- - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - ' - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - ' _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - ---r - - - . - -v----- - . - . - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - . - - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - -r- _ _ _ _ - . --------v------- - - ----------------------.v-------- - ---y- I . ' I ( ' 1 . . . " 1rI'1IF : .YMAJ1A 1)AflY fl1'I'UESIAY , .JULY i 1898. 7 . DECREASE 1 CORN ACREAGE r Department of Agriculture 1suc It July crop Report. I FAILING OFF S IN WESTERN STATES Cottillilnit ot Crop IN IIctcr . ' 1'htii J.flNt 'Yrur , mit 1.ii eNi , arhi , one Exeripiloti , In Ten Years. r ( , WAS1INOTO. ! Jtily 11.-The July graIn , . Crop report of the DC1)nrttfleflt of AgrIeul . . turo 8ays preliminary returns to the stnIIs tIcInn of the Department of AgrIculture Ofl the acrea of corn ItiJicato a reductIon of 3 per cent from the area harveeted 1at year. - of 512,000 ncrcs In There Is a (12creac , Illinois , O3OOO In Iowa , G61,000 In MIsourl , , 722tiOO In Kunsas und of 482,000 In ebrnska. Many other states ihow a reduced average , but a majority of the southern sthteH report an Increase , rangIng from I per cent In the C8BO of North Carolina and Georgia , to 8 per cent In Texas. 'rho average condition , 90.5 , although 7.C poInts higher than the condItIon for the cor- renponlIng date of last year , Ia with the CXCCIIIOR of 1t92 and 1897 the loweRt July coiii1lIOlI In ten years , the average for that Icrlol being 91.3. CondItIons vary widely among the dlfTer- cut btltteS , Iow. reporting 100 , Nebraska and Ohio 90 , KanIas and illInoIs 83 and Nissourl 78 , Th condition of winter wheat Is f.1 Points lower than lAst month , but Is still 4.r ) voints hIgher than at the correspondIng ditto last year , anti .1.3 poInts hIgher than the average for the last ten years. The principal state averages arc as foIIows Pennsylvania , 87 ; Maryland , 86 ; Tennessee , 90' ; Keitucky , 93 ; OhIo , 89 ; Michigan , 98 Indiana , 94 Illinois , 66 ; MissourI , 68 ; ICan- Has , 89 ; and California , 40. The average condition of spring wheat Is 95. ThIs Is 3.8 1)OIfltB higher than at the correspontling date last year. Is 6.2 points above the average for the last ten years and Is the highest July average , with two exceptIons , in thirteen years. The rIiiclpal state averages are as Tel- lows : MInnctota. 91 ; I3outh 1)akota , 82 ; North Dakota , 92 ; Iowa , 97 ; Nebraska , 102 ; . WashIngton , 102 ; and Oregon , 105. 'rho average condItIon of spring and win. A ter wheat combined is 89.4 , whIch is 4.5 points higher than at the corresponding date last year , and C 1)Olflts higher than on July J _ . 1890. The percentage of the wheat crop of 1897 reported as still on hand on July 1 , 1898 , IR ( 'nIliloii ut OIItN Is fletter. The average condition of the oat crop , 92.8 , Is 5. joints lower than last month , but is 5.3 POints higher thait at the cor- _ ' rcpoiiding date last year , 4.9 PoInts higher . . _ J than thu nvcrage for the inst ten years anti ' . Is with one exception the highest since 1889. The average condition of barley is 87.9 , which Is 6.9 higher tbaii last month's , but is 2.5 IOIfltS lower than July last. year. The average condition of winter rye is 93.8 , as compared with 95.0 on July 1 , 1897 , aiil 95.6 the July average for the last ten years. The average for spring rye is 16.9 , as against 90 on July 1 , 1897 , and 90.6 the July average for the last ten years. There is an increase of 1.3 per cent in the acreage of Irish potatoes. The average condition , 9.5 : , is 7.1 Points higher than at the corresponding date last year and is 2.2 PointS above the ten-year average. There Is a marked increase in the acreage of tobacco In nearly all the states of prln- cipal production , Kentucky reporting an increase - crease of 8 par ccitt ; VIrginia , 4 Ier cent , Tennessee , 15 ier cent , and Ohio , 7 Per ccitt. There Is a reduction of C ver cent In North Carolina and of 12 POT cent In Florida. The average condition Is much better than at the corresponding date last year. The reports as to forage crops are , wIth few uniniportant exceptions , elceedlngly favorabi e. The outlook for the apple crop is dls- couraging. Of the fourteen PrincIPal apple growing states. eleven report eveit a lower average of condition than at the correspond- log ( late last year. With a few notable exceptions , among which Is Georgia. with a condition of 101 , Indications as to the vcach COI ) are somewhat - what unfavorable. The wool report Indicates the average weight ier Ileece as being 5.8 poInts , the same as last year , r MEETINGS AT TWO PLACES 'Ft.sii'iai.rs Coat Iiiiie to DIHIIMN PriI- it-itis lIeu ii ii r I1i , , , a I Ii.VU rk ( if ilipIr l'rICsIIJIN. WASIIINCTON. July 11.-The National ' ) lllitcational nsoclatlon today held meetIngs at the NatIonal theater alid the Grand Opera house. At the latter the princlpai subject vzts ' 1 ,4 "The Social ilasis of ConscIence. " ThIs . , paper Was discussed by a iiumber of Persons. , among tlieii being Henry Snuford , stote Institute - . , ( stitute conductor , l'eiiii Van , N. Y. , and 11 , 11. ICratz , superIntendent of PublIc schools , Sioux City , Ia. l.lnI hentatlcs was the magnet that attracted - tracted 1.000 school teachert at the former session , The dIscussion urIed ti-urn the culture value of the study of the hilghit.r tiranclies to the consideration of thin prac- tlcol value of mental nrlt iiintic. , The pilu- chitzl vnper vns by Prof.'Ihltniu Iletijainin Sitith of Tulane univeralty , New Oaietnts. l'rot. Smith presented seine eluliltatle and tllttlle vhers 111)00 the subject , The absolute - f ' lute worth of the stutly of hIgher itiathe- Jli nuttics Is adiiiittled , lie said , lie altolte of the relative value of mathielnatics as regards culture taken In the broadest , ense. "The Constant3 in Matheniatlc.s" wa the subject of en athdreta by Superintendent lltlsard llrooks of the Philadelphia publIc zehools , , Superintendent Frank II , Ilall of the State InstItution for the IJltn4 at Jacksonville. , 111. , antti ho was not able to make a r&'pI It ) the qui't4oii , "Is the eIenco of inathe- uaties a qualitative as well as a quanttta- tivoV' n address on the value of mental ariUu- motic was made by A , S. hiowohuig of Albany. N. Y. Thu lest address on the subject of the value of the study of geometry was inaui by l'rof. ltlIer of lIowarl unIversity. Los Angeles , Cal. , has lieen selected as the place for the next meetIng of the asso. elation. Tbe ballot resulted 20 for Los Angeles , 12 for Salt lake , 8 for l'ortlantl and 3 for Tacoma , \\'ash. 1)uring the afternoon l'resiulent McKinley gue a reception to the officers and members. At the Grand Opera house tonIght 5 , T. P ltbnclc , vice lresItitIut fOr California , pro- bided over a met'ting the Itrtnellal feature of which was an address by Dr. I. l. VhIte 11 of CincinnatI on the duty of thut state in educatIon. u This report of the commIttee on necrology was uuubunttted. Mr , hiram Ilailley , vIce I'rc8ident ' for New Mexico , prvsiuled at the evenIng session held - - - - - - - I I F Headache I r spccdlly cured by the use of Horsfortl's AcI1 P1ioshat Pitasint 10 take , Sold CCII In bh1e * . - - , _ f - - - - at ( lie aIonl ( theater , Twenty-minute addresses were mnatle , a follows : "TIme Deaf and Their l'osIhilItIc , " Dr. E. M. flallaudet of % VssbIngton "Elucatloui anti Gold In Alaska , " John 1aton , ex-Uniftd States commIssIoner ot education ; "Lessoni from AmerIcan Educational HIstory , " lev. A. I ) , Mayo of thIs cIty , and "Man as the iymbol User , " N. C. Shafer , harrisburg , l'a The closIng seuion will be held tomorrow night at Conventton hall. JtIl. itlC.tItlI VIA it IOlt IIXI'OItT $ , 1uirgt ltitreuiMe I mm ( tuuuuu I I t uuuui Vuiis' of ilme I'ruuints , \VAShI1NQTO , July 11.