- - - - - _ _ - _ - - , - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - . - - - . _ _ n--- - , - - - . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - ----tv- - - - - - - -w--- - - ' - - - - - - - , - - ---r- _ - - - . - - - - - - ' " - - - ---y----------- - - - - , - _ _ -----y . - . - - - . -7 - - - - . . I 0 ' 1q11 E 0M A III A. iAUtI'VtESflAY ) , J ITbY I 2 , 1 898. - SPECIAL NOTICES Ad'.ert Iuf'tiIciIs fur I nlIiftI'M ' , . , ll hi inItt iiiitll 12 tis. fur flu' I , 'inIng ittiti istitli M8I ( fur , nrnliiit auDI J'4t.iti , * , lIlItpn , ' . ' Itntri , 1 1 ( ! It i ( Iril first Inpirri liii' $ In n it oril fl..refter. jntIsIIg tkts * for $ pp * : * fnr t ti 1 $ rs ( IIIMCI - Hon. 'I'Isre itil t er $ Mt1'lI $ ltItIMt 1,1 , mu Ad erI Iu.rN , lI ) reeIuc'Ml Iisg * 1 II IS U- 1ier'I rhe4.k. 'iitt listl4 nINucr Jreiiucil tu ii ; , , , It frr liter or 'rue I$4 $ ( ' . A ii ivt IS MI' sd.I reM'4e11 ivl II 1e 41t.l IscrtiI oh latIoi of the rliqek Ir. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - sIIAiIoS ; % ' . % N'I'I1) . . . TYI'EWItITINU ziid CflyIflS. $ 2 Hcc bl4lg. A-MM2Z . % 4 II s HA.8MI4 fnr eIgnr ; $12 t month Und . ' CXjOISM ut1 flrm ; % ) Icft tII1II ( ssiry C. C. IItihop & Co. , St. ; I3pCCIa1tIi41fl J iCittins nnd Nehrnika ; flne Mule llne ) , ngfltR rnnko $5.O a (1UY USd by all chahiLL M d&I Mrg. Co. , Box II , SoUth , IJoild , 10(1. 13-t3 Jy 26' ' ; ; - - - - ; ; j picture. Mnke $ ; to srn : 1r Wec. Creigh- ton 1)hCk ) , room 8. 13-M3iO-O UOVFItNI INT IOSttUfl $ , tilO vrir I181.N3 r It 11e11U11141 for men tu tim gnvurnnwnt t1 VU s"rv $ Ce ; exotli t no t IUfl Iii ) OT ) ; 1(1 ( II In- % formntlon fre ( . ( iurnbInti $ Coricipflfld- Cflo College , WnI1IIIgton ! , 1) . . 1-I9-13' , , - ? - l , UItfl4t liuvo $2I ) to Invcst In IJtlhIless $ ; 2Jt ) i per day ; StLnhIy work. AiIdrcs 11 29. ) I-\ItS 1' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - A W4 NPIU , drzttuntIeierpenmntooubIU IlaUd , I eul I n Intl y n iii ! gc'nt , siihri t I t : ( ) Ill t1 Ia n M , Il flJ ( I 'u1 r. et . ; I o % % itIn ry . Ill I t Iiitrt I nil U r IiHt $ I ttr 1)0 boozurs. 1" . C. 1'IneIi/ $ ; . , Sibley , I vt. r 1'A ' ) - ' .tL $ II II.I' . _ _ _ _ 100 OIItLS for nil kinds or wUrk ; $3 to $1 , weel : . CUIItLIIILI1 OIlkt. I22 1)n1llaS. 0-512 , V4NTE1) , 150 gIrls , Employment l1uienU 1521 1)otig. 'I'eiepIIoUc S76. C-MSII Jy12 GOOD girt to he1 cook : iiii chaniberinald. Lunge hotel , 60 $ S. 13th St. AN AI1t.1VOMAN waiitit to rpreeIt i yeaitiiy corlxrution ; n fcrences 011(1 SO- curity reqnircd. U 2 , Uie. C-S26---1i. LADIES to rcprccnt us In ttfld nut of city. $3 to $6 per diiy Creighton lIoclc. C-1713O room - _ : : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ YOUNG widow Just from thc cast ( iPsires ) OSitIOt1 ni ; lloIv4cIc1 eur ) In a yIdovcr's home. or vnuid corrL poI1c1 SVItII % IC'V to mU trilnolly ; city or country (1deriy gt , ticinan ircftrrtd. Address i-s. Liii le B. I Aiitliotiy , 1'UciIO ) CoIraIlo. ( C-i\1916 U' WANT11) COmiCteilt $ ftI for general I. housework. A1)P1Y 4S01 1)avenporl. C-M JiO 12 : 4 FIit , C1lOICI houses and cottages nil over city ; $5 to $75. Fidelity , 1st. floor , N. Y. lAte. . D-513 I _ _ _ - - - - - - iloUSFS. Ilcncwa & Co. 108 N. lStitSt. D-514 : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H TJSES , stores. Bemis , Puxton block. g T ! ------1 - ' 4 1OVNG htiseho1d goods and Pianos. .Om. Van & Storage Co. , 15l1 F'arnutn. 7 reI. is. D-516 FU1tN1TU1tI atuikasehold of a 7 and 13- , , room modern hat for sale ; bargain ; good location. rent low. Bemis I'axton blk. 1)-SiT ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l'-IlOOM modern house with stable , large . shady grounds. Bemis , Paxton 111k. 1 D-M2SI. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR four-room cottage and I acres , 2 ½ miles west postollice. F. D. Vead. i r . . - - - - - - - - - - I GUI U1I JJL1) , Or telelulone ill. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A FEI.V co'rTGis. 436 IloanI Trade. I 1)-S03--- - 11 ROOM brick , 1029 So , Ot1i Aye ; oak , i finish , first class ; keys next. door. or Id. ! , D. Pratt , 1515 Farnain St. , 2nd Floor. I D-883 9-ROOM modern house , 2lO Capitol avenue. - : J. N. Frenzer , 01)1) . 0111 1' . 0. D-d935 FOR It lN'I'-VtJiiISIIId1) JOOIS. . 1XI'OSITION VIS1'l'OIIS. 1.000 furnished \y rooms.'rlte to IdXiOSltlOtl ) Itoomlog Co. Douglas block , 16th atiil Dodge. E-11 l-.TyI 1' TILE Farnan 'reriacu Hotel , 2O36-i3-IO42 Farlium. New 100(1ev ! ) buildIng , new fur- iilshlngs , nil elegant otitsitie rooms ; porches , IaVIt. trees. Esvecially desl rablo for man and ffltflhIY. 1l-M13.i-.lylS _ io ; BOOMS , 1417 Douglas ; one bed in room. E-M562 i FURNISIIIdD rooms. 602 N.16 ; grocery store ld-165 Jy. 19 : j 1iiTtN racing , - housekeeping. 514 North . ? ( 19th. 'i'ranslents. Id-MSG4J Ii' ) TilitidId rooms , housekeeping. 1112 South ; 11th. ld-M476 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ROOMS ; near all car lines. 1811 CalIfornia. E-SfjS ' . - Jy-29' \ FtJItNlSl1lD rooms , racing exposition grounds , loard it desired. 3S11 N. 20th St. : E-636 A2' 1"IlltN 151 1 BU rooms utreasonalite prices. T (2O ( N. 19th. ld-N297-Jy21' , . - - . - . - NlCId1Y turnI1ied rooms : reasoluLIIo ; four tlocks from iostotIlcO. ISI1 Cass. E-M745 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fli RN I H I I IdD. for liousi'lweptiig ; low rnt.s . ( or tnnsients ; near business center und OXIIO. cars. ! 