Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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1'2 TrrB OMAItA DAiLY B1E : WIDNESDAY , JTTaV 18 , 1898.
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Local Lncs Take Bthp to Install a Tariff
Sheet Again.
CJiuigi n Tnkc E1eet on FrI.tay , niiil
.ALI Lts'e' Lve .tgrcml In Abide
1) It tTiitIi 'Iltur.
fltIg1li3 Tried.
There WT9 fl Ilvel- time hi local freIght
1rcles on Tuc1ay morning over the prom
ISC1 reeLurL1On of freight rates on FrIdays
Jtiy ) 16. On Mommy rnost of tlio lines received -
ceivod instructions to advance thc rate3 on
ilock to 2I/j : cc11t41 . r 100 pounds on
Iilpnienth froii lioi-e to Chicago find to 1 ½
cnta jier 100 oUnda from bore to Missis-
111)111 ) rIver IOITtt8. BUt ( ha Chicago & North-
Ivestorn ofilco failed to receive any 4nstruc-
Uoi ; from oadqUarter3 to ntlvanco the rates.
AE there 7ia1 bccn a gcnoral ogreement
mon all the lines to restore rates on July
Ir ) the fulluro of the Northvtern to give
i1clt flotlr.u on ruesday caused a great hubbub -
bub , and the rcpr sentatires of the other
lines kept the si1t S bc.tween hero and Clii-
cage very warm throughout the day.
'ruG ficight agents of the other line9 vero
Iristruetel to notify shippers of the advance
lii Eatei avid to sco If ( ho other lines did the
hIflo. The flock Island , the Burlington and
thio M1hsnuko gave iiotlre of such advance
oil basthotind AbIpnIents1 and the Port
Arthur 1toUtt , thu Mlsbourt Vnclflo and the
Puriliiglon gave iiotI'o of au Increase In
rates on packing house products to the
FOULh. l3iit the Northwestern dIdn't say It
would Iio the raise , ahid that sworried the
other tiii a whiolo lot. 1'erybody wanted
to eo General Agent ] Cultn of the Northwestern -
western all at once , but ho ws merrily
watchihig the little battle from flcnthiuarters
Iii Chicago.
Thu weeldy meeting of the freight agents
of the Onnlia tcrmknal Ilnea on Monday
morning wrcstled long and ] ard with the
problem of restoring rates , and the con-
lerenco Is inid to have wnxed excecllng
% varnl. iomo of the freIght men talked very
plainly about the cut in rates by the others ,
50(1 LhiO courttsy was Immediately rcturned.
It wai flnnhly ngrrcd that rates should ho
maintained nftcr being reEtored on July ,
ka previously arranged by the executive out-
oraI of the lines. Opinion after the oeetlng
was divIded us to 1mw long rates would be
maintained. All were In favor of giving the
aow rates a fair trial. however , and If at
Iho nil of thiry days the freight rate situa.
lion hereabouts was not generally Improved
there would lie iiivtstigatlons that would
hevelop ahi kinds of sensations.
CDIifeVCIIofl of Iliti Iron , ! I'ret4ltlents in
o JeIUe tine ( tit'N1I.pIl.
The con3tructlon of IL union passenger
Itatton In this city continues t& be the nib-
torbing topic In th' front ollices of the lend-
hag railroad headquartcrs. The matter Is
up I the PresidcntO floW and tome definite
announcement of the number of roads that
vih1 enter and how much money they will
I'ut In a union atatlorL may ho cxpcted at
IA ear'.y date.
A call for t rncoting of presidents Inns re-
routiy been Ismeil. 'fho meeting wihl be
bold within a week In Now York CIty.
tUnuiig those who wilt attend are : Horace
U. Burt , preidcnt of the UnIon Pa-
cilia ; Warren ( ii. I'urdy , president of the
hock Island ; Marvin llughitt , president of
the Northwstorn , nod C. G. Warner , presi-
Uent of the Minneourt Pacific. It Is not
krnoivn whether ltoswehL P. MIller , president
Cr the Milwaukee , will attend the meeting ,
er not. lie is at present in the \Vhito
mountains for his lwnlth. and If ho Is fooling -
ing viehl at tine time of the meeting , he rill
ettonu. If ioL the Milwaukee wIll lie represented -
resented by A. J. Earling , vice president
Z1l ( general manager.
The fact that Vice Prcsldent Warner of
thu Miseouri Pacific has accepted the Inyl-
hitloli to lie present at tile meeting , Is be-
Uevo1 to be IndicatIve of thio intention of
tine Minsouri I'aclIlc to conio around to
t'cntlt end Marcy streets to use the new
passenger terminals. l'rcsident IlughiLt of
the Nortliweintern system , which includes
the other lines now using the Webster street
statIon , Ihl ho on hand , and is said to be
Ia hearty sympathy with the sebemo to con-
strut a station that shell be used by all
lIars , eiccpt ho BurlIngton , which baa nil-
reatly provided adequate terminal radii-
1Ie. Ojicu , . ILl , . 011cc.
Ilowari I. Abbott , the recently appointed
: n514t'r-Iu-dllancery for UnIon Pacific cnses
Jii.s opened his olllces In the Union Palfie
Jieadqunrtors. lie will be hero most of the
time vlicn not engaged In hearing cases
Iii Now York. Ho said to Tue lice that
iniost of the cases now set for hearIng would
ho hoard lit New York becniuso of the con-
venlencu to tIne records end other evidence
there. 'rho first case that will be heard
before the new zuaster-lu-cijancory has been
set f r the Inst of August , and the hearIng
% vIii 'take ' place in New York.
