- . _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - _ ' _ _ - - _ . - - I--- , - -v------- - - . - - - - - - - - - - . - . . - - - - . - - - , - - - - - - , - - -.1W- - - - - -----v--- I - . - * J 'I'IIE OM AIIi _ DAILY 111 : 'I'tIESIAY , tTtIIAV 12 , ISUS. 8 - STARRVANTS \ llEXO1INAT1ON , ' Will Not rdtthr AwRy His Qbacos on the . Governorship. PREFERS TO STAY WHERE HE IS NOW aenrg I. . flnrr , ( I. . , Cngrc.MlInn's 1'rIttc .Meiretnr , Sis Ills CIth.t s'zIIM Ia 11' Ilet ii rued fr.in tltc 1tirlt II.rIct. L1NOLN , Neb. , July 11.-Speclal.-ThO ( ) flESlTaflCc eome from the 1'ourth dlMtrIcL I that Congressman Stark will not ganibte r away a mre renomination for congress In order that ho itmy try for the nomtnntlon for governor of the threc.beadd ticket , George 1. lltirr , who serves In the capacity of private st'cretary anI political Iie'Utciiant r of Stark was nt the Mate house today nnd talked freely on IoIitIcat matters. lie saId that Stark hoti no ( teiro to run for gov err.or , bilL would like to be returned to congress. This was also the general feeling of the committeemen iii the distrIct anti for that reason It as dCetflCI ( advisable to bold the congresalonal convention flrst. l.tr. lJurr IaiI that the general Impression in the dIstrict of into has been that unmet- wilt be the republican canilldato PItted against Stark , although there is still some talk about Senator Murphy of Gage county. The PoPcratic conventions of the Fourth ttiitrict will be held on July 27 , a few days lr'toro ) the ( late of the state conventIon. While in the city Mr. l3urr arranged with leputy Campbell , of the statt superintend- ent's ofilec , for the culling of the senatorial conventIon in the district composeil of 11am- ilton and Clay counties. The convention will be hel at Stockton on August 1. Clay will be cntitlcl to nIneteen delegates nitil linmil. ton to slteen. Thu Tombstone Itancli company , which has lCalqlleflrters ( In Buffalo county , flied articles of incorporation today , with a cn. Ital stock of * 6,000. TIm incorporators are Wallace G. Keim , Edsard ioiin and Clayton 3 \v. iCeini. From Ilonolulti .lnily papers received at the state house today much news is gleaned regartling the recent visit of the First Ne. . liraska at the islands. It seems that the boys were treated to banquets and recvp- tions , and that President Dole olflcialiy reviewed - ; viewed the troops , as If the islands were at- ready a lrnrt of the United States. The laily Bulletin has the followIng item about the Omaha company : , . "Captain Taylor , company L , the crack Thurston ll.tile company , which won the national prize at Mt.iIIdIis , Term. . two years ago , is the pet otlicer of the regiment on account of his etiorts in proviling ( ho men ' 5 Itlt frequent batches of fresh grub. ' ' The Coninierelat Advertiser also Iin the follow- - lug complimentary notice of CaptaIn Tay- br's company : 'Captalri Taylor eornninuds the 'l'burstoii Itlfles of Omaha , the crack L tompally of the 'hole Manila force. The Itilles won a , OOO cash prize at Meuphiis , 'I'enn , for drilling , and a $500 cash hrize I , . . for showIng the best ( uiscllhifle. It IS a , phcudId company and quite swell. " It-ii i .r t. ii Ut'iiI In an investigation made by the coroner's jury yesterday It. was conctudeil that. A. II. te1hC11hIflll ! ( Caine to his death frotu ned - detnal drowiiing In the cistern at his real- dcnco. It seems that Mr. Mendelihaht ha orricd a great deal lately for fear that thu heavy raIns woulti cause the cistern to overflow or break its walls and hood the cellar and during the last week he had lifted tim cover aliti examined the inside of the cistern every day and hail had the cellar walls rcintoried against the expected flood. Those intlniately connected wlthi the family and knowing alt the circumstances believe that he got Up In the night to take a look at thto cIstern and , being weakened by a long season of lll.flealth , fell In after having i lifted the heavy cover away. Mr. MendeI2- ball was born at LIberty , 0. , on October 5 , , 1842. 11 slient his youth in central lIlt- nois , learning the prIntIng trade at Peoria , . lie caine to Lincoln in 1S71 and became associated with the Journal company , taking charge of the mechanical workings of the jlant. At the time of hIs death ho held mcmbcrsltlp In Jncoln lodge No. 19 , An- ctt'nt , F'ree Lint ! Accepted Masons ; Delta Lodge of I'erfcction No. 4 , Emanuel Chapter nose Croix No , 2 , A. A. S. fl. ; Appomattox post , Grand Army of the Republic , and LIn- cola lodge No. 16 , Knights of Pythias. Ills . surviving family consists of his r1fe and two daughters , Mrs. C. Ii. Warner of this city nail Mrs. flert E. Iletta of ChIcago. Frank Lititi and \'ilhIam halt were bound over to the district court this afternoon in , b , Justice Spencer's court in the aunt of 4OO each to answer to the charge of burglary. They are thought to have been implicated - , In the burglary of Myor & Elteldt'a gen- cml store at Ilallam on the night of July 8. haIl Is also thought to have had a hanl In the burglary coxniiiltted \Vavcrly one night last week. Josef Letak flied a supplementary petItion in the district court this morning In tLo 1 case of Ihailurd against Letak at oh. lie I t states that. while tinder the effects of liquor ( , furnished by Itibble lie was induced to sign ft paper in which he , Ieetleit away his farm ' ) In Lancaster county to the said Ribble. Letak says that ho was made to believe - . . that ( ho Iaiier was relieving him of an 4t indebtedness to Itibblo of ahiut $2,3O , tie also says that when the deed was signeti . the agent of Itlbblo surreptitiously jiot a promissory note for $150 and 5O In cash . In his lockot. lie now tenders the money d ' anti the note to whomsoever It may belong S and repudiates the whale tical , claiming that It WAS done while he was under the bib. enco of liquor. C , S. lIt-al , John iCohler and Clinrle.s A. Garfield , three Linrolu young nien , loft yes- terdny afternoon for Chtcknmauga to jolti , the Second Nebraska , 'l'hie recruIting 0111cc ( I . . hero has been choseil up and the otflcers have " goIlt to join their regIment. Dr.V. . BVhIto unit wife Passed through Lincoln tltls morning for Palmyra with the remaIns of theIr daughter , who ilied at L South Omaha yesterday morning. Miss Grace White was at one tIme a student or the State university , where she hiatt many friends. 