Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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_ criu . OMA1tA . DAIX ii1 : 'I'I'ESDAY , auJy i , : tsfl8. .
_ : _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - : - :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! Aavano Gunr of Do1cgate to laUona1
Onynt1on Arrives1
I 1svttI Cllfl tul I PCM .t re fli.u ,
n , ( JI ( 'IIuu'I r S urk ut I'riintIit
1 ( or I I * . Nit t Iiiiiil I.tguie ,
The state delegatlomi to the COVCflUOU
ot the Nntlonnl 1pub1lcnn lenglic tomorrow -
row evening at l3oyd'$4 theater vII1 corn-
I ZflCIICO to crrhe tillS fortiiciofl. , As ttst as
they ( timt tIit' pecin1 crnitfllttcfl of local
relIullIcan ) appoiuted to ticlVO tlien will
meet. them nL thu tnillia afli escort them to
. natl'iuni ' lctguc Iie.itlquJt at. ( [ 10 MIllard ,
This ioiiirnlttce oil s1clrorno consists of
\'I1IIam II. Tcn 17C1 % , elmlrman ; C , l ,
Morguft , 1. fl. ImtflCIiflafl , I ) , M. Vittson-
t haler , K. S. llHter , Fraal Crawford , John
, v. l'citlali , C. ' . MIks , J. G. luIin , J. W.
flattiti , U. It , Ci.nt' , M. 1. Slugleton , Lyslo
I. Abbott , 11. A. MersV. . A.'ebstcr ,
J , ' , Tucker , lloaril Kennedy , Herbert
1togfrs , feorgo ; 0. Colder , W. A. I&Uord ,
Ilerliort hcavitt. I" . 1 , . SmIth nnd Dr. Fred
Teal ,
il Ilcccher Ilighy. John N. Wcstberg. C. i.
iigutter. l'liil fl.'iitter and M11e8 fl ,
] Iauctc 1IIIC tlio decorating of lloyd's tlieatr
In hand. The clecorationa will be mostly
Sings aIR ! bunting , with a few pictures of
I'rcsldetit McKinley , Abraham Lincoln and
possibly ortrnits of lk'wey , Sampson ,
t3cliley , 1101)3011 ) and Generals Lco and Mer.
National l'aealilcnt L. J. Crawford Ill
arrive IIolflblY ) with Senator Isaac MLllei
hamilton or lliIols this morning. The
Uhlools lelegatlon , 100 In number , will come
over the lilwatikt'c road tomorrow. Isldoro
Sohel of lrie , Urcsldent or the I'ennsylvanla
league , will also be hero this morning.
Thci o Is U lossiblilty that his iiamo wIlt
be the cholco of the l'ennsylvanlaus for ( ho
flatlonI hague presIdency. Malibu 13.
Young of l'lilladelphla vIll arrive tomoriow
with ( li dek'gates rrom the eastern part ot
his state. rlio Wyoming delegation is duo
here over ( lie Uiilnn I'aelflc this afternoon.
A. 1. Ohr telegraphs Secretary Stine front
Plttsburg that the Maryland delegation of
fifteen wIth J. Cookman Boyil wIll be In
t thIs morning. President Urant Fellows of
the MlciiIau league also Honds a letter to
. . prepare the secretary for the arrival this
afternoon of his delegation wIth its candi-
data for the lrtsidency of the tiatlonal
league , r ; . N. 1)Ingloy of Kalamazoo ,
; "Ve have no candidates to vrcsent to the
national convention ; we ate too modest , "
wrItes l'resident IL J.Vootla of tlit SunLit
Dakota league from Sioux Fulls to Secretary
StIno. our delegation ve have cx-
congressmen , the Present United States at-
tornL'y , the clinhiinan of ( Ito state centra3
comiuItte , , the lieutenant governor , the corn-
mIssIoner of chooI and public lands and
_ , / In fact ( lie most Prominent republIcans of
thu tatc. Just say we arc republicans ,
eighty mIles wide niul eighty miles long , 36
( lays In the year. "
1x-1'resIdeiit I ) . \Voodmansee of CIa-
chianti Is expected this mornIng ,
Ora 1. Chaplii , svtto was a strung candl-
date for the national sccrctnryslilp at the
1)etroit convention , got In yesterday to establish -
tablish headquarters for the Illinois antI-
Tanner organization at the Millard. lIe cx-
Poets the main body of his league tomorrow ,
but the lresldent ) of ( lie league.'IlIIarn It.
Payne. who , by the way , Is Liii' law Partner
of Mr. Chapin In ChIcago. and was formerly
a Juilgti In Indiana ; henry C. Bottler , ( ho
treasurer of tit , , league and a candidate for
the legislature from one of the Chicago districts -
tricts ; George M. llagby , one of its board
' of managers , and a ChIcago inherItance tax
nI)1)rniser ) tinder the now la' ; L. Brent
Vaughn , cx-presIIcnt of ( lie national college
league , and hoary It. ltnthbono , another
Chicago lawyer , are all looked for thIs morn-
Speaking of the politIcal outlool of his
8tato Mr. Chmnpln says : "We elect only a
few state olilcers ( lila year , but all the atom-
bers of the legislature , and , of course , all
the congressmen , Of our twenty-two congressmen -
gressmen all but four or live are republIcans.
expect we will have as itiany this year.
The few exceptIons are from central and
southern IllInois districts , whIch are so very
much dtiniocratic that I fear that they will
go that way again , The successful management -
mont by the adnitnlstratlon of ( lie war vilI
prove very beneficial to our congressional
ticket , as It does everywhere In th country ,
With a good , hard fight , therefore , we ought
"p1 r- ho able to senil to the lower house as
c nmany as we now have. It Is true that Clii-
cage has been an uncertain quantity some
- . tinies. TIme city vcnt ocrwheIrningly for
Mr. McKinley and the very next. spring It
went as overwhelntingly for a democratic
iimayor and WO have had no republican vie-
tories sInce ,
" 4hI the seven congressmen from Cook
county have 1)0011 renominated. These are
James II. Maiiii , 1Vlihiant , Lorlmer , Hugh
llelknap , D. W , Mills , George F. White.
henry Sherman hloutello and Ceorgo Edt -
niuiitt i'oss. I3oth lielkoap unit Foss have
" , , ' t made shtl'tthId , records. We have no doubt
' - ' of being able to send the entire old Clii-
cage delegation back. Most of the country
districtj have also .
renominated the old comm.
grossmen. The only cases in which ( hey
. failed to do so % 'ero when the incumbents
slgnifled an indisposition to run ngaln. "
Mr. Chinpin was formerly a Chicago Tier-
aId reporter. After lie was admitted to the
bar he became a deputy county clerk. lie
has also been .Tuthgo Carter's secretary ,
hIiia'kie'"M trnieii
The lie'st salvo ! a the world for cuts
hruises , soit't , ulcers , salt rhteurn , fOVOt
sores , tetter , clmaiiiied hmanihi , chilblains.
corns , amid all skin eruptions , aitil Positively :
cures lilies. or no pay required. it Is guaranteed -
anteed to gIve
perfect aatltactIon or money
' refunded , l'riett 25 cents per box , For sale
by Kuhn & Co.
