Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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'TITE ' OMAItA DATLY' fl1T : 'V1TtTS1) ' Y , TVTX 1 1 , 1 89g.
Mtornoy Gcncral tart Action to Recover
' ) Four Thousand Do11ar ,
VInrgcM 1lint 1)ef'ti.lnit IIi VnIIetl
to ttlotaIt ! fur Prleel , fit SIIICM
o Iflrtu I'roliict IIIIIJCtL
ait Icnrne.
LtCoLN , Ju'y ' 13.-Speclal.-tn ( ) accord
with the report nlaIe by the MULZ
' flvcstlgntlng committee some time ago , At
rncy General Smyth 11a3 comrnented suit
n the ( ktriCt court or ilulfalo county
gaInst John T Mal1alici ot the Industrial
chDoi at Kearney , and liiu bondsmen , l. 3
Jwitz , P. 3. Itobortson and J. Ii. Irvin , to
CCoYer an oiiegcl ( ICIIC1L ofl$38.3S $ , to.
tether with 1ntcrest at the rate of 7 per
tent from February 1. I&7. Tii petition
eciteg that in 1891 iohn T. Malinlicu , in
is capacity of superintendent or the In
instrial sciiuol. oiii o the Oxnard fleet
Iugar Company at Orand Island twenty-two
arloads of beets , the property of the state
) r 4ebraska , for which he was iaid the
lurn of $ lISG.07. In 1S2 ho sold to the
same company forty-three carloads of beets
for $2,855.61 , in 1S)3 ) seven carioad3 for
142.S8 , in IS ! ) ! twelve carloads for
In isa : ; twenty-eight cariead for 1'J12.23
irni in 1S9 ( thirty-three carloaIl3 for
1ti2l.58. The total amount received bY
him for the sugar beets belonging to thi3
State was $8tiSl.t3G , vhiereas 1o only ac-
CoUntel ( to thu itate for 6OO9.10 , On this
deal the state wants It. is also
alleged that in the fall of 1S92 Mr. Maila-
lieu spid to I ) . M. Ferry & Co. l85,72 worth
of seed belonging to the state , unit that ho
refused to account for It in any manner.
Again , In 1)ecenber , 1896 , he sold to liavid
Landrcth & Sons 8,000 pounds of 'Whilte
hPino" cucumber seed for $ I2i.O and turned
over to the state only $121.10 , leaving . n
deficit of $300. The Iwtitlon states that Mr.
Maiiahlcu 11a3 converted to hits Own t3O
1,48.39 , and asks , In addition to Juhgmcu (
for th same , with intercat , that the do-
fenlant shall lIY the co3tt3.
The North Loup Improvement company
flied articlcs of incorporation today , capital
$3,000. The incorporators are A. T. Jones ,
C' . 1 ; . CoilIn , George E. Johnson and Joel
GOOiIiCiI. Thu company vilI build and rcnt
a houses.
V F. h. Mary of the govcriiors force has
3 comileteh ) ( the inscription on the commissions -
sions for officers of the TIiirc rcgiment and
they will probably be forwarded to Omaha
Rev. iCelsey of Chicago , who iinit'd Sn-
perintendent and Mrs. Jaekon in marriage
several years ego , Is hero viititig theta for
, : Zoy days.
l ( en I. iIzi YioII M Iezt * ii.
The coroners inquest over the remains
of Kent K. llnyden , receiver of tin. . ( erman
. 'fr and Capital National banks 'if this city ,
Ip , (11(1 not reveal niiy new facts. The jury-
F brought In a verdict that ii cam. to his
death through accidental cliioroL'ri , nnr-
cosis. Mrs. hayden did iiot tcstly ( at the
inquest , but G. M. Lanihortson. who has
been the attorney for Mr. hayden. tOli ( the
story as told to him by Mrs. hayden. .1tithe
Irvine. who came iii from riiver with the
( leCCaSCh ( , testlihed that lie hiini in the
train vlieii tliry were iavi , lenver flfltl
that lie saw nothing unusual in the nlnns
appearance. It is rumorfd that the rccelv-
ership of the two bai' ' ¼ s was about to he
closed up 011(1 ( liat Mr. lILyhaH cameo-
tion with them was about to cxpir. There
was no testimony ad&lue 1 that would lend
one to lCiiOVo Hilt the , iect'ls'l Came to
his ileatli through stilciiinl intent , nor wac
there any evidenc hi ( iuht nut to show
that ho had any cU3e for anxiety.
The funeral scrvice over the remains of
John McManigal ere held at 1 o'clock
\oday froni the family residence at 1500 L
street. There was a large throng of the
old friends 110(1 neighbors of the ileccaseci
present , as lie was olio of the riloneers of
the city. Presiding lhder lawis conducteil
var ) ' brief services. , lrs. U. A. Ilolyoke
and lrs. I ) . A. Campbell inng "Ahiha with
Mo" and 'ltock of Ages , " The members
of the Knights Toinpinr , No. 1 , and mom-
hers of lodges 19 and ri , Blue Mnsons , were
present. At the grove the Masons had
charge of the ceremonies and they pir-
formed the solemn rites according to their
' The bankers of this city have beemi asked
' .i - ' , to appear lefore time county commiesoiiers
'and tell why they should not have tIme as-
scssnwnt rnisel on their property In this
d city. The Iloard of Conimnissioners is of
time opinion that the assessment returmicil
by the assessors is too low. They say that
if the bankers refuse to give what they
consider n vroicr and true assessment they
vil1 assess each stockholder of the banks
iii voived.
hull ' , % 'smils lo ( Itiestioji 1IiilImnvmiy.
Judge hall isslicil an order in district
court today in which lie cited hltrani I ) .
5- hiatlmnvay to appear in court anti aiiswcr
) - , seine questions which time judge wished to
jropoummtl to hulL 'Fib nmattcr immitler con-
sitieratlon is that of the case of John Limul
Carson tutu others against Itobert 1) . Muir
and hhirani I ) . hathaway. 'l'he , piaintifts
otitainemi a judpn'imt against ( lie defeiidant
In tIme May term of court for time sum of
l3,5h7.5O and it 'as giveim into time lmammds
of time sheriff for cxectmtion. I le returned
time saimia unsatisfIed. C , h. lIthe tIles an
ahiitlavlt iii time sunme case wherein lie states
that hathaway hits Iii ) until recently owmmed
a large interest in time State Journal coin-
pany auth that its lies ihisposcil of the sammmo
anti transferred it to other iarties. The
order of time court is to ascertain from Mr.
1intlmavay just imnt Property ho nwmis.
Clara Smith hits tIled a lctitiomi him district -
trict court praying for a divorce trout Joimim
Simmitli. She avers that sue 'as nmarrietl to
Imirmi in Jackson , Micli. , In March , 1S71 , mmd
timmit in Juimo of time same year lie was sentenced -
tenced to the iicniteimtiary for tIme term of
thirty years , She says lie was released 1mm
S'J3 itmiti caine to live with her in'asii -
ingtomm county , iansmms. lie diii mmot stay
tint three nmontlms timid then deseitt'd tier.
liiovaiits ii divorce omm time rommnds or
Li hot , I ii Lot'i * I N.m ft's.
Paving imetitions are being circulated and
luticli to time surprista of mnenibers of the city
council , mire boimig iiunit'rously signeti. A
majority of the itronerty ownera imavim ox-
hIrcsseti timemimselveim In favor of iavimmg ) with
aspimait , Instenil of brick , It is the imiten.
tiori to imavo 0 street from llghitim to Six-
tceimthi. hlusiness men on lievemmth street
are also waking up amid circulating a
110mm for time samimo purpose , The cedar block
pavement on both streets is in nmiserabie
condition. and some kimid of improvement
has become necessary.
Tile Sumnnier lening club of the % 'ouimg
\Vomen's Christian nociatiomm mimet at time
imomo of Mrs. F. M. hail this evening mmd
listened to readings by Misses Mary ammil
Alum l'ossler. Mrs. lieu's imew collection of
) pictures watt also Inspected. These meetings
era entirely for social benefits emil imo one
is asked to citimer work or hay.
Word has been received front Misses Kate
Stoddntl that she lies beemm offered tIme su-
' , iierlntendemmcy of the seboois at Iligimlammil
Park , a suburb of Chicago. Simould she do-
elite to accept time ofler , Miss Stomidard wiil
be greatly mimissed at Clinton school , where
siic has bevmm the able superintemidemit ( or
scverai years.
l'rot , ft. t. Iavis n , who is at time lwad
of time school of agriculture of the UnI-
vcrstty of Nebraska , yesterday to lies-
sett , bere he delivered his address on
'Iominant horces in Our Clviilzntion
Prof. Davison has made arrangements to
Rpcnk heforo twenty different teachers' institutes -
stitutes on the same subject , during the next
few One of the most en.i3yabl0 parties of the
season was given at Lincoln park last milglmt
by Miss Mao MeOroer in honor of her guest ,
Miss Stehla Geiger of Concordia , The com
pany was composed of about fifteen young
peopie , who enjoyed time picnic lunch , switchback -
back rules anti an Impromptu dance at the
theater building.
E. 11. llinshmaw , county attorney of Jefter-
son county , was in the city yesterday. Mr.
hlinshaw is one of the stalwart republicans
in his neck of the woods , and is a trominent
candidate for congressional honors in the
Lourth district.
IsstrItiitimismi Inr.
CIIADIION , Nob. , July 13.-Spccial.- ( )
J. 3. hurt , et one time time richest man in
Casper , Wyo. , anti ranking among the lead-
log politicians of WyomIng , is again flgur-
log in a sensational ihifilculty with his wife
and consideraimle interest is manifested in
time affair iii this city , whemo nil the parties
are well known. Time sent of the trotmbie
at the liresent time is Oakiazmtl , Cal. , to
whmich Place the former Mrs. hurt went
from lcmiver several months ago with her
husband , C. Simaffer. Hurt is making an
effort to secure his three dauglmters , who
were given into custody of their mother by
the circuit court at Cheyenne at the time
Mr. anti Mrs. hurt were divorced. Three
sommim were given into the custody of tue
father. Time trouble leading up to this dl-
.rorce was time alleged faithlessness of Mrs.
llmmrt. Senator Hurt ent to hmi beautiful
home him Casper one night and found Mrs.
hurt's paramour with her. lie promptly
shot him dead and was mtcqimittcd by a Jury
in a short time otter time simooting. This led
up to time dIvorce and the rocccdings since
that time have beemi sensational in a marked
degree. Mr. hurt imas followed imis former
Wife from tine end of time country to the
other. lb has squandered vast sums of
money , au because of his desire to secure
his three girls , lie has commenced pro-
ceethiimgn in the totmrts at Onkiand and will
attempt to gain Imossession of his children.
Word reaches hero that Simaffer attempted
to shoot Mr. hurt iii the clerk's office at
Onklammil since time flling of time case and is
now communed in jail , awaiting trial.
harvest utes.
Sfl\\'AItD , Neb. , July 13.-Special.-No ( )
rain has fallen in this community in the
last week , amid haying amiti harvest are progressing -
grossing rapidly. Time wheat is about all
cut amid many farmers are cutting their oats.
Some wheat has been tlircshetl this week
anti is reported to be turning out ( rein flf teen
to tweimty-seven bushels to the acre. Corn
is doing fine anti vitii the aid of a ( ow
macro showers vili be an Immense crop.
GltANi ) ISLAND , Nob. , July 13.-Spe- (
Ckil.-Tiie ) wheat so far harvested is yield-
imig immensely. At Leavitt'a large ranch ,
vimore harvesting commnencei ia3t avc'k ,
on average of thirty bushels to the nero is
repom'tecl , witij Eolue strips of the fields
going forty bushels to the acre.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , July 13.-Special.- ( )
The farmers are very busy this week in
the midst of one of the heaviest harvests
in several years. The wheat anti r.e ore
nearly all cut and taken care of amid ihi
ho entirely finished up by Satimrmiay night.
The oat crop Is heavy anti Is turning very
fast. Next week viii see It all harvested
except stinie late JlOCe. There imas been
liartily nay grain in timis county affected by
the rust.
FAIItMONT , Nob. , July 13.-Special.- ( )
Noah Magro threshed his poorest iiece of
wheat yesterday. It averaged twenty-seven
bushel5 to the acre.
'i's.p Ytmtrs In Prison.
FREMONT , Nob. . July 13.-Special.- ( )
Juuige Marshall this afternoon sentenced
JOSeihl Beets to two years In the penitentiary -
tiary for concealing a stolen calf. fleets
entered a plea of guiity and was much sue-
priscd at lmis Sentence. lIe has a tough reputation -
utation as a criminal , having served four or
five terms in the county jail for stealing
hogs , chickens , harness , etc. His steauings
have usually been limited to property under
$35 in value.
The Jury in time case of Catherine lZe.lhcy
against Mike Gorey , which was an action
for damages caused by the sale of liquor to
plaintiff's husband by the defendant , brought
in a verdict for $400. The case was tried
011CC before ammd time Jury disagreed. 00 flO-
Count of iii health. Judge Marshall was
obliged to adjourn court and discharge the
Jury today. Only a few cases noticeui for
trial were left and they were of minor tin-
l.iitls Ilelil for Trial.
COLUMBUS , Nob. , July 13.-Speclal.- ( )
Techudy , Laughlin and Butcher , three
young lads charged with stealing horses ,
were araigmietl oim them information yester-
tiny before Coumlmty Judge ltobimisomm and
waived examnimiation and were bountl over
to tlio district court lii the sum of $2,000
each. Faliimmg to furnish the required bond ,
they vero remanded back to the county jail.
iuero they wiit Probably remain until tue
Iiext temin of court in Soptenmbcr ,
I , , l.'orc. ' A I iesi'rt Itoiimlnat lou.
SYRACUSE , Neb , , July ] 3.-Special ( Tele-
gramn.-The ) central committees of time pop-
iultst auth uhemnocratic parties of this county
tact lucre today and caiietl the county con-
ventuons of their respective parties ( or July
28 , at 10 a. mu , . at Dunbar. IL is understood
there will be fusion in the county cmiii also
that time re-election of Senator Mien is to ho
forced by the democrats and iii return time
democrats mmcc to have the congrcssionai
miami mat ion.
' ' . : . . ' '
'l't.uiel.i.s for 'I'u'eiiton.
TRENTON , Neb , . July 13.-Sjmeciai-Tlme ( )
new school board organizeti last night vith
B. F. Young as utecretary anti C. L. MIen
as president , 'Fimo foiiowing teaclmers wore
sciectoilV. : . L. French of Peru. irincipal ;
Iiijou I'hmiliips , grammumuimir ; Laura Collelt , in-
termaetliate. The imrimar' teachem' vili ho
ctected at mmoxt mneeting of the board.
lrtugm.t'iI by n
Sii LAN ! ) , Nob. , July 13-Special.- ( )
Last ovenimmg as Whiliazui Vakeimamn was tak-
log his Cow to water time rope became cmi-
tamugioti mi his legs antI the eos' get
frigimtommeul anti ran several rods , dragging
imini , There iero no bones brokcmm , but time
old nucim was very badly bruised. lie is
over SO years of age.
" ui''niets ; t le'IeggmfiN ,
flUlt\'El4L , Neb , , Juiy 3.-Speciai.- ( )
Time nopulists held a convention today for
thin uum'poe of electing delegates to time eon-
gressiommal ronventiomu to hi , Imeld at Broken
hew Thursday. Ii. Cromue , J. Matley amid
It , A. Conmmcr were ek'ctcd. The delegate.m
go umulmiatrueteti , but tL is understood that
they .tro for Greene.
Pnri'vt'Il iteOeii * iou ,
GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , July 13.-Spo- (
cial.-A ) farove'lI reception was tendered to
Rev. E. F. Jordon , pastor of the First flap-
tist church , last evemmimmg in hummer of his do.
nam turo today for Omaha , wimere ho wII join
( lie Third reginuemmt of Nebraska volunteers
mis chaplain of the regiment.
Cutuul ii 11eu't hug at , tsiulni.l.
ASh lANI ) , Nob. , July 13.-Special.- ( )
Tue southeastern Nebraska district annual
t'anmI ) immectimig of Free Methodists openoil
here today. There are several eminent
representative speakers hero fmnu the east
and ( ho meeting will bout for ton days.
I liii In ii Iosi's ii It-j ,
I'ENIElt , Nob. , July 13.-Speciai.- (
SelmuylerVchis ( Yellow horn ) , an Omaha
Intiiamm , bad his ieg aniputated below time
knee yesterday mnorniog. Several months
ego he ran a rusty nail Into his heel anti ho
neglecteul to have it cared for by a plmysi
elan. lie , however doctored with some olti
Indian doctors , wlmo mUtt not ticceeti in cur-
log It , lie feared it ho eanme to a % 'hitO
doctor , ho wouitt ctmt oft his foot. His wound
lmccnmo so bail from this lack of treatment
( list blood poisonimmg set in anti he was persuaded -
suaded to ytehil to the amputation.
: in y Nuuuui I umate % 'pstner.
CIiAIflO , Neb. , July 13.-Special ( Te10
grumm.-llon. ) W. 11 , Westover , Judge of time
Fifteenth Juthicial district , is presiding over
a jury tel-rn of court in this city. Judge
\Vestover was interviewed by The flee
representative tonight iii regard to the
miomination for congress at the populist can-
gressional convention at lirokea flow to.
mnorro'.s' . lie saul h had been and is a
warni supporter of W I. Greene and cumt
ho considered mis a candidate only in the
evemmt of Congressman Greene's failure to
secure time nomination. however , time ten
counties of this district , having a represent-
atiomi of seventy-one in the convention , are
all \Vestover men and will probably vote
for him from the start. The Jutigo could
not attend the convention , owing to a simo-
del JUry term of district court of Dawcs
count ) ' ,
1'iiiiist CllSOlmt luuuts.
flROlUN BOW , Neb , , July 13-Sp.cial (
Teicgramn.-This ) has been a populist tiny in
Broken flow. Both their county nod rep-
resentatiro conventions wore lucId. Of the
278 tletegates that should have becmi bore
at time county convention but 11i were vera-
ent. There \vas little enthusiasm. The
candidates for coummty attorney were Taylor
Flick and L. E. Kirkpatrick , the gor-
ernor's brother-in-law. Cmi the first formal
ballot Kirkpatrick was nominated by a vote
of 160 to 77. On the legislative tickct Eastman -
man was nominated , W. J. Taylor vs
nominated over \\'ebb , who was a candidate
for re-election. Anti-pass resolutions cro
adopted and Senator Allen nntl Cogrcss-
man Greene endorsed , The congressional
convention will tue held lucre tomorrow ,
St.rIuu.s F'uIl.
GOTIIENI3URG , Nob. , July 13.-Spcclal (
Tciegranm.-This ) evening about (3:30 ( : o'cloCk
time Union Pacific ngent , W. 3. Itobin-
son , wlmiie helping a farmer unload seine
machinery , slimpNl antI fell front the car
amid struck eu hi head and shoulders on
the rails. flu remained unconscious for a
slmert time , lIe was taken home and a
i mysician callej. lie may be seriously hurt.
St.verely liii m't
flEItLIN , Nob. , July 13.-Special.-Dur- ( )
log an altercation last evening between
Fred Shratler and M. Ii. Day , the latter
will ; pushed oil the walk and struck on tin
Iron raiiing , whore his leg caught and ho
hung suspended in the air. lIe was released
by somne bystanders and tloctors from Syracuse -
cusevoro summoned. It is thought be Is
severely injuret internally.
Otretl l , mm huh ,
SE\VARD.LNcb. , July 13.-Special.-Yes- ( )
terday afterobon E. L. Ellis , who resides
about two miles north of town , was attacked -
tacked by a Jersey bimll and is now in a
precarious condition. The bull knocked Mr.
Ellis doVn , after which it paweti him ,
breaking three ribs and lacerating his face
In bad shape with its hoofs.
I.oi : ' tcmmies.
PIERRE , S. I ) . , July 1h.-Special ( Tele-
gramn.-There ) has beemi for some time a
dispute in regard to remarks purported to
have been made by Governor Lee to 11ev.
Cievenger , in which time goverumor is said
to have characterized the Grigsby cavalry
regiment as a disgrace to the state. Clew-
onger has lately aiflrmned this in a letter
and ( ho governor is out in a long interview -
view in whIch lie absolutely detuics the
statement so far as the regimnent is con-
cerumed , hilt SflYS he ttid characterize Grigsby
as a tlisgrace to the state and has good
reasons for so doing.
lzlruusdP4 hf Mobhhizhiumr Troops.
PIERRE , S. D. , July 13.-Special.-The ( )
business connected with the payment of ox-
lenses of mobilizing the state troops of
South Dakota was practically cleseui up today -
day , so far as the state Is concerned. The
total expense connected with It is practIcally -
tIcally $14,000. Of this sum Sioux Fails provIded -
vIded $6,000 ; Treasurer Phillips raised
$5,000 and Governor Lee supplied the do-
delaney of $3,000. This is a much lighter
expense than some of the other states in-
curreui for the mobilization of a like numn-
her of troops.
: n I iu timer l'roperty Std.
DEADWOOD , S. 11 , July 13.-Special (
Telegramn.-Tho ) extensive property or time
liawkeye Miniug company was sold today
at sheriff's sale under forcclosuro of mortgages -
gages lucid by the Deatiwood National bank ,
The bank bid the property in for $36,322 ,
Time company will probably redeem tIme
property ,
l'resIuiiumg alicr : lI.43g115.
MITCHELL , S. D. , July 13.-Special ( Tel-
egramn.-Rev. ) A. It. l3oggs , who hums
time presiding either of Mitchell district or
the Methodist clnmrches , has resigned imis
position on accoumut. of Ill health. 11ev , C.
11. lInger of this city 'was appointed by
Bishop McCabe as the successor for thIs
i'rohuth.hhif it's Am'e i hut t i t % VIiI lie
l'zurily ( 'Iouuiy iii Nehrasiu ,
jilihi Vii viable "mViuils.
WAShINGTON , July 13.-Forecast for
Tlmumrsday :
For Nebraska-Partly cloudy weather ;
variable winds.
For Icansas anti Missouri-Fair ; southerly
For Iowa-Southerly winuls ; fair.
For Soumtim Iakotn-Simowcrs ; cooler in
easterli portiomm ; variable winds.
For Wyomhmug-Fahr ; variable winds.
1.ueul ih'eoi'd.
OFilCE OF 'l'i1h'EATlIlfl IIUREAI ,
OMAhA , July 13.-Omaha rccortl of tt'mn-
hucrutture nr.ct rummnfethi , ( ( imnputmCti Witii the
curresimoniing ( lay of time lmtt three years :
1s91u. iS97. 11)6. 1S95 ,
Maximum temperature . SI tO ui ) S2
Mlnhuumtumn teummpt'rature . 63 I9 'H Cl
Average temuporuLtimee . . . 73 ' 0 8 72
ltninnii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 0U .00 .00
Record of temperature mind imrociitiatiomi
at Omalium. ( or tiuh day mind simmeim Ainrehi i ,
Nortmuuml tom' ( liii day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dt'iicieuicy ( cur ( lie tiay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
itccumuiuitctl oxet'ss since Macelm 1 . . . . . . 113
Norniuti rniumuiii for time . . . . . . . . . inch
Deliciemmey tmr time ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch
'I'ohutl rainfall smImi't. 2mmutici ) . . . . . . in. . tmeu
icess muirmee 2tlareim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch
Dt'Ihcht'mn'y for eoi' . peritt1. 15)7. . . . 5.32 immc'imt'uu
1xcess ( or c'or. verioul , . . . . . . . . . . . inch
ltuiort , . fi'uuuui Stumfiomis at H p. iii , ,
Seventy-fifth Meridian timne.