0 Otmiha people at thq hotels : At the Lin. dell-C , I' . ij. llaiillhn , John Ilurke , Fred l'amhIch , itt the Ltncoln-J. F. Miigee , . , . Charles White , 11. (1 , Jackson , II , 0 , Ilarte. ' 4 flflhI.4.rs. IiiMzIIIeh. , OSC'VOLA , Nob. , July l1.-Special-Tlie ( ) . Daughters of ltebckah Degree lodge No , SS . PIPPLES 4 "M'VIfO had iIillIlIiI' on bier facebud I she baa boon UkIn L'ASUAIIWL'S sad they have all ttiIappearo4 , I htci boon troubled with constipation for sonic time. but after Ink. lair the flrst C&scroL I have had no trouble 'I with ( hits ailmeal , Yo cunuot spenic too bight- * by of Cascarctii. " F1t1U WAItTMAN , bTOd Oorznntown Ave. , l'hbladcipbia , l'a , ' S CANDY , niAne MAI ; i'Icunt , I'ilatabIe. Potent , rite Good. Do hl Gooi , bicken , Yea1.en , or GrIss. tOe , 2c , We. . " CURE CONSTIPATION. 7 ! ! ! ' C..pu , Ut.g. , tt.sIrsei , Si' . T rt , . NO.Tft.IP ' 1 anti ! i'aranteed tiy sliding. 'a . ' 1w tst.tu CVUI'Ivbsccu U&Uit. I' tt - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - of Osc'oltt have just hail theIr lasinllstion of omceri wIth Mrs. Mattie hbotchklse a granil ninrshial sad Mrs. Cot-a Utishtse as district * lelbty grand master. 'the foUos' . lag nnntc'd ofllccrs were Installed : Mis , lmmn Vestburg. noble grand ; Mary ifar- rer , vice grand ; Mrs. Msttie ltotchkit. stc rotary ; Mrs. I. A , Wnlrath , financial seere- Iary ; Mrs. Sarah Miller , treasurer ; Mrs. Mary C. Saiiiiilers , chaplaIn ; 1rs. iitnmn UylIiiig , wnrdon Mrs. John McDonald , coti doctor ; . Miss Luetta lbotchklp , 0. S. ; Mrs. Corn lJuliee antI Mt-s. JulIa unit , right and left supporters noble gran4 Mrs. Luehla Courtney , vice grand , ( , ' , hn r ( ti ii I ito rf ga gi. It cci , nh , IIAI1TINGTON , Nob. , Jtily I l.-Specinl. ( ) -The following is thu mortgage reiort of Cedar county as taken from the mortgage Indebtedness record kept In the county clerk's omce , for the month of June , 1SSt Farm mortgages flied , thIrty-sIx , $38,269 ; farm mortgages released , thirty-four , $30- 546 ; towli mortgages flied , three , $1,512.43 ; town mortgages released , six , $2,323 ; total number and amount of real estate mortgages flIed , thit-ty-nine , $29Tht.43 $ ; total number and amount of real estate mortgages to- lensed , forty , $32,869 ; chattel mortgages flied , 231 , $7,2b0.45 ; chattel mortgages to- leased , 124 , $52,89t.40 ; sheriff deeds flIed , six , of which tour were on farm and two on town property. The following Is the niort' gage indebtedness report taken from the same record for the first six months of 1898 , that Is from January 1 , 1898 , to .huiy 1 , 1898 , Inclusive : Farm mortgages filed , 217 , $219- 570.79 ; farm releases flied ( real estate mortgage releases ) , 2S1 , $273,31'L41 ; town niortgagi's flied , thirty , $11,702.93 ; town mortgages released ( real estate ) , forty-one , $24,070.06 ; chattel mortgages filed , 1,503 , $496,409.04 ; chattel mortgages relensed , that Is patti off , 2,291 , $ GltiU6.11 ; sheritt deeds twenty-eight , of which fifteen vere on farni and thirteen on town property , From the above report It will be seen that clttriitg the first six months of the present year Cedar county actually haul Oft over nail above all mortgage ititlebtedness incurred during the same time the sum of 1'7.IS35.S2. M ol en i'ruie'rl y ttecov&rc.1. COLUMIIUS , Nab. , July 11.-Special.- ) Sherilt Ilyrnea returned from Ilainilton county Inst evening , brIngIng with hint Itolhin Laughlin , Frank Buehior and a boy named Judy , who \verc arrested by ShorlIf h'olhard five niiles south of Aurora. They limi with them five of the horses which had becti missed here recently antI they have been returned to theIr owners , The three named above are all tnhjors , the oldest being about 19 , They are now In jail here and t'ill probably hare a preliminary hearing tomorrow. Sheriff I3yrnes also found where a wagon and 0me other property had been dlsiosetl of , The boys say they were head- lag for Texas , The boys were all born and raised here and come tram respectable fatn- Ihies. Some oilier horses whIch were missed front Intro cannot lie found , but it Is thought the boys had nothing to do wIth them , tieI-trits I , , I.t'iigiui C..iive.i t ltii. YORE. Nab. , July 11.-Special.-The ( ) followIng sixteen republicans , chosen at Saturday night's niecting In the court iigtise , wilt represent the republican league of York ut the state convention to be hehil at Omaha July 12 : C , W. Post , 0. E Sedg- wick , U , It. IteedV , l. McCloud , Arthur Vray , 1)r. McConaugliy , Charles Sands , C. l. Stroman , A , F. RobInson. J , A. tinker , II. 11. Dowker , A. S. hllgby , N. A. Dean , Lee Carey , F. I' , Van Wickbe , C. A. McCioud , The county republican convention will be held at York August 6. The populists have theIr district conventIon July 27 at York. Their county convention will probably be held the same ( lay at the same place. 1)'iui ( ' ru tS I i ( I I I I eIiC'IC C.ii ii t. TItENTON , N. b. , July 11.-Specinl.-- ( ) The central committee of the democratic party of Hitchcock county met here Sat- urday. J. B. Morgan was selected as chairman - man ami H. L.Ve1'l secretary. A call was made for a county convention for the purpose - pose of nomInating delegates to the various ConvefitlOlls anti for the purpose of nontlnat- lag candIdates for county oihlces. The democrats - ocrats hold the key to the situation In this county and the sentiment of the party seemed to be In favor of contending for their rights. , I , % . ( ) 'I't't'iiiiiM'II I'uNrN Iteshirti. TECUMSR1. Nab. , July 11.-Spccial.