-TIme record of the most remarkable year In our export trade wes completed today by 'me Bureau of Statistics , so far as relates to the cx- Portation of wheat. corn and other breadstuffs - stuffs , pork , beef and oUter provisions , cotton - ton anti mIneral oils. These articles forum , large percentage of the total exports aside 110IB mnanumaceures. Time flgurcs show in most cases a large increase in quantity numul value of the articles exhmrted , though in seine cases , notably mineral oils and cotton , the export price per mnit has averaged less during the year than iii the preceding year. The cotton exported during ( lie year b - creased from 8,103,754bi9 jiounds to 3,311 , . 332,800 pounds , hIle the total value last year was 230,890,97l , iind that for the year Just ended $229,907,477. The exportation of muineral oil increaseti front 973,511,916 gallons to 1,022,210,379 gal- loris , yet the total value iii the year jtmst ended was only $5,171,001 , against $62,635- 037 in the preceding year. In provisions , Including beef , pork nail dairy vrodumcts , the value of time exportation - tion Is greater than last year , being $154- 454,074 , agatast $137,138,084 last year , In hcat , corn , oats and rye time Increase In both quantities and value was strongly marked , Time exportation of wlmeatfor tIme year ( including flour , as Iment ) , amounted to 215,171,961 bushels , which exceeded the exportation of nay preceding year except that of 1892 , which amounted ( flour iii- chitled ) to 22G65,812 Imusimels. Time value of ( lie wheat amid flour exported during the year Just OnleLl amounted to $212,891,639 , ( he sum being only murpassetl in 1880 and 1892 , tIme total in 1880 being $225,879,501 , and ( lint of 1892 being $236,761,116 , l'IINSIONS 1"Olt 1VIM'I'IitS VETFihtAS Mimrviyor , , of time' I.gtie % Vnr lteimieuii- bered the ( i'uiernl Cseruumumiut. \VASIIINUTON , July 11.-Speciai-l'en- ( ) sbus have been issued as follows : Issue of June 28 , 1898 : Nebraska ; Original-Jonathan F. Palat , ICearney. $6 ; Lewis 11. Mayer , Omaha , $6 ; ManleyV. . Hart , Oummaha , $6 : WIlliam C , \Vertz , Omaha , $6. Increase-Ferifinatid hoax , No. 2 , Cliff , $8 ( A $12 ; MartIn Itull , Butte. $6 to $12. Original , widow , otc.-Mlnors of Frederick Helz. Western , $12 ; Jenule Greene , Fort Calhoun , $8. Iowa : Original-WillIam 01111mm , Greenfield - field , $8 ; John W. Dabney , Wlntcrset , $6 , Randolph Iiolt , Otttmmwa , $6 ; Francis M. Tubba , Des Moines , $6. Increase-Nelson Wheeler , Altoomia , $10 to $12 ; Franklin IC. MeCurdy , Belle I'Lane ( , $6 to $8. Mexican 'ar survivors ( special Juno 25. specIal act ) - GeorgeV. . IVadei , lCtidyvllle , $12 to 20. Original widows , etc. , reissue - Jane SchmIdt. Fredonta , $12 , Montana : Increase - James McCarty , Columbia Falls , $0 to $12. South Dakota : Supplemnental-Samul Knrr , Yanklon , $2. Issumo of June 29 : Nebraska : Original-Thomas It. Horn , hudson , $12. SuIlIrmental-Willlani II. Osborn. Broken Bow , $12. Restoration and tumerease-Jolimi Walsh , Blue Sprhmmgs , 15 to $20. Increase-Abner IC. Davis , Nelson , $8 to $10 ; John W. Pottorff , Itepubllcan City , $8 to $10. Iowa : Original-George I-I. Teel , Fort Madison , $6 ; Abraham Kldrltige , Garwtn , $6 ; Joseplm McCoy , Stanwood , $6 ; George W' . Ilolt , Avery , 6 ; Conrad Goeptert , Laldotte , $ r . Increase-Eiias T. Simpson , Elkhart , $6 to $8 ; Ilorace L. Page , Lone Tree , $17 to $24 ; George H. Adams , Drakesvllle. $14 to $17 ; Henry P. llockman , Nunia , $6 to $8. ReIssue-John Neal , Dexter , $16. OrigInal , widows. etc.-lCathartmie CarmIchael , Iav- cnport , $8. South Iakoa ( : Original-Winfleld F , Rauicihffe. Yankton , 8. Colorado : lncreasc-Aquilla McKlnmmon , Alamosa. $14 ( $17. Monana ( OrIginal - Jrmines Frazer , Laurel , $12. Original , \'itlo\vs , ntc.-ipeciaI July 1 , Lucy A. Kinsey , helena , $8. , tpoiutuuue'uutn 1' ( lie I'resluiemt. WASHINGTON , July 11.-The president today inatle the following appointments : Treasury-Robert J. hlemidricks , to be np- praiser of mercimandlac in the district of W'ihlamette , Ore. ; Richard 0. Jerdenu , to be general inspector of fum'niture and other furnisimings , Treasmmry department. Interior-Frederick IC. McICi nley of New Mexico , to be receiver of publIc moneys at Gutlirie , OkI. ; iavid L. Geyer of Ohio , to be receiver of public moneys at Ilos'veli , N. M. To be agent for Indiamis : Clmaiies S. Mc- Nichols of Illinots , for Colorado river agency in Arizoima ; Charles I ) . Keyes of 'rexas , for the Fort Apache agelicy in Arizona ; Fre(1. crick B. Sprlggmi of New York , for the Nevada agency Iii Nevada. 01 Interest in IiuuuiM. WAShINGTON , July 11.-Special ( Tele- gram.-Tbe ) comptroller of tlme currency bas been advised of the following changes mi time officials of Iova national banks : Thic iirs ( National 1)011k of Sigotmrney , G. 1) . Vi'ootliui , presltleimt , Iii iilace of J. P. Verger , dcccacii : IC. IaITer , vice preside'mmt , in place or (1. 1)Vootlin. . The MIlls County National ! , amik of Glentvootl , B. L. hieinisheiumier , Pm'eIdent. In itlace' of George Mickelvait. 'flit ) Merchants' National bank of Omaha ' .vns toilimy appi tived aim reserve agent for ( lie lirat Nattonal bouik of North Platte , Nd. , . , also ( ho First National bammlc of Liucolim for time First NatIonal bank of Sheridan , \\'yo. FluireM on , J is , mi' I uIuiurlN. \VASIIING'i'ON , July 11.-Tue Juno report - port of the Bureau of Statistics on the liii- ports of sugar show ( lint ( he dutiable mm- tiorts for that month amoimmited to 267.739,088 vommuttls , as conihare'tl witim 6 10,862,041) ) Ioimnda durIng Jimmie , 1897. For ( lint month , however - ever , there was an abnornmally large im- imortatiomi owing to time irmspective increase In ( lie duty. The wool Imports Inst month aggregated 7,542,762 lOluiidS , as agaInst 37- 912,191 for June , 1897. 'rime same conditIon existed , however , a year ago as to wool as prevailed Iii umugar , hence ( ho apparent decrease - crease In the importations. humd.'ni..it ) ' IIIIIIN Iieiuuhu'u' a i4iuump. W'ASIIINiTON , July 21.-The conimis- slammer of iaermial ( revenue lms mmmdc a ml- lug to time effect that all indemmmnity bouds lutist l'avtt alIbied to ( lieni a fM ccitt i-eve- atm szmumip ( imniler time new law amid iii aultli- lieu stamps must us atlxeii ! mrimcsentIug : one-half of I cemit for each ilollar or frac- ( ion thereof , littlil by thmo itrincipal obliger to ( lie' conipany or other suroy ( as a pre- ummiummi for the tiomul. bonul for $12.000 , there-fore. for whIch a guaranty company hail chmum'gcil a Ircniimnmm of 3 lC cent , niU ( have aIlixeti $2.30 Iii atnalIn ; . I't'rimIIg I , ' I'oiuIIIi'PN , \tShIINGTON , July 11.