Mr. Abbott has already taken up hIs tern-
pomary residence here. lie Is not a utrnger
here , Laying vIsited bis n'8tcr ! , Mrs. David
II. Mercer , In this cIty a number of times.
Ito is veIl known In raIlway circles , hiaviug
liteit connected with the legal departments
of the Santa Fe and the Mllineapohis & St.
Lotus railroads before I chug nppoiuted inns-
ter-in-chancery by the United States court
dii Mlnnemipolis. Ho Is nit alumnus of the
University of Minnesota anti is a popular
youu mann in tim Twin CitIes.
] 1.1i * t ofVsty l'roc..t-I lug , , .
Conilennuation praccedinga against a batch
of East Omaha land In Douglas county have
becil begun in the county court by the East
Omaha Bridge and Terminal company. Tim
application asks for tlio appoIntment of six
dJiutcrcstet1 freeholderi to odjudgo the damn-
ages sustained by the plupurty In placIng a
raliroad rht of wimy niad railroad tracks
over it.
'Tine uction Is brought because the company
- - - - - - - -
. .L _ ; ! 4
hot SDntjs ,
South Dakota.
A health resort that Is a health
' resort A place where you can spend
tlii' ttiiniiior sith more atimaction
thmtmi you would thnliik possible. Plenty
to do and see. Easy to reach-If you
take the hiuzilugton , No dust , Ito hot
winds , ito sudIeit change in tempera-
ture. Eleimauit hotels , Largest plunge-
bath In the vest. Thermal waters of
Inesilmahlo velmlu to sufferers rorn
rIlpuu1iL a' kidney troublus , etc. Al-
Ut Ju.t -'lit for consuiunptivos.
I .tH 1anhlng physicians
an I . jouti.itls of lo'h iuni No.
ti ' dS 1iII InoalUtiest health tesort
Gil the cctIlleult ,
] lult 1'4tte July lPtli ,
'i'lLIet ( ) iflecItJ'1
1502 Eaiit 81. lUll Rasa SIs ,
4ruv.u.w aa
_ _ _
has been unable to make a satisfactory
dicker with tim owners , owing to litigatIon
that Is pending over the property. The corn-
pony ( lesIres to have it rights fuhiy c3tab-
Itnilrond .ote nn.i l'orounhi.
The Union Pacific has. placed new ettees
In its temporary depot.
\v T. Canada , special agent of the Union
Pacific , has gone to Denver.
C. 14. Jaynes has been eppointed passenger -
ger agent at the Webster street depoL
General fohicitor Maoderson of the 13. &
21. was reported much better on Tuesday
Jesse ? elon , Jr. , wbo wan traveling west.
on the Union Pacific wIth bi parents on
Monday , died after a brief Ihiness.
Henry Tbady , a brakeman of the Union
Pacific , died In the baggage room at Grecloy ,
Cob. . the othiei day of heart. falluro.
Ueneral Thomas 1' . Wilson , successory
receiver of the Union PacifIc , has gene to
Denver to examine some matters In connection -
nection with winding up the affairs of the
hospital department.
A. C. Ashley , a switchman in the employ
of the Unioni Pacific , was killed in the
switchyard at Cheyenne on Monday. lie
stepped on a track leading to the coat chute
to give a sIgnal , and an approaching train
that he thu not see struck and killed him
almost Instantly.
Oiiver W. Minic , one of the two successory
receivers of the Union Pacific left
for the cast last evening. Ire wIIi go over
a northern route and will stop at Detroit ,
Mmii. , a few days to see . 11 , II. Clark , ox-
president of the Union Pacific , who Is
quietly resting at that summer resorL
Tlmo passenger department of the Itock
Tslnlnd Inns just issued a handsome ihius-
trated souvenir of the initial trip of the
ltocky Mountain Limitnd , from Chicago to
Denver , May and 6. It. contains a descrlp-
floe of the train and cost of the equipment ,
the great number of special artIcles that
were printe' about. the run and a picture of
tIne party of railway omeinla and newspaper
mmcii who made thmo trial trIp , The souvenir
reflects credit upon W. Ii. Larkin , ndvertis-
lag agent of the compony.
Charles 13. Ioat , general agent of the
flock Island's passenger department at
Fort Worth , Tex. , was prdsentcd wIth a
handsome cane before leaving Omaha on
Monday cvcning. The gift was from the
newspaper nice of Texas. wimmn Mr. Slont
accompanied to the Omaha exposition , and
was presented at the union depot Just be-
fern tIme flock Island train puhied out for
( 'hicago. The cane he of cliony and the
handle is a heavy gold crook. It Is iii-
scrlbed : II Stoat , from Texas l'resa as-
socintlon , 1898. "
1nna Tiobhing , a young girl from Chicago.
arrIved In Omaha yesterday , expecting to
1)0 mt at. the hiurhlngton depot. by frIends.
No one met her. end nfter shio had wmtted
around the leput for a long time the passenger -
senger director approached her and tried
to 1111(1 out where slur wanted to go. The
girl was afraid to talk. but finally said that
slis was from Chicago cml that a relative
who wes an undertaker. a member of the
firma of Sclml & Eosenbcrger , was to have
met her. Efforts wore mails. to locate thin
firm mr'ntionod. wIthout success. After the
offlcia1 about the depat had exerted every
possible effort to find tIme girls relatives she
finally consented to tell more about her-
self. and explained that her relatives lived
in Wahoo. The train from Wahoo brought
the man she was looking for ,
Mn1eM flu A1JeetflctrnCtIofl of 1lI
Stiitciiiculn Couct.rnhiag Mooscr
nhlti Gallagher.