- ( ) Two of Tecumseh's pastors have resIgned their charges. [ toy. T. C ) . Davis of tIle Hap- tist church anti 11ev. F. C. Wing of the Chrhstiaii church. There was no trouble of any kind In either case between pastor anti church. Rev. A. II. Ilohannon of Shubert has leen called to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Mr. Davis nut ! as yet no provision has been made to fill that made by Mr. Wing. II ii iii ut I lit 'l'Ii r'MlIer. ASIILANI ) , Neb , , July 11.-Specbal.-The ( ) hum of the threshIng macblocs can be heard in almost any direction froni this city. Thin , unusual amount of small graIn gro'n in this vicinity has made it necessary for the employment of several machines. Spring wheat is not so good as formerly ; fall wheat , oats and other small grain are considerably better than usual , The recent talus have greatly improved the condition of the corn. ( ive ' 1'IiitiIs at Voik. YORK , Nob. , July ii.-Special.-The ( ) pastors of the city churches observed yesterday - terday as a day of thanksgiving , pursuant to the proclamation of l'resitleut McKinley. Appropriate sermons were preached , dealing in general wIth the marvellous victorIes of lewey anti Sampson anti attributing the astonishing scarcity of fatalities on Amer- lean ships nuil the preservation of the ships to thto omnipotent hanti of Provlilcncc. I'Iii fle ( oii iit tlnrgsgt' ( Iteeliri , COLUMBUS , Nob. , July i1-Speciab.- ( ) I'latte county has made another good showIng - Ing in tIme record of mortgage Intiebtedness for the month of June , 18lS , Following in die scortr Forty fariii mortgages filed , 35,737.04 ; same released , fifty-three. $ , T- 674.40 ; town and city mortgages fileil , four. $ lSiO ; annie released , five , $ i,429.35 ; 158 chattel mortgages fileti , $33,769.'J ; same released - leased , forty-five , $11,420.66 , bin rglurN Li t Sul Ii Sioux Ci t- , lAKOTA CITY , Neb , , July 11.-SpecIal.- ) Time grocery tore of C. 1) . Shrove at South SIoux City was entered by burglars ( luring 1"rltiay night anti about $50 worth of hour , sugar and other eatables takeim. The goods were trucked by wagon limarks to a local rciulevous , WhOse inhabItants have Ilguretl quito conspIcuously in the Dakota county courts the last year. No arrests have yet beeti made. liii I I 'l''i ( in V I I I 'i'u a r , TiCUMShhi , Nob. , July 11.-Speciai.- ( ) The Tt'cutnseht base ball team is sooii to go over thiu stub on a Jaunt playIng the un. tlonal gaumie In the largest cities or wherever gnomes caim be arrangeii for with a vroinise of profit. It , 'ersu I ( N friui Hei'ier , liiFi HIt , Nob. , July i1.-Speclah.- ( ) Jaitues Shank , \'Iltinni Rogers , John Woods , Sam Sisler , hieliry Shihfferns and Ray 000deli have exihisteit nod left lieemer this afternoon - noon for Fort Omaha to johit Company F , Third regIment. ( 'iiivciit iiiuis ( 'uhleI , TICWtlSEif , Nob. , July 1t-Speeial.- ( ) Time democrats. free silver republicans anti p0iitiiists have called theIr respective county conventions to meet in Tecumseti Saturday , July 23. Pn : riutIe Neriioii , BItADS1IMV. Neb. , July 1l-Speclal.- ( Iii coinpliancu with the iirestdent's recoin- mendation that Sunday should be observed its a ( lay of thanksgiving ( or victories on I land and sea to the present war wIth Spain and of piaei for the speedy termInation of the the tIny was dtily observed by 11ev. Vlihisrns at the Methodist. Episcopal chmuirch Sunday morning. hIei , uf Iii. , Viiiiil , FilFtiONT , Neb. , July 11.-Specinl ( Telo- grain.-John ) Sullivan , the young nina who ¶ was shot by a gang of tough tramps In a box ear nenr North fiend Thursday morning , I ( lied here at ( lie hospital today from the . eIfeCtR of lila wound , Ibis condition was not consItlrei serious until yesterday afternoon , when his father , an old employc of the tin- ion 1'ntIflc company In Omaha , was notified atid arsived here Inst imight. Sullivan at first. Identified to men whonb , he thought I tiii the shootIng , but later ws uncertain I about theni and as tIme trainmen could not identify them they were discharged , his ; remains will be taken to Omaha for burial4 There Is little lirosimect of his mnurtlererd be- lag 1)unhhcd. ineM ( 'olin t , I ii. . I flit- I iiMrllI'l urM. CIIAIltON , Neb , , July 11.-Speciutt.- ( ) The instructors in tIme coinIng Teachers' In. stlttito of Dawcs county , which will be held for one \'eck. begInning Monday , August 8 , have beeii oinployetl by County Super- intcndcnt A. Ii. Julian , as follows : Fl . hynmer , president of Black hills college at hot Springs , S. 1) . ; l'rincipal W. C. Rltoadea or Chadron academy and Superintendent . Il , liackus of time Clmadron hIgh school. State Superlntcndnt W. It. Jackson will be present anti take a prominent part In the program. 1hsrest Under NOItTII LOUI' , N'eb. , July 11.-Specinl.- ( ) 1larveqtiii rye mind winter wheat is under full headway. There has been no rain to speak of for two weeks auimi the tirobabiltty is that tIme yleitI of small grain will be re- ducc'd In consequence , possibly 10 per cciii. Corn never looked liner at this season of time year. Iteiiil.I Icait 1.Oii gliL' Iclegitte. NOItTIT LOUP , Neb , , July 11.-Speclal.- ( ) The republican club of North Loup elected N. IC. fledlon as delegate to the state con- vcntioo of the State ltepubhicnn league. DISPUTE OVER A CONTEST Comigregat ioiiiii lst,4ienh1 hbnst of the hit ) ' OIL Itctiurt of the Coiiiniittee ( iii Cre.l'lltiitiM , PORTLAND , Ore. , July 11.-The national council of Congregational churches today took up the contest of two delegations from the state of Alabama. Two botiles , one knowut as the "Association" of Alabama and the oilier as the "Convention" of Alabama , elcctetl delegates and each set of ( lelegates asked to be adthltted to time national coun- cit. For twenty years the Association of Alabama - bama has been recognized by the national mouucbl , but the committee on credentials today uumnde a report , recommending that neither set of delegates be seated and that the contest be settled within time satc of Alabama. After a disetissiomi covering a portion of the forenoon and afternoon sessions action on the report of the cri1enthala cti. ittee was by a close vote defet'rit1 untIl tomor- row. row.Prof. Prof. George W. AiitlVe\Vt3 of Tallatlaga , Ala. , spoke in favor of the Assoiat1on't ; iiei. cgatcs , claiming that the Association 'as the only Congregational body 'of the etato of Alabama. 