_ - - - [ : T ONA1IA thE oNnAY , , : ; : ; . I : . Popocrat Find Their Cares Piling Up in . ' : Ditring Manner. WCAL ORGAN IS IN DOUBTFUL hANDS Mnt % 'Ii. , r.ti'i's 4)Iu t 4eli4iui'M . MMI1 lIl 1II ' . irInI Iiitieiriut ipi I % . INCotN. July 1O.-SpeclaL-'rhe ( ) tern- vet o the local ) OpOrnts anI iiieiiIirs ot the Atato houo Iarty Iave not Iliiln'Ovetl ( Ulon leCeIt cit the news that the eilItoriI inor.gernont of the Evening Post ttui Iflt ( ) ( Lie ) tuni of Prank Edlncndb , tha otih man 1io last. winter worci1 U ) the flcvI1aer ) exposure of Chairman FHiII- ( tCI'R ; connection with the recount ballot frailliR , . 'rho ' l'ost at one tinie cut quIte a flgure I n polltlc3 hero am ! was 1itidettOtjL to lie owned by Mr. flrynn , The incuuiger of the pnp i wan \ % ' , F' . Scliwlnd , fortijer' flryan' prIvate secretary. SInce tb' luPOCratS gained corttrol of the tnte tlllciR hfli state lnstltutloiis the Post baa l.nu kept allv by ICaIIS of nasesarnenta levied tii'nn the . rnllOYCS of the various lnbtltutlong , crry . . one of them beIng conhiiclle1 to contrIbute from $5 to O. Tlil system ticain so ds- tnstctul to the state czntiioyc that many ' of them reflseil ( to coiitrIbuI. further. A . general complaint was aiim made that. the PaPer was making a venk flglzt. for the &tflte adnilnisti atlon and .s as a failure as , t campaign about. 1ce1Ing tlia he wa Iat losIng l&I & hold on LILC lovocrats Schwlnd leserted the paper for an npjiolnt- merit In the Third regiment. : 1,1 ii t ( ) I ii I .11C3 % I Nn Amos 11. MenleIIlInhl , preMtl1C of the State Journal company arid one of the old and nt1uential citizens of L.incoI. , coin- : initted suickle early this iriorntn by drown- liii ; himself in a cistern. Mr. Mendotiliall hail been In poor henith ; for scv'rai niontha , which caused him to bo despondent. Thia inorntni.at . 2 olock lie got UI ) from beil to take ti ie itiedicinc , Mrs. MCnleuirnhI ( being awake at that time. . liotli again retired and wc.i to s1etp. A short tUne before 4 oclock trg. iIcirIen- hail nvoke and linding tliit lici iitisbait 'i1s not In bed iiintle an IIavv8igaLIoIi of the prvzntse5. She tollnl the top of the clHtern removeit and beIievIn tliiit her 1its- tflTi(1 had Jumped in there at coca culled the iOlio. The body was at oiicc tn1en out , the Indications being that It had beeii iii the water less thati an hour. Sherman Leoiiaid , a member cit rnpaiiy F' , Second rerlinent , the news of whose death has tiecli received from Chicicaniatiga , was a university stitilent before iiiii nlist- Ineilt. iiavliig taken the three yaif course. lie 4c'n popular lii university ctr.ks , and was COfliICrCd one of the best soiiiI'rs ' In the iiiieoiii Light infantry. Ilbi iarents rcslde at. Itnyniond. . ( ovrnor Iloiconili y.sterda ' oppol o ted Itc'v. it. l. Jordan of Cranti 1iciic1 to be cliplaln of tile Third regiment nov. .or- dnn Is still at his home , lut tvlll r.'port at . Ornairn In a short time. There ovcr 100 npj1Ica tlons for the appointuicut. Frank LIliti rill be tried Ji'fore Jui.tiro Spencer tomorrow mornln * on thu hrgo of biirgliiry , being alispe td ot havIng robled Meyer & E11eIdts toie at 1iaiinii of $100 worth of goo(1s. The atoin p opel ty S has been recovered and the evideti ugnftst : L.iiiil Is almost conclusive. : The foilot lug additional dLleates have bceii selectril to atteiti the state convention it Oxnaiia FIrst warl : 1. L. S Lindsey , harry Abbott , (1. U. loore , A. . . : Cornish , 0. C. flelI , Itobert IIuhey , 13. 13. hopkins. Charles Coin , 0. 13. iIerilcI. CapS - S tam Murphin , 11. L. Itcti ty , J uhiua Dici rich , ' 'S Ilaita FrittisteilVllliam 13. Kirby , A1uaii- der Stevart. Abe 1arks , J. S. JIcars. Sc- ; end rard L. W. lJlhhingsley. 1) . Parker , - E. C. StVOdC Frank I'arka ned Jaincs tc- VeflSOfl , Jr. Fifth ward : It. I ) . $ tev.rnq , II. Id. Ihushnell , C. ii. Gere , J. P. IIaii1e , U 4. Ilemsworth , G. It. Illinmel. L. 1. . II. Austin , John Glesler , 0. W. Vnndcrver. Adna Dob- floe , 1. It. Sizer , S. ' 1' . Cochran , U. W. Davis , S T. Stevens , N. L. Williams , W. I-i. Leese , S B. W. Nosely , J. T. Dorgan , Ii. V. Iloagland , Louis Otto , John Troinpen mith B. N. Coffin. S Lancaster prectoe't L. Sul11vin , Lincoln I'rozt , 3. 'A. Cushman , H. C. Young. Young C6iored 1en'ci Itepubtican club : i. W. Bar- 7lett , A. L. Williams , Martin Davis and d - art1 Johnson. Universfty i'Iaee Veteran's Itepubhicnn club : 1. J. Shelihorn , S. II. ilees- 10110 , ( 'orgo F. Niles , 3. l3rooks. The condlilate on the republican county ticket held a mectlni yesterday afternoon iuid s'lrcted V. Ii. Stone as chairman and Walt 3Jawson as Becretary of the cnmpaign S committee. I'rof. Caldwehl of the State university has Just received notice that Otto Wiliani S Meter. of the class of 9S , has 'ust heeii awarded the $200 gold matlal for the bust , JflIerS on the Irinclples fouiit for in thu revolution. The prize wn offered liv the Nntional Society of the Sons of the American S Revolution and wus contested for by It large litiluber of colleges. S ri-or. Irving J. Manatt , formerly ehaneellor of tile Stnte university , but how -profesor of ( heck Iii hirown uiilvcrsity , Is vielting rel- utives lii the city. 'i'ItOI'III.t IS . % iI11.t1) Fult (1tiICN1 , liii , , hii. S'LIEe , tiiil Ieiiiu- i i nI u I usel , , ' Ii , 1k , 'h'r.itll souiit' . TUA11NEY , Nob. . itily 10.-Slevclal.-The ( ) republican situation In ( lie Sixth congres- atonal district hns hot fully ileceioi'ed. Two years ego lion A. Fl Cody of S. Paul , vns thu republican cajithiditte , nnd lie inailo nil S excellent light against overwhelming odds. S Ills thereat wns not from lack of versonnl 'tfort or SPCcinl fitness of the enniliduto S for the z'ositioii ' find a great sunny repub- S henna iii ( lila big tliirty-tltree county district feel that If Mr. Cody wlsliis toitinku th race 'ognin he should be uceorlied the tinner. One or Mr. Catty's battIest opponents in the light for the nomination waii the lion. Prank FL hiecinan of ICearney. Mr. Ilceinan is not making iiiiy strenuous effort this year to srcuro t1it IiofliflhttIOfl , but he t'oulil accept the nomination if teiniereil by the party. 