-SIueclai ( Telt'- granm.-l'otuminstert4 ) npitoimmk'tl : Nebraska'- Vmnimccs A. Morse , at ICddyvllic. Iaw'son county , vIce I. C. Morse , dead. Ion--W'IilIamn luigleque. mit Bromicy , Marshall - shall t-ounty , Ainlersoum Perkiuma at Muha. kinock , Mabaslm county , amid 1A. . liar , . ' , at Saumdyvilhe' , W'arreu county. Miss iCatehiti Iteed , miew sequci intendeqit of lumillan selmoolum , furnierly \'yoztiiuig , leuves for Colorado Springs tomnrm'os' to ntte'uti sunmnmer Institute. ill luIciuIw tuui I , , sule.ul . liii iIs , WAShINGTON , July 31.-The comptroller ef the curreumey has declared divldonils iii favor of tIme creditors of insolvent bauks as follows Thirteen PCV cent , the lirowmie Na- ( tonal bank of Spokane , Wash. ; 10 her ceut , the KoystQas tl&tlou&l bank of iCrie , l's , . ; U per cent , the CItIv.ens' National bank of San Angelo , Tex. , 30 per' cent , ( hue First National bank of Itillaboro. 0. ; 5 per tent. the tYnlon NatIonal bank of Minneapolis , MInim. ; 42 ler cent , time Mrclmants' ienul MInors' NatIonal bank of Philipaburg. Mont. ; 6.10 of 1 per cent , State National bank of Wichia , Ken , I'tIlIIC lIeeeiuiioumM .t re l'mN piuiieil VAsI1INaTON , July 11.-OwIng to the incessant - cessant demands on hIs tlme.incitlent to the var , the PublIc nceptions given hmy ( lie president nmi4 Mrs. McKinley on Moimdays , Wedneadays and Fridays , have been indefl , . niely postponed. lHI ( ( I , t F'Filit I I .t I.S'I'i.t l'S illUmeN 111111 4imiIam ViII 3IItIgnte the ( 'orresupsuuIeiat'ps S.ut-muee. , I.ONION , July lI-Mr. Curzon , replying in time house of Commons today to a ques- ( lout on tIme arrest of the Canadian war ror- rtBponhlent , Freenmami linlatend , arrested at Porte lilco Sam ] acmtcmmccd to ilitic years' Imprisonment for taking photographs of ( he fortifleaIotms at that ltlace , 5111(1 rccemmtre- Ports showed time conditions of Ilaistead's imnIrlsommmmment , lied been altered , as they wore threatening to serIously affect lila health. Time British ambassador at 1tladmid , Sir hleziry lirummond Volf , hail been Instructed to nimmke representations to Sitnium with. the Idea of securing moore hmumaumo tmeatmuen. for ( lie itrlsoumer and be had expressed tIme hope' that ( lielatter's sentence of imine ycam a' iiimprisonmnemit would be nmlthgacd. ( ( 'hi I li'se 11 iii'rs A t tiii'le 1 i-uIumis. SHANGHAI , July 11.-A dispatch from Chung lChmiuig , dated July 8 , says the pmesi- dent and CatholIc mIssions at Shmtmin iimitl Clung Fee have been attacked by rtnters , and that \'oemi Chiummg mind adjacent cIties are mmmcii disturbed. A French jwicst bus been captured by brigands , amid a ransom of 10,000 ( ads Is demanded for his release. Several natives have been killed , and nmuch property has been destroyed. TIme situation Is critical. The consuls at Clmuimg Klmlmig are on the alert. Churig Klmimmg Is quiet. Clmimmg IChmIng , or Chung Ruing is a city in ( ho province of Zechtmcn , on a tmIbutnmy of the Yang Tao iCiamig , about 155 miles east of Ching Too Fen , . ILellet ( it liulifahl ) 11111's Shun' , LONDON , July 11.-in the divorce dl- vision of ( lie high court of jimatice today the suIt of the lion. D'Arcy Lambton , a brother of the Earl of Durham , for dIvorce from his wife , fornmcrly Miss Florence Ethel Sproule of New South \Valcs , developed time fact that one of the co-respondents Is a Mexican named Pedro , who was a member of Buffalo I3ill' show in 1802 , WELCOiE TIlE EAST ( Continued from Fifth Page. ) musIc of the exposItion being Itlaced under time charge of Superintendent Thonmas 3. Kelly , who wIll have full charge of all matters - ters cominected with the bureau , immciuding thu ExposItion chorus. Manager Lindsey of the Ways antI Means ( lepartmea ( , under which departimient tIme Burcat ; of MusIc is ilaCed , notified all con- ccrncd that ( he mamiagemeimi , of the bureau was In charge of Mr. Kelly. Mi' . Kimball reported for duty as usual and Insisted that. he was stIll In the employ - ploy of the expositIon. Manager LIndtoy said Mr. Kimball had been depescd amid would not be recognIzed. Mr. Kimball de- dImmed to say what course ho intends to pursue. Apricots from Missouri. A quantity of golden apricots has been added to the Missouri exhibit amid " ( lie land of the red apple" Is demonstrating the fact that it can raise apricots as well as apples and other fruIts. The fruIt is of excellent qualIty , sweet and juIcy , amid compares favorably with tIme products of localities which were SiiplOSetl to have a monopoly in raising this ( lelicate fruit. lCxusItIuim Notes. Charles A. Harvey of Logan , Ia , , a prom- mont hamik-i of that place. registered at the Iowa building yesterday. The regular seflil-nmoiitlmly 1. . . . . - - . mncetlug . of - . - the . . ' - . , . . . , " ' ' , , - - - - - comnmlsslotl will be held at the Nebraska building tonight. Word has been recmIved : by the Exhibits department that time miiicral exhibit of \Vashingoum ( 'ill arrive in Omnahma July . D. L. Ileinshmelnier , a prosperous farmer amid stockmamm of Glenwood , Ia. , accompanied by his wife , were visitors to time eXItOsitiomi yesterday and registered at ( lie Iowa build- lag. I'hinney's baud tntrodtmcetl a novelty In the commeert on time Plaza last ulight in a xylophone duet 'ith band .mc'omimpanjmen L. It wa a pretty tumnovatiorm amid caught the crowu ] eulectuahly. The balloon ascension which was to have occurred last nIght s'as im'tccssarily host- poned on account of time threatening weather. The evemit is definitely cheduied , however. for tonight , Aim employo of time Omaha llrewhmig coni- Puny fell at time miorhm ( entrance last night and atmuck lila bead against the turnstile , kmmokimig hIm iasemmsiile. ) Tie recovered wIth no worse result thami a severe bruise. Thmo executive commIttee yesterday aim- ( hmorizeil Mimnager lCirkenulail of time btmilml- hugs ummd grounds deparmcmmt ( to put in a miumnbm.tr of amlilitional hivdm'aimts on time north tract , and to lurclmase mimi additional sup- jmly of hose. Tue exhibit sent by time govem'mia'ot of Mexico viii mti'i'vo at ( lie positioim July 20 lii charge of Comummitionttr'timmcio and vi I I be I as tal I ad I mm tim o lute ruin (10 umm : I bui I U - lug iii the apace lieretoford nsIiet1 : to ( lie hlawaiiaim islands. Thu l'awmmce City band tIlt ! not arrive 1mm ( hue to give the coimeert thmmit was adieu. uleul Ii , front of the Buys' jiiu'I uliris' bt uld- lag at t ; o'clock last night. Its first imp. Imearance m'll be a the band stand at 10 o'clock this mormilmig. Thu ambulance force hmntl a narrow escape froumi a serious runavay yesterday tufter- 1100mm. . The 'ehiiclcm was mmmmswcring a call when time bret'clming broke mmml let the 'iilt- Iletrees Cmi ) ngatmmst the horse. The naimniml took time aimiliulunee ulmuwn time IdItlway at a gaIt that tlim'caemmed ( destructinmi to aim- timing Iii its patlm , but was dually brought emuitler control without serious re'simls. The big register In ( ito Iowa buihrliimg Is being rapidly filled , from four to six pages being tilled with flumes omm ordinary days aumd ( cmi or twenty pages being flil-d on ape- cimil occasions , Each page contaIns space for fifty entries. so ( lint limo