11ev. Almon T. Clarke of Shelby , Ala. , supported the cinims of the convention dcl- egates in a ten minute speech. Rev. 11. II. Proctor of Atlanta ( colored ) said ho represented 7,000,000 people and he hiopeti that the council , In behalf of these people , would seat the Association dole' gates. He started to discuss th race Prob- hem. but yiehtleti to a motion to deter action on the committee report. The remainder of time day was consumed with reading reports of benevolent socie. ties. ties.Rev. Rev. W. E. Barton of Boston delivered an atlmiress on "The Work of the Congregn- tionni titlucational Society , " The followIng officers were elected for time ensuing three years : Secretary , Rev. Henry ti. Ilazen , Auiburntlale , Mass. ; regIs- tar , Rev. William II. Moore , Hartford , Comm. ; treasurer , Samuel B. Forbes , hartford - ford , Coon. ; auditor , David N. Camp , New BrItain , Court , At the evening session the report of the Congregational lbome Mission society was iresentetl and a general discussion of the report occupied the tIme of time council until adjournment. DEATH RECORD. 01.1 Itt'shiieiit or SiOux CIt' , SIOUX CITY , JtmIy 11.-Specbal ( Tele- grani.-Rudohph ) SeIzer , an old residemmt of Sioux CLy , died at noon today of cancer of the stomach. In the early 50'im Seizer started a brewery In Omnahma which Is now the Krug brewery. It was the first one to be erected in this section of the country. In i860 lie establIshed a hrewery In Sioux City mid has sInce mantle this his honme. lie leaves tour children and considerable prop- arty. . ( .t C l'ti ( I Neu.s un m'r .Iiiii. COLUMBUS. 0. , Juhy 11.-CaptaIn Stephen I ; . Porter , a veteran Chile newspaper man , Is cleatI , aged 61. For umiore than twenty years lie was connected with time Evening Dispatch , imavlng been editor-in-chief far a long perlotl , anti was at. his ( leak ummtil within two clays of his death. lie saw servIce - Ice In the Second Ohio Volunteer Infantry in time war of tIme rebellion. anti was also on Ciemmeral ThomnaB' staff. A wIfe and three children survive him. Mrs. 'I'Imnmlili ( Coiimie1I' , ' Mrs. Thomas Connally , ageti 70 years , re- aitlimig at Tenth and Davenport streets , ilietl yesterday after arm Illness of three days duration. Time deceased hail resided In Onmahma thIrty-five years. A bmusbnnd anti thmrco cimlldreim conmhmrlse time surviving mnemn- hors of the family. Mrs. Connelly had been feeble for a number of nmonths. It'mr .thlSIhiUI Amimmimemi , WAShINGTON , Jtmly 11.-Rear Admiral Ammen , one of time heroes of time civil died at the mmaial Imespital hero this aftei'- noon , aged SO years. lie was an Chlc.irm , At. time reduCtion of Port Royal , in 1861 , ho Imehl the torts ummtil time armimy took imosses. sian. - , ' toe Cmgt'r ( if tI I'II lj.tflhI , WAShINGTON , July 11.-Ex.Semmator Conger - ger of Micimigan , cite has lived lucre since lie ieft time senate , dicti at Ocean City , Md. , this evcrmixmg , tN I'I'i I ) S'i'.t'i'IiS SIit'i'O It 0 N 'l'lt I A hit. Is ( 'hnrgel 'ivitli AhiIImig. sum. ! A , . flit. Itobh.t-ry of u hiiuiik , W'ILMINGTON. rIch. , July 11.-A trial probably unprecedented In the urinals of thmls country , that of a mimember of the United States senate on a crimmilnul charge. hogan In the Uniled States circuit court In this city this aftermmoon before Judge flit. ward G. liradiorsl. Tire defcndarmt is Richard Rolila iCearmey of 1)over , Junior senator from lelaware , in. dicteul on a charge of aiding anti abcttlmmg WIlliam N. liogga. who has confessed to rolmbhmmg the First National batik of Iovrr , of which Institution be was payIng teller , ot the surmi of $107,000 , Time counts in time indictment. to wimlcim Senator Kenney has ideadeti not guilty charge hint with aidiag and abetting lIogs tum the extcmmt of rbout 3,500. : ERICSSON1S PART IN FICI1T Gets Right Into the . 'h1ft of the Fy itt aanwg4. MISSES CHANCE TO TOflFO TIlE VIZCAYA ( ) rler ( Iiemi jlmMt a , , ( lie l'Ing I hi ii he.l Inu-'I'.irmm , . frummi flint to thit' of It.ieiie. lilt I , ii YORK , July lt-\ special to the iieraltl from I'ortsmnotib , . ii. , says : Otit of the umany scraps of "deeds of daring" of that never-to.bo'forgotten ( lay oft Snntingo , the adventures and exploits of the lIttle tor- petlo boat Ericsson should be brought to light. The L'ricsson was oil Sibormey wimen time Spaniards mantle their desperate sortie and the torpedo boat went racIng down the coast line , steering straiglmt for the thick of the battle , Time big battleshmip Indiana , eastward guard of the blockatling squadron , was hmeatiing straight for the emmtrmtnce of Saumtiago harbor in order to block the return of time flying fugitives in case their flight wan balked anti thmc' nttemuptetl to return. Through the smoke of its bow gurms time tiriesson darted , hltmnrimmg ) into tue swirling cloud of smumekc-emmsimrouiicd ilects. A bit on time starboard bow a huge hull loomed tlmrough the mist of burstIng shells anti through limo whirling white a gllnmpso was hiatt of the flag of Spain almost riddled , but still flying. Over welmt time helm of time torpedo boat , around swung the torpedo tubes. Time long looked for opportunity to sink nut enenmy's ship at last was at lmammd , Nearer amid mmearer time great Imull loomed through time snmoke. At last time mark was faIr.'alt for the next roll to lmlatmt time splitting nmiime well under her armor hell ; 'stand by' " was the order , "As she goes over hmohi orm , sir. " Time quIck bail from forward as the order to fire is given , was 'She hiss hauled down Imer colors , " and so it was , Cut to lieCes by shiehis. liar tlecTs a simnmnblc amid on tire , time Vizcaya had struck its hag. lhhindly grop- lug , it found a ledge aim whiclm to rest its keel , and time Ericssomm , intent on its destruction - tion a moment before , vent to time resctmc. Many of the Vizcaya's macmm were timeri in time water. Time flagshIp