The trouble between Manager Willard
and George Mooser , vartner of Harry Gallagher - '
laghor , son of Chief of Police Gallagher ,
iii tile business of booking girls for vatule-
yule performers , seems to have been patched
up. Willard last week termInated business
relations with the firm and Mooser had
Willard arrested for.selhing liquor without
a license. Willard in turn swore out a
complaint against Mooser for malicious
prosecution , exposed the questionable moth-
odin of the firm and Its relations to the city
pohico department and revoked the con-
cessionnlrea pass ho had procured for
Moozcr. Tim settlement Includes the djs-
miesal of the charge brought by Mooser
against \Vlllard , the restoration of the cancelled -
celled exposition pass for Mooser , the withdrawal -
drawal of the complaint against Mooser and
the signing by Manager Wihlnrd of the tot-
lowing abject apology for having told the
true facts to The Bee :
OMAHA , July 12-To the Editor of The
Bee Having made certain statements re-
gardlag the TranmumnississIppi Amusement
Exchange for publication in The Bee. of
July 10 , I herewIth retract the same , and
apologize to Harry Gallagher and to George
Mooser for assertions affecting them per-
sonnuly. Respecting the department of police -
lice , I freely state that. the department has
in no 'way been used to Intimidate or force
me to tb business with the firm in question.
I have thiS tiny withdrawn my suit against
Mr. Mooser. II. WILLARD.
Iteiluction In flIa'elo Vrice ,
It is said that western capitalists are
contemplating the organization of a greet
bicycle company , which hopes o make first-
class wheels and sell thorn os low as 1O.
Whether this be true or not , the fact me-
mains that ilostetter's ? 4tonac'n Bitters is
a lirat-class remedy for the stomach , liver
and blood , tied the prie hilts It within
everybody's roach to lie well and strong.
For fever and ague it Is a pccific.
) lortnul ty tSztl
The following births and deaths were reported -
ported to the health commissioner during
the twenty-four hours ending at noon yesterday -
terday :
Births-Arthur Murray. 231 4 hickory.
glr1 Oscar Dujardino , 1506 Frederick , boy ;
J. J. Clarke. 3331. F'elt avenue , boy ; Willie
Smith , Twentieth and Vinton , girl ; Johan
Ablatromn , 2608 South Twelfth. boy ; Front
Eastman , 813 North Thirty-third. boy ; C.
D. Bolmer , 308 North Thirty-eighth , boy.
Doatliz-Itosanna Benedict , Sixth and
Dorcas , ' 77 years , old ago ; MInnie Sendow ,
Ninth and Grace , 9 months , cholera In-
fantum ; Annie Hobhik , 1113 William , 9
years ; Mary , Counelly , U13 Davenport , 68
Samn'l Burns. 1318 Faruam , Is selling 12
Thin ice Tea Tumblers , GOc ,
The usual Wednesday matinee wilt ho
given at the Troctulero this afternoon , The
matinees at this resort are growing very
popular among the women and childron. as
they can iittennl without escort and witness
the excellent perfornances ; provided by the
Trocadcro manageniont , This week's bill iii
one of thu best ever given in Omaha anti
is drawing large crowds at cacti perform-
auce ,
Tine Superb Ihquipnment
anti quick time of the UnIon Pacific mahos
it the popular line to mill principal western
resorts , City ticket othice , No , 1102 Far-
nam at.
A 1"IhW .lYA'J'I'AGIl
Offered by the Chicisgo , Milwaukee &
SI. l'nui ftnIl uty ,
A clean train made up anti started from
Omaha , Baggage checked from residouco to
Eiegant traiu sorvlce and courteous em-
vloyes ,
Entire trains lighted by electricity and
with electrIc light In every berth.
Fiucst ihining car service in the west.
with macski eervel "a ha carte. "
The Flyer leaves nit 545 ; ii , in. daily from
Union Depot.
CITY TIClcWI' OFFICE , 1&04 Faroam St.
C. S. CAltitlElt , City Ticket Agent.
'I'lme CtiaitIneuni Lhmniteil ,
The now \\'abash solid vestibule train of
day couches , sleeping and dining cars , Lu.
train for tourite and alt classes of travel.
Leave Chicago ( daiiy ) , 12 noon.
Leave St. Louis ( daiiy ) , 91O a. in.
Arrive Now York via West Shore , 3:30 :
p. no.
Arrive Boston via Fitchburg. :90 : p. ni.
All agents sell tickets for this train and
will tell you all about It. Ask him or write
0 , N. Clayton , 0. SV. 1. At Wabash ht. it ,
10,000 , Bolts of High Grade Milhinei Bib-
'bon Bought from the U. S. Oustom house.
ThIs i WIthout Quceton flue Grnndet
l'urcImnc of itilbc.uie Eser uIaule-
All Iliglt ( Irnutit Geode zitid Eel.
lowing 1'r1ce lVIit Cause a
1,000 yards of pure silk millinery ribbon
In changeable talfetas , flgurcd taffetnus ,
Dresden tatfetas , light and dark grounds ,
floral designs , Oriental designs , plain moire
ribbons. All of these are high cost mliii.
nory ribbons , up to 0 Inches wIde , and every
yard worth L0c , on bargain square at 7e
1,000 pIeces of fancy striped , checked and
plaid mlihinery ribbons , in cli time new lead-
lag colors , two zinl ( three toned effects , all
of it 5 inchcs wide , worth 2i3c. on sale at
c yard ,
Thousands of yards of pure silk and natin
ribbons , from one to three inches wide , nil
colors , pInk , blue , red , white. black , etc.
New , fresh goods , and act.uahiy worth 15c :
on sale at 2 ½ c yard.
10 inches wide sash ribbons , so stylish for
dress trimmings , on sale at 3ie yard.
Pure silk sash ribbons , the i.O0 quality ,
in all the new combinations of colors for
dress trimmings , millinery purposes and
fleckwenr , on sale at 29c.
$2.00 SASh ItIlhihON AT 60C.
