r - - - - . - - - - - - . - . _ _ * 1r1 - - - - - : . - - - - - : - - . : - _ . - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . - . - - - r - ' - - - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - , - - - ' - - - - - . - - - - - . - , - - - . . I - - - - - % 'Ill I E OIM A L I \ 1) A. I L1Y i11i ! : SUN 1) j , v i o. I s ns GAThERING OF REPflU4ICiNS . coting ot t1i National League l3ringa : Tlioiisanas to the Olty. . CONVENTION TO CONVENE TillS WEEK I Seurs . r 1s. PnIII liil l.iI.'r , . .r lit. ' : 1'sr , ( ' tD Ii iI'i' , , tiiI , : 11111 ill hit' 1- : : : r The only itatlonal eonvtntlon of the re ' 1)U1JIICLIII party which v1Il lie hel.1 tIiIt yettt ' will be that of the NrttIoitnl ItciflibilCalt I.caguo In Omaha tti ) week. it wtIi bcgilt - \Vctnestltty inoriting atiti continue until : . atiti includlt.g irIt1ny. Roughly estiniatilig , f It l QXICCtCtI tbttt tbe nuInIer Of tlekgittcs who viIi he In nttenhlalleC from nil or.r the CoUlitry lll be ipvnr1s oC 1,000. I' This In connection with the two stnto I : league conventions of Nebrasia : aiui Iowa ot . Omaha nrni Council illufra r'speCt vcly , vlIl ; - be the fet.turo . of the wcek , antI these two U state coiivuttluns will bring o'ci 1flOO mote k .ict'gutcs . to the FXUStttOli ) , city. I"rtim titty , to day there clll lie excursions anti gatli' r' erIng3 of ness Iqniier uissn'Intions , most of tim tnetnbcrs of v1ilt'li ore in touoli with b the . ioliticl ork of the Nutioiii Itcittit- lican Thus tin' entire wtekvill bt iill"i tip ) ; itlt uvente of a liol itlflI ( or semi - pul Iti Cul chornetci' itifti t It t. titus t POvertti I in It U dives of the entilitry lie gi' C'It U ulinnce tO srcnti , throughout ( Ito l&ngtli nod breutitli of the cotintry (1tt ( story of the e.osItIQii ; . aiid of 0 ninha's conihi ii ed en torptIse auth It o.iiiltal . ity. I rlie vork of the Natlonnh lt&'ptihuivnn 1.engtln Is of nit active nuxhhlni'y nature. It I s t Ito I. ( I f itci's nitul n iitl Ii on o . I -house can - yessing of voters br the tuccess of the party. 'flint the aiiiitlnlstintlun of I'resi- tienticKlnley Iii htit coitihttct of the war vith ipaIn lhL receive' thi , ' iii.at enthuiHins- tic enilorseineuit Is nircaily auuthclputi by iniutiy o ( the resoluil loris nuiollte(1 by the various stntu Icagulo cott'eiutioiis. lloyd's theater hits hnciu t4.lcctetl as the ilaco of medLilig for all the sesslonus of the National Leagute , except. one. Titu' one . exedlutloll is the uvenilig nicetitig of 'i'hurs- . tiny , which is to le at the vXlosIt , toll Auttit- toritini , IL is to be no opeui ineetitig to all . rejutbhlcniis for oral euiuloiseiiietit of the POlICY ttt tli patty and the acts of the : ul- I inloistratloui. I'coijio are to hiavu , free tic- ccsn to it befit front the gi otinuls and the stre'tH , WI I tluitI I. 1111)11 L' } Ittid w I ( built inlet an ti v I thou t ii I sen at I nation . I t w I It be t liv big titeeting of the eonVcntio , ? 4ei'i'l Iit liii- ) , , ' ( . , The first of the vt'elt's gatherings wilt by a loctil one-that out Munulay cvt'nltig ci : , the state tleicgutcs cItocii by the clubs at , iotigias county to ileckic UpOn their ehoicy I of itanies to Prcsettt to the stotv' lenguit convetition , ( Ito evetiiiig following. for tide- gaten froth this .liutrtct to ( lie National I Letugute convt'uitioui. ( hue .leiegate at inrgt , Is to he agreeti upon anti four district tide- gatcs. Of the ilaunes so far tuicuutloneti fat the delegatesitip at laig2 , tlioim of iohutu L . LI \'ebstcr , C. J. ( hctne , E. J. Corutislu ant I \'Uhlam F. Gtiriey scent most to the front . tinil for the listrict iieht'gateslt 11)14 thu I'ouurtl I warti has uu tavoritci lodge Irving F. 1iax . I tor atiti Eti II. Scott ; ( lie Sixth sar.1 , F , sIIteh ; ( lit , Seveittli warti Charles 'tV . Ilailci ; ( Ito Ninth syniti , John L. icuuuiedy South Otnuhiti , J. II. Van Dusen and ii. i't I'tIuirtiock ' , tituui the colorcul republicans , F . H. Itoh niuii lr. M. 0. Iticketts. r - Tue Stat' Lcaguuo convention Is to nicel -I Tuesday evening In lloyd's theater for th i ItUiltose Of selecting the natiouu.l . delegates . Asitle froun ( lie customary routine of ( Iii I 1 reading of ( Ito call , appointitient of eoni . ! itittee of eteilentials , ritietu and resolu. tiotis , the seating of delegates , President L ? ' Charles \'t'inter's utitiuni atitiresu , the re . ports of the eoiiiunittee , the selection ol I dcl ega tes to ( lie an ( tonal ccii veti t a u a I the c'iectioii of state olllecrs , a ile.usiti feature is to be tuitroiltireti this year in t . iut'seutntlon of an Anierienii flag to th ' cuuuuitty showing the largest liucretusu' of re : 1ulblicaii votes over the vote cast for ( lit - McKinley electors. Thuirstnii county lin 4 this honor. Its increase last fail over hit Mcicitiiey vote at isw was ti % her cent : . Thu hag , 'lticIi is of flue hliiet sIIt tutu. . I regulation nrniy sIze , is to lie tirCsetlteU i. . I' lioti.V. . E. i'cebles of l'euuier with a hittliut - , speech , of course , nutti a VdSl)01113d is to l ) L : made by IlL A. Wiitze on behalf of ( ii La I honored couiuuty. Thu resolutions to be reported by th committee for atloption are to cover ( iii a war , tile lluiwnhian .jttestioti , the retentiot m 0 f ( Ii ii l'ii I I I P1' ' I n t'S niuti t'ort a It I cc , a tud ( hi Li A S II it ) O I t j4 I von ( Ito P resi (1 en t ci ii ui n g ( It Is try - i I tug itdtiod by t ito repui bi I en ii nut to flu i legi s - p ) , ' , il I , ' t Opening with mayer by 11ev. FitiLclter u1 . , - Sissoit of the Itatiscont Park ' .letuotiIst tpis - t copal church , tlie convention of the Na - tiotini league vill 't right down to bust ' : . 11055Vetineuiay morning iii iloytls tlteittot , /1 Several a.hiut'sses . of uvelcouno nit' arrange i for. 2.Inyor . lraiik i. Moores on helutuif a Lt the city , Joliut L.Vebster for ( lie stat fluul l'reuitdcnt'lntcr Ii1 sji'aiv for ( Ii : : I Stat. . , league. 