- - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - . . - . - ---ww-- _ _ . - - - -P - - . - - . - - - ' - - - -7-- . - . - - -----------------.y - - - - . . - - - - - - -----s-------- _ _ - - , . _ _ . - . - - - - - - - . - _ _ _ _ _ - ---------------r---- ' ----------p-----.r--------- - - , , p111 OM. hA iA I IN flEE.T11 1' flS1)A J t'rx 1898. 7 - - - _ _ , , . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iiis : ; INJUREI ) . r"t. They Will Nvr Again Be n Rch ! a in the _ 1' Early IMy3. CATTLE HERDERS WERE TOO RECRLESS , /tftt'r t1sr ( nt1. II.iuiii St'f In 'Flie ) I'lIt 1lI : IsitiittiinIp. . Out ( I , $ 'uMturc -I I O % 'fl rt liii 1tetiiir ) ' 31i * if Ili AetuhIIiI I Miliqi. L' ' A11ITN , Tex. . July . _ ( . ) / cattle ranges of thu 5otIthveRt IlaV ( bCII flDu1e the Bubject of MpcCIflt Inquiry by an agent of the governincflt and thu result oF . t1it Inquiry In ciiitodIeI Iii a report 1ssuel by the Icpartrnent ) of AgrIc1IttIre.VIth the E1cvc1o5)Inent of the 1outhwterfl country that fotIociI the close of the civil War C8IUO the great riac of the cattle men. TIi. ' cattle rnh1gH of Texna IIICltilC ( alt tlic counties of 8tonewall. lInkclI. Throcktuortoll , Fhlier , Jones. ShakIcforiI , Nolati. Taylor , Callahati , Ittinriela , ( 'olttflafl , Torn Creen ; Cuncho ani 2.lcrilkwh * ati4pnitt of the counUca of ICent , 4curry , MltclwII , Coke , San Salia , ltrowtt , lnaI lzitfl. Steplit'its cud 'Young. The rtglon cinhrmces a territory about 200 inIea from north to potith. In 1S65 this plain latg'ly cn'ercil with hertla of hulTalo. They raugtd at will iitlIsturhcil except hy the hunter 'hitt kithod for fowl. In ten year.s from this Limo they ha4l altuost IhIRuppenIwl ntil thier Ihfleo waa taken by the vIde- lioriteil cattle. The cattlemen eiitrcd the country about 185. The rnnge9 were utI gIIarleI anit they were at lhlwrty to help thIemEelves. The owiicrs regarded the ham ! n so lunch waste. little fanning watt earrhcI on anti there acamed to be Hnlall POSShh)111t103 of tiveloptnonL Thicrvfote they dhil not concern thIn1acilvv3 regarding the encroach- n1ent of the cattlemen. The ranchtiien fotaxi the black , fertile PhahliM covered with a long growth of the riChest grasse8. Thin luxtit lance of ( lie growhH has itevor been ChItthif(1 ( ( In (111K Ctlliltry. I n oine irnrInns of the PInIfl the grass grew to a height of three feet. The region wa watered by Bweet atreatna nm ! had a rainfall of thirty Incites a year anit an elevation of from 1,600 to l'J04) ) feet. It was a liarathise for stock- bell nnr they were not alow to take advantage - ' tago of their opportunities. In the later 'TOs ( lie ranches were few and the cattle iOafliCl ( at will over httiidretls of thiotisuiid of acrea attached to ( lie rnnchIe3.Vhiiii a 1 T tiowcoflier arrived and took up a rangt' the older tettier lrcw a line antI ( lie rights of each verc teMpected. The cattle kings , backed by their cowboya , were the 1111(115- hIlLel ! masters of ( ha ranges. They knew not tile lean with ( lie hot' , who WUM to prove a ( actor In the iindohitg of the cattietueti. 1'11,1 I lie itiiit At. this ( line It was estimated that 500 cattle couI(1 ( be Hupported On 610 acres of gras(4. Absolutely no care as lalceti for ( ho preservation of the ranges , no rent was PU1l ( stiiil It aS believed that they vc're iii- 4 cxb:1uitiihe. : ) The stockinen In thu goodiies of their hearts tolerated ( tin presence of the aheepnien , whose h1ocs began , to cover the ClgCS of tilt' ranges. where the grass was shorter. hut still all might have been well h1 ( ! not ( lie great year of prosPerity which illade titeril SO .miichi motley proved tlitiir undoing. 'rho country wa opened fur settle- Iliefli. by the Texas & i'acitlc railroad In 1SS3. Owner.4 of tracts of land In Texas took advantage - vantage of thu opportunities tittis offered to -visit their property and finding the cattle- mcii in lOtCSSi0t1 ) toolc steps either to secure the ground or get a rental for It. About ( lie ratirmitl tatloiis little settlements sprung III ) , Ittid the ' 'nester , ' ' or the iiian with ( lie hO ( ' , flUtie iiii ( appearance. Tue latter cared nothing for the succulent grasses , but pre- ferrec ] to turn III ) ( lie sod and plant cotton. The "tieter" iIcitiaT1ied the privilege of locating where he pleased , and the ranch- mcli reijented his IntrusIon They adopted fencing as a method of restricting him , a well as providing soitie protection to their ranges. The "nLbter" rc.eiitel ( lila and cut. this FCIICC1. 'Fhiis led to distuihances , and lItany fights took place between ( lie cattle. men atlil the "nestcrs. " The great evIl. thoujh , was overstocking. In 1882 ( lie rauchnien begati to redlize that ( lie days lit free grts aiiil water were drawing to an end. Itaiiroads were about to lie built , and ( lie counties OpCiiel ( for settlement. lii order to niaki' the most moiiey in the * hortest thiiit. ' they began to stock their ranchoi with cows. The drairo to obtain more stock sent the vrlce up. Tlit , coulilcil with a sudden Iticrense Iii the ilenianil for meat. caused ( lie vrlce of eattle to EilC until thin fever of siecuintioii ; spread to alt parts of this coon- / try and even to Europe. Those vlio had fl ) stock on band and ohi1 It realized enormous prollts. Old inca , otiddle-aged iiiea antI young Itien. repreacating every sphere of life. were eager to give up enterprises with % vhich they we're familiar to go into the cow business , Every itatt' in the Utilteil States was represented in the sIngle state of Texc ; an ( Itito every county in the state rccog- iiiziI as toek ouutry Engiiahinieri. Scotch- 1110,1 , fl litI , I ii IleeLi , Illell froni niost of I Ii e countries of ltirole ( were insiting to get a fnotiiobl , range right and herds of cows to niaki ? th'Ui itch in a hurry. \s lirlees vcnt lilt tue demand for money became greater auth ( lie i'ates of Interest aitivaneed until I to 2 per ccitt. a month was regarded as tiia ittajidaril rate. All this couhil result in hut one thing , the ' overstocking of the ranges. iietil of cows were doubletl flhitl Uie ranges were quickly tiatell iliil ( traitipied nIlE. In inaiiy caseH they ere iwriiiiiiieiiti intired , If not indeed etilticil. One cattleinati vcnt to Fort \\'orhi ( , .i , , . . . iii 1S2 to sell his herd of cattle aittl 1113 range rights. lie frankly adnhittt that lie ditI hot OtVii a foot of the hand , but lii. SiSttfll ( lint lie hail a right. to 115(1 10001)0 ) acreti ( Hi vhitcli lie was hioltltng 26,000 head of cattle. I he * 11th tiot secure a SUit' aitil hell hits lien ! titioligli the winter of 18S2-S3. Owing to the severe weather In the foilos'ltig siirlng lie as able to rounil tip only about 10,000 lieittl. 'Fe increase hits receipts ho adiled to his herd , ovurstockeil his range , 111011(1 110 1iio'isl0ii f0i whiter feet ! ttiiit lire- 'lilcil no tdwtter for his stock. Is a cause- tituitlico ho was ( arced to ( lie vahl. S titi.i hush IItM $ ( ' ( Ii iii IlNt't. The winter of 18S2-S'J hiavetl ( lie way for ( ho collapse of the stock busliies in lS. iurlng thifl suniuner of 1SS2 tiun ranges wea sattiti but t. , atid no feed having bct'ui pro- 'Iilctt for ( lie whiter. hen ( lie blizzards 1liiii the stock sutfereth greatly and tIled oft by tliouastiihs. Tue following iirlng their bout's lay hlcachuiuig all over ( lie range. Froili ( hits blow ilni bU1ess did not recover antI ( tie collapse cauiie 10 1884. By this tinic the riiilgo was partly ruined , alit ! where ten years before 501) cows could be ziialntatned Dii every sqtinre mile , ( hit' capacity had been ltuolnisht'tl iiiitIl tout acres to a cow were tiec&esary. This year also nuirked the be. 0tiuliiig of thin end of icugu rights.Vith tiit railroad caine ( lie "hester , " the iiian tth ( lie hoc ; nuitl with hitm caine the owner , or agt'lit. of ( liLt lauths up to that ( tine held rout tree by ( ho cow uiieii. Ilsputes Over titles niiil boundary hues ( oiioetl , but It as really a light over a crust. The best grass was gone ala ! v1th every class ef stock a drug on ( lie market at ( ho lowest tirlecS over Iciiown , It was ihifilcuit for any olin ( u make stock rateing profitable , 'hits overattickiuig of ( lie ranges has eon- titiucil year after year , and the raiiclimnn has bgi itulittetl In hits work of destrue. ( ion by the htraIrle dog and ( lie jack rabbIt. In tli Oitlliloii of many elerlenced stock iulcrs of central Texas the Injury is almost hicycuid repair. Rstlng ( lie range will greatly helhi it , but It will require sonietliluig inUre to restore its original capacity for itipportlog stock , It , Indeed , that Is now .1 1- I - - POs1blC. Yet the cowman Is takIng little hams to hIreerve the range. Under Preetit condttons part of ( lie land he owiis and ( lie tetnsinler he rents. lie cannot tell how soon tim rented IAfltI may be ised for set- tIetn.iit or farniln litirioL and In the tuienatime lie desires to get nil ( list Is iios Bible out of ( ho land. Although he realizes that lii range is overstocked. he cannot ho itulticod to take measures toward its ptcseratIoti. Recently ( lie stock business has experienced a revival , anti , fortunes hay- lag been nIatie quickly by some men , thoi- . sauid of others have hicen Inihileed to take It up. This situation nienna a still further overstocking of the rahuges In order that the ranclumen niay lie able , for the ( line being , to make ( lit. most out of ( heir own holdIngs. The newcomers. wlliiout experience , expect to make fortunes in a short time , and they will nlo abuse their ranges. The ranehinan knows all about cows or shicep , but neither knows nor cares to know anythIng of the grasses tiiat support ( hem. S'hlie drouiihts are infrequent in Texas. they occasionally occur. Droughts nican little grass and little vntcr , The cattle are cOlOlichietI to ttael greater distances lii enreli of ttod and water anti the grass Is traoiltletl out for miles arounil a vater hole. Uurluig ileotiglits the cattle frequently iitill ( lie grass tip by the roots and In ( lint way hicrnlanentiy IiiJuire the range. PrairIe dos anti jack rabbits destroy great quantitlen of grass every year anti all efforts to exter- ininato theRe liests have bceii unavailing. The prickly pear has Invaded ( lie ranges and hitinulreds of Stituluro inilce of the richest grazing country iii southierui Tcxns have b cui overrtiui. In many of ( lie southern cotititics It has been estimated ( tint this cactus has already diminished ( lie carrying capacity of ( lie rouge by from one-quarter to one-thIrd. As a result of ( his Increase or the prickly Pear ( be gross is eaten to ( lie roots a hienever the stock can get at It bctseeti ( lie cltiunpa of ctetU5 ; paths are orii and the ground Is trampled nuid packed. % 1iuit is N4.I.M1411 r , . To maintain ( lie range ereli In its Itresent conditIon It Is absolutely necessary ( hat some care hould be taken. Some of ( lie loathIng atocknien are dlvithing up their liolil- lags into winter inn ! suuiimer hiastuirca. Au onterprlsiui stoekinaui of Mlteh ll county re- hiOrts ( hat in two years tituher such treat- iuicnt he iiearly iloubled ( he capacity of a pasture of about four sections. Mr. lIenley reconini ( 'a d s tli at Itrecauitloti sliouhil be ta k en against ater faitihie in years of drought by the construction of ( lanai or tnnks to be filled iii years of PlentY antI used in years ut drought. A supily of hay and forage should lie kept on hiauni constantly and provision 1111111(1 ( for shelter If liossIble. lurlng severe sluiterui thousands of cattle aiid sheep die from starvation and exposure , vlieii 5 per CCitt of theIr value invested In food and shelter \oUll preserve theiiu through ( lie winter. Notwlthistanthiiig ( lie uiiagnhIlc.iit capacity of central T0xa3 for tim iroduction of hay , enormous ( Itlflhitltl'S of baled hay arc flhiihiiCd thither from other sections f the state and even from out3ide imints.iiat .utockmcn need is hay meadows of native grass. It Is estiniated by those who liavo carefully examluictl the matter ( hat about oiic-hialt the acreage of central Texas is available for agriubiltural purposes , ( lie other half being grazing lands. The ( err- ! tory referred to is 100 by 200 iiiile in cx- tent. This means 20,000 scctlon3. The 10,000 sections conslderOd as range minis contain 6,400,000 acres. If ( lie statement previously lintel ! is true , iiamely , ( hat tli1 section when Hrttt occupIed aught have supported O0 cattle on every section , the 10,000 secttoas woulti feed 5,000,000 cattle. To ho conservative , siippoae that In Its early abuuidauuce the grass on every two acres would have kept one head of cattle. 'Fhils wonhtl give 3.200,000 as the capacIty of ( lie regioi. exclusive of the agricultural muds. ( hit it Is estimated ( lint sliice the ovu'rctocktng ten acres on an average are holy necessary to the annual stipnort of every beau of cattle. ThIs xiieans that the 10,000 sections of grass land can now niala- tata , year In and year out. only about 640,000 cattle. TakIng ( lie avercge iiiarket value of ( lie stock cattle of central Texas. now about $20 a hcati , the ,200O00 which it has been estimated coultI have been susalnetl on these iauiges in 1SSO wuiuiil be worth $ h,200,000. while ( ho 640,000 cattle-the present capacity - ity of ( tie rauiga-aro worth only $12,800,000 , a decrease of $38,400,000 in ( lie lust twenty years. If ( lie SilpoSItloIi Is correct ( lint It Is yet practIcable to restore ( lie range throughout central Texas to its former Ca- paclty for inalntulniuig stock tue ubovu 11g. urea hiow ( lie possible ativantage that such 1'i consunliiiatloii would secure. ThIs condition of the range In central Tcxait represents very fairly the state of affairs In till the grazing regioiis of ( lie country. exceptIng only those where the rauliinen owuis all the iauitl or controls It under lease for aterm of years , It is only when the stoekiunu knows that It will be to his Interest to iiiakc linpuoveinenis that efforts - forts for ( lie betterment of the range wili ho made. 'l'htcru must fiat be stabilIty In ( he control of th ranges before the Improve- nients ( lint wIlt bring back the old days of lrusperlty can bo iuiaIe. After this will follow better water facilitIes , whiter lie- ( or , hwy. blooded stock , destruction of vcct1s nuitl azilinal pests , the cultIvation of ( hue best. of ( lie native grasses antI forage jtiahits auiul ( lie Iuitoducitou of new and Iuiiproved soi ( a. There are many hiundied thousand acres of lain ) In ( ho southwest that vlil utlwnys be better adopted to stock raIsing ( han to auiy- thing ele. \'Ili the use ( if the 111011cr incas- uies Mr. Bentley ( hiluikit tlic'se raiiges illay continue for inaiiy years t be ( lie lliiest grazing nod bleedIng land on thu Aiucrlcau contl a cii t. i'1111E,1114' Ctttit iIuu'liuiiM. , 1'l1ltltE , 5 , 1) . , July G.-Special ( Teie- grain.'I'ho ) siipi eme court thIs morning liauitled down a decision In thin case of 13. F. Cain jttiel I iigai a at t Ii e \l I a nehiahia Na- tlonal bank of SIoux Falls , In which the ihtiesttOIi of luicreaslug ( be value of bank stock by the State ioird of Equahizatloii Is held to be voId. The uiiahii point In the tie- cislon Is that bank stock was tiukeii out of the class lii which It is liluceul by statute anti raised without raIsing oilier prolmerty of the uuimou class. The opiuuloii is wrItten - ten by Fuller and concuirreth In by ( lie other judges , the loaer court's decision being ro- versed. iti ( he case of time First National bank of llurcn against ( tie treasurej of ( lea- dIe county ( ho same question Is raised and decided. lihnuiiM Pu re ' , % 'uu ri lui.M. P1IitlW , S. I ) . , July 6.-SItcckil ( 'cle. griuin.-L'jider ) the deelsloum of thuo suitronie court ( hIs uiiornlumg on ( lie bank socl ( : its- iitissmmiulnt. ( lie assessnicuit return blanks whIch have been sent to county audRors by ( lie state uuuitlitor are worthless anti mntus ( all be called Iii. New lilnuiks are lietuig ii'- itlirod ( o be sent aLit at omice. 'l'hie Sio ( Board of EqualIzatIon muet today ( or ( ho as- itessuuucat of telegraph and telephone coin- Panics , ttiit adjourned to time first donlay in Augubt , when this class of property s Ill be couiiultereij ) at ( lie saumit , ( line with all other classes. 'ii I ii I uw ' , , , , . uuhtI llAFVool ) . S. I ) . , July G.-tecial ( Tub'- gramn.-Tliu ) ( : iuion.llihl hiroiterty vatu sold at receiver's sale totlay to ( leorge A. Fletclit'r auiti John. II. Utalmain of Phuhlutlel- phiia. rettrcseiitatlvos of tIme new conpaiij. Work Is to ho resuoucti at ( lie uiiiutos and on the studier at Fdgcniont as sooui as ( liii sale Is confirmed , lien ltuiut at I itturipui. IIUI1ON , S. D. , July C.-Speclal ( Tele. grain.-Tho ) heavIest rain nod thiuuitier storm of ( be season occurred here this eveiiing , following several days of Intemiso heat. At 1:30 : oclock two cyclone clouds fornied sixteen citIes north of here and hItchcock and 'were seen by hundreds of Iiohile In this city. It Is feared much dani , age was t1on , hut telegrams fail to briuig replies. RaIn fell here In torrents anO. lightnIng struck seine outbuiluliuigs. l'ne.ll.p illiMItIIM iii KnulnM. TOi'lKA , tCaii. , , Jtuly G.-Special.-A ( stinimary of ( lie figures complletl by the ttate labor conimnissloner shows the extent of the meat packIng Intitistry .of iasas. The six packing houses rehiresent an Invest- tnt'iit of $ l8tli,202. The raw material used last year cost $ & 7.Ol&.6S2. TIme value ot the lttOlUCt finished and ready for market was 62,426ii7 , and the total selgh ( of ( he out. hut WOS 1.0it,349,894 ! hOtifli5. TIn , report hmows that ( lie six packing houses paid * 3iihli0G for lahor , to a total of 7.510 eni- ploycs uluirlog tIme year. Of ( lie einploys' 0.858 verc' iiien and 082 women anti girls. Time average earnings for the year fo'r all lieu , , kihlctl nad unskilled , were $5 Ii for iiieii antI $29i for women. Skilled laborers received from $2 a day for imien and $1.41 for women. Utiakilled laliorers received an average of $1.00 for men and D3 cents a day for svonicn. Only one plauit rcporetl an increase - crease over the Previous year. Ituili Sit it itttcr 31 liii's. SALT lAli , Utah , July 6.-Special.- ( ) Snltpctcr has bccoimio a very valuable product anti ( lie tievclapnicuit of ceveral deposIts has hiegun in tjtahi. 0mm of titese deposIts near l'ephui has bccii solul to the CalIfornia ( 'ow- tier \\'orks for 5.000. 'I Is'.itii ii % ( 'l % 'S , lIO The TorkloVorhcl Is a uietv llssoiurl news- Itapor. The Chinuhiuqua at lbouldnr is iimler uty antI is a gnat success. J. It. Lowell uias purclmoscil au iiitereat In and aSstiiuct etlitorial miiaiiagenicnt of ( lie Moberly hcniocrat. ) Maysvlhle people are mnalmliig great prep- rtraIons for ( lie Chautauqua aacemiibly , vhilclm vIIl be licld ugust IS to 2 $ . l'rtnccton owns Its electrIc higlmthiig plant , atid ( lie ctervlce costs ( ho cIty only about $ S00 a year. Muuulclpai ownership Is a sue- cesaful experluiien ( lit l'rlnceton. At the session of the National Assoclatioui or l'ennman , to be held In Vashilngon ( , July 8 , ( 'rot. Ohsomi of the Stii1crry Nornial vIIl deliver an adtlrcss on "iliialness Writluig as Ieiiiaiided by Iltishitess Men. ' ' Atimit Jane Melon of Halt county died last ieek. She was born In ( lie north of Ireland about 100 years ago , anil for umiany years lived wIth her liushammil , Jaiiies Melon , long since dead. tim Clay nod Clinton countIes. The celebrated Jersey cow , Unttie 1lniqck , owiied by lr. Still of Klrksvihle , Mo. , Iioldg ( lie i orld's record for butter iiiakimig. lii seven days she hiolutCcd ( thIrty-four hounds of butter , less the salt. ! n three ( ! iY3 she iiiatio eIghteen pouiith four ouncec , heating the world's recor(1 for that number of day3 , though her week's record had licemi beaten. ' : , , i . , cii it u Ni' i' , , % t ) I Time catalogue of lcuiver uiii Irrait' , aliens 110 officers auid umienitiers of ( ti , ' faculty atil rut students. A Icnver court has issucil miii Injunction re9tralniimg a Detiver niui from talking to his ( llvurccd wIfe. The school census of , ' 'miiiahioe COttiI ( ) ' shows ( lint ( here are now in the county 1,220 more children of school age ( hat , there ere a year ago. The Leadvliie l'umping association lis reaclit'tI an agreenient iitli Iba uilime ( 'tvti. ' . era a mid v ! I I sooii eoii.t t' a cc iiu iiLll a g water out of ( he atluies mm the dowittuwn distrIct. The Itetail Iluteliers' Protcetlve associa- ( iou will sue Deuiver to recover t ) Iteens fCe paid by : too butchers Iii 1893. tinder an ordiiiaiice shice declared 'lnau1stliiiioiiai ' by ( lie stupreine court. Last SuntlayV. . G. T'aipb.to'm installed - stalled as Pastor of the Cuiiihi'iIaui'l ( 'rca- byterian church at Coioririo riiigs iu.tl oh ( lie annie tiny ( lie COrilersonhj for a hew $20.000 church was 1.'l. ( tU iS ( tiC ' 1'iii X.t'lION. % L. I.iL % ( UI. hiuihtiiuuirt' .Jlls i'Iilhili-s ) Itr . lu'i- ! 'ii I i _ I3AUI'lMOltE. July 6.-'riie Ilaltlmores a ntl I'hi I lutl ci Ph Ia ii lthiiYci ( 'o gilnll'M tnda ituil ( lie Orioloit wout both. 'I'Iie first coui- ( ustVL1S excitIng at the ilnislt , but ( lie otiicr itroveti mu walkover. 1)r. l'olit1 , vhio ititit en- I 1141'tl i Ii t lie hupitjji ctnps ci t lie ii ruoy , I ti tcht'tl hits iii a t ii rt , ft'ssi t t lii I ga inc beoie jtI iii ii g It is cciii nm lid ii ntl c verOd ii I insc'l C with glory. Attemitlutice , hi12. Seoi'e , uirat gaulle ; iiALTIMOitI. I'IuhiiiL''hli ' , . it mu.zTu : : . R.11.O.A.g. ! auit. Sb. . . I ) ft .1 a ti u Nie ) ' , ef. . 1 1 3 o U FC"eier. rt. . . 2 2 2 U I ) Iougtai,4 , it. I . 1 10 0 0 .ieiinings , s , , 1 1 2 i i i'ittllty. If 0 0 II U McUtnii , lii I 2 I 2 Ii i.a.titR' , 2ti. . 2 a : i I 0 ii.liiies , ir. . 2 0 i U I Flick. rt. . . . 0 1 3 o u Uroiie. er. . 2 5 1 U U M'i"rl'ni. c 2 It 1 U 1 irinpnu. 2b. I i 0 4 I ) itu.er ! , 3b. 2 2 0 i t ) tlijinsn , , C U I ii I (1 ( ( rcs. . . . . . . I I a s i ilugltes , I , . . 0 1 i itiliiiit' , I , . . . t u o i t - - - - - I' ultr . . . . . 0 0 0 0 U rouais . . . . tt ii 27 IJ I 'I'oi.tls . . . . S i lit 1 * 1 Ia t t ( MI for Diinlcie I ii t ii e iii ti ( hi . fliuliunorc . . . . . . . . . . . . a 0 0 3 2 0 I 0 -i i'liiitulellthila . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 I ' 2 2 0 0 4-S Sol'ii Itases : Jeliuilng $ . lt'nitnt . ' ( 'we- ltuie ; lilt : liroulle. Ilimse hilts : FlIck , lirodle. , , t.G . En ruietl I : I t hue ( mu ii ti. ru tis : a re. ; IeIiliti , I. I3miies tin itahls : Off I luiglies , 1 ; tiuf Iiinkle. 2. I itt ht' ltithtt'tl 1)4il : hiauli. Sruek tiiit : Iiy I Itughies. 0 : by 1)imuihie , 1. l'asaetl ha i I : I ti tltl hail ii. \'IItl Iti te ii : Iu umkh' . I .e ft o it lii : ues : lii : I I I aiim re' , 6 ; Ph i II itti el ph in , i. 'I'Inie of glunle : 'I'vo iiouri. Utnitirt's ; ( I it ffII ( ' ) ii nil I iriiivui. Score , m ( ' cml gunie : li , ii'i .I U I t I : i'm u I i ) ELI' ! IT. ' . . It iii ) , u. . ' tauiii , lb. . . . 2 . 2 t it Cooi.y. er. . I ) o a o ii iC.'ti.'i. rC. . . 2 3 2 ) t ) , . , iii 9 0 itt j it .kiiitiiigs , ss 1 4 1 U I ) 'i'It'nty. it 0 0 3 ii it 1.ii ( laut , , it' 2 i S oj It.toI , 21. . . 1) i I : i it I Itilnirs , it. . I 2 5 0 0 Filch , r ( . . . . 0 0 j u i utriIIe , ct . . 2 4 5 U ( I titiiutty , , c. , 0 1 3 i 0 I 1iiiofli. lii , I : i 2 4 U i/iUdtr , cC. . U i 2 4 1 tttiht . e. . . 1 i 2 0 li ( 'ro5 , t4. . . . 0 2 2 Ii 1 I'utt , . . . . . 2 2 0 1 \Vlieeier , p. 0 ti ( I : 1'tni . . . .15 23 27 1 ii 'I'ililt ( . . 0 t I ti Ii lbultlunore . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 . S I ) 2 1 1 ' -15 l'hiihaulcihthiiu ; . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 S I uleui I in te's : I troil Ic , Jt'n iii ii gs. il cliii a ii . 'l'vt-lmiulc' : lilt i . : lirodie , 1ltuili. : 'I'hiret'-buiiti hilts : , Icuiiiiutgs , C'uoss. Sitt'rllleo hIts : lbuuhi , I \\'lit''iPi' l.tultie piiys : : Lttutlcr to lttug- 11111,4 I it I _ it ii ii ( 'I' ; ( ross t t I t Jtti to 1)0 ii g- hius. hlrst Iimiiit' ttii htilis ; : ( If ! l'uiiti. 2 ; err v it it' it'r. I . I I It by III I chieti ha II : ti ii ri thy , ( 'hiii'kti (21 ( , ( 'uttlis. Strunic uiiit : ity I'itntl , 2 ; itS' \'ii ( . ( .i er , 2. I e ft en lii t iittt ; I iii I t i uuitti' . 15 ; l'hiliiudi'iphilmt , ii. ( Juimitiles : CalCite ) ' aunt lrown , ( 'lust' ituil Iii Iuii.ra'st I use. I'I'l"I'Sil(11G. July IL-Nowithslauithitig ( Ito Hiuutli s'ort' the game wius lriggy ; muiid uuilnttiestitig. St. Iuiul tallIed on mu lilt nuid $ ehii'Iver'uu wiltl titrow , Gray von I he gut au' I ii t liii . 'l Ii t Ii vlt Ii it Ii i t , louI ng I iustluigs ; atiul Ionovaum. Att'mithatuie. So- Score : 1'I'li'diui'llui. liT. I.Ot1S. Tti1O.t.i. It 1i.0..L1. Ia'novtun , ri a 2 2 0 U Uowd , i C. . . 0 tt 0 ' I " unto , ef. 0 I 0 0 ki.iizeI , cC. 0 ( I ij U ( irity , Jli , . . . I ) i 3 : m u ilurley. If. . I ) 0 1 u ii Iu tYrtiiy , if 0 2 1 ii U troiei. SI , . . . . i I 1 ii it licw'un'it , lb 0 0 .2 U ii ) eker , it , . . it a o ii J ' .4dtut , 'tt. i ) 2 2 t t. iiugdcii , o. (1 ( 1 4 5 0 i'iirt'4 , , . U I 1 1 1 Qttlriui , , , . . a i a i it El ) , s . . . . . . 0 1 2 I U ( roilus , , 21. . . ( I I 2 C U 1itttilI1iI , P 1 0 0 0 U Iluglivy. m. U 0 U 1 o Tiiitli . . . . 3 11 II 12 1 'Fol1tia . , , I 1 21 1i U Plttshturg . . . . . . . . . . I 0 0 00 0 02 ' - : i3t.14)tilii . . . . . . . . . . 000100000-1 Iurlii'tl runs ; I'ltsburg , 1. b'urrillpo I iii I : 0' Ii rl i' ii. Stolen itaes ; (1' 1 I rIca , ( 'ross , Sugult'n. Double play : Gray to I hlttweroiiuui. I"lrs ( base cii halls : ( JIf 1 ltuHt. luigs. I ; oft I iuigltey. 2. Steticlc nut : I Iy hinittluigs. 1 ; by hiughicy , 3. 'j'tmne : One hour a uid I Ii lit y-tlve am iou I es. U multi rca : Snyder mind Couttiolly. . Ii ruithI .us ( k'IM lluu'L I , , Ioi' . NlW' YOit1 , July 6.-'l'hie Ilrooklyuia ic- turui'ti home ttttlay ( room ii i4uCCi4ui vcst. t't U ( i'll ) , 011 I Y it ) luau it gut Inc to I Itti cliii in - ltoiis. 'I'he Ih'iiui biiters lilt 1eniietly han ! t'uioiighm In ( liii thilrtl and ite'exitlt lummilngs to iui. Scoic ; tul1O0iLN. IuOSTfl. 1tii.o..t.I.i. it artiiln , ef. . 1 1 3 0 U l4Iivetts , rf. 1 2 0 U Joltt s. Sf . . . . I I I I U 1'eiine3' , ii , . I 2 ii ii U i.aCii'uice , If 0 0 1 0 t' iuiTy , cf . . 0 0 0 U it ' 'iieker , lit , . 0 m u 'i ( 'Iiiiflti , Sb. . I 1.i 2 0 itttIIiitmn. 21i C 0 F a ii itiuud _ it . . ; . 1 .i I 0 Il $ IttniI , lb. 0 1 1 0 U I.cng. sa. . . . I t 3 7 U I.tugoon , is. I 0 0 ii U luau , SI. . . . U 0 2 a U jIan , e. . . . . 0 1 6 1 ii 'i'ager , C. . . 0 0 4 I 1eiiuicd ) , ii. U U I 4 ! ' I U Totals . . . . a 6(7 15 'Totals , . . . S 6T 17 I lirooklyri . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6-3 Boi4toui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0-5 Iartued nuuia ; Brooklyn , 1 Boston , 2. Ilases on errors : ilnocklyti , I ; Boston. 2. Left on bases ; hirooklyn , 2 ; lloston , 5 , Base oil ( malls : Off Henuiedy 3 ; off I.uwls , 1. Struck out : hty Keuinetly , 4 ; by LewIs. 3. hlonio run : Collins , Three-base lilt : StIv- etta. Sacrifice lilti : Tenney , Duffy , 1uw. , = _ _ _ _ . ! , a Chnec. lewt , StIvets , tcitittl lilisy ; Ting to TMs'e to ' 'ejne'y. Stolen hoses : DufTy , Jones , Let ( IttlIce. Uuiipires1 Fbii5. lie tiul Ilunt. 'Filoti tIntne : tnr' lrnur ( md ferty-cighit nilntits Attetulanee ; 1,200. ( ) riulinns iln4 'Out ii ilenuit . ( 'l hl'iutlO , .iitly . . . , hiy a grninl battinu rally iii thu. nlnthil tu ( ) nihnn , Pouifltled \'ilsoli for six of ti.eir ) twlve hIts antI turned nlmout ( eriHti1efnt into victory. 'I lie seine tilt otigtwut _ was ui flu , ' exhilbt- ( iou full of fast nod brilliant playing. At- tetluiaiiee , 1,200. Seiit : ( 'iilt'.tUO , I ii ( 'LIVIi.Ni it Ii ii lr.o..c. ityan. If. . . . 2 2 I tr thiilrketi , it. . I I I U 0 Iveritt. iii. 0 1 1 2 t115'ittitjs , 2h. . I I S S I Thntnt'n , ef I I 0 tf iaiisc , lb I i 2 " I i > ahnss..0 I I 4il irht'nn. sat 2 1 1 ii Mr'uak , 31i II 1 2 i ii Tiiesiu , lb. I 2 t5 0 i iIerte , ' . lb. 0 ( I 2 : t"i ' . , lu'Isx s. rt U 0 i I o lbsll.rf..O I i U Uiie'iiecr , efO 2 0 U ionaliiuC , e. I ii : t ii a t'eonnnr , c U ii 2 1 ii ( 'ahitilian. p. 1 3 1 4 ' tison , p. . . 0 0 ii ii _ : TotaI . . . . C iZ 5 ; i' i 'l'ntnl , . . . . S ( ' 2 l I 'Two out wheti vinniuig run vcis Scoretl. ChIcago . . . . . . . . . . . . I (1 ( I 0 1 0 0 0 30 Cheveintid . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 06 liitlit'tl route : Clihengo , 3 ; Cloelauiil , 3 , heft liii lnses t'lmlragut. 8 ; ( 'le'elaultl. I. Ttvui-hitse : hit it : Ityati 'l'iiuruitoii , Meicaii. 'I'hrcc'.ttasn hIt : \Vuilinec tieuiiico hilts : il itii , ChiIld't. gteieuu htae , : ityan. Struehc out : fly Callahan , 2 ; byVilsoii , I. I u85e4l hal 1 : ( I I'OIi tam. I I rst base tin litihla : Oil ( . 'nhlaltnu , , , I : off \'llsiii , , 3. VItti lit tell : V ii sOil. ' 1,1 liii' : 'I n 0 hiuu is. 1 bii. hir's : Swiiitwooil alidVoatl. . 51'A Nl)1N ( Oh' ' 1' ! I 11 ' 1'lAhS. I'iit'el. Won. Lost I'vr ( . ( 'Incinuintl . . . . . . . . . . 00 4G 2.1 0.7 I itiStoii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 25 lialtlniore . . . . . . . . . . . 0.s 40 25 I.1 ( 'loveland . . . . . . . . . . . tI ; $3 21 53,1 C1iIea't , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09 Id 29 65.0 J'ittsbuirg . . , , , , , , . , . I ; , l ) 31 ol. ? N.w'url - . . . . . . . . . . . ( g 13 2 I'hilhlutlelithila . . . . . . . . il ; 2 ; i4 12. ! ) ibeokiyii . . . . . . . . . . . . ri 2 37 42.2 \'utshtiitgtiiui . . . . . . . . ci ; 7 19 4(19 ( St. LOnIM . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 23 4t 32.4 LouisvIlle . . . . . . . . . . . . CS 22 40 32.1 ( liiii1e I otlit y : C I tic iiiui t I it t C' hIm go : St. I , titihs' at I 'lcvt'lantl . , hire -iiyii ; at Ne' -V ii u k ; I lo to ii it t 'hillal ci tiii lii ; I uii is vi I It' lit I'ittsbuirg : hhultiunore \\'itsliliugttui. . iEh'lililt % i'lSi'I1ut'i I.I'It'I1 S'Oit I14 , uuiilliiiuuipolis 1utlmcsIt Li'iitniiil for I 1-Mi l'huii e' 'bit' V iseuirtitiM , COLI'M 11(15 , 0. , J uiiy 6.-i'i kinl'a wIld- fl'MH tiiiil a itiatI' error : illowed tIle I ltiui- slers to wIn today. ( 'orc : It , 11. E. ( 'oltmiuq ; . . . . . . . . . . I I 0 0 0 2 0 0 04 6 2 hiitlliinmipolls . . . . . . . I 00O1o01'5 7 2 ha t t Crie:3 : : Col luliiltiH , ( 'it end a lId S ii III. vi' " I ' 'ii $ p tin i ° ' ' tiC it I a nil I . ) 'iieii. 1)l'TllOl'l' , July ILlrrors by the ie- trtiiti4 iuiiti titibility : to lilt a hail : uitslstetl \l II wit tikee' S l uiiil uig tttduy. Seine : It. II. l. Detroit . , . . . , . , I ) 0 1) ) 1 0 0 0 0(1-I ( 72 \ltIlu1ikeo . . . , 0 0 1 8 1 0 1 0 0-0 S 1 litt : eel ( 'H : let ml t , I I aba a it ii \'i'll so a ; ' .l hlwnuttee , 'l'uylor mutid Spear. l < ANS i'i't'Y , duly e -'I'iuo l'Zuilisas CIty-Omaha game , ( iiurisfeii'tl ( rota 0 ii at liii , viu it 1,0,1 t 1' tied t uit y on it co a lit 0 wet -rri'l mitis. . S.l' . 1AUi. , July 6.-The Siiiita : % vnhi a ( I use liii t 1' uI Ii I er.'tt I 1mg giu mn t' Cmiii t lii' 'i I I I - leu. Carey was tint ef i'ti' gitine Iii tlici lust i ui iii ii tig Co r eu : II I a .r U in itirt' Ia I I cy It ' Cu t ii'lt tl ' n ii(1 uicverlil ? l Iii a t'tl'l I ii I ii : iy- eni eru' Ilnial , tcttt'e : _ It.II.fl. St. i'uill . . . . . .I ) I I ) I ( I 2 1 0 ' -5 10 6 Miitnealttlis , . .1 0 1 0 2 0 II 0 0-1 4 S littrIes : St. Pitill , l'liyhe 1111(1 SIti'it ; 1iuiiiCllOItsVriht hull mUtter. S'I'ANIING Oli'i'i'hiE ' 1'E'MS. l'li'eti.i v timi. Ltt. I'er C. St. Ptuil : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 12 2S 62.7 I iitilunupollt . . . . . . . . . ( iI" 49 21 62.5 . Kiittuit : City . . . . . . . . . 7 4' ' ) 27 t'J.7 . I ( Oltililllti' . . . . . . . . . . . 62. . l6 2 flIiveukee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ij Ouitalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 31 1 6 Detrtdt . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 67- 2I : 44 :11,3 : MInivipoliM , . . . . . . 4.i 'h 21 i ; , ( .iaiilei ( todiiy : tmnihL ! : itt Kmiuisuit City ; ? iI II : iiilct' lit D't ml I ; I ii 1 Ian : u pcI is a t Cu- I uinliius ; ? .l i liut'u : nd is , tt St. 1'uii : I. SliAKi2 t' ' I' 'i'll E' ( i INi.ti9)ih 'l'Ii.tt. aitiiiisei'r Scluiiiu'Iz nitul Citiutit Cziiiiuinu ' -i' 1 . . ( illit. 'iI1NNEA1'OLiS,1 .Ituii. . Jily 6.-The geil- el-al shitk I tii. up t C t lit' 151 I ii ilelt 1)01 Is lasse bail team , W11IC1I hins , liceut t'xpe ted ( 'tin :4OlliO : ( tint' , took Itlae0 ttltny. Gus Schuiielz. who lIlus ninumaged kliti' telm tlnct' the open- ; cC thi seustn , 1i4' ; reHIuel and 'vh1 lei.e at Olleu for , tIIkI east. Ilt lion no hihiins for ( he future cuihl viIl do iiotiilng In I liii base Pal I II lit' thi Is auuuiii. Dali Liliy : , wint wits lint ncd by 'ttanager Ltftus ot Coltilnbus wheti lllinetpoiis iiet1cti a ii oil tiit'lti t i' hul : iit'en rccai I cii hty Colilnhlius and viii join ( lie ( cain at unmet' . iouilt Cnnipau. vhio liis : been tii up- : ( : dii f t Ii ti ( Uil.iii , I ins Lice n u ilitinil I t i'ni- : ul iy rel easeul . I I e hit : s Cal I e ii ii ft I ii iii s Iut- : ( tag the Inst few vt'ekit niid lila work In. nigllt ileitI unit not been tiit to tli ttmuuid- ii'il. PItcher 'right , v1it has seeui tw'o sea- ans tf nihtitr lcligtut' work. tvlll not ac- COtiil)1ifl3' ) tiiti ttttfl ( tli tile trijt tn vtiIcii i I deii.u nt S t nunoui'ov t liii II lie rd eased. Ct t.Jler 1)ixo ii II I play secolitt bue : 1111(1 Smith wilt lilly center ilt'id. Efortim art' hieing tmauult' to sceil re IL Ii I ) ut flt.ider froni I Ciiiei : go , titi t II egot I a t In its hiu' : e lint liecim eltiued , 1'irst Biiemall Carey will tloubtli'tni be inn tie ( 'ii lila I ii a nil C In tell cc Saul nu ugh , L t i easu iem ii f t lie coni taii. vill accola ItU lu r ( hut teuni : cii its next I rl ; ' . I iit.'rlt : ut , h.-ui gilt' . GRAND ltAI'IIS , July 6.-Score : It. I 1.Fi. ( lrund : Ttuuitlds 0 1 : i 0 0 0 4 5 :1-It : ; It 4 Duytoui : . . . . . . . - 1iutt'nles : : Urand linpitls , Atrock 110(1 Cute ; Dayton , Strelt nint louiahuiie. . . % % 's'uitilt' 'Whiis. \ \ ' YMOItU , Neb. , July C.-Spccial.-Tiiit ( ) \Vyiiitu'e ball ci uli situ t ii ii t I Ito conihi iiii tutu teuin of Crete nuid Liuieoiii tlnYer8 utt Crete yesterduy : afternoon by ii score of 9 to 0 , Iuiulluiits lIt'feiul ( ui'iuIuig _ COIININtI , in. . July 6.-SpecIuI : Tele- gm in. I -1' Iit Neb tus ki : I tid it : iii ; ii i'fet : t etl ( 'itunIng tiahiy lty IL score of 12 to 4. ' 1'It 1 tethitkI liii 1(111 ( y htt'rc a gu : I ii t ii inorrov. I1VE. 'i S tN 'i'll ii Ii 1'NlN ( 'I'll t'k i. iuigituiisi ' ( ' Ai'e GIvi'ii to . % ritty uiiuul Nui l.i'ngii' , Ci SC1NNA'i'J. .Juiy 6-'I'ne ulialluigenient 0 f t II ii Lu totila I t'iik ulouun t i.l t In. rce'i jits of today's ruuc'liug iii tile lietteilt fuitul of ( lot Army : tjui Navy Letguue ( tf , Aiiierica. A bttu t : iooo juituiil o % v''re I a ut t te lii In lieu' . 'I' Ii e sitolt Wiuit gOi. Cosncr , winnt'r of time first rutet' , VU1i tllstiumaiilletl I tur fotulilig uintl On t'n t ut I it i. ; ( 'ii t I IC It ( 'C. \'ea I Ii er II itt' , truuelc l'st , itesu'lts : Fiust i'iu ( ' ( ' , ( tue tniltj , sehlitig : Orleuittil l IVitl , l'itduoiuu iiCCtutil , NL'llonIuto third. 'l'ini' : I :41. : St'ttiuitl u'uuee , tlvi' furlongs : S.ulvirst' : won , I I ut nI i' hot second , C I es la t I ul rd . ' ( 'I inc I : lf. ½ . 'fiili tl iac C' , hut' iuuile iiitd si'voilty yIuu'tls , it'llluig : ( .t'orge ' I'niits voii , l'muut Cliuurun iit'ittiii , ( ' 00 ii t t'itS I milL t Ii I ni. 'Fl toe : 1 : IGi4. inirthi ruce : , hunt nmlle anti Ii half , seliitig : I'll II ( it % 'Oui , I ' 1)11511 iii 141'i.t tuiii , I loyal I ) a Ito tltiu'i. ' ] 'iitie : 2:37 : , . Fl ft ii i'Iuee , St's Cli aitul on Cit : i I C ( ii rio iigs , iehIiuig : Ltc'v Anna woli , 1isIe Ilitriucs 5cc- ouutl , At las Fra tul s I hi ru I. I'I uiuti : I :36 : , Si ' t Ii i'a ( 'C , $ e'eii i ( ipi ii ui-I tiul I flu rioiigs , st'lhluig : rttlurguuret Juup' woui , Lyhils si.'ctjtud , IIIItIu thulrtl. 'J'lnw' : ITh'/ : . ( 'I I l.GO , July ; . -\'tushiuugtoui $ l'ark re- tuults.'ettlter : ci ar. track lust. First rn'i' . ix Il lptigslatlrllone woui , 'I'eiiolo SecOlitI , LIbertIne ( liii il. 'I'lnie : 1:14 : ½ . ' I Seeoiutl race , lIve and ouie.huuil ( furlongs ; Smitteiluvoit : , .Jolhy llogt'r itecotiul , l'rluicu lcClurg thIrd. 'rIIne I :07'4. : 'l'htrd race , inlhul uuutt.i llfty yards ; F'loreuizo won , Cllurka secoptI lluhienzolhern thIrd. ' ( 'I tue : I : t2bi. i'ttumrtlt mcii , sl : tutiongs : Algol won , 'I'ruvt'rser : itecouitl , Iuugeuiiu SYlvIa's ( lulnul. 'I'Inie : 1ilL. : _ , . . - FIlth rti't' , mliii uuiid llfty yards : David 'l'ontiy % vtuut , I uuii , . Alistrat secouid , tuirda thuird. 'I'Iiiue : 1 :43a. : ST. 141(115 ( , Jiii 6-A : gootl erovt1 wits I ii a t t t'uitiul ul't.i it ( ( Ito ' flu I r grou nui s tutiuuy. Ikubututll s'ims ( Iii , 4)liiY vtitnluig ( avonluc. \'t'uthmir : tleiuttant , tick ( Its ! . hc'suIlts : 1"i rs ( tine , for mzuUleti Ill lies a nil inn ru's , sIx Cu i'iuiutg it : Sieiniit. ivoii , i it t Ic I .uutgtl I - low sccoulti , Alma Iusschl ( lhlird. 'I'Iiia . 1 10. Secouitl race. miullt , lintl ( i'euity yartha : ( Ia 'j'o 1id Llbatltitu seconul , l'luioc'hle third. Timne : 1:44. : 'I'hilntl race , iteveul furloutgs : Ilasquil vtiii , Tt'ebon secuitid , 'I'utiiilia tiitrtl. 'rlinu : I 1urttt i'iiCi' , ix furltngs : Lord benirtlix woui , lt'alry het'Ould , thibrahtuir third. 'rlumie : 1:13bi. : 1'Ith tute , sIx ( urlomigs : Miss Vcrno 1'Jii , 'l'i'ttt'ily second , slIver Set thmirti. 'l'lnie : I : lli. III x t It rut ii' el I I iu. one in II e : 1eua vtj ml , Jumdge Sir ulroluui S 'tolutl , ( 'au I See 'Jio third. ' ( 'lint' : l:425. : NI1W YOhtF , July G.-Tbii8 was the oiten- Imig day lut llrighitoti Bench a nd a better ulay ( 'liii iii iiot Inive iict'ui ilitsi reil , 'I' lie chile C e\'ejtt of this tIny was the lIrlghittmi hantit- I c-ill ) . In which ( our Went to the post , with Ornitinuin ( us the favorIte and 'j'lilo a strqtim uiitl s'eil backed seeoiid chiolct' . ' t 'I'Ite start was Iirotnltt Ituid goeti niid titorgu let'ite welut oUt to nuiko ( lie hiace. Omi the back tretcIi Ornaint'nt aiid 'Flhlo ltegaui to close UI ) CU George lcene. Vtien thai thiilsh vuts in slgh und 1eenc through liniliia sat do a uu Ormlamnent and . - - - begnii to uu ge him , while \Vthilams was driving Tihlo liutrul. Try as lie uuilght lie cetliti iio ( get hmt Oniiaineiit anti I he Uretik. l5ii hatitilciup winner enn'c' ht'iiit' In trout wIth ii lilt to stitire , Thu llritt Attenlhlt stakes. for 2.youir.oltls , cli4 "RsiI ( ' Si , ( iii hty RintuIui by ii leiigthi , 'htho lihinelnutier [ tent duiggluimt it lit'titl for the plaice. First race , sIx fuirltiuigs : hliu1el won , 1 < I I t , ) o t itt'et'uiil. I .ain ( tell I t Ii I t'tl. ' ( 'I tilt' : 114. Seu'ontl race , five furlongs , selling : 1luiley Mack won The ( lartlciit'r second , ( 'are I't'r ftiun thIn1. Tune : I :0.1. : Tili'tl ) race , one tulle. selling : 1aiiuioek ! % Oil , Nose ) ' euiit1 , ltnttertliuui : thiltul. Tiuiie : 1:41 % . F'ourthi race , llrigliton hahitileal ) , iiille noul a uitia Ct t'T : Oriiutuiieii ( 'oti , 'I'll I 0 set'otid , George let'iie tliirui. 'l'iune ; 207. ; F'lfth race , l'lrst Attempt iutiuke , five fuurlouigmt : FIngt1oii voui , Ithiliit'lnuiiler see- oiutl , 1tltlggiuis third. 'l'Inii' : I :0) : . Sixth I il'C , mile niitl a furloni : l'eep 0' laity hail it vui lkovt'r. Sn uuiuuut'i' ltiit'i' : it.i't I utgs. 1)l'VI'btOl'l' , .Ilmly 6.--'iitkey iiiatlu' thit' 2:10 : trot I tdiiy a t Vl nil stir at iiriu'essi iii. not 011cc bet mig ii rI't'n tam I , 'I' i'c llt'st 1111(1 5 ( ' ( ' tiuiti hit'ati ; of the 2 tO Pat-c slt % % ' , Io I It' ( OS favorite , lint 2Iltu'n ' S brutt htimii ( tIm t I ii t lie flex t I vn lu'mt I s iii ii rl lug II a - i1it'ut , 1 I rk ti'OOti Ii ii tl S I ii t iinienul % vt'rt' I Ii e lit's t ti , lii I It e 2 It ( ct's a ii ii mad i' I I ii lively i'uce. IIrkivonul trotted Strtuliimt'ntl to it standstill In the fiutli iii liemt ( gnfl lie ilutishi t'tl Ith , , .t ii _ . 1 n t ii hi tin I Ii rat i'ii'k - 'eod nmi , hull tl lilt. 1l'sul t S 2:00 : Ittr'c : 1tltoui S s'ttii tin' l1r't , IhuIrul ituiul ( cii I'm Ii lu en I s. 'I't inc . 2 :0Si : , 2 : t 9l , , 2.0114 : . JO lit' 'i''tiii tlii' iii'i liii , ! licit : Iii 2ta : ) Nic hol Il , OdlItv antI letl Ib'al also stitrt'l. 2:23 : tint : Asl' ) ' IOu iii strntgii ( lit'ats. 'Fluiit' ; 2:13t : , 2 : l3 , 2 : h44. thovt'ry liellt' , lcl , Eieiunor \ \ , lcUtiiiy , il h.itdS' , 'ttrhit. Altotin. Mtiseui ( limit lIeu I. . iui itlti alt' . ' 1t'tI. 2 : I S iia : ti' : l I rkvotnl itii fl rut ! , full ci hi a all lift Ii Ia'uiuit. ' ( 'line : 2:12i : , 2:11 : , 2lSt. : Strlili- 1110:111 : it1 S't end intl thiirul heats iii 2ltt4 : I , uitl 2 :1 : IL : . l'th ! ii I' I hiss , I toitli It' .1 , 't'lioi'mi- dli I it I ' ritu'c , SI nIuui , .1 1 ) , 1uig ii i' I t a. I l I t I e Clia , Itoy Ii iiiitl IiiggIt' IV Itlsu started. ) ! tiiuliht' lcf.'IIIM liii' F'vtiivliuiuiiii. Pill LA1)i'I.l'I ; hA. .lilly 6.-'l'Iie tiftecli- lii I I t' iiii : t t hi t o tt I glit Ii t \\'ooih t' I tic Pill li I il- cycle tiuu k ltetwct'ii Eddie ilcluilhie 01' Ibis t u t ii a ui tl I I cmi rv Cis'ite' , Ui u F'rt'iiehi iii I ii ill ti ti 1st ii ii et' t ha iii ii lou , reut oh t i'tl Iii ii ii ovu'i'whuu'lnitmug vIctory for liii' Jiostoii tiny. 2(1 t I ) a ill 1' ii iuihi ud t lit' II ( tet'ii lii llt' Ill 2O : ! i-S. ! li't'l lii I'l.lln.tu'huIitui Ni' I 'i'itr. SA N l'ltA Nt' I S'fl. .1 iii y 6.-'l'lie uo''ouitl ulnv et thii' sessloit of thi" Noi'ihi Aunt'rlt'tii : 'I a tunes it miitiii vIs t1c'tii cal I o i c itort s of t U :11 : iiul I let's. I t itut S ( I ecld t'tt ( it i't'tu I ii ( Iii' I a'i y.'u is' t ( ) it i 10' li t t hi e 'a'ia rlierit' ( "a clii ng hi 'flhlliut i'y 11 t i1 ii % 'it ii lcec , I 'liii iud oh i Ii it t'u ii t'li tsi'ui a it t i i t' mie'x t itin ci' it C iii'et I tui. I SPIELER ASSAULTS A VISITOR out' ot Ills' Ii Iclii'iit' ' 1hiirlcu's' ' .tluiuusl hIi'iilui ii lhiiii Sluu , Suiui.ilit to ii iili' II 1,4 OiiHituilut , ( larry Laiigiion , n"sitlt'ler" at the Set'- Saw , niade a tnurtlerous issaIult 11111111V. . II. thong , a ( raveling nina fiom Euubutlue , in the l'-bst pavllloui cit ( lie llxposition 1dltit'iy : last night , knockiutg lioag uloivui vi(1i a chair as lie was emiuiearoriiug to get away ( room his amigry assailant , nhi(1 iliuiICIng a scal p wutl a d fouur I iiclie I Ii I cmi gth is'hi I cli requIted several stItches to brIng toetlior , I I dug hiati lic'mi si t t I uig I ii ( lit' hall I 1st en - lag to the lierforinalice for somiie tlliie anti cahiel one of ( lie girls to get luiuii a glass of beer. She tilt ! not i'espond with ( lie alacrity wIlichi Haag tliougllt 5110111(1 hua'c been shlowil. and lie 51)0110 rather sunnily about "attctutilng to lttuslnesii. " Liiigtloii : was sitting near and be took offeuise at the relnarks of haag amid accused blni of In. stmliuig lila ' 'sIster. " ilong denleui ( lue charge nuid stanted to Icave ( lint hart of the 11:111. : As lie iassetl Latigtloii st'uick hiiiii vit1i his fist Iii 'the back : uiid sltle of ( lie beau ) , tiaztng him. A friend of thong's toohi hIm by (11,1 aria vhueii he shiovcd sigits of dizzllless ail ; they started to leave ( lie place. Laiigdoli followed Itis vietlimi about thirty feet amid thit'ui tdckeui up a chaIr niid awlimlg It over hits hiatl , brliuimig it uiowli on llnag's lieatl vthi cruu'sjilmig force. The umian ulropped like ami ox and was carried out by his friends. Tile nmnhiulnuice was called amid be was taken (0 the luospitutl , where lila vound wis ; dressetl auid lie quickly recovered from ( lie effects of the hulow. Laiigdoii vaa placed rmnder arrest and taken to the 1)011Cc ) station. 'J'lie harol wagomi has cuit for nuid lie was removed to ( hue city jaIl. Vitncsses of ( lie affaIr say ( lint if the loiv with the chaIr bati not been dIvrtetl hiy ( lie umicertuinty of lloag's footsteps lila sinulI woulti have licen frictured. 110th muCh vere sober. BELIEVE HE IS A BURGLAR I uuJui i'i'.l St raiiig.'r " , VIio I I iii ! $ liI it iii , Iv's ha II 114 Shut's IN lit I lit' hush It itt. At tluo l'reshyteriaiu luospithul Is a iuulili tvhio gives the uianue of Walter Clause whotu ; ( lie I pollee believe Is a burglar raid crook with a long record. Chuase a few ilays slaice haiti tiiie of luis feet crushed between the buitipers of ( WI ) MissourI ( 'celtic freIght. curs , Wliemi tie waa taken to the hospital and lila shoes wore removed - moved a btlnrii of thu finest itliolctoii keys ( lie 1)011CC have seen lmu hiiaiY a day wuis r umtid In ( lie toe of one tiC tiuc shoes , Chase demileil ( lint the keys were lila wlue'n sluown them and ttiitl ( lucy lutIst have beehi placetl ( lucre by tile uiiutmu of Wliohii la huh - chiasei ( lie shioeui. An effort will be iiuiutlc by tIme 1)011CC ) (0 learn svhio Cllise : Is nun ) ( lucy belIeve lie lii wallei t'olflett'liere. Ommiuthia cut- caped lila work , its lie ts'as just ehitenimig the cIty tvhicuu ( Ito iiceiuh'mut ( icculrrei'ii. TAKES BARTLEY TO LINCOLN i4hierlhI lit.luuizulti $ lzirlt4 lou' lii' l't'iui- ti'iihuir' il lilt Ihit' t'uiis'lett'il J3-Stitli' ' l'i i' . 'MiI rcu' . .Toseplu S. ilartley tva4 ( iikcmi (0 ( the heuii- tetitlary last nlgiu ( to enter on a ( cram of twenty years for etiubezzleliment comiinulttetl vhilie acting as treasurer of Nebra.ka. Sheriff Mcioiiald wemit wIth lila pnlsohuer oil ( Ito mflldlulghit train. Thin ocullat s'luo ate'ndetl ( llartley durIng ( lie last ( civ days of his cohiflhlement hero says that his eyesight will be restorcil If hue Is given a little nteuttlon ( whmile lii hirisout. Hartley hatl expreaseti anion anxiety to be taken to Llmicolmi that lie might beglui lila service on lila long sctmtencn. ( iuuuuil \Vyoiuhuiw ( ' , CIIEYENNtI. Wyo. , July 6-Speclal.--- ( ) The Wyoimitng croiu service report kr the week ouidhiig today shows ( lie week to have beeii unfavorable to vegetation. hot , dryIng wiuida Imave lnjuretl greta where muot ii'rlgtted : anti retaniietl growth of ( be ramigi's. Thin iilghits have becum unusually cool. " itli llhut frosts reported Iii ( lie western timid mioi'thitrn liortloas of ( lie state. Time raInfall for time "Fot fifteen yeiT ICHINO lilY aiauigliter It U t ( crud terribly witi inhierited Eczelmilt , She received the best metlicah atten. tion , was given 1hlthi ) patent itietif. cines , and tse various external apphicotions , but they hind no effect whatever. S. . S. was filIally given , E OZEMA and it prOihIlLly reached the seat of the disease , en that She is cured sound antI sycil , her Skizi is nerfc'c'tly clear antI pure , anti she lIne been saved fronl irhiatthiroatermed tobhlghtlmerlife S S forever , " 'E. 1) Jenkins1 Lithlo : Ga , 13 , 8 , S. lsguarnlced purely vegetable , nd is time 01117 cUru for deep seated blood diseases. Hook. free ; &ddrsu,8wUtBpoIflcCeuap4 ttiut& , Ga. week tuna ( teen light , iuuo5t of tlat' tuitiuuns reportitig light shioti ers or no mlii at till , hisyltig Il lii ' ( ) ' In ( lie stIitO nut ! u good crop of alfalfa is tteln liar'eesteti. Na. th % . ( lilty Is reall ) ' to cut autti ( lie erot' will Fe large. Irrlcntlouu is in progress nuitl wnt'r Is lilrnIftil. irnigatloui lies bet'ii rctartlt'd soniewha ( by uintiungt' ilone to ditelleS niu'i ' headgates by ( lie spring flomb. . ' ii lti ti'rlIrlMluig hrug1 t. Thicro are few men huoti' uclile an'ak"i e' enterpnlstliig than iCtth..i & ( in. , who shuant , ne paln to se'urs ( he best of everytlilmug Pt 1hlr limit' for thi'lr malay eiisiouiuers. They lion' hiatt' the valuable agen'y for lie , ilng's New lcovvry for ( 'otisutnuptton. Cetuglis 1111(1 Colds. This Is ( lie wonderful renieiy that Is pretliielng such a furor all over t'ir conotry by Its than ) ' startling cures. It abso1uut1y c'tmres , 'isthnua , flnoachiitls. lloam'ssiicss nod all atTcctlohi of ( lie 'l'lurui , Chest anti t.tiags ( 'all 'it abovu' drug store and get a trial btittie free r a rgular sIze for 60 eenis niud $1.00. Guiaraiutc'cuh to cur ' or Irlce rt'fulrsietl. , % i-ri 'u' t'iv Vii ri. t3ii ii I ci' , Leai'e ( 'iileago Uuuioui StatIon 10'3t1 a. ma. Oh iCeystohut' lXhil'CS5 over l'ciiiusylviii' ; ' Short iliut's , nrnlt't' Ttveiitv-thuIi it S'Irct't tatlon New York City 2' $ ii iii. uucxt tlay. Sleeping ( 'or fluId ( 'each pir 'uigcu it go liii otigli ti I t lioiit ehiuiitgt' . A I I iui a I 'u e ii rettit t' Iii I tmuluii ; ( 'or. For uiartleuiar tiuft'nuiuat ' luihi itdtlu'cr.s II. It. llenthig , \ . ( I. I' . gt. , 2 I' South ( 'lark at. , ( 'hiirflgo. PACKING HOUSE S1ATISTICS SI1MIII IiuIlliiit ii 'i'u'1u In tilt' ) i't.'iti' I'll II o I lhlhitgs , CI NC1 NNATI , July 6.-Spreiuil ( Tele- gnrihii.l'hue ) l'rlrn Ciurremit si's : 'l'hiere Is Sciiiit' cii i'l Ii 11 iii C II I lii tlit inn i ke t I tig of lungs , hilt tlue Itliplily is llbcrnl for thit' ( line of ) 'car.'cstrrmt ktlllmigs for tlit' iit't'k are .105,000 , u'uimmitnu t'tl with 170,000 the prcccuiiiig ttt'ek amid 330,000 last year. Fmohuh Mtii'ciu I ( lii , total lit 7,610.000 , uigciluist , G00,000 a year ilgo. l'rolnliicuit Idaces coimipnre Os follows : City , 1StIS. 1S97. Chiiciiguu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 , 190,000 2,225,000 Kiiti'ns : City , . , , . , 1htlttt)0 ) l,0l0,0tl0 Oilialmus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . flil.000 57.000 St. luuils . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47t'.t ) ( ) 3S2.C09 I iid I luau pl Is . . . . . . . . . . 800.000 : ll 2.ttOO Stilit atikee . . . . . . . . . . . . 145,0011 2h16.uI0 C I ulul a lInt i . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0.(01) ; ( ) 2 I 2.000 Ottuiiitva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217,000 21)4(1(10 ) ( Cetlar htt : ii I ti . . . . . . . . . 1 7 1 .1)0th ) 1 r,3.tlOO Sioux CIty . . . . . . . . . . . . 130.tlQt ) ¶ 13,0110 St. , ioEUPhl . . . . . . . . . . . . 20S.OtlO 123.0)0 ( ) St. i'aul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121.00th : is.ooo I Nt'hiriskr' CIty . . . . . . . . 126,0011 82.000 A cii ) ' btic1ties iihil , 'lio . ( : -i.l : gets to t'tii k at uhue in the iuiorIlihllr. taken uuti ii : ; . . ' hour for lumiicli and Ilf ' ' -gt 'i5. Iiftelilooii , little imii- " - ' ; ; V' . ' A uiiatu to cihuilire I )4 , the ihahlsliilus oh a _ _ .tt. , ' * .e h : Caroler's life , niiist lie robust jull'aically at. time outset , nuid if lIe tvoiiluI live a lei : life , alivays kccp : u tvntchi- I'ul eye tiliOhi his health. lie should ic- imut'tiiber ( hint it is ( lie : tppareiitly trifluiig disorulers ( lint eventually miiake the 1d ills. ca'tes. It does not do for a luau ! \volkiuig ulilull (0 neglect bilious : ithtcks ci shellS of iihIigvctiOii. If lie clues , lie tt'ihI sonit fimul luilllseif flat ott his hack with nialal hi or CrilTlCd vith rlieuumuiati'niu. Ir. P'mcrce"i Coldt'mi Medical Discovery is the best of : ill liieI'lcihies fir luald workihig nicuu amid \vo- flichu. It iiiakcs ( lie appetite kceuu and hearty , the thi'cstioti perfect , ( lie liver ac- ( lie. tIle blood iitirc and rich vitli ( lie life- givimmg eieilicuits aitlie fumul , anti ( lie iterves stioig : and stead ) ' . It liuilds turin iiiuischc and solid flesh. It is ( lie greatei.t of all blood.iumakcrs aiiil puiniuiens. It clint's ihulIa- Thai troubles auti rhieiiiumati'iii. It iii an ihli- faiuiiig cure for lilliousuiess autti iuidiueestiom : . An holIest dealer will not try to sllll'4jiiItc sonIc ilhfCi hit preparation fo'r the , akc of : i little additional profit. , , I was a iuiffcrer for four years ui'mtli tutalarini fever aud chuilis , " w'iutr s lcohei t WIlliams , of I'uowa , Ilacher Co. , Kan. " 1otr : bottles of Dr. l'icrccU Coidii ( leducal hh.covcry ciirul inc and I llO' . ( ' weigh too poilluths 1 lhStcittl of iso , lily old s'cighlt. ' ' Costivcuiess , cohistipatiohi aiid tOrliIItV ( if tim liver arc slircly , spedil ) ' anul tuerhiia- uicuitly cured by Ir. I'iet-ce's I'lt'a'eiiit I'l- lets. 'rhie are tiny , sugar.coatcd grumiulieii. : One little ' Pellet " is : u geuitle lixative : , ; uuuul two a 11111(1 cathartic. 'rIme3' itever em ipe. They utihhulllate aiid stretigthieii tIle putled or- gati a uhiti I a rcgtilar luab it is frullt'ul , a .1 d hil8Y thieii be ibsCOhhtiliuiC(1 .vitiuotut :1 rettli Ii uif tile trouble. 'fhmey atinhuuhate , iiivigornte flihul regulate tlte stouliachi , luver and hcnvt'Is. hiediciuie storeS sell tllcili , miii Ilave no otlur Pills ( Iuat arc ' 'jilat lis good , ' ' BLOOD POISON A SPEIALTY. PrImary , secondary or 'rerti&ry liLOOt ) i'oisor : permanently Curel. in 15 to 35 Days. 'Yoo cnn be ire&ied at horns for same puloc nod. ; sent , Clmaruuiity. If you pnstcr to come her. we will contract to pay rail- real fart , and hotel hi ; : . , antI no eiuurgs If we fat ! to curt. IP YOU HAVE taken mercury. mdiii , pc'tuttth ami still Sinve ach ad paIns Mu"our i'etcliea I mouth Sore 'linont , I'ii.up.e , Ciu ir Co 'rcd 1ipfIa , ijlcq'rti on tim , ' uurt of liii' bo4y. heir or 12yebmow. ( aiiinv out , It is ( hit. ' Secontlitry Vie Guaranthe to aura w. aollclt iii , meat obstints cee and ciutlhu'nge the would ( or a cute we eSnOol clinG Tutu disape luau always batmeil iii. skIll of the macst eminent puyleIane. ( $ Ic0. capital l.ehtlrid our unt'ondltional guarant ) ' , Absolute proot , cant eeail on appitcetlan. IC' ) 4e btak cent ( u. , Address COnIC ItIhSiI2lJ' ' ( JO. , .1.4111 ) luisonic ! l'euiiilc' , Cbtcuuio , ill , 1 . - - - MADE 1flA AJAX TAHIJ1TS POSITIVELY CUJJ ( , .4 1,1 ; A'u.rna ) tse'ntea-2'aiIlo itleru' g u.i,1cupotaae. hioeitDO.5CW. ! cati.t'J . ' iii' Abuse or ett..r hzcei.me : mid Imu ia' ctton , 'J'h .j 'pmfr'.iu' ai.1 'until. ' , . - iot0ro iuet 'lttiiity Iii c1i or yo'iuig. .i. I flu m. ian ( ortu.1 . , , bu.Iasti tr aui.riiue. . . 1'eysat Insanily end ( 'neamal.mi 't if ta5n III tiuu3 , 'l'tuatr iua tliowt jmnmuiCdIato Imu Tt , meet and eUscs a tU1u11 : chore ail ottur fiil Ii , . sill uuouu having ( I , 'nriro , Aj'z : j'ni.icta. . 'flu y hare cured tboutiand sru'l wiiteum'e uu. S'o rite ii l'- Itiru writtea guar5nio to ehhi'ct a euro i'i ; ? I. . each cats or refund ( hi , ruc'nuy. l'nlce , J .J S ti lrr : packar.ei or aix k.ct tiult ' .r.atnten $ ( f"r * 2.01. , insu , lii i'tal a wu ciltir. , , I''r , tcc't l't ' ( It er' ' . ' t I r , ' " ° 'AJAX R1MIUVCO Fil' eahe In ( Jmaila , 2eb. , by Ju. Fursythi , 22 N , 16th ; Kultum & Co. , multi tthtl , Ij.ugtss : tad Lu Council fllurti by 0. II. hIriiwi ; . hlnItOgiat. . DR. QREVt * ' 1 w iio 'rhlEA't $ (3 ' ) Private Uiseaso liaee..sel itid. , St MEN 0N5V i13 Ycutra Exuterleuc : Ii ) Vueura Io OmiaItt. . ' ( look Free t'fliIIlIalt ( % ' ' . ( ion 1rt . lhuix 7116,0' l'tth sad FaraLot thi - iMkIA. UoFfl c ) . - ' 1' ' : P THE UXCflLLNC OF SYRUP OF IqS is diii' not emily to tIit ouigiuuillt3' tim ! simplIcity of t lie eounhihiuliton ! , ittit also to tlit' titit 1111(1 skhil vithi svhiielt it , is 111:1 : nufiuetni't'd 1i3' ielt'iithlle ( urtt.'euee14 kiiuiviu to the C. l.Il'OIINi A h'in 8.5' 11(11' Co. ouily , hut ! 5i ( visli tti ) ( ' upolu itl I tht o I iii Pui't ii ii CC Ci I iu u't'l inshiig t liii ti'nc' un1 orlghtimu ! u'eint'tlv. , s time gt'iitiiiit' yi'uip of 1'lgi. is iiituufaet tured by thit CAIlI'iINIA l'l ( ) il'iIthI' Co. "lily , it lumoiviculge of that fuict is'hll assist oiie iii nvoithiiii ( lie vuuhhesi ( hiuttatluhus iimauiti tiietiired l' at lice iir- tie's. 'l'liui high stiuii1htig of ( lit , O. t.t- I Fuill , iio Svlut'u' Co. ss ili tlit' miit'ihi" Citl Iii'0ft'SlIhuii , titiul ( lit' st : ( Isfiietion VI Iiit'li ( lie gt'iiuulua' Syri1i of Figs lihuu gi''ui to : nllhioiis of fainilk's initIei t'ifl' iiilluIt' of the t'oiiipiiiy a giihil3iiity of ( lit' t't'elli'iice of Its i''iiii'ily. It iii fIll' In midvnuice of 1111 otln'e IhiIitvt'M ! , h' ; IL aet. cii t lit' hldiu'ys , liver iiinl ii. . , , i' Is iv I t haunt i cci t ii ti iig om' s'ehi lceii lug thit'iii ail It. ulue's mint griie imor ! ittis'at ( ' , I ii ii'ilt'i' I ii gt'l Its beiit'Ilc'inl t'Ii'cts , hileise reiiiciiubt'i' ( ho iiaiiie of , the Coiuipaiiy- CALIFORNIA PIG SYRUP CO. tiAN I'll tIs'u ; , , ent. i.ut'iR'i1.i.i : , 1 : siv : 'ttutse. 1' , Y. , i ( OThRNMINP l(1A wants st.rcnu iacii iii tts E'b' VZi. servIce. With tulle aclCct1 : Ari\8fldNaVy ! isW tilO r.rcuutet hi ii ti tv mu ( f. ' ; i l.t L'I stectugu Iitiiucr , Ihivlgor.ut- ' .IYJ tJj ] or antI rc'tiative. It J' ) ) ) J't j t'rcItt"i tilil 'bi'.hi. lulls- ; cjr , ( ' 1(3 1111(1 iltrctlllli , t'k'ara lhl:4 ; : tile itraiti , it'eiigthi. ii'u fr.1 7 tlue uui'rvc'u a tl clii .e' , I.ty C.iti ; eiier.tIt : ti orCli' : . ( to , , r : tli'cl1y i'chItuIt I iu.'I m. tail'i ; ' 1 iuul : l'Ott er. I"or uierv- ' ' ' , In ellior sex , cr cc ' it lye uisi , ci ot'iumuu. llq'uor or lou ; t'l."i , It ii sILively ( 'iambi , i.C 'xceii 'ii. Ohuc box will tvork ti tam t'rs. SI : e till I cimro. : ii. hi-ililS t' for 1. i10 IiY till i1riigrI'ius , 119 t ii- let e , , ' ( ) ct' Ii I ' . ( ) .i ' t t i t't i'i ihit It i' t ue.u I ulielIt. 1iII out lilt ! ihiull : il ; I to tit igii tiis sued. Iii each box , lint ! WU it ill i1'O 3'OUC 0.14 I ii tt'hil hutton- . lion witluout. e'tra viituge. : lIAR-HUN Is lire- P ii''it by I I J1llui' ' r 0. 1 lu tiCohl , I 'ii I ) , I I. S. , dim - m it 't I miii Ut ii ftirinhub % of fl II. I ilirmohi , ith. I ) . Cleveiantl's inctit unit 'iu'ii I. , e'eialIsL 3.1 aIlcul 1mm cht't'Il Ii iclu gil OIl r.'eeI itt ' .f PriI'O BUS. 11Ait'1'O1 . 'i lIEN 01 Ibar-Ilemi lllct'k , t liii cl.unul , 0. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ For sale by I'uuhti A o , ; , , nid 1)oi. has ; .1. i % . . L"tiiter & Co. , 141)2 ) Iuutiglis 141. , L'iud ( ii : ihii : lii I 1i'tig Co 15th qilti I'unuluuuu ; : J'lhig l'linnuuiii'y , 2711i thai Lt'tv. muwortli : Pt' ) ' t 01 'S 1 'lan nina i'y , 2 I I It i a I I .r 'i veli iv or tli ; a j. Skonui. Sut'thi Ohiltha ; , aitul lull otilt r 'Ju'uggiu ; t a Iii Oiuili hitu Sc ' . ; , ii 0"a ii II . C o ilii cIt Patroiiize I-Ionic Iiidiistries II , . h'tmi''uuiiIiig .uIOuli' , : I..iuht' ii ? lii' ' uusiiig % sIui'iisI.ii luieIorit'zui A5'N1Ni6 liNt ) 'i'EN'rS , -T-1 ; ; iu i 'u'h.'I' . % I ) 8 1. u11171t Co. tilt u'essoni , Ohflft ii , l'olt i nuul A i' ; null ; Co 1 liutitlIhil 'tttem'mt'lIuF. . . tvltlligt' , jot I. ' r. . hsiies' . ' iii g'lt I .t' am a .i ( I i I oiies. 'i'eiltt. 'or i en I. 1311 t'.nliiti St. , ( Jtuiaiua. iiitiivIitius : , llI , hit tilt i4'IX ( , tSCI .t'l I ( ) . Carh'cl i.Iuiuuuuut'ltlt , mututt.c II , our , , n'mu mefnlg- ( 'l'lttOi' , ' : ti Ii , ilue iIihiiz'il , , l'hIl. ' ' ' . I , \'lcruiuul , I intl 1"utuittly : , , ; irt , iellvei'c"i I , ) tIll 11411a ( it 'he ' cty. noiu.rtis , C ) J III .t Ill ) t h,16t ( 'ivthu I' . . ' .1 ( iii S ii. 1.1) 'hi 16 % ' , 1'"t'h ) , liiInrs , 'rsrjcs a tot SIl'Ci 1'litiOi ii . Slinci. , I f.rttittna Cu : ' ; 1ina renln , . etc. "rtl. i3h . . . . . . . - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - ( 'tituCfl w'olu ; ; ; . t ; . i. li tUIi4 CihhtNicil % ' ( ) It' ! . thiiiuifaeiiIrer , of G'l'ltliITt'd lion Cci luiCt' ! , ( ill' . , . auif'i , Iron iihiyligluiv , 'lilt , Iuhi . .tiil 14bam1 flootine. Ai"ili : for l itimietu" Steel CeIling 1JSlu-12 ( Norma 1'.u""tui street ' 4 'chAr-u. : iii F.iC'I OltiUli. .sililulCtIl'4 ! tt'u'i' : Nu ) ) IIcG , co. , j W'Il.l ( I j . ' ( 'I t''i.t'j' iiut tiulaci ii i Cu's , u.l.iul\ , Njmi. : - _ _ - H- - 1)'i voittcp tit 'ill ) iiis : t'u'S ' 1' i ' Ch'I' ' I ) t'14 . .thi l 'I , I ; . : I h'aii'uiiai ¶ 41. 1i'Ing anti , ' ' if' ganiiuluts autO gonth of . I' ' Ce ) ' leecripi Icti. Cl et ill hi tit II tue gui rnlen ( 4 5 meCili'Y. ' FliilJIt ) iiIl.1.S. 14. l. ( ; iI)1 % ' , Veiur ? titi , Ieeti. ltu.uui , Uil-l3.t7 ( 'orila I7tli run , Oiti.i I. , ! , N cti , t. I : . I hiiii'k , 3ti Ii a tear , I' ' , . , iiui' , 1eh. ; ) IiO'o1mIc:3. . , l.t'IS ) , c t'uVdul ( , , ( ) 1.'OhtIC'4. hi'iui tiiuii , IIi'uiss l"utiithi'r , , ? .t , .lil fIt , I II n'flt Ii ii ri .1 lit , ne ( f liii ti I tier ) ' , G en. erii I e1nlrluig , i aIwlltlt , y 11(1 , h&tZ stiti JM)3 ) .hitclehi tro ( title (4 ( ' 4db _ , _ _ _ _ _ - . I.iNtIilm : : ( ill , L , . . _ _ _ - - - - - - - - 'l.Ol ( ) U .i 1,1 . , t'i' ) 01 I , V ( ) it hCS , 3i a hi itfau't iir'i a 1,1,1 Iii ( , ies $ 111W uIuuiCiJ UI I , hut- lit , ltiit''ii ittu't 1 till , i. , l itt' 't i41uu'l , , IIhilfuti ruthi' . in uiiiuh , boil bCrtetltti uiixr't'tl ( Oh' , tli ii- jutS. .ill.\lId , iiA'r1'imIThtUt. : ) Sil t hIliiI\ ' ( CO. 1.1 ii ml ii 'itei tO i'l , 'T ' it l&iit gi ii It' ( I : u ( I a' , icr , I Ill ! ! uInev 141re't , Oiratii , , _ - - O5'iihiAhI , . % Nl i 1411 I lIT PAt'1'Jiui(1I. - Ctll'\ ' . ( I 're ti..i it I TIC. I 'I' rI u , ' , ,1 ri . ' . Ovi ; a ii. ( tMtu ! i Nih _ _ , - uIllut1' i'"rottus. ' : .1. II , l'S' ' . sriit ; ; % MI 'a iIIilt'i' ( ' ( lii i''cY. JxcititiIVO ( 'illtUtmfl shairt taIlors. iShi Faruutm ; \'iN 14(1 5 II A Ni , IltIIiS hi % ' .1151 t % ' ' ( ( it ( ( I , r.Tnniiuiciurers itt' 'ta'uir. I'h'khf's , Catcuupa , ) diettr.ie : , ( 'ci' rr in.i 1'r ' u"tpu.hulre h'aitce. VANH ANti ( ' . % It1tI.fig3. } % vi 1.1.1 ' . i i'IiliIlliI , I'or a 5t.ul. ( ' .1(4 tuiiiluut taltInie of tiny tiescrlp- t i''ii , ( or i epa lot I cc er I litil cr tt n.e on stes ci' udi wher'bs-IIC ( treat lilac ) is 21111 anil Jasemtwonih Streetv. c1n.s It ! titNLI.iC'I'IJjilihi3. iiiiCU : , 1.arget fUeler ) ' lit tht weet. 1.eaillng obber1 er Oitiali , lca'niai ( 'Iii' . llnroln end St. Jiise'm hmit'lie cur ' , n'1 t1IIS ( "arn'.mn giresi A. I ) . 'r. Co. ; mne.iertgcra furnIshed ; bag. agt' tI'llva'a'eil. 1302 Doug'ei St. Tel. 171.