- . - - - - - - . - - - - , - - . - - - - . - - - - - , - . . - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - ' - . - . - - - - . . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - . -------v---------- - - - - - . ----y----- . . - - - - - . . - - - ' - - . - - . - - - . r------ - - - - - 'II1 _ _ ! ! : dsinA _ _ : I LV fl II 'I'll t'UHI ) A Y , .1 t11 t , I sns. r 1)1t ) IEAUE ( CONVETllNS ) Lbel ReIflI)1Ofl ) Oottlng 1teuy ot t5o Big Da N xtVek. \ . COMMITTEES PREPAHE THEIR PLANS ) . 'i.nrII.i ut tie I'Iister * tIIlIl(1 ( , . I.H * * IIII ( ' , ittiti itiiii 1I tIIM l'rns ldi 1 I.r-lIi.Ivq' or Sin t . ' Ittgzil i . Vt t I n II 3In.ti. \S'Iien the ' 1eventh nnnua tts1th of the 1tltlhulCfltI ) 1oauge of the United Stnte Is enileil to nii1r next vc'ek at Ioy1's theater It will fln'I ' the p1ao fittIngly ecorrdeL The ili coratloii wIll serve n1o for the state oncntjoti. Ftii. conirnittee liavltig L1iIi In hand consists of Ileeclier IIIgIy , riatrrnan ) ; John \Vestberg , C. S. Elgutter , PtiII E. 'Ititer arni M lies I ) . I louch. Neiraska ) Is iitIt1et1 to thIrty-tour tide- jates ; , Iitltii1Itig State i'reshient C. i.VIn - tel of Omaha , State iecretnry Eti J.iock or Ilnatitigs , National Comiiiltectnan ( 1. W. IliiIlngslvy of hincoin nut ! NatIonal VIce I'resItIt'itV. . P. McCroary o Ilastitigs. IricIi colIgrcHAInni ) distrIct gets a repre- sentatlon of six ieIegatcs rnul ( hero nro ttlx ilelegatrit at large 1)eslties tiw otilcers , Following is the local reception coin- inlttee : ( enerat Jo)111 ) C. ( owiti , ox- Senator Churics F' . 1niitierson , Son- ft ( or Jolt ii ii . Thu rs toll , J tilt ii 14. Vebstt'i' . Chant's J. ( ; reeiie , itenjatniti l. liaker , Irving I' . Baxter , \Vlltlain F. Gtir- 1'y , iivnrd J. ( .ornlslt , Joliti h. iCetincity , \'lctor itosevnter , Janit's II. % nii 1)tiscti aitti JnniesViiisii , till of Oxiiiiha ; U. M. I.ain. bertan ii tin ii I . \V. ItI I I I ngsl cy nf Li ncoi it ; Ittant 1. . . 1 Inininond of Irciiioiit , M. T. lay- 'nrii or Nvbrasia City , A. i. Ciuly or St. Patti nnti ( eorgtt 'IV. t1nrtln of North lietiti. The coiiimlttec that is to meet the vIsItIng - Ing ti'iegates a t thu trains anti escort tieni ) to their IiiiteI consIsts of S'IllInni Ii. Ten Eyck , cliiitrman ; C. V. Mileit , C. F.ior - gait , J. 0. ICtitin , i' . F. 7Iinnierinan , J. 'tV flnttln , 1) . M. Vinsonitaler , Ii. It. Crane , . IC. S. Fisher , M. F. SInglt'ton , Frank Crawford - . ford , IysIe Abhott , Jolt11V. . l'arlsh anti 11. A. iicyeis. Messrs. Charles F.'liiter , J. .5. floticher anti Janios 13. 't1cIkio are the committee on general ttrrtngtiiieiits , No $ iuoinl I'Iegii eM. I'r.ttt NI'JrnNll % . So far there hits bevii very few canUltlatt's pOkeii ( if for the national tielegatesitip from thIs state. I'hoso s'1io have been iUeiititiiitI at nil are ititige IrvIng F. flaxter aiitl J. 11. Vuiititistn. 'Flic coloreti rt'IulII'nns art' OIKO talking of E. I I. I fail. lii ( lie state coliveli- ( Iou there wIll he fully 1,000 tleicgatt s. Two years ago 1)ougias county alone , owing to the gioat li'terest In the pieMieiitlal canipaign , 1iat 360 , bitt last year the iiuinlier wait tit tlovii to 2O. lilniiks have been recelveil by all ( lie clubs from State Secretary lock , InstructIng tln'm as to how thit'y shioi ihil corti ty to ( ii e Ir inoiiihershi I p. 1tchi cml , in the state will be entIthtd to a roprcsvntation 111)011 ) the basis of one delegate for every fifty iilciiiherH azol (1110 for every major fractIon thereof , hesliles ( lie president. r.ecretary 811(1 ( t reasurer , these officers being eiitlticii ex-oflIcIo to seats in the conveli- tioti. 'I'iiursday a ighit Is the date set for the dubs of Iouglas county , nhiinteriilg twenty Iii all , to have their meetings for the selec- tutu of their delegates , iiiitl a iiieetlng of the stitto delegates of Ioiighns county Is to tnlce iltice at Creighiton hail ttoiithny night to agree tipmi 'hiat niiines they vlsii tO present to thlO state convention as their choice for delegates to the national convent - t I ( III. III.Oiie Oiie of the Interesting features of the state conveiitioii Is to be thii' presentation by I ltiiiV. . h. l'eeld es of a Ii no Aiiieri - can flag to the county which can show ( lie lorgist Increase of republican vote. This hotior fails to Tliurstoii county. It Is the tiiteflttfl of Mr. J'ccblos to make this a pcrniahieiit feature. hind Natioiiai Secretary StItie iiot sue- CeelClh iii obtaining as a conr'ssIon Item time \Vvsterii l'assenger associntlon time idac- lug of the omie fare round trip tickets for tim e 50iii lie mmiii ins on the 1 1 ( Ii I nst enil of on ( lie 1thi many dehegate3 to time 8tnte ConVention - Vention hmothi 10 tiii state cmiii in Iowa woulmi 1ave bccmm unable to come. ( ' 1101)50 Ihlgai es 'i'iii Igli I. Time call for time Thursday evening meet- logs of all the local republican climbs has juat - becn issued by J. Ii. Melkht amid J. J. 1iouclmer tIme Douglas county executive corn- inltteemmieii. , An assesanmelit Is beimig levied this year 111)011 ) time ChtitS , the reason ( or tim Is PcI a g glvemi Iii the followlmmg paragiapli trout thi'm circular letter semit out by Prelm1emitViiitt'r : Each club hiat'Ing a represemmtatlon of four deht'gmmtes Iii ( lie state comiveittloil lutist ( or- wait ! $1 to ( lie state secretary plus 50 cmits for cacti aiiihltlummai ( lt'Icgmto borore liii' ( 'mC- 't I t'.t'tit lais vIii be rccognlzi'd om ticit'l to the coiivemitioti be issued. 'l'iiIs 1t miii lmmiporti'it matter , tiiasunm'il as the Nt'biar"m ; I tmmitertnhmim4 time National League . 'nmiv ° ntlomi thmht year , amid we must i' thorotmghl or- Ized anti have our full reIirc..iomitttIiimi. ; 'Fime secretmiry i'hll issue receipts for all iiiommeys rvct'I wed. Alt crciit'mitlais nmtmst reach the state scc- retaiy , lt1vmird J. Mock of limistIngs , before the Itii. Attviitlomi Is also called 1mm the let- Icr to tile exposttloii.thiimthlmig to tile OS- nessioent , Mr.'Inter sold yesterday : . \\.o htL'V ilUcithiMi to hut the state league elm a selt-simstalmilmig basis. lii the past we iii ways hail t 0 ii elmenil .mpoim subse ript ions or go to the state cemitrat cornnmtie' , , nod tii ( ' Ilnaticimit quest Ion 'ttim us vn' , m'v'r in 8mm entIrely smitlmtfmietory hali' . 'tViietlier Mr.'Imiter seihl have any opimo- altlon this year romatims to be seen. Last year lie vaS chmost'n lresltlent by acelaimia- tlomi , aitlmoughi tvo years ago 1)ougias ) cotillty iimui to iiimtke the hardest kind of a light for Imlnm. It there are nimy other catoil- tiates for limo position of state hiresident timey hinyit imol yet been immmtklng a butt noise ahOtit It. J. J. flouchier reimmarlseil thimt ' 'this Is unothmt'r era cit good feeling. " "You know , " sold he , ' 'that we have had ( mmml ) ' two eras of geol teeiiimg in thom Utmiteil States--omice 'tvhiemi ! hoimrotm vmis elected presitleimt or the coii ii t ry a mmii t ii o ot her s lieu I ii the I mist dcc- t ion he ro ft local simm tesimimi ii vas idmiceil on all thin tickets for coimatmible. I think the coining tttiito convention 'viii deimmoiimtt rate nimotimer era of gtmd reeling , ontl so far I have mint beard of ammy othmer caimtiidato for the state Imre'siih'iic. ' ' SI ) With L.V. . ihtiitngsley or Liimcoimi , the mutt lomia I como immi t t ceina mm . I U iitt1 ill g of iii in Mr.Vintt'r oimservetl : ' 'Mr. ' liihllngsiey has muatle a very iooti ; itatiotmal coinniitteemnan amid iis given tint iest satisfaction all a round. I t Ii I ii k lie w ii I be k ept I Ii ( limit ito si tioli . ' ' IimrIaiiii hits ii ( 'siisshIdiit. Another eiiiitiitliite hia appeareil for the Jmrt'sIiht'IICY of ( lie imutloimal league in ( lie iiaiium of lion. J. Ceokomami lloyd of Mary- latiti . Tue mlmt ryla nil deit'ga t Ion s II I Inishi hiimm to ( ho ( loot 'a liii itIl its might and mmmmin. It has sent out ciretmiars to ( lie no- tiomimil olhirerti urging as a special CIU1III ( or ,1aryIanmi the brilliant record minnie by that ittittu lii time last prt'uliieotimtl election. Mr. 110)11 headed the Meicliiiey electoral ticket a ltii a mimajority of i3.000. I Ic is a lawyer . amni simm orator a titi jiLt rI iai Cii tO rimi ii of comm- sideraimlo atililt ) ' . At ( lie last eonvt'ntloo of t lie iiit t loimal lea gue lie imutil a a liaril fight to have time coiivelitloii go to ilaitimorti this \ 'flie Maryland record Is timat It elected a . rttpubitcaii govCrmmor by over 1(1.000 ( immajority Iii 1I anti a republican legislature ( list ( 'It'CtCl a riUiIhtCflhi thiiltett States setistor ; also a mnaor Of hhaitinmore In 1S9. Besides IL ciet'tiiig the McKinley clecloral ticket b 23,000 nuijorjty In 1896 a solid congressIonal -r delegation was souL to the housu og repro- ' isiitatlvemt , and ha 1S97 ( lie rcubhlcaus car- . , . - - , - 'I - I T i.u 1 I thi .I&I * h I t ty % efl buthi Irmti ) i ' ; 01 Liii' 1l'tI5IRtLlttj ( intl st'at1 stmhmer trinti , hlvsn tflltt1 iftAt4'S etmstor , this ens hetn thin RtIetsmOr of Arthur I' . ( lorinati , tht' Itint of ( he hloiirlnmi ilemoeracy whIch Iisd p ( , lotm hit'htI the ( 'olanpi ( itorKe tnne of an Itatmoiico , time etinlrt , of time i'atiflr ptstty , irio' to be tin hitaI early In tlit' flht. hi Ii to arrive on the 10th auth Ireeetl at nnc to hay his Plans. Tiit' twime tactIcs of beIng early on time grotinil Is behtmg adopted In thu Illinois Contest by this itsmnllton wlag , which hini airestly engaged headquarters at time Millard. Secretary StIne' prospects ( or hting reg. uimmrly elected tuitIonal secretary nrc rather brIght. lie brings a gooti recorti with hima from ic'ntucky , where lie was successIvely assistant stale secretary for thrce years from 1I9 , therm to 3'CfliS secretary and afterward state presIdent for two years. Tiitms lie climbed frommi ( lie hottomn of ( lie inldr up. hte ssas milso comumnitteemmian front ifeniumeky. Ills friends believe that he hiatt ulrmnoimstratetl a thtmett for time' PosItion shmmee lie was nhmpoimmtcul to fill out time unexpireti tcriii of Mr. Bowling ( hint shonl'l not be overhookeil In time SelectiomI of time mmmttlomial officers thIs year. ii , 14u I lutti fit luuiui ( 'I IihM. Mr. Stine Is anxious to 1up lloyd's ( lien- ter hacked ilurlmig ( lie COmiveiltion with nil whim are actively Interested in time future success of time repuibhicami hdarty. Accortiiogly lie Is soothing out ( liii following circular to time local clubs , whIch speaks for itself : To the hteltibllCflhi Climbs of Oninha : TIme dci egmites to ( ho eleven tIn nniiuai commveii - t loll 0 f Lb I. Nation oh 1 tepiihl ica mm I cmi gee vI Ii lie time guests of time Nebraska itepubIlcnm league fromn July 13 to 11 , Inclusive , I feel satisfied ( lint your cliii ; desires to comi- tribute every effort Possible to uiischiaige the oblIgations devolving on timemmi In comm- iieetlon with this meetIng of rciiubhlcamms. As secretary of tIme ieijubhicamm league , I desire to suggest several ways iii vliichm your club comm materIally assist in making the commvt'nIoim 'mmjoyahIe anti successful. In time flrst hilare , I woulti su'gest that ( lie mmmeniimers of your citihi mmuend each ses- sloim of ( lie commventlon.gain , by iinvlmmg your club meet , nimmi in a iotiy atetmii ( lie receimtlomm to be lii'hil in the parlors of tint MihImir I hotel time eveimlimg of the 13th iflst. ( romn S to 10 o'clock P. lii. , to linteL mmliii Vti collie ( lie natIon a I oihiccrs and d I st I migu ihteti visitors ; they will appreciate it. him coit- cltislimmi , I vouhd suggest mind urge thmmmt you see thimtt the boxes in hiod's timeator are filled 'hiring each sessiomm wIth ( lie wIves. uiammghmters , sisters timid sveotitparts of your mnemnitors : yoU comilti fuirniitli no more hmli'as- lmmg or nUractive ( iccuratlolm , Or one ( list would imroduce a ; mrettler or moore inspiring effect. Ticlcets of ahimlissioim to time boxes aimmi stage cmiii be bid by applylimg to Charles E.'inter or lIme writer. Trustiimg that you wIll lint' tlmlm to droim iii at the Nmttiommal lc'mctmo hieail.iuar- t ers at the ti i I iii iii ii ml mmmcc t imme ilersimImni I y. I ala slmict'rely yours , [ ) . II. S'l'INl , - Secretary. ConsIdering that ( lie thmousaimd or moore idlegatcm4 to thme stnte comivemitiomi on time 121 Ii . % .iii remimain In ( lie city tmver the 13th amid Pt ( IiaimIP a day or so I at or , a nd that ( lie Iowa commvt'ntiomt'ihi lie him sessiou at Commit- cli Iiltmffs , amid tlitmt ( lie liotmtuammti delegates to time mmntlommaI comlvemitioli wit ! all liavt or- rlved for the opcmmlimg sessloim of time latter on time evening of time l3thm , Omaha will imuive mu im etty big crowil of reprcseimtallro reptmb- lleaiis ( Or several days. ARE \ VELLVASIIEI \ ) tCommtimtut'il frnmnFirst 1'.mge. ) Omashma had been selected anii ordered to mc- Irnrt for duty at time 'Pramlsmuisslssippl Expo- sitlon next week. The whole lIfe saving cx- iIiiIitlOfl at Omimaima " iii be ummiler the direct cimargo of Captaimm II. M. Kiiotvles. whmo l ai- sistamit superhimtemuiemit of the 'l'iiird dIstrict , t ltim iieallqLmarters \Vakefleld , It. I. 'rime foliowimig have heem selected for time creu' front life : mvImtg stations aim time lakes : I Ieiiiy Cleary , keeper of station and presemmt keeper at Marquette , \Vl. ; Neisomi SIrn , surf jim'imm fromim 0 I ta.wa P01 a t statloim , Lake I I U riot ; Jamimes Scott , Snail licach stution , hake huron ; Jolt11 1ticIeol , IMiiutlm statlomi , Lake SuperIor ; . .JacohVechiemm , , Ciraimil Ilavemm stt- tlomi ; ( Jeorge 1. Stammburt , Mmikegomm station , Mleimlgamm ; Frank E. Jolitmsomi , Holland sa (10mm ( , Lake tiiciiIgamm ; I leery Simmmmigemm , tiil- amike uitathon. All these are selected imit'im , immtiiciiig tip the most eliletemit crew ever as- SemObicEl at ammy show station 1mm this country. sill : 'i'ii ns 'in ii ii. ii iit 'i'it.t , t11thicm 1,111 , . ( ) hIjt.vtM II ) iit'Iiit St'iiit- 18 * ( t In , ii. i i . . i- tii I , " . "Bronchie" Bocacelo , ammo of the liomm toni- erA Iii the ltagemmhack noiimml show aim ( lie Mldvay , was seriously imiJur.'ti by one of ( lie hloitosses in his troupe of perforrnlimg mini- mmmal , TIme lioness gave birth to a litter of I i'tmbs about a ii'eek migo mtiid hhocaccio had Iflatlo HO mitteimipt to make lice do aimy itori. Yesterday morning lie entered her cage ; iiitl cuimipeIiel imer to leave her etibs anti t'mmtei' ( lie imorrow hlassageis'ay leading to time arena. She was very ugly mmii resiste'd all ordinary efforts to take her away fromim Item little ones , bit was fhumaiiy forced out of the Cage. Bococclo followed her , but when sime rcachmetl the door lcathtmmg. to ( he arena sue turned snildeimly anti lcapctl at her traIner. 11cr action was so stmdileii anal ummiexpeeted that. lie ivas umnpreparett and she huricd her hinge claws in his breast anti right foicamin , lacerating tint Ilesh severely. flocoeclo ( liii not lose his imervo or self-possession anti lronmptiy knocked time brute lowmm mmimd le.tpcd over her ( mite ( lie aremma , costng the titter. Site nm back to item cage anti time timjured trainer was escorteti to time hospital , there lmis oumids were dressed , anti lie thou returned - turned to his iitttIe. ttpimearlimg as umsual In his imerforniance. IIiiiiIi'i'i.I , , f i'itht'iit - A uiilquo and Iimtortistimmg 4pecimeii of wommimi's lmantiiwomli Is oti exhibition In the Nebraska building in time room emi thin 8cc- umiul floor devoted to the use of time orgaim- izaloims of itomimen 1mm ( ito state. Tint exhibit Is a IIiieim triPle cover about three toot square , ( liii ilistimictivo featura of ( liii piece lmoiiig ( lie decoratloii , Tltla consists cmmtlrcly of autographs , till eiiibrohtlcred nitti ar- rtumgcd iii Irregular fashion about a center , vhmicli coimsitits of ii ten cup and saucer. below which uiiveturs tIme fatmihilar phrase , 'SimomIid old acquatittanco hi forgotV' Beneath thIs Is ciimimtoltiercil thiest. words : ' 'Mrs. ClitiIno : r. i'Witli. ) Jgei Soveity ( , 89l . ' ' 'l'lmu on. ( lie area of ( ho corer Is liiieti with these au- timgrmiplitt nitti the inamiy different colors of slut imseti In ( itt , ciiibroltiery give a most tmttractlvo appeurtinci' to ( lie itork. Aimmong thu scores of autograiims appearing In the group a re am miii ) ( names ftimnl I lot Imi t ho lila- tory of Ontaima , thme Imaimies , as a rule. beiitg micra ii god iii pal rs , I neluiti 11mg huisbaimtl slid Wife , ( cUter aitd daughter , oic. lit ( lila list itppcar ( hit uitimnes of J. C. Cowitm , General Johtt l ( lirooiue , hierititini Kouittze , I leimry I ) . Estabrook , 1'hotmiims h. icirntnthlVllliuimm 11. ltedick. Jaimmes itt W'ooiwomtb , Jeur ( ii. Comik I I ug , ltolntrt V. ltiriisa , Lyimisu S\ ' . iIcitardsoii , Casiter E Yea , lht'imry 'tV. Yates , VIihtain V. Allen , 'tVV. . Loue , C. F. ! tiamidersnmi.lreii I ) . Jones , J , A. Millard , Climumtpioii S. Climiso mmii mntuiy others. The cover Is lii atm oak frame anti covered witim glass atmd time axtr'ino nicety of the work aimmi time skIll simoiim in time execution of the cimarticterlatle algmtstures of teli kimuwn lmtoplO attract ti great tical of favorable corn. macitt from timoe who visit time room. l'liiiiiit' 's l'irs ( Voiieer , Phimmimey's Ummiteit States baimil opened a four weeks' emmgageinent at ( lie exposition yesterday. iiiayuimg a short mrograumm Iii tue .ifternoott In time umuale iavhllon on ( lie Bluff tract tiurlag tIme heavy rain , which prevented mtopitt ronm eimjoyittg the immusic at short range , anti aipcaritmg aaInm Iii the evening Ic the mmiusic pavlliotm , vhmcti time rain aatim in. terfered with ( he euoymezmt of time pcople who hi1 ii it it it 1 P I ' t a to time fltit Timi. hound cotntrkes forty live timcfl , tin1"r time dltelon ( of lrethprlck i'imlnni'y. well known In time 55 the htsIr ot the Thwn SmUt bnti , which aeqtilrt1 a witle' rputilorm In I lie iiilt1thl 'u'st its a well eontliiti ( mntllesl Orgsnlsstion. 'rime tTnlted tats loimtl Inicluthi's mnatmy of timi' tmu't mnusiclamis Who welt' nnembrs at ( lie lowii Slate band. The tinifotimis are all new and 05i ( ) ' , COfl- slstln of ilark green blouse anti trouer3 , whim caim trlmmlnjel % ith reti cloth ntl black imrslti. The programs presented yesterday co- cred a while range of selections , ineluithimig both elasIcsl mind PoPtilar imuinltyr , the 1st- ( or lirethoimilnaung , The nmammner in which several .1 Ilileul t passages vere I eudera't proved conchutsively that the band Is capable of doing excellent work. litiit' ) t.N I ii 'i'invii. I hoti. Joseph E. illnebburmi of Colunmhtis , 0. , food ( 'oimminlssioitt'i' utt time liumkeye state , mmliii I" . E. lierbst of ( 'altmnmbtis mire In tIme city to umrranmge for a loire food convctmIuii amiti called at timi' ( limb Iit'ailauarters Iii ( lie Nebraska huliiilmmg yeslertitmy. EXPOSITION rPJWrW AND fl t , : EDUCATION. cw TInt leading ( IucItiotms asiteti by a large miumimber of out-of-town cxposltloim visitors arc , firstVhiere iii o time exposition gromimids ? " anuul titeim , ' 'tViiero is ( lie old cup- ituml situ ? ' ' lor ( lie fammme of tlihmt historic lammtinmark , vlthi ( lie beautiful vie' to be obtihmictl ( remit It , seeimms to have gone abroad. Amid Intheeti a ilttle timmie spent elm ' 'Capitol 11111 , " where our high school irnw sttiimds , at time begimmmmiimg of mmc's iday lii Oiima itti , Is ito simm a I I lid p I it get t I ii g one's iiearlmmgs , h lo\vever lii uch omm e imiti y d ish I he climnbintg time steps leadiiig to ( Ito I ugh school groUimuis , ( lie ciiarmnimmg vista immore thou commmpcimsatvs for time t'tlort. It itt easy to titmdcrstaimd vimy ( lie fouttders of ( lie school , iltose naimics mire graven emi ( lie cor- mierstomie , selected this alto. They have been amply reptilti for their cimergy aitil foresight iii pla nmm lag t Ii e struictu i it. Time I ugh micimool exhibit in the imortit gal- hemy of the Mtmnumacturcs building cotmmlire- imeimslvely sets forth the vork iti all its vamI- Otis tieliarttimtiimtg. Otme booth comitalims ( lie drawhmmg anti writteim work. Time otimem' ccii- ( slits a mmtore varied eximibit , liiciutilimg tlmat of tilt ) I 11gb school cutlets , ( lie mmmaimimal train- lug departimiemit anti a swingiimg case ot mimtmu mm tcd buti mm lea I sped mucus , ihi I Ic the space meserved by tint itositi of Etlucatlomi simon's vIevs nimil ltiamms of imeat ly nil time mtclumol hat Ii ii I mmgs ( Ii m otmglttm it t the e I ty amid also ( lie systeimt of hiammkmt seti Iii ( maims- tictltmg bimsittess aitd kecptiig records. 'l'hmo hmi tummk it ttmay be eltissi tied mm mmtler clgim t htcails , as follows : Ulamiks imsed by tIme I ba ru o f ll mi ci t iotm I mm tm it sac t I mm g business ; iii time busimmeas tihilctj by tIme secretary , showing tInt immetlioti of ltiircitasiiig all Rump- iiiics. books , statiommery , etc. , by ( lie simper- I ii tt' mm uicti t of I its ( mu etioti I im il I rec t I uig time itork of tIme schools ; by principals , teach- era amid jaimiors ( Iii mnululiig ; repoits , aittl by thu superi ii ( C mmdeti I of but I iii I tmgs I mm comul ttc thug - hug repairs ; immisccilammcotms bhaiik& , Includ- lug the aim emt iluslgmmat I hg ' 'ilag days' ' timmtl others , also ( onus of dlphomimns tummifeimed nit tIme commipletion of hIgh sclttioi , kltmulergam tell and eIghth grade courses of study , utmui ccm- tiI1cttes Issued by the t.'xamnimming eonmmmimt- tee to stmccessflml camtdidatcs. TIme scci'ctary , Mr. J. M. ( illlmii , after it cameful comuparison of time syStettiS used lii othiet' cities , conslder it 'cry thorough aiid cciii iml etc. hi a glass case is seen ( lie elegatmt silk ulag lioimgimt by ( lie IuIhi , school girls , ftmr which ( lie cadet CiimllmattleS contest each ycam' , time victorIous battalion retaining it ( or a 'fimere sic two gumit racks o m'milei. one coti- taimmlttg Sprimigileitla , the cthicr itt mmmmimgtons. By time t'ay , It tiiny ite of itmtcreat to mmmcmi- thou ( list the soldiers at Fort Crook are so Iticased ivithi thmesc gun racks timat aim effurl is bring mumade to Induce tlte govertmmtmemit to I ) It rcltasc si iii I mr ones. l'iitmlograimhis of the ohlicers of time cornpamt- lea amtd of "Coitmlmaity " entire , Cotnhtceell of girls , lii thuIcim I hujuve beemi totd mmieniberahihi , d c ICIiilS oil sciiotaixh i . coimmpi e I o tIme ix - hlimIt mtmatie by tIme cadets. \Vitim tltt'so ilctttres tile ltummg iilmotograpim-i of ( ito itammjo club ammd feet ball tctmiuis of thme 11051 ( ( nt years. 'rime mmmaiittai traIning tlepartnmeim ( dispiaa a iiei IIi I I I ed case of ii mi Is hued ( Irk , umuteli of ' idehi at first glance imiighmt be iIcemm for in- Iaitl work , but whIch ( lie lnstmuctor , Mr. \Vigmnan , says Is JoInted cahimmet work , as ( lie a coil utseth iii InlaId work imever exceeii ontc-tiilrty-sccommd of mmi Inch iii thmiekmmei. Iuimmhhntlhs , Imithiami clubs , vast'a of all alispes auth sizes. frii I t s ma mm ds , tmapici ii h it gs smith lisPer ii mm Ives I mm ttmti mm y colored stooiIs , imea mt. ( itchy itollshpii , are imoticed In ( lie ease. ( Jjioim a ralseti platfroni are foot rests , shoe lacking cases aitil tahiles. Ommu , tuf ( hut to- bles lnis Iii thm center a chess board , with backgammmnmbii anti criithnmge boards at tito tmtdes ammil cimdit. 'l'iiis 'lepartimmemil ' lmas in pro.pect a ' 'I lito exhibit' ' which will show limo successive Hteji leadIng imi , to the flu- lshmed % ttik. lravlimg. because of tifl' effective way Jim ithiIcli it caui lie inouimeth ( , is ui ways 'itt a- tractlvo ( cattttt' of school tixhiihmltii. iles , Evaims. tutimervisor of tmieciiamijcai amid fm- liamuul dravlmig lii time I I 1gb school , presemits limit hatter timider four imeatis : Nature uvork , dcshgmm. cast work until iim'mwlngs from lIfe. A little tlmomighit thmows how each ruhject imat- tirally follov tue ammo preceding. Natumre cotivcmmtlomimtlizcul liiOittCt'S tiesign. After ( a- Chit ) ' iii cast work Is ncqmmlreti , drawlitg ( mciii life Is readily ( simon imp. Iii ( lie last ( eilow lampils , lnmi'ticuiiiiy cau1t't iii iumuifortmi amid iIthi rifles , time evideniy ( favorite sulijects. \1mlie time Objects sought In thIs bramirit or too ivormc tire correctiiess of outline , itmoi oi- ( Ion amid 00(10mm ( mother ( lion a I hkemies or portraIt , a great degree of Itrollciemucy is siiowim lii this as veil. , \ iortratt , ( remit view , hty Jamimes Gouifit'y , Is of ( 'simecial nmcrit ; tilso otie by Estelha hiraiidt'Is. Eisi Iay has a full lemigthm fIg- tire. George liimrker , EIie Schwartz , lior- riled lcrrimm until loruthiy irederIchmson utimor , ' good work. lit the uirawhmigs frotmm casts iimay lie hide- tioiicd a ' 'Vciitms uiim Miho' aimui Michael Au- gob's "lyimmg Shave , ' ' by Jeauiutette Miller imumul Ncjiitj McMihhamm , respectively , l'olii ' of whuomim have several otlui'r Imiecca Iii timls and other lInes equally good. "Lamighihuig head of 1Joummutllo' ' is ( lie work of Frauds McC.avock. Aitmoutg otiucra hiavlmug Imuerito- riouts drawImigs ( rome casts tire htmtimcritme W'Iicy. loauio l'oweii amid Florenep Jordaum. Maiiy nrtlstlc ileshgus for umihl imap'r In colors are mmotlced. htiiel Partridge has a lmctiumtliully tinfoil erie iii reumaissammee style. Es I ella B rtumul oh a a q umni ii t l'ertih a mm onto ; Cia iii hlervey Li , dmmlumy one Jim cotivctumtionalizeci tlmlaio leaves auiul biossommis ; Eultia F' . Joiuim otme In blue until white ; ilesie Alidera cud lilcmu Aitthmer , too , have effectirt designs. All of the desiguis shown arc orlghuial. Joscimiiliio iliart autd Nellie MeMilimmn art' l'eimrcseumteil him itater color anti Florence Lewis 1mm pen amid I ii It I mu tue ummoum n t cii III CC03. A voluiiie of couuiposlIons ( or illustrations in ietu amid iuilc "ash drawhumgs is hicrlmaps time macat valutalile lflrt of this coilectiomu , so tar as time uupIls tire coimeertied , and of imiost Interest to the public. Subjects or themes , mis iii tvrittt'ui composItion , are assigumeth houme days Iii advance of time tiumie requireil for thmtlr coummpictloum. Thus they are really tests of the skill amid knowledge sequiretl durlimg tile year's work. Time ' 'lieaii Piece" lii ( lie book Is the work of leaumo l'owchi. l'earl lyicy , who de- uulguuetl ( lie cover of the last High School itegister ; I'reston Davlsouu ; iii fact , all rep- reseuiteti In time volume have cxcellemm ( ple'cii. The Omaha exhibit as a whole is him charge of Miss 1ditii Burgess and Miss Laura Jnr. don. both recent graduates of time 111gb school , 1LLA Ii. T'hRItlNl , - - q ii' ii'vn \ 1'14'tl1 ? 11 I i i J jj& ( t I tli 11 hI4ii l4ItI4 SUite Geth ut Tiine1ySotking and Orop Grently Bnofit Tlu'reby RECORD-BREAKING ' b1UGE AT OMANA , thi ii , I'uii r I iit'1tEi .r % ' , 'iil'r ( 'until" , Iuiims Iii tin lIB nutti it half.- . ( ) iIl. . Fluisiti liii uuiuige lit II4'JiiiFl'II , Thmo rain tlmat hithe1 time gutters amid cicaumeil ( ito strcet 'bf Oimmaha yesterday afternoon , extended timrouugimotit time' state of Nebraska , fairly soakiti time fields amid mit- tins ( lie crops of ( hiostata beyomiui ( lie daum- get of a dry spell , at least for sonic time to caine. At C o'clock Inst evening it was repertcti at litmhmmi Paclhic Imenuiuitmarters hero ( lint time ralmi imsil xemiuled over tint eumtlre I Nebraska divIsion of that systemmi. Time mum further omIt oim time hue was Imot so heavy as Iii this city , hut it Irnuureti do'mm qtuilt' steadily duurimig time afterimoon all over the hue. No tinnummge Is reportemi. On lint lIne of the Missouri Pacific time maui was qtmlte nut hut'ary at all itoints In time no rtli emum ti I vislomi as I a Ommmniutu . 'rim is dlvisioim extemmtl ftonm Oummalma to Aimbiirim , Neb. The m aiim as about of ( lie saimme tieimtii atid the stormmm of time same ultiratloum timrouugh- aLIt time division mitt heir. No vmmshouts or other miilshalnt itert' reliouteil last u'vcmmlimg. 'rime mimi regIster lum ( \Vecitlmt'r burctmmu cxi'ibit in time ( loverimmimemit inilitlitig regis- teucul a rimlmifruil of 8.74 iumeites dimming Oui ( ' imommr amimi tlmirty-five immiimtute thu lumi time uftot'- mioomu , t lm tots I rim I mm In II dun umg tim e mu ft trmmonmi being 3.13 ! immehes , No semious uharnage me- stmlti'tl fm'omui thIs emmoruuiomms fal I of ivater , bum time hmiguoum ivas dtmutmagcui slightly Just ivest of ( ito Tweuttletim street lurlilge out flue iuumuthu slmnie. Tito cemimcnt gmmttcr which ruins alommg lieu I ii ii time nuii cot P II I mm g gmtvo Wa y , gum t tel' miimtl t'artii heimig wtishcd out for a 'hlsttumiee ' of nhottt sevemuty-five feet. Time siuet plhimug was Imoweui slightly ( or this dlstaitec , btmt time tiammtmmge s'as not semlouts atmd m'iI I re- tlmiiro little tlumme iii t'epairluug. Ohhhi.Iuih l'Ipiiuu's till I hit' I'umhl , At 9 o'clock butt mmiglmt tIme Uumiteti States \\'eather bureau lii timls city rcporcil ( ( lout 3.5 : ; imiclues of rauum fell dowmmtowuu yesterday. 'lime fall irtus dlvldcii mis follows : OS,7 iiicli , In time mumortmiumg tiumd Z98 iuichues In time after- imtioti. The hicaviost hart umf time u aiim full be- twecim 8 : l o'clock anti 5 o'clock Iii time tufter- umoomi. Iii ( ito totm iimimmimtes fIommm I : 51) ) uumtil I o'clock there irtot a vary rciimmimkalmie full for Si ) simort it pt'riotl of tinme , umo less timamm 1.1 itiefics fal hug ( lien. lteports ft 01mm lllamimirck , I N. I ) . , lmmdicmtc : ( lint ( imat sectiumi had mint been favored wIth ( Ito raium. Ciear emithier ivtus nlio reported mit North l'iatc , Nd , . At I lilt oil , S. I ) . , then' iras a fail of 0.6 litclm of raIn mtuitl the mahum still prcvmihii'tL mit ( lit' ttutie tIme last ebservatiomivas takeii-aL T o'clock Iii ( lie eveuulmtg. No evemmhmmg meport ii ; mcceivcii fromim Shtux City omLimicohmi. . ics Molutos mcpom'Ls t'lt'mim' weathicu' nuud lmvelmpou't I ikwise. 'i'imcm e itait a very bevere stormmm at Llmmcolui dtmrhmtg the tuftcrmioomi , cnuimuutuimiicat tutu he ti ecu Ommmaima. it miii 1 ho cm p I tui : bel mug en ( lit fur solute ( line. m ' I"Iuiti I ti hecuui , : t i hhitl. Timat poriioim of Um ity ! lyhtig for several ilOikS I mm al I ti I rect in im fromim t hi e I mitt' rsec t toil of Pat tick avcnmm' umii Tn etmty-iommrtlm stmeCt im as comimphteiy lmmtuut1ateth. Sitlewahlcs were iasiie&l away , baseutiumth auni first floors ivouc 1100(1(11 ( ti il ii ( ant I h iet mitti , coin itt i lcd tim imiovo I lti'i r bel aug I mmgs to t ite tip per m cities of t ii e ii itoitscs. For a cotmpltt of blocks alomtg Twenty- fottu thu stucet. time \Vater il'.ms funmmm two uo fottr feet Ilcep. 'i'hd ' i , ' % % ems were atopped ttp smith If ( lucy hail dot bcemi titey would hmavt hecli umiutiost tumSclcst , as they lacked capacity It ) eamry oft hit vatcr as fast as it I , foil. Tii lined strmmric ' timis Iom'tlomm of ( lie city just as ( lie crnvii were gethmmg dowm- towii ( morn the cxlmnitiutm , omd as ( lit' hettviiy I loaded cars struck thil' thtio.leil distilet they I to ti SanIStIhi. beltmg ummabie to itass Ill i umigim. 'F It ha co ii ( ( mmmi iI fo r a Ci ) it ph e 0 1 h'oit us a t time cmiii of wit I cii tlutte mm I I of tite cams fiumimm time north citd had ri'mmciieil flue hooded district. Tue xtu : t raIlway cnummpauiy unit iii ( d ( ii ii crowil I mm ( ii t' 1 test ; ioaai blu utiamm - mmcc amid traimsfu'rreti over to ( iii' Twentieth I Si meet ilmie , bitt timis lute was muot tuhuic to cal c for thmc' Cu owd smith at otto ( hint ( cmi cars were I stahicil on thi miortim stile of ( lie Iodge ) street I lull. Protuu h'atrlck nvemtue uuomth as far as thin Elkltormu trachus amid ( roam Tin mit -svcmthi ) itrec't cmi time east to Timlmty-Ilrst trCet emi I the est time wi , le tutiutity ffl ftfiu.tt iurhtug time early Jtflrt of ( itt' stormum the I.ke Street stuuh , hIm' of time utfPet msliway cohmipatmy was ientlereti tiseless. The esms gtit lute dccii snter suiti could not get out mntll I lie flood suitsldeth. ( hit lim time' liortioum of time city tmaverseti by thIs csr line timt're \.as say quiammtlty of water numd fully 100 iiouises ere uturrommndc'th , iii litany iuustuuimccs It being three or four feet uleep. A large mmminminr of umigs amid eimicketms were drem mmcii. vlulle othierum swain out anti saveul timeumm- Rdlves by getting auto imill amid high lumui. Miles of ltlwmmlk sitting arouuumul luulo time fiootl and iloateti an ny 1mm thme cmirrent ( lint followed the bed of time old North Oimmaiua creek. in souuw laees this cturremmt immoved alommg at tlmo rate of fotmr mmmlies item hour , carrying boards , chuiekemi coops ammd debrIs , r'vemmtuinhly depositiumg It out time vacnmmt hint of grotuumd a few blocks miortlm of time circus lot oui Charles sttcet. St reel ' % 'itM1idth flit I , Spaulilitug street stutfereul quite aim nutmomuuit of dammuago , Os it large ( itmtummtttY of ( ho ii eouieum lui'emmmeimt betwecmm Twemity-cightim anti Titirttrtli streets was forum out tiftul wuishmed away. Ummdcr time imavemnemmt ( hue ivuiter emIt great tiltchmes , remuulerimug time StrtL't luimpiussatmie for it dltttimmmce of a comupii.m of blocks. 4tt1CS itVCfltie miss lurobahmiy ilaummageil mmmore thmaum aumy other strct't lii time city. Frouum rmteumty-foumrtii to Thirtyiirst Its surface is as level mitt a hour , mis mmcc ( hue auiuhitiouus ( hut lie on either siul. ltuuhmug ) tInt stormmm time water i'muumw dommum iii torreumts ( mcmii ( lie hills to the mmortli aimmi west auuul siurcaul over this eimtirt' territory , eoveriiug It iiIim ismuter to a tiehithi of frommm timree to four feet. All tulommg time street slilewmmiits timid cmessmmahks \t crc vre'tichmed ( mmmi theIr ummoorhumgs amid couch u'd I ii to t lit' Ilu'ltis. 'rim e bul ulge over North Otmualitu creek wiucre It crtmsscs Thirty- lirsi. street i'mis wmusltvui amvmmy amid carrIed a qumnrter of a utmhle nuid piled umum mue.mmhue chair fmmctoiy Iii Druid 11111.Vhulie time strtmcture i'tis not a cumatly CIII' It isait it brlulge ( lint luau demme good service tutu 'uus cier it ( luau ouugiufiure Used ii great deml huy 1,01)11k , ) cuumuhumg Into time city froimu time imortli. \vest. For a uilstaumee of several blocks vest frommm Twetity-louurtli street the Street car track along Ammmcs nvemmtme was tummulermmilumeii amid humummgut smmSliCimtheI over caVL'rtis eIght to ( cmi feet dcci , . ' ( lucre Is a sewer for soumme distnmtce tulomtg thIs street amid vimile ft mummy mint hittVe iueeui bruh'emm its htles have Ca i cii , lemmvlmmg it ultmmmgeroums ditch. North ammui oust of time chair ftmctory ium time mmorthmwestermm Part of tIme city nil of the ilmicliers omm time hints were giveut a so- vt're ivettitmg. 'liucru' vtms mint a cellar lii ( lie ivimmilt' dIstrIct. coverhimg soiume titirt y hltmck , t limit ivims mmot 11 I leti w I t hi wit I or. Iii mtmmuimy iuitnumces the \'miter covered tint first fiotmrmu of thic houses. ( Ut'hi 5ui' , , f it t'zutuiuh At Tmvemmtlrtiu mmmiii ( 'ority streets ( Itt' uitbm'is I limit ivasited I mm froumu t Ime ol ml htmiu' hmu I I jumi rk ( 'imOktl ! ( ithi ( iii' seivor mmmiii iuu five umulmmutes time imater i'iid hmmckt'l , eumt east mis fmir as Sevetmtei'umtii street. It raum uii'cr ( lie cmmrb mimmd I it to t it t' cci I ars of mu I itoimse t his ( vemo hot huve grault' . 'u lommg stmiumg of slilewimlk inoseumeth n it 1 host oil au'etm nil , pract I cal I y imiocknihiuig ( lie sti cot. Aloimg severmui of I lie streets uiortlm , iii Ictmuuumtzu l'iace , ( hut' sammue coimuhitlomus t'xistcih , iut In ito instmmumcc was t hi u'ri' mm mi y (1 alum age rei tottcil. 'l'hie Nortiu Ouuimmima bottomums got abomu t thin iVOrSt of thue houni. 'ntis htim'thOii ) of ( lie city rcceieii ( hut' stommim im'mmter frommm ( lie hIgh Ii I I I a calif imivest of Ph ort'mmce , mu mu d I mu smith I t lou ( ii thils , time ercek ( limit muttms tiuu otmghi tlm a'lihItioim , ulrnlmus mu large tract of commuitry. mind ittm it Iii imIlly , tlmemut'ver there is mu heavy l.a I mm , time \at cm potu Is I uu wi thu gremm t wioci ty. Yesterday wits im cXCeltiOmt to time rule , amid before ( lie rmhmu ceascul ( ito svitole Cmmuii- try iimts ailot. 'hue mvmiter cmmmmo : tIoi mu hil' a miuhll i'iCL' . smith before time i'siileimts mcmii - lzi'il m'hiat iuad ltiihIl'umeI. ) timelr hmoust's itero stmriotuimtlcil. I lmumuthly gatimeihmug tip their t'f- feet s , tin' ) ' bin red to t ii C' it PPi' St orbs. Comm - I ihil crabi e tin hits ge ivmms ii ummut' I ii ( lii s P0 rtion of ( lie city , especially to tint gardemus. 'l'ime strIp of coutmmry kmuowmu as Nomth Outumuhumu Is I oecu pleul imu igely by garthe muem s timid macmi vluo raise smuualh ( culL Scores of ( lowe peolde I humid thtei r gmi iii eims ivmushi cii ouu t or coveted by smiuid amid debris ( limit cammme hum thin Ilooii. Aiemug the Sitor'S of Cut Oif lmuiic timero I r. large mmutmtuln'r of garihen.'rs. . Timt'so mmmcdl ii i i sui tfere'l ' cummus lulermubie loss by meason of huaviumg timeir crops w'mmsiucd omit by' time roots , ( ) umt there tlmt're set'mmieti to be ummore m'titer titan him time city. due probahl bm time I fact ( list ( lie drahum front time hills to ( lie I vest rumuis over their laumils , and titmut wlh ( On the See Saw- \'tmu ) t'miu : set' miii ( ivt'm' tIme i'xh0siIItmm ( , , gm'tmiuitli.m , - umm tuii't si' & ' hit' ( 'lt'gmultt - limit' of simmip silhtit't \ ' t'mii't' sluiuviulg- t , Vtnu mmiuil elilumi' lit tin' slom'e lur tiutt : - Sirmuht sllltiui'm' 'mlu' ( ' liii' imi'uhtt'u. ( ioot eO\t'i'- . : lug for llil4 lint ' ; iili'r-\V i'et'i , C \ ' ; umiil'ly : It ) liii' tlfrts , mmuuul ( hulltim''Im-- ' - , ' Ii's ttl luui'ih ) ; ( ' \\-"vt tlit'uui iii tliu't't' s1 ; ) . , l ii ) \ \ i t un t hhlo\ imi liilui lii ( ' 1 t Ieu itt ( lit' iI'ite. ) Drexel Shoe Co. , Oiiumthiui's U1-tn-ihmmue Shuttuhiuui' . 1411) ) IAltNt1 S'l'U EEl' Ever Have the Toothache ? - - G Q lo , 'Oti im hit 1 V t ii mm t us ummm I ly i vi' t'y I I I tie v , , uh I ' ml gttu iti ii ( 'ti I I st V I I I ri' i u ut't iy I t-- miuuImuthiuu's 111111mg li i't'tiihhi't'II't tit , Iiu't : - i'huss ilhhiuug-suuumull gtdtl oiu,4 , N- ) shlvt'i milmul guilul ml li''y. ' 1 . .15)oiuu'tiiui' ) ' ' . ' \\'t' tell I lhui' lunuili Is imt.youui u'i'itmulr't' miuu ynui ilimit mui'tnr t'iuuumluiIil. It - \ \ ' ' iuimike up ) ( .limtm'gti fuu extiimluuuliuii'- : Ii' II uuuuim31 , , ( liui4' , tilt WI' lumm ( ml jmilIiIi's 4 / iutet iiiul of otui' ivuu-huo ) gu - ( tiumNu'tlhiPiut i. % liu ) limit ! mi ftt'm u'ITt'et --flint Is ' , ( h' l't. tuitutii -\'tt luumvt' muhu i'ii't' t ii t' Iii ii ft ii' i'mi I nI J Ii 1' I ) lt'm'mt I I uh g ( limIhl'smuet I. , ' uiumti' y'ui itil 11 $ uuiuiii tmu'tmtltlt' mus pto'1iii'Ohteut ) till Iii tin' t'vt'uiluig-hmtul' mittehitimilut. BALEY , , S. ' ma 'eor. 3.1 VIcar h'mixluin 111k. l'p..rlriui'i' ; . thiii u. nil Faru.inw. . .1 You Ain't ' So Many- ihit's vhint ( uuuiuiot1.mm' . iy mummiul itur ' - Sevu'm'i ; ulft'r lI ( ' lmut mu tuiuh t'r to mif it'd oil ' ' I u Is lent I . ' 4 I i ) h t'i'ii d t' ui ( mum k ui ii i'mi ( I it i' 2 di' . limp agiiuc-um 'i'i' uuiuu't u.n imimuily If . ( , t' I ill s'ehm' I ( 'v't' imii imkt'tl a umy I itt ti's II 4(91 ( t S I u ui'eittp ( 'igmi u'-Sii y I 1 I I ii' t d u iii hhilliiiui hht'ly lint vt'ir ; uuit' lnigt' Ilui uflmuy it t luly ii mu ti st tue ii ii ' s uuuoko uit i ii Ii ye. / t.l'i I I SI ( ui't'kt't' . ( 'igil tiSilt' , 1 i ii I tl i'S'1 I mu'iu I ii - y'u. i I'S''l' go t ui ) hii uut'I I I ii a ii vi'- ( ( 'ii t ( i gil m' ii uis' _ iit'ht' I it' ( en'il t' ( a ( 't Iii yet' gt't Ii toil ( 't'hht $ uuikl' Iti 's'et'y one -111(14 mtll do uht'iileis sell tie Stneeltt- . ; : : : : : 1404 DOU6LAS. . , , i ( Is ii , - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - ---a- r the rtnfh1 that truiek lii , iii 1 ' b hoessiouis ! tinier SCm , ' ' ighh iii , ii wittr. 'Flue effect cit the rslum was nniivcliir it ( 'iii ( ' 1ff Inke. That sImt't of mrsier rnl'"i sl lumelmt'tt Iii less tiisn tim innuis Time bs'itcli vas Ilotitied almost uiii in lime old hishhi iuotires , ihtlhe' mt enmulilt' of feet of t'atcr suurrou miti cii t lie clii host iunuuse. cx I cii 'I 11mg alimmot tip to time luaviliouu. 'uitcr t'ouiiuinuu % ' 'I lIiu.hi Suifi'r'i , Tlm force of time storm lii time western hiCtt of time city miss e'speciaiiy felt by flit' ( ) niaima \\'ater 't'orks coummpnny. mimic'im is ciugmigeil ii 15)11mg it thirty-six Immehi uuunuiim siomig 'l's'mmty- timirtl street. 'lime tremmehi Is opeuu to a thepuhm of ten feet ( mum \\'ebIeu' to ( sass streets amid it large nummotuumt of s titer coiit'ett'd In it thturluig time' uiiuoi er. 1mm uuumuiut' Places I lie stir momummuilumg earth iuas ( 'tu'Ctl tim niud etirit hiss fohlot oil Pmmeummumt humto ( bet hick' . ilu'i wecu Fartuauuu mmmiii i.t'avcmmm ortim st reefs time it ii Im hiatt bceuu meccumtly I1ilti slid hmert' timer , ' is a slumkage of nbomit two feet. At Twoimi y - fetirthm nuid h4'nvemmmorthm streets a horse eauuk lute flue soft cam tim nmuui was imoisii'd omit it liii coumsluitirablc tilfilciulty. 0mm 'l'i euuticthu street somuthm of lt'aveumiiorthu a uimmumgeiouus iinsiuoiut exists lit thmu' st i' , ' I. I tli icummoval of the utaicumiduit girhuig ( iii imiuter a good opportumumity to force mu hmamimmt'l ( iurotugim time street lii its eotmrse tlown I hue lull. ileyommd i'icuee street on Tweumtiethm I he' wmter took liosSessloti of a low area uti'i- iui&'il by sluimmi t les amid umiost of time ii elgimlue , hucoti Is afloat. Large sectloumum Of itlilewalk imero tlIsiimicetl , nuid earrleul bite time iuelu : yartis of residents , uumammy of i itoimu took thur smmgg'mit I num mmmi ii e1tOihteih II Il t imu' aik iii to khiuuhihumg t nail. Amu ohhlccr was sent to mc- mmiotust rmmt ( ' . Time immystt'rlotms imni i' ' ' fl t T mveui t I et hi nimil linrimey streets ) fliViui ( mmuee ittOfl' uiimm'luig ( lit' late uiftt'rumoumn miumil carrheti a smummmhi tor. remit tub time reghoiu mmumihermmeatim thuouighu flue strt'u't railway comiupammy immiti muuimihe it'eemmt elforts to stall It with carloads of rimmihi'rs. Timt' omit let ( if flit' i'umter iumms iwi'mm lormttei , Itm mum oiul brick sewer ivhulcii i'xlsts 1mm semite places nteveuuty feet iamueathm thur smmrfmuce at t ii is 11(11 ii t. The I umu ummeim mit' Itressuuro of time overlying emurtim lmmmmi limurat It iii , vcnkt'uulmmg time suurfmi cc o' & ' rhmemmii mm uuih tOlerl utg aim out ti i't to time water. lmust utiush Semi t hii'ui'it , The I ow I y I uug ismrtlons of ( hue cast tunti smum t it emist sect Iomms of ( it Ii ci ty w er& ' I it it ii - tia I cii I hi hiS ny phimccs , tiut' itmuter st mmmuui lag tiurce feet tit'ep. Coutmultlerimble ulnummmmge wmus doimui to ( tmu'uuitmuro mmliii mitoreti gommds 1mm btmc- umuemmts below street levels. Jmuclttimi street bctwccti 'l'welfthm aim" Fif- ( ut it I it ii I reetit i cmicimmhi eu a I ake. I mu t in' tI t'- Pt'essiumti muemu r time 'i'hm I ri , 'etm t ii it trect v Ititi iuc t t Ito ui t or imims fum I I y foil I' ( cot d ( ' ( 'I ) ti ii rI it g time hi ear ) ' tiii iv ii itatmi' mm liout I o'ch tiu'k. A itc- ii es I m 1mm ii m'iium hotigli t to cross ' ( 'it I it Cu' tutu St uVct mit thus hioluut ivims Si\'Pt fu ( liii lila feet a imil cii rn iii imuu I Ii e ii itmmmit o f time a iv I ft rut siu - lug \iaters for a iumulf block before lie could cx t ricatu' it littsei ( . A t 'l'lm I mt comm I ii a miii ( 'cmi I i'm stteet s 'm hul micu e umf pmuvenmemmt immimt wmisiteii miwmuy. 'TIme aplimomuci' tim time sontiu eumil of ( lit' Sixtci'mutim sticet i'lmutlitt wait tmtuiicm'ummlimcii tumid great gmiJa ivert' cuut him ( lie iummiinuuv by the huge voitmutme ofvmitt'r that ruisiteth iltiit mu ( hue St ret' Is t iumt : eomm veigeul mu t t Its t mm t .N I'mm rI y mul I t hi e St reit paved srI t Ii LI umek smi Ift'meuh iii a - t I'm , I a I ihammmuge. : Time Immost serious ul ammua go don e liv t lie St Otuut t U bit I Id I ii gs wmm s mu ( Ci i ford 's C mutety themuter , FlfteuimUm mmuid Cmupltoi muvimiut. 'i'hi bIg ca muvas m oof o f t Ii is tt'miu Inurmm ry lilmu y haul e lii ovi'ii imo lut otect I o mu to I ts I mm temlom' . 'I'hut' sc1'mmery was haul y wmi teesomu iO'l ii mmil time emumu - . t.as irOsceiihitmmi arch : miiih time fuu'mmth's , of thu sI mmgtt meu'e so t hiotQtu gui y soahit'il t Itmu t ( lie ) ' \.ii I hmmm ye to lt mt' ii mm ccl : 'lii i' il et p otehm cii- ( ri' Ii I t mica ii 'erI ( mmliii' 1mm Ii ii. At time 'l'recmudemo tliemutiir ( hue suuumummc'r gmuu'- dcii ii'as oveihioweil nmmtl time ivater fomuimd ils ivay I ii t 0 tim u' t imea t or miumd covered t it e hint rte to mm tieptim of severmml iumeiics miemmr ( Ito nm- ditttst ra lii t , At Jeflorsont sqummt'e the , gmmui'eicul walks micro cut lumto gumilies tmmmih lit mmimiuu' Places flue grmvcl : imus uvmtshmel , iumto thin street. 0mm Sixtecuithu street below immvetmlaurt far mm ( lute ( Ito it'mier filled ( iii' street fuommu t'urii to curb. 'Flit cc of ( lie hcmtvy npm'omms mused mit street ctui'muers , i'acim w'eigiuiuug sevem'mml hiuimmiu'eih , volt ii ii S. icri i'nsited frommm ( lid r fast e mu I ii ga mmutti cmurm'ucd mmpomm thit , im'mtter for severmui blocitmi. lii , . , i'I 1st Sl'uuhN miii J'high , ' . 'tv 'tv. i Immit. 51 19 North 'l'hiirtlcthi street. rt'Itirts ) t its t a hI & ' ) L'i 1st stoit' mi imi't t'migle fmomn lila iim'emmilses Ott thit ! mtuortuuuig ( if July I. 'l'lm u it atio tmai hI ru w'mms s I x uttoim tius old mu mud hiatt ouuly growum to mu fracUomi' of Its unmtumre : - - - - 'I iCoiitioen1aPs ' STOCK CLAMN [ SALE Thursday \ T clean up in our furnishing goods depai'tmcnt. Nice ncckwcar , Sc , JOc , Sc. A few lots of suspenders at. I Sc and 25 , They arc all right. Some spIcndd bargains in sonic broken lots of undei'4 4 wear. larger and smaller sizes , i.t 25c , 38c and SOc. B..ys' crash suits 95cr $100 and $ l,5O , This cicati up is genei'al. 'We want room and you get the bi'r- gains. Always sec the Continental first , when wanting anything in men's wear. . , - , _ j4t _ : ' \ 15th & Douglas. OMAHA. size , It s'as aim eme'itismmri' 1mm Hut' himm'l ) 'mtm'tl mmmiii Its tiwui'i' mimis muiiseutt mit tiut' t'x- posh t lomi uromi ii Il S. w' iii' mu' lit' I it e imm iii oyeii. tlus. llmuu't mmmw ( lie thief lumet mufter hue hitd : S , cmu red t Ii it iti al mu uu ( I wmm S u'ltl I i.g mu miii y ii mu lila wluu'u'l. VhiiiiIi , is Iii'e l,1 iiiiiIhuig , , , NEYOI11C , .Jtmly t-Tiui ; St. I'mmui , witit ( I it' Eigii thu Oh In u'eg hue a t of vol mm ii t ci' m's on board , hmsdul : tttut Sumutiy : hook at P:5 : I p. imm. : iuuii'i'iii a. . 1.1 u.t.lu.ii , The foi I o mm I ui g utmmm u i'imugc i I el' mu sea iii' me Iii- stieuh yt'ui I C rdmmy imy I hi e coum ii ty j umilge Nmummue mt ii ii mmdih r ( as \ go. ' Vt'Iiiimimmi S. Gates , Omumah'm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Lturmi'Iu'ges , iheatm'Irui , Ncim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 W'rhsuiuuw lcrahict'k , Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ; - I Ia uimu , cmi h ma ii ii mu , ( ) iii mm ha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eruies ( A. ittuter , Outmmuima. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2f Tessie Gil higmuuu , Omummuimmu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 It's ' Easy to Sea- mien'i'l ' i'l ' ; , tiiKiln ; : plum ! : ' \ : : ? ilmlmto ) anti mmiii lhl'must'mi ) Ii ) Jut' miii" _ lieu- liummi' , Pmlu'hIi'uimmlly--is limit mietittum gu ! . muhitilmmlely ilm'mimpmuu'muilo ( , emmmmidluig limit 'jtI ' . ' . . 1.t'hl ci t' r I um g ol' ttfl'ti v I i I cli 1 emi ; th u 1' u't'tl 7 I , , , Ii ( 'ii 4 ufou'o I ) ) I d e. \\t ( 'ii mm' t a uiti ' 1' mmtctu' ' to limls-w'hmmmt mmmorp is ne'i'ssmum'y ? I ' 4 ! A. HOSPE , ' ' Misic chill ii DoiiIas , , - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - An Eye Tax- . 1''i's sluunulil itt' hulmlti' : l , ' hilli'il s'llhu gttiuti ' ' ' - . - ' ' , huu'u : its eoumuftuu't to I Imi' Ss'i'lim''i'-'i'htt' ( ' r ( lulf.u' ( , ' I hit , l'uihirt oh' I hut' l'i''i , vlhuimmj ( , mtuit timutluit' slriiui : st'liii \lhl uiumila' ii h'I't't' t'xmiiuuliumthiii ; , hip - ' , , t'Ohh-tlil'ii it'll you Juitt svlumit jii'i'j nuuti vhmmil It ms'III m'i541 - ( 'oliiit'il e''glmii'et , 't' --Jumt.t liii' flung tovt'am' vlmiit' tloluum. thin I ( 1xpishhioui. . , , . ' 54 TheAloe &PenfoldCo tcuuil ! our Srj. , m tub Ojul ielnui. , ties Far' m , mn ttreet. OpLsoILu , L'sI(4i # otei. Jewell Refrigerators- ( luIr hut' Is 11111 hi , Imirgo us It mvtut4- I lumi f's le'euu use I lit' , l 1:4 : i't't'nguil'it'tI _ ; . . : l.s. , miii Itt ln ilui' lut'sl t.4'i' imimiilu--'tiL . Vt' 8 g i'ett I , I I m ml hIt' 41 ' .i's yt 't-i'lu it I I i0'i I 1t" I It's I uii jj , oh i t'i4i't ii' I I i I Ii i ot' 0 I I I' ott iOlei 'ti't , ilo' largest-'l'Int .Jeveil is a t'i'IJm. ; . . , itiluu zhuue liititl n't'fmig'i'mutnu' , vltlu u.tIiiu- ii lb itt' i lumi miii it'i'--uIii iu'uuutiiuuiul ; lee uiei' , 811th ii Id i'i'it't I fotii li'ehit'I' -ml ( ( ( ) ' . I iluti ( If lee ihii'si mtuulluulk' , iou' liii' liiuuiuu- ' . limit boil dluig , or liitel - I love ytuuu si'i'ii ( dlii. lui.S. ' ) ( , ttiiitl ; -54i'-Il is . \ \\\t4 \ \ liii' uit'mti'st , , m411'iuiugl"'t lighit'st 51(1(11 ( ( iuimuiii' , ml 'i'y tilh'u'l ( ( I't' mii'Ihilt' -get (111ff ht'lmi' , gohiug In flit' big u1hiuimv. I A. Cd RAYMIER , \VIi IEI4IVEIt YOPIt I1IJ1C11AS1. ( . 1514 Furnniii St , ii . I I _ -