varied tumferests. by thirty
years of splendid history , by au the noble
1I' st.
( 'nillill lillelItH U liii ( 'lI'rM.
'l ' (11111k Ve have learned today that ( hero
arc two 'boy orators' in Nebraska , " observed
Mr. Crawford , "niitl one of tilein you have
just beard.
hicforo ( lie next atitiress of veiCOluC Cal-
tatim ' 'Ilck''oods of South Lakoa sent
lIp a IiCttlrO of Pre3ldcnt McKlluley as
coIning from a ' 'state which hind CoIl-
rtbuteth jlmp largest percentage of military
strength in time present war according to
Its loPulatloml. ' ' Cheer after cheer flttelltled
( Ills incident. uveryhoody rising to imis feet
as ( he portrait wn borume up to tile stage.
Mayor Prank F. Moores of this city iiiatio
the llOXt speech of welcome , In time course
of which ho obaorvcoi :
You . might IIUVO ) fult some trepidation a
yeal.i ; ngo lIt ent.crirmg Nebraska , time hand
oiouiiumateol ii ) ' rampant hlopililslll , but tier-
lug tile Imast year ProvbtleIlcu , through Its
authorized ogent , tilt ? repubhicaui imart ) ' , has
kept up such a terrIfic bolubaroillwhmt of tile
PoPIlliatle redonbt of barth tRees and oils-
ColutolIt that ) 'Otl llced have no fear today ,
for irnpuiisun Is 011 tIle retreat and wfUi It
Is going poverty , mortgage foreclosures ,
idleness and class barci ,
Nebraska is by nature olmd by hIstory a
republIcan state. 11cr early settlers were
men \Vllo belol to the prtnchlulcs of liberty
allot equality enuncIated by the Platform of
time rcplubuicnn ilarty. That PartY gave US
our colmstitultion ; framed our laws until we
vent Into ( ho PoPthlistie sasmn froln whelm
Vo are just reeoverlmmg , iIlIl ) republIcan
judges hmave Irmiirpretetl them. \\'isc re-
jitibllcan legislatloIm , national and state , built
railroads across time state and tramhsfol'huictl
the great Anierleamm desert Into a veritaliho
garden. Amid \VilCll the smoke of political
conhhlct 5111111 have rohied away mmext Novelmm-
bee , Nebraska , ( rile to her lmistory , will
again be found in ( lie repulmhican COltlmflfl.
\'oul have only to iook around you to ace
proofs tlmimt the ioiuhlst incubator Is not
\ orking The republican party svlth
I ho fan of lrostorl ( imas blowum out time
laml ) Of olicoumtcmi ( , wlmicim wus imeatiimg the
incubator , and tlmero wIll be lie nuom-o birds
of time POhUiistiC ) variety hatched 1 Ne-
A YCflC ago some Pessllnistlc persons de-
dared that time republican party had degenerated -
generated anti had ceased to represent great
PrImmcIples. That. Imowever glorIous mulglit
imavo been Its peat , Its present was conmon-
Ithuce ; that time party lied passed tlmo' limo-
hinoti stage and was In Its dotage : tilat (110
ticti'e , patrIotIc , oleternulmieti party of the
'GOs was not time party of the 'DOs. But tile
record of the republican iuarty since tIme
last irosidentlai calmupalgn imits awakened tile
confidence of all doubters and lIne mmmdc
mcmi of ii political fattlmim feel tlmat ( he
country is sale in tile hands of time party.
Men realIze 1mw that time party of \\'il-
iiani McKimuiey is time party of Abraham
Lincoln and that it stili is iicumtined to tike
time Ieathimmg Iutr ( ill pm-otectlng our national
1101101' amid pronmoting the best Interests of
each Inohlvidumal ciiuen
I ilnve hero the golden keys of ( he cIty
tied with our mmatioilni colors , wimichi I take
great pleasure in presemmtlng to yoim. They
are emublenuatic of time welcomne whichi
Omnnlla extends to you today. It is enml-
nontly fittimmg that (11050 keys SliOmlitI be
goidomm , hecatls.a thin imrtnchiilcs of tIme re-
PiibiiCan jmart ) ' not only In muomuetary affairs.
hilt also him all ( heir various i mases are true
gold , It Is " 1w fittIng that timese keys
ihmonld ; be festoopel With ( lie mcti , vIiIto full
blue , for tIme r.puhlican party SillilIS as it
has always stoi , for time Unsilihied hiolmor of
( ho old flag and for time lcrItettuity of tile
glorious PrlnclIies Which it represents.
l'repoiul I'll t ( 'rltvfovl1's ' , Vur(1N.
Upon tile conclimsion of Mayor Moore's ad-
timcsit , three cheers were given for Ommualma
and Its mnayor. I'rcsldemmt Crawford ibid
aloft tile goldelm keys presemited to the convention -
vention antI nssumred the imummyor timat while
the giving of therli was appreciated , they
would hot be mmcedeti , as hic b'td foiled at !
of time gates of ( he city wide OCll to time
delegates , comIc of tiicmn imeimmg bolted or
harmed , AgaIn timrce cheers were Induigeti
In ( or Omaha alul given after whIch tile
fimmal effort of oratory for time Initiatory ses-
shomi was lumatle hIm time annual aidrcss of
I'resltient Crawford , as follows :
1mm 1584 tIme democratic iarty carried tile
cotmntry auth Cievelmimmil ns Instailod in ( ho
White house , flepubllcans looked about
timern emmtIcivorlmmg to tilmucover the , ( rue sbgos
of the ( lilies , clilisavorlng to liseeltaum 'hat
could lie done to convllmce tile 11001)10 tlmnt
( lIlly Ilad erred anti to iihiice time repimbhicami
Imarty again Iii P0WCm. 1)uring ) time mmext
three ycara ( lmls Inqtliry svcnt out imuid olle of
time great thougllts uit'Veioiled was ( hint a
club ergaimlzatioll vimlcii vtmtihtI sitreilti over
till ) lelmght ammo ! breatitli of tile tlmiohi ; iilitl be-
cmuie necessary , 1111(1 ( Imu icc'nmbr , , 1SS ? , uporl
tile iuit'ittloim of 11. Now York cltmb , tit'logatcs
( rome about 350 republIcan chums of ( lIe
United States assembled In hmatlolmni COllVChl-
I loll at Cilickcrllmg ilhili In time City of New
Yemk ned tilero Was organlzeol itliot launcimcd
tile NatIonal ileiliubhlcan league.
