- - . - - - - - - . - - - . . - - - - - - - . - . - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . , . - - . - - , - - - - . . . . - . . - - . - - - - - - . - . - , . - - - - - . - . - - - - - . - - - - - - ' - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T------------ . - - - . - - - - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - , - - - - - (3 'liii E OM A 11ApiI 1Y fl E E : I'1 I 1' USIATVIY 7 , 1898. _ INTEREST FROM IQWA ± 9qNc PNIt IIX'VION. flutiwelser beer. floscnfchL Tel , 323 , ' Try Moore dentli to 11cc nn(1 mites. Miss (1ertrueVnotl ( of Ioix City Is the guo3t of MI Beatrice Tinley. Wnntc-Lategt editIon of Council flluft3 dirftctoty. Apply at flee offlce. . 1. . I' . Tylir nrnt son of hamburg , In. , nra 1 the city to visit the exposition. J Mrs. M. I. Graham of Chicago is the ; ucst of her sister , Mrs. 0. W. ( Jrnhrnn. Miss ICate Grlmn of Fairfield , In. , is vis. lung her sister , Mrs. C. J. Dohjblns , on t5lxth avenue. County Attorney Saunlers Is nttunhIng the annual meeting of the owa State Bar nssociation at Mason City. Mike Ilrcnnnn ol the Pacific Fxpress coin- pafly's local force left yesterlny to spend 1k short vncntion flt Itoluk. The enrolinient ot tlia Pottnwnttnmlc County institute yesterday reachieti 336. The ' lhstltuto will close Saturday. . . , The will of the late Ezra Cnrtcr sns 84. I initted to Probate yesterday in the district court anti J. J. hirookhousc was appointed cxecutor. - lon't yrnt think it must be a pretty good laundry that can please so many hundreds of custotnerMVchithat' the ° Eaglc , ' r 724 Broadway , Mias Belle Cook of hlnslngs , eb. . who Is on her way home train Chicago , viii re- iiinln In Council Bluffs for a couple of weeks. the guest of Mrs.V. . 13. hlewetson of l'a2 hi Tim ngulnr meeting of the Council BIuIfM \omcn 8 Sanitary itchlut commission will I lie hell th Is a ftc riiooii at the iirin ury In the Masonic building. All members are requested - ) quested to le ) presetit. . The Itetail Clerks' iiiloii will iticet this I even i og at S : t1) ) o'clock I ii the Intl I over I 02 Main strevt. . II members nru urged to he j hreunt ) , lis th'rc is lnihticss of importance to Come before the riieetlng. , . John J , . htosark of Ottawa , Ill. . and Mrs. _ _ _ _ _ I , F ; . SVhiiLu of Calhoun , Neb. were married In this city yesterday by Justice \'ien. ins- Lice F'errler ijerforiileih a like ceremony for II. P. Ieviin and Matilda hinglunil , both of Omaha. Two of the colored women arrested Siiii- r _ . day night when the ohlce raIded a negro ' diva on Broadway were flnt'd $5 and costs cacti in 1)011CC ) court yestcrlay morning. , One wolilan 1111(1 thin two inca were thls charged. ! Joseph itIenour and Charles hymns , thin two men who lrohle into the residence of ) Mrs. M. Schiaffer on AvenUe A Tuesday. , . waived exniiihiiation Iii 1)011cc court yester- ( lay morning 1111(1 vero 1)0(111(1 ( over to the , district court jury. J. 1. , . llakor , inatiager of the Ohio Cijlti- vator. comanys braiichi at this point , leaves toinorru % V , accoin pan led by Iii in Pt in I ly , for . Ilellevue , 0. They will spend a fe' ( lays outing iiear l.lco ( Erie 1111(1 'iii also vhdt Niagara Falls before returning. ' A telegram was received yesterday by Manager Clark of thin Cranil hotel from , lrs. Stol 0111 ft U (1 I reel I ii g t hzit I he room ins or her soil , George W. Steluman , he prepared - pared for Shlhllllent ) to her lioiiio In lietlile- lieiii , l'fl. , 0(1(1 this lilS beeli iltine. . Dr. C. C. 110011(15 of New York City , who Is attenling the County Teicliers Ilislitute as One of th ( instructors. will delIver au . atidress this evening at St. John's English I.f Lutheran church. Ills sithihect 'Ill be. / - I ' 'Thin Rural School ; Its l'ast nod I'robabhe ' Future. : r Franlc Johnson , the tramp shio stole tvo cow halters from the barn of 01110 Knox I Tuesday atternon , vhll have a hearing before - . fore I'ollce iude Aylesworthi this inoriilng. A ii I ii farina t I on cliii ig I ug hi ( in vh thi In iceui' from a building 'in the tlay time wAs 1110(1 by Mr. Knox yesterday mornng. Tim hearing of the npIhlcatIon of the Farmers' Iaui 01(11 l'rust companY of New . York for the ailohiitineuit of a receiver for . . the hIrollerty of the Cotuuicil Bluffs \Vater \Vorks COlfllflhiY ) was uct' for heai-hng In the district court yesterday , but by agreement was CoiItliIUCh ( until Monday , July 2i. t Charles I'nor. a Broailvujy saloon keeper , itnil hiiiile1 II I or , who sa Ith her ri gut HItIUC Wits Zhhiifll ( ( , .Strlzlk , were arrested yester- , ( lIly Oil complaint of Mrs. l'oor. who charged theni v I t hi idul tory. They both gILVO ha I I 1(11(1 vl I I have a ji re I I in I n u ry hear- ( lug before Jtistlco'Ieii tomorrow mornIng. ) . . N. 1' . Nelson. IroIrietor ) of a saloon on Cut OIf hslanil , wIll hive a hearing before ' ; JustIce Vien next Monday on the charge of seihhuig liquors uii 'IoIutIoii of the hav. 'l'hue , i cOuuuihiiIit vns filed byV. . Nightingall. . I Constable Aiberti rallIed thue place nuiit seized ii quantity of liquors (11111cr a search varrazit. . . . . . Carl Jenn , the small boy chargeil with . . breaking a ( 'iflloW ho thie resldeiiee of C. ; . J. Iohblns on SIxth UVCIIuC wIth a missile . fireil from a nigger-shooter hind a hearIng . , before Justice Burke yesterday. The trial : oceimpleil the greater part of the ( hay , as a large miuniber of wltncsses 110(1 ( 1)00(1 ( sub- 1 p000le(1 ( Oil both StleS. Tue court took his decIsIon under aIvisem000t. . 'Flue hearing of Charles Scoflold , charged With picking the pockets of 1' . A. Gayer of - illenwood last Thiursilay , 'as coIlmhlete(1 , yesterhuty ( before JustIce Vlen aiil he was 1)0(111(1 ) over to the granl jury. Scotleld ad- tflIttel ( yesterday that be vas front Omaha Rflll thiat his parents lived on North Twenty-first street. 'rue story he told whirul ltrrrste(1 about being from Chicago he 110W says ' . 'fl8 false. Thionias Lortlen. the tramp arrested wIth three Ilnirs of IIW shoes Iii hIs hiossesshon ( Tuesilay , will hiavo a hearing Saturday on . tlio charge of breaking auth e'iuterluig a Rock Island freIght car. TIe authorItIes learned that Lordemi 01111 two partn'rs broke Into a toek Islanil freIght car stanihing In the yards here 011(1 ( stoIc a box of shines , The other iuieui 050111)0(1. Lortleut when _ arrested wall 'earlng non iair ) of the toIen shoes ' , ahid carryIng the two other ; ) alrs , The nollce have on their 111(0(15 ( ( an 8-year- old boy' nauneil'lctor hlovie aiiil they iii'o ( at it I oss to k no w vhni t I o (10 W I t Ii hi I III. 'rite I 111 * k 001)5 ) III II Ii i iig a ay ( rain htoiuie lid hI Is stelifuithier refuses to take lillui haek. Young , ilovIc , told Chief Iiixby yesterday thiat his ( stepfather beat liluui vlth a strap , but thunt I' "It he wouhd treat 111111 only half decent hie vouIi1 stay home. " 'l'Iio hoys father Is servIng it seiltellee In th penItentiary at A naimlosa a nh hi I s hint her iui arricil a hut II liltlllI 1)ellslow ) l.ooiiuts. Jail11 McMahon , a bIg , burly fellow who I vlui arrcstl ( ( or hIeing drunk. lint on his hIgh t I ii g clot lies 3's t e rday morn I ii g a nil 0(0(11) ( thiliigs lively ( or a wIillo 10(111(1 the cIty jail. icMalioii comnlneuleell hostilItIes by kickIng In thin face a prisoner siio 1111(1 just iCel1 ) jtttleil ( or leiiig , drunk 11111 * 'Imo , sts ( sIeelhlg ) hIs Jug off cit the hoar. hie thieli turneti ( ill thlO othiur ilnoates itliti ( or it ( ow lIllillitOs there s'as a hlvely scrilu- - limit go , J III I t'r Stoclalu I a vn ii coin pehl ed to 4 tim ra t ho 11050 0 U I eh uthoti illuil w hi'n lie iiatl go t hI lii the I oughil y k ott thu rough a lid . subdued locked hlni UI ) ill the solitary steel cell , C. II. VInYl Co. , ( maho relnelhy ; consulta- thou tree. OIIbo hours , to 12 81111 2 to & . health 1)00k ) furnIshed. 326.327-3S Mer- I rlanl block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 2O. l'lie ohlclnl ( pliotograplia ot the United , $ tates Navy , CUIltaillIng over 200 pictures of the vossels. wIth t'ielr ' orneers 110(1 ( a ultllut. of thp vtuvs of the lll-atcd Maine. COIl be , . hint at the Coilneli hllults olilco of 'Flie 13cc ( or 25 cents 1(11(1 0 lIeu coupoii. Mill ) of Cuba , \\'vst 111(1105 ( and the \Vorld at The lieu chIco , lOc each. FOR SALE-Ooo seconU-hinI bIcycle at it bargtiiti. Clii at Thu l3eo oitio , Council flluhTth I InrrIiii' IIeeises. Iict'itseH to 'vl were issut'tl yesterday to the uhluwIng Pt'rsIIs : Numb ii lid lt'sldelleti Age. ( Jul111 A. Ilossock. Ottuwit , Ill. . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 ' 'lrs. ' E.'hite. . Ctillmuuii , Nob. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4S 1 ( 'll t 1 I Ilso II , I iii rrlsun 0011 lIt Y I . . . . . 24 1cl on E. 14i 111(1 13101 , COO hell ill U iTs. . . . . . . . 20 II. F' . Ievllim. OlIlitila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Lat1lda iluijIund , Ozauhia. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . j : RAIN CAUSES IUC11 IAIAGE ) Downtown Strecta Flooded and a Great Deal of Lose RemUs. I INDIAN CREEK GOES ON A RAMPAGE t r.IIIn ( hit uf jIM lhziiik nail A iils Iiint'r friiiii ( Iii , ii III- NIIk'P4 Iii mini iii og IIIIMIIIONS IIIlln.s 1111(1 1)11 elI iimgn. As a result of tlu heavy fall of rain yesterday - terday afternoon Indian creek went on one or Its perIodIcal rampages and In an almost Incredibly short space of tIme was transformed - formed from a sluggish stream of a few inches III (1011th to a roarIng , foamIng tor- rcnt. The vnter overhiowed the banks nuid CouncIl Bluffs experienced the worst Ilool 810Cc the memnorablo clouti biurt In 1S'3. Not only (11(1 the creek overliow Its banks , 1)Ut the water Pourell In torrents from the slile hIll streets tmnthl Broadway froun iIrst street to beyond the Northwestern rallwtmy became a veritabhe river. For over an hour tile ihouti continued , fIlling cellars , washIng away foundations of hulldliigs nilil doIng an eflorlilOus anloillIt. of ( lanlage , the extent of whIch could not be estinuated Inst evening. The bulhhlllgs on the north side of Broadway - way from Seventh street to the Northwestern tracks suffered most allil the alnOtlilt of I ( Ininago ( bile here will anuount to a harge 5(101. At the Northl EIghth street brIdge the vater left the creek Iloollng thue hots cast. Tile fouuidatiouis of two franle buIldIngs , lisd as a feed store and restaurant , wei'O wasiuetl away and for a tinue It looked as If the billidlngs themselves wonlil be carrIed away. [ "rain 1lghutli street nail at ulullIcrous ijiaces west to the railway tracks the water Polurell iii seething torrents on Broadway , making tile street absolutely Impassable for pedestrIans , the water being up over the hitibs of vehicles. At the Northwestern tracks the water sa'm 00 it level for a time vitii thie l1'lOt ) phalforun 1111(1 was over the top steps of time motor cars , whIch were stahlrd anti unable to unload theIr passeui- gcr. ( ' 'I I iir. .t re . I I i'IiIle41. The cellars of uill the buildings between North Elghlthi strect on time north sitle of Broadway 811(1 ( many on thuc south skhe were I hloodmi , the Metropolitan hotel robahIy sufI - I fering the most Ilanmulge , as it vils back or this buIlding ( hint the \orst 1reak In tInt river occurred. At the Northwestern brldgc the torrent 50011 plIed iui on luuuumense qunul- tlty of debrIs , whuhch lund thie effect of turn- hog the vater back and for several blocks all the streets aitti avenues north of Broadway were covcrei with water , In places to a ( lepthi of two and three fe'et. Fears were en- tertalned for the safety of thIe brIdges at EIghth , Ninth and Teiithi streets. owing to tile vast allIotlult of floating ilebrls that no- Ctuilluhatei against them , aulti people wore vnruiecl froiui standIng oui theft or crossIng thieni , The water as It ioureti over ( ho sidewalks left a coatIng inches thIck of slimy , yellow I 1(1(1(1 and tile same condItIon wilt be found In the flooded celhars when the water stub- ii Ides. Oui Broadway , between Bryant nuid First streets , the water poured in seemingly end- hess torrents ( (0111 Glen nflIl Park avenues antI MadIson street , cnarryiutg with It paving blocks and nih mulanumer of refuse and de- brls anti luindllig It Oil the sidewalks. At tills PollIt the water aiso covered Broadway from curb to curb and ( or nearly half an hour the street was ilnpnssablc. ConsIderable - able ( launago was hello by the i'iush of water on tile block pavIng on ( lie trcets north of llroadway and the approach to ( lie bridge at North Second street was washed away anti for a whIle It looked as If the bridge , Itself would have to go. The banks of the I . creek at tills POhlIt are hIgher than below EIghth street anti tile water did not over- Ihow. tile ilooti on ilroadway from the Metbo- dlst chiruch to Bryant street being caused by tile rush of water from thue sIde hill streets. At l'earl street and Broadvay the water ( oruneil a regular sea alid passengers who ilnppellel to le Ill ( lie iliotor cars were coni- lielleil to stay in thieuii itntll the vnter stub- sIded. A iuuimlber of passengers who were pressed ( online took oft theIr huoes and stockings , rolled up their trousers auth % VlllCd thirougil tine water to tile sIdewalks. Srlll Se ers I uiuilcti liii te- i\iI the storm sewers south anti nortii of Broadway soon became ililoti and many of tiuenit belched out water lIke small geysers , tile 000 at North Eighth street throwIng out vater to a. ileIghit of four feet , a thIng that hail hover been known to occur before. On South Muilut street the water also polurt'd ( loWll iii torrents and at the ilurlinug. tom pasSeltger ( heJOt ) was over the platform and Into the waitIng rooms. Aitbougli the ( all of rain was ileavy It I illtl not Inst luIttehi over nun hour. The creek COulfifleilced to rise shortly after 4 o'clock , buut by i ; :10 : o'clock It hail begun to silglltly subsIde , butt for au hour afterward lhio water contlimined to how from the breaks lut tile bamiks of tile creclc. CIty Emigliteer Etniyre hall a large force of 111011 Ouenlllig ( ito storun sewers and remnoving debrIs ( roinu the bridges as far as possible yesterday evening , , I'.iy % 'III.'I IIIIIN By Saturday , July II , and saso 5 per ccitt. Oflhce 011011 Saturday ( 'V'l1Ill' . I EI'I'I Nt I ) I" 'I'I I I cI'i'V ( 'I ) tNCI L. 31 ii ii li'l 11111 I'mi t lll'rs 'I'ri ( It 1,1) t ( It Itiilt I III' IlilNIll.'Ms. Tiut' regular uulontilly muieotiulg of ( ho city Coutflcli held last nIght , at WhllCh lIttle otltsltic of ordllluiry routIne busliless was traulsaetei. ( Geuierai Manager Webster of ( lie Omaha BrIdge and Termhimal Hallway comnpnmiy noti- lied the council ( hunt lue had found it necessary - sary to chualugo ( Ito locatIon previously de- chileti on ( or tile bridge across Indian creek alIt ! that lie Intended erecting it just aouthi of Seconud avenue , immstentl of between FIfth tinul Sixth avenues. ThIs. hue explaimieti , had been totind miecessary. as haviiig been unable to ntnke arrohlgennents with thu Burlington to use Its tracks on ( hill % ves ( sitlo of tIle creek ho was forced to buIld a track on ( lie east sIde. Mr.Vebster also asked ilerunis- sioui to abandon the rIght of way on Eight- 0011(11 ( street and Instead be granted one on ( Ito east slilo of the creek. The right of way oIl Elglltcciitht street was secured under a frailehiso grnneti ( to tiiu L.Jllioul Laild alill llulprovemmlciit company In l82 , of which this Terminal Coulipally is assignee. Mr. Webster - ster submItted an ordinance amendIng tIle 18)2 ) ordtnnnuce so as to conform with the couulllanlys preselit needs. The council will libeL as a COIfllilit'O of ( lie vhioho thil luloruitug at 11 o'clock to consider the orihi. 01111cc and vIll muake an Inspection of the how route. No objection was raisell to the Terliitnal conlipany bulhtling Its brIdge at the new location , but the connpauiy was In- structeil to build it high as the oae at Seconi aveniut' , A resolution was adopted Instructing the UnIon Pacific railway to raise its bridge over the crck at Fifth a'ellUe and the \\'abasb roati its bridge in the south hart of ( osn near its roundhouse. The manuer of cxpcudio ( lie county road fund fl5 brotughit up by Alderman ( 'asper Anli ( hI' pecla1 committee was authnrIScli to have 2OO expentleil on t'ppcr ' fltoaiiwny. Aitieruuman CIirlstencn was placed on the committee in place of Ahderinnn Saylts , wild stated he had not time to attend to the wtnt : . C. F. Adams , A. I" . Ainsworthl and John Miwooll were flPPOiflte(1 special policemen without expenme to the city. The cIty attorney submitted a general un- proremcnt ordinance , which after ilelmig passel ( to its second reading was referred , The ordinance provides for grading , parking , curbing , paving , graveling , nnncadanilzing and guitterlng any street , highway , avenue or alley within the city limits , and for tue reconstruction of any such street lnuiprove- nlent and also provIdes the means of mnnklllg assessments against abutting property and for Issuing assesenIlent certIficates for pay- fllcflt thereof. lilds from S. i3ohia & Co. , 0. K. harden anti Frank Cooper for the constructioni of brick sidewalks ordered 'ere received and referreti to ( lie city engineer for tabulation. The acceptance of ( hue Oninlia llridgo anti Ternninai Railway company of ( lie ordinance granting It the right of way on Union avenue I was received anti jilaceti on file. II. 0. Smith wa granted licrmnleslon to COIIdUCt a salooni at 2769'est llroadwny. Mrs. Lizzie 11. Snulth , a rosldeuit on Myn. ster street , flied a coniplalnit against the Bluff CIty laundry ennptylnig Its waste water into IndIan creek , as she alleged. The coiii- plaint was referred to the comuiiltieo on POilCe nail hienhtui. Property owners OIl North Eighth street , betwcenl'ashInigtoii avenue and Aveuitme E , flied a request that ( lie four-foot brick side- waiks ordered be changed to six feet to coIl- form with sIdewalks already laid. Thuo unit- ( or was referred to the alderman from ( lie Second ward to arrange. The council dechdeti to meet as a board of hlealthl today to take up several complalmits that hare bcemi flIed as to how lying lots filled vlthi vater and other reported uuleuiaccs to the pubhhe henithi. The council adjourned until liext Moiiday night. I'fl3 IItCC hills Ily Saturday , July 9 , amid save 5 per Cenut. 0111cc open Satuirdujy evenilnig. ( ' 'i , 'II CII diSn iii lisi , iis VI t. tt r. The downpour of rain yesterday afternoon (11(1 hot. deter the veterans of tine Grand Army of ( lie RepublIc fronul holthimug their celebratlonn Over ( lie glorious victory of Ad- nuiral Sanuproni at Santiago last nilght. although - though It hati a. somewhat dampeliluig effect oil the bouiflre , the nuiateriai for which lund been gathered durIng ( lie day anti hail beeui exposed to ( lie wet. A number of ohti tar barrels , however , hind been secured anti (11050 hittrnied tirlghitly , nnucht to the delight of the hitintiretis of young folks that gathit'red at liroatiway and Fouirthi street. The old soi- dht'rs % tere imot alone iii theIr celebration , as a bIg crowd tas In ateuidautce shemi Coin- ratio \'Itter of Abe LIncoln post mounted the tinporary platform , consistipg ofa bIg dry gootis box , fluid aumnnuniced ( lint thi . 'xercises voukh be oliolieth by ( he sIngIng oZ America. MilsiC vas ftirntishetl by McFadticni's fife autti drum corps. Atitiresses were made by Rev. G. W' . Snyder , laser of ( hue Eungl lab Lttthterani church and chaplain of the UnIon Veteran legIon ; Colonel W. S. I'aulsonr , .e- Mayor Carsoni anul C. M. liarl. , . . \'IllInnn hlerroni has purchtasotl t Le.'gue bicycle from Cole & Cole. VERl'i'ti.t It ' , 't't II 'I'IIE % El E. ( , l'arsii Iiigligt'il II ) ( Irls nt hit' Slitlit' 'I'iiiie , 'hiITING , ha. , July 6.- Peciai Tele- granui.-Thie ) little town ofVhIlng in Mouuoimn county is quIte ( , ih tits- covery that Rev. C. T. Atwbod , ( lie Christian church of that it ad gaged to sevclttceit young wonneni n the comic ( line. The aulutouncement of hiI en- gagemnemit to one young woman resulted ii sixteen others coaling forward and chaimliug ills hand. A church trial resulted , but be- lore ( hunt was had the reverend gonitiemaii resigned his charge. This fall lid exets Th marry Miss Aiinihe hIlgelow. lie arrlveti Iii \Viiltlng about a year ago and was soon found to be a young mann of attractive address - dress and particularly found ot ( lie so1ety of women. Mr. Atwood became liersomially acquaInted with the familIes mt hii chitutCh and patti frequent vIsits to their homes. lit , vas a priniue favorite lu every home and' ' mnaumy Illen looked forward to tile day whtt'n lie would be their son-lit-law. EverythIng weuit along Ennootlily until a few dtys ago wineni came ( lie piuhlIc anniouncruujettof iuls enigagememit to Miss tilgelow. Sixteen other damsels nearly ( ahuited whlenn they heard the news. FInally , one by one they confided ( hint hit was also engaged to eacht of theni-at least hind promised to uuiarry each one. ThIs caine (0 ( lie ears of the trustees of ( lie churcii and a PublIc Investlgatloun was or- tiered. But ( lie youing man resigned. Ills only defense Is ( lint Ito loved them all because - cause they were members of ( ito Chiristlani chturch anil iie says when he talked of Inlar- rying ( bonn It was to some one else , Bronchi of promise stilts are ( itrentenel , ltIIt'llM ( ' ( II liihllIzimi ' ' , ' ( ( , ) . DES MOINES , Juiy G.-Spcclal.-Tho ( ) cx- Penises incuirreti so far on account of mnoblllz. titIan of Iowa voltintcers and itaiti by ( lie state is $112,655.61 , and ( lie bills arc not nil In. The last batcil of bIlls , amounting to $1 I,525.OS , Including 1,070 for oolen blankets amiti two Itemuti of uniornns ( , i,93O and $1,450. The hulk of the balance was ( or ( ranisporta. tlon , nail ntiany more tramislortaloni bills tire to come lii , Tine estlnmnae ( of $125,000 hindu a few weeks ago will not be far out of the itay , thtotnghi time ivar dcliartmiieint of the state lnts beemi inclined to uiidereshniae ( ( when talkIng for pulbiicathoui. They said tine rejecteii Natlonial Guardsmen would not cost the state mutore titan $700 or $800 , s'heni , as a matter of ( tict , ( he cost , jtlst Paid , was $5,177i.13. Several clerks lire still lousy fig- urlllg On ( hue bills ( lint have been stibinitctj , exnulllnlilug thiemmi as to ( heir correctness miii ( or ( lie aPproval of ( lie proper oihit'er , pnii iiiaklnig out tue bIlls ( or tlte government at \'llshiingtohi to 1)055 tlOhl , 110 ( lie state can get hart of its imniey bock. The sao cx- 1)01180 of lireparilig tue batteries ( or ( lie service will not be great , Iwcuttse ( lucy s'iIl probably Ito soon Imitustered mi , mid ( lie \Var ilelitirtIllunit wIll assunine tite entire charge of thtoiii. J I t' III ri. , liimi , ELLORA , In. , July 6.-Slteciai-The ( ) dIe- liIttciies from Santiago tell of tine death of a llrounlslnlg youmig minim , lloydoui Umiderwood , of thIs town. lie was a mulemnhier of ani liii. I miols battery thud ( ought hteoie the trenches. hIs father , tlte late Dr. Underwood , was well known ati a physician of pronlinience anti seas also at one ( late a nilonmiber of ( hue state senate. iioyhoni was one of the brIght little pages of tine senate at that ( line. I.it- tIe inorl titan a year ago Inc left his law suilies at the UnIversity of Iowa to tniako his start Ill life. 'I'iiursliui l.tiiiihs ii Cuisuiie , WAShiNGTON , July 6.-Siiecial ( Tele- . gramil.-Semnator ) Thiureton has been success- mi mi handIng another consulate , nuaking four foreign appolntmeuits credited to Nebraska - braska , the last beIng a conustulsliip a iehil , ( icrllianly , to whIch Max J. liaciuraf St. l'aui will b ( IppohlitetI. As tli position Is wIthin * 2,500 , as provitleti by law , Mr. llaehmr wihi have to pass aim t'xanninatlon ( or the 11051- lion amid I was decIded by hue state do. partuiemit ohhlclais to have Mr. iiaehtr report for cxaunlnatlon July 21. As soon as Ilaehr' ' his cxaxtulnuaioii his nanuue will be sent to ( ho sellate. Shioulil , however , comigresa adjourn before July 21 , as now seeuius car- ( alit , ito will be appointed ad interIm and sent on to relieve the 'rcant consul , 4 I. , To BE 1USTE1) [ ) IN 1'ODAY -45-- . . Two Iowa BattcriesWi11 soon Bo Regular United St Boldier3. td EVERYTHING READY OR THE OPERATION Order ( or the leptton ut Ohileers . \.hIi lIt , IMMlu-d. 'l'otltt3-Itevrii ( N tO Citlile In froaii ( 't'iimtr lull- ititi miiiL iiii rl iiugto.i , IES MOINES , July G.-Spcclal ( Tele- grnnn.-Aiijninint ) ( General flyers said today that lie thnoughlt the nlusterlng of the two Iowa batteries would begin tomorrow after- tiooll or Friday morning. TransportatIon was sent to Cedar ltuililtis and Burlington today to brIng new nneni from those poInts for enllstiiiemut. Five will come from Cetlar Rapids and cigitt or ten froun Burlington. tul eider for the eloctioni for otflcers in the batteries will be isstled tomorrow , Albert Vickers , ngcd 14 , was drowned in tine Des 'doInics river this forenootu. Young \'lckerr , in conullualiy with henry Cook , was batliluig just below thte danuu , whiemi tite tin- fem tuinate boy got. Inito ( lie undertow and before hIs comrade realized It , was goiie. The accident occurred shortly after 11 o'clock. The boy's two brothers , Johun anti Fraiik , were on ( he bank , but were unable to assist. REINA MERCEDES S SUNK , * ( It' I iIC ( ) iit'i' Pormii ilniie PI''t ( II ( 'ercrmi i'itIis a 'ht'tIii Ii , liii , A iit'rlva IL ( 11115. ( Copyrigiit , 1S9 $ , tiy Assocluteti l'rem's. ) IIEADQUAItTERS GENE1tAL Si1F'TER , July IL-By ( Associated I'rcss 1)Ispatch Boat Iamndy , vIa Klmigston , Jnniaicn , ituly 6. ) -The desrtlctloli of ( lie Itelna Mercvhes inst nIght. ( Monday ) accoulits for tile last shIp of Admiral Cervera's onice splcuuiild etitltidron , It lies today In plaIn view , its bow restIng on ( lie linac of ( lie beach itnuier Ei Morro. l'art of ( he hull is above vater. It Is ant kiiowui whetiter it uttenipted to escape froun ( lie harbor , or wheiner the Spaniartle trIed to simik it near ( lie unit of ( lie Merrlntnc autd thins block ( hue entrance , to prevent tile : Amerlcauus fronu gettluig In. its slntkittg was most drauitntic. Jitet after niitinlghut it was Cecil drifting slowly out of ( lie utarrow entranuce by ouie of ( ito Amen- can scouts. In a muinuiment ( lie fleet \vtls ablaze wIh signals and ahituost instauitly ah twfui hall of shells was liauuinticrluig down tuitoll it. It Is hot knowni whether it rt'- turnci ( hue fire , but the shore hiatteril's , OliCiiCtl , anti onto sIx-Inch shell fell on ( Inn hmidlania's forward deck , expiodlnug below. The explosloni occurrtl ill ( Ito unemi"i siet'p- mug roontus , but nil wife at quarens nni iio one vn lturt. No othipr American bh1)l \\oTe lilt durIng the eiungemnenit- incidnt -whichi lasted otniy u tew mInutes , OFFERS TO EXPIJANGE HOBSON SIiiilisll Ctiiiiiiuliiler at Sttnthilgi , . ' . . .c lililigi's II l , , I1 tu rl ii . I lt' IgIit. I. . , , , , I. . n-tr--y-t V , , , WAShiNGTON , Jdly'6.TheVar depart- uncut 1)05(0(1 ) ( tlt ' fblIo'vIiig from Genidral it' Shafter : I ann just in recein of a letter ( rotfl Gen- : ai Soul ( tiroltabhi 1Teral ) , agreeing ( u cx- chanc JiobsQu ; ttllti , tien ( tore. to make tk- I , haiigt iii ( ho unorllg.'esterday ) h , rt- ftisd my iirorosition of oxchunnige. ( COPYIlghmt , PiftI , by Asstit'iaetl l'r'ss. ) 'SANTIAGO , July 5.-By ( the Associated Press Iispatchi Boat Dnuimhi'ss , via Port , Antonufo , Jamaica , July 6.-Gcneral Kent , I whose division faces ( he hospital arid Iai- uacis : of Santiulgo tie Cuba , has been potIed by the euiemny ( mat Assistant Naval Con , thructor liobson arid his companions of the MerrInuac are confined In ( hue extreme utorth- era buildlmug over whicit whIte flags are fly ! nug. SPAIN IS READY FOR PEACE IreIcii M I ii Ister lists F'iiiI i'oier to At.i to r It Siispiei&loii of hits- I II It les I'eiiil Iii LONDON , July 7.-Time Madrid correspoutd- ent of tile Dolly 1.ioli says : "There ane Pershetent ritunors here that Duke Ainnovidar tie Itlo , foreigni mninuister , and Senor Gamazo , the minister of public instruction anti hitmlhic works , have receiveti full powers to propose a suspenshuni of Inos- tihities as a preliminary to pence negoIa- tlons. The nnuuulsters neither aflirm nior denuy time runuor. ' 'Spain , It is alleged , Is lirepareti ( or Pence oil tite basis of thie inliepemidelice of Cuba and the Philllppimicit , the Uiiieti States occu- pylng i'orto RIco until ( lie war intiemanity is itaid. "LIeutenant General Correa , mInIster of s'ar , says everything depeiids upon tine course ot events mit Santiago. " RULES AGAINST THE STRiKE I'i'staIeiit itt lh.ehiseriilloiinI 'J'yto- srmIhIh'aI IV 1111111 hi't'hili's liii' Stt'i'i'ot Ilt'l'ti' . % i'h I I li'gii I. CIIICAGO , Jtnly 6.-Pmesiliemt Prescott of tine Iniernatioiiuii Typograpiilcai union , who canne ( rain iiillnntmhtollut to nuinke nun Invesil. V gatlonu , tieckled that ( lie strike of ( lie stereo- typcrs employed on tine Chicago newspapers was illegal , anti ( hint tuley ehloilld have ad- hiereul to their contracts. As tile Stereo- I ( ypers' imnionu Is sumbordlnuate to ( lie Typo- graIl ii Ical nh Ion , t ii I s decIel on outemi eti ( itt ( Wily to ( hue neus'sLtapcrs to rettinmuie publication , Accordliugly , alt of ( lie niornlnig hfllCS were Issined today , but reduced Inn slze-ouily four pages-tino stereotype plates having been manile by 11011 ii hl p11 mcii . TIle af ( omnoc ni ulailers also appeared in ( lie eanule ( oral , hay- I lug engaged iit'w mnttn. ' Tomorrov ( lie size of nil t lit' POIOH ) Si' I t ha cloti tuicil , a a d I t Is eXhiectci ( ( hint by Fflilay tlte 1151101 nimnuber of pages cnn be gotten out. As ( lie iiewspaper iIitII8iiers ; have agreed niot to Inave ninythlmig to do with time Stereo- typers' lluiiOn hiereafcr tilt ) 200 mcmi who struck inst Friday ' muiglit will hiave dull- ctmly ( in findIng work Iii Chicago , as mnnty nomiunmioni stercotypere frbrmu other cities have coinnu bore , and mimorg are said to be on the way , i'ertmIniig Ii , I'flNtOhlh'H , W'ASIIiNGTON , Ju'y ' 6.-Special ( 'l'ehe- gram.-An ) order has been Issued establIsh- log mnoniey order servIce at the folhowlmmg posoflices ( : Mayberr , illssionu Creek , Mount Claire , Pleasaniton , , , L'iymnou.uthi , itest , Salmmt Iierllnrd , Seneca , Swedehuonue , Wehlbach. Iowa postmasters appoInted : E. W. Mc- Omuber at Calumet , O'Brien county ; Josephl B. FreeIy ( at. Cottoutwoqd , Lee counity ; hlob- ert Steele at Dalton , Plymouth county ; C. J , Schiroetler at.'cster , Grunuly county' ; MIll. Nellie Cable at PerkIns , Sioux coumity ; F. Ii. Fancy at Shavin'oodbury county. ( 'eIeIrmi ti's t Il ( ' ilIll I Iligit Vltr * ) ' . IIUMIiOI.DT , Neb. , July G.-Speclal.- ( ) A iwbllc tlennonuetratiomt was held Ia ( lie cIty park Tuesday evenning In honor of ( lie Alnier- leant naval victory at SantIago. Music by ( hue band and a patriotic speeclt by Mayor Tucker were listoited to. A mnannnmioth boo- fire anti fireworks added to ( he eutbueiasnn of ' ( he crotti , ' , o ; : ' : i The Great Resort. Ivery body invited to take in the sights and be convinced that c I Lake Manawa i * 4 is the oniy place to get cooled of at-id have lots o fun. Above all don't fail to see the Electrical Miraoe at night. ' 3' - V SPANISh ARE DIS11EARTEED I Destruction of' Cervera's ' Fleet Takes the Heart Out of the Soldiers , SANTIAGO IS IN A STATE OF PANIC ' ' ) , l'It'mid Ith CflhlNiliPi iiiii Citiii 1111 * iiil ( 'Vs ut i'ItI'eI2ii % 'It i' ! 'tiiI1is III 'l'ilke 'I'Iu-iii ( iou , liii' ( 'lty. KiNGSTON , Jamaica , July 3.-Thiousantis of Piople nnet ( lie Enugilehi and German hnttuiches at the harbor in Saul I go , auuti uvhteui ( lucy It'arnied ( lint passenigeis vmnitl be ( akenu off ( lie English anal Austrlani canu- stulatis were besieged by Ittlnidrctls imphor- I hag for a ehnnuce to heave. One Spanish men- chuanut , iii a pitIable cointhItoni froun fright , offered iirltlsh Conisumi liannstleui l5,0O0 to dushgnatc ldnui as a Briishi-Cumbaii ( subject. The nouu-comuibatans ( In time cIty were in a state of desperate panic. Mrs. hamstien says ( lie Amnerlcatu shells fheu' ; irounmti theIr house Saturday anuti Suuuday niuornihnug. itr , hlaniustlenu could nuot leave SanuIago anal ills wife vould not. The report was that the ' city was to be boumibarded tomorrow , Legin- fling at neoti. The reports vary. No enie sccflu3 to know accurately ( he stremtgh of tlte Sjiauuish forces in ( hue city and its envIrons , but 9,000 appears a probable estimate of those flt for duty. Sreain4 of wounded have been flowing iii I day 'anti "ml ht froun the firing lines. Every I holuse it santiago is anu improvised huospi- tal. TIne sailing of AdmIral Cervera's lie. t had : a bati effect on ( lie soldiers , They 'sen'e dismayed whent ( hey saw tile war ships ha longer iii ( he harbor , and felt themselves abanutionued to fate. They Interpreted It to macan ( hat. Cervera anti Llnares conusitlrd ( hue city could not be held , The - - ( ion of the fleet was not known s'hcn iii Air ( niuti l'alias left , but wts rumored I throuight ( he cIty. It is unidersood ( ( hat an officer of the Vlzcaya , in. shuore dress , canne emi time Alert , whIch Is stIll at Port Royal. 'fhie captain of the Oqtnendo is atmpposeI ( (0 have arrtvtd 011 the Alert in disguIse. The archbishop of Saiitlago , having addressed - dressed a conunuuuinllcatloul (0 General Lin- ares , advocating thme surrender ( If the city , anti not receiving a favorable rsponso , Ca- bheli to Madrid Moniday morumlung iefore cable connmuiunIcatlomi was initerrupteti. lie said : "That ( lie SpanuIarils Iuavlug bravely fought and lost , shouhti mint , in the lnueress ( : of huunianiiy , contInue ( lie tmselcss sitng1e. ( " BrigadIer General yam del Itcy , sttconiti in coinnuimuid to Gemneral Lillares , litivlng been killed on Simniday , and General L'nares hay- mug beenm wounitictl , General Tonal is iii chIef connnnnauld at Samitlngi. Senor Henry , the MexIcan coumsul , hts Ianidcd from ( he Austrian muian-of-war. It Is now hearmmed ( him' tlte Aunsriani nuuani-cit-var carrIed seventy-seven retmgo s Instead of thIrtyeIght.Vhiemi time war sillps left Sani- ' tiago it was reported that 8OrO troops hmaii arrn'Ived ( noun ( he uvest , anti flint the toiomuel Imu connmnuminnti ui'as seriously wounulid. ORDER IS AGAIN RESCINDED hiisti'iietloiis tnr3houIiic 'h'rois fruiii CIihvh.simiiiigti , Ar , ' lor II See- oii.I 'I'i IIe Iti'izi I ltd. CIIICKAMAUGA NA'rRNAL I'AItK , Gui , , Jmly 6.-'i'lne order Issumetl yesterday for tile Secomid brigade of ( he First llI'itiloli of the FIrst corps , 11101cr commililitiud of General iimtinies , to hlroceetl Ut (111CC (0 ( C'lmarlestoui , was toti ii y resel lnil oil , w ii I ohm bn uunguit a ni - otiit'r itmil nit ( lie itark , 'l'ime First brigade , umumder Genieral Ernms ( , got avay mill rIght , mis lundieniteil lii these ( I Ispatclmes , mu ntd ( mm ly rou ( I nie mimti tt ens en - guigeti thmi' duet ohiicers at ( lie hark totlay. 'rhue troops were engaged imi earrylhlg for- ivmird ( heir tInily u ork , now inieltmtlIng target - got practice , mi miumber of Ilnue rule ranges Iiavimig bvt'nu estuthulisheti for ( hits uninilose. CaptaIn htockts'ell of ( Ito Onlitmince 110- hlartnienmt limumitleti out for dIsrlbuloni ( agalit today vminlous articles of eqtllpage , inichumdlmug a conuiplete outfit for ( lie First Kenitucky. Rules will arrIve tonnorrow for the First South CarolIna aini ( lie Third Illinois. Tlncre 'lll itlso arrive a large quuantlty of minor eqtil pa go. About 200 recruIts arrIved today. TIme regIments Lire now practically all rcertmlte'i ' to ( heir full etreligtii. Thiere are 160 irntlents Ill Loiter hlospitai , including a iiuiimbcr of fever cases. Lotmls ii. Triplett , stable sergeant of time First Illinois cavalry , today ( irmink a smuutili bottle of diluted carbolic acid , mnlstakiimg It for wlmisky , tnuti dletl In great agony ut ( [ me hospital uni imotur aftcrtvmtrtl. lie comes frona Chicago , whtero Ito leaves a family. Thu liuixure ( was used in caring for hmormics. Three roglmnentim tire mmow en route Dora Cahnp 'l'hiommms to Chmnnieston , S. C. , ( lure to take tramililorts for Cuba , tile Second and ThIrd W'lsconislni alill tIme Slxteentii i'eiimi- syivania. No orilers for other regiments to Imiovo have yet been issued. Major itlchnrdis , ( I. S. A. , nielilcal corps , loft Cammup Thuonniaih tothmty with a irmulmi of twenty coaches occtmpled by about 300 ha. tIemuts. These patients ant belmig takemi to time geimeral army hospital at Fort Thomas , Ky. This majority of ( lie bick were front ( lie First division hospital. The hospital corps ( rota thlb divistomu , with the cxceIitlou _ _ _ - - - - - - V V1 * : * + : * 4 : * : * * : * FRUIT AND 6AR0N FARMN6 _ 1L.ouic1 Council J31u11& t\1 \ J ta' . ( V ? ,1 'loui enul 1iiy hiiitro'i'sl itmiti ullilmlil , ' , % ' fruit hmids i'lemiii'i , Ill 'I' 11iI 'leIiiIt ' tl.miit . iiIlit lu're lii I lie U ihlii Shalt's. l'hii'ra' i'i ii , , ( iii I.J,5 4i. lii' Of Cr01114 hoyt' , ltii it I on r Fi'ii I t I"mirmtis i Ii I It' I ii.'y n m'e I ii lieu i'- .o , llIJ. , i' DAY' & IESS. 'rie Iletil EttiRiuiiIiiii' Ilrnki'rs , * , 'i : ; u Paiinl St. Couiioll Bluffs , LR + : i'erstinm Ii I ly eoiud hot him y o re tli i'onmgh i o ul V ii e ii fir I it ( thrill It t I on it n tl st a to ii hi a y o ii , .r II rciiai'.i' , ( roe of cIim&rg' . , alit. ' 'I' . ' - ' 210- ' tO , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' .5. . 4' . . .5T"5'5 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - of a few reinninhiig oflicers , is spcediimg alonug to Clinrlesttimi. iirjgatllcr Genuerni 1(0Cc ( of New York or- rived ttiuil reported at Genierni hirooke's lietul- quarters. ile wtis asshgnied to the First brigade , Second divislout , First corps. Major Otto II. Jaik reliorteil today innii hiss beeii nisslgnied mis chIef quarterniaster of time Fii'tt. dlvisioii of ( Ito Tlnlrii corps. HOPES OF SAVING THE COLON Nt's' 'Viii'h l'tlsiled II 4th 1 hi Ilemeli to J'rt't'eit Its ShiiIIiisc lit ht'e ! , ' % % 'iiter. OFF SANTIAGO IF CUBA , July 4.-I'er ( the Associmted iispntch float Cynithiha ii.- Via i'ort Anitonlo , JamaIca , July 5.-ielnyed mu Tramisunlsttioit.-lurluig ) the hltirettit of ( lie Spanish fleet on Momithay tile iirooklyn was strtici1 half a dozen tinut's , but un , iimjtury was douie to aniy of ( hue ohicn ( Anuuerhcamu Siulhis. The Spalilsht flag was hauled downl fronmi the hifanmta Maria Teresa whIle the Vizcaya's nuieti vere swlnmnuilmug ashuore at Aserratlertts. After the flag mad beeni liatnied downi Ctibnni soldiers , concealed In. thtc bush , fired at ( lie Spalniar(1s ( , umroitslnig ( hue IndignatIon of tine American saIlors who wltmiessed tue act. L Thu Crlstobal Colon's crew ut'as taken aboard the Oregon. Severah hours aften' tIne Colouu wenit ashore , head on , it floated aunil I \'as beghiinulng to sInk aiuil ( lie New York rammumed it. several union , usinug fenden's , ptnshing it upolt ( lie beach vIltotnt ( imijury to either 'i'essel. it is hoped it will be saveti Co hieconne part Of time Unutted States uuttvy. WAShINGTON , July 6.-Tile Navy de- jian tnncmit is already nunakiuug nrralugeuuiclmts to recover nts much of ( lie valtmabltu Slialmlslu fleet as call ho saveil. Today tin agrcennenit % % 'nts closed wIth ( lie Meu'n Itt & Chuapinianu Vi'reckinmg company to tinmderal < e the salvage of as nnuclt liloperty as possible fromnu ( lie wreck. ( ) l"i'EIt i'lt I'SllI4N'l' A itltmai I3N'I' . I Gt'rniiii-tiin'ri'mlis of Illimiols 'I'eiiik'r 'I'hiehi' Seri'Iees to Cii ii ii I ry. \\'ASIIINGTON , July 6.-A deiegaIonu of ( ; ermnuanm-Auuuerlcait citlzeiis of Cinicago , con- I sistliug of Messrs. George Scimnieiiler , E. J. hiutile , E. J. Dewes till Joseph lireeker , calieii upon PresIlent Mciclnuley today to V tender to iiinn ( hue Germaii-Amiierlcaiu rcgi- mutentt orgutniized numuomig Gerutiani ctizent ( iii ( hue stti ( C 0 f I I I tmuols , p rI mu ci pally I n Cli I cztgo. Tltt'y were imitroiiuceti by Counuptroiien Chinch's (1. iaiseit. Acconitanmylmig tile coin- muilteo were Comigressuiimiit hioutello of CIII- cage , Congressumiuta llartilolilt of St. Louis amiti Secretary Gage ; also Alex 11. htcveil , who had couno ss'Iii ( ( lIe couuunmulteo ( from CimI- cage. TIme hireSltienit receiveti ( hue tlelegatiomu iii hIs executIve tieparUmmemt , , V 'Fhtu hirolfer till time reghnmeutt WItS ltastni ' 1ioni ( lie ( act that ( lie Gerumuan-Americaits have at all ( lutes itceni rcaiiy to loyally suui- I ilon'f. ( lie goveritmnieimt of tIme tJiuited States , I auth nnoro especIally iii ( lIlieS of a crisIs lIke ( he presenit , anitl ( hint they were tllorotmgilly mu uuccortl with ( lie wIse and coniservmitis'e course of the lireshlent , 'l'iio lireslilenit was seeniiingly iouciieil by ( lie exllresse'i tteiitinmieiits anti satil ( lie by- ahty of ( lie ( iernuianuAniierlcttnis wmis imni- ii onibtetl uinmd ii lid IsitIn ( cii , a nid a I tli ti ugh t ilero were mnanuy Germmmani-Ainuerlcanus nireatly eni- lIsted lie vouId lie oumly too glmitl to accept I ( ho offer if exIetlltg imtws vould cunipower lminni to tb so. lIe said lie \'us prcseumt \Vashiluigonl ( whteii Secretary Seward , nibotut to In forntu our mnmliiistt'rs muijroai of ( ito fail of Rlclimmuoiltl , misiceil l'reeldehut Liuucolil whinit ho should say ( I ) ( hue imuimiistt'r in ( ierllunliy. ' 'Tell lilmuu , ' ' said Lincoln , ' ' ( lint ( hue ( her- nmnans htaYe ( ought mmobh y on every hiattlefiehii inn lleft'iiSe of tIme uimlon , ' ' \ii' . McKinley ttxpressoil his wlsbi to imavti liii opportunllty to coumuhily vhhi time rt'rIumest ( if tIm comlmmunltet' , aniti ( liahilceil It heartily ( oh' ( lie teitilci' of thin reglhulelm ( . 'l'hi ii coin nit I t tee I eft , vi ( ii ( II C I in it resslo ni I hat iiucii a in ollIOl'tU Ii I t y Is a en r at hmnmtii. It I'I'tIt'l'S ( ) 13 ' 111(51 5. ' . . ' I ) % ' (1I. 1)131) . ( 'hihe'f SIll'tt'lI h'ltllI 'l'i'li'grlllbrs fniis ( 'ii liii fiti' 111,111.5 , \\'Sll INGTON , .July 6.-Jemieral Stern. burg mmdc llilbiic ( be followIng telegrams , i'liIchi have liasseil liutiveemi him amuil Ir. ' I'oln' , time chIef surgeon of tile lmosltlai corps oil duty with General Siiuufter'ii annoy : PLAVA JEi ES'i'13 , July 5.-Htmrgeou ( hetierni , ( I. S. A. . Vtishiltigton'oumniiit'.i : ntmmmuljer about 1.000. Need hargo tIhutollot of shmirts , ( irawers , blankets amid union. Many are emntirt'ly nunkeil. ( SiglIed ) I'Ol'13. Chief Surgeoum. \t,4tSli INOTON , July 6.-Pope , Chief Sun. geon , Santiago tie Ctiiia : hlOilpltmtl 1.11111 ito- 1 lef , which ai led S U mntlmiy , lIne aimililo su. jilies of nil kinds for leslie , ltmcludltig cots , bImtmiicet , shirts. etc. ( SIgned ) STI3RNIILJItG. Ociucral Stcrnburg says the hospital ebb . - - _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ - - Is expecteti to u'cnuehl tIle uii'nty mit Still- ( logo tomluturrow , at huit'ht ( mile it 'Il1 begin. to d let r I but c t lie sin ppl Ice. FLEEING FROM BOMBARDMENT Iiiii.Is , ( lIiil Smii.t hi.gt .t I' . ' l.hiu'iI , 1(1 * , itefiiic's SeeI I i't.c ' Sit let y fm'ia tlii. Uiitllt' , I , C'oiyrlghit , ISPS , by Asaoclii teth h'resit. ) OFF JUItAGUA , Jimly , - ( Assiiclmtteil Press lIshiachi ( iioat 1)ainily , to I'ort Anu- ( olin , J ni nima lea , J UI y fl'File ) ronils I tail h mig front 1311 ni t lagt ) tie Cubi : have h cent hi a dc t otiay % ' I t Ii lieoid e fleel ii g ( no nii t lie ii n'eail cit bonuibarti nneuit. A ha g of truce Inns flout teit over ( lie 'ahls of ( lie cIty toni nibove tine en- ( i'cuuchnncuits of tine iicsli'glnig nnntiy all totlay. Tue ii nioihicl utI a i'm I at Ice w It Ich ( ennui I a ui ( 't at uuoon Iii bt'Iiug exelticd tmiuttl tonnuonmou' 111)011 at thie reqlinst of ( lie forttigin couistihut , amtti durIng tile itmll lii tile lightnug ( tIi Spmimi Isii cOlnuiliuluii 01 hutis lierntil ttcii oh I i0 Ii cotul- hiainnts to heave. Tiih fact. Is genleraliy accepted anuiouig ( ho 0 tiicers at hucaiiq tnmimters ns mu ii I nuil lent I on of It gi'inn ( ictermuilllntiolu on tile part of thic Spaiuiehi to Oglnt It tiut. 'l'lne nuegotlatlouns hookllug (0 ( Ito surrcniiicr of tlte city hiavo mint becni COhidlUtitii , as nio reply to Genit'ral Shmaftct"ut last iiennnimuii imos been received , but. muo onto of the itti lid ned a 'hio fled tOtiti y be - lievt'd titat a suirnc'nider was liossilile. A ntiiuioi' v1s llersIstennl3 clrcnlatcii about It eailqiuai t cr13 I ii I a nftcruuoon t lou t time eni cuilY lund offered to surremitii'r if pernmiltcil to re- tuilui theIr arnie amid colors , nimuil ( hunt time cable \Vashilnugtoni wits limit wIth disiiittchisij coniceriuluig tIme iiroimsiloml ( , hut ( lie story \ % nO laugiicii at. by (3enieruil Shuifter , mouti it entirely \t'lthlouit conuirnuaiout hicre. No idiot wait firell today by eIther Iiio anutl ( hue Amiucrican forces took atlvanmtmigc of the 11111 to strenigthicni mtiaterlahly ( lmcir ito- eltioum. Geimenini Siuafter tills inornuing emit sontio % 'otm uutleti SIni II I alt ( I Iilccrui amid nuemi u utder us ( Itug of truce I mu (0 ( Sn ni ( logo , ii miii I t Is Ilopeil tills \ilh itliWli Il. genii effect to silowinig timat Amiuerlcmiuis are hunt to their linisomiers. Geumerol Slniulter is emideavorling to arrnnigo nil t'xchiluulge of linliutens ( or Naval Con- tnimcor ( Ilobsori amuih the crew of ( lie Merrl'- millie , offenl mug tile Spmiiiisii sonic of ( iii' 200 jinleoumers in hula citarge. I Ic iia'ii ito niniswcr ( ( I time exchtamige proiosiioli hind becim ri'- cci 'cd. The A mu cr1 ca a coon nun nmii I II g geiiei ai ii c no line fssuncil an order conignatulatiuig ( lie trolh1 ii P0m1 t lie I r gal I aIm t neim I eveatti It te. G elm e in its Lawtoui , Vhteclcr amid hCeiit , s'hthi the tillicer'i ml Ii (1 ml e It Lunider t hicuuu , ii ic especIal ly on no- muieimtht'ild , 'I'll ( I A mnenlca ne nund SI Ii In nih 5 uiuseii I ii I ) ( rImee to sremugtlmemi their iioslionns. Our go its , si ego , ii yni it imu I t e , lie I 1 , I I otehik I es a Iii ( h atl I nis , mi no mintusk ( ti w it c no I t is lto3HI Id ii ntii scvcm'al of t lie ha t I e non o f t It e Sta ui I mi nuts tmno iillL'ctIy unliler our tire , tie is Samit logo itself. Tin e I ni el d cii ts mit t Cli 1 h mi I , ' t ho ( It'll ( ii ii Lhcintcmliumnt ( lcd % vere ilrauuiatlc. 110 % % 'flS LIII tilde eli ( Ito ttmtff of ( hmmenal I Ia wklnnus ant tIlholmghmolnt ( ito ilay of battle weit e'iiei'goIo ( mu gt'tinig the ( loops li tile 11111. 1 lit a'iil ; m ighmt in tile front lIne wlmt'ui time SIxth , 'I'iiir- lt't'iitii , 'l'wooty-foilrthl nliil Sixteinitim r&'gl- ill ( V'li is Illlil (1 ( hiL'I r (1051 ( 0 na t ( I C Ii II rgtt ( ill Sn IL J umi mi Ii I I I ti nmii si'tts oil e of ( lie II 1st iifhict'ms ( ii reach the snmmmtluilt , Just mu Ito ias8s'il ( lie ltrow of ( lie' hill lie saw a Spanuiard hyllig oni ( lii , groilllti , anmd lioilmIuig to 111111 hun saul , ' 'rLlil.l ( 'art' ( if ( lint nimili. ' ' Thin SpoIl lard sutty tue nilom lomi , iltttl C V iii cli ( I y ( It I mt k I nmg Lfclm I cmi ii ml t ( Intl ails 0 rd or- lug biihlh killed , Ito mused imhs rUle Lilill elIot ( Ii C I len toni mint t d ( 'LI ii. 'I'lno oltilere of thur. ' Slxtc mttim lufanitry , as Lietmienittlut 0111 WtiS ili oilmen of ( hint rt'gi nmit'ti t a ni it u I a r % vl t ii ( itt' iui i'll , WC It ) wi I ii wlthl rage 'luii lIterally tone tIme Spaniaril to lilecta i'itil itttllt'tii , ( 'lsmisgi' hi I"irest Itt's'ri' , ' . \'ASh I I NG'l'ON. JIlly 6-Sjieelmil ( 'l'eic- grannj-lt lii expected ( hunt wltlmin a short tiumme a Pro'lrlunnl bum will hIlibItuI'ii ( ( to ( lie lircelIleult by ( lie sccrt'tary of tittt interior iirvi tI I It Si for ( Ito tvi t hmd nil isa I fronmi t ii e I II ii C it I illis forest reserve ill Soul II liakota of ii. large portion of Jmili'i ' emu titt' wt'sterut slth , of t lie r'nitm'vlt ( I ( Jul , 13 xii mit I mitt (10mm by t Ii a U a J ( eu States ( bologlral Survey line ulteciuseul this fact tiiill tile lamiui deslgniateul Pins lIttle or no tIumtiitin. At tuonlul (111th ( it IS tlXitOteul alnotiler lroclaulilltion ) wIll u'liSiie , emnulinneinmg WItilill thue reserve a large Irmict of tiimibcr laimul ntljolitinig time reserve ons thme imortiiweet- erli Iu rIb' r. Ph a ns tire iii'I mig lretiare'i ) by bui niti ( oimi Ill issloiu e r I I trrln a ii t o june yen t ( Ic- btrmmctfoml of tlnutier cmi time reserve by lIre , Arraugt'nncmits are also lueling hniude hiy ( luti hcpmintmnmchit ( or ( lie sale of stmcii tlmlibcn as ( ani ittu luroluerly lhiHliOht'li of. which u'llI btt of nnimch hiitcreiut to lutirchiasers iii ( ito Black I I I I Is ns'gio II S. I 'rod minima ( bus w III tie Issued as sooii as thm llrelimolnunies sue Cuuu3ti0t4 V ( ho laud comuwttsiouer. V V