Ciiiil iii ii 'l'83IImr Vrit'M ii lt't tm'r trii , .
IiimimmiiIii ii mmii I'4rynrils liii-
tt.lI iii ; ii i'i , i'rs ,
' joInt Kelkenney of this city has received
II the following auto fromim Captain "Buck"
'l'ityior of time Thurston hilihes :
hlONObtILI ] . Juno 23-hear Johmnnie :
Arrived last night , Very busy. \'IiI
leave lit couple of ilays , Beautiful city
here antI hurrah for annexation. Malone
and Sht'cier to return himyaical ) disability ;
tni afraid to taku Ilment further. All outers -
ers t'll amid Bob Gihiespie is getting fat.
w.itil time mioto was sommt a copy of the
Comminierciul Advcrtiscr or honolulu of Toes.
day , Juimo 23 , it is entirely taken up with
IIOWS of time call of the second Manila ox-
lOditiOhI at I innohulu. It contains an nc
count of the death auth burial of TI. C. Fisk
of Lincoln , Nob. . who died in time Tied Cross
( . hiospitttl at honolulu of tyvhmold teer.
Among the notes of this paper are the ( oh-
hawing ;
Searchlight , a red-imnireil vai ( ( roiti loit-
lanti , Is mascot ( or time Firtt Nebr.tska ,
& There are a miunitior of veterans of ( lie
civil war servimig as "non corns. " in the
% Nebraska reglmueimt.
The First Nebraska left its hlryan eagle
) at San Francisco , and bits for a amascot
I only a yellow dog.
There are itny number of State univer3iy
- . tmoy in the Nebraikit regiment , and they
3115(10 themselves heard very often.
I4eutonaiit Mci.auglmiin of the Beatrice
( leb. ) company baa been ml'LaIed as quay-
terjuamter for ( hit. F'irmmt Nebrsska. .
Colonel hyatt of ( be Nebraska wa mlii-
tMy vommsnder of ttmo expedition rtttr tb
China hift the fItot. Colonel Hyatt hiM
been highly complimented by the best ito-
thoritleg on time Appenranco anti condition
of his regiment.
( 'nitnifl Taylor cornmnitads this Timurston
Itliles of Onmahma. the cc ir , company of
the whole Mnnil& ( oree. Tim fifes won
It z.000 : ; enghi prio at Mcmnphmis , Tenn. , for
irihling , nail a $100 cash irIzc for the best
showing of camp discipline. It is it SPtOfl
thu conmpnny and ' 'quite swell. "
Nebraska is a corn state for one thing.
'egtet'Iay ' mm 5110513 of time First Nebraska
saw green corn at a store , TIme sergeant
comnmaniled "Itlght face , salutc' . " The em-
lilem of ( lie home state wits given nil lion-
ors and ( be squad imnssod on looking for
more pineapphes or pretty girls.
Mamrgooht ItniTerty SCmlil ! a Complete
Lint to Ahjuttimt , ( ictierni
Ctrbimi ,
WAShINGTON , July 11.-AdJutant General -
oral Corbin last night received a dispatch
( rota Major htarfcrty , one of the surgeons
who arrived at Tampa , Flit. , on the Cherokee
from ( leneral Shmaftcr'a corps at Santiago ,
giving a list of tIme officers killed , wounded
or sick tip to July 5. The list furnished by
Major Rafferty ontnined some inaccuracies ,
hut so far as possible they have been cIlia-
mated. Time list as corrected follows :
First Cavalry-Major h3ll woumithed ; Major
Force , killed ; Captain Kirk , wounded ; LIeUtenants -
tenants Mills and Dyruin , wounded ; Lieutenants -
tenants Ilivers nnd Salsman , sick ; Lieutcn-
tilit Roberta , woundetl ,
Third Cavalry-General Young , sick ;
Major \Vcsseie , soundcd ; Captains Dodd and
Hunter , vounded. Lieutenant Thayer ,
wounded ; Lieutenant Naudo , sick ; Lieuten-
out Meycr sick ,
Sixth Cavalry-Colonel Carroll , wounded ;
Captains Kerr , Stanton and l3lotson ,
wounded ; Lieutcnniit Cobs , sick ; LlcUten-
ant Short , wounded.
Seventh Cavalry-Lieutenant Stone , injured -
jured ; Captain Cantion , killed.
Eighth Cavairy-Lieutenahit. McCoy , killed.
Ninth Cavalry-Colonel hamilton , killed ;
Captain Stedman , killed ; Captain Taylor ,
WOUOlctl Lieutenants Wood nail Ryan ,
wounded ,
Tenth Cavalry-Major Wint , wounded ;
Captain Iiigelow , wounded ; Lieutenants
Shiipp anti 'V. 3. Smnith , killed ; Lieutenant
Barnum , wounded ; Lieutenant \S'lhiard ,
wounded ,
Scconil Infantry-Lieutc'iiaiit Tlenuant , sick ;
Lieutenant Wells wounded.
Fourth Infantry - Lieutenant Neavy ,
wounded ; Lieutenants J. 3. l3unard and
hiowes , killed ,
Sixth Infantry-Colonel Eghert , 'oun4ed ;
Captain Wethierill , killed ; Lieutenants
Waiker and Toney , wounded ; Lieutenant
howard , killed ; Lieutenants Simons , Far-
aunt , I'urtly , Gross and Robertson , wounded.
Seventh Infantry-Colonel Benhiam , sick ;
Lieutenant Carpenter , woiitidcd ; Major Cor-
has , wounded ; Lieutenant Gussard ,
sotimidetl ; Lieutenant \Vaosboro. killed.
Fifth Infantry-General Van flora , sick ;
Lieutenants Perkins and Sergeant , sick ;
Iieutennnt J. R. Seyburn , wounded.
Ninth Infantry-Lieutenant Colonel Ewers ,
wounded ; Lieutenant Lewis , kiiied.
Twelfth Infaimtry - Captain llaslcell ,
wounded ; Lieutenant Dove , wounded.
Tenth Infantry - Major Estaridgo ,
wounded ; Captain Lincoln , wounded ; Cap-
tam Drum , killed ; Captains Duggan antI
\rj1 Vicet , wounded ; Lieutenants Coops and
Savllle , wounded ,
'llilrteentti Infantry - Colonel Worth ,
wounded ; Major Ellis , wounded ; Captain
Sotithier , sick ; Captain Fornandie. killed ;
Captain Gilnman , sick ; Lieutenants A. B.
Scott and Slater , killed.
Sixteenth Intantry-Captaimi Morrison ,
h ( ilit'tl ; CaptaiiisVoodbury , Forland , Lassi.
for , Sorely , Slience , wounded ,
Seventeenth Infantry-Colonel Haskehi ,
wounded ; Lieutenants Dickerson and Lichmee ,
Twentieth Infantry-enera ; hlawkins ,
wounded ; Captains Rodgers and Moon ,
wound cd.