SluIce (11Cm ( ) stntu lt'ngues , lllimiO Imp of re-
pmmbllcahl clubs all over ( lie stat' , imave betel
started In every state 1mm ( iii' union. 1mm-
llvlilmmai climbs semuth their tlcio'glmtes to tile
state league CoIl'4'lmtIolls , time state league
cemivontlomma elect dolo'glites to thmo' natIonal
Il'l1 gut' comm 'oii than , wi I cli lum I lh re elect a time
nattoimal ofilcers. Time national omccrs
vmmtch tin. btlt ) ( ) orgalllLatmomis , lCOlgUilizt
thmunmi wimen necessary and u'lmcouragu nuiti tin-
nist tlmelmi In vlmrioilmu was to ) keel ) time himmIlilli
imumniag 011(1 their nrmnor bright ned to keep
thmemmi In tile best possIble ceumditlomm to do
(110 best i)0SSIble ) work lii every elmmmupliigmm.
'I'ilO uork of limo' league Is strictly mmxii-
Iarv to timum vouk or time reiemiarhv conSt I-
tuted state and imational committees , It
IlilIkI's no att allmlmt to dictate ImurtY mlummuluma-
thons or imohteles , but can plstmyou tie ielkol
ilpoti to throw Itself eimtiiusiasticaily lute
time work of every camimpalgmm after time idat-
( em-ui hmas been wrItten amni ( ho candidates
Time league is cot the frieumd of irnittlcal
bosses atmil is not Ill syilupatimy with mmarrow ,
imersonat or tuicky legisiatiolu lmassumi to 11cr-
Imetumate a boss or hits beards or to gerry-
mnalmder a district , but Is quick to recognize
nlt1 aImprechat. beneficial mlieastlm-t's amid to
1)01101' ) timmul seivo lotatesmolm Itto ( duets of
imolltical failhi mre time Iligilest aumd mlmost tuum-
eltIsht amid brilmg tilt' solutloim of time grave
qtlentlnmi of liotv to SVClui ( ' time cleaflest anti
bluest effective imarty services. It will fur-
imislm imm its fomture nmlc nlmd life i'uintimer ii-
lustrntlomm of tile survIval of the fittest.
'Itm Ill I mm C t o I lie ii ulestme tin oil t Ito U a y , 'a
111'e mlllabhe to dlscove'r ommr emucmmiy , time ticulm-
erratIc party. It no lomuger exists. Time
vise , coimservnttre uio'mmloclliH lllt' ' been
gnmim ereti I lmto t ill' reimumlil I en ii P1) rty. 9'lm. '
popimlisimi nvnllowcd time rcinaitmdt'r. 110w
mmattmrnil y 1101)111 ) ismml 1111)1 ) ll-t'e iui I V em oio'mnoc -
VaCd flttati 111(0 ( each ntiler. After unssing
stIluillor reuoltlttemln nail umnmulnmithmmg the sammue
caimtiitiate time wimohe moans reseimblcoi , SOlile
unommgrei nimimlmili miumtl time Anmericamu leOl)1e
recogulizlllg It its cnrfltVouit nmmd dtumgr-
0115 , iiuumteoi It to oieathm , Time corlmertmtomle
of I lie olemnocratle plntformmm was free sliver
at 16 to 1 cud the iflmrdell of tile nil ver miomig
' ' ' \'iieat and go hiammth in imnumd , ' '
bolt. ( lie corner stolme WIms mejeeted by tIle
builders of prosperity amId time law of supimi ) '
amid tielnalmd nboltslmcd the faite argummmelmt
in a Stlmgho CL'asOlm. Tile imiiaguido'd pope-
lists immtliit be tammghit belier ,
Many gaiiammt Alflerieall coimuumiammd ilaVe
gomme forthm to a rlgilteouto var. Time lmtlcletms
of trailmed regulars art' surroulmiemi anti atmim-
Ported imy 'olulmtt'ers eitlahiy rcatiy to light
anti dIe if mmccii be to neciuu-e freedom. jumstlco
fIlth good goverlmmmlent to aim oppressed meo-
1)10 anti to nvclmgo thu treacherous amid bar-
bamoims destromctlomm of tile Malmie. Our men-
jestle cruuiscrmt and battleships are mmumummmeol
by skIllful mumil brave sailors and oflicercol
by as imrailiy , iuerv ) ned fearless nien as
ever . ilicul for eoimmmtry or lived to glorify It.
\\.o find ourselves nt time begiulnlng of ii
eels. cr11. 111cc to ) ( net' \'lt ii Imow prumblemmms In
InternatIonal affairs anti in our new rein-
tiolill 'ith tIle toieflln of Slniimm.'u milmail
solve ( hll'll nilunmimos cii iy 1111) ' attitmlde or
cleslro of time lulieged ' 'iou\l'rs" ) amid vltlmouut
timoilglmi. of aggrammohizemnent aimati solve timemil
oIl in time intcrst of justice , humanity anti
good gO'Orlmlmlflnt. If in Cuba , Porto ttico ,
tIii' i'lliliimhIhiCS ililti thu Cailarlcs tyrnnmmy
aumd opimressslomm shah give Va to fret'dommi
nmmoi emmllghiteneti , progressive gov'rmmnmemmt ,
who at hmonme or aulmommg the otiio'r flations of
tile earth can justly COIhlImlaIlI Of time forimma-
tinlm of 110W leIubiICS ) , of Ammuerleami liro-
tectorates or eveum of Ammierican territorial
o'xiahisioml , It Wotlill bo well to eommsider
wimetimer. : iftem co-operntimmg with time i'Imtlip-
pine Insurgents and ndniittlmmg time justIce
of timeim cnumio , we can ever ( mummm ( hose
islands over to SiaIn ill connhiieratlomm of all ) '
lnolernmmity or soilIng themn to amiy natioli by
% va ) of obtaining indeummalty. Ammmorlea has
expaimuieti before-us witness LotuIsialla aliti
Florida , Texas anti Alaska-amud parties have
opIOsei sileli extensions-as wltmmess the
federailmits mmli thlVIhigi4. . These parties
died ; thm entiomi lIves. Let lirynmultes be-
C meet I ag to t Ii i' l'rrslulo'u ( ,
Judge Itaynmond of Illinois mmmoved that the
followiimg telegramum be mient by tile letmgtle to
l'rcsltient '
MeiCinle3' :
OMAHA , July 13-PresIdent MeiClimley ,
\Vmisliimigtuim , U. C. 'J'i1e Natlommal Itepub-
llcaui icacue 1mm CollVelmtion 5(01)15 trrt'ptl , , , .
. \e Colmgratliiato yell anti ( iii' COUmitr3' dm11
time almlemhtild trlumpims ( if your tuiimllnistra-
tielm. It works for tile nritloll's good nummi
(110 aolvammcplmlont of civIlization. 'Fhte con. .
dtlCt of tile war imami brougilt glory to tile
Anierlcaum 1111(1011 , hlnner (0 time American.
soldier aimti sailor , respect to tilt' Ammuerht'nu
people , lmrestIge to tile AmerIcan flag , and to
yell tile colltitiemmce Imlmti gratitumie lilItI io'e
of time Amuerican people.
hobart Simlmmghe , Ill ( 'Ilarge of tIme Iiawaiiaum
eXhlibit at time expositIon , was elected a dde-
gate to time conventiom to reprcselmt tile BOW
territory ill tIme i'achiicm ocean , recently an-
Imexed to the Uimltcmj States.
Air. 511111gb itImOke on tile smmlmject of all-
nexatlolm , saying that time majority of the
jCOple cmi ( lie 1lhlvahian Islamitis felt time Ime-
cesatty of a stable forumu of goveramndlit anti
were glad to conic uimtler tile pr9tectlon of
time Amorlcami 1111g. Itegaroihmlg tile last pies-
hieoIai electIon. Mr. Shingle mmiii that tile
ICOPie there voted , not that theIr Votes
counted , but to show timoir good faith and
that (10 ( per cent of time votes cast for
\Vhhilaimi McKinley ,
(0)111 II ) I t tt't's xcii ituh.
1mm the afternoon President Cravferd
named time foliowimmg lollmunlttees :
TihIme amid ilaco of tblmicxt COhiv'jitlOfl-
Floyd Tbollmpson of Arkansas. George I' .
Adatmms of California , W' . MeE. Barhotmr of
Colorado. J. \ ' . Stevlurt of Coommectlent ,
Samlmtmei L. KImox of Iclawmmro , li , C. Ilammili-
tomm of lillimols , Fioyii W'oooi of Immdinuma , IJit-
viii llraimdt of Iowa , E. T. ( 'aldweli of ICnum-
mias. I ) , N. ( 'ommmlmmgor'e of Kentucky , J. henry
Nasmu of Maryland , 1. l. Idluihorough of
AIIC1)Igtlfl. Fred S. liryant of Mimumesota , I.
I ) . McClmilnlm \ilssoilrl. . ( ilorgo II. Theme-
nmcl of Nebrasko , hi. W.'m'ooiey of New Jem-
sey , Ilmmrry I ) . Kyle of New l'ork. l. C. fhmn-
; of North Carolina , W. A. Scott of Ohio.
F' . W. Fnirar of Oilinhmolmmn , I. It. Lake of
Oregon , J. S. iChlume of i'emumlnylvnnla , Timomimas
Folilertomm of Sotithu Iaketa , F. 1' . Scott of
T.xrms , ii. ii. Jolmes of lYtalmV. . 0. Baldwin
of Vcrmmment. J. II. Sthc'kmmey of W'iscommsin.
M. B. ( 'aunphin \\'yommmlimg , J. Ii. Vaumglun
or tilt' American College ieimgtle , nltl it.V. .
Simiumgie of llawnii.
( 'rtelentipis- . Vm'eenmarm of Arkansan ,
Fo1 ( 'cilluin of California , Ij. II. hilciunrison
of Colorado , J.V. . itt'vnrt of Comunecticut ,
C. 'IV. Lhmummsr'lui of 1)einwnre , C' . 'A' ' . flay-
mlmonth of Illinois , \V. W' . hlulffmnaim of Iimdtauma ,
jell0 H. Mosi'r of Iowa. Iammu i lucy of Inn-
emma , .Iehmmu 0. Matthews of Keattleky. Ithitert
Ii. OhIr or Maryland. \ . L. Iavis of Micim-
Igam , . 0. .1. Olsomm of Mlmmnesotn. Johimm I ) .
Dolmf of MIssourI , 'A' . I' . McCrrary of Nebraska -
braska , Frank .1. hIggins of Nom\i' Jersey.
W'hlllnnm 'I' . Manning of Now York , A. M.
( 'lark of North ( 'arolinmi , 11. i. ( iailireaihm ,
( barge S. ( leo'en of Oklrmimomimn. I. N. Sanders
of Oregon , F.ii fl.'Initr of Penmmnylrnmuln.
C. N , llerm'ir'ih of Somltim Imtkotn , 11. 0. hio'etor
of Texas. , losChiim llowo'hi of lhtohI , W. fi.
lTaltps of Verumolut. .11. Il. Sthehcflpy of'ls -
censlim , ( ' . 11. h1ratlle \Vvoumhmig , 1. Ii.
\'hmiimm y of time Ammmerlcnmm ( 'ohlego ioagui
nnil U.V. . Smiigio of Hawaii.
1111105 mmmi Order of lltmslimemisp. . Rethuis
or Arkansrus , George W. Stroiii of ( 'aiifnrumI' ,
MIS. liimtim l. Fooie of Colorado , J W.
Scwart at Comuimeethetlt , hluIgli C. Iirowmm of
heiawturn , Ilope Reed ( 'oily of illinois ,
Charles ii. iicesami of lnohlammn , George Ii ,
Stewart of Iowa , .1. Q. floycom of Kansas , F' .
A. Stlne , jr. , of lCenttmeky. Lotus Seimnefer
of Marylammoi , (1. Vi' . Merrlatmu of Michigaim ,
. \ . Ii. Fowitir of Mlmmncsota. A. lratmmolumwaky
of Missoturl , 'tV , fi. i'enlmis tmf Nebraska , M.
ii , , lliekstmmm of Ness' Jersey , htommmahtl Ii , Iienimo'iu
of New 'York , fi. A. .ioiimmsumi of Nortim Caro-
hums , F'rnmmht Lee of Olulo , J. II. ( 'ammmimbeil of
Okhalmommmm ; , C. S. Meome of Oregolm , It. I' ,
iotmllmmon of l'elllmsYlvhltlhfl , F' . \Viihialuil
of Smutim iJakota , "I' . 1k Jolmnsen of 'rexits ,
'I ) . ii. Moon' of Utah , F'u'aimk W. hiihiot of
\'o'rmmmommt , .h. ii. Stlekny of VIscommstum , Id. i ) .
Esqom' of W'yonuiumg , A. 13. Tholmlpson of tIle
Ammmorican College league nmmti it. 'IV. ' Shingle
of hawaII.
hengtieVoricG. . Ii. Meisci' of Aritmunsan ,
1red MCClliiolul of California , C. li. 1(1db-
ardit of ( 'oloratho.Vlhiiaimu II. hienhti of Couu-
ZiCCI Ictut. .1. Ii. hoWe of ihillmolmi , Ed F. Neal
indlimimn , ( inrgt' A. Mnhlmtyro of iowa , F.
T , Ijmmdsay of Kansas , John ( I. Mmuimi'ws of
Kemutilcicy , 3dbV. . lUsh of Marylalmd , fi. N.
iingio'y of Mic'imlgnn , Freol Ii.'right. . of
Mimmimesota , A. ii. Fredericks of Missoimri , N.
V. iinm'hnmm of Nelirniuka , P. i. Mlmyo'r , Jr. , of
Nov .Io'rst'y , Warremu V. Fall of North Care-
lien , K .1. MIller of Ohio. ( I. "A' . 1' , hlrovfl
of Oltiaholmln , J. ? ti. Cimtmrch of Oregoum ,
ilemur ) ' tiumiieriy of 1''mllmsylVatlilm , Thuomiins
Stol'lim1r of Souhm 1)akota. fl P. Scott of
Texas , J. Fi. hiontim of iltahm. ii. F. lltilgimamn
' ' ot''y
oi Vermnoimt , Mrs. 1 W'oothimuaflst'e -
ommitiug , \ . i ) . Ayers of time Ammierican College
ienitme nnd It. W. Shmllmgie of hawaII.
flemioilmtlomms-A. II. gonkiamuil of Arkansas ,
Frniik 11. Shmom-t of California , Thmomnan It.
ilofinlir' of Coiorndo , F. M. Wniker of 1)nl-
aware. Senator 0. F. iIemry of IllInois , \1l-
ilimn ii , Craig of lnmhirumla , Cimorles M. HaIl
of Iowa , George i ; ' . Ammolerson of Kansas , W' ,
It. ltnmnsev of lCcimtucky. Zelu'dee ilomman-
bolder of Maryinad. Grant FeIIOWR of 'Michi-
lean , , ioimmu flspv of Mlnimesotfi , JolmIm Ahlmuls
tut Missotmri. l. J. hlalmvmr of Nebraska , Cvrtmit
K. flarnimart of New .lersey. jolmnV , Toten
"I New Vori , J. fi. Sitemmerti or Nerthi Cam-
ilium. D , \'tooilmflammsee I \ of Ohio. George V.
Vlciiermj of Oblnhntiia , Thomas Cnmeron 0)1
Orte'on , 1)V. . hhhitice of pennsylvnmmtn , A.
F ? mlciow"ii t tf oimtii flnttOIn , 'V. II , jntoo"
0r 'rxas. B. IT. Jones of hitnim , F' . A. Dwineii
( if Vermont. P. Dana /idanin of Wynmumlng.
A. L. Davis or tim Amnerlenum College hengile
anti it.V. . 511111Cm of IInvaii.
Mr. Shingle of iiawaii thus found liiimiseif
011 nil of time five commimnittecit. lIe mmot
expected to mittelid theme all sinlditaneously ,
of course , imIs appotnlmment imeimug ill the en-
tmuro of extelmiilmmg a ginti hanoi to the rep-
resemutativo of time now territory of time
Ammucricami eaton.
As muiy also be observed , two women were
imorioreol by comnmltteo appolmitmnemmts. Mrs.
Ij. W'oOdinansee of Wyoming on time league
work committee nmmti Mrs , flumthm I. Foote
of Colorado on the rules comnmlttec.
' Ie' I'residi'ii ( S miiid ( onulll Itteemuen.
The different state delegatlolms imavc selected -
lected their imtloimai vIce imresldents and
ulational executive o1linlItteemcn as fQl-
lows :
National flxccutive Commmnmittee--Illinols ,
J. Otis liumlmpimrey , Sprllmgfleiti ; Colorado ,
Greehy W. Whttforol , 1)enver : Comummecticomt ,
J.V. . Stewart ; Texas , II. I. MacGregor
houston ; Arkansas , it. I. Itonmmnel , TAttle
Rock ; Cahtforlmia , 1) . Edwarol Coiiinio , Oak-
ililmol ; Oregon , 1. A. Macrum , Illilaboro ; Ok-
1111101mm , C. 11. Tiiomnpsolm , Gutiurie ; 01110.
Melville Ilayes , Wllnmilmgton ; NorthI Caro-
hina , George II.Vhltc , Tartiero New York ,
\Vililammm 'I' . Manntulg ; New Jersey , F. F.
Meyer , Jr. , No'amk ; Nebraska , l.V. . liii-
ilmmgsley , Lilmeollm ; Missouri , Charles F.
liusclm , St. Louis ; Minnesota , Charles M.
\Vllco'c , 'ilnu shall ; Mlehlgnn , 0 , I iiimtter-
fIeld , Ann Arbor ; Maryiuimd , Lenmmticr Foreman -
man , Govalmstovmm ; Kansas , J , F' . Culver ,
Eunierla ; Iowa. Carl F. Kumeiinio , Demmtson ;
Dehawium-e , Fralmclmo II. hlotfecker , Whhimllng-
toll ; Poluumnylvammla , A. J. , Edwards. Pitte-
bimug ; Utah , Hoyt Sherman. Jr. , Salt Lake ;
Vermont , Clmarles S. Forha , St. Aibamis'is ; -
colmstfl , J , Ii. Stlckney , Maza Manic ; Wy-
oumilog , A. Ji. Kelley , Choyonime ; Keimtucky ,
\v. It. Italnimey , Lolmdoml ; South Dakota. It.
J. Woods , SIoux Foils ; American College
league , T. II. I'erklns , University of'ash -
lngton , Wasimlllgton , D. C. ; ijasvail , Itoliert
\v. Shingle , Honolulu.
NatIonal Vice I'reshieults-liiimmols . i ,
Lewis , \Vatseka ; Colorado. Dormiainln K ,
lClmmmberly. Demmvcr ; Texas.V. . II. Atweil ,
1)nllan ; Arkimlmsas , M. A. EllIott , Cimindelm ;
California. A. W. Kinney , LmS Angeles ; Oregon -
gen , Fred \V. Muikey , Vortiaumti ; Okhaimomna ,
George S. Gr.7eumo. Guthirle ; 01mb. George P.
( 'rawloril , Celumlubmms ; North Carolina , \V. 5 ,
hlegitmimo , Marsimail ; New York , John Vt' . Tot-
tOil , Now York City ; Now Jersey , Frank J.
Iliggimms , Jersey CIty ; Nebraska , Vt' . I' . Mc-
crcary , Illtstimugs ; llssomurl , I lirimmi ) Lloyd ,
.st. Louts ; Minnesota , William II , Yale ,
\Vinomla ; Mieimlgamm.V. . \V. Vrtisnmeyvr. Aimn
Arbor ; Marylammd , J. llemmry linac , lialtimoi-e ;
Kammsan , V. D. Gliln'rt. Atchison : Iowa , L.
F. i'ntter , Oaklalml ; Iolavam e , F. Xml'nhker ,
\Vllmulngtoum ; Pennsylvania , Maimiomi D.
Yoimllg , l'hlilatleildmtlm ; Utah , \'lllIaumm ( flass-
mmiauln , Ogilen ; Vermont , .1. J. flsto'y. flrattln-
bore ; \Vlscolmsium , fitiwarti Simuerhlerhulg , Mat-
'hlh ; 'yomnlng , MIss histehie Reel. Cimey-
ClmllP iCcmmtimeky , AUgilmitils E.Villson ,
Lotmisvlhle ; iouutlm laitota , Ct. J. liumehi , Jtamlti ;
( 'Ity ; American College leagumo , F. IIVimlt -
Ce ) ' , \'ihhinlmH college' , Wnukegaum , fl. ; hawaii -
waii , Slumfortl ii. hole , liolmohimhum.
I ! Iit'IH"t'l ( ) 'i'O 'I'll Ii i)1lI.IIG .t'l'BS ,
t'4iehith ' ' ( ( ) muttili' ) IIIhuirol ii hiril-
I in , . t liO'sM.
TIme recelitloim temmdereol to time visIting
olelegatemu of timeu Natlommal Lo'agmio' of Iteltlb-
licami climbs it ) ' time locnl rcptlillcans Inst
evenlumg at the Millarol hiotei vas one of time
ltieasnimtest amenIties 1mm collaectlomm vItiu
tile Conveimtiolm. Iietwe'en tile imours of 8 anti
30 o'clock ovcr 500 vIsitors lassel ) timmougil
tile lamlors of tue hmotei on tile secouiml floor ,
l'hlldl hind been set aside for time receptloum.
Tile roormms were decorated with Aiaorlczmn
flags anti rut liowers aumol plalmts.
11011. L. J. Crawford of Newport , Ky. ,
llesihclJt ( of the league , and Mrs. Crawforol
u cccl 'etl t II C i'lsI ( pu's lim t 110 P uIo ra amlI WI I Im
thehmu were mmotieetl : Mayor Frank Ii. Moores
nhmd Mismu Tot Ahoores , Semmhutor Johmum M.
Thui'slon , Judge flenjimmuin iiakt'r. Judge
llaywartl , A. Fl Cady , W. 1. liroateii , Vie-
( or itosewatel' . Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Kin'-
stench , Dr. 'tV. ' II. IIancIlett. Mr. amid MIss
hayes of Wilmmulumgtouu , 0. , anti many othmer
huroliblnont figtmtcs of time muntioumat cotmvcmu-
tlon. The various cnnoitt1atc for the Itrest-
tiemleY , accoinimnliti by timt'lr chsiimiiioima ,
were alt on lmmmmmti anti Imuptoved tIme 0pwr-
tilnity affortlool to cxteimoi their lwqultltmt-
anee among time delegates A sociable thee onjimyeui by nil lt1 imfierwarti umaumy
went to time exposition.
( 'DM31 i'i"I' liii Ui l'l.tCII ,
its , l'itiih SI''mllN Still it VI' I lii' imisiui. '
'I' rim el. om B I.uI ( it I I ii ml ,
The eommuuimltteu 011 timmme mind place hmcloi a
nmo'etimmg ) 'Csutereiay afternoon , hilt t ho mn'ilm-
item diii imot CdlupletC tIme iIlSiflraS that
called thmemmu together. Cimnirmmualm Conlimlill
ailimoimneeti lust lmlglmt ( lust aiuotimi'r scuosiall
voUld ho held at S.0 o'ciocic tlmin nmorimtnl ,
at Willeim t.Immme lie hitlimeti tlmft nil mimomebers
Wotmiti be lirescuit ,
At time mimeeting liehol yesterday aftcrnOOmt
three citics , I.os Angeles , Galveston 81111 St.
l'iitii , hmhillOullCetl tilemmmnelves on cammdiolates
for time next cOflVefltIOlm. hteitresentatlves
frommu Caiiforlmla mmrgcth time cilminis 0 ! LOs
Ammgi'le's by contemmduimg tllat ci lncetimmg on
the' coast wommid be of vast benefit to thin
siarty ill timat seciiOlI. ( lalvestOll'm m'elre-
sentativc3 urged tllt'ir chaimus by describing
limo , lmeautie of a trill tlmroub the soiltlm ,
ntItiimmg Gmat a coulvcmutiorm there WOtlith re-
smimht _ 1mm dehire'riimg several of ( lie guilt states
11110 tIme keeiuiumg of time reltiilicilmm IaVtY ,
St. i'atml's Immo Ii poInted to their railroad In-
cih1tie amud time Imuimucrotma Itiensuro resorts
111 the IlllmnCdiatti viciumity.