nimamber of Imersohms who have already registered Iii the book Is qemlto IamgIt is mioticeable timmit a very large lmror.ortion of ( lid entries arc those of remsiclriits of Iowa , The Irmulimig feature of time overmlmig con- cers of Plmiimney's Umilte4l States ijammul for ( tie first four nights of timPu % eek will liii mInds by two xylophone artists , who wIll PlaY Oli or more uiimnbrru durimmg each coimeert. with band .ac'momnm'amilmiiemm ( , 'l'hmvst' cieetinns ncindo mnammy of LImo miwit iiomumm- lar itrotluetlons of tIme tiny , imirlmmillna ( hi famous overture ( rein " \Villinmn T'li" tv-mI mulmnilur commuosiluns. ( The doors of Montmomnery Wnrtl & Cos buildim' were tliromvmi opemm to visitors Sun- , ii' , aflerropo nnil It wuis hihn npomiiu" tI.e floodgates of a dam ; time pcoimlo rushed iii nhiul atm uimlnterrtmpteii mmtreani of hmmmnuti ulity ioumcd ¶ i anl out of ti'e building untIl 9 o'elok at umiglmt.'erlly. . scrily , ( liii is m turprisimmgly hoitular exlmilult , If Iulnntgom- cry \mmril & Co. are mis gemmerous 1mm Pride mnmmltiig : I mind they have ( lint relimitmmtioml I as iii cmterta'nhumg. it's un wommuler time ) ' have 2MC0.C00 cuetomllei's. One of ( be most aemious aecidentm : that hums ocurreii Oii the grounds Imappeuted iii tIme Georgia building yesterday nterimoou ( A mmumnher of iiaimmturs mm'ero working cmi a laduler ivhich slipped mind wcxmt down. car- rylng ( he amen wIth it. James Mooney o' St l..ommis suffered a coiumpoimnml fracture or both legs Just above time ankle , amid C It Babcock of this city received a badly sprained wrist. Botlm macmm were taken (0 the rimiergemicy lmoipltai , where ( heir In- urJcs wire dressed , Mooney vlil lie con- . 11usd to bhii lied for smverah wsumk * , ( a.i-qI ( ) i 'i'll IC NA'riONtl4 ZiHA ( lt'H ' , ' i'iuihuuulrlmhla . Tronlile Iii hefes' I I iij ( lecI uttiul , Ill I I LADlClA'hlIA3111) ' 1l.-I'iiiladelphia easily tiefeated Clmyelanu1 ( ads ) ' . 'rue fea- turn of the game -u4TimJotmglums' lmitImtg , lie sendIng in live mumjyu jumd scoring two him- self. Attentimmace , 3sl. Score : ( .l.i I.i.NI' ' 1- i'itlm.lmi'11i. . n ii.o. l I ut.li.O.IC. lmumrketl , If. . I S 2 mb Oi oee3 ) , f , . . 1 0 1 0 0 ( 'liiids. Th. . . i 1 2 ' l Daumgis ! , lb 2 3 iS U 0 \Vniincc , 3b. 0 0 1 fl-i.l'l'h'nty , If I 0 2 0 ' Mr'Kt'tui ' , ss 0 0 0 1 ii I.uuJie. hb. . 1. 3 1. 3 0 Tebenli , II , . 1 2 12 0 0t1'k. rt , . . , ( I 2 1 0 0 Iliake. ri. , . . 0 0 2 0 011'I'ian1 , ii 0 0 4 0 0 MeAl&u'r , cC 0 I 4 It1fl'i'suuu1'r , lb. I I I C 0 O'i.'onuior , C. 0 1 i ft,4'rust' , . is. . , . I m a a WIIn ' , p. . . 0 1 0 2 01/'tflell , I' . . . . ' 0 0 1 0 Totals . . . . 3 t 24 fl 2 ! Totai . . . . S ia n a 0 Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0-4 ] 'lmihmmdelphmimt . . . . . . . . 1 3 1 0 0 4 0 0 -9 ICtmrmieil ruins : Clovelmmnd , 3 ; l'imllndelphin , 2. 'rvo-bxtse hilts : iiurkett , Chills , luutmg. hmmss (3) ) . 'rlmree.baso lilt : I..nJoi. Snerlllcui lilt. Chulldmu. Stolemi biie ; : 1.aiole. Left on Inmc5 : ( 'lt'velanul. 7 ; I'liilndehlilmia , ( , 13m'mmck ( iui1t fly Fiiteld , 2. First tuase on balls : Ott Wilson , 3 ; ofl' I"Illeid , 8. Umnpiris : lCmplie aunt lluui ( . 'Iliac of game : _ 'I'wo hours. 'l'nmmuehmll I i'i lelmes 6u.I misli. NlCV VOILK , July 11.-TIme llrouklyns droppeil a game tim tIme l'itsbimrgs toul.iy tlumotighm tIme u'lfcCtit' ( ' lltclilniof , ' ] 'utmimie'imtll , who was backed tip In good shape. Score : iuiO1'tm.Y.N . m , . I 1' . . Grimfin , cf. . 0 3 Z 0 0 flnno-vami. mr I 2 0 0 0 J.uu , U. . . . 0 1 i U C O'iirlrn , 11 , . U I i 0 0 Sheek.mmJlt0 0 0 OCiray.mii..1 i ISO Tmtck'r. lit. . 0 a it a I M'Carmity , if 0 2 I 0 0 llsiiiiisn , 21 , 0 0 4 1 0 , i''ietu-y , et 0 2 5 0 C Subtile , sn I t 1 1 o iios'im-umi , c 0 2 U U Maiooti , us , U 1 3 I l'a.dlen , 21. . 0 0 4 1 1 ( .ritii , e. . . . . I I 4 1 0 1iy. . . . . . . C I 0 3 0 t'eugu'r , P. . . 0 1 ( P 4 0 Taniitll , m' . I 1 0 C 0 'aiim iii . . . . . 0 mm 0 U U "i'C'ii'flee. 0 0 0 0 Totals . . . . 3 II ! 12 Totmi . . . . 210212 2 , 'iltitteil for Jotmi's in tIme nintlm. 'hlnttcd for Sheckarul iii ( lie ninth. ltruioklyti . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- ? l'lttsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . 100000200-3 ICarmmt'd rumis : llrooklymi , 2 ; l'ittslnmrg , 1. First base on errors : llrookil-mI , 1 ; J'Ttts- burg , 2. Left ujit bases : Drunklymi , 11 ; I'is. lmtmrg , 11. Struck uut By Veager , 3 ; by Tmunnehmhil , 2. lJtes : ( In hulls : Off Yctmgt'r , I ; off 'fammmielmlii , 2. ' 1'vo-basem lilt : Grimhimi. Sacriilcu hilts : Jomics , Ilalimnami , 'J'ammiiehmili. 15(011Mm bases : Joimes , ulngoon. l'utssed balls : Grim , 2.'lid idtch : 1'ammnvhuiil. 1.Jmnplres : tJalfney nod Drown , Timime of game : One hour and flfty minutes. Ateiiilimmice : 1,200. Seumniors i'luuy Sieep' ( ; uuiuie. WAShINGTON , , hily 11.-Thin Semmttors ( PlaYed a sle'py gamncu itimOvere ( 't114t1. ' bentemi by Chicago. .Attemidance 2,500. Score : W.5i1tAU iUN. c.Iiui..iUiO. . . . . . . it.mi.O A-F. it h1.O.t1. Seibacli , if. . 0 2 0 0 flynn , U. . . . 2 ' 2 0 0 Gettmuian , mf 2 0 V mCer1tt , lb. . I 14 U 0 , mui'ruon , lb 0 5 0 0 'i'tmornt'n , ef 1 a a o 0 alcuuire , c. I 7 0 0 tahien , ci . . 1 1 1 1 0 flelt7. . ? iu. . . . 0 C 0 1 ! .I'C'mn'it , ib I ) 0 0 i i Wagnem' . ci. 0 0 0 0 isheii , rt. . . , 1 0 1 0 0 tiyer , b. . . I I i 0 Conner , 21 , . . 0 0 2 2 1 Wu-mgmey , s. 0 C S 2 iunoiuue , ib 0 1 4 1 0 \Seytitmg , p. 0 0 0 Gm-inmtii , i , . , 0 0 U 2 0 1)otioaim , m' . 0 0 U 0 - - - - - - - - - - - Totals . . . . 7 5 2 Ii 2 'i'oti , , . .2 027 73 W'aslmington . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . 110031001-7 Earned rumis : Chicago 5. Stolemi base' ; Ityan. Two-IaSe hits : 1)nohtime , Ryan. 110mb rUii Ryan. Double itlay ; Vrigl.y ( unassisted ) . First btso : on halls ; Off Wey- hmimig 1. off Donovan 2. lilt bt' iiitelied btll : IbeI1. struck out : Dy Weyhing a , by Dommovan 3. l..eft oh bases : . aahtiigtumi 7 Chicago 6. TIme of gammie : Two hutmrs umu ii'o minutes. Umplrobl : Svnrtwuod amid Wood. , ISotli Itomist time L.juuimui re. IIAL'rl MORE. July 11.-IJoth teamna vied with each (101cr to mnttle UnipIre Smmydcr's life miserable. Pitcher 1)ammnammn was ordered - dered cit the grounds mind nearly every mt'mnber of both t'lItlis tvzts ' ' ( immeatened. ' ' Ibiltlmuore had a. shade time better of time nrgumcmmt In tii ( tii(1 'imnd at bat. Attend- tenet , 2.814. Score : J1ALT1MOICE. t C'lNCINN.TL r mi O.i : it.iI.O.A.ld. ieeler , rf. . t 2 0 I Mciirlde. cf U 1 2 ml 0 .lLiTntnIs. u.sO 0 4 4 0 thuith , It. . . . I 2 0 0 0 Lemunt. it ) . 2 3 1 ; i U CorCOI'iUl , bS 1 1 : i I I i.icGann. ib I 0 ii S 0 Ieeitiey , j , 0 a it o htOInit.1f..O 1 1 0 o.zmimUer. rf..0 0000 itoi.in.n , C 1 2 3 1 mJmemnrdt , 2b . 0 0 3 1 1 hughes , e. . I I ) 2 I ) Dl lrwmn. 3b.1 1 1 4 0 Iiamm , an. . . . . 0 1 0 OfdViugmin , c. . 1 2 t 2 0 ' , Ie4aines , i'4) ) 1 0 1 9 Dwyer , m' . . . 0 0 1 i 0 Totnit . . . . C. 1027 IL 1 TuiaIuu . . . . 4 821 13 4 Ilaitinmore . - . . . . . . - . 1"O'.O .3 1 0 1 0 ' - 6 Cimmeimmimati . . . . . . . . . 0 ,0 1 1 1 1 0 0 04 Stoiemi lmascim : Demont , Corcorami. Two- base luitit : Roblimsomi , lloI Inca , 'I'hiree-base lilt : Irwin. Sacrifice mitts : McGunn : , iloinmes. Earned rumis : llalUmore 1 , ( 'in- cimmnatl 2. Double llaY ) : Jenuihumgs totc. . ( ; anmm. F'irst bise : emi 'oall.4 : 011 ? dJttmnuts 1 , off Dwycr 1. Struck omit : hy MeJaunes 1 , by Dwyer 1. l'ammsed ht , ii ; Itoblmison. Left on lasemu : Baltimore 6 , Ctumeinnati 1. 'i'inic ( if itmc : One hour and forty-live mnimumtcs. Umpires ; Snyder mtnt.1 Cormimoiiy. Iii'ls Is a Ihitril littler. NEW YORK , July 11-DavIs' hiomiier sent in two runs uhcal of hIm In the that antI thrco iii ( ho second. Score : NE' YORK. I ST. LOUIS. 1m.iI.o..tjC. JI0.O..1. "nlI't'ii , ci i 0 4 U 0 Iowtl , Iti. . . 1 1 U 3 1 'human , if. 3 1 2 0 0 4ieiuzei , ci. . 0 0 3 I ) 0 .1' yce. lb. . , 2 1 10 1 1 harley , If. . 1 3 0 0 0 1)avi' , , s . . . 1 2 1. 4 1 Cr.etu , 31 , . . . . 0 0 2 2 1) ) 1)oylit , rf. . . . 0 1. 1 0 0 1)ecier , It , . . 0 0 0 0 0 ( : rtulg. 2tu. . I 1 4 2 ( ieau'nt , c. i 1 ft 1 (1 ( iluitmn'fl , am 0 2 (1 1 Quinn , uu. . , I ) 1 ii 0 1 ( rady , c. . . . 1 2 0 1 0 SuigIeuu , rd. . 0 1 0 0 1 iloboity , i ) . . I I I 0 0 Taylor , p. . . 1 1 I ) 4 1 rotnms .10 Ii 27 ii 4 Totals . . . . 4 S 21 10 4 . New York . . . . . . . . . . ' 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 2 -10 St.Louia . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 2 00 01 0 0--i lCttrnvd runs : New 'York 3. 'I'vo-buse hits : 'l'iermman , Sogdcn. 1oumie run : Iavis. Ilaqes on errors : New York 2 , St. Louts 1. First base cii balls : Off Doitummv 5. off 'I'ay- br 5. lIlt by pitched biemi : Grady , Clemn- u'nts (2) ) . Strtu 1 : out : By Didi&'muy t ; . by Taylor C. 1'ued ball ; Grady.'Ild pichmes : 'I'ayior , 1)ohieity. Left oh iniseu : Now York 0 , St. Ioimis 11. 'J'mmo of ganme : ' 1'vo hours timid seVeiiePIi miiitit&'H. Urn- pir's : I.ymicii timid A mmdrews. Attemulanee 1,000. Liiilsil1e l.cseu4 I mm l'ileliers' hut I le. BOSTON , July 11.-It was a pitchers' battle today , but Magee vas a ( nun miii- steady at times , antI Louisville lost. Score : Jmta'ioN. : 11,1 i1'miIOfum. It ii 0 A I l111.- % F. i.nitg , cut . . . . .1 ii 1 4 0 Iloy , ef . . . . . .0 0 2 0 0 'rutnol , ii ) .2 2 9 1 0 Starr.rl , ii.l' I 1 I ) 0 1 > uy , ef . . . . . it I 0 0 10 mehey. e .0 2 1 1 0 commmitsaiJ..1 2 1 1 0 iexter..i.i 'tumitmrf . . . . .it 0 i 0 0t'ttuik.it..t ) 1 4 u 0 Yu"iger , if . . . ' ) 1 2 0 0 tt'agner. ii , . .0 0 0 0 0 1 _ . 'AS , 21 , . . . .1 2 6 2 0t'iIneuutn ; , 3i0 I S 2 0 'ii.'rgen , 0 . . . . ) I I 1 0 iflLtrt'iia' , c.0 0 5 2 1 i.tiVii'iI . . . . .0004 , . . . . Toimls . . .1 8 27 13 ft Totaiq . . .1 u 21 0 3 Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 1 0 1.1 0 1 -5 Ltmiiist'ille . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 (1 ( 0 0 0 0 0 01 Emm'mietl : I'imTtt-4 : Jhot4tohi 2 , Louisville 1. Borne mu 1 1o-'e. Stolomi luuto-'s : 'l'u'umney , ItL' . lotible' ltItiY : 1.ong ( I , Iost'i' to 'i'erm- 11(3) ' . FirHt iiutt' eli imuihs : : fly l'wiH 2. huy itlagee 4. lIlt lmy Pitehmem' : Stahl. Struck ml t : By Levia :1 : , by timugt' 1. 'rime of trim In 0 : One lmommr iiiiul forty-t tvm mu lii ml I es. iliultires : O'Day amid IulcDommalil. jttti'mitl- , ' ' ' . " 1 .tffl I'layed.Vtui. . Lost. l'er C' . ( 'imicinnati . . . . . . . . . . . 74 49 2i 66.2 Ilostimim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 44 27 62.0 Iittltlrnore . . . . . . . . . . . 69 42 27 oo. L'ivelniiul . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 42 28 60.0 ( 'lmiumgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,7l , 12 : t &n.o Now York . . . . . . . .i , . , 9 36 : B 47.8 l'itstiurg ( . . . . . . . . . . . . , fi : i.m : m2 4.l I'hmhindeilulmia . . . . . . . f7 ; ao a7 41.3 \'nshilmmgtumi . . . . . . . . . ' .79 29 41 41.-i Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 ii i9.7 St. 1ntiIq . . . . . . . . . . . . .7t : I 62 30.7 Louisviilo . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 22 5' ' ) 80.ti 1 115 OF 'i'iiIj'iCS'1'llItS IIt ( Phi , hmidluiimmejoIls ' .S'liii * ii ihisrul ( immiiu' friuuum llkiit'IH 1'oys. 1N1)lANA I'OiiS , Jm1y -'omemnimn ) nnul Fimuheil battled fem tm'Is'e inmiimms , ( lie $ t. Joseplimu having tied ihie score in tIme iilimthm. 'fho forimmer i'itehtadU stenmiler game mund lyon It on u. tripie1j1 ; 4Jmu twelfth. Score : Indianapolis . . . .00tt1 I 1000002-5 12 4 lit. Joseph..0 mi 0 0 I ) I 0 0 2 0 0 0-3 8 5 llattt'rlt's : lmitliiiiidtuolis , 1'IrmnumI nni h'uic'im ; St. Joneuhi FJsmei' mmii FuleCtiuley. Mi L'u'AUEJC1C , Jill ) ' 11.-After tIme thmlrul Inning time ltrevema I utmld do nothIng vith ( ' n.m's ju nil by beaumtluiii up-imil I p1 a ylmig muu ii , timnL'ly batting ( liii Snirits vomi out 1mm tIme el'emm t ii immn I mug t Ii ro im gh Clii 14t41'ILk' a mu ogle ammil Silica' liommit' rumm. Score : R.ii.hi. lulliwaukee . . . . . . . . .2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 8 2 St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . .OftvOhlIYOmlOl'-O . ' I flatterIes : Milwaid-ice , fludy amid SIlemul St . i'ui iii , Cross mm mid Suli's. IICTIIOI'l' . Jmmil l.-1'hmonums iitmul rtutle 1mm ( lie iirst miming , tutor which thut I'4iller % vQm'o imitable ta iuoi\'u his delivery. 14t'or. ' ' liii IC Detroit . . . . . . . . . . .0001O120-4-I Imlimimicapulis . . . . .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 5 I liuuiterht's : 1)u'tmnit , 'I'lmimnmimi , nail ' 1'imic' Iii mu ; Iii I n mmcmi uu is , l'hmli Ii pmil a miul I I it t er t'OLl'MIIIJS July 11.-\\'mhvt'rummu's hiomnu run wIth no omitu ou ( v.'Omi liii cx. thug itit's u'i miming game ( nutty. Scum-u : B. i I.E t.'oiumtuis . . . . . . . . . . .0 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 l- 9 ltumisus ; ( 'ity -------2 0 0 0 (1 ( 0 1 0 0 P- 9 liatteries ; ( 'olunihius , Vt'ulters anti Iluek IC ) ' ; Kmimiaamu ( 'it ) ' , Gear mmmiii'iiaomm. . S'rA11NG OF' 'i'lll' Ti.'u.tS. l'laycd. Won. Lost. I'er C indlamiapohis . . . . . . . . 68 43 25 Cl , L tau1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 43 27 62. KAnsas City . . . , . , 72 13 20 f97 ? Cuhtimnhus . . , . . . . . . . , 66 31 29 1.4.1 Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . 73 00 M.S I'tmnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 26 II 37.1 St. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . 01 37 Ii .5 Minneapolis . . . . . . . . . 71 21 50 39.6 liv I' .N'I' S u ; ' 'i' ii i : it ti N i % (1 'I'll .t'K $ . tuui' 'i'n up i'ui : urites 'Pm , ' to I hi- Pu I iii i'ine.'il Iii 'i'im'mmi , liT. LOUIS. Jumly 11.-The luettimig amid rime- lug vere gnoul lIt tIme fair grotmnds today. Only two favorites , Miss Mmmrinmi amid ( In 'ro lIed , won. Silver Set , at 30 to 1 , lasted loam : enough In the last race to defeat the hie'avily PlaYed favorite , Loving Cup. rlme track was fast uii'l Ume weitilmer luieutsmimmt. ltesumlts : First race , ? Vilimil , seven furiomigs : dttmi berghlntm * ttoml , Jim I logg secomiul , Auhmumi Ailarns ( bIrd. 'iliac : 1:10. Secoiiil rzu-e , mueliimmg one' amid , ie-six- teentli mmmlles : I iel'ii ( I I. ( Inrdmmer tvoum 51cr- iultt secomid , Krmmutt third. 'rimmme : I Third nice. for 2-yenc-olomu , live fum-iuimg : ? 'libs Mariomi vomm , lCvclymm Byrd se'tnnd , Chnmmcery third 'I'iine : 1 ; t24. Fotmrth elmer , hituidicap , itevt'ii fumr1ong : 1)tmvld voii , Colommel Gay secoimil , Aqmmlmmas third. 'rmmne : I:2S. : Fifth race , selling , omme mile amid sevu'iitv ytirtla ; Go 't'o lIeu WOii , luasmiumil sc'commil , ( 'nnfCuiIulOtt third. 'Iliac : i Sixth itt'C , soilimig , Ix ammO cue-hull ( tic. longs : Silver Set Ivomi , Limvlmig Cup e'commul , FImesido tlmird. 'rimiie : I :22 : ' ' li-Itmicu rc'stmItm4 zmt t'iil'AGO , luuly - \'iuuiiimigtoti vnrk : 1"Irmut I'iiCL' , m.ix furlotigs : l.ady lClli'rlie' 11'Oii , 'i'enole i3CCOmil , liumg hiimigem' third. 'I'imne : 1:11. : I4ecouiul race , live fumrloumga : 1 hOle miul w' \\'iukua uiccuiimtl , Iiiellu Fonso tlmtrd. l'iiin' : I :01. : 'Ihmrtl mmccc. omit' mrmlhe' amid ae'cmmty yards : Indra welt , Charlie Chimitiu .ccummd , I Ioliemm- zullerit third. 'flmue : 1 :1i14. : F\mtmrth race , cite imillt' : \ tomtlc'itymlmnmi Ivome , Uitrda eeommd , Fortu third. 'i'imime' : 1.Il'4. Fuitli race , six amid me quamter furlomigs : Satstmtnmt % 'oii , Algol muecunui , Atomsi. tided. Tiuime : 1:17. : Sixth i'iteesix furlongs : Mummy lilack Itomi , ' 1'tu'tmurla ii tucenmid , I lbt'rt lime Limleil. 'rimni' 1l3A. : NiCV YOltK , July 1L-'rho e'aiil at lirigh- ( on 11ncli today was Himoitemmed by scratehiemu , all of tIme guumd omies vltlm ( lie c'xeeptioui of IrIsh Itcel , Ieeliuuiiig ( lii' tnommt'y in the last mtce , while thit other iuromulsiuig race-tIme fuurihm-hmad a lot of decimurittiomis. lestilt4 : First race , one mile and a , uixtecfltim itch- -tug : Dtmrlesfitlo Iviat. Laiigumere second , Elim ( lmtrd. 'rime : 1:50. : . Secommil mitre , live furloiigs : MultI , if Iliti' . h'uim woum , iimeaiueseciit aecomid , helter ( birth. 'rime : 1:023' : , , 'i'lmlrd m'mtce , cite iimlle , selling : Uccamiter won , Suiigstcr second , ( ileiioimiu ( lilt-ui. 'l'in 1 2't- : , . 1"out'thi i-ace , sIx furlomigmm : limier Sweet t.oiL , Leedt'ille second , Smemiot Kimig ( birth. Titnem 1:14'4. Filth race , seliiumg , live furlongs : 1C0'vr- v'sceiit womm , Jack l'ohit second , iCtrltvm'ootl third. TIme : I :0'.P4. : Sixth race , omnu tulle : IrIsh heel -wummi , lCitefoot second , SeiiSatiOilal third. ¶ l'Inme : l:42. : l:42.IIUFFALO , N. ' 1' . , July 11.-A big crowd saw seine itPleilliit , sport cii time Fort Erie track today.Ve'imthier hue ; track Imurticu- larly ( mist. Results ; FIrst race , three-quarters of mm. mile : Jima LiIc v.'un Sculptor seciiiid , Taimior third. Time : 1ltiYm. : S'ecUiiul race , one-half mile : Cimeesemnite won , F.ilclln mmccciii ] , Fred l'erklus tlmird. Time : Q491 ; , , Third race , one mile : Rossmmtr VOii , headlIght Il second , Sue Kitie third. Tinme : 1:4R4. : Fourth race , live furlongs : Kimig Carat- val vnn , Ihuilden second , Record tlili'tl. Time : 1:02' . Fifth race , one mile : Alice Fancy won , lCoinnm'asuld second , Free Limimee timIrd. Time : 1:40. : Sixth race , steeplechase , imhmort course : Pai'Souti With , Arrezzo itecond , 'I'iio Tar third. 'rime : 2:5S : ½ . ( flOfl ShOOTING hIY 1)tJl'ON'l' ( 'Lull. Entries A re Not Nuuuuier4ls , but ( Ii , , Itnee Is I msli'rest Iuij.d , 'Fhemo s'as another mdcc crowd and another - other nice 1mrogranl at Lime m4hioot of ( lie Iti- pout Gun club yesterday afternoon. Time club lmoot was not us full of entries as during the lust few weeks , but tIm , race vmts immtcrestluig. 'I'ie result : Schimieider . . . . . . . . . .11110 11111 11111 11111-10 \'iutt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11111 11101 11011 11111-iS Smapier , . . . . . . . . . . . . .11101 11111 10111 11111-18 Nason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11111 11111 11111 10100-17 W't'lclm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11100 11111 11111 00111-16 Itishop . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11(111 ( 11111 11111 (0)110-16 Dworak . . . . . . . . . . . . .11011 01011 01111 Il0l1l' 'I'owmisemid . . . . . . . . . .10111 11110 11101 00111-IS llrucker . . . . . . . . . . . .01101 lOlil 10100 11110-lI ( 'urti'm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01100 11110 11001 11101-1:1 : J. BiLumnan . . . . . . . . .11111 11000 11010 00001-11 Jolimiatmil . . . . . . . . . . . .01101 10110 11101 0100112 .As au exaunimlo of what was done with the gnu ihumrlng time aftermuon ( lilt following sc-ore Of ( iliC of the vraetiu-e shoots is given. 'l'wo targets missed out of 200 Is a bIt not of thin ortlimiury : Parmelee . . . . . . . . . . .11111 11111 11111 11111-20 SiiiiIPL'r ) . . . . . . . . . . . .11111 11111 11111 11111-20 Vt'1clt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11111 huh 11111 11111-21) ) llrucker . . . . . . . . . . . . .11111 11101 11111 11111-19 Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11011 11111 11111 11111-19 'i'hmere were emily three cumtriea In time live bird event , hmtmt It wa' .apr" t ty rmmce. 'i'nwim- semI won amid Smmupmn'r niiul Curtis tied for secomid place. On ( lie shoot-oil at nliss mind omit tWelity-iiVe birds had to he m-t ut away 1)efore time tie sm'is broken In favor if Cur- tls. The score : 'ro'nsend . . . . . . . . . .11101 111)1 11111 11011-IS Snapper . . . . . . . . . . . .11111 01111 11101 11011-17 Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11100 11111 11111 01111-17 Shoot off : C'urtiq . . . . . . .11011 111(1 11111 11111 11111-21 Smmaiper . . . . .11011 11111 11111 11111 11110-21 limr.hlm.tsm ) l'tItIC Oi'IINO VIil1 , . Fl rst lut' , ; ltumt'i mmn tin uigs out Sumumi . ' , ' ! ! I Sued , DETROIT , Nich. , July 11.-A more Ideal day tvoiild have been imurul to Imnmmglne for tIme oieaiuig of ( lie I ltghmlammd hutLrk trottimig mneotlimg 'i'lmetvcatlier vmts good , ( he trtu k In ( 'xt'eliciit comidiion ammul the crowd large. Nicol B won tlmi' 2:09 : lute' after a leimd battle with Oddity , ? tlcLmuughiin's e'xccll"ii driving hmeliuing Nit-cl II out a little S'mm. houlete , ctiptureil time 2:15 : tint with ease aft'r imhiomriimg IorrlsVillces to win ( It" iirst heat. In tIme 2:20 : iuti'i. lCngttre'tta sum'- lurlecO time wise ones by her NmC'Ptl. lii tlte last tlirte heats 1iuu Hlmowed marvelous i-titot'd In ( lie ittroteim , winnlmig eat-li iie.tt bY It. nose , after lmelumg at l'ast five Icngtimuu Ie- lii mid a C tim c sIx fumrluitmim luOl e. I tesuml ti-i : h'micing. 2:09 : class : Nit'iml Ii won , , - , , , t hI rd amid fun rt ii hieatm-u , 'J'iuii e : 2 :1 : 1 it. , 2 : 1 Ii , . 2:114.hiltujti : S won the iirst heat iii 2t'.bim. : Oil ii I ty , hicusle 1ctic ii . So ( I mm SI I iu > rs int'l llcil Seal also started. ' 1'rut t I uig. 2 :1 : cut as : St mi m bttii i' it e ecnni1 , I ltil'il itmiul fmti rt ii heim tm' 'I'Imim it : : h'J14 , 2.11i'b. 2:1d.'u : DermIs VIlke 'uumm bruit hiemit iii 2i5' : , . 1tmiscli'ood , Jmmcplmme' iuid Alicen , mlo m-itartccl. l'aeiumg , 2:20 : chumuis : TCngnretum ( wmii Ilf'P- cmiii , t hut nI tiimd fat m rtii Ii cmi t u-i. 'ii me : 2 :1 : i i , 2:15 : ½ , 2:07. Roy II woim lirat liemut in 2:1114. : hiciury 13 tuhtmo started. h'lhlsbimm'y ileiuumui $ liiusist ler. VIENNA. . July ll.-'i'hru"- the four miii- joummmieul gtmmr.os iii ( lie t ts'enl.fotmrtlm mcuumd iii ilto c-bier-i toasters' thurnum'-'nt were' , 'nmm- i'l ihed today , I lalprimi nni Duuird viiiiiimmg from Jmummowslii anfi iValturoilt , respectively , svltilti Stud a I ( a ii ad I iiaciIu it 'ije d rely. Ia time twtmity-eigiuthi roumul l'iiiuibury uh'- ( eateil FImcvniter. AlapIn nail Itlnr.r-ry drew , Sulilecher and Jo nowmkt ilrsw , ? .tmr- ( ' 0 lost it ) I4ciillTers , Steimlitr. imiU 'l'itrr.m'o'h dret' . I I iii iirl ii il C ( en t eil \'il II urod I , I ipmn' amiui 'I'remieiiturtl drew , ( 'tin , overi'ntne liuilmih and 'I'schlgoriii hiit to hilmickhiumimo , huidluuusal'lm , % guilm , hIlON , lii. . July ll.