'l'heie are other aspirants tor (1w nomInation , but they huv inutiu but little showing as yet , It seeiii to be a foregone couciusion that v. L , ( iroene will be nominated by the ipu hi5ts to ucct'ed himself. ir , Greelie began : Cub tili hiii ills , buiIou5. hess , Iiea4netie. sour stunt. ch , Illtiiiestioi1 , cotistipa. Uon , 1'hey act 'a'iir. with S out pain nrgripe $ OILt I ) sit dritg1it , . IS c. ' 51 I' Ih t. tit. * , IIi heed' ; t8tLe S : The Omaha Bee : ; Map of Cuba Coupon , Present this Coupon with . .5 e IOcfor ADTap of'Cuba. I A JYlap otthoVest Indies. And a Maportho Woi'ld , e 8 Mull 11 cents. ' tli'e * rJ of setirhn onomlnatIon early , sending hiIi private secretary home several months in advance to look after his fences. After the survey hind been made Mr. Greene rushed home himself , arriving several weeks ftJo. in the council hehil it was deemed best best t call an curly conVention to head Oft othaicongresIona1 booms that vere begin- fling to show themselves. hhy some inanipu- Mfloii'thie mnchilniry was set in motion and the convention to nominate ( lie populist nominece for eonress was called to meet in lhroken how on July 14" The hopes of other natal idates went glimmering. ititige Wcitover , the more promising opponent of .lr. Greene , was then" head over heels in court terms and hail ennugh s ork SChlCdtilel ( ahead to carry him tiii to convention time. The result was ( hint his friends gave tip ti t wrk TJic rqsul will ProbablY be a poorly nttcnihed convention at. liroken 110w , with little or no opposition to Mr. Greene , Tue early convention also works to the nil- Vantage of the Btntc himise machine. in ( lint It does not give Jtitige rcviiIo time to work (1W eoiiiity co.nvcnjlthif for delegations. Delegates for the tate antI congressional cmiventioirn are being selected by the same county conventions. Thin democrats in the Sixth district tire by no menus friendly to Mr. Greene and the possibility of a democratic candidate is now cutting ( luite it fl'gttre iii political calcitin. tions- The niiildle.of-the-road voinhiists have little more love for 1r. Greene than camididate would not surprise a great 11jul13' old time politicians , It is admitted ( lint shotiltl the iletnocrata put up a congressional ticket that Iloim , 'SV. I ) . Ohthhiani of Keartte3' , vihi have the nomination for ( lie asking. ( .tNIi I.t'IiS I III"1'hi 1)IS'VItiC'i' . OIIuM , I iuiii t. ; ; ; it itiiil-Several lti9IIIlIll'iliIS I4.lllItiil'tl. HASTINGS , Nob. . July 10.-Special.- ( ) l'ohitIc 'in thin ttth congressional district 1mm just commenced 40 he talked in earaett. which tact is noticeable by th number of candidates for congresa being njcntioncd by .thetr friends. It. Q. Stewart , ehairnuin of thio republican district central comnjltte , hns just issued a call for the di3triet central conjinitte. ' to meet in h1it1ings Tuesday atternooii at 2 o'clock at the Itcetwiek hioLl foi the purpoia of fixing the timnarlil iiaCC for lio1dini the district couveiitiloll. IL Is nimntht a eci'tainty that this convention will be held in hastings inuncdiateiy Ifter the republican state eonvuntion is hichil In Lhi- coin. iii case the district cenvcntiofl is not 'held immediately foliowing the ictate colt- vetition it vihI be held oil Monday , Auglist 8 , , o as to acroititnoilate tho.e from the west- ermi and coutliern harts of the state % vhio will attend the state convcflt0fl. Atneng the many cand4ate ! being then- tinned by the WiUlhibals for etwigress front the Fifth ilistrict Captain C. B , Adams of Sulcrior seems to be in the lead. Charle3 Dietrith , J. N. Clarke and \\'iiltam It. hhur- ton , all of Hastings , are being neli.tioijed lV their friends as possible ctndklttteS. It is said that none 'of them have such Indian- tiomis , but 'either ' would 'accept the ijorniiit- tlon If it were tendere ( to hint. Another los.sible candidate Is 3. II. Black of Bloomington - ington , who , 'it ls said , has ii large anti solid foilowlng lii F'rankhin eounty. One of the . i1ra to b mentioned in connection with the congressional nomination vnsV. . S. MGr i- land of MeCook. Ills mnme seemed to meet with the approval nt all reptibhicaits In thic southern and wCterli countlea in tile db- trict , but it has since been intiiiiated thiat lie will not allon' uk itame to be brought before the coflvciitioii. 'rho demnocDats and impuhlats of tile Fith dltrict scent to be In hiarlitony nnci uf nile accord In regard to renonilnatlag it. D. Stitherlanti for co1igrcs. , So far he is the only roan nitntloned , and the chaiices are that ho will be honored by being renami- natcd by neelanhation. John C. tovc2i3 , chairman of 'the democratIc Liiutrl't central COiniflitt Wiil t.all the ihistriot central cool- ntlttcti together the tfllllie of this mouth , 'alien they will decide where and a-hen to hold -their coliventlon. It ( a the OPInIOn of Mr. Stevens cud other PrOlilliheot uhi'inocratS that 'the ' nonventlon will be hue-Id In Hastings about September 12. UU11fl14) C4IIII l'uIhihIMtn. KEARNEY , Neb. . July I0.-Speclal ( Telo- gramn.-Tbe ) Buffalo -county populist con- ventlon for the selectIon of delegates to the state and congresslonnl conventlouis was held lii the court house Saturday. It was a cut and dried Grocnc convention and the attendance was shin and entluusiusrn feeble. Resolutions reaffirming previous plattormns. opposing ( Ito gold atandard , the bond sys- tern and asking .for fusion to down the 200001 power , ; tii.hlng for an notl-pass law ; favorimig vigorous prosecution of the war ; endorsing the jhrcsent state admiuuistra- 1Iou. Senator Allen and Congressman Greene ; pledging to Greene undivided sup- " % rnrt and endorsing the PopuhIBt county clii- cers' adiulnistration were 3uissed. The following - lowing delegations were chosen to the state convention : T. .3. QuaIl , Joseph Clayton , G. N. Smith , .3. 0. Dengler , .1. W. Tyler , .1. B. MaCduty , E. W'yrnan , W. 11. Carson , Sam Watson. John Peters , It. 11. Clifford , JantesVuhlncc. . 13. F. Tossing , TI. 0 , lcNeiIi. FL V. Porreli , H. G. itelter. S. Bears , Eli Cninpbehl , 'VI' . 0. W'enver , I ) . It. Zilnthiesen , Peter O'Brien , 11. F. Cnrson and VI' . T. linmid. . Congressional convention : I. N. flnuner. .V. 0. Piclcttt. T. 11. Boiiii , It , W' . ! iogg. .i. \V. 'rvler , William Stark. FL Wyman , 11. 3. 1)ulnkin. 3. B. 'i1cC.Imutey , II. Robinson , 1. It. hughes. Otto forth , T. A. Wright , Joseph Friend , John hemming , Chant's Wnhlaee , S. 3.'est , Eli Caunphiefl , George Couroy , Tiny Ithuone , .1. 1I. Ifastenilog. George Rees , henry W'ehler. lob C. Smith , . W'ylnnL. Tim Bililitlo clttnt' ) eenrnl comniuilttee also int'L ( hits attenitoon anti decided to liolil the county convention In iccarney 011 August 6. Inheguites to tInt state anti congres- sioiial conventions vIll be sulecteil at that convention. GiiliI iii 1.Iuivihui ( 'I)1l1113. NORTH PLATTF , Nob. , July 10.-Spc- ( clai.-lt ) Is titiito POSSihlC that In thin hear future Lincoln county may attain futitie on account of the deposit of gold whtiuiui its borders , Some time ago one of the real- dents of Cottonwood prcchuuct discovered tiaces of gold In the sand on his land. lie viishuctl out several large pans of sand amid obtained quite it iittiti metal , which hue seat to Llnrohui to be tested , 'Flue test showed that It wa intro gold. Time juan is now figuring cii spelutling a few huiutlre.l dohlar.j expenimneuitiuig with the sand nod If the gold continues to pan out lie will probably put in a lilseer minIng outfit. lie is lnsi to the South Side ditch nail could use tiuat water to advauttuuge , ( F ( , I ) B l'I ri.5 TliNTO ( , Nob. , July 10-Speciutt.- ( ) . More thiuin two incites of raiui hays fallen hero to the last week. and as a result all unripe crops have put on nut Improved npt'arance. Rye and bar- Ivy luulve all linen harvested , ( nil % 'hue'at is uhiuiost ripe , nail sirIihg wheat uund oats itiut- tuntuug Iii good bhtale , tiuutit has made its nvPcarnucc n some ut etions. Crosahoppera are duiiug a great deal of ilomage to small gralu. Si. ii liii ( 'i 14 ( it ii ii t p leilin'uu I N , VA I lOG , Neb , J Ithy 0-Siiecinl.-TIuo ( ) denuocratle county central committee Inst In ( liii Cii ) ' ycsterday afternoon anti ufter I canvasidog thio fleil thioroughly decided to ! call a uionysotlon 4o elioo thiIegats O the state and tongressiona ) czutj'tiuitlOths. but thuat they be aelcilted by the central couuutlt- tee. how jvell thIs in.ihioJ vIil suit th thduuoeruti of the county remiutips to ie , uli lush ii I ! r ( dfli it I l'Oit.il lNtM. ? \\'AIiOO , Neb , , July iSpecil.-Thuc ) populist county central couuuxnittee of Sautith. cr5 county uuuet in Ibia city yesterday after- coon anti called a cuuaty convention to nice _ J at 'the ourt hqius in Wnhoo Juiy 22 for the purpoje of selecting ( heiegate to the state Rod congreIonal conventions and totrntis- net such oUter busIness na may retiharhy come before it , and that a convention to uttake norninatlona fortount' anI legislative tlck ts will be cniledatr , on , Killed 1i ; - Trjulii. FALLS CITY , Net , . , July 10.-Spceial.- ( ) Two men wcr"riiui or and instantly' kihleil by Missouri l'acific trains last week , Time strange part of it Is ( lie tramp killed Saturday night was in nlauost thief tutune spot where .1. 5. Nesvcomet met his death on the Fourth of .July In the same manner. The engiuueor a lti ho distinguished the form of a mats sitting on the edge of the track , antI seeing that lie did not move as the train aplhrOachcd , sotititlcd thfb vhuIstle and shout. ed to him , but it did nqt stir him. 'Fhie , en. glue struck about the shoulder , break- log his mieck , The ( lain was ruiiniiig slowly Lit the tinto. The man was lacked antI brotighit back to the depot , whom hut fierson was thoroughly searched , but not aiiile thing was found by wblch to leant hula name or nuuytliing about hilni. liii itit U ? ' . , % i'elilpuil. TAI1LC flOCK , Neb. , July 10.-Speclal. ( ) Yesterday as Jacob hluryeker. a prominent thermamu fanner lIving soveti mIles southeast of this place , auud his daughter s'ero on their way to towii , a dog at the \Vlhluinil Ilnnseui 1110cc ran out and frightened the tcnin"s'hIchi ran away and thin ociiiiauita of tiul , buggy were thu-own into a .barli wIre fence. Thin young lady is terribly lacerated about the face amid body nail thin omit is bathiy hurt. 1'tiuhtlM for ' .IuhhiiuuI1i. . hASTINGS. Nub. , July l0.-Spcciuil.-Tiue ( ) citizens ol-lnsting met last night and elect- cii a temporary comunilttee to solicit fluids for thin Proposed Janes Laid monument. VI' . I' . MeCrc'nry wits tunule president ; .1. N. Clark , vice liresident ; executive committee , 14. hahn , 0. 3. I'ease , Burt Alexander , James llutcluinson. The committee was instructed to raise $1,000 , 'hicu a peruuauient org.Iuuizatloui will be mantle. 111,1 1 i.i' : u I I I 1)estro-t'ul. BATTLE CRBIiK , Neb. , July 10.-Spe- ( einl.-Thie ) Battle Creek roller mill burned 'itii everything in IL last night at about 11 o'clock. The iuitil has been Iii litigation for ahiotut ( cii years auth hatciy was sold nt sheriff's ale to hugh lierhilson of Madison , Nd , . The fire is supposed to be of incendiary - diary origin. Great exciteniemit prevails nuid hew developments are expected. liii rvistt'rs ! Iirt. hARVARD , Neb. . July 10.-Special.-- ( ) harvesters nrc running in every direction and' this week will see a large amount of 'iuuter wheat hut safely lii shock. Se'- ' , m nl fields of barley are uilso being cut and curtail grain will geiicrahly be a good yield. Corn plowing has been delayed by i'Intcr Wlieitt iuart'est , but. is being finished iii ) nuid promises to give a good growth , as it is growing Very fast. hie1igiit IM (1hItIIi. HASTINGS , Nob. , July 10.-Special.-At ( ) i3 meeting of thin AInms Count3 htepubhicaru league Saturday night the following delegates were eieCtel to nttc'nil the Itepub. hicami league state couivcuitioui : 13. A. Francis , 0. M. McElhinney , J. B. CessnnWilh Wilson , .1. It. Sinus , L. J. Capps , Jacob Fisher , N. A. Ilartigan , Eu Wiion , Harry Ilaverly , B. At. l'armentor. Adam Breed. ( ruin , ! A i'i&y ii cliii tutu. PLAIN VflVI' , Neb , . July 10.-Special.- ) Thin North ebnaskut Grand Army of ( lie Republic reunion ivihl be held here July 12 to 15 inclusive. The people of this place have luia(1e nrrauigcments for thue enter- tainmcnt of a large number of the veternius and an Interesting program has been ar- rauiged for each day. The railroads huvvo made a rate of one fare for the rotund strip. % e'hrzuNIiI Ncivw NuIe.4. The Eustis creamery has eornmencqd oper- ations. hattie Creek now has telephone corn- inunication with thin outside world. Iteports come from all over the state that their is a scarcity of harvest hatuds. All the outstanthlng warrants of Madison county bare been called iii and vahd up to5 July 1. 'l'ho first convention of' the Hamilton Couuty Woman's Suffrage associatinit will be held in Aurora on July 20. The Modern Woodnien of America of the 'l'hird congressional district will bold their nnniual log rolling at } lartington on August 25. A Clay county man found a quail's nest containing Ittteen eggs. lie put the eggs iii an Incubator and now runs fourteen little quail. "Gid" l'atterson , who purchased the 13e1- dcii News a few weeks ago. huts thrown iii ) thin spouigo and tvfhl look elsewhere for it location. The I'onca people have some money re- malning In the Fourth of July celebration fund and they propose to use it to buy a cork leg for John Graves. an oid soldier. iherniari county has a co-operative hail tuisurance company. The man who is huaiiod nut. is to receive ouie bushel of thin kiuid of grain destroyed for each 100 bushels raised by the other members of the corn- puny. Mortgages flied and released iii the county cierks 0111cc of Dixon county iluring June : i"utrni inortguiges flied , $19,340.35 ; released , J0,45 ; ; city mortgages filed , $1.OgO ; re. ie'utused , $1.l'J ' ; chattel mortgages llletl , $44- 2'J.a6 ; released , $30,645.24. 'i'iio twt'itthi annual reunion of the Northwest - west Neiuiaskut Soldiers' and Saiiora associ- at lout wiii bti heiul at Bordeaux , Nob. , oui \'cdnestIny , Thursulay uiid Friday , Juiy 13 , 1 i utnul 15. Camp \I'ihl hi' pitched on Tuna- tiny , Juiiy 12. Frlduiy , July 15. viii be \Vornutn's Belief corps duty. The grounuls hltt'ti bec'ui greatly lmniroved aiud enlarged anti c'er3'ipntl3' Is Invited to participate. liuglu Aiigus of Ewing sold a hog to Vaui- intuit brothers the ther day with a record ( tint aetuuihiy iuatle hugh blush giving It. Ito luul'chuased time hung sonic three years ago , paying $4 for it , arud siiico that time it buns devoured $10.50 i-om-thu of chuicketus , $50 worth of turkeys anti at thin hiresemut linens at least $40 worth of corn. It wits buried lii a snowdrift - drift for lIve slays , nail after ( hut was kulockeul in tile Lueuid four ( hues with an ax ; nil of which vas to tin avail , uind hueuice lie was conupeiled to sell thin beast. It woighucil nhuuety-seveuu irnunuis anti brought $1.50. htv.hiiv 1(111 Iii flle'vlt. l'rli.es. it is said that western capitalists are cuintemnplntiuug the orgaruizuitioiu of a greet bicycle couuipauiy , which hopes to snake first. class wheels arid ccli them as low us 10. \\'hit'tbior this be true or riot , Hue fact i c- iitniiiut thuit Hnstetters ihonitteji hiltILlun 15 a first-class remedy for tue stomach. liver and blood , and the pni : e hums It tylthiln everybouly's reuuchu to hue % % ' ( 'ii and strong For fever amid ugiun It Is a specIfIc. s1.t I N I' I t l'h'lt ) S'I' $ 0 N ( Ii ) I.M' 111,1 , . , \lI sits II I iii YI t IsIruii'ui us Our Niuval . ' I ti'li * ' lit l.4isilIn , W'ASIillTON. July 10.-As anticipated by thin atuthuonitics lucre , the eniuduct of 501111 ! uie svsialteu's iii creditluig to Lleutonauit Colwt'll , ( Jolted States muaval attaclue at Liiiutloui , certain etaleuncuits relative to the prohualuility of prutce beIng declared , has ro- milled In dieagi'eeubbo action. 'Flue Sian- Ishi amuiliassntlor ot Lontloii hiatt lodged with the British foreign otllco an ofilelal lroteet ugaluust the continuance in Loiutloiu of Lieu. tenant C'olwc'hI , anti' the conduct by luiun of a secret news sytenu. It Is not dotulti'd that the unatter multi bo exjtia'liued satisfuic. iorlly by the State department. but lndI. natIon hits 1ees cxpruai.ed itt publientiouus by some iuewsii'31)ere its calculated tp dami. gerously interrupt our aitecial s"rvide i abroad. 'lliii'citii'iiis II ! 4)t't'iiii % 'r.ssnls , Jul y I It. At Queeastowuu-Saiied-Jinbrig , fu oun Liverpool ( or Nvt York. At Aboviilc Saild-Jthlupia , froun Gins- gow for New York , At 'ew York-/truived--La flrtugtie , fuomn t liavre. SPi1N1St1/'flllONEllS hERE Anxiliary f3ri r Arrivcs at Portsmouth Hudred Abcard. ADMIRAL .CEjVERA IS AMONG THEM .ftL438 4liflitlli ( 'onininili-r 1'et'Is iCi's'ttiy hit' l.iss ot Ships uiuiii .Il hIti haiti ' l'iIiiuili Flitli I I hg % liii Vstuili'i's. I. . , . iI I'OITSMOUTI N. IL , Jtuly 10.-The atix- iliary trtulscr St. ' Ltiiiis with 740 Spauiish prisoners , including . flfty.fotur tiillccrs , arrived - rived at 8I0 this inonlng amid a few mInutes later ilropietl anchor just above FIlulng island. The big liuier left chtuantaiuaimio at C o'clock Tuesday iliternoon , July and ilId not muako a atop tintil It ulroppetl anchor in Pou ( sitioutli iarbor. Including the zirisomiers tluere were 1,036 People ouf the boat nail of thus nuuuibcr htero are muiiuct3'-ono siric titid wotuntled Spaniards uiiider the care 01 surgeons. Atlnilral Cer- Vera is confined (6 his ealului , lmuiviuig beout quIte ( ii for the Just three days. although lie vns able to lie dressed this munnuuing. Caiitnln iltilat'e , ' 'who was $ Ij eontiiianhber of the Vizca3-a amid Is niiiohug tim lirisonera , is also quite ill , ' huuiving been wotuunled lit tim lieatl during tle battle alT Suttutiago. All of ( lie Spanish conintisaiouued olllcers Itavo been out itarole mud lumul time freedomit of ( hue sitiii , with one xeeittlout , anti ho w'ns hue governor of Santiago tic Cuba , who was tryiiug to escape from the city out Admiral Ccrvcu'a's flagihiip wlicui it was destroyed. ho refuseil to sigit the itnm'ole Paler atiti was couusequeiitiy confined iii one of thin cabins under guard. The m'ciiinlnder of time lirisouters were couiflneul between decks auth closely guarded. ' A detachment of twenty- eight niutrines from thin lliultetl States ship lit ooklyui fumier Lictutennnt hboudan nail twcuity.oumc niurinos from tile iJnlted'States ship Marblehienil vere juut aboard the St. Louis when it left for the north to guard the lirisoners , but they had little or no tuotibio withi time inca. Tue prisoners , as well as nearly all the Spanish oitleers , are dressed In clothes of over' description , as iuiost of them hail come aloarcl with 'ery little clotimluig , nail vhiat they are weariiug was given them by thin olflccrs and inca from the Aunericnn fleet. CC i-vera I I en ii I , rti1. en. Admiral Cervera rcmiiutmted ! lii his cabiul during thi' trip. lie shook hands with the health ollicor and hit gcod Euighlslm said he Iva's situateti VCu'3' huloasaiitiy Oil thin boat nuud hind u ecciveul notithag but. the linules auld moet considerate truatnjettt 1ion both nihicers nod xtteui ever xinco Ito had becn taken prisoner. lie 'hail ' 'not been feeling well for the hazt three or four days , but cx- Pectocl to be uhl right in a short time. hut iurcadiits thto appearance of a brokenhearted milan nail keenly feels the io 'of his fleet , ccntaiuiluig time pink of the Spanish navy. There are a iuuuujber of Spanish surgeans on board wiub hntc taken good care of the sick (111(1 bund&l iir1onera. Thui're are i5mbout forty-of thb latter , the remainder be. fag ill from 'thin efiects 'of exposure and the rain tltuniuig th bhttle. No oute is allots-nih on hoard the prioi hlp and none of the om- cci's or crew are allowed on shore. Ensign l'ahun r chuno ashore with important ofilcial ( hiSpatCllCli1 for Washmmuigton auuul left at 2:21 : tills afteuuoon with a large grip , whIch lie wbuhd allow mm one to handle. Admiral Carpenter has perfected arrange- meats to html io trisoners at their quarters out Seavey's lsl nds , , toniorrow , afternoon. On thin way up , ( nip Sauitingo a. number of thin Spamiish , aetipea saId thmat they had hind enough of fightIng , at least with the Van- hoes. , . S It is said that. AdmIral Sampson's report to the Navy depnrtmeitt of the destruction of Cervera's fleet is about 1,200 words. 13n- sign Palmer carried the document , which was in book form. It is uuiderstood that Admiral Cerrera has accepted nit ' lnvltntloii 'to stay at a lintel at Newcastle , about four miles train thin navy yard. Admiral Cervera's stay at the hiotcl vIhl bo short , as the St. Louis 'will soon leave for Annapolis. The St. Louis caine up from Santiago with less thaut 800 tons of coal and the economy iii tile coal coiisuniption was the cause of lt slow trip. Chaplain Jones of thin Texas caine ashore from the St. Louis and preached tonighit in the Congregational church. Senator Hoar of the Massachusetts Yolun- teer Aid association has completed arrangements - ments for sending to the troops a large amount of supplies by 'the St. Louis. It is understood that this steamer , when it discharges - charges Its prisoners , will cool at Port Leeds 110(1 then take a large number of troops to Cuba. Cerverit Likes the Aimmerleitmms. Admiral Cervera ciune oti deck tills after- nLoul aunt conscuitcil to talk with rejresenta _ ttvcs of the press who weuit out to the St. Lituis on a tug. ' 'Yotu ask inn , " lie said , "how I 111cc , , nuLt lea , and i auuswer thuat I have always liked , cuid I may say loved your people , but thus s'nr bias been a dtuty with iuic mid tue men whtlu me. I knew tiunt tIme American fleet clearly outciassod us , but it was a i'es1 iou of fighting either Iutslde or outside the huutrl'or. "I have -litany friends In Aiutnrica and have emily ( hue htlitduiest feeling for them , but every man hs a duty to perform to his couuitry and all Spaniards ought ( a lierforni thi.it duty. "There has licomi much tooling in Spain u.nd I want all , Spain to know this truthu. tbtat ot'er. aiilii of uuty utqtuadron fotughit until ( liii Iubt and when wo could do ito more we surrcum'lered ' , "l have touch iatereat to know thin exact 141' iatioui ma Slialmi. Captain Goodrich has ti'eated us as. gooul as utityone could be treated. We have beeii uluartereil In thin salon and have , nothulmtg to complain of. " A te1egrauuwotutakt'um out to Cervora ill 10 ii. iii. Nothiliu's lcnowui as to the sender. MADRID H\RS FROM BLANCO , e4J ( jUltl Iii Gdist'riti 1lliiIi's Itepiiit tIme Fi INtIIg Coimihli ittiis jut Silts I itmgi. , a i'i _ MA1)I1ID , JiuiiI ? 