Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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- - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'liii I OMAhA. IAILY UIHiI ; i'i ; i 1 , 18fl8. . 5
! iAciiusiiis DAY TODAY
. Lieutenant Oovunor Crane and Party Reach
the OiLy ,
- -
4 'i Osi- , f ( lit , I1r ( Stnte , to trecpt flue
* I- In ; flnllni i. Vipuif the lolL
I' tiul 'I II ll. Velt'ohlll
teiorilltigl ,
Lleuten arpt ( overnor W , Murray Crarm
( tn(1 the other members or the MaStItht13ett
delegation cimsen bY the leglzlnttire of that
_ , RLate to ornclaIly repreaent It at the TrJn3
/ ' 1naalasIlp1 1xIo3tlon VIay arrived ofl their
iqieclal yestvrlny morning , little Iicforo 9
oclock. Their train wna the aecc1 ect1on
or the Chicago & Northwestern overlanti
Ilrnttetl. Aitogetht ; there are nbout Lorty
III the ( lC1eflt1Ofl.
A ytnr ¶ go n Invlthtin was exten(1e ( ( to
MaasachlBetta % 'to partIcljate In the exposi-
LIon by payIng It a formal visit , which Inn-
* 'tiltion waa rea4lly accepted , The loglalwture
eIected tour nicmber ot the fitato sonata
int1 ten rnernber3 of the lower hotiac , nnl n&
the matter had beeti rcferretl to the commit.
te on federal relatlona In the ordinary
. vourae of legialative nctlbn , that committee
s as also 1tignaLed to go niong. The gon.
ernor , linger Wolcott. ntul the atato officials
anti th OXCCtILIVO council ieSlLltg vorc in.
citnied. Tolay I lnsachtisetts tiny. the oc-
. caslon to ho fittingly oiiacrve with a. I'm-
gram of speochc3 afll ( enjoyments at the ox-
IJo4Ition , ( ovcrnorVoIcott himseir was
jreventeil fioin Coming by the exigencies of
. Uio Ireaentar with Sptln ,
\Vhen tim delegation eame In Getieral
: lnnagor T. S. Clarktm of the exposition ,
Wit-IL LI seore or carriages , was at the depot
waiting. The vIsitor. were at once driven
to the Millard iote1 and perrnlttrd to spend
the slay In the wys best uItel to their owit
tates. During the forenoon Lieutenant
( uvernor Crane , John L. ilates , speaker of
the MaaaachiIaetts house of mepre.entativcs ,
tnt1 Edward F. Ilanilin , executive secretary ,
Went to the 1lrst Methodht EpiscpaI
church to 1itor Rev. Jenkiti Lloyd Jones tIIs
cuss the topic of religious unity. Mr. Dates'
fathcr is a Boston minitrm of wide reputation -
tion , Hen. Lewis 11 , Bates , the pastor of the
Dromfield Street Metflodist Episcopal church ,
'rue ether members went driving in various
u1ircctine over * the city viewing points ot
* interest , inot of themgolng out to the cx-
iosition ground. . The exposition was gen-
.l % - orally visited in an Informal manner again
p 'in the ifterncon and many 'of the deioga-
tion hearU Dr. Jones t the Auditorium.
- . VIio Are in Ilie Vzirt
The eceurslon from the old Bay common-
: wenitit cotisists of the following : Liouten-
an , Governor \V. Murray Crane and staff ,
Colonels \'iiliain C. Capelle. assistant adjutant -
jutant general ; harry E. Converse. assistant -
* ant quartermaster general ; Roger Morgan ,
assistant quartermaster general , and Frnnic
Ii. teveiis , ide-de-camp , Conimittee of
\ , the executive council : John H. Sullivan ,
* . ( Eiisha II. Shaw and Horace II. Atherton ,
* and Executive Secretary Edward F' . Ilumlin.
State officials : Edward P. Shaw , treasurer
* aiil iecetver general ; John W. Kimbali , ati-
tUtor ; George a Smith , president of the
senate , and John L. Bates , speaker of the
house. Committee on federal relations :
Senators Henry Parsons , Wilson II. Fair-
batik , Daniel ' 1) . Itourke and Itepresenta-
* tives Eugene B. Estes , John 0. Slocuin ,
Francis Ii. Furmar , Joseph M. Philhrick ,
Frederic P. 1)mako and William Kelis , Jr.
Joint special legislative comtnitteo : Seaa-
tars Joseph II. Farley , George F. Putnam.
Charles 0. DaIley and Representatives Albert -
bert Clarke , Wiliniomo 13. Stone , John II.
: I'otice , Harvey C. Smith , Julius C. Anthony ,
Jeremiah J. McCarthy , Walter S. V. Cooke ,
Otis M. Cove. Alfred S. hayes nnd Carleton
F. how. Clerics Henry 1) . Coolidge of the
4 senate and Janies W. Kitubail of the house.
* Colonel J liii G. 11. Adams , sergeant at arms ,
Job , , B. Smith of the Iloston Ilerahl , Color
Bearer David T. Remington and C. H. Wil-
soil also accompany the Part ) ' . Colonel
Adams is in charge of the delegation , and
1dr.'ilsoii attends to the transportation.
The delegation left the Massachusetts
state caPitOl On Tlitirsdny last. A thiy on
the way was sient at. Niagara Falls. aiso
; * , a day at Chicago. At the latter city Mayor
Carter Ilarrisoit gave them a cordial wel-
; coiite , and 501110 compliments of an oratori.
cal nature were exchanged while Chicago's
hospitality % as being enjoyed , Lieutenant
Governor Crane , President Smith of the
seiiato and Speaker Dates each making a
'response to the welcomes.
' . It being Sunday tile entire day after the
t arrival hero vaa lassel in au informal mann-
,7 11cr. The official welcome will be extended
today with formal exercises In the Audi-
torlum at the exposition. A banquet will
be tendered the delegation on Tuesday even-
111g. The visit will continue until Vcdnes.
day afternoon , at which time a start on the
return lmoimio will be annIe.
All the niembera of the party wear ironze
inedala bearing the seal of tliem' state , the
date of their departure from Massachusetts
'liiil the nanio nntl location of the Trans.
nisziss1ppI Ixpo'itlon.
, , l.ittie PohIt1t'H.
i. Ilii UI . .
* Y Naturally , illafliltIchI (1.5 the national republican -
publican league is about to hold its conven-
tloii here , thm' tonversatioli of the exeor-
' ion1sta turns ocasionily to irnllti. Mns-
snehilsetta Is co solidly republican that there
Is no iOSiblo 1mm , for a democrat , altliotight
itt tlmiic tue state does take a streak and
oleet a tlcniocrutlc governor , as was the case
1S ithi W'illiant fl. lUisseli , whose young life
; o sudiienly terminated while oa a visit to
Canada. lint then ltils3cli WOS the only
Otto Oil his ticket fortullute enough to have a
Tite atate gave Mr. McKinley a plurality
of 173,2a5. Governor Walcott got 'a iittraiity
t last year of 85,513 , but there was a great
tailing off Iii the vote , for Governor Wal-
( Ott' 165,0D5 represented .t fraotlon over 01
Ier cCIt , vhiiat. ! Mr. McKinley's cleetor3 received -
t ceived 278,976 , and yet , that was hardly 70
per cent of tlie total vote.
Of the state's congressional delegation of
fourteen only one is P. democrat , John F.
FItzgerald of time Fourth district , u povuIoIm
tronghoid of Boston democracy of the Itils-
8cli kinui-gohi stanilaril , 'Fltzgernld sony
be rctUrnel , lint 'there wiil ho no trouble
.with the other districts , " said lieu. Jeremiah
I. McGarfliy , 'hiio discussing 'this ' phase.
' \Ve wlii renominate all the old stub
Before using Cu'rIccBA SoAs' , lily face antI
hands wers just as rough as could ho anti may
t Taco was all covered vlth pimples. I was uu.
' t to iook at , hut after using CCITICU1L.t SOAl
* three weeks , my lace was Citiai to veict.
Feb. 0 , lOt)5 ) , 1'IJL ltTL'RL , Chaler , La.
t I suffered with imiackheads anti liniP10B for
two or three years oath It became chronic. I
tried everything Imaginable , but it did Inc DO
good. CurmcunA SOAP cured mns.
Fob , 09 $ . L. V. (1IIJ.IAM , Oak I' . 0. , Va.
I Tali troubled fOr eight years with Pinililes
on the face. I conuneaceit using CLTI'LTP.A (
' . . . . * 101In a 'very abort time hum i1il1mi1 sit
A disap.eared and amy ekimi is 110W LU a healthy
commiiltion , JAui : vosii'it ,
Feb. 17 , I8B. flixmnout , Allegheny Co. , Va ,
1'tee 550. I'uTflIDsvc ,
Liceuiru. Ct'ir.pots l'r.pi. . Sn.toa.
1" lLw to Lust snS Cur. &n11U , " * uillcd flo.
' . .
ticket , " he mtail , "ns this I. limnmnliir thone in
omit. Rtnti O 'DI Iml CIII' officisi at l'ast
two years in office , as wa elm'et enry yl'Jt.
Ni'xt year lAetltt'n'ant tloncrr.or Crane may
suecceil Governor \Vnlt'ott , nimul Speaker
lhte may be nmnih licuteiinnt-govetnor.
Mr. Crane and Mr. Dates Arc both popular.
"In my distrirtViIIInni F. flarrett , the
ethitor of tue hloston Amhncrt.mer ! end Itecord ,
'sho now rm'preents It iii congress for ? he
second term , , ieciinel , is renomination about
three months ago , hlchi the way cltar for
rome other republican. The newspapers
have hail something 'to say about myself as
a candidate for Mr. llarrett's seat , and I may
tiecimle to run. "
Like Ftzgfraltl's di'tt'ict ' ' that represen ted
by Mr. flnrtett is a flooo district , but en-
tlrely of another political complexion , Mr.
il.trratt receIved 22,759 , votes , gabnst 10,60.1
for lug dcmr.ocrattc opponcrt , l'iiliip J.
The stnte vote taat last year for Lieutenant
biovmmnor Crane , Treasurer 51mw and Audi-
for Kimbali ran about 14,000 , against 74.000
for their democratic opponents.
Tlo appropriatIon made by Mas.ne1musetts
(0 COYCT the expcnse of this Official trip
was $ G.000.
' \vo hava hail a most enjoyable trip , " said
Lieutenant Governor Crane t the Millard
lava evening , after conilog In from a thrive
over the city , "nail I am sure we will cnrri
back with us rome good impressions of your
wide awake anti progressive western country.
I hate not lCeIi oilt to the exposition yet ,
but those of our party who have any they
are surprised beyond measure , I expect to
'see all I cati of it while here.
"Time fame tf the Tranamississippi EXO.
sitioi1 has spread all over the east , md I believe -
lievo that you sill see thousands hero from
Now England before tt cloacs. To COIlIC
hero in person and see tim progress mnado
On this side of the gre'.it 'Father or Waters'
is to monet of us a revelation , Indeed. I I is
hito and push everywhere. "
( Continued from First Page. )
cause ho SPoke In the interest of common
humanity nntl touched a chord of common
sympathy ill the hearts of all present.
'l'he speaker told of several other representatives -
sentatives of foreign lands whose appearance -
ance indicated lithe of the startling truths
to which they gave utterance when it came
titmie for them to deliver the message they
linti brought , drawing lessons from all of
these incidents.
Ill stmnlmning Ui ) he declared that these
representatives came to the parliament free
of the impedimenta of fornis and formulas
and brought simply the naked truth which
stood out with startling force. lie declared
that when the preachers and missionaries
tearmi to leave behind them their impedimenta -
menta and go to foreign lands in light
marclling order , equipped with such ammo-
nition as the Sermon on the Mount , tile
story of the prodigal son , and others of a
hike nature , thousands wiii be found ready
to receive 1110 light of tIme gospel.
Iii closing Rev. Mr. Jones said lie hoped
to coma to Omaha again in time fall to at-
tenth the meeting of tile Liberal Congress ot
Religions and lie expressed the belief that
tile congress will ( ho much to prolong the
inihuenco of the Parliament of Religions.
After the singing of "America" by the
entire congregation the benediction WaS pronounced -
nounced by 11ev. Dr. Thomas.
Showing by Uexlco Es a Suririse
to MO'4t ' YINifOVN.
The New Mexico exhibit is the flrst tea-
turo to attract the attention of visitors to
tile Mines building as they enter from the
Iiornsan avenue cntiiflce. It 13 the largest
nilaerai collection in tile building niitl in
many respects ft is a revelation to thousands
of people WhlO were ntt prcVIoU3iy avare of
time extensIve mineral resources of that yet
OtlIy partially developed territory. The
center space is Olicil entirely with basul-
SOnIC eIght-foot oak cnse , so arranged that
tilt ) contents can be seems at a glance. These
are lhlicil Withl rich specImens of gold , sil-
vcr , copper , lead , able , tin , Iron anl other
metals , from tile dull gray suhilbates to tile
most beautiful and delicate forms of crystail-
zatlons. The showing In each species is exhaustive -
haustivo and afforde a complete &tudy of
the various formations and varieties.
For instance the gold specimens 8110W tile
metal in the fornls known as wire , nugget ,
scale , dust and flour , as veil as several
kinds of rock , and In Its combinations with
other ores. The sliver specimens embrace
so ninny formations thiat they excite the
wolldermeilt of time observer at the marvelous
work of nature. Ilere ore seen the wire sliver -
ver , flakes , nugget , herse , chlorides , sul-
PhildCS , oulphaCcs , sulphurettes , bromides aol
numerous other forms besides the formations
In whIch the slIver Is blended wlthi the lead ,
Iron , zinc and other ores.
Next to these are shown tue copper ores
anti In beauty mind yam icty of fovoatiotl thie'ie
excel any other forul of ore formation. ' 1 tie
richness of coloring and the fine , delicate
cvystaiizationa of the mn'alachites , azut'tcs
and cupritcs form a stlliy vorthy of tin
tirtiitt'e peilcil , : iiil omnlanh1 Vito unstinteil
admiration or tao visitor , 'Inc copper x -
hibit also otters a wide field of stUdy for the
nllneraiogist , for in addition to the varicti's
mentioned above there are nunicrous sped-
111cn $ of native , wire and Sileet copper , is
well as th lovely pyrites , xides and turloils
other forms.
The ieti1 ores also CoilatitutO an interest-
lug study On account of the great variety
that is oxtiihiiteth. They Include the sul-
plates , suiphides , wolfrumites , carrussitcs ,
snail carbonates anti various other forms and
crystalizations. Thlen conies an exhibit of
iron ores thlat ahios's a similar variety of
fti'ZiitltiOtlS , aiid a case of mixed ores which
Include speeiinc'na of zinc , tin , cinnabar ,
aluiniiitimn , illatimiunl , mangamiese , wolfram-
Ito , suiplmut' , vhosphiates anti other silcdIc.
One of tbe most interesting features to
the general visitor is the CXteilSiVe exhibit
of gems anti pm'ecious stoneS. These speci-
mans inciude turquoise , rubies , flnlethi'StS.
gaflictll , agates , opals , topaz 011(1 a score of
other anti less familiar varieties , These
cases conlpriso the center group 00 tuG
main aisle , but at. tile sitle are a. large nulim-
ber of additional cases which contain large
amltt particularly noteworthy s1)ecIincns of
gold , silver , copper , lead , 51110 antI lroii
ores , as veii as coai and coke , These are
also supplt'meiiteti by a large exlmihit of
btiiidimig stones , lIre clays unit mambhes.
In athditioii to the purely mineral features
tile relic hitimiter finds a miumnber of interest-
log curios scatteretl tlirouli the exhibIt. Omic
is the historic old bell of New Mexico , which
was cast in lr79. ut wu peaeefuliy in a
church belfry until IOSO , when the church
was destroyed by the Indians , anti in 1731
it vLts dug out of the ruins of time old Span-
ishi city of Grande Quivera. It was then
taken to tile Sun Miguel church at Socorro ,
sbieh vits also destroyed by time Indians
and ttio inhabitants driven ottt of the coon.
try. The tOWil Was resettled in 1806 nOd the
old bell was again resuscitated , The bell
weighs 401 i'ounds and is composed of gold ,
sliver anti copper incited together. It bears
the distinction of having been the first , belt
to ring Oil the Amnemican continent ,
Another remarkable curiosity is an ohih
bottle that is alieged to be 512 years old.
It was made in 1387 antI was used by the
Spaniards as a means of conveying impor-
taut documents , It was twice seat to htoniu
by its owners anti brought back filled with
holy water for time baptism of their cliii.
dren , and it Is said to be the oldest bottle In
Oilier relics of the same character are
ihoiui , iucludiag isa old compass , a mail-
- -
stone tind a group of stone itiols of the tire-
historic' ncs.
'Flie eximilmit Is In charge of ( 'OmmlssIont'r
J J. Leeson of New Mexico , who is nianys
In nttendnnee to furnish visitors sitli any
lnformncmtiotm ( lint t1m" tonY require.
IiiiiNlt , iteu ,
The first liar of silv4'r ore that ns run
out of the Sliver City riuctiomi vorks 'mi
shiipleii to tue exiosition and was lilnecil
iii the 4ew Mexico exhibit yesterday ,
The nlalmagemeot has designated August
2 as 1lower day and ott that occasion time
flower carnival s Iii be inaugurated under
the uhirectioui of the Ihtireati 'of Cntertain-
The Minnesota exhibit has beemi nug-
mnemiteil by an interesting model of one of
the Iulutim ot'o docks. It is complete eveti
to the figures of the orkmen nmi'1 gives a
practical Ilitistmatiomi of the methods of
handiiiig large quantities of ore tor $11111.
Commissioner Leeson has arranged a novel
decoration to set off the New Mexico mining
exhibit , A big eomlsignoleflt of getlUine
Navajo blankets has just been received and
these will be artistically draped around the
booth to servo the double purpose of decora-
blots flild the ilitmatration of a 'ery notable
industry of the state.
A proposition has been made to tlma
omnan's congress committee of the exposi-
tiari to give a pem'fomninncc of the "Mikado' '
on the Grand l'iaza Seine tulle Ia August.
The mnanngenlent omlcouragos the idea anti
a meeting of those lnterestetl is called for
8 o'clock tomorrow evening at the Cool-
mnerciul club to consider the niatter.
Assistant Superintomltlont Goodwin of the
Mimics building has effected a vast improvement -
mont by redrimpimig the inimnense Utah flag ,
w hiidhl is a prominent feature Ill the decorit-
tions. The flag vns so large that when it
Imung in four festoons each quarter drooped
so low that the effect s'as sioileti , Now It
has hiecn caught up into amnali sections and
makes a inagn iflecnt decoratiOll.
Iulmigs of ilt ( t'iirnniit 114)M mat Their
Iteu.lezvoims 'Vn lfl'ui iii
lIlc Litnul ,
CIIICRAMAUGA , Ga. , July 7.-SpeCiSh (
Corrcsponihence.-Tho trial of Private John
(1. Maher of the Secontl Nebraska , which has
ttttracted wide-spread atteiitlon owIlIg to the
fact that Mr. Maher is a colonel on 'the staff
of Governor llohcomb uf Nebraska , is at
last at an cud and the accuseth has been released -
leased from the guard house and restored to
hia dutiea as a soldier , Th court. simply
recommended that lie be publicly repri-
manded. Following Is an extract of a review -
view of time case from division hieadqtiarters :
Ga. , July . , 1898.-Private Johil G. Mitfler ,
Company II , Second Nebraska infantry , hay-
Immg been tried by a general coui't-mmmartlnl ,
conyencl at the haadquaitcrs Cflli ) of the
First brigade , First division , Third corps ,
aild found guilty of a violation of the sixty-
secontl article of var , by failing anti refus-
lag to oiey the order of a conmiiiissioneti
officer , was sentenced "to be 1)01)11db' rtp-
rimailded on iiamadu by tbe coninianditig
officer of said regiment. "
The lrocceditlgs in this case were so care-
lcssly prepared , so fraugilt With error , uii ,
so defective , with resroct to the tisumii
methods , usages and customs of court-tour-
tlal lrocodurc , that it would tie iniliossiblo
to point out the errors in detail. Repeatedly
the proceedings fail to show that the court
was cleared for deliberation , or that the accused -
cused and the judge advocate were with-
drawn. Ia pashimg upon objections of coun-
sd , time PrestmmnltiOti from record is that tha
court was never cleared , and In some instances -
stances the objections of the accused were
too leniently considered. Record of time cx-
act time of adjoUrnnment in sonic places was
omnittoti and one officer who lmnd been cx-
cuseti from sitting as a 'nicmnbci' Oil the
trial appears afterwarti to hmav.a beoml prc-
ent amId participated ill time Iroceeh1img5.
In its findings tile court omitted to designate -
nate tile accused by name and time sentence
of raprimand of an cimlisted soldier. aside
from beimig inadequate , was most unusual
and irregular. The evidence In this case
showed beyond doubt willful and deliberate
disobedience of eiders on thi part of tile
accused anti after the flailing of guil , bothi
sleciflcation and cimarge , It was the
imperatis'o duty of the court , under its
sworn obligations "to determine tim case
vithmotit vartlahity , favor or nffcctinn , according -
cording to tile itrovIsiemIs of time rules anti
articles for time govcrimmeimt of time amniies
of time United States" and especially at a
tln'a like this , wlieil the ariiiies arc engaged
Iii nctual war , to fix a punishmmnent commensurate -
surate with time most dangerous crime a
soldier can he guilty of. Trials 111cc this ,
aside froni the Injury they work to the true
discipline of the army , forni a mere tray-
sty upon justice.
In view of time many irregularities antI
more or less fatal defects in the proceedings
iii this case , the proccethings and sentence
urn disapproved. I'rlvate Maiier will ito me-
stored to duty , bitt he is atimnonishie1 that
there is no limit in time of war to the pun-
Ishmnent which a court-martial can inflict
upon the soldier who flagrantly disobeys a
iavfui order , amid it behooves hmiiit In time
future to so coiitltict iminist'if as to as-old time
mmac'esitity of further discipline In tilts ye-
By command of flrigadtqr General Grant.
J. A. DAPItA ,
Captnin anti A. A. C. , U. S. V. , iijutant
The court wimicim tried time cape has been
tiisi'olvcd , An order to ( lint effect was issued -
sued from division hicadqnarters yesterday.
PrIvate Mahit'r was m'eiensed from tim
guard house Tuesday night anti was soon
imurrounded aimil congratulated by friends ,
including many officers of the regiment. lie
has hind timim carmiest aynmpathmy of the regi-
ma r'n t.
First Lieutenant howard F. Jeffrey of
the Secomni Noliraska imas iieim appointed a
niemaber of tim coimrt-nmtmrtlal of time Socomid
brigaile , First division , Timiril corps.
Lieutenant Colonel Olsen heft Tuesday
nighmt for Staunton , In. , hiavimig received
later nilvices that lila tlauglmtcr was seriously
Injured in a rtmnaway. One of her arms , it
it ; tlmoimghmt , wiii lmavo to be amnptmtaieti. mIrs ,
Olsoim anui hmer daughter are visiting rein-
tives in Iowa.
Corporal Charles T. Leo of company C
has been finally discharged on account of
thtsaiiiiities. Time appilcatlon for lila tile-
cimarga passed through numimemoims Imeadmitmar-
tomB anti came omit literally covered with
Time band returned yesterday from ( 'imat-
tanooga attei' tin abseimeo of tbm'co 'lays.
This band is a laurel-winning orgnmiizntion ,
The regimnont now nimnmlmers Il9 men ,
ammil has mint yet received its Mi number
of recruits.
Major R. E , Griffin of Lincoln has or-
rtved at the vark to accept a pocittomi as
surgeon in the armny.
Private \Viliianm Barnum of conipany 0 ,
wimo line been sick iii the division hospital ,
has returnetl to the mcgiiimemmt , ainmcmst recovered -
covered ,
MaJor Mapcs , one of tint most polnilar
officers of the regimemmt , Iii in rommunnil
dImming time abseneo of Licutemmamit Colonel
'i'Jumtiika of t lit' Sol ii lerM ,
Time editor of Tie : Bee iias been asked to
voice pihliciy % tue thamiks of tlioe members
of thie First New York 'olunter regiment
'hmo represent Coinpmtny M of that coummand
for tue great kitmdumess shown theta by tiw
lmonomnblo mayor and time ladles anti gentle.
Inca of Omaha , withm the assurance timat
they will mlever forgot ti' . ' imaspitailty shtowim
by its citizens , and should Omnmmha people
ever ray a visit to Kingston , N. V. . that
little city on the hluthoim. thefr mothers ,
w'ive and mtwecthmeom'ts will emmavor in
sonme way to show their appreciation.
is eqtmimily nourisimitmg to time nurslmmg mothmer
wimo ttmkes it aimd the babe who gets the
indirect benefit , Moit-Nutrine is prepmtreti
by the fanmous Animeuscrfluseim hirewimig
Atts'tt , which fact guarantees time purity , cx-
cchienco and merit claimed for it.
- ,
' - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - -
Ii ' 5P
'I. pe
mIinittcr hatch tint1 1sr1y Are Picased with
I 1
I'r.I lt't hut t $ ? I'1V Vt-airs I lit ,
l'e'nmde' ut ( ouiumt r ) . 'iii
ltt'JoliqOs i'ri tHu .tt'tiui .IOhmt
tii hit' OiI ! Jiiimmut'ql , ,
, , , v
A number of hawaiian notabiesm spent a
short tinme itt Omaha yestertlay morning.
Itoing 1mm a hurry to catch the next steamer
for their ndotitetl hanil they could mmot stop
off to visit the cxpsition , although they
were imrgeti 'to tb by Mnor T. S. Clark-
son , who was ot the train o mect them ,
In time hlam'ty were : Francis M , llatch ,
minister of Hawaii 'to ' the Uniteth States :
Lorin A. Thurston , presidemit of ( Ito
hawaiian Annexation club ; , Iamnes A. Water-
Isoitie , a prominent member of 'the llnwaiian
senate , and Mrs.'ntehouse ; Jaimme B.
Castle , proprietor of tue hhomioiulu Minor-
tiser anti secretary to Minister hatch ; Robert -
ert tV. Shingle , iias'aii's eonmmisaioncr to
the exposition anti editor of th honolulu
Star , anti A. L. C. Atkinson. The tvo hatter
joined the party in this city. Mr. Shingle
accompanied them a short distance west-
ward. Mr. Atkinson is going to locate lwr-
nmammemmtly in hawaii ,
The party left W'ahiimmgton imnmuetiiateiy
after the massnge of time ammmmex tioo bill by
congress and caimme In from Chicago on thu
Northwestern-Union P.'tciflc Overland Limn-
itei train , They wihi sail train Siam l"ram-
risen on Wednesday mornimig for their hiommit.s
iii time mmcmv territory ,
That all of 'time visitors were in good spirits
was no hard to discern , Tlmey hiatt imarti
work to keep fmni smiling vith glee every
Uimie the atmimexatiomm of timclr island to this
country was nientioned , As Conminissioner
Shingle had not amet sonic of time others
since time act of congress that umeans So
much to ithmeimi , imo hind quite a ratification
meeting with them over 'time event , and the
staid old station eniplayes rubbed tlmeir eyeS
to see full grown muon hugging each other
with intense delight ,
hiimjpy ( ) m'er Ilie ItoMimIf ,
Itt speaking of tIme siew condition Mr.
Thtmraton said : 'We nrc happy over tIme an-
nexatioim of Hawaii. That about. sums time
immattor up 1mm a nutshell , We hmme worked
hiarti to bring ubout this event , and have
rensoim to rejoice at its flumal accomplishment.
It means mmmdi to us , but it imicans a great
deal to the United Sitatce. "
Of time Ilnwaiiaim coimimission jtmst ap-
poiimteti im emmiti : ' 'It coimldum't be inmproved
upoii. I'resident McKinley imas selected a
sot of very able atop for the coimminission ,
anti we are satisfied timey wilt treat us
fairly. That is mmii 'e'vant. It is uimder-
stooti they wihh start for Hawaii withmimm a
fortnight , nmmtl will got . down to work soon ,
\Ve ammttcipato no imiteim imm time atmmmcxation
program. The provislops of the resolution
will be carried omit tvitjmomit delay. ' '
Senator Waterimotise , wims , porhmams , the
mnost enthusiastic member of time party. lie
said : "We're' going bmmk well pleased with
time result of our 'mission. Now that an-
nexatloim Is an asstiretl fact I timink mimost , of
time vcoimle of time Vnieti ! States , oven timose
who bitterly oppos d the annexation of time
islands , are satisfied with the result. I have
met a number who epressed themselves
that way ,
'This is a thing'we hong imave sougimt. We
hmav worked hard o bitmg it about , Many
times we lmave been discouraged and almost
despaired oficces , tgimt after night time
meombers of time ntncxation club Imave nmet
at my house amid discussed the outlook for
annexation in a timost gloomy immatter. But
somime of us kept up hope all time wimile aimti
hover stopped workiimg for time one eimd in
'm'hmls Comiii ry Gmmimi't , sm mmcli ,
have gained immucim , but tim people
of this country have gained even more.
\'lmeii tlmey find what rich products Hawaii
will contribute to this couimtry they xviii
hot regret aimimexation. l'resident McKinley
hiatt treated the matter fairly timmougimont and
has appointed a strong commission , I calm
say for lminm that lie is tue only president
of time United States who ever beat time
itoworfui sugar trust , niith lie did it in time
nmost effective way imnagimmable. if he simoulti
iO reimmembered for notuming else that vie-
tory should make imis minnie faimmous. "
Minister hatch said : "There is little to
add to what imas already becim said for us.
We are all uleased. 'rime details of the an-
imexation 'mviii be carried omit as soon as
the conmmnission gets down to work , which
simoilhtl not be bug now. "
Mr. Shingle sntd "Tue annexation Is
goiimg to imelp our display at time exposition
nmaterially. One of time most Importammt tea-
tmmrcs of our cximitiit is time collection of sugar
cane and samples of Hawaiian sugar. We
onmitted thus feature peimiling time anrmexa-
tion proceetlimigs , because ve didn't care to
enmbitter the sugar peopie of this country
any further. Now we are goimmg to get this
part of tIme exhibit here right away.'iien
it arrives I timimmic time peophe will be agreeably -
ably surprised to mmcc what we raise ,
"Wlmen time islands got. to working closely
with time tjnited States there wilt ho no
regret that they have been annexed. Tlmey
wilt contrlbtmte largely to this country's
conmimmerce. And imhi of us kimow that Presi-
tlcnt McKimiiey conhd not lmave carried on
time war to the h'aciflc timiless lie had time
support of Hawaii , 'VIto ieoplo over thiero
are just eimttmusiastii about tlmis war as nre
time peolmie here in time states. Every bit
of mitmn/S favorable to tIme Amnorican side
that coimmes to honolulu is received vitb
trotuendous eimtimusiasmmmVo imoPe to loire
a cable workilig withIn a year , amid that
irthi only bintl tim isiands closer to time hobo
govemnmviit. "
Situ I in my A Id 4tn'iet y IeetIimt ,
Time mmmeetimmg of time Nebraska Sanitary
Alit society , wimichi is as to have been held
' ball of time
) 'esterthmmy aftem'tmOoii in Myrtle
Continental block. was lostl000tl , utmtli Jrri
day of this si'eek hoau5a of tIme lout which
thin am.Foclutioum bolt Ill the I eeiition of thmo
New m'orIc tiooint , iIt9mmt fifteen of the wo-
mmmcii caine to time tall for time mmmeetiiig mind
were itmstm'ucteii iq , tmc preside. of time
Imiamma for time aftt'raoon. Mayor Mooree
scimb. mimi urgent iiivi'Atioii to bite society ,
asking for its mtemTirtTimotli as U receittoit )
coinumittce at tits Alkton anti mmlo for pe-
ctmniili7 aid 1mm time cxpemmso of tIme
iummchuou. Fifty thtihilira Was offered by time
society to this emiilihtd moore if there ehiouhti
be n'ed of it. Nothimili epceiai w'aim to himLve
been done at tIme nmttmmg cimiloil for yester-
mha3' afternooim , o&miy & , , lbe thiscmmsmmion of time
future imork amid f time aid wimicim the wo-
mcii of the asoeinIon ( miotilti cnn'ribtmt to
thm soldier volunteers of Nebmnkn. 'l'hmlt
simbjec v , iii be brotmghmt imp in ( lie immeetilig
of imest week
ttu-rlt'nhi Pnrt'e'r In lpchirmit
l'mMI t miiiul i'retusi rcui to l'Ii Cit IMim
Ii % ii ciii 'ri , u- for t lii' iitii'iui.
( Ctmpyriglit. 1Sti , by Associateti l'resm , )
IIEFOI1E SANTIAGO. July fi-Per ( Asso-
elated l'ross Iispatcii heat Vanmla , via
itlogatoti , Jiinttmica , July 10.-Rvc'rytiilog )
on the firing line Is now ready for time coma-
mmmencclmment of hostilities. Time tiyiistmnite
gun , wimicii has been in imositloim for soY-
cmi tinys , is now in better working order
than at tIme ( tome of the battle of San Jima
and it. ta pre4icted ( hint its cimargcs , coim-
slating of twemity imoUil5 of gimncotton and
gchatitme , will work havoc in tIme Spanisim
trenches whmei it opetil ) lIre ,
Twelve mmiortars In one battery are
nmountt'ti amid ready for use anti they are re-
110(1 Ott to ilo effective work 1mm shmollimmg time
city. Three batteries of artillery arc now
posted on Rh Paso ridge , 2,100 yards from
time towim , amid time Capron and Grimes batteries -
teries are 1,600 yards to time north of the
roah iii tIme rear of General Lnwton's di-
vision. in firimmg time higlmt batteries wilt
elicit tlmo town over otmr owmi soldiers' lmemmds ,
but time artillery oflicers say it calm be ilommo
Time dymmammmite gtmn imas imeen so piaccd that
it will be able to enillatle several of time
Simanishi limmes.
On the otlmer imanmi durimig time truce , which
so far as regarths time continuing of hmreimai'a-
tiomis for defense hiss becim tie trtmec wlmat-
over , time Spammiartis have not been Idle ,
they have becmm immountlmig guns uimi soimmo
of these are of immtmch imeavier caliber ( bait
tlme Ammmericaiis. Soumme are of ntmtlqtmnted pat-
tet'mm ammti not capable of hutch damage , but
otimers are ( hiffcrclit anti enpaimie of excehiemit
work. One 7-Inch guim , whmlcii imad so Pet'-
fcct a ratmga during time battle of San Jimami ,
t has bcemi located with espccimil care by tIme
Aimierlcaim gunmmerS , mmimth it. will be tIme rim-
I cipiemit of amuck attention wlmen hostilities
( letmerml Ihmites' ihivisiomi , vliicii hmoltis the
extremimu left , immoved forward today to a
mmcmv imositiamm 400 yards iii atlvalmce of Its
torimir line. It has , sitmco time battle of Samm
Juami , beemi planted along tue edge of a
imrediijitus rnvlime , time waIts of w'imicim are
abotmt eigimty feet imtgii. This ravine is
about 700 yards iommg anti about 400 w'itle.
General Dates has mmmoveti time Twentieth
tnfammtry to time sIde of tIme ravine mmcarest
Satmilago nmm&l itlaced time Thmiril limfantry ,
whmicim , wttlm time Twentieth forimis hits brigade ,
at right ammgies to time line of time Twemitietli ,
The extrcnme left of hits line , which is the
cxtremmmo left of the Anmerican army , is
about opposite time upper cmmd of time Sammtiago
harbor mmd from four to six mIles from time
coast hue.
Whmemm hostilities are opened by time bath-
bardtmment great timiimgs are expected from
time imas'y. Admiral Sampson is quoted as
siyiumg , lie will drop oumo simehi immto tIme city
every five imminutes and if that is not imf-
fleent lie will tiu'op one into time city every two
nmimiimtes. This fire , in addition to what the
land forces vill turn in , it is thought , with
ho uiflciemmt to reduce the Spaniards to a
poitit where they will simrreimticr.
fln'nI l1rwking omnmanihInir ithme Fir3t
brigade of General Kent's division , who was
woummded in tIme foot during tIme attack made
tin our hitmea Saturday night by the
Spaimlards , has returned to the United
States. Colonel Theaker of the Sixteenth
immfaumtry has succeeded General hawkins in
'the conmmand of the brigade , anti Colonel
W'ood of the Itough Riders wilt succeed General -
eral Young. hIcutolmnnt Colonel hlooseveit
will comniand time itoimgh hittlers imereniter.
Sixteemi Spanish prisoners , who were
wounded , were turned over to the Spaniards
yesterday afternoon. Dr. George P. Good-
felhomv imnil Captain Drier escorted time amn-
bmmlances , 'amid 'tIme ' correspondent of time As-
sociateth Press accompahmird timem. The
Spaniards displayed great gratitude for this
h'ntiim"is amid ttmtere was r.osu'lt'rablo
traterimizimig , him which time Spaniards' tiesire
for peace stood out like a hmeatihIgist in a fog.
There is no tloilbt that tlm subordinate
Shmanlshm officers are noxious to stmrrontier ,
but they iracticaiiy sjatd that impoim General
Toral's ticcislom they would rest. Timey ad-
nmltteti that 'thuey ' were short of lrovisions.
hut all alicared to be determined ammd rc'zo-
lute aiid willing to die , it mmoed be , 1mm tIme do-
fCliSe of time city.
I"iiLl . Smit iHlht'ul 'IVI I ii l'r'imirnl ItniH
iimmtle t'ur aim .ttitielc Iuoit
ChICAGO , Jimly 10.-A special cable to the
Tribune fronm Stboney. Cuba , dated July 5 ,
says :
Gemmerai Simafter today expressed Imiimmoif
as satisfied witlu time lrePmuratioila thmat have
been immatie for tue attack impon Santiago. lie
carefully Inspected tlme lines and appeared
to have emmttrely recovered his ' , mcaithi , lIe
certalmmly was 1mm good spirits. Time gemmcm'al
\vthi not see lila imeadqimmirters on time Sc-
gmmranca ngmmimm umtii time city of tnntiago
line been captured.
Garcia anti Itabi tmo'w occupy ptimtitlomms 0mm
tim rigimt of Law'tofl'S tilvision.
Sixteen large siege guius lmivt , been ImIttecil
In position en the right of il i'azo , Timey
were placed tlmeu'e ommly after thiete Imad i'en '
Caine hmard work lmmt in on time romuis Ieimdmng
to the place. Timeso roads have heemm uI a
jnost fm'igimtful condition , but tl'e ireniLtrs ,
of limo Sevemmty-first New York amid time Thmirti
amid Fourth imiichiigan regiment a inure is orked
mammfuhly amid they were atmoim got into t umeim
a condition that it was possible to mnovtm time
imeavy vteces over tlmem wIth compmiratively
littio thifflcuhty. Jim time center of time line is
thu dynmummmito gtimm of thme htoughm itiders ,
which is iii charge of hiallett Alsop hiorrowe
or Now York and which was teinporriIy this-
ubleti durhmig the Iighmt. of a week ago today.
Jim additIon there have boemm tmiactai in mosi.
tion on thie righmt eight mortars , which arc
caimable of most ilenitly execution.
Time ciseimmy iii to moake an attt'mmmt to en-
fliatho tIme tm'cmmchme. It imas been discovered
that opposite tIme left wing of time AamerIcatm
army tlirt'e Spanish guns loire liecim placed.
Timeso m'iii imavo a sweep at time lmosttiomm of
tlmti Secoimil Iinitetl States Immfaimtry , htmL I imo
Spanhimhu gtmnmmermi will be Imicketi off imy ii o
Amiiericamm nluarpslmootcrs , mm'hmo hiavo beemm 1mm-
etrimeted to give timeir ommtiro attention to
Acts of bravery on time part of tIme Cut-
balms cormtimmue. Timuraday jmtghmt a imarti' of
theimm emituiroti time Spanish lines amid seized
mtommmo cattle , whmiclm timey coolly pmnceedemi to
drive cIT. Time ammimala vere slaughtered for
ru' ' I
You Are We1conH9re- )
I t itht11t.its Its ( 'YeI' " ( line you ( 'Phil ! to
0111' storti mummul looht-'t"vo tihvnys sommit'-
I im I img ii t'i I ii tIt't ii m'emi I ( ) shin is' yotmlii )
mmmiii tnt' if ytmii weii' imeme' yt'Stt'iibt ) ' t'oulmtt
ml gtt him t 1)1111 y-Vt' It i'C I mmm ; k I i t g mu imimecini
i'ffot't tim isV't'k ( ( I ) i m'l I mu mm mm m m i I n'm' of i m ii t' , , '
iiist original ltlmmt iiigs , etcimiiig , i'it' ,
: timi 'lil immmtkt' prht't's ' tm ( timmit you 'mtim
set , time uulviiumtuige ot hmimyiimg llflV-Otit'
fu'n lit I im l'imt : it immt'mm t Iuns't' i 'Vfl ml S ( ' ( it It'
imht'tn ums imow-mmimuy : hew ummmtlhihIims JUSt
mtulmhu'il to out' ttstimh ; Iusv imrlet'-VOul mmiii
iiii'itt'tl tim 1ooI-iiuiy ut' lint ,
A. HOSPE , ,
1usIc nd Art. 1513 Douglas
cc-'c' Ancestral Cleanliness.
I / VJfr'A1" : \ Proverbial for its thoroughness , Fcarl- *
( .fii1Lf 1 Inc users nclniirc the pluck that a woman
.61 ; ' : . flCCk(1 tO get StIdi cleanliness in such
laborIous ways No CXCUSC foi lack of
- - h cleanliness now , Pearlinc has changed
- '
I ii/iIi9 / the situation , 'Ihorotigli cleanliness , with
I'I1lih ' ; ease , comfort , safety , economy , and time to
1TJ ! I sparc-by the USC of Pearline. A modern
woman does her work in a modern way-with Pcarlinc.
the Americatis and a mmihlehm cow ImCosemmted to
General Shatter ,
SII Cumiunmipi Are liMgmustt'ul ,
hIAVANA , July 10-Private aiiviees me-
ceiveil hero affirm that the insurgent forces
wimiclu took lmrt withm the Anmt'm'icnn troops
in time attack umpon nuid tIme tnklmmg of San
Juan bill amid il Cimmmey simatnimmed heavy
losnes , their killed nummiberimmg forty. It is
nssertejl thin Cubmums are di9giusttmtl because
( lie Americans tmaeii thmcmn as guities nimil
obligomi tlmem to mmmrcim 1mm thmc first line.
' 1' , , t'imt ) ' l Imlt'VM lietimeut fmommu t he
GiiuI FIt'iuip , nini itring i74IOOII
Aiuitem ; , iltli ltutui , ,
SAN FIIANCISCO , Jumly lO.-Twemity immhmm-
ems froni iawuiomm amid otimer hmiaces ni't'lvcti
hero ( nutty en tIme steamimer hattie l'hmiiips.
Time meturmmimmg hmmospeetors , wimo iirhmmg nhmout
$70,000 witlm tmemmm ) , have been 1mm Alaska
fmonm ommo to fifteen years. Ilimif of tIme inurty
will retturim to work timelr chaimna.
Timcso ' Yukon immlmmers imicltmthe J. II. Rhlis ,
Chicago ; G. a hiahier , Detmolt ; W. F. Pimmk-
lmatmm , Boston ; Joseplm Birth , ihaltimnore , auth
1' . P. ilmirtlieVilhiammmsimort , Pa. Time Ims-
sommgers froth lawsoum are comufldeumt ( lint the
output of lawson will rtmn over $2,000OO0.
Mimucoic will imroduce mmot less timami $300,000.
Circle City wilt also commtm'ibumte 1mm tie small
degree to time total hrothmccd frommm time Alaska
S'mihuuii ilmnzt's.
WAIhOO , Nob. , July 10.-Spccimml.-A ( )
imause in the sotutlmcast imart of thmla city was
tliscovcrc4i to be omm fire 'at ' 10 o'clock last
evemmimmg. Time lireimmea responded pronuptly
to time call , but were immmmibio to do mimore thaim
keep the liammic's front sprc'atlhmmg ' to other
buildimmgs , Time himildimmg belommgeti to Natimmumi
Dummlapp , who hmtmd recently imurcimased It
amid was relittilmg It for a residence. Time
imoimse was vacant ammil no jiersomu hail been
seen about it for several days. No immeur-
ittmce. Time ncolmie s'ere again called out by
tIme fire mmlarmmm tiii morimimig nbommt 5 o'clock ,
Time night. watcimmmman had discovered an
elmmit ) ' freigimt car on fire omm time Union Pa-
chfle sidetrack near Monteeim' elevator , Omme
car was burnt to 'the 'trucks ' and two otimermi
tianmaged. 1mm both casce the fire was en time
insitle and evilemmthy time work of on iii-
, ' 'l'lienter ft '
VortL'u l'ttdsluumrg.
I'IT'rslmuhto. i'a. , Jimly 10-Fire temmiglmt. ,
which ortgtimatetl mmiysterioumsiy iii a table
in the rear of thme World theater , soon do-
stm'oyed the theater and from timoro rapidly
communicated to atijoinimmg builthings. In a
simort while time entire sectiomm fronting on
time lower mimic of Federal street to time Boyle
ilock anti in time rear to almost Baltimore
street was iii rimhmms. Vimlie the fire was
iarge time loss wilt not exceed $175,000 , mmmi
mmmaumy of thm buihmlimmgs vere small fmatmma
structures. Time immsturanco vihi lmrobabl'
reach two-thirds of the loss.
IlupI i4j , , ) ust'mIi.
ST. JOSBPII , Miclm. , July 10.-Hotel St.
Joseph was tlemttro'ed hy lire tomilghmt. Of
time forty guests anti omnployes in time build-
immg all escaietl millie except A. A. Benson of
Logaummiport. lad. Iiemmsoim was ami clmmiioye
mold lost his life whim trying to save books
fm'omn time office. Time Imotel laid 200 reomns
amid was uwileti by J. A. Graham of time Grim-
limit & Morton Trammsportmutlumm comalmalmy.
Loss , $13,000 ; insuramice , $ i7,100.
isig Fir , ' iii Alh'mrlieimy.
l'ITTSIIUIIG. I'a. , July ' 10.-A large fire is
raging imi Alieghemmy. Time World's thutmater.
DeIp & Dcii's fmmrmiitmmre warehouse ntmd a
thozemm smaller butldummgs are imm unitIes nntl
wiil be destroyed. Time loss mihi hmo imeavy.
' ' ' VF1'I'tiHANS.
I'mINsmocS Foil W'FS'm'IiitN
Stirvi vur , of u.mtleVitr ltemiieimmlereil
li t 1it tcmit'riuI ( oyi'rnhiiemil ,
WAShINGTON , July 10.-Special.-i'en- ( )
slomms imave bei'mm issued as fotiows :
Ismame of Julie 27 :
Nebraska : AduiltiOflal-MiCimaei Fague ,
Sotmthm Sioumx City , $6 to $12 ; hIt'mmry Wheeler ,
Western , 54 to $12. Immcri'.use-Meatl Hall ,
Ornaima , $12 to $30 ; Isatme Underimili , Cor-
neil , $17 to $21 ; Joimmm Lctt , Benedict , $10
to $12.
Iowa : Origlimai-Joimn Newman , itmhluritme ,
16 : Daniel Iii. iiumnett , ( loififleki , $0 ;
Charles II. Wigtomm , lies l'tioiimemi , p1 ; veme-
rue A. Bryant , Stomme Luke , $8 , Immercasem-
Normrmauu B. Domnmiehierton , $14 to $17 ;
Michmaei Cimeemmmnamm , Moatrose , $12 to $17 ;
Ammthresm' F. Johnmioml , Muscatimie. $12 tim $11.
Reissutm-Elmhmaimml Iii. Iteymmoidus , Cemmier-
vliie , $17.
Mommtamma : Original \\'idow , etc.-Marthmmt
Botsiord. Mmmrysvillo , $8.
Southm 1)aiumtml : Incrcmmsq-Armuoiti Davis ,
Canning , $12 to $16.
They loll MOlly EntiluskItic Meotng *
During Suhhihihy ,
'I'hu .ouglmoiut A Ii flit' Sersiet' , . the
Spirit or l'u'eMili'uI I hlu'l ( I umhu'y '
l'rot'lnmimnt tamui IN OIiMer't'ii I um
Ii Mlmmt'em' , ' lmutuuum'r ,
NASIIVIL1.E , Tt'ummm. , Jtmiy 10.-Time r-
ihtiest ( if l'reshtit'nt MeKimmley ( hunt time immoltie
of tIme Ummitt'ti States nset'ummbie 1mm tmt'it' )
imtmtusc's ofi orshmlim anti retmmrn thmmmmuks lot'
thiit success atbemmiilmmg tIme armmmy mmmiii ImatY
f tIme Ummitcil Shalt's w mis ftmiiy cotnlmhit ii
with 1mm tlmis city totib ) ' , mmotably en lmc'causu
time lmtmhimlt of imearly e\'em'y cimtmrcit thti
mimormmiumg ummel e''emuing was ticcuilmlcti imy mm
pmommm I miemm t 'un atiami Eumden vom' mmml mmia ( em' .
l"rimmmi t lie cii thy Imttirmu I mug itrlmYer mime I I tig
tim time last service tommighmt , permmmentimmg the
tmmnmmy sermmmoummm ammd brief imtitircsscs , was tim
e'nt mmmmetmt of ilovetit tlmatmktuiimme'ss for the
timmportmmnt victories mlCCunhitlislmt'ti.
it hums t'eemm a timmy of varmmcst , lulmicere mmovt-
lags , ieli nttemmdcti , amid immammy iuhitm sermnomts
m' em , ) ttm't'acimeth-imertiumemmt mmtmt only to ( hit ,
great Ocict ) mmow 1mm eomuvemmtiomm lmere , butt
t. ) time bttdmmt it.mi Imow cemmfremmtimmg thai Umuitt'ti
Stoles 'titm time imrobiemmms tmf govermmmumemmt to
he solved , Time mmcmi' loomis muomv brought utim-
tii'u blue eommmmel of time Uniteti Stmutes were
melmu i't'il tim by timiutmy speakers , but 1mm vorchn
whuiciu cvitheiui'ul a belief thmat time pmopie
will be r.tmie to wisely anti skiiiftmlty antI iii
a Chmri stiamm mini mm mmer mimect al I ml i thiciml tics
i'imlcit mmmn' m.m'mso.
'l'iie Chmristiami Eumdeavorers were sootm emm-
gaged tim thom clay's tiumties , At thm Taimet-
mmdc time tinily hmour of , im1yer was observed -
served by 4t00 Pcopio. Time services wem'u
coiititmcteti by Rev. .1. Wilbur Chmapmmmntu of
l'hiilaileljmiiia , wlmo deiivcil mmmi umtheiress , At
II o'ciack immimitstem'mu tmiiti delegates 'to limo
commvcmmtiomu lmrcadimeti to a l.mrge commgrt'ga-
ttoiu ,
Ammiong time mmotable ummeim mvhmo imrencumt'tl
were : Conmummamider hiooth-Ttmclter of Umim
Sal'imtioiu Armmmy , mit time First i'resbytt'ri.imm
church ; ilishmol ) Sarmmmmei Fellows of Gimlengo ,
at time Secomiti l'resimyterirmmu church ; it' .
James McCrecry 'of ' i'it'shourg , l'a. , at time
Carroll Street Mc'thmodist ' clmtmm'clm ; Wihbtmr S.
Crafts \\'ushimmgtozm Olty , 'itt time Ttmliii
Street Mctimotiist ehutircim , amimi itc'Viilimmin
l'at'iersomm ' of 'I'oronto , Oalmada , at time Fim'st
Cummmherlmmd ! h'resbytcrlan ciuum'cim. Ret' .
Canomi J. B. Riclmartison , L.ommdmzm , Omit , ; lien.
Floyd tV. 'l'Omfllmkiims ' 'of Provttiemmce , it. I , ,
and 11ev. F. D. i'owem's of Vashimmgtoim City
also imrcnchued ,
Fommm. ' large mumectimmgs wore Imeld imm time
af'temnoomm. ' An evammgchtstlc mmmeutimmg tut tlmC
Taberimncie'commduc'Ietl ' by Secretary John W.
liner amid hte' . \Viibur Chmlapmmmmmm : , wn attended -
tended by aboat 6.000 immeim. At the Pirat
i'rcsbyteriamm cimurcim a Smubbathu obsi'rvan"e
umueetimig , vell mmttcmmdeti , was coimtlmmcteit ty
'rrenstircr Viflhmmum Shmaw or Bostomm , niuti mmd-
thressos by 11ev , Bam'toim 'IV. ' h'crry of Ccii-
formmia , Jte' , israel 'tViihiammm liathmamvay umud
11ev.Vilhimr S. Crafts \Vms1miimgtomu ( "fly.
l'k largely ntlemmticii lmmectimmg for mm'exmmemm only
m\as lucid at time Flrt Ctmmimberlammii Metimoritat
EpiSCOiah chmimrcim.
CointmmammdemliootimTmmcker nmimircsseci a
large autiiemmce tim time Masonic temmmpie tlmu
ti'eimitmg anti toimigimt , lie tielim'eretl titiiim'eatc
to imacimeti imommsC.3. All 'the cimurcimes im'cro
largely attemmthetl tommtgimtand \ ln'tnmuilment
Visitiimg ministers comitluoted tile sei'vices.
l'3 l humus I mistiti I Olit''m'M ! ,
CENTRAL CI'I'Y , S. I ) . . Juiy 10.-Spo- (
ciai.-Thmc' ) foihuvimmg otilcers immmvo hmeemm him-
stahied to time Kmmighmts of l'ythmimms lodge of
this city : J. I' , Jomues , C. C. ; J , F , I'mmyies ,
V. C. ; hiecmry Sarton , I' . ; Timommma Gooiiimumm ,
I'd. ' A. ; Daniel Cohitims , I. C , ; Temmm O'Ctumnor ,
0. G. ; Joimmm Wehmmmarthm , M. W.
mu t--mi ii , ' SI mimummi ii. , Ciim'il uig ( ii am ,
Collector hiotmtz says : "A lmrga , smmppiy
of imroirictmtry stammips of themmommmlmmmutiomis mc'-
quired tmpomm chmoms'immg gmimn immure bcetm me-
ctti'cti at tIme revemmue ofllce lum Ommmahia mund
mis there is now mie remmsomu why all hurtles
* thiouith mint hinve timeir gummm properly stnnmpttl
its required by Limo s'mur revelmue bill , rcvenlmo ,
ofiicers have been immstructcti to see timmmt limo
law 1mm thmiim resjn'ct Is mitm'tctly emmforceiI , "
Gm.uimli I mug I'mi CliNt'N ,
Cole's "mtmmmmi" gammie of ( urn over Lc'mmtz t4
Wllhiammms' saloon was clomied Snturdmmy utter-
imoon shmtrtly after Time flee appeared en
time street. 'rIme pmmbltcity given time nffar
was ummexpoetei , nimil caine mms a surprise to
( hue mmmiiiu tpu imut ors of tim c' tiger's tiim , ilu t It
I imati the eRect of cloning time place ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - -
You're ' Porfcctry SaIe-
lii inm'immg It immmlr of thtume duii'ic bmoss'mi
vlt'i klil i'mittmS nt ,5-tlme' ( ) lutiih' . I Imat
humuve hmllglmt tltwmm cmmmm't ln'a iso tlteln ( ( ml ) O
mmmnclm-just hoa'utimsem otmm mice is $2.51)
don't llmimmk it is a c'hmu'mmp Hhmoe-'i'imey hook
miii veil mimi nay $5 sImon ummmnh'-lln'y lmmuvmt
just _ ( Ito right w'eiglmt t.tliit'N I o mlmmIln timi'imm
( 'tI It fort mm 1 d n mu mmii .1 Ii iit $ I : ' I i.4im m'mon iglt I I )
immttktm I imu'mm (1 i't'Sy-fl sin i um i minim ttmimso
simon fm'oimi bitt' t'uiim liii's to thmtm top-youm '
cuiim gt't $ : vot'thi J1 m'ttmmm' tint tmf
e\iy ( unit. mtmmti tlmmtt I wimuit you 'tmiihtI
I ) Im , ' I ' 1 st' mvlmu'r. . ' fit i' a m'tlt tOt J tm s t I li' I t- ,
imitt lu'm'u'-iI I I iutt big s'miiuie simon sieve- a , I
tlut'y mime only $2.50.
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
Ommuailiii's L'p-to-ulimte Shoe lions. ? . .
411. . uiJ
1411) ) 1ARNAM S'L'ItEEI'
Deformity Remedies-
, A cOifhll'tO ) hum of thmouitiez' imi'tuc'es-
mmtimile to ilL perft't'tly 110(1 ( to pt'ojmem'iy
hmm't en t ime slmoimhti.'rt- . limit I m mm i'mm i I mm en U.
( till himmtm 01' tieforimuit ) ' 1rmue' , tt'tmmisi's ,
litc.-'i'itis di'pmmrtmmmi'mmt is iii 'itimu'ge of m
t imoroit'itm ly 'mi t ml it't vim t In' i't ) US % imo i mutt h n ;
I Ime 1mm Ill mm umy t'mu Si' ( iii hum um t I-elm r si oi'k of' : - -
imuumitttmuettirt'tl goods is 4'tlflhhtIto ) ) ttiiti
' ' t'1nstlt stot'kitigs trmutsi's . " ' 1J.
COiti3)I'l't ) ( , , sup. ; . _
lmrt vi's , Immi I I t'm'it'ti , mm t ( limb i7.t'i14 , L't'lI tlmt , -F
I , m'd liii hiS , 0 I m' ill In % V $ , l'tl I mImer gotnis ,
. '
S ti i'gI 'u I I mm st lii inrim ( H , mmmt'ti h'it I simimpi ito , ' ,
( 'i-.St'ImIh II ) lIlt tot' entmtlogtim' (11' ( tIilb' in-
fou'immatiimn dt'sii't'tl-\'tt hiuilth w'hmmut is "
im i't'tit'ii I ii I Ii Is I I imo ( roimi act tium I mmmt'afthu'e- : Y
imnnt. ) *
rrh eAloe &PenfoldCo - ' .
fl'fornml ty llrace 'Mmuufu.t * ( urcri.
l40 Farnam Street. OMAJIA d"
Oppoetto Pmcxton Ilotsi.
- -
- - - - - -