-Speelal ( 'i'oiegmamn--- ) 'l'hiu' Nc'brat-ltti htitliumis sven ( ho brat of two a ! iU'S from 1 cimim today by a store of If to 2 iv ii Iwl " ( mmmu r'su . % uijiuim rims fum' mm liii IiOS'I'ON. July Il-Owing to tIme muimi-ar. rival of it ruumher of thi'legates to time na ( , wvi rl ; ) \Vool Soap is a pure * , omp ; 'o I t pure that it 'a ss'imlte ; io pure that I t &ss' I in ii , i/I . - . ' - . . More than . ( lint , It's so - . 1 i "It , that it iitmrc L " 1d i won'tsllrink . tvcol , .t. ' 0 . i . . . Made for fair skins andflumcfab. n. ' . rica.S'hmezi - . . -'I. i..4 , . . ever you 4 , , ' I ioccd a pure MY 1MA IWiSH MINE 'tP USC 3 0 usco HAD ; IT tiWIMtJ. 'Wool onp Ii aim cxciiCflt rticIo , an very uTontu.a wiut ao Licocitted Iq uini' It. I Iri.a % l iUnIrn.'Jrm Kat ( 'TV. n _ , lionel wlmiu't congress it wna uie-t'itIe.I ttiiay tim ltftstPui0 ( lie Chueflhmig eut ( lie council until toimmorrow itt 11 O'ClOck. 'l'he congress will ( 'tlfllfltie all tlm week. ill il ? tl. % ii 'l'tItIt ' , . (1 liu'l' ( ' 1,014115. Na I I umi oh 2hm murmsl.i i' CM 1) I Imim me l'rIes to liiiWinumers. . N'lC\V ' ( ) flK , Jtmly 11.-The biemmmulai tour- mis mneum ( of tlm National Sharpahoot EmS' t'mmlomm of Amimerien caine to a close today. First trise wimmmicrs were : Siiootimig king of the festival : W'ihiismn Ilmmreiu , Newark , N. J. ; score , .173. Maim target. llrs ( 1)riau ; J , mlimi ltebhttiii , Iltuulsomi 1(1mb' club of Jersey ( 'fly. Slnmmdnrui target , first Price : I ) . \i- iMc - - 1..itugiihin tmf San Fruummelsen , 41 inlmiS. , Ileinor turgei , lits ( Prize : Jolimm ii. lCelle3' of Ilostoim. 72 i'iuits. Itiiig target. itt-st prize : 1ouI i'la"lt , ? .et- Icr 1(11k' club of New York , 74 lunlnts , Best muhmot at stilt Im target : IC. D l'ayume of ( 'I mmcl mu itt I I ; Iirit prIze , $501. lb'st hmmlim'ev. ' imi lOilit til rmet , . .l I' ltmnomu ( If Arulmmiome. l'it. femur eit'gm'ees. m'riLe , $100. Clmammm'iigno lii ( he umiost delicious dm-imil : 1miot ii. Conk's I miipt'rInl lxtmn Dry is ( lie acme' of eliamiipmigmmcs. " ( 'i rm-o ( ium'io" % % 'ili iii umis It-lmg , 10OUN'I' STEIII4ING , ICy. , Juml' 11.-TIme coimuiitioii of Cenemnl John S. ( Comm ( ltm-lO ) \'tlllaimmit , ex-muenator amid Veteran of tmsu Wars , who has bc-en mulimking at ImIs lmomiiC n'mur this city , is such ( hat the end is only a qtmeslntm ( of a few hours. lie hmmis bt't'im mmii- able for lnys to take any mmommrlslmiiivnt , is tctmtlIly gm-owing weaker nimui lila nurses do miot cxliert him to stirvive thit' clay. - % % . I 1 umuime'ei ( lii r ( 'mimi lied ( , , uuis. l'AItlS , , iuly 11.Iii tue sen.mtc totlty : , re- ; mlfttg to an iiitemii'liatioii It itli rc'fcrc'itee to cases of slchmivsa iii ( lie ariiiy through eatimig cnumnuil goods , the uimtmuistcr of tt'uir , M. Cavnignae , malt ! tin' food Paminkeim of as old anti him. ' ] becim Imilhiolted from Anierica. Time iimimilstci said lie haul given orders foi' a. sti let surveillance of such fooh In time future. hlnslltmil 'i'i'uiIui It i'ui'iuem , .t I ATLANTA , Ga . , July ll.--TImt' imospltmul trmmlmi , leam'hng the w imimmitled soldiers fm-aiim Tuimnhii : , nrrtvetl at F'oi't Mrh'lucraami tu.lmmy. All the tiieii are ilolag well tinil ham' of ( hmemmi knew of Ute accltleut at ugh Spuiligs , FIn. , umitil informed by ( lie stirgt'oiis. 8l. , , ' , , i'ii Is ( uf ( ) i'i'nn 'm'uit'l s , I mu y 11. A t Llvvrpoal-Arrivett----Catnhumitin , ( roam h1otamm ; hucamiin. frommi New Yom'k ; Noiiia- die , from New \'oric , \VIl. At Southmaimiptoim-Arrlveul--ICmilser India tIer Grosse. ft ( iiii New York. At Siettimi-Salleil-slatuh. for New York. At hluinburg-Stlled-Piiociiicla : , for New You-k. At Antwerlm-Arrircd-SoUi lmvarhc. from New York. A t l'hilnhielPiila-Arri'edltliY1ilauii , from Lit'crpocml. At Glhmmaltar-Sailed-FUltla. for New Yoik. " ' ' There is ' - . . Inipinnied iii " = : , : : ? : . ; . ever ) ' immmum a of life - . love . stiomig emiouh ( o imiake hint 'r . trcimmhlc kmmecl before mid . . c.1a : death wheim hic 4// -2 : _ _ thoroughly icc- ogtiizei : ts ap. preach. 'I'lmc tTOUlle IVUI l * , that lieu is - , , , - ' they do not m-e'- egimize i1 e a t It unless it coimucs iii immuc violent - 'ki or rallal frmii. I ' . . 4I u Coimuuumimptiou .ev kills iumoro men . - " than ' f1itt. Jp : 'ars , . c. - IlagUCs , . - aimd accitleimts , - - - / butt its approach it ; insidious , and then do not realize ( hint they are iii its clutch. IVimile cOmiSUimipiil iii a genii diucase , the bacilli will not invade - vade souimd and healthy lungs. Time lungs nmttst first be in a tlieased coimditiitn. First a miian feels a little omit of sorts. Probalmly lie is overworked amid has giveim tot ) little tiitmc to eating , sleeping ahil rest. lug. Ills ap1)etitc faliC ofT. his digestion gets out of order amid his blood uloes not receive the pioper aimmouhit of life.giving nutriiiieiit. The liver breoiiies torpil amid the blood is filled with immmplmritirs. 'rhiese are pumped imito every orgaum of time body , building UI ) uiilicalthy , hal f-dead tissume , The most imarumi is ( lone at tIme tveakcot spot , and most frequently ( lint spot in iii 'time lungs. A slight cold leads to immflamnina- tioim , time bacilli invade tiic lungs and we have a cac of coiisuinptiomm. Ninety-eight per cent. of all cases of consaiiptioii are cured by Dr. h'ierce's Goldmm Medical Discovery. It is time great blood.makcr amid fleshi.builder. It restores tIme lost appetite , iiiakcs the digcst'moim Per. ( act , invigorates ( lie liver , puiriflemu tIme blood , builds new amid lmcaltliy thcsli amid 1rivc out all imnptuitiesaimd dicease gCrms. It cures weak 1tuiig , spittimmg of bloodohsti- nate coughs and kimmdred ailiimemitq . No lion. cat druggist vil1 reconiiuemid a : mubtitatc. Mrs. Ursula Duiiliani , ofSiscrsvliieTyier Co. , \v. Vim. , writes : " I had a palti iii mtiy sitle all the ( lame , had 1u ( little nppcttc ratul grew s'rry ( ltiu , . TIme ' Goidemi Medical 1)i'tcovery ' pm-uimipthy cured time piii , mestared my appetite and increased - creased may weigh. " 'Wfll OTHER' ht'PiIL OOf5tYL1' 3ear1es & Searles , - . - , . . "i . ' .L : . ; % tI em a i , a'i jjri S : . 4 , , * - . cr _ , - I - ? C th E PECIALISTS r.ima rim ii t cc to t'mIri' miceli I y , mim ii roil I- cimily mill Nh1t Sill S. Cii&tlh. & IC .t 11) 111 I ' . 'A'Z'E uhiseuses ut lieu ii imd vummueu , WE { 1U SVPILS SEXUALLY. cured for life. Nlrlmt Rmhisionl , Lost Manhood , fly. droeeie , Vericocse , Gonorrhea , ( hoot , Sypn. ills , Stricture , Piles. Iristula aiid ItctaI I Ulcers , Diabete.1l , Bright's Diumeaso cured. I ConsuItitiori Free. an 32Ctired at 1(1111 ml by new method wIthioti ( pain or cuttifl. Callon or address tiLh stamp , 'rrcatznent by mnaih , U118. 8tRLF $ EARJ.F. o.0.1.iJLa " a , . 'SRB : ; i : M - AJAX TAU1.I115 PCSJTIVEi4Y ) CIJE ' 4L11rroU3 Jljtua6a.-1'umIliu .1a : . : = I . -,1..motczuj , i-ikcgiceiuots , etc. , cn'-oI F - I bj 4tjgijt ) ar othir i.ziuies umi In..ir ( 'I . _ -4i ! "j _ , cri'tioum. 