- . - - - , - . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - -V. _ - - _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - . . - . - . - - - - - - I 4 TII 1 DA1 I t ( ) 1) Ay , ; J , 8)S ) SPECIAL NOTICES & tdsert lu'tnets , for I ) stue CUhlfltII si-Ill Iiq' tnIcti until 12 u. fur Iie * ciiIisg * usd tint It $181) for tiiiirnIi ntiil MIitiIItl ) 4lIItIiII ! . Itnh'N , g l-c , a'roril first Iiiertints h , oruI lIitr.'nfur , otIiIiig tnIct % ) for 1f's titnit 2e for llu flrrt InNIr- I loti. 'IIii' ndi ert $ NrI.IesIs tltMt I ) nut tIlVrr * INerN , ist , ( I ng fl hum- 1iiri'sl elmci k. en ii Imsi ii hIMS er ii1- 1re.Mcu1 t ) ft titiiiibi riI rttrr In enr ( If TIu , 1Iv. AtsrM II n41lIrcuIl s III 1JI i1.I Iercd ftfl IreNelltfltlIIL ( him Ilte check 4)flI ) . m ) 1'OST1ON by flritdnMh3 biCkIOPCr 6 yett's : tx1orIe11co best of re1ercflrA1 - t ( Irsn U 2 , lIce , A-Mi21 11' TYPEWIt1T1ci hllhd copying. 2GilIeebldg. . % % 'tI'L4I-MtI4I II II.l. BAI.1HMI rit cIgt't'$12 ' n month nnd expeII5 ; oh firm ; oxperl'nhco ' Uflfle'CS stty C. C. flIhoi & Co. , St. Louim , Mo. . H 1I ' RAI.ESMN to e1l of1ce pocaItIem n FCflflhIt8 ( ( III Nohruktt ; line mlde lInes netIt9 omako 5.OO n thty ; IM4(1 by all mer- ( litihitH. Model Mfg. Co. , Box H , I3outli Ijenil. md. 11-437 Jy 26' ; iiTED : : , flieth to learn LnrbEr ) trae : V only eight SVtCkS rcqt2rem : write for our $ hCkL ! oiler fur July ; $5.Q4) outfit ( hi tools V PreMhhtell each Htutlent ; loflltflflM ) guzLr- nnttcd mratcilly no OXCIItC to learn ; CflhItlOgtlu free. Moler's Barber college , C1IICRgO. GlNTLE1.lFN-I.enrn to l)1tht your own llCttIrO. , Mnko $15 to $3 er weli. Creigh- toll block , 10fl ( * 8. GOV1RNMINT lOsIttflS ( , the war makes a (1etfltfll ( for inca In the guvertitnent clvii service ; CXflIflhhIfltInflH m400hl ; fill Information - formation free. ColtimhIami Correspondence - enco College.VuMIhIngton , D. C. ll-M839.1' IEI1.I' . 100 OlItbil for all klndB of vdrk $3 to$7 week. Cantullah OtiWo. 1322 Douilas. C-512 W'ANTEDirOgIrl , Employment llureau , 1&24 lotlge. TCIeIhOflO 86. C-MS-U Jy12 V GOOD girl to help cook antI clmnmberingtd. Lnnge hotel , 641 ! 4. 13th St. AN AIlLl''OMAN ' wanted to . represent wenlthy corihorutIon : references und mo- curRy required. U 2a , itee. C-326-lt LADIES to represent us In mind out of I IL -V city. $3 to $6 per day. Creighton Iflork , I room C-M571-30 ' FOIL It IN'I'-IIOUSI4 , - CHOICE hotues ami cottages all over city ; $3 to $76. I"ilclity , 1st Iloor , N. V. Life. D-513 HOUSES. Ilenewa & Co. , 108 N. 15th Ht. D-314 hOUSES , stores. liemnis , Paxton bloek. MO'.l NG lmnuselmold goods and plnii s. Oin. Von & Storoge Co. , 15tP4 Farnamn. . . 1"UltNI'l'Ufli niul li'nseimolil of a 7 nnt 1- rihomn molerii lint. for Hale ; Iotrgnin ; good location , lent low. Ilemnis , l'axton bik. D-517 7-ROOM modern house with stable. large V slmadr grounds. Bcmi , Paxton Btk. D-M2SI FOR 11ENT , four-room cottage nn , 3 acres 2 ½ zmmiies vest pcsstolllcc. F. D.Veal. . D-M77 601 I1FF BLDG. or telephone 717. A FFW COTTAGES. 436 Board Trade. D-SO- j - - _ _ _ _ V _ 11 ROOM brick , 1029 So. 20th Aye ; oak. fInish , tltht rlis : ; keys next. door. or E. D. Pratt , iii& Farnam St. . 2nd Floor. D-SS3 . Ilt 1LIS'1'-F'tItNISiIflt ) ROOMS. 1XPOS1T1ON VISI'FOltS. 1.000 furnIshed rooms. iVrIte to Expom4itlun ItooTning Co. Douglas block , 16th and Dodge. L V E-911-Jy14' T1Il , Furnam Terrace 1lotea.26-i6.4i-4 F'arnani. New modern bililtilog , new fur- miishings , all elegant outside rooms ; lomcl1(5 ) , lawn. trees. EsPeciallY desirable for man ( t(1l family.MI33Jy18 ixl'osi'rloN Ohilelal Information Bureau , 1319 Farnam ; 5,000 choice rooms to rent. 60 fl00M13. 1117 Douglas ; one bed in room. . V B-M962 FUItNISIJED rooms. 602 N.16 ; grocery store E-4t. ; . 19' IdODERN roomm3housckeeplng. 514 North ' 19th. Tranlents. F-MS66 11' 'ii TIII1EIi1 rooms , housekeeping. 1312 ilouth 11th. F-Al 176 , , ItOOMS ; nearallcar lInes , 1811 CalIfornia. E-665 Jy-29' 1UttNlI5llFiD rooms , facing exposition grounds , board It desired. 3814 N. 20th St. V 11VIVj6 ; AZ' FtTRNlSlllD rooms tttrensonallti lirices. 520 N. lDth. F-M237-Jy21' NICIILY ( tirnislied rooms ; reasonable ; four kV bIILkS ) from lostolllce. 1811 Cuss. Ph 16-N745 _ _ _ _ _ FUItNlSillI ) . for liousekeviing ; lois rates ' for truInsiehhtu4 ; near buslnss center and l&.n : L'Xlo. ears. Jackson. 12' , y , EXT'OiUTlONOflIdnllnformnuItlnn Bureat 1319 Iarnain ; 6,000 choIce z oomns to rent. _ _ _ _ - - VI Sl'lOltS to the ' 1'ranmnI4sIsIppI niiul InV - V 'V teruutIuiial Bxposltlon visluIng to secure toiiuor4ibln ( Jimurters cnn 140Vo tinie and Il V ( XIIIC I ) ) writing to or euillliig upon the p Olilelal information Bureau , 1319 l"nrnnni . . V V 5 be only ntitluorlzed ogehmey of ( lie 1xpositloii munlulugemehut. Strangers on , iiirlval In Otnitha ( Vithl toke street cites ' . ( I I i cc t ( rein aim ) depot. Ofllec elicit do 3' V , niuil night. V , 'ivo : furnished roihmus , with bath , for light houstk , ( c'i'l ' ng ; $12.00 ier too Ut Ii. 2918 l'uir- tunin St. ; rcferonecs i'tHItIired. V E-MSDI 11' V LA1tG1i antI smnllrooimu. 1610 1 ) avenport. F-Dll 12' - FOR 1tlN'l' , three rooms 'J17 N. 2lthst. , lut'utr ( u n I img ; rent , $7.O. . I muitmire S2 13 , 18th 81 , Fi-l9l6 11 _ I ] LlaAN't'tiV fliruisileil rooms , bath , loin- ; L IIoiuc , : trnnsieiits ; prices etunsonutble. ! . room I , 1)aviiige iuiliding , lightet'iitli and Faritamn street , ( uluisusito city hail , Curs . V to depots amni exposition. AIrs. Jeffries. 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V 1lTItNI5iliD roomnk , liousekt'eplng. 2G2 V 5 , Mnr'u. F1--ME17 5 _ _ _ S - - - - - V - V FUItNISI1EI ) rooms ; tratisicuts ; light V housekeeping , 2603 Dodge trOet. ' ' E-731 . VIlltNlSiillI ) 1100)15 AS ) ) llO.lII ) . TIIF1 MEltitlAlti , flrbt-elasg fatally hotel. ZMIi and Doilgo Hts. lmLlASAN'l' 1tounu. modern , t3trlctiy 1tr4t. c1tt145 lturt rt'usonibio rates ; truiiislont.s taken. 12 19th 131 , F.--ZlS4 . TARldovii that "for sale' ' or 'for rent' ' sign In your s'1iut1ow. 'I'ho lice reaches tuoro PeoPle In it dii ) ' ( ItIitI svlli imas your vlnt1ow iii it month nntl they constilt V thtsu coltimn leji ( hey VaUt 10 bUy or V rent. t"-SC 1 1 1lUINIWXTIIOlYSJ,21standI'Iu1tfley . ' , . . 131 $ . , 50 ( VIRIIUII3 furnlluetI rt,11151 OUt ) sutiaro ( rein thu Arch of the States ; . everything now and Ilrst.cltiss ; termnuu 1 retisonabic , I i S'ORlCINQgirls' l1one : 823 S. 19th. f F--tIhlG J'l5' V V131AUTlFUIl ronuw ; transients. Z.4 liar- V ney , 1'-M21'3 ' Jy2Q V ltlflS. aodso , 201 N. 18th. TiausicntB taken. A 1'--2G3 Jy2 J ft1) ( 111- ' ternatlotsal Fxiutltion , wishing to secure .V. t'omtortalio qthuuiteni ( 'on save ttint unil OXPOVIIhiO I ) ) writing lo or cuulitmur upon the Oflicial InformatIon Bureau. 1319 iarnLmn ; V Pl tile 1)11) ' ttUtliorlott agent. ) ' of the ixtmstion nuan.ugeuneiut. Striier , on arrival In Omalrn can take itreet cars , direct from any depot. 0111cc open day alul night. " - . : - - It1fllMlilI ) ) tOtlM .tl ) llO.tltI ) , ( ofmtfiut1t'd. ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIIF1 floe , 2(2O ( ITarney ; cool rooms , free baliu ; 4ransIonts , itki4n ; rates rensqnaht' . PL1ASAN'P ro m uiindeln : itrlctly first class board ; transients taken , 212 S. 2 St. F-437 I'h1ASAN'I'soith rimths , single or en suite , with board. 2102 Cass.FM892 F-M892 16' utm1. etioMttnn tiits nndSutrntoua hotel fore , nil for * 2.00 per tIny ; adjoins the grounds ; Sherman avenue car line 1)aSCS the lmntuse ; slimmer resort style ; families 'oliited modern , cool , homelike - like : baths , gas , iutano niuti library. Tle- luli000 193L Ioublo luariors , hammocks. vast verandas. park , seats in the street tnrs : no ( lust : jolly peonlo and a. pet bear.Vrito or 'iduono this minute ; siuc- t'ial offer Is for those who do. F'-M3I3 Volt 1t1N'l'-S'l't3t4 An ' - % Ol'iICl1S. roil 11NT , tim 4-story brick btuildlng at 916 F'arnrim St. 'ruts building has a fire. proof cemuuit basement , water on ni floors. gau , ett.uply at the otlice of Thu Bee , 1-010 Alhright , S. Omaha. Iuiquiro at 1917 Clark St. , Omaha , J. W. Johnson , 1-829--Il' AlllN'I'S 'ATl1I ) . V W'ANTED-Agents in every town In Nebraska - braska and Iowa to o1iclt otcotintS for us to cliect. Cash commission paid. \Vrite for iuutrticuiutrH. S 49 , I1tt , omaha. .7 938iy 15' - AN ElgIn , 'altham , ) ( ( or ( 'alum- hits full jeweiel movement in a 23 year , 14-k. . gold hued watch case , choice of Ilass' . Crown , Crescent , W'ali4tVrthl ( hr Issex' cases , can be obtained itt a eot ( If OnlY 0c ; how ? 13y our merchandise certilleuttes ; illamomuls. bicycles , jewelry , silverware , bed room stilts , lookcnuten , t'te. , ( in the sutmne ldun. l'anora Jewelry Co. , 303 Ob'ervntory Bldg. , Ies Moines , In. Cull tiiid co manager at Nerehn nttu Itotel , Omaha. J-753 12' AGI4NTSwnnted for our line of war pie- ttires : 16 itsortei1 sizes. 22x271 16x20 and luxIl for $101) ly express ; .0 assortetl siZes , loxil , for see PostPflid. Address N. It ! . Friedman & Co. , Martinsburg. Mo. - J-915 11' 94'roltAI1. PACIFIC Storage niulVarehotise Co. , 008- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding M-325 OM.'aul & Storage , 111 ½ Farn'm , 'I'd. 1519. M-526 \4tN'I'I1I-1' ( ) BUY. IF YOU are In need o an.ything try the \'nhtt Columns of The 13cc ; they vIll bring 3'oti what 'want. N-SO ? 50 ChEAP 2d-liand bicycles. Omaha 111- cycle Co. N-MSI1 2i PolL SAI.I1-PtJItNI'i'Jltfl. FOR sale at a bargain , 500 pillows antI 500 mattresses ; now r.illows , 25 cents up ; new mattresses , 75 cents up. liOS-lO Dodge. 0-1.1412 Jy25 CI l11' . one large carved black walnut , marble tel ) , bedroom set , I00 Farnam. V V O-S35-17' FUItNITUI1E of tint at V102 No. 15th. O-in.S11-l' l)1t S.tII1-1l flit 5105 , ' .VANS , E'I'C. 12 PASSENGER wngor.ctto , 2 good phac- tonS. CU auil $85 ; fanilly carriage , leather top , $50 ; good trap. $53 ; surrey , brand uicw , $911. Drummnond Carriage Co. , 18th nnd Tiarney. P-MD7I Jyl ? FOIl SALE-Stylish young driver , perfectly gentle ittul kind ; no fear steam or cars. II. D. Aiee , 136 S. 20th ave. P-495 29 * FOIl SAIE-Lntlios' driving horse ; AIo bugly. ; S2 So. 20th. St. P-S00--.S'V ll OIi1 V GET cut 1)riCCS on hog and Poultry fence. Sawdust for sweu1ng fioar , etc. 'rel. ISS , 1101 Douglas. Q-6l5 GREJ''l' bargain , four 6 to 10-hole teul ranges for tuot.'l or restaurant : two Invalid - valid chaIrs ; must be soltl. 1410 Dodge. Q-M972 Jy17' FOIl SALII , ten 11.l.P.A.N.S. for 5 cents at drutggists one gives relief. Q-52 TIlE SpanIsh posesRions In both the cast null veSt , in inait form , with nearly 200 phmotogralluie reproductions at the Amen- can and Spanish navies , nn'eal conumnand- cr5 , etc. All for 25 cents , at TIme lien oihice. If orderetl by mall , -athdress Navy l'htotogiaph Department , Omaha lIce. Q-869 I hAVE 2 Rcmipgton typewriters that I will sell cheap. Frak JO. Moores , City hail. Q-211 _ _ _ JIOG , uoultrY and luwn fences : all wire ; Is best. Wire Works , 14th and ilarney. , Q-529 100 KINDS mineral waters. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 15I Dodge St. , Omaha. Q-M9S9 Jy17 _ _ _ - A COT niud a mattress for $1.50. 1410 Dodge. Q-290 Jy22 - S'i'AMPS , COINS-Bought , sold. Marten- soil. 401 N. 16th. Q-M175 20 FOfl SALFI a nice. new , clean grocery stock. Address U 18 , In cure Omaha lIen. Q-M820 18 _ _ _ _ _ - rort SAL.F , grand young Il. C. St. 11cr- nard brood bith ; Lady BrIght , 42515 , in Witch ) to 'l'om Cooper , 44817 ; a bargain. Tcsn Leiry , Beatrice , Nob. Q-M81S 11' tyewniter ; $ eOhhIi-hifl mud tyuewrit ers rt'iitetl and repaIred. J. J. Derlght & C'o. , 1116 Farnufm at. Q-M691 A9 - _ - - M I Srlill..tNFiUS. T'10NTY-FIVl cents will laly ( ho latest PtibhiCfltIOfl illustrating the U. S. tind Sponish navies. naval commanders , etc. ; almost 200 photographIc roiirndtetlons , , wIth a large man of the East and W'est mules , at the olhlco Of 'l'hue 1ie , . If or- ilered by mail , filth 055 Navy l'huotograph Department. Onialut lIce. It-STO AN'l'I-MONOI'OLY Garbage Co. , c1enn CeasjOOhtt & IICIVY vaults. 621 N 16 , Tel. 1770. 11-851 JyIG' - - - V - - - - V CL.UIIVOY.1N'I'S , LoST articles found ; missing friends troced ; life readings ; lucky belts. 611 N , 20th. S-MISS 30' MtSS.i(1 * hl.l'lIi , , tri'c. ldtlJItA Elhison , 119 N. 16th ( tiputtairs ) , room 12 ; 'l'urko.Ilussian anti plain tatnS , ntassage. T-207 JyItI' itt EDICA9'ED baths. massage. Id me. llris. son , from I'arls , 101 N. 12th ; open nil utight. T-M911 J14' SUI'EltFLUOUS hair moles. etc. , ptrma utdUti ) ' removed l , ' e'ectrIcIty ' : references. Cr nyn , specIalist. r , 10 Croighton tiilc. f-M72 30 - I M1il : , SMITH , uS N. 15(1 ( * St. . hot sirlng I und outtlutu. 'I'-Zi 11' IIATIIS ( indIes only , Mrs. Porter , 203 1)oug. lulk. T-AISSt ) AU ? .IltS. Ilt. L1ON , electric uuttssugn bath parlors : restful and curatIve. 417 S. 11th , upstairs , 'r.-M925 1 ? 1'IlhlMlN.i L , VIA\'I CO. , 3h1 Jlt'e building. U-53U $3' ) ltU1TU1tE cured for $10. No detention ( ruin bUsIness ; U years In Omaha. Call 01 write for clrcuines. Empire ltuptunu Cure , 932.t113 New York Lttu bldg. , Omaha , Nob. TJ-511 _ A LARGI Map of ( hoVorid , one of Cuba amid another of the rntiroVest Indies. ithowhuig SCuba , Porto Rico , Ilayti , San Domingo 3lnrtiniquo anti all the other ' 'euit IntIaui Isluumt.ls ; 10 .cents , at 'flto lice 0111cc. 133' nutil , 14 cents. Addss Cubaut 3In1 Dept. , Otnahalilee. IIATIIS , inaago. Mine. Post , 319l4 S. 15th , V l.I4)\VSToNi1 National I'au Ic , cheap company excursions. Write for cIrcular. A. Lycun , Clmnuabmur , Mont.U.M23l U.-M23l Jy21' IJ.D111S' Turkish baths. Mme. Post. 3t9 I 8. I5tb. U-SIt 1'I1t1Otl. . - ( Continued. ) , . GFT your shoes linlt-solednntl heeleti while YOtI wait 15 minutCs. for 50 cents.Vork Itlnranteed , 710 N. 16th St. U-29-Jy22 - DR. K. S. Swedhcrg , baths of all kinds ; Swedish movement , electricity , etc. for Iadle and gentlemen. 109-110 1le llitlg. . _ _ _ A GIUAT 1)h3shCInfl'S cure for seualIy weak men for $1.00 ; particulars 2c. liix 268. Omaha. U-732 Al' V IIO' to la'eomo lawful uuluysichzuuus. law' yers , ( lentists or l unrnmclsts. Lock box I 196. Chlengo , IJ-M763A0' 't'ANTflD , I'ensons named Dewey or do- ? ( Cetldflfltl ( of Dewey family to entl address - dress nt once tO Louis Marintis 1)ewey , genealogist , Westfield , Mass. U-MSSS 12' iuiNIi't' 'I' ( ) lOtN-1iI1.tl , JIMPA'VII. IVANTflDchoice farm and city lonn.fl. C. l'cters & Co. , ii. S. Nat' ! Bank Bldg. $100,000.00 iuielnl 00)0(1(0 loaton first class htflITO'Cl Omaha property , or for build- lug PurPoses. Fidelity Trust Compriny , W-636 ; LOAVN .Ofl improved and unimproved city ProPcrtY.v. . Fnrituun Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnhtn , W-537 " V C I'1R cent cIty and farm loans. ( larvin Bros. , 1613 Farnain St. ANThONY Loan & 'l'rust Co. , 315 N. 'i' . b. ; quIck money at low rates tar choice futrin lnnd In Iown Northenit Missouri. 1ost- cnn Nebroska. W-V519 MONIOTtoloan on improved Omaha real estate , Brennan-Love Co. , 219 5. 16th. V 16th.WVOIVO 5 PFIIt cent money. Bemis , l'axton 111k. \ _ 1 FOR Investors , lists'that are Investors lists ; write to Investors' Directory Co. , Now York. W-.641-Jy-14' PIANOS tuned , $1.50. Itose , 1521 Dode. 777-AG' MOSIOY 'F ( ) I.OtN-CIL.tTTl0LS. $10 'I'O $ lO.000 TO LOAN ON IIOtJSF1IIOLD FUI1NI'I'IIRFi AND PTA- NOS. 110115105 , WAGONS AND CAll- It1AG1S , 1V1tE11OUSI0 L1EC 10 1 P'l'S , etc. , at lowest. rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Ilhuiffs. No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; Vflt can pay the loan oft at any ( line or in tiny amounts. OMAIIA MORTGAlE LOAN CO. , .106 Smith 16th St. TIIF1 OLDEST. rAnaEs'r AND ONLY IN- COItT'ORATITD LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-542 IIONI'Y leaned stuliutleti uwopln Iioldln' permaucut positions , with responsible c oiuct'niiM upon theIr OWII tuane. without security ; easy lrnYinents. TlnuItfl , It. 706 , N. Y. Life bldg. X-5-13 1IUSI)1SS CIIAWCES. \VAN'l'EI-An Interest Iii good business. State full 1)utrtICihiIurS. Address T 30 , lIce. Y-7 ti-IC' QU1CF , clentu printing. Tel. 1315. 1611) Cass Y-475-Jy-1S , REVENUE cancellation stamps. Omaha Itubber Stamp Co. , 215 S. 13th St. Phone 1023. Y-7SI-13 STOCK and fltures of a cigar and confectionery - tionery Store In best location In Oiunhi.t for sale. Owner must go out of busIness by July 15. Atldress U 7 , Bee chIco. Y-775-16 FOIl RFNT , a small water until. .Address p. 0. irnx 235 , LIncoln ; Neb. Y-776-13 FOlt SALE.Meat market , doing Jrool ( business ; good reason for UeIllng. U 9 , Ilee. Y-M86 11' WANi' to correspond immediately vltli reliable - liable man residing In good Iowa or Nebraska - braska tO'Vfl who tiesires prmnnuuent 1)051- ( iou at $70 per month and can Invest $270. Stnlle business 0111cc furnIshed. Address U 22 , Bee. . , Y-S30-12' FOR IIENT-Ilote I timing room , good location : liotic ful' ' , Apply at once , . 108 North 13th st. Y-M-S31-12' "FOIl SALI. " a good restaurant ; the best location In the cIty wIth good trade ; bak- cry In connection ; tine point ( or sonic one ( hint wants a good business establIshed ; reason for selling , the inonrietor Is In had health. Address N. 13. 5. Ouch , Fiul- horton , Nebraska , Y-S67 11' FUItNI'l'UIIE of 5-room cottage for a1e or trade ; neat and complete : five blocks from 1)ostotflCe. Call room 512 Brown 1)1k. l'-OII 11' IF' YOU want to buy. sell , tratle or rent anything call room 512 , Brown block. Y-M996 16' FOIL 1TXCIIAI'C.1l. FOR SALE OR TRADE , team and two- seated buggy , for single horse and buggy. Old Nebraska feed stable , 16th antI Lea' . enworth VStS Z-2i-30' V FIt SA1LT-lt10AL l6S'I'A'i'lO. FOLLO'\'ING desiralIo property ; business lot corner , 60x150 ft. , iii So. Omaha , PuL'cd , Business lot , (0xl5l1 ( ft. , improved , Sooth Omuhut , street paved. Tract (21 ( lots ) , 2utli St. . 'l'ract (20 lots ) , 30th St. For inirtleulars apply 1012 Furnam St. . RE-CIT hOUSES , lots , farms , lnnds , loansalao : lire instiranco. Itonilt4 , I'axton block. R10-5IS hAVE yeti sauna lots to sell ? Now Is the time to dispose of them ; let ( Ito PtoPIo know that yj want to dispose oh' tltenu. 'I'ln' lice rc'achies the ieoPlo Who IUIVO ho money. 1110-SOC lilOS'l' farm hoar Otuutulia at half appraIsed value. Jolt11 SIzer , 2502 IlIohulo st , , Omaha. 1IE-IllO July 29' i it sxLio : , , louuirabio ecaltlence lots , 121x 130 , in hlrst-eiuis.s location ; ten minutes walk from court house ; cheap tor cash. Atldress 0 Cl , 11cc. ITE-.l07 I00.00 I.'OIt C full-sized bill on electric car line. J. M. irenzer , ( ) pp. old I' . 0. Jtl-M792 I WANT to buy a 6 or S-room modern cottage , veli loemuteti , In Omaha ; will Iny Ii1 rt cash ; lunla ace , lc'Itr Nelirnalca ( a imn. Adulress , wIth larticulars , U 19 , lice Of- flee. IIE-M821 12' FOR SALE or Ixcliange-3,2OOacrcs good agrlen I ti vu I ha ad , tlnuber a lid pro I rio In northern Arkansas. I' . 0. 811. St. Jo- 501mb , Mb. IIE-M872 1(1' ( , ShiOht'I'Il.iI ) .tNl ) 'L'Yl'lI'ltl'l'Il. VAN SANT'S eluool , 717 N. Y. LIfe. 'rho school whose stutlents got employment , Conducted by nit experienced reporter. 556 AT OMAhA Duis. College , 16th & Iouglas. 557 SIIOITT.IIAND , up.to.dmite , taught l court reporter8 , 11u9'les' School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg. 558 _ _ Lu WI' , _ LOST.6V ; ; ExpiVilon ( ; grounds pocketbook containIng change an'.i coinmutittion ticket to exposition. Finde'r will 1)0 lilm- orally rewarded upon 'eaving ' the tIcket nt this chico. Gatclcecpers have theemu no- tilled of iuimmnber so the tIcket will be of no use to anyone but owner. Lost-7d216 LOST.gent's gold watch , mnrulo by James } tttmn , No. 10lt' ) left In closet itt Union I'cliIc depot ; Iberal ( reward for rtUrm to 13. 1' . 1cIo't chIco. 1OS'i'-79) LOSTblack cocker spaniel puip , about eight weeks cull Ilnuler vlil be laId llb- oral mowurd upon relurhuing to I7'tJ ' Iodgo. Lost -Mi2l 11' 3t1IhC.I. , i-V.ADIiTS. It )0t1 can't tell a doctor your trouble address P 0 , Box tO , Omaha , Net , , for 111UIinUtlI2. M--b .49' llD'l'Il.S. EI.FC'FltlC light , Imlee tetls , clean , ciiol ; rates low ; clay or week. Over 1316 Douglas - las St -179 . , IiAlllIIIESSIN ( . . SALE at hair goods ; prlce satisfactory , Miller llalrdrcattlng Parlors , 1514 1)ouglas. & .3-Jy-14 ,5'I'I 1II.lItTL'lt'l'Y l'I % (1 , - - - - _ .Lh1L1iL. _ _ . . It , 5 , ST.4ltK & ( V. ' . ' . 1110 Idgo. jilt -MII-Jy2l . - PtVNthltOl liIS. - - - II. M.1tOWiT1&VtS money. 418 N. 16th. ; J 553 IV _ _ V _ _ _ _ .VVV,3Tr.r.VV ) _ _ . IUItNl'J'II l'tCI11l ) . M. S. -V _ _ Coining. Tel. 1111. -54 - _ JLnV _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - V DlZI1AllG , - . ! ' _ _ DI1flSSMA1CINa. " Miss Sturdy , 2501 Day- Chuilort. 'iFT' 791.Jy.I1' V 'ii V 1' l1 % ' It I 'I' Ii II S. TY1'lSVIII'l'EItS fOr rl'nt , * 1.0W ) IC month. The Shnltiu-I'renuler 'l'ypcw'rlter Co. , 1623 Farnuin St. ; Ti'io'phonc' 1281. 551 lt'l'lINb ( IIAI'IllIltS. WE SOLICIT anil furnish positions for stenographers free. 'rime Stnithi-l'rcmnler Typewriter Co. Teivpioiie 1281 , 559 Sl'A'I'U.IIY. - AUTISTIC flgtires ornaments , Cionnella & Co. , 317 0. 10th lt. V 2G9-Jy-2l' CAItIII.tfl ) l.ttClNG. KAU1TACII & SONS , 1112 howard. 1'i. 1102 , -M22GJy20 - . SttIMnlt : ltllSOht'l'S , YCh1O\'STON II National ParkV3' hltu pernuanent cOmnims. Special rate. l. M. hunt , I and 2 1\'nrc 131k. I'hoime 2133. -1SU9-334 V ! hlFYCI.lOS. NFI\t wheels-SI0 to $25 ; secondhuuut wheels , $5 to $15. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chlcngo 532 DAROAINS In new & 2nd hand bicycles : easy terms. 'rime Safe Store , 1116 F'arhnmu , 876-Jy-Il A U ( 'l' I ( ) X. J , II. MAXCY & C. , auctioneers , room 416 , 1nrbach block , want your atiction sales of real estate , mnerchnuulise , furniture , live stocks. etc. -550 , Al ' ' ' " ' STA3i3lllltINC ) S'I'U'I"I'IIlLINI. SChOOL for cure of these defects , Julia B. Vaughan , 103 N. Y. LIfe bldg. M.-890 A' SUES&CO. p . , UZAWILICRS L v 'mmd rorourn.u . Invent- 1'OS'I'OFVlCE NO'i'iCis , - ( Should be reaI daily by all Interested , as elmutuges 1083 occur at any time , I Foreign malls . .for.lloVeek endhmug July 16 , 3598 , will clue ( , iltOIull'TLY In all eases ) at ( flu Geiierah. iisf iimcc as rullows : I'AIt- eJ0L ; rUa'i i Lm , else omit , hour curhiur thaim clusin time sluiwn below. . ' 'l'i-itiis-.tijiiitic Mitlls. TUESDAY-At 7' ut.Via for EUROPE ( ox- Colt Spain ) , ieu.s. S. Lahmn , via Souithmnnp- toil amuil Ilretnen ( letters for irelunil must . be . directed "itor 1.uItmi' ) . .w. EUN ESDAY-i t U mu. in. ( supplementurry 10:10 : a. iii. ) for-15ROI'E ( except Spain ) , per s. S. NajstIc , vliu Quleenstown ; at 11) ) . a. in. for ilqt'i ( except. Spain ) , per S. S. Kensington yiii Southampton ( letters must be ( lircetell 'per Kenslngtouu" ) . SA'I'I'IIDAY-At' ' 7 a. In. for FRANCE , S\\'lTE1tLAN1) . l'I'AIX. TURKEY , EGYI".L' anti IITIITISII INDIA , per s. s. La Bretutmue. 'Iut'Iln'vre ( lettpr $ ftr other PartS bf Europy ( , 'xCipt Sfruln ) must be dlrecttd ! "Per LL l3netagne" ) ; at S ut. m. for NET1IERL4NIS direct , Per s. s. Mmuisdam , Via Rotterdam ( letters .must be directed "per Nnasduurn" ) ; at 10 a. In. for SCO'i'LAND direct , per s. a. Furnessla , via Glasgow ( letters nulst be directed "Icr Furumessia" ) ; at 11 a. in , ( supplementary - ary 12:30 : im. in. ) for EU1tOI'E ( excelt , SpaIn ) , per s. S. Canupania , via Queens- town. After the .simg , , f the Supjlementnry 'rrumnsatlantic Maim , mamned above , addl- tional sulmilemenmany mails are opened on the pler of the i.acrlcan. Ejiglislu , French and German steamers and remaIn op'ui until within inn minutes of the hour of sailIng of steamer. Mails for South nnii Ceiuirul America , Vtst liidle , * . IOta. MONDAY-At " 3 p.m. for COSTA RICA , lhl'iLal'ZIO. I'IJEIt'I'O CORTE'h gumol GUA- TIOMALA , er steamer from New Or- leans. TUESDAY-At 12:30 : mm. mu. ( supplementary 1 1' . m. ) for ST. THOMAS , ST. CROIX , LIOFIWAITD and WiNDWARD ISLANDS , alto > DIOMIOTtABA , per s. s. Caribbee ; at 1 P. m. for INAGUA and IIA1TI , per s. s. Navahoc ; at 5:30 : ii. m. for NEWFOUND- LAND. imor steamer from North Sydney ; at 10 p. mu. for JAMAICA , lHr stetumner from l'hilndelphiuu. WIOINESDAY-At 12 m. for NEWFOUNI- LANI ) , per ii. S. Portia : at 1 p. en. for 1110 JANEI1IO mind SANTOS , per s. s. Scottish I'rlnco ( letters for other parts of Ilriuzlh and La I'lnla Countries must be directed 'per Scottish PrInce' ' ) ; at 1 p. m. ( supplementary I :11 : p. in. ) for NASSAU , N. I' . , Per s. a. AntIlla ; at Ii i. m. for JAMAICA , liar strainer froni BaltImore. 'l'IIURSDAY-At II a. in. for CAPE GItA- ( 1.413 , ; er s. ii. Jusomi ( letters for Be'llze , Ptierto Cortez and Guittemnulu must be d5rectcd ' 'Per Juisit" ) ; at 1 p. in. ( umimple- muentary I3l ) 1) . in. ) for TIERMUDA. icr 8. 5. Orlnoco. FItIDAY-At 10 mu. mu. far I1ITAZII4 , per s. s , DaIccurllu , via I'ermmitmnbuc , ( letters fir North Brazil must be directed "liar Dale- carlluu" ) ; at 10 a. iii. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. in. ) ( or AUX.'AYES , JACMEI timid SAN'l'A MiVi'llA , Per it. ii. 1 ! . Dumois ; at 2 p. am. for liAltIlAlOS direct mind NORTh 13ltAZ1l , via Pam nod 2huiiito , per ii. H. lliiary. SA'l'lIllIAY-At 2:20 : a. m. for NEW- FOUNllA NI ) , per a. . Siberian , ( coin J'Iillndeiphla : itt 10 a. m. ( tumppleinentary 10:30 : ii. in. > for F'Olt'J'UNIO lSlAND. .TA- MA ICA , SAVANI LLA timil CA lt'i'l lit- GlON , PP it. s. itiltos ( letters for Costa 1 t lea umuust lie d meet . , i ' 'per A I hus' , ' ) ; itt 8:30 : p. ni for NlO'FOUNILAND , liar itteahuer from Nortlisyimmey. ZlIniis for Ncvfouiiidhutn. I ) ) ' rull : to hull- ( mix , ituil theocu by steauimer. 'lci at tlil ohilce tInily at 8:10 : ii. flu. iutis iii qucion. by rail Lu Ibautna anti thence by steamer. close at ' liii oufl.'t daIly at 8:30 : p. m. Malls Ior'Mcxicr. City , overland , unless ilieClilli' ddlresuell for ruesepiri ) liv steamer , ( 'i ( ) ht hI ; offlen 'lily 'it 2:31 : a. m. .tnil 2:30 : 1) . in. "RegIstered mall closa at 6:1)0 ) 1'fl1)reVluU ) day. 'I'rnus1ztdifium lhgiils , , lTmiil for China , C Ttpaiu amid hawaii , per s. H. City of LIla do , snelro ( ( ruin San Frau- chico ) , doe iJitlly till to July 10th at 6:3) : p. in. liulls fh China amid Jo iuui , 11cr it. 5 , Arizojn strom 'i'ocohnti ) , close here daily UII til'Jttiy " 11th itt 6:30 : p. in. Malls ( or Auistrnlt ( except \\'est Aims- tralla ) , New Zlialttutd , 1 iawaii and riji Isiantis , per s. st't'zLrrimuuou ( ( rain Vita- cotmver ) , close Jiur.l dully after July 8th amid up to July " 21st at 6:30 : Ii. In. Mitlis for time SocIety b4ummls , icr uiimlp City of l'apelti ( ( rein Siil l"ramchi ( c ) ) , close hero tinily up to Jtuly 25311 at 6:311 : p. m. Zilitils fat' ( 'hulna timid J1ithut ( ( specially adilresscd Only ) , pr ii. it. Empress of Inilia ( from \'itneouver ) clth.jm , here daily tip to July " 25th , at 6:31) : Ii. pm , tluiin ( or Australia ( except thuise ft'r tS'Ct4t Atmttrala. ! whIch lure forwarileil % .lui Europe ) , Ne' Zealund , I lasvull , Fiji and Samoami Islands , per s. s , TIaripoila ( from , Saii Francisco ) . clam hero daily up tO August 'Ctli at. 7 a fllV II mu. am. amid 6:10 : P. iii. ( or emu arrIval at New York of s. s. lTtrurlmi with ihrititlm mails ( or Australia ) . Trans.Pacihlc. iiuuiil are forwarded ho port of 5:111111 ? dully anti I huti icheduic it closing is arranged ( in the lihusumption of their Uhulnierrunteil oyi'riuutl transit. "Itettis. bred math cio s it 6 ii. in. uireviouit dumyV t'OflNElIS'AN COTT. P tnusc'r l'oittolllce , New York , N. Y..July 8 , 1895. ht.tII.1VAy ' 113115 I.lll1. \v I' 11 .6 S II IOAILIhOAD- . . 'I. iii Ii n uirl M.iumm Streets. Tclei.IucnmC3 Arrive. St. Loul Canofl Bali" EXIIEC. , . , , 4:30 : im 11:30 : am S DaIly. ItAhlaW.t' TIMI. t'.tItl ) . ] ( ( & NolhTi1'EsT. , em ltailwny-Clty Ticket - pChtlA(1O inrimani Street. u Telehihuone 1.61. Depot , 'rcuith and Mason Streets. 'releptuoute , 629. I.ettvo , ArrIve. Daylight ChIcago . . . . . 6:40 : nm 'ii :55 : pm I Mo.'iulky . . , Sioux City , St. Paul & Miumneauoliq ; . . . . . . . ' C40 uinu 10:45 : pm Mo. Valley , Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:15 am oa pin iloonc' , DennIon , Coulucil hhltills . . , l0I0 : in i0:03 : rum I Eastern 1x. , Des I t1tiiumes , Ilnnu'hnil. I towuu , ( 'cdar Itaji- I his and L'huieago , ' 11:03 : am 420 Pm Atinuitle Flyer , 'hut- Chico and lOmust. . . S 4:55 : m ' 4:20 : m , Fnst Mnlh , Chicago to Omaha S 3llS pun Northern E.luress . 5:30 : pm S:40 : ruin Oun-Chuiengo Sue- dcl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:55 : pm ' 8:23 : am S DaIly. CIIICACIO , lIT , PAUL , M1N ' tienpolls & Omaha RaIlway -leneral Ofilees , Nebraska 1' Dtvlsicum , Fifteenth nutd Webster Street.i. City flckct Ohhhce 1401. Fiurnanu Street , Tale. P10110. 561. llepot. Fifteenth and \S'obster Streets. Telephone , 1,458.Leave. Leave. Arrive. iloUx City .Accom. , " 8:50 : am " 8:33 : ian I Sioux CIty Accom. . " 9:50 : am " ' 8:33 : pm I Blair , hOmimerson , Sioux City , l'otictt , Iliuruington runti lliooummlieid . . . . . . . . 1:00 : pta " 11:53 : am Sioux City , ? lmtn- kato , St. l'aul & Itttnuteapohls . . . . . . "se 6:00 uumi 9:00 : am S oilily. ' ' DaIly except Stinulty. " Suuu' day only. ( " Doe ! hot stop at DeSota or Coltamnut , . Sl0UX CLTY & PACIFIC , Itailroad - General OilIce , Ummited Suites National V hank Building , S. \ ' . Cor- ncr Twelfth oiul F'utruuauu Street. Ticket 0111cc , 1401 Farnanu Street. Tehephiouie , &f3l. Depot , Tcuithm and Mason Street. ' .l'elephmone , 629. Leave. ArrIve. Sioux City , Man- kato , St. Paul , ' 6:10 : am S:40 : am Mtmmmmenpuhls . . . . . . . ' 5:30 : inn ' 10:13 : urn Sioux CIty Local. ' 7:45 : am 9:00 : inn . Dally FREMONT IOLKIIOI1N & . Missouri Valley Itnllway- leneral Oflices , Ummlted , States NatIonal Ilank Bldg. Southwest Corner 'rwehfttm mint ! 1'nrii'umn Streets. Ticket Omee , 1401 Farumain Street. Telephone , 561. lepot , Fifteenth rural \Vdbster Streets. Telephone , 1,458. Leave. Arrivo. Black hills , Deadwood - wood , hot Sprl'gs 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper and Douglas . . . . . . ' " 3:00 : pm " 5:00 vrn ( Tastings , York , iJa- .Ii CitY , Superior , Genera , Exeter & Seward . . . . . . . . . . . . e 3:00 : pm ' 5:00 : pm Norfolk , Vcrdigr - : tmmd Froinont . . . . . ' 8:15 : am " 10:45 : am Lincoln , \'iihioi & Fremnont . . . . . . . . . * 8:15 am 10:45 : ruin Freinu C Local ' ' 7 :50 : aiim York l'assetger 6:10 : pm 9:40 : am ' Daily. ' DaIly except sunday. " Suim- dumy only. " Daily except Saturday. 8 ( * Diily : excc'ut Monday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . l BURLINGTON & MIS. n , * .4 I soumrl ItIu'cr Railroad-'L'hme oUF IfltOfli Burlington Itotute'-ien- I crud Ohilces N. W. Corner l.Jnuutri Tenth and Farnamu Streets. I IUUVIU I'icIet 0111cc , 1502 Farnauui - . - Street ¶ I'eleiihiono 250. Dc- pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephonu 113. Leave. Arrive. Liroln. hastings and MCCC'Ok . . . . . ' 8:35 : am ' 9:35 : am Lincoln , Deimvcr , Colorado , Utah , Cnhifornia , Black lulls , Montana & Pugi't Souiui . . . . . . 4.33 ima 4:00 : pm Lncoln Local . . . . . 7:00 : pni " 7:40 : pm 1 : Incoln Fast Mall. ' 2:53 : lilui ' 11:40 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah , California and Puget Sound ' 11:55 pm ' 11:55 : pun Dally. "DtIly except Sunday. KANAS CITT , ST. JO. 1) ) I' , i,4 stiiih & CouncIl Bluffs Rail- oUFiIfliOfl road"Thin ilurlhmmgton Routo"-Tlcket Office , 1502 Unuito Farnam Street. Telephone iIuuw 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason - son Streets. Telephone 121. Leave. Arrive. Kansa s City Day Express . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:05 : am 5:40 : pm Xarsns , City NIght Express . . . . . . . . . . . . .11:00 : pm 6:30 : am "lOxprish tiout Flyer" St. Lank . . . . . . . . . . 4:30 : pm ' 12:05 : pm for St. Jo'eph and Daily. jITICAiC , IJURL.TNGTON & n ' ,4 Quincy RaIlroad - 'The oh IflwWll Burlington flouite"-Tlclcut 0111cc , 1502 Farnamn Street. Uniitn 'rolephone 250. Depot , Tenth iluuw and Mason Streets , Tclc- phone 128.Leave Leave Arrive. Chicago Vestibufed ! Express . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 5:05 : pm 8:10 : am Chicago Expiess . . . ' 9:45 : am ' 4:10 : pun Chicago & St. LouIs Express , . . 7:43 : pm 8:10 : am ( 'retort Local . . . . . ' 4:00 : pm 10:45 : ala Pacific Junction Local. . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11:55 : pm ' 5:40 pm Fast Malt ' 250 pm Chicago Special , , ' 12:05 : am ' 11:50 : pm ' Daily. " Daily except Sunday , UNION VACIFIC - "TIlE ' ; 1t4z.J itveriind Itouuo"-General Of. IVlr.I'.e74 flees , N. W. Corner NInth nail A5'32Sli.Ml h Fiurrmnm Streets. City 'rlcicci I i4tiIJj : OlDce , 1302 F'arnani Street. ' ; 1I ! 216. Dejmt , Teumtlt and Mason Streets. Telephone C29. - Leave. Arnlv2. ' ' ( 'lie Overland Llmnlte,1" for 1)en- % er Salt J.rtke , utimdvestern p'ts. . 9:50 : aa ' 4:43 pm The Colorado Spa- cml , for Deliver & all Colurado p ts. ' 11:55 pam 6:40 : a m rat Mali TraIt for Salt halce , PacIfic enaCt mtuiiu cli western poInts . , . 4:33 : pin 6:40 : am IJuicoin. Beatrice & Stromnsburg lOx. " 5:00 : urn ' 12:20 : pm Fremouit , Columbus - bus , Norfolk , Gr'ti Ibiand & heariucy 4:35 urn 'I2:20 : pm Grand Island llx. . . " 5:00 : pun ' 12:2O : pun a Dully. ' laIly eXcehit bturiuin3' . South Omaha Local Pass.-lea'cs , 6:15 : a. rn ; 1:01) : a. in. ; 9:1 : a. ro. : 3:10 : p. m. Ar- ilves , 10:15 : a. IT ) . ; 3:30 : p. mu , ; ; 0O j. rim. CouncIl Illuiffs Local-Lc'avt'ui , & 35 a. in. ; 0:50 : a. lii. ; 7:1) : a. ma. ; 8 :40 : a. tn ; 10:10 : a. am. ; 2:25 : p. m , ; 4 :35 : P. rn ; 5:55 : P. lU ; S:20 : p. rn ; 10t-5 1. iii. , Arrives , 6:3S : it. in. ; 7:20 : a. rn ; 8:35 : a. m. ; 11:10 : a , m. ; 3:10 : Ii. 10 5:40 p. mn. ; 6:30 : p. in. ; 9:05 : p. am , : l0:4 : p , m. V CIIICACO , ROCK ISLAND & Pachile ltnllroad-'l'hmo u1At ? ( leant flock Island ltoumte" nrc'1IuCity ! ! 'l'leket 0111cc , 1123 , . t I Farnam Street. Telephone 421. 1)epot , 'rerith and . . r01' Streets. Telephone V . Vqt Leave. Arrive , Rocky MountaIn Llimulted , IVUSt 1:30 am 1:23 : am Rocky Mountain Llimmited. wet . . , , 5:20 : am ' 5:15 : inn Chicago & St. Paul VestIbuled 10 x. luress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pm 1:25 : pm LIncolul. Colorado V Suurlnga , Pueblo , Demuver and wett. , ' 1:10 pm 4:25 : pm CicagO , Des Mmuuie oi 1t012c I&and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' P1:00 : tim ' 11:25 : am I Atiuiitle llxiires. I 4or Lies Moimwmt I numd eauitenim POiiitht 7:20 : am 8:50 : pm I Colorado Flyer . . ' laO inm ' 8:59 : urn . . I. ' 1)uli ! ) ' ' Daily . cxeep14unulay. _ _ oMAhA & WI' . LOUIS ItAIL- ORT ioud-tJro.uiuit , iuunitas City , tu Eastern fnliroii'I-"Tiiu 10ii I Tt4URI Arthur Houto"-Tlclcet 0111cc , _ Farriuni Street. ' . I 'i cli. . , - ; , - - ' _ . lhuiift 922. 1)epot , 'I'eumtb mind .ulusuo Streets , Telephone 629. I.autvm Arrive , I St. Louis Cannon Ball lOxlireaS. . . . . 4:33 uuin 1130 ; are I 1ursuts City & Qutihmey Iociti . . . . 7:40 tim 9:05 : pm Icannas City ITx. press 7:30 : am I Port Arthur Express - press . . . . . . . . . . . . . , pm . Daily l'ACIFIC RAIL. . ' . rozml-flsuic'ral , 0111cc auid , ' V : i'lclcet Office , Southeast ( 'or. , nor 14th and Douglas Streets. . . Yelephuonu , 101. Depot , Istri , muhul Webster Stu. 'I'ehopbohma 1458. - I.eave , Arrive , Kansas and Nab. Liuuuited . . . . . . . . . ' :0I pm ' 12:53 inn liansu City & . 5t , iotitut lOxuireuts , , 9:30 pm 6:00 : am I Nebraska ioeah , ' 4:30 : mao ' 9:45 : am p Daily , 'a Dail' excePt Sunday , ilLI1 ATVORK \ IN KANSAS Workmen i3uty on All the Railroads of' the Sunflower Bt.ote , GOOD \VAGES AND NO COMPLAINING luiIi'rest lulil Stiutisi las lt.'ecnhly ( ' ( ii- ieeteal-lOiiislnt's Unit' I liil.i'glsin - lure ( ii I.l ( lii' flail riui.ls tluuto -Suuiduy lleut 1itii Pius ured. TO1'IIICA , Eauu. , July 10.SpCCiflI.)1'CO ( ) Johmuiofl. state labor counmisslomuer , lies just iiiilt' uhlIe sonic Interesting statistics con- cerimiiig railroad employcs In Enasatu. Ito hmns been at 1ork for several vvcks gather- lug thIs informmmntloii and teiik lucius to get It froni every class of cnmlihoyes. Ito will Putihishl huls findings iii hIs forthcoming Ia- port. Accorilluig to the stntlstics gathered the railroul nmen of nil kinds in the state are en extrenuely happy lot of uncut just no' . They are all workIng umoro hours tluauu for several years past , anti are reedy- lag better Not a single complaInt of ill treatment is mnatle amid no labor troubles of any kInd were reported. In alnmost every Instance the inultvitlunl raIlroad inca re- for t'unploy- nmarketh that the opportuunitlcs luieimt has greatly iuicreruseil during thio , last I ycuir and cach said thIs conditloui was titie to "gaol crops nti good urlees , " i To the ntter. . "What snecific legIslation I ( io yotistiggcst ? " more thinim 213 per cent of ( hue ehiiiiloycs rcportiulg saIl , "Let tIme railroads - roads alone. " TIme engIneers partIcularly I ciimplmaslzed this Poltit , The stntlstics that time machinIsts , cuugimucera anti conductors are the best pattI , I ttiul that a greater uucr cent of them own their own hionies thiruit aim ) ' othet' class. I TIm trackiumen say that on account of the high price of fool lirothucts it takes about all of their earnings to keep their families jtist now , but they arc not counplalmulng , Over 50 jer cent. of thmcni say they owim theIr own homes , TIme switchmen stand the lowest In time liar cent of them being prop- I arty hollers. All of the employeiu except the section mcii are vell orgaimized. Many i or time traInmen say they would lIke to have Sunday at luommmo , but. that they do not thiiumk a Sunday rest law Is feasIble imuid only a few eonmparei to the whole num- bar reportIng favor Its adoption. V The returns show the express messengers have no organlzatlomi , ouil the lumessongers roy tIme ) ' llio ufnald 'to ' attempt to orgammii.e ii ummmlon for ( car of losing their jobs before the organization gets hub good worklumg or- dci , ' . Each ckts of eflipliyCLh except the elm- gluicers favors cmi eight imour iay. ' The utrer- ago work day of an engineer Is imlimo hours , and they ccciii to ho satIsfied with that. Nlumety-titree per cemmt. of the rallro.md dim- ploycs of nIl lciimtis favor the mnalmmteimanee of time state labor bureau. . ' I i' ) V $ of Ca ii il ii e I o rs , The opponttmumlty for eummployuiit'mmt Is rc- ported on tim 1uicrcae by the raIlroad coum- ductors , ammui "good vtvps aum1 general ium- crease In bulness" tire given as tIm' caUseS. 'Fhie average uuuirnber at ) fl5 cotiduletora on thin Kaumsas roads have been employed Is 11.5 , aimi3 , theIr 'average pay her nuiimuinu is $1,020. i'tll are pall imionthihy , bccauso tilmVt Is their preference. it. CO3tm aim average conductor $810 to live. Ten hours is about time proper leimgth of ci. work lumy , so t.hoy say. About 60 umr edit of timein owum timeIr own homes amid all arc inenmbers of labor organizations. They all oppose competItIon of commvlct labor fluid some suggest that time coimvlcts be plitCcd at work brealciumg Texas ionies. Orme-lmnlf of them favor time restrlctloim of foreign Inmmi- gration and the oilier half mvaumt it 'eumtirely auppreesed , FIfty pci ceimt speak kIndly of a Sunday rest law and tIme nmnjou-ity auggest a law providing for a state boord of coin- pulsory arbitration. Ono conductor coumi- month : "The stopping of Sunday trains might 1mm- convenience the rallroiiils to sonic extent , but It wouhir be of great benefit to the mumen In train bervlce , givIng them a ( lay at Itoimmo and an opportunIty to attend church , making better amen and citizens of them generally. " Only eight conductors , hmoweyer , say that sUclm a law Is feastble. Locomotive engineers In ICamisas have worked mit their trade on an average of teum years and tima average nuummlmer of hours of work per day was mime , at 33 cents per hour. They are all satIsfied with the length of the workday , A great imer cent of those reportIng say that time opportunity for tmmm- ployimment bus increased durIng time last year and assign " good crops anti nmore busliiess" as time cause , The average yearly pay of engtmmeers is $1,035 , ranging from $500 to $1,794. Time average cost of living is $715 iier year. Just two-tlmirds of them own thucir homes. Fifteen per cent of time cii- glimeors favor a compulsory Sunday rest lrt' , while otlmers say Sunday operatloums should be confined to time carrying of UnIted States uumail. Iii regard to legislation needed a large imumnber of engineers say : "Let thin raironul comnpammies tim Kaumsas alone. " Otlici want better arbitratIon haws , severe Penalty for blacklIstIng. Au Argeumtine engineer , wluo lost hut nmoney In the ArgentIne buiik faIlure , suggested a Iuvi as strlmmgemmt for bank wreckers as for baimlc robbers , Time average length of emmmumloyhncnt of raIlway fIremen In Kiiumsaii Is lIve years. Tie average mmunmber of work hours per ( lay Is tell and ono.hmalt , vitIi an average of 20 ccimta per hour. Coutmparcd with the year previous , the ophortuimity for eumm- Imloumnemmt hums greutti y Increased amid ' 'good lttll.Y 'i'IMIO 'I'tlIl.llS , ( Calm it ccl , ) JIICdGO. MIl..WAUKIOO tcc I CfiVC4 ' 3t , , Paul ltimtlway . - city 0 ' ickti ( Jilice , 2501 Futrnnm , WAU/I'EE Itrect Telephoimo 2S1. Iopot , 'l'entii Itulil Mason Streets. 1. 'relephmont' . 629 Leave. Arrive. C'imlcago Limited Exuircs'u . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:45 : pm ' 8:20 : am Omnutuut & .CliIcagO Expreis ' . " 11:00 : am " 4:15 : pm Ilintix ) Moinc IlxjireqV . " 11:01 : ruin " 1:15 : pm DaIIi. ' 'Daily except Suuitimmy. wwl OTIIOIISFAIL OO1JI.T DOTORS Searles & Searles SPECIALIi3TS GitimFitli tee I u eUi't' ICChily lund ruth- cruhly sill NIIt'OUS , GliltONlU AVI ) PIIiVA'I'lt , Ihaestscs it 3len anti WEA ( M SYPHIliS SFIXUALIiI' . cured for lIfe , Niht EmIssions , Lost Manhood , 11 droccle. Verleocels , Gonorrhea , ( heel , 5yi Ills , StrIcture , I'lIes , Fistula and Itcetsi Ulcers , lilabetel , Bright's DIsease cured , Consultatrbn Free. Shuiur and tit by new method without pain or cutting , Callon or address with stamp , 'rreatmen $ by mall , I 1510 CtDi ( Q V Ofifli 10 I1U.L .ithtIi .1 * I ULIIiLLQ Ii dUtlU.Ld. ULdJLs , 1L'i 2 - -V-- I crops nn'I good liriecs are blarnel tot' it. " The average imay of firemen icr Is $728 , hu4l the nertuge yearly cost ot liv- lag is $503.05. Ouuly nime In tlmo hole lnt Is not a minion immnu. Tlurcc.totirthug o V blue ftrrnmmen favor restriction of ImmIgratIon amid the otlmc'r trnurtlm stippresslon. 'iuo fireumuen want a teliow-setvnuit ha' , time cii- forceummemut of ( lie blacklist inuv. a IaV to eoimmhieh the adoption of safety ululihinnees smith a lictier nrhiitratlon law. Time mallroI lmmacliiliists workt'l aim n'or- ago of u'ighit imnd thirce-teiithms houurtu liar tiny iltiring the last year. nuil Prepiyctl $650 for their labor. Sorentyflvo yen edit of theumi favor amm eiglmt-hiour tIny. An increase iu wages is reported In just hail time cases. Nearly nil owmu their own luohlIcS , Fomeiguu iummmigrntlaim. ( lucy say , teals to increAse commmpetitlorm iii theii' ( vale auth dciu tflso wages. Ahiout 25 i'er edit of thmemn favor tIm complete stlpmressiumn of imulni gnat mum. As to SICCII1C state legislation ua'riheil they 'tiy : ' 'liar cult the trusts , it better appremitiqe- 811111 law , a shorter itmrk duiy. " ( limo uug- ITVts It ilt'crezumi iii railroaii taxation , It'ii ttli of llmuiinhuemt * , Time rettitna liow liuiut thin mivtirnge length of emumploynment of railroad station nglumts cml tumlegraphmtFs is ten year. Time avcrsge nunmber of Imotmrsvorketh imer tiny tlurhig thio last year was elt'vcmi unit elghut.teiutliit , anti Ill e'tits is ( lie overage iiay Rum lunar. This class of laborers is equally livldcuh aim ( Ito question of a timmlversuul eight-hour limw , Thin average wages received numnunily vere 8610. Thit' nvcmago cost of hiving is Ilguirad at $399.62. Two-llfilin of those reporting ulo hot belong to labor orgnmulr.atitiiis , S nmme say tlie9' "hiavo amoco eonilIeiii'e in time cciii- pany thinmi 1mm labor orgunmizatlommit. ' ' A lnv l suggesteil creatlmmg a state board of tale- gemupim exauiulimeruu amid reqtiirimmg a certain degree of l)1oflCiCflCSl also one roitIliittng the eniployunetmt of operators timidem' 21 enrs of age , ahurl to CnlumIeh time nilolition Of me Uimiformii aclucthuho at wages. Thurce-tlfthus of the operators atmul ttgcmmts reporting own tim cii' oi mm Itoummes. "Gooti crops mend better hihices for irC)11 ) tints' ' Is time veasoum given by flmauuy liailco- macui replot lmmg , simowlug y1y ehuploylmment iim their lIne has hueen increascI. The nv.'r- age lny of me br.mlcenmnmi Is 19 yenta aim hour. All favor an elghmt-Iioumr es'orklaTime mmv- emogo wagea earned by emmeb for time year was $ GGS.70. mmiii the average cost of llvlumg ivtms $529.46. "Forelgum lummimmigrat Iou ( aura away our everk , " they 5Z3 % , MCII ) ' of ( item vamut a. Stnmday rt'st law , amid sever.ml go so far as to stiggiust thot all huliuil of traifle ho I4USIQhuuIl omm Suimulay so that tralmmniei , ein have a chamice to go to chtmrcihu. Otlar3L'vmu : itcedeil , accordIng to time iiralcaimien's hInt , arc : "Commipulsory erbltratlnu , " "iiioiitlo for tlio euilihiOliicmit ) of whIte bralmi'mumemm 01113' out pasaruiget' traimlu , aimd three ItrakeuulcIm on .ill freiglmi. trains of over twemity cars , ' ' "it goal liability law , ' ' ' 'to cnmlmlmel iallrouis to give CuiilIO'Imleutt ) to mmmcii CmlPllt'I ) or VOhO out 1mm thou' service , " ' 'to Coinieh all ioad' to lmnvo a giiavel Pal has t , ' ' a imd ' ' to couui hmt'l o I 1 Imnidg's aimI wires to lie ten ( cat above ( Ito top of tIme bingo box cara , " Tiw track Ioreiiic'im humve worked at ( lint imti5lhiesi cii run average tir milute y'ars flmmd relmott that they got their jobs by "pro- nmot Ion. ' ' \\'ork ilurl ng ( lie I a s t ycum r un s greatly immcrcased oh necotiuit of "good crops tumid gooth liICdS. " Tie average iimmy or a section forcuimiuc lu $5 17.11 a year , while Imis cost of lIvIng Is $ 167,89. 'l'l'u' ' fotcitiemm do mint. as me nun , belong In labor nimloui , Ouie nays he doesim't cimre to ituliolig to a u mm bit liecauso I I cloosmi 't do a a tell t lois I - fleas. Tue laying of steel rail tmumclcm ( emmils to hcsiieui tile ieoulc after It Is haitI. Tlio foreimmemu favor the restrict lout of inmunlgra- tloum. Oiie said : ' 'Foreign immigratIon is depreasimig Iji every Si3ilKe , amorally , mliys- lcal I y a al flummuticla I ty. ' ' The iort'mmi cmi uvoit I d llltn to have elgimt-hiour work days arud a force of at least tao flulIum amid a fnremnmmii on ever' seycim mules of track. 'l'lds ( lucy claimmm would diuimiuiisht the damiger to ias- scmmgcrs aimd Iii time long ruin wouulil Lie imm ccommouumical liming for the COmmmlaimles ) to tb , Time seetloum immcmm give ( llitereiit excuses as to wimy time ) ' took tip that class of work for a living. Soimie say to better their contlltloui , while others assert tile ) ' coulilmm't fiimd ammythimmg else. Thmey have worked on track on timm average of three years , ten htouirs a day. TheIr average yearly cant- tugs are $319.36 , whilie their costs of ltvummg average $321.61. This show a tlaficinuicy , but tIme section iumeum explalim that the reason of this Is that all jirothticts humuve imenim high durIng time last year , Over 50 per cent of tliehmm owim theIr itoumics. 'I'hey have bought ) V thmenm while workiimg oum the section. They hole thtuit the railroads will lie seized with a generous streak amid raise their ivages to corml'ornm wIth ( lie lmrlces of grub If ( Ito latter V keeps ill ) much longer. 'riley nra mnalcimig no demnantla for legislation , One of titemim litit It this wayVe : are not cxiiectlmmg any legislation In our favor. " A miscellaneous lot of cmumployes in tlifter- eimt jobs report tlmnt things generally look much bnigitteri SCA ItiOn 'i'O lll1'ul ii V 1.1 U li'I'XINI. Patti I 'l'errar aIf mu 31 11tH. , , , ci ilmi ii iii it 'J'lmuIIl'i'i.hm'II , John lhcnlii of Mouuegaw , Springs Mo. , a negro of unusual sIze fluid 35 years aid , was frIghtened to tlentit recciily dumrihmg tltt progress 1)1 time mnost violent t'Jec'tz'lcal , Whit amid raIn atormn cvei knoevmm Itt that sc'ctlomt of MissourI. lie mcsidcul with his vbfc aimd I wo cliii- ( Ireii 1mm a log limit hutuilt lii a heavIly wooded riectioum. ruring me teummporary hmll Iii the electrical boimilairulmnent ROdii uuose umiti . dressed lireParatoul' to takIng Iii fiuually tea a muiore secure ldmmco itmimomig tlto nearly rocks. Ito semis olrendy badly frlgiitc'umel , and euhicut , oil lie leached ( lie dour , nit uuum- tistuti I y sevcie ( hi U nil arch a p. acco am uiti mm It'd by a blindIng lIahi of hihitnlnt ; , lii 01cc directly over tite little cmubltm , Rotlil stood thmuuts _ fixed mm moonlcmmt , ( butt , lila eyes iolling wildly , lie ( cli to ( lie 11001 , chotichilng thieje in the mlinilows. lIe nttfmmnlmted to say a mayor , but ( Ito word ( auid hlumm. lie could only moan aim d ciusp at time u out ghm lion r iv I th hi is imai Is , this beimig lirovon hiy time lacaratcil crinill. 110mm of hut iialis anti fIngers. Jim his migommy of filglmt ito nito bit emmtireiy through lila ummiler lip. A ttilccectiimmg fiery streidi of highitmilng which struck Chil splimitercul n ncighmhorhmig oahc counpiotoni the hmoek ( a thu nervous system antI stiperstitboum mmature of ( lie negro and lie exhibictI , \'ien viewed tubs mimorithlig time exprc's. I tuioim eli the face of time dccemieib suns ( crib- ide hucyommil pIcture , his eyes irotntmdnl ( remit his head , much as though tue vIctim hail died from strangulation , tii tipper teeth Ware tmnleldo1 lit time loiter liii , time hues In ( lie face were drawn , nimi time cords In time miecli uvre swollen to twice their mmormmiai I size. 'J'hmo feet antI ! iinhis were drawmm elocly to the body and ( lie hmammtls nail lIngers wuro cavercil whim blood amid filIal ii Ithi suiiriters cumumucI by his fm'uhmtic clutching ut time mougim boards ( ormnimmg ( lit cnbiim liner. hut ( or tlit , tlmiuchy arrival of mii'ighiborn liuntitmy mnoinimig it is ihe gemtoial opililoru that Mrs. hiolti , imife of time deceama'tl , would liam'e mart thttm samhme fate mis hem husband. .Shuii foutmil eIoUchimmg ( lii ii dci It corner ( 'ii ri a rc ( a i ii ii ii r d So I ii I a' \13I1IUJTON , July 10-Orders live been ! semut to tie cnnmnmammiliimg tihlicer at Key 'est I iim rt'gumr.l to thin dispimithomi of the wothutici I soidlem a now belumi ; hrougltt to thiutt vort I (101mm Santiago aim time I steamer Chieroicee , 'l'iieru ale 325 iasea : on the uteamnur , of I which 100 are serIous , Sonic of theo pa. tiemitH mviii be rc'hmtoyed from the steamer at lIt. ) . West amid semit to the lmospltal at thiat I pluce. 'l'lio steamer will ( lien limocccd to Tanmpa , eeimero a hospItal taut iii In waIt- lag to take time wouimdc'tI soldiers to hmsimi- ( lila attlata and I'ort Monroe , Va , Tb. I ( 'hmerokeu Is i"qecteil to arrive sit Key West today. I