Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1898, Image 1

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'l ' . ESTA3LISIIEI ) JUNE i9 , 1871. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAhA _ _ _ _ , _ MONI\Y _ MO1NiG . ' - , JULY 11 , 1898. SINGLE CO.I.Y iU\rE CJiN'L'S.
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Cut &te Admsaon ! Pee Proves an Attraction
: .
Weather OondItins such as to Make
GmunJ.s Vcry Attractive ,
Large Dolegatfon of Massacbnsetth People
Arrive In the City.
1igcrttlithg Prugrni Ii I'repnred
fir Ii Men fr4II " ) . ) EgNt"
* iiiil the I.i I'rlIIIN.s to
Ito a Peitture.
The Incentive of a 25.cent flmLSRIOfl fee
t.ow a bg crowd to the exposition yster(1ay ,
but It was scarcely such a crowtl ns the concessIon -
cessIon deserved. It was by tar the biggest
Suflday crowd thit has yet been on tim
grotinls , but It s'ns not the wholesale turn-
lng out of the Ornahn public that the mnn-
ngernent had a iight to expect. IL Is dIm-
cult to concetvo how any loyal ctlzeu of
Omaha could have Iiiduced hUnseif to stay
at bourn when sucI an Investment o a
quarter of a dollar wus Open to him : but
xflnny of Uiem (1111 and they deprived them-
eIves of a most delightful experience In so
It was un hical exposition day , but It was
equally well adapted for various other recrc-
attons that a good many pcopo are in the
habit of Indulging In on a Sabbath afternoon -
noon , For that reason a conMklerabie vro-
. portion at the crowd vaItctl intII evening
- before going to the grounds , and as usual
the evening crowd was a decided Improvement -
mont on that which was on time ground3
during the ( lay. Ilunilrc.Is of people vent
vast tin' groun(1s to Fort Omaha to see time
soldier boys and many of them stopped oil
on their way bock and spent the eenIng at
the exjosItIon.
( , , % ju e Ilie Averie.
lint while there vcro people who stayc.1 .
away , enough came to make a crowd that
was far above time average. During time first
two hours after I o'clock there was a steady
stream of arrivals mit both entrances , and
the grounds filled rapidly. Later In time at-
tornoon the Influx was less constant , but
it increased rapidly after slipper , while
comparatively few of those who caine in time
afternoon vent away.
. Timeru was no departure from the perfect
order that has ruled on previous Sundays ,
and the crowd was a decorous and well be-
1macd as could be desired. While no bars
vero erected across the Midway , there was
no noisy or disorderly f.'aturcs , and time
same decorumu was apparent in time amnuse-
ment scctlon as reigned In other parts of
time groundB.
Time band concert in the ofternoon was
heard by a , crowd that fairly filled time broad
area 1mm front of the government bulidlimg ,
amid in time evenimmg time program on the
I'Iaza nttrncted an exceptionally generous
audience. -
It Is understood that the same rate of admission -
mission will prevail next Sunday , as the decision -
cision to reduce time admission yesterday was
imt made public until so late timat It did not
become tlmorommgimly known.
' Mlissnc1mtmmetts day appears in big letters
emi the exposltiomm cheduie today , and it will
ho celebrated witim music and oratory , and
thu prcst'nco of a iarge nail dltimmguts1med
iarty of hAy state 0fl101a16 and cFtlzcmts.
'limo exercises of time day vtii be heM in the
Auditorium at 11 o'clock. They vIil Include
nfl atidress or weicomnc by Governor fbi-
comb and a response by Lieutenant Gov-
1 rnorV , Murray Crane of Massachusetts ,
r nni ndiresses by Prculdont Wattles of time
) eximsltIon association , I'reldeimt George ii.
. SmnltIi of the Massachusetts stfltO senate ,
Speaker John L. 13ate3 of the house nad
Clianeeiior John I. . . MacLean , Mu8lc vIli
be furnl3hed by l'iiimmney's band , anti there
will also be a quartet imumnber ummd a solo by
Mrs. 0.V. . Jolmimson ,
Following the formai prgraimi the guests
! of the dmiy will be entertained at lunch t
the Oaslimo , after which Intnrrnai toasts will
I be rc8pondel to byV. . U. Whltnmoro of Val-
by , W. II , Aiexammmler of Omaha and varIo'i
I sncmmmbora of time MassachUsotfs delegation ,
r 1hinney'e lianit will Iay time usual con-
4 cert iu'ograms In the afternoon anil evening ,
mind the first comicert iiy the I'arnoo City
, baud will be given In frommt of the Iloys' nod
Girls' building at C o'clock ,
k , IS 1O'L' StTISI'lIfl ,
ieert't Sot'ii' ( I's mIsiimiinteI ut ( lie
' . , i't Ion oa the Iiissigiiiiiit.
- The secret society relmrcseImtatIvc have
' beea conferring witim the niammmmgemuent of time
exposition and have mua4o the following ic-
vor t :
t To the Revrcsentatives of the Foiiowlng
Orth'rs : ModPrmi 'oodmmien of Anierica ,
\\'oodmen of time \\'orhl. Fraternal Ummion of
AmutrIca , Iiu8inesm3 anti 1ratcrnal assocla-
tiwi , Masons , lloyd IllgimlttntlersVonman's
- Christian Tenmperarmco union , Improved Or-
tier ot Rel MCII , Kmlglits , of time Maceabees ,
Knights of i'ytlmlas , Wonman's Relict corps ,
, Axic1mmt Order of UmmitedVorkmemm , Clan
( Jordon , Scottish Rite Masons , Pocahon-
ta ; Grand Arniy nt thu Republic. lommglns )
I County Veteran association , P , i. 0 , , Sons
( iiiiil intuglmtcrs of time Itevolutloim , Junior
. . Order United American Meelmaimles no.1 .
' ItO'at Nelgimbors : Time petition entrusted
I to us svami vrt'semtel , to l'rcstdemmt'attles
and time floaril of Mammagerm of time Tramis-
. '
.1' InIssissIpImi ixpusItIomi miimti considered i'y
( Imemu , nimil tlmoy decitled not to grnmmt the
concessions praycti for ; only lim a motilfiod
vay , which to your comntnltteo is mmot satis.