01cz , , mu,0 m.ru-Im. . . i-t.aLCao j..ai . ( Vialt y iii cml or roui.r. 4. , .A. _ tom' tu r. Lutiula5a or nmarrt3iut. : --I , . ' . 'jL'gCeutt liisatiij ( cmiii ( aumtcrn.tlou If iatnaa 2b5rr..A ! , i.our lnmcdttta , iaprovo 1 rwatcnd cfle'js a l'ljJP. clara all oIlier at In. r.tut mim'on Ituyiit : : mmuo opuinui .Mpz 'tuibiti , Ttuei L-evo cure.1 . , . i'i'C - . I thou.tug cad riticur 701i. clv" e pot t ieurittcnraIarsntN ic.0Dctsruro 79''q Ia Cuftcauoor . ichund ihu i'1i'507. Vrice ' -"a'-t ; cm ci m-it-d ( fell ' .rdatmwuti I ° m' 'L'J. 1y I _ i ' In iiain nm irr. i'r..u. ' r"'lit ef v" 0 , ' 'i..1AX ti1OY CO. , : , I rur a.iia In Ulnimula , Irb. , by Jti , tuu-sytii , 2-01 N ' 161mm' 1uImn & Co. . 10th anti ts.0g133 &U4 in'Couxi'ctl lIierC jy 0. ii Urowaluiuingtis. . ecRV ' , 15 tUC 0-iLl : ' 1 ; , Y. it 4 lillO T1IICATS .LL Private Disoa6o ) liegun , i , I lPiGrd.r .f > MEN ONLV 1 Years Ezmiuirlenec. 10 Years in Oiaiia- .J li'.nk i"m'e , ( 'tmositltmi. ) , ' tia F'ree. Ilax 7ft , 0 ? 9th an Farmrnm Ilti . . - oamAutA. . tiltll , f'jUPor E'U 'U : . : ' .4 Yxi ; . N&ER \ TilE XCE1LENC OF SYRUP OP UI6S Is ultio Itmut emily to the origintility minti hiiiliCIty ( of t iii' COhltllhihmtluml ) , imut. tilso to ( lie enr miiid m.iuill ith which It. is hum iitmfrettu't'tl by m-.ck'mutifie proe's kmmnwmm tm ) ( lie Cl.lrolli , Flu S'ituL' Co. only , nimul we m'1sli to lmimlWeO.8 liIhil ) all time Immipom'tmuncc of ) Iml'elIIS1Iig : ( lie t.rmte nih ! original remtiedy. As ( lie gt'miuimmt' Syi'tip of I'ig. Is ui.itmmufnettircd hmy the CAI.lioItflIA h"io 'iiUi' CO. lii'l\ , ' , a limmotrledge of tlmt fueL still assist ommum lit uvottlimmg time svom'tlilesa Iumi'mt.atloims ttimtittifnct uireul luv , 01 lieu' hiiti'- ties. 'l'huc high stamitlliig of ( lie CAl- lttiiNhA Eimi 'ltLYl' C4 , svitlm time immedi- cut pm'oft'sshuim , itual the ant Isfim et Ion wlmlm.'li tIme genuine Sym'tmm of l"i175 hums if'mveul to ni'miijpmmtt of faimmilies immimke time minnie of the' Ctmmla1iy p guaranty of the exet'llemiee of Its m'eiiieil , ' ' . it. Is fuiv in imult'ammee of till oilier la'tzut1vcs , a. 'it micts on tIme lIdmieys , Ilvem- anti lmult't'lS without hm'ritii Li air om' sveniemt- lug tlmt'in anti It (1'u's hintgm"mC nor iintmsiutt.e. , lii oi'der ( ii get 'its bemmeK'Irti ( effeets , plc.tse m'CiUehiOLi-Cl' time mmuimiuo of time Comimpamiy - CALIPORIflA PIG SYRUP CO. itA : Ih ( lC1sOIP , ( : .tl. i.'tmust'Ill.r. . 1s NIt' : V4liIl. ? , Y , . , T Itlu S * . ' _ _ ' . . GM R51't1IA1'IVE' It's not cm "pttea' " ncmde ic , but Is preraremi dlicc ( iritm tiC f..rmnu1' Of 31 IC. harmon. Id. I ) . , Cloveiamid's ama t emxmlnL-mm mpet'tatfrm by I iiaiincr 0. hlemm&onPhD.i S. IA .I-lLNl'ttiicm rolt- eat known restoratIve mat invioratoc 1 I era- umte u1iU t1cii , muitum.ciml end ci reimglhi , cleir.i : . ( ho bmnln , rakrs thmo blood T'i i u-mo no I r.tt amid causes a /Aiv' _ i : ner.il i'IInii of health , , . . \ ticiu"tht umiud ieflcWCl ( vital- 1 ? ( c ! iy , lhib ) tic ruacrittivo or- 1 . 4i-J- , ' ' Ia mi utro ii ( prel toregnimm their r . . , r/ ' d1 ii rmmimtl 1olCis Itmuil the tt .c ' Tcrcr is ( Pmlcl:17 : mnn'o Can- -'c. iclouu of direct bc.eIit. 0 o I ' "t' , I box ihI work wonders , m J . . " i.hictild 1ricct a etiro. f tilt _ } . ( lrcctloxms I , evcry I ox. or liii i , - ' out ( ito tlugiists shret yi.u iInd cnelo'.cmi , nmiil We II Ill IIV4) loam CCO special ntcntlcn sim' uiL extra charge. Iitmt-itEN i fer ahe Ut v.11 tlrumum Otorca , Z1 CO-dimso liox fOr In ) c at , cm' lO II lit mail ltitcctmrelv sealed on reci'imim. cC PrIce. hIllS. 16A1TON ANI ) Iiml2SON , 91 1.ulr-iicmm lIbel , ( hu.velunt.1 , U For sale b' Ktuimi & Co. , ThIn nail Doug. laa' .1. A. 1' tiller & Co. , 142 1 > .uughis tt. . alit1 Grahumin Drug Co. , 15th amid lrariiaiil hCmig Pim mmii cy , 271 Ii amid I , eitm''mm t'urt ii ; i'eyttiii'i ; l'imarmnuvy , 2 I tIm nail 1 .eavemmwortit ; ii. .7. Seyliora , South Ointmhit , mmii I itlI ottmt'r di ttg-ists In Omaha. Soutim Oiimuiua. CouiiCit Bluffs. Patronize home Industries 11 1'Ir'IuumpIi mIW ; , , , 3.umIc a t tI.t Vol. , , 11W 'C io'uisieie Iimt'tries m ASVNINUS tNt ) o'irrs Ol.iIi.t ' 1'ii'3' .t'I ) ittmlllmlIt ; CE ) , ( Suet'utsurs Ougutilia 'lent anti /twning Co. ) \lnnuimatiuierl' teutmu' . uilniimu's ; Jet i-rs ladles' Ii tud g'iits' 2.iii rtiuitosie.i. 'i'ent br m emit. 1311 l'trimnhii St. , ottttumtti. ) mltmR\'ICiiiCS - i'li.tllt Imhlt'i' ( i'SOCI.S'm ION. Carload itiulpmcnts iminue In our awn retrir- crater en rs I line I I iltcui , El mu' pu m , t'ienmua Eiort tied mamtiliy s1'urt tieiivere'I ' tu all itarti of ( Ito e1y. ; xiomi.rHs. OM.It.t hIOhl.llIt % 'Olhlt' , mulms It. 1,1) ) l'1tIC' , I'riim. Tinilers TamJou nntt Sheet ioiu Wnrk. hs'c1it rncmiitire ror doing r-airs , etc. i't , 111 coitNien woiuzmu. ( I. F' . JCI'idNE'I'iIlt , C. ( 1,11 COIl Nicil ' % ' ( ) it 1S. ttinuurnctuui "i' ut O'imutnizeI , li-tim Cormii , ciIn' . vaimized Iron lL1i1gIuis. Tin , iluim numi Slit' , it vim mit eAient Iuir Ii immtca r' s Steel Cell jug I0c-m0i ? Nttriii ' . , ' ) , Orcet cJtAt'mmiI F\C''Ollmmm. .t.lEuI 11.1 % N ills CPI'I' .tNO ai 1"mcm ; , t\'lioiern , ' - Cra.'itr 20 a aim fitci iii ers , olismmt. Nilm. DYE 1S'OitKS ( CllOiiIStCIc'5 'J''lN CII' ' . ' 1) l'Fh % ' ( mIl it 8 , i1i l'mim'u : , iii 4i m'ino : : tni rlmnitlrg utf gurnuemutu , utmuti of 0' , cry , terrIi.i Ion. C1't , mu ug of ii 0 0 gi : rnmctits a i-toni j FI.OUit 1111.1,9. S. I" . CIli ' .N. Flour , Mmiii , Feud , liram , , 011-15-17 North Ith Street , Ommmnl'a ' , NCtu. ( : . i : ljlack , 1iurugc'r , Teus-pftotte lit : . IIIC'N VOilIdH. ( ) , % 'lS A'tlV.l 1,1 , , lilON 'l'OIC KU , hruii uuumil liruuss I-iuuiIi'rs , ianmifuCttireri ! tinl .Jol,1ers of 1.lu' 1Iiu'rl ( 'irn- 'ri mepairiuug um , iu"itImY. ( HUt , 1&'J 'ni 1.U $ Jaekson $ tn'et. Onmtthmm. Neb t.hrimmr.I : , OIL ' ' : : -O-4-I)3l. ; % % Il 1-Eul ; 1)11 , % ' , 'OIU5 , ManulactUm Ii i all process iuw minseed cii , bet. tie boim"ti Uuii'e , ' 1 iii , I , ii I'iO ' 'i'lO 5 ItLUit iiii-te.l , cakes , ground mind creLii.1 lIt(45.id for ( IiUfl jluuts ( ) MAII.S , XCII Id A'I'TfluSiJIO. ; . 4)m.4lI t hII6IulI ( CO. lltiutufuitttrers of iilgli arnie Mumtrriu , , liii iIrnu't 1-tireem. ( imabs Ot'lIIALL : AXE' iII1mt'iFittY3'OmtmiS - , , . . gvJziil.I.Ns ; Cl1h1'A' ' M'-s , Clittiuig , i'ante , aiiriu , Overaihi ( mMmit , 'gii 6hiIitT FA'TOmmIIS .7 , II , i'1' , 'S. Nl1IIII t'.IC. ( 811 till' ( ) hl I' i-s Exciusivo cuimitom shirt tailors , 151 li-'uiruuuumi - vmNmu.m : it .t XI ) iIl ' 1(1.1:8 Ii ' . tii lI.i'VS VI\'lfG 'i II ( ' 0 , aIsumtifIuetur4'rs of t'Iri.-iar. I'ii'iiie , . ( 'umteup , lilustiurir. ( 'l ° r > anti Vr'o'sU i-sm'lre. ' Ottuum , e. W.0Oi(14 ANI ) C.1tI:1.(1gtt. mt i i.ii II I'I'JIIF IICII. ' , i'iitanmial t'iuii'i , ' of - ' . l'or s gu'l , * I sn ih-'u1p. tii..ii , for l.'it.itflmiilg or i uiibc'r , ilpes ii. 't' .v em ( .l wte'iilie biZ pliem is 11th ansI I , ' a enwetli IIreEt ( . CIII (11 M.NhTm'Arl'ItIi1s ' IIJ-INE .i- .iCI ) . 1imr0et fiurliry in iii , ' weit leaamvr ) tbl."ri of Omatm.u. h6aiia , . ( 'lit Lincoln suti St. Jorjim tumtiIe our rvii& ItiOl ? srnu'm 5sr't A fl 'F. Co. : me'semigcrs ftirrmirlit1 : baa. gage tielivered. 1302 laug'es St. Tel 117.