Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1898, Page 2, Image 3

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i - 2 - tI'H1 ONA 11 A PAl 14Y HJ L : 'UI I I' 1141)A1r , 1 I 1V 7 , 1 S94. . _ _ _ _
: -
vn bnilc % rnt .lown with the Ii1p. Mr. .
b'pi nyM the of1lecri bravIy ItayfI (
J tI , tirnir joltig 1WtI ( Ith Un' ship.
Tli' only oifl'r iuaveI th ptirsr. lie
went .Iown Iut being s strong swimmer ,
innnagetl to snvn iilmsclr. Vhen th ship
triirk they weri nrt Snhit. The pns-
senger , with t1i' sole exception of I'rof. 1.
Casse , were helow q1ecs. ) Without. wnrnln
esrno the terrIble shock , La Case rusheI ( In
Itasto to Iis atitroom on the snionti tieck
&ntl got liii % % lfe out of licti nnil iartly ,
L dressed. They hastcned on deck , only to ho
preclpltrttcd liio ( the water. They were tiot
long in the water , however , when they
foin1 Li iinrtiy ntilirnergel raft. upon which
they dung. Some of the lionts. L.a Csss
says , capsized. nnil nil on 1)oa'4 ) won.
drowned , The struggles , swisitirig water
and terrible screami of the tirowning matie
( ho situation an awe-inspiring otto , never to
; be forgotten.
. ( On the moruing of the collision Captain
Ileihlerson sas on the POOP with Itis third
flab , A. C' . St'art. Sailor Halley was on
the lookout anti Ilrst Officer ICtilinan watt
stud that they , the liourgogne , bath sonk the
'cohilihlog vessel.
c ilcats were qnflt out ami nearly 200 pcopio
were saved. AL the time of the ( ollislon
Mr. ftevnrt says La hiourt'ogne lutist have
1Hifil golflI at thic rate ( it eIghten knots nu
I lioui' tttrouili a. t1ene fog. vliich shut nut
'I everything more titan twenty ytirtlu away.
Ahout two hntirs after ( Ito Cronuirtyshiro
IIckctl Ut ) tlit tfl vlvnrs the ( rtelan was
ighite'l hod look the ( 'romartysitire In tow.
AliflUt 8 oehiwic that evening , three miles
ftWII ) , Thini tntc ! Stewart heard iuns nnt
Kaw three roclrtK ( go up nti a blue light ,
the signal ( it illst r ss , burning. Tin' Grecian
slgnnlleil In the ( 'roinnrtyslilre tlutt it was
going to nstittt the vcttscl sIgnalling , In a
tow tilhiiiIt's % , however , the light thlsaptcaretl ;
and no tiutro gutis or rockets were tIls-
ehnrgeil , the tsCI certaitily having sunk.
ljot. La Casse. one Itt the surlvors. Is
of the opinion that there ns a third yes-
bel I IL Lb a COl I Is I o a , its lie so v Liii Boo r
ogito 3111k wIthin tn minutes after the
. . COllisIilI.
. itltt on the 1orcitsle ( ieck. The Cromarty-
shire was inakitig about five knota an hour ,
ss'ltii several sails set and taking In all the
tune. Not a sound was hoard tIntil the lookout -
$ - out , Haley , sa' a large tttcnmcr half a
. Ritilt's length ohenti on the 3ort bow. In an
instant the Ciomurtysltlro's Jlbhoon struck
the lintirgogne's bridge and the naIling yes-
sd crasitetl into the iliter , stoving a big hole
, near the engIne room.
I Thu liourgogne scralwil the vlioo length
t of the Croniartyshilre's lort. side , and then
, , veered off.
'rite hiourgogno tilt'w long , niournfui wltis-
t tls fur assIstance. Tltirl Mate Stewart of
t the Crnntartyhire says that the Frenclunen
evltheittly thought they vere another ship
. I'IJiIt for PIIl-es hi iinlN.
; Sonic of the arctics enacted on hoard La
liourgogite just after the collision were ter-
rllilo to witness. iuti fought for lmsltions
. In tht boats like raving itianlacs ; svotnen
were forced hack front the boats anti
trampled by men , vhio niade selt-preserea-
LIon their Ilrst object. On hoard were a
large nittitlier of the lower class of Italians
anti other foreigners , Who , In their frenzy ,
tttojtpetl at nothing that ltrollllsetl safety for
thtenistlycs. In a itoat was a Party at
women. hut. so great was the paulo , not a
tianil was raised to assist In Its launching.
Thio ( iCCtIItflfltS so itear saved vere lrownel
hllte rats , when the shIp with ; u awful hiss-
log sound VeIt tloti. So desperate % i1S thafl
sittlatlOll that an Italian passenger drew his
knife anti niatia ihireet at one vhio , like hihiti-
, . , . ttelt , % as endeavoring to reach tim boats.
I nunei in tel y hi Is etion % VO s I in I to ted Iii
4 uvery ihircethon. iCulves were tlotirhshiel anti
tiseil with effect. Women aiitl children were
( I ItVotl haci ( to I ii CV I tabI e death a t the 1)01 ) 0 I.
of weapons , ( lie oyinrs at wltl.hi vere ox-
Pelts , . iii their use. Accorthitig to stories of
I survivors , woineit were tabbcd like so iiiany
' . sheep.
. Ui'itzii i * ) of flit' .Sitliiirw.
Patriclc ! tlclceowji of '
i , l'hiihaclelphila , a 1Ut5
1 : , - itenge I' 00 Ltta vu lt I iou rgogne , says lie
' sa w a l'hi I ititi el jib in ii , w hose ii nine lie cannot
: rccal I tile ecu iiy a sni I a r w ho tough t to
' 1 I he im ascii ger hiaclc ( rout t Ii 0 boat.
. , : tiany of thi unfortunates vhio t'cre strug-
glhtig In thti' water ntteiiijtted to drag them.
tielves In ( lie boats or oil rafts , 'l'hicse were
,4. , ittlitlieti back into a watery grave. there.
: too , kiilves were used freely.
, : Not. oh I ti t I Ii e 110811 limet dent hi by d ro'Ii -
: log. ( 'himlatcihihiem' hhitiiioii sat' a salIne belongIng -
longIng to the hiourgogne strike a passenger
i . over ( lit hi tail w I I hi it bar amid kil I ii I in. l'hic
, . hiody dropped Iiito time vnter. The passen-
t ger giabbeti thic boat in vhilchi the allor
) was iid atteimipteti to get on boaril.
l'liere were 71 I iersoims on boirti anti 161
% ire saved.Vhth the exeeptloii of two pas-
I. ieligt'rs , Prof. La Casse antI Ills vlfe , all the
passemigers of La llotirgogne vere nit
board ( lie Grcclzii. ; l'he crc % % ' Is aboard thin (
boat. The Grecian hi expecteil to sail for
New York this evening.
The crew ore collected by themselves on
the forvartI part of ( lie deck tiltil are any-
( hi I mig lei t ill ' 'tisant look I mig. 'l'hie o Ulcer at
hto gangwny looheti at them with a scowl
iiiiti salti If lie had hIs way they all voultI
himu'c beau hintigeti to the yarilarni long ago.
'I'lie corrttspoiiileiit hliterviuweil iietily all
the passeligt'rs vlio touhil shank Ingllsui.
Olie Imsseiigcr saul the o'lleprs nmui ccciv
miegleetid the ) .Issciigers entirely. The see-
( in ii OfllCC r ivas thi o Do I y ion a ithin ii lii any-
thi I Ii to li& I I > t lie te rd lint a nil lid ph cas as-
itciigci s. I Ia cut loose all the boattt lie could ,
. multi lit tact all the boats that icro laumiehieti
w crc ltiiichict1 by ( lie brave secoutl otlicti' .
Liii iVilS last seen standing on tIm deck with
liltt liiiiiil Oh ( lie rIgging going i'cslgneii to
. ceitit I a ii ci t hi.
Cliristohihier hiruulnl , a passeiiger , was
tin own tub ( Ito water tiiiii swaiii for tso
lioums hg'fore lie fouiiii a hoot. I ( it cIting
to timis as lilt ; last ' ) ) , After sonic 1 tine
a mliii lice mimami got hal ii o t ( lie saitie bunt anti
together Ihitty iiiiiiiagetl to rIght it. tYmuler
lImo seat they founti thu thi'ttiI lauhies of four
0 iiti t hi r.c iii ) huh i''Il ( ) hititi CV I ticii t I ) '
1hieeii ( hi4)WiiCl hty hut Ciiltttlzliig of the hutat.
hirumilni saul ( lie crew were crime ! In theIr
ciintl hot t a iii ru tIn' ta sseii gi rs. I I a
timinhtho to gut In the iiteitliii'r'tt Isiats itit'ii
liii eamite Omi thick , tie In g shioveit a i'a' by t lie
sill I ors. I he sit iv imiun y of lii s friends bel ig
PiuS'eiited ( ruin getting Into the boats by
. In its thonsamids of forms is the most. tor-
iIitlo alliletlon of the human race , SaU
rhictiiri1 sGrcit1 eruptions , boils , all humors ,
- . awehtings , etc. , originate In Its foul taint ,
end are citretl h'y the great auLl only Trimo
lihooti Puriflor , hood's Sarapar1ila. 'I'Iio
ndvoiiecd theory of today that tuberculosis -
culosis , or consumption , Is curable by
proper nutritIon , care end purifying thin
blood , fiuids confirmation In thin oxiteri.
eimco of many vhio hinvo been cured by
. . Hood's ' Sarsaparilla
Hood't3 Plhi cure sick heat tiehic , itc.
, . ' O ca- - ' . '
: Omaha Bee
- ; Map ol CHLa ) Coupon
. - , Present this Coupon with 9
I . A Map ofCuba.
A' Map oYtho West Indies ,
4 And a Mapol'tho World ,
2 By Mall 14 editS ,
. .
the snihors. lie lost nerythlng , but ho
stooti In.
i'heleTil Ohn , a sIeerno msetigr. Is
atiinii ( lit' saved. When he nt on ileck he
found a raft with five teen on it. TIme raft
was tint nail ehnlneii fast to the ileck aitti
none of thu sailors were hear anti none of
the live iieii , lotul knives. The shilhi satik
rapidly anti they 're ; ireelpitntnl into the
water. ho was In the water twenty win-
uts. the othier Rye sinkIng. ho caine acroas
I' boat which he trIed to get into. ITo
eventually suececfcl , , but. not before a des-
lerato tight with Its crew. Iii , was battered
isltli oara and shoved with boat hooks.
Siii' IiItt tuhii'r c ; , , hiui ,
Atigilat l'otirgi was eager to gIve your cor-
rosponilent an account of hIs experience. lie
% % as in the water about ! ialt an hour and at-
tulflhitcd to get Ilito ft boat. lie sns seized
vhicri half in antI thrown hack hilto ( lie
s'ater. Again lie tried to enter tIme boat ,
lint the savages who manned it were determIned -
mIned to keep hint alit. lie managed to get
iii omiti to stay In ,
Clinging to the lIfe hue of a boat not tar
away lie saw hIs niother , anti as it hhs trials
were not enough ha was forceil to watch a
101(11 ( shies e her into the ocean With an oar ,
lie sohil the man is'as saveil nod i'as almost.
sure he could recognize him.
Fred Nifiler , it Sii'lss , , 'ag the mo3t Jtivhal
anti 'contented of all the unfortunate liassen-
gers. lie lost all his money anti doilies with
thii' exception of a haIr of paiits anti a shIrt ,
but tie laughetl now anti agaIn cursed the
Fremich sailors with lIaslouate eariit'sthess.
NIhhler got him a ilfcboat vithi sonic others
a ii ii iciiiii I neil Ui eve iiii t I I he reach e'il ( lie
Water , when he thioiighit It iins time to leave.
Notie of the saIlors ever iittciiipteil to let
the boat loose. Ito swam for a long time
before lie iis lucked Ult. lie saw an Fin-
gllshtimian ntteiitpt to get Into ( lie boat , bitt
( lie iiiuii in the boat , ihio weic sailors of the
I iou rgogn e , lii t hi I iii ovci t ii a head v I t Ii t lie
ho tt end a t a ii oar. I I e Id I back anti sank.
Charles Liohira , a Frenchinian , expressed
hImself as thoroughly aslinmeil of hIs coumi-
tryincn'it conduct. 'IbIs bun is one of thi. ?
niost Illlftirtunate. lie hail. 'hIs bvo mother-
lett hays , h't and 7 ycais old , with hdni. Ito
hut thiciii In a boat , but i'as prevented ( mama
enterIng himself. I Ic could lint get lii aiiy
boat antI wemi t iloivn ii I t Ii t lie hi I ii , bit t Ii a
caine to the surface iiiiti at once hooked tar
( lie boat wIth lila boys. 'rhiey weie miuwhiere
to ho seen and lie mourns them as lost. lie
Iloated it long tIme before a boat conic along.
I he tried to get in , but was assailed wIth
oars auth boat hooks. Mr. Llobra showed
your corrcstiomithemit hits arias mid hotly. ills
arms arc black iifll blue anti hIs body is
terrlhily iirulsctl ( rain the bhows lie received.
After this boat vcnt off liowas In the water
eIght hours ,
Itlhl a i'IiIiiiiIt'liiiiliii ,
Patrick \iclCeown is an Inteiligemit young
lrltihiniaii ( rain \'ilmIngton , Iel. lie is In-
tilgoant at the brutal crew. lie was moore
fortunate ( bali his fellow pabsemigel's auth
got oil a raft ivhmen the vessel was elnking.
One of the ii orst sIghts ho salti ho cver saw
was the miiurder of itti Aiiitikiiii with whoni
Ii e hail become iteqita I ii tail on t hi e at Cii liter.
This man , whose nailte lie cannot recall ,
was froimi l'hilhadelphila , where lie hitum a wife
itliti famIly. The PhIladelphian was trying
to get on a raft not far dlstamit front the
oiic MeKeown was on. A French saIlor
grabbed huif an oar and bent hInt over the
Cl'ai'Ie luttweiler , a Gerniami , mnanageil
by an lntcrprcter to tell hil story. It Is
thus :
lIe got iii a boat ivhileh 'as tIed fast to
the stihit and stayed in it untIl lie sav It
was certain death to remaIn longer. I le
jumped , mit was carrIed down by the whirl-
Itool lutule by ( lie sliiktng steamer. lie was
In the iiitcr half an hour vhien a boat came
wIthIn reach and lie attempted to enter It.
hut ( lie wretches In it shoved hint off wIth
boat hooks , Ills left eye is badly cut. Ihe
sai' i onion shoved avay front boats i'Itht
oars anti boat hooks when clinging to the lIfe
lutes of the rafts anti boats. lie says the
crew assaulted ninny plissemigers with any
iTlihilCiiieiit that caine hianthy umiti If ito In-
struniemit viis to lie bath pumichiel the imiemi
anti woolen , helpless in the water. wIth their
One of the niost hlnprotimit witneses vhll
be John hiurgI , i ho got Into a boat with hIs
mother before time shIp sank. The sailors
In the boat held hIm unit threw his aor ' lii
imiother into the ivater. 'rime sailors thirev
him out , hint hilni with oars anti shoved hilimi
( limiter tin ? boat. lie was In the water nine
hours before lie was saveil by a boat froimi
C rommiartyshi ire.
Charles Leby , wimo lost hIs two children ,
says lie saw five women , evIdently ox-
initiated , clingIng to the life line of a boat.
Tile lrcnchi saIlors cut uie lIne aimtl thin
women sank.
Gt'stav Crlmnaux. a French passenger , car-
roborateti the other passengers In theIr
statements about the crew. They ihId not
attempt to cut iimi ) boits loose except thosc
itlitch tiny nccdeil thieniselvea. I he univ
ivoimieli shoved iiivay front itoats ivithi oars
amii hot only beiiig shioveti away , but hieIng
iiltthied deep lntt thu water.
The nlfleers of the GrecIan say time passengers -
sengers tool sailors Preseited a sorry spec-
( ado ivhien they ivero taken emi board from
tim Crolmiartyshire. 'I'hmey had mint eaten for
Imearly tiveiity-ftmimr hours , Sonic ore titill
dazeth anti do nut know ithiero they ama or
ishiat they ore ( otmig.
The timlril nilheer of the Cromartyshilre saul
that otto half-drowned ivi'ctehm. wliiint lie
hulled over time Siule sonic hoots lifter ( lie
cohhtson , seized his lIfe belt mint ! ahletl time
steiartl for lila knIfe. lie cut a htloce off
thu lIfe belt amid started to eat It , saylmmg It
has all lie v anteil ,
1'M.lN ( lilt i.I4'I' "
( ii" LAllOUilrONE.
'Flit , ) , . ' ) tiiil , ' I'imliii' Oiml' Iiielmi.l
( . 'ttPjIi i'IlNNeIt&4'rs.
Nl'uOliC , July 6.-The foloivlmmg ! Is time
itassemiger ( tli'bt cabIn ) hltit of La flourgogmme.
so milc I ii ml I Is loIm ( mit J tity I . 'rite Frititehi 1 I ii a
ulocs not m'egster ! ( lie athilressemu of its urns-
semmgerut :
Mt's. d Atrommet.
11ev. lirothier Ammmhirolse.
F. A , 4\tmgeI.
Amitoliio . 'uchmartl.
\hrs. Amitolne Aetmard ,
Mhe .tlnr he , chard.
Afltnne Achimiril ,
( uIeei'e ' A llii.
Master Glovlnmml Alpi ,
iirs , L. Itromnberg ,
Hey. Leoti ilauniano ,
MIss iltmiss.
Mr. Gasparil llehir ,
Mrs. ilotirmievihie ,
\irti. C , hlourquln.
Mrs. J. N. [ Ironic.
Ft'rtllnand huiochard.
irs. Feilmianil lirnlmarti nr.ti chilhil ,
Mitts Leonle liroehiaril.
l'atml hlroycr.
Mrs i'tith Brayer ,
MIami hiameciona.
MIss ltoue Cimuazza ,
Lotus Cmizzazn.
Glucotmma Cazzaza.
tii'mi , Jitlietto Clcot ,
w . V ( 'lark
Mrs. W V. Clark.
, ti i ti. .1 , II. Col i'mmian amid inn Iti.
drs. hi. S. Crumoley.
( lustai'Ia Cure ,
Giistmtve Cure.
J , M. Chianubi.
I ] 'Ii'rro Collhmt ,
I ci. ( 'aihira.
L. Cunt'o ,
Miss Connor.
. ' . ( 'atiiat.
Mrs. F. C. Ciok ,
di s. Joseph ii. flurkt-e ,
Mrs J. 1' . rihion ,
Mrs lIhlon-Ollver and maId.
irs , lrtmest Dehmootte.
3lvtmn 1)umiiont.
Mrs Dumont ,
Mrs. linac.
S IC. DsviR and valeL
I ) . Scott lvnima.
Miss M. Evans ,
Miss [ 3. Evamis.
MIst' L. Ei'ntis.
Mr. l'rammk A. l'Iston ,
Mrs. l"rnnk A. listen ,
Miss Marie 1'Istnn.
\itmstnr Frank Flaton , - "
11ev. CIImrin Florisoone ,
( : iovannl FeilIni ,
Adolph ( irat.
A. Grandvllhlers ,
Mr. ( ilni.
Mrs. Joscphino German ,
Allmert ( imildot.
George Greishiaber ,
liii' . Gabriel.
Master Gabriel ,
Eilward I Inlprnmm.
\irs. Surmmmnel anti two chmlltlrdmI
Mrs. Jaiims J. hlaggerty ,
tlrs , C. Laurlehesse.
L. Lahiret _
Miss Labrct.
1tirmt. Logas.
Mrs. l'aullne Langley.
\1iss A. Langley.
\iIss M Laurent.
2tlr. Lattrcnoomia.
tllss I.e Totirnenu.
tllss llt'rthma ttohml.
I te' . I icrima rtl I mm t1 cr1 I mm ,
MIstt Fl Mcl'tirIamitI ,
l'atrtck MciCt'owmm.
'tlistt J. Mossc' .
RegIs Memmnlcr.
l'aiml Merlin.
tlI95 Enitmia Matler.
ilrs , Jammies Marshall ,
MItts Morlmm ,
Mm's , Osgnntl anti cimilil ,
: lm's. .1(11111 l'crry.
MIss Sathie Perry.
Miss Florence l'erry.
Miss lathorlime Perry.
A' l'erry
MIss Stizanni' l'crrycr ,
Ammtcmn lieilnhek.
It. Ilymnan.
Mrs. It. hlymnami nmid child.
tliss Frmmnees llcs.
Mrs. S. llumitammian.
tll54 Ilarriet M. hover ,
Leomi Jaequet.
Mrs. Leon .laquet and clmiid.
Miss C , lnmimtetemm.
Alrmmee Jnioeat.
Iticimartl Jacobs.
Mrs Itichiarti Jacobs and chihil.
ltev. A. Kessler.
Dr. S. Kompe.
Mrs. Kophme.
henry Icroemer.
Mrs. J. KI.hil.
Oswnld lCirmmor.
L E le Klerimel.
Mrs II. II. Knowles.
Mrs. Gertrude Kmiowlts.
Mrs. lhnry M. Klmid.
Dr. L. E , Llvlmmgood.
A U. La Cause.
Mrs. A. I ) . L.a Casse.
Emhic Lo ( ros.
K I" . Leniarre.
L. I 'I mm teatm .
\irs. Leon Pommtieii.
1ev I' . L. i'ensjer.
Miss Mary l'ommc- .
Mrs A. i'ovohmmi.
Miss Anmia l'ommclu , . . ,
Lofemmzo l'olcri. , .
Emirlco PoicrI.
Master l'olcmi.
Id iss llitim l'atton. , .
l lss llithi I'atton.
Mr. Amithmomiy l'ollnchi , ,
ulrs , Amitijoimy' l'allochc ;
MIss l'lmtnte ,
i1 ru. i'imiiitmm. _
E. It ltummticll.
Mrs. E. It. Itundell. )
'diss flvehymm thieves.
i'tlr. ' Paul Itisal. 1' c.
Mrs. J. ltous'ttl. '
Miss CarolIne Itlttor.
J Cult Itti mm ID a oh . - : .
Mr. Ocohohi.
A Schultz.
tirs. A. Schultz antI maId. ' ' '
Miss Carola Schultz.
Mhstt 1tihldrt'tl Schultz.
Lntmhs Sldelmrtm ,
Miss Therese Somrmmmier , ' '
. . .
1' . J. Sosa ,
J. A. Josa. . , . , -
It. I' . Steele. ' ' '
G. Steele. - , , ' 'I- ' , , '
C. Tacot.
Mrs. C. Tacot. - -
John 'l'altemmgcr. ' , -
Mr. L. Terlamiti.
Mrs. Valltuto , . -
Miss \'uii Catitoren ,
C. A. Van Camitereti.
Jerommie Vtichiir. - t.f.
I ) . '
thlss 'iihtttc - : - -
Mr.Tnsai. . - .
Mrs. I''assal. .
Ralph Leon ViIhhmimumt. .
ltev. "IS' . CT. Wchtstcr. . - .
A. Weiss. -
tlr. A. II.Vcm'tz 00(1 two chihidrci !
II. A. Weissig. ' -
Mrs.Vrihmt. .
'tlrs. 'tVliitmmey , cimlld and maid.
l'mof. E. N.'mtttcr. .
E. N.Vimmd. .
Otto Seager.
'I'hio folloiihmi gls a complete lIst of La
hintmrgmgne's ; steerage passt'ngnrtt :
Con St Ictmtmj Itt' , It. IJer SttPIilLii Iii , id fo mm nil
t I , mt ! ( 'ii I lii cc ii ; t ephien K oznz Itt n , J osephi I ito
liii I I I y , Eni Ii a Lii t ti emimmiti or , Eiigt'mi e I ) 'rat Is
timid I ii bitt t. I unite 1 I oramim , 1 aniLe \l I hail , lsaa c
lrnc , I mmmii timid imiftit , Julio Atieinim ,
E I st \V I II e ii eggt'r , V ii t or \V rid U emuim til ,
t..itit Iii Seit iva utiutehm em' , Ail ri cmi hot aim , j r.
A I I mm aci Ott , G orlmiii I \'erotm A d ml cii 'emomi.
Nlcolal Itoju , fl.V , S'tmsslg , - ' - - Sclmmnliit ,
rl ichmail I n I SCt iou do. liim is I ha nil ii , Eimge ii i a
hi Li mcI I , (1 ( . l'mtcct t tea , ( T lava mm I N Icola , N. G.
Lt-gi a ii , L. I I o equ t , I . ( ; ii mu , A ii mmmi l am cy ,
: d a ry 'I' hem c''tt i1 a ray amid In fttim I , I .u z.i ic
ii (1 ( ItO CC it miii tht ree cli I iii remi. it ii ii it I 1 mm I mmmcmi ,
Eimtiio hurst. l.otmls iteresimml. l't'tcr I lebib ,
Broadway 1' . lit. bIb , Mis. I. hiormihi auth
C hi I I d , A uguist. C ret tutu Cit. I ) tm ( Ii ivI I see ,
J ( mliii J tOm ii I , ( l eorge 1)oth , Johi a K ezit a , 'th I it -
acIicoiuul , Itmihmal iIomiIiiIhtl , tjrtihimttm ; Ithal ,
Sehmaic ri nit ti a tutu rl 'tl lie ) ' . -li ZO , A migei a
torelll , Nicoit ( TtmetImio , LtuIgI NIcoll , .Siurco
Ito rim t a , C Ii mist ofem a liii I mm I , Em tmmiia M miii e r.
Cli a m'les l tI hmi birgem' , i\ I boit lilt' IC 'I I en lice-
ger , Ailchlno lttiymnotmtl , Airs. Motelil auth
child , Jeami Mclii , Caroline lonwmirtli , Dimim-
detit Nuleri , Glovammmit Julllni , A ru loon 11cr-
tiub , Mrs. AiimiLi Assoath ammti bmihiy , Mi's.
Sarah Asitoati , ! tlargmmurito McVmmger , Roslume
I 'aiut. U ra titi mita I ru ( aimi Ill e , ii es Cimmm I I Ia.
Michael Fimmatuon , A. Perehier , Mitre Ger-
mmiaimi , J. Stimuli , Jumo Jtmu'Iolch , Auto Lotte.
Jacob 'Iomiiioims. NIcola Antommicelel , Anton
Cimrabatovlcii. LouIs Omidro , lleittrl Guise-
belie , Khiabel Elkourl , Serkes Fmnmicls , Jo-
stithi Nalfomo , Ahmrahmomn N. Ahimtleff. Nicholas
Slt'Iuit' , Ir. iclha liellaisto , Smilta Metier-
'ine. GIov hjotilihi. 1)crimmons ) Agoob , Salcemi
( ThU , lorls ZIzmur , Mmtnkel ZIzzar , Saletmu
: ti tI I o , 'i'hieit iai I alt hiou I no , El Ins I ) 'a Ii , Shia-
lerm IIoi , tlc-ti Moufiirimio , George Azlz-
ze. Issa hitti-elset , Nicohmis hub. Josef Mo ,
. - . \ S I I , A Ii I cii to Cmi lOtost I. C etmige Aomm I.
Al iohui Nathmamm , A ugtistu flovmtux , tiurcch
hull. J. hiahiumeliteux , Jotteithm A-eivtimidc' , Er-
mit'st Ichmmmotte , lnianuel IJehimiote. iteshmeed
MIlan. ( hom'gt' houuimlt. Francesco Maccar-
chIn , J Fiiimri'r , il Iss Fimhirer. Gimstmive Fohi-
icr , i.cnmt Fmihmrer , Jemimi ( Liiirt3r , I' . Alazoll ,
C. lh'lfauito , lit'rtrtimiio iulnggIo , LuIgI Mar-
tc'tuelil. Gustave ( lrllomix. 'I' . 'iimvr , Ieolmi
'retmm-'u- . . . \ mit lcoltutchi. liunry Moliluger.
John liturgy , Mrs. flurgy , Miss Flaucklger ,
hicuthin I ? . Flauckiger , qlov 'I' . Qatzuiottt , ,
Aug. hit'rgy , John Epplch , Fritz Nyfitler ,
Ahtmrcel Gllhet. Joseph limo , .ir" I Iulimul-
icr , Peter Ulrlchm. ( iiov Glowimmi , l'onto John.
'V. Comnmitemi , T. John Mamey. Mrs. 'darcy ,
Anmmit Mthmehlo. Atlelt Vt'bsCi. \ 'Itt'liuerra ,
Miss Adele Steltz , ( luhi t't 411011 , 4\I'htuil
1)mihitloub ) , Nichiohmis 'l'liopois , Cuuisehilte ( 'a' .
allele , Agostimio Comtiiilltuj. Almiatlub Bal-
limormi. AlIt. F. Chaltemere. ( ut'seuptt ( 'ali'ei ,
GttIStIilC Cocimimto. Aifetil hiogomi , b. Ettlemme
llelctitieiititi. Mare I.nmuturt , ( aio At to.
umimie , Alnsmta Ihmouiti , 'I'll 'l'ivrXt han. ( letirge
F'riomt , Mrs Frtes. % . LimIgI C tlcrlco , hilobta
Nlsni. Alouimmtnna Sagmistiati , Al , llruel , Mis.
Maria liehlI , Amigelo .t'ka , l"ianc Zecemi , Mrs.
Zccca , Atmgoatiuo Sartori , Jactiltel ilacorni ,
Matcu Zeurleb , Gio' Carlveto thins b'ailuu ,
- -
- - -
iTlnion llmmnssikitmhi , Jean ( lnapo/ , % ilaiita
i'OraI , Iletimmnra hhressto , Airs. h Johnson ,
macph ( earo , 1)s'i4 ) . hiarlmleri , ( 'atmrlmme
Ihietmmno , Cotttt liatista 'ni ' cimihti ( 'oslo.
Israel Yntisoft , hiuglaghIo lammiel. 'erpllo
hiefi , ( llovvammn , Unsparine , Mrs. ( lasparlac' ,
C'arlos Casel tIts. Cass'-hi anti immfnnt
Noged , Mardi \ios 'sauioorian , vtt. Camiel-
sac , Cesar Totl't' , I"r. Joslin , l'ort Slehmem'
Fr. Zc'hinan , 1'.tutgl Nasotit , four nnrml
children , InfaM Nasomil. Anmelio Gai'ozzie.
Marg. llrovntin nail child , Amit Kree , Marlhl
Dchenc' , Martlui , Jmilee , Jamiay , Sotiruichm. suit ,
emmklnroIc , Jobm Zeniclarnic , F' . Kulla , I" .
ilyer , Mlch llnrii , C. Ahhterti , fl Caneto , C.
Mohlnarl and hifht Infammi Mollnarl. Iuclemm
Jolmnmmne , Mrs.'Johntme , Mathiltie Fcmivre
amid Imifant , lrst'nt. ! titrlm. Mrs ltatcl. Johmmi
O'hm'is amid two' ehmildrn , George Andreim-
mmopolls. Abramno Covazzi , Mrs. Covazzl.
three vlmiltlreui anti au Infant : Feimiluman.i
Staffarommi , Mrs. Staffaronl anti Infant , To.
amaso Melatlseime , Sluif Simeuchi , My Mayir ,
Solommmon Atomimnion , (1. flatmil. Albert I icy-
Oman , Johimi uniter , Joseplm Itichimuon , Joeob
Mmttkovle , T. ( iraffo , iicehit' Ltmcia , Mcr-
lottl Angelo , L.oui Melegran'l.
The following are names atitlltiomimil to
those fmirnishicd by the cnmmmpamiy , nimti whose
Illillics tb lint appeor emi ( lie lmrlimtl'i list.
They emmibroce first anti secomitl-elas paseii-
gers , maimy' of ivimomu took passage au the
if. U.'inui , A. l.a C"oste , Air. 1)laz , Air.
St'abnila , Air. Carcias , S. Mmmuirll. Joi' ult
Camimpo , Mr. Groimlim , V. ( iommziiles , Airs. VII-
hmtmmilmmst , Al rs. lhtemion , Al las N. l'Icot , Mr.
finuthmier. Al rs. ( lalitliler. C' . I I. bleltre , tue
cimlithremi I tinhmmes not kmiowmi ) ; J. I taggerty ,
Airs. Saborlcs. Clihhti liortles. Airs. Pareello
( three ) , T. Strtls , Airs. Strauss , Miss At.
Strauss , Airs. SV , Stetimiss , Miss Cnuchit'im ,
Airs.Vallace , J. SpItes , I ) . Vynmiuim , Airs ,
W'ytmimtn , Master \'ynian.
Erimeat leimnotte ) , Sylvamila Ititmmnnt aimd
lmnIi : Legros , witn ivere in ( lie hirlnteti list as
passeimgcrs , were mint nhiaaril the ship.
It iins salul mit ( lit' oilce ) of howe &
hhimnimmiel this mmirmmriimg that thme Airs. A. hiummi-
met sviio was on board Lti. hiotmrgogmmo was
Imot tlm ( ' sulfe of A. E. Ilimimititel. time muttormicy.
'flie olhi cc ms ti t I .a I iotimgogmi a
lelonel , coimimmitimulor ,
lupotit , ( Fr. ) seconil cnptai a.
l'rlchmard , first officer.
Delhngc , eeomith ohileer.
1101mm hI Cl , ( hi lid olhlcer.
Ialieilo , chIef eumgluieer.
flrahssec , Secomid engineer ,
Cautler , thlrti emmgimmcer.
Ltmlsuie , foimrthi engineer.
ltmrnmiul ) , iiimrser.
- Seal. assistant nurser.
Dr. l.ihiuechi , surgeomi.
Miss tlarrlet Ai. Tower ,
.Miss Eloy Reeves.
Air. P. A.'rhghmt. .
Mrs. J. a lIllon amiti Airs , Dillon-Oliver ,
uvhmo uicra eli board time La Ilntmrgognc , were
( lie wIlt' anti datighutcm respectively of Jimilge
J. P. liiiomi , cotimimtel for time \\'cst Slmore
rail-ay , thin 2ilanhmattaii Elevated railway
amid ( lie Gould Railway syittemmms.
Mrs. Iihion , iilio us'as abnimt 55 years muf
age. uu'as moltIng ( Ito trip to Europe becntmsc
of time ill health of her daughter. Airs. 1)il-
I o ii - OlIver.
Walter V. qrlc ; anti iilfe of hlackeimsaclc ,
N , J. , were amnommg time passenger.3. Tiiuty
were niarried last week. Mr. Clark si-as
Iirniiiiilcitt iii tmn "ew Jersey miiitia.
Alr. ii. II. Kmiovles and Miss Gertrimtlc
Knowles nrc respectively the wIte and
ulaughter of Iii ' 11. Knowles , lmispcetnr ( f
agencies him time Equitable LIfe Assurance
company iii Ci1iaib.
I I. Al. IC huh l limotight to lie a grauluate of
Vain , 1S92 , hIvIni Iii 'Albany.
A. Schultz , Airs. Schmtuitz , their two
tiatighiters , Carola anti Ailhuhred , and a mold
uvere Wi hioartl. Mr Schultz uuas an Imimporter
of laces. :
1'rof. anti MT.s. $ lniou Koppo were out La
flourgogne num their svechciing trip. Prof.
Kopite Is of thq facnlty of the University of
Pctmnsylvamiia. , Thmey were mimarrled last. week
Inthls lty. , , , .
Fcrtllmiand l3rochard , kept a clehleatessim
store iii'est Twemmty-elghith street.
Gimisept 'Ipl was a. mamitmfaeturer of
artificial llowc'rs lii Vest ThIrd street. Ills
I hirothiers are attached to the vatleami , . Air.
) left a wife and seven mlaimghler.i at
home. ' I i Is fathier-lmi-lasv , ( ' , iovamimil Fehitmil ,
wet ; ols omm La Bourgogne.
l'Ivrre Coihin anti A. Orandvilhicjrs were
confectioners In time employ of Malliard.
Al. Glut i said to imavo been Iii bimilmiess
oil Broadway.
Alma. Eilse Romussehle's hmusbammd lit coti-
miected with the F'remmch neivupaper Courier
Des ltats Umils.
C. Tarot was the proprIetor of a dehicates-
sen store iii Eighth avcmiuo.
I'oilro Sott amid hIs 12-year-old son were
amomug the caimin pascmmgors. Mr. Sosmi was
a civil emigimiet'r of l'ammammma , amid was b tmmC'
for h'.trls to net as a mnemhier of thu conmimils-
shout altpoImitetl to ulecido upout nicamig for
ennuplt'tmmg ! the l'anammma canal. lie was a
graihimite of thin flemmnsselacr Polytechnic
Institute at Tray , N. V.
Captaimi 1)eloiiei , ivimo comnmuamideti La
lintmrgogmie and who scent doii'mm with ( lie
Shill ) , itOH ahiotut to years olil. lie hail been
In comomand of La Boimrgogmio less titan six
iiioiitlmt : , itm'Ior to iviticim timne lie seas captain
of La Normulanihle ,
At time Stt'timimSlifhm companys 0111cc In this
cIty it was ascerfahuieti that ( iii' passage ferAl
Al . dii Bosc is as bough I at Alomm heal. Thin
ohilcini wem'o quite positive lit saylmig tbmat
tie forittem' charge uPafinires of SpaIn at
\Vashtimigtoiu ivas non ( it tIme passemigers
aboarti tue La Jhoum'gogmme.
Iii qimlries at the I"rttmicii lIne offices con-
ccrmiliig thin mutmumihcr of people out board L.i
l3oiurgogmmo uthiouveil timat them were but
( 'tghmtylivfirst citlihim paesemmgt'rs , Thin re-
inn I ii tie r of t Ii n I 1st was ninth e ii im of secm ( ii ii
cmihiiiu passengers mimiul was i-tot ( itmIte coma-
PlCt ( ' . No recorui Is olutaimiabli , tif ( lie re-
mmiii I tube of t hi a srco ii d eahii mu itco uie ii or of t lie
tim iril - class. 'flits iliti Ices the t o tal mm ummihier
of tcrso is o mm Into rd a ecoril I tmg I o ht'tt t I ii fur-
luLl tlomi obta I miahihe , 75 , d I v I d cd mis fol lo its :
Eighty-live lust-class enblmi. I2 miecotitl
cuhlti. : 2tu tl''r'l ' ' null 220 crow.
Airs. J. C' . , another passemmgi'r , IS
kouti ti to tin' imubhic as flermmleiViiceler , the
acti.os. She was mititr'lt'tl lu's ( lion a year
aiio , Ii er Ii ishti ii ii hiel ii g a resitl cii t n f
J.'bauion. I'a. She was 26 yt'am's of age amid
formerly resided itt lcamusas City.
YotisoUf , "the terrthmlp Turk , " iuas a see.
amid cahiln Imasseimgr. I Its imaitit' tloc not up.
pear iii time list. - IL Is saul ( list thai wrestler
was goimig buck lii 'i'tmkov : to resummmu his
plmico I a thin su I t an 's ii o nselmai ii.
I I ) i'I'I'lY 0,1' % Vii I'I ( V 1(11 MM.
.loNl ' .11 tI. . ' t'ruiui'luuh , ( 'lilt's Itt'ir--
, tcuul'ui iii ( lit' 1,1st.
BOSTON , Jumiy' tJ-At host five imasseugers ,
oil tIme La h3ougogno engaged tassagc on
time French hillel t4eamncr here. They uueru
l.eomi Iiartraim , a'immumtilc teacher , with a studio
lii thIs cIty muimif iltIng uvltit hIs uvlfe. also
a iiSHCtiKttt' , ii 3mimiiahi'it l'laImms ; 4\Lbert
\V'lLtti , it rmt'Iimtii'i' ( at the Boston Synmlthiony
orchieslra Ailmis Ahimmmile ( 'onimors , foreign
hutmyce for a 'dry ' gottls house here , amid
Jiatiamni' Vert Airnumet , a French dressmaker ,
resltliumg in Bnio1Iyn.
ltOChiES'I'R1t N. V. . July 6.-Il. S. Crow.
icy , wiiotte mmatmtn Is in thin passemiger list of
La hiourgogne , iu'as a resldemmt of ( his city.
Ills parents live lit Livhumgstoim , Omit.
CiIl'AIJO , July tL-'l'he following is time
list of cilimiti uiass'tigurtt ( nun Chicago : Mr.
E. It. . ltuumtiohl mmmiii wIlt' , Airs. Ethuvium S. Os-
good , Master Ed Osgood , Airs. James Mar-
ubtaIl , Airs. E. C. Cook , Miss Frances liesmi.
Mrs. Ii Ii. Itumowhis , Miss Gertrude Knowles ,
Auuiong ( lie masacmigers out time hiourgogne
uscre fl 11. htummidel mmmiii is-ftc. Air. itumidel
sins s'tee presluient of time Chicago leoumomIst.
10 ( lie unIty uvith Mr. mumti Mcmi. Ituntici score
Airs. Eulwin 13. Orgooti anti son , eed 11
years. Airs. Osgood was thin wife of E. S.
Osgood of time llt'itm of Osgooti & Co. , engravers -
gravers , Iii thin \Vomamm's temple. Aecomu-
ianylng timlum hmtrty : , were also Alias harrIet
At. Tea cc , asslatutimi urlumeilah of time Car-
field school ; also Miss Flay iteei'es amid
MIss Iless of the Lewis Institute. Airs.
ltuudcl , Miss Iteuves , Miss Touier amid Alias
hess svent as ulelegates to ( lie \Vcirlii's Sumn-
day school t'oimrcmitioum now in setustomi In
1 _ flS'tim'thms , ft CtIllutot' , was also among
the cabin htasaeflg'rtt. Mr.'umrths received
a mumr'iuul at time 'orld's fair for his work.
lie baa tcim conhmeett1 with thic' ( 'hmlengo
_ , rt instItute lure for several years. Recently -
cently hit' hma.s lteen Imi Ommiahma , where sonu' of
his work Is on exhibItion at the Trnnsmis.
slaslppl Exposition.
Jill LAtELI'ih IA , JIll ) ' C.-Tuio t'htila-
delpitians , svhmo are known to hiau'e
ailetl cmi tue La ilotirgoguic , score
Frauds l'emmn Stcc'l , Jr. . oged 2 $ yccirs ,
anti hii sister , ( iertrutile Steel , ngu'd
17. 'otmimg Steel Is one cit the primi-
CilmOl mucters in the Mask anti \'immg climb. limo
burlesque orgulmization of time Ummlversity of
l'enmmsyhuammIa. Time Steel faimmily is suealtliy
( iii ii lrOmii I n cmi t Soc I oh I y.
Nh\ ' YORK , Jtmhy 6.-It was learned at
tIme ibId Martin that tIme folhowlmmg iersou
sailed tin ha hhoumrgogmie. after hmmuving stoppeti
itt that hotul : Il. J. Cmitmtier , tlalu'cston ; I.
traas , wife , semi , ( hauigiiters , hirussci.i ; Mrs.
( ' . 13. hilehomi , Mexico ; Atmguste La Coste
( ) ieson. St. Alarie , Friiimc.aj ; Airs , 'i. Senbeiha ,
Aic'ico ; Mr. anti Airs. Groin , Scammipo. Alex-
KANS1S CiTY , Jimly IL-Amminmig those on
time l.a liotmegogne si-mis tIme entire fmiimilly of
mliii l'orry. of ( lie firm of Keith & Perry
of this city , qie of ( lie hmiggc'st coal multi itmmmi-
tier comucerius in thin soumthuvest. They 1mm-
cititled Mrs. Jolimi Perry ; Kathmerimie , aged 6
yeats : Misses Flor'nct' amid Sadie , twlmma ,
aged about 20 years antI . . i'erry , nged ii.
years. Mrs. I''rry .witim hi'r two youtmigest
chmlldreii linil luiet thin ohiler tlauughiters , si-ito
ita.l jumst graduated frommi au eastem'ii college ,
1mm New York , mill prnct'ctllng to France for a
stitmiiiier's otutimig. No otimer imassemugers mum-a
listed ( mmii this city.
Al rs. Jo'tetihi IT. Itmmlcvc , also nmnotmg time
suiilms , . .is..iocrs s.mis nut nimI't of Jeul II.
luirkee of tiit'i ltv. u'itu , mna'ageS tIme J. it.
lurkce Coal comiupammy's interests here. Slit'
was suipposeui to it traveling iviflm the t'crry
luartY , 'h'ito l'orry-itlricee ) fmummuIhIs ore mimmiong
tIme olulest here amid mmiove in ( lie leatilmug
cIrcles iii Kammsas City amid are ivell kmm uu'mu
in time soimthiivcst ,
'rou'nlA , July 6.Mec. . S. m. ) : amid
Airs. llhlomm-Oliver of New York , reportei
as uoobably hmSt iii tIme llurgoiYn' ? 1 Isiuster ,
are time inotimer anti sister of llitamui 1'
lhhion , a ltroimiimieiit roltroati attorney iii're.
auth receiver of thin Ainnhinttaii , Aimmia &
Btmrhummgame ralhi-onul.
l'hTTSittJItG , Jumly 6.-Two of La flour-
gogmic's passemigers were hierthia amid Marie
Flumccklgt'r of Ahiegiiemiy City ( sceotuti class
itasscmugers ) .
ST. PAUL , Jtmly G.---Amnomig the passengers
on La floturgogmue lost was Lotmimic I.egas , mu
iviiloui' of this city , amid her dnumghmtcr , Airs.
J. Al. hironk.
CLEVEL.\ ) , July 6.-lI. A. Amigelh of thin
local law hirin of Wehmster , Angelh & Co. .
u-as a passomuger on the La Ilnumrgogne. lie
was on hits wmmy to Swltzerlamitl to joIn hIs
is'ife amiul tVm ciiihlrcmi. I ) . Scott Evans , the
formitor Clevolanil artist , was also on the
iht-fatcui shIp.'itli him were his three
NR\ ORLEANS , July 6-The only New
Orleans peoumle liutown so tar to have been
aboard La Ihourgogne , are Airs. JObs Aldige ,
sr. ; her daugitter , Airs. Dr. Robert florule ,
atul ( lie latter's little girl. Mrs. Ahtltge anti
her daugimter are well kmmowmm in New Orleans
WAShINGTON , July 6.-Mr. amid Mrs. An-
thioiiy i'ohloclc of this city uvere Ott thui hi
Ilotirgogne. Mr Pollack Is the setuhur mmmcmii-
her of the law firma of l'ollock & Mauiro , inil
Is a man of large means. Thcy bad planned
to reinalmi ahroati thmree mouths.
The agemits of ( lie steanishmip commmpany hero
has'e Oh their lists also the namnes of Miss
E. I ) . VallOtte amid Mrs. C. ilaurqutn. Time
mmnmmies of neither appear In the cIty ultrac-
( oiy. :
- ST. LOUIS , Ala , July 6.-InquIry at the
local office of the French Traumsatlamitie
Steamiushlip commil-any revealed the fztct that
omihy a few passemigers on the Ill-fated La
Ihourgogno had shlppeti ( roni here. They
are Anton Dmmieili and C. C. Aimgeiilca.
it is urolrnbhe that othermi from ( hits city
lure Oil boirh. itavlmmg shmipIeti from the New
York oiilce.
DflN'Eht , July 6.-'l'ho ihoum-goguii' carried
lute passcmmger froun 1)envcr , a woumiami-Al las
'iiamie l'ococ.
SAN FRANCISCO , July 6.-Oum I'uqumlry mit
( lie office of the local agemits for the Fremichm
line It si-as learmied that thier ' were cighmt
Callformulans out ( lie ill-fitted La Bourgogne :
Mary Mamlin , A. Iteggamihla , P. i'ainimamuium ,
Loumla Iiamtiiu.m. Mary Itaboll , C. Aiiierts , C.
Carneto , lh. flartramnl.
ANN AliflOht , July 6.-It has hucemu tiefi-
nltely miscemtnImietl that Prof. E. L. Walter
sailed out I..a lloimrgogmme. Prof.Valter no-
cml itieti the cliii I r of rommiamtt he I ammgummi ges amid
lIterature in ( lie Ummiversity of Alichigan.
DIiNVEII , Coin. . Jumly 6.-Mrs. Picmt of
Elizahmethm , Cob. , botmghmt. ii ticket 1mm thIs city
last wuicic for passage au La iiourgogmmc.
She said mime Imitemmuieti to spenti time sumuimmoer
1mm Framice. 13 ( ) far as kumowii there was no-
hotly else trout Colorado on time steamer ,
AIONT1tEAL , July 11.-Time ctgommts of time
Fremmclm lIne Iii tlmis city say tuu'etity peoumle
frommi Alomitreal bought tickets for time Ill-
fateul 141 linuirgoguic , but imp to this tiiumt-
( till ) ' fiftenut Cliii lie iocateui. They are : Eui-
ge ii 0 Dulmest mm mitt Al I sit I e Toutrui cite a mmii
flue two Aliases ilarsalnu , Ahiss I'lnuute ,
Miss Crushmomi amiuliiss Morlum. All tiC thieso
you mu g uvumuut C ii I i-It lie re t a Jo I mu I hue fenmale
l"imtuicimictumis in Frattce. All hove relatIves
amid fuicutthmi In this city. Air. nmmtl Airs. J0-
scull \ynia Ii auth so ii , Al u' . autti Al ma. i satho cc
Stmaumss , coti amid ulaughmter auud amu Assyriuttu.
Al oom'a I ) , iu mmii imum It Is uvmm' to ileyrout I. Wy-
iiiiiit u.ami a hetmthmer dealer Imere maid Straumsut
uimis a comnummercimul tmnvcler frouti ilc'igiummim.
SCiL AT iN'h'O , Cal. , Judy t-Amnouig ;
tlmomie u-ho uuero drowumeil on thti' F'rcmmchi
tmamii-uathauutie himmer La hiumirgogui&u today uu'mis
llrotbmer Ammihirose , irhmichiiuit of ( lie Sacra-
mtmcmmto hiistltut ( ' . ctutilUctetl hiy tile ClirItImuut
II rot lieu's I ii till S cli y.
SI Ii 'l VOltS ( IF Ill I IlS.M'I'I'flI.
tuuuIy ( Jim , ' % Viiuuiui lii flit' Iuullre'
or .utvt ui ,
II it LI X. July 6-The foliowiuug Is ( ito
list of suiu'vts'urs
\\alters mutul Emnplnyos-Louuhim 'Fhiibant ,
Cou'tes Samivumgi' . Alpimomiso lis'aumt , Jeami
Touirnge , Eleanoro luvaim , Henri letibraiuvn ,
I 'lem'ro ( Ioaztmmum h Is , Cmi imm I I i a CIa r , li unit mmii
Cailsoy , Aht'xamider Iliimcitaril , Charles I humelu ,
Eumgeumo Tiiomiimts , Cimarics Lit Croix , EmaIl
h'aulumier , Alex lllgemir. Gastoum himivel , i'ros-
jier Ciiaumi'lmi. Lotus Gatmtier , Oliver ( lottie-
htme. Furtlitmitmid Ollvier , Fermiluinnti ( lausutey ,
hicomi La ( iiovcltcr , Eruiest Aumgeli , itmfotmr
Juteqtios , Frammcols Lucas , Louis Leeport ,
Francis Sayers.
Aleunhier't of tue Cresv-Eilward Laiuino ,
( oum'tht eitgiuu'or ; Emnile Lehotmrch , first alec-
trlciami ; Amiulree hehireteieetrlclamu : Eruiest.
Schuolt , seconti jiurmier ; Jemimi i'atrhot ,
btmatswain ; itterro Ilmillard , seconti
nimittu ; Jeami Mmivtmo , sccimnth earpe'nter ; Ys'cs
Oliver , Louis Core , Aimutmm'ice hcvoiio. ( itmartor-
utoster'ves ