Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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iIrcn ntter tIio ttpenttthe tot Itlia flaleigh
ntid ton ord
4' comraron of the hIris shown that the
ih mnLh the tir.cror to Uthtr ot the
tto AmerIcan vesseI , nnd In tonnage was
nImost ni argo as the 1taIoIh ani Concord
togethr. From lhI It Is thterred thaL thu
: retlrement or tt Irene as from rnotIve
'of ' gnernI poflcy. rather than from any .fla- .
ottIon to try eonlutona with the two
'American f4hIp.
The Irene Ia a protected cruiser , built of
rateI. with three crow. two bonds nnd
ttwo mlfltnry maata , 4,400 tons. Its pro.
tcter Ieck Is of ste1 , three Inches thick ,
PIts armoment , conststs of twenty-four G inth
guns , cIiit 1O.pounders , four torictlo tubc ,
arni ont' torpcdo vedetto boat.
The Ithicigh has a protcateti tieck of one
! nnd a ( luarter inches thickness and the
Coticor4 i protectel steel deck of one anI a
Ihnlf Inches , Together the two American
boats have about forty 6.inch guns , four
gatilng ; uns , eight torpedo tute. In
'armor ' the German ship was much stronger
'thati ' the Americans , hut in gnn the Amert-
can. hats the ntvantngo in number and gen-
'cral elfectivenes
In general there appears to 1)e no tlIpo-
talUon to look upon the action of the Irene
tas a menace which will require explalaIion.
) It was thought at first that this first out-
'warI show of force on the Part of the 'Jer-
mnn 5)111)9 ) ) might Iea(1 ( to nil inquiry by this
igoverument as to the purposes of ( Icruiiiy.
Thus far , however there Is no ilispositioii to
imako such inquiry , or to attach atreutmus
Ilinport to the Incident.
11'i rst Cgi'i I ry I.stve" C1 * Ic ii Hi ii ii gn
fir litni , - % ' , * * ' ' Ut
' 1'itrgtt I'rie Ice.
( CI1ICKAMAUG. I'AItIC. July i3.-The
IFirat Ohio cavalry broke camp at an early
Ihour thia morning and started m Its jour-
mey to Tampa. The regiment ntarchetl nine
Imiles to ltlnggold , wherc trains were
Ihoarded. MI the atirpitis baggage , tents ,
etc. , of the regiment had been moved vreri-
.ously and the work of leading today re-
iquired but a short time. Six trains were
irequired to move the command. No moving
nrdcrs ifor other i-egltneJit have yet been
) Ncarly all the rogimunts In the park are
mow workIng , several hours each day On
( target : practlce.A number ot ranges have
Theen testnblished and each command ts at-
IowcI , iso much tIme at One of them. The
( target IPractico Is ut regular part ot the
idcpartrnent ork und this mo3t iniportant
Uenturo , whIch at first seemed to be 'over-
hooked , Is being given proper attention.
) Ir. tT. ( C. IcCIove has been placed 'in '
ccliargo cot ttho headquarters hospital , reflex-
lng iMajor .Thomas C. Kimball , who Is a -
signed tto go yltli the Third corps , Dr.
? dcCIeavo us UL icontract surgeoi from
; Bcrkcy , CaI. Ills father is retired
jnrmy ofllcer atiti he has two brothers who
tare now on 'the ' active list of the army.
: JotinW. . ( Guttman , company M , Thirt ) -
t lllrst Michigan volunteer infantry , dicti at
ktho Read Ihouso In Chattanooga this morn-
flog of typhoid malaria after an Iliness of
UOfllO WceIcs' dtiration. The rentains voio
' tECnt to his iformer home , Monroe , MIch. , for
t iovernor 'John R. 'Tanner ot illinois aii't
in ot estate ( olflccri4 arrived t1118 morn-
ling. tanfl ireported tat itho headquarters of
( Gcnciti flrno1tc. 'The governor was accom-
iiatlIed lIiy ( the ifillowlng party : J. A. 1.oc ,
lscictiuy ( at iatat ; James McCullough , itate
taucltI.ot ; ; .t. TX. . 'FLtllUCI. Ibrother , of the got'-
(01110 ? ntIIt VtI'L1C1I tot ( tile state Ienitcllttary ) ;
. 'Jutlgo Riicrt-i (0 ! ( Cairo , S'nator Littler of
tpIIlnlliitt tatijiiiIiutn iNalloy of Spring.
iflcld. .ftee iniecting General Brooke the
Illarty SVCflt t ( ) tth ( ' camps ot the lilinoh reg-
IilflClltS , 'Whelp ItlicyVClO reccIvetI with
ITUtICII CttltllaIlC1t1 ( thy the omccrs and non.
iCommnnding offlcel H are beginning to en-
iforco diciplino more rigidly , tb main of-
ifcno being absence williotit leave anil
islceplng while on dtity , the letter of which
1s now to b punished most aeverely. Pri-
yatoVatvrhouse , Company E , Fourteenth
Ilnncota , wa. convicteit today of having
ibeen asleep on duty and 'yes sciltonce,1 , to
thrro ir.onths' lat)01 ) and to pay a. fine of
2O. W. II. W'liitchorn , Company C , Sixth
tOlilo , wus scntciicett fer th Caine offense
ito roy a 11110 of $ O and deprtve1 of nh
, . prlvllcgcs for a period of 1wo months.
The exemplary llcntcnccs are having a do-
cidcdly bcncilcial cftcct on the voiuntccrs ,
who tare ! bcgiilning to realize what war
Paeans.bellcu viItIiout leave is punishcd
fl ) ) a fitip cif f'oiti 2 Ito $1O 1and ( rain one
Ito tthflQCte.tZict : ; itti UIV gjtard house , owillg
Ito ttil i2tt.PjkV ithe iu1wisu
.J.Utt& ' NtOUI1tflt ( O It1kj UfltI2IJ Statea dis.
ttrIijj , Qtltj. fii tIk' 11ti1OJ1U , diatrlct or
oIih ttitey U1I&t1O1I Lfl &dmiiee 1grauting thie
ttjIhU t Ah : . 1tuU Mta. \Wulhace of
ljin. : ' , , 'h tfpr tthc lJjiisu of their
; . &ot ; , \ ' . . ' . 'tIlle ( ; , g 51(111Cc , ifiotli Corn.
PLUlT 'iMirtIL 'MtaUtlJtl5gttl , witli which
tp flhjlLiCI 'vtthpttJ ; thie coilsoitt Of Ills
IUClCt. ) 'h1j :3Ottl1 : 111(1111 ( w1hI ho sent Iioiiie
.Adjill in I Stt't'rs - : ; : ; ; ; - Cu rlgeIIul 111141
Iilgiigcs lit Coii.tant ( .uii
i'tCtlC4' .
( Copyright. S9S , by PreHs I'ubhishiing Co. )
.CIIItALTAR , Spain , July 13.-Now ( York
' , Vorld Cublegrant-Speclal Tolcgranl-A )
6teanter just arrived froiti the Mediterranean
: repOrtn having sighted AdmIral Carnara's
1aqunilron steering In the direction of Car.
titgona. Ctin practice was constantly car-
: rie(1 ( LOll 011 board the war hIps as hong as
thcy wer iii sight.
1) ii II4IMO II H .1 Cnrrsi I. ZU $41 II.
MONThlflAh , July 13.-Messrs. Dii Bose
antI Carranza sailed today cii the Dominion
hine steamer Ottoman , With them went a
petty otitcer and two sailors of the steamer
: Pnnminma , cuIturcd at the beginning of the
var , 'These are the men who nccommtpanic
Camrmnza , on a schooner on hIs recent mnys.
tcrhous trli , Currnnza htatt his bearil shaved
p.ff , tkpj L' ' iI boa WithI a false beard.
Th 'i"9 ' IIppVa SlQtJ3arIlia.-
/ WpisJpyfii CWo ,
"d viIi.i bjg tB a Jargm niurbie
vp .i.midermytonpp. . IJiyalcIans said ii
vpmi4rapppjrnt pWpr OUI must ho
P9. ' 1 fcJuW ) nOtstaIIU It ,
iMi B pvrIn ai , bcgami p tak9 my
tay.Qrpprjng jpzilo , Ilood'p Barlaparlhltt.
d creased and filIally
jsappearod , I fmyp had no alga of It c -
.uru , 1 am glad to pralso tlood'a 2arcapr.-
) riiJa. ' . ' MRS. II , M. Cpnpnr , 8 UnIon St ,
: IMwhl , Ma58 , Get IIOOI'S ,
- - - - -
" Hood ; s Pills cure ieh ! Iedacbe , c.
* The Omaha Bee
I Map ot Cuha Coupon
I Present this Coupon with
a lOcfor
4 A Map orcuba. A
A Map ortho West Indies. A
, ' And a Nap of the World ,
I By MUll 11 CelitS.
gp . . '
i1 US BY TIlE : S\VO1U \ ) '
Gnera1 Toral's ' Rofua1 to Surrender Moans
nghting is Near4
eieral Slinfler Iln Ii Is Artil MO
I'll'Cll flint Ito % 'ihI hestroy
flerlIiing in l'ruflt lit it
S'II-II .t4.l illil Ilegi us.
OFF JUflADU , July 12.-Via ( Kingston ,
Jamaica , July 13)-All ) the negotiations for
a pcncfuI surrender of Santiago do Cuba
ended in titter failure today and the city
must fall by the sword.
Cenetni Torah , the Spanish commander ,
has flnally and definitely refused to accept
Shafter's priposat for an unconditional stir-
render , anti the American army now only
atvnlts the word of its enern1 to begin the
final struggle.
Just when the attack will begin dependS
on ( lie time whilehi will ensUe before Ocn
cml Randolph can hand his batteries , as it
is deflnitcly settled that the forward mitove-
titent vIli not begin until ( lie army is fully
backed up by thte hili ; guns time absence of
which cost so many hIves during the previous
engagement. General htnndolphi's movement
began early ( lila morning ann tonight , out
of ten batteries but one of four gulis himtut
succeeded In making its way over the ni-
Inost iriipassabhe ( roil to the trenches at the
front. Thin , with the four batteries there ,
is not considered by the Amerleaut comnmnn-
der as suilIclcnt and probably twenty-fotir
hours more will elapse beforu the general
engagement begins.
General ShaRer's second and last Ir-
posah to surrender was sent info Santiago at
noon yesterday. It vent in the form of a
terse not In whilchi ( lie general irninted out
( lie hopelessness of the Spaimisli Position ,
surrounded by the American troops and
cut of ! from reinforcements.
Iriuciuiuul It l4uuil Siui'rentler.
Unconditiona1 nurrender , it. was declared ,
was the only terms lo be considered and
only prompt acceptance of these tcrnis cant' ' !
save the Spanish forces and Innocent citi-
zcns from awful slaughter. The firing ,
which has been goIng on at Intervals slitce
Sunday afternoon , was ordered stopped
when the hag of truce started for the Span-
Ishi lilies and has not been rcsumnel since.
No attention was paid to General Shafter's
communication until shortly after S o'clock
this morning , whemi a reply came tinder a
flog of truce. General Toral was as brief
as his foe , saying in effect that if the Amer.
leans wanted Santiago they would have to
come and get It. lIe declared imconditlonah
surrender to be entirely beyond reason and
liosslbihity and expressed himself as ready
to alert an attack at any time the nrading
army saw fit to niako one.
General Sliafter accepted the .nswer as
final and although iio firing was ordered , tie
at once began preparations for the coming
struggle. General Itandohph's ten light
batteries were ordered Tushed from the
landing ilaCo at Juragua and a change in
thin utica was made. General Lawton's entire -
tire dIvisIon \VItS moved to the northward
IL utile and a half , lila extreme right being
Placed at Calmanes on the border of tue
harbor. This niovcnient places the Anicil-
can forces in a semi-cIrcle entirely surrounding -
rounding Santiago and cutting off ( lie ic-
treat of the Spaniards except by water , as
our flanks rest at the water's edge. The
late arrivals of volunteers were moved up
from Juragua and the First Illinois , Eighth
Ohio and First District of Columbia were
located iii the trenches vacated by Lawtons
men. limes' battery was swung around to
the north , closely connecting with Lawton's
forces and now occupies a bluff from which
It can fire directly Into the heart of the
city. This Is a most important move , as It
enables the American forcem to shell the
city without injuring the hospitals and
ltublle buildings , which arc flying the Red
Cross flag , the present Position being such
( lint shells can be thrown over alt the
buildings , thus lrotected from assault.
The little town of Calmanes was
evacuated by the Spanish troops yesterday
and is now occupied by ( ho Cuban troops
with a few companies of regulars.
Siluiishi iuiItt ii liluuuiultr.
Its occupation is most important to the
American forces , as it completes the semicIrcle -
cIrcle from vatei line to water line and
hems ( tic city in. It was a great blunder -
der on the part of the Spanish to desert
tile place without a struggle , as with it.
General Lawton ilanks ( heat completely.
Near ( his point tim Spanish left lies
and this flunk has been known to be ( ho
weakest portIon of their hines. During the
week's truce they have been strengthen-
lag it. But their entreuchnients at this
point have been constructed raggedly and
apparently without delliiio plan. General
Lawton anticipates little difilcuity in driv-
Inc ( lie Svanlards ( rein their iositions.
Under the present plans the Amcricar1
army anti navy will begin ( ho attack r-t
thu same time. The fleet wIll hurt slie'Js '
into the city , while the great coil of Am r-
lean soldiery will gradually tighten at
tIme Spaniards , the dIvIsions alvan cing
front all along the line. As the semi-circle
narrows the batteries iii tIme rear will 'itain.
taiii a heavy lire. TIme AmerIcan tflcers
tech comilutlent the city can stand ( hi only
It. short time.
limes' battery tlid sonio firing y esterday
at ( lie north end of ( tie city nnj at Ute
trenches. The shrapnel seemed to hnve lit.
the effect on the Spaniards in tue
trenches aim ! ipparently did ltttlc damn-
General Miles went to the frorst today and
probably will remain there ( lie Ereater part
of tomorrow , lie went ashier a early this
morning and telephoned to ( itmeral Shafter.
The latter advised him not to start up until
later as ( hit , roads were In a Irlghtful rca-
dltion from the railis anht bajiy blocked by
supply traus. !
The geiiernl waited until noon anti tln'n
set out accomnpaiiied by Trmp A of the See-
oiiii cavalry , ( lie only 'ititmmtte'i ' troop of
General Shatter's anny. It vas raining lioav-
ily when time start ns made , Tile getioral
t.LiK attIred In a long bUtek inackiiutoahm aiid
wore rubber riding boo.s anti a black slouch
hat ornamented with a uurrov tlt cord. It
wits ithinost dark is'Iin be reached ( lie font ,
lists 4I Ctuiuiliiiiut In iIuiltt' .
To a correspondint of the AsnetQh :
Press lie said : " 1 ' .savt' not caine io n here
to take comnniantl , anti shall probn"hy re-
ilillin but a ( ow days. It is too hat to make
any changes iii the plans , if I desired to
do so. But I hive no conipialut to make.
Things scent to be movIng in go'i shape.
I liiteini to lool' . over our lines and pohthons ,
hut I will not jnterfertt with the comitlitet of
the campaign. This Is likely to be ho oiily
trip I shall tanke to the tiont. ' '
Goimeral M lea was flinch interesteil in the
war mauiisaid information regarding the
trails and ( bit chances of getting urtillery
to the frovt. , his Journey was a trying one ,
owing to The rain and muil , the hatter being
up to th horses' kmiees in places.
'rho iit two da"s have been the vorst
of the campaign so tar a the weather
% vau Ciiiceriietl and fierce tropical storms
bavu been frequent , with au almost
vtflhiijttous downpour uf rain. Thi rifle pits
unit tituehes have been ilooded nad last
ilgat few unemi iti tile besieging army were
ali'.e to sleep owItig to the amount of water.
A'ready the hardships have buemi greatly
lucreaseti iitid much illness is likely to ic-
iult , nit no shelter is posiblo.
Thu trail to th front is in frIghtful
shape. The streams and fonis are ewoilsu
I anti the soft soil is cut into alniost linpasa.
. ,
he shape 1 the sipply wngoas 'One 'of
General Itandolph light bathries a
ft whole tiny getting to the front The rain
is c omlng down in torrents today and a
thunderstorm is raging along the coast If
( lie storm contlauca it Is likely to delay
Troops from the Yale and St. Paul have
hem landing all ( ha ) ' and have been going
into Camp wet and miserablo. It has beeii
a bitter experience for the rat' trooPs , but
they will be pushed tight on to the front
tomorrow , The beach tonight is dotted
wihi the spluttering campfirei of the new
arrivals , The men ore clustering about the
feeble flames in misery , most of them without -
out the shlghtejt shehtet.
The fleet was inactive all tiny. The
lircokhyn occupied a positIon about five
ini1et omit and the remainder were strung
along the ast. The s' York lay near
Juragun nearly alt day.
Admiral Sampson ant ! General Miles were
in communicatIon frequently during the day.
A conference of the two conimandere oc-
curre,1 later , the nature of wbkh is not
known , but it is supposed to relate ( a a
combined attack on Santiago.
Several of our shIps , including the Newark -
ark , with Coniniodoro Watson on board ,
silent ( ho day coaling at cluantanarno bay.
( , ihutui oituulltirls Of Situ-
I Ingti Iitirneui for Situ I-
I III' ltcitsuui ,
( Copyright , ISiS , byssociated I'ress. )
OlF JIMtAGUACITO , July 12.-Via ( Kingston -
ston , Jamaica , July 13.-The ) miserable little
town of Juraguacito ( Siboney ) lies in nhics
tonight. It was burned under the orders of
( lie army health authorities. 'tlmost every
building of the fifty which straggled along
the Irregular bhuff was set fire to durIng the
day and tIme Cuban inhabitants have bit
to ( lie caves iii the overhanging hillside for
shelter. The action was taken at the urgent
request of Major Legaro of the hospital corps
and served the joint purpose of rIdding the
camnh ) of the unhealthy buildings nuid thriving
away scores of Cuban followers , whose pros-
cnce was a serious inconvenience to the lies-
pital workers. The burnIng of the houses
also extended along the trail to the front ,
and numerous lhockbouses vcro destroyed ,
together with dwellings.
The action \VIIS decided on last night. The
building which served as division headquar-
( era during the early days of the Imitating ,
anti later as a postomee , was set fire to ,
This building was one of the most Imposing
in the city , with its long broad verandas and
velh built stoop , and as the flames burst
from ( lie windows and snpt over the roe t
the Cuban dwellers in the aoiglibor1r ,
houses bcgaui to run for safety. They wujre
assisted by a detachment of soldiers iii removing -
moving their effects atiti the buildings 'a. ' ic
set fire to as rapidly as vacated.
The old wooden structures ordinrrhly
would have burned like tinder , but the heavy
raimis made the flauiies slow in spatiIng.
TIle burning dwelling houses filled I camp
itli stifling black smoke , which
Ible for iiiilcs. In spite of tIme l'.rotestmt of
( lie enraged Cubans the work of ilustruetiomi
proceeded steadily all day. The building in
which telegraph anti field teherjtnc olnees
ivcre located shared the eomnmo fate , The
work was not completed until , after dark ,
iiea the torch wns applied to ' , hie last bulhd-
lug of ( ho town. The debris will be cleared
away as rapidly as possible nntl many new
tents will he pItched on new ies ,
it Is Iteiortetl litA tCulIitetI it ) 1(111
lliiiiseif " % % 'hut'ui i1t lienril of
Ccrvern'H ! 5)IMuiMter.
KEY W'EST , Fin , July 13.-According to
advices received trcan havana today , ( by-
crnor General Bian o threatened to commit
suicide when lie lc'jrneti that Cerycra's fleet
was annil'tlhaed.
Long before th gallant dash out of Santiago -
tiago all hJawnnr had boasted of Cervera's
abIlity to outwi.t the Americans and whemi
misleading ( tiSfltCheS gave ( ho impression
( hat ho had Cititled the American fleet the
ulemonstratlor4s of Joy in havana partook of
tint nature ct a festival.
When the. news of the ( lefeat caine out
It was dis.rei1itcI until final confirmation
( reIn Matir'11i left no room for hope. Gioomii
set on the , city and every public and private
building was covered with crepe.
illanco , was in tile palace when the In-
telligen cc reached him and he became at-
most lxenzletl. lie was closeted with his
staff Lad General Arolas of the Spanish
forces , discussing time hewS , when he made
( lie attempt on hits life. After a struggle
he subdued , but the shock was so sever -
ver a ( lint lie was prostrateth and ho was
coailChhei to keep to his bed for several
druys , When tie arose lila fIrst artier was
( ii prohibit any food suhiplies leaving liii-
'r.xnn for interior towns.
Seventh Sohul icis a ilti a Cliii tutu I ii flu-
g'tIgc iii ii lt.ii ututit Are
Con rt-i it i-i liii cii.
WAShINGTON , July 13.-Brigadier Con-
oral Goblu , conimamiding ( lie Third brigade
at Camp Alger , today received orders o
transfer his brigade to the Critteaden farm ,
near Dunn Loring , Va. One regiment has
left camp and the tito others will probably
niovo tomorrow.
A mmtmnibcr of Tennessee macn are not on
active duty. Rev. E. S. Ilairis is uniter
ariest , charged withi drunkenness , willful
tlestrtmction of private property and conduct
prejudIcial to discipline. It is said he par-
tichpatc.l in a disgraceful disturbance iii a
' \Vashington \ hotel recently.
l'rlvate Aimdersoii , after the row at the
hotel , returned to cami , and attacked ses-
oral ierson. Sergeant Cattrelh kimockeil out
several of iuitlemson's teeth with a knife
aiiii both are under arrest.
Court today tried Alfred St. James , Sixty-
fifth Now York , charged with being drunk
amid disorderly , amid Lieutenant flviiis ,
Twenty-seconti ICamistis , chargeth % itli a situ. .
liar offense A tItled court-martial i ill be
aplaIntcd tomorrow.
( rid It' 'N Iteuuini ii , ' , II citehu IIuuti ,
ERIE , l'a. , July 13.-'rlio remains of the
hate Captain Gridley arrived iii the ciy ( thus
morning anti ere at once turned over to
thic fatally , vithi no urmnomisrntton. ( The
( umi'rei vilh ho held tonight at stinset anti
will be largely attetudeil. flusimmess houses
closed this afternuon nod flags are at halt-
It is .tuuuiuiiiitt'iui tutu liii' 'I'iuird lijt. _
thitloii to ihuuiulizu 'VhiJ Get
.iinm , ( ill I' ; ,
SAN FItANC1SCOJuiy 13.-Everything Is
iii loattimiemis at army lm'adquartcr. for the
dt'pmii'tuj of the Peru amid i'ut'bla miot
Fritlay Cmiii ( lie trcop era simpiy ailing
the documentary instructions as to the
garrisofl at flonolulu and ( or imistiuctions
mu to the annexation prograiii.
Major General Oils amid staff tiilh send all
their baggage n the Peru tomorrow and
will In all prubablhltivi go on boaril tomorrow -
morrow night.
The troops for time l'cru amuti City of Vue.
bin lavc beca oibcrcd to break camp at
S o'clock 'tonuorrow nuorimimig , antI there 14
nothing Indicating flint the vcehs will eat
sot call FriIay.
The sailing of the littli oxpothition , coma-
prl&Iiig tli St. I'aul , tile tie Jamisimo nni
l'eunsylvanla , 'Is fixed fo July 23. it I
oxpcetoj ( lint nearly 1,000 trr.opi will stil
on theo shIps a-nil they mnuiy bi the last
to go , In Iew of the mce hndicatIon ,
! coiiitis iiovis iiii
Lieutenant Waasell of the Twonty-Scbiid
Brings the Sad Truth ,
1k' is Ilchli'vt'ul ii ) lie Ilir flul. 4)in-
ViU ) lnos's lixnetly 1(4 i' ' or
W'iieit liillrnc Oiiltta'r
% zt IClilcil ,
ATLANTA , Ga. , July i3.-R'c ' ariling the
theath of Colonel Wikoft of Uie Twenty-
second , whose borne is at Eo on , Pa. , and
of which some doubt was fltta'Thctl , Lienten-
ant Wassehi of time Tweflty.Iccofld , who Is
at ( he hospital at 11'ort said
today : "Colonel Wikoff 1ir been dead at
least . twci 0 hours vlicn itjuntl , hlis batty in the dense wood i nil nobody , with
perhaps ( hue exception of flottirnes , a baud.
nina , knows Just how hr met his death.
don't know where the ' , andmnmi is. "
All thue wounded at Fort 2ticl'hiorson nrc
doing well , with ( ho exception of Captain
lilgelow , Tenth cavah'y , who , In addition
to the seriousness of his wounds , is coat-
bating a hIgh feve. Ito has it gunshot
wound in ( lie thlg and calf of the leg ,
0110 finger of the /eft / band is oh ! and hIs
right shaulder hi , ffle was chipped by a
Spanish bullet.
Captain A. 0. Dilcat , Twenty-fourth infantry -
fantry , is inipro ving rapidly. tIc was shot
through ( lie liii gh , Ito and his second alIt-
cer , Lietitenan Lyon , expect to start for
Salt Lake ( oi'aorroiv umighit.
LIeutenant v. iiVassehi of Pittsburg ,
I'a. , hopes ti get away from the hospital
by ( ho oath of ( ho week. While usIng his
glasses , prune on his stomach , in ( lie first
tiny's ihgIut.lmug betoro Santiago , Lieutenant
\Vasschl 'dis struck by a bullet , which entered -
terod his little finger and , passing through
hIs hiniir'j , struck his teeth , puncturing the
jaw au d coIning out of the small of lila
back. : Ilis escape train death was mniracu-
Lie' .iteaant George , T. Godfrey , Twenty-
itOCO'jj infantry , of New 'York , vouiided in
the head , Is entirely out of damugor.
I 4eUteiuant Perkins , Eighth Infantry , and
Li outenant Sahzman , First cavalry , stiffer-
irg tram the effects of the heat , ale liii-
1roving raliidiy.
IIltidi'etlB of telegrams have been receiveil
tlurtng the last two days fronu itlI parts of
the country making inquiries as to ( ho con-
thibon of the mcmi. Time hospital authorities
tihlingly replied to them , but were emnbai-
rassed regarding mmmi aipropriation for rove.
'anti stanups until informned by ( tie telegraph
conupaiuy ( lint it wauhti furiiish stamps for
all messages of that character.
Licuiti.uiittui r'oI.uit'l Pitt tersouu a nil
( jul ibtuiiii , hcuii' of time 'i'svt.ut'y-
Set'oiiut it t Old t'u iii t ( , 'oiuufori ,
\VASUINGTON , July 13.-'rho following
is a list of ( tic sick anti wounded who arrived -
rived today on the Ohivette at Old Point
OLD POINT COMFORT , Va. , July 13.-
To ituhJut.unt ( bcncmiI UniLcit States
A cm y , \\ar I ) en' ttnn ii I , 'iVaslilu u.n on : lIe-
quest that the following wounded anti sick
ofitcers be ordered to their homes until such
time as they many be itt for duty and Major
Nancreti' , it ortlcred to report (0 the \Var
departnuc'nt for conference with ( lie mur-
geon gert'ral'
Lieueimant Colonel \Vorth , Thirteenth ut-
fantry ; Litutemnimt , , Colonel Liuucomb , Twen-
tiehi Inf.intry ; Lieutenant i'olomuel Patter-
soIl , Twenty-second infantry ; Major La-
moth , surgeon First 'volunteer cavalry ;
Captain Jones , Tweay-secau'l infatitry :
Captain ' Viie ( Tenth '
an , Infamitmy' Captain
Moon , Twentieth infantry ; Captain Ed-
wart ! ' , , 1'weny-ihfh ( infantry : Cuipain (
Gittluric , Thirteenth I n faotry : CaptaIn
Wondbury Sixteenth infantry ; Captain
Walker , Sixth infantry ; Liatitcimamit Antkr-
soil , NInth Infantry ; Lieutemiaiits Dove ,
Twelfth infantry ; Georicy , Sixteenth infantry -
fantry ; Martin , First infantry ; \Villard ,
Tenth cavalry ; Malone , Thirteenth Infa'i-
try Hammond. Ninth infantry.
Also transportation' for 203 enlisted men
(0 such 110111(5 as many be designated. Ito-
quest immediate action ,
Major and Chief Surgeon , Third Division ,
Secotid Army Corps.
Such of tim waumitied officers and inca as
mire not able to travel will remain at Fortress -
ress Monroe. Those only slightly wounded
or suffering from light attacks of sickness -
ness will be locateh iii tIme tent hospitals
tliicli have been established at ( hunt place ,
but tboo more seriously injured and those
whose conditions require that they be kept
indoors wIll be establIshed in ( Ito Hygela
hospital at F'orress Momiroo at a iixcd tate ,
to liii iIetealncd by time govermimiment. Jhiis
applies alike ii ) oflicors and to enlisted muon.
At' * i vi ty or ( ouisuhiur .t it'uut s Contril-
uli to 'h'luiH Euual ,
WAShINGTON , July 13-Tho success attending -
tending 'the attempt to block the entIre
coast of Cuba Is gratifying to lie govern.
macnt. It lit said that since the presidemit's
second crder extending the blockading lines
no substantial aId iii the matter of food or
war supphlcs he reached 'the Spanish forces
In Cuba.
In aomno measure this is chargeable to the
energetic effors ( f the UnIted States eon-
sulnr Ulllcers abroad to prevent the depar-
' ( ho of expeditions for 'the relIef of the
blocliadeti cities.
The macn at'ora Crtmz , for instance , have
been particularly active and have succeeded
1mm holding ill ) tb.o Montevideo4 loading there
with stipplita. They vertt not. tjtiito clear
as to the detinaton of ( ho boat and 'they '
liavo appealed to 'the Mexican authorities
to invesigato ( ts character antI if it i
( otliutI It propo3ea 'to violate the neutrality
laws to lrcvent its departure.
The 'essel Iii armed anti will prove au
ugly customer for soitie of our smaller
blockading craft.
I I is ii ltt'iIutel tuei uuut'n ( iuuutI lenis
'i thu ( lit' Luu usii ii of Gt'iueriui
Siunfler's .truui' ,
WAShINGTON , July 13.-The Navy do-
lartrnczmt today uosteci time following macni-
oranda of infornuation receiveth ( roni ( itt-
mliii I giiiim 1)5011
SANTIAGO , June 27-The landing of the
arumy S'it4 L'Oiiultietett yesterday aiternoon ,
all having liecim diseiibitki'd. with the titi-
ihition of 2.'J78 of Gcmucmnl ( iaicln'e forces.
Large litmauttiIcs of stores have also been
disenibtrketl : mumul a base established. Osti-
erat .Shiatter tins bceii most kind in his
recognition of ( tie aid attortied by thai fleet.
All our boats , wIth severah hundred oiiicers
niuti mcii , assiuted during this uteliod in time
i ork.
ti'emierah Shafter iii his ( elegranu to tIme
\'nr dcpiirtmneiit states that I ti ruth given
him by the navy tuas emuhmtimtlustte ( , and also
that , ho thinks hi coulti not have effectd
( lie liunthiimg without its nit ! in tell ihays , If
at all. Stab a tlisciutbarliatlon In the fitce
of thu enemy and upon a siirf.bound coast
of thu diameter of this muuit be rcgauded
as a successful hieCO of work , anti I desire
tt , iumu'.uo mention of thu ability thispluyetl by
Captain Goctricli and the otficers detaileil
to assist hInt amid of the zeal anti chictirlul-
11055 with which ( lie mcmi diii their work.
Time Vale hits arrived with 1,300 ( reaps
and these are now being debmurkod at Si-
'rIme voaola of this squadron are imow
itatrelllng a coast line of nearly 2,000 umliles ,
a itmie rsattimin oxtclit than that patrolled
by dO ships during the civil war antI ommu
in nany rtispuets offerimi gmeater diflicul-
.tlmuIenrnhlC 'Of $ tIIIICOhI' ( 'n''I ut
te er at San I inguu ( 'nuiing
Much ttueuisiuu'u ,
\\'ASIIINGTON , July 13.-A sptc4nl niee-t-
leg of the c'sbitietas ( 'hlNt for today.
The war conference with Iecrtaries Iay ,
Alger niuul bong anti Adnuiral Sheard antI
CaPtain Mahnn partic1pting , hiss been in
continuous cession all torcaoon. Alt inupor-
( ant. dispatches are being emusidered ,
Secretary Alger left the cablmiet roam at
12:15 : to file a nunuber of tlispmttchmcs anti
then returned to the conference. lie salti
lie had no lilea when ( lie petomu would coil
nail dechineti to state slmat , if atty , miews had
becim receIved front the front. Rumors of
the receipt of thisttiletiiig news froumu Ccii-
riot Mih cite ctiri'eiit nimil a fcelliuu of
depressIon seems to itervathe the \Vblto
All the cabinet nucmbcra have arriveti iii
response to the president's sununmens , t'X-
crpt Secretary lhlis. l'ostnmastem' (1enrnl
Emory Smith arrived at 12:2 : o"lock.
Later it wa definitely healned that the
thi8iuatcii laid before the war board anti
( ho special cabinet meeting related to the
aPPearance of fever , which it Is fearo I
might prove to be ( lie dreaded yellow fever ,
among our forces before Sniutingo. It WOS
leamnetI that time utitimatton among ( lie troops
tefOio Santiago Is that there are fourteeui
suspicIous cases of fever amoimg the cat-
ployes of tue ( luaricrinniter's department
o tIme Aimmericami ariuiy l'cntling the deter-
intimation of the exact character at the fever
these men have been isolateti In the valley
hear Slbomucy and itlaceth tinder the care of
iiuimtmno doctors anti nurres , who had boOmi
Provided in natielpatiomu of just such an
emergeiicy us ( lie prcsert. Coollitenec is cx-
pl'esseil by the mmuctiical olflcers of the army
anti navy \Vashington in the ability of
Our surgeons to stamp out ( lie diseac.
It was micarly 2 o'clock when the war con-
fercneo at the \Vluito house broke imp. Mrnu-
bers of the cabinet , whemu questioned as to
( ho nurposo of the nuecting , said It iae
calleti to discuss tIme general situation cmi
Santiago , Several cablegrams hind boon received -
ceived from General Milet and ( bemieriul
Shatter , anti while they were luota t mill
alarming , they ahmoweil that the situation is
Umisaisfnctory. ( Sonie Cases suspected to be
yellow fever have appeared among our
troops , but they have beemi pronuply ( iso-
lateti ant ! It is not thought there is any
great tianger of the ihisease spreading. It
is believed 'that yellow ( over also prevails
to a slight extent in the city of Santiago.
Under thiee cIrcumstances the lresidcnt
asked for a coauerenco of the mcnuberi of
his cabinet anti the \Var board , with a view
to reachlmmg sonie conclusion as to whiat
should be done.
Gemioral Miles , iii a tolegramii , stated that.
the Spaniards hunv several times sent iii
Ilags of truce asking for recolisideratlon of
their terms ( or capitulation , but so far have
refused to consider unconditIonal surrender ,
which hail been demanded by General Shaf-
( or. It is known that the presldemit arid his
advisers have about comume to the cenclushomi
that the enemy has no intemitlon of acceding
(0 our lemma and ( limit the repeated hoIsting
of the flag of truce Is thone with ( he slmugle
ptmrposo of delaying a decisive engagement.
It Is believed that at. today's conference It
\i'as fully decIded orders Should be sent to
General Milc and General Shatter to make
a general assauit upon the eiieuuy's works
mis soomu as ( ito veattier permitted. it. is
understood that this assault. must necessarily -
sarily cost mnammy hIves and it seems equally
certain ( limit tim keep the men much longer
in ( lie trenches under present weather conditions -
ditions would bc almost as disasterotis to
our forces as a general engagement. It Is
also believed ( hat there wIll be no material
ehauugo In time clinuatic conditions anti that
( ho capture ( if Samitlago will end the campaign -
paign umutti ( he rainy season has umassed.
it Is hurestmmned that with ( lie fall of Santiago -
ago the army will be re-enubarked on transPorts -
Ports and soiut. to the Unitcd States , whore
the troops will reimiain untIl October or evCii
later before nuaking a general movement
alt I'orto Rico and Ilavamma , In the ineati-
time our fleets will maintaIn a strong blockade -
ado off all the important . Cuban IOrts amid
thus remitter their occupation much easier
than now.
It Is not thought that this phamu has beemi
fully 410C1letl impomi and later events mna )
liialce It advisable not to carry It. oUt , but
it Is lcnowii to have been under dlsetisslomi.
hieporht from the ( remit hosv ( limit tIme beet
off Smimmtiago Is ahnmot powerless to aid the
land forces In Its assault upon the city.
The guns of Moire , ft scents , cannot be
rcacheJ by our heavy artillery on account
of the elevation amid on account of ( lie
danger to our fleet fronu ( limit source it is
miot tiecincil advIsable to conie within effec-
tivt ) distance of tiiti city , aeven or eight
niiles beyond.
ltt'itri iii Vitsiu I uigitui hint 1)1 giouiimi is
litive I'rt'si'uu tt'tl I ii 1' Mmii tee Itu
i'resileitj tiehIuiit'- ,
W'ASIIINGTON , July 13.-The Star alleges
to be in a liosition to state authiot iuuttvciy
( lint an active exchange of views occumrretl
Monday and Tuesday hetwccii the thipiomiumihu
who are cndeavorlmig to arrive at a peace
tmnderatanduimg between the'ttl States
anti Spain.
It. also umuderstaiuls the Spanish govern-
macnt. is tvihiimmg to evacuate Cuba , if its ccl-
diem's are ahboweui to deport iii a nmamimmer
acceptable to an army which has qot been
tiefeateti , anti If the United gtatos i ready
(0 ( assume the Cuban debt.
Time greatest dIfficulty is with the question
of a war Indemnity , hut ( Ito solution of this
may perhaps be found in a proposui front a
syntlicato of American and Engllh hank-
era to repay the United States its war ox-
pemises lii twenty uniuuitis , takhmug iii rc-
turn the tobacco monopoly , and ( lie railway
conccssiomms iii Cuba and ( ha PhilippInes.
It is rimiiiorcih that if Spaimi will surrommder
Saimtiago wlthiout further bloodshed President -
dent McKinley , iii order to facihitato peace ,
may abaimdomu the attack on l'oro ( Rico ,
If ( lie lenthing Peace negotiations uttmc-
ceed ( lie qtmeeii regemit will appoint a
Moict cabiimct. to sign thu nrieles of pence.
'fhie Star adds that at ( tie last moment
it Icarus that Spain tins expressed its read-
incas to cede to Germany the Vizcaya
islainis , Samnar Leyt , Mondora amid Paragumi ,
lirovitled Germany will guarantee to Spain
lOStCSSiOfl of Minthauio and the Carolines ,
iii whIch case Spain will obamitlon Luzomi to
the Uuieil States ,
St nick J , iigiutuui Ii ) .
CASl'Flt , Wyo. , July 1l.-Spccial ( Tele.
grani.-George ) Quest , a fmeighmtc'r iii the
employ of iI. Turner , was ( ouiitl dead in
hits agomi today. lie was immitlouibtedly
struck by lightning yesterday.
l't'zir it , ' ' nltitltiu lii t.uuutt.'uumiiui ,
SAN FRANCISCO , July 13.-Feats of a
rc'elutmcmu iii uuiLii..a UI , nut io the
ltrevaieumt belief anioiig tIme ittItio that , if
eloeted to the lircbiuiency , Cahrcrmi , the
Itresent head of ( lie government , will jro.
datum L-isclf dictator lie became liresi-
dent on the uleath of BarrIos and now seeks
( lie alice for a six-years ' ( erma. ills strong-
c opponeuit is Jose Castihlo , who itt utimp-
poail to ho hackett by ( he army , in which
lie has tiorveth with tiistinctiomi. Time t'leu' -
( iou of Cabrera Iii expected , and In anticipa-
( loll of roubhu inuiny 4'iinericamms are return-
lag to thu. ' Ummiteul States amid are reinovhmig
their families cut of ( hit country.
.hiuIii * iiui' , hituin't Is i.mueiut'il ,
CliAutLOT'l'ES\'ILLE , Va. . July 13.--John
Henry Juiies , a negro , who critniimahiy cii-
iiumtiited Miis Julia hiototop on thu imbue
road micar hi3r home yesterday mnoiniag.
vii3 lynched iotluy two imulles ivest of that
cIty by un arnucil posse of 200 men.
Scs No Ra b ilopo for His Unfortflmto
( 'otiiti r' fln Paitli I ii time _ triuiy , but
( brent $ tuut'Ptiuuutut t''N Ouul
tetent lit Store
for It.
NEYOIIK. . July 13.-s special to the
l'ress from \'nahitmiton says : In mum inter-
Vioi' with a muombet' of it foreign legatinil
In Madrid , trammsmimitttetl to tIme represtmit-
atives of tIme snmiio eoiututry \VasluilifitOfl. .
Seiuor Castelar gives conue iiutcrestini ; in-
forimiatiomi about limo iuinev rohitics of SPain
amid mnalics several remutarkablc ; ureitictiomis
eomueerniiug the ( attire of Europe and
particularly France. 'I feel the disgrace of
Slmnimi as mitim Ii as titougim it hail [ alien cii
amy ovn itmdivkitmnl ImonsehiohL" Ito said. ' ' I
t.CCI ) for her , but vtthmotit a'miii. \\'hieii i
stood by ( lie corpse of ( 'amiovnti I autl lila
best frleiith was Angelhio , 'lto , iii killIng
hint , hind delivered hint from tIme over-
wimehmmiiuig thiagu'aces which hiatt fallen upoa
him. It nmay be ( lie same t tthi Spaitm.
"Slimtitm , " ho said , "will hover be aught
clso thaui a miiomumirchuy. "
lie repr'ate ( ho stnteniemmt tuade lmy luimmu
to Ruts orihn that liii' i evohiutiomm of 1SGII
ias ( lie last revoltitlomu Spntii would see.
that today ( ho mmiotiarchtcal form of gay-
ci muiuiciut , which recogiiiacti ( lie trectionm of
the 1r'ss antI ( Iii' Immthivithtmal liberties mutt
rights oflemeti all ( lie hieoPle could ttciiiuuiitl
nmmd It woniti ho foolish to tlremtiui 01' revolU-
'LIOii. "The Spaniards today , " lie goes on ,
"are maominicluir.ts. i\i ichelet tohti miuc' in ( ho
( hue of ( lie c'coiitl Fretichi relmublic there
were more peoiio in France who ltehievetl
iii ( ho empire tlumiim ( lucre were sumuiportors
of ( ho republic. Tue geimemal elcetioim In
Frnmieo indicate mutuchi the smiutie Icelimug today -
day , amid I believe in spite of the up-
tmnrent solidity of the Freimehi republic thmmtt
( limit great country vihl ho time theater of ii
great upheaval.
"It would be folly for Spaiti to enter Into
aumy migrecmncimt. with Gt'rniniiy regnidiiig her
easern iosseSSioiis. ) The ( bermumtiims would
readily interfere , but it rnulti ho to en-
hmauco their own greeth , anti not to old
Spain. TheIr imuterests In tImtmmila are
counter to ours.e can have commflttenee in
iiomie but ( bad , expect help ony Iromn
l'rovideimce. "
Speaking of lila recent attack emi that
queen regeimt in La Petite of Paris Scmior
Caumtchar saul ( ho ideas expresuietl by hun
in that article i'ero In accordance vith
others tlilch would follow. "Time abthientioii
of the queen regent mmow , " ho said , "is a
first necessity. I wanted to iminko sommio
personally comnplIiuientary observatiomis concerning -
cerning time queemt. regent in that article , for
apart from politics I have only the highest
osteemii for her , Inmt I did not because it
would have lessemicti time force of what I
liaui to say.
"Thero will be no early stilt for PCflCO
oh thin iiuurt of Spain , miotwlthstatmdummg Item'
miulstorttiuie , Tue licolile nrc heart anti soul
iii the var. Ilavamma anti ( lie lirinclpnl cities
in Cuba nra still iii our liosSessiomu. Mamuihit.
ham mint bcemi ( akemi fiora us mud tlm Penpie
believe In that mihtnry anti time ability of
Spain's genornis. 'rhiero Is ommly one out-
comiio to lie anticipated front tint war-tIme
crushhmmg , hiummuihiating dcfeat of Spain.
Vhiemi all else Immis gone , ileatli will tripe
aivay disgiace. "
Ilto'i ilS I"tit .iOItE Iilt'I'It'i'1'M ,
.tili It iouunl ( I tlieers'VI I i IiiA p u.i I at cii
fot' Uut'ii liuutter' tf A ri iiery.
WASI1INGTON , Juhy l3.-Thi act for the
better organization of ( lie hiatt of ( lie arrmuy
of ( hue United States , nplmrovci pril 6 ,
189S , provltlimig for tin enlisted stremigtim of
tIme army in tiimie of tvar , conalmmett a liro-
vIsion ' 'that tt'hiemi recruIted to their war
strength ( he president may add one second
lieutenant to each battery of artillery , such
otlico to be filled by appalntmncnt as pro-
scrlbed by hmiw. ' '
in accordance with ( ho authority conferred -
ferred 1) ) ) ' timlit statute the presitlemmt has
directed the increase of the comtmmiuissioned
strength of ( ito artillery service tmi ( lie juan-
ncr indicated.
This actiomm will result in ( lie muppnint-
macnt of an ntlthitiouiat secotuth hieimenamut to
each of time eighty-four batteries of artillery
and exanmlnations are imow in progress to
detcrmiuinu the selections. There are cauithi-
dates ( or these appointments largely in cx-
ccss of the lmrescribetl mitumtmber ntl tIme
competitIon is exceedingly strong. It itt exPected -
Pected that tIme cxamiumatiomms trill be , con-
clotted mind the results announced in a few
'IIiIsi 'WA'I'SON ' ' '
IS ON 'i'iifl , VAY.
Siuuiuluivd .1 Iit'gt' to Iin'ie I tuforiuuut I huh
ti , 'l'ltlM ifl'eL't.
MAIlthi ) , July 13-On leaving ( lie cabinet -
net councli tonight Ltcutenaiit Gemierni Car-
rca , mninIstvr of tvar , said there tras notit-
lug in the oillelal thispatchies to conllrumt ru-
mars ( lint Santiago the Cuba had caplttuinteil.
Captain Aunon , nuimmiater of marine , con-
brined ( ho report ( limit Counrimodore Watsomi's
sciuntiron Is now on route ( or Spain. lie
adthetl ( hint Admiral Caniara's fleet would
find a secure port.
Dulco Alniodovar do 1110 , nulmuister of foreign
affairs , reiterated time stiitc'mnemmt that tie no-
gatlatlons for pence have takeum place. lie
saul lihanco loud again trired Gemicrul Tcirul ,
cornimiander of the Spanish farces at SanG-
ago , to resist the Amnerlctins.
'i'lii' , . ( ' Set'uire l'iuic , ' .
WASHINGTON , July 13.-tSpeciai Telo-
grmtm.-Tlme ) ( ollotving wore today numpointed
taggers In ( lie Bureau of Ammimal Intlusry (
itt. I4O vcr itniluni each : Nebraska-Charles
S. Scraimton antI Edward hi. Bundy. Iowa-
\v , \\'lieelei' I , Alvin it ! . Fecse , Ihurr Allen ,
Myron Ii. Kilmig , Ira F. Kmmee.
Dr. Kaleb Diown was tommy npliointctl a
nieniber of tIme board of exarnimming surgeons
at Sac City , Ia.
.IiluIiSOui Suuitiuiiiiuui'uI It , 'tVsslmlagtnu , ,
\VAS1IINGTON , July 13.-Speclal ( Tele-
granm.-hnthian ) Agent. Johuison of Susutetorm ,
S. I ) . , has been suitninonetl to Washington
by the seeretmury of time interior anti lit cx-
iCCtetl lucre tommmorrow. Time luau to trans.
( or Jbhinsoim to ItmIno Itlthge , S. I ) . , in Itlaco
of Major Cialmiu , tvhio , It lit expected , will
lmo ordered to jolmi his reginment , bids fair
(0 be carrIed out.
i't'riiul ii I uig it , i'tsl nihlees ,
\\'ASIIINJTON. ( Jtmlv la.-Sitecial ( Tele-
grani.-I'nstunaitters ) mmppminted : Nebraska-
Janies MeMartin , at Buffalo , Dawiton
coumity , vIce 1) . ii. Jomies , restgmietl.
South Iakota-Chi ri steum Nehuto a , at
lloolutr , Turimor county.
Iist's Sei't'ii iliul his.
Charles Strauud lost $7 last umiglit in a
Ioughaa stiCttt auctIon ithioj ) , ivlterti Ito says
the immmporttittate miuictiomietir first sold iiiimm a
worthilcs.i svntchu for 9 , whoa the visitor's
intention wait macrely to look on , and thorn
held buck ( tie hiroiterty pentlhng tint pay-
uncut of $2 , whul"hi time unwilling ittireimutur
could not raise Time inmetioticer cimulmeil that
Stramu'i iiodtletl his licati umitl accordumigly be-
ervoiI8 Exhaustion
Horf0d's1U Thoht
Ia adpromoly honofioial.
Shun Substitute ; , I'ui tip only in botthe. t
tiiii utitonlh1O ? ar tm fdichui :
objected , lout sa'e hut' wM pi a' I t t I
iii ) ht3' several ( 'apPers , s'hio siuiii ii i
hiave the timepiece wlmc'tt lie made ( It p
( 'iuihulreui l'iuiy hthi Miiilii' "
'This ( hIltii''li of tntirew lauFlt' , . I
Charles street. started a itoimfirti
muuatebs yc'sterulay aftorminoum on time pam ,
floor , Slielve'utu auth biius vero Cebit alitu
aiutl tlamungo 'an tIme to ( ito mulnetint of S
before thm arrival of time fire dep&irtneumt , , ,
- - - - - - - - - -
A 1l IMI'2Mt\T4.
a D lbirnt'i Ill
Tolephiono 2I7.
Leiiti.Vhillnme , Prop' . nflt Mgrs ,
v. ' ' COLE. Act 1tuiunig.r
A Convention of Headliners ,
First Tiaio in Oimmahma of ( ho Great Eastern
Stmtcees. tlmo
Introdueimmg ( lie Mimmatrel Comedian , 1iau'r'
4rimmatroimg and hits
aol I I Colored Jubilee Si ngers.1 ,30
( hititlllt . ( ( iillflitl' , . , . . ,
. . , . , . ( , I l.'ii'lit'I' M % it)4
i'iifl GILL iSflN Sls'I'flutS
, . , . ' . St'Iil't , . \iltiit4
4i1th the Prentice Qurnrtc't to.
'I'ilfl B ti ii A'i"l' ( : ( 'tutU li ) ' iii ) it.
'i'hue 'i'riit'nih'ri , ( huh l.'uig Ori'lue't ru1
liii t'etiouu Frniuz Atlelmmian.
( 'huitum gi' of lii I I l'hit'ii ' . % 'i't'k.
iteu't'siu Iuu.'ti 4 5 Gui id en zulu 'I'lieiut rp ,
- - - -
- - - - ' .4
'I' ( ) III I I'i' ii nil t'i t'u'i' ii hilt I Ii I Mitt , ) .
Clifford's Magnificant
S a 1' e t ? ?
'i'hme 13'atithftil 1tiitlt'sqim
t'itim ? , hrlN'1'1tE ASh ) I iiTl 1. kiuig't of
till conmcthiiuiuui. lOt' , COt' . $ Oe. Next tvt' k ihit'
lien' bturi 'stitie ' ' I N A V i'A ltlS ' ' ( 'I e .ru s
( 'titiiio Ott the East iiIhtvuy ii Vatiti , i
Artists. Don I fiuil tu visit tiuc t isini.
T h rQin.1tri-i , I'iivitui & nturg'si4
'J I 5 1 iiJ1& iamtugcra 'I"si. i3l
0. 11. W'ootttrttrtl , , u'tii'a'mi'uit ' , lhittctur ,
'i'lNiUli'P , Smtp : ) ,
'i'tii : "sYO)1)VAIi ) mi'l'Ut CO.
i'reMt'im I I .u - . % ci iru inn
Celebrated Case.
Nt' t Vt't-k-hNli lilt A NCii. " )
. . Ni , i't'rtu'uuuniut'i's ' , .Li he .
A6 F t MC
I'N'i'tMEi ) . % Nifl : ti Shl.V
t , : 'i' mitt iIli ) % ' t'
: \
S\\'Ei"l' DY ( 'OOl 1iithi'7ES.
ttt 'rilE 1'LACE FOil SOCIE'i'I' 'i4 ,
Steimluen'tiit Szttmmiyey , Gt'mm Mm
CN'l'ixt ut-s ' IitVi1ii.
Sflm'i'ihIhN ? ( 'ZtFflt1U t.
(2A1.ii"OitNiA t&IL ,
The biggest , heat , uiui't , t ito vol cx Ii t ti , u , mm
aim \'st 1t1 itt tt'av. it tim I , tKiri Ii ii mihy 1 ' ' , . t t u
t llh mu hier of mutiny 100 ( ituutm i u-
t . tmk'hvs , tiozeui .tf out , i i K
emily , t fetv thitvs old. ii ,
gorgeous Ititlutituge oil t'ttrtlm. ( ) stri 'ii
Ostrich mtests , t'u'
itIIs' I ' ( ' . % % 'S'i' ( ) ' , ' , I'rii , .
'l'hie IAvimmg itul I. 1'hue icattimc o
TilE itIIlW'AY.
Ba Not Forget to Visit tii
Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss
House onWest Midway.
. , . _ v , ' 'itii ; .
- - -
I itIi and Cuipitni itt. .
Capture the Urass rtiimg atitl 111th" Ag us
.1 05. 'ui U NUI 1(1 hL' , i'ssee' i rid tiutuuui
August 1st
, ,
'Vll iDtI 1)1) 'i'll Aid Go I'
Fritz Mueller , l'rop. On ( lie Midway.
, , .
. -.III-------- -
, ilezitlezviiii't of fochuty l'coimio , I
- - - - -
N of Miislo hail1'ast. . Midway.
TT : : . ,
iI'i'hiis ,
Car. lii & Jnckuttn His. J. C. Oriiiltm. l'rop.
15(1 ( ltonmns-i hi unotiern limiltroveuitemiit4
itatets-Anit'riuuii litiui , ti , Ii 1)0 ) t'i' thuy ,
JUioi'mtii itlitum , 31.00 iter ( Itt ) ' antI uimWtrili , ,
Car line to utmot ( Cclii all depots iire't
car 111k' tO tvaiit caIrn uucn at J'iimcmutiiofl (
j\IU11.4 Y ) JTJL1 ,
14b amid hiarnuty St.
American Plan-3 to 4 iloiharti per day.
Street cars from dtipots and from hmotcl to
Exposition Orountlli in fifteen mInutes.
13. Shl4LOV.Y. Manager ,
colt. 13TH ND JONES ST. , OMAHA.
It t'Iitm4 si.r.u ( . h ) Ium.I'I h'lir iity 4
Jht1ric car. tiled to eapositiQo 5rOUfltiL
FhtAg. : Ji.Lttthl , Cauiiitr. . . . .
. , , . .SAM hiAUUA Cii.f Clerk.
13tlt and ltiugltti Sts , , ( ) iunlm.
. . . /tMliiI'C. ' % . 'iNi ) flUhtOi'i.tN l'i4.tN- .
4. C. M.tiIIUtl , 3. : & 'rous.