3 9 U U a 0 I t U 1 t t t .1 , 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - , , - - - - - -r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I . , . 'PIT 1i OM IA 1)AJI4V Ffl1DAV , ,11'L't 189S , ; . . . . _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14EtGUES'ORhi \ \ \ ' IS ENIORSEI ) ) Sertary Stino 1ta Many Wrrn Lettcr from Staunch 1tepublicn. us E4CO1J3A ? GEMtNT FROM LEADERS t4ligr.NiIItt , Itgr4t l'li.Ir I'ruIJHlIC IiinIII II * 1 , % t .itiI , I C.iii tlIIIl1 tlit , ( , tii iiii,1 tltp itipP " Itli Vnriitt , . I'rcsIlcnt ( Crawford of the NaUonal Re ( j1iitllcnii league viII ho lwro to atten1 both ( lie Ncbrnska 011(1 Iowa state kngtio conven tIonM OH the 12th ittid ] aa so Litornie1 Secretary - tary Stine In n lUtter. The eorre3pondcflce of Mr. SUne Is volu- $ iilIthu : ; . A hig iIle , of IetterB has been re- celved fro12 ! UntLell States setiator , cofl- grc'1PtnUn , govcrnor afl(1 others vromlflent In the couflclh of the party , all cxrcug grcAt hopefutheRs for the future at the party iii the iiatPti. Many of the national legisirt- ' ( ) srty they regret t1ier ItiabUty to ho p8etIt itt the nnttonal colleague convention , 'for they fear that the anticipateit adjourn- 3110111 of congress In tune is still titieortrtiti. As showing thu iio1Itka1 RrntImcflt * CX- preed a few excerpts may he of tuterest : Congiessnian IaId 11. Meteor of Nebraska - braska : 'At this time of writilig there Is great lilicertainty wliethor or not congr'ss .w1lI he ai1journeI by that tIme ( the 13th ) , 1enco I ani tint In n IcsitIon to iron1Is , my 3rcscit-e , 014 1 toe that as long as liiy I)1biiC ) thitIe rctitllre mo here I xvIii be obliged to aeiiitlti. : The reIubUcnn party IUI the re- imbilcan admlii istratloit have much at takC this year , esic'cIaILy Itt the great Intorna- tion A I oven ts a t Itatiti a tid It Is I ii cu utben 1poIt ( 'vory republIcan Henator anti tucinbor of ( ongress to titatil by the adtninItration until Itq POlICY Is gvuii an active 'tflI ( thor- tnigh trial. PrcldenL McKinley an0 his ati- initilstrittlon have so coiit1tIetc affairs since coming into over that I believe I an juati- p lIuti In 'propitecying remarkable ropublic..tn victories throughout the Uiitvd States at the Novoitiber elections. I congratulate the Zcgtii ; , ttpoit Its goo fortuttu In meeting at 'the great city of Omaha at the time hcn : the 'rranRIitisHissippt and I ntcrnationnl Exposition - position is being held , as the noiitliers titereor wiu have an opportunity to tn1e a dri1s.Cye Viev Of the wonderful wealth anti resourCes of the great transinIslsIppt coun- try. I am glad that you neet In a state 'a' ii I cli , t bough tin iTe rio g a to in Iorarl itol I tioni blight , will ioon throw oir the yoke of itait- ' iImn ! and travt'I once again with thu re- T jnibi lea it stat es of titi s un in t' I'Mors-t. l lgIitul ( oiiu-iialsllnIi. , Senator Charles . 1niriaitits Of Iijilttiaa : p. I'Ii ti Ntt t I anal Iteju hi I en ii i caguc is dese rv - big of tim very highest commendation for Its lt1eliiitI sorvives In the past and I trust anti believe that it will continue to ho a forceful ntItieiice tn the lroiitotloti ot republican poi id US nitil iCti ) 1)1 I CII ii Sti CCC$3 In the [ a tu ic. 4\il tIt signs iotiIt ) toward repullican victory niiti to tiltt ahIrO\'ttl ) of the Ise and patriotic niliniiihtratinn of'IiIiain McKinie ) " \Vcbutcr Iavts , assistant secretary of the Interior : " 1 IIOIIC there will he a large atteiidunce , as that will itnilcate rcnowetl activity on the itart of tli yotiiig repub- Jicans of tlio country.Ve at-a soon to en- icr tiitoii a calnljalgn 'liicIi vIiI be of gicat lnportance to the country fur the reason that it will he necessary for the i\niericun PcOIiO to return a republican congress Iii order that tiiii listiiiitiishet1 pIeSi(1eflt siflhll lie supported in his etToi'ts to tipliolil the tligiiity of our cotintly aiiil the honor of our hag iii tile Present var with a foreign ha- timi. I I , Is the duty of every republican aiid every patriot , regardless of polities , to tttflhhhl 1)3' the administration at this time in its elfoits to bring cLient a satisfactory set- ticinent of tue great questions now confront- lug the American people. The repulIiean ) ] eagtio ciil : tb much toward bringing about aticcess lii the coining campaign antI 1 hUn mire 1(8 ( nlcnhbers will ( in their utmost. ' Scooter ( ] eorge W. Meflrldo of Oregon : "It 'ouiil give me great lileasure to attend the CoflVciitlofl anti to testiry by toy vres- Chico lilY high appreciation of the powerful alil vliic1t Its s bee ii reiltieretl t ii c republ ican arty by the hosts of energetic and Intelil- gent young roiitiliiicans composing your or- itihlzation. 1 regret , however , that official ( liltieS iu-eciuto huh acceptance of your kind Invitation. In the canipatgns of 189 ( and iS9tt in the state of Oregon the eric of 11th ) League of Hepubilcan clubsas 011 iinjortant factor in the victory galnetl by the republican party for the republican imil- des of irotectioit to American inlustry ( und noiiittl financo. and I trust that the interest ft hnil en'rgy with which tue National Ito- nibl icon league is entering tilmn the citt- paigii of 1898 will result in a victory that . .w ii I enabi o the republ ica n party to t'ni hod y I ii a PP rniirin to legi slat hIlt tile BOO nil 111(1110 I ai y pol icy en iiiic' I ii teil In tue natio nal republican - lican idatforni of ISt)6 ) aiitl endorsed by a great popuiar ninjority in the Presidential election of that Year. " "SiI t'iiil lii " .Vnrls iti.l I'risivrIl ) ' . ' Congressman hugh It. lielicuap of liiinois : 01 congratulate the league tipoi its sitleit- iiiil work and prosperity , antI I am sure 1120 convention will be a most satisfactory Governor ( iV. . Atkinson ofVcst VIr- giida : ' 'The liressuro of ollicial business. esPecially III COhhhiCCtiOfl With the military ttffilrs of our state at iresemtt , iireeltmties the lossibiiity of my leavimig 1101110 OVeR for a day. I trust , however , time meeting 'will ho largely attelitleil anti time work no- compltslmcil bear good fruit lit tim coining Ca iii paigih itmmtl I have mm a tlouht I t vi II. ' ' Congressman Neimemninim I ) . Sperry of Con- Iltotictit : "I lmojw you will have a successful - ful comiventioli. It scouts to inn tilIlt tue tiiiies are otispicious for our varty. I he- lievo svitit liroler Came 1111(1 lmlahlLhgemmmt'ihL \ % ( I % 'Il1 carry the fall election nmitl that the next house of representatives wiil be re- Phhllitcahl. ' ' Oim behalf of Speaker fleeti , his secretary , Amihus l. Aiit'Ih , writes that eoimgress vIil auburn 8lOtit ) the eimil of the bvt that as It has hecU "a tiresoiiio a. sston of Inure' timithm se'en immontlis , the slheni r will fei like Imiiviimg II rest at Or.imii * ileacim , near l'ortlancl. Me. " ) i .t II. ' . ( ' 1,1 11 $ ( 'II ( ) Oil IiIl'I't'i'I. _ v4.l I A t I , 'ii.i i-il 31t-t-l I ii g $ . 'li' . ' II eli r- Mh'liIIIIVOI'I ( ( i lu' Slitle ( iuit'iitIuii. Last night Heveral oj time republican clubs of the city lielil meetings to choose tide- gatcs to the state convention of the No- lunsita League of itelniblicail CltIi)5 ) , \ iikh lilcots here imeXt Tuesday. In time Ninth Ward a very harumoimiotis itimil well atteudt-tl hitcetung h'ls Imild. ath'lhIcil a resolutloim WitS uttihil I cii niiomsi ii I 11th en imil iii itcy of V. I. Riersteati for a second termit as eoummty vomit- nmlsRIomw , ' front * he Seconil district. ammil l'ItiI 1 : . \\'Iitter for the nomination for county at- titincy , $ e\rai of the clubs which 'lid not macct last mmgliL vl1i got together toimight slid CilotISts liieir tlclvgates. 'I'liu list so far its lmitio tip is as follows : First \'util Ilepublivait Club-It C. .Jor- ii tin , ltr's itleim IVI ; I I taut I iii I vs. vice Pros I- ( but ; l. \V _ Scott. tlettsimICr ; E. J. Cur- mush , I. ' . Ic. larllimg ) , A. M. Ilitek. Vt' . ii. liinlictt. ) Jaitics Cathroe'tllittiii Iltittoit , Jot112 Itosielty ititti 14-C isteiie , delegilti's. 'llili'itmrd : Iteinibtican Oiub-hew liur- uit'stvr. liresident ; .1. T. M\'ltie ( , vice iirs- bi'itt , : llt'miry Itlioties , secretary ; NAte . . - ' lirusu , Charles Urover , V. 13.'ttikt'r. . Vrank I : . liencock atiti M. 0. IUcketts. ilel- egitles. litItirtl * \\'ari itCliUbiieflii Club-J. C. Ktiltii , President ; N. II. Tumiutciiff. vice frt-sltient , ; .1. Il. Adams , secretary , W , A. 1' ( IsleT. ileecher lligby. I. II. Scott , H. 13 , Nprrlil , A. 11 , Cotiitock , T , Y. Black- I - - - - _ burn , .1. 1 , iCmiiey. it , C' . iTharp nini rrci .ntieron , lriegsteu. Vifth % 'iii-t1 lteiuiiillean Ciub-J. 1 , . ilaIril , g'rett1nt J. F. Monro , vice itresliemit ; I. M. Itylamuler , secretary ; 1. l. flemmeiilct , \v. Ii. Christy anti C. W. lelanater. tide- gatem. Seventh Ward lltuiibliertn Climh-ClmarU's \'eiit , vice iresitleiit ; Lotus Peterson. vice preslilent ; A. F. Ilnitiwin , secretary ; Il. b. ! ) ny. Clement C. Chase. t1 0. let'a-eiler and M. qi. : Miicteod , delegates , I'resident holier of this club Is nio iresidehtt oF the Germnn-'tmneriean Ilepuhulena chili and will represent the last named iOdy iii the I convent 10mm. Ninth 'arti Republican Club-C. S. him- tlngton , President ; J. Il. Chapman , secio- I tory ; J. E. Van Cilhiier , vice uresident ; C. J. Johnson , 3. IL Iamiiels. Jolni I. Kennedy - nedy , S. P. Wiggins , Peter 'tV. ' liirkiiaiier , A , M. Cowlo , II. Il. Ointstcnii , John 1islier. p. j. hair , l. Ii. nrynitt , l. .1. llodweii aflil George C. Cokrell , delegates. Ninth Vnhi Mercer lteitubllenmt Club- \V. I. Kierstetut , prcsIiemtt Ii. C. Akiii , i trensiiter ; .1. S. Tiostler , secretary ; J. M. McF'tirlniid , ( liari s l , tlIIicr. W' . it. Leach , F'rnnk Daugherty , ionntiiamm Etlitartis , Jamim's ! ) eitrlcii , C. F. Itoiertson , J. AIleverly itflti ii. IC. llriidee , delegates. Union Vtrnim ltt'iIttlrrtn Club-I ) . M. Itttverly , II. l' . l'aliiier. 1rnmik F. Moores , \v. ( I. Tempietomi , Charles I. ( irecmme , .3. Il. Ilaiph , S. IC. Siinhtliiii ; , C. F' . ilmirris , .1. ; . Miller , T. It. Lesflo , John ii. hitler , \V. S. Strnwmi , L. F. I luttoim. Jolum El. F'iiray , Alfred thigh , J. A. Owens , George C. Cock- cell , A. J. ( iullck , Jonathan IIiwnm-ds , M. Ii , Ilaucic iimiii It. l'liemmlx , delegates. 'Iiio 11. S. Grant lteiiubliertn cliii , , at a meetIng Inst night at the Comummierehil club , ilecitled to give a banquet to all tim re- piiLIican hioivspaper editors in the state t oil the evehi log of Friday , July 29. Iimvlta- tii > ns vIll shortly ho semmt out and a big acceptithice is looked for , At least 200 Ilates \s.ill ho Iaiii. 'l'he affair will take plncc at the Cornmnerctal ciub. The arrahlgeinents for the feast wilt bt , iniiie by a conimittee consisting of the ollicers of the club-Cadet Taylor , lresitiemit A. It. Kelly , secretary , and John ( I. Kuhn , tmcasurer. Sonic further plaits will bo ar- rouged lit all ptulabillty ) at. aitthflr meet. iiig of the cliii ; iioxt Monday niglmt at time Comimimmercini cliii , , tt lien delegates to the state convention next week will also be elected , 1)1 , , , ur II or ' .Ynip 11dM. Mrs. A. J. L'Ciuerrien tmf 403 flancroft StIcet , Who i3uiuimty plunged a knife Into her breast after cutting her throat , dicti uf liei' Vothfli1s lit 11000 yesterilay at St. J0 sujik's 1utiiitiil , The s umitami's wounds ver.a Ironoimiicetl fatal at time timn she was ad- Initteil to thu hospital. 11cm' nttciitlants could io nothing to speak ( if for her but 'otch lmcr life slowly ebb flhVit. The w oman lmhliicte(1 the wotittils iur- tog a fit. of temporary imismimitty caused I ) ) ' tie- sihontlenry duo to her husbands Inabiilty to O1)titl a ChitliO'fltCmt , , It is thought. 'l'lme hiOCCihl'lI amId ltc lmuslnnl ( Caine to Omaha front SL Louis t'o wccks ago. I'm'lf. Sthhmlrt'M ' ' , . * , l'ieietL N. Coo Stewart of Ctevehnmid , 0. , fell a Victiiii to oiiv' adiolt htil'ItlIOCkOt as lit' was returniimg ( rein thin exposittoim gioiimmds lii a Shicimna ii nvenuo car l onilay Iii Cu UI un ml y vitit i'rof .Mc ( ' arthiy of the Boys' Academy. A ahlet eomitnimmlmmg $ ir of piiotogtaiihma aild valuable papcm's was so- curcil. Mr. Stewart is a teaclirm' of music : tt time Piilitc schiooi iii his home city nild was iii Omaha for tlv double Iltirliose of sceimig the ( 'XpOsitiOa nUll iitVhhIiilig the recently coiiveim ed mitusical comiven Hon. Sold i'IillitI iii't for Solii _ Mrs. Sehmna Jones of Ihiimwooii Park was 'vlel lmnlzet to time e\tent of $12 by a moan 'iio relreSCnt"d hililiceIf to be an agent for the Mandelberg Jcw'lry comnpammy. Tue milan carried a tlimailtitY Of cheap plated sil- verware. worth iii time neiglibom lined of 50 conta pt'r ( IoZii Pieces , which ho alleged WitS sterling silvem and which lie dIposd of at fumcy Prices. lie caught. about five 'ictitl1S , the POliCe say. itOhOllIlt' Slim Iii iM , United States Itevenime Collector lloltz says ho e x teCts a fresh 5111)1)11' ) oF stamps at nuy tlmn. . At present lie has on hinmiti a limmtlted StiIlhiy Of 2 , 4 amid S-cent stnmnps. Questions of ovemy iiatimro continue to jtoimr imhto the oiiice front all quartems of vIiiehi mihiliiY htiO foolish or liumnoiflus , but the majority - jority are ertctly legitimate nilPi occur through the unck'or wordIng of time law. .itiith,1i , ( 'iistes ! Thin bramicim company of limo Omaha I 11gb School endets vtli fornt at the high school grotinils Fmilay ( evening at 7 :10. : Very lie. portent that every miienmber should nttt'iil ( thiI thrill. The comnpa'mv v1ll lo form Sat- unlay oveiiing at 7:30 : for nit exhiibltlomt drill at the xiiOSit' - ' ' -niiitils. By em-thor of CAPTAIN h. S. CLAflKE. REJOICE OVER ALFONSO XII . . I Is ( ) lile.rs Iimivv'Nut ( 'lenremi % p.fl ) tII SIlMli'illI tIimit 'i'lii' ' I'liiiiiii'l liit tiiI li ( 'WASIIINGTON , July 7.-Commnimnlcation with tIme fleet off havana being more dlfll- cult than with the fleet off Santiago nrob- aid ) ' UccoumIts for time failure imp to tlmls time of the newspauterih to get reports of tl'o stnklmtg of time Alfomiso Xli. Time 1ifommSo XII was ii serViceable cruiser. Time naval officers would rather hear of Its tlestm'ticttoml thou thmimt of any vessel re- omainiug lii the Si.aniahm navy. It occupleil the berth of the Maine ammil wlieii time hatter enteremi havana liarlior it was to the Al- fomiso's buoy tlmat it was mnooreti , while time cruiser inoveti Its hiertit to tile , next stattoim miliove. \\'Iiiie It has never heemi estailIsited % vllo liaii ted time Itm femmmal mart chum e vhi ichi d a - troyed the MaIne , the otilcers of the Al- fomiso Xli never have been cleared of sims- picion. tom' It iii saul timnt time omtiy prac- ticimblo iflCOiiS of planting the ziiimio in thin POBitIOmt 'Iiero ' It , lutist ] iimvo himimi vas through somimo agencies nit the Aifouso XII. The Navy lepai'tmmieiit Is proparimmg for a grimitti hiumit throughout the \Vest imulles. There are a number of Spanish war craft left , scattered timrmnmglm coves cit tile Cubami coust amid lylmig in obscumi , little harbors of the West Indies. These are to 1)0 bunted down anti captured or dostroynil and the mimoveimient 1mm to begin lmninemilntely. Mommy of time little boats have been spotted rmiready timroimghm thu agency of time State tIc- iiitrtmmlCilt amid others s iii be loctmteii soon by mmlii of time swIft little torpedo boats amid auxiliary craft. It wltim this object bit toa' that tim reeentiy coimstriicteti torpedo boats Gwymi , 't1orrisomi aitd others ere or- piereil to i'Iorltla waters. CAPTURE GOOD PRIZE SHIP ( 'rmilMer ( IM'tlllli ( ) livimimiiIM ml i4pmimlINli 1,1gb er luiileil , tvi tim 1'ii , iNiulmi , \'ASlI1NGTON , July 7.Time'ar deicart- iiieiit has received a bulletin front ( lenerai Shatter's hieadqtmimrters , statimtg tlmat thin IIIIX- flinty crtmiser Osceola line eaptureti a SpanIsh - Ish llgimter ioailetl with provisiomis amttl vaitmeti at 50O00. \l Ill ) S'm'.t % I ) I $ l'ifIlIt IflJNS. .t ii II I.-rmsei I mm fur $ iet'imll , 31i-piIipui fur lint' . er , ( L'opyrtgiit. i8ti , by ASSOCIIIt'l Vress. ) SANTIACO Ih CUBA. Jimly 5.-thy As- - ociated l'ress dlspateim boat laumitless via I'ort .iimtoiilo antI Kimgstomi , July 7.Cor ) - i3oral Keene amid Private lIarr of flattery \ , ccomid light artillery , have iiecmi imiglmly coma. mimemmiloti for gallant coimiluet durimig the ten- ac figltting of Saturday. Whmemi tile bnttery tried to atlvamicmt beyoimtl Ii l'oyo , l'nlvatcs ilciemi , Smmilthi iimitl Ihiitierwood were biowmi to PIeces by heils aitti Sergt'tmmt liolvay and Privates Yetto and Cormmford wel e pamBy hiur timid oilier macmm were WtUitiIotl , tmtclutlimig Barr aitd Keenc. Omic of them wits shot three times mimmti nimotber was shot twice , but In lmito of their ImmjUnlea they stuck to time crippled guims until the euewy wss fotced to gv ! U ) the assault. GIVES 1iN1\T ; \ 1It'Ei ( Comitinmirl fiommi l'irst i'ae 1 matter. lit' OXltOSSOhi imi tfliilmhilg ( admits- tinti for Omnmtima 110(1 the hope timttt time c. position otmimi be succesfmml bt'yomni the tnost Samtgiline wishss of Its friemuls. \i'irhlMlIt ( 'l.lnilllM'uIuIIl'M The reguise monthly sttemttent prepsred by llookkeeper Altlien of the Nebrimha i- position comnmmlisslon shoe-s the following coalition of the state appropriatloim of $100- 000 on lilly 1 : For what tinuioso flxieitled ( 'l'otni cx- OX PetI ( ( ed , for J limit' . linItti cii. iitiarhe nltd wages..S &i2.M $ I'mmrnituru immmd litttmnos 27.0' ) 232.i0 Comm-emit exhicilso . . . . . . . . . . . &II.6S 1,2.t3 Ctitsi ( itetlomt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agnietmitimriti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652.02 4th2.f,7 Horticultural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D1.7J rt,42.55 Apiary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rT9.lt l.4i. Is L1t' stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f&tJt ) 1)alry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICi.S3 1OID.13 : I'tiuitry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iI2A0 F'IorctiiItir&t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MISS 1lOl.IS hiiucatiomiitl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1533.11 $ ,22.70 I , Mlscehlniteotms slmacu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3&stt.2 l'ostmmge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cit itt 210.0) ) Ihimli.himmg . cmnpioye' . . . . . . . . . . G3.S3 l,42.iT SOd house . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251.(2 ( 45i.5 Ieeoru t loim RttltI ) itillti , I ii g. I , O l5.l 1 , 162.It I Neiiritskn octopi cooking I ietnuimtintioit . . . . . . . . . . . 213.00 2iJ'.0' ) Neliraska Ceramic club , . , . : l3o.0) : mOoi ) Atti'flCttOil'4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 722.5 ltt'i'imirs amid iinpro'c- Iflt'iitH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.Pt SLOi 'I'otmtii4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ i,7S'S , $ i0.2C..1 12 mtex ltt'iiihOtl bainmice I it t lie ftimitl ti f $ l0 , - too , 2t,73i.S. iiIljIlh 1110 UtimitI Cimt'.rl. There was a fairly good crowd cim the giotmads last mmlght 'amid a large lrtiltortiomt or it hlstemieti to the coimeert giveim by I'hiimi- ( ' ' iitimti oil the Plaza. This v'ms thio oitly feature of thmo evenilig. but it was thoroughly emijoycti. 'the atmuosplierm'as eiitlrely too sultry to mmiake walking arommmtd the groumi'is agreeable amtd time space In froimt of the haiti- stand was aimiiost emittreiy tilled with an an- ( iiomice that was varmmtly appreciative of the \ery excilent pi'ogramti. The hemuil is rnpitiiy 1)rcomnlng almost as ppuiar as the Maritmo hammil. It eaters to the polamlar taste auth its liigram1is are largely tievoted to tim class ( If mi-music that appeals to time ordhmiary llttemier. For titis reason the imttmslc re-itches it larger proportion of the pcopie thaii the lucre severely ttclmntcai coiitpositioiis. Nuti' ol tli' I'ilOMItiIII. Iii co-itiiectimiim wIth time scrutomi of Itnv. Jemikimis Lloyd Jones 1mm time Auditorium next Sutidimy ; mttermtoon it is mmnnotiiieetl that hte' . If. V. Thomas , i ) . D. of Chicago , wIle mns preshdeiit of th3 Liberal Congress of Ito- higiuns , will also hirescmtt and assist lit the services , Count von S7.iitht-y hits a phimmi to tmicrt'ase tlio immtei'est of the local socIety set iii time expositioii lmy , arranging a series of 1itV- - tilt iou pm ti miem ug mm i-i m ta ai. II i s u ez-lIIuu ' . I I litge. 'lia : pm ojcct Is still lii Its limclpieiicy , but is cxt&utctl to tmke timmigible 5110110 iii a fe days. Gcmermml Mnnngoi' Ciarksomm is arranging the mmigm'ti mu fori I it a cc eta play , t'hm iou i mehchmmlrl fOi _ itily 20. Assimiotices imave hcctm mcecI'eil tiiimt time goveiilor amid a largo t Ieiegattomt of oiflciui anti ( itizeiis tvlli coimlo to Ommiaha on Hmat occasioim , and every effmii't vtii lie imimic to mimke their visit .eiijoy- abir. F'om'nier Governor \V. J , Stone of Mlssotiri. Colonel M. C. Vetniore of St. Louis. Major II.V. . Satmmtoim of Ciimmtomi. ox-state treas- iirer ; Miss Louise C'himmtomi. his inugimter. and tie M Isses Viiistun amid Tiiommtpsoii of St. Louis , miieces of ( loverimot' Stoop' , are in the city for tue lmtmrliose of visitimig the cx 1)051 tioii . Contmitlsionor Let'son of New Mexico is itmrangiimg to Imavo thifl trutt growems of his state senii three or four cmim'ioads of grauos I intem tim the season to he tlistrihtited amnomig time expcisltiomm crowds. lie iits ; nirertdy so- rmmreil the nssumaflee of omit' carload anti expects tO secure others iefore tlte grape seasoit opcns Coiimntlssloiier Iavld T. iliy of tue Mines hulidimig Is iiot lit California 'itim a vlemv to lmmluciimg time iWOliO ) of that state to put lit a ililhiCi'iil exhiiitlt _ Fom' Siiiiv i'CIlSOii titu Callformtlimits have riot cunte to time front 1mm this respect aitd althioimgim it Is miuw a I ittie late tim the day there is st ill a. chiamico that the stmte ; mnay he represcitteti. TIto fliiLlOUliCCmltChmt of time piogmamn for Ihm' ' iiiiti ( iiils' (1113' Is delayed cii accommmit ( if the failure of a iiimmithem' of the cii leg lit- ticstetl to send iii their coittm Ihutions to the programit. 'Inn cIt1e were to be repro- semitoil , hilt Oiii ) ' tvo have iCemm Imctmrii froni. Uniese they waite up very soomm tli t Piegratit will ho mitade tip front other sotirces. A South laknta visitor picked imp i-nil of Iitll coittainl'mg S107 lit tue Agrt- cultimrai lamliding yesterday afternoon. The I ii ioimt.y ha ii beeit last dii ri hg the hilt ) cm I I ii g , I whien itVOS reported at time iioiiCe eta- tioii , ammd tIn' finder tmnmmieiiiatol3' meported hIs discovery at the saimme place. TIte dm511 is still lit time hianmls of time pollee imnti will he timrnoi ( over to time owner cmi tieniamipi. A temporary iitoipage lit tue sewer mtcar thio Pi'css inmilduhtg during time rain \Ve'hmies- tiny aftermioon caused tue eimttre Street to ho covered with vater to a tieptit of a foot or moore and Ilcople bouhil ti or from tile nom'th tract were obligeil to tvnlo through this water. Maity macn aimi womtiemt rittenmmted (110 feimt , waling tilnoligli time tvnter miti creathmig nil kinds of fiiim for the miiiooicemm ( lii time ndjoiiitmig bmiihtiingim. Several caniei'a ficittle st'iztti time oppomtimnlty fr catcimimig smiap nhimts amid time had imilutor of the vaers Was greatly augmiemmtetl iiy the kmtowii'tlgo that they % scro being put on record 1mm their rI d i cmi I one 1)1 lgii t. A little boy and his sister were at thin iniuhtiing of Momttgornery Worth & Co. yes- tentlay mmittl as is tue case with Petit young mmmiii old tnmiteii a ride in thin electric car- ringo , but were not stmre 1mw to get It. They comiclutied tt ) try. hiowover , so withi tear nntl trt'mitiiling npproachmel time mmiami- ager , oitcriiig the few pettiiies they hmimtl. It tas a lticttmre of tichigitt thud surprise woithi a trill to the ( 'XfiOSitit II , HOC viieit thioy womtt sailing away lii time carriage , waving their little imantis to thmoso remaimi- log behind. whim their peimimies stlhi jlmmghiimg lit their Ockct. TROOPS HELD IN READINESS lt'mi ii I ( 'Ii iti. fl lImO Pigmi iCePi , Ill , li'Il- llimm.e VImIli SiiItUig ( III Orders , ClhIClAMAUGA PARK. July 7.-No or- dens ( or time muovtmnemtt of troops have linen recelveti at Camp Timommiims , auth both eflicers nmtth hitch. altltoiigbt miet hosing itighmt of thu fart that timey imlay ho nmmshmed out itt miiiy tliiio , have gamin to thin regular roimttiie amttl timimig3 anti agalmm on a hilalmiess basis. The 'Flmhm'tl illinoIs , Fourth ohio and Fourth Peniteyhvmimhn , vImicii were to have gone out yesterday , miiay get awiiy toiitorm'ow or Satur- tiny , btmt 110 Immforimiation on this polmmt can be secimred today. The regiments of the FIrst corps , ortlcrcd somno timmie ago to lire- 11010 I 0 ImIOVO , hmme liii ishetl t ii e i r riia ra- tlons anti are mnalmitalning their usual mu- tine until 'tIme ' immovlng orders conic. Thio paymmiastere are expected to flnlsh theIr work by tonmumrrow aught. ( ) mmhy a few reginicitti menial it U mm ua iii. A few mecrmmlts arrIved today , nearly oil thin coinmitamm'hs ' bi'lng now recruited Up to full strength. lmuformatioim has meaclioti Camtmp Tbioiiias tlmat Oemuorai Ii. V. hioyotoii , recently appoInted a brigadier general , tihl arrive toniorrow to report to flcnnrah hlreoito for limo assItmiiuicimt to mimity. it Is ummtlcr- stood that General Iioyntomt Is to tahiti a eontmmiantl lit thin First vomits , but vhiether Ime wIll be piacoti lii coimmniamitl of a brIgade or a dlvlsloim Is not kmiowmi. lirigadier General _ . 'r. 'raolu , formemhy chmltif instructor of imrtlhhery at Fort Monroe , serving thueme umttii the war bmolte out , will arrIve at Cahill ) Thuontas from New York to. mtiorrow , It Is understood lie Is to ho assigned - signed to a divl&loit and wlih probably take time coitimitanil of Gent'rah Fred Grant , whuommt hme ouitraoks as to seithority. General Frank wait mecenthy iromotad front the rank of lIeutenant colonel. It Is understood that 4 Getueral Grant tvihl be deslgmiated as a brigade commander. I Geuerai Greeley , chief of the signal corps , will nrrIv hi ( "amp Thomas tomorrow to its ? Major (1iforii ( a.1ylsit. ltumrlng the pest few mncioths MnJjt. Uinssford has no- romttluiished a great i1tJ vf work at ( anuii Tiiomnt.s , organIzing ΒΆ ottyiteer inni corps aiiil 'tritinhmig th men. ' ( lenc'mni ( lrodey Is now on a tour of titspectlohi through the varIous eantps to asenrtmtlhi the niamint r iii whmicii stork Is PrOgrCssIlmg. After spemihicig a ( hal' or I.S.O with Major Giasaford. hmv wiil proceed to Tampa anti JacksonvIlle. Witetimur the visit of General Grettly at ( 'amp Thomurts will mesimit in nimy clmflaes In the Present slgtinl corhS Is not lumoami. WOUNDED REACH KEY WEST h'qpor A remimi getiieii'slai1 fist'tt iitc l'ii Clii fi'anii t hi * ' Sli I imps I liii' hItltltilIllM , KFY WflST. Via. , July 7.-'Dwo hundred notl twenty-five woumutiepi heroes front Sati- tiago , hrougltt home by the iroquois , are doing ts t.11 auth none itre iii tirtutger. They ore distributed huotwceim the Miirlne antI Con\nitt hiospitale ammtt nmt tmmttmteti cigar fee- tor3imlehi luitl in-cit pmevlomisly fit ttl for I audi PurPose. Alt o tin' offleers anti sonic of tiit muon , are Otiertemed at the Convemmt lmuuspltrtl , where the ttlmns ore dohmig genii vnmlt. At full PiaCcS good attention Is givemm the woimittied macn. 'Fhtcst' sotmmmiletl varrhors , returnlmtg to I their mtative ccli otter thin glorloums aclmIve- meutts iii the foul , were , atm-amigo to .ay , mc- I cIVcd in rather caroller frtsiiion. TheIr inmttllimg souhti hutve henmi commonplace imaul It mtot bromi grotesque. The Iroquois cii- I toned the harbor abotmt 5 o'clock , ani thiroimgii sonmebotly's negligemiec went I agi'omimid nit a srtmtulbar , where it mmmia1mtt'i for thirse iiOtirs , a brace of govcrumimteuit tugs strumggllmig to lri It , while from timi' rails of the stratutitti ship lOtroui broitzotl faces of tvnmmiitleul ntt'im cager to 5101) or. ; " niece nit i immcm'ioaui soil. iventtmahiy the Steammier sh iii oil nut woe dockcd. Nc'tvs of Its arrival btntmgiit to thin dock a iitotlcy crovtl of cmmrloslty scekers , mostly Cubans. Theme s'as mint a sigmi of cmi- ; uitistasmtt , eveli nmitomtg timoto 'ery iiersnmms for homii the miisabheti soltliere Itad m'eCeivetl I their imurts-miot a cheer , mint a hianti ci1tp. It was tacthy as If one of the regtmlnr line steanters lied arrived on a daily trIp amid vai3 tilsehuarglng its orthimmary passengers. Tiiert'ns lit ) gimmmg piitiik aittl the \voumimded 10011 WCI'e obliged to clamtttier tmowit thin ladders as best they could to get nhiort' . All thte amuibuintices bath be-eu brought Into usc' , hiut ties1iit their hiumrnietl tm'ins , tilled to the last inch , time hirovision h'as Inalictimiato. lii I cotisetiuiciice mitany of the nmeii lund un otimor mesotirco thou to walI fmr blocks to tue , huorat' ciii I 1mb. iii tvhicii they wore jo-tieIl to the hiotpltais at tue othmci' cmii of town. I Thin sighmt of thin stalwart fellows , biack- eiieti by time tropical sun , iiiuuisod amul scratciteti ii ) ' Ctmbamu jumitgiti amid wrappctl Iii bctmudagrci vhiicht revered , hit did hot con- cccii thici I'O1Ifl us , a S t hi Cl' siimimihh : ed a it 1 straggled ihhOit the rmiggeti rncmds _ hail in It niticim of miatluos , Peniithis : tragedy. It % ) ' 03 11 O'ciock bvfoi-e tiut' last of timoto able to iteup timeir f&t hmrttl hcemm pitsenm- barked. Most of these simifer trommm ilfit' shot ' ( veil ntis I n tiic ai'uit em- baud a. A be im thmimty-flve others whose iitjumni.'s . arc iii the lower parts of their bohle hiid to h ear- neil off lii strotchiers. Fifteen imo nu'o eimfforimtg froimi it m iid attack of nieaahes vem.e loft on board the steamer , aiil wihl Pi'ObablY ho takcmm bacic to Cmuba wlmemm time Imoqtmois returns. rhem ticlitui'katioit was not COiuiitietOtl imutil early yesterday mnoriilng. Most of timeso 111011 laugh at their s cci mmds auth want to go hack f01i lucre ilgimtimig. It is lent lied that as tile ) ' fell in the tirIng himis imi Santiago the corfiomals Imustleti tiucumi to time tear. butt lii nearly evcuy ccmsc niake- shift htmmmuhages : werif put cii their vnunds , they iimisiiel oil in tile ' fromit immutil it he- chiimo : imecessary to sti iii thicir cartridge belts. Said one , lii telhlmg this of time others ' "I'lmcy lund to stay Lack then , they hail notiiliig to flgiit with. ' ' They talk of tue tWi-dflyS' battle In thin mimost uiiiCoiiceined way lnictgliiabie. Omie iiuimhmus slm-umck by a Mauser bullet while lit tite act of firiiig imis revoiver. The hail truichc lila rgiit ! forearm iietweemt the wrist amid elbow. Itveiit tbiruumghm thin forearm , peiietrntel the uiiuiem aria , stIlick his side , coiniiug out lit thin heft stile. Stramigo to say hmevtll nut pile. but swears Ito will inaico Imis way iiacic to Ctiiut uuimch score mt least toit dead Simniai'ds for ccucli of lila goalies. All ore loud in their praise of time fighmtlitg quiumhitit's of thto Spanish troops , but say their losses miiuat be euormnous. Of our ov-mt dead fbi wouintied cxtravagaimt figures are given 1)3' iiiflfly , iUt tvtscr imecmtis Idaco tim figimne for time two clays' flgittimig ut betweemm 1.200 : uiitl 1,500 , ueihiaps 300 of thtomn were ku led. At tim hiOsiltahs iilts of Pajanias were served oimt to the soldiers aiiul they lounge botit time looms iii theie airy garimieiuts , reading time miems of their owmm prowess amttl chaihimug ecuch other titercoit. Inmiceth , immaity of those whose voummuis are trilling have ll'tiIi immicomucermietlly walking about thu St recta ihhih ( remiewimmg frloittlshmips about the hotels wlthm lii ) other niiparel thmami tOeb , . . scanty sletipimig garmncuits. 'l'hie Iroquois tviii probably return Iii a day or th a to Samitlago nuid another shmlp Is ox- petted to anm'ivo ts'ith a larger body of VO unued. PROMOTING GENERAL CORBIN $0111110 i'ZIStPl'M ii hHI I hinislimg II liii In timi' IIIIII1. miml i'ny of a 3lnjor ( , 'II.'IslI. WAShINGTON , July 7.-Late title after- mtnoim r. hull comtferrimtg impoiu Adjutant ( memi- em'al Corbimm time rank , pay nrmd allowances of it niutjnr geiielhml , sitte missed by time senate , 'l'lio bill itemmiihttimig tue ccci ctmmry of war In hmI discretiomi to have eri'cteil omm thin \\'est I'oiiit meservatiomi aim edifice for mug- ioims woriiitip was iiaest'd withmouml ninemuul- ineiit. its lirimulary purpose is to citable the omeetluit of me itommicim Cimtiioiic ehutirchm. A Idli to 1mtcr'nsc time mmuimiber of host qiumimtormimaster sergenitte of thin United Stoics army was hiasseh. Atuotlicr mneutsimm-e , rc'port.'tl front time iiIhl- tory t'omumlttce. to reimnilumso the govermuors of states and territories for expenses lii- curred by tlinut 1mm alilleg the United Stales to raise imni orgamiixt' . supply 511(1 equIp time hireont oiimnteer andy' tells Passed. A hill to restore Mmujdr J. 'IV. Wimaun , for- utemly itaymitastor lit thin United States ampty , to his ( till mamik anti p0y lit time aria > , was tinniulmnc.mmsiy vaseeii : A resolutIon mtuthorlzthg time committee on fimmaumee to niako aim invtstlgatlon of limtcrmiah revenue amid cimatomns ' idatters auth to hold . , I - Facts Not Noise- \'OIl lt'V4l' ( hIhtYtl ' ( 'hmmity iOekits ) vheii t')1I ( itumy yotim' ijf ii'x l. Shioumtmin ; -yol I mum vn t ii oitglm I _ lccs'ht VOI1 1' 1 nick tt s lihioti 'Ithi lmulll'e-tlieli time coitifunt you got--you ( 'IUI lmok ) lii Ymlilt mm' it cirue. sv lmt'i't'No ot I m ci' ph ii i-tt si ii ) s I ito w'h I eti soit'ti ( ) Xford for Imuilomind lhtumu'K ( ' ( ill ) l'oi't I II mm tvel teti mme mt-'h'hme ox t t imsi tin ( if It s'l t solt lint lilt l , ' i mliii t't'l s I un ulpIiS'i''t : but thmt'y Il't'u't'imt ) ( litt f'et ( vomit ht'oiimlitg ) lint ; immtl tllemi-hill limmt styles 01 I tie i'i'lt I'est' it t t'ti Ill t ii est'-t it mms o' lmlut'km4---Ni : ) utlmt'r siioe niash 'hbI iil'0'1ti0 t lit' sti ihl'Ol'l I ) f I liece. Drexel SI-toe Co. , Ommiuhmn's L'im-O-thmtte * SIJO hJou.e. 11) FtRNAM STREET - - YUF it1iE' . : . _ ICROE ' . . " fhu- - - . 1 i"-- ! ' .5. . V , si' ; . ' . . , I'rot. ' 1. ii. Ltl5tit1 , tiit' cntliiemmt Seaip Spool'tlist amid % 1)ernttttohom.zlst , Vt iii ) 1IIt Ii iii 20 years practIce et'htisivcly : , , ' iii ( II5CEt5CS of titti 1 i nit amid Semttp 150(1 rlmo sliscovtteil time montierftii new drug , bunted from soft coal with iliac , wlmichm ilisemivery items imecum gi'cn so ntuclt spitco 1mm ! t1 CN IFIED 39,000 TI MtI. time nuedtt'al joimrmmnls of America mimuil Iimroim , will gin FREE MCROSCOPC Weather Hot Broods _ _ _ t lie Get nis EXAMUNATION OF In Your H a i' ' H Al F DON'T ' FAIL TO SEE PROF. ( 0 Li R N' ' S p A U S T I N - H E C A N G I V E V . U . AHL ) w FOR A THOROUGH tXM. TIME NOW INATION OF YJUR CAS1 Aths ConsuIthlg Rooms-525 NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. , OMAHA. hours : 9 to 12 a. in. for Gentleniout and to 5 p. in. for Luidls. Coiiio ai nuirly nn hboslibe ) , These Microbes CAUSE IJANJRTJFF ] , GREY HAIR sii EnJi'TIO1fS _ Thtoumsauds of penIbC throughout the Northwest hmimvo tentiered lmemmrtfeit nrnlso to Prof. .Aimstltm ( or Limo iioiioriibhi cure lie lute utmmtlo for ilmciii. PRFHIMflSTF FFERS Of bather's Itch "I ( syeosisi hunt liii CSE enmumiot cure hi 12 to IS ( lIVe. lie , .4 ' - 'a- fummtlm"r stitti'S ' that cases whoht hate bathed physirlitmis for years titI arc iicr'meteimt nut oijtlmimtt , , limit ! htl)3ihiltO ) relief by Ins tmenttnomit. I M POH'i'A N'l'-Erof A umetin makes ahsiilutuly no barge ( or his trenimnont or mill vice , amul 1mm title imm thimimir ii I lets fmoni all 1' praeticimitr phyb'mcians or IIt3tittltCS A lVICF and EXAtt1NA'1'ION ( 'O't' N 0 lii IN 0. If you want to use A LYSI'IN'S AN. 'i'ISEPl' IC D4\N lfl U F'F hF-i'l'h ( ) V ER tiiid N IV I I [ Al It (1 h O\V EU t'i'riule timmihc higistemuil ) you cmmu : sceii me it hiutthe ftmr $ , ' look itt your cumuli tfter umsbig it. I f fimil of hair , time days of the Imuilr of your imemui : tie Him nthereth . This 114 Al ) _ ll'S tvomidem'ftmi ( ihtm ttm'uekemis itimit grm'vs htiS' hair , niakes It luxurIant auid bitmiumtifuml , iii mmdilbtbomm to themitr'iyimug ' time nil- j 1 T timid it to hiii delightftmi face lotion. to lie miseti after sima'imit , TI i Ehti tV I h , h hi l U critbe 1)AN1)RUF'F ON ? OUfl SIIOUiDFUS hl YOU USl AUSTIN'S ANi hSEi'IIO DANDIIUFF DS'l'itOYEIt AN1 NF\V hAIR ( hltOWFlt. l'atlciits 'hme ore umtmrtimio to ommil st'imtl .i I' . o ordem for a bottle to Prof. Austin's Lohiorimtoiles aiid I't'riimaimtmmt Cnmimtmit'mng Rooms , t'it ) autmi 05 S mitlicate Armumtlc. 'il jim imennull , M I iii. FREE BOOKLET ON CARE OF HAIR AND SCALP. sessIons tiuning tim sessioitS of congress was I agreed to. These Iiihls were haSsel : Fixhtig hue iay and nhhowamico of cuuaphains of voitiuitecr regimneitta. mminluiuug tiieitt thin same as Hint of a 1)11)0 It ted capta 1mm ; litrmmi I tt i hi g nihicem s lii tue rvgiihai' or vohmuiitoer curmoy to boll Positiomms as cominisstoiiei.s , aulerlmutendeimtit , oh' itistorinius of imatlommal iiarks. Mr. Vt'itite offered a resolutIon requestimig time presiciemit to take limiimtctliimte steps , ml imot I uucoii ) 1)at I kb tvl tim pumlil IC iii t crest , to secure time release , or time fob' amid speedy trial. of harry K. Slim lug mtiuti Chiarlc Xci- Bout. resIdents of Ctmliluriiium , thio Imavo for a Iouu ; timmie iit'en umitier arrest imi the re- lulbl Ic of Col mmmmi P Ia. Time resoh 0 tlon was agreed to. FLEEING FROM SANTIAGO htnmmths S 'rptvd'pI vi I ii It - fugs'esVimu Iimm. ' nlImiimg Ii. S.mstmmhii Ilfe. ( ( 'opyrighit , 1595 , l ) , ' j'tsoctated Press. ) Et CANEY. July 5.-l'er ( Associated Press Dispatch Boat latiiiy , via Port Ait- tonIc amid Kingstoim , July 7.lelftt.cim ) thoim- sand refugees hued tim roads hecmdliug from Santiago to El Caminy amid adjacent ilflCCS. The exodus was Iii respoimso to a uroclammtm- : tlon by Gemierni Ii.os. a political govemhuor iii Samitiago , who ga'e the ieople a chamtce to heave the cIty. 'l'lie tlmite hotweeii the is- smmaiiee mf the proclamiiatioii amtd tim perioh set for leavIng gave only a euiiaii oppor- tm'milty for transpomtlmig bmommec'imoid effects or any of tim comforts of life , inmrtlcmmlmmb' its I ime Spoil islm all thom-i U es hi ad forbi ii d cmi a miy horse or carriage to ho takemt Imommi tim city as huoritea are lieciled to carry water to the mcii Iii thin tmenciucs. 'lime tm'ay to El ( anoy is hong aitil the weather Is ox- cesslvely hot. As thin fugitives lund mio means of carrying water niid as timero is tuoiie Oil thin road betweeim Sammtlago amttl 1i Canny , there was great smmtferlng. Alen , wiittemi amId clmlltiren liiy nlomugsiihn 111th road , wherever there was at snmall patch of tihiail , begghmig iuassemnbY , partlcumlarly sohhhcrs with darugl iflg eamtteeiis , for water , whIch uvas oh- ways freely tetidored. One old man , with a hong , silver board , was carmbeti uli a long road on a litter by four 'ouiig mcmi. W'hmcn thmey rcnclmed the towmi all the available space was occimpicil aitil mme uihace was found for the sick mnaut , ituit a spot of bare grouiitl lii thin mithdlo of tilt ) ithaZ- . General Siunfter' extulalmied to tI'c comistmhi ) ' ( tStC rd im y tIme inhIosiill ) } t t ) ' of ccmri mm g fom' tiinae uioo r Iteolil o cm mm L of the a mum y iummpumi il's , lImIt lit ) dId spare csommte jatlomme , w lmleli SlemO glvcii omit slUm starimig Imamile to time women amid feclilo clii muon. ' [ 'otitty Miss Clnru Ihanton and ( icomgo Iceit- iiami of time Ited ( 'moss nIle m pd to luluvihe i.0o0 rations if ( lnmtorai ihimuftem' would transport them. After consuil m' ' tout wIt ii tim Freimciu consul gcmiemah. ( omierai Shatter agmeed to do so. TIme fivt pack tm-aiim or- rivel itt 2 ) m. ut. , ammil us mimiloadeil In tile t. _ kT , , 2 . .4 _ - - - - - village Rqhirmre iiulth time chrmiuttri uig of I lieu- saiitls. The ietter class hei.l back , while tiit Igmiomamit espec.ihiy time muegreent a , PiCSSCti forwa r41 , tr.mum I , , p I j y itlpI oh m mi g foi' iii'euti. ; Capt a I ii Ft tu I ay , s'hin Cniii niti hut i ( imp' on i m'i - soil In the town , aat' to It tlm.tt t iintiii tooth was reserved to sumlphy thom luose dcl cIte ) ' oh U good iieeul ) I n g real tii iuietl t Ii cmii fm-emit hieg- gimig .1110) ' of the bettor ciasat's have of- femeii to pay ttiiiiost itii ) ' priet's for ti-amis- ion a I I ) .1 um-agima , aiiti titeitro t it go by our tmlmiiShiOitS to Spittle forcigit port. It muppearim lIkely tutu iOhiiO nrrctmigcmnents cait ho minnie to got tiuctim ( lilt of thin country. A few of the best Spamileli fnmiilllcs eamimt' t 0 1Ii Can ey , iii t i mom a y prete rrt'd t o suit m't' ' 'lmihe othiers wemii _ the fortmmmues or s'ar ui oil ltimct mil t 0 Sit mu .h uils , cm mid of ii or iii aces , whore time ) ' huavu ) VillaS imiul eimtates. Aniong those at III Caiui'y are sonic yoimiig W'oitttml . iiiitl fomthmal mmiuu t to r sonic oil s 0 hiiCii , remmiam 11111)10 for their heatmty , tithi classic fcatimrcs , hat'g' lark eyes , niud rich olive Conliiexloiis. They would attract nttemitioit anywhut're. They wear vhiito veils over their heads , imoldimig thitaso iatthy over tim face , thicrehy aihihimig to , ratimur tItan detracting , front timeir beauty. it Is iroinhik' that somuie of tue youmigo' I lii cli lie lIeu ' ItIt time s'omui cii anti cii ihil mcmi I I I ho i vt-mi somttethi I mm g i a oat in'fomo mm I gim t , html how bug tliit relief cciii be extcmiled is ltrollcnllmtlcil. ; Maiiy thriven to tim woods are forced to subsist on mmiangoes or go I WlthiOmit niiytimlmig to tat. Quito a miuiiuihter of SpanIsh vohilmitcers whmo camime out. with tIme reFugees , anil hue at lust. vere mhloveth their liberty , mIre ittimig gathered mmim miii IlaCt'i ) tiiitier smirvolihimice. \Vlitlts It Is kmiovit tInt iiiti5t ( ( I them vci- , eoiited the tipportumiity to ( 'ihcitlO ) , it is fcameii ( html some may ito spleim. hi as iiccii i iamnmieth fm'o iii thin i.e fimgees tima timemo was a mt'gmilar iitmitiny lii Samtttiugo aimumiig thin volunteers tim tiay alter flue fi ghm I i mu g. Tim t' vol ii mi t errs demuiami ii cti I hi e ci t ihmommiti lie cmi i'itii liempti LAWTON PRAISES -flS MEN . . 'e.t..mj.Il'.iit'slV.n..d.'rM lit A iIit.'i.liIiC II i'it , l iilli I'inp' . ' SI .i I , . . lmorili ) mp'rp'nl'tm. ( C'n miglt I , I S9 , by A i.timui'i a I ' 'ii I ' : ' cu EL CANEY , .itmly r-vin ( Kimugtitomm , liii ) ' -tieiiciaI ) Lmwtoui : , iii lila i'eiort imftcr tIme icssaui i t ami ii Cii ii U m ( ' ( ) f lil Ci lie ) it ) ' Ii ii tI I- visloli ohm time mim'imI thcmy'im ligimi lug , it limo ) ' iint be cult of crier to ahl itt- tciltltii tti this pecumliam' fenttmro of the bat- I 10. 1 I. \as ( mu tug im t agai mis I cm mm emueuuiy fort. 11th amid cii I Felt elm t'tl vi thai ii a commm lnmct totvhi ( if ctiiet'ettl uuiutl stmmme. route witiiitlIih itcvt'iith fent tluihc Imiitl smiiipoi'ted by a imiimit- bor of covmeti Eoiiih stone ftn tiP , tumuti tIme ( utt.iity cmiiitiiuiivtl to resi't , imuthl imearly evCmy mmmivlus kIhlt'ti om vouimn1ctl. tt'Uhm secmmm- limply tlsiwrntt ) i-cstilimttoii. ' ' Captalli Cam beumugim , uiulj ii to mu t gehi cmiii sit ys Time umctiomi of time Ammiemicamm trOtp14 mit Ill Cammey will always have a place iii imlittory its imn ilhtmstm'umt itumi of an aumumlt cmi a fortl- tied to t'mm by [ tot itoh 1 I ers. Vni , 1 ii liii ml Nmmnl V.isei. , INiIA NAI'OIhS , July 'T.--Ailiort Lichen timis city lulls lssuut'il liii appt'al to thm Ocr- mttami-Aimienieaiiit of tim tJmultcti States to lire- ccitt thut' goveu'miiiment vithm 'a. ' mtmodorn , imp-to- dimt mmaval vesh to iii murtmiim'ti thin Teotomilc. ChIcago , Ne''orhc , lniimmimuhinilui , , MIlwaukee nfl St. hoimlim lit , ' nniulpl as suItable potmmts to orgamilt'o ( hilts patriot in vorhc. ' - , , . ' . - . Situp. ( p.r Ie' ' . ' . 'esl. i'h I I lA ) ) hil'Ii IA , July 7.-Thmu tJmuitot Status gim mm hoitt I'ii tire lou I eft I ecm g iie I si amid hiumvy ycmrth today for Key S'est , It lit 1mm charge 'Of Comflrmimmitler ; tVest. 'Ilils Is thai first trIp It line taken iiiiico Ii. wits accepted iiy t hi o gmtvei mm - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - PS Tschaikovsky- ' , , ' sits's _ 1)1' tll ( ' i'mmnln' pluuiio-'it ' ' gives 11Pm i ' hih'itsulm' ( ( ' itt It'll , ' ( ii1 iiii' lmlfl'hi I luivo : : ls'eii tlthlghmttd vltlm tlmi' In'muutlifumi lCmimmhut ( i'amiil vhm1t-li I limmh ; for mmty pm-lvuttt' iie- I I ( ' ( iii ih ii mit's I I I m g m'en t s'itltm im me o f I m no I'll li' 4) ' hI IiI I I m et I 1' ii I I d l i oh htm I nun- thor it m i ii hn'nfi' ' I h R't him i - I rt'j tlt'mt It t I Ii 0 ii mOM- I tt'i't t I m ml t I UI I ii $ t'i'ii ( ti V I i4i t I m ) % mitem'l t'ut -tvhmltli I tm'iist vhhi ha' 40011-i shiutlh , / ii gut I It 1 a' n I d i' I 0 mi''ttvo I itt , uiiht it f ii limtln' ; ( I i'nmtti"-lt'Ihmg icoiti mmgt'iits : hi ' ' a Iti l ti''i in i'ed t t t mu ii hi' tiit I n'h'i's ml gim I , I' ( 1' 'I ' , A. HOSPE , . ' Music and Art. 1513 Dovuzlns , , r- _ - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thermal Bath Qabinet- ' 4 V I mit t's I I m t' ( I I lTp'ni tit ( ' ( t' ' I ) t't tvt'oi i op r ( , il I ii ii m't ft liii oh Ii n i'l4 ? - ( 'a ii t I oil - mmii ' I ii ii . , t'imumt' ilmuy eiimliit't till ytul kjmuflv Imti' lb sti lit ( ' , muted- uitil'p' militi uish ir 111mm . ; I . H. ( 'it I il mu' t Ito pi IL (14)1) ( i'--1' v'm'y ( ii hi y mu- - ( . ( l Vt' I t' t t . 'ni tmt till ti I imgu si m ti 11)1)1)1 ) ) e iVh ill Iiii'n ha'imi tltes'Iv'mi by m'uit's antI itmis- . . . . 4 ' i'tItI't'Mttmmtitlmiiiti ) stating Ihmctt lhmuty sitlit . . -5 , I I i ci r tO ut iitl t'x tt'ot t'd t ci gtt t a iet : I ' ( 'iiIihimpt , ltlt ) llIMl'Iil ( timt'y got ibuut 111100 . , yaml'(1m4 ( of gtHt114 vllIt it Iinilm itt limit lull ) . iutiti bottoni0111' t'ablnt'ts imitno a duel' . 1c " TheAloe &PenfoldCo litrmsesi itntmill Ileug lIsmim.e. ' _ - ' 1403 Famnmmm Strict. " OMAI/i. Oppoilti PiztoJi hotel. .