12 Jnckso * . Id-751 12' ' VlS1io1tS lutIlo'rranslnissb4siIipI and In- tortuitiunal Idxpusltlon vIsliing to secure comfortable ( IuIrters C ; ) ) ) I(1'O time 111111 exlensc by writing to or calling tiion the Ohio II ) 1 1 I ) fu muLl io ii I 1 Ii reati , 1319 I'a riol n St. , the ( liii ) nuthorized agency of tile 1xiionitioiI 1110 iiageiiiell t. St ra ugers on uri'lviii II ) omaha ciii tak4 , street cars direct friiin any depot. OIilc open day and night. Id-2lT LARGII and 51111)11 ) r000is. 1610 las'onport. 11-911 12' EIEG AN'L'IY ( tirnislied rotiins , latIl , telo. .t lhono : transiexits ; prices reasonable. r room I , 1)avld gO I ) iii Id I ng. 111gb teen th a nil .t Farnam street , ( , lPOHltU city hull. Cars v to tleiOl5 ) 011(1 exposItion. Mrs. Jeftries. 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i FIJUNISI I F1D rooms , houseke.pliig. 2623 l lIt. ? ilitrya. 1-A1927 IS' COOL ROOMS , 6 blocks from P. 0 & 22 N. 19th St. 1XI'OSlTIQN visitors go to Ilelley's agency for FItF1E L1S'I' of rooms. 530 I itiiil 20. Brown block. Id-Id3 11' VISITOIIS wisliiig Ilrst-clitss rooms in Private fiimliy can sectic same by calling ' at S. V. corner 37th and Capitol Ave. , - Ye5t ofpstofllco , 1It9 IS : C0014 BOOMS , 6 blocks ( rein P. C ) . 522 N. 19th St. Id-930 23' FtIiLNISIiIIl ) lt4)031S tNi ) 1itItl ) , I TIIIl lilF1IiitLM , Ilrst.eiaes ( niully hotel. 2311I niiil Dialgo SIn. F'-522 TAICId down that " ( or siiIo or "for rent" Isigil Ii ) your V'iilLV. ) ' . 'I'lo ) ii reaches I inure 1)001)10 Iii a day thaii vll1 pass your wlntio' In a 1)1011th ; and tioy consult tLiso colunln ) WhOJI they want to buy or rent , F-sr,5 ' Tilid IIENIdF1'l' IIOUSII , 21st and l'tnkney p SIs. , 50 daIntily furnished rooms ; one p sqUare train the 4'rcl1 of the States ; ' iwerythlng flOW and first-class ; terms reasollablO. F-U I YORKINQ girls' home. 523 5. 19th. F-Al916 Jy15' UI1IAUTIFUIJ rooms ; tritiiaints. .S4 liar. ne ) . 1.-M216 Jy0Q 4 ; ldltS. Clodso , 202 N. lSth.Trnniilents taken , w- ' F-2i33 Jy22' , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T1Ui Rose. 2020 Ilarnoy ; cool rooms , tree baths ; tiaiuiients taken ; rates reasonable. I'LIMBANT south rooms. single or en ruite , with board. 2102 Cass. - . ' 1-1S92 16' ) 1't ilIMI $ lit ) htlilM ) ( % 6l ) 110 t Ill ) , U'IitlillIPd ) I ii I I 11 , xls'MltlOfl tji ktM ttl , h4Iflto3 hiotI fnr' . nil f'r $2 $ ( Ti ; , r ilfl' ii1Jflhti the t'oiul. % ! llI , 11Cr , ) ) i ) % flU" ( : ir ho. ' I 'I. ii M I hi h.npi' : "ii in iii er r'.rt . . I I' to liii I I Ol If I II1 tnqhi'i n. en .1 , I i.ime like' : litlt' , lihItli ) # IIII l1wnry. T.'l'- P11(11)1 1931. loubli Pii II , ) ' ) , h. tliflini1 ( , % nIt % 'CI'flhii1fl lsttk. iet $ In the itreet earl' : 10 , iltiqt ; Jell iirpl , 1)101 II 1).L hear. Vrhte or 'lihol , . ' I Iil tiiliiUte pt- iii tffi'i Is for thiiii tlin dc l'-11i . . ! ' ' ' ltll flrst-t lnQii NlC'1i'I' ronms iii city , % hoard , a li1nck vet of tintotlcP. $ 1tI ( 'aldtnl iIc1)UC. Il' _ _ I'OIt II l1'i'-M'IItI I'IM . t 61) Oh'I'1FtI'4. F1)lt ltl6NI' , the 4-Mttry irlek bullliig ii I 916 F'nrniim St 'this ) , uililing has a lire- proof COInPOt tfllilCtit , t'nter Oil nil iIoor , gas , etc. 4'l'PlY iii the 0111CC of Tit. . lIe. ' . i.-.llO 1lAI'F11Y ter rent at AllirIglit 14. Otnalin. ltltiUlre itt IDtT Clark St. , Oinalm. .1. JOliIMJti. 1-$2-ll' V - - - - . % UI 1N'I'SV.t'I'Iil ) . VNTIdtAjeIIts in ev..ry town in 1T- brin'lca 01111 I.wa to solicIt a i t oUlli Ii for us 10 collect. Cnh ) comin'.o'1uii pitlil. \Vrllo for inrtieulnrs. 14 49 , lice. ( Jinitiia. 1 1I. ' Jy IS' _ _ ' N IdlgiiiValthnni , I lnInld.'n ill' ( 'oltan- hiIs full Je\veit.1 nitvtineiit in n ycur , 1 I-ic. gflh(1 hued 'ii t. hi CllC , ( Iu.It' . at I 18 SS , Crovii , 1 'r. s e'n t . \\'ii .1 . svoit Ii or ldse c115e14 , 1811 IJt' iibtititii'ti ilL 0 tSI at , I ) l3 ilk ; Iio ? 3 l3 ilu r in cr'lta nil l'e I , crt i 11(0 tes : d II ni , iniin. ill I ( 1 i'li. .leYetry , I sil ye rtsI ; re. lil ( ItI I tO liti I I s. llnk&tiCS , etc. , oh I lie Sn the I ilo Ii . I'ii nora A evi'lry ( ' 0. , I ) Oin C VZ1 I i ) ) ' I I Id , lieq d nm .s , Ii , . Cull 111)11 CCC IntI11iICI. \l'ri'liUflti4 , lloUd , Oninila 3-7i1 12' AI1N'i'S cud lri , : n. . ii ) ) liilagers : I.Ilinry or tflII ) liii 55101) . 1 1 ii ti Icr J'fl lii. . rI fl r Co. , I 'II- Cillllfltit ) . J-11)I7 ) Oct11' - IV'I'IIl'I'O 1l1'4'I' . \VANT1dI ) , Immecllalely by two mules. : t sinai 1 fu r nlilied lit. . LIn I ifl Li I S'It . I s t , lleItV l'nrk Ave. or 12i1 St. Preferrcl ( Ilet- ( 'rencs l.tVoU. 4'tddress 1220 1'Jplr'ton ) Ave. l--ill I P lAD1 ES , rcnisttr 1(101115.fl ) the IdAILY AIUNCV ( far quick re- turns. 510 and 2(12 ( llrowii block , F-93t 11' , si'o . ' o i i. I'At'IF'l C Storage antI \Va r'llolgIe Co. . 9 - 'JO ! Jones , geierai storage till. ! forwardIng OM. Van & Storage , 111' Fnritiii. 'I'd. iri. M-52'i ' \'A N'i'Iil-'I' ( ) IIITY. IF YOU are In ticeil ( it aiiytliing try the \VUIlt Columns of 'l'he lIce ; they will bring what yet ) want. 50 CIl1AP 2d.hniid bIcycles. Omaha III- cycle Co. N-MS11 22 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \\1N'l'ED , light illrrey tar lionles : hii e tongue. F' . G. CliessilutIl , York. Neb. N-M93h 12' FoIL SAI.I'1-lLItNl'I't1iII. FOR Fale at a bargain , 500 plhlos's and 500 mUtt reseS ; )1eI.ilIOWS , 25 cents ii ; new niattresses , 75 COOLS UI ) . 1IOS-lO Dodge. O-M 112 3y23 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - CIIIdAP. nile large carved biIihwliltt , marble top. bedroom set , 1909 F'itrnani. O-s:5-l7' : FUIINITUILE of littI. lit 102 No. Ililhi. 0mS5 1-12' FURNiTURE , lease of parlor anti beti room set , pli'ttires , carlieta anti hitcher furniture. 520 South 2lth Ave.OM9.39 O-M9.39 12' FtIt S.tIFi-lIOItSflS. ' % V tGONS. Fii'C , 12 PASIdNGId1t wagoi.Ltto , 2 good phac tns. $ C0 ailti $85' fa'itlly carriage , leathol tel ) , 50 ; 500(1 trap , $ S ; surrey , brand new $110. $ Druinmond Carriage Co. , iStli and I larney P-M914 J y17 FOR SAIE-StYhlshl yoUng driver , perfectly gciitle ai(1 klntl ; 110 fear steaia or cars. II. 1) . Alec , l3'16 S. 30t1t ave. 1'-05 29' 'roi' buggy for sale cheap. 4220 Farnant. P-MOlT 14' _ t"li ( S. % IE-3l ISCIILI.NI'itJS. i'i' ctit prices on hog' and PoultrY feiico. Sawlust for sveing floors , etc. Tel. 4S , Sot Douglas. Q-016 - - ( ] ILEAT bargain , four 6 to 10-hole steel ranges for hotel or restaurant : tvo Invalid - valid chairs ; must be sold. 1110 1)odge. Q-M972 JyiT' FCTt SALE , ten 1t.l.P.A.N.S. for 5 cents at druggists ; one gives relIef. Q-328 TIlE Spanish loSsesstons in both the east aild vest , In ittitit foriti , with nearly 200 photographic reproductions ( It the Amen- dlii nUll Spanish navies , naval comnmnand- erg , etc. All for 25 cents , at 'l'lte 13e ollico. If ordered by mail , addreas Navy Photograph Department , Omnmiha lIce. Q-S69 I ITAVII 2 Remington typewriters that I viIl ehl cheap. Frak El. Moorc , City flaIl. Q-211 IlOG , PoultrY and lawn fences ; all wire ; Is best. 1.VlroVorks , 14th and Ilarmicy. . Q529 IOOKINDS mineral waters. , Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , l51 Dodge St. , Omaha. Q-M9 JyiT _ _ _ _ - A COT anti a mattress for 1.50. 1110 lodge. Q-290 Jy22 STAM I'S , COT NS-I3ought , sold. Morten- 5011. 'lOt N. 16th. Q-IiB7i 30 i'OR SALE. a nice , now , clean grocery stock. Atidress U IS , lit care Omaha lIce. Q-MS20 IS _ _ _ _ _ _ - - i5it s LId , Small Ii I'reinler anti RemingtonI ' ' I I . typevriter : ccond hand. 'l'ypewriters rented Onil repaired. .1. J. Deniglit & Co. , 1116 FUnIULIR tt. Q-MSSI A9 TYl'Id\VILITEIIS exchanged , rented ziimti soul on 1amntnts. Itibhomi for nil styles machInes. SOc ; stm.phies . reduce. ! irices roll 11)1) , ieshs , $ l2.5. ( ice. hearts. let ; Molie , Iowa. Q-023 13 lIiSCl'1Ll4AMdOIJL T\VIdN'l'YIc1VlI cents will buy time latest iUlllcmttiofl illustrating the U. S. ummtl Simanisht navies , imaval cornmmmaimtlers , etc. ; ninmost 201) ) plmotugrmtj.liIo reIntluctions , with a large map of time East and W'est Itidies , at the olilco of 'PImo It or- dtrvmt , 1) ) ' mnall , multI ! ess Navy i'hmotographi Department , Omaha 13cc. 11.-STO ANTJ..MONOI'OhY Garbage Co. , cleans cesspools & lirivI' vntlItm3. 621 N 16. 'I'd. 17i9. R-S51 Jy16' . - - --c.----- ' - - ; - - - - - - - CL.tiltVOY.NTS. LOST articles found ; missing friends traced ; life readings ; lucky belts. 611 N , 20th. S-M568 30' LtSS.tGlI , hl.t'I'IIM , ld'L'C. LAURA Ellison , 119 N , 16th ( upstairs ) , room 19 ; Turko-Ruietian and 1)11111) batHs , nutssugtl. ' , L'-207 JylO' MEDIC'A'l'dD baths , massige. ; Mimic. liris- soil , froni I'arls 107 N. 12th ; open all night , T-id91 Jyll' SUPId1LFI.IJOUS hair moles , etc. , PurIna- neatly rcmnovttd by ekctrtoity ; references. Mrs. Cronyn , UltCChLtist , r. l0 ( relgtmtotl bilc. r-M572 30 MMId. HitITll , 118 N. 15th St. , hot spring and vapor baths. T-721 11' nA'rllsiadIcs onlyMrs , l'orter. 203 Ioug , blk , T-MSSh All Mlii ; . DII. LEON , electric massage bath Parlors ; restful and curative. 417 5. 11th , upstairs. 'r-M26 17' _ iijL ; STUART of Chicago has opened imath and nmmIssagtm parlor 1522 1)oughns St. , rooni 10 , Bushman block , T-M936 12 1'1IltSN.L. 1A\'I CO. , 346 lIce building , U-530 $30 RUI"FtJREI curedfor 30. No detention from busliteia' 6 years In Omaha , Call 01. yr1te for circulurs. Eninlru Rupture Cure , 032.933 New York Life iildg. , Omaha , Nob. U-531 - 1IA'l'US , massage , Mine. Vest , 31914 5. 15th , U-Mw - t'lllMO'.tI , . ( I' inilnilNi I 4IA lu1h' p n iii \'nrlii , ( tilA of Ciilnt titmil ntinth , r f the i'ntlrc'Vc't Iitllem. , Im"sItmg ( ' 111111 l'irtn hIm. 1 inytl , nii I mm I nn tii rt lii Iti tI ( i flil ii I I the 01 her \v't lntliiti l'lnn.lu , In cptii , at Timi' flee tilhice. 19' Insll. 1 I tt'nts. Aildrei'i ( 'tibsim Mnp telt. , OnlulmA Iit. 1-8RS - VT. ' , I ' . Tr'Ni. Nritinni1 l'nrk. cheep VemJC)1. ) OtfliTIIOt15. 'r1 te for circular. A. 14 CUll , Ciimntmhnr , Mont. tJ-M2i-J2t' Dl 1S' FlirklsI ) hinthus. tIiii , ' . 1'ot. htflJ I 5 , 15th. (5-431 (316r ( your dmop' huh t-lH'led anti hmvhe.l vhla ! ytin nulL 15 inlnhitCmm. fur 54) ) cents.'otk guni ml nice , ! . 710 N. 16th St. iT-2J1Jy22 1)11. l. S. Sve.llerg. , ltnilii ( If all kintis ; Svt3ishm lfloV'iflHt. , 'lprtrlcity , etc. , for lilit'M : tilmil geittlenien. 1i-1i ( ( lieti lildg. - . 4 ( ITt1T lmlIsIclnn's cure for mmeitinfly vcak inca for $1.00 ; partlctilnls 2c. Iloc , 2fl5. Omaha. U-712 A $ I iV in become lawful uhmyslehins , law- 'ers. d.'ntlsts or plimmrmnnrists. I.ot'k box 19 ; , Chicago , U-MTG3 Ar" WANl'l'l ) , t'ersns imanied 1)ewey or UNiltitlItii Cf iewey family to seimd ad- tirt ss a t oiw e to 1omii Itttrliiut * 1)ewey , gemienloglst , Vtstliehl , , Mmmis. U-MSSS 12' l ) ' living omit of town votlld like to nil ( lilt orph mm mm gi rI of ttloti t I ( I. ililrcss 3lrs. 11. 0. Clarke , Omahn , Neli.U92S U-92S 12' 1'l l.lS eureil In 7 to 11) ) ditymi , wltlitnmt Pttitm ( 'lie ' tremitniemit det'mm tIme vorl ( pail or emm.1 . for riretilnri4. 'l'lie Bmliro ) I'ile Cure , 912 Nt' ' Y.mrlc T.itt , ImuililIng. U-.lDl0 . U11 % ilY ' 1,0 l..t N-It l'IA I , IdM'I'A'I'lI. \\'A NTlI ) , eunice ( minim amid cit y baits. It. C. l'eters & Co. , U. S. Nmtt'l I3&tmmk 111,3g. , " -533 $ lfli.00'.flO ) ' ) special fimntl to loan on llrst c1n5m4 Impruve.1 . Omnuhit propt'rty , or fur 1)t11111 11mg luPOSC5. Fi&lehitI 'l'rtist Company. I.O. N'on iniproveil timid uniniproveil city ProPertY. " \ . Fnrnnnm Sm'iith & Co. , 1320 Farimani. 6 l'EIt cent clivntitl farm loans. ( .mtrvln liros. , 1613 l'arnam St. \V-51S ANThONY Loan & TruSt Co. , 315 N. Y. t 'itilek money nt low rates for choice farm Imitnis in lawn , Northern 3dissouri , Idmist- cnn Nebraska. .TNIdV . to lean on inmitroVed Oninlia real estate. llrennan-Lovo Co. , 219 S. 16th.W4i W-4i ill 5i p1rt cent lii4)il9' . Ilemols , Paxton 111k. 'iV-Sli FOIL Investors , lists' that are invcstorH lists : write to Investors' Directory Co. , New York. . W-641-Jy-14' _ _ PIANOS tuned , $1.50. Rose , 1521 Dodge. 777-AG' MONIIY 'I'O lOA N-Cl I A'L"I'IiLS , $10 ' ( ' 0 $10,000 TO LOAN ON 1lO'SIdIIOLD FUi1NI'I'Ultld AN ! ) I'IA- NOS. hOuSES.'OONS ANI ) CAlL- 1LIAGIdS , WA1tiiiiOt1SF3 ILECIdII'TS , etC. , at lovet. rates in Omaha , South Omaha mitid Cotmimell Bluffs. No removal of gootis ; strictly conildential ; , 'otI can pa the loan oft at any Iliac erin in any mmmnotmnts. OMAhA MO1LTGAGId LOAN CO. , : ioti South 16th St. 'I'IIE OLDBST , hAI1GIdSI' AND ONLY IN- ( 'ortr'onvr1d1) LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-342 MON1\ bit UCtI Si harlem ] neotIe holding L Permanent posltiofl , with responsible I coucet n tlliilI their , nVn minnie , witlmotit seetirity ; easy layments. Tolman , It , 706 , N. Y. Life bldg. X-543 : I1tSINIdSS . W\N'1'Et-Amm interest iii good business , r State ftmll particulars. Address T 30 , lIeu. , Y-lll-16' : . QUIC1 critmi ; pnlnttimg. Tel. 1116. 1610 Cass Y-175-Jy-18' - I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ REENUId cancellation sLam ps. Omaha Itubber Stami , Co. , 213 S. 13th St. l'lioiie ' Y-7S3-13 1023. - - STOCK and fixtuni's of a cigar and confec- I lommery store in best location in Omaha for smile. Oi'mm.'r . must go out of luslness by July 15. Address U 7 , lice chico. Y-775-16 FOR RENT. a small water mill. Atldress 1' . 0. box 235 , LIncoln , Nub. Y-77G-13 \'AN'l' to corresponil immmmncdlmttely vith re- ha blo man musitlimig in good I own or Ne- braslca town who tIesire ilermnailent itOSl titam at $70 pt'r month and can invest $270. Staple , inmslncs 0111cc furnished. Address U 22 , lIce. Y-S30-12' FOR ltldN'l'-Iiote I 'lining ' room , gooti IOCU ti OIl ; imou so ( oh I . 'i ppiy mtt once , illS North 13th St. Y-M-S'i1-12' "FOIL SA1Fi , " a good restaurant ; tIme liest location in tIme city with good trade ; btk- cry In connection ; fine point for some one that vammts a good business established ; l,00tOfl for selling , time proprietor is In bad health. Aldress , N. B. S. Odell , Ful- lertomi , Nebraska. Y-S67 II' FLJRNITUILE of 5-room cottage for smtle or trade ; neat and coniploto ; hive blocks from P0510111CC. Call room 512 Brown blk. Y-OiI 11' ii. , YOU want tobuy. elltrat1o or rent anything CUll room 512 , Brown block. Y-M91J6 117' RESTAURANT bringing In $13 to $50 cmisn daily ; neat and t'omnplcto tim laisitmess center , on car hue ; a snap ; good l'CilSOflS. ldnqulro 512 limown block. Y-\1950 15' BlS'1' SiloeSliOl ) for smile , cheap ; all coin- llete. Jttldi'esS Naticimmil lInker , 261' ' ) At sI. , So , Onialma. Shop at 2lth timid N. Y-A19i2 H' $150 1NVIdSl'EI ) emtrIIs 35 per cent weekly ; t'stIlIiilillCd 21 ( 'Itles thiril year ; Piil'tlt'tl- Ian , trio. I ) . Sloane , 110 St. l'mtmil , Haiti- Md. Y..51915 12' FIIIST-CidtSS lintel , two-story brick , in cnuiity seat. for smile or trade for farm imropem't' ; all Icluds of toc'ks of omerelian- tllse anti ftmrns foi mmhi' Imnhl trail. ' . F'raimlc J. Novak , humboldt , Nob. Y-Mt113 11 FOIL UXCIIANt11. FORSALId Olt 'J'ItADII , team and two- eate,1 lnlggy. for single horse anti buggy , Old Nebraska feed stable , 16th and Lcav- enwortli Sts Z-2I-30' I3Ai , IIS'I'A'I'I'i. 1)It S1t 1.11-Il FOI1LOWI NO desirable ProlmertY ; business lot corner , 60x150ft. . , In So , Omnuha , havei ) , Ilusiness lot , i0x150 ft. , unproved , South Onitulma , street paved. Ti'tict (24 ( lots ) , :16th : St. 'I'ract (20 ( lots ) , 30th St. For Particulal's apply 1012 Farnumn St. RE-541 hOUSES , lots , ( orals , nnds , loans ; also lIre iimsuranetm. i1emnls , Paxton block.it it Id-S iS IIAV1I you somolots to soil ? Now Is the time to tlllose of tlmtnm : let I lie Iteoldo kliIW that ) 'OU svarit to dispose of thorn. 'rime lIce roaches time peoiIe who have tire mflhJilti ) ' . Illd-S6G 13E5'l' turin hear Omoahia at bmalf appraised vmtitie. John Ster , 2502 hilorirlu mit. , Omaha. ltE-309 July 29' j-j : SA1Id , desirable residence lets , 121x 130 , In lirst-eimuss lucittioli ' ten immtilutcs' vai1c from court house : cheep for cn$11. Aridress 0 61. lIce. Itld-M707 $300.00 FOil U full-sized lots On electric ear line. J. Itt. Frenzer , Opp. old I' . 0. . 1li-At792 I'iVANT ' to buy a 6 or S-room modern cottage , vell located , In Omaha ; vitl pay Part CIIt3II , balonet , t'henr Neitraska farm. Address , with particulars , U 19 , lice of- flee. Itl7-M821 12' _ volt SAI410r flxeliange.-3,200 acres good agricultural laii.l . , timber and prairIe in northern Arkansas. P. 0. lm3i , St. Jo- sumpim , Mo , ltid-M572 16' sli OI1'l'II.t1l ) .tcii : ' 1'YI'I1VII I'l'16G , VAN SANTS EChOOl , 717 N. Y. lAte. 'i'ht school whose ttuuicrits get enhitloyrnent. Conducted by an experienced reporter. 556 AT OMAhA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas , 557 11OR'I'-lIAD , up-to-date , taught by courl reportvra. Uoyles School , 403-5-7 lieu bldg 558 - _ ---1um1rEtuj-m _ 1i - - l.t1T. 1.r'IT-ntm ' txim.'itlnm . , grotltiit lmekttmnok coiminining 1fitmgo nticl etriiitiititUtlolm ticket to ell45fthl. Flimiler vIll be hlti. c'rnliy ress'ep1i $ tlt0I1 leaving time I icket at timis ohilt' , ' . t1qtu'kcr'perm imav' 110- tifleil of limittmlier so the ticket will lie of no uo to , ihmyonil but. ownet. Lot--M2SG LOS'l' . gent's gltl , vntclm , mantle by .latmmes Faliri , No , 1fl ( ) ! ; left In closet rut ttniolm l'aehIl , lc'l'nt ' ; lIhi&'t'nl reward for return tO U. P. tlekt tmilce. ! LOST , hmnCkt'tlm 4k eomitriinlng money nnd rnrtl 'ltm ) $ iwmit'rmi name , lmtv'eim 16117 ilowaril atm , litIm itrid Lenveliwortli streets ; Iilidt't Fi'tmirn simint' to Ilalfi' & Itend mind receI'e reward. Iot-A19l $ I I' LAI)1flS , it you can'tteht a. theetor your trouble ittlulremis I' . 0. Box 19 , Otnahma , Neb. , for int'om'insmtlon. M-SDS All' LAIiIdS. Cimicla'mtter's Frmghislm I'ennyroyni l'ilk ( Dlmrmrmontl hiramal ) , nre time imest ; smite , reliable ; tnke no tither ; send Ic. stnmnlnl , for $ marticiilar' , , ' ' itelief for Lathes , ' ' in letter by return mmiii ; at , lr'umggists. Clii- chester Chemical Co. , i'hmllrult.lphin , I'mm. AtOll 12 hi.tiiilt11Si4ifl. Sl1' rmf halt goods : prices sittlsfactory. Miller hairdressing 1'trlors , , 131 $ 1)ouglnmi , 553-Jy-li 11I.ilt"l'tt fl'l'VI'l Mi. 11. S. STAI1I'1 & CO. , 1110 Dotlge.MISti -MISt-i y27 PA'NhI ILUIC lilt S. IT. MAI1O\VITZ loans money. 419 N' . Irtll , 533 . I'L'itNI'l'thtII I.ttll1i ) . At. \VALKLIN , 2111 Cunltug. Tel. 1831. -515 IIIIISSh.tKlN $ ( . DIt1SSAtA1'iINCh. Aliss Stum'dy , 2701 Day- enhmort. 7'Ji-Jy-li' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'I'1'Ii1tl'l'ldlS. T'1'ld".Vi11'I'l'lIS for rent , $1.00 imer iriontli , The Sinithm-i'rcniicr 'l'ypewnitcr Co. , 1625 _ . _ : limllI1m : St. ; 'l'eiopimomie 1281. 1751 Si'iiNO(1 ltA I'll hIltS. ' 1I SOh1CIT mtmiil murnishm hositl.ns for stenograplmers free. 'l'hie Smithl-i'reinicr 'l'I'Pc\vriter Co. Telephone 12S1. 559 S't'A'I'UAItY. AI1TISTIC tlgures , ornaments. G.mnimt'lla & Co. , 317 S. 10th St. 26'J-Jy-21' C.tlthtI.tGI'i A1tICIG. l'1A.ILIIACII & SONS , 1112 lioiyarl. Tel. 1102. -M2217-Jy20 SUM3IIIII. ltlIStIL'I'S. YIILLO\\'STONII National Park , IVy- lie permnnneot camni's. ' Special rate. 1' . At. hunt , 1 mimld \Varc 131k. ( 'hone 2135. : -MSIW-Jy-14 JlICYCI.lIS. - - - - - - - NF3\V wheels , $10to ; $25 ; secondhand wheels , $5 to $15. Omalmt Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chicago . 552 _ --I BARGAINS in new & 2nd hand lmlcycles ; easy ternis. 'rime Safe Store , 1116 Farnam. S76-Jy-13 , ' ' . AUC'I'ION. J. U. A1AXCC &C. , auctioneers , room 416 , 1anljaeh ilock , . w'muit your auction mihe of real estate , mmerchandtse , furniture , live StOcks , etc. -530 ' ' ' ' ' " ' S't'A3DIIIL1JSC4 NI ) S'l'U'l"I'FIILING. - - - - - - - - - - - SCIlOOh for cure of these defects. Julia 11. Vaughan , 503 N. 1. . Life lmId.g. M-s9O All' mJSUES&CO. . , tAYBSDSl17RS \ _ / . 'I , lIce Ihtdrj , Omahd , Nob. L _ _ _ _ _ Send forotirfr.c Invent- l'oS'FOFFXCId i'O'F1CE. ( Should be read daily by all interested , as changes may occur at rummy time. ) Foreign mails for the week catting July 16 , 1S'JS , siiI1 close ( PROMPTLY in all cases ) Ut tire General l'estollice as fellows ; PAR- elILS iOb't MAIi c'ioso one hour earlier than clos1n time shown below , 'I'rimnn-.t.thimiitic , [ ailn. TUIISDAY-At 7 a. m. for EUROPE ( ox- CcItt Spain ) , ier S. S. Lahn , vIa Southamnp- ton nail llremnen ( letters for ireland must be directed "von Lalui' ' ) . WEDNESDAY-At 9 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for EUROPE ( except Spain ) , per 5. 5. Majestic. via Qucenstowa ; at 10 a. in. for F7UILOI'E ( except Spain ) , per 5. 5 , F1ensingtaim , via Southampton ( letters must be directed "her lenslngton' ) . SA'I'UItDAY-At 7 mu. rn for F'lLANCE , S\V1't'ZIIILLA N U , i'rALY , 'J'LJ 11K B EGYPT ttiid ItltI'l'ISIL INDIA , Per S. S. Lmt llretagimo , via llavre ; ( letters for other Immirts of iltirope ( except Spain ) must be directeil "imem Lit Bu'etmugno' ' ) ; at S a. In. for N.E'l'iIIIRhANIS direct , per s. s , Aluastlamn , via ltotterdam ( hetter must b tllrccte,1 , "ler Almtmisdumn' ' ) ; at 10 a. In. for SCOTLANI ) direct , hel ) 8 , 5. F'um'nt'ssia , viii Glasgow ( letters must be directed per Fmmrnessla' ' ) ; at 11 a. in. ( supplementary - ary 12:30 : P. mu. ) for IIU1LOI'ld ( except Sitain ) , jior S. S. Cumpanlu , via Queens- town , After the . slig , tt ( ho ilupplementai y 'J'ransdtlnmutlc Malle nanieti nluve , addi- tiOmiltI supmiementary imitulls nrc opened on the 1)ior ) of the ' . .mrnbcan. ldngiislm , Fm'encll anti ( ic'rmnan stemumners munrl reirlairm OlICli iiittil within ten imilnutes of tIle hour of sailing of steamer. Iiiii for Somilhi nail Cent ian Aimmerleit , 'Y..st lijilies , liRe. TUESDAY-At 12:30 : p. iii. ( supplemnemmtnry 1 p. ni. ) for S'L' . TIIOSIAS , S'I' . CROIX , LIdidiVA RD antI WINDWAItD I SLAN1)S , milso D1IMII1LAILA , Per 5. 5. Carlhbee ; at I it. in. for INAUUA and lilt ITl , per s , mi. Navahoc ; at 8:30 : 1) ) . In. for NJISVFOLTNI- LAN ! ) , per steamer fromu North Sydney ; at 10 I' . in. ( or JAMAICA , ver steamer from l'liiladelplmia. WiIlN1d51)AY-At 12 nm for NlI'.VIrOUND. LANI ) , per s. s. Portia ; nt I p. m. for 1110 JANIIIRO sumd SANTOS , ler ) s , mi Scottish Prince ( letters for other marts of Brazil anti l.a Vlatu Countries must ho dlrecteul " 11cr Scottish I'nhrmco" ) ; nt 1 P mn ( suplmlemnentary 1:30 : P. In. ) for NASSAU , N. 1' . , l1C S. S. Antlilu ; at 11 p. rn ( or JAMAICA , 11cr mitemumner ( rota Baltimore. 'J'1h1J1tSDAV-t 31 a. in. for CAPII 011/i- Cl/iS , per 8. $ , Jason ( letters for llellze , Puerto Cortez itimit Ciunteinnia must be directed ' 'per ' Jason' ) ; at 1 p. mu. ( stipple- mnentary 1.4V : P in , ) for BIIILMLYIA , itor 5. 5. Oi'lnoc. FIlhlAY-At 10 it. In. for 11RAZI1 , er ii. S. 1)alociirhia , via I'ernambtmco ( letters for North lirazit nmust be directed "per Dale- carila" ) ; atlO a. m. ( supplementary 10:3(1 : ( mm , Imi. ) ( or AUX-CAYIdS , JA'A1lII anti SAN'I'A AI.1t'I'IA , lien S. Ii. II. 1)ummmois ; nt 2 P. 111. ( or 1IAILJIAIOS dIrect and NOiI'I'Il Illt/iY.IL , via Pam utimil Mmmnaos , per s. s. Illiliry , SA'l'llltlAY-At ' 2:30 : a. in. for NlI\V- FOITNI)1ANl ) , imr 0. $ . Siberian , from Ph I I ii dtl ithimu : at I 0 a. in , ( so plml.nm en in my 10:30 : mm. in. ) ( or Folt'riiNiI l54ANI ) . 3/i- MAICA , HAVANILLA anti CAJLTI1A- ( IHN/i , 11cr mi , s Atlios ( letters for Costa Itica must be ilirecteil "ler Athos' ' ) ; at 8:30 : p , in. ( or NIIWFOIINDLAND , vcr steanmer from North Hydmltly , Mails for Nowfoundiana , bY rail to Hall. tax , ammul thence by steammIer. lee at tluls ohhice daily mit 8:30 : p. in. Mails toy Ml. uiuelomm , by rail to Ihoston aimd tlmemice by steamer , eloo at tlmls omhlce daily at 8:30 : p. ma , Malls for Mtmxice City. overland , unless slieciallY ndtiresseti ( or .iespatclm bY steamer , elope at this olllco daily at 2:3(1 : ( a , ni. .mnml 2:30 : p. in. "Registered mail closes at U.t : ) p. ma. Previous day. Tramis-l'mrclilu Malls , ? ilnils for China , Japan and Hawaii , per s S. City of Itlo tiu Janeiro ( ( rem San l"rmun ( ISCO ) , close hero daIly up to July 10th nI 6:30 : p. in. Atutllt Ion China mmmiii Jalmaim Per 5. /trlzomma ( fi'ormr Tacoma > . chore lucre daily up to July " 11th at 6:30 : p. u Malls for Australia ( except. West Aus tralia ) , New Zealmmnd , Ilmiuvall and 1IJ Islands , ia'r s. \'arrtrmmoo ( ( rain I'nrm couver ) , close hero daily titter July 811 amU up to July " 21st at G30 ; p. mu , Matl ! t : ' ' ' ' 'i'itiO. I'1)I'VI1il'lt'I3 % ( ) . ( l'uimtiflited , ) I for thin IbCl'tY lm'ImumuIm , per piitti , 'ity t I l'oletl $ ( fromil * I1II Vrnmmcls , o ) , close mere ibmily ill ) to July l5tlm at 6:30 : p. in. Ahmll fur ( 'lm limit n imil Jo ima im ( spr'r'til y nuld r'ssntt emily , ) , imer s. . llmmmpru'ss of rulia ( ti'immmi \nIm ( oIlier ) close litre rinily up to .lmmly " 2f'tlm at 6:0 : p. iii , Atnihmt fem Austrirlimu ( excelit thitm' for W'est Aumstralitm , vhiieli mire torwartiech vImt IlmIrolme ) , New Zermlntid , HawaiI , FIJI mmmiii Samoan slanihmi , Per s , s itlmlrilmosmt ( from Smium Frmmimclsctfi clsu here dm111) ' irim to Atmguist "Ctht rut a. am. , I 11 ml , Iii. anul 6:80 : i' . am , ( or on arrival at Neis' York of ii. s , lltrilrla with llrittshi miitmlls ( ( mr AustralIa ) . Trnmus-l'aeitie mails are forwarded to lmrt ot sailing ilnily iiitl thmo sehiiiUlk' of elisllmg is nrrmrimged an tIme lmrestmnmlrtlomm of their tmtmlmmlerrummtcd overland transit. "Itegimi. tered nmall chosen rut 6 p. nm lmrevlomms u. ( OltNII1.IUH VAN COTT , 1'o 1 mc ii t er I'ostofllc , New York , N. 'V. , July 8 , 1S9. 11tl11V.tY T1MIO L'AIlI ) , \VAl1A S It 1tAlt1tOAD- TIcket 0111cc , 1415 Fflt'mmlllll Street. 'l'eiephmoime U2. lrpot 'I ilthm nail Maon Streets. \ Telephone 629. Lcav. Arrive. St. Louis "Carton Ball' IIprcsS. . . . . ' 4:30 pm ' 11:30 am ' Daib _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - ----a aCitlCAGO & NOR'rilWIIST- em ltmuilwav-City Ticket - " Oillce. 1101 I'mii'iimtmu Street. , jc" :7 'releplammie , 1761 Depot , 431 : , . . ' 'i'ent timm Atmuson Streets , 'relephoime , 629. Leave Arrive. Da'iig1mt Chicago . . . . . ' 6 : 10 mmmn ' 1 1 :55 : Pin Mn. Valley. . . i3lotlx City. St. l'aul & Alimmmmemu1muil . . . . . . . ' 6:10 : ama ' 10 : IS pn Ala , Vat cy , Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7:15 : mmmii ' 9:00 : pm ilooHo , Demimmttolm , Cotmncil Blumfl'q . . . . ' 10:10 : PUl ' 10:05 : ntn ] Immstt'rn lIx. , Dt's Alolnes , Aimrrshmill- , Ceder itmIl- i,1s , mummil Chicago. . . ' 11 :05 : am ' 'I :20 : im Atlmmntle Flyer , Clii- engo nuil East. . . . ' 1:55 : PIn ' 4:20 : liii ) Fast Mall , Chlemugo . to Omaha 3:15 : lila Not'tlmern Express . , ' 17:30 : 1mm ' 8:10 : tumii Om.-Chicmmgo SJmo. cml , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6:55 : inn ' 8:25 : am ' Daily. ClilCAclO , ST. PAUL. MIN- , lielulmeils & Omaha itailivay -General Ohhlees , Nebraska , , Divisicn , Fifteenth mind W'etster Streets. City Ticket ' 1)111cc , 1401 Fiurnamn Street. Tate- lihono. ( ' 61. 1)eot , Fifteemmthi amid W'eijster Streets. Telephone , 1,458.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accom. . " 8:50 : am " 8:35 : Ptfl Sioux City Accom. . " 9:50 : am " 8:35 : pm Hiair. lImnt'rson. SIouix City. l'rnlca , Ilmim'tingtnn Llitt Illoomlield . . . . . . . . 'S 1:00 : pm " 11:55 : am Sioux City , Alan- kato , St. Paul & MinneapolIs . . . . . . " 6:00 : pmn ' 9:011 : am ' Daily. " Daily except huimmilay. " ' Sun- 11ay only. " Doc not step at DeSotu or Coltnman. CITY & PACIFIC , Rnilrotul - . General Olllces , ilniteul States Natlond : : Ilmimik lllmmilulhng , S.V. . Cor- ncr Twelfth tumid Fmimmmmumii Street. T t Office. 1401 Farftam Street. 'I'clepIlOne , 51l. ; Depot , 'renthi amid AImuson Streets. 'rclci > homie , 629.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Siotix City , Man- kate , St. Paul , ' 6:10 : am ' S:40 : am Minneapolis . . . . . . . ' 5:3(1 : vm ' 10:45 : pm Sioux City Local. . . , ' 7:45 : am ' 9:00 : imi S Daily- FTtIIMONT , ELKIIORN & . Missouri Valley Railway- General Offices. United States Nattoual Bank Bldg. Southwest Corner Twelfth and 1"arimmtmn Streets. Ticket 0(11cc ( , 1401 Farnama Street. Telelmliene , 561. Depot , Fifteenth and \Vebster Streets. Telephone , 1,45S. Leave. Arrive. Black 11ilh , 1)ead- wood , Ilot lipri'gs 3:00 : pIn 5:00 : pm \Vyumtng. Casper anti Douglas . . . . . . " 3:00 : lIfl " 5:00 : pm llnstings , York , Da- .l(1 City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter & . . S. C.flfl leiVImu'U . . . . . . . . . . . . - o. , , . , I'e. . . . Norfolk , Verm1igr. timid Fremont . . . . . . ' 9:15 : am " 10:45 : am Lincoln , Wahoo & Frenmont . . . . . . . . . 8:15 : am " 10:45 : am Frenummit Local 7:50 : am York l'assengcr. . . . . ' 6:10 : 1mm ' 9:40 : am Daily. " 1)mily except iumitlay. " Sunday - day ommly , " Daily except Saturday. ' , * ' Daily oxct'ot Mormmlay. UUlt1ANGTON & MIS. sourl Itiver BurIinton Burlington Itoumte"-Gen- cml Oillces N. W. Corner L II outu Tenth and Farnamu Streets. Ticket 0111cc , 1502 Farnam _ _ _ _ _ Street Telephone 250. Depot - pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive. Lim'o1n , } lastings and McCook . . . . . ' 8:35 : am 9:33 : ama LIncoln , Denver , Colorado , Utah , California , Black HIlls , Montana & Iuget Sounil . . . . . ' 4.33 .tnu ' 4:00 : Pm LIncoln Local . . . . . " 7:00 : pm " 7:40 : pm Lincoln East Mall. 2:53 : put " 11:40 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah. California and Puget Sound 11S5 : pm 11:53 : pm DaIly , D.il1y except Sunday. _ KANSAS CITY , ST. JOB - sepn & Council Bluffs flail- B urIiritnn road - "The Burlington ] Route"-Tieket Olllca , 1502 El outo Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot , 'l'oimtlm and Mason - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ son Streets. Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive. Kansa s City Day Express . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:03 : am 5:40 : pm Kansas City Night Expm'ess . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 11:00 : 1m ' 6:30 : am "Idxpnsttlujil Flyer" St. Ljtmis . . . . . . . . . . . 4:30 : pmn ' 22:05 : pm for St. Jomeph and Daily. , .iITICAiD , DURLTN.vroN & Qumlircy italiroati - ' 'I'he Burlington ltouto"-Tlcket I OlIlce , 1702 Fam'namn Street. B otltB I ' 1'elptione 250. Depot , 'rentli and Mason Streets. 'l'ele- jmliofle 121 , Leave Arm'Ive , Chicago Vestibuled F.xpresu . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:05 : pm 8:10 : am Chicago Express . . . 9:45 : turn ' 4:10 : inn Chicago & SL. Louts Express . . . 7:4 : ? ; pm 1:11' : am ( 'restomi Loomul . . . . . 4 tO Imam ' 10:45 : am Pacific Junction Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11:55 : pm ' 5:10 : pm Fast Mail 2:50 : mm Chicago Special . . . ' 12:03 : am 11:50 : pm Daily. " Daily r'cept Sunday. ' CU1CAlO , ILOCK ISLAND . & I'acilic Itmillroad-"Tho ' , Brent hock lsiammtl [ tout. , ' ' ( itY 'I'tmket Oiilee , 3323 ; , I . ' I . 1 armmam Street. 'relephonu u I 4'i Depot , Tenth amid Aicson Streets. Telephone 029 , LeaVe. Arrive. itocky Mountain lAmnited , CliSt . . , 1:30 am 1:25 : am Rocky Mountain Limited. west 5:20 : ( Un ' 5:15 : am Chicago & St. PattI Vetitilitmletl II , ( - " ° . . . . . . S 5:00 : pm 1:23 : pm 1. r" 88. . Colorado Springs , l'uehilo , Denver and we3t. , 1:30 : imm 4:25 : pm C hi I c a g 0 , 1) 0 8 XmiillmiPS & Itoc2C I&aiid , . , . . , 7:00 : pm " 11:25 : am Atlantic 'ilximremis , ( or IeS 2. oines and eastern points " 720 ; am " 8:50 : pm Colorado Flyer . . " 7:0th : 13111 " 8:50 : dm1 Ially. ' 1)ativ . excelmi Htmnmlny. BIulAuiA & ST. I.0tJ113 Il/ilL.- ottit-Omnabmi , ilamismis City & Idustern Itullronui-"l'lmo l'orl ARTHUR " ' ' Arthur Iloutu"-'i'leket Oihlce , flOIJTE , ! .4l5 Farnmum Street. 'role- phone 322. ietmt , 'l'enth and . , asomI Streets. Telephone 629. Leave , Arrive , t. Iouls Cannon Ilahl Express. . . . . 4:33 : pm 1130 ; am Ramisami City & Qumincy 1.ocal . . , . 7:10 : am ' 9:05 : pm Kansas City lx- Iress 7:30 : am I Port Arthur Emc- . . . . . . . . . . . . , S30 pin IallmP . MISSOURI i''tCIFIC fl/ill. . . romtil-Ocnortui Ohlices and ' Ticket 0111cc , Soutlmemmst Car. : mien 11th alid 1)ouglas Streets , , ' i'elephormo , 101. Depot , 1501 and \Vebmrter Sts , 'Felepimon'r : 1458. Leave. Arrive , Iansmts antI Neb , Limited. . z01 ; pin ' 12:55 : inn Icmirmsui City & St. Louts Jdxmress . ' 9:3(1 : Imnu ' 6:00 : am I Nmlmrrmm.ku Local . 43i ; ) urn ' 9:45 : am Daily. ' Daily ezecet Sunday. ' : -i , ' li/t 1t.W'tV 'il l Ii 'I' , ' . 111.1154 , . - - - - - - - - - - on t I imimed ) - - - - - - - . . _ ! . . - . - - . ' I UNION I'ACii'lC . - "l'lfll I Ivc'rla immi 1 toIl I o' ' ( lemmel nI Of. .1LL flees , N.V. . C'Iumer NIamIlm . amid Tu4 k Vrurmmnmil Streets. city 'I.it hi t Ofl'ee 131P2 tiirtmnimi Strt't. ' . .1 , it' 'feleplm.tme hG. Lh'l.ot . , Tenth I _ ' ' 3" nimul Mason Streets. 'J'Io1'hioim 629. Leave. Arrive. "l'hue Overlanul Limited" for Dcii- ver Salt l.nlce , iumd western i't4. . 'kIO am ' 4:45 : vmn 'rho Colorado Sime- eimil , for Dens or & mull Colurmiulo p't.q , ' 11:53 : imni 6140 II in L'itt Mali ' ( ' ( or Salt Lake , I'nt'ific comuct anti nil vesIern Ilointli . . . I 433 ; hun 6:40 : rim I.incolmi. lbatrtec , & Stromnsburg Ex , 5:00 pin " 12:20 : imm Fremimomit , Colum- bums , Ncjrtohlc , Or'iI Isiminil & Rearmicy 4:33 : i'm ' ' 12:20 : pm Grand Island lIx. , . ' 5'o : ' ' inn 't2:2) un ) hail3 , ' , ' Belly except Stmmmulmiy. onth Omaha. Locmml I'ris.-I.mt'tes , 6:15 : a. In , ; 7:04) : ) a. In. ; : i a. in. ; 3110 p. ma. Ar- rlves , 10:15 : mu. in. ; 3:30 : 2' . mu , ; 1:00 l. In. Council Bluffs I.oemii-Ler-'s , 5:55 : ri tn , 6:50 : a. in. ; 7:40 : a. ma. ; so n , in. ; ioi : : it , iii , ; 2:15 : ; . un ; 4 :13 : ii. fl. ; 5:1,5 : P. II ) , ; S20 ; P In. ; l005 P. III. . Am rtves , 6:81 : ii. nm. ; 1:20 : A. in. ; 8133 a. ma. ; 11:30 : a. in. ; 3:10 : p. lii 5:40 : im. rim. ; 6:3 : ! ) 1' . In. : 9't6 tm tim : 10li : p. in. : 3hlICAtlO , Aiti.VAUKlIlI & r45 st , I'aul hallway.- . . City I Irk Cu ( mlii cc , 150 I t' ii m'mmamii VUKEE itre.t Teleplmomirm i. Iepet , 'I'vntlm riflul Mason Streets. ' 'releimhionc. 6211 I.eaye. Arrlye. . ago Limited F.xlmi'ess . . . . . . . ' 5:15 : pin 8:20 : am Omnuimit & Clmicngo Exprci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I1:00 : am " 4:15 urn Sioux ' .ity anti Des Moines 1Ixpres' . . . . . " 11 :00 : am "ifi5 imm 'Daily. "Daily except Stmmmtlmtir , ° tl1Nt1'i'lI ; hhlItht 1 N UV I , . ' . I' . " Oilgl ii of mm II'im , , ' for "ilret khmr a" I , II I 1. . ' I'm , r t ii I' It mm .i m'g rim liii eis , "It. Is tin operator's pnitle , " saltl im old telegrapher to a New York 511mm limmiim , "to teceivo rcs report vltlioiit bri'mltitmg ; ( hat I S , \V I LImo ii t. deiayi 1mg I he se mmd lmi g a i1ic. AlOtIt ten years ago In Arkamisas amiul Texas the work was dommo by Imanml lmmstend of with typewriters , as at present , and where mieuu's Papers now expect 20,000 or 25,000 ior.1s . they were elated to be furnimilteul with 5,000 , and especially so on Limo circuit extending from Galveston by way of houston , San Alitonlo , Austin , \rieo , Fort IVortli amith 1)alias to Fort Smith , Ark. "TIm manager of time Fort Smith ofllec was a confirnied lmummter , amid invartably after completing his monthly reports lie would shoulder his rub ammd start for time Cherokee Nation , where abunulant. sport was afforded fmt thet tlimic' for liitli , lnre ruth * 111511 nnie On tine of thirc tl'iau. , AfC't ( ii. loni e1imifl t'xtehimliflg to tljr' I , ' II itt ri tear , , Ire immntinittti to kill the mnomimer murti cRhitmlre two ot her cui , . 'i'lmve latter' lie look to Port Slilhthi mumul t'seyetl to rnic' . 'I'lmey iero lilericeil lii , i 1nrg' Fx 1mm the better ) ' TOmill , ut'lmich u.ius fTmnmiptutptI t'lthl time op'rritin $ room With ) mi % imigimig doorg. lim ( t few nmontlms they hnul ' rcmtelmcui a uelhtt of ruimotit RCVclity-fit ; matmamlmi cccli antI iere quite ( sine , although tricky. "Ontu lnnrning. mll'uint 2 o'clock , whim Gal- vcstomm vns muckIng ho mitimal smiIrcmno cHart to clear tijm for ( lie ilnht , one of tilum beats eseIlpeul ( remit I t s t'o ti Il mt'niim t arid , 1101 I clii g time light him tIme fi omit roomu , Pr ocet'uleul to imivestigrut e. 1'tie mmmmmonicm hiatt a Pet dog u'hiIc Ii i as rrttlmer nlTe&'Pominte , so tlmat t1reu the cub caimmu' mnnietmimmg up to ttmo presn operator mitmil ClilmllIt' I lute hiM lap ito l'- ' ticular attention u US i.iiith . to hlmii. In tact. . I time sentlimig opcm'rmlor ii.ms an e'traortlltmarii ) ' i'alliil OflO ammii I Pt' ret'e1'er limit1 imis taimmil conccntriiteui impomi 1111' snuimmuler.Vhllo writ- " lug with his right Imami I lie tt'led to lumsii vlmiiL ho mippusc.i tins the dog from lila lap u'itlm his left. ' 'Tue effort \mmS t'rtlk , however , nmmd It hiecanme mmecessat.y to bi'etk u itim time Silt- prisimig stmutemneimt itt fict , 1:0th to himself anti to those on thu' iv1r : 'l'lmi'ro''t a bommr I' In it % ) hap botimemirig mime. Alirmute. ' Not cs'ery excuse ( ( ml' (1(111) ' to time report was acccptctl , Immit wltlm time remark , ' 3'hnts a I his was nmm'i in' got tlnie to restore ' time hear to its lmlmice. ' 'TIme report su'ns resuIlneul auth ( ho miemmiher was m.'nienvoriimg to mnaktu Imp for lost tilile \vhmcmi the seci mm tI c mi b ( 'SCtleh : a tiut , oil tem'I ng the opu'm'ttlmmg ( lcpartmmlemlt , pt'ecceticul to take the imimmen so m't't'tm1iy vmcnteil ; by time oIlier. 'l'lme opermitom' uuaa detci niineuh , hiove'or. mnmt to step the miemmttet zugmiimi , butt lien's have a lt'eut : pm'oell'ity for Lmemmmg mui'tlthlesonio aimd after a tout' luimmultes of immimmot' efforts rut being at hmnman 1mm lIme ol'mutor's lap lie trIeti to simon his npitreei.ii 11mm mf fi'k'ndshilp by a . gooti oid-fimsimhmiietl hug aroummid the imock. j 'i'hls was too Immmmclm for thai operator , tlmo , opemming time ie ) ' . ti.'mtmnm'ketl : 'here's tlmat ut-li betr : mrgmlmm : , ' anti t'cuiesteti a second stoppage miii that hO mntgimt lmilt imiiii out anti miill ; ( lie door shut , for vhichm Ime was ummi- mercifully gtiyeil , as tire Ilatmsibilt $ ' at bears in it telegralill tmiUce u'as too mIitIclt ei'cn for Texas. ' "ntis ( mpermtor : , at last accounts , was ciii- i11o3ed b ) ' a iirt'ss : tssociation iii New Yom k amid tIme' sender reeemmtly iton tlmc fast muemmmitrmg prize In a tomirimanlemmt. Furtiuermnot'e , , it Imili ) ' Ime ida ted that mill to tIme timmmo of Limo inrutmillntlomm of leaseil vlrcs In Texas m fmtvom'ite excimse for _ it1Ia. ; got. a bear in my ialm. ' " _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 51116 % ' 1S 1' No Imiiiger. Frommi Jutly. - " ' ik'M ' i'4 . 'il & : . - . , 'il(1 ' -(1 LR i ) - i - ' J,1 , ' , + wAx'A1 ; rA4 Ii. I . / d.9 ' Ld . V--L J w . LLJ- ) ( tn. 1'\ ' . . . ia ' ' Tt iIlstress-My goodness , Jaiw , Yeti 1m.t c your tbtllllhs in tIme soup ! " Jane ( Just Imported from a rural dlstrict-Never mind , mum , it. ain't hot ! _ - -4 IIOYS AS ltlII't'l'IV 115 .tNi ) FILl 13'6IS. From Aloommslmlne. . U-L.jL ) w.v F , A- ; ? , ) ' .J .i 4'c , i'fYA4tW ' 0 p (1 I. . . 1 ¶ I Maud-floally , Mabel , I think your brother Is the kIndest boy I kmow , Mabel-Oh , that may bo ; you eo you're ' not his st5ter , : -