1 factory , and WO , Ilmererore' , reconmimmend timat
I tim commuultteo of time imoie convene at the
I Cqnmmuercial ( ' rooms , Sixteenth and Far.
mmummi streets , July U mit 6 p. mmi. , sharp , amid
forimmulato iaims ommil arrange for idnees to
bold our varloua meetings and gatherings
without the 'l'rammsimmlssisslppt groummils , us
set forth In our petition , Yours respect.
ii fully , U , It. BALL ,
1 It , 0 , J3AILIY : ,
Comumittee ,
r Nut lCt'i'p 'l'lie'Ir flIssius Open
to t Isv i'iil.i Ic at lgiit ,
Time policy or organization Is becoming
s' general among the exhibitors and other
I participants In tue exposition and one of
the most recent Is the Commissioners' and
1xbibItors' association of the Mines build-
log , Coammuissioner J. J , Leeson of New
Mexico Is chairman of the association and
k harry C. SmIth of Colorado secretary , Time
other mmieimthers are A. W , Miller , Oregon :
Jaimics A , Iteeves , Missouri ; J , B , Richter ,
South Dakota ; Br , Wliiiamn B , l'hiliipa , Ala-
, banma ; I3anmuel Anderson , Mommtana ; Coionel
II , li. Maxomm , Nevada , ammil harry A. Lee ,
Colorado , Chairnmnn Leesomi and Messrs ,
Andersoi and Reeves compose the executive
committee ,
Just at present the asoclatlon i co'opcrat-
lag with the expoltIon management in an
ettort to Induce the American Institute of
Mining Engineers to hold its fall mecting
at. the exposItion , and although the mattr
Is mint settled there Is a strong expectation
that ( ho movement will be successful ,
The association ha deCldei not to concede -
cede the request of the management that
the exhibits be kept open lurlng time even-
lag. The mnnaers of the various exhibits
complain that the artificial light Is not sum.
cient to Permit o ( a satisfactory inspection
of the specimens and that In he evening
the guards would not be able to keep a
cumciently close watch on the many vaiua-
bie features if there was a crowd in the
SIit1'tCiS hELl ) ON 'rlmn ultOhISDs ,
V.r I uf tiic , Pni ; ; ; tient of Iteliglolul
1. . Annixeil.
The first religious services to be held in
time Auditorium on the exposition grounds
occurred yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock
when Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones of Chicago
secretary of the Congress of L.tbcral Re-
Ilgions , rreacimeil a sermnon on the topic ,
"The l'ariiament of ReligIons , and Vhat
Next ? "
Time Auditorium contained an audience
which would have made a large comigrega-
tion In any ordinary church , Among those
iresent were many prominent representatives -
tivos of time loading churches and many
pcodo who are not regular attendants at
any church , The ethics wimich usimaily gov-
era audiences in church edilices vcrc waived
on this occasion and several timnes the au-
( henCe manifested Its approval of time remarks -
marks of time speaker by applatmding.
In addition to lte % ' , Jones there were on
tue platform Rev. W. II. Thomnas of Clii-
cage , president of the Liberal Congress of
Religions ; Rev. Newton M. Mann , pastor of
Unity church of this city ; Rev. T. J. Mackay
of All SaInts' Episcopal church , and Rev.
John McQuold of the First Methodist church ,
The music for the occasion was furnished
by a double quartet Ironi time Exposition
chorus under the dtrcction of Mr. T. J.
The oxercisca commenced with the singing -
ing of tue Doxology by the congregatIon ,
Rev. Manmi explaining that. the big organ
vas mmot fully completed and could miot be
Uscil aS bad been iimtended.
Rev. Mann delivered the invocation and
read the scripture lesson , choosing the
twelfth chapter of time Epistle to time Ito.
mans for that purpose.
After aim antimeni by the choir prayer was
said by Rev. Mackay , who invoked time dl-
Vine blessing upoim the exercises mliii upon
the country during time perilous times pro-
After a hymn , In which the entire nu-
dienco joined , Rev , Mann introduced Rev.
Jommes , referrimmg to the fact that he Is the
secretary of time Liberal Congress of Religions -
ligions , the outgrowth of time great l'ar-
liamnent of Iteligions held during the \Vorid's
Fair. Mr. Mann said it was especially sig-
nifleant anti fitting that the secretary of
such a should preach the opening sermon -
mon In the Exposition Auditorium.
Mr. Jones said it was a strange happening ,
amid one without premeditation on the part
of any person , that he had had time good
fortune to preach the opcnlmmg seramon at
three expositions-at ov Orleans , at Chi-
cage and imow at Omaha ; a d he felt that
this occnalon s-as to be but the first of a
serIes of religious services ,
Speaking of tile grandeur of the exposl-
tion Mr. Jones said that as lie sat Saturday -
day aught under the magic apell of the
lights In the main court ho was moved as
lie had never expected to be moved again
us he recalled the great court of the World's
Colombian exposition at Chicago , As one
imo believed that harmony is an element
of character , the speaker said he wanted
to express his appreciation of the magnlfl-
coneD of time scone and lie declared that. the
soul of man ought to rise to great heights
under thelmmflmmence of the highest ideals , of
which architecture and beauty arc but a
Taking Ui ) his subject , time speaker reviewed -
viewed briefly the course of events in connection -
nection with time great Parlianmemit of Religions -
ligions held in Chicago in 1893 , lIe said
ho hail served as secretary of the commit-
to of fifteen in charge of the parliament
and as such officer had had opportunities
for obtaining a great insight into time Inner
worklimgs of affairs In connection with that
great undertaking.
lie ( ieclareml that the Parliament of Re-
hlgions was the rcntest corporate event In
the religious history of the world. For the
first time in time history of maim the words
of the Master were fulfilled : Men caine from
all quarters of the earth and sat dowim together -
gother iii the kingdom of God , which the
speaker declared to be the kingdom of love.
