Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1898, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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    - - - . . - - - _ _ w--- _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r ' - - - . -----r------- - - - - - - - . - - -r----- - . - - . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ -------T-- ---r-.r- - - . - . -r
. ' . ' . .
rI'1II ( ) M A 11 A 1)A I E : SL N I ) A V , J U ti\ ' I 0 , 1 St ) $
. 1 0 II Is a Fact . , : : .
. 'Fhat the better the goods -the bcttr tlic
: . tI _ _
; t _ _ _ -1111(1 - this eXI)18i114 \Vl1 O I1lfly iar1icti1ar leOI)1O ) hny a1
this itore-everything we e11 ii good-all of our styI arc
i lIeW-aflI try to 1)lCaSti our f1'iOII(1. (
! / _ _ _ _ \ _ _ _ % , ? Curtaliis-Nottingliain lace
. cuitaii.
Full length ant wI1th , n IMO ,
' . $1 ! O , $2.00 , $2..0. $ nn.I $0
- . ptr rair.
CJItTAIN S\1.t.3.
' . , 23 eIie ; wLue-at tOe , l34 , lrc , lEe
- S per ynitl.
i _ .1 ! ; Iiu'hes witle-at 2c nnd V pr ynri.
{ k : - linbroIilvrel Swls. 7 liwttes wIfle' .
le antI ISe per ynril ,
_ _ _ _ . o Inches wlile. nL 2c n&l 27'e ' r.r
) I
4 S. , lottetl iiet , eiubrnhJerl ; i
1 wkle-nt 40e nfll ( 0c 'r yn I.
ii , , You Orcat Remnants Fitial a1e of
will he plcncd
with the . Sii- _ all IeIIiIaIit.
"CtESCO"-no -
Our 45c F'rnch nrgnndles.
. ( louht about that f
- 35C roloreil lntlste.
I ' -for It PIi1AYS
. gives satisinction 4 coloreil grennilino.
J 25c colortl orgahitlies.
25e Irish ( Ilnhttics.
- - _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ - - _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :15c : Fr.c'nch colorel orgnntlhs.
[ mLwoidcrcd llObCS-SICciaJa1e' '
MI our $7.50 eiiibroldereil robes now
.5.00 a MIlL.
All our $8.51) ) eIIibrollircd robes iow
$6.00 a MIlL.
MI our $10.00 embrolltn-ed Tohei imw
$7J0 a stilt.
MI our $ l.OO cintiroldered robes no' %
$10.00 n suit.
Men's rtiriilslii ligs-Fi no worsted
. golf 1lO3C.
' ? Nc'at patterns $1.00 a irnir.
r Black cotton bicycle hose. In size 10
I . only , now 50c , former price 75c.
Boys' ; ) rint Waists reduced to ltc each.
: tow rriccs
3 OIl Wash Gootis . - ' . '
, \
? t These are the
I fcatiii'es v1i ic1i
I of bUsy
tia(1ll1g (
, d(31ffl1'IUleiIt. ( '
- At 5e iter yurl-Lnwns that we used to
sell itt We Iifl(1 ( 12'Ac ' per yard.
¶ I At 7'.4c ' per ynrd-1trits anil tilinitles.
light anti lark cliects-tileSe alt
) - gOods ( lint soltl at tc , 15c , 121/ic and
S I lOc per yird. :
A t I Oc l'r ' yard-W'c have the choicest
iiiiu o ta1I8 nitil ditulties to ho round
( lit the city , iIC'ltY ) ( it light blue ttit1
) 1)111k.
At 12'4t ver yard-Fine ditnitles nitil
I organdies in the latest styl.'s.
At 15c ) ir yard-N1'W 111)0 of extra flue
(1IIIltit'it uititt organdIes that we have
olil during the scaouu for iSe pe
- . yard.
Lclgth from 2 yards to 12 yards.
Ileunluant Price bc 11cr yard.
and Sashes- - c
\roi1l1y ( ; norti
jUg all of our
friuged ( Mid \
14'Ilk i'ibboii -
ties ; tuct co1
oi'ed sashes
will be o1l at .
SICCitl prices.
A chalice to secure one at ut1)out 0110-
ha1 of their rcgtular ; rlceNote the
reductions :
500 and hOc quality now 25c eticli.
7c ; aitil $1.00 iuuiity now 0c each.
$1.25 nnd $1.50 liuaiity now 7t each ,
S\S1 11S.
$2.25 quality now 1.Th each.
$3.01) iuaiity iio't $2.2 each.
$ .25 quality IIOV $2.50 each.
$3.50 quality now $2.50 each.
$ I.5 quality now $ 3. ettch.
L _ cattier Goods-New 1)0115 , 1)CW )
cflatelai 110 bags ,
IIC\V iocke1boo1c.
\\'hite kid belts , with white huckle , 2c
Chatcinine bags at lIc , 20c , 60c , GOc , 7c ,
Se , $1.00 , $1.2 and tip to $1.10.
I'ocketbooks at trout lOc to t3.00 each.
Coili iurses at lOc , lIe , 20c flId 25c
CorsctsW. a. a. corsets.
Latest Parisian model incdlunc waist ,
niatle of a lute S.vIss netting. sateen
14t1'ilCS , lace t uliti med I o ) tititi hot-
toll ) , itilce $1J0 each.
P. 1) . Corset , long and short niodls ,
made of a strong canvas netting ,
French coutille strips , two side steels ,
at $2.00 each.
that any vessel , It struck amidships as It
was , I at an enormous disadvantage coin-
pared with the striking vcssl. lie elt s
caso3 of the liritIsh var ships Victoria alel
Caunperdown as cXalililes null the loss of
tilt ) cunard's Oi egon In 1lentical circuin-
sLant-es with Iiie Ilotiigogno.
NEYOILK : , July 'J.-Conul General
1Jrtiaert. representing the French govern-
Uitlt in this 'ity , today toitl the history of
the wreck of l.a DOUIgOgIIU us he iot It
11-0111 the cI-t'w of thin suit ) . Mr. 13ruvnert
tells tue story :15 folluu s
\'i1ei ) the ioiIhbleit currcd Captailt
Ieioncio was on the hutilge. Si'olng that the
ship heel been hurt by the collIsIon , the
( 'aplaiui oidereil the ship steered for Sable
isin uid , Jt.t t Ii I ii tlnut ho d Id not kjiutv the
extent Of the Injury to the stiij ) , 1Iit. he or-
deied tluo tW-t'1v13 lifeboats to bet Innuneel by
the ew. The iticit respanilcil quickly to
the order. and remained at their losth. )
ho signaled fl-oat the bridS to ollicers below -
low deck to accrtnIn the extent of lice in-
jurlL-3 below. lie received ao respoulse to tInt
signal. About clght. utinutes iifter thee cap-
titi hall sIgnaled below and received no
anstvci' thto fourth enghuucci' , Lalse , rushed
tip to thi cap-taut eelel tolil liluit the EldO of
the ship wati cut open nuiel watet paurliig
litto the naehinery colUIttrtinCult.
'rho captaIn ordcre'iI the bexets to be low-
ered. The. ship wa stopped about this
Utno. l'a.tsengcrs floin all partee of the ship
( tl11e rushiiiig on the deck and ran about In
a iunic. 1'hey got in thu vay of thee ballors
and lUshCsl theiti ntsay from the , boats as
they ts'eie loo3enlulg thoun.
Iletore the boats could lie got train the
davits and uoaety to lnuuit'li tliit ship lurched
to starboard , throwIng the unsengers over-
board. Tliti slant of the check was so steep
that passCnger3 could not stauicl upon It.
The passeIiger of the t1rt class cabiii had
rushed out of their roonici to the port sub
or the shIp and ngniiist the irotests , of the
sailors elanibored leto the six boats there.
1:10w Much Good was IDono by This
II L sprIri I was so mucli run down
In health that I could hardly tnko care of
myself such fanilly. I Procured a bottle
of flood's Sarsaparliia and began takIng
It , and In a short tlnie I felt better. I did
not have any tIred feeling when I arose In
the morning. I believe hood's Barsapa-
rilia Is it wonderful blood purIfier and we
use no other inedlcluio In our faintly. "
Mits.V1NNli DLrII'O , Edgar , Nebraska.
Hood's PIIIB cure nausea. tuictlestion. 2c.
- - 4t. _ _ _ _ _
1 ,
I4atlies' night ! 13t ' ic
O\Vh15 01 ?
1Ill1iIhh , CIII-
1)ire sty1ei ,
iliserting , . \
Iavii I'ItlIleS (
( > 11 collni'
aiid sleeves.
At SIc eaci'-
Ladles' nIght gowns of cambric. lace
insertini out yoke collar and RICOVOS
edged vIth lace-at 85e cncli.
Ladies' ' : iglit (1OWI1S or eninluric. sqtlatc
neck , trimmed t itli eniturobderY
SIc each.
Infnuits long Isips of cambrIc , eta-
broiihery edgIng on iit'ck and sleevee- -
at 15c t'iiclt.
Infants' long slips of cantlrlc. cut-
trliiintcd. wIth tucks and elubroldelY- -
at ICC each ) .
Infants' lonq and short sliis , ilaluitily
trluiiuned-froni lOc to fl.tI ) ( itch.
Pure Silk OIOVCS-25c 1)er
Ladies' black vurc stIlt gloves , inititu-
factured to sell at 50c , ODe and TIc per
paIr , on SPeCIIII sale Monday at : ;
per Pair.
Special-Foreign wali goods.
Choice of all our 41c colored French
organdie at tIc per yard.
Choice of all our 25c Irish colored
chimittes at lIe yard.
( ' . - . , _
four large guns are of the thlrtceui-luclt
type , wheilo those of the Iowa are twelve-
- - . Inch. In other respects their batterIes are
r lniilar to the Iowa. They are coniunonhy
I regarded as rather better seagoing ships
- tliaui the Iowa.
The dep.irtinent lia lint decided to Increase -
crease the nuniber of Commodore Vatson's
- 1 ships , as it Is reported that the list an-
, ) itotinceel yesterday Is quite ample to tnho
) care of CaptaIn Carnaras squadron now re-
- I turning hastily to Protect the coast of
, I Sicain. Cainara's only armored ships are
- ' the l'elayo alid ( .arlos V. thee former of 9,000
( and the latter of 9,090 touis. TIle > ' tire out-
f rolikeci lit every inirticiular by ships of our
icquaclron In armor. speed , size of giiuis and
general cltcctiveuioss ,
S Sit iii psiiii a ii ai St.i ) I i'y \V Ii I HiII ei'og-
iii-iI II ? . * 1it i'rpsiileiit % 'Iic'ii titi ,
DIIieiiii ittiiirt i. 11 ec'il-ei1.
WASI1INGTON. Jelly ft-The 1)re3ldent hns
determined to leromote ActAngtIunim1 Snail-
I tOi ) 011(1 ( Couiiunodcre Sthley In recoguiltion O
'their ' servlcea In th hestruet.'oui ' of the
I3ieauiishi Ile'ct In Ainerlcaii waters , but Is uw
yet. uneIecidcl as to 111cc extent of 1)iOuiot0l1. )
c Although " .iIniii.ti Sanpiau iaut1 Cciii-
moiluro i5.hioy In conirnanil of the naval
( cvrce. In Cuban watrr. io to subordinate to
'that olflcer by tao iiuuuiberi in the naval
zcgl ci t c r. ( : u 11)1110 tore Belt I c'y s t a a ii n umber
I eIlit lit flic- list of rouninodoreti nail Saunp.
itoh s t-.1 H tls Ilil inbt'r te ii hi avi ii g leeui II ro -
- : uioteI to that grain teIthi In tlta last week.
I Coununojert''aIsoa , also on duty tvithi 'thu
I Iecsi , is s1101 to lcht of thin othueru , uetaiutl-
lug liii It ) bu'r s Ix I Ii hi I s gm l a.
\\hea uui ofllelni reiort is i ecciveil a dc-
elsiCit tt'Ii be veachied as to the extent of
) prounettc a to be math e.
I'ONIIIIlI.I.H t'iI ii II , . ' .ti'niy.
I WAShINGTON' , July 9.-Secretary Alger
has approved it ntuinht'r ol suggestions utitiela
I by the itest liiti5t ei gt'II cml regn rd I ii g t hi'
ccli aId Ishiiui'ii t of it in III In ry tim I 1 a ii ii tbete
I hi1tve been I > tihliSltCIl In a geutcenl order.
'the 1'Ostoittce uhepartuticut t Is to keep tue
? inipervisluut anil inaungenu lit ( if tite iuialis.
A heosIolhlce brauvtu Is to be established at
/ every lo3t or eaiiip durluig the hiresunt war.
( to ho tiiebcr tliu' charge of a 1)05101 superb-
t 1 tenileiit. Thu ilepartuient Is to dt'taii for
each liostoitico liii oxpirt iiOIICY order clerk.
' ) , , . VIlIIlIiCui OIliei'r liIuij \'i.ll.
. ' \VASI iING'hiN. July 9.-infoiiiiutton hiiu
c ; , _ , ' , been received hiei'o to the effect that the
) wuninel In the leg , receIved by Major l'lili
' . I I. Ellis 01 the hilteeathi Infantry lii the
c thghit hieforo Saiitlago , is not sei'lous. lie Is
{ . ha-log enL to Key \'cst.
1 ' , LIt'utt'uiant II , 11Velici of the Second In-
lantry , tt'hio rt'celt'eel a liesli 'a ounel In the
. . . leg , Is aIo doing tvcil.
V ' B"G. . * .
, The Omaha Bee
' ' . Map of Cuba COIIOfl ) I
t Present this Coupon with I
J ' A Map ot'Cuba.
- A Map ofthe West InclIo5. L
' And it Map of tile World ,
t By Mull 14. cents.
- , . * . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - -
- . . ' -
. . . - - ' - - s - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
. - . -
Men of the La Bourgogne Dcny Oharges of
Cowardice and Brutality.
0111) Vli'iilHIIesM ShOt ) U iN 1y Auis-
t rin us iuti ii I liii lii ii , . ' , i'iis-
si-iigiis , 'lIi ) i"Iglit Off
.Ahl O1irs.
( Coiriglit , 1She , by I'reHS l'ubhlbIuIng Co. )
I'AltlS , July 9.-New ( York Vor1d Cable-
grain-Special Telegrain.-Laytnard ) , Ci-
I gineer-In-chtef of the 'i't'ansalluntie Cciii-
pauiy. states to Gutuit'rs that the Ijourgogne ,
lit Polult of vnter tight coinlartuneluts , was
01)0 of the most perfect vessels afloat , but
hosiery-Ladies' black gauze
lisle threaI 11050.
111gb sluIced heels. extra long antI
clotible soles-50c nair.
Ladies' black cotton hose. Iii drol )
stitch. with double too. ule and 'ted
-ic : , 8 PaIr for $1.00.
Ladies' black cotton hose , drop I itch ,
with fancy strllel tOiS , vey good
itiality-2ttc pair.
Chilihren's hue ribbed tan cotton host' .
with double knees. soles and heel- -
lIe pair.
I Uiidcrwcar- .
1R(1jCS' fine
gauze lisle -aY -
( '
J' -
vests '
, sjiiai'e
WhIte ! i
and ecru
, ///i , : , , 'i
25c each , ' . , . .
Ladles ribbed lisle vests , faticy front.
short sleeves , shaped at waIst , tvltht
Pants to match-Ide each.
Boys' fIne Jersey ribbed vests , hIgh neck
und long sleeves. ankle leuigth draw-
era to iuiatcht--2ic each.
Chilelreut's gauze vesta. low tieck an , !
sleeveless. white and iwru-iOc each.
A list to starboard made the big boats
swing on the inward nod turned the davits
back against the sIdes of the cabins. The -
sailors lnlllored the passengers to leave the I
boats and In some cases tried to force theta
cult , that the boats might be lifted up. The
lassengers ) could not be itieluceth to leave
the boats. as a crowd of steerage Passoil-
gers appeared ready to take their places.
The sailors heaved away at them antI could
not budge tlieiii and gave tip ili despitIr.
'i'iiree iltiiM Arc SiiiituIie.i.
Out the starboard side three boats were
suitashicil hy the Cromartyshiro Iii the col-
lisbon. Iloat No. 7 was filled with women
and other passengers and had heeui launched
successfully , . when the big funnel fell ,
crut.hlutg the boat and kIlling most. of thioe
iii It.
Ttt'etity AustrIan sailors front the steerage
seized boat .N o , 11. There was roont for
fIfty In the boat , but passengers and crew'
worn fought off by the men in it. l'assen-
gers lit the water tried to get aboard , but
ti-eu-c liIStICl off.
iloat No. U. filled wIth passengers. got off
successfully. It had sonic fifty-three
abroad , including Its clew.
The one boat of the polL ieIo , tehient the
flu-st class passengers had rushed after bay-
luig the starboard side , vlis No , S. Tile
sailors around it succeeded in getting It
launched , leaped Into It as the shilp ttent
dowii , and PiCkell up passciigers enough
from the water to fill it.
l'asseiigeree were also rescued front the
water by the only raft saved.
hloais from thie Crouuartyshiro cnuiio tip
as the shIp sank , Two good boats and part
of the InUf sniteslied boat to which some
were clingIng it-cue taken to tlio sailing
shut. The boats iiiauiueel by the crew of
thue hhouut'gogiie anti thin lingiisli shIp cir-
dcil about. where the bIg teltip had suuik
picking up survivors.
Thia lrcich censtil said thiat thic sailora
ett'orn that the compartment doors tvere
choue.i. The consul says ho ictaihe the In-
vestlgation carefully and thto storie3 of the
- lileui agree.
'hiio satlors say the life Ireservera vero
flirnishucel by thie crew to the ja.cngers , but
! they itere In a coinpht state of pIiic and
thiiujtv thteni away in uii'any ' lnstauuces.
Conrail Ilruwacrt inquIred partiet'larly Its
to the. fightIng among the crew or Paseui- .
, gt'r. All thict atorlos of the wrechc.'ci inca
agreed that neither men front the La flour-
gogn crew nor passt'ngera dlii noy lIghting.
exceptizug t.ito Austrinuis cind the Italiauia.
Moat of the lIghtIng vna done by the 1us-
trians In the single boats.
Among the callers at the steamship coat-
paiiys 001cc todiiy watt Brother Itomalne , a
survIvor. lie said that his owji experience
wouid not bear out the crltlebtuits of La
flourgogne's crew , lie said the officers of
the ship tt'ere lit their places doing everything -
thing they could to restrain the onilIe auiiouig
the passengers ,
A saIlor caine to hiiuti alid askeil hIm If
lie couhul swim. lie told bun be couicl , The
sIilli'8 atari PoInted out souitetliliig In the
water sod told butt the best tluing lie could
do was to swliii for it. The sailor took bun
by the arms and threw hint as far away from
the sliIjt as possible. lie nianageil to stviin
away Cast enough to PrUteiit being caught
In the whirlpool.
Iii ) ) l.lNeN Ii I I ii ii ii.
IIEATI1ICE , Neb. , July 9.-Special Teic-
gram.-ltoy hamilton , the 13-year-old son
of Charles V. Ilaniliton , who hives iiear
hllis. lost his left lioutil thIs evening lit nit
explosion , lie nod hIs brother hind mache a
cannon out of gas 1)11)0 ) Which they tiseul tlue
Fourth , aIIII vhich it-os the cause of today's
accident. The boy's face is also badly POWder -
der burned , and his eyes are seriously In.
utt'ed ,
NFFI ) oic S'1\O1iE1.ESS \ 1O\\'llER \ \
we 'it
, ,
I - -
Navy in Paittotr 10,1 I Halnper b3 Uu of the
OMuStylo Expoivc.
! -n
l'uti.Ier iti- lii IMi NI't ( till ? . Inter-
fer'iu 1'fl1 .t Ilitilig flit' ( iIIIIM
IM )
lell ,
.9 i . ;
NfiY0ltl July' j.-Thic Times dlpatCli
front \'nsulilngton says : Later stories froth
Snuitinget about the ongagenleilt lietWetii the
llscts of nutluin uinul Cet-vera dtvell with
Partictilal' sti-s of' the iacoiiyeflidihCe and
dustresti cutuseel the American gtiiilierS by
the use of tile dlel.faPhilouiei patokulig powder.
I t Is not uhotiliteul by ordnance experts that
the tt'iuiging of the flying Spanish shuts
would have beeui aecoitiphiEhicel eveil inure
li'OiilItlY tItan ft was had our guns been
fired with smokeless oweIer. As It was. iii
the maul succession of shots fired , otir yes-
scls were so enveloped 'n the smoke of
their own gtiith that niiiy a iiot weiit ttilul.
luiqttiry at the Orulnahice htirentl of the Navy
department as to the ProsPects of otIt shlP
being supplied tt-itli sunokelcs.s vo-r ehIrltt'd
thio I niorina tlun ( heat there Is ito lirohialill I ty
of ( lila lteing tloiie gciierally for a consul-
crablu tlune to could. Commodore O'Neill ,
chief of thee Ordnance bureau , sale ! the
biircatt hail lilaceel vry large orders wIth
Private hems for sniokeless powders. antI
that large aniotilit of It were being SbIIliCtl
to Santiago. It would take n long tune. tlt'
commodore saId , to stipply all the shills.
and lit view of the quantities of aiulutiihi-
tton hikey to lie tised there it. would be
tlitflctuht , with thc Itresuit facilities for inanu-
facturing the lotVei0l ) In this couiitry , to
keep thirin stiplehleel. TIto hope could lint
be helul out that the navy would be able
geiterally ttt an
to list' moke1ess powder
early date. Thie New Orleans nut ! Marble-
wIth the neit. powder , httt
heath are SUIlllCl
Ute others are stocked to a large extent
with black powder. it appears the duet
reasoit the ivus 1)01. stipplleel with
at the beglniillg or tim
smokeless lovler )
exlC1tS were
war was that its ordilande
hot satisfied wIth ( lie powder used by other
lintiolls , utuul were experitnentlllg with a
rovIer of theIr own whiidlt hail not heelj
lcrfectdl at the tune. A powder of Anierl-
can Inveittloli has been maie by the navy
011 an e4ieritiieittal scale tt-liich It Is believed -
lieved is stileeriol' to that made abroad.
htepresclltative huh , chtalraiai ) Of thur
house military affairs commIttee , has tiil
to say in regard to ( lie itse of smokeless
powder :
(1)11 gress IS tO 1111 i111.
"The trouble Is that we could not get
( lie siitokeless the outbreak of the
var , thiotig1 It is nit Ainei'iCait lflveiitioi ) .
There arc n this cotuiitry no facilities to
Itroulitce It : iti stiiflceiit ! aunoumit. Congress
long ago shiquld have provided for ( lie mann-
macture of sticit ltOtt'tICl iii this country.
Couilraets shotuki have beeii made so Its IC )
warrant itianetfacttlrers of this iroiltiet. lint
it costs it lIttle inure than oilier 1)0\Vhti , nail
so many of our.peoPlC itt congress ( hiottghit
war , and therefore
1-c never wbtlldhIttVC a
would not lirePare for ( lie lOSSibIlttY.'t'U
tried to bu It abroad \VhiCi ) the war caine ,
but Spain bUtt bbught it all there. I think
the fault Iks with our congressIonal sys-
tent. "
" \\'liat Is goitij to lie clone about It , " tvas
' 'There t nothituig in conteunpiatlout in
congress. I te ishi the dclnutinditt would
take the iattcr in ham ! and . make con-
tracts. " .
fleprescatativa Loimdeiislager of Now Jet-
sey , a iienlber of tim contmnittee on naval
affairs. said : "I thilmik every one tt'ilh admit
the desirability of li-ovielllig sufficient quail-
tItles of smokeless lotvtier for the army and
navy. As long ago as the time when the
Dlaghey tariff bill s-as couisidered , I urged
a protective tariff tiOi ) smokeless lO\Vhel' (
to stimulate the manufacture of that article
In t his country. Several manufnctorios are
being condticteui on a small scale In ( lie
United States , but ( lie coiupeiioii of cheap
} uropean labor keeps them down. The
house adopted my suggestion as to ( lie tariff
oil sniokt'lest powder , hut ( be senate moth-
fleh , ( he rate.
"There Is a smokeless powder factory in
my district , itit was not. only hooking at
the protection of ( lie American . Industry , I
wait looking ahead to the time tvheut the
government aught aecil howder In greater
quantities ahih in qtiicker ( line than the him-
Itcuh capacity of our preseit factories tt'otilC
prodeico it. It would have beeii very fortunate -
tunato if we could have ohtained as niuchi
smokeless powder as we wanted ( or this
war , auth it our iCOPIO were engaged iii 1(5
flitl ) Ci ( actti re.
"The house committee on naval affairs , "
continiicul Mr. Lloudeiislagor , "did nIl It was
asked to do lit coniiectlon with furnishing
powder. The fIrst appropriation confeuii-
plated was for $1,000,000 , , for siiioheeleius pow-
cier. Thii was stulseqtienly reduced to $250-
000 because ( he ehepal tmnent could draw upon
( he $50,000,000 eniergency aplioprla thou for
this purimso. We also gave $00.00l ) to increase -
crease tInt gOveiiuiicflt plant at Newport ( or
( ho mnantifaetire ( of this explosive. I believe
( Ito governmiient ought to make smokeless
losrher anti keep large stocks of It on band
for eniergeutcies. "
NI , ttuit'sI 111,1 iif Ii'pulriiliI It y.
ltepresentattvo Myer of Louuislaiia said :
"Tieei.o Is no fJtleSitii ) as to ( he desirability
of stuiplyimtg oturselves ivitit smokeless poit' -
tier. We tried to obtaiui it before the war
but liii ! output of (1)0 inateritil is so limited
Ihiat diihhc'ulty was fouimul In obtaining it.
:1 : favor ( hue general use of smokeless powder
auth titimik the experience's of this sviur show
( lint We wIll have to get it in the future. "
RepresentatIve Jluher of Pennsylvania , a
meniber of tite committee on naval affairs.
also said : ' 'There is no dIvision of senti-
macmit , I iiungfiie , about ( he miecessity or the
ulesim'abilityof'nbtaliiimug , smnolieless poti'de"
for tIme armfl' flhil uiavy. 'Fite committee on
naval afttitru ' Tfavoriiljhy consluiereth ( hue
coiiimmttuuiicaUHiiei' tot the dt'partuneiit In this
respect hilt . % ' iliiiossibhe at the break-
log out of tiu ftpr to lay Iii a stock of ( lie
lov'her ' sutJjclcJ\t \ for all purposes , as ( lie
otititut was , nail thiero veis too
Itoavy a uIemimJu ) or it from other countries. ' '
Senator lIaIQ airiiian of the senate coin-
inittee 01) 1iLi ) ' ) nfflelrs , saId : "Thin ques-
( Ion of pro3ialpi smokeless powder fom' the
navy Is cite to be dealt wlthi In the War
ulcparuiit'it.1 ' 'c have given to the depart-
meat every they hittve asked ( or. I
haive no tloult11ey are doing ( lie best ( boy
can lii that r1'ipect. "
Senator I.itin a meuiiber of the committee -
tee on iuat'40itftrs said : "I am decidedly
lit favor , , , powder. I think tIm
qtiesloii ( 01' ' flit' ) ( , to be used In the navy
is a matter to be acted upon by the Olul-
mince ilepartmnemut. They have tIm funds to
furnIsh ( ho Iiuljnittoxis of tvili' . ' '
Senator I'roctor of thue committee oh mill-
tary affairs , sjild tIle question of ( hue kind
of hoiuier to tie used in the auzay tvouilii not
coiitt before this coumioilttee. it was a utiat-
Icr to be dealt wIth by ( lieu War tlopar ( .
Representative ililbora of CalifornIa , a
mcnhlor of the naval commIttee. aaiel : "Thu
trouble is that there are but ( tuo places In
the United States preParol ( to make ( ho
smokeless powder this goveriiniciu ( has
adopted and they hued just started emu it for
the governmeuu ( trhtemi the itar caine on.'v
had Just worked out a formula for sumiokeless
powder. the best In thu world , amid hind
started to make it when the war broke out.
\\u undertook to prepare a forimitula which
ivita useul to hiuy thIs ; towcler nitroati , hint It
stdluls that it wits not. I do not see ( lint
puiweler umillhs hinve started to inanutneturo
it. but When ( lie war broke out they were
fbi htrehinrI to furnish a seimc'ieuit quniitly.
I had thotighit that sonic of the $0,000,000
it ouhul eliminate ( lie extranme ulangcrouisnu'ss
of orellitary t'inokiless powuler. Tue ltipouit
pouvder iiuihls iui leiatvnre mind ( lie CalifornIa
ally ouue is liarticularly 10 bhaiiie for the
Si t cia I iou' '
St'i'i.'iil Mini I Ii ilekiuimi ii cli' c's SItu ru-
' ' ' fur liiiliieii
i'iiIiiu 'I'IieIi' liiI'e
, iteiit'M iI'uiiivil.
\VASIIINGTON , July 9.-Speeial ( Tele-
graiu.-Thiero ) is a sc'hueiiui' cmiv In the wiunl
ti-hi ich , ft piierefuil , still reMuIt in ( lie re-
niovni of huidnii ! , 'emit Johiuisohi at SiSSt'LOfl
to losebtuil ( Agency , S. I ) . , nuid Major Chtupp
of ( ho iatter ntun'y ! tvlhI be orulemeil to To-
jniii hi realinemut iii the field , It vlll lie
reuneiuula'i'cd flint shortly after I lit' Imicoitiiig
of ( let' present nelunlutistration the uuPIiOilut
mt'iit of . ! OiiSOht to the agency at Sisse-
ton was bitterly o1i1eosed by the Patr1i-
age conuinittea of South lakotmt on the
groumuth that lie was a carpet-htaqger. At-
teflihits Were even ionil utter , loitivion'e' con-
flu iniutloui liy tltt' iu'iinte to effect his re-
uiuovzul , which tvere futile. The contest suitl-
uleutly colimuised , hilt It tillS ri'niarked bY
ii b'oeutht lakotau ( hat tufter atljotiriiliwiit It
ti-ouhil he lirt'ssetl more vigorously than
cv e r. 'l'io' p1 a ii alit I I t'4 ill dtV ( has beeui
uegiet'el tipoit utah It may lie expected that
evers' eftort will he : 'ut forwnr'l ' to secure
, lohiiusoiu's renioral. I i Is : t'rsonht itoh
grata to National Coinmuitteenuan hitrldge
utiutl thto'e who hold unuler hultn.
9'iie St'coinl Nebraska , iiott' at Cbirlui-
miiauign l'tirk , Ga. , Is nnxiotlmt to go to the
fi-out iiuutl ( lie \'ar deiartlfldiit today viis
In re'elpt of telegrams from ( lie comiumaiud-
lug ofilcers nsleltug ( lint. the crack Nebraska
regiiuueuit be asslgmied to the arnuy corlis
ilesigtieul for Cuban lavasinhl. While there
to ( lie dlii-
has heeuf no ileilnite thccisloui as
at Chilclutliuausa , beyond -
li5ltboii ) ( of troops
yond tltost' ordered liito active service. the
Second Nebraska has never abauitloned the
iiOIO ( lint It would be glveii it. lilaCe ii ) time
_ forwarih miioveiuit'tit on Santiago and Ila-
vaini. In vietv of the iironuliielice gIveit tile
coiid Nebraska both in camp mtiid Co
route it is geiierally Utotiglit ( lint it would
be amouig ( he ilest regiineiits ordered to
rcimmforce Geiiertul , Shafter itt Faiiliugo.
Other m'egiiviciitii. however , have been called
nod the Nehiraskamus cure seeing theIr
chances to metie : lulstory SIll ) by. Fearfeil
ht'at ( lie war slitiulel stidilenly COlie to an
cml. ollicers ( if tlte rcglineiit time now coin-
mntiiiica ti lug tV i ( IiVutshi lmigton t o hmave them
iiucltided ninouig the reiuuforceuimemis tie-
algned for tIn' attack nit I invaita , vhiehi Is
timiticipateul. Seiimitou' Aiheit , vI'o is zunxiotis
to set' ( lie Nebraska troops nit Ceihtait soil ,
lv I red Gemueral I iroetke , i ii coma unamid of the
iti'Iiiy corps at Cilcktuiuitttigti , as follows :
' It Is ( Ito cau'uiest wish of Colonel hills
anti the Seconti Nebraska to be admit to
tIme ( m'ouiViii ( yotm hot send thiemut ? ' '
State Seiperuiitciuelent . it. Jackson of
Nebraska , t'hio is Iii the city ut attendalice
Oh ) . ( lie National Eciucaticiutil utssociatfomu ,
stuiti today th'at Nebraska hunch ( lie Guest
eximihiht of celuicainmiuh ( ; ivork at time Trans.
iumissls I hid Ex Posi t i 0 ml C % Cl pi'einticth i' numy
Siuugio state. I ie stttteil tiue exposition tvtis
Ic tvommderfuih suuccess anti tvoemlei he a hast-
11mg credit to ( lie Auutioitt' state.
. : \ilss Mao li\'ood of Omuima. ; tt'hio has brunt
\Vasiiimigtoij for several clays , saiicd ( iuis
ttfteriicjoui fi'oiii Neit' York ir l'.tris.
' , ' , I'iekt'iis.
Tile oiseiuies of Freth VI' . l'ickeuis at Ahi
Siiiimts chmurehi Tuesday here atemmtlcd ( Icy
a large neuiiiber of ( lie fu'heuitis of thme fam-
ihy of ( lie ciecetuseul. The beatil ifuui feiit.
cml service tins retuh by Itector thackiy
ttimih a ( iuartet : tsslstcd lit ( he service. Floral
tI'liUtCS ill PiOfUsiOii home mute testlmnomiy
to ( lie high esteem In which thie deceased
wns held. A large imhhhow of pink anti yellow -
low i'oscs front fou-uiie'r workers Iii the
postofilce. tiltemo the iheceacueti hunch until reedit -
edit years bet'ui hommg employed , amid a bank
of reel roses float euimphoyes of l'axon ( &
Gtuhlttghier , wlmose business Is mnanaged by
a brother of the deceased , were among the
iloral oft'erings. The mull bearers were A.
J. Late ) ' , L. S. u1ohe , II. 11. Zimniiieruiiaim ,
\v. ii. Nelson , J. W. lhrott-ii , Ilemury Cophey
ainiV. . 11. Latey of this city aimel Johimi Gali-
thou of Chicago , Imitcrumieiit iii Prospect IlihI
Fred u' . Pickeuis was 37 years old aumul
had resided front boyhood iii Omaha. ills
stuihdcit death occurred at hiouey Creek , Imu. ,
Seimulay evemiluig , July : i , 189S. Two years
ago hu Is htea I t1 bega a to ( a i I ii lit ! I n huopes
of m-egitimiimmg it hue resorted to the outdoor
lire of ( lie farm. Ills tiemiiise was : t torrihie
blow to bus brother , Mr. Charles Ii , Pick-
ens , who has done evt'rythilng imsslhle to
alleviate thmo suffering ueaticntht bormte by
the doceasd the past yeai' . Thin imiothier and
sister , iulrs. Fraiik Iteduiman of Suit Lake
City , s'ere lreve'ned ) ii ) ' lhimtess ( roil ) itt-
temiehiuig the ftmiic'raI ,
S'li , , Ii ii diii I I I. .
Omi FrIday mmmarmmiuig , Juihy 8 , lIttle \'borlca
A. Smnlthe stnhtheuily called. 11cr father
hind ha hi ii ott uu t iso simitu I h macta I en if hu ( I outs
tthueui thuo child , ( till of play , pickeil ( lucia
imp nod ran vith tiii'ni. ihme hi ought oiuc
back to ( hue fathier , niud tvhmcui lie nskeui her
whuc're ( Ite other tvtts ahme ( hii'ew hui'm' little
head back iii ii. mmiisciuicvotis tiny itiuti
hatughieti. The futhuer vas hiorm'llletl to see
( halt sIte begaju to choIce tiuil tvihuin five
uuiiittmtcs tube ts'as uheach. lr. ) Jeuiseu , sihia
hives near , tt'as cahheel cut ommec , but tIn'
little altirit hunch tahiti its iiighct. She tiled
exactly as hittlo Philip Stuviulgi' ulith two ycams
TIme funeral services were huelth at tIme
falully residence , 2815 halt Howard Street.
0mm Saturday titterumoon , July 9 , amid tiere
( 'ouititiccd ( by hey. Ciinrhcs W' . Sievldge of
the l'eoiibo'tu church tumid lIes' , Father Eumg-
gush of thie Cahmollc chmuri'h ) , (1)13 uumuhier
be I ag a in ciii her of t lice t coin lii Ii ii ion . 'l'hm Is
h I t t I u cli I I ci wait u uteoiui umtonl y bri ghm t , beau -
t iful a iid It ro un isi mm g ,
l'uiiu'ril if I'i'iiuuI ItiIi. ' ,
The ( eummc'rah of Fraak J. iliey of ( om.
mauiy F , Secouitl Ihhlmioha VOhtihitcc'rM , trIm ihIeuI
Moiiday at Jacksouiylllt , of tymihotil fever ,
iva s bueld let Cli iccugo b'i'l tin y a ( teicinic Ii ,
Father Icinuiey othlcbatiit. Corporal Gar-
rarel haul chiiurgo of thee littn , liarty. Mr.
Itihoy was a bookkeeper lii , lue Cook county
lecortber's ofhhc untl was 2 (1111. hl
wale a son of Mr. tint ! Mu-s. Tiioiuuas i'iiey ,
2552 Meuumdereon street , ohl residents or
31iii'uiit'iitit ui ( ) . ' . 'uuui % u' , J.ulj I ) ,
At Neiv Yorlc-Salleti--re'etrguari , for Lou-
ci ouu ; Etreiritu , ( or LI verpool ; Sjmoirithtu am. ( or
htotterduimi ; La Totiraiiitu , ( or lItme , 1aftt'm
\\'Illui'hmn II , ( or Napitue : Pectoria , fur I Jituit-
burg ; Norge , for ( 'opealtagni.
At Nuples-Arrived--CihIormla , train New
York. SalIual-garauuanim , ( or New YOI'IC.
At Lisbomm-Arrlvvti--Cugmuda , froun Ibos-
toll ; Neutrla , fuotut New York ,
At hlavrc-Saiheti-Ln Nuv.urrt' , ( or New
At Souihiemtnpoui-Sauhc'tl-Clieser ( ( , ( cm' New
You k. Arrivcd-Southuwam'k , from New ' 'orhe
for A ntwerp.
A t % ntwerp-Sallwh-Frbcshanc1 , for New
At Ihronmen-SaiIetl-Frloelerlchi tier ( irosec' ,
for New York.
At Llverponi-Salleuh-UmuibuIa , fur New
York. A rrlveil-Cevlc , ( ruin Now York.
At Queeasowiu-Arrlvoui-Lticaniu ( , frommi
New York for Lii ci P00l ; Catuloula , ( coin
I1ostoi for Livcrj ooh
At i'hilhstiehpliua SaIIed---\\aesland , ( or
I \\1j \ \ ( L1TTERS' COAST
Condition of the Stranticti 81anhh Ships
Around Santingo.
Viuli iui. , . nitil f4iuuirls l'en'ut luiw nil liii'
ii'iiiiuliis of it'uu.h Sliuil iuiils uN
' 1'1u1' .tit' % 'uiM1Ieil t'p I , '
liii' S.'iu
( Copym Ighit , pia , liv Asiioelitteth l'resc. )
OF1' SANTIAI0 , lIE CtTIIA , Jumly 7.-lly (
'flee AssoTiated l'ress llspatchi hloclt latiuit- )
less , Via l'ort Auiomuio ( , itihy tI.-'l'hmo ) vi's-
sels tihilch ctimmihcostti , iimnl rid Cervers's
squineiron , couverteul into wrecked charnel
Itoetses , art' littering the C'uliniu roast , ( lie
seciles of uleetoluition , miii , horror amid deale
baffle description
At ( lit' euitruuuice of ( hue harbor of Santiago
do Cuiba lies tim ltt'Imua Merceties , Stliil at
uiuiihiiighut oIl July \\'cstwnrd , live itelles
( rout ) thue himurbor. is a torpedo boat .he'sroyei- ,
shuck fast in the rocks , eloc in shore , aumul
hiatteucti by thuc' surf. flocks jtiu (11mg ( oui
tuf thee tituter iii fiont of ti here it lies huh.
I I I ; hail h ( rota v letv. TIme dii i I tt ii a uu ii the
toll of the comiiiiuig tower alone imiarhe Its
rututiiig Itlace.
\'lslhihui fiont the sea. a few miles fuuthier.
iii utuu iulet embraced hiy Lw ( I mighty mirmus
( If hI .u ek rocks t lint cx ( CII el hmai C a imilh t' I ii I o
( lie sea. are tIme remains of the tw lim ends-
cia Iuifantme 1uliuria Teu t'sn niiuh Aliiilm'.uilti'
Oquu cit tIn , foi in cr1 v I lie inkle o f the Spa ii liii
navy. Oil he ) ouud lies liii' me iuinss
of reiiiis , and forty-two imtiles nit ay frommi
Samitlago do Cuba , thie Crlstobal ( 'olon lii's
helpless eli its side , wRit its sunoitt'stacks
em inlet' tiztt er.
TIme I umfnmia uiztnia Teu escu hod ( hue Al-
ii ) I ra it t e Oquc'mido st and upright , ii tuck ( a St
Out the rocky shoals. All that Is heft of them
lii ( lid r outer luull ii , ( hue heavy am-inor cle fy
I I ) g I otal an iiihi h I ii t lou. I us Id e of ( hi t'un the
trunk of destrtietiou ) is eounltletc. Their boll-
ers , cngiiues , btuumlcers anti imitugazlmies lauve
beem ) blown into uutrccogimiznbl e imuasses of
twisted , niehed ( iromi. Explodeil shells ,
luuirumed rifles atmil revolvers , iiieces of yellow
brass work aitl gold auth silver coin , imielleil
by the' Iil'iistt heat , mire strewmi mull over
the remimalius of ( be omice prouti armuorath
cruIsers , whose protective , Iccks 0111) ' StUutdl
iii hihnces ,
lint ( hue IiOst ghmiustly , hornihle sights in
those steel cofllns , are ( lie mimouimgled , scarreul
a liii chia rued hanli cs of h ii al veils of brave
sailors , sacrIficed for their couuiry. ( lluut.-
zarths are fi'ethiuug oiT the deitul amid others
are hiove'riumg over tlut3 It reeks. Omi ( he
beach other flocks of vultures sit iii silcuiee
tvaltiumg for ( hue sea to give up Its iheatl.
lIvery ( ido methuis 10 the tale of imoruor , vasii-
11mg imp emchu objects ns , for iuiuutammct' . a
siceve uimrlosluig a wttsted curmii , oIlier part -
t louis a f hitmimmaii Iced I es go a tt'el , by hi um migry
shutuks , auuti countless relics of ( Ice battle.
4 ( ( eui ( hi ) u httiS bce a gl tome to t hi e itti rI tu I o f
( lie ticmti of ( lie emueuny mind oven 100 Itoilles I
taken from ( lie shIps on trashed ashore hicuve
beeui I ui terred 0 ii tIme lctul'h by Ileam A d iii I rzti I
Samiiimout's archers. Titose tvhmichu uton' ye-
iii iii II iti'O 1' I tiiel' tul 11105 t t utah h y comt stu med by
p re , chin rretl be'ontl ) rerogiu it I o n . or h it' Iii
tIme depths of ( hue sea. Those forumi ( hue food
( it ( lie buzzaruls into keel ) eomisttuuit vigil
about ( lit' wrecks. 'Flee buried rt'unaimts lie
hi a COhituitt'I itiss , uhifluluihtcteh Aul ( Un-
fltuineh , , Iui a hinge pit In the .santhy hech ,
tehcre time vessels tcciit nshuore. A rud ' . ,
itootlen ertiss ( rota time wreckage alone iiiutrics
thu. grave--a grave over whIch iiaIui mtiay
ts'ell imiourim. - -
, '
A iuit luu'r 'li'ii IC tliEi Vret'Iu , ,
( C'opyrigiii. hy Siuusot'lreel ( l'ress. )
W'ITII TIlE Il1Itfr , ( lit Santiago , Jtil
S.-hly ( the ssocaled l'ress lipnteht float.
Cymithin Ii , viii h'cir ( Aiutoiiio Jamaica , July
tt.-Creit ) s ( ruin thee Texas teu1 frouti lImit
Assoclatetl l'rcs ( llspateli bent Inmuuheul this
mmmcrmitig Oil ( hit' wrecks of ( hue huiuiriuuite
thuie1iulO auth liufauita Marie Terea ( 'onu-
itiotioro ScIiley , mu soiuit' Siatuiluim-ihu. ( lit
board of them atuti ( iiouighmt our ultra Iae , _
Icetler take their murnus , hitut ( he q1s
1 % ouhth not trait.'hieui the Amiuu'rlc-aiis iieureit
( hiul ship the ) ' satv the Spaniards leapliqi oil
anti sts-liniiiimug nsliort' . Not tu sh'ot titus
fired. l'rohiahly tIme' Slianiarils lund been
Thee wrecks ore eicscribeti as lonletmtg hike
big steel beulheliiigs utter ilesi reic iou 11 % fir. ' .
Tile deck htt'amns of the var ships flue I ii i-el
as If time ihfluieS hail the lowcr of a t cc
imiciulotus ( 'xlii 08 lou. S i ii e a ruhor ; tlti I u-s.
tvelghiiuig ( ohs , heaul been wicuichied oil iucc I
t here tt-t're uuuniu v ct Id cuicos i Ii I hit' hun gi'
hauls where' time' shots of ( hue' Urookht ii .i iii
Oregouu bath huneheti. The' d'cks were stiewil
tittle o Ulcers' ii ii i forumis , limo V istilhhs I ) ti ( tote
sinaI I ci i-ui ii , I I t he gtu us are ru I mm-ti u- -
cept oiie hl-iuieht guuui iht the fortar'l luiru' , t
.tf t lies I ut itt mu I it i a nit' l'eneiitu till i ( Ii it l )
lItai'ut 1(1 he' in p nrfe'et order.
'l'btie is 110 hicipt of 1lo8 I luig ( hI-I S miii t sh
( 'iuilnumil ' . , . , , II , . ' hiiirlui' it
- l'i'I Iii liii , lii. . , itiiti ( ) iui 'I't u
11 iN 0 ii .d . l' ( ' t it tti.
l'Olt'h'LNl ) , Me.July tt---lly the cap-
sizlumg of a t'cutboat In l'ortlnimd himurini to 1 'y
ilvu ltersiums lost their lives. Thud' ) vere :
\\'lLlhAM O'iONNELL , muged 2ti.
\\'lihhM Mi'l'Cl1Et.i , ageti 18.
lilVAI1I'AYO , aged 10 , nIh of I'ort-
JAMES M'i1ThE\ Ilarre , Vt.
K. F. Foster of hlroolelyn noel Bert l'er-
cival of l'ortlanel ti cue suiveti.
t\t fl late hour tonight hone of the ttotllei
here recovemeel ,
I'Iu's iii 111w ( 'Iu'v'Iuiuii htiuiIlmi ;
Siui'esshs S. . i-'ludt th''IlIuiIltN ,
( 'uiuiuiiii ( ' ' ( liliciti , y
C , lhiE I \ N i ) . J uml t' ' .1.-- lii buck e oe
shier t ly tu It ci' mine mu I nutty I ii I lie ii vi'e e , ry
htuiek beuiidluig o2cueldlcd by I lie lhritomi 1,1 ilit -
I II g ( 'tiut in ui y , ii ii liii e 5 tree I , ii can Vu ut ri iu t ,
Thut' ihanies shureteh : so i1uliChlY that t ludeici-
itt'i' 0 f cmii ! ) ( )1L'5 'di en' S iuti t off fiommi esea -
by the 'sttuiruufly ,
( ) mil , Iui' 11111 luiils.
\h II NG'i'ON. J tihy P.--Ouily one iuill
V. hi i cli i tisadt I both lion it's ( a iled to ite'co mu e a
latv o mm cc c'cott ii t ii f t It e fu ; II ii ic 0 1 ( lie' ltrrsl -
dent tud atttuchi hIs eulgiunheire Thus was the
liutite 1)111 aphlmopi intlieg $ lt ) ,00t ( OIl the ( 'ulit I ,
bill lid ( Ia' humdiati st'i'vlet' . It passed ( lie
iiat e teisimi t a iii iii Ii ( e before iLtijutu iueni cmi I ,
I 81111 ieot I ii t I une to r I lie sI giunt U IC of ( lit
limPs hi e ii t or V I re pit-s I ci cult. ruie cIO'l (
struck 2 as I lie' i-let' ireiuuieiit , lnttl uhowu
lila Peti ttfter clgiiliii ( hit' uiueasune.
'q' ' ,
' ) i' '
.ui ' - , : - .
iv , , G ise ltef.'reuee to ( lie lieNt liii iil.s , Iiiic.iiuess ileiu amid .llc ( ' ( 'huiiIhtN ill
tl1. uIt' .
When AU Others Fail
fleunemnbt'r ( lie wonderfully miuccesftml spec htultstuu miii treatinc'iit of this I iiuutituite' coumi-
hI no t lii' tivo grea t e5 ( ( out to rot . u f t in' ii en I I ii g a rt k iuui iv ut t t , t hu t in cii i t it I i unit's-eu u it- -
ELECI'ltlClTY tuiel il Elht'l N E i t but ( lit' ieurgecut , mnoc4t thiuioimghiiy a iti eilumlitlel'i y
0(1(1 i pped 1 1)5 ti tilt t' , hot h c'lu''t ned I I y cc ad nud I ii Ily , ye r tsta Ith ishm i'tl I ii tile 'tV is
for ( In' t rea ( meu t it lid aiatl ii I c cci re u t I' ci II uiervou'u , el i rttii : e ci imil htlhVdI ( I' 'I lsi'tie 0 t
2s1 I' N ui mid \0\h l N. I loin ) rd hI e mime ii ftc ir ti cal lug ci c urti cii to all.
The Doctors of This Institite Cai Cure You
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' .1' leo gi'ea t c-h edt ri en I a nil ni Cthit'flI pecieh Is I s n f t I tis I a cut I I Ii Ic cc ro fic r t I i 0 hteM t , 1)10 itt
Sti'C'Cfil 1 ItlitI stli'ml I I ii C ( It e lVt urid Itiut cv or it flair ii , it i i Of it he cull te no grati Inc t ' ' :1 :
of t Ii 0 1 test int'dlcit I uol I 'ge's I n t Ii e ivorl ul . i'ceii I ccc vi mug bath I a ii g a mc 1 sit c-
e'etusfui I pm et ict , I n his hIndu I I y. ti 11(1 are CC ci u I et'l ii g i'dSlt I t it I ii c u rl ut g t luc ide It
ii uiui etim fterl tig by t hi ci r do un himiu-d il ectro - uti'tI I ii I t h'i'ii t lii i'ui t . iv Ii i C ii % oil I ul Ice liii -
. el I I t In "ii I II itil ( ' 'I'fu i' S t it t ti 1l i'i t ri I'
itosslith 0 t C. 01)1 ti II ) h ) , ci I bt'r ( .1 e't rIca I or in I' a tee
tlu'eil hmustltittu' is tlti ONlY iil.4ti. : n'ui.'r s 'ii ) C iou rjittiuiui tile Itetie-iltie u , ( thui
mdciii , 'ssteii tretetin'tmt uimuier i lu' ' nmttt kiIlfjl ot itul I' it uuutl ' : : ; iii' ; Ah'St it 1:1) :
titiut II' etiuy lt't'u'r , out ucurthu eaui ( 'Ill-n YOU Iii' si. Ft l.trs tail hiy rri.eciu : tiC tliir i ttot.
' Ii hiec ye C fl't't 'I tti torn pl it 0 it 1111 ldtriume uii'ui I en re's
Id iiet h 'h. ' ( ' I rt-uult'd Ii dl I I rca I in i'ue t t cy
tufter all othters heid Some doctors rail lje'cdediCt , of urentilig ( lie lvI'iilig tilsetese ;
others ( touli not kiuuwliug ( hit' might ( rc'atune'ult
. kO IIST4S IlElfl i ) FJLS
A itert'et ieu r' a iu tu ni a t t'eul I uu it I I i'tt so's cc cP'ltt t'tl. ii c i i' iu tetht i . i i. fifii , I II I 1 ( ' 'i I I 0.
'uhlIh'A h ' 1'I1h'A'1''lIN'1' uutn N1lt'OI1fi I)1hth LIT'i' muvtm , faiI ' , ) N(1 , I I I I ) .
) : - ( ; ) /eNl ) ( il.i ) uilN , . tIuiuh ; tuicil , 'I'm' iitveil 'rt. t itf ljiiil i''iltt. iii
yutemthu , , . - Or lxt'htit iii iit.'i Ii Ii' teiiul the clii In it : u.'glt ii ' 1 i. inupr' u.n.
ly ( retik'tt c'tit'S , itretleltiuig hciuk of vittIIiy ShX t'Al. . 'iAIiI' , JtJJ. ' . iliuv' 'p' c tir
uuhiruiukIe , , rgaumt4 , hI lice. Ic , hiiiius or lii dii ii It , oil , ' ' . .rc'cee : tul''i'i. ' .
muesci , ti'c'iikiu'ss tuf Itody timid ilaiii , , lizzlmii' titu. fuullutuc emit um-rmy. i.'k ii. uu'i-t' .ua'i
( ( tilllthl'hltt' , tit-slttiuil.'n ( y , , 'vih . , , lug. ' , C iiiittlit > ' , ui.l tititf't t ' ut.ii ci tiltS.
ilut ii tlists. II meeglu-i- ( . tl , , timocui Jnv.iiIiuli It i , itu Ii't'iaiuttr titi 't cmi-l ci' til
Iii1l"i't1t1vit : it" ii 'u-i.i- : : . i u 'iititu i : .i : . H i- i .h.tNtki , 'l'i'.Si1uN u-'u1 hflS.
( 'hlAltIi-H. Wl'ltht"I'IUtES. t4iAI.i. . 'J.\ 1 : ' .Nlu fu1jh1t'NlJ.f1 : ( 'tii'rt. , Ali.
Jll.001 , IKIN ANI ) J1ti/u'1'l 1iIsl-AHu : t4 . ' ' ' ' t am u 1 itt Ittiut jut uiuIg
it I I o ( l&e'm & until ii 3 Iittye fu I lt'i I
lo you kumemiy that lIds ( 'ounbint-.l Eu utri' itull , 'rut cult lit i-ill itiuJiuhthly uiiiu'vu' tilt
( it your surf-rirmguu anti ttiljiit'ns ( tiiitl i'-st'ru. oei di ' . jilti t'fljrtul ( itt if lift ? If
you are ii ietuflt-rt'r u'itht'i ( ruin IC' uJtt tr t iuv'iiui' , ; ivil ) -oulri'if hI ito. . '
I hi let macis t iuueieitsfuti uu ntl 1 I fi' ' giv i rtg t otub I ni 1 t ret t iii .me t . 'lit Is i ru St i i uu t . . is ci i uj I u ti t , '
ti'btlu ccii : ootIt'rm ) eht''tri ( illii(4tl(4 eeuutl Itsi I Ilitu ( ii ( ru telulcuiet uif all hiluiei , r ills-
t.testss of mot'tt and tvttmlu'iu , ulsu nil Inteitile r of ) ( dti suiLilduful hiiiii ticat.
% .ht I'ili ii" Volt ( A'tt'I' ( ' .iI.-AIi ' ' ' ) , . ' , . iii I'litln IIuuti'iit1'N ,
L'tii lIltii I jill ,
State Electro-Medical Institute ,
I hOS F4 4tNfl M S'l'R I II' , O.'il A HA , NEIt.
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