- . - . - ' - , - - - - . - , - . - - -D---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----w--- . ; i---------------------- - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - ' : : [ DATTV flEE ' TiJlT1S1)AY JULY' 7 , 189S. - S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L9AflA : : ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDiNGS Comptroller Wetberg Notifies the Body of an Important Discov&y. EVIDENCE OF A FURTHER ROBBERY TlItsMtUd $ of InIIu r nf I'ti'i 3tIrkCL I u Iii Iurltig 1M1) ) : nnI 181)4 ) fur % 'liIe1. the ( Il ) . 1mM ( It Ciit. City Comptroller \Vc3tborg sprung some- tblng of a sensation at Inst nlghts meeting or the city council by declaring that he hail discovere4 evidences ot nn aililitlotial robbery - bery during the liolin regime. Aecorling to the statements ho made there are thousands of doII'ars worth pt tnxe. maretl paid upon the cRy books which have never been paul Into the city treasury. The matter came tip in the shape of a resolution trout the city comptroller asking that sonic taxes , itiarked as iinid in 1894 , be asgessed with 7 er cent interest instead of the 12 her cent under the law on the grounds that tht ProPerty owner supposed hia taxes inld anil that they were markt'il taiil on the books , but mid not been iiniil , A similar re- qtist. was up at the Ian meeting of the ciiinci1. city Comptroller Westberg stated that. from an investigation ho had started he was oiiineetl that the city had Ic'st thou- nnds ot doliar3 in ( lila manner. lie had behieveul at flrt that th cates hitd been the restilt of a nilstakc , but lie had found so many other cases since that lie had come to the conciiisioii that it was nioro than the cansequence of negligence. In answer to a quiestioui he stated that he has recognized the handwriting as that of one ( of the clerks tnulcr lJohit , but lie said thnthts investigation - tion hail not procceded far notugh to warrant - rant a report. The cases curred in 1&13 end l31. The rsoIution was adopted anti the city comttrohler was Informed that lie would be given all po3slbIe nselstaiite in furthering the Investigation , A iii riives I Ii ( ii rJntg 0 ru I un nei . Mayor Moores ieturned the garbage ordi- nance witlu his approval. According to this flew law It Is lawful for auiy person to hiatil niantire after s curing a hiermit from the health ccminissioner , which permit can be obtained free ot charge by any person who will obey the sanitary regulations of the } iealtli department , Itefuse vhuich must be bathed away in tight boxes can be removtid only by the garbage master. The mayor also infornieil the council that he lint ) niIroel ( ( he refunding bond ordi nance , by u'huichi the IrOCCi15 of the $300,000 refuiiihiiig bonds are ilevotcul to paying up back claims and bills against the eity. lit another message Mayor Moores cahied flttuiition to the death of Vincent flurkhey auth lflhul ) a ii 1gb tribu to to lila 'o r Lb as a cltizcii. l0y a rising vote the uncage was orilerd Inscribed on the council records and a copy lie sent to the family of the deceased. The otdiiiaiice providing for repairing the curbing on North Sixteenth Street train Iouglas to Izard strets and for regutter- ing it with asphalt in place of the preseiit stoilo glitters was Iifls3ed. fly ordinance th iiiinie of halt howard street was changed to lewey avenue. Another ordiiiaiice was passeil providing for the condeninatton of .prohquty ) hecessary to opeul Twentieth avcqUp from Itslureseiit northern terininui to Castelhrr strcet at on ahiprniscmnt of 5t7.50. ( ' 11,111 it ul ( It I'IiifliM. city Comptroller Westberg reported the eanilition of the city fInances to have beau as fohiows on the close of hiuiiuiess on Juno 30 : Ciniks for ( li9)Sit $ 17,72.LoS Cauili in uiraer 7,518.54 I ta In nvs I ii ) : i I ku : Ci ty 1'ui 11dM. Co in liii rcla I NLI t io on I . . . Ft rst Nit t i u flit I . . . . . . . . . . 71 ,9 ITO : ; Id vrvIuui ii tH Nit Li u no I . . G,5.73 : ; Nuitliiuiai I tzuiuk of (2uuui- ( il1i'i to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( , ClI.O7 Neli IiliiiCiL Nit t 1(111111 . . . . 70,29 h.70 Oiflhl 110 Nat iiiiiai . . . . . . . . G7,848.45 liii lou Nuttlunni . . . . . . . . . i Isl 1.11 l'iltiultZ ( ' Bras , , New Yiirh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,303.30 (4'ruu1au1 SnvlngM ' , eel'- hlilcuLtes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hh4(0 ( U. S. National. . . . . . . . . . . . G7S'2.2I S O , 02 1. 65 .Schiooh lii liii t. hjuuhiiui NlttliiUti . . . . . . . . $ Kiiiiiitzi' Ib'oM. , Ntuw York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,6Ih,30 : - - rouice relief fuiidiu : fleu'uun , * Suivluiis , car- tIIit'at&s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,79S.5 3d er'tutu n tM' No t Iuiiai . , 7 I I .03 . 3,513.18 i3uueelnl ful iiil . Unitut NILtIiuiULl . . . . . . . . . .2,000.00 2,000.00 r q'etnh of fiundM on huuid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $620,271.77 . ' resol ii t ion I Ut roil ucail by Coo iiei I ruin iu Stiiht ' . % ZIS ; ) nssel instructing the city clei'k to ascertniii why thu Omaha \'ater cow- 110 Ii y hue ( a I ieii t o place certni ii hytl ia ii ts oi'ulcrcul SOInO tinic ago by thin council. 'l'hio clcrI will report at the next xiieeting. City Trensurt'r Idu'nri1s was granted a thrt'e vt'ek' heave of absence. ' A a iioti uicenn'uu t 'iua nunul a thia t fluihil I ii g I iu HIi'Cl or I Iii I I er hail tCen appointeul act I iig ciialruuuuui ( if t Ii e hhoa ru of h'ui hi Ic Works ilti r- iiig the absence of Cit. ) ' 1uigiiieer Itosewater. Aflithler hatch of resolutions for thit' con- struclinit of lieruilahletit sltlevaiks vero Pnssi or refnrru'tl. .Jtust before the uiiecting adjourned , on inn- ti Oil of l'resiul ant B I ughin UI , Coune I I iiieii Lo- lelu , louuiut 111111 t4ttuiut verc uippointel a cuniuilttt'e ; to throw up a et of resolutions ( ix ircssi iig syili 1101 ii ) ' ( I VOl 1 h den lb of V I n - cent I htiii ii' ) ' to he liresen t cd to Ii is so ii , Co u uicih man flu ik I cy , at t he hex t unet't I ii g , ItIII1'ZIlI ) , N. V. , ittisi Illuirui , 'ia thu Northwestern Line , Jill ) . I Ithu auth 12th , ix ; raoi'ihinary rates , through tars. 'Fh. ? Northwestern is the ' ' ( ) flleial lAne. " 'rlto I' . l. Morgnii , 1111cr- liUthaiuuli ; iicsiiieuut 13. Y. I' . U. , Ouuuuihiu , or city ulhice , I 101 Iarnaiii st , 'I'Iit' SiuierJ IilIuIIIaut'ult an ii q u I 1k t I liii , 0 f t he I , iUOIi h'aelfle make's It the popular hue to All principal western resorts. City ticket ofihee , No. 1202 Far- aaui ct. w a & . - KANSAS CRY ! Only one VaY to get tbcre-Iluvhlug- 10(1 ( Itoute. , Two daily troins , Front Omaha at t0 ) ; a , in , anti 1i00 ; p. iii , 1ustcr ( , liner , niece complete , move eamfurtable - thtn amythiiig ; offered by eoiuictiug lines. llerths , tickets aud full infolmatiou at 'Viei.e * OfliceDe1ot - - 1502 FaFll S1 IQIt Moso $ Is , u , , . II.t % 'II1J hlitfiS , Tim lit.In , . ( lstiertu 1l. leflflnl I'flI SPEClAl SAI.l MiNS FINl SlhlftTS AN ! ) ftJht4ThIlNCi , Men's fine shirts , the iatzt styles and colors , worth $1.fO , at tOc. Suspenders , 'orthm 25c , at . l2c : men's string and bow ties , worth 25c , at lOc. floy' fine shirts , latest styles , worth $1.00 , at. OOc , Men's fine baibriggan shirts and drawers , worth OOc , at 25c , All the newest styles in men's and boy's leather belts at 20c , worth fMc. lOoy's shietwaiste. worth SOc and 7Sc , at 25c. SI'ECIAI. S.L1 014 ( ILOIIES O1 Thh1 \VOhtLI ) , Complete and perfect revolving globes showing every point. and giving longitude and latitude sanie as $5.00 globes , on sale Thursday for 25c ; number amahi ; come early. SPlCAf1 ! hC SAL1. 20c combs , hOc mirrors , ISo corset steels flfli a great number of articles , worth lOc to 25c , on sPecial sale Thursday at c. SI'ECIAL. SILK SAtA. 10 pIeces wash silks , stripes , plaids and checks , very best. quality , only 40c. 2 luleces black summer silks , Chinas , Japanese and Indins , worth up to 7Sc , on spccinl sale at 39c a ynril. lltiSS 0001)3 SALI. Three big tables of dress goods , worth iOc , 75c flfli $1.00 , on special sale at SOc , 490 and ODe , fIG SALh ON SIIIItTWAISTS , SUITS AND SICII1TS. 160 dozen shietwaists , large and small plaids , strilies anul solid colors , fuihl blouse front , cut bias , worth $1.00 , sale price IDe , Ladles ( lress skirts in lInen cotton cover 01111 crash , ianislm rumi' . triunmneil with graduated bands , worth $2.50 , at $1.25. Lahles' linen smuts , nicely trimmed $2.70. Ladles' cloth stilts in all wool covet anul chevIot , sllk lIned jackets , perfect fit gtiaratiteed , worth $10.00. at $4.08 , hAYDEN BROS. DISTURB THE HORSE THIEF T1'II Piurtuers i''airhrtIiigtuii Muile 'l'IiIllg iI'pI for ii , ) III Sl'IIIN - , Two fnrmersSnm Forgey and T. J. Mm- gus , residing chose to Irvington , this county , had a brush with a horse thief Tuesday night. mill , while they did not. capture the innuu , they secured possession of hIs horse nn(1 buggy , together with a lot of harness he had stoleut and hail in hIs vehIcle. The two 111dm Caine to town and reported their ox- perience to the sheriff and requested bluui to take charge of the property that ( lucy cap- tured. For several weeks tIme west end of the county has beout overrun by horse thieves , vhio have stoleum a nuinbc'r of flue animals. In sonic iiistunces they have stolen wagons , buggies lln(1 harnesses. U ; ) to this date none ( it the phuintier has been recovered , which lcail time sheriff and lila deputies to be- llev thiutt. there is a thoroughly organized gang , a portion of which does the stealing , while other members see to running tile horses out. of the country and disposing of them. Iurlng the last week horse thieves have been vorkiuug In the vicinity of Irvington. whiro they have stolen several horses front farmers. Tuesday night Farmer Taylor was aroused froni his slumbers by a noise In hIs barn , a few rods trout tIme uiouse. htur- rleiiy dressing , lie went. out. doors nod soon ( hls'ovcrcd that there was solute person vork- lug among time horses. Not carIng Op tackle a hiarse thIef single hmniided and aloiie , he sveuit. to his neighbors , Saimu Forgey and T. J. Mluigus , who resluicil but a short distance away , and called thteimi cult. Armed with shotguns - guns , the trio ; uroceehc(1 ( to the bunt anti called to the uimaut insIde to surrender. lie , lmuurever , s'ns not. of the surrendering kind utmitl Instant ! of throwIng up his hands , he bolted out of the ulcer ituid past the three utica , who sent three chumuges of bird shot utter hIm. lie (11(1 not halt. and another volley was fired. By this time time man had gone some (11- lance and as the second round was fired lie slackened Ills Pace for an Instant , whIch fuict. caused the muon to believe that they hail hilt the fellow. Ito thieui jumped over the feuice and lied to the corn field. For an hour or more the three uiieii irntroieul the field. hilt \'cro unable to locate thamir ultRa. Tile corn was shoulder hIgh and the broad spreadIng leaves affordeil the best posslhde method of eitCapo for the fleeIng thief. Af- tar gIving tip the chiase , the three men re- turuieti to the barn and , in looking around , found a horse liltchieth to the fence. The anImal was attached to a buggy in which was Pile'1 ' several sets of harness , some of which has uuircady beau itientlileul as belong- lag to farmers lit time vicInity of lrvlngtoui. The shirlff will keei ; thic hiorse and buggy untIl called for and in the event that. . an owner does uiot appear upon the scene tIme Irolerty ) wIll be turned over to the men who iumaile the captuire. ? iitIi' , ' II ) IteiIlIiIIiI'ltIl ( 'illIi. Time repuhilcuiui clubs of 1)ouglas county are hereby requiesteul to meet at their varl- ous rooms on Thursday imlgllt , Jqly 7 , 1898 , to elect delegates to the State RepublIcan League convention which meets at Boyd's theater July 12 , 1808 , at 8 o'clock i. in. The Itaids of i'epresentntion is as fohlows One ulelt'gate' for every fifty weathers or fractIon tlieieof. and tile ; ircsliieitt , vIce IreslIent. and secretary , who are ( lehegates ex-Otilelo. A ineetliig of tluo delegatIons of the vai'i- OIlS cRiIi of houghas cotility is herely calleil to meet at Crclgllton hall , Moitiiay , July 11 , 1898 , at 8 o'clock p. iii. , for tIle ilurpose of takIng action relative to tIme state and nutioiiuh league conventions. J. Ii. MEI1LE. J. J. 1UUChilR. Mcinlc'rs Executive Committee. 'i'Ilt' Coutlieiiruit LIIIIII , The imevVaiaslI solid vestibule train of ( lay coaches , sleepIng mmd lilnImig cars. A train for totirlsts amid all classes of travel , Leave ChIcago ( daIly ) , 12 noon , Leave St. Lollili ( duully ) , 9:10 : a. in. Arrive New York via Vest Shote. 3:3' : ' ) P. 01. Arrive 13051011 via ltehhuiig , 0:50 : p. m. All. agents deli tIckets for ( Ills tt'uln and wIll tell youi all aboumt it. Ask luimim or write (1. N. Clayton , C ; . \V. 1' . Agt.'nbashi hi. It. Pluto Glass. I'lato Mirrors at F. 11. ICen- anvIl's , 1110 hlarmicy St. MAYOR REPORTS ON BUSINESS , tIlN ( 'I'M II N4.l % . , rl IlIlium"14 ( ( imti'y ' ' I I h ii Brief $ iliIuul lg of l'rIINpl'rIl $ t'uielii , lit answer to a request train the editor of time Ne York Commercial regarding the coiuhition o iitisliieaa In this city , Mayor MooR's Ilas forwarded the follou'lmig : Omunila wholesalers amId retallem's in all I lIlies have (10110 larger busIness than antic- I Ipated duirlmlg lust six mimontlls. Nehiraska raised Immense crois ; lust yeni' . Farmers l'CCiVell good Prices for Products iIflli himtve I iluil plenty of immoutey to spemul. W'eckly I tititik clearimigs of ( Inualla show increase of : io to 70 hal' ccitt o'er eorresiohidlilg periods of last ) cai'Vork on Transinisalssippi lxposltlon ( ( lId Ofl extensive publIc iuiuil prl- .iut e I inprove mail ts huts tim rmllbll eli emnmIoy- Iflent to hello ltbor ; fltll ( : ill clulscs lure aX- perlencing n share of the geiiei'al prosluerlty. Omilaha itlcraascl 20,000 in loitulat Ion iii lust six ; nonths ammO Is hiavtiig a healthy , pcrmuaiiemit grot lb. l'iospccts fur future arc brIght , _ _ _ t i % ' .tlV.t'l'.tfliS Offerelt lI ) le CI Ii'uigi , lIltmuii'a .t St. l'lImll hlilillYll ) ' . TilE ShORT LlNI TO CIIICAOO. A clean train made tip nilui stni'tcd fron Omuiahliu , Baggage checked ( rein residence to destination. llvgant tm'tlli ( service and courtcouu cia- ploycs. Fmttlro trains lIghted by electricity auI with electric light In every berth. Finest dining cpr service in the wcst , ittu meals served "a Ia carte. " The Flyer leaves at 5:45 : p. in. daily trout Union Depot , CiTY TICICET OFFICF3 , 1504 I1'arnamSt , C , 5 , CARht1Flt , City Ticket Agent. BOUND OVER FOR IURDER Thomas Sullivan , Who Killed Thomas Kirkland - land , held for Trial , JUDGE GORDON DENES $ filM' BAIL IItorfp , Ipt tIme l'risumler'N Atturne to Secure n : ioiIif1ciiIIiii ( if ( lIe Churgo Pulli-Stur ) ' of ( lie SlC'N Cisso. - Thomas Sullivan , who shot anti killed Thonmna ICirkIand in the alley neir'nlter hirandra' siloon , Tenth and Masoit streets , May 23 last , was given his prelimInary hearing - ing yestehlay afternoon before i'oiice Juige ( lordon It resulteil lit Sullivan bi'l. held to the district court on the ciiarge o murder in the first degree. Sullivan's attorpey , ' .V. F. ( Itirlet' , seight : to have the charge against his 2ltcnt hnnged to murder lii the second degree , by ailaglng that the testimony of the state's ' 'tiieses ' ( lid not warrant. the extreme tharde , but. Judge Gordoum thought otherwise. ( lurley was so confident that tIle state cuilil not stistain the mnurler charge at the eXnhIl1il- tion that Ito hall bondsmen rea.iy to alga Sullivan's relcaiue , EIght. witnesses for the state gave testl- mommy. The defense uild not produce a wit- ness. The testImony of hiraililes' bartemider , Tadlock , Olflcer W. II , Story amul W. it. Ilehl , who 'as In the saloon at. tile time Sullivan ran Into it for a revolver , sus- talimed the line of defense hut till by the ( lefenduunt , namely that tile shootIng o KIrkland was accIdental , Sulllivan , in the shadows of the alley , mistaking Kirkland for one of tue two negroes h 1111(1 been quarrelling with but. a short. time bfore , These witnesses verified each other as to .tho grIef Sullivan Indulged in after lie learned of the identity of hIs vict.iin and as to his agonized cry of "My Cmli I've killed ray best friend-Toni Kirkland. " No testi- mnony was adduced to show that. Kirkland 011(1 Sullivan liml a quarrel that. imlgtt. , or at. any other time , and it. was not shown that. KIrkland hail been in thc vicinity of the scene before the tragic affair took Place. I I . - I 11111 ( tim Il rrelel v I I II N.rICM. ( All , however , told of the quarrel Suitlvaa had between the negroes , Thad Lockoy 011(1 Robert Samumels , before time shootimig o'er the alleged theft of a quantity of shlmigles by Mrs. Lackey anil Clara 11111 , vlio live In the I neighborhood. According to tIle testiummony of Mrs. Lackey and the 11111 woman they vere accosted roughly by Sullivan , and Lockey awl Sanmuiels went to their utsitit- once anti vere driven off by SullIvan , who vas armed with a knife. After tIil meet.- ing Sullivan , the negroes testItl , u'mmtiuito Iirandeii' saloon. Samuels soul ho rent luito 1110 saloon a little later and wa there at- taekeil by Sullivan alul tuseti 'ery roughly. lie anti SullIvan atruggleil Into the street , where he tiroko fromum SullIvan's grasp and ran into the alloy where Kirhianul was kiled. ! Olilcer Story testifleil to the struggle in time street between Sullivan amId a negro. ' ' 1'aiiiok amii Vi' . hi. Bell testl- lieu ( a the fact of Sulhivami rushIng Into thm saloon after time fight anti f Ills securing the rcvolvcr with which the mnuriier 'as coin- tnittcui front a ( Ira\vcr back of the bar. As lie left time saloon both testified that lie mitade use of the expressIon , "I'll kill that nlgger. " No one saw the shootIng , but all heard time explosion at the revolver. Esther hiuulthorg , SullIvan's consort , was called as a witness. but little was glenmiad fi'omn liar otlicr than that. she held Sullivan's coat at ( lie timmie lie assaumlted Samnuels in liranulca' saloon. Tlti womuman has been comi- fined 1mm the county jaIl sInce tIme murder , 1110 polIce belIevIng she iiiew a great' (1001 more that bore on the real cause of the mmmr- ( Icr of KIrkland than hie cared to tell. They have evidently changed tllelr mulumfis , as they released her on her own rccognizammc after the hearing. in OMAHA NEWS. I c-- -----e Accorillng to the report just preparell by the judiciary committee of time eunuch thu 1838 levy will amount to 50 mIlls. The total valuation. limeluthing tIle $114,000 aiileii , to ( lie corporatlomma by the eomiimcll , Is $ lS 17,000. As counpareil with $1,698,000 , whmichl was time valuation returned by the nsseSsoi's for iSO ? , an Increase of $119,000 Is shown.Vit.hu a levy of 00 mills this year the stunt of $92,350 would be dcrivetl , but from this must he deilucteti tile 15 per cent reserve , whIch leaves $7S,497 with which to I'OY ' tile rtmmimmlng expenses of the cIty for tile fiscal yeai' couiimencimig : August 8. \'ltti the Idea lit view that. tIme figures am. 1101 % ' arranged u'lhi sttnd ; time judiciary cant- mnittce hies aphortlommei tIme levy as follows : Interest tumid , 16 mills , less the 15 liar cent reserve , leaves $20,110 ; juilgmnent fund , 3' mIlls. $5,102 ; rohice , 5 1111115 , $7,849 ; fire , 3 mills , 5 1,709 ; pmibllc lIglIt , 5 mIlls , $7S19 \va ter fu id : , 3 hull 3 , $ I .709 ; s'lauh oct tumid , 4t/ , mills , $7,061 ; parkl mIll , $393 ; salary filiil,4 % mills , $7.064 ; caglumeer ( ( lad , $1,177 , street repaii' fund , $1,317 ; general fund , 2 uiillls. $3,139 ; total. $78,497 , . . Iii cominectlomi wItlI this report Council- muami Kelly , wile Ill U ; ucuuber of tIme judiciary committee , stated last ( uvemllng tllat lIe dlii hot. see i'Iuere any emits couliti be muintie. 1veum vi tli a fO - imd I I levy thic a mnoui ii t to lie tie- rived , which In time figures given obove rep- rcsemit. the net vrocetis , tile reserve having twout decimieti'd , will not. equiai by $2,000 the estimates of time runnIng expenses. It. will be seen that time alnoimllt palti omit anulually lit imlterest t'iutS tip more tnamt one.tlllrd oi tile entire levy amid It hits been sumggesteil that SoiilO lirovlslon bit ummauie for the creating of a alnkimmg fUIii to care for bonuiti at moo- turlty Instead of lieleniiumg upon tIme bamikmu to proviulu the imioney to i'edeem tIle cIty's ploulgeti. Iii a few years tIme imitorest will be- COiuie enormous amid lii three years trouul now IntersectIon jiaving bomuds to time value of $50,000 will become due foIl wIll have to be taken tip or else renewed. In making the apportlonumont ( lie levy was niiida to tile limIt 00 tIle tIre. police and publIc lIght funds aild Iii each of these there u'llI niost likely be amt overlap uus tue amnoumlt the law allow s to lIe ie'ieli Is never eiloughi to ( fleet tile rapidly increasIng expemisos In these de- oartmeiits. I' - Tile Park commissIoners asked or a levy of thmreo-qumurtere of 1 mmilll and thu jutilclttry comimmlttee has set asIde one-quarter of I mmmlii for Park PtiPOSCS. This has been ( lomme , CouncIlman Kelly says , because tIle park board miow has a balance on hand. There is likely to be a dIfference of opnion iii this imiutter amid thtn council may be complied to raise ( lIe hark levy. The law plainlsays that the tmiayor and council shall mnake a levy of miot less thian ouio.hialf qf 1 miii amid not amore thami 2 nulls for park purposes. It will thus 1)0 seed that If the park conirnls- slon insists upon its rights the council can ho commmpehied by legal action grant. thus request. . of time park board fpr a levy of three.fourthue of 1 mill. A levy for vIaduct iiurpoeee , vbich the comnmltteo has seen fit to include in the apiortIomtatent of funds Is imomnethiing 'new slId wIll wIthout doubt cause considerable unfavorable commeuit , Coiimtag as It ( lace on the heels of a decisIon of the UnIted States supreme court in relatIon to time right of cities to commipel time railroads to keep viaducts - ducts in repair it certainly looks rather strange. Iu thiI connectiuu Mr. Kelly says ( Lint the committee appoluted by the vouncil some titus ago to confer wIth the railroads hag not yet hail the opportunity of yisitin , th1o raIlroad managersi and making a dc- niand. however , Kelty'Is suire that the rail. rOads' wIll not qumletl pubmIt 5(1(1 for that. reason ho favors them makIng of a levy for vaduct $ purposes. lid i pntlsfietl that notwithstanding - withstanding time ilccimdon of the suprenio c9tlrt the rallroaiIs&rIU fight any attempt to 'compel them to stialetnin the structures i ' I as repairs are needed at once there Is em.ly one way out of.the dlmcumlty tend that Is for the coumncii to'apportlon a part of the levy for viaduct cxpfldItures. No one denies the fact that both the La ammd Q street via. ( ltiCts are in bail shspd They not only mmceul valntlng , but In many places replanking will be necessary before long , That the call- roads will oppose mmisklmig an apPropriation for the purpose of keeping the bridges In repaIr is not. a foregone conclusIon , for the reason that offlders of the UnIon Stock Yards Railroad company stated only a short time ago that they were willing to set asIde $000 for 'laduct repairs any time that time other roads interested would (10 the saumue. Time levies for previous years have been as follows : 1889 , 27 mIlls : 1890 , 28 mIlls ; 1891 , 33 nulls ; ISDI , 35 mmmIlls 1893 , 29t.mills . ; 1891 , 41 nlihis ; 1895 , 85 mills ; 1896 , 50 mmmills ; 1S97 , 44m , timhlis , 0 1111np4' I lie 1101111 i'rupoMI I ui. . it was stated on time streets yesterday that a movement. was on foot to organize aim assocIation of property owners for thio puirpose of making a flrhmt on the cIty ImnIt bonil , iropositiomm. Maiiy of time small ProPerty - erty owners have deciarcd tlmelr oppositlomt to the project , arid it Is nmm open secret thmat time corporatIons will fight the sehemmie , One proininemit luncher saith yesterday that he hmad coinpareil time assvsed valuatIon of time plants at Kansas City anti South Omaha and found that there wits very little dif- .fercnce. Time people of Knmisas CIty , lIe saId , tried to foster such lndumstrles , but up here It Is different. hirmudatreet's gives the assessed valuatlomi of ( lie packing rilammts at ICatmieus City at. about what the nssessmmment vas here before time council added $114,000. ThIs Packer said timat lie had no desire to avoid taxes , antI was perfectly willing to do his ellare toward paying tile expenses of time city , hut he (11(1 object. to hieing Imposed - posed upon , ormly lie put it. a little stronger than that. As for aim occumpatIbmi tax , tIlls Packer salui that he would be wIlling to Pay a reasonable tax provided the cIty could not pay CXI)0SCS wIth the revt'aume to be derived fronm time assessuient. The hackers wIth one accord ' iii fight the cIty ball bond pmopositloa unless the coumncIl repeals the resoluitlon adding $114,000 to time assessntelit. of the corporations. It. is umnderstood thimut thio : prommioters of time scheme expect to carry It hiy the votes of time single men who are emmloyod ; at tue packIng houses unit stoclc yards , It beIng figured that this class of people who have nothlumg to lose by time increase - crease of the boumded debt cnn lie reatitly Infitmemuced lii favor of the bonds. lii case ad orgnnizeih effort. Is inuude to defeat time iionds there' Is (10 doubt but that the propo- sltlon will fall , amiil sonic business Inca have gone so far as to advocate time repeal of time ordlimmuumce calling a specIal ciectiout Iii brder to save the expense. lt'ln iii leg. ii ( tii Ii's I.4't I iIj The Soumtit Omaha ltcthumbhlCaul chub niet at l'i'onica's hall last nIght for the hiumrhuoe of 'selectIng delegates to time State League convomitlon , which meets In Onmahitt July 12. l'resldent. Stryker called ( hue assemblage to order and nimnouncad that the first busimies3 would be the selection of a secretary to taie , thic plh0o of J. Ii. lriomi , who tuna removed front the cIty.'lihiammi Vosbumrg was nomni- antell anmi elected wIthout auiy opposition. J. It. Danluisemi stated that on a basis of a membershIp of 400 the chub was emititled to eIght dclegdtes In aduilt'iomi to time olilcers , which womiiil iuiiuke twelve deicgates. A coal- allttee CompOsell of l'resliient Stryker , See- rotary Vosijimrg anti 'tV. hi. Oltmu. " ( iS chosum to select time delegates anii report. TIle ( lelegates are : FIrst ward , hharvey 1) . Mosely , WIll Tagg ; Second ward , L. C. Gib- Eon , Lou Myers : ThIrd ward , V. ' . B. OlIn , II. J. Shtupp ; Fourth vurd , 0. II. - Bruce , August Mliler. 'l'iIrh % 'itrI I'Il' ( ' Ilaim. ComunclhineumVear and Tralnor take cx- ceptlou to statements utmade tim TIme Bee a few ( lays ago in connection with time pay- iiieflt of $1,500 for a hot In tIme Third ward for a fire hail. Thtcsi' cntlmmcihummemm vlsht thu lumbllC to understnnd that thIs stint Includes tile reaiodollng of time bulllilng which ustaimis on the hot ) uIrc1taseii , and the reimioval ( if tlui present lire hail to a position in hue rear of tint bumlidlmig to be remodeled. Mr. \\'ear says that the city has a commtrzict with time owners iilchi turovides tlmuut the hiuilld- lags must hue vlacedl iii a tiresentahia anti hiatmitabie condition before being accepted by the city. m' . lI'iirt Is lIiMMIlIg. Mrs. F. lienrey Is considerably worrIed ovem time Iiii(1iQmt ( disappenraiice of 11cr huis- hinuutl , vlto \ % as the ioah umlanager for tue Model Steam lauumtdry. Ilemirey left lIome Silnulny saylmmg that he was going to Omaha anti he hums hot beemi scout simmee. it Is stated ( lint he took wIth him about $200 In money hciomigimig to tile coinpamly hue represemuteil. Mrs. Iieiiroy fears that. liar htusbanui hlas met. wIth foul PlaY. FIIIiI Vl.te'rlIiI It..piiIIi'iili ( 'liii , , At a mneetlng of tue UnIon Veterans' hte- publlcnmi club , held at thto omce of Jumdge Agnew last night , time followimig delegates were ellost'mt to atteml % thue State Lengume conventIon : Captain F. J. itter , J. 0. East- maim , J. A , heck , 11. L. 1)eminls , L , . F , Etter. Johtmi Mchmutyre antI F. A. Agmuew , ) Iiigl ( ' CIty ( nssli , . MutT ) ' Slabatighi is dowmm wltim m'hicumitatisumi. E. A. Cilulmuily retuirmied yesterday train a trip to ChIcago. E. A. Stearns of the Drovers' Jommrnal force Is on tile sIck lIst. Iamt Calmueromi of the Cmdatmy comupaumy fijiCilt yemitcrllmly iii Sioux City. CuduIlly's artesIan well is dowum 1,100 feet ( hUh water ba ant been struck , Miss Aniier uuisler of BloomIngton , ill. , Is the guest of Mrs. Sani Shm'igley. Mrs. J. A. heck lois rcturmmed ( mmmi Siten- andonhi , Ia. , where hie sveiit. to vIsit rela- tiv a ii. It is r'portei thlat 0110 of the guarul raIls omm time I. , street viaduct hats rotted and tel- bum off. The South Onunhut club will gIve a snioker tomllghmt. Several iiivlted guiests wIll delIver short addresses. w , ii. flanmmeyer , umuaster car bumllder of ( lie Elkhormi , with hendtmartera mu Missouri \'alley , spent yesterday In ( tie city. Superintendent Sehiroyer of the Northwestern - western , locataiI at ChIcago , was a vIsItor at the stock yards Offices yesterday , A PURE SRAPC CR5.15 UT TARTAR ciworn CREAM BAItING PODllI Awarded Highest Honors , World's Fair Qold Medal. Midwinter Fair ; : KELLEY1 ' STIGER & CO. Speoial.Bargain for the Misses in Shoes and Oxfords , MISSES OXFORDS AT 98C .Tle Itimlamsea. , uf 'I'lll % % 'eeL % % 'e WIll ( lIve ( I , , : : iisM.M Sumuuu' Siuet'liI Itnrgmiiiuu. I im ( IIItW uiui ( I.forllN. Misses' fine kId Oxfords , in opera or coin toe , in black or tan , spring iieel , sIzes 11 to 2 , itt. DIe ; redUcci front $1.00 and $ l.S5. . MIsses' vici kiii taim slates , eitlmer lace or button , kId or cloth top , string ; heels , sizes 11 to 2 , at $1.48 ; redumeed front $2.00. ! uiisscs' black or tan shmocs , sizes 11 to 1 , vidths A .111(1 II , at. uSc ; reducel frommt $2.25 , MIsses' cloth top btmtton shoes , Pimlladel- Phmia toe , extensloim aole , at $1.48 : reduced from $2.25. Ladles' ' white camivas Oxfords , at Plc ; re- ( ItIceti froumt $1.50 , Ladies' hntlhItulde' vict kid Oxfords , coIn toe , either kId or chotit top at $2.25 ; good value at $3.00. Ladies' dark tauu vici kId , bais coimm toe , mit $2.25 ; worth $3.0' $ . Ladles' fine vlci kId , hials vestlmmg top , in tan , at $3.00 ; chleap at. $3.00. We have a great ninny SPecIal bargalmis In ladles' simoes amid Oxfords , at USc ; lzes 2it to 4. KELLEY , STIGEIt & CO. , Faruiamn and l5thl St. lmt'F1'AI.IJ. ' N. 1. , ANIitl''i'UltN. V Iii ( lie Nun hiivestevii 1.1110. Juiiy 1 1 amid 12 , extraortllnmtm'y rates , through cars. The Northweaterum is the "oiilclal lIne. " 'rito C. E. Morgan , inter- imatIonni liresldemit B. Y. P. U. , Olmlahit , or city otliee , 14(11 ( Farnaimt Street. , % _ Ill Ii M ( Ill 0 II I N. Time Troeumdcro lireSeilts very strong 'auIuic- villa talent thmls week , In tact tin struuigc'r specialty Slloi % ' lies beeii seemi In Oiilahuu for sommie t.iiiw. Encit e'enIlig linda time cosy ilttiu theater filleil with utm emuthiusinstlc nuii Clipreclative uuuiilIence. ThIs week's ; i o - ruumt wilt rimmi 'till Sumlday milght lmmclusive ; out Monday ii new bill Ill he liresemited. The prices are 25 and cents , PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. ir. antI Mrs. II. M. Stonc have meturncii front Cimlcago. Ites' . P. C. lCirkwooil auth wife of Colormido Simrlngs are in tIme city. Mr. Vmumiulermmieehwuu. wfe ! nod cilllulremm of ChIcago ore mit the flnrker. Dr. 1.1. Josephliie Naclmtm'lct of , uuut Arbor , MIehi. , is aim exr.osltloil vIsItor. lr. F. hlemurothn nimfiirs. . hicuirotln of ChIcago are visftlumg tile cxposltloui. Miss Minnie Caiiipbell of Tehluride. Coin , , is Imi the city viiitiuig Miss Eva Lii'achi. Mount I' . O'BrIen amid i1. uuck.rmuuami are ChIcago arrivals stopplumg at tIme itarker. C. M. ltntbburn of the MIssourI l'nelfle mumuivel I ii Omah'a yesterday front A tehmlsoim. F. N. Cilamue of Ceular i'ahls , ha. . a miuemmiber of. [ hue Iowa , Expositioui eomnunlsslomm , Is In the city. Miss MaggIe Snuithi aud Miss C. E. lIre. hlant are exposition visitors from Mcscnrero , N. M. \v. II. Moore amid E. 1i1. Iluwell nrc lCaui- sag City tmiivehing imucut stupplimg , at hue Barker. Al M. liotIm. Miss hattie C. ltotim mmmd Miss Kate hiothu arrIved iii Oumiaha yesterday trout St. Loumiut. ii. Ncagles amid info ( ilti ( Mrs. J. E.Neui- gles fluId ulaumghttcr of Ottawa , Kail. , arc stoiplmlg ; at the hhirker. - . .0V , Leuiiuigwehl , presIdent of St. Mauy's school , a vchl kmmown Eplscopnh glu 1s chmool locatcii at .lCuioxvlhlt. Ill. , flcCOuiiltiuilcul , by Mi s. Lefllmmgwcll , MIss Letlimmgwcll anti Miss Gertrude Leflingivchl. arrive , ! iii thit city Tuesilny and tutu spend several ( lays at ( hut exItOsItlOil. unit , I ) . II'arii , coniumilsslouietfronu the state of lVnshmlngton to time TramusmmilssIssIpii Exposltiimmm , arrIved from Seattle yesteruimly. I Ic reports \'uusiilumgtomu exhIbits vIhl arrive - rive in a day or en. Mi.Vom'ul is state un- mnigratioui eonmuiulssiumier of lila state ; also Is rcpreseumting tile Chrmmuuier of Commerce of Seattle. Nebruskamma at ( tie hotels : I ) . \'ehuhier anti fantihy , E. 5 , Cioyes , E. F. Foluhmu. Sehinyler ; I' . C. Commgoum , O'NeIll ; Alfred lIulatell , Beatrice ; C.V , Browim amid \rffe , Jiimn'S C. Ocimee , 'tV. A. haggett , Lhuieolii ; w' . S. Cook , \Valicfleltl ; II. K. Mnrvy'a - lion ; ii. 1u1. Slnciair. Kearne' ) ' : C. MeMemi- ermly , iuialr : Mrs. M. Slieuusey. MIss llama Mnnsolm. CluIrlat ; lieu Spells. Ulysses ; II. U. Coy , Grace Coy , \Vmderloo ; J. W. Orchard. Graftouu ; tl. C. KeIth , North I'latte ; II. E. Olcsoui , Fremont ; C' . V' . l'aull , I hastings ; George fl .MIzc ii , Matiul lloyd , Gertle has- almuger , Juimlata. - - ( t OFFERS Ow ThUS WEEK WilliE FRENCH PIQUE SKIRTS Tatlore'd seanis , styllsll , iuerfect hicuug- lag--great bargaln-l.'J5 each , LINEN CRASH SKIRTS Cortlemi in wave pattern-C rows above a vlui huoni ammil mumiotluem' corileti In the waist-an attractive bargan-cltoIce for $2.95 , COLORED CUECKED PETTICOATS Look like slik-iight amid comfortable -the pettleotit to wear imniler llnemm sicrts-no ouie etiulut'ii tiiHchiolcc $1.00 , NEW TAFFETA DRESS SKIRTS One rulflleul : , alf Wily ti ) from Item , $18.00-the other ruliIed to waist , $20. New Summer Ncckwcar just Imi-20c , 25c , SOc. a .DFlELD J cLui&suITcG , 1510 Douglas St. THE NEW COLLAR FLAGS ! FLAGS ! The Biggest Stocks li kliu.Iiu-ahi slies-LOWES'L' i'ltlt'ESee useinco prices have declined , Omaha Tent and Rubber Co. , 181 1 FBrhiltlhl. - lice , July 0 , lSS. , ark downs . , \\To \ wi1i to Cll1)1laSi7.O the fu1 that we ievor lnivc I 'niai'k ( LOWfl ia.Ie. ' WTO l'iiid our WIiy of selling , L goo(1S ( Clhea } ) all the year i'otiit1 IS best It i best , for you lCCflUEt3 ) you ( lil't ( IlliVU to wait till we get i'eady 811(1 1)eSL for us lCt'1UhiOVU ) ' io11 lllOI't3 goods Lnul himako ll'IOl'C fliOhloy IIiiit SOlUC stores fll'O eoiuItlld ( to iiiark gOO(1S ( dovii. lYe feel iori'y for them. it iiiit : ; plIifliflilt to 1)0 ) ( 'Ollfl'OhhtCL ( 'it1i goods that ha't iiot i'ol(1 wlieii they ought to sell. If inakiiig right Il'kei4 will c1oo tltoiii out , better late Ihait IIevor-Iottt'r ) aftet' SCflSOII thait not at nil. Bitt. 1iei'o't flie i'ub- vhy not iiiark tihiJhli ( lo\Vi'i ill time ? \Vliy in'cnch nfl SCfltO1l flIOUt ) tile lO\VOBt , pr'ces iii CIii"istwidoin 111111 filch IIio\V tile fab-i'ity ot It when the ieuoii : 1ii ; gouut ) by ? ' \Vliehl the ( levil wu : sick the de'i1 unotuic \VOuuI(1 ( hii ; vIien tite do'i1 got vtIl the devil a 111011k \\115 lie. " 'flie Nobi'iska ; is a geol ( SO1't ( ) to lra(1e at lCCaliiO 0111' 1)l'iCe are u1'flyS 1o' enough. TIio nuo- luent they conic iii is the tinue oni' gtO1t are ' 'iiiai'k- ed CIOWhI. " c : Preseritioos Thmi' m'emimion we ( niike iupeclmti clnimns for ouir lreserltloui ; ulepartmmuauit Is b000tim4i' i'C Imn''e Sh'ECIA L FA'l hl'I'IES for ( lnflut mu imt ( go irescm llutliil hjmsimu.'s. , Our tttm'l ( of rmure drugs muini t'hmi.'mnlcmuis Is so hmrge aumil cimrpl e tt ii mu to lie beyommil mu umy en mu lumurlsoum itt this mmunm'ket-whilli' tour force of graluulte him euicrlitloti ; clerks Is jilst iOU Itlli thunt of .ANY o'I'i hEll IIltG S't'OhtE lit N&'brmuslcn. Our iwk'cs are uhsmtys mis low as Fl itS'i' ( 'Li\SS scm vice a'Iil iiermmilt. \'l6 SEIl hic KINDS OF LITIITA'A'i'ilt it liii I i till t ( ' laluiv ii ft'ii' i irlces. htOltO-hl'h'ii IA'A'i'l'It , ' , gals. , SOc hot- ( hi , . $5.0i ) emisa. hum-Lit lila 'nter , iumnrts ; ( gaseous ) , 25c bottio , $ S.iIi ( 'mist' of 00. IbiroLittuitu'atem' , iiimmts ( giseomts : ) , ISa luottle , $ lD.e ( of 1t ) . ( iiil for ; iamnhiliii't tul'uut ' LItltft'mter. . Sherman & McConnell Drug Co1 , 151:1 : Doilge Strei't , ' , .lIdulIc of lllock , Ommiahiti , Nelu. C 0 0 0 0 U * g O ' 5 . 0 0 ALL. r' . PEOPLE ' ( ' ) WANT ' - GOOD HEALTH. C You may have a course of mnodicah 0 0 treittunent far 0 OU.ItABLEDISEA-SES ° 0 of all kInds at thmo Shopar Moica1 Institilto : U New York Life Bldg- , Omaha , Neb , 0 oocr'lAl TILQ. CatarrhDoaf- 0 . 't I LI-i itL I I L ) iiess mimi all S Dlscauuca of time Liungit , Stomnachu , KIiute3'tt , Ner'eui fluid Illood. it-t'r- S 1)3' permuifsslon , to 5,000 cured 0 iiatl'fltM 'l'Iie largest mneilk'nl olllces amid lractlce in the vest. 'rho Omaha 0 Dee , lending dully. says : "P110 Shop- . 0 ii ri ii ad lea I I mmstltum t c Is eat trely cci Iti - 0 I i1 iii it mi m o lest , 1(1101 1 ii mmd liu slnesmu wuty. Dr. Sla'ia ; ni , tmuch hIs associates 0 iiui'e gal nail ii liii fui I I y mu a I n t a I mu ad a o S lendIng ( eiultntIrimi Iii tin' trentmnent 0 of chronic IIIS'lutei * , 't'hme pulbiic mmmmty ttUfVh ) ' trust tiiemn , " S AIr ? IT i : For testimonials from 0 V V I 1 I I L inlimisters , tcmtctuers , huutsl- C men , farimmi-ru' , etc. , tellIng how thins' W'IP cuireti lit home tllrought tile 0 MaIl System. a S i : : Li"Tito New Treatment ; . U I 110w It C'iii-e't , " is 'wnt free S to all ivmo ) vrIte. It f a clean mneulleal a 'womk for I i II' ' little fmu ma II y t o roil ii . anti is of great volume to all ivito seek 0 hiet t er lilil I t It. I took a 11,1 , Co it iml I a t lam , a flinuks sent free to all lruqumirrs. C 2iIu'ilclimcs , sent t'verywbiare. State your cUm4e and sand for opinion raud 0 lowest ternm4. Cimarues low. Cout- a tatiomi ti'c.a , Personmilty or liy hotter , a .SfuI ? ( II 'I' is I'i ( Pu' , . 6o.a sea ossa. so TEETH EXTRACTED l'OSlTlVlil.Y WIT1IOIJT L'AIN. I ilest set of teeth , $5.00. Nm chm.urge for ax- tractlmig wimeim teeth uire ordered. All mtimer ivorks at. sautme redumeed prices , Albatiy Dentists , r 120 Soultlm I-I thu cor. loufgiuus. Open even- I ii gut umum t 11 8. l.a uly (1 ( t teinia it t. Sum ida is , 1. hi. in. 'Vita i5i'ztiuIpt 'I'nllt't ( 'oiutlilumatlumt , kimnivit I f mummytitlutg tills youmr Skluu , Ht'ilii t'in- llLXIUI1 iii- I Ituim- , u.mi II ( lit ( ii' iiIt i hcriii , toli- gist .hihIN II. VOll)1mt'l1V. 127'u'st 12'l ' ii t . NI uYe rk , ( 'ii misiml I a t limm , f mci' , hin m'g. 't iitiitli'tttt' . I 'so \'iillltiiV'u4 F'.iefiul Soil it. I"ttItul ( 'mt'amui. l'iu'Iull h'ntlcm' , ii liii ) , ' uti ( 'r-nuuu , suit ! evcu'yivllerl. ' , 20e etucim. hunk lilt li'ruumatoiogy fri' . hIt ( _ ' .t'l'ION % I. . rwaie H ( ) lemi.s Sept. 1 'Jt.h . , 1 SUS. Ihomti'diitg muitil lay Stluth fur Git'is Ummuler hIm" cilrectlomm of hit. ltcv. Gorga \\'nrtitliiglon , S. 'F. 0. , LL. D. l'm-Imitary , h11'e Ida t ( to ry iufltl cull elui I e c-n m t'ses . Coumu - petemit corps of teac'llL'r. Ziindemit mmur'tlt- otis umd ovem'y ahlvnlltumge omTcit'd , StrUt at ( tim t Ii lit I itt 1.1 1 0 t lme mlmorn I , at emitai ; ( mui hllYMIttl I veI I lid tug , o f time St imd en ts. I II 1110- imlat eomifi'rre.i . i'rapuu r.'s fuu' all coh tt'g&a open to women. Sitecial courses In hIgh- ci' luiglIsll , Sciences. Aitciamtt mumiul 'th , tim mm lzimigImugt'ui , : \itisic uuiul Am t i'cu'uius uumout- Cl'Oti' . limiiliiing ( ' ( ' ( mi mid lum t'XCC'Ilvmtt order. Sn mu I tary p1 (1 in ii I mug. Satfus fua Li , my St OtI Ui It cut hi imm. l'a i'l'ii t S itmiti guma u-ti Iami d isI ci ag I a a Ii t C ) still iIiulsc- , stud lam _ , ot' I Clii ) i , liij ruin n ni lY to in i-s. E. R. Uptoii , Priii. hii'ii 'iii.i 1 ii ull , ( ) iumalma , Neil , . . k - - - - - - - - - - - - , QT ft DV9KNOXV1LL1 I Mfl I ) ILLINOIS. 4 PARENTS desiting to send their daughters ! : to asclioOl of high grade , with high social , : literary , and artistic advantages , are imivit- ed to meet ( lie Rector of St , Mary's a1any convcnCiit jinuc which they may desmg- . nate , out Thursday , Friday and Saturday , : Ju1y 7th , 0th , and 9th , Millard Hotel this - _ : city .2 , , st 4 Doctor amid Mrs. Liufingwell would also I be glad to meet former pupils and patrons I. of the school , : .s'i's's'i't . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , . . _ . , . . . , * . , _ i.J . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ ' - . - - - - - - - - - 1'g Wenworth Military Aadm' : : & ; , . Stinlemits rl'lc'tcd iasI c w Govermimnont suiperu'islon. NewiuiIhliinL'shetlmerrt0ti. - - - - - - - - - - - - The Lord Loves a Liar Who Has . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ _ _ _ _ . . ' _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ' _ . ' ' " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------J- a Memory. Chipplimgs front 2 ailyertiseimmemutiu of dlfferclmt .iame-intlt , isimcl , by lime santo flrmn. Omaha lice , Sthu uage , Fclj. 19 , 1898. tnlalliL lice .Sthl PC5C , JIl1' , 1838. I-jut Sale Not Here ' 1'oiiig1it Anyhow- Omuco more' . dc , , ate. WOIIc'erlIaVC Title oenliig from 6:20 : until eloslimg ammyof lhicse sales , i'c. - Vpr tuveulty- Itt SOle timmmo we wIli hiolul a special ( Belt'S bats. Our objcctete.etc. five consecuitlt'it 50050115 In Omuinhia wit lmave _ , got alomig u'llliotut _ ilII > 'hllI1u1b1lt mtmtii we st Ill dtillae to etc. , t : . If a Special Sale o I-hits froiii 6:30 : this Evcii- jug Until Closing Time (10 ( o'clock ) is Not the Raiilcest Htiiiifnq of a Snie niid ! lltClIdCtl to ' ' ' " ' Is Beitefit a Few-'fhii 'fell - - - , , ,4 Which ? ' , " ' ( Is a sale a iiustbumg atmil iuitniuleih to ili'iUd ( ( hit' ' irnoii ? 01' Ia a EttiO a I iiumntiug null ) ' witen others "thmami we ' 11010 it ? This store is not iiesImuilstlcliY Inehlmmiul. 'mVe lov to attaflul to 0111 ot'iu biusimuess. hiut when our honesty Is ussalleil" with intuntiorts of hiurmuling our business , then we take to showing up ( lie guilty. Our belief Is ( cmiii t0 is time belle ! of Othli' nierehlanls ui-lie .lant. . 'uay a mortal cinchi on the Peohilo ) to reduce time Price on geotls utter scasoim iii order to avoid carrying over stock. Iiemco our $5.00 Suit. Sale. Suits forimerly ; $5.70 - to $6.70 $ are aow $5,00. Now ' ' on hme ( iUestIOfl of true value aimui laIr comupetitioll. But uhIen seine Alcx.intlcm' chooses to heap abmiec to offset fair julay-tben lye arc compelled to call upon the lIar to account for Oils bad memory , -I-