Twenty-fourth Infantry-Captain Edwards ,
wounded ; Lioutcnawt McCorckle , killed.
Twenty-first Infantry-Colonel McGibbon ,
wounded ; Major Coo. nick.
Twenty-second Infantry-Colonel Wlkofr ,
killed ; Lieutenant Colonel I'atterson.
wounded ; Captain Crittenden , killed ; Cap-
taut S. V. Musher , wounded ; Lieutenant
Godfrey , wounded ; LieutenazitVassohl ,
wounded ; Captain Lewis , sick.
Twenty-flftht Infantry-Colonel Larcomb ,
wounded ; Captains Breiidon and Ducat ,
wounded ; Lieutenants Butt , Lyon and Laws ,
wounded ; Lieutenants Gurneri amid .Augustin ,
killed ; Lieutenants \Vells and Miller , sick.
Summary-Killed , 21 ; wounded , 77 ; sick ,
21. Total , 122.
Iiizme iii Cent'yu ,
GENEVA , Neb. , July 1I.-Speelah.-A ( )
fIre in ( lie Jominic Brown building on the
corner of Court anil Main streets yesterday
I morning at I o'clock destroyed ( lie stock
in F. Sanilage's restaurant , fully covered
by insurance. The stock of buggies , owned
byV S. hluston , on tIme second floor , Is
almost a total lose. The H. C. l'orter liv-
cry stock In the rear part of the building
Is not lajured. The loss on ( lie building Is
perhaps $800 , Insured ,
Ci. liPlIch i Cr.'zi iii t' r.
CIi/tPPELL , Nob. , July 11.-Specfnh ( Talc-
gramim.The ) Chiappehi creamery iiurneil to
the ground nbout niiclnighmt last night.
Origin of the fire Is unknown. Loss , $1,000 ;
ito Insurance.
Omimahin 31iim % Vii , hiilrysirml Iicmurn ,
George \V. hjeinirod , son of County 'irene-
urer hlolmnrod , has returmied home from
Cambridge , where hiu grtduated with u :
usual honors. Besides securing the bacen-
laureate degree , after one year's study , Mr.
hleimrod recetycti three sPecial honors Iii
chemistry , to which lie hntl 'hcvote1 his
irIIIciItni attention , anti was accorded
' 'sumina cilia laudo' ' on account of highest
hatters In [ lint branch of vorIc. Mr. IIIm.
I oil hmittl received his emrI : ) ' educatIon iii Germany -
many , gradiiatiiig three years ago ( rout thu
Omaha high school , alter which he had
sPelit two years at ( lie Nebraska State unt-
versity Previous to entering harvard last
iiiiig St'ii h'iit't' for Yiigriimi ( N.
hlemeaftor vagrants who appear lwtforo
Judge Gordon twice will bc glveii time CX-
trcnme limit of tiit law. Yesterday afternoon
a emnuple of hiat Itaimitijal v.tgrants wIll
get was mihmown tihien Judge Gordon sent live
tatterdenialions to time ( ounty Jail for ninety
days , thirty days of which their repast lhI
consist of spring water and bread. In the
stiiiimmit'r months this semitenco is dreaded
more by tIlls class titan a sentence to sork
or a bath would be ,
cIll 'i'll I i.f Ciiii gist.
BonIto Carter , a negro , stole 50 cents
worth of coal trout a liliesouri Pacific rail.
way car at Leavenworth , Kami. , a shor ( timn.i
ago antI lied to Omaha , liii was captured
yesterday smith Ihi be returned to Leaven-
worth. In round fIgures hIs vursuit and capture -
turo will amount to $150.
A , pimbhic reception will lie given to Dr.
A. C. Welch and wire at tIme Seward htrt'et
Methodist Episcopal chmtri'h on 'Fuew1ay
evening , July 12 , at S o'eiog , 'Fhic Meth.
odists of the city as well as thin jubhlc am
general In the neighborhood an' Invltrd to
A restraining order has t'ccii issued In
a suit brought by C. II. ltrideimbecker
again'mL the Omaha \Yaitars' union , A hear-
lag on the application to make the restraining -
straining order permnaaent will come on
on July 15. Jim his sIllItAtiOfl Iba phalnti' (
alleges that certain parties stand on the
sidewalk Iii front of ) iis business bottea
and seek to drive tway his trade ,
- . - _ _ . ' . I
- * -
F1r District Bopnb11can Agree Upon
Their Selectiona ,
1)isitrlct hiomior , . o to Victor flose-
ntcr , lriim l' . ilnxder nimil J.
A. Ileek hm' Cummipi Iiiiemitmtry
Yltc * .
At 1arge ,
DelegatesAlternates -
Dut'Id IL Mercer. W. F. Ourley ,
Victor Rosewater , Clement Chase ,
Irvilig F , Baxter , Theodore JuhiiisOfl ,
J. A. fleck. JoInt Troutomi.
Time above are the choice of the Douglas
tlclegation to the convention of the Nebraska -
braska State League of Tieptiblican Clubs
as delegates front this congressional dig-
( net to the national convention of the body.
The choIce was made at a caucus of the
delegation in Creighiton ball last night ,
whiiclm was decidedly well nttendcd , noisy
and liarnionlous. The meeting did its bust-
fleas quickly and adjourned early.
Besides all the regular ward clubs of this
city and Southi Omiinhn , the following republican -
publican clubs were represented : Central
Colored , U. 13. Grant , Youmig Mcii's Itopub-
hlcan chub , Colored Republican climb of the
Sixth ward , ( iorman-Arnorican of tim See-
nod ward , Second Ward McKinley , John L.
Webster , Swodish-Americnmi Garfield , Irishi-
American , Young Men's Republican Tliurs-
ton , ThmirdVnrd McKinley anil hobart ,
Sixth Ward Colored Central , Ninth Ward
Colored , Scandinavian-Anterlean Ninth
Ward Dave Mercer , Eighth \Vard Business
Mcii's and the Veteran league.
J. h. Kaley was ehect d chairman by no-
clarnation , In the same maimer John West-
berg was elected secretary and C. 13. Denny
assistant secretary.
After some discussion it was decided to
select one delegate at large from the din-
( riot , t\o district delegates frotn the city
of Omaha and one delegate front the country -
try precincts amid South Omaha , heaving one
for Washiington and Sarpy couiities.
lion. Dave Mercer and W. F. Gurlcy
were nomimuttod as delegates at large. Upon
the first ballot Dave Mercer was elected
candidate by a vote at 219 to 43. Vi' . F.
Gurley wan then inado the alternate.
The following were nominated for the
po3ltions of dtstrlct delegates from the city
Victor hlosewatce. I. F. Baxter , E. TI. hail ,
Clemnotit Chase. Richard Berlin , W. P. Dela-
mater , J. L. Kennedy amid 'Theodore John-
eon , Messrs. Itosewater aijil Kennedy vis1ied
to decline the nonilmiations , but were not
allowed to do no.
The vote as cast by clubs was : hose-
water , 121 ; Baxter , 117 ; Johnson , 100 ; ChaSe ,
IS ; Kennedy , 83 ; haIl , 78 ; Dolamater , 41 ;
Berlin , 5. As soon as the vote tva an-
notiliced Boncwater and Ilaxter wore do-
dared tile chicico of the caucus as delegates
amid were elected by ticciamation.
130th Mr. ] 1o3CVzttcr amid Judge hlaxter
responded brlelly in answer to calls , anti
cxprcsse4 thanks and apprecIation of the
honor conferred.
Cleniont Chase , Theodore Johnson and H.
II. hiatt vere xomlnatetl as alternates , and
Chase and Johnson elected.
j. A. Beck of South Omaha was eleCtCd
delegate and John Troutoli of South Omaha
an alternate , from the country precIncts anti
South Omaha by acelajitation.
James Walsh presented the following rena-
hutlon , which was unaniiiiously adopted just
lrevlous to adjourniiient
Whereas. Chiatles H. Winter , as president
of time Nebraska State League of htepub-
hlcan Climbs for the past year has faithfully
antI veli discharged all the ditties of said
office : therefore.
Be It resolved by the lougian
county deiegatioii to ( lie stuto conventIOn
of said league , That cordially approve
and endorse his administration of said of-
fire : and
lIe it further resolved. That we nresent
amid recommend Charles H.'inter to said
state league convention for re-election tea
a second term as ntntc uresident.
Two or three of ( liii delegates to ( lie convention -
vention of the Nebraska state league have
arrived as forerunners of time crowd. See-
rotary Ed J. Mock tvlhl have his hienil-
quarters at the Millard all day long to re-
cclvii credentials and nienibernhilp lists and
to issue conventIon tickets to the chairmuen
of thto various county delegations. The as-
sossmcut calm ale be paid to him there.
It is tIme Intention to call the conveutioli
of the tate league at Boyd's thittater
promptly at 8 p. ma. , if itossible. Doubtless
seeking rccogni-
runny repubhicamis who arc
tion this year as candidates will have an
opportunitY to speak. The Sovemithi vard
band will play at the headquarters for an
hour pmevioUs to the convention.
"Time credentials already sent to Secretary
itlock indicate that time attendance at the
convention tomorrow eveniiig of the state
league will be utmusually large , " saId President -
dent Winter yesterday aftcrimooii.
TIme invitation to republicans to attend
both time state league and national league
conventions includes nil , whether niemubers
of clubs or not , and it iti hoped the theater
will be packed wIth McKinley voters. The
numb applIes to the big Tharsday t'veimimig
mass meetimig at time vjto3itlomi auditorium ,
ii ) which access will be absolutely free from
thu street.
Time present executive committee of time
state league In mmmado imp of the following :
T. L. Ackerman of Stanton. E. M , Pollard
of Nehawlul , Lincoln Frost of Lincoln ,
George A. Murphy of Beatrice , A. H. Cady of
St. I'aul. J. H. Kelly of McCook , Ross L.
hammond of FrcrnomitV. . H. l'eohlen of
Pemider , E. 0. Lewis of Falls City , M. A.
Drown of ICcailmey. Frammk Simmiutons of Sew-
arti anh ( J. J. lioucher anti James B. ltlclkle
of Omaha. 'FIme foil list. of the prcscmmt alit-
cern is : CitatIon H. VIiiter of Omaha ,
president ; Brad I ) . Slaughter of Lincohmi ,
yicc ltr tidetmt ; Eil J. Mock of Alma , scrc-
t.ary ; 1' . J. Hall of Meniphiin , treasurer ; W.
p. McCreary of Hastings , national vice
prcsi.lemit ; h.V. . ihiliingaiey of Lincoln , zia-
( tonal comnmmittteemnnmi , amid Senator John t1.
Thmurston , ex-Prealdent of the national
league , ex-ohilcio.
I'restdent'inter of time state republican
league looked for some at the delegates to
thin Ttiesihmty evt'mmlmmg convention to arrive I
last evening. hloyti's theater Is aircatly be-
giimnimig to be decorated in good untriotic
style for liothi time state amid national league
SOmii nrraimgeiiicntn wIll be mnnde itt ( tie
niecting of tIme delegates of tIme lotigias )
cOUIm ty clubs in Crelghioa hall , thin eveiiliig ,
( or time proper recelitloim and ciiterainmemit
of the oilier state delegates us they arrive
and dimming timeir stay hmere , also to hook after
the dclrgates to tIme Iowa league convention
at Council hihimitmi , who may comae to take
iii the expositlomi ind to attend time national
league convention \Vedoesclay. . Thursday
and Friday. Jim the ineantimime I'rosidemit
Wlntrr , Executive Committeemen ihoucher
and MeikIe timid National Seerttary Stine are
aticmidlng to all the details micerseary to
make the assemnbitugs of the two state
leagues and the nntonal league successful
in every way omul to provide for thie might
kind of bospitablo eoertalnmucnt for time
l2aitrlnIiimmcui ( Commmimiittvt' Mt-etlmmg ,
Time special committee to look after ( lie
hotel cceommmiodstlone and welcome the an-
tiooah league delegates as they arrive on
the ( rubs viii have t ameetimig at the MIT-
lard this evening , This coasieti of William
B. Ten ihyck , chairman ; C , E. Morgan , H.
IL Zimmermami. I ) . M. Vlnsonhiaher , K. S.
I'lsbcr , j'rank Crawford , John Vt' . l'urlsb. C. V ,
Miles , J , G. Kuhn , J , W. h3attin 11. Ii , Crane ,
M. h. Singlelcimi , Lyda I. Ahjhott atiti hi. A.
Meyers. The conmniltft'a tthlch is decorating
3hoyd' timemiter i mposett of lleeehier
hiIgby , Johum \Vt'iterg ' , C' . S Elguttcr ,
l'hmii H. Wintcr nnl''Mfes ' B. linuck.
National President Ii. .1. ( 'rnwfortl will
arrive probably th senator issne Miller
hamilton of tlliao n Timesdity morning.
The Illinois delegation , 100 in number , vIli
conic over the M1'ktmkeo roati the next
day , tsidore Sobel otErie ! , president of the
Peansillvanla lengiJe , ihl also be here Toes.
day morning , Thiiro is a possibility that
lii name will be the choice of time I'cnnsyl-
vanians for the nttotml league presidency.
Mahilon B. Young tot 'hihadeIphtia wilt ar-
live next day wit1 th.e delegates front time
eastern part of lila state. The Wyomimig
delegation is due h rc ' time Union Pacific
Tuesday afternoon.
( Continued from First Page. )
viewed the experieno of time party on the
triii west. lIe spoke of the trip from Ciii-
cage through the most. fertile country on
the globe and said the magnificence of the
exposition Imad been only partially compre-
hmenthcml. In closing , the speaker said he
eotmld tlmiuk of no more fitting sentiment to
express ( lie feelings of ( lie visitors for ( heir
hosts thami time celebrated toast of hip Van
Winkle : "here's to your good health anti
your faintly's health and mimay you hive long
and prosper. "
Mrs. (1.V. . Johnston sang a lullaby In a
most pleasing manner and was warmly ap-
Mes lhtiiy OlmI Prleimdn ,
lion. Johmmt I. . . Bates , speaker of ( lie house
of representatives of the Maznnehiusetts
legislature , was the neat speaker. lie said
( lie delegaUmin came to brimig ( lie good trill
nod good wishes of the PeOPle of Masna-
eimusetLs for ( ho lwoplo of ( lie vcst. lie re-
( erred to Lh fact that the mnemitbers of time
party had scarcely been able to tumrn a
corner In Omaha without rumimmlmmg across a
tuna ( rum Massachusetts , and said that the
delegatIon brought the hearty good wishes
of ( ito ieople of 'time state and congratimla-
tlos on Ute great exposition and cmi the
boundless possibilities of the great commmmtry
represented 1mm that great etiterpriso.
Clmamicellor George E. MacLean was in-
traduced by President Wattice as a former
resident of Massachusetts. lie said no
cuhogiuni of Massachusetts was mmeces-
sary , her blatory is well known
and all may judge for them-
selves. In the face of all
that hind been saId by previous speakers thio
chancellor 551(1 ho could ndml nothing more
than repeat the glowing eulogy of tIme liii-
mortal \Vebster which ho said would also
apply to Nebraska. The chiamicelior thiemi
hroceeilcd to discuss Massachusetts amid No-
bramiia iii tue cloqtielmt manlier whmiclm huts
gained for lilmn a reputation as tIde as the
A quartet sang time wedding chorus fioni
Cowemi's "Rose Maiden , " and ( lie exercises
closed with a clectton by the band. t the
chose of ( lie exercises in ( lie Auditoriumii the
visitors were uscortCd to time viaduct cafe
where lunchieomi vas Cemvcd , followed by
spceehos by neverftl 01' the visitors and by
v. hi. Alexander timid W. \\'hiltmore mis-
tivcs of Massachiusettit now residing in Ne-
GLISTS ( . 'i'iliit . , .titOVXl ) 'I'Ahhhii.
HNLON I t IIPII I ) ( reet'm'n te iim te.'ttm his
tluNNilelIiN't is mit l.lmiIeImeIL
The vlsltimmg det'gatlomi of Massachusetts
otliclals was emitt'rtulmicd at luncheon at time
southm viaduct cafi yesterday afternoon hut-
immediately fohiowimg .tiq close of the excr-
cisas iii the Audijorlum. When tIme cigars
were himiSseth l'reimionL Wattles called the
company to orde uaI introduce-il W. 11.
Alexander , irenidencet time New Euglamid
ehmb of Omaha , as the Brat speaker.
Mr. Alexander vut time. visitors at ease at
thie outset by saylmig ( hint tIme peojhe of
( lila sectiomi , vhIlc ant clninmhii any great
aaioumit of culture. had mamiaged to conceal
that fact tolerably well so far , so that mio
one , eaceptlmmg POssiblY a delcgatlon front
( ho city of ilostou , would be ahi to detect
it. lIe claimed , however , that the people
of limo werE are not defective Iii ubihity anti
emiergy amid lie pointed to ( lie exposition as
inoof of that statements Tie also said that
( Ito vest Is hot witlmout historical lamid-
marks , however deficient It may be tim ( lie
mtmntter of history runnimi through generation -
tion , amid be called mittemitlomi to ( lie Imullan
ioound& which nbotmnded lii the weat before
the ailvamien of clvllizallon stept tjmem airily
amid to the spots made historic by emmcoumml-
em witii limit red maim. Time speaker thmeim re-
feired to the reccmmt events which have dcmn-
, onstrated that thm lcopie of this great country -
try riro hound tomethier hi' comumnomi interests
amid that all sectiommal himies have disap- I
peared. lie expressed the gratification ime
felt at time lrecmIco of the vIsItors iii Omiiahmn.
amid bade them welcome to the city amid to
the eximsitlOli , expressimig time hope ( lint
they would svread the iitmws of vliat thuty
have sceimvimCn they returmi itomime.
Homi. Albert I. . . Ijarwoni , a mcmmiber of the
Mansachiusettn senate , was intmoduccd u thie
next ajwaker. lIe spoke or thie ftmhlmg
which actuated the vizitors as they travr'rs'I
thin couiitry , and said nothilmig hind excIted
tiio admimutiomm so niuchi as the ovitlences of
sterling mniimmboOd smown by the exlmo3ition
I whmich hail been erected here , lie referred
: t the tmlaa ] which the pcopio of the weit
have acscd through in the last few ycar
'and haul i bight tribute to ( lie 4'mmergy and
, lhuck wllch hind builcicti up aimehi a. great
exposItion In ( lie face of such circumstances.
lie said the 'lsitora would return to their
' homes to stir op the heovla of their state tu
I a full realization of the jossiblhlties of the
great WLCL.
lion. Charles 0. BaIley , a mimemuber of the
sonata of M'assachitmsqtts ' , was Introluceti ,
i'residoimt VattJes slating that rio topics ha.l
ljmemm assigned to any of thu speakers , they
being perimmitteti to choose their own sub-
Jects. Mr. Bailey expressed liii gratifies-
tlon at being one of time commipammy pritlieged
to bring 'a ts'eltorne from the east to the
. west. lie extolled the grandeur of Amen-
eami cltizi neimip timid spoke of the iieauties of
ratriotIsnm. expresslmm ) ; the hope , lii closing ,
that ( Ito fecilrmga of triemmchshmlp engendered ,
by this gatherIng 1w9tid be continued.
Colonel Albert Cirke , heerciary of ( lie
New J'glaod Uonw tarheL climb and a tue-ni.
I her of the htouse. p , representatives. ex-
prescott his good 1w1ata for time eucecs of
( ho eXhiOtiitlon aiid .imiJl that .e series of miucim
expositions would eimttnlbuto mmiateriahiy to
tue .surcess of ii tUnLm' ) ' . Ilts discussed
the business condutpnt of time cast amid west ,
contrasttmig time qni4itbens in ( ho two see-
tiotmg tiiml quoting the talc's ot raflroad n
thmso sections , etbowlng timttt ( lie w'smt hits
fin fareritbia conditions for development si
the east. un spoke of the retired farmers
of the west who tire now bie to live a hif
of 0050 iii the towns and villages as a reUtt
of a few yearn of tell , lie gaiti be wislieti
to see thti development oninuo ( nttd wished
to ro nh aectirtani ilne abandoned , In
closing be lecImtrcti hits opposition to cxpoo
sian of ( lie country for ( lie mere ptirpogo of
nggrandtenient and lcrrioriat ( neqtiisitlon ,
thin sentiment betas warmaly applauded.
Before imitroducing time next speaker
President Wattles called attention to ( ito
Indian congress to be held on the exposition
grounds , saylmmg lie hope ) that time visItors
would spread time news of this great evemit
( thou their rettmrit home.
lion , Alfred S. , Hays , a member of time
houmso of representatives , told of time wonder
and amnrizcmemit wimlch hind filled hini as ho
gazed on the great restilts which have becim
accomplished in ( hits western cotimitry In thic
short period which has elapsed since it. was
ft wilderness. In an eloquent manner ( lie
speaker imaid a higb tribute to time emmergy
and progressive spirit of time inca of the
uvest. Ills remarks icre brief nod ho was
warmly applauded as he took his seat.
\s. 0. Wimimnore of 't'ahiey , Nob. , one of
the fsriiiers of eastern Neiirnakn and it
former rcsideimt of Massachusetts , when in-
troduceil recahied ( hint lie had rattled nrotintl
ut a scat In time legislature of Massachusetts
iii 1177 tinder John B , Long , now the
honored secretary of the navy. liii related
litany humorous imicidemits which aiiiued this
coiiipany and referred in a hnimy vein to
( ho cormdiions miow' existing In this state ,
In ciosiimg lie said lie had been authiorized
by two of the trunk hues or railway to
say timat a trnimm would be ready at S o'clock
any mimornhmmg selected to take ( lie v'ishiors emi
a trip of 100 mitlhes or so otmt into time state ,
auth lie urged the visitors to tmtktm advantage
of ( ho opporummlty ( to see a bit of Ne-
After leaving the cafe time entire party of
visitors repaired to the rooms of tIme liii-
menu of Emmtcrtalmmnmomtt in the Mimics build-
11mg , where a short reception tns imeld.
lthi'Jl ( 'hhllithI i ES VittM OhtH(0N.
rifle tdilti ii to State h'mhmihit 1mm
time hiortlenitmiriti Jiimlldimmg.
The Oregon exhilbit in the horticulture
iitiihtiing was swehld yesterday by the uddi-
tion of a large mmumiiber of green laughs
bearing ripe cherrIes. These boughs were
strung on a bog wire stretched from post
to uost In time exhibit space amid they formed
a sight which iminile ( lie imioutha of ( lie via-
itors trater. Time cherries huimg on thit'
branchies like grapes of a fruitful vine. They
vero so close together that ( ho leaves were
conipletely hidden from eight. There were
( our varieties , tIme htoymil Ann , a luscious red
and yellow berry fully an Inch amid oiie-
uuarter iii dinnieter , nod time Black Itepub-
1 lean , thing amid T.anitiert , all black varieties ,
but fully as large as tIme first named a -
riety. 'i'iiecmo beautiftml speciniens were seiit
to Comnmnissiener Iosch by G. A. Vt'ebb of
Silverton , Ore. , in a barrel , no extra care
hieimmg takcii to itreserve tliemmm and tIme mnami-
nor iii which ( hwy emerged from their chose
qimartems hroved their excellent quality.
( 'oiiimnissloiier iosclm semit a liberal share of
tiut lusciotma fruit to time l'rcss building ,
where It was fully enjoyed by the visitors
to iiew slmalier headquarters.
i. . . , rI , So in ( th I ii ir , , f ( TI nh
Aniong the Transmisslsslppi states Utah
has beemi promnimient lii poimmt of interest. Its
somewhat roniamitic history amid thie wIde
diversity of its resources have commtrlbuted
to distinguish It amid time peculiar conditions
that It. presemits have kept it. before the veo-
tile. hut to learn somnetiming now in regard
to time lOsSCESloiis of this interesting state
it Is only miecessary to visit its eximihit iii
( lie Mimics building , which Includes a large
amnomimit of material that cami be foumid in
r.o other piiie on earth. here are repro-
seiitetI time PiOlUCts of 200 tllvidemid-payimig
mmmInes and IOU others whose resources are
yet only partially developed. Time specimnens
Imicludu miumimerous varieties of mnlmieral for-
mnatlomi ( hint is iii itself an exhaustive study.
As In most of time mimlnerah exhibits ( lie
gold ores arc given ( lie most promliment
j'hace. Utnhm shows a complete coihectiomi of
samples of oxidized nail arsenical ore , to-
tcthicr wIth an equally exhaustive shiowlmig
of ( lie free milling hrumluct. The
cyamilde process of reduction in
also fully illustrated amid a miumiiher of hiumge
blocks of bullion add imiterest to the col-
lection. One of these is a bar of gold , silver
arm'l copper front time Eureka 11111 mimic , that
is valued at $1,200 , timid nmioiier ( from time
I Mcrcur mine is worth $1,400. it is a pe-
. cuhiarity of the gold ores that 1mm nearly
every case time metal Is found iii cumbinatiomi
uvitit silver amid lead , with occasionally a
trace of copper ( lint gives time nugget those
attractive colorimigs ( hat are eiiaractonistlc
at Conner d.nnsIts
Aim jimtcresimmg feature of time exhibit is
time samples of the various chemicals ( hint
are lroduced in the state. These inelumlo
soda naim , salts anti sulpliaten , amid a variety
of other alkalis , a miuniber of which are
rapidly increasing in commimercial utility.
Tim imiarvelous percentage of salt. imi ( lie
vater of time Great Salt Lake is Illustrated
by two glans tnimks , ammo of which contains
100 iwummds of water amid time other nimieteen
amid oime-hialf pounds of stilt , vimieii Is ( lie
annie amount that Is held in solution by
( ito water. It seems Incredible that audi a
body of salt could be held iii suchm a compar-
atlvely snimmil volume of water , but the ftct :
in imidicated by time analysis.
It ii lPt'i' ihi liii t a i'euimre ,
/imnong ( lie features that are peculiar to
Utah Is time showing of miatural rubber froni
Uinta couimty , a jirotluct that is fotmnd no-
uu'hieme eisa iii time world. A nrocess has
recently been perfecteil for givlmmg elasticity
to this ntitermah and It Is expected ( lint it
will soon becomiie an important factor 1mm
( lie tuidustries of time state.
Time gilsoalte , which is used extemisivehy
for lacquer arid varnishes , Is also a novel
jrolimet. It Is found only iienr FoiL
iucimesime and Is already .beimig exported to
110101)0 ) lii considerable quantities. IL Is
foumal imext to the deposIts of natural
asphalt mmd in a perfectely imure state.
The chilorutmmhmhlte Is a mIneral that has
only recemithy litton discovered nail is also
ilecuhiar to iJialt , Wuien cut ( lie stone line
a kaleidoscopic aImpearammee , the muost an-
t1tvahile feature of which Is time sectiomme
of a blue stone that reseimihties turquoise , but
is purer and moore valuable. The garcia-
macmit analysis lain been ummmabie In tletcrnmiime
( tie lire-cisc ziatume of this mineral except
that IL has a base of aiuiiiiimuma and It is
OiW of time freaks of ( lie mineral world.
'Thu display of onyx Is small. but cx-
cclmtiomiahiy Interesting. Hero are eximibttcil
specimens ( hat are its beautiful as time most
g' at
Sampson Cleaned' ' Thorn Out-
Nouv il'cX ) ' ShmOihilahi Is elt'aiilmmg
tlit'iii oiit.-tlmmit . i' , hllol'g-W'e laiil -
no ldtit tlt'rt' t't'uiio , iiiflui' imlc'yele ilil-
el'n In Oimmalmn-tttr ) ilort , Imuit h4mh1 ' /
erovdt'iI all ilmy-I , t Isn't iiiiltlm s'oudei'
ilioughi-fot' tu'Iliiig omit' $ : ' .rto , t
aimul $ 1,01) lsk'yeln lutats ( or aim % 'eii 2.5O
-Nis tmthcll ilL'1tt hoot ompom'tmmnity juts , .
ev.'r oc'c'urremt Iii P ummilma ( Sm' ih15i' t'ltiru
c'lstt bt'fui't'-lmlghi cut-iiit'dlu ILl eut-IosV
c'tit-'Iotlt toims-kitI ) $ Itt nun
' ' 2.5OIit'tter ' ' vltlIts
hIt'l't' , t'oiito ( ltii'k
% t.t' lmtvt , nil mlzes-tor w'o'omi't get aily . - . ,
Drexel Shoe Co. , S
Omumilsiu'a Vim-to-date Slioc house , #
4- -
- - - -
costly mportet1 innterlsl amid lucia is ii
thlversiliy of coloring that imiotitit's for ery
taste , Time peeiimmens front eotmttmrrmi lieu
are yellow , wimile grecim is ( he i-tiling color
in thmomie from the north. Those which ate
fotiiiit In the cennl ( hiaTt of time stna iiivc
It rcdillh tint.
Thin exhibit of building stone ecimprlsee
nearly every variety of sillemmn , snmtdutotie
auth granites null the ciitbIt of gypsummii
represents a ileposit ( lint I , suimeicmit (0 (
etmhlpi ) ' the , ucmrld.
There nra sonic remarkable spoolmneims of
Iromi ore ( lint arc 95 per ccitt hiure slid ft
vast miumuber of mni8eehiamicoims specliliCimS
wiiich represemit various oilier featuire's uI time
mhmmeral ivealtim of ( lie state , Timeo imielttde
asbestos , antimony , guamio , slate , hitho-
graphing stone amid a dozemi oilier varieties.
There is au interesting collection of garnets -
nets , topaz and other lirecloun stones amid
a large exhibit of coal that Is iiow Iseing
supplied to the United 3tmites navy in ins-
flmcmise qtiantitlcs.
There is a liorcelnimi clay that is sumsccpil-
bho of mimanufacture tub the most delicate
% iares , nntl is expected to form ( he basis
of on important Industry as It is developed
Thus whole is arranged iii an exceptionally
artistic and acct'ssliile mmmamimicr amid forms
otme of time mnost ltoimulnr f'attmrcs of ( ho
bumildiag ,
'VltS hilt'l'OIIS Vi MI'S' ( hii l ) ,
Hpress ( lit' highest t'It'flMiii'e iilht
Vhmn t 'i'Iit'y ii a vi Seen.
The ; mnrt3 of Texas itewepahier attn which
arrived yesterday mnormitmig took Its first visit
to the Transmnississlppl Expositiomi iii this
afternoon. Time mnemnbers of the assectalomt
could imnrdly scu , enough in praise of ( lie
great fair antI tnany remminrkcd ( hint it
time best ( lung of Its hunt they hind ever
sceii witim time simigie exceptiomi of ( lie
\\'or1d' fair at Chicago. lit some ways ( hey
thought ( imo Onmnhma l'xpositiomi supem ion to
that of the fair in Chmicmmgo. Time ) ' ndmiicmt
time colommaniles coniieeting ( lie buildimmgs mul
comiside.rcd thicse nrchiiteetural mitructumes as
miiagmilflcemit beyond ( lescrilflion , Tue in-
goomi viim ( its grassy subs anti bcautifum (
fotmmmtain was nmiothier object to attract con-
aimlemable of their attention.
Speaking of Ommimihma they said ( lint if their
present treatmemit from ( he imamuls of ( lie
citizens amid olhlcinis of the fair assoclatloit
coiitiimued as it Imad begun , they would nI-
\vays remember thiclr trip to Omaha nhml
( he Wimite City with the greatest of hmleas-
tire. When asked what special features of
the city inipressod thorn the mimost , the answer -
swer was Omiiahmn's hospitality anti time treat-
maclit accorded its visitors.
" \Ve aplreclato our hearty welcome to
(1mm city most mleeply , " said Secretary Ned
of ( lie Iuhlin Telephone , "amid upomi our rim-
turn to Texas we cami describe Ornniia and
Its great fair In time most glowing terms , "
Last night ( lie manic mnemiibers of time laurt
ts'emmt by sheClah Invitrutiomi (0 the den of
time iCaighits of Ak-Sar-liemi.
After a vIsit ( hits muormiimig to Fort Omaha
the Tens journalists will ( nice a more coin-
Pletti view of tIme expoaltiomi. Yesterilay
ommiy the exterior of tIme bulldlmtgs was seen
itmitl as a result thiclr idea ot Omaha's great
achiovoimiemit is limited. The party imiteads
(0 miiake a thorough tour of ( lie fair , amid cx-
Itects to have some fun on ( lie Midway this
A special imivitatiomi was tendered the party
by Mr. Swift of the Swift l'acking comnpammy
to take a trip to ( lie company's establish-
nient. This will be dommo toiimorrow mmionimliig
iii coiincclomi with visits to other imiterest-
immg places mienr the city.
SECItII'l' OII1JEItS A itli imSl' ) .
i'hirentcit 1l , ' , 'lhmirnv All 'their
li. mm.lqimnrlers aim , ! Exhmitil ts.
A meetimig of ropresemiatlves of the van-
have beau-
out ; fratermial societies which
quarters at ' ( ho exposition was imeld yost-en-
day aftcrmioon in the Conimercial chub foi'
( liii Iturpose of considering the action of the
directors in refusing passes to pemsoims ivlio
have charge of the rcomiis the societies have
furnislitni for the reception of visiting mflCSli-
hmormi. Mrs. Amithrews prslded at the meetIng
amid rcprcseiitotlves train most. of time fm-
tc'rnitles whichu are interested In the matter
ivero present.
After considerable uhlscumssiou of the qimes-
( iou , time nieetIng Iassed a resolution pheihk-
imig ( be efforts of all the persons present to
persumamle , their ocletlcs to close up their
headquarters at the exposition for a period
.ot not longer thami thireo weeks , mmd if at
thm emiul of ( hint time the directors tie mint
grammt the favors asked to withdraw timeD'
exhIbits pemsuamiemitly anti use their influence
to prevent any coiiventions or meetings be-
17mg held on thio expositioo groummds. Time
following committee was 'appointed to brIng
time miiater before ( heir lodges at once : J.
0. Kuhn , \Voodmiicn of ( ho World ; Mrs. An-
drown , \'oman'n Christian Temperamice
unIon ; J. A. ShIelds , Jumiior Order of the
United American Mecimanics ; it. 0. Bailey ,
Fraternal Union of America ; iii. G. Edwards ,
A , irt'nt flrrli't' nr 1Tiiitui Vnrhmiien. Another
meeting will be Id at time Cornmiiercluileluh
at 5 o'clock next oimday attoraoomm , at which
timime the imresidezmt will Increane thmo commimlt-
tee appolimted so that every society interested
trIll have two representatives.
viL.i. hlnil' iUUul 'i'EXAS hAY ,
imimmmmigrtit 1(11 * .tssoelnilimi I'iiijiiiscs 14)
iioost ( Iii' l..jmme itium' Stnt ( ' .
A public meeting of ( lie San Ammtomiio and
Arunsas Pass ltaiiway hmnmiiigratioim assoclft-
( iou will be held in time Auditorium Friday
evcmiiimg of this week and a large delegation
of Texas iseoplo started for Omaha last
night (0 attend ( his mmieeimmg. ( It Is ( hits as-
soclatloti , togetiier wit-hi ( ho Business lemigtie
of houston , , Tex. , ivimiehm made time exhibit
of 'Foxes uroducts now ou exhibItion in the
We've ' 6ot 'Em ' Running-
'l'iiem'e imt''m' W.mims ft I Iiittu lim our ttveii-
y'fivt' vt'mi Es of ittisiiiu'm' iii Oimimtltmi ( liii
syt' hind muiiy ( 'OIill'tiliOII ) ( lint tn' comi.
slilt'i'i'tl ( 'Oiimh'lllOim- ) ( itiok : it tmii' ilimig-
iilllct'iit ( hIi4)lliy ) tif tllti very li'ult. plmtmiim $
I I lUll Ii fmi 't ii m's'il ( ' 1)11 v liics u , : miiy o ii - ' - \ ii ( I
Ji\ . Ve' % . ( ' piiide mm $ lM''iitIIfttm't It ) hmo'
I imsi i'ti I ti'hm ( I S iiii ; hi U i'ii t' t I i it'i I I tmt' usttiy lot'
uiim-\Vt' I hi V I t ' ii I I x l mosi t Ion vlsI I om' to
i.pi , ( mlii' ' 'lIiiilii1' ) ' ( lhi4itlmty lii ( him' iIla'mal
I I ii 14 I iii I I ml I ii -t lie mm t'ttiiit' I a I lii' st oi'tm
amid m't' vhmat s'i' slioiv in otiu'i , muic'im
ii S I lii' ] hml ) II' - - i hilt tilt & I lii ciiV \ Ii It.
lie ) ' , etc.--IA1t' h1l'I'i' $ unit tnts' toiim.
Nusic and An , 1513 Douglas
Yes We Sell hugs-
4 II ii liciv' ii i't' sit un' of ( iii r ji i'it'i'm :
( Iiiiitlii'piili'm : ; ( 4nmglt yflp , 2Qm'4Oc ,
( I ii , i ii I e'jI ii I iI'ii I ) I ii l'l'll : ' : t I ltii m , , 20el'c. ' .
( ii I k'u ha ti mit t , t(1c ( ,
( : i ItIt'i"si 'l'Ut ( Ii I 'ovdt'r ,
Cit t''it it' t t , I I Ii' , 20t' it ii d 'I I
Cnsttmi'la ,
Cln'tv I ii g ( h ii tim , I I m'i'i an it's , "iiim'i ; ( it ii ,
( him'tviim (1 ( mmmii , Soda Ilmmt1 IuittI
Friit t I , 5t' ,
( iitIt'uirmi ih'oivi'hit , Se.
cii i'Iithiittl $ irtulei Suit , Sac ,
I'it'tl'h' , I I liters , 'Itle amid 'ic.
h'It'eli'ii : Siliiii , 1e. :
The Aloe & Penfold Co
I.imrgesl histall ISruic iii.i.e.
l40i Farnarn Striet. 0 H
Opposite toim lLoIel.
iCoiitiiieotaI's '
It's a fact that a dollar will do
almost double work at the Continental -
tinental this week. It's a fact
we are cleaning our stock in
cach dcpartmcnt , of all broken
ots-men's suits-boys suits-
and furnishings.
Tuesday we
Three lots--
25c , 50c. 75c
15th & Douglas. OMAhA.
Agriculture buihtilmig nnd ( lie last meeting
of thio assoclatiomi vmmn adjotmrned to meet.
iii Omaha Iii order to give ( lie memmmbers u
better idea of the extent of ( lie exposition
amid to assist iii booniing "Texas day/ '
which has been set foil August 18 ,
Anmomig those ti'lio will be In nttendanc
at the mecimmg ( Friday night are time follow-
lag : 1 , % . A. Chijldress , Rufus Cage , Toni
RIchiardanmi , H. C. Crawford , 13 , A. Itiesmier ,
\V. D. Clevehamid , F. A. Iteichmartit , C , S.
h'emifleld amid other prominent macinborn of
the iloustomi Business league ; Charles
I'ctersomi of Roche Island , presithemit of thu
immignatiomi association ; George F. Luim-
ton of Sami Antommio , assistant general pits-
senger agent of time San Antonio & Arauisn
Pass raIlway ; Janmes Aumlernon , San An-
tomiio ; T. J. Sknggs , ltock isiamimi ; H. 13.
Cole , Corpus Christi : F , H. Graves amid A.
J. Boll , Karnes City ; John 'V.'Ihlacy , Portland ;
A. W. Turner , Yoakumn ; John Linderhohmu ,
Cliestervlie ! ; C. I. Swami , Normannmt ; H. It.
Norrali , Itochiport , amid others.
General Secretary M. G. Itaminey of Yoa-
kuimi amid L. Cnhimm of Ileevihlo one nlread
on the ground amid are looking after the
Texas exhibit with the assimihmmico of Prof.
Atwater. .
Litlest 4tthtl it ion Coimmes 1mm.
Time exhibit of Limo Timuwnitmun islands lien
arrived at the exposition groumitle timid will
liii Installed at ommco In time Agriculture build-
ing. Time exhibit was originally assigned
space In thin Intcraattommal building , but
when time hawaiian Islandmi were aimmiexeti
Superintendent hiardt of tii Exhibits de-
parmnent tramisferreti the exhibit to a place
alongsIde this , other cxhiibits of the traims-
miiississlpll ) regiami , assignimig Siiaco Oii ( Ito
mmmlii aisle In ( lie AgrIculture lnmllihiiig be.
tween time exhibits of Minnesota ammil Mont-
Mr. Iclimmismuli is ( Jilt ,
TIme positIon of director of the hlureau of
Music jimisseil out of existence this mans-
log and tIme minnie of Wihhmintl hfimiibahl , director -
rector of immusic , was expiiiiged fromn ( lie ox-
P051(10mm ( roster , ( he mnammagememit of the
( Continued oim Seventh Page. )
, Iii'- .
, .t
_ _ : _ _ .
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