Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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I - - - T1Ifl OMAhA DAILY B1E : rP1TVSflAYTtTjY 1 1 , 1SOS. 11
.tsIrrtIrti1et1M f4r Iivi ( . , ; Iintl
.III b ( tit1iit Utilli 1t fli. for tIi'
( eIIIg nnil * 8i8 ( ) fur iiiuriiIni
nntl Stiidn tiIItiUtIM.
1ttttvi , , I I-2' ii iiurd flrit InrInti ;
I I. t S ord t1i'rifrr. li I tist
for I4s tIiti. 2r.c for th lIrMt IItF-
L tIoi. 'TIICM ! it4s'ert HQflIeI1tM this I tic
L ' run enis.cia t I ct .
AIcrt licrs , . * it II tIDt
liervet tIflet. ? cilti ltsi'i' zatI1 em ttd-
ii ri , , ed it ii iiiulercd I rt t'r lit Pfl
of rIc 1tet' ttIM , MU ruI41r44elL
tII1 lit , iIt Is ere.L cii , rpsII tat IOU Of
tlir ( 'tICI niily.
S1'tLjA'Etfl S s'tTJI ) .
TYI'I\1UTNG anti copying. 20L flee b1c1.
rItAv1rtN ( ; nc1uatntc tu IOWfl flfl(1 (
NthraL.a wants tOIttofl. , U 30.1C4.
, ltI.1' .
nH' cgnrg ; I2t tt month and
CXtetlMeM nict flrni ; exPrIe1co ttflCCIM
nary. C. C. l3thIiop & Co , t. Louts , slo.
gA1TaMr to ; i'i oflico npeclalttes In
Flt1a $ tuid NeIiraku ; 1mb itt1j 1ttte ;
ftIcntI4 make $ O'J zt day used by all iner-
chantM. todc1 Mg Co. 13x 3 , South
liend , ItaL 13-437 Jy 26
G1'NTtFMIN-1Mirn tc paint your own
Vict1lr. tkc $13 to $30 ter weffic. ( Jrotgh-
ton lilock , roltl ) 8. 13-MO-O
- flflC ( ' , two gooti mnlik'rs ,
A(1tIre ( Fi'riont F'oumlry & ( n ,
t t'rcmout , Nl , . 1-s-1
hA 1U31t. at enc ; mnt be flrit-elrnn ;
Minto wages. M. 1) . Nhtct ) , lhirtlngtohi ,
Neb. n-iius : i4
rAto1tIits'oit FX'1'ItA GANG O4 B.
& M. In lVyozntng ; free rarQ. } raner &
0 1 learn , 12th ILI1II Farnain. B-Mh2 11
W'ANI' to corrc8pctld , lmineiUaty with r'-
IIntiIn Inati rt'stdlng In good Iowa or Nebraska -
braska tovnvhr 4tetroH p'rInalent , pO4I-
tton n t $70 per mon t h n ntl ( tl1 fl VUS * 2 ( ) .
' Btal e Iu ) si ii 0 I1t&u fu rn I HilOll .
dress 1 ; 22 , Ilee. U-I9SO 1t
' , VANTID. gnod , flrt oIao hustler to
htnttli good ieflIng urtictu on treut.
L3taie experience. Addresi4 U teo.
13-MG 14
W'ANTFD itt olice , an ezpcrIonee(1 ( tir1ng
weaver ; stoaIY vork to tim right mait.
Add reisVosterii Mattress Co. , I tnooIn ,
Nch. B-S7 1
\'ANTID. n active man to take hold of
the 1)Ot flfl'Ifl 1itISIiI'H In the tate ; only
ft few doUnrs reqiilrod to itart. .Jolin
Fyfe , at hayden Bros. Mhue . 'partnwttt.
ll-MS j5 $
ttl1.t' .
t.J 100 GlithS for all ktnds of work ; 3 to $7
I- , - wool : . Canadian Olilce. 1&22 Douglas.
1 C-612
( ICOD grI tohelpcook end chainlerrnali1.
Ltingoliotot , t01 i. 13th St. C-4UU
L\l)1ES tO represent us Itt and out of
city. $3 to $ U Per thty. Croighton block ,
roon 7. C-M571-30
YOUNG wldov jtt from the oa8t ( lc8tre
litttOfl ) ) [ 1 $ houH'tceeper In a wldosver's
lIflC ) , or otitd eorreponl with lev to
matrImony ; oiLy or country : elderly gen-
tlt'nuLn Proferrel. ( AIdres Iri. Lillip U.
Anttiony , l'ueblo , Culorailo. C-t9lG 17
' . \ANTED bright woman over 2 ; u tlem-
ontrator for several months ; permanent
( pISttlOfl ) with firm If satisfactory. Aiblren
U 3 , Bee. C-M9G ) 1
AGINT. capable of managing the mann-
facturo Ztflt ale of a vcll known ( orHet ;
exceptionat nportuntty , to eitthltsh a
profitable lUilI1CaS. U U , flee.
- C-9S8 13
1ltI for general housework. N. E. Cor.
( l 1(0(1 Clu8. C-MO 15
. F'OIt. 1tBX'-IEOtJSIS.
CIIOICfl 1iotse and cottages all over city ;
' $ ; ; to $75. Fidelity , 1st 110cr , N , Y. Life.
, .
- - -
hOUSES. ilcuewa & Co. , lOS N. 15th St.
) hOUSES , itorcs.Beinls , Paxton block.
I D-5t5
MOVNC. itouMehold . gooIl and JliLnOS.
, . flni. Vnn & Storage Co. , 1511 ½ ifarintm.
Tel. 1539. D-516
FtiItN1TURF and leaHelInh ( Of 0. 7 nml 13-
roon modern flat for ailo ; bargnln ; good
location , rent low. Uemis , l'axton bik.
7-flOOM modern holiMo with stable , largo
shady gruund. Bemis , Puxton 111k.
. . D-M'2St
FOlt fl1N'P , four-room cottage and 3 acrC3
2 ½ mIles west postoitlec. F. D. Wend.
( UI BEE IILDG , or telepliono 717.
A F1.V coT'rals. 430 Board 'l'racle.
I J-S03-
\ 11 BOOM letek , 1029 S. Qth Aye ; oak ,
\ Ilt.bii ) , Ilrt clat8 ; 1eyH next ( leer , or E.
3) . Pratt , 1515 Farnuin St. , 2nd Floor.
¼ _ - - - - - - - - - _ _
s-ROOM moilern house , 2U0 Capitol avenue.
' J. N. Frenzeropp. oldi' . 0. I-M93
. BEAUTIFUL four-room hat , No. 1402 North
2ttti t. AtI)1. ' 2518 Caltlwell Ht. 1)-M903
. t'O1t Iti1N'1'-t'LltNlSlIBl ) icontis.
EXPOSITION VISITOItS. 1.000 furnished
rooms. Vrite to 1'xpoHition Rooming Co.
Douglas block , 16th and Jiotige.
E ' .
TIlE F'nrnani 'l'crrnco Ifotot ,
1'LIILIn. Nes Inodern building , new fur-
I ntsIiIng , ott elegant outside roon * ;
. porches , lawn , trees. Especially (1eHtIflblo (
t. for initu nint family. i7-11l.35-Jy1s
&o ROOMS. 1417 Douglas ; one bed In room.
FUIINISIIED xooms. 602 N.16 : gro'ry store
fi-1 ( Jy. fi'
AIODEItN rooms , housekeeping. 11 North
19th. Transients. '
fi-Mbf } ; n'
T111t1E rooms , houekeepitig. fl12 Soutil
11th. ] -M47
ROOMS ; near all car lines , 1S11 California.
E-&t3 ; Jy-2J'
FURNISIID rooms , facing cxpostticn )
grounds , board if tictreti. , dSI I N. 20th St.
B-63 ; A2'
FURNiSltFl ) rooms atreitonahte prices.
5o N. 13th. F-t297-y2t'
NICEIX furnished roonis ; reasonable ; four
tiOcks frqm 1)ostoitice. ) 1811 Cuss.
lSITOflS to the ' 1'rnnsmissIssttpI 811(1 :11 : ; :
ttrnattonnI FiO5itiU wishing to secuVe
comfortable ( itlttrtors can save time and
exileliso by vrittng to or tailing upon the
Official Jnforiniition Bureau , 1319 Farnani
lb St. . the only authorized aoncy of the
I EPOHltiO1 2nanagcnlcnt. Str.tngcrs o
! arrival In Omaha tttit take Street cars
direct ( rOfll ally (101)01. ) 0(11cc ( oiwn ( lay
and night. l.-2l7
. t
' ' fil3OAN'1'IY furnished rouni , , iitth , , I et.
1(11000 ( ; transients ; vriccs rcuslubto ( , ,
radii I , Duvidgo building , llgiiteentii ( ( uti
IrIILnn street , 01(1)05110 Olty tIll. ( Cais
to depots ( ( ( ( (1 CXIOsitiOU. lrs. .IeICries.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
F1T1lNiSillD rootus , hOU5Cktei1g. 2q23
4 p St. Mar's. 1-MiJ27 15
: cool4 ItOOMS , 6 biocics ( rout P. 0. 52 N.
19th St.
COOL flOOMS , t ; blocks ( ron P. 0. & 2 N.
ltI1 St. fl-DIe 2'
t VISITOIIS wlsiiitn first-class rooms In
vrivnto ( amity can secure sasne I ) ) ' calling
at S.V. . corner l7tlt and Capitol
d. % eat of postolilee. l-M3S 18
43 CASS , modern furnished rooms.
F-M9)1 21) '
( - l''ttNlll El ) it)031S . % NI )
11111 MIIItItIAM , Ilrt-ciass ftnily itotel ,
25tIlLlttd D0(110 Sts. F-522
L'AKII dOVfl that "for sale" or 'Ior rent'
t , sign In your WlfllS' . 'rho flee tenclies
nero 1)001)10 III a Ily ( titan will iass your
WIIUIOW lii LI. flOtIt1U ( lflt ItI ) ' consult
tllc bO columns lien they sant to buy or
l'lifi I1o , 2O homey ; cool rooms , rre
baths ; transionta token ; rates ressotuibte ,
I' I ittSil ll ) 1I)11S ) tNt ) Ht'tlli ) .
( Cuntlniel. % )
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tl1131Nlt1T ; liorSR , 21st ntul I'inkny
Sh .O tltntily ( furntsltett room one
5qnarc Irom the Arch of the i3tates ;
rterythlng nes ftfld flr5t-ciRs ; ( Arms
reaontible. 12
WOlt1l NC iris' home.
BIAt1T1FUL rooms ; trnnsints. Bar-
any. 1"-M2IG Jy1)
S11S. Godso. 22 N. ISth.Trnnslnts taken.
1.-2l .1y22'
I'l1LSANP snutli rorms , , slngleor en
t4tlite , with bLDI1. 2402 Coss.
F'-MSOZ 16'
G1It)1 , e.\iosittcn ii--5 ; ; nntlSnrntoga
lintel fare , nil for $2.00 icr (1tY ( IdjotOs
the grotind. Sherman ttvenUe car line
PaseM tile house ; ttttntmer resort styin :
fnmilks Policited ; modern , cool. home-
Ilk' ; iCtli , gns , iblno ( ( nIl library. Tein-
ihonp I3I. lnuhlt. luirlors. lnLmmocks ,
vast vertn(1ns ( , tnrk , , st'ats in the .treet
ears : 10) dust ; jolly IiCOPIC nIl II
hear.Vrito or 'jilione this nititito ; 5O
_ iat effects for tlmqe who ilo. F-ML3
NICEST rooms in dy , with flrt-riass
board : I hlok vest of IOStOf1l0 l1Oi
Capitol avenue. 1.-I32 14'
Felt II1IN'I'-.S'i'Ott [ iS Ai ) l'PiCtS.
1)lt I11NT , thc' 4.tory ( ( brick hutittig at
91G Farnam St. This building lin a tlr-
iroot ) ccncnt. tasemcIlt. ) vatCr nit nil
tlour , gai' , etc. Apply at the otlice of
Tim 33cc. 1-tilO
1lA1lit' for rent at Alijrlght , 14. Omaha.
inq1irf' at 1317 Clark St. , Omaha. J.V. .
Jtihiisoii. l-lG2-l4'
A ( fl1'l' S ' .tTl1t ) .
WAN'rlU-Agnnts In every town in No-
brakLt itttd Iowa to solicit necounts for
1g to collect. Cash t'omtnlsslon inld ,
\\'ritu for intrtleuiars. S I ) , lice , Omaha.
J 9.8 Jy 15
4(1fiN'1S and brunch managers ; salary or
cflflYfllsstotl. Ilutiter Tnhiorlhg Co. , CIII-
citinati , 0. J-M917 Oct11'
- -
' .V.t'I'iii-1' ( ) 1t17'L' .
\'ANTfl1) , 1nimdiatoly by two ladies , a
snuil In rn 15110(1 1(1)1180 ( ( III tit Sept. I St ,
neat' I'nrk Ave. or 82d St. Preferred , Ret-
erences given. Address 3220 l'optileton
4e. . 1C-l31 14'
\VAN'J'Ffi ) , to rent upright piano for sum-
iner for its care or small rent ; best cure
guaranteid. U 38 , Boo. iC-M3O 15'
S'l' ( ) HAG I 1.
1'AC'IFIC Storage and Warehouto Co. . 001-
' 310 Jones , general storage and forwarding
OM. Van & StoFage , 1511I. Farn'm Tel. 150.
' . % tN'l'fifl-'E ( ) IZU Y.
IF YOU are In need of anything tty the
V.'ant Columns of 'jib Bee ; they will
bring you s'Iat you want. N-S67
50 CllFA1' 2d-hand otcycles. Omaha Ill-
cycle Co. N-MIll 22
0001) . safe , faintly horar or niai'n riot ]
light t'O-SOttCIl ( carriage ; state lowest
PrIe. Address U , 35 , Bee. N-OSG 15'
IN ) It SALB-FUI1 1I'1'l11t11.
FOIl itale at a bargain , 500 PIllOWS and 000
mattresses ; new l.IlloWS , 25 cents up ; new
Inuttrebses , 75 cents up. 1401-10 Dodge.
O-M412 Jy25
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
UFDtOOM set , pictures , carpets and
kitchen furniture. 521) South 24th 4\vO.
O-M'339 14'
FORSALE , the furniture of a 10-room
honso , all new ; house for rent. Address
U 36. 13cc oflice. O-M9)5 16'
F'lt. MA bE-II)1tSES , WA ( OS , E'VC.
12 1'ASSfiNOEIt wagot.cttc , 2 good Pluto-
tons , $ GO and S5 ; ma'nIly carriage , leather
tOl ) , $50 ; good trap , $ S1 ; surrey , brand new ,
Drummond Carriage Co. , lSth niud homey.
P-M974 Jyl ?
TOP buggy for sale cheap. 4220 Farnain.
P-M937 11'
CAI1LOAD high grade. medium lwlced
buggIes. Stecial Inducements for you to
buy tltls Week. Crawford Co. , 1311 Jones
St. P-939-1S
FOIl SALE-Ciootl horse , buggy itiud liar-
ne.s , Or will trade for clear lot. A. I' .
'l'ultey , Board 0 ! Trade. I'-OGI-18.
BlAu'rIFUL pair match 6 and 7-year.old
1.000 pound bays , slliglo or double , gentle ,
stylish , cheap. 1042 So. 11th. P-M071 14'
FOOt SALE , a first-class Snyder phneton ,
horse , harness , \Vhll ) and lap robe , cheap
for cash , Apply People's Furniture & CarPet -
Pot Co. I'-M002 15
GET cut prices on hog and Poultry fence.
Sawdust for swooping floors , etc. Tel. 458 ,
901 Douglas. Q-616
altflATbargaln. four 6 to 10-hole steel
ahigCS for hotel or restaurant ; two invalid -
valid clinics ; must be sold. 1410 Dodge.
Q-M02 Jyli'
FOOt SALfi , ten T1.IP.A.N.S , for S cents
Ut druggists ; one gives relict. Q-52S
T1ll Spanish possessions In both the east
011(1 west , In 0101) forni , with nearly 200
itliotogralhlc reproductions of the Amen-
can and Sininish navies , natal cotnmanml-
cr5 , etc. All ( on 25 cents , at 'rile 1co
chIcO. If ordered by mail , adtlress Navy
Pltotogmapli Department , Omaha flee.
I hAVE 2 Remington typewriters that !
will cll client , . Frak fi. Meores , City
Hall. Q-211
iior , poultry (111(1 lawn fences : all wire ; is
best. "iVire Works , 11th antI Ilurney.
100 ICINIS mineral vaters. Sherman &
McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. ,
Ointdrn. Q-MS9 Jyll
and a mattress for $1.50. 1410 bntige ,
Q-200 Jy22
g'r.MlI'S. COINS-lhottght , sold. Monica-
son. 401 N. 16th. Q-M375 50
FOR SALF1. Smith l'rcmier and Remington
typewriter ; second 11011(1. ( Typevni I ers
ieiitttI autO repaired. J. J. Denlglit & Co. ,
1116 Farnantlit. Q-MSOt A
'J'Y1'l\Vltl'1'fiflS cxcltiumgetl , nenttel and
oid on lalyliuctitH. ltiiloflS ) for till styles
- naeltines , SOC ; stIltiiCS reduced lrlces
roll 101 , lvslcs , $12.75. Gee. Loarts , 1)os
Moines , Iowa. Q-921 13
MFUWM-SWfiD safe cheap. 218 5. ItIlt
St. Q-M003 30'
iI1tflArE. lIne lunch wagon. Call at Sitlt
and Brontlway , livery , Council IIiuffs , lit ,
Q-M097 ii'
: l ISCIIL.14.t N lOU ,
cents will htm' ( ho latest
publica tion illustrating the U. S. niud
Sttamiisii tmavies , tin vu I CO 01 toamulers , etc. ;
almost 200 photographIc reproductions ,
with a large mnami Of the Tast rimudVest
Itudles. at the otlicu of 'rho Sloe. If or-
tlPicd luy flail. address Navy I'lmotnglaltlt
Department. Omaha lIce. fl-80
ANTI.MONOPOI.Y Ourhaae Co. , c'lcnns
cesspoois & lutit'Y 'Vaults. 021 N 10. 'ret. 1770.
1t-SSl 3y16'
. . .
- -
= : = - - - - -
NF\S siieels , $10 to $25 ; serotulliand heels ,
$5 o $15. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 36 & Chicago
I3AIW/tNS In new & 2ndlinnd bicycles ;
ens ) ' ( cmiii. The Sate Store , 11114 Fanimm.
CIi.tlit'lY.tNT $ .
iTOST articles found ; missing friends
tinced ; Itfim readings ; iuek' belts. 511 N.
20th. S-M568 00'
SI'1t311111 IIIISOII'l'S ,
YfilLOWSTONfl National I'ark. Wy.
lie permanent camps. SitCeliti rate. 13.
140. hunt , 1 and 2 Ware 131k. Pluouie 2135.
I1ldOC'l'Il ( ) 't'Vl'l N ( ,
11. t3. STARK & CO. , 3110 Dodge.
M.SMAOl7 , IIATIIM , i.rc ,
LAI ( ; T.l1Itrin , 1i 4. 6th tuDstrlr. ) .
room 12. Turko.ltu'Man and pititri batns ,
massage. T-207 JylS'
4lEDlCAT5D baths. mas.tge. Mine. llrb-
son , fronu 1'.trls. 107 N. 12th ; opemi all night ,
T-1i9DI Jyti'
Sti1'IitFLUOUS hair , moiP , etc. , liera1.
nentiy removed by ' i ieIty ; referenru's ,
Mrs. Cronyn , sleelaImL , r. 10 Crelliofl
tilk. r-is. ao
IIATIIS , Inditus only. Mrs. I'orter. 205 Iottg.
blk. T-MSSO A9
MRS. DR. L2ON , eitmrtric massage liath
parlors ; restful and curative. 417 5. 11th ,
ttlstaIrm4. T-M026 U'
? 0AU1 STtA1tT of Chictigo bath and
massage iarlor. 1522 Dougias. room 10 ,
Bushtnen block. T-il907 10'
MM ! . . SOIlTIt , 111 N. 15th St. , hot spring
anti vitpor lmths.
VIASI CO. , 310 lIce building , U-53G
$30 flUl'T1Jfl53 ruined for $10. No detention
from bttities 6 years in Ornnhmt. Citli
01 trrlte far elrcuinrs , Etuimir , ' Rupture
Curo. 052-033 New York Life oldg. , Omaha ,
_ 1L - -
IIATIIS , Iimnsago. Mtue. Post , 3l9'4 RUtlu ,
A LA1lG1 lfll ) of the World , one of Cuba
and another of time entire \'c't Itudles ,
showing ( 'uima. l'orto lOire , I la'ti , Salt
1)rimningo Martinique : ittil all the other
Vest 1ntian Islands ; 10 cents. at 'l'iue Ilco
( tffle. 10 itnhl , 14 cents , Address Ctilan
Map Dept. , Onualia lIce , U-SOS
Y1LhO\\'STON P3 National l'nrk , cheap
company eyeurshomus. Write for circular.
A. ] ctiiu. Cinnabar , t1ont.
- _ _ _ _
LADIF .S'T urkisli bathe. Mine. l'oat , SlOlz
S. 35th , U-SIt
GlT your lioes half-soled nail 110010(1 ( whIle
OU wait. 15 taintitemi , for 50 centS.Vnrk
gttnrttnteed. 710 N. lOut st. U-291-Jy22
A OIIF3AT physician's cure for peualy ]
weak men for $1.00 ; Particulars 2c. Box
208 , Omaha. 75-732 A4'
hlO\V to btconuo lawful tuhytleInuuit. liuw-
yers , dentists or pharmacists. Lock box
190 , ChIcago. U-itTO.l AG'
1'IhlS cured in 7 to 10 clays , tvithout pain ;
Otto treatment tiocs ( lii' ork oath or
5011(1 for circt.ilnrs. 'SIte lmpiro l'lle Citre ,
912 New York Life huliding. U-MOW
1'IANOS tutued , $1.50. lOose , 1521 Dodge.
SIATIII MON IAL-Stmangers ; indies amid
g'ntlcmncn feeling the need of congenial
coiuituifliotisImil ) rail at out' Pleasant rooms ;
meet our macothers rind feel mit home.
Roommi 1 , 520 5. 13th St. U-M0136 A12
WANTfiD. choice farm mitlil city loanS. It.
C , Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg.
$100,000.00 pecIn1 fund to bait on first class
Improved Omaha property , or for buildIng -
Ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.
$1,000 , and upwards to loan on improved
property.V 1.'arnanl Smith & Co. , 1320
Famanmn St. 'tV-SOT
PF3It cent city and farm loans. ( iarvln
lImos. , lOll Farnatnst , W-53S
ANThONY Loan & 'l'rust Co. , 315 N. V. L. ;
quick motiey at lOW rates for choice farm
lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , East-
era Nebraska. 'tV-OIl
MONEY to loan on imnpro'i'ed Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 210 S. 16th.
5'Am PElt cent mooney. Bernie , Paxton 131k.
FOR investors , lists' that are Investors
lists : write to Investors' 1)irectory Co. ,
New York. W-641-Jy-14'
Mo.lEY ; Ti ) LO.ti'-C1IAT'I'fiLS.
$10 ' 10 $ l0.000 TO LOAN ON
NOS. 1001(5115 , WAGONS ANI ) ( 'Alt-
etc. , at lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs.
No removal of goods ; strictly contidentlal ;
you call pay the loan oft at any time erin
in any nntouttts.
3100 South 16th St.
OMAhA. X-512
MONEY loaned salaried poplo holding
permanent posItions , with responsible
toncornu4 upon their own minnie , without
security : easy pa3ments. Tolnian , ii.
706 , N. Y. Life bldg. X-543
'tVANTJ3D-An 1nteret iii good business.
State full particulars. Address ' 1' 10 , flee.
_ _ _ _ _ _ -
QUICK , clean prInting. Tel. 1340. 1610 Cuss
REVENUE cancellation stamps. Omaha
Itubber Stamp Co. , 215 S. 13th St. Phone
1025. Y-T83-13
S6Vi ; and ftxtures of a cigar and cofec-
tlonery store In best location in Omaha
for sale. Owner must go out of busitmess
by July 15 , Address U 7 , Bee olilce.
Fort RENT , a small water mill. Address
P. 0. box 255 , LIncoln , Nob. Y-776-13
IF' YOU want to liuy , el , trade or rent
anything call room 512 , Brown block.
Y-M006 16'
RESTAURANT bringing In $45 to $50 cash
i1mtil' ; neat and conupleto ; in buslnes
center , on car lIne ; a snap ; good reasons.
Enquire 512 Brown block. Y-M9I0 15'
iEST slioesiiop for sate , cheap ; all corn-
rilete. Address National lInker , 2610 iii
st. , So , Omaha. Sliol ) at 2itiu and N.
Y-M012 11'
FIliS'l'.CLSS hotel , two-story brIck , in
county seat , for sale or trade ( or farm
JralWrt ) ' ; all kinds of stocks of mnerchan-
( lisa 1111(0 farina for sale and trade. Frank
J. Novak , humboldt , Nob. Y-MtJIl 11
wAN'rED , to sell barber shop ; good tlmriv-
hug business In grail locatIon ; also one
gxutl barber taflted.Vrito or call on
Floyd McKinley , barber , Oothonhurg ,
Neb , Y-M912 II'
SALE , one of the best butcher shops
in Omaha ; et'orythiiig complete ; good io-
cat Ion ; will be sold ellemip if taken at
altec. foot ] reason for selhitig. Address
U 82 , Pro olilce. Y-M974 15'
$150 INVESTED earns 35 pr cent weekly ;
established 21 cities ; third year ; lmnrticu-
Inns free. D. Sloatme , 110 St. Patml , 1nlti-
more , Md. Y-3d090 14'
AT CXlOsitiofl ) grounds , it floe hotel ; what
have you to exchange ? Call Saratoga
lultel , 2ltlu anl Ames.
FOR S.L.E OR TRADE , team and two.
cated buggy , for sintlc horse and buggy ,
Olil Nebrasica feed stable , IGtim and Lemtt'-
enworth Bts Z-281-I0'
P1)11 St LE-Il ILt 1. 13S'I'A'l'l'3 ,
FOLOVI NO ( ] esiralie 1)ropertY : litmtirupss
lot corner , COxl5O ft. , in So. Onmalrn , iuil'ed.
Ilitsimmesu lot , OOxlOIi ft. , lnuprovetl , South
Orniiltu , street lavel.
rrnct (21 ( lots ) . lOtIt St.
'Fran (10 ( lots ) , JOtit lIt.
For liartlcuiurs uliluly 1012 F.urnam St.
JIOLTSES , lots. farms , lands , loamus ; also lire
insurance. Iletnis , Paxton block ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
lIES' ! ' farm iiearOmrtlmu at Imaifalipraiscil
VtuimtO. JUlIO SIzer , 2502 Illonclo st. ,
Omaha. ] tE-3lt July 20'
hAVE soil some lots to sell ? Now is the
time to (1151)050 of thern let the PeoPle
knot' that you want tO ( IiHlOt'(3 of them.
'rho lice reaches the People who hmave the
nuoney. Itfl-86G
FOIt S4I.E , desirable m . .ideitee lots , Ilix
130 , In lirst-clai.s hoctitloir ten muinmites'
utnik front court htoimse ; chea1 , for cash.
Address 0 61 , ilee. 1E-l7O7
$300.00 FOIt 6 full-sized lots on electric car
11110. J. il. Freazer , Opl old P. 0.
FOIl SALI ) or l3xehango-3,20 acres good
agrIcultural lanti , tinubor and prairie in
liortitemn Arkansas , P. 0. 831. St. Jo.
501)11 , Ide. IIE-MST2 II'
FOIl SME , luause and out buildings at
3111 So. 2Bhu st. ; also 2 Ilmue cows.
VOlt. StiAI-hlil.tla I1TA.Tl.
( Continued )
NORTII'tVESTcorncr Righttli ntud Leaven.
worth , Gxl12 , two stor' brick building ,
track to rear of lot , price $ l3,0l ; inquire
of owner otu Premises. ltl-M0l1 IS'
ron SAI.E , ( he following dsirrib1o property -
erty will be sold ahtno5t at your owti
Pricol S. 11. cot. 30th nhutl Fitmnnm , S. } 3.
cor , I'ark ave. nnl Ilk'kory , S.V. . ear.
18th and Dories (2 htotmi'es ) , hart lot 20.
block 3. 1.ountze's kl ( business ProperS ) .
1.ook thIs ( II ) rind submit cash offer ; no
rctasc.nnlilo otTer refused.'m. . IC. l'ottcr ,
Receiver. Ihfi-M0G 20
I"INE busIness nrntwrto'nnd residence coin-
Imltied , with good trade , In a Iltue toIs'n ; It
1 % ill Pfl SOtt to investigate ; on motor line.
0 37 , 1lo. lt-09I IT'
LOST-On Exposition grounds pocketbook
containIng change ammU comunutttation
ticket to exposition. Pincher wIlt he lIb-
ertuily rewalded upon heavhtig the ticket
at this aillee. Oaekeeflers have been no.
tlfled of nttmber so the ticket uvill be of
nml Use to CttW000 but OIVfler. Lost-M256
LOST , gent's gold wntch.made by James
ilalmn , No. 10100 left in closet at Union
I'acillc depot ; liberal lets ard for return
to U. P. tIcket tililce. 1.OST-20
LOS'l' , POCkCtlOOk containing money rut
card wIth ouvncrs lunate , between 1607
] touvnrd rind 17th nium ] Leavenworth
streets : finder return sonic to Bahfe &
Iteiuil and receive reuvard. Lost-MIll 11'
LOST , Monday , at First congregattomiat
church , brown mottled locketbook , lt& '
turn to 4OG Ilarney mind receive retvtird.
1.otMItO1 14
LOST , pocketbook , aim Mnuudmt' e'e , call-
tnltuing m'clmmml wurront No. 0.1141. LIberal
reus'nrtl if left at 13cc. Lot-9SD 13'
Slltt'l'hl.tNl ) ANt ) 'i'Yi't0'lth'I'LNO ,
\'AN SANT'S school , Ti ? N. V LItc. The
I1luOtl whose stttdents get elflplOyflht3itt.
Conducted by nil L'XllerlOflCCd reporter.
AT OMAIIA 13us , College , lath & Dougins.
ShIOItT-IIAND , up-to.ilate , taught by court
reporters. lloylcs' School , 402-5-7 Boo bldg.
LUll0S , if you can't toil a doctor your
trouble adilres4 I' . 0. Box SO , Otnttliu ,
Neb. , for information. M-SOS Al'
- - - - - - - - -
LADIES ! Chiicliester's English l'ennyroynl
I'liis ( Diamond brand ) are the best ; srife ,
reliable : take Ito other ; send Ic stamps
for particulars , "Relict for Ladies , " Ia
hotter by return miuil ; at ilrttgists. Clii-
chester Chemical Co. , l'hilndeiphia , Pa.
-7il902 IL'
I I.U It 1)UhiiS S I N ( .
SALE of hair goods : prices satIsfactory.
Miller hairdressing Parlors , 1514 Douglas.
1'.t\'N II mu ) IIIIt S.
11. MAROWITZ loans mnone' , 41S N. 16th ,
r _
LUItN1'l'U1tl1 I'ACiIIt ) .
M. S. WALKL1N , 2111 Cuming. Tel. 1311.
TY1'L3Y1t1'I'iIl S.
TYPE't'RITE11S for rent , $4.00 per month.
'rho Smlth-I'renuter Typewriter Co. , 1625
-Farnarn _ St. ; Telephone 1281. 551
si'io OGILAPII flits.
W'lJ SOLICIT and furnish poitians for
stenographers free. 'rime Smntth-Prcrnier
Typewriter Co. Telephone 1284. 559
AP.TISTIC Ilgures ornaments. Connelln &
Co. , 317 S. 10th t. 2G1)-Jy-2
KARBACII & SONS , 1312 howard. Tel. 1102.
' ' .
J. H. MAXCY & C. , auctioneers , room 416 ,
Karbiclu block , want your auction sales
of real estate , merchandIse , furniture , lIve
ittoc1c , etc -550
- - - - - - - - - - - V
S'1't1tll5itlN ANI ) STUT'I'IOIUNC' .
SChOOL for cure of these defects , Julia
E. Vaughan , 1.03 N. Y. Life bldg.
M-590 AD'
S . PL1TENT. .
liec Iiidg , Omh , Net , .
Scud ( or our fmie invent-
omit GuIde.
( Should be read daily by all interested , as
chaulges may occur at any time. )
Foreign mails for the week etiding July
16 , ISIS , ut'ill close ( PROMPTLY lii all cases )
at the General I'ostofllce as follows : PAR.
CEILI3 ios'r AliuILS close one hour earlier
than closing time shown below.
'l'rammmi-Ailimnile ittimils ,
SATURDAY-At 7 a. ui. for FRANCE ,
EGYP'r mind 331t1'I'ISl I iNDIA , per it. a ,
1u 13mct&mgne , via Jiavre ; ( letters for other
Itarts of Europe ( except Spalmu ) mnust ho
dIrected "uer La rlretagne" ) ; at S a. at ,
for NETIIFIItLANDS direct , per s. a.
15lansdmmm , via Itottentlamn ( lctter must be
directed "vcr Ojamisdamn" ) ; at 10 a. rn for
SCO'i'LAND direct , per s. s. Furnessla ,
via Glasgow ( letters must lie directed
"per Furnessia' ' ) ; ttt 11. a. m. ( smitplenuent-
nry 12:30 : p. rn ) for EUROPE ( except
l3paiti ) , ier 8 , 5. Campanla , vta Queens-
After tile rsing otth liupplemetutary
'fraiisatlnntle Mnile nanied above , miduhi-
tianal ttuppicnuentary mails tire opened on
tue piers of tlue m.mcnlcan , English ,
French and German steamers and remain
Olen 110th withIn ten mInutes of the hour
of sailing of steammuer.
ltliiiin for South aiil Cciii rat Amncricn ,
\Vest IndleN , Ilte.
dAB , per s. s. Jason ( letters for Ilelize ,
l'uerto Cortez anti Guatemala must be
directed "vcr Jaofl" ) ; at 1 1) . 10. ( stIpjhiu-
nientar5 1:10 : P. rn ) for ] SII1tMUDA , ier
5. 5. Oninoco.
FRIDAY-At. 10 a , m , for JIRAZIL , per s. s ,
Daiccarlia , via l'ernarnbuco ( letters for
North Brazil Intuit be directed 'por Dale-
crirlin' ' ) ; at 10 ii. in. ( supplementary 10:30 :
ii , rn ) for AUX-CAYE44 , JAC'Ml01 nod
SAN'I'A MATt1'JIA , per s , s. Ii. Dumois ;
at 2 p. met. for IIAII3ADOS ( lirept anil
NOltTiI I4ItAZIL. , VIa l'ara and Marinas ,
1)01' S. 5. Ililnry.
SATUIIDAY-At 2:30 : a. in. for NE'tV-
FOIYNDLAN ] ) , item ii. s. Siberian , from
I'hhladclpliia : at 10 a. m. ( r4uhplemetutrir ) '
10:30 : a. iii. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA -
( lENA , Ir ) ii. a. Atlm(1S ( letters for Costa
Rica must ho directed 'liar Athos" ) ; at
8:80 : p. ui. for NE\\'FOUNDLAND , per
titeminter itomiu NorthuSydne' .
Mails ( or Newfaundirumua. tiy rail to flail'
fttx and thiottco to' steanmer. close itt this
oiilc'e doily at 8:20 : P m. MAIls rom 011.
quelon , 1)5' call to Boston amid thence by
steamer. clo'n mit this ( tiflee daIly at 8:10 :
1) . mn. Mails for Mux1c City. ovetland ,
tIimiest4 shwciahlY nddresseii for tesnat'it by
titeatner. close at tilts oilre ! ilatI' at 200
a. rn .tnt ] 2:30 : p. in , "fleglstered mail
iose tt t'i ] : ' p. nm vrovious day.
'FrmIIIN-l'neltlc Olghlat ,
Malls. for China , Japan rind liruwall , per s ,
H. CIty of Ithi tie Jmutelro ( train Haut Francisco -
cisco ) , elome hiero tInIly ott to July lOt Ii itt
6:10 : p. in , Mails for Cliltumi and Japan ,
per s. 14. .Au'lzona ( from'l'ncoma ) , close
hero tInIly imp to Juhy " 11th at 6:10 : 1) . in.
Malls for Australia ( except \Vest Aus.
trahln ) , Nets' itcahitili ] , I luwall and Fiji
lsiunds. Iter 5. 5. 'tVmtrnimnoo ( from Van-
canyon ) , close lucre tInily nter July SLIt
and up to Jul " 21st t 0:30 : p. in. Malls
fat' tue Society Islands , per ship City ( If
l'apcitl ( from San Fmamiclsco ) , close hero
dully up to July 25th at 6:31.1 : P. tn. Mails
( or China timid Japan ( specIally ailtlressed
only ) , imor S. 14. llmimpreza of India ( from
Vaimc'ouver ) close hero daily up to July
" 25th at 6:30 : p. rn Mails ( or Australia
( except tiuuiso ( or Vst .iustrahiii. WhtCit
are forwarded via I'3ttrope , New Zealand ,
Ilawali , FIJI and Samoatu Ilaiids , er s. mt
Oluriposa ( from San Francisco ) . close
luoro daily UI ) to August "Gtht at 7 a. in. .
11 a. rim. and 6:30 : p. in. ( or on arrival at
New York of mt s. Etruria with flnltlsh
mantis for Australia ) ,
Trans-Pacilic mailsateforwarded to port of
t'Ml'OrrlCfl NOTICII.
( Contintmel )
sft1ltntdahlyamtc3 thepchedtiio of closing
t arranged on thn PrAsumption of their
tttulntormutted overland transit. "Itelmt-
tered mart eios.s at 6 p. tim. PrevIous day.
Postomce , New York , N. Y. , Jttly 8 , ISIS.
1Ltlt4'A' TIMIO C.tltlt.
' -r-i--i-i 1 A S II IOAILItOAI )
Ticket Oitlce , 1415 Parnam
Street. 'l'ehop riflit 802. Iepot
4 \ . x. 'l'etmth amid Maloti Streets.
; ; : ts _ _ . TelephOnO C2.
Leave. Arrive.
St . ottis "Cation
I.lnhit Express . . . . ' 4:30 : pm ' 11:13 : am
. ' .
Dnttt' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. CIIICAGO & NOIt'1'flVfiST-
; , erru TIcket
. - Office 10nhlwnfCltY Street ,
, Tehe1tone 563. Delict ,
Tent I nn ( 08aon Streets ,
'relepilomme , 620.
Leave , Arrive ,
Dayllghtt ChIcago
SpecIal . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6:10 : cm ' 11:53 : pat
Mn. Valley ' Sioux
City. St. 'Paul &
MInmteaohIs . . . . . . . at CtO : am ' 10:45 : pm
Ole , Vol cy , Sioux
City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7I5 am 9:00 : pm
Boone , Denniiomm ,
Cotitucil IllttiTs . . . , ' 10:10 : pm 10:05 : am
Eastern F3x. , )
Mohimes , Marshall'
town , Cedar Rapids -
ids and Clmicno. . . . 11:05 : am 4:20 : pm
AtlantIc Flyer , 'Iii-
t'ogo mu 1amtt. . . . . ' :5S : 1)01 4t20 pm
Fiit Otiull Cimicugo
to Omaha 0 55 pm
Northuern 13xpreos S 5:50 : lUll 8:40 : am
Om.-Chutcngu Si °
cml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:53 : pam ' 8:25 : am
S DaIly
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
- , MIesourl 1Vtiliey Itmullway-
( ciuerrtt Offices United
c Staten National lknk Bldg ,
1. Southwest Corner Twelft u
and 1'aruutmm Streets. Ticket 0111cc 1101
FartiRtu Street. 'relephonc , 561. tepot ,
Fifteenth and Webster Streets. 2oleQhono
1,458. LeaVe. rrlvc.
Black lulls , cad'
wood , lOot Spri'gS 3:00 : pm 5:00 pm
Vyomtng , Casper
anl Douigla. . . . . . . . " ' 3:00 : imm 5:00 m
hastings , York , Dii-
vitO City , Superior ,
( lenc'n , Exeter &
Seward . . . . . . . . . . . . " 300 pm ' 5:00 : pm
Norfolk , Verdigr3
mind Fremont . . . . . " 8:15 : ant " 10:45 am
LIncoln , Wahoo &
Frenuont . . . . . . . . . . $ 8:15 : urn " 10:45 : am
Freumoiit LOcal . . . . ' ' 7:50 : am
York Paasctiget' . . , , , ' 6:10 : pnt 0:40 : nun
DaIly. 1)nlhy except Sunday. '
day onl' . ' " Daily except Saturday.
a's. ' Daily excoot Momutluky.
Railroad - General Oillees
tkt L United Stuttes National
I'vjJlIlsJ. Batik Building , S. 'tV Con-
p Her 'I'welftlu and Furnaimu
Street , Ticket 0111cc. 1401 Farimam Street.
Telephone , 061. Depot. 'l'enth and Masomt
Streets. Telepholie , 629.Leave
Leave , Arrive.
Sioux City , Mm-
kmtto , St. l'utii , 6:40 : mm ' S:40 : am
Minneapolis . . . . . . . ' 530 ; Pm ' 10:45 : uirn
SIoux city Local , . . . 7:45 : am ' 9:00 : urn
a Daily-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
--tlC51ICACO , ST. PAUL , MIN-
, ! 000hiolimt & Omaha RaIlway
-General Offices , Nebraska
Diviimicn , Fittenth and
P8-'Md:2 : Webstcr Streets. City
'rIcluoFOIflce , 1401 Farimmim Street. Telephone -
phone , 561. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster
Streotit. Telophomue , 1,458.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City Accom. . 8:50 : inn " 8:35 : pm
Sioux City Accom. . " ' 9:50 : am " 8:35 : pm
131am. Etuucrson ,
Sioux City , Ponca ,
1Iartiflton and
Bloomuield . . . . . . . . a' 1:00 : pm " 11:55 : am
Sioux City , Man-
Itato , lIt. Paul &
Mlnmmeapolls . . . . . . " 6:00 : pm 9:00 : am
a Doily. ' tInily except i3umnday. ' ' Sun-
tay only. " Does riot stop at DeSota Cr
Coff man.
- BUnrANGToN & 0115.
n .t4 I sounl River Itailroad-'TIue
ulli IfltOfli Burlington Routo"-Gen.
I oral Ofllccis N. IV. Corner
Unii + rm I Tenth and Farnamn Streets ,
I1uuw J Ticket 0101cc , 1502 Farnam
- - - _ Street Tctlepiuono 230. Do-
pift , Tenth anti Mason Streeta. 'relephoni
Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln , hastings
and McCook . . . . . ' 8:35 : am 9:35 am
Lincoln , Denver ,
Colorado , Utah ,
California , Black
1-Sills , Montana. &
Puget Sound . . . . . 4:35 : pm 4:00 : pin
Ltncon Locat . . . . . ' 7:00 : pro Sa 7:41) p
Lincoln irast Mall , " 2:55 : pm " 11:40 am
Denver , Colorado ,
Utah , California
and Puget Sound 11:55 : pm il:55 pm
Daliy , 'Dai1y oxcoit Sunday.
iKANSAS C1Ti , ST. JOn -
n ' A rJ aeph & Council fllufts Rail-
Ijul IIiLJlII [ road - "The Burlington
I floute"-Tickrjt 0111cc , 1502
Farnam Street. Telephone
untltnJ 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason -
- son Streets. Telephone 128.
Leave. Arrivu ,
Ianmua S City Day
Express . . . . . . . . . . . 9:05 : am 5:40 pin
Kansas City Nighit
Expres- . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 11:00 pun 6:30 : am
'Ilxpomdtlomu Flyer"
St. Louk . . . . . . . . . . a 4:30 : pot ' 12:05 pm
for St. Joseph and
S Daily.