40 pieces of the most elaborate sash rib-
hon ever shown in Omaha. 10 inches wide ,
all new , handsome combinations of red ,
turquoise and other new colors , heavy satin
stripe running through the center , all of
them beautiful combinations and actually
worth 2.6O. on nle at 50c.
o0 new style fringes. neckties and sasheS.
In Bayadoro stripes , checks and plaids , all
extra heavy , imuro silk ribbon , worth 76o
and $1.50. on sale at 11c nail , Oc yard.
16th anti Douglas Ste.
Spanlelt Thmouglnt They Could 1aily
flcroy If-Oregon'M Speed
a Stirpri'.o.
( Copyright , IS9SbyAssociated Press. )
responnienico of the Associated Prcss.-"If )
we could have gotten by the Brooklyn , and I
believed WE' couid , " saint Admiral Cervera
ti ) Commodore Sehhcy mid Captain Bob
Evans , In the cabin of tbo Iowa yesterday ,
"t could ave gotten away. My orders to
concentrate fire on the Brooklyn were car-
ricd out , but your ship has a charmed life , "
end the sad-faced admiral , wIth tears in his
eyes , added : "My career Is ended. I
shall go back to Spain to bo kIlled or die
iii disgrace. "
Comniodoro Schley put out. his hand and
rested it Ofl Cerwera'a shoulder. lie speaks
perfect Spanish , and the liquid ] anguago
flowed easily as ho said : "Admiral , you
are a bravo man , and coming out as you
did In 'tho face of mm. superior force is hilt
an exemplification of ( lint bravery. Your
country can but do you boner. "
The story of Cervera's attempt to escape is
an Interesting one and is told briefly by
the ciommander of the frigate Adolpho Con-
trorez , a pri.soaer on board the converted
yacht Vixen , taken off the atLleshIp Cris-
tobal Colon. Chief EngIneer SaufozI B.
Moses of the VIxen acted as interpreter for
the correspondent or the Associated Press ,
the conversation being In the international
language of the navy , French. Commander
Centrorca told the interesting atory :
"It Is not true that the heavy ships drove
us out. Besides the accident to tbo Relna
Mercedes. we had no casualties. The dynamite -
mite shells of the Vesuvius did no damage
except to terrorise t'eplc. A shell did not
strike Smith Cayo at all , but. hit near the
base. We arrived in Santiago harbor on
May 19. Wo did not know that our whore-
ubout. were a secret. We made no attempt -
tempt to hide or covoiiip our plans. We
simply took easy stages to get to Cuba. It
was frightfully hot In the harbor and ive
suffered greatly. We made no attempt to
got out and did not use our rapid boats , as
till our machinery was defective and we
were trying to repair 'It. ' The frequent
bombardment o 'the ' American ships re-
suited in quite a loss of life , but. did little
other damage. The battoriei were not
harmed to ny extent. It Is not true that
we dismounted our ship guns. The Rclna
Mercedes' guns ivero all In the forte when
Commnodoro Schicy arrived. On Saturday ,
May 28 , we got word that Schley hami heft
rome poInt near Cienfuegos for Santiago ,
and we started to get out. The news had
come too late , as Sebley had left a couple
of his hlps 'to ' tct as decoys before Clen-
fuegos and in the meantime had come down
"On Sunday morning , tay 29 , we found
Sehley blocking our way. It wan then
Cervera's Intention to come out end give
battle , but General Linares objt t d and
wo stayed.
"What about the Ilobson expedition ? "
was asked.
" \Vell , wo were very much surprised , and
at first alarmed , believing that a torpedo
attack was going on. Time shore batterIes
opened up and the ships used their rapid-
fire guns. The dynamos were not goIng ,
however , and we liati no searchlights , so
that we could not find the Object. We did
not sink the Merrimae with our batteries or
our mines. It sunk Itself with Its own br-
pedocs by blowing out its bottom , Admiral
Cervema , In making a tour of the shore batteries -
tories In a steam launch a little later. found
Hobson aimnhing in the entrance anti try-
lag to get out to sea. lIe hind cii a life-
preserver and when picked up asked that
they save hits companions. This was done ,
all of tim men being In the water anti not
on a raft , a' hiss been said , "
When Ccntrorcs began the most interest-
tag part of his narrative , that relating to
the movements of Cervera , lie said : "Ad-
mlral Corvera , after tiio arrival of a great.
American iheot , dm1 not behievo it. wise to
go out and try to fight IL lIe argued that
the best policy for the fleet was to hold the
harbor against time enemy and ho ready by
an enfilading fire over the hill to drive
back the juvadlug army. At first tlmo peopie
in Santiago believed this the best plan , but
provisions ran shy , anti dispatch after die-
patch caine from MadrId. It was found that
public sentiment demanded a naval battle ,
On Saturday a conference was called on the
Maria Teresa and all the oiflcers were Inres-
cot , Admiral Cervora announced his iuflea-
tton of going out , and it was decided to go
out that night. Just after dark , when the
ships lund gotten their uncimors up , beach
lights were seen on the western hill , and it
was decided that the American fleet had
been warned of our intention and would
close in oum us. In additIon to that. It was
found that this searchlights flashing in the
entrance from the American ships would
prevent us steaming by the Merrlrnac wreck ,
which was a very narrow channel , It was
afterward , too late , learned that the supposed
signal lights vere Insurgents burning up
block houses ,
"The order of coming out and the tactics
to be employed vere these : Time Maria
Teresa , carrying Admiral Corvera's flag ,
was to go first and was to be fohlowei by the
Vizcaya , the Oqucndo and 'the Cristobal
Colon , The torpedo boat destroyers Furor
and Pluton were to come out last arid run
inside of the ships. w'uich were to bug fhe
shore to the weSt. The west end of the
blockading station was chosen becuso It
was thought that the Brooklyn , being light
in proteCtion , would ho the easiest. to sink ,
anti as it was fast , would be the best out of
the way , "
Thou one of the oilier offlcors addetit "V'o
never thought. tIm Brooklyn's battery was so
terrible or that it would attempt to fight.