A , ) 'et. the coumimnitteo hiss expressed no
lureferenet , Icr any place , but prefers to
\'ait cmlii hmear the urgumucumhs cmf those who
are boolmuing thu imiaees that are 1mm line
for the , nccting. Thu ( line for imoidlng time
next eoliveutiOll W113 net Ol)5iddred yesterday -
day , immit Ili be fixed 1111011 tlmis olorlmlng ,
Th committee elects In time roolmms of the
Minnesota delegates at. the Millard hmotel.
Time national eollVenioums of the NatIonal
leagimo have beemi bold In time imast at time
foiluwimmg ehtics , In the order nammmed : New
York City , L'nltimore , NllshVihle , Cimmcinnati ,
Buffalo , Lotmis\'lhle , Denver , Cleveiammd , Mi- !
waulcee itimfi DetroIt.
"St. Paul amid Minneapolis are Jolllllmg
hmnnd In thin iimvltation to time colmventiObm
t COIl)0 to Mimunesata , " Secrctary Fred S.
Bryant of the league of that state ahml
to a reporter aftr time nmeetiimg , "nmmtl
all tue eommilmierolai clubs nod the elmanlbeus
or Oolfllmmerco of botim cities are behlmmd time
InvItatIon. Tue only conmpetItion vihl lie
nil to which of th Twin Cltie.s can best
entortaimi tile deiegate should the conven-
( loll come. Time cIUcetlon of trqllsPOrtatiOli
is altogetimer In our favor. Witim seven
illltc3 rtllitmlmmg betwecim St. Paid aubti Cimicago ,
the See hue through Canada , th water
itlIeB fl'onl Dtmltmth anti the wntor Iilcs ohm
the Mi5Sis3Ilpi St. Paul Is certainly in as
good positlomi as any other city , and Wi'
timink In a better position. I ale satisfieti
that limo comnniittc' this ifterncon tonm1
two-thirds In favor of MInnesota , hut final
actlomi imait heemi deferred until time communhit-
tee muects tomorrow niormillmg In time Miamme-
headquarters , "
Neithmcr Cailfomaia mmor Texas seems to
have time pull that Mimmmienotn enjoys. Not
a mumammy of (110 Caiiformmia delegates canme
hiS Were expected aimfi timat many have imurt
sonuewimat time chances of ( their city. Hilt.
I'resltlent George Stolme of the California
league gave time beet reason hImself agaillst
any probabIlity of the ConVention going to
1405 Ammgele'o. ' 'Time dltaime amid tile troims-
port.atlon rates are against 115 , " lIe said.
The Texas delegatmen got lii rather into ill
the day to do much good on behalf of their
CII ) ' , ( ; aivoston.
however , tile place for the next con'en-
( ion clay not. be decIied on by thmi Con-
vcutloo. The executIve conlnmltteo imeid a
imleeting anti decided to redOmIfleati to tile
COnImnitee on ( ime ammd place icavimug tile
matter to time lmoiv executive c'ormmummlttee. This
"cry thing was done , though , at DelIver
and yet tile ConVehitioui concluded to settle
Its Choice for Itself.
( 'OMMi'1"I'Vjl. ON CltlIil ' 1' It l.4.
lliiiiois l'IgJit Fhiahs lit tJis. Jluiumt of
S lit' A II t i-'Ftupumi.'r 1)eli'gnto.s.
Time conlmnlttee om cretientlmmiio dtmring time
nfternoon got together at time Miiitmrd and
tmmmncoi tiown time aumti-Tammmier deicgatlou
( rome IllinoIs. Botlm Viliiiarn ii. h'ayne , time
president of tlllmt orgmtuizatlomi , unit Ora Ii.
Chapimm , tile state ornnizer , were 01) imanol
to 1rosecute time claimns of their lc'tugmme to
reCogimtloil , aimil moo Walt Seimator Isaac 'mitllcr
Ilflnliitolm , tile preshiieimt ot timo' regtlhar Ii-
llruois lengue , though Mr. Ilanmihton diii mIot
have aimytiiimmg to say at nil , preferrlmg , to
trust entirely to ( lie jemoigmehmi. of timo' coal-
mmu it tee.
fi. h. ( Ililbreatii of Ripley , 0. , was immatlo
time clmnirmtmui of tile conmouittee mmmitl ( iii'
figiml imetwecim tile two olclegntiolms from Cloy-
ermuor Palmer's state at once begamm , hastIng
for over au hour ,
miu' , Cilomltin ( 'xlmiaiimetl ( hunt ills league iimmd
becim iluuiy himcorporzitetl uumutier the laws of
tue state , anti charters Issued to time dlii-
trlct numtl county inagijen and time simbortil-
imate ciutis from time sttIs ) league down , also
( hunt every mcnmbnr iiatl to llal't' 1mm ro'pimlm-
ilcammism testeol by pnssummg a critical cx-
ammilnntlon at tile lmiimnlio of time board Of 111511-
agers , consisting of the four omcemmi of time
mitato league amid Mr. Iingby ,
flaynmond \S'utme'ku. . tile hiilmmolmi
ummenibo'r of tile coumiinltteo , ( 'imarged h'resutinmmt
Payne , Secretary Wood , Treasurer flt'itior
aimil State OrganIzer Chalmin wIth iiavimmg got
Imp B lIttle fragmme of theIr Owl ) , auth electIng
eacim other liii officers. I'resldt'umt Payne
Ilmathit a imaril effort to demimonatmote to time
colnmumlttee that ills league hail time ailvan-
( age of the otimer hI Imolmmt ( if conforlmming
I to ( lie Iowa Plan of organization , as aim-
proveul by the mmatlommai league at Its Cleve-
mall convommtlomu In hSl , hut tile cretlemmtiimliu
Coilmimllttec , Wile agaInst hilmmu to a mean. A
immotloim , rcccI'lmmg the hearty secoumd of Mr.