I fl ' c Quincy Railroad -
I DUI IIIPLUII Burlington floute"-Tielcet
I 0111cc 1502 Farnanu Street.
Telepliontu o. Depot , Tenth
Lntltn and Mason Streets. Telo-
V Phone 12 $ .
Leave , Arrive.
Chmicago Vostibuled
Express . . . . . . . . . . . . a 55 pin 8:10 : am
ChIcago Express . , , ' 1:45 ama 4:10 : pm
Chicago & SL
Louis Express . . , 7:45 : pm 8:10 : am
'resuomi Local . . . . . ' 4:00 : rim 10:45 : man
Pacific Junction
Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' i1:55 pm 5:40 : pen
Fast Mail , , . . . , . . , , a 2:50 : pin
Chicago Special . , , ' 32:00 am ' 11:50 : pm
a Daily , 'a
Daily except Sunday.
flv.mlund Roiite"-Genoral.
- or-
. . Ores , N. 'tv , Corner Nintiu and
i I.'arnam Streets , City Ticket
Ol'ce 1302 Farrianu Street.
l . . , , 'reiepiono 216. Depot , Tenth
4.J.s , t t and Mason Streets. Telephone
62) .
Leave. Arrive.
The Overland
LImited" for Den'
ver , Salt Lake ,
and western p'ts , . :1O : ain ' 4:45 : pm
The Colorado Spe-
dmtl , for Denver &
lull ColoraIo p'ts , il:55 : pm I :40 : a. in
Fast Mail Train for
Salt Lake , l'aciflo
coact and till
western iointe . . . I 4:35 pin 6:40 : am
L.incoln , Ileatrico &
Stromsburg Ex , 5:00 : pm ' 12:20 : pm
Fremont , Caium-
timi , Norfolk , Or'd
Island & Kearney 4:31 : PR' 32:20 : nm
Grand Island lOx. , . ' 5:00 am "tlZO : pin
a Daily. " Daily except lunday.
South Omaha Local 1ass-Lea'ieat , 615 ; a.
m , ; 7:00 : a. in , : 9:15 : a. rn ; 3:10 : p. ia Ar.
rives , 10:15 : a. in , ; 3:10 : p mm. ; 6:00 : a. m.
Council 13lufr Local-Leaves , 1:55 : a. in , ;
6:50 : a. ni. ? i0 a. en. : & : l0 mu , rn ; 10:19 : a ,
fll , 2:15 : p. rn ; 4:35 : p. rn ; 5:55 : p. mn.8:20 ; : p.
in. ; 10:05 : p. in , , Arrives , 6:3 : a , m , ; 7:23 :
a. lit. ; 8:35 : a. m , ; 11:30 a , in. ; 3:10 : p , in. ;
5:40 : p iii. , 6:30 : P. m. lI : p. en. ; 1O:4 : p , m ,
- , & i'acillo ltallroad-'J'hmo
i Uncut. Rock 151011(1 Route' '
? City Ticket Olilco. 132 ?
. Farruant Street. 'l'eiephone
428 , Depot , Tenth and
Iuiasomi Streets. Telephone
629 ,
Leave , Arrive ,
Rocky Mountain
Limited , cast . . , , 10 am 1:25 : am
Rocky MountaIn
Limited , ut'eit . . 5:20 : am 5:15 : nra
ChIcago & lIt. Patti
Vestibuied hi x -
press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 pm 1:25 : pin
Lincoln. Colorado
Springs , Pueblo ,
lJen'er and welt 1:30 : pm ' 4:25 : pat
Chicago , 1)08
M.iiit5 & Rock
Is'and ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 : pm " 11:25 : am
Atlantic Express ,
i oi. Des Ololmues
amid eastern Points ' 7:20 am ' 8:50 : pm
Colorado Flyer . . . ' 7u ; ) urn " 8:50 : am
a Daily. " Daily exceot undey.
. mnadVGeneral Otilcas unit
Ticket 0(11cc ( , Southeast Car-
V ncr 14th and Douglas Streetti ,
- 'relephone , lot. Depot , 15th
V and Webster i3ts. 'relephone
Leave , ArrIve ,
Iansas and Nab ,
Limited . . . . . . . . . . . a Q5 pm ' 12:55 : pin
itmituata City & St.
Louis Exhiresa , , . S 9:30 : pm 6:00 : am
Nihriiuka Local . , , ' 4:30 : pm e 0:45 : am
a Daily , ' D4i1y exceut Sunday ,
A flOhtfl1flbfl FOIt INIICl1lIIIT ! IAi1)3.
From lUre ,
L -
- .
' '
\ \ \ \ 1
fl _
, ' '
, 'g ,
} ,
_ _
_ _
I .
- -
, . 1 " . . .
t- ,
- -
. tf.,4
/f.,4 ; ; _ . _ .
AVI1'y/k 4
\ V
, )4
, , .
' .
V \ a
cyc . , it.
. ,41 _
4 /
f < V
y- / . . \ \
//tl.\\ / V : V _ _
L\1. .
R.tILt.VAY 'l'IMII CAitD ,
/ ( "C4 St. Paul Itaiiway - City
? 'i'lcket 0111cc , 1501 Fmirnamn
, MUK7 ltret. 'rulepluono 214. Depot ,
' a ' '
'I'entlm and lulasoit Streutim.
, 'relephone , 620.
' " Leave. Arrive.
0xpress . . . . . . . . . . , a 5:45 : pm 820 ; am
Omalnu t : Chicago
Express , . , , . . . . . , , , . " 11:00 : am * 435 ; pm
Sioux City and Ies
Ololtios Express. . . . . 'llOO : am " 4:15 : pin
Daiiy , "Daily except Sunday ,
JLAJL.VAY ' 1'13I1.3 CARD ,
OOlAhIA & 031' . LOUIS RAIL- .
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1'amitcrn Itrihiroiid-"l'lit , Port
Arthur Jtouto"-'j'ike ( 0111cc ,
R9.IgI 1415 1'urnmumn Street , 'Ado-
1)11000 322. Do ' 'rentli Lifld
Mason Strcts , Telephone 29'
Leave , Arrive.
lit. Louis Cannon
Ball fiximrez. . . . . . . a 4:35 : PIn 1l:30 am
Jiuristis 'its' &
Qulimey Loyal . . . , a 7:40 : ant 9 : ( pat
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