all of us , It was a frightful sight. when
all its guns were going. "
Continuing , the commander said : " 0mm
Sunday morning time lookouts reported that
Sunmlsy morning th lookout reported
that the Massachusetts , Now Orleans
and No , , York wore not In sight , and
It wnts concluded that It was a good
time to maIne the atarL Wo were
the last ship out and we saw at once
that the Brooklyn , Texas anti Oregon were
doing dreadful work with time two leading
ships. That is all know of the battle , cx-
cept that two eight-inch shells from
the Brooklyn vent. through us and a
thirteen-inch abel ? from the Oregon
hit us i the stern. t'o saw no other ships
than those In time last two hours , but we
had to make such a long detour in going out
that we thought best to surrender. "
Ho waited a moment and said : "Brazzey's
annual ptmts the Oregon down at fifteen
knots , but It was doing more than that
when It. chased us. "
All of the omccra captured were pretty
well broken up over the affair. They said
they haul ant heard from hiomno for three
months , None of the ofilcers of the Colon
were killed.
IIAYIIIN 11111)5 ,
Voum1erfmij Snie of Men' , Flue Vnmtt.
Regular $2.00 and $2.50 values offered hero
in great variety for 95c and $ i.7i.
Men's fine worsted trouser'j in nil the
newest fashions , real $4.00 and $5.00 values ,
hero this week for $2.25 and 52.25.
Boy's long pnmits at half price this week ,
SOc. 5e , $ i.7 and $2.50.
Boy's nil-wool knee pants this week for
25e , 35c and SOc , worth double.
IJoy's dnublc-lreasted crash suite in knee
pants styles , sizes fi to 1i years , now at
95c. 51.2t. nnrl 5I.tiO a suit.
Children's washable snllmr suits In sizes
3 to S years nit 25c , 50 , and 7Sc.
Odd knee pants at Sc , iSo and 25c.
A shirt sale Saturday that will make you
wonder. The comaleto line of the GriiYon
bramici samples. Men's and boys' shirts In
all sizes and styles , very latest patterns ,
worth $1.00 , $1.50 end $2.00 at. SOc.
'VIa tIme I'ortImvestern Line ,
July ii and 12 , extraordinary rates ,
through cars. The Northwestern is tim
"otticlal lIne. " 'Write C. B. Morgan , international -
national president 13. Y. P. U. , Omaha , or
city ofhico , 1401 Farnam street.
Special Session Held Ia hear froimi
the flelegmites Who Vent
o Denver.
The women's club assembled in extra see-
sian Monday to henr reports from the
recent biennial meeting of the general Federation -
oration of Women's Clubs , at Denver. About
twenty Omaha women had been in attendance
there as delegates and visitors , and seven
were selected to bring reports to the club.
These occupied the platform anti Mrs.
Stoutenborough of Plattsmnouth , president of
the Nebraska federation , who hind been Cs-
pecially honored at Denver , was seated with
Mrs. L. P. Harford occupied the ten mm-
utes alloted to her in a description of the
opening session with its greeting from governor -
ernor , mayor. woman's club anti Colorado
foderatiob. She also brought items of value
from a copterence on club ? thethods which
had been conducted by Mrs. Cyrus Perkins
of Grand Rapids , Mch.
Mrs. Towno's message had to do with the
section of the meeting devoted to civic clubs
and village improvement societieS.
Mrs. holler dwelt on the most brilliant
session of the series , that devoted to the
press , and participated iii by Mrs. Ilenrotin
Miss Winslow , editor of the Club Woman ,
Mrs. Spero of the San FrancIsco Call , and
others. She also rehearsed the ( lellghts of
a garden party given in honor of the literary -
ary guests and newspaper women , and gave
a short. report of the mothers' congress at
Salt Lake City , which followed the Denver
meeting , and at which she wan a speaker.
Mrs. Andrews hiatt been impressed by several
papers. To Mrs. Frauik Richardson was
given tbo report of the social life of the
occasion , amid she made it seem ery real
and delightful as she described homes and
functions , gowns and graces. There scorns
to have been no limit to the hospitality of
the Denver women , and every manifestation
of it was a complete success.
Mrs. Iloobler related what Denver had
done for its school children in the way of
art culture. A room In each school building
suitably tinted antI decorated and supplied
with works of art. from a single country
Japanese here , English there , and again
Italian , illustrated the method used.
The report of Mrs. Dumont had to do with
an educational conference where Mrs. Fel-
1cr of Omaha , had been a shining light , and
with tlio Sunday evening services where
again Nebraska had been honored in thin
fact that Mrs. Stoutenborough contributed
an Important paper on "Thu Federation
idea-Ilociprpctty. " The program for the
day was closed by Mrs. Stoutenhorouglu who
spoke in warmn admiration of Mrs. Putt , time
presiding genius-not only of the Woman's
club , but. appamantly of all Denver. She
gave some little report ci business matters
brought before the conventicm. amid told with
earmmest words of time vork of state presidents -
dents and federations ,
The only music of the day was a local
member , "Narcim on Bravo Lade , " sung by
Miss Laura van ICuran. This is the song
wiuichm was adopted at the Denver meetIng as
tim official Patriotic song of the federation ,
AnoUmer clement whmlclm gave patriotic flavor
to time occasion was the presence for time
first time of time new ilag , whichi Imad been
purchased by ii committee of which Mrs. W.