Raymnond , was put to ro'cognlme the iboinli.
ton delegation cmii time proper repreeeimta-
"h , , \Vc imear a great
14 deni tilese oiays of
'I , tmtItnti fote.
Iatlmcts , imttt little
t cnuiccrmmiuug time
_ - ; ' vives noi , mrntim.
; 015 wimo lauded at
Viymliotlthl it 0 C k
numtl fotmimdcd that
colommy wimicit wa
olestincol to play
sttclu a large patt
hum oulr imtstory.
In iti littler
CtmsIlmmmahm e cite
( fro Ill Pl1mmmoutiu , ,
i' tllat ltc ' votild
\ mmet advise any
oimc to coumme imere
vliovrte mmumt content -
tent to spcimtl tiucir
tiimme , laimotq ammol
' cuitlenvots for time
, I il'nefIt of tilIsC
, wlmo simati ( Oile
( If/er , qititety coil.
to' 11 t I iig titemi.
selves with mutch
imnrlsilips nimil dutiicui-
tics an mulmnli fail upon themmi , "
\Vlmat self rcmmummclntioiu atuti lmcrolc miirpose
was this ! Tile ) ' drowumcd witcileM to iC StIlC ,
Inut tlmat va't lIt ) PSI t of their ptmrltaiiismut. It
Is to time Ptmtltaml WOmlmeml we owe So mmmcli for
timat mllmirit In our po'ople wimkit gtvr.s them
tIme foutitmltit ) to emmotbre hiarousuuil , ttmfll stake
life iumtl fortune for timeir comlvictiomms.
Tiuc Aimtcricaum s'otm1cll of to.uiay irnve time
spirit of tlmeir Ptmrhtaml mmmotimcts , lmuit their
commqtltmmtinim'u are not rtlggctl or able to cmi-
duire half tile imnt&himips of tlic'se New Iumg-
lammd nlmccstors , Very oflemu tlmey nrc 11111-
dowum vitii mmii itt cgnlarltics
peculiar to their sex , nmmd time comlstallt ohaumi
111)011 tlmclr vitality ummkes tlmemmm cliremmic mim-
vahit1. mIammy vommwn imt'itate to go to
tilcir fnmmmily plmyMldipmm , becatmse timc ? tircail
tIme local exammulmuatiomms so generally ImIsliotOd
upon by practitioners.
Such wommmemm should ; 'rite Dr. H , V.
Pierce , chiii'f c'olmmummltilmg lhiysiciami of time
Immvalhis' hotel ned umrgmcai immstitimte
hiurnulo , N. V. , gh'immg a ( till dcsctiptlomm of
timeir ) ivmlmptommis , history , etc. so timat lie
cati give tlmcmmt the best possible mncoitcat
advice. If Dr. Pierce's i'avorlte Prescrtp.
( Ion seemlimu to stilt time Case tIme ioctor vlil
say so. 11 mmot , timemm lie 1li give mimedical
advice which 'ihi Put SUcil iVOliiclt OIl the
rapid road to recovery and imenitlm ,
K 0 11 d I k e !
On or ahoimt July 2Otlm , our fast ateammier
will leave Scuttle for St. Mieiueai omm her
conmme'rtlng vitIm ooit omvi-i 'tmhto mim Itl'i't
itt eu in ems. \ ' i' it re t ii o' (1)11) ) ' ititl c'st u hi imoliet -
I lime an ii i umg ( rummu i'iugt' t Simi , hill ha v Immi
mitemitmiers cmi limit YolicoIm itlve'm' .
' ( ' Iliu't- iit'-ii lit % liusiii &il 'c.iuvs.
ilii he lt'so'ryg , I , ii I tube.
Stut'o' limllIi-i I
orIll AorIca 1Easo1IaIIoD & T1I C ,
fits l"Irst : . : miu ) 01,1 ( 'oiloiiy llIlg ,
ht.mtt I to- , ' , 'imsIi. Cli Ieitg , , ,
t ivcs of I I I I mmoi ii repim uI I en mm I smmi arid ca rr led
by ii. umnanliimoims vote. Seimmutor llnmuiitoml
CVlhl'lltiy ( kutes' 110w till' t1mmig was goiimg
for lie left. before time ullntiOim wan nimble.
Tile oiml y o t im er t hm I mm g ii t nim' couscqmuctcc
tiolme by ( lie ( oimmunittco wIls to agree to
m'IComnlmmo mm ti to till' commvcii t io II t hmti t tile dci c.
gates iii attelmtiancem lihioulid ho alhomveol to
CCitt time full veto of timeir respective statcs ,
' - - - - - -
I'lt E.t4'i'I 'luiti l'b.t'I'ill3t
htoMIui t.mus 'Vlll % 'xiriiii I'iiiiu's. . flu
'ilttliiio' ' . % uiiimuiimstrimtliuiu.
Time comimniltteo emi metoeiiitioimtm ihimlcilsSctl a
few unmmtters wimiclm time lmmeiul.mers tiiouigimt
shioiiitl be covered by tile xmtmmnemoun ondcmrso- ,
em elm to t t ) lii' ( I rhtftl'tl I im (0111111 ( cmmti a t 11)11 0 1 tIlt
' aclnmlmilstmatlon of itiesithc'nt mlcflllmley , mIt
timere 'ero so nmammy lucas llmlvnncei that it
ss.aN timoilgilt 1)Oitt ) to CilOOSO a mmtiitcoiimmnitteo
to formiitmlntom 'a set of Iumler ) resolutiomms.
Chinirimuin ( lrimnt Follows lmccmrilimgly ) so-
iceteti ex-Pi'e'Sitiulmt El. I'ommlrmmammaco ) of
Ohmic mmmi tile Chall'ilmitim of a miuitcomnniittco
COlmtuistlllg of live.
'ru t' su hmetmllm em I t I ( .0 CO mId mm dcii ti ) mimcet aI
time Michigan liciitlquarters Iii time evening
anti draw ill ) resolutloIms to he sulinuittel ) to
tIme muslim Celhlllmtttce early In time iuiormlimmg ,
It was conllmoseol 0)1 Mtijor Joimim Eim' of
MilImiesOtil S. I ) . ' '
, Attrluigo , all ani-'l'ammitei
mmma II ( cc lIm I I I I nois , viie Imati liceum 1)11 ) t on 4
time gcmmemiil ( 'olImilmi ttt'e ; fi. itVeitz of Mis.
sotmrl and F. It. lwlneil of Vermont , besides -
sides 1 r. \'oOt I miiitumsee , a mel Cila I rmmmamm 1'I -
1ow multI Secretary W. 13. Slossouu of Texas
acirveil on It cx-ofiicio ,
\Vhieim it got together It imad 'cry lIttle
trouble In fornllliatilmg a fouv resohut louIs of
s'arrmm elm uiorscnmen t of thi e nil mlm I a is t ru I I Oil ,
silorl. itimil ) t'Veet , hmmmvlmmg o'spei'lmti i'eftircmmcti
t 0 ( Ii cm mnam ncr in 'ii I cii I 'cc's I ml en t t1 dC I mm icy
hail comiul II C I eti tutu vim r v I t hu Spa I im , II imul
hti'aislhlg time iti'roen of tIle var. Then' isiis
0 I Ito Ii rusolom t lou higreei ( ii i a Chil Jt lmmil zi jIg
the Irmiportanco of tile imrmti-tu'ust feature of
time rermmmbhlcamm vrotectlvc Itolicy. '
Civ.'iu 0 In ii ' , i to's ,
Frank H. Silort of Fresno , Cal. . was ao
coimmltmtlmieti by ills wife In tile coimycutioum.
'lime Nt'imrasks Ilciegatiemi chioso Con-
grc'loslllamm Jesse ii. Strode of Lincoimm as
its ciiqimnmamm ,
Cliii i rum a fl'i I I lii em I. IC It'rst cmii ! of t hit
iloarti of County Colllmmmisslomierti belts fCCtOl
Itamml.'tt it ) ' imilo t'lf rtiltl Mrs. I ) . ii. howe ol
Cimlcmmgo lit the ceuiveimtlomm.
'l'lio Ill litols ulelt'gates veer b.'ctfgeiu iuit'lllI
rmrI mm I cii on timemmm tima iort ro I I 8 of ft bIll linlil
Llmmcelmm , LI. S. ( lraimt imnd Joiumm A. Lognmm , all
of IVimOuhl imimmi ( hot r iioiii t' I ii t imim t stit IC.
Mrs. J . filleui Fester , tile Itunaltient of thin
\'l'oill Sib ' 14 hirpu hi liii um A snociat lomi o f i ii o
I hI I t cii St a ti's , I s cx itec I cot tom arm I vii tothil ) '
a mlii lIla ii a it 0' Ia i em omm t ii e 1111 LI ( liii ) I lea gee for
rt'gim tu r i'ecogli I t 11)11 ( itt' ii er orgll mm t zu t inim ,
Tile ifan aims de I t'ga t loil ti reIfied en ny In
tile tin ) ' Imot to ) iiraum' nny iIt'x him. /I I a cmiii-
elms itt'iti it i'nu ugr 'II to let Iii . 'tjrs. IuiCz
: tl. Stino of lbmsc'dnle , Airs. Kilts iim'owi of
Vlumiug amiti Mrs. Amiiiit ( re'w of LmiWlpilco
on tIle samimom 11:1515 : 11 $ the mumalo ileiegties ( ,
'lhe wonuo' II ii t ( elided tile en tmcuio momi ii roleiks
In their on ii hsimmiif.
Deitver ) te'mlt t' , % 0) IS (11)2011 ) ilelcgates-Mns ,
Mary it. . Imtgcrroli , iviiu hie'liteul to orgunizom
I lie Vi'omim 'mi's itil ut corps Of I lie t'otm lb t ry lit
its lhiitlntlve mmmt'etlmtg iii lo'nver ' , nunl mIns
ilultii l. Foote , heist iIl'purtnment lresldent )
of tile ivomima n's hi mu miehi of t hit' Cl rum ii ti A rum y
of time itepuhihic for rolorntiu amid Vyrh1lm1g ) ,
anti 11113 of Colommel 'I' . J. Footu , 01 Io'im'itr.
tl ns. Foote' Is ( hut secretary of time Iknvcr
Hoard of Etlumeatlomi.
h'ontmmmauter C. 11. Clorilomi of ( 'imlcugo , an.
corimlmamiletl I ) ) ' hIs tmrId' , uit'eilsmi l'dtn
( -alec iii froni Jnimve'm yi'sto'i'oitiy antI ilropime4
lii lit. liii' ! tlillarii to bee time National lemmgtil
delcgitt s ( role II I ii cmi ii ot lie u' tiit en. I In Ii
me I u rum I umg imomne ( rottim a hm'ltl a I I onir of a bout
timi ( ' 0 s'eelcs Ill I it4t Ychlowstojmot Nal ian&
ha fit a im ti I iio con ltm'n I ii hat in 119 sun wol utl him
ilirn wer' nuuuimmoml. Ito , vJ stop over to
( JIll' It ) eiittiv limit ptimtlfln , ,
- -
I 'U1
iED * ' :
i , _ , t-1inneoi&- . . % IrIoIAc rXitoL , , . . . . .
. ¶ & - \'jccpef \ ' 1' msourt Vice PreL Penn VmePrest tbrA VccPref OhIioni ! 1 Vic.e "ref. trmditir. ce Prc- ' , Viet' Pied Kfl3 ? % lcePrest Sooth 1kmJ < Ofm. j
I A ' - - . - I