, .
' 1
OF W'EAT2IIlt. a
. :
: a :
' - : '
O'ha , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81S3'OO
North Platte , partly cloud ) ' . . . . . 75 2 , , rio
Smut Lake , clear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii2 i .oo
Cheyenne , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 7t .26
Ittlimiti City , cloudy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r.s si .as
huron , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o ti ; .oe
Chicago , lmumrtiY cloud ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . 72 72 .00
\'iiiiu4toum , raining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 .10
St. Louis cloudy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 s
lit. Paul , clear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 .00
1)avetmport , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sf .00
licleuta , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 t2 .00
Kaummot ( 'ity , clear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1,1 .00
hitmyre , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St .00
hiismmmrck , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 92
( lalvestoim , partly cloudy. . . . . . . . . . 62
T immiirates trace of iureeipitatItmm
I , . A , W'lLHIl , Local Forecast Official ,
6 ,
( Contintieti from First ltmage. )
Montcr dewberries , several varieties ot
raslberries , cherr1e. , gooseberries anti van-
ens other small fruits have also been added
to the display.
Smiperimmtendent fleynolds of the his.iethri
disphty announces that a large shipment of
intmkmeions , cantalopes , tomnato s miami other
delIcacies is en route to Onmaha anti wii ! be
atldcd to the display in tt day or two.
FliiihhlTS FitoM SOtTihl'ltN 'l'IIN.tS
liserslflei h'roulut'ts of flint 1.1(11. '
lCmumvu'tm Cotmumi ry At I reef A LI u.n t lummi ,
The exhibit of th products of souhim
Texas in time Agricultural bumiidhn attracts
a great deal of nttontiomm. Time eximibit ci.-
cuimies a considerable space en either sida
of the main nisie at time west cuuti of imu ,
builtting anti time delegation of lacas oai-
ness men on duty with time exhibit uie kept
busy explaining to visitors the mngtihhicammce
of the various items constituting the ulis-
One of the features which attracts ( lie
greatest attention and the ono to sliich
attention is imiways called is time tiispiay of
vegetables aimul ( aria prottucts from this
year's crop. This includes Imisim Potatoes ,
onions , beets , squaslm , imtmmmmlkins , mnoiomms , to-
nmatocs mind ninny other vegetables and corn ,
a bunch of "roasting ears" weighing four
pounds each being one of time Itrincilmni at-
tractiomus in this particular line. Sauimples
of a seconti crop of cabbage in time same
field , a secoimmi crop of tomatoes amid a thimrtl
crop of beets , also in time annie iieid , attract -
tract a great deal of attcntiomm from farmers
who live iii sections i'hmere such it thit.g as
a seommul cr01) in the saute flelti is umuknowii.
'rime disimlay of fruit includes several vane-
ttes of California gnaes , su".luas , mmuuisat ,
flamniumg tokay and otlmers , .lapanese ithmuums
as big as peachmi's , etc. F'iimo sammupica are
shown of oats , barley , rye and wheat cmmt
in Julie. A fine exhibit of fibers includes
jute , hemp , flax timid ramnie , iiiustratiimg one
of ( ho undevelopoti resources of the mitate
anti country. Lemmions , dates , oranges anti
figs are showmi , nil being wild fruit. which
is susceptIble of cultivation ,
A most conmprchemmsive exhibit is ( lint of
cotton. This inclutlcs fiber immade ( roam time
stock of the plant , time mills tnken frommm time
seed , which is used as ( coil for cattie ; time
seed meal before amid nftcm' time oil is cx-
tracted ; the oil cake matte from ( lie umucal ;
a flume quality of reitIng palmer made. ( rota
the hulls ; the erotic oil and time saimmo an-
tide after being relhmmetl ; fifteen varieties of
cotton , inciudhmmg the celebrated Japamuese
silk cotton , browmm Nanleemm cotton , i'ltiu a
coler of nicim number , muimtl hintless cottomm ,
which is grown tom' the seeti.
Several varieties of tobacco are shown ,
including havana tobacco growum froni seed
proctmred from Cuba. A collection illims-
trating the silk inlustry is among time cx-
imibits and numerous species of native imuts ,
inclutling lecans , walnuts , hickory nuts ,
chestnuts. acorns , peanuts , etc.
On tumbles anti in cases occupying time balance -
ance of time space are displayed native gums ,
dyes , niedhcimmal plants , sheop's wool amid
goats' hair , coal , pummmice stone , asphnltum ,
cabinet woods , charcoal , gumammo , ochre , mm-
cml paints , clays , vhosphmate rock , mmsarl ,
kaolin , nmarble , limestone , consent , grammltc ,
brick and pottery , immimmerat and artesian
water , geological specimens , fish , game , o -
ters , etc. A mmatmmral history exhibit itmclutics
native binds , aumimais , reptiles ammui fishes.
Several glass oases eommtaimm lmmdian relics amid
curios and a series of tableaux illustrate
the conditions iii Texas before anti after
the advent of the civilizing Influences wimich
have brought it to its prcseimt state of un-
Timla exhibit of time products and resources
of south Texas is time result of time corn-
bined influence of the houston flusimmess
leagimo amid time San Antonio anti Aransas
l'ass Railway Immnignatioum assoclatioum ,
which association took imolti of time matter
after it was apparent that time Texas Exposition -
position coummunlssion was not rnakimmg any
headway imi the matter of preparing an ox-
imibit. In addition to installing a large anti
comprehensive exhmiilt these organizations
have a delegation of timcir members aim time
ground at nIl times to exploit the beauties
of Texas.
llnmuzigt-r CIgLrI..soII Aim miupil lieu-s hit ,
A rrsmuumeoiuieuifp , for Snfuirtiy ,
Time arrangcmc'nt5 for Miltary ! day on
Saturday of this week are completed. The
( till program for the occasion has been corn.
PiCted by General Manager Cianlcson , and
is as follows :
The regiment will march front Fort
Omnaima to the grounds , ommterlng at time
north gate nmuti marching the full length of
time Midivay to the Grand I'iaza , wluc're the
regiment wili pess imm review before GaY-
ernor itnlcomb ammui Imis Staff , time Jmumsic pa-
viiiio serviimg na a receiving stand. 1t.
Ii O'ClOcl time fornmal exercises will take
place In the Auditoriummi , a.s follows :
: \itmsie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .asvnee City Band
.Auidremtus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Major 'I' , i3. Ciurkoui
Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .imird iegirnent flamuui
Auldress . . . . . . . . . . . . . .General Joliti C. Coivimi
4ddresg . . . . . . . . . . . .Geni.'rmil Joimmi SI. Timayu'r
miimiuict . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l'awmieo City flimui
Itesilonso..Coloimel J , liryrmum
For'ss'ell . . . . . . . .Goverimmr SIlas A. lloic'omm )
2dum'ihc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Third ltcgiinemmt iiaumd
Following time paraule , lunch s'iii be serveth
eli the Piaza to time soldiers by time wonicmi
of tIme Bureau of Emmtertainmemmt ,
At 9 o'clock there ivlil ho a grand dispiny
of fireivorks on the umorth tract , at. which
time time portrait of Coiotmel Bryan i'lhi be
lm vn In liro. -
1fl % , ltui I i's fo r S it't' I ii I ) , ys.
Time special railroatl rates have been an-
mmounced for time mmatioumal congress of lime
iletail Liquor Dealers' associatioms , vimlc1m
occurs August 22 , antI time imathommal congress -
gross of Bohemian Turners , August 28.