S. Strawn Is chairman , It was characterized
as the most elegant flag 1mm the city and it
Is certainly a beautiful one , It Is 4x6 feet
in size amid Is of large gras-grain silk. Time
stars being embroidered in silk ibis. Time
handsome gold fringe aunt the finely finished
staff with its gold cord anti tassels add to
the richness of effect ,
Thu business of the afternoon was of the
complimentary order in the main , A tcle-
gram wan read from Chicago wommien enroute
to Denver , expressing appreciation of time
courtesies tendered them by time Omaha
club on women's club day , amid a vote of
thanks was given to the women not members
of the club , who assisted on time entertain-
meat committee. Reference was made to
time recent ( loath of Mm's , Miserner amid the
club rose and stood for a mnomnent in token
of Its sorrow mind sympatlmy , Mrs. Misener
was a charter monul "r of the club and an
emmthusiastic worker In two of time largest.
departments , as well as a member for
several years of the membership coumimlttee ,
firot , , , 'I'vu. ( , S'ell ltmova iten.
CIIICAcIO , Jumly 12.-Mayor Harrison linus
manic alpolntmncuts to the Hoard of Educa
tion to fill the places of time nine members
wImoe tornis expire tomorrow. Luumiommg tiuoe'
who failed of renppointnment are Ir. W. It.
Harper , president ot Clmicago university ,
and Otto Greuimaun. son of time late 'aItcr
Q , Gresimammm , The lrinclpal busimmess to
come before time new board at its first
meeting \'c4needay night is the election of
a superIntendent of schools. Thu eammuhidates
for this Imosition are the present incumbent ,
Albert 0. Lane , amid Pr. if , Benjaummini Au-
drows , president of Brown university.
Stct'l iim.I 'Yi re Cmi Liy 1)l'vldensl ,
NEW YOitK , July 12.-The directors of
time American Steel \Vira conmpamiy have do-
dared a divIdend of 1 3.1 on the vrcferred
stock , payable August 1 ,
Special Clearing Sale of Shoc anti
Oxfords ,
This is ii Specini Ilnrgnin 'Week In
Mie , ' Sbus , Oxfords nnd Slip-
i'ers-Anr Style of Misses'
Oxfords at uSe ,
Mi of our misses 'oxfords , either blacker
or tan , opera or coin too , at fuSe , sizes 11.
to 2 , cut from $1.50 , $ l.S5 anti $2.00.
Misses' kid strap slippers , either plain or
with tips , sizes 11 to 2 , at fuSe-regular price
Misses' dark tan shoes , either lace or button -
ton , khj or cloth top , at $1.48-reduced from
$2.50-sizes 11 to 2.
Misses' white kid strap slippers cut $1.10.
Ladies' viol kid oxfords , either black or
tan , kid or cloth top , at $2.25 , worth $3.00.
Ladies' vict hid tan bale , coin toe , at
$2.25 , chenim at. . $2.00.
Ladies' vici kid tan bale , vesting top , coin
toe , at $3.00 , cheap at $3.S0 ,
Ladies' white canvas oxfords at OSc , cut
from $1.50.
Slieciat bargains in ladies' muliocs at OSc ,
r.tzcs 2 ½ to 4-regular price $3.00.
Iteniemnber this is a special clearing sale
of all this season's goods , Tlmls is your
opportunity to buy shoes wimemi you need
them. Time ale starts \\'ednesdny morimimig.
Farmmam and 15th Streets.
Itevolt Made Successful by line
Strategy of One of Ills
Soberer Subjects ,
"Peg Legged Jimmy , time ICimmg of the
Bums , " as James Riley is called , met lila
Waterloo antI Was detimroned Monday night
through time strategy of one of lila stmbjects.
Time king is a big stalwart hobo , who
maintains imis title with his brawny arnie
amid huge fists , which ho uses whemmever opportunity -
portunity hmrcsents itself. his title of "peg
leg" Is due to time fact timat his right
leg is off at the thigh amid in its stead
ho wears a wootleri post. tie and several
cronies muako their headquarters 1mm an old
cold storage house in the north bottoms.
Ills conmrmmdes fear him , but remain with
him as ho Is always "good" for beer nmoney.
Early Monday night Jimmy limped into his
den badly Iimtoxicated and immediately be-
gnmm assaulting his comrades. lie blackened
several eyes and bent several noses before
ho cleared the ilace. Time battered hoboes
drowned their beating in beer at a neighboring -
ing saloon and returned nbotmt midnight
looking for trouble.'bcim timey entered the
king's throne room , his royal higimnesum was
asleep. One of them slipped to his side
anul ummstrapped his leg anti then several or
them junmpcti on imiumm amid with fists and
feet and hammered him unmercifully. I-lie
wooden leg was also used with effect on his
heat ] . The king attempted to defend imim-
seif , bmmt was tmmmabio to get up. A riot call
was sent to the station anti several offIcers
arrived in the wagon In time to save the
king from what mnight have resulted In a
fatal beatIng , The king is in time hospital
and his cronies are in the city jail.
'Verdict of the Coroni'm-'s .Jury on August -
gust Simndem'mmmnui Exoincruitci ,
lime llOtiuhIIILtCl , ,
After a careful examination vf a number
of witnesses and thoroughly considering the
circumstances of August Sinderman's death
the coroner's jury came to the verdict that
ho accidentally nmet 'his ' death by falling on
Some sharp instrument , presumably a cUs-
pitinr. Moyersiek and hlarde , his roommates ,
wcro exonerated and discharged.
flu Slum a N. V. , ztmi.l Itet a rn ,
Via the Northwestern Line ,
July 11th mind 12th , extraordinary rates ,
through cars , Time Northwestern is the
"Official Line. " Write C B. Morgan , International -
national president B. Y. P. U. , Omaha , or
city office , 1401. Farmmam et.