During thmo great attractions of the exposition -
tion , vhmen there was so mccii to claim and
hold the attention , for seventeen consecutive
days there gathered the representatives of
all the nations of the earth and spoke their
message of love , which was received with
gratitude by the ever-increasing tlmrommg ,
To show time great interest which pervaded
the entire session of time parliament , time
speaker said lie was required by his duties
to be eu hand at 73O o'clock in the mmmorim-
immg and renmain until 11 :30 : at night during
the entire session , and lie said lie never mir-
ilved too early or left too late to see little
groups of Christian mmien mind women sitting
about discussing what was passing nod ca-
deavorirmg to learn something from all tlmat
Time speaker referred somewimat in detail
to time character of hose s'iio attended time
parliament , speaking especially of the iiig-
nified Inca who came from far-away India
to bring their message , discussing In pure
E'ngiishm , which made the otimorim ashamed of
theIr own ignorance , time religious doctrines
which had been handed down tg them fromim
mmnnimmmibered centuries.
The representatives of the Catholic
church , tile Episcopal church , ' time Afro-
American representatives and many others
weru mnentipmmed , time speaker referring to
time fact that the mummy colors displayed in
the robes of sonic of time visitors had caused
( ho newspapers to refer to the result as
"time ralimbow religion , " lie turned this
hmuimiorous desIgnatlomi to account by saying
that time rainbow could be immade from white
light mmmii could lie transformned again to
white light , and thIs was what time imarhia.
meat wmms intended for , to amalgamate mmii
limo different religions and bind timemn to.
getber into one gramni whilto beam to light
time world. I
Rev. Mr. Jones poke of the great uncer
talnty wimicim trevailed at first regarding
the limitation which should be placed on
the congress , but saul a Metimodlst minister
cut time Gordian knot by declaring that any
question which could throw any light on
the great subject should be a proper one.
From this he passed to a discussion of the
various represeimtatives who caine from for-
cign lands to take part In time parliament.
Among time most unpromising iii appearance
of these was a Shinto imriest , who seeamecl
the cmmibomllment of narrow bigotry and a
most ummpronmisimmg mitemnber of time congress.
lie vas unable to speak EnghIh , but when
a translation of the hailer he lied prepared
was read to the commgress , 1t was received
with time greatest enthusiasm mind proved to
be time strongest paper ircsented during time
proceediimgs , 11ev , Mr , Jones declared that
this reception was not accorded this imaimer
because tiio writer caine froui Japan , not
because be wore an eluhiorale robe , but be.
- - -
( Contlimued 0mm 1'ItUi I'age , )
Cnpnuim of time Or'gnn liiac. III , .
Veriomi of ( lie hIttI ailm time
Piect , f Admmmiral Cercri ,
( Copyright IS9S , byAssocinted Press , )
OFF GUANTANAMO , July 9.-Per ( Asso-
elated l'rcss 1)ispatch Boat Wzmnda via
Kingstomm , Jamaica , July 1O.--Captain ) Clark
of the United States battleship Oregon ,
which did ouch remarkable work at the
naval hattie off Santiago do Cuba that re-
suited in the destruction of Admiral Cer-
vera's squadron , says in imis official report
to Rear Admiral Sampson :
"Time Spanish fleet turned to the westward -
ward and Op000(1 fire , to which our ships
replied vigorously , For a short time there
was an almost continual flight of projectiles
over the ship , but when our line was fairly
engaged the enemy's fire became defective.
"As soon as tt was evident that the ene-
my's slmlpa were trying to break through
and escape to westward we went ahead at
full speed with the determination of carry-
log out to the utmost your Instruction : 'If
time enemy tries to escape the ships must
clo3e and engage him as soon as imssible
and endeavor to sink his veseis or force
them to rim ashore , '
'We soon passed all of our vessels except
the Ilrooklyn. At first we used only the
main battery , but when it was discovered
that the eneimly's torpedo boats were tel-
lowing time ships we used our rapid fire
guns , as well as time six-inch guns upon
them , with telling effect.
"As we ranged imp near the sternmost of
their ships , it headed for the beach , cvi-
dently on fire. We raked it as we passed ,
rushing on for time next aimead , usiimg our
starboard guns as timey were brought to
bcar , and before we had it fairly abeanm it ,
too , was masking for time beach , 'limo two
remaining vessels were now sdnie distance
ahead , but our speed had increased to sixteen -
teen knots anti the Vizcnya was soon edit
to , the shore in flames ,
"Only the Cristobal Colon was left anti
for a time It. seemed as if it mlgimt escape.
hut when we opened witim our forward turret -
ret guns and the Brooklyn followed , time
Colon began to edge In toward thu coast
and its destruction yns assured , As it
struck the beach its flag went down ,
"Time Urooklyim sent a boat to It amid vhen
the admiral caught up with the New York
York , Texas amiti Vixen , time Cristobal Colon
Was takemi POSSOSSIOIm of.
"I cannot speak In too hmigim terms of the
bearing anti conduct of nil on board this
simip , When they founmi time Oregon hind
rushed to time front anti was hurrying tea
a succession of conflicts witlm the enemy's
vessels if they could be overtaken amid
would engage thepi , time entlmuslmmsni was iii-
"As timeso Spanish vessels were so much
more heavily armmmoretl than the Brooklyn ,
they might have concentrated upon and
overpoweremi it , Coisequemmtly , I ani persuaded -
suaded that but for tue oflicers anti men of
time Oregon who steamed mmiii steered time
ship and fought amid supplied its batteries ,
time Cristobal Colon , anti perhaps the Vis-
caynvould have escaped , "
'I'av , . of Our AmtIIImry Craft Eiiter
the Iiurlor at lIiiizsm ii Illo anti iieet
Li Vuriii lteept i.t.t.
( Copyright , 1S93 , by Associated Press. )
OFF SANTIAGO Dl CUBA , July S.-Pcr ( ,
Associated Press font Cynthia , via Kingston -
ston , Jamaica , July 9.-Captain ) Adolph
Marix of time converted yacht Scorpion and
Captain Purcell of the Oscehlo had a hot
timne on July i at Mnnzanfiio , where they
hind established a blockade ,
Manzanihlo has lately been unguarded timid
hmas been a Cuban port of supplies. Now
General Pando and his branch of the arnmy
are there. It was decided to lock the stable
tiour last week and on Sunday , July 3 , the
Scorpion mmti Oscimila were before time place.
It is on a long , deep bay anti a close cx-
amimmation by Captain MarI , convinced hmini
that its defenses were one fort with somali
On Sunday morning Captain Marix do-
elded to go in after time gunboats anti so
signaled to Captain Purcell. Captain Marix
tells the story as follows :
"Inmagine our surprise upon finding that
immsteatl of gummboats and a small fort the
shore was filled wIth artillery. Time fire we
mowed Into them was a desperate one , eon-
sidering that we did not have any protection
for uur amen or the guns. For twcmmty.five
minutes we stayed at it anti I think we
must have done a lot of damages I had
lie pilot anti could not move in closet We
were frequently hilt , and at last when a
shot had cleared our gallery and I saw It
was uscices to risk the mcmi's lives , we
moved out.
"The guimboats lay beimind the lulls in
somali cow's and we could not get at them.
We moved out slowly anti time fire ceased.
The next morning we captured a large
ligimter antI a siooim filled with provisions.
No attempt was made by the gunboats to
come out to time defense of their ships. The
Simminisim steamer I'urlssimna Coucepclon ,
which had beemm aroummd time coast looking
for a Piaco to land mmmoney amid provisions ,
is in the harbor ammd has discharged its
cargo. "
Gcmmt'rgil iiroiit"s Order iltis a % Yimoii'-
, .tImme lIfTi'et thititmi ( lie 'l'ruumH mit
CiiIcImmiiiiigti l'gtric.
July 10-The beneficial effect of Generai
Brooke's recent order limitIng the number ot
mmmcmi to ho nllowetl perumits to leave camp at
one time to two fronm emch compammy was
noticeable today in time orderly quiet of tub
day both at the camp mmmiii in the city of
Chmattanooga , A provost guard mild duty at
Lytlo and all disorderly Iteoplo wpre kept
iternmotictmliy sealed. No soldier was allowed
at Lytie without passes and as a consequence
it was a sure enough Sunday in camp , All
time saloons at Chattanooga , vhmlclm have in
time past been wide open , imave been closed ,
anti time streets were crowded a large portiop
of time day witim soldiers ,
Services were held In time twenty-two
Cimristlaa tents now in operation in time camp
mmmiii time imrociammmatiomm of l'resident McKlmmley
suggesting that prayers for peace be offered
by all mimmisters was observed , From every
pulpit in Chattanooga today prayers for
peace amid time triumph of the American arms
were offered by time officers , Masses were
saul by Catholic clergymen during time day
at the park. ,
Three Catholic priests arrived this morn.
ing , Rev , Dr. McCarthy , 11ev. Dr. Belford
and Father Cimryostan , the latter having
been engaged In work for many years 1mm tIme
\'eet Indies. Timese tlmreo mimmistere will remain -
main whim the armny and go to the front
whemi they are amoved.
Today the following officers ordered to report -
port to General hirooke ( or duty tmrrivetu and
were assigned ; Captain F. Ii. ilmirrison ,
to be tuartcrmnauter ; of time Sec.
end brigade , First division , First
corps , on the staff of Gemmeral hlnines ;
Captain William Melken , Third brigade ,
First division , First corps , on the staff of
Brigadier General floymmion' Captaimm Charles
Meyer , commIssary officer , Third brigade ,
First division , First corps.
- - - -
Condition of pan1id In santiago
' Deplorable Boyoua Dcription.
Will I3tirrendor UncontliUonally When Their
"Honor" is Vindicated ,
Water Bupplyi&Nearly. Exhausted and Done
Pray for Riin ,
Clara Iltirtumi mmmiii her , ANs1Nnmmte Are
tIm.1MtcrImm AmmgeI. . AIIIOImR the
' % Situimiletl Ammierienn St.idiers ( lie lLefug es.
( Copyright , 1S9 , by Press Publishing Co. )
CUBA , Jimly 9.-Via ( Port Antonio , Jammmnica ,
July 10-New ) York Wotld Cablegram-
Special Teiegram-Generui ) Toral s iii soon
surrender ummcommmlitionaliy , , Desertcrs amid
lirisommers report that. this is Immevitable amid
that time surrender wIll be inatlo as soomm
as General Torah thtmmks he can take time
action with honor. General Toral offered
today to enpitimlato It he were imcrmnltted to
take his artillery mind march his force 1mm
safety to iloiquin , 100 miles to lime west of
Santiago. 1mm answer Cemierai Shmtmftcr
briefly repeated his ultimatum : "Ummcon-
tiitional surrender , "
Today General Torah Informed General
Shatter imo Was wihhimig tq leave his artillery
In the city if his mencoulti retalmm their
rifles anti iiiarch to Ilolqimin ,
General Shatter amid hip aides L'xpect that
tomorrow General Toral wlih , ask emily that
his omcors be allowed to retain their eltie
arms amid timmit his men , tlistrmed , be per-
Initted to march to holmium , It Is nscer-
taineti that when tomnotrov will conic
Geimerni Shatter vihl again. tepeat "uncon-
ditlotial surrender. "
Every day that passes greatly strengthens
time Americans' position wttmout heiplmig
tlm Spaniards. No further mensure of de.
feimso Is left to Torai ; ho Imas oximnusted
all his resources , He nay construct immore
mimmes in the closest approaches-to tima city
azmd In the. very streets , but his nmtmmes can
easily be avoided or Colimmtermnined by artil-
lory. Prisoners and tle'ertcrs report that
Torat has thrown up barricatics in time
streets and Is turning the Imoimses on time
street corners into
tenmpoary forts as
strong as ho calm make them. But time
English cable operators who were atiniftted
to the city o that Toral might consult with
Madrid by cable deciar the Spaniards
cannot possibly hold out , Co ? a welt longer.
Spzimilmtr,15 I'rny fir htnlmm. :
The Spaniards , timey s'ay , re praying for
rain ; the wells and ciserhm ( wmich supplied
water sitice 'time water pIpe , rummnimmg itmto
time city Wmre cut are exhausted , So close
were the Spaniards to '
'starvation that bis-
cults were selling for $5 a pound , Deserters
say time .Spaniards hare hover recovemctl
froni the fierceness of the attack on July 1.
Unwilling to call the imuorican soldiers
brutes they call themmi tools.
"Tim0 pIgs charged up 'the hill like fools , "
say th Spaniards. " '
"They're madnmemm , lam-
beciles , They don't know what danger Is. "
Ommt.sito the city six of our batteries are
in such poiLlomi is to iecessllate Torui's
mmnconmlitlonal surrender , The lulls which
flank Santtago are OeCtlpled by artillery
placed behind santibag and bomb proofs.
Time Unute4 State3
fielmi mortars are cx-
trenmely % ! ll placed
and iiust do great cx-
eCiitiorm , Tue Amer'Icau l3nes have bcemm
pushed forward on time 1inmks so that time
central Spanish trcnchi will ha nearly in a
crossfire , Said GencraT ibafter' . , , , . , , . ,
- - - - , , a' ' . . . ' - ' I' ' ' '
aide today : " 'hatever
damage they do us
whomi we open fire on them m4'e can kill every
000 of 'then : , " Admrai Sampaoim Is sending
tuhore his rapid-lire gumma to add to time
deadlimmeas of time land borubardmemmt ,
On July 7 these tituths occurred In time
field hoapitni :
SILAS A. ENGAItT , private , 'ftOo1) L ,
First Unitel States c4valry ( Roosevelt's
Itough Riders ) .
O'CONNOfl private , Compammy
D , Seventh Uniteti States Infantry ,
On July 8 :
. ChARLES B. SChWARTZ , private , B1rL
UnIted Stotes eavairy ,
On Jufy 9 :
NOAh PI1INCII , private , , Troop 5 , Ninth
United States cavalry.
Only fifty-four sick
anti wounded men cc-
main In the lmo.tpital. They are convalescing
amid unless there are umcxpechI comphlca _
tlon all should recover.
General Linmrcmi' wound 'is healing. There
Is no yellow fever amon'g 'the United States
troops. I
( 'Jjtmn hhiim'toui's
Gooti % VorI ,
Clara Barton's Red Cross physicians anal
: murses are doing noble work. , Time armmmy
surgeons say they would' scarcely ho aiil
to properly attend tIme ountied without time
'aid of time lied Crces , Miss Barton Is of Ii- :
vniuabl0 service , too , in attemting to the
fording of the refugees from Satstlzmgo , for
General Shafter is keDt busy furimisimimig sup-
piles to his own men and the Cuban aldicrs ,
The spirit of time mcxi in the trenches Is
improving daily , It flayer was iow , except
iii the t'tso of the Setebty.ftrst volunteers ,
whoo soldiers bitteriy accuse several olD.
cccii of cowardlcam.under lire. A thomtugim iii-
Vestigatiomi of the conduct of these officers
is going forward. SYL\'ESl'Eit SCOVLIL.
I't'Oiilo AHNt'mmIllej5i , Clsmmri'hme's zmmm.l
hteu.ier 'l'liiiiii for Smzct'ess of
AiiierIvtimm 1m-sms ,
WAS1IINCTON , July le.-Thls has been
a tiny of thmanksgivjng and prayer , Thin
Ircsldent's recent iiroclamadon was ( ho re-
suit of a concert of patriotic utterances
tronm mnany pulpits , Thanks mvere offered
for an early coneunmamation of pemice. In
nearly every church where the vroclama-
tiomm had suggested time text of time sermon
special music p.nd patriotia prayers were con-
dered arid the servIcc closed with time hymn
"America. "
President McKinley attended the nmormming
services at the Metropolitan P.lethiodist Episcopal -
copal church , lie went shone to the church
and was deeply impressed by time fine die-
Course 'delivered by the i'ator. 11ev ,
Frank Bristol , D , D , The church was
crowded bug heforem. the servIces begaim ,
Scores of peraon remained standing
throughout and many more went away unable -
able to gain admission. Ir , Bristol's ser-
mnon imeld the atteutlomm of hi auditors train
tIme first sentence to the last. At timne his
bearers were so thoroughly aroused by his
patriotic utteramices that rIpples of spontaneous -
taneous applause swept over the congregim.
tion , , I
NEW YORK , July 10-Tbauksgiyiu
htummr , flcjc. IItmmr , ieg.
; fi , , . , , , . in ; i m' . . , . . , . vu
( I mm , in. . . . . . ( III 2 p. , mm , . . . , , 7 $
7 a. in . . , , , , 07 8 mi. 1mm . . , , , , 7 $
H n. mu , . , . , . 1mM 'I m' . mit , . , . , .
I , n. mu , , , . . , ( ID 5 ii. mu . , , . , ,
10 n an. . . . . . 70 II p. mit . , . , , , 7 $
I 1 ii. mim . . . . . . 72 7 Ii. mit . . . . . . 7 $
12 mu , . . . . . . . . 7.i S p. mit . . , , 7(1
1) i , iii . . . . . . 7.1
TOlAY A'l' 'i'lhi I1NI'OSiTION.
3fnssneht.setls lny.
Ii n. sib , , hteehbtioim I , , ineeachiu-
piettp. S'ieltor , . tit timi' ( imqmimlg.
a ii. ni. , u'liIimimey' Ummitemi 4mttcN
uhtmmm.l imt ( lo % crmmimmeimt Builti lug ,
( I it , mu. , i'nwmmi'e ( 'lt Mu Itmmr ilimmmd
itt 0 Irl. ' timimi lluys' lhmmlld immg ,
7 man p. mu. , l'imi mmtm'y'N Uuittt'i $ lmmtt'N
Ittiui.i ft Goverummmmt'mm ( iltmii.l img.
services were held in many of the churches
hero today In accordance with time vrocia-
rmmntion of thin president , asking that thanks
be returned for the victories of the 1mmmer-
lean mmavy anti armny.
l'OItTLANI ) , Ore , , July 10-Time Ptmhiiits
of the varloun Protestant chmtmrches of this
city were occupied this morning imnd evemi-
lug by visiting tleiegatcs to the Natlomtal
council of the Congregational chmtmrcimes ,
Sliccial thanksgiving services were hehtl in
nil time churches in accordance with I'res-
ideal McKinley's prociammmation ,
Little to lImit itimiL I'our l'eopie
Daily 1)rnumuiimg hienil ( iii tIme
( Cpiuyrlghmt , 19S. hi ) ' l'ress I'tmhlhsiming Co. )
LONDON , Jmmi' 10.-New ( York Woriti Ca-
biegrnmmm-Special Tclegranm.-Thme ) Daily
Mail's Kingston dispatcim says : Time Tnlbot
arrived ( rain hinvamma with twenty-three
passengers , immeludimig Sir Alexamitier Gohlami ,
hiritisim consul , anti higgins , vice commaul.
Jerome was heft in cimarge of time consular
omce. Gohlamm cmiii higgins , on heave , are
proceething to England. l'assemmgers report
that emily veil-to-do icoumlc caim survive in
havana. Poor imeoPle are dyitmg like sheep.
It is no unconhmnon sight to see theni fall
dead in time streets. Time price of food is
proimlbitive , Biscuits nrc 10 edits apiece ,
bread P0 cemits a potmnd , rice 40 cemits a
imoummd , corn flour , 28 cents. Time soltiters
tire oil unit rations and the barracks are
full of tarving women anti chihlremm. l'antio
has not yet left Havana , btmt troops nra
heavimig every day -Santiago by time way
of Cicmmfuegos , thence niarclmltmg nlomig time
Govcruumiieiit htoctigutizes ( lint limes'-
Itable ijefetit' Stares it lit
( lie Filet' .
( Copyriht , 1S9S , by l'ress Publishing Co. )
MADRID , July ti-Via time Frontier.-
( Now York World Cablegram-Special Teic-
gram.-Witlm ) their trathitlonai reboumid ( coin
despondency Spaniards now lmmtiuiige In hopes
ci : n jnlsunderstandimm between Americans
and Cubans to prolong the struglO Iii the
Vest Indies and Pimihippimmes. Time wildest
rqiorts of alleged tilmculties fet the Anion-
cnmm at Santiago are Instaimtiy believed and
develop optimistic temmdemmcies in public
opinion. Time war party cabimmet simply
hooks dn mind iota the iress rimie olinlolm ,
only too glad to be allowed a respite to con'
tinuo mmeotlatioims whim Germany , Austria
anti Italy to imave everythlmmg ready when
the war takes an aspect perniittlimg timenm
to sue for hence direct with the United
States , but having powerful European
iatrons ready to make McKimiiey understand
he must not be too exacting.
LONDON , July 10.-New ( York World Ca-
biegram-Speclai Teiegnam.-The ) Daily
News' Madrid correspondent says : Should
Santiago capitulate thqgovernment will ask
an arimmistice to negotiate peace. Time ministers -
ters say the army desires to contimmuo time
campaign , but time government believes cc-
slstaimco is impossible witimout vessels to
land inunitionmm of war and provisions in
The Morning Post's Madrid special says :
Of all the large towns in t-iie south Catiiz
alone is in favor of contimmuing the mvar. In
Madrid it is dililcuit to gauge public
opinion because of the complete subjection
of the people to the preponderating inliuencb
of time military , mvhtcim is concentrated here
1mm overwhelming nunibers ,
MADRID , Jmmly 10-Noon--'Information
received from time most reliable sources is
to the effect that time darkest pessimism pervades -
vades Matiriti ofilcialdom. Time hoimiessness
of the war is finally recognized and time
peace idea imow seems to vretlominate in time
cabinet , anti imegotiatonis are now coneiti-
cred urgent. The cahmimmet is likely to cohere -
here until peace is secured , It is now rec-
ogmmlzcd that Santiago do Cuba is cozmmpiete-
ly beleaguered and that owimmg to the lack of
provisions and munitions of war it must fail.
It is considered certalim tlmat. time tnmericans
will blockade Cuban and Porte Rican ports ,
cutting off thmeim' supplies , while time nuthorl-
ties are convinced that an Amenicamm fleet lam
commmimmg to time penimmsula , There is no confidence -
fidence felt that time iovers will Interfere ,
even If defenadiess seaports are bombarded ,
and , therefore , what measures of defense are
nrc possihmie are being adopted ,
I'ARiS , Jtmhy 10.-Time Madrid corresponti-
ont of time Tenmps says :
"Time eimtl is impatiemmtiy awaited , even tile
goverimitment no longer nttemptlmmg to die-
guise its convictIon timat after time tall of
Santiago time tuna will imave come for timlmmlc-
ing almommt overture8 of peace , especially as
all time European clmancehiories nfivisc timis
course , Time macclings that tare being imeiti
alt Bayonne In time province of Navvarre and
along time l'yreimnean frontier , are greatly
dlsturbimmg the ministry , Time partisans of
Don Caries are mmmaking no secret of their
intentions to rise If time terms on wimichm
peace is mnadtm should emmtnil a loss of tern-
tory. General Bltmnco cables that it wlil be
imnpossibiefor reinforcenmenta to reach Saim.
tlvgo in time to mmiii En time defense , time
duration of wimlch mviii depeimti upon time
supply of food and aummnummition , imniess the
garrison nttenmpte a desitorate sortie. "
Thu Temps comatnenting on time foregoing
dispatch from its corrospontient sayam "aVimnt
simould decimlo neutrt'l cabinets to give wise
counsels to Madriti is not only time fact
that time latest duyeiopmnente of the war
have enttr'Iy changed the comitiexlon of
time situatiomm , which was already grave
eaougbm fort Spaimm , but time further fact that
timere mmcc trustworthy indications of a beginning -
ginning of a reaction in favor of imeaco Ia
oiflcial circles , "
ltt'i'rii 14.4 for Shimiffer Him ii.
ChARLESTON , S , C , , July 10.-Time steamship -
ship Rita , captured recently oft Cuba by time
Yale and purchased yesterday by time United
States government ( or $125,000 , sailed ( or
aumtiago this afterimoon with 650 men of
the f3lxtim lliinoimi regiment anti their baggage -
gage , One battalion of the regiment sailed
with time expedition under Geoerai Garrett-
ion on the Columbia , It was found ( list the
Rita could not carry time remaining 800 men ,
be Companies D anti U were left here ,
American Guns Open Fire Oiice More o
ucred City of Santiago.
- _ _ _ _ _ _
* -
General b'hafter Reports Three of I-us Men
Being Slightly Vounded.
Operations Begin Atout 4 O'Clock on Sunday Af'tornoomm , After an Armistice
Lasting for Sovorat Days-American Land Forces Hold au Impregnable
Position and Pool Fully Confident to Bring the Spaniards
to Terms and Will Have Force Enough Today
to Cut Ofl'Botroat on All Sides.
1\ASII1NIT'I'ON , .1111) ' lO'l'ileVnm , tleptm'tinemit. lots just been imotiikd
tlmt : t t ha' bommil i t'tl lilt' mm t lmm : m imt'gth mm ,
\\.SIIhNt1'i'tIN ) , .iuly 10.-Time Wmtm' depni'tmmmemmt immis hausteul tlti'm bul1t-
t I 11:4 01' d lspm : I ci mt'm m'ec'I s't' I t Ii l e v'im lmmg :
SI HONEY , Cuba.'Ii : I layti , p. iii , , , luly 1O.-Adjtmlammt ( lemmernl ,
\Vai.iiimigtoim , 1) , C.-I leIlihiim'tem'r : ( : Flitim Am'mmmy Cmi'i , ' , .1111) ' 10.-I have just
l'CCI'iVl II lettem' ( 'moth ( leimei'tl : 'l'om'il : declining ummcommditlommal siim'i'mmtler. liomim-
bmmi'dmmmeimt imy : im'mmmy nimd tma'3' vili begiim at : is iiet'i' : p. mmt. today its lmtSsiil , ) ( ' _
. Si lAl"i'Eit , Major ( kmmeral.
\.ASl11 NG'I'ON , .ini ) ' i1.--Simom'ti3' after lmiitiiiighmt t1m \\'ai' da'ptl'tmmteitt :
gave out time ftmhlo'immg fm'oumi ( lt'ml'm'hl S immifte'm' :
i'rA.y. 1)E1A is'iu , , ihml ) ' 1O.-'l'o AdJimammt Oeimertl : , 1\'mtsiilmmgtomi : Iii-
( 'Iii ) ' np'mmei ( lint' mm fev mmmimmutt's ImmtstI 'c'ltmm'k w'itlm llglmt gtimmm , w'hmk'lm w'ero
mOtmi SIlemmCCi 1i , ' ( liii's' , 'a'L'1'3' ' little hntmskt't i'y Iiiiimg , mtmmd time ( 'Ileimmy ki'pt en-
tli'ely iii their emmtt'cimclmimiemitmm. 'i'lii'i'e imit'im slightly voimimtlemi.'ihi imuve con-
sliii'm'aumit' forces tommmmm'rn' ( , eimtmuglm to coimmm1ete1y block mmli I lie maths oii tlmo
imom'tltvest , I mmiii qimite vell , SIIAF'l'Eltimjt)1' : Chommeral.
Gcmmei'nl ( lui''la t'Cjtmt't4 ) tlmtt : time emit'llmy em'tetiitetl : : a little ttn'im cmIl'm1 : Des.
CflhiImtS , ltlOUt tiLi'L'C mmmlii's fi'tiim Santiago amid imeti' time bay ,
Shnfcm' hlohdlumg hI is i'osttiiim hlefore is'itlt No Fear for ( lie
Il ' ' ILecult. -
WASHINGTON , July 10.-The American
flag floated over 'time ' White hiowm and the
\Var nnd Navy depantmmmeimts today , an UnUsual -
Usual thing ( or a Sabbath , but a shgmm of the
tunes. It was a remmiinder of time president's
call upon the people of time land to ceic-
bratc the glorious acimievemcnt-s of time Amner-
itati nrnmy anti navy. Time presitlent himself
anti the members of the cabitmet led the way
in limo observance of time tennis of imis prola-
inntion by rcpairimmg to their respective
places of worship anti offering up tlmnnk ( or
time almecess that has attended 'a righteous
c1uso ammd prayers for a eintimmuaimco of time
nmnnlctmtmmtlomm of divine favor.
in time War departimment Adjutant General
Corbin was busy at his desk , as ime has bet'im
every sumigie day anti halt of every night
lnco time war began , openhmig official -telo-
grains anal dlspotcimlng orders to all points
wlmertm the soidler. are gathered. It was not
expected 'that lmostflitie3 wotmld rtoimeim at
Santiago today.
No mem'sage came tiurlng the day from time
army in Cubit until 4:30 : o'clock , i'imexm Secre-
tam-y Alger received a caimiegram trommi General -
oral Shatter tintl immediately sent it to time
president. The secretary said the cablegram
Indicated there was no change in time sltua-
thou and expressed the opinion timat ( hero
would be no fighting today. General SImaf-
ten , lie said , occupie'.i aim lmpregmmnhle position -
tion anti ( iii ( not fear aim mttack. The matters
contaimmeil in time cabiegimmmn beyontl 'that ' Ime
thu not , care to mmmake ltUbhic. Time secretary
at 6 o'clock mvemit home amid said lie expected
: motimimmg iiimportmmnt tonight.
Uumeaiimd it liimiil Sium'rcuilt'r ,
Time president's ultimnntum was voiced to-
tiny by an authmorntive sotmrmme as follows :
"rho only mtolmmtiomm to time sltuatiomm is the
absolute and unconditional tturremmdt'r of
( .emmertmi Limmarce' array , and that mm ill take
place if 4t require the whole of time 125,000
immen in time United States mrmy 'to aceojim-
push it. ' '
Gemmeral Miles will reach time army before
Santiago with time relntorcemmments witimin ti
day or two and it the enmi line mmet bcemm
meacimed there shortly afterward It will lie
for imlmn to advise ivimetimer 'Limis vast nrmmmy Is
to be called into play.
Ammother grim reimmimitler of time dark side of
the war came to 'time ' W'ar tiepartmmiermt todmiy
1mm time ehmalme of a list , teiegnmmplmed from
Tampa , of time sick an. . ' wommimiled brotmgimt
into tiiimt. p31 t. tL dial imot include time mmanms
of cimlisteti mmmcml , but timlam muay follow
Time atmrgeon general will commstmlt time
medical oMcers mmow at Timmila as to time tii'i-
position 'of time invahitis ammtl it is probable
tlmat sucim of thmemmi as are able to hear fmmm'-
'timer trammsportatlomm will be brouglmt mmortim ,
where timey will be sUrroummtled by butter Call-
ditions thami exist at time temporary amid
cm-owtlcd southern hospItals , Time limt of time
mvcmmmmmleti and sick ollicers iiroughit by the
Chmexolico Is as follows ;
1,1st of % % 'oimuidt'.J ,
Captnimm Joimn lIigeow , Jr. , gunshot of
thigh ammti heft leg ,
First Lieutenant M. ii , Barnum , gimnelmot
nigimt hip.
First Lieutenant 0. It. Godfrey , gummeimmit
of scalp ,
Major Ellis , Thirtccntlm irmfan try , gummsimot
left knee ,
First Lieutenant 'iIIiam'asmmil , gun-
idiot left cimeek anti mmeck , 'mlso left lii . .i ,
Lieutenant W , S.'ood , Ninth cavalry ,
gunshot nigimt cheek ammd throat ,
Captain J , E. itret , gtmmumtimot right ehiiow ,
ii , I. . Kinnlnsou , gunslmot left breast mutt
elbow ,
Lieutenant ii. 0 , Lyon , ginihmot right imlr.
Captain A. C , Duemmi , gunsimot botim thighs.
Licuteimant V , H. Slummummomme , gun'mimot ' right
Lieutenant 11. E. Spencer , gunshot rigimt
leg immmti left hand.
Calmtaln Lassiter , gunshot right side ,
TIme foliowini'ire sick :
General S. Iii , 13. Young.
Captain A , 13. ileyl ,
. - - . - . . . . - . . ,
Captain S. F. Allen.
Lieutenant C. M. Saltzmnan.
Lieutenant 0. Ii. I'attemm.
Lieutetmnmmt FV. . L w'ls.
Captain floljej't Seweli ,
Licutetmant 'iV. E. P. F'rcmm'lm ,
Major J , N. Coe ,
Cimmtpiain DwIght Gnuhlmmgc'r.
Lieutemmnnt W. C. Rivers.
Lieutcmmnmmt C. B , Ihmmmmiplmreys.
Liemitemimmnt F. 1' . l'cnlcimms.
All sick frormi the effect of heat , but are
doing vcl1 , t Ii flight ,
The ordnammco officers of time army are
imithhgmmammt at time statemcimts timat have ap-
peareti iii the press , snimmo of themn nttnibtmta.
ble to imigh army officers , qtmestiommimmg time
merits of time Sprimmgiieltl rule , with wimich
a large Iortion of the IJimited States nrnmy
is nnimmed. These stmmtemimezmts , timey say , are
caicimlateti to do Infinite hmnrimi mummoumg time
voitmntcer forces , timougim the regulars know
anti like time old Sprlmmgllehai too well tf die-
trust it now. Time lmrimmelpal argtmtmment mndo
against u.s eniploymneimt [ my the critics iii
that its short nimmigo enables the Spanish
nrmned with Maimsermi to Imick off otmr mmmcmi
long before lucy get witimin the rammgo of
time Smrimmgfletis. ! This is nlti to be based
upomi error. Time Springfield huts a range
of 3,400 yantis , s'lmic'im is only a few imurm-
tired yards short of time l4ausers , and time
( onmmmer'am big 500-grain bimilet is sniti to Imavo
greater killing power at , time ranges.
Time opinion of sonic good practical soldier
flat to time respective mimenits of time Sprlmmgliehtl
amid time modern small-bore 13 siiowmi by time
fact timat sucim able soldiers mmi Coloumel ltay'
anti Colonel Schmuyler of New York , who nra
orgammizlng iumdepemident regiumments , have spa-
daily rcqtmiteti time Wam' tiepurtmnent. 'to
supply thmemn time forimmem' ,
A good demul has bcemm amrltl uio as to the
great superlom-l ty of smmmolmeiesmi lOwder ) imseal
in thin smmmnhh here over time bInd : powtler of
tiio Sprlmmgfleltl , but one oftime lest ) ordmmanco
experts in time \'ar tiepartmmmemmt imas tieclared
that there ' 'e nmerits iii botim imowders. In
open ligimtlmmg time mimoke of the Spnlmmgflelti
often serves to obscure time nmam'ksmimamm fronm
a returim fire , whmiho time nman arimmed with limo
smmmokt'less weapoim Is exposed to ainmeil fire ,
Time news of 'the bommmimardmmcmm't ' e.mmno at time
Cloc of mm bummy Suntlay in time 'Navy ' depart-
macnt , l'revlouam to timu receipt of timis die-
hatch the secretary of war hind ilcari tvce
frommi ( lemmoral Simafter ,
Iii time early mimormmimmg caimme mm telegram say-
11mg ime Imati m'ltldomm over limo Aummerlean lines
cmii vmms gratified at 'their contfltinim. A mice-
anal dispatch reported that time lines mvere
irnmm'cgmmtmble , timus rcmnoviimg ammy fear of a
numccessftmi sortIe by time iauumisim troops
almouiml amm' zmmammclmvcr of this kltmai be at-
tcli1itil ,
110thtelegrams , wlmiclm also emphasized
time ( act that General Simaftcr's imimysicai con-
tiltion hind greatly tmnjmm-'ovcti , mycre shmown lImo
iareslticmmt mnti occasioned I'immm coumsiderablo
gratiiicatlon ,
Wimemm questioned as to wimethmer ime ito-
lievc'd thmcre imati beouma bonmbardunent , of time
city General Corblmm replied : "You lmnow us
mnuciu about It as I do. I have kept nailming
buck. I ebmould say , however , tlmat time firlmmg
today was but time preiirmminary to time more
serious business of 'tomorrow. ' "
This being time case time attempt to teico
tint city will imrobably be immade tomorrow ,
Sqmutt.i run iuiiiN trout I'um' ( Multi svltk
( Imim lixt'ciutiuu of I lii' himitieshtp
( Coimyrigimt , I93 , by I'rcsam T'uimiiatiaing Co. )
LONION , July 10.-New ( York World Ca-
bltguamn-Simecial Telvgrammm.-Thmu ) l'ont. Said
atluatirorm sailed except time l'clayo anti lIsa
Augustin. The latter is tnmmxmsferm'iag coat
lii time hmarbor ,
MESS1NA , Sicily. 'July 10.-New 'York
WonIti Cubiegrarn-Special Teic-grmmm.-Timo )
olilcers of the torpedo boat destroyers which
accommmimanieti Admniral Cammmara to i'ort Said ,
who urniyed hero cmi limo way home , were
mimucim affected on learnuimg of the destruc-
lion of Admimiral Cem'vera's fleet. The crew
declareii themselves reatly iti mmmake every
sacrifice anti detenmnigsed to tight to time lait. .