10,5 ii , m.-A report has Seen reocived from Captain ( hiuieral ilinuico in which he says , the hionubardmnent of Suit- ( hugo tie CUbj 'Was not resumeul at noon yesterday anti'iilu ulut exehiaitge of itnisomuers has been cffeqtc4 , , lie nlso said that Amer- lean roloforcaituenfa have debuiu-keti and that the Anierhcau'i'ivo recLed defenses anti ilaocd % 1upon column nduitg posi. I tiouta. The 1iIittzteh adds that the naval I corninautdor AC f4avana reports thin oflheers , of ( ho cruiser Ahnilraiite Oqutundo dead amid the coiuiumiauder and oilier olhicers of ( hue Iuitaumta MarIa 'j'eresa wounded. The itciuia Mercedes , General Blauco says , was tie. stroyc'tI in Santiago harbor In order to iir veiit tbu entran&u of thu Aiminrii'ami fleet. SIJAFTER TLJHNSTORAL DOWN 5' iimet'It.iiim ( lelmern I Ieei liii's tim Ilit' SisnimlaIm . % rnito front ititiht hugo. S ( ( 'opyrlelit , lSi ? , by .ssocIntnd Press. ) O11' , JUI1AGUA5 July 5-VIa ( Kingston , Jutmaia. July 10 , lOulO a. mn.-The ) stir- render of Suuiitlago WitS foniitiilly offered by tlte : Spattish touiiniaitder , General Toral , today - day , btmt tin' comiditloiis atluehteil caused a proutilit refusal of the otTer by tieneral Shafter , 'Ih.ic' tiegotlittlons , however , re- I SUithtll lii tile extttision of liii' arntlstlco tititil I ute'oii Sumutl.l3' fluid is bitt' flags of truce still I float , over UuI oppOslutg au'uiilss. Gi'nc'ral Tural'4 Oltosal couilciuiiilatcd time inuunedlate' surie.ntler of 'ibm cIty , but ho iim - altct that , his iuniy lie pcrmittctl to ninrcit away tnder ( anna mmd tvl Lii II ) lug colorS , amid ulcelartd that 3m would light to the last ( lileht titlittLi the conditions vere ccemteul. ; General Sliafter replied that notuiuig ) but uncoutditloiujl sturreniler would be consid- ereti by lilmut , hut he 'consented to cable thic Sitanlaht ffcr \Vailuimtgtoiu , iii hte nmean- time' exteumibing the nrniistjeo. It , % W1v4 shortly beior lioqii 'today whueum a little gioup of Sp4Uuishl olflcers tinder mu flag of truce caunt , out fh'oin under the yellow wall of thin itesIt'-geii City amid slowly made ha \'ti ) ' towuiitl th Auiieriran hue. A detail was Bruit to meet 'thoiui , amid they were t'scortttl to c'onifou-tabie ulu'nu'ters it bile the letter froni Geitcpal Toi'al wait carnioJ to tieminral Shiaf- ten's teat , niiles fttn tile front. The letter was couched iii 'time Icily coat troLls terms characteristic of siuch commnuutleatlons and wus bi'kI as imsible. It horn time uuigtiatttre of Gcuuct'umi Torah , who conuniniiils , at Santiago since General Limiares w'.t t'OUuiLiCtI , itumil siatcul ( lint he was lirelired to nurrctidor ( he city iui'o'Iiled lila nrun tt'ouultl be iienuiuhtted 'to caiilttittite 'tt ithi I hoiuor' ' Tbs : , he explained , meant that thin Shiamuishi forces should be unmolested autti go lii iuiy vhiu'eetitin they withed ivith ai'nts tutu flyimig their cohoic. The iu'tt'r concluultel ivithi the told st'atentemtt ( lint sturrcnmlur unler any other terms v-as 'an imnposaibihity auud wotuld mint ho couusiclered. Simmtfi' lt'fmiNiS. General Shafter immedIately cabled the fuets \\'ashiulgton anti eiut to General Tonal a retumaI of hi'.s proposal , but auldeil tttat he would c'oninuuiiicate wIth huis govern- incuit amid exteud Ott fou-inal ai'ntstice until Sumiday uuooa , It. Is tieeiitod possible that the truce iuiay be exteitded beyond the poiuit I Indicated , as thin off r of General Tonal to S suuu'eumdcr eu any' terms is regarded its alt indicatloii that the Spanish eumninnuiuler has S decided tipout simrreuider upoui the best terms obtainable. Thin gc'uteral condition of thin health of S thu American troops Is c'xe"licuit , but the I water supply Is oor ituiul a uuunbcr of cases of nialariuh fever hiutve developed. No deaths have resulted , hiovcver , nuid lit uloarly nIl the luustautccs the fever hias boon brolieii tip by a liberal tiMe of quinIne. The hardships of time canipaugn mitt the fears of possituln attuicks of lover hunvtt rid thin army in the field and oh thin coast of uuoncouibatants , with tue exception of a few newspaper ear- rcspou.udcuuts , who have been on the grouuiul : since thin Auiicrican t'nr bluips appeared Olt Santiago and who constitute the only force able to repoi't thin jirogress of thin var with ( bun assistance of thin dispatch boats. 'rho secouud fleet of transports arrived I oft Juragua tills niornlmig , bearing 2,500 (1'ooIs. ( iuteltuduuig a large tictacluuncuit of cur- tiilcry , If the jicace negotiations fail these heavy gnus will but a Joust valuable adlil- tioui to the artilieruinw lii the ficlil and it I ha expected thint they will be rushed forward - ward to thin front. The new troops will be lauded. tomorrow nod pushed rorwnrd as rapidly as POSSIble' . The ( lays of temporary peace are being uLiltzed by both armies in strengtheuuing their defences. Time Anicricuimis have strongly entronchied themselves and the artillery now at. the front has been placed in a strong Position bchtintl carthworks amid will be able to cover the advance of the troops much more effectively than during thin previous euigagemcnt. The feeling is strong among ofilcer and mcmi that Santiago will surren- don without further fhghtluig. The wounded In the hospitals are being tveil cared for and lii almost every Instance are recovering rapidly. TRANSPORTS REACH SANTIAGO Six Sim Ijis lirl img Itel ii foreemiit'sls iuimul 1.nrj-t' ( titnirt Ity of Stiitishlc for Gu'iucrnJ Sismtti-r , ( C'ojuyrightt , ISOt , by Associated Press. ) OFF JUIIAGUA , July 9.-By ( Associated Press Dispatch Boat Wamida , via Kiuugstomt , Jamaica. July 10.