signalled time Ericsson to range mmear time Viacayn and rescue the survivors of time now fiercely bmmrnirmg wreck. lii prompt obedIence the Ericssomm mu as close to the burning hulk as time heat woulti permit. A lmorribie siglmt was timere. On tire port beama , off wimlcim the ErIcsson lay , frightful 'wounds imati been torn in the vessel's side , and through the gaping orifices the crew of the Ericsson could see time men of time Vlzcnyn's fire room force being boiled alive 1mm tIme fierce iiamnes of the shmehl wrecked conmpartmermt , It has shimce beerm learned timat they had no ummeans of egress. Shah i,1u i'nh1 o ViiIlt'rNtzuiii , hut that was not all ie horror. Swing- Irmg front boat fails wereazens of inert vhio apparently could not..stImm anti wimo had been driven to thosoaic9Fphmin threads of life by the fierce imeat ot,1time burning almip. The Ericsson could aprich no nearer for fear of being dashed to rpleees agaInst the wreck. Its mmmcmi sltotflOcl.t to time wrecked victims to junmp , but thei 1would imot or could riot be umade to understauiq that efforts would lie mmmdc to save thmcnm immti riot until a number of the Ericstou rmmemt imad made lines fast around thir , liotiles anti litmng thermiseives into time sea did the Spaniards seem to understand. . ' ' The engines of the Vtzcya had riot been stoppetl , and for houris ktfter it had struck they were faithfully tiiobblng at their use- iss task. It guns 'to8 , had been left loaded , anti ormo by oi "these boomed a requiem over the dying ship. In all , time Ericsson picked UI ) nearly 100 survivors , among thorn the Vizcaya's coin- niander , Captain Eulate , of Competitor tame , lie being the officer who ordered the execution of time captives of timat. vessel. All of the survivors were barefooted anti scantily clad , and this added to the terror of time ghastly tragedy. The steel decks of a torpedo boat are mmmi- comfortably hot , and tile barefooted Span- lards were compelled to execute a continual dance on time heated plates to prevent time soles of their feet from blistering. Many of them were frightfully wounded , and here the grim serIousness of war shuts 1mm agaIn , The padre of the Vizcaya was aketi by Lieutenant Usher to lend a hand in heimirig time wountleti , but he was unconcerned about their sufferings. Turning a cleat ear , lie seated himself tin a chest. That chest hap- tienctl to be neetleci for mm. wounded maim , who va writhing on tile heated deck , but the padre refused to surrender it. Usher mo- honed to his muscular young executive , Ensign Edin , anti the padre vacated time chest Immediately anti with some loss of dignity. Cpiifer.'mito tif Nsts'til % Vir Ilomiril. WAShINGTON , July 11.-Secretary Long , Adnmirai Sleard , Captain Mahtmn anti Captain Crownimmalmield of the Naval War board are now in conference with the presidermt at the Wimito House. Secretary Long statcd , on reaching time \Viiito house , thmnt iii Imis opinIon - Ion the fleet imud so far taken rio pact in totiay'im engagement. Otimer'wlse , lie said , Admiral Sampson vouid have reported , which he had not doria , On leaving time naval conference at 1 o'clock. Secretary Long saId that nothing bind been received Indicating timat a decisive engagement was on at Santiago on time part of either time army or fleet. Iii answer to an Inquiry limo secretary saId tlmat ( he expected to get mrovs of tIme fall of Santiago at any Imour , but added , imowever , that his expectations was based largely upon his hopes , Time irmihications arc that all trucca are oft amid that time final struggle mmiay even now be our , Jlmirvium'sI ? oh 'i''t Arrived. PO1ITSMOUT1i , N. Ii. , July 11.-Up to 10 o'clock today the United States auxiliary cruIser Harvard had not arrived hero , Tbmo report that It earno In last. night proved to be erroncous , a Philadelphia collier having been ummistaken for tii4 Ijtvari ! , Is A lIIitM SihlI SA'.V hiM F.tIi , _ _ LL.rI Mitlier's ( ri.f ( ) yj. u Still % 'I.o'ns \YiiilsiI fit ttmimtiig ( ) , Mrs. SimrmhIcm' , who s' en the top floor of a flve.story flat , wqi iirostrated last Sat' tmrday night , relates titfi NOW York ehjrald , over tlmc repom t fromum flarmf4ago that 1mev son , Frarmhr It. Simalier , who Is mithi commmpany E , of time Seventy-first rghIiient , hind been wountled 1mm time bend myth explosion of a aimell. She imatl riorvo1isy reail time mrmorrmirmg imapers for I ntorrmmalbu conccnmirmg time safety of her somu , armif , jjimig to learn any- timlimg definite about ,4Jijjm , alma semmt imer daughters out after dimmner to see It they could learn armythimg at time nrnmory. Wlmemm I told her that her s mm had been lrmjured alma begamm to cry. "Oii , tell mmmc the trutim , ' ' sue lileaded. "Is ho dead ? My poor boy ! lo not conceal amiything front inc. I imnplore you. 1 amum hirepared to Imear the worst. I feel that some. . timing terrible has liappcmmeti to Islam , If tic Were only near New York I could go antI uuimrso him. "Sonietiilrig told mae , " sue added , "timat he had been kihiod or dangerously wounded. I bad a drearmi abotmt hum Friday night. I saw hIm dressed In the state uniforium flgimt- Iumg imm time ranks in time thick of the fray , Timers vero great hills arourmd , arid the groumul was covered with thick tmmmdcrgrowthi. The rummiblu of cannon and the sharp reports of rifles diwumed zuy sens. I Imagined . - . , . immyself on the fleltl In time midst of all the carnage of wsr , Above the Americami bst- tahions I cotihi plainly sees time Stars artil Stripei floating iii tIme slight breeze , anti I t'ouhtt ilistlmigmilsim our to's In blue stesitily advancIng along the line of battle , Stub. denly-ob , Cod , It mnnkrs my head ache to think of It-i saw amy boy tall , There was a terrific explosion , and my veer boy went down with severul others. lie lay there stilt Anti apparently dead for a long time , it scented to me , while the enomuorm thmmnderci anti the fight wngs'ti fierce anti ftmrlotis nil arommnd , Then some amen came up with a strcteh'r and laid him on It. ills face was pallid , and against the cir , blue sky looked the Picttmre of ( loath , lie was not bleeding and evidently must have been shot in the back , for I . toimlil irmhy see the front of hIs face anti bod' , They carrIed him fo the rear of tug rnnls , tsliero some doetora began to t'Xatmmin hlnm. My nerves bruit been wmouglmt to such a nrtvotis tension by c'verytimlng that I had seen that I ecreaniei and timeim woke up , "lie , % fl5 21 years old the day ime went to war. Several friends of imi joined the regi. mncnt and tirgeh lmirmm to Join. I rmilght hay been able to atoii hIm ; limit , a. ime seenie.l cietcrnilnctl to go , I thought it best to ccii' sent. I received three letters from him Saturday night , " l'N.tih'lI1 ( WNS , Fl H at' . . 1i ( 'ii , I ii It , .hi * M , A re I ! cii ii Ireit tip 'ork 'l'lii'msi. Dymmaummito guns , sucim as are used 111,0mm the \'osuvius , are operated ( luau aim entIrely differemmt priciple frormi time ordinary iowder glmlis , says Leslie's V'eekly , 'riiey imave en- glues 1111(1 boIlers and air conmpressors nail coolers , amid all sorts of intricate machinery , in a imoimso mmot far awn ) ' , by whmlcim time Projectiles are fired , TIme ii'narnite , or guumi cotton , or explosive getntimi , or wiuntever the explosive mmirmterlal may be , Is ecmmmtnimed in the projectile only. Thii projectile Is called an "aerial torpedo" by time maim- facturers anti is explotled by mimcaims of a ftmse , sirmuliar to nimy Powder gun's. IJyrmamite or aumy other hIgh explosIve cannot be used in nmi ordInary cannon because - cause time howder would explode time dynamite - mite before It left time gumm , therefore the system of tucing comhmrcsscd air cammme Into vogue as the ommly method of ttmrnwiumg ( lymmaummite to nmi ) ' distance. TIme systeimm is lioPtmlnrlY kmiowmu as 7ahiumslci's nltlmotmghm timat naval otilcer is mint corimmected with the inanmm- facturo of time projectiles or time gimmis. Tue air is commmpressed and passetl along tlmroughm various ttmbes before reachIng time gun immml Is tmscd at. about 1,000 hocmmmds ) pressure to time square inch , wimichu is much less thmntm the uover of powder. Iymmamimlto vIhl be exploded as about 5,000 Imoummils liressure to the square Irmclm , Timese gtmns are enorimmoims affairs , simiooth bore , fifty feet 1mm length , mmmdc of the best of iron , in three sections , on a steel carriage. The carriage Is ilamiged anti bolted together amid supiorted mounted upon a racing ring , so called , timid time system of imamidhing is by rimenmis of rjii electric motor. As these guns arc covered by a large number of patents they are very expensive , costing time governincmmt niany thousands of dollars each. Fifteen nmcmm , in relays , mire required to work them. Time gunner stammtis upon a platform on the left side of the carriage , uses a line telescopic - escopic sight. amid when all is ready lie pulls a lever wimich allows limo conipressetl air to enter tIme gun , amid the discharge takes 1)10cc. These gumis nrc au loaded at time breech , ansi the uiroiectiie Is imandleti by a u'cparate carriage. Time projectile Is about temm feet in length for time fifteerm-Imich gnu , amid wimeim charged with 500 pounds of dyna. mnite , or gun-cotton , weighs fmmlly 1,00 ! poummds. It is a steel tube composed a , walls three-sixteenths of an Inch thick , and has a spiral vane at the rear. The fuse is a foot in length and sveigiis twenty pounds. This fuse contahums two pountls anti a half of dry guncotton and a few grains of tulmiumate of mercury as a detonator. It is set to cx- plode at Inipact , or aim the gunner may tie- sire as to time. ( 'tilts , , , : i ifls IIPNII iii ( ? % VOrlc , FALL itIVihR , July 11.-The mills of twelve corporatiomis , operating about 900,000 spindles , which have beemi closed aince Juiy 2 , were started uui again today. Time Shade mills cormtlnuel the shumt down this week. The condut.ions of the print cloth ummarket did not heart thmis imiiil to resume operatIons , as irlces contInue lmv and the clemammd is only moderate. Oiem'atnrM ' % Viii Not Ai'bitrntc. PANA , Ill. , July 11.-Several hundred union miners continue to surround tima mnines here to Intercept nonunioui miners. None have yet restmnici work. Union immimiers received $1,000 aid from the stnte organlza- lion today. Time miners petitiomietl the state Arbitratioil board today to arbitrate the diffictulty. The operators thus far dechimme to subumit to arbitration , I EXPLOSiON KILLS ELEVEN Frghtful Cathstropho in a Big Tunnel at C1ove1n , 0. UVES ARE SNIJFED OUT IN AN INSTANT 111T.rts to lti'eise the liodIe I'nlh 'h'haroigiu h.e flfl''CIN of Ilue ieadly Gus 'liitii I'crvnii'is ( lie 'l' ( i ii fl t'l , CLE'EI.AND , 0. , July 11-'Fimo lives of elevemi mnen were snumffccl out imi the twimik- hog of aim eye tonight 1mm the big ivater' works tunnel being coumstrmmcteti 1mm time bet' toni of I.ako tine , as a result of an cx- viosloum of gas. - i < ilieti : JOhN i'AILICS , toremnmtn , 32 years old , ntmti slmmgle. JAMES l'AItRS , brother of Johmn , 30 years old amid simmgle. JOhN FI1AIHY , Italian , 2 years old ansi sitmgle. TONIIILUNETTI , Italian , 22 years old anti simigle. FI1AN1C hANEY , 22 years old and uimar- nod. nod.FRANK FRANK LAM1IA , itahinum , 18 years old auid single. lhMhitSON SMiTh , bricklayer , 44 years old amid mimnrried. JOhN M'CAUL.EY , 21 years ohti anti ummar ned. \\'ll.LIAM TUCKflII , colored , 26 years olil anti sitigle. ( II'S Vs'ATTSti , 28 years old , wife amid several cimlldren. P1tANK Ci.1mIiiNTS , niannleti , with sev anal chilldreum. Time tunnel Is an immuense affair , being built to exteimsi outward from the shore for a i1staumve of four ommil it hiatt mailes , ansi It has been tinden tonstntiction for immune thium a ycs.Lr. Time work imn been attended wIth great dihilcultics , Time exuihoslon occUrred nut a. few nmiumutes t'eIoro 7 o'clock this evemming , buu umohiotly 'lhi ever be nblc to 'tell whmat caused it or miosy it hmappemieci , for cs'emy vItxmess is ulead cmiii the hmothies of all are lyimig where they fell , 6,000 feet out In time lrke. ; Time only umiaui ium the tunnel who escapctl 'Is ( 'on O'iommnehl , a lock teruler , s'imo statiommei 3,700 feet. front time shore , lie hmcanil time explosion , or senica of cxplosioiis. ho says there vcre ten of thin aimocks and time eoiicusslomm vaa sonmethirmg terrible , for it threw imlimi off Imis feet , aimil for hours lie ivao iii such a ( lazed condition that lie coimhii scarcely reummemuber 'lmat hati immippericci. lie finally gropcil mis way out amid told ii hat luau occurred , Two men , i'atniek'omiseer and Martin McCauley - Cauley , were time first to venture In tim tunnel after the accidemit occurred. Thicy mantle their way to a lock 5,000 feet fm'orn tIme shore , hut were ovci'conmo by tue gas and felt to time floor. W'lmeim they taIled to return a young man imamncti Jammics Clenmeimts , soim of die of time iiieni killed , anti who was enmiploycui as a mnmule driver , wt'mmt to their rescue. lie founmi ] thmenm almimost unconscious , lyiung over a mule cant , anti succeeded lii iiehpimmg them to time well at the shore end of the tunnel. Tue mould-lmc resellers say all thin lights were out beyond time 5,000 feet lock amid they could mint go army further. A seconid rescuing pan'ty was rondo up of i'atnick Gaytoui , Mike MeCaimley , lamm Hog- cr5 , ihamney ilughics amid Ed Corbett. It failed utterly 1mm acoimmplishming auiytimlmig. Ilt'I lees ii is Fat Imu , iensl. TOi'IhFCA , Kan. , Jtmiy ii-Special.--Uponm ( ) lila own application L. Ii. Jensen has been I nmpimolntecl adnmiiiismator ( of time estate of lila I father , Thomas Jensen. Time estate is 'al- ued at soniethmimmg over $25,000. Thomas Jensen ilved In Topeka for many years and was well kmmown as a weaitiiy ranchman and riionmey lender. On Decemimber 13 , 1897 , Mr. Jensen , In commipany with three other nmeri , heft hmitliamioha , Nob. , for one of I Jensen's ranches located abciut fifty nnihes from that town. lie has mint been seen or iiearti of by his relative since that time. All efforts to locate hint or to discover tiny canise for his mysterious ciisappcarammce have been futIle. L. 11. Jensen , son of time missing capital- 1st , has arrived here front time Pacific coast , where he says lie has extensive aiiriing in- terests. lie appeareti before time proiiate jmndgo anmi alleged be verily believed his father was dead anti asiced to be nprmolnmted admimmistrator of the estate. Time appoluit. memit was mnade and bond fixed at $20,000. ANHEUSERI3USCII BEER Contains every element that makes a healthful and desirable beverage , Purity , Perfect Brewing , Proper Age , Giving piquancy5 zest , satisfaction , true refreshment. The Original - The Faust , , . b- Budweiser . - .i % The Anheuser- . The Michelob ' - . ' Standard ' TheMuenchener . The Pale Lager Brewed and bottlcd only by the ANHEUSERIUSCU' BREWINO Ass'N ' "NOT hOW ChEAP ; BUT 110W GOOD" is time Association's Guiding Motto , Good. pure , clear , healthful Beer , made of sckcted grains , costs more to make than thelndirrcrqit kinds , theuore ( commands a highcr price. Anhcusr13usch Beer is servei Ofl all Pullman and Wagner Dinin.g and BuuIct Cars , all Ocean and Lalcc Steamers , and in all the best hotels , Cares , Clubs , and ( amilics. Used by Army and Navy and at Soldiers' Homes , NO CORF9 USEE. CORN BEER IS NOTHWC BETTER THMI A CHEAP IMITATION OF GENUINE BEER. MALT.NLJTRINE. the purest Malt Extract-the Food Drink-a boon to the weak and convalescent-is prepared by this asociation. Beautiful new booklet free , Anheuser.I3usch Brewln Ass'n , SI , Louis , U , S. A. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - 4 MHOOD RESTOR : [ 1 Vmelmaertimepr Thu "CJPDENE' great ! Vegetablu , crmi4 _ : ; ; - lion of a famoui l'rench I'byeicinnm , will qulcbhy cure cii of all : im. . ' , \ I , ' voIle or dII.JIC ( if liii , generative orrijils , such ii , loll l.Iaiibod , ' -1 . . Iniwnais. i'slmi ILm ( Lie jIticlbemiiiaI jhmtuIumms , Nervous Debiltry " , 4 - , - Pimple. , Unlitmiesa to Alarry , Jibnuutin Lirnimi. , Varicot'rls SIddl - " . . I Cotmallptlon. itstap aim loMe'm byday or mtlghL l'.evpnmi. q'ite. ' ' . _ # , , which if ' acam a tliscbarg mlotcheekp't id to 8prmatorrimum'a end EFOR LNO R all limo liorrorsot Impotency , 4115'S iE : clee5 LbeUyt , k idneya end the urinary orgaii. of mdi Impurities. ( UI'kDN , 'trengtbensammui reitorel ernami we orgens. Tbe reason atmffrrprs are not Cure ! by licemora bs i'icmuice elnety per c'cnt era troetieti win , lro.Iaif ( I. . Ctll'I IHN H ii time only kumown rcm.'d 7 to cure wImiieut sri e ; " rstlwm. IQ tuauitannl. alt. A wrttt"smjruisrnmerglvenstii m'iney returacti if Bix b'.xes dora not ciluci a perumaneuleue , , lw a box , six fur I&eJ , by maim , tend ( or yaguclicular &mi Ietmmoaiais , Addres ZAVO L 51 EDICI1J Ii tO. , 1' . 0. jtox 17a , Lisa VrftuIcitco , Cel , Jbrlmte fm1 MY1III1I-ilii.L.0X DhIUQ CO. . 5 , II. Cci 101. ih i"urunmu , Oimuuhmsi , TODAY'S WEATHER FORECASt l'im tly ( 'ton.l' , mtth.4li.iu era lit Enit- erut I'ort ina , 'i * Puimer , nii.l Ithu touthiirrl % 'lnda , W'AShli'GTON , July 11.-Forecast tot Ttmesthrty : For Nebraska anti South Iakotn-i'sntly' ' cloudy 'eather , iithm showers in eastern. i'ortloims ; waramer ; southerly wimmils , For lCansns-Fair weather ; southmenIy wimmds , For Missouri-Fair : warmerl variable winds , heconilmig southmem-Il' , For 'yonmimmg-I'ant1y clrnttiy wenilmer ; variable - riable or southerly winds. For loa-lncreasimmg cloudiness ; sliowerud in western portIon ; varmncr : southerly svlnsis , I.emml htceorl , flFFICi' OF' 'l'ltti A'HA'Fih1hlt ibt'lthAU , OMA1 IA , July hi.-Omnahumi record of toni- iu'rmmttmrt' nu.(1 rainfall , comimparesi with time eurrt'spoumi'.ltmg thfl. , ' ( it the last thirct. years i 189 ! . 1S9. Mnxlniiimmm temperature , , , 79 S.S H ld1 : Minlmntmmn temperature. . . . (4 60 67 & , Average tenmpelittirc. % . . . . ' 2 74 S 68 htmtimmfahl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' Itecord of tenipermuttmrt ? mind Precihmttimtiumt at Onmidhmni. for this clay amid sin&'o ilurehu I , l9t : Nonmimni for lImo day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' lehhcieut'y fumn thm tiny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Ii , . , ( 'etiliitiii1th ext'u's' qlmmee simtrehm 1. . . . . iiu Nnrmmmnl nmtimmfahl for time . . . . . . . . . inch 1)ellciemmey for hit' ( hit3' . . . . . . . . . .16 Immclt 'l'tmt iii Cii I mm fit I I sh mu's' 2s1 arch . . . . . 16. 0 imielm's hxeess hmcsu Mmmcli I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Immelt , 1)eilcieiiCy for ear. pi'nioml , ISO ? . . 5.00 Imicimes Hxccmu5 for ( 'Or. Peiid IS''ti. ' . . . . . . . 1,00 inch lti'im'lu , , tsimi t lou , , mIt f4 p , imu. Seveitty-fiftlm ubeniihtnmm tune. , -I i n u , , gci : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' S'I'A't'IONS AND STA'l'ti a 'ti ° r' \'tiA'i'ii1ilI. . . , . . : . ' m. : p : : ' ' - - _ _ _ _ : . 'I' ( Imnis liii , t'Inu miy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79.11) No m' t hi I'm t t i' , I art elnutly. . . . . . . SI St , Vu ) Iitlt i.nkt , ' , ulmimithy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . es o , tmo I 'hmc'yt'mi tic' , I'll It i'hoiutI' . . . . . . . . . 72 2 ' 1' hinlulil ( 'ity , cleai' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S me .1)0 I Ium'i'ui , eleitr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 7S .10 ( 'hmk'ttgo , cleat' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ti ; t \\'i I listo mm. ci ett u' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ) St . I .ou iii , in i t cI nim ti y . . . . . . . . . . . 90..1)1) . . ) St. i'mmul , 'm m't cltitlmiy . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 h2 . ( SQ la v'mm tuumt , elomud y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 SO , ( us ) I it'imiit , ( 'iiimid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S ' .10 Oil tCitiizi City. clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 78 .Oi ) I have , , ' , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pi ; 96 .1)0 hitmuuumitrelt , iumrt elomtdy . . . . . . . . . . . . sS s os. ) ( al'estmmui , chemmr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Sl S6 .00 ' 1' I nil lent U's t iii co o f I snecliui t ml t ii mU. L. \\'ihLSii , I.oeni Forecast Ohilelal. MtlLO Baby lUck auud ScrenihI. iLitti to iyrp Her Ilitmm(11 atiti 1uit ; Her on the 'l'abio to DresH. Woithi Tear 11cr Face tiiutl Arnis Almost to PIeces , Grew Worse Uutler All flcrncUic , CUTICURACURED HER _ 'When my little girl wits six mnontlms old , Alma hart flezemnia. % S'e imatl mused cold crcammms anti all kiimds of remedies , btmt riot lung ii it ! imeratmy good ; 1mm fact sine kept gettimmg vo.se. I uscul to wrap lien hmanids tip , arid isimeim L would tiress lien , I hail to hut iieronm time table , for I could riot Imoid lien. She would kIck amid screamn , anti , whienm she couhtl , alma would tear her taco amid arnims ahmmiost tt ) Pieces. I mmcml four boxes of CmnTncmimn. . & ( oimmtnicnmt ) , two cakes of CuTIc'umt SaM' , ammtl gate imer time Ctirmcumtk Rtsui.v : mr amiti sue imas cured , anti 1 moe mme taccs of tim humor left , I can , trmmthmfuhly say tlmat tIIeflImameslmm'eil un-life , and ' any one umulleririg as alma did , I should adyls. timenm to give CuTictummA a rain trial , Feb. ? , ' 03. Mrs. U. A. CONRAD , LisbonN. IL ; * cnm Rrutrmimxa are time greutest eklni curea , blood purifiers , and humor remedies of the civlltzed world. 8L.Im' Putt Ssia.To.Ttqrm , ilcatri ASO UUT no. Tipuci , Muteici It aw.in b.I ) , witi. CuTict'A soar , sod . .ingnt appnieatmon otCtJTnci.za Lomnimenhl. crcteii otmoiiienti and , kin cure. . 1 111. tre.tment wmni glee Initmut runcf , peinit rest tar p&reiit end sleep for chiLi. end point to . .pte4y , prim. ' flint , intl reonomleil cure of the mot mtnmurinrdI.flg. miring , and hurnmlIttIn if itchio. burning , buredlog , , c.ii , pimply , and eruud ikia and .csnp humor. slum loll of hue , when , lt , n. . r.ii. . $ oud throughout the world. I'onin Dare AsniOmnEmi , Coat' . , $ "ie Erops Ito.ion. c'sio'r ( tn 5'- "nr"iFcrrii. . " t&1icd fits. Kloiidike ! On or about July 20th , our fast steamer Roanoke will leave Seattle for St. Mlchienla cmi imer Secotid Trip conmicetimig tvitim our own Yukomm RIver , rutc'aners. i\e are ( lie ommly nIl estiuimhishied line fromn ' I stilling I'tmgut Soumitl hmavImi steamers _ omm thu Ytmkumm ltivcr. v& . iinse i , .tuisHmtI Sl'u t'iurs , imike Iieaervmm I top , at Out's' . Sisiee ihiiilleihl NFl AOFICO TFui3UFIOIiOa IloilLia Co , IllS t-'im'at Ai e. , hi ( ) Old Coliim' Iil.Ig. Semi U he , Vsiaii. ( : hi l'mlg. , . - 1 % LJ1 ii jtrniirtt. lrmr.t tlc , HtCOD WSr4k. WEAK EN mutant Ikdlet , Care In 15 ilo't , Never rcttnrlmui. I sImm gladiv , cnti to any Hillenir In a mista spimled envelope PH III ! em rr'imcriItion with Situ direr. I i'ni , for a 'mu rd's5 rm nit a rum ton 1.5451 I4nitii'u4 , light 14)51CC , ? rnm'.um , Iel'lltmt' ) , mmioll Wcmc i'arii , sritt'ei. , ' . ( U' . 0 , II. riuIi ? shm..ie Ilrnl'r. iI"i I IltnrIiII. dIe1m. MANUFACTUflERS retl nec rum mm mm I rig exim.'tmse 1mm mnttmm' ways using "OoFILo' ' GAS and rMg'II 0 ASOLII1E LI'UU1 ' 0. 2 to 100 horse-Power. I we , , i..ua , , . ' Pt.,47 P , . , , . " 0. Labe Michigan aimS lake buperlur lcatmsutuu taboo Co. LAKE SUPERIIIII STEIERSI TIlE OKEAT IAKE ROUTE , Own The ? , , .w ia4 hiii.iu.I.Ip IlimimItuu. finllhuii ms From Chicago. 1 or Mackiiioo 1.iai.m. Drtrolt ( Oreelaird , iiumloTor. uiitoi'tc' 'rue. C A.5IWs'h , IS I'iITiiu.li A.lsiSimt.4 I'M , mr ( 'iiiirlevoli Iferi.or HIriiWo , lutoimbey , etcu Tue..V atM. ' 1 bur Li A SI , Set. I I'.m , ton Mimr'jueile , iiimict.tk , iiouimitou , 4ulilanm1 , Dulnul , , . , tt , Wn'i S I'M I m I Uimt edit 1K' 5 U 0 jid m'tim 1,1111 , el fr , . , on . milieu Inn , 011101 MID ! tb , RUSH LI'D N WATtS SYS , CHICAQO. -4 , . , cuu Y1UJRL w . , U , , Ui. (3 for u.estui4 - ' I 1 I. i dimi" dI.ch&rgsa. teSinmmn.tIoa $ _ es&.I.1 hrrhtallcn. or uir.nati.j 1 1 ' . .uiI.r. . ( I tdi U d S U n , . , . . , .it.4.u. $ P&tiI.u. iimd not uteha. S S , iEvtusCtue.t6o. "C I.tsimmmug. . cIs5JuImrmo. . $ .md b RJru<a , e , s.e . 9 .eumI In iihu we. , I , , Ixpresi. tpai4 , .1 'I , . . IJ..o. ( I * lUimi , ii.1& . , ' him 5S