Jtmics 1'ztYns hiM " .S'ife's CholIne , .
Walker Jones' wire sang "tafo your
clothes amid go" to him Monday night after
I , they ltimd mm. duamcstic sceio in cim'ahi ll'e
household fmmrmmi turn playcti imroniimmmn. ammi
striking parts , and lie tooc her ci. hue. '
lie not only teak his own citimei. limit
lucre , oum thmo gm ommumnis that the .ppai'ei e-
longed to Imini , as lie had palti for It , 'Vv 1nlm
a pair o her recm'eahmt hnusbaads overalls
on and a quilt about her simcuiderum Mrs.
Jones' called at tue iiollco tntntin , nuni swerc ,
omit a warrant far Jommes. TJi' eiomluium , wa'
found mm a pawn unnaIl , Wiu'rO .loimcii humid
photlgeth them for 50 cents. 'lime Joneses live
at Capitol avenimo and Ninth street ,
CllIz'it Sum'nes ii Vlsi tar ,
A citizeum saved a verdant visitom' mmmcd
M. L. Mntldon from aim assault anti roimbery
Monday umigimt by rnotlfyiumg the police of Mad-
don's doinrtulro from his imotel In comnpany
with a well kminwzm crook named Frank Need-
lmanm. A policeman took time trail of the couple
and traced timeni to a dark aliey on Six-
teentlm street , near Iavormport , where Need-
ham was preparing to rob Matidon. Need-
imam was plncd ummder arrest.
ComnlmIe'nee umeun 'nughit.
Patrick Boyle and George Moore , two well
known "con" macn , were caught Monday
In time act of isorkiumg a skin game cmi a
Sweuimehi visitor to the city. The Swede ,
who was unalie to speak English , had been
nlecoyed by the men to a lonesomumo spot near
thmo 111gb school.
Cnmtnin CrIttenslen's Nnhmie Not There ,
Lieutenant hodges , at Fort Crook , NeIm. ,
line received a second telegram from Adjutant -
tant General Com'bin of time Unitetl States
army , tn time effem't that Captain 301mm J.
, Crittentien of time Twemmty-seeouid is not on
time list of killed from time battle at Sammtiago.
Annual 8OlaB ovord,000 000 floxe
V L1
umeim as Wind amid Pain tnt limo 1tounachi ,
Giuidimmn's'u , Fumimiesni after nmeuds , headache -
ache , Iizzimmess , 1)rowsiumose , Flumsimimmas
of Moat , Lose of Apiotito , , Cou'tiyoiuemts.
jllotclnet tifl tine Skin , Cold Clmliimm , Dl'i-
tumrtmed Sloop. Frightful Drcammuu and nit
Nervous awl Tremumbhi jig t3onsatlomms ,
will nclmimowiodgo timeimi to be
hmElCh1'S I'Ii.I.s , taken as direct' .
cd , wilt riuuickly restore Foummahos to conm-
iilnto health , Tlmey promptly remove
ob'ntructions or irregulerities of tb eye-
tonm mmmiii cure f'.iele hlculueic , Fern
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Fioecham's Pills are
Without a Rival
And u.s. the
ofammy L'ulemlt MedIcine 1mm tIme World.
25e. at nit Drug Stores ,
' - ) . I lice , July 13 , 1898.
Seed % ,
All the bus'iiiess we ever \vegotly1eervingit. .
W7e 0X1)eCt to go on Uutt way. Wti don't ; ex1)eet tuty-
bO(1 to cotito in here :111(1. : plltl'Oihizo ui for chnrity' '
sake.Ve \ don't expect aiiybody to 1en'e us tlie'ir
iriotiey juIt ; because we are a long time in btisiiies or
because we halpeil to have a store that. is a crclit to
the townTlielt we were a littli. bit of a 1)1flC0
twelve years ago , wo ( Ulnt aik anybody to trade
with US 011 aCCOillit of our $ illalI CXIOflSO ) cCOllh1t or
because ire were 'tyoung and. Stl'llggliIhg , " or WI )
C1'ilU't . work the sylnat11y gag in ilh1 or SllalO.
.wTo gavogoocivnlues. _ We kept oii giving tlioiii ever
5111Cc. : Eveii'ii iritt O1)UllCtl our doors 'we have
woi'ked. Oil the 1)rillcillo that the 1)llbBe knows good.
values wlieii they 'e tlieiii 1111(1 that they will trade 11.15
a store just so long a they continue to get good val-
iles , aiid. no longer. Yesterday we told OU about
SOhflegOOlVitlUeShil EUlflih1Cr bows at two for a iiiekol.
tf0(111y it's the linal call oii the iilk string ties at
5 centsaliece. _ lllSt1lhlCeS of good. 'alues are appar-
Gilt fl anything you call for here.
- - - -
A large season's busiiiess 1aves us with many carpet
i'emna.nts. These we have Iliade up into rugs and 1)riced '
them at about oiie-tlnrd ivliat the carpet has sold for-
Here are a few hints of their greatness-
8-3x10 Axminster Rug , $15.00 ( !
8-3x10-6 Axminsler $12.50
. - - Rug , .
. 8-3xIO6 Axmimster Rug , $ I1OO
B-3x10-6 Axminster $ I15O
- - Bug , I15O'I
8-3x11-9 $ I35O
- - Tapestry Rug ,
1-Oxl-3 Tapestry Rug , $6.50 "
8-3x11-9 Tapesty Rugs , $14.00
8-3x1-6 $100 $
- - Tapestry Rug ,
8-3x10 Body Rug , $10.00. .
6x11 Body Bti , $9.00. L
1-h. yards long-in Moquette , Velvets , Tapestry , Wiltons
aiid. AXIhlillSterS at Oc and $1.00. These are bound
ready for use.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Oldest , largest and
v beat equipped In
central West , $
FORD inggboinrerCCtad. SE LLERS , M. A. . Studenteremeotedlast LEXGT0N. 0. t
- - - -
. . 24 l'rofeesors froma 8 Uui- in' '
, 2Ijtlm Unprecedented ProsperitY.
year. , . ,
. . ycrmtIre and 11 L'.iropeflhI CometrvfttVICC. . A 8l,000PIano , to
& . ' . Comn.eratory Xi'ver
) ' Imest music pu liii. ,
ScInarVeflkft , fllrcctorUrmterfll , present in person dtmrlng May
Largest .IOIIN ( 'huenoest. W. MILLION Best. , Address l'rcs. , 11 A St , MEXICO , MO.
11Stenway Pianos1
Pre-eminently limo best' pianos
immadc-cxportcd to and sold in
all art centers of time globe and
endorsed anti preferred for private -
vate amid public use by time great-
eat artists and scientists.
Also a complete line of Ivers
& i'onul , Voso and Emerson
Pianos at greatiy reduced prices.
3 Chickerlng Ihargains-
$ G5.OO , $75.00 anti . . . . . . . . . . . . .4'
1 Liglite & Co. 5
Upright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I Decker Bros. , 0 00
ebony case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a
2 Kimball Pianos-
your choIce , , . , . . . . . , , , . . . . . ,
Upright . . , . . . . , . , , . , . . . , . . . . ,
Sample Piano-worth $2.75-
our price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pianos rented , tuned , ox-
chuingiul and sold on easy pay-
meats. A. C , Mueller , Timer.
Tel , i62s.
Sehmolr & MeIer9
1313 Farnam Street.
Leuuhluig Mmslu Ienlers 1mm hue 'Vcst ,
Rernernbr9 a Litfie
0 ! Sherwjmm-\Villinun , PAINT will vork
wonders in time LOOKS of tluiiigstimt
kitchen or vorch iloom---tbat old chair or
settee can be ummado rnuclm immoro attractive
by applying some Paint. it's ! dIXlD
IIFL'tDY FOil IlSil anti can lie hind in ISo
anti 20c caums , Time Simerwlmi-\\'iiiianms Floor
PaInt iRiES IIAItD Ia one zmiglit. A full
quart for 40c.
Ayer'e hair Vigor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
Booth's hiyomrmei , . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . Oc
Ilirney's Catnrrlm Cure . . , . , , , , . . . . , . . . 40c
Brown's Comnp. Tooth powder . . . . . . . . . 2Cc
Brown's lironciulal Trocimes . , , . , . . . . , 2Cc
hirandreth's i'iiIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c
Cuticura Sofip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Cascardts , , , , . , . , . , , , , . , , , hOc , 20o amid 40c
Oarflelml Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ? Oe , 40e and SOc
him's Itoot Deer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' itc
' . . . . , , , . . 75e
hood's ilarsaparilia ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - '
Listerine . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . . . , , . , . , . ' 7So
Lyon's Tooth I'owder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c
Memmnen's Talcum i'owder , . . . . . . . . ISo
Pierce's Favorite Prescription , , . . . . . . 75e
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. ,
1513 Dodge Street , Middle of Block ,
Omaha , Ncb ,
3rownoII fl.1t
Opciis Sept. 10th. 1S98 ,
Boarding utimd Ituy Solmool for Gina
Under time direction of itt. Rev. George
\Vorthington , S. ' 2. D. , LL. D. Prlnma y ,
preparatory utnd collegiate courses. Co -
Potent corps of teachers. Modern inc -
od and every advantage oered. Stret
attemmtloui paid to time moral , mental uued
lim'SiCUl well beimmg of time studeumts. . .pipip
lilac coimforred , Prepares for au coiicue
open to women. Special courses in IIlt'
cc English , ScienceS , Ammclent and Modcn
Languages , Music and Art. Terms mmw
orate. BuildIng repaired and In exceilt it
order. Huimitary plumbing. Satletacto y
stenm imeatlng.
I'arente and guardians desiring to ea r
pupils will IlOniBO send for catalogue , r
apply pcrsonnliy to
Mt s. L .R. Upton , Prin
Bross'nehi liutli. Ommmauia. Ne ,
For the lmigimer education of youu
vomnemm. Classical and Scientillc cour
or mntnmdy , also Preparatory amd Option ;
Year begins Selmt. II , 1898. AplilY to Mb
Ida C. Aie mm , i'mImm , , Bradford , inss ,
25 25
Best set of teeth , $5.00 , No charge for ax
tractiung when tectim are ordered. All otbe
works at mnamne reduced iiricee.
Albany Dentists ,
120 South 14th. cor. iouglas , Open eve :
hugs imnttl 8. Lady attendant , Sundays ,
p. am.
, Tile Biggest Stock.
Lull kinds' miii dzcs I4)\V1ST i'ILtCE-Saa
u bilumui Irics ) ( have decllmie'i ' , , ' ,
Omaha Tent and Rubber Co. ,
I $1 1 I'immnuim.
Lake Michig&n and u.aka bimperior lransoo.tatiar , CC.
Own 'the ew sIam ? 41aui.hlp )1u.tIto ,
8auuinge From Chicago
Fur M.ckiur.a 1eIa. * Ietrolt ) , ( ipc,1&nI Iluffalo T
' . . . * . . . ' ' . . ' .
Oi4'LC'IUI. S M.i U i'.M'I heft A.MSt.t I'
ftvcaiz I'n'to.sar ) , 14c.m
. % , ,
pui' ' IhtUV4iCk , ] iuugLtou , Asimisal ,
: ; : ; ,
( 'fltICfttIU