-Slx troop ships , carrying 2,500 men , two batterIes of artillery and a large quantity of ammunition and supplies , arrived here at 7:30 : thIs nioriilng. The transports took the troops amid oquipinents aboard 't Tampa and were johutod by their coimvoy at Key West. They sailed last Tuns- day morning. The fleet consists of the City of Macon amid the Gate City , carr'iumg time First 1111- miols infantry , i,350 ipen ; ( lie hudson , with 030 recruIts' for the regiments of regulars in the field , antI the Comanche and Specialist - cialist , carrying horses , ammunition , stores auth batteries C nail E of the ThIrd artillery , 1u and F of the Fourth artillery anti 1) amid 1' of time Fifth artillery , anther conimand of Brigadier General Itandohph. Thie convoy was made up of tile gunboats Macbias amid Wilmington atul the tug Leydemu. Tile men mire In excellent spirits nmnl their voyage tt'ami a plensamit one except for cite rotughi itight. Out ( lie afternooii of Jill1 6 thin traimahuorts Itcussed a hlnitlsbu cruiser , supposed to he the Tahbot. Timoy readied Capo Naysi iii thin meriting of July 8 , Noun of ( hue Cubaum lighthouses vore lighuted anti the traumspors ( amii ( heir ( xtuiV'oying.esE lii suilleul wlthouiigbi'ia , / ' mud withu orders to hcecp fifteen uuiIcs off tiuo Ciuban coast. At 2 o'clock on the afternoon of July 8. thin headlands of Gunmutanamno bay were sightted amid thin Mactuna entered thin Imarbor with snail for Commimnauidcr MeCaiha's fleet amid this muarliuts , Thin transports moved slowly to thin westward during the night anul arrived off Jtmnmmgua early in time uuuora- lug , As ( be mcmi nit thic fate City were trying to make out ( hue limits of the build. hugs asliuro four dead bodies drifteul itast time ship. They ut'ere evidently the victims of Cervora's ahilp , Thin sighut created niuchi excitement , The Newark was thu first to greet the arrival of time recruits , Thin luiiduiig of the macmi auuul stores s'as deferred until Sunday morning. hart lt-t I Cumimmitit mists .Aui I I In rlI.'e' , V4ShflNGTON , Jul y 10.-Captain John It. Bartlett has beeui ordered by Secretary Long to ( alto conmmnamid of thin auxiliary fleet of tin' United States , Captain Bartlett relieves /idmlrah Itrbemi , at proseiit located at Now York City. I to t'lhl transfer ( lie hteatlqucur- tore of ( ho auxiliary navy to th Nitvy ulti- iiartuiidmit. eJL EALL RA'U CODS A , TARE HO SUI3TI1UT1 VOF THL "EAGLE BRANDt1 , t THOUSANDS Oi IIOTHERS TESTIFY TO ITS 5UPtRI0flITY. "I.VPN/TIfEALT/I'eMrfflEE NwYoag Couvenco timex Co. N.Y. = ; . : L- _ _ . S S _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ - - - - - t - GENERAL OTISIS DETAINED Ills h'roMlueet tthuit'eimtnii is t'uiiiit in t'IuhhImiI'iit'i ! Iii 11mm' II , u- inIItumi i'Ik' ) , ' SAN FltANClCO , July l0.--VntIl tIme I Inmioltiiu policy Is finally settled ( leticuiti Otis cami mnakC 110 hienulway. citiitr itt ( his tnatter or iii regard to getthmig off time trans. ports l'cu'tm and City of h'tmcliln. "l'huo ( molts * iinoutmded to go to Maumila luu these stenmiters .me six troops of thin Fotimib etivoiry , tuo batteries of tIme Sixth artillery , live' tOmii Panics of ( hit' Fourteenth infamitry , 515(3' ( macit of the 'i'hiird artillery amid sonic ic t'ntuits for thc Itoaliltal corps , slguial corps atiul lighttenhi infantry. It vaq ilidiudetl ( that tIme Perui amid flue City of I'ubhui .ihotilul sail out Alotiulay titter- iiooui. but U wIll probably be later in ( he ul COk' Itefore they tleinr ; ( . Major General Otis has tntett that thi first New 'York 'oh- tiumleenu. to arm lye' hucru' on Tiudsula ) ' , will piob V vroceed to honolulu for lenmiianeitt tal ' 'u there , timid that It is imsailulo ( tint ( lie taghmt Ii California reginiemit t'lll also be located out time' hinw'atlnmj llcttids. I t % euis origiumally liitcuudi'd to muemul It to ( itthji. : The Seventh Cahltornki lutus received tIm Inst of Muiiiiln with the fifth CXittiiinui ( , ' 'i'hu , 3tveiithi Cmlliformiid has itcclvc'ul th lagt of its Cqluiiiut'uttS nuiml is ready for orie'rs to depart nt any ( lute. lleutr'utatit Colonel B , C. Little of Ilit" Tut entlethi ICamisuis lois beemi ill fom' about two weeks and the lirobuibility Is that le will lie retired for uhisnbuiit3- . lie is a Pi'euut- hmicmit hn\3'ei' of Aimluie ! , ICiin. , and wits Uuulte'i States constul geaem'nl in Igypt HilLier thie ttdniimtlstratlon of l'resiulent harrison , As Izu Luielmn Su't'i It. HAVANA , July tP.-l.ut Lurhia , him its edi- tonal toduiy , says : 'TIie actmal vm'oblemii ccii. fronting Shunium is ( lie cutsiest tIn , nuittout htut bind iii nil its Iii atur' , altliomgh itt fIrst sight It tiiuiuciuu's most thifilciult tind coumipiex , It Is hot iucecssary to employ In its aolutloii ( 'ihi'i' ( l'iies or the expemiditiure of inati' inhIbits tom' x' gi ent defense , as has been rut- qtiii't'il lii of tier wars , It is emily a questiomi Or resihlmmimee w'hichm caui irn suottmluied If thin Slunuiiii'ds but' . ' mini ) ' jirnviaioums mttitl nuinitumil. tloii. To hieui the Yankees iii Cuba micetis only Bill ot'intl tiiitn for a period of two or thirst. Thin cost tvhilohi that slgiilfies to oium' nt'igiulcors Is gr.'ner ( ( into 100 isinmuds Ii f Cuba Itt i'ou't ii to t item. ' ' CON1TUItENG A WOMAN. Mrs. Pinkharn's , Advlco Insp1ro Confidojico and Hopo. Exntninat'ioii by it mole pliys'ieian s ci Imaril trial to a delic'atc'ly organized , \tnhmmm ; a. hie limits it off as long as site dare , amid is otilv clr'tven to it by fear of can- . cci. , ) ) ) , ( ii' 5iflie eleenuhfumi iii. Ttlost frcqtmeuitl3' hac'Ii a. woman leaves Ap- : : : " . . a ihiyiciati's ollico a where sIn , has _ cl : tin- ' 4' dergone a critical 9.r4 _ } exnmtuinnt'uoui w'itlt ; * age meat. Titus conli- tin of tIme ΒΆ tId shit grows rathiel tItan better. In consulting Mr. . . l'imtk. Iicmmn ito hesitation uiced In' felt , the story is told t a rornnn and is wholly confidential. ? tlrs. Pimihhiamn's addu'ess is Lyuin , Mass. , site oilers sick women her advice w'itliont charge. 11cr intimate ltnowlcdge of women's troubles iiiakes her letter of advice a wehispringof hope , and her wide experience - once and skill point the way to health. 'I uiulTercd with ovarian tu-ouble for nevcn years , and no doctor knew what 'vies the matter vu'ithi mc. I lWd spelhm vhiich would Ituit for two da3's or more , I thiotighit I would try rJA'licL E. l'imik' htamn'sTegctable Compound. I Imavo taken aeven bottles of it , niid nun en- tii'ely cured.-Nits. .loiii' FOIuitiiAN' , 20 : N. W'oodberry Ave. , 1imtltimori , Md. ' The above letter from Mrs. Foremau Is only one of thousands. AAI I SiiM1iN'J'4. THE MOST POPULAR RESORT1 T1E TPLEO Telephone 2217. Lentz & Wllhlnrn , Props. and MgrL \v. W. COL13. Act. Manager. A Conyention of Headliners , &Bf HEGiNNlN ( Ut , P.ctjtith. % IONIA"m. First Tiune imi Oiuiahn of the Great Eastern Success , time ANIMATED MUSIC SHEET , iiiroilucimig ( the Minstrel Comedian , harry Arimistrong iutid ibis 30.11Colored Jubilee Singers,3o ( .tIIIl'lt J : ( i1IItBlII'3 . . . . . . GI l. ' iit'i SA It ( IN V. 'l'IIlh Gil t I'SON IM'u'FBt $ . . . . . . I Li.i V % y .t ' . % 'hhlIJtJt , Amid thin Premier Quartetjij. 'I'll Ih 'ii' , Nht.'I'l. % % ( )3m I'lY F'Iil ( , . ' 1' Ii ( ' .1' i'uc'ii ii u' mum C' Is ii i i e p. I ) m'u' Ii i's I i-mi , Directiomi Franz Auleiiuiutmm. ( "Ipittigu' of' 11111 Fhmmeli Vu'eh , IC t' fu'epu is iii * ' ii t pu t im md u' ii ii ii ii IIi . 'ji t rI' , llcl.h (1 mil.'S COflCERT GRDN , S. lh. Cur , I ( ii Ii ii mmcl iiuyem inurt. ' 11111 ilJ'iS'l' % ' .t I Ilit'IIlii c. . $ IIOW' i : 'i'uimn t'i'i'V , Inily fs'uum S ( o 1J i , itt , AbaInt'eiu Daily ( Except Ahtiimulay ) fniimmi 2:10 to 530 ; p. jit. i'OI'l'Fiht .N ( ) 2- vltlhiI.i III ) 'l'IlIi % ' tLL Got SCHLITZ PAVILION' Fi'itz Mueller , l'rop. On ( lie Midway. . - - - - ' ' . 1lO'i'KLS. MUU1A 1' J-JOTJL , 14th aumd iluirony St Amne'ricail l'lan-3 to 4 dollars 11cr day. Street ears ( rein depots and fwmmi hotel to Exposition Grounds in litteutmi unimititos. hi. Shi4LOV4Y , Alnnager THIS BRUNSWICK , Cur P1 & Jac'kiiomi Sta' J. ( . ( ii'Jtihim , I'rop , 150 htttlulX-/t ii mutt' , ii limiiruveimeiits , htatcS--/tmenicitii Pluin , t3.OuJ lii $3.00 l'-'r ' tiny. huroite'uiui Plan , Eh,00 ter elziy timid mlpwaruis. Car hituti to utitil train mmli hepots , Direct car hue ti'i maiti l'nriiiter' ci JxIiOSiiloii -HOTL3LBARKI3R- I - - . Con. 13111 AND JONES ST. , OMAhA. it.1'i's * 1.541 , tIi ) uI.i.Iit l'ihit ISA V J1ictnic ruin. direct to cxposlilon ; rounls. IIAI-JK ( uil'e , THIS MILLARD 13th nod Jotighmis Stm. , Oiunbt. egNTitAUY IOCAT1i ) . . _ .I3uIhtltYA ANt ) ELJJtOl'F 'sN l'l..tN. J t. MAuIklI. . % EON , l''uiili , I brRSSD [ ? , TRY ' 4 , I-I ( MARIANI WINE ) THIS IDI3AL TONIC. Mnriniit'ine hi a tonic Prepareil umpoui truly sciemitifle lurluldliules , It contuiimis ahiso. lately ito iuijtfi'iotis hiroliertics. It has teii ciidorst'd tuy more than 8,000 , Amiicrinutmj lilmy- sicinus 4 Mariuiiti'iute gives power to tii iiriui , strength nnI elasticity to the miutuacles nuiti m'icluiies to ( lie tihooti. It is mu Pt'omiioter of good health auuti loiig t'ity. Mnrtnii'liie ; is sPecial ) ' imidlented for ( lemueral leblhlty. Overwork \\'enkutess frouui s htatt'ver catmuit's , l'rtifoiuiiti hc'pression anti hixhtauatiifl , Tlurnuit nntl l.lmumg Diseasga , Con- Ittumuihutioti auth Malcitia , Takemi with cracked ice. Alnrlaul'Imue dispels Stimutiner l'rostrn- tiomi anti glunrils agutimmst fahmititess. Maninuti'imn' Is luivahumable for overworked - worked uncut , lchtrcttc w oumucim , nutti sickly ebmildnt5'uu , it mootius , hiticngthte'mia antI sums- Icilums the symlteimi timuti humans boil3' mid itu'aimi. Try it. To ( hose whuct vtil kimitll' write itt 1tIiitl4\NJ & ( ' 0. , 52Vcs ( 15111 t4trte't , New Ytji'lt City , vihi tie i't'iit , fret' , lutuolt ttuujttttim. lug hioriruuiM ( WhIt t'nthtum'u'njt'iit itt Fmiiuter- ( I rs , imui uir.-s. 1 'i-i mi'eti. ( it rd Imiulhs , A rehi iutuult. ( Ii's. ti miii , , L Iut'r I ii teres ( I uug in ii I t en All druggists. Avitl Substitutlouts. , t111 Sl'AII'h1" ; . 0 Aiiil [ 'cr ' Toriiuht Night at 8:30 : CLifford's MAGNIFICENT u ! Gaet ui The Beautiful BHrIcsquc LiIfle iss Chicago \ _ . . . , ' -Iu'II. , . . d McINTIRE AND HEATH IiGS Ol' , iLL. ( (1311'hlI tS. lOc , 20c 30c ( .L.t &t t't'L liii' mev iimim'lesuiiie hN ( . 'tY i'thtlS. _ 5. _ . _ _ _ _ _ G A I'LACE lOl LA hl ES. E 'I'Hl \lI-1 : Omily Time : E.1 Stttu'l't' . . & 1atlibtuim , Cooi1pot ui : : Luliiztui hlctvai't , Ott tilt' - ( irouimuil'I. ' . Cissy Giant , -U' 1'iul it's' z-l'IIi'lIEN _ ; Or'hc'stm'ci. I \O S'/.iNN\'lY. ( iCii. 31gm' . L I1iIi-CIass A VAUDIVIU.L A Place . G ' II. I' i'oni noult or aulos , t ; i Thecreighton I T : ' " U , \Vuouiwcmrd , Attueiimermt , Ilree'eor , 'I'ONuG iii' , 8:811. 'VilE 'OhJ1)VAitl ) tU'OCIC (0 , l'r'sest lmmgtet I ) rtmiimn Celebrated Case. S Nt-xt 'Vi'eI.-IPG I1I1ANt'II. All Roads Lead To AU fl ACKSt Trained Wild 4'tnirnul Show out \Vest Mid. way ; 100 LlonaTigers and Elephants. THE CUBAN ATOM , CHIQU ITA 'fhie IJ'iiig luhl. 'J'hiu.c Fe itiuu of 'l'JIE Mll\VAY. Coipon ) ' - ' - ; ? i'siei-i'-y-o-Ioiiid 1,11 , t.ieutuilhil ( .1II.l' 11 ru Do Not Forget to Visit the CNS [ ThAID , Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss House 011 West 1Vfldway5 - Wait GRIAT WftSIIIRL OSTAICII FARM August 1st Dombarmont I ; ' : \Vutrtruitfu , Ft , Malanzas 9Itiscupo : ( 'lt ( ) ' iii ; ' 1'tilt't lilitV. . \ V i' . ' llt' ii ' V - . . STREETS OF ALL ItTIOHS. , 1fcimthI eu of .oi'iui it i'ctiple Jj . tr--- 5--- , , vlsi ' JAPANESE TEA GARDEN CURIO STORE. N , of Music hull - Emtbt Midway.