' 'hme matcs ants tIme same in each ease , as
follows : From points within 150 mimiht'a of
Omumaha , ont' ( kit fare ( on lime rotund inip ;
from all other Weatern l'asscmmger aussochm.
titim points , one fare plus $2 for time rounti
trim ) ; from Central Passemmger usmiticiatioui
multi Michigamm Passenger association iuhmmts ,
one fare Imitus $ I ; from all iuoimmts cast of
OhIo , ommum anti one-timirul fares to ( Mileage
timid return anti one ( are plus $2 for time
roummd trhim from Chicago to Ornumlma ; ( rota
all Soutimwemutenn l'asst'nger association
iloints , one fare imiums $1.
'limo rates for Mimmncsotn day are oxcep-
tiommumily haw for mmcli a ioumg haul. 'flit-
railroads Immure put Jim a flat rate of one ( arc
for limo rental trip froni mill 1ihimtmeotn
points and they expect to imaul a bij : 'rowil
tin that occasion.
i't'J ) i II I erost I ii .i I ii Iii's. , ( ii ,
Commissioner SliMY of limmmmeeota , in arm
hmmtervleiv with a represchmtumtivo of a Miami-
rmpoiis papers expresses time belief that Mm-
nesotii day. which occurs next \'etlmmestJay ' ,
will be a decided stmccess. lie says that tin
Imas tliscovered that there is a trrat deal of
interest 1mm Manesota ! in regard to ( lie cx-
position and a corresponding appreciation
of its Importnmmco to time people of time west.
lie declares that Minnctsota tie ) ' will - witness -
ness a tremendous limmhux of people from
that state into Ommmaha. Time catension of
time time limit on the excursion tickets ( rein
four to seven tlnys Is a great aulvanta ,
as In his opinion four days are blot a
cleat time 1mm wimich to properly view anti
appreciate the great and varied eAbIbits
timat have been gatimered together.
In atluhition to tue published lnfonrmmation
that. time Departrmmcimt or l'ublicity has Peon
sowing over time state Commisslomior Si'nw
bias prepared a pamphlet which brbohiy i'r
seats the numerous features of limo bIg
itoi' anti emphasizes the fact that It is riot
a city or state affair , but an hmmueusc Cml-
tc'rpnise that Involves time Interests cit time
entire ieople.
Sll'l'Tl.iM Illl l'AS Qi'iS'I'I ( ) .
lion ru iii il ( ' ; ; ; ; ' ; . t lie ii Itoh-
t'ut' hte.oii lit Iii. ,
The attempt of ( I. M. ilitcimeock to gar.
mote tIme 1)epartaiemt of Publicity nntl imo
motion tinti cast reilections on time ntlnmiim-
istratlorm of time affairs of tIme tiopartliment
by taking from it tIme issuing of vassc
to nil sicekly mmei spapems was slimnmmmimril )
dispoetl of at a special maccling of the
Board of llrectors ) hiehti yesterday after-
aeon for time purpose of passIng tmpcmi this
Itlemitical Inatter.
The report of the executive eonmmtmittcc
alien the resolution of ( leimerni Mammticnson ,
declaruimg that time resolution vnts immexpethi-
chit nail of qLmostiommabio lrOpniet' , was
atlopteti anti the issuiimg of vassc to weekly
papers , as well mis nil other miewsim.liei- ;
pmisscs. was left to time diseretoa of thit'
manager of the Iopantmmuemmt of l1tmbliit ) '
and l'roummotion.
After an extentietl uiiscumssion of Lie sub.
ject time exectitivo conmnmittee's meport u'mis
uitloptetl by a vote of 13 to 12 Time teilort
iii as follows :
'iotmr conimnittee , to ihmonm was referred time
resolution uhiroctimig time hhmre.iu ofdmmiis -
ioiig to issue season imasses to all editors
of veekiy lmowspapens In Ni1mrtmskum , iowa ,
South iakotn'yomimimmg. . iCautsas amid Cole-
ratio , iiai' , after tine commsitlenatiomm tlicr.of ,
rcaeiieul tlmo comiclusion ( lint an iimtllscnint-
iumate distrmbutlomi of tucasmm Imasmica to till
editors of vt'i'lly paper" , regnnuiicss at timeit'
5(8 ( Ii ii I rig , ivoutitl 1)0 immt'x i.ei iOn t tuimtl it f qume'
tioimmiblo propriety. but i a favor time mtioSt
lIberal policy towarti the nneos , mmmiii vc have
therefore enmpowereti time lelmartmni.'nt of
luuiuuhicity amid i'iomimotion to issue semuutout
lmaBscs viivmever in its jtiiguuicnt the interests -
ests of time expositiomi n ottiil them ely be line-
immoteti. -
Mi' . hi'.tciicock added a mmmotion that two
nasses be Issued to ouch veekly newspaper
In good stnunutilumg , time neclplemmt of time hiasses
beiimg designateti by time etlltors. Mr. ltoo-
Water suuiti imevouhmi be gimui to miCCChut lit-
stnimettons ( rota time tlinectumns auth tIme muotloim
svas atiopteti without discussiumm.
'l'hie boanti will immeet migain at 4 o'clock
Monday aftermmoomi ,
IAY FOiL 1NihI'l'S OL' l't"l'IIiAS ,
(3 rand Ciinuit't'i I , , r luv'i I , uf I
, tru'nuig.'s , for Ills Oruiec's 'Isll ,
Tuesday , Atuust 0 , will be iowa Pythiinn
day , amid Grand Chancellor lowehl of Iowa
Proniises that time attemithanco of I'ytlii.'mnms
fronm his jnrisdictioim will ntmmmmber ht'tweemi
3,000 arid 4,000. The Iowa granti lodge coim-
\'ouies iii Coummcil Jhltmffs on August 10 , mmil
thmoso In authority estlimmate timat these two
evemits will result in bnimmglimg a largo crowd
to tills viciumtty.
Grand Chancellor 1)owell was on time
grounds yestentiny for the imtui'POSO of makimmg
mmrraumgenments for time tiny. lie called nt the
l'ythmlmmn headquarters ; mm ( lie Nebraska build-
immg ammul comuferred 'itIi Grand Cimamicehlor
floytistomi of Nebraska anti l'ast Grand Ciman-
cellor Scism , secretary of time committee
hmavimug charge of Pytlmlan imeaulquartens.
After this couuferemmee , the three caileul oum
General Mnumager Clarksomm amid runm'ammge-
meats s'ore muemfecteui.
"We have a nnemmmbershmip of about 10,000
in louva , ' ' saId Mr. Dowcii , ' 'anti time umsual
atteiudammce at our grand lodge is between
1,000 minti 1,200 , not iimcluthlng time visiting
mactimbers of time order aimui their fammmihies ,
\Vltlm tli3 miduicti im-uuluccmuommt of a trIp to ( lie
expositIon I ann satisfied that vo can muster
a crowtl of Ijetweenm 3,000 and -1,000 , if mmot
immone.Vt.u expect to secure speclni rates
emi time railro'ds , amid I feel safe in sayIng
timttt Va will bring a large crowti.
"This Is mny first visit to the exposition ,
ammtl I nimust confess tlmat. I ama very greatly
surlnlsed at time extent of time affair. I hmave
read a great deal about it in our home
papers , and In youmr Imapers , nnd exlectcti
to see somuethtng very fine , hint I Imati no conception -
ception of time reality as it appears to moe.
even after time very brief time I have simommi
mm sightseeIng. I saw the grounds for tIm
first time last night after ( lie lights were
ttmrneti on , ammd thin sight was simimphy rang-
niflcent. "
Secret of l.i'nitui Ciii t tic , ' .
A collection of lernomms of extraordinary
size has been added to time exhibit In time
Horticulture buildIng , made by Los Angohes
coumnty , Catfonmmia. These icmnomma turn live
inches in length and three nn'l one-half
immeimes In diamneter. Their imnmumemisti size
makes thenm tIme center of attractIon , mmii
Assistant Secretary Wilson of time Los
Angeics Chamber of Commerce is kept busy
explaining the nwatcnies of lemon culture
to the 1)001)10 , who express utmnimrise timat
such iernorrs are muevcr seemm in this section.
Time whole secret is timat "tile ( mile" vilh
mmot imandle sucii large lemons , and time fruit
is picked before it hues attaimmeti 'ull 8izo ,
'cuneui" and mnmt on the nmarket. The cunimmg
process Is a simmmplo one , time fruit beIng
mickcil viioti it Is green , and storei iii a
room c'hIcii is kept at nut equable tompera-
tare for obount six or olglmt weeks. W'imemm
time lenmon Is first picked time sklmm is about
ono-qumartem' of an inch iii thickness. but
dunirmg the cunimig process time skin hmecomto
thimmner , anti if time lnOcCsS Is coiitinnUi'd
until time fruit Is entirely cured , the skin
hecemmmcms as thin its paper.
In additIon to the large lomomms , a ( rosiu
lot of the ordinary comnmenclal ehics has
been rocotveul anti added to time display.
There has also beemi received mu collectiorm
of flmmrimtmnk Imlumna , mm large , neil variety of
fummo flavor anti rich color , ammO ricim , purple
prunes of time variety called "tragedy. "
) lt re lIi.'riui . I ( cmiii it ii uisuts.
The result of tIme recent tell ) of the mmmenm-
hens of the Kansas oxiunsitlon cornimsissioui
to time various sections of timat state in
bcginmming to ho nmpareitt , siuiimmmlemmts of mliii-
tlommal material for time different eximlbits
having comnmnenceii to arrive. Three big
hmincks of coal imave beemi receIved antI these
will at once be iuiaced iii time maimional ox-
lmtbit niade by the state in limo Miumcm ; build-
lag. A lot of material for time ctitmationai
thismlay linus beets received anti this will be
placed lii time Kansas exhibit 1mm time Liberal
Arts butldinmg A imuamitity of grain mom time
1598 crop \S'ltS iihlilpe(1 ( ( remus time soumtlmermm
hart of tilts state July 6 tunul Commiasloiner
Lamb has been miimiOiuitCi It cornamittea of
one to see i'imy time mnumteniai has not becmm
receivemi at time grcmuntis.
l'i'esitient Ouch of time Kansas cotnmissiomm
says timat the material uvhli lie simippeui to
Omaha very rapidly ( rain ( lila ( line uimtii
time close of time exbmosltioim anti lie premises
that Kansas slmmmll more titan mutistaimi lIe
reptmtatiomm as a state of mnmgmmiflcemmt ; me-
soimrees ,
ilt'i l.-i Pm'ri Isi's I lii' I'iutN I If ) It ,
\V/iSIIINGTON , July il.-iftmecimi ( 'fob-
grarms.-'J'iio ) i'ot iurlnta aim ismtervieiv this
hmnortuhnmg u'Itim I tarry fl. I loller. a uvoil kmmuwmi
wcstermm rallroati mmmaii , regmmrdlmig time Ornahitu
' 'Instead of being crippled by var , I
verily believe ( lint tIme Omaha expositioum
has been imolpctl by It. " tsaiil Mr. holler.
' 'A good many people timoupitt tIme Ormiabmu
mroiaeters voulti jmialte a failure , whereas
they have corcd a tremendous success. Thmp
tide of travel towarii time vest is very imenvy
this year. Coionatio is attracting tlmousaumtls
of tourists , anti time mountaimm resorts of tue
Ccmttenmniai state mire iloiumg mu better business
than over in theIr buistony. For some reason
time mountains have time eaii over the seaside
this season , nn'way. Wumether peoimio ( enneti
( ( mat the SlianIsim war ships might steal upon
tiieni unawares and begin boenbaruiltig timci
hotels or whether thmer luau grown tIred of
time sail sea waves , I do not lii'oteimui to say ,
but time facts are as 1 have stated. "
1)ntu' for , Iiiisoum'I hay.
I'rcsldcnt F. Al. Stcrrctt of time Mlsuuunl
Stmuto commission antI Governor 13tCliieflS )
have practically uigreeti cmi time nrrangcmcjmts
I for the celebration of Miseouri day at time
exoiticn , August 30. Time program ( or time
day uhi consist of an ntitlr5 by tlm gov-
croci' iund short iechutby vrmnintumt Mi-
r'ouri orators , in which tIme various vohiiiceml
Parties will 1 * impiurtimuhly t't-hil'C'SCUtCth. The
rnlirodi iivo ngret-tl to put In a very low
t'xcumr5len uitte anti time mayors of nil Mis-
soumrt cItIes have bet-hi c'nlited iii time cf-
fort to seethe sum attenttiiee ( butt vhii be em
credit to ( iii' state. Special trmuinmmt vIil be'
mu ( cciii all time hlniisell'RI cities , nimd tue
mnrtmmbers of time conmmniiission fool eonmihulemtt
that time ociebratlomi will tie tine of the big-
pest events of time exposition. Govenmior
StC'iimeulS a"ll be nccompmummietl by lila ( till
staff , nnti a inl'ge isumamber of time moSt imnoimui-
fltnit ? citizens of time state have alrendy pm-em-
ieul to join time party.
liIfHii ; .tM I'Iiit 'lull (11t1ti AI ) ihV.
S'husut % 'hll 'i't'imii-plre imi lit , ' ( ) hn'iiiuu&v
of lii , ' limuit.limt ' % 'oihai
Thtc' has Pt-ems conic delay itt tt'e oii'
mic-ummicenment of the vm-ornni for the icJit'lu
tie ot iii Boys' ammil Gnls' itnhlullug , " imich
e'.ctmm' ttlay. fla : Was en aecoutIlt of tine
delay or sasme : tmf lImo cities that it as iur-
Imesed to l'ave retireJented iii sendIng in
tlmeir comitrlbuitlolma ta the oxtrelats. Tse
last. reitmrnms were necelveul ii ) ' Serc'iary
Fan .1 yestcniiay aterttaomm mmtl the progniun
imas now boon ticdiicd ems , tis follows :
Music' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I 'rum yen.i m'ii. I I mti'tu rti ci C 0 imlmmhmut
Atidnomts tf s'eteiuttmn. B rim. teu'y'l' I ) f i.iiiroitt
lU'iqommuie. , . . Vm'ttmsic ii. I Itigites ofVest i'niiit
itetitatioli. . . . . . . . . . Dtuliit ? 'trout of lhi'ilevtit'
i'umtiiotic . . . . . . : itogonmu of Onmiihmmm.
lot I t itt
, . i ii ; lii : ' t it 'h'hmtuinmmiui o t ( 'ott itch I hi tiffs
Address by a ri'pm'cseitttmtlvt' fi oat i.iimoimi
school' .
SiimM by time I'lciatmninumles ( room ( hue (11,1
i'l ii mm t at in is.
ltt'eltntleim . . , "I io' mu Port'igiuer 5mw tli
i"tul. . . . . . . . . . . Hey 'i'owl of toiithi ( ) mmihsmt
Atid ness by it i'elii't'uuoimt mm t iwo o t tilt' boys'
ii Is tOm' , ' ehmi tus a C I 'lit t t imium atm i Ii.
Add res" . ' \ ' liii t a I 'umhuil 'i'iui muks 1 hefutre
i it' iet's ( lie lxiositItumm unit After. "
'i'ho tinily cooking lcssomi will tm givems b
Mig htantekc' after time Imrogruumml tmimti will be
adapted tum the chmlldremm.
is , , . . , . huti tfl'M lui y i'it-tt t'tI.
Thso hlostPotmommmcumt of 1)es Meiumes day to
Ttmcstlay , A uugust 21 , Iota imc'n mflic i al I y mimi -
mioumiceti. TIle event uutis to have coumse oft
tomimonro\v , but ( lucre i'as seine delay in
umumukinmg ( lit' mmeccssnry nni'miuigeims'nits at ( lie
lIes Molimi's end , anti time fmuct was also mingeil
( limit if tue iIiy ; eotmltl hut' muclictitmioti Inter in
( lie semisout mu immaterially imemmvlcr attenmtimiflco
cotilti be eccureut. Time XliOSit helm mitaumage-
mmtemmt u'as opposeti to a hlostiiomiemiielit at
lit-itt , bult iiminuly ( ' : uiltuiatci.
( ul.s v.1' tim , ' ' 'si I liii , ,
The Pawmmeo City bamsil vihl hulay a mmmcml
prngrnumm mi time Nebraska building lm'tday
mmftcnmmuoim at 2 o'clock ,
'i'lm e Nebraska. liii I Id Immg lie S hmeutmi eel me toil
as hmczahiiuum'tt'rs : tam' time exetinslomi Of ynuumig
POOh I" from St . .1 ot'1uht next 'fltttnstlzi v.
California is time iirst. state to sImo' . '
peitclies , tIme xiiibit imu ( Ito hierttculturtii
tunihui i a g am title lt' Lti A nmgi'i es colt a t y lie t mm g
time ilrst In time bulldlmmg to display spechiuiet's
of tim i a iii' I Ic Itmumum ft'tm It.
t : . i. iamuforthm of Mhmuimcnptilii' , mseerctuui'y
of tIme i I mm it eutluol is Ex 1)051 ) ( km mu comi : ) mm.
is i.'xpeclcui to murmiviu hum Ommmaiia tlti' butt or
hart of time week ( is ovcrmmce tIme iurcPmrittomus :
for Minumesota day , wlmiehm is et for July
Time exctmrslomi from Ida cOtnmit3' , 10a.m.
whmiclmiams clmeihimlcci as mm futtimre for ttmdav ,
is oil' . 'l'hi'no was sonic' Imitebi 1mm ( hue am'-
rummgenmeumttu whmiclm ittlleti tile idea nit for
time Imm'CsCtit , but It s'ihl jurolab ) ' ito utilized
later on.
Sirs. W' . J. Ilrytnu nail lien titree cimiluleen
were amncmmmg time guests oil time grtiuuiils yea-
briny mnormming. 'lucy vene reci'iveul li : . '
(1emmerni Mnmmngei' Ciarkson , who escorted
theism over time grounds , anti they wIll irub-
ably renmoinm untIl Saturday.
A mmcmv floor is hi ing haul ems tine miotitlm
u'laduict. 'l'hc on'igl is ni II ci ) i' , al t htoimglt
double , 'ith tar paper between , leaked diii'-
tug the heavy minK unti let wmitet' through
immto time store rooni of time 'lnt1uct restaum- I
rants beneath time viatitict flplrOaCiiCS.
Time exiunsition Postmml cards nrc niectiimg
with great ( mivot''lsitors muse themn inn
is'niting home ummd to fnleimds tinmii carry timemmi
off ' _ mu , : uts tin Sell voairs. Omumaiua o"ophi. use
them iii cccli larger mmumnbcrs. They seemmi
time nriumic favorites with all as i'XlmOsltiOti
Mrs. T. F. Fitegerahti of 5mm FramuciRco ,
wife of time Paeiiic coast huassemugor mtgeflt of
time Texas & Paciilc rmiilrontl , amid Mrs. 11.
II. Ttichantlmuomm , sister amid mmmotiner , respect-
lvely , of Coiomiel it.V. . hticimardsoni , press
ecmmmmunissioimer of ( lie exIloaltiomu , anti visit-
hug hums and will siuenmd a few miays inspo"t-
imig time exposition.
"Minima , tb Mommtge"oeryVuirti 1' Co.
sell bialmics ? ' ' sail a little girl. ' 'lViiy ,
daughter , tie 3'otm ask ? ' ' ' 'Because
I heard the mmmau say they sell
t'cry t ii m mm g anti I it ; iv mu hut , y mite ti , , t g ia mu , '
calms at their builtiimmg tIme otimer tIny. liii
sut.e , imuamamna , I could got a little brother
at lmaif nnicu fromu Montgtmiimory Vunui &
Ce. , for they soil everythtimmg , omitl ito dump.
too. IVhmy don't you send 15 cents ( iii' thm'ii'
catalogue 'r'
'Flue arramigerncmmtui for time iloniui canmsivmii ,
which occurs Tumostiny , Augumat 2 , iSFO rumim-
lilly takhmmg forums. 'I'hmo entire affair iii tintler
time diucetlomi of Mrs. hI. MCiii Travis ,
vimt , has bet'um exccptlotmnlly simeccesfimi hi oi'-
gamtiztng iuiiumtlar tlc'nmnmmstratiomms imm oIlmen
cities , cmiii she will lie mtamulmiteul by tIne
vommmt'mi of thu , ' Bum'eau of Emmtort aimmunc'mst. It
is expected that time Parmule , which wIll ito
ammo of tiuc immutin featmres tuf ( be tiny , m'mhl
include over 100 lunitieihmmtmmts.
The Nebraska lxllO5iti0lt coimmmismuiomm hmehti
a slmort scuusioo yemuterlay unorninig in time
Nebraska imuilihing. Comunmissiomiers lmtttomm
mmii Casper uvere absent aimul the otimer four
mmmemnhcn's d iti mint tm'mtimszmct a mmy imuisl mm rums of
commsu'qucmmee. 'Vito liiY tuf ittgistcn' Cl ° m'k
Stitvcmmmoim was Immcreatucti frommm c r
nuioitth to 8CC. a staumd for liii. sale of
lemnommaili' , cigar's , etc. , was mmilotted siame cmi
time east heidi of the lmuiiulimlg mimli ( it few
smmmaii mInimums were tmiioweui.
President S. II. Mallory of time Iowa Dx-
itOCitiomi commmmniuustonm has arm'is'eti hum hut' city
miami mviii 1)111 ) mi tIme balance tf time act It 1mm-
spectliig thtu expositlomn. Mr. Mallory emuino
in nttonmd time oiommimmg of time Iowa iuuihdl mug
last rnommthm , imut wuts emilbeti imotatu by t lie
, h'rfhu of luq , ' - - t.SV unui 1nI , em" n'-
pontulmmity of mieCiimh thmo exposition , tie is
t uiah m mug mm Is Ii cmitIqU.u lit Cd lit i iii' j t ) a a iiti t iii
imig ammil CXIm'CsiiCLi time urmluIi'Ht iuumtlsfmr'tIoi : :
at time general cztemmt mliii cimartucter of time
( 'xloaitloms.
for the table.
Oldest anti 130t1
Is iimmt' umot uummly to the om'igimmallty runul
s'mntmpiieit.y of (110 cosuibinnteim , 'but nh.o
to time ommrt' nun mildli 'Ulu 'imbeh It. lit
imlutniti factimeed by r-rk'mutitle proesss
klmfli'ii tO time CAl.II'mltiA Fin S'iiiyp
Co. otml , ' . itsid we % 'Esiu to ImnprL'ss umpummi
uull the Inmpot'tuimt'o of mtti'cltaslrmg time
tetto rimmtl om'hgimmnl m'csmu'y.ts the
gemmuubite Syrup of l"igs iii mu.nmuumfmtctureu.t
ii ) ' time CI.ii'olti.t F'ln Sviuui' Co.
"lily , hi ictmo\'Iutulge of timmit fumet will
assist one iii tu'tm1dimug I lie 'oi'tiiicss
hnitnt 'iomms mnmmumu faetmred b , ' ut hot' Putt-
ties. ' [ 'lie high stamidluig uif (1w C.ttt-
l'oitxi. Fi'o S'itu'i' Co.Vltit tIn' mma'tlL-
etti pm'nri'its'moim , mituti tlmt' smmtiuufmmetboni
vliieit 1 iutu gt'imuiiuit' S'rtip ) of Fig8 hums
uiveii to lnii'iiomM of fmuiiuiies. ) Ii1t.J
time imaimie of tlmt' ( 'tmimtmml1iy mu guntrmtmmty
of time ixeehleuiet' of its , m't'muit'tly. It. is
mmi' iii nmtlvammet' of mmii ci lien' inuxmttivos ,
as it , nets mum I lit' ltiulimeyuu , iiveu' niul
lts''t'lit , vitluotut iu't'itatinmg On' venlceti-
lug I imt'ims , imiud it does hot ITl'iiC nor
mmtust'mmt& ; ' . 1mm orderto get its bemuetlelal
t'Jl'ets. lm1t'.su' u'emimeruber tire iiaiimui of
time Conupammy -
NAe lIIAeIsCl , ( 'am.
. ' , , . , ' ' ' . .
t.ft1'vusii. sm imm' 'ulti N.Y.
Jrimcry. gec'onirm' or TartiIry flLOOD
t'oIBON pernmaaenhiy
Cured in. 15 to 35 Days.
' Too can ha treated itt horn , for .m.
ItrICe uad r e.ame uiaranty. If you pester
to come here we will cectratut to py neil-
roaa Sara and tmotoi bIB , anti iso oum&rg.
It we fall tO cure.
taken mercum7. ioiIW. potaSh ameS etIII
have acim"ii amid pains MUoouL. h'toImos Iii
taouitmm t0re Thivftt. i'IttmIIICI , Copper ecu.
ceed i5DOti , Uiiits on uny 'put of ( Ii.
: body , ILtir or lyobrowa faiitumg out , it I. .
( hi. fleecnth.ry
_ _ _
wGanee o cure
We eollclt Cite' nlCt obitinats o.s mmmd
, ch&mnente the onI,1 ron . case we capimot
c'Jre. liii ; diu'aae hat &mwars bafti.a Lb.
akIn of this anest eminent mhYsicI..s'i. '
1(50,000 captt'tl leblad our tmnctnsaltionei
; itsranty. Absoiut urcott' Sent . , t.1
oil nppitctlon lImo pemo book stat tr.v
Addr. 000lt l1l3lEflY CO. , 1401
Mnuionie Tcm.impio , h1ocigo , ill.
W5113N OTlIEhtS V'Ah1. OOI5VL' ?
Searles & ear1es
, . -
; r Clit7u '
( immurauitee (0 eUro 'ticouiIi ) ' tund rndI
( 'Oil ) sill NSRVOUS. CllltONlO .tti )
PRIS'.tTfJ , tieii.cs of Mcii tumid woiUCfl.
lk 1 01 SYLS
SEXUALLY. cured for life ,
Night Ermiiuuutions. Lost 3ianimood , Iiy't
droceic , Verlcpceie' , Gonorrhea , Git'et , Ilyph-
this , Stricture , Piles , Flatuin and Itectal
Ulcers , Ijiabeteim , Bright's Disease cured.
Consulthtion Free-
Ctired at
mouse ,
I by new insetlmoti wititout pain or cutting.
Calion or addreSs with rtanmp , 'rneatmnens
by mail ,
EMS , SERLES & ual4JLa , ! JJ
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4LL1'r'aua ' JLuva.ea-iu'etiLn Morn-
/ . . . . ; ' 1a2lotaTts7hioeioo.rmcRotc. ciuuuoI
/qJ tjj 'Abut , er other lzuo.cs and Jodi.-
'r crotiun , 'J1"u , qufrl.ljp ancZ ttretj , .
ncntoia Loct Vitailt , imu oi'ioi'onnt-.utLi
1t a men ( onituty , uuetmue or toarrtege.
- l'rc'nt lrtauilty anil ( 'mneumnpttouu If
. Tlzotnti"o thaws Imimunediato tmprovo.
mauL ni crtucte a ( UflI , itti other fail hum-
, Il. Impori itving * lm c pniue Max Tt.ttts , Thay
ii'vo curoi umiotiana. red , vhii cur.ou , We sty , , ii pci.
itiso written , : eartmntm * 0 OffaCt t cure '
OIL'ltCL&MSur tOICOLi 11mm rnooe , l'rici.U 'J i
iIcnms ; or .11 I5'u tfuli 'runtmuumtt for 52J4 Jmy
mean ' ma t.iai.t ,7tair'r , 11(05 ( roceluit of rieo , C ir nier
trtmu.'AJAX RMbDY GO , , at , ,
, .
. . .ru , 'iL
For sais Ia Uutiamma Nsb. , by Ja. Foreyth , 18
OJ. ICUt ; 1'uiuit & Co. , 15th gail Dougnas Lial
tum CouncIl theirs by 0. II tiruwr.
UE YrniRt
, . . for uumuu.ter4
. 'VILE ) . , U. bird
. , , . I4.I dtlCiihrIei. ! ieGamuumauion' '
' " S. ) 'a )
-i - ; ; ( t.jI.'l Irritation. or ulnitail.
C. n . . si , t ru U r.uu I
. .utatm , , . PshaIuI. ao'i ' 1,01 hIde.
iEvLsChIucttCo , , at r emaunoai ,
fl ld lj
_ t , . 0 5. a . , ui2-t1 Or soOt 1mm islu wnspIL fd
expresi , .
i or 2 vt , (2.15.
, .ts
_ _ _ _ - - -
\iltiJltY't l"tit'bml HJttlm , Fnclrti Cream. ,
rtitti h"mti'imti i'mvilir ivflt hue Itimmiuti ohhlcumelumus
i-I r i i ii- ' mu t I ogV i'i ri ii lou-i , F'i-et'ki t's or Cimnim-
jutimg. /i hirul'I' : , ' ' If , m4tIiIteiomsL trim' 3
' - , , 'tti' 1154' mtmuiil"mI ( or 20 t't'umtmi. .101 iN II.
\Vtiti0i : t ' it I' . m : . ( sIi.ti lit. , New York.
; q uwwi si 3 TImle grcuiVcgultuble
. . Vlttuilzerttto piewrtu. .
- . lion 01 a iauztouiyteuuctm i'O'ticiuitvhIi quickly : ' of cli tier.
- * - % 'utiS Or dt.u.-mt'tea of ( hi' gttlttitii'O ( 'rcmttv , turo1'ou ' ' ,
' 2 musonmuma , 1'uili 1mm ( itt ibick , htiniuial , i'uiim .ini. , 'm' rvtus iii hit ity
: i ( f1 ; l'tmpics , UrmUitms5 (0 JIttery , i.iIittUtIutg Prstmis , 'aricot'cI , sit1
j ; CoulTtofl. , I I titom' mtil lubSe" . hi ilay or ulgtit. , i't'vtuitis ilmit'lt.
mice. o d'et&arge , whleb U utociii't'Ct"i lmgts , ii , bIrrmmmtdonnImma.m and
at i time iiorrcr'i , ( , t I nTmIoiemm ( ' ) ' . -I (15' 5 ) t % 1 cieimd5 Ituuhiyer , tIu
E C ro n E : r.o it rr ii hfdneyaund thu itrimuary irgzu'ei tuIIznpUniIiei.
( tIll , ; r"s . 'trongtht-flmm and reptorea pirtumi weak to
'i'hti rt'tt'cult , , ttfhrprale mint cmmrch , by jIteinm , hi b'emiust. ruint-ty Per mont ceo trotible , ! with
L'retaiiI' . ( 'Ul'Iir4 m is Ilun emily blown - , 10 caura wimitout tot iij.ttuttuit , IA ) t-euimouui-
st , A written gut.ntmtm.-'glverm imi mntney rt'iiunieit I six I'x"s ( ! , . ' 4 ; tu4 cWei. a vermaurut cure.
2.U0 a boC , 5hl Fur .VJ. by umr.tli , 14t'm'd fur yumam' : circuluir anti mntiumtuuxtLuiu.
AtiiIr33 JAV)2- L'D2C1t r : io. , I' , 0. 1101 a'io , than Yuuutciu.c'o. Cal , lbs hztr lmi
l V 161(5-I ) I . , ( ) 1)11 CO CC. , i , D , ( ) t.i , I Of Ii ttiI ictirnul tti. Oiumulii $ .
= = =
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - -