Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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' 1111E OMAHA 1)A1LV flE1t MONIAY , TUI4Y ii 1898. 8
i"S i " ! CO UN CIL BL UFFS.
a'nt ( ) .
. fltidwe1er beer. 1toenflt. Tel. 323.
Try Moore detitli to lice arni mItes.
Ilnrry McMerin WtL3 the guest ycaterday
ot ( Icorge ( tvn of Park avenue.
\Vante1-Lacst edition ot Counct flIUtt
city dlrector' . Arji1y at Bee omco.
Judge J. U. Reeti hn returned from Snntt
Ye , N. M. , vltere ) ii baR been holding court.
Mrs. 13. (1. Moore of Knoxville , In. , 1 $
VIttIng her huer , MrB. It. .1. Morgan of
l'rospect .treet.
Mr. arni Mr . iCnrI Mnyne. who nrc vIsit-
jug triolids in .It. PIeaant , In. , nrc ex
pected home tomorrow.
Iont you titnk U muRt be a pretty good
$ Inundry thnt can Please o many hundreda
of customers ? \Vdll-tllflt'B the "Eagle ,
724 flroadway.
TIm reinaIn ( ji Nelson ilebno , the 1rCnCl2-
Ctflndlai , , wIlt ) fle4 Jutic 10 at the Vonien's
Clirlatlan hospital hero while on his way
home from Nevniln , arc t1lt at Undertaker
E8ttp'B rooms. No word has been received
float flfl of IiI ; rcIntlvel4 , although tepeated
tccgrania itiiil letters have b.en sent.
I'fte city council will nect In tullourned
session this evening to pass upon several
matters of tnlortnflco. The aitientled ordi-
fiance gratttttg the Oninlia llridge & Terni-
Inn ! Hallway coltIllany the right of ny I
along the east bank of the crecic , Itistead
ot along llgiteetttit ) street , as PrePared by
tim city attorney , wUl be subinittoll. The
cotiticli Is also expected to Pfl $ lllOtt the
tww general iniprovcrueiit orlinnnco to-
The young women of the ilower mtssioti
I aIIII the 0. Ii. C. l3.s will give a lawn oehti
tiii evetting at the residence of Dr. Mac-
. ] tao on P11th aetiuo. the proceedH from
'which will be ( leVoteil to the uurclmase of
medical omupplies for the Council Ilitiffs boyH
iii cniii , at San Frattcisco. Music vIil ho
rurnisheol by S'aioys orchestra atmol a pUtt-
brat erecteol for dancing. IIglmt refresh-
muetits iiI 1)0 Herveil amul tIme yotitig women
in charge arc working enthusiastIcally for
lila Success of the aftair.
All the ntiuttltig property owners on North
Ilgotlt ! street , , betecn 'nsIoiimgtoti avenue
rinolvctmtme l , wiiti ICtItIOmmCl ) t1i city coumo-
cli to litv ; time brick sIo1evzoik ordoicol laid
clmnioged front four feet to six fcct In width
have signed waivers of damages % 'Itlt the
OXc'ltlotm of one. Unless this property
owmmer falls In line vItli the rust Alderman
Joloimson of thu ieeotmo1 want will probably
Introduce a rwolutlon at tim niectimig of the
council Monolny itiglit to have this stolewalk
t strlekemi froni time contrat already let by the
. . C. B Viavi Co. , female remedy ; cnnsuhta-
tion free. Ofhhe hours. to 12 and 2 to 5.
Health book furnished. t2G-327-32S Merriam -
riam block.
. N. Y. I'lttnohdng company. Tel. 250.
I NtfIoisth CnIii-i,1 i1.o'iim.
Much Intere3t has been aroused among
the colored people of Council Bluffs over the
Convention of time Natlommal Cohore.1 Personal
_ , I Liberty league , which will be held in Omaha
, on August. 17 , 18 nail 19 , by the receipt here
of a letter from Charles C. Curtis ofVashi -
lngton , D. C. , the national organizer of the
league. C. B. Jone.s of this city has hecim
fllIotfltel } to act as western corresponding
vecrutnry and has been selected to head the
delegation froii this state to the convention.
Iowa vtil be entitled to twenty delegates.
The convention vlll ho held In the Audi-
toy in in ,
in the letter received hero from Mr. Curtis
lie says he Ito arranging for excursions frommi
_ St. Joseph , Lincoln , Nebraska City , Sioux
Clty , Des Moines and Probably other places.
: lIe expects to be here himself in a few days
to complete all the arrangements and his
I visit here Is being looked forward to with
a gooti tical of pleasurable anticipation by
the coPhe of his race. George E. Taylor has
called a convention to select delegates In
'Oskahoosa and one vIll be called here In
the jicar future.
Mr. Curtis also says Ito expects to arrange
for a o'pcclal day at the exposition for tim
colored lCOIlC during the convention which
lie expects will bring together an enormous
gathieringof time race.
'rho omclni hotographma of the United
' States Navy , coimlairilug over 200 pictures
. of the vessels. with their officers and a num-
of the views of time Ihi-fateti Maine. can be
had at time Council Bluffs olilco of The 13cc
for 25 cents timid a lice coupon.
I Ctislio1 . , r vi , u tHe ) 'H Child.
A. \Vhltthescy Is 'lestrous flint Ruby ,
I time 5-year-old daughter of his semi , 1ttmschl
N. Whittiesey. the defaulting ox-surveyor
. customs at thii port , who is serving a
. .A . terni in the state penitentiary at Auatnosa ,
4 be taken from the custody of her mother ,
The child limos been hiving with her nmother
at time homimo of Mrs. Conley , Mrs. Whittle-
imey's step-mother , on Vine street. Mr. 'iilt-
thesey flied a petition for a writ of habeas
corpus for time child Saturday evening with
Judge Smith of the district court , In which
ho charges the child's mmrothier with being
an unfit person to have time custody of imis
grandchild.Vhittlcscy also mimakes serious
allegations ngainst the Conley home. Judge
. Smnitit set next Wetimmcstlay for hearing time
I , , application and in time mnenimtimno ordered
, that ituhmy be hilneed in time custody of imer
t , ( flint. Mrs.'Iihimumm hlsimer of Vimme street.
: -j This order was imiaceol in time hatmcis of Iep.
t uty Simerlft V.'clghtnmmmn , shmo took the cimlhol
I , , front Its iimotimer and iuhacctl her with Mrs.
. Fisher.
I1ap of Cuba , West IndIes and tIm World
. , , at The lice oIflco , iDe each.
Time Evans laundry itt time leader in fine
S . work botlm for color aimol flush. 520 i'carh
itrect. l'houe 2G.
.7oumtM IN lit .11th.
"flald ) hlert Jones , tIme Imootbiaclc , " us Ime
. terms himself , is ianguishmhmmg in thmo county
jail atm a result of lila tiomnemotic trouhlc8.
, Justice liurke fitted hmimmi $10 and costs for
/ I assmmuitimmg his vife , whmtclm flume Join's olot-
f chimmeol to Imay , Time charge zmgmmimmmot himmi of
, assaulting with immtemmt to kill hmls stupsoim , C.
'A. Ciouid , was dismissed , time evidence beimmg
immstifiiclent to establish tIme ofTeimse. This did
tiot montisfy youtmg ( iouid , ammil lie filed aim-
otimer cimargo ugatnst Jones , of assault by
drmmwiimg amid imreseiotiimg a revolver.
'Ihmi' ' F'ishm'tl vitim Ni'ts ,
Price Gibpon , Phmihhip l'ecklmau , ammol Cimarhes
Vnlker will have a imearimmg before Justice
Viemm next Friday eu time chmmrizo of Ilshmimmg
t I.aIo Manawa with imets. Two immftmrmmma.
tIen leave loceli tiled agulimst theum , one for
"erecting mimotl entmshim to be erected a imet
1mm tIme vater for time imurposo of catching
flsh" amid time other for "tnktimg fish front
water of time state other tItan by hook mmmiii
limme. " Timey each gave bommds In the sunt o
150 for their appearance ,
Righteous Princip1e Are Dominant in Ita
It iM Cimnrneterlo'd ly .1emflce amimi
C1mnrit for Other mtiommms mtmmd
$ , . ill I' " 4 ii ) . for I lie Vemik
nimal hoyimtrot1lemm.
The services at time First Congregational
cimurcim yesterday morning were of a mope-
cmi luitriotic nature in response to the lmroc-
lnmation Issucti by the prm.Iclemmt. 'A'he
services attracted a large congregatiotm ,
the elmurcim which was tastefully decorated
with the national colors , being filled to overflowing -
flowing , and many late corners were unable
to find Sents.
Before the opcmmlmmg prayer the pastor , Itev.
. .7.v. . ' . 'ilson , remmd the president's irocia-
mnatlon , aimml at the close of the prayer time
ojtmartct cumnpo.scoi of Miss Jennie Wallace ,
soprano ; Mitts Bertha Worley , alto ; I.Vcst -
cott , tenor ; anml C. l. ilaverstock , imasso ,
snmmg "Time Star Spangled ilanner , " Mr.
ilaverstock singing time solo anti time quartet
tIme cimorumo. At the commclusion of time prayer
service and before tim sermon the congre-
I gation eaimg 'Amnerica. "
Mr. Wilson took its tIme stmtmjcct of his moer-
: mon 'ltilmteousmmesmo flxalteth a NatIon , "
ammd said in part :
\\o fInd tile basal horimmciPle of national
iummplnoae and prosperity stated in time clear
. and concise language of time proverb ,
ltigimtcousmmess exahtetim a nmmtiomm , bitt simm
Is a reproach tot ammy peoPle. ' Rt'lmteomtimicss
rutimmg a mutt Ion amust inevitably lmttt high
I imonor impoim It. A riglmteotms atiitmiiiistrittiomm
of tIme govermmmnemmt , time practice of virtue
I alit ! religlomm by tIme 1)001)10 , Jtmstico amid
charity for otimer mimittons , and practical syimi-
lintimy offered to time weak nmmd dowmmtroddcmm ,
these arc time tlmimmgs that exalt a nation
nail prepare it for a immoviolemmtlmml mnisslomm Imi
time world.
"hut sclflsimncss , unriglmteotmsncss , and iii-
Jtmstice , amanifested 1mm the ofilcial life of a
imittlon anti lit the lives of Its citizemmit immimmot
immevltabiy brimig reproach impomi It anti has-
temm Its downfall. The nation timat commtinuca
to build upomi sin anti sehi1shnesslgmioring
Goti ammti rlhmtcousness timid Justice , iill
soommer or IntOr comne to destruction.
'The tinmo is steadily drawing imearer
wimen all Cimristinn iieoiilo will recognize time
( liVine stammilards. Aristocracies are at a ills-
coUmit , tyrmmmmnical governments are hoslmmg
I their imolmi upon civilized pcoi'iC , anti muon are
commmlimg to be mneasureti more anti mnore by
God's stmmtmminrds , which put emphasis upon
time mminmmhmood tutu character of mami as maim.
'Vliis it ( 'imrlHIltmt Nat , .
"Wo have always boasted that. ours Is a
, Christian imation , inti In a large semise It has
been such. Chm'lstian prtimclpies werE
olonilmiant In Its catablisimmuent , ind our laive
, have generally recognized the comma-mid-
nicnts of God.'e have closely tohiowcl thc
mmmcml code3 of Moses and Jesus Christ , and
alt a resmilt of time righteous purposes an'S '
imractical vhrttme3 of time ruling eiernemmt
nmnommg our people this nation , we are proud I
to believe , has enjoyed in large measure time
irovItleItla- guidance timid help of 00 < 1.
. .It. Is a significant fac't that the men who
colonized America were triers of Godly character -
actor , anti they came with a righteous pur-
1)050. The New Englaad pilgrims and the
ittil-itamis , we are told , canme distinctly as
ChrIstian amen to found Christian colonIes.
Wimen time war of the revolution ended , and
the forual ummion of time several
colonies Into one nattomi was con-
stmmrnatetl time leading men , by a
large majority , were God-fearing macn ,
who sought to do time divine will In build-
immg tue natiGn and chainmc'i tlme blessIng of
time Almighty conthtiemmtiy upon it. Time in-
Ihimence of this spirit of consecration upoli
our mmationnl career has been aa conspicuouS
as It hums beemi beneficent.
'Tlmeu are facts wehi known to every In-
telhigemmt student of American history. nnd to
sense timey may seemn trite sayhmigs. But the
tlummes cmro sUci. and tIme sconce thiroimgim
wimicim the nation is passlmmg are such , that It
ecemmis fitting for cull good people to recall
omico more time righteouSness amid the
eirmietness of those ihose lators au'S '
sacrifices became the foundation atone3 of
our nation. and to nak our3elvc whether
timcro 113 mmot some logical connection bctWcemm
the character and time sacrifices of time
founders ammil bumiiders of time miatZon , and the
signal evidences of Gaol's favor to us iii
these recemt days.
, . \b.o may feel asstmred that the tendency
of the present war , and the general out-
conmty of Its battles thus far , are the strong-
ttit os3ibloi jmmmhications of a divine provi-
mlcumco working 1mm the iistory of the mmatiomms
etmgaged imi the tcrrible coniiit. Shall wo
not oscribo our blcsslmmgum and our victories
to Limo Imower timat commies when a nation imimts
itself on the 1de of rlgimteousmmess and God ?
Ammtl shahl we not cxplaimm th defeat of our
cimcmuy by tis long record of national sin QuI
uumjust opircesiomm ? "
.l.iN i'tt'i ) mmS.tI ) IN IllS ilEl ) .
hleumry ' .Vimmmit.'r 1)timi rte iii Is 1Lfe Imi
ml .mi sI'rimmiiH lImimimcr.
Henry Wirnmiuer , aim aged Gerumian was
toummmti death in his bed yesterday mnornimmg at
the Crestomm imotmso omm Soutim Maimi street. lie
va tlisc'overcd by Max Moimn , the proimrletor
of time imotci , who ivemmt to call bliss at 8
o'cioclc. Failing to get an answer to his
Jcmmock on time door Moima entered time room ,
time door imeimig uimioc'ketl , nml foutmmlVlmmmiuer
as ime at first timoughmt lying asleep In bed ,
Imivestigatlon simowed that time mats was dead
mmmiii alpameimtly bail been ma ) for several
hours , Corommer Jcnmmitmgs was sumnnmoimei
anol aim viewlmmg time remmmmuimms decitied timat no
lumtlimestns umeceesary , tus ilenib hail un-
tioulitedly resumlteti from natural caumses.
\Viimmimmer was 75 years old 1mnd untmsarrhctl.
lie immis no relatives 1mm limis country anti as
far us is known mmono 1mm qermaumy oxcclmt a
rmcimhmoir. 1k' came to title coumntry over
timirty years ago anti bought a farm mmear
Mimteola 1mm Mihis coumumty. Later time Wa-
buslm ron-mi cut thmroumglm imis iropertY anti
\Vtmmmmncr falilng to get time daimmnges lie
commsidored fair , imm tiisgimst .oltl time farm
and weimt into the saloomm bumsinees in
Mincoha for awimile. lb then cammie to Coun-
I cii Bluffs anti liveti on time iroceedmo of the
sale of his farm until about thmreo years ago ,
I when be went to Nebraska aumti liveti with
S .Ai'o lxstior thait hasid-sowed s1ioo but cost less. MOlt ,
I WOlhIOR iuid cliildi'eii wear them. All kinds are made ;
jtIl dealer ie11 them. M.OUINEIt Co. . IIOSTON ,
. --SS-m. _ _ _ _ - - - . - -S , : _ . - _ _ _ _ _ S , S S S , , . . - . . - "
- -
ft frienmi on hith farm , lie retumrned to
Council Iliuffs about four weeks ago , since
wimlch time he has been livlm'mg at time Creston -
ton house. lie retired to bed Sattirday
night at the usual time anti was apparently
in the best of health. Tha remains were
rcmovetl to Undertaker Estep's establish-
IqIANS POht.ltiil'LJfli.lC.N I,1itflU1.
ivcrtiilmig 1mm ltcnaihmmCsM for the
Sn ( Cmmaeutin TtmeMola ) .
'rho local committees in charge of arrangements -
rangements for the conventIon of the State
League of itepubhican Clubs to be held here
tomorrow will meet. this morning at 10
o'clock to compleo all the final detniii.
, l'o.tmaster Treynor hits received Worth from
De Moines that l'resklent F. it. Cqnaway
ivihi b nccompnumletl by a full delegation
from Polk county anti although the coavemi-
tion will probably not be as largely attentlei ,
as tit first expected nevertheless time initica-
tions are that the gathcriag will be it big
Some disappoIntment ii ; felt that Governor
Shaw iili be unable to be present , as ho
I leaves today for Verpont to visIt his father
and slsttr , the latter of wimom is In very
hail health. in addition to the speakers al-
. resmtiy published Colonel E. (3. Pratt , lmresi-
$ ( lent of 'the Grant club of lies Moines , viil
, omm Limo special invitation of l'rcsideimt
; Commawmmy deliver an adtlrcss before time con-
I vc'mmtton on " 110w to Manage a Club , " It is
iironmised timat he will give time club organizers -
, izers of time state sommietiming new to think
I about. cmi something utractical.
I At the morning set Jmi hiomm. Jolmn N. ilalti-
win will deliver the ntltircss of welcome , to
! i'lmicim Sidney A , Fcster of Des Moines will
I rcspommd. The buines of , tie convemitioms
will btm Intcrcsbing to mmli league mmmen , It iviil
Imicitmole time election of state anti district em-
curs , decide upon 'time ' best place 'to hold a
great state league rally dumrlng time fall cain-
paigmm anti fix the locattomm of next year's
state commvcmition ,
! The presermt oflleems of time state league
are : F. It. Conaw'imy , lmresident ; E. W.
' \Veeks , secretary ; ' 3etor E. Deader , assistant -
ant secretmiry ; F. C. LuLls , 'trcasurer , an'i '
11.V. . flyers , chairmiman of the execmmtlvo
comnnmittee. E. 'tV. V.'eeks is the only cammdt-
date mnentiommcti so far for time prcsl'lency of
time state league amsil it Is generally expected
he will be elected by a unammimous vote.
lioth Semmatormo Ahhisomm nutS Gear have
wm'Ittcn ' to l'resldemit Conaway warmly cotmm-
immending the work of the league ammd cc-
grettimig vcry much that they wIll be ummablo
'to be present ot time comivemmtiomm.
I Time riilwtmys have made a mate tf one fume
for the rounml trip to the natlommal commvcmstian
ivimich opens 'oVednesmiay in Ommmaima , rmumd
I tickcts i'ill ' be oltl today so that time doleS -
S gates to the state convemmtion hero get time
imenefit of tiit' rate , The Westerim l'asscmmger
$ rssociatiomi 'at ' fimt armatgcti : to imut time
I tickets at 'the ' reduced rate on sale tomuorrow ,
imut as timis wouitl have prcvemmted mammy lii
.th eastern part of the state who dcmiirci to
attcmmd time state cotmvention lrommm aectmrimmg
, time benefit of time reduction the ( into of time
I sale was changed Va today at time request cm !
Limo omccrs of the stata league. The tickets
will be gooti to return \'t"dmmcsJay , Jimly 20 ,
thus affording time delegates a good opportunity -
' tunity to vIsit the Transnmiasissimpi hixposi-
Jima Mair has miurchased a League bicycle
fromim Cole & Cole.
Cruvt1s % 'iMit
Lake Mammawa 'Is undouiitedly increasing
1mm popimlarity this simnirner as a pleastmre me-
sort , as evidenced by the large crowds that
were to be seen itimere iotii in the cmftcrmrnon
antI evemming yceterday. The music of the
Austrian band is good anti the vnncieviiio
toimow at the Grand Plaza is first-class amid
well up-to-date. Time Lmmtlming at Manhattan
beach was liberally patronized yesterday
evening nutS both time steamers carried full
loads tiumrimmg the day. As usual there were
a number of picnic parties scattered abommt
the grounds , both on the Grand Plaza and
Mamihattaui 81(11:5 : of time lake.
FOR SALE-Good moacomi-homnd bicycle at
ft bargain. Call at The Bee offie , Council
Itt'tht of5 Siiiiiry ItemlimetiolIM.
DES MOINES , Jumly 10.-Special.---A ( ) few
resignations have beets lmanded in at one
or two state Institutions on account of the
reductThns in salary. The clmief engineer
of the School for time Blind in Vinton resigned -
signed anti his place was filled In five main-
utes by a competent maim. A mimusic teacher
timere also resigned and no trouble was
found in flhhimig time place. It is reported
tlmat Surgeon Duiflelil of the Soldiers' honie
intemitls to resign. His salary was cut frommm
$1,500 to $1,000 a year amid Comnmantiant
horton told time board iso diti not thInk time
surgeon would continue in time place at that
salary. The probability of his rcslgmmatlomm
has brought time boarti a great many apimii-
cations for the place.
1)i'mmoreMt , 31e.hiil Copim test.
CIIEItOKEE , ha. , July 10.-Special-- ( )
Under time management of time Woman's
Christian Temperammce mimmion and for the
benefit of the Temperance Temlmlo fund timerc
'vas held 1mm the First Baptist cimurcim In
thus city Friday night a Deimmorest grand
gold immedal contest , time wimmner to be eli-
gibie to enter the state dinmonti ametlal contest -
test next tall , The first imonors and time
gold medal were awartied to Mrs. Blanche
itcager of Sutherlammd.
ltt'veimue IoN ( hiy Sflmmimi Simvlmige.
DUISUQUE , Ia. , July 10.-Special.--.Time ( )
war revenue tax In timiB district will yield
tiurimmg time imcxt few mnontims nearly $200,000 ,
Collector i'atterson sa"s that immiti [ me a sum-
cleat number of stamps on imand to supply
time dernaimd $175,000 wotmid imnvts beemm realized -
ized to date. As it is not mote timan half
that summi imas been netted , timoumglm many
tlmousantl8 of dollars for which mme stamps
imavo beets given are omm hatmd ,
ii'ei 0 , , t of mmvii ,
SIBLEY , In. , July 10.-Special.--The ( )
Iowa Lammtl commmpammy , linmited , ammo of the
largest laud and lommmming conspanies in time
vcst , has remimoved Its imeadqumirters frommi
Sibley to St. l'aul.
'j'g .1 , s.lges htemiolmi i umnt.l.
CAItIIOLL , ha. , July 10.-Special.--Thme ( )
repimblican judicial convention imeid hero last
week renomnhmmated Jutiges S. M. Elwood of
Sac and Z , A , Church of Greemme , They were
mmomnhumated by mmcclamnatioim ,
loisil l'erstmiiiui % , miH.
ilmith Russell of Perry , aged 85 years , lit
not expected to live ,
A. M. Cochmrano , aged 76 years , tiled inst
iccek In Duniai. lie located in iova iii
Joimum W. Fouster vjhi be urtai by Gutitrie
coummmty repubiicamms for repumblican cornumilt-
teernan for time Nintim dtstrict ,
\v , II. iteilumsan , wimo was speaker of time
Iowa imotiso in 188S , is now acting as assist-
aumi attorney general of lime state ,
I'hl C. Wilcox of lalhzms coutmty clalmums to
have Imeen colommel of a cegiuiment its wimlclm
( Jcmmcrai Shatter was at one timmie aim oiticer ,
Wilhlammm MeClusky , son of Dr. McCiusky
of ( Jieimwoo'l , hiatt just returned from Ann
Arbor , where ito graduated iii the law do-
N. M. Ilubbarti , Jr. , of Cedar itapidu will
go to Spmmiim to fight time dons , as Imo is aim
ollicer out the Justlim , which has been desig-
nateil as a pact of time Ilcet ,
Prof. T. S. I'arvln of Cetlar Rapids , who
atteimmieti time immeoting of time State liar us-
moociation at Mason City last week , has the
distinction of being time first lumrson nil-
mitteol to the practice of law In Iowa tern-
tory ,
. ' S S..S. , _ S ' , S
- ' - - - .
- - -
Flattering 8hoying MafloI Beport from
All Over the State. I
- III Illi
-'I ,
l'erceiilngeM hlmims Slight nmmd time Pig-
- urcR lnileate it l'rOMhierfllmN 't'cnr
for time 1'arm.ier , of fluIInak -
0)0 Comnmitomtictultim ,
DES MOINES , July l0.-Special.-Timo ( )
reports of county and towmssimip correspond-
ommts of , time iowa weatimer and crop service I
made a flattering showing of the condition
of time crops om July 1 , 1&I8 , as will be moecmm
by the following summary ef averages for
the state : \Vinter wheat , 97 per cent ;
spring wheat , 09 ; corn , 102 ; oats , 98 ; rye ,
07 ; harley , 100 ; mnihiet , 0S'flnx ; , 118 ; brooumi
corn , 93 ; potatoes , 102 ; sweet potatoes , 97 ;
moorghummm , oo ; meadows , 108 ; pastures , 105 ; ]
apples , 70 ; pears , 71 ; plums , 70 ; peaches , '
88 ; grapes , 00.
On July 1 , 1897 , the same correspondents
reported the average condition of tIme staple
croms at mnuclm lower 'figures , us foiows :
\Vinter wheat , 61 Per cent ; Blmrimmg wheat ,
88 ; corn , 76 ; oats , 83 ; barley , 93 ; rye , 87 ; .
flax , 88 ; immillet , 100 ; broomn corn , 82 ; potatoes -
toes , 92 ; sweet potatoes , 92 ; sorgimummi , 85 ;
apples , S4 ; piumnms , 72 ; grapes , 80 ; timnotimy
and clover , SO.
- ( ' , hhoie 1OPMeM Cattle ,
( ItUNDY CENTER , TIn. , July 10.-Spe- ( ,
cial-It was discovered here today
tlmat two carloads of cimoice cattle
imati been stolen from time herd
owmmed by ox-Governor Horace Boles
oil his farm near timis city by a gang of '
cattle thieves nmmd the animmmals simllmpcd to
Chicago after beimmg driven to Ileamiman , a
smmmnll jmlacc abotmt twelve , mmmiles soutlm of
hero. The thieves imami succeeded imi mmsar-
keting tlmeir atock 1mm Clmicago for $2,200 , but
the sumspiciomms of the cotmmmmmissiomm niercimamits
becoming aroused they wir ti time First National -
tional iiaomk of this place today , mmiakitmg its-
quirlc-s nmmd thus It was that time theft be-
canme kimown , An investigation on time Part
. of Mr. holes revealed that time cattle stolems
were aummong time choicest. ott huts farm uumd
I emmougim imati becim taken to smiahce two heavy
I carloads. Time mmhglmt of the crhnme horses
irere also stolen from farmers , the thieves
usimmg themn to drive time cattle to lleanmamm ,
I wimea they turneti time animmmals loose.
1i it iriimrgINtN.
MASON CITY , ha. , July 10.-Spccial.- ( )
I Time Iowa State Pimarmmmacetmtical association
hmclti its ammntmal mmseotimmg here durlmmg time
I week Just losetl. , , '
I Clear Lake will be timeipipco of msext meet-
f immg. Time fohlowlmmg officers , vcre elected :
I PrcsidemmtV. . G. Bale , 'Webster City ; first
vice imresioient , J.XV. . 1iailarl , Davemmport ;
secotmd vice presidemit , Mr. Bentley , Oska-
loosa ; treasurer , J. 13. Welsh , DeWitt ; eec-
retary , \ . M. Miles , Des Moines ; meimibers
of time executive comnmtttee , 'B. A. Morgan ,
Marsimalitowmm ; E. 13. Baldwin , Hampton ; A.
A. hiroadie , Waveriy.
SiI nt I.miIEe Chimmilmimm.tiu , .
SPIRIT LAKE , Ia. , July 10.-Speciai.- ( )
The Spirit Lake Chautauqua association
commmmmmences its twelve days' ' iessioim at this
imlace next Monday. The entire session and
every representation on each day's programn
promises to be of time highest order both as
to remmdition amid instru tlor
l'emm ci IIitttim I'itt'ttmry St rilc ,
MUSCATINE Ta. , July 10.-Speciai.-A ( )
strike is on at Westbrook pear button factory -
tory because of a redumction of 1 cent a gross
on the wages. Other factories have changed
the scale sligimtiy anti several of time cutters
have ceased to operate.
Nem. UississipmL mtmyer lhriilgc _
NORTH M'GREGOIl , Ia. , July 1O.-Spe- (
cIal-The contract was last week let for
time imuildtmmg of a miew railroad bridge for
the use of the Milwaukee railroad over the
Mississippi river , connecting this city with
Prairie dim Chien ,
For ouiIi izui.otiu Sta t IHI lco.
ABERDEEN , S. D. , July 10.-Speciai.- ( ) .
W. F. T. Ilusimnehl has entered upon his
duties as state statistical agent for time Department -
partment of Agrlcumiturq. Time appointmnemmt
vas made by Secretary Wilson some weeks
ago and camno to Mr. 'hlumshmnehi without so-
hicitatiomm Oti his vart , amid was no doubt
marie in recognitiomm of the valuable services
he remmolered when ito held time sanme place
a number of years ago. The position is
no iminecure , as it holder keeps up a correspondence -
respondence with about 300 persons in the
motato ,
Siiteh.iimzui K tiled.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , July 10.-Speciai (
Telegmamn.-Charles ) Asimlcy aged 30 , a
Union Pacific swttchmnamm , was kiileti in time
Cheyenne yards this morning. lie was
struck while stepping from a switch engine
by an engine on the adjoining track and
knocked ummmcler time wheels , his right toot
was cut off , but Ito hung to time axle until
his streimgthm failed , when he loosened imis
hold and ( cli across time rails. ills imeati
wait severed front imis body anti his rigimt
lmammd cut off. lie leaves a wife and child.
I'roufthilitleN Art' timflt it ' % ViiI lie
Fair ii . \Vsirmimer him N.hrxmskm , ,
'umilIm Somtimeriy Viimds ,
WASHINGTON , July 10.-Forecast for
Monday :
For Nebraska and Missouri - Fair ;
wnrmmmer ; soutimerly wimitlit.
For Srnmth Dakota , Kammeas and Iowa-
Fair ; warmer ; hlglmt southerly winils.
Fur Wyumniimg-Fair ; variatIo winds.
Lta'sil ltCcOr.l.
OMAHA , July hO.-Omaiumrecortl of tenm.
lerattmro nntl raimmfail , , o mpnreol ivith time
corresjomtiiing day of thetumt timree yemmrmo :
PIOt. 1S07. ISIS , iso : ; .
Maxitmmum ternperatur . . , , 75 51 76
Minimum temnimoratumre . , , 6l 63 C3 55
Avermigo temperature fit , ' 4 59 71 GIl
itainfahi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , , , T 32 00 00
itecor.i of temmiperrmturo anti Ioreciphtmttioim
at Omnlma for timis day m9mg1 itince March 1.
hISS : St
Norrmial ( or tue tlrmy. . , , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deficiency ( or the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Aevunmmmlatcd excess mdmme j4arch . . . . . . . .
Normal rainfall ( or tue . . . . . . . . . immcim
Deticicimey ftr time day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 belt
' -Potmil rimirifimli since Mak'h t. , . .10.07 immcime
ixcepo toitmeto loinrelm . . - . , . . . . . . . . . irmc'im
Deficiency correoln ' ; merifi 1697. . . 4.84 Inclmes
Fxcesmo ctmrremop'g IermO(1 IIZIO. . . . . . 1.16 incimemo
lICIuirts frommi Snti4miit ott S li. iii. ,
Sovemmty-flftim Ith5fhIan time.
. '
'mL. 'l
o .
.g :
- ' ' 1. 0
: . mi. ,
'I '
Ormmalma , clear. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'T5 i
Nortim Platte , lmmmrtiy cloumdy. . . . 76 50 .01)
Ihilt Lake , Clummily. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ' 1'
L'lmeyenimt , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ill l2 , u
ltttpiti City , iourtiy . . . . . . . 76 ,0'
lhmrotm , cleitr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Cimlemigo , char . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . . . 66 ( jO )
iVilitootoim , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so ni
it , Louis , cletmr . . , . . , , , . ' . ' . . . . . . . . . - 71 .1(1
St. i'atml , . . . . . . . ' . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . ' 76 .01) )
haveoloort clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7f .01) )
] ielemmmi , clear . , , , . , , , . , . . . . . . . . . .GO .7 'S .0' )
iiutmsj City , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 , u
hlnvrc , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . Of .00
htismmmarclc , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lit 7 .01)
Galveston , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
IS. . , A. . WEI-$311 , Loca5F i'ast Ohilcial.
' . , .S _ , . _ .S 5 _
th9 LiThe
The Great Resort.
Every body invited to take in the
sights and be convinced that
Lake Manawa
' 5' " 5
is the oniy place to get cooled off
and have lots of hut.
Above all don't fail to see the
Flectrical Mirage at night.
'l'hme Cmtrr OtT lime ( litmime Iimgt'ly
'l'lim'oimghi .temiimM of l'lrrorio biy
till ? ( ) rihimmtM.
CINCINNATI , 0. , July 10.-Br'itemm3tcimt
Was effeoti'o after the third imtmilmmg. core
e1.'mNN.t.fl. CIliCGO.
atmmm Ite. cr.m m : i o I htymin , If..I 2 6 1 1
Snobtim , mc. . . .5 i u u u mvem ml , mt , .i a ii i U
( 'urcoran , , LO 0 0 3 0 TitornIoll. cr1 I ) I U 1
Imeemcley , ib..2 1 11 0 , lnmmkmm , , i..O I 3 C , i
Mmuier. rf. . . .i 2 2 4) ii Mc'mimck. Sm.2 I I a 2
Stetmmm'mt , 2b.i 1 2 U I IsOcit , rt..i I 0 U U
mru In , SI , . .2 (0 1 2 0 Commfl"r , 2h. . .O 0 b Ii 1 '
i'ettz , C . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 lonohUe , c..O U S m m
itr'temmst'n , p 0 1 2 4 0 CahInImn , , , ' . .1 1 2 2 0
Totals . . . .Ii 10 2 m'.o 2 Totnl . . . . . S 15 2 , ms o
Ciumciimmmati . . . . . . . . . 0 0 2 0 1 1 C , S 0-il
Clsicmmgu . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2 0) ) 0 3 0 1 0 17
Fmtrmii'ti rmmmms : Cimiemigo 2. Twi hise : imita :
lIiimlemm , liobeli. 'l'imree base imits : i'eitz ,
itynmm , .lcCormmmick. Stioleim iaum-'c's : tiller ,
hieckiey , Steinfelilt , Ityitmi. Dtutle , hmitlO'
Dalmicim to Cnmmmmur to lverItt. 1"Iriot omm
mills : By ilreitemmsttlin , ; ; liv Caliahmamm , ( .
I I I I by i titimeti bille , : Cal 1st linus , 2. t tiiek
oil t : Ily Ca I laba n , 2. Pa sed Psi II : Iioimmoim ime.
'rime cit gamE' : 'l'wo imotmrs mind timirty mimi-
utes. lJinpires : Swmmrt ivood mustS \Vood.
STANDI NG om 1'i I i rI.MS.
Played.Vomm. . Lost. Per C.
Cbimelnimati . . . . . . . . . . 7l : 41 ? ' 07.1
hiostomi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 41 27 61.4
Ciev'lminti . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 42 27 60.9
Baltiniomo . . . . . . . . . . . CS 41 27 60.3
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 41 C O.
l'ittsbmmrg . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 33 32 51.3
New York . . . . . . . . . . 61 3 :51 : 51.5
PimilndeipimtiL . . . . . . . . . Gd 29 : ii 43.9
\Vashington . . . . . . . . . 69 29 iI
Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 40 40.3
St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 23 51 31.1
Louisville . . . . . . . . . . . . 71. 22 49 31.0
Games todm' : Cimmcinnnti itt l3altimore ;
Loumisviiie at hmostomi ; Pittm4tmuri- hirouk-
Iymm ; St. Losmito at New York ; ( . . .iovclmimi at
i'hmIln'ticlphia Chicago at 1' , moshtngtmmm.
( LiMES ) N 'm'iiFi w'lIlsTIiitN
Frlcmmd's Vi1timmtso- . Costs Cohimimilmuit a
Gmmmme ( to JCttuistus Cl I
COLUMISUS , 0. , Jumly 10.-Frhenti' wIld-
hess ; gave Elimisas City three rummis. Score :
Columbus . . . . . -
Kmtmmsas City. . . 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' -3 5 1
Bnttt'ries : Cohtmnibus , Friemmd mintS Suili-
vums ; Kammsami City , I'mmrdeo amid \Vfii'omm.
I'laycd. Won. Lost. Per C.
mndmanaptihia . . . . . . . . . 67 42 25 62.7
St. l'aui . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 14 27 62,0
F1atmsas City . . . . . . . . .71 43 25 60.6
Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . 72 40 32 55.0
C'olumnhu'4 . . . . . . . . . . . at ; 20 55.4
St. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . 63 2) 40 26.5
Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 25 44 36.2
Minneapolis . . . . . . . . . 70 21 49 10.0
Al i l\'AU l FiE , \\'is. , July 10.-Time Saimitmo
tiropimeti twt ) gaimses to tIme Brewers toia' .
In the flrt game time Brewers batted imamd
anti won with ease. Time ccomiI , gtnme : was
mm. ilitelmermo' battle betweemi 'l'erry nmoi
Frickems , in whmich tlmim iurmc'r emumie out
msimemmti. Lee's piayiimg was time feature at
both ames. Score :
St.Fmuml . . . . . . 120000000-391
Milwaumkeo . . . . 2 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 -0 6 2
Batteries : Milwaumkee Taylor anti Sitcom ;
St. Paul , PImyle and pies ,
Sectmd swine- S
St. Paul , . . . 0 00 0 0 0 20 0 0-210 3
Milwatmlcce . 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1-I 5 0
liatterk'mo : Milwaumkeo , Terry amid Spoor ;
St. Paul , Frielcen nmmd Sphemo.
IpiterMImute Lt'imgime ,
TOLEDO , 0. , July 10.-Score :
Toledo . . . . . . . . . 020000000-2102
Batteries : 'roledo , Keemimtmm and Arthur ;
New Castle. Gueso and Zinram.
GI6AND RAPIDS , Mich , , Jumly 10.-Scoro :
It. ) I.E.
Grantl ilnlmids , 5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 i-7 C 2
D.tyton . . . . . . . .
liatterlemo : Grnmti , Rapids , hunter and
Cote ; Dayton , Street anti lmLtimer ,
( lit lii INALS 1)ElI'I'IA'i' 'I'll Ii hiLUii'F'S ,
lCei I IL'S A g.rgr ( gil I I Oh 1m4 'l'oo Jl mmcii for
time ihiiwi.e''CN.
Joe Scully , one of time toimib artists of
liuclEerimlo Feithm'mo aggregumtioim of Orlgi-
mmaim-o , ycsttrtismy ntcrmmoomm iorcscmtte'i to time
Ctnmncil hhluiffs bmmil team a lot of kinks
which were Gortilan knots 1mm olimogulmoc. The
Illuffites managed to solve only mm trio of
imim3 bi'ntlermo , immiti time result wmmmo tlmmmt timey
got somtketl for time first time timimo moenmoomm
whmilo the Onmitha ball tiothers alcieti aim-
otimer victory to their string. 'h'hoo scare
wits S to 3 ,
'l'Iso contest was a. hittiq bit the warm-
et timing Unit ever traveled over time base
bmiil idko iii time tlirectioim of time OrIginals.
Colonel Steele imad a choice assortnmetmt of
cimrVeS imlimimoelt , anti the Originaito rnmmnamcecl
to land timemu safely aimly emgimt times. Time
great fielding of time teams ivitmo au-ta a
( tudor in time gmtme , in wimich time tolmort- and Vt'mtiier-phayeti the star
limirt. ' 1 Ime feature of time game was thu
timraw of' Jehlcmm to first base on it molmort
fly to left lielti , resumlting in a iloumhjo 1m1ay.
Time hlltmflltes monveti thmeir bacon in tlmo
first limiting. As t mesumit of a couple of sin-
gbeto fluid a bmmso emi litmus anti an error timoy
mociored tlmree rutms aimd saved a ioimutoumt.
After timat tIme wipg which moimrotmtoo fran-i
Scuihly's starboard shoulder was in hush-
mmcuoH ( or keeps , and ommiy omme otimer elimglo
% vaml cbtmmhned tilt of Iminm. On time cmtimer
imanti time Originals kept dllmmg up tmmhilo.'s
iLli tlmrougim time game. Tlme score by in-
niimgs :
11 lIE.
Oriulnals . . . . 1 0 0 1 3 0 2 0 1-5 S 1
Coutmeil i3iuffs3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 3 4
Struck oumt : Ii ) ' Steele , m : by Scully , 0.
lilt by pitcimed bali ; 110' Steele , 2'lid
.e , . . - , p- . ' .0 : . " - 1b .It $ .11.
. , o. i. ' 5' . ' . : ' ' & I 0 I "i' I' 'I' I i ' I' ? ii' 'I'
Are U n ci C o t z i i o i 1 .13 1 tz ifs I i.3 * *
"i'Oht ( 'flit 1ui iiitpt'oi'i mumiol iiiihimt , i'ii't'd fmqm I S i'iii'm , m.'r I , ,
, ' ( I iItt'l , ' ' , ' is , ,
titismiohimity Ilium itimyii'lmero' iii the Slates 'l'lmer im foil-
4. m ru ( if er'mIp , imtmi'e. 1iiih at I'rtm it t'iimis jhm ito , t Imey lire I m' hear-
' ? Imir ,
-1. T' It C' r 1) , % r -
Tt . _ , .tL 'rIme hlmmI loImitt mmii ltimm , lirilco'rs ,
S. . , . 1' I . 'i ' Ste ox I mm mol Vu ciii , ' ii mu I : . rme , ii ii mmmht'r of . ' ,
? 39 Pearl St. Coutnoil Bitt i , a lrimit , ( Lmrtlpmm mmmii ( : , l'trmmm'o , \'mito 5
S i't'r'.otm :0 : hly comiolume t lmnyoms tlt rim mm git cm om r m ftmr I ii ftmrmmi at ii ut maui st ILtOv It tyomi 'I
+ ,4 itrelmamils fmi'tt of cimargt' . miiml.
4' : - : - : * - : , : : i + - : : - - : - :
- _ _
i AND U0UGIITTOPEIFEC1 Rh nrur' n mn
1 tyourmummtri'&tm'ntorrnkm..tiimle , ' 3I . ' WJ
h cumd by
IJ 1 '
' 'vrlttnjti&ntntr. . with rmt ire. tltngio 05' ' 4" HAHNS PHARMACY ,
, , , . ht , , i : tiA)4Ns i'mkKEC-r.
imitc im : fly Steele , I ; by Seumlly 1. ) kmscmo
"mm balks : Off Steele , 3. flatterIes : Scimliy
ituiii iitms'ntnii ; Steele and Sours. L'mmmplrc
Damu 'l'mmyfcr. ,
'olmuiimtger lmim'k heithm at time Origimmals
yesterday received worti frommmVynmore I imat
time mtggrcgmttiom , of that lewis is ; willing to
luc'cept imist cimaiieimge to lolimY ( or the eimmmmn-
imbomisimlp of the state. Five ctmtitct5 are
to itu Imumlleti off. 'k'ime first two viil occmmm
1mm this city ( iii next Satummday mmmmd Smmmmtiay.
Two mare irihl he , played \Vymiiure timid
time fifth , if mmecemosary , wihi be pia'ed citlmer
imere or In W'yimmoro.
hlii deti Vit itt li * tie Sioux ,
L1TThE SIOUX , ha. , July 10.--
( Special . ) -'l'htS limmydeti flros. ' Will
climb of Omnalimt defeiitcti time Ia-
cmii team totiuty iii 01W of time most
immterestimig gmmmws : ever witimessed imert.
\'itii time score 7 to 1 agaInst 111cm In the
Ilrst of tIme sevemmtlm imimitmmg , time I bnyticims
nmado a brilhIammt rally by opportumme imit-
timmg. mmmd turmmed Zilmnoi4t ccrtnln tiefo'mit limb
victory. Time feature of time gnmne w'uo : a
flume stop by Talbot ! . Score :
ihayilems Bros. . . . . 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 5 0-10
Little Sioux. . . . . . . . 1 2 0 0 (1 ( 4 0 0 0- ' 1
hiatteriemo : Ifmtydens. Vs'elc'im amid O'Con-
imor ; Llttltm Sioux , Lommg anti Neal.
CorJett Viii hio McCy.
NE\V YORK , July 10.-St is atmoosmimecil
timmit Jamnemo J. Corhc'tt and ' 'Ehd" isleCmy
immsve agreed umpon terms for it twemity-ilve.
roummmtl match to comae oft at 3)uIfmtio August
27 , 'rlmi. purse will be $2Otm00 with a moile ,
bet itroltaimle. It is iomld McCoy'S repro-
mocimtntivo pro'Isiommmmli mteceptcti Corbett's
stiptmlmitions that simoulti the 1,011cc immter-
fore time iltttet' iSo to have time wlnmmom'io emmd
of time utiuso.
, , ' ' ' ' . ' tii ' .
host mu St a re 'l'mt lcCN 'l'i''O ilit'S.
Time liustorm Store's tlc'fented time Olymmm-
plzts Stmmidmty morning 1mm a one-sided game
by a score of 10 to 5. BatterIes : Hmotomi , ,
Store , 13ni'Icmo miimil Dowmis ; Olymumpia , Itemize ,
'l'oezer uLmidVeiimberg. .
The Ilototon Stores tiefeated time Paxton
Ihtttt'lmo in tiucs nfternooim by mu score of 9
to 5. iimttoriemo : Boston l3tore , Suhiivmtmm
amid lbmwl s ; l'axtoim 1 lotci , 1roniberg amid
Cimamami ,
lliuyiiemis loiiii l.nii im'iIit. ,
TIme I iaydemm llros. ' team weimt to Lommhmo-
i'iiie Immet Saturday mood easily uokinnetl time
umggregntion tlmere. Scar , , Imy iimnimmgmo :
lhmmyolcmm Bros. . . . . . . 4 0 1 2 0 2 2 0 ' -11
Lsmisvllle . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
flatteries : ihaydemimo , helm amid h3ovmnan ;
Louisville , Erwlim ammd llmirmann ,
Ccii a rim .1 . ti Lit mm .i 6) Ihlee II imoo I mm t'ss.
DENVER. July 10-Spcclai.-Tlme ( ) fiscal
year of 1697 , ending on Jumno 30 , 'as one of
time best ever experienced in the United
States iamttl otico ! at ienver. By $11,000 time
rceohl'As were In excess of tlmii ireeetiing
tweivo months , and 'time 'iietlumcitiomm ha titan.
tile prosptrous otmtlcok for nil khmmtlit of
farmnlng has beca responsible for 'time ' rush
to take up imublic laud , Time annual report
for the yea-u' jimst c"ndod elmows m. total of $24-
102.23 aS time resuit of ca-sb sales. 'Fhslit Item
is mamlo ulm of milncty-one easlm n.'mmtries ,
2,121.12 acres , $8,187.90 ; tsvemmty-sevemm desert
land entries , 1,220.56 acres , $1,055.81 $ ; 'timir- '
teems final desert land eimtriet4 , 2,218.49 acrea ,
2,3i8.49 ; 183 n-mineral eimtries , 2,932.46 acres ,
$12,540. Time total nunmbcr of ocres was 11-
592.63 ,
Ses . , ' % ) ' % Vtil ,
SPRINGER , N. M. . Jtmly iO-Specimml.- ( )
I Wool is corning in very rapitihy now anti do-
mandimmg a fair price. Time shearing season
is well under way and large owners its mmmnuy
instances are imoitiiimg their clip for aim ad-
vammco in prices. Every one is elated over time
splendid season for simearing , Some imave
I commenced to dip their flocks ,
" .Vori fur % V'o Iii I mm g C.ii vi . ' I
CIIiiYENNE , Wyo. , July 10.-Special.- ( )
The \'yorning St-ate 1oard of Cimarities tmnmi
Ittformmi has received a tmiuipmmmeimt of hjroomns
mmsanuroetured at time state penRemmtiary , An
effort will be ma-do to continue the umuanum-
factimme , ormo of time macst difficult problemmms of
'risea mmmmmimagenmmeimt in Wyomning beftmg to
find work for 'the prison.
7/ with poor corpJejions with this incomparabte liquid
; Malt ( oed at their beck and caU. Poor complexions -
17 . , . ions , caused by thin starved blood and faulty
S digestion , are the
: , % swept away by magic
' touch of Malt Vivine. It produces ricb ,
11 . pure blood , iood digestion and in con-
sequence a clear healthly corniplexion.
. _ I
, A OH-IiTOX1ANT , .
S ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 1.11 DrpjIzft ,
VtLBuTz BRwIu Co
_ _ _ _ _ _ Foley liros , , Wholesale Deale , , Otflcc , Del.
I lone Hotel , 154U. , , .
_ _ - . : _ S4tImSt Omomlmti , Ncb.
: .
'A . - ' ' 5- ' . . . - , . . . . : ' ' ' , ' ' 5 ,
TIIA'l' AIIE Glh'l'EIXi'l.'i ALSO
\\'ANT 'x'ouu Filtil INSUIIANCE or
1IUSI NESS l'itOl'Elt'I'V '
, D\'EIil NOIl
NADO lNSU1tANCl It' [ ' A'EltY
LOW 11A'rhl. flA1tcb INS IN 1ti'i4L ,
ESTATE , htorih iN FAISM AN ! ) S
CiTY 1'IIOI'Filt'I'Y..hi CAN SilLli
1'AYMIINTS. 2,000 ACItES O1' IlOT-
s.rlS IN ONl 'i'll/iC'S' Ott IN SMALl , .
235 I'EARL STREE'l' .
Primary. Oeeondary or 'rertms.r 111.0013
4'OIBON 5erman.ntly
Cured in l5to 35 Days.
you c&mm e. Sr.auea lit nomp [ or unto
Often imfld.r .am. iuarsnty. If you pr.f.r
1. some tmr. w , will contract to psy n.h.
rtd fare intl hotsi blI. ; . and .me . ebarj.
if w. fail to cut's.
takIn mnerrory , iodtd. potaatm and .1111
bay. aCtmt * arid psini Mucou. . Pitches I
cnoutb fore TtmmO&t , t'fmnpi , , Copper Cc
med POI ? , Ulcers on any put of the
bo'ly , JIsIr or Eyebrows faihin 01st , It I.
tb ! . .ccmt1ary
E1IIW'rftJ ' ] ;
We Guarantee to Cure
w. solicit time meet obstinate .aa.a ssu4
chaiieimge the world for a cAse we cannot
curs. Ttmti dIsesa , ha. always baffled the
skill of tim. iiost mlneat physIcians.
$5o.0iQ capitel behmlnl our uncondItional
miar-ntr , .kbioiut5 prcof sent .i.1e4
0mm appllotion , mco book hot tree.
Addrou COOK JILIStISDY CO. , 1401
XfteOfliO Temple , tIo1cugo , 111 ,
FOR ,1 $3O
No Dotontlon From 3ualnei.
Va rater to lIUNrmcCDS am' i'ArmmmTs CUl1In
il Seven to Tori Days VIthout Pain.
ONR TeaArmcNT Dons TIlE.Vottmc ,
( Htmceors to Thu 0. 11. M1LLtR CO. )
U32.933 Uew York Life Building1 Omaha.
Call or write ion cizcuiag.
Lake Michigananci t.skauperlor1ranscorlatIon Co.
Own 'II. . ? eW IfterI t..uui.Ip M.u.ttuu. .
Sailinga From Chicago
For ? .iecI.ln. l.iinl 1)btl Cit ' ( Ii.d , , 'muffiIo'I'omm
oLmtQ1ec' 'tue. A.Mci. to 1''Mi5uil A.l1tt.4 i'.it.
.r ( lrlvoji , lierbor ) m'ri,5 , , l''tu.kiti , etc.m
Tmmee.iI AM. 'fl.ur. h i..r.i , bat. 4 s'.sm.
br lianci.cic , lioumtimtou. AII.Isnj ,
Pulc.Um , f40.m Wed. it P.M.
S JImutret..m m' rnelie.I fr.on apphtcathoit ,
Cr1111 AN DhCL $ , 1111 AD . 'dAltI ll.cititau ,