'l'Iue animal atliliess of ( it U nuitluutual ircskleuit , I. , J. Crawford , wIll fol - e ituut . \Vhth ( ho tuIlOhIttlIuetlt ) of ( lie lustuti 1 ( ( uiiuniitcc ( his sessIon svilt adjonrn lint I II utuxt utunituliug. Thieve tilt' to lie no rttternoo mm iuut'etiuigs , this nrrangciuit'uit being to gtv 0 tIlt ! delegates a clianu't' to enjoy the expoS - ' S It ion , C. ) ii 't\'euI uiesilay even I lug Cliti I rum ii e 't\'iiiiuumi B , Ten lyck'H couumtmultce' ( oil wel . collie ivill see to it ( lint Uie visttlng tide - gates tire giveum a royal meceptiolu in fli C Inrlors of ( lie Millard lintel ( mum 8 to 10. t 'rIte next day ( lie National It'agtlo viI II - CeCOit'IItt at 10 o'clock antI liutteut I ) ilPeecites by I'reslilen ( I ) , \\'oothitmanse' I it of Cineluitati and oh tiers nail ( lie reports c if tlmti coimtiittces , Tiicsi' reports Iii ineluti C a umuuinber of resoltitiorus very entitmisiastic : - ally t' tuitorsitig thut hull 01 Iii 1st rut ( lint , On ( I ; I s POint Secretary I ) . ii. itIuuo saul by v.ui y ; J of ( 'Xijlilmfltiol ' 'Thtu' wet it iii ( lie Na - J tb imutl itL'I ) ii Iii icitim I . 'um gui 0 Iii I ii C itt ( tutu s tInt lucen hltu tuinking at PiatfrIum8 for tlt e t repuilulican lmart' . hut time e'cnts for 11th is year lnmvo ln'en of .simchi ummoiumeum t oils I nipoi I tatuet , to Ilte fuituitt of the ennuttry niuti ( ii 0 coigrv'ssIoiual cleciouus ( ceetur this year , ttu It t Ii is beiumg t Ito on I y mcpuu hI I en ii tin t I aim a I con I- ' ( 'll t lout , I t titus lucetu though t a l vi sa bit' 0 go au record in such a wumy that titeuc en tm ho no itmstaitiuug the StululLi of the rattic nit ii Ilk. . of tutu iumi ty on alt tIti. great tiiuesloj ( , 8 of va r , t e rn I aria I uieq u Is I I I ou , ituva I t'Iil I- cacy , finance , etc. , hit ) that the vott'i a timrotighout thu entire country many ulgal Ii Ii en r t lie 'itc o f I his eve r t rhuliut mluutimt ita mt I t' . of fiRm lL'OPiO umnil 1)111CC rettov'tl LoumIhuletuc tI lit it. Vor this reason tiutro vhii be souimv - 14 thIng of a .iepartttro . front time usual utmetho ti i' : ; anti a set of ttpIirtmprIato i-esoluitioius WI I I Sr ho prestiuleti for ailohmi lou. ' ' I Tue evening esiaim at Thuirsilay. a imrt ' . io tusi y itt a I ed , vi I I lutt I i.e . big immuiss uimec I . : : I lit ; at the expos It ion Auul I t ii rI ii iii. t ( 'itiidIiitihu's r.htiic'i' ) . h The national conwetitlon will ciostu on FrI I- - day with tiuo election of olllct'rs. Time lIt 0 . luau a ) reatly ummeti t ioumeth hi ) fTC lOttiC Of I In. . ' catuthitiates for these imositiotus. 'fluoso ft itt tlttt iresideimcy are the tureseult Iitctuiimt > euu ' L. J. Cravfortl of Nevport , Ky. ; i George ; toiue , iresItieiht of thai ( 'ailforni a t league ; J. Cooliumaim lloyd of iiaitlnmor' ' Lu , itIti , , vtuoiui Mr. ( 'rawforti , ieatti iat yen r , auuil I , N. Iittgitty of Falaniumon , Micli . tpI1 ; ( it the author of time 1)tutgiey ) hill. 1 ir eerctary Mr. Stine huts decided to tub v iimtmstbf to Utu iwescuuted ( or tu regular dci . tluu. lIe Ia filing Lfl unexpired term ) t : , , . . _ _ - . : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i M . .1 l'ntIIn ' cC flcnvlll. Mo. Mr. Dowlitug 1io luug becim utnalilt' to carry on th dimtIe o f the niTlee through Icknp Mr. Stln )1F ) R muuI , it 'ry gooti erctar. F . P. MeylT' . jr. . of tiut N'w Je9elesgus ac imil Luke \'alker of Tetincste tirP rile c uundhtlntes for this PlACe. An effort ihuring the 'ionM of tIme a - t ionni leauum s'til bc nmttlc by Mi-s. J , 1liti I ' 03t.'r to ! Cetmid re1.ruutatioum . lii thu. con- v ontion car the Woman's htepubllcn aun. e l tboh , of which lm ( ? is iithi1enL Site wIll l iege s it icno thc effeetiy work tie i totuien of ( lit' eotuumtry 1tve dora' ruul' tit ! tt uiecett of time reptiblietuit party in tlu 1tit , Many of tius debegntiouis to ( lit' mutiouial C Oflvcuitbon will eonme out special tiniuihi umittt S ome of ( heni nmuuy liv. ' , tuhiie heme. In tiueir o wn special curs. l'artltuilumrly will lull bit ( lii' case ivltcre a iIeIv'gahhun has a ultoire f or Presitlont necomnianying it. The Marylutuiti tklgatioui , with .1. Cottkt l oan lloyd leaves Halt ltuior today in am pen elal cur hit which ( lie uleiegtutes will live h tml ii ( lieu tetuurn Imotiut' . it has ehectel .1. C' . Smith Us cimairtuman anti \7. ( . Sunitlu Eec. l etary ItmitI has PIufltueti tOt ciueigetic catum- l uaigmi with a thorough ougtttminLioli of the Maryland beeps. Mi . lloyd fouugbmt liuihl b est year for linltimmmore (0 g.t the enncnl . ( iou. Cnibtorumitu s lii tuln Iiivo it aliectal f ilicil itlu I'aeific cost tid , nlrtri of ( ohiuucl i toiue ; libt'uu Ise Mielmlgam yilb aetit tim. . ' ttpI l ortera of Nelsoim tittgiey'3 eif on it su.- . cmi. Tue MIcIItI.nIu epeelat t Ill eOitc' : ovdt thu ltock tuIuttul. ( 'cubouwl toui sPecial tur ( ahIfnruuinius us exicru.i ; In Tuesday. lie h uliumself arrived yesteutiny. 'I'll. ' . . u- * . I I % 'oriterM , Otue feature of the uneuumberllip of ( hi' Na- tiouunl ltepubh Irtun Ieatu tlmrut sitotuhu ) not 1 w ovorlok'd is t1i fact that forty-eight colleges are repie3duudi1 ( scputmiutt'iy. Tlue ctulkgt leaguets tut. . a ulouut cetive 1uly of workers. 't lo. ivi In the case of MichIgan , I Ii etc arc ui a tut . to ii ii .i . ci egatiotis ii isti tie t - lvcly uuucttlc up of eouiutti'iclnl travelers. Most till tite slate leagues luat'e lied sety ouitlutuIasbc ( coumveumiouus. In Illinois tlieie % vtts it note of diheouti soututituil , butt ( lint wuts over ( loverimor 'l'antueuunuul a uesoluloim suus easily fltItlitctl cuitioutmitug hlumm. Tliert' svill be two contesting tltlcgaiouus ( front liihiuois , thou gim , t lie iegti luui once hv.td ( ( I by Scum ( ( mu I ! auum II t ottv ito umuum y yet lie a en it d I date Eu i' Ituesiti cut of tli iuaiouutut I caguic , anti ( Ii u otluer ttuaile tip of delegates lenin it state it'tgutu orgnuulzed hut oltposltloui to Tuuiutiet. Tlio 'uIlssottri del.gLutioui . was cluoseuu at ii. (0 ii tOut ( ho ii tt I .1db . luatI I .000 tepultl icatus iii attetidanee. National l'rcshtleuut Cimwfoiul : vtts puesetmt , hnvliig u seat on the platform lut I tuition lu to lun I I , I ii tu Ii I cit ( he con ye ii ( ton Wits luclil Itesoltitlotis vcre ndoltcil strongly clitlorsing Mr. McKinley atmil Coiugicssiimeuu ltIclm&utui liarttmoktt , Chuttles F. Joy Charles l Pearce , until almo Muiyor ( bury Ztegetituelut of St. Liauls. Judge Clmumrlos F. Galieiikumummp of Uutioui svtus eicctcd pmcslileimt by aeclaitutitloum. rlie ilelegates at large so- kctetl uu'me Nat Sebzstlatm , , Prof. 0 M. \'oniI , Senntor Charles lluischi , .sscssor A. It. Frederick and Fucd't'ithnff , umli of St. Liutuit4 , auiui John Albuus , Jr. , of St. Joseph. The Cnllfounla state lenguic tututurally imlopteul a N I en rum gmat lu. . uual ucsoI u ( I a it. t niso pledged Itself to uttd the luteSiubetit of tito n a tb ii I Ii 3)111 ii ( I mug ( hi it stiurs and stulpes over tittimbbtu , I'tto ltlco and Cuba. Fiuo IllinoIs beaguuo also enilorseut the Nic- utraguui canal project , favoring its couiutiuic. ( lout wttlt ' 'Anuerltaui iuuoney aumd tuntbeu Aiiiturleau control. " 'Flue resolution adtmitet1 L by the liatutilton league , endorsing the uua- ( brunt niiummbuustratjnui ( , follows cud Is no cx- fltuulIe of the iesolutlouus beluug geiierall tuulopted : IJuiu1.i't the Au uuuhiub. \ \ (3 UItIJIOVO itmmtl counumiuuutl tluc aettoti oh i'iCshuletit Mc1tnIey and the lint ltiiuul titI- iutIuuISlatIofl iii hoace aitti tune. 'Flue return ( If couiiuuuerclul mt osIerlty nutul ( lie recoutI oh the hash. 3euti has .leuiuouustrahcl . , ( lint esery lii ( > 1)11CC ) ) ' maul ? by the rcluubiicauu lmart iii 1SIt hums beeum more tiiauu veuifled. 'Ihie huut'SltItuit has sbtot ii Imimimself wise , ccitservatjs-e , ctthtbltu iuuuut vlgou ous. ' ! 'lue iou- ( ituUu 1 eq U I inuu cii t fou \ ar accou U Pl Is lu ed withIn tlua last sixty days ( ( buls was Jitiui' 11j is it ithiout a iuat.uiheI In the history of th % ii I I d 1)uu ri uug ( bit t ( I mule fuouii t lie unIt hs a I : , t ltethiIC tmecutstoiuied to the j.uursuml ( ; of u.ac . : luau spu ti hg ; t giati t nuiny of Iuuoue t hut a ! OO , - 001) utueuu ucaily to bitus'tu battle iii tsar Pit huuuuuiauulty anti the rclkf amid ilefcuuse of lit opbe stam-vhumg auud olIuesSel. I'or ( lit lust thiui Iui liIsou'y ( lie varhti beholds ( lit ' Shicetacle of a itatton strong eumeughu to sc t ciii a Its owe liberty from a greit hoicrI strong enouuglu to uiualuutatui its owiu Ilbemt3 uvbiuui ntackcui In civil strife ; strong enough I to attain the hulglics ( ideals of coiuuuneicia , tPu eutuacy in teutce , IIOW strotug cuioiugiu ant ge uuv-i-otts dlu a U g Ii a n ii .1 I S I tu tetCStCl ( enough to ulefeuuth a stricketu ilcuilibe opiu-esSeI ) ( b. , ' ceumturies of tem-ong mlii criiuie. ltittptOtk for ouur couuutry an onlargci uiatlouiuul life antI we i.alcoine ( lie day ivitcu ive sluahi atusuutiuc itS Ve .Iestrso . to assuuuume ctumincrdIai sumu eniacy on the sea us ei fla Oil the I nuid ; ssiut'it A nut'rtcnmt c.liumuuert . , , um A uuucitcan ho ( tom s utuu il nr t hi e A unLrI eat Ihag simutil be a ft. . am I I Itut s I glut I mu evil ) ' liar t of ( lit' world. TIle lctnu'y of lewey , said ( hue leagtue .1 Lust I fleti I t I ii iletha il mug for ( lie ii room lit I it - tcnse of the navy nail also of ( tue inuu-ehaui t lila ii ml a.Ilotti sean ( cvii Cuil itimut a nil uIaoi svet-e praised. Amnouig tiuC ninumy betteis received by Sec . retary Suite ex-Goveruuor J. II. Foraker a f 01110 , ulin regrets ( lint otluer cIugagemdimt utialto It iiuptmssiuile fat him to he piesetut ii 1 icrsnn vrites tIlt' folbotiutg seuiitmueitt , "l'luis is a titute of great encouragdluien t I ( or I In' etoise of re iiu iii I en n I s in. Out r tin - thimnal uidiumiimlstrntion huuu lieeui sigimaily sue - cesafuti both tut buonuc titul ahreuuul. on tutu I niuii out sea. \\e can nosy point ho ( lu a ' lireSumut Its iehl as ( lie past with prlulr. Thii a future is rutH of gbturlouts lIOmISe for on r couuntry , ouur lbimg amid our liatt' tinder such C I rcuiumst Li ( I CCS 3'oti I' ( ' 0 it % 'eui tie U tilu aim I ii lii 0 iuiaiked wlthi miuttusuuul eumtlimisbasuii aiuil iia - trbotisimm. Grout as louse been tuuti victtmrbe amid nelmieveumucuuts In ( lie luast , ( lie ( tutor Eu huts 1mm stole for mus others t'qnally to. grunt I congratulate you that you are republic - nulL" I 'It II nil e I Ith iuu Iurolua Iii y liii a ( It e I argi's ( dcl egtitioim of numy city ill 11w cotuuutry , twenty ( our ulitogetlier. Amiuoiig them are h1tt-ii S. Stuart. Jimhum f ] S.uyre. Jutumes L. Mile S uiuti Iltighm iiiuuthc , delegates at large ( rout 1 the I'emmiutuytvanta league. All local amid vlsitiuug reimutltiieamm lunv 0 iCdIt Invited lty Secretory ltiumn to nttemui flue iuatiotual coumtiuutitum ( , ( iut' lottul cluilis l imartictiluir. lie nuit8 to see liuuytVs tlmcnttu ilileti ( rouuu lilt. to gabber ) ' tutu , lIkewise tli 0 eXlOSltluui , 'tuutlittirltiiui ( or tile TIuuuistla y ighu t tuicet I ii it.'rM.'hIi' , , , ' . . ( 'ztlIcrN. iteu.i.bitts of I lit' sses stile of Vweitt v - sixth street below ChIcago were .tnrticd a It itI utittt'et4t ! ( ( tutU yesuci tiny tuloruiuuut - ' tt'tutum of uio:5c5 : tirutut log ut tu ( li filleui it it ( if thirbaue Master l.bucDoutaid uus let statu.iiimg . itloito rot' tutu tulle tucar Ciiht. ( avenue. Thin horses titotiglit ( lucy tu-'nui get at iy u-mtt tiiij odorotus bait thy's' lii it beemi tir4timmc tututi titiirtett tip the st ' 'I 'Iii ti alIt t cli I dii ' 'luev cou I I I it' I liuse I It e 0 a go ii Ut I' sttik to , 'PS' ton ) : . ' into it trOt $ i 0 sunell stayed rIght wIth theta and they gal I- 1011db . Ie'flI u tog of seputat big t Iii i t ' i - _ fiottu tti'ir 'juirulen cii the street tlivi ( p1 t it ilasli r.eross the shulewaik and mu tam o ' 1 a iasvtu N' ) ( till' Vfl at boame at tbt' fl' , 1ut itiaco so Ity went tmernsa to utuotltlivu"u 'lucy uuuitbit ltt' ; becit c.ling alar 'l'.veat tv-sixth htrcet : 'ct , butt a post lucid p'u ° if time axles aitul nftt r nimotit ten tubnuttes Iii i0 drhvtur caimie alouig amid reiiiovei tile gttrba ( tituml ( u-uumm t lie high 11115 I t iou I a soclet y It luau nssuu tuietl. i'ui..t'ti I IMt'I- ilriuh. , Frank l'aseal anti ( 'luarlttu hliiott , a colored 1)0) ' . lutiti a lIght him ( runt pf Ut C btntttl of tti former at SIxteenth an Daveuulmort btrccts FrIday. which teritul I. I.'ii tutiteti lit Pascal sinkluug a brick lute IiiIott 'ii face kutocking several.teetii tiowit his thioL it clunngin ery uuuuterhally his featuret 5. b'.uscal woulti luave given llltett cause 1) havu bi iukuuli trthtltintd bud not the pt I- lIce urelvuti lii time. 1 ' - - 1LL TUE4Y \ \ \ FRO1 TUE ( ; ULF L arge Party o ORp1t(1it frotii Texas RaoIl 1113 Oliy. WILL COMBINE BUSINESS AND PLEASURE l 'inii I. , i , l..Ih lii. ' : ( , ittiti 't'im'ii bu ' . .i.i , . 31 IsMitiitm' Vui'i. liii. tilt- t'Iit , iii' A party of forty Onircatonlins arrIved l ast evetuitig In two special cars over ( Ito l nitsas City , I'ittsburg & Gulf railroad. In t he PartY ate sonic of the most luronllttetit n tmtl ltogrt'ssle ) citizetus of ( he Tcxas me- t mptil , is. Tli ey sv ill u-elan I n U tm t ii sI outlay o r Tuiestlay imiglit auuul still lii tlmt tumeantitmic t ake iii uthi that is to b mcii at time expoI- ( 10mm. lImo triut lii ft direct tesutlt of a t uatle to ( ] umlveston ueccmtly ( by ArlttuP i. S tIl uselI , iirt'8ittit of liii' ' l'ce ( lee' ' tutiti. l ii nit uut1hc. ' tutaule at tIle Cottoti exelittiuge i i , ( hint emty lit' eiu1 tin' citlZt'umti tlucy vautiit t b well to itt'eoititt baiter uicilutninteul wIth I l lmt' htCilde of I hit 'l'ransmimlssissipuI reglomi . .uu.l . iu. sa lii ( litre wits no bettet umienus o f gt'tits : a otimprchouisive Iden or ( lie tt In-i I hI to us I a a d I tti ( t5 ( ii ii 1 develop in ta t of t tuI ittitjti of ( lie 'tiolutry then by sttuuiying % bitt titus to lie sc ii itt tIme cxliosItLotu. lie t ol'i that ( ia1veitoniaiis ( butt if ( lucy woulil u iiaitr' u P ii ha it ) ' lie ttmuui 'I ' I ta lispoit t lmt'utt t o Omutitut uiut.i back hiunie anti the larger t Ii uamty tluc ljetei lie uvottitl be Ileasdti. .Smioiug those slio ae-titt'il ; Mt. StItwell's I tmsItatlotu are Jolitu F' O'Couuuuor of the brat of O'Connor ' & Suuioot , builders of the j etties Of Galveston ; Charles II. Moore of t Ime corporation of 1clt , Main-a & Co. ( litn- i teul ) , autul Moore & Oumttiiuuinmi ; Sylvnltm llituuu of tlue Lu-nit toil II . ilitimum Lauub comumpaimy : 'uh. S Sluutyem , .1. J NorrIs cattail cigbtcr J. l'utccit of i'm-cell & Co. , coutitulsalotu t tueichants : II. F. hiotitmer , general ummautuiger I of ( lie J. 't't' . Davis Oil couuupauty ; hlcuury Stern of Jalce 1)avis ) & ( 'v. wlmolesale gun- Cots ; Aljermutuum l'atuIclt ilatry. 0. hI. Miller , 'Ice liresliletit of ( but Gutif & lumtetstatc mail- \vmy : I. P. l'eatlteistouie , ii. asshstattt see- uctary of ( lue Guilt & Iumcmstate ( railway ; N. Alutnix a' the 'uiauulx Cotummulssioum coin- i maumy ; Joimes Fliutilay of tIme baitkiuig lioutac of lttttciilngs , Scaly & Co. ; V.'Illiaun Nesbl ( cottout Iurumler ; ( icumeral 'I' IC. 'I'lmoumupsoui , nituiltor of ( tue city of ( .aivestomm ; lletmry : htutuige at the bit-tim of lcnuuifnunn & htttnge , cotton ( actors ; lUt-ieum Mituor of ( lie tlrun oh II. M. Trueluetuit & Co ; J 1' . Jottgluiui , grocer ; Jtudgc'ogle , CItarles J. Stubbs oh tlue law flrun of Stttbbs & Stuilibs , TIu.lmluuu ) t II. Swovimey , shut broker ; Tuber Nichols , (1. II Miller. Jr. , ( larry C Arcimer. coin' uumereial agent of ( lie laumsas City , PIUs. . liuurg & Glulf at Galvestoum ; T. J. Kelly at ( Ito Lout' Stutu' Ortmiti couumpammy ; J. 'tV . .lockusclu of Jockuscim , lavlson & Co. , gralu I time rcluauu ti ; lr .1 a rkwel I a tu ii a t tiers. IIiIMIllI'M muiuut To soitue of the Galvestoninums ( he gruiti I Ileluis of Missouri anti Iowa , which ( lucy viesvetl nit their way to Ounulut , % vere it rove lui ( toil. 'fliey ha .1 . a eveu' seen elicit a sight before. The Galveston iwohilo are lrehmareci to crnrt bloc iiitsitiess itIi imleasuure. They count , iuieilthfuliy SUiiithii'tl with hiteratuure regumrul. : log the gtmlf Potts anti time ailvantages ( C I lie reaped by time ( ratmamissoutri irodiucer it scumiluig exports to the tucarest tidowatt'm -tIn gulf. The commercIal facilities of ( lit ' gulf ports are set forth lit tlue pumtimphmiet tltey are circutlatitug , atmi they are pteizmret to explain to the tumamutifactureis ttnd uuter . cluaius of ( Ito stist lmus great ture ( lie belie Ills to be derived imy ( lie sest In fostcrin : , busiiuess rehatbouus with ( he south Tlme p are luot sluotitiuug Galvestouu alone. butt art - talkIng aod worbtltug for all ( hue gutlf iorts They say it suns ( lie svest ( lInt sotel Ii I couugress for ( tue hutibilimig of ( he jetties UI t New Orleans , and Galveston amid it Is tiu. svcst ( lint is goltug to be tlte greatest gable r by tile lesser cost of trauisportation. It it , estliumateti ( hat ( hue ( .alvestoti jetties putt 1 for tlucumiselves uI two years by tile chueaptttm itug of rail rates on ( hue exnrt graluu 0 r Kansas nail Nebraska. Celnuiel Johut F. O'Connor , the head o f tIle firium of contractors , ito buuiht time Gal . seuttoui jetties , Iii flue of time lealiug spbrit i In tutu Larty. Tile cotutract hum-leo for ( ii ? jetties was G,400,000. Mr. O'Comunor Is no" I utniler contract svlthu ( lie Mexlcaum govcrui - iuittiit to huullii a jetty systeuuu at Mnzatiamm , ot I ( lie ( 'nellie Coast. lie guuiraiuces a deliti t of twenty-five feet of water in timumt itarbor . The couirac ( linde for ( lie work is $ t,000,000 ) . Tue Galvtstomt jetties cxtetuti lIve miles out t ituto time Gulf of Mexico Tile Mazatlan Jet - ties uvlll extend six mullen into ( lie Pacihlc cmcenui. Tite Gahvestoum jetty systemum Is ( lit' iuiost romnturkabhe cuigi uueeri n g it mu he rtuu k I tug ever cartied to success , hut ( 'ohouuel O'Coui- nor says tue Jetties at Nazttlnmi : will C'hihmse ( hose at Gaivestoti in several sways. S'rhIig fu.i ( ; iulr Ports. Charles 11. Moore , amuotlmer imuember of the tlehegatinum , i-i otie of tIme Iardtu5t Itutumber lIla fl ttfiicttt ters a 11(1 ( .1 i'tmh cli. . I tm 4't iuit'ri Ca. I I ( ? Is imresitietut of the Calcasieuu , Verumoum & Simret'hiott railroad , over tile rails of which ( lie ' ' ( 'cc Gee' ' ruuus itt Loutislatia , vice lircal- I iletmt of ( Ito Lock. Moore & Co. ( Ltd I . cot- ioratinim. s'ice presitlemit of the lirst Natboumal I hank of Lake ( 'itturles , 1tu , director itt ( lii , Gulf & I imtersttlto ltaliwuuy r.mu.l . it large owner of U tumber I a uuii s , Sonic of time Ctmlvetitoiuiamis arts Stoplillig ut ( lie hotels , atul otlierl4 reuuutihmm tuboarti time i'uiiituitmum cuirs. 'l'itcro are two muows- littler cnurespontitims with the party , autti Ouuuilia aumti time expositiout still get a iool tlc'ui ; of proinimuciuce iii titcir narratives lurlntel iii ( lie Texas newspapers. Oute of tite loitits tile visitors want to imtiprcss mtnoii hliut 1101)10 of tile svest is that itutmnetiitUchy ( Ito ssutr eiutl tlit're is going to be it t retmu cual a its ulciti nit .1 . ( ic mum C uiiia aim 1 h'orto Rico ( tic itrotlutcts of ( lie svest , uuciu Ii. . cattle. houses , irnmie , sheep luogs , grain atud sceil , floor. cumimned goals , umgricmtlturul iumacitiumery mun(1 ( ii host of otluer tititugs. The guulf harts us-ill cotumnutiiiii ( hula comiuiuuerce , I ( Itey alt ) ' . atid the iiueum of tli west svlto ore alert ate gohmug to get iii on ( Ito grotititt BOYS BOMBARD BELANDER'S S'iiIl' lItiiuulti Ills ( ' . . , , . , . l'Ii. . . , . . , t ciii ) nuiti , ' ( - - . , , tituuiuig- Iius.iioII. Vt'liiic flay , a simuall boy. amuti several of his playittates loitibartleth thue luauuso of J. Ilelimiutier of Forty-fourth autil Sowarul streets with corn iii l'rtt1uy. Thou boys eutlieth t luetuitcl vi's tIn' Lt america ti utruiu y autil t Ito Itt-i a uiilei' lion se ut Siim mu I slm ( ott 'I'll ey lirolttu sescrttl iiaties of giasum and immaibo tlmiumgs very tiuuonmfortuible for tite occupants of tlte t luoutse. Esety tituie of tIle hmutnates woui.i . shuts it Iteal tilt corn cob lire it-as couucett. ra t eti tiloit It Fl mm I I y I belti mid er , with tt liatcitet , muiado a forlorn itopo chuargy tipoul the army 1111.1 . tills tirew a ileatliy flrc lii tim , ford ii g Ii I iii to ret teat h ii a luau y uioutiorahlzed vomutlitton to it telemltoume , wlmcrc lie caileil ( or meituforecumients lii time shape 01 liolid' otlicers 'flue bluu coats cliargeil thou utrmny anti captureul itt. iea.her. . The fate of ( Ito captured icailer will bt dttcrimmitmeti at a cottrt-iutartiai Montiay , with Judge Gortloum as hireshttdltt. iI.'iuuulrlutg I hattt'tni ii huu 'iuii , Tue coutity cotumtuulssioumers lttuse ullseovereti ( hut ( be rect'tmt heavy raIn utt'aIeneti thou t stilipOrts of tluui stone steps at the imerth t'uutratucuu of the coturt house. Itu order Ui Presetit iitjury to tIlt , ( otimthuitioui , st-tills ni time buiitilng It bias bacomum necessary to tear . out and rceomttitruc ( the north sail uuioui thu luassage leading htito ( lie timtratuco ci thmo buhhdiuug. Jumsteiuth of bulhuiing of Stouti , brick wall ts behiig built , HAWAIIAN OfABLES COMING 3 1 lum I-sIne It , , ( eli ; ti.I I'itrts to l'ims 'I'Ii thuMb , ( ill 'l'it'ir ( % tty Itt 11. . . ' N4'st' 'lu , ci it ii ry. Tlut will be q1iit'n reutnion of Ilonoluulti f ohit iii Otuinha 3n imndny , anti it Is alto- I g . thcr likely tiuc' tffli hold en Informiwil I r ittitientioa m'eilnfn celebrate thc' pissae I o f hit , 5tsnct5tld0 by ougre4. The 1 )5113' twill be roniposej of l"taiils : 'ti lint. ii t n uinister of ! IntuaiL tp tl'e Ututtv'l St I h art In A. Thuiton ; , prc-itivnt or time I l lutwalhsn Aflflt'xtmtiouit ittt , , anti James Li lA lC astle. ott tmei' atmib jiuiiiilsiuei of ( hue il000luilut A ilvertiecu uumd secretary to Minister hatch Mr. Cns-tle 13 acconuiatnied by lila fatnliy , anti I ( ho ntire lint-fr are emitotite from 't'nshlng- I t emi , wluere ( lucy have been statchiimig the an- l uexntion proceethlags with lively Interest , to t hel luomcs iii Ilonohuilu. In ( lila city the i'aIty wili be Joluiel by A. L. C. A tktnsotm , a ucet nt graduate of tIme University of Michigan anti a li'Ofluilit'nt r itlmictic leader iumil writer anmotig tvt'stt''ti c oileglatis. lie 1183 been the guIe'st of Mr. a tmil Mrs henry 'I' . elamkt here for a few i lnys. Ito is goltig to etti 1mm iloumolutlu. I tobert 'tV. Slmiumglo , Iltustail's coummuitissiomuer g etmeral to ( lie cXpOltittm1 , trill tuteet the party I h ere , but will imot aeeouilpaiuy ( lictit back to ' I loimoluimi , Ititcntlitmg to I etmuuitmm ltm ( lila cIty t immtil the cboie of the exiOitinui Atirtucys tluo lumvtt loolsetI over tlue or- t ilumauice calling fir a special electtoum for ( lie hiuurioso of sothuig nit a city hail bond I lmroltosltbmtu intike tlue tussertion that time or- ( I I iuaum Ce is ( a ii I ty , a imd cv cut siuouiui ( tue botmui cairy it imuiglut tmuuiuspirv flint time issue stoutlul hot be legal. 'Flue law goveriuittg ( lie . issulimg of botmils says : "No bomuds issuctl by time city for nmiy litmiPosu eCLlit pavitug or district bonus , ltail draut ititetest at a gteatcr rate ( ban 6 per cetmt iuer uttintitti , liar be ( ( liii far less than par or face vaitte , nttt.1 shall be retleemable at tile optiout of the city ill. uiuuy tithe after Ilte years frotut their ulate. ' ' lit flue orulitinitce as iutsscd ( lm htmmuds art , to mutim for tout years , no uuueumtloui being made of this clause allowing tlue city to reticent the bonds tufter the e-xpiratiouu of five years. 'rho otiitr provisioums of tlui sectIon have betu couuipiied wIth itt time uirawitmg of the orulimmnmuce amid Itusvyers ntuy timumt if omit , pro- vislotm is imtservul tIm ( Ito ordimmanco nil shuoulti be. The credit of ( hue cIty is such tltat eastern bonul brokers tire umireahy muink- Ing imuquttries about th hmropOseti liauuuls utnil It is ( bought ( hunt shottiti ( hue proposition carry at ( lie special election oui Juui3' 2G thieve st-ill be no trouble lit disposIng of tlte so- cuirities lirositleil tIle cuitire proees , ( rain beginimltig to cliii , is legal Another exception to the oruittmance as it 1105 % ' stammds iti that ito vros'islon is tuimbe for tite creation of a siuikhumg ( tumid to re- ticcin ( hue huouiuis es ( hey tuiatuire , Tuis ! unny iuot'bc a seriotus omuulssiouu butt. it st-ui sttrely coulll ( ngaiuust ( tutu bonus itt'tt offered for sale. Mnuiy people who seumit to see a city Imabi biuiit say thupy ouuiti favor ( lie bonds provided timey sere changed to ( twenty year bonds , ( cli yctmrs being comisidered too sluort a timuue to itay off suchu a debt. ineitiluig- . iuglu.i' units , ' , Even should time Third warl lire Jiali deal go through , It is mio ( at all likely ( hunt a stcamn fire etigimuc uihl ever lie located aim time toil of Inmiiamm huh , as is proposed , on account of ( hum oppoaltino or ( tutu packers and ( tue stock yIirl cotrmpatiy. The emily paekimtg house to be lemmelitcil by ( hue ben- tlon stuggesteti woumli be the Ctitlniiy coma. imaity uiumh tlue other corporatiomis sa ( lint this sort of action wOmtld lie showing a par- ttallty whIch tlmc council cuim : Ill afford to tb. ' 'If tutu couutucil is hemit on btuyiuug nut euugiuue , ' suulti a represcuitatise of time cor- lOualouis ) ( last evcuulmug , "uviiy riot select a that svotuld be tnuutumaliy agueeuubhe to all ant omit where the reshuletice portloti the city scotuli bu benchitteti as well as lIt packers amid shock yards.Vtiy off oui tat. of itudltiuu luihi is no place for aim ciuglumo house ; It's too far away frommi wIld-c it svauulti bc mutuctiel. I ii niy oplimiout the host place feta lire cuighiuc house watuiti lie tiue ut-est cliii of tue 1. street viaduuct. Either ( tavoui or cintler moail extuimid Iii all tHree- tiomus amiti in case of a fIt-c at Swift's or Jiutnnuomid's ( lie apparatus could ruiuu right thirotight ( hue bayou alleys at ( lie uttock yards amid lme tmmm the giottmud Imu ito time. A lot over I ii ( his mm elglu ho rlu ocl colt lii be jim rcltas e I for about $200 atid a fire hall suiflichemut for nil PmtrlOSeS couilti be ptut up ( or 50O. I have no uloubt. but that If ( Ito packers swant au eligimie they svouid lie wiiliiug to cliiet' pay a tart of the cost of ( lie abilaratus or t'ist' ( utrtuisbu the hot amuti builuil tug ( ( Jr flit ctigiuio luoutso. No otii' has iucartl ( hum packet-s euulllmmg Jor ndtlitiommal fIre Iitotectioit yet. amid as for myself t caummiot tee tile nccecsity for spciithiutg ( lie taxpayers' uiuoney for such a purpose at thIs tllmue" ( Iiiuugi ii tiu , utiui , ut It i'itri ; . The umiattet' of chutu ii gl ii g t it e tin tuu e of I I I ghm - luummti hiutrit to hianullton park , iii lammuor of Al- examitler Ilaimmihtoui , ii. . nouv being couisidcmcil by time floatti of I'uiic ( 'ouuimiiIssloiters. I t Is stated thiutt ( lie iuurhc was muever ( orummably nuituied Ihiglulaimtl , it haviitg been ilubbeti ( lint by the tuewsitapers tut flue t ime it titus haiti cutit . Flu rlue ( r ( hun mm t It is I hue Park C0itiiii I as I out proimnes as 5.10mm as able to oimtaiit a squame in tacit svaul in thue city to ic utseth for imarl , ill rinses 'l'lt I s stout iii mb ti ouult lit' greah y almimieeIiutt'il by ( ito roshleuuts of ( be Secomud , Tiuir.l . mitil Fouutthi suartis. 'flit , luau has beemm ( al iced oer I mtfoimmuum I ly a ii Ilium lie r o f ( I tnes , hut uuotluluig tousturti thtti acquiring of otliem' Imuirks still ho .loiuu , ttnii time inmprovetucnts a t I I hgli itttmui a ye cciii iii et cii . 'I'hue tutu rk coin - mumissiomiets say ( hint they can compel tile coutticil ho grant us Iuuulf-iuuiii 10 % ' ) ' amid ( hey propose to see thtiu ( this tumucit at least Is al- loweil ( lout. It t'b iginius i4.-u tlt''s 'l'.uii.y , Special iomtrlotic services swill lie haIti at ( lit , tiust I're'sbyteriiuit ciuumrchi ttui ruuorniitg , ( hue iurogriutmm iiiditttjihtu sicolal immutsic , tlto shnglmug of ttattoi jiuimts anti prayer tuiitl thmtmksgivhimg serv u 'lb' tlue congregation. flow. J li CaruTh (11 Lhmucoin twill Ireacit at ( hue ha pt I st cliU veil t ii I s uiiormi I lug I ii t Ii , ' eve tm i tig t Ito coiug1'gut tuil I oil it e st'i t hi ( lout of tue First Itr simytelIait citttrciu. 'i'hie itervict's itt tile Umuitel Presliyterlaiu church tbtis imuoritiutg tuIli be uumder ( lie au- tuitices of the niuti-Balnout ht'imgtue. Jolt11V. . ioughicrty of Limucoitm si-ill speak. There still lie no evcuuiutg sort-Ice at tills cltmtrclm Icuiiv , , Ii Ii Citif'ssltit , MIke C'orcoruuitJr. . who st-os arrestuil a week ago tt ( tin. , iimstittice of flue Ctidaiiy I'aehclmug cottmpauiy umbttchmargetl stitIm forgimug barrel tickets. ha tj'1pn bail. Jmmstlce Fost.'r havlttg fixed tluc , ttuijjint at 5P0 for ciuch or tlio set-cit toutmtg ip ( Ito comtmplaint. Car- I corait calieti at 'Flue lIce olflce ycitterulay aft- eriioomt to ii ( tim y ( lie ttuutenuoim t ittltt iitlucti Inst Sumuthay that Ito lund comu-sstah ( to Atormmuy MeIIumuuey. 'flue htiforitmntioim rt'garihitmg ( lie alleged confessIon tutine ( rota Mr. MciChitiiry and lii ituw alertly a questioti of veracity liotuveomm ( lie two ) iitgit , ( i * G..n.tI I , . hiest Cculiforniui wities-Wolitutein & Co Mct't nut. at hittrrett'a hustle Garuicut at 7:30 : this evening. A umesu exercIse swagon lots been I.urdliaseul for fire ltuuli No. 1. A .laugltter suns borim yesterday to Mr. nriul Mrs iait Fred Iturtlick of Itbahimi is lucre vlsititmg vIii tiutruliek anti fatimhiy. A liusiimes muuoetiiig of that Einvorthi league is billed for Tttestiny eveimittg. Thio Luutlies' Mu society of tue Mchlmotiist ctuurchu will give a tea next 'I'luursday after- O % to.25 % S flodtit ! on All Summer Woolens . -/1. / E' 1.1 A iiot tiiiii ( ' ( Vl'(1t 111)0(1 ( t 11L1t Ofh'l'oii'l1 ! ht v to ce the h - : ; : , 11Ill'it'-tO lee ! I Iltil' gooI ( ( ltlfLflt it't-------t ( ) ihhtqtc'1 tli'O1'C ( ] 4 - inniii1ii 1 : tiid t l"lflUhtillg of i lit' it : I1IU'1t Shtu1Oflt O11 ( 'ii Ii npprti- ' .4 C181 Il I hi' I'i I ll St yl iu1i 1ri'l'u--- l1lth1V 110 kiio' t lie va me o I - . - - gOOl ( lailoi'iiig-wllI : ipii'ec'ia1e this 1eniitiilg oIit'i'-alhl w'Ul iiot / . - ) be iu1ov 'iii IlvItililig t1huIbithlVLti4 ol I 1Iti t (11111)1 lug OIIUI't ) iiiii1. A IT MEANS ) \ t \ $45 SUITS to Onlcr at 35 $12 TROLJSUS [ 0 order at f9 ---l N $4 ( ) Stills to order at $32 $10 TROUSI1S to order at $9 ' ' \ _ $ :35 : anil $37 SPilLS to orflcr at $28 $9 1ROUSUS to ortler at $7 5' \ I $30 anti $32 SUUS to oI'Icr ( at 25 $8 TIIOUSUS Lo order at $6 - I $25 flfld $28 SUITS to orIcr ( at$20. $6 and $7 EIIOUSUtS to order at $5 \ ! 1ttf' $20 anti $22 $ SUITS to oriler at $15 S5 TI1OLSIItS ) tu onlei' at 4 \ SUCh Ii'11'C ) Il't I bl(1CC(1 ( ( fl I tIII 11 a I lou - hut W lieu hR'ke I tip by Ni 'ol I 's giiti' iii eu-for Ii i'it ' : I ; ii ioi'i iig- you t'tn I 11 ; t ll't'I ( ( tO ' lUt t Ii ii c lIlt I l't1 si 'I P Y- 13t'ii' i 1 ! 1111 hId 11 i is l'el ( tit'l ' Ii lit ) ! ilillte(1 ( I i to a ( ' ( l'llLi hi e1a \voolent4-hul 1 it's to . vet'y 'i i'd 0 ! ' t1ot Ii i' oli' tOr ( ' . - z- ' . -'j , 4o ExceHeni Line of Busiies Sffl1 - " ' _ Cut , t I ? bfl ' - ' ' ' ' -T ' iettot'aits ( 'I'ti 3,0th' 4 ft 1 ( it-dot' 9 1 9 'I' 'tsot'timmetm Ai'e yoi SleIt'CL1 about tilt ) $ 5 , $1S a111 $20 ii1i ? Do you f'at' Hint hwy arc 100 C/t/ ) to ' be goo1 rilliell listen- ' , 'E1iee suits u'e cut to your oi'dei' troiii Eiig1i1i atid St'oteli ( ' 1ieviott , I ( ) ' ) , r1\\tie(14 ( \\Toilte(1S or Casshnore-in exc1uii'e ( IeSighhS ol ( flil' O'.Vli. 'l'IIty ; ti' ' liCi'hh1)lIlOhitl ) ' 1ilhlOi'ti ( i hi the vei'y hit est I'asliioii-tlie flttiiig a 11(1 ( fiihitllilIg ret'ei "es I lie iiblO c.'l1'lhil at t ( 'lii IOU a tIht3 Iiigliei' 1)l'iCCl gLl'lllCI11S-8hl(1 l1'U I Ii e'ei'8V . L(11 ( P1 It1 I 0 1 110 10(1 ( ihilClhhth1ti4 ( 131 tlto iflost tixtetiug ; dl'essei. 'flie fabrics we offer at s2 5 , $ S : tud $30 need uio speCiIl ; cohflIlieliIatiOli. ( I I u ( Iics to iay that they are the best that , tihe ! O1'eighl 811(1 ( ( IOhUeStiC' lii I I Is ] ) i'Ol 1ICU , 8 11(1 1 1 10 1 : iilori II ii (11 keopiiig with the l'alriCS. If you ai'e llnleei(1e(1 ( ( where to buy-what to weai'-or how to btve your gal'nieIllS iiiide ; up -let ; us & ) IVC the pIollehll for you. Our salesiiieui fll'J ( tlWfl'y't ready w'itIltihhieIy suggts. lions.rp10y knOW vhat'Ollll iJUSt bL'COlhhO you , how it i4loulI ( ho tailored , eve. It costs o little to c'ollnnanI a I lioi'ouglily flt'iii ehiss thilOi'C ; ( [ sitl 1 , as we sell tlleln , that VI'O wonder who can 1)hlrclbiSe ; 11w S1iO(1(11)rOIIlctiOlb4 ( ( O COlilIflOhi. Several hundred choice remnants foi' Trousers , at $4 , $5 and $6 'I'Iie 'tvooloiis a ut ! ln'ices dit4)1ayC(1 ( I II 0111'VI hi(1O'tVS ( ; tt'OVOl't Ity ol flit ( flit 1011 , Our Garments are made by the most competent taiLors of Omaha 2O9anitL tinomi at ( he boumme of Mrs. T. G. Smith. Thuirteemiht ( atuti M streets C L Summtthi of Hrokt'tt flow was here attetutilmig to itlilItiOSS iiitttters yesteiiiay. Suporiuitemutielit Cameron of ( hut , Cutdtliv : cotmuptuimy has retuit'uictl fromum it triii to Sioux City. 1-i. C. l'rlct' , uuiatingor of Sa-ift mini Comuu- ( many's phnuit luett , lit eXiCCtOtl ) lionue ( rout nut extenticti eastern trip today. \Vt-tI nesday afertmooim tutu Wommuan's Mis- siotitury society of time Ihrst AletitouhIst chot-clu ssll ( meet tit tile ciuuiyeli f A miuet'tiuig of thin Third \\'utrtt lteplt'i. I lean ch tub svtts Iuld at Ilyriucs' hitil , 'flu I rty- secotiti uutni 0 streets , ithit uiigli ( . Mrs. iluuywood. ( tirimmerhy it residomut of titis city , hut uiiW ilviiig lii Alissouri , is cx- lCCteih lucre thmia stecic nit it visIt. Tlmttrsulay es'eiultug of thIs week tile trtus- tees of tluo First AtL'tlloIiist cluturchi will uuucet rut titc' imastor's study. Business of I iii lOi'tttuuCe ) is to Comuiui ii p. There still be a nuectimug of the board of I stewtut.is . of the Flist Atetlitsiltut eltutrehm tat Ttuetltty evetulmig ut the hastor's iutty , Es'ery itieuuihier of tIme boturti is utrgeui to hiu hureseilt I Tue You ii g 'tl euu's C Ii ulet I tutu nssociatiott will uuimlto iii the itlutas ittetutitug to be lucid itt ( Ito First MetiuoIittt church at 1 n'cicmclt this afteruuoott , ( hue regmular mitcetilig for tuicit lti uug a I teil. Cotutittublo Aulumnis huts not sc'rveth tile warramuts out flue ouu'iers of slot nitucltines yet , hut expects to get arouittiI tti it by Miuuiiltuy. 'rho svarrutuute st-crc hssmmeti thiunugli 3 ti et i Ce Lu' wy's ctiu rt , I hi o cottupl ii I ii t hut v - ing hlrst icon PaSseti UhOii by ( Ito coututty I htus' irs'itmg Johumusomu 'till ollhciuttit at thun regititur timoriulmig servhco iii St. Alturtimu's cit ti ye lu t oil tuy 'flit' , 'veiml ii g serv ice ut ii I ho oiuilte.i ( lii ouiler to gIve the mntamiliers of t time clutiucti liii opptmrlutiuty ( of atttimmiiiiug the uiitotingi to he Itt-il tutttlt'r ( lie itttttiulces of tue an t I .siuioo mm leaguto I Futueral tuervict's os-er t Ito remmuultus of I isa Gruict''t'Iule. . viut lied yestertltty , ti-Ill hithelul tut the fatiiliy rtutI.heuict' . . Twetuly llret utah I str.'etkt tutI ociock tluis after- 11000 Itew Vaui'iutkie. . latsor ( of lImo I Fl rst But lit I Itt chIt rclt , vi I I cunt 1 Uct ( hit , ser- ; vices. ittteriiuelmt suili be itt l'ulumiyiuu , Nd , I , A iublic itustallutiott : cuf the otileers of i the VotIng l't-oplu't' Society of Ciurlshlttn Itutbetis'or of t lu I 'rcsliy I erlum ii cli it it-li wh II : , Jctiui. at ( tue ehuuirelu at 7 o'elork thIs . 'u-i'uu- ! lug , htes' It \\'hmccier. . I ) . I ) . . omelatlig. I The olhit-ers turd : 'tVihlur S Shruft'r. ir"1- I ttcn ( h'errit' Mel ) W'imeeicr , tiecrututry : Newell A. Gibson. tr.'ututirtur The jreiliuittunry hicarhuig of Josophi MttdI I .iox . anti Pat Daily ss'tmtu commciuidcth In halide court yeseriiay ( after000im. Mtuililox wits litilti to the district court ( or furtluer ox- amimination , botmtl being tlXti at lU00. Daily was .iischttirgetl frommm cttstody. as flu. . tttttto failed to biroe flint hi , was Irmuplicateti wttlt Maddox iii 'be al'ootiimg of Mike Hart. Mit rn ull.- 'Flia folbosuliig tuuarrluugo 11ev-tutu's su-er i issued - sued yetttt-rtttty by ( tie ctiUuuty Juitlge : Nunme anti Aultirestt Age Charles libotiitiUI5t , Omitaita. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 /tntultt C. Joltiusomi , Onuuhmtu , , , . . , . , , . . , . , 23 h'aul h I l'Ibcher , Otnuubma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Grace lit. Iortl , Itochester , N. Y . , , , , . , Mike ZakIl , South Ommmalmut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Mattle Kuboe. South ( ) mnaliuu. . . . . . . . . . . . 35 _ i - - - - - - - coui'i COI11SS1ONERS IEET Another Coihfordnce with the BY.pouitiohl Managers is Held. MAKE AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION ' ' % ( . ' ' % . lltiuuuli''ii I.IIgIrs to tie I'itIi I , . . ( ' , , ( i'jis.ritile ho ( utiui ly-Vuui , ' , ' , , , - Ci.'i'l. t'i'isui.'s Tile uuueinbors of ( Ito cxecuuls'e ( coiuuimiittce of ( lie exposition uttp-arcitI hieforo ( lie tioatd ( if Ctttt ii t y Cottu mu its lomiers nil ii rctu e w-ul ( lie retiuiest for 2,5O0 auhuitiotttth of the $100,000 utpositioui houutl ( lund. After a comufctt'ntie the camimuitissiomtct-uu voted $2,5)0 ( ) ctiumtlitlotietl that the ( iXhatltiOit ) italic htiluiStH for all necessary huchlm ettuphoycul iii comttuectintm wili ( ( lie ioughas cottimy c'xhiiiiit. it iii also coit- .1 I t lotituti ( hint I mu t tirmi I mug t lie uiio it ey 0 ver Ia the CXhutSltiofl assocituiotu , ( lie coumutty utltumhi rcuaulse tu rteilt iuu ( till for the electrical service furuuisiued flit' liiuugiuus coumity ox. luihul ( in the Agricul tout' iiuulltiittg. Thtti expo'ultioui c-oiilimmitt'e itsieti ; fot.000 , luuut after estitumating the exjiciiscs or uiiuiii ; to I ui I im g I ii 0 cot it ( y cxlii lii t , t lie couut iii iniotu - ct-i ; decideil I lout ( hitiyoutiuh moit 'oto tIle ftu I 1 a itmouiuu t. ens tenil I umg ( hum t t lie ) ' tutitul ii ii ccii t Ii 0 hitu I a ite . ' reultit i ii i tug I mm t hi e ( tt mmii for ( It , . i.ui u-hose of iat y lug ciii Itloycs ttittl ( Ito iidCdStiiti % xp'tm8es that wouhtl be lutcutiretl I ) . i \'ii Etteuu thi-ti , a t-onuunittutea t lout , hum ssii I i-it lie cliii rgc-d t htt : L t Ito oilich a I ho mi Ii tif Albyn Prank. clerk of ( lie uihstric ( ecuirt , ssns hmisuimclemut. tic yail tiiiu ( iui hull Jutig- liudumt thit , aitioiimt % of time liotul shoulti ho ticreaseul. TIti B tuutt ii t of ( ito lit p 'I ' Is $10,000 , the tutu prowlicti fat by mttaut.J. ( . In his eomuiiuhuin ( \ttui ltttit says tlua hue cx- hmects t comtumtteuu-e ( tunflum stilts vt'ty sonum utrud ( lint fur his ourmi ptob'cthiium ( lie IioiiI ( lie clerk of tlmt , ihbsttict ccuutrt sliouhil be Ijiereust-ti. Tbti , i-eport of ltegisier or Decibs Ct-ocher for tim , , . 'coitul luattcr of 189S suns rt'ctuhvcii iuuuih pluceth atm lIlt Tue report shows re- eifits of $2,408 10 , utmil oxietuihltti , cit of $ ,0I3.'JO , 1.-uuvhtug . t sttrpiuts of $39 1.50 cii ha nub . TIm a sit i ith us for time htui : f y.'ar . tinleti I July 1. aggregatt's $6E5l5. County Clerk I ha verjy asketi ( or iumstrtuc- I tioums as to what tiotitoeuitti jiasslng ( lurcuiglt hilt. 0111cc uthuouuhh bear t evetutit' ' stattibti. . I I tug It I ) outgluer ty a miti II ft y . o lie i-i-s iii cut Is of MeArtilci Protesteli tigaltist chuauigliig the boututitury hues of the irac-luict. Coututy Juulgtu liaxter's notice of thu up- iiihiit1iit'tit of Chtaric H. Vitueras ( chief clerk swat. . received anti pliuceth ( itt tile. George 'ti. W'rhgtmt , nuuperhtilemutiemmt of tltu cotta ( y poor ( hunt. tIled lihi report ( or Jiltut' It sliowe.L 116 per3ons In the county itooc - house. Thirty -were iutlittitttsi .Iurlug tile I tumonthi. Of ( hut itcoitle In ( ito lasthtutktn - - - - t3hxty-threr art' nialt's. 1orty-ttevui are Ii iili 10 ititl thuim-hy-ouutu tuu'e F J iioui st-el I , stuhueri um i cmi d en I 0 f p iii tIlt hmustutu-h , suulimutith ei ( htis ucport ( tut ( iii sti. i ciii .j muurmt c t , a hi 0 5 % I tt g ut-ce I ItS C ) f $281.4 0 a tub exhmcuiti I t it ri's of $2S2.75. 'iii ii I at I It o f tilt 1mm , ut vysu as cxj.euu . luti I ii Ii ol ii I m ug I lit' ( each' ct's' luistitute ( iuitt ebotittl it ft'ittlutys ago. 'l'hu& , jiii ) ' of thmtt juuu ors fomthu St'jtteumibnr 1897 , ttutd thu. h'ehriiary , Itlis , tetuui ( if thu .liuihrhi-t . eatirt , utggrcgatittg $130150 , st-us tul hiivt-ti. Out tif ( Ii Ii. . icrsouittl taxes tiggi'e- gtutlimg ns'er : oo wtt-o ( umlcim , iuiI. thus for $1 , ' , , : h2hps tot' hiebottltig ) toil tulac- lumg thou itiuigla. ( ( utility cxhtiiiht at tlut' cx. huOsiiOtl ( ssertu lu-esctite.i . tumid outlet-el iittiil. by ( ho uitloitiotu of it tesohiuticiti I liii eoumttv attI-tt'y ) , su its ii it ( luturl zeil 1(1 111) ) hun r I tt to huh it tid .1 efu'tuti , I mm t luu await t I it a 0 ii in ItutVa t or Coimi pa miy sli a ti itl to tu i t'it I It ii ii tuessmncui t Piutet-il tiptium itS Propt't-ty Iiy ( liii ctimmuuty. ' ' 'l'Iuc next itucotitug of thu lititiii si-ill uS lucid tucx't'eduiehitty ' Itioritluig Lit 10 o'cioi-k. Soul liii ii , , . I i. iuusl It.ji , 'l'hu a fob itt tI I ii g ii titist ci ii ii ( it tu 0 utinhua it Ii ii \Vl ut i u clot go test' rsjt ( Iou for tieil itig ' ihijiunu' itt littittuuis by lJuiiiui States 1)eptimy \Iamsutah Aihuuuu su em , i iintuuiii os-cr to the ( cii- eutil grail ii j tury hiy U a I teil S I ut I us ( , utt ttils. it lou tmSioutut it t I 'u'ttil a i , Nt-li. , yniiteiul uty In liii _ ii iii ; ii $ O ( ) i-ti i it . I ii u' vaty t'gtso t hic humid' stcl-c ( tu rim ishm ( ' ( I J - : univ-ut Nobi it , J tuttics I I ird , Getrgtt ' ihuh ti , I 1 u-ti ty Al nit I cii , Fuuiu mu' \'tuuigluit , Iiuuiuuu ; ti tiEiiiy ) , Iiihii 1tisvt _ I ituu ry I I a I s-eu-tin ii , I l . ( 'hull ) tutuiti , i"rv'ticht ittiti S'i- " II ; . Niemu iril iii.r'.u'i'li lot t.ubs % ssji- , 'flue ho use t I t I 1' 1 st-lu o ret-cit t I y opel-ti b-ui ( Ii , ' sieinity of It s'hiigttiit hutus tipluat-eut ( 's'uileii I lou siti-riif. I ) eiituty t-iIut-t ifi it. . iuliemit it COiihiiit of 'hays ( ( ) iiowlumk' hFliils , itut as uuoiiti tif tiutuiti buouglut tip itt ntmy limi'lleij- bar lioltit , hit' gaso up t lie . -Illb ; ( auth humus u-- t U i'ii cii to ( i'c ci I y- I t ha iio u , gduut'i-tti I ' I a-- lelveti ith thin shut'iiiT't , ofjirt' ( hunt the inca us-lu o a to itt ( il I ii g Ii a tsr-s I tu I hilt-i iou ii ty ha vi' ( litir hii'ndqmmtmi-t. ' i-ui hoar ihoutoy Cit-alt 1u1 it ( it us' iii I I v-s 'tori ii of ( ' .tuu lid I ill ii flit. LOCAL EJIIEVITIES , Thu , I ui sii - A mutt-rh en mm It t 1111111 icti a eh ti Ii s'h'I flu cit i-i Li tuihtu y ii t : i h' iii ii I t liii (1 111cc of J ujuJg ' I-'osti'r. 15(11 ( Fartiamim Strict , John SteeL local agemit of thto Nortlu westcrfl Mmitual Life IJiUttit't crumuititity 'ti I I st-it ti hihunt. . tie ii t I hue Ii 111111(1 ( tin r GOi traiutsimulssisuIplml iitiitiIiti. ) Thu tinier trait i'c eels-eu itt tilt. ri-ttut.'St of Mr. 51-el , T head atilcoit st-cut titmitititi to scythe 11 iitiutimiifl in Mllwaumkt'e , , 'flieVoiuuauu' lUll f corps of George On , host , Gratuth Army of ilium hU-ptibilc' . tu Iii to I I s ii mu it nut soda I tutu mt t 'L'ti.'tttl tty es-eu lug 0 Atajot' Joitit ii. h-'tirtty's lass-tm , 'l'su-etutyouru mouth Sos-urd bllt-t'ts. imi iuuhiltion In hIt. ' r ° fretiummtittttti thieve st-Ill I ii htteritryut iii tub heal ii rag itiii , ixl'tulico : tjhlcur Iiioouu limb Julio ertit tuiel 1"ru.h . Sumu I thi. stran gers , tturesh ccl ii ; nhihit _ ; ( ( It' itti uittttiiiueil hold tip. 1il' says I Ito iii cii math eth Ii I iii for I liii Irl ci. of I cit it ( if beer n mud w It uuii lie refutseti , at teii ? ' to tithe It I 13 iiitiitey ( vomit lii iii. 'I'hio ( JX-J liciti thi nut-u tiimthl ( lie turmival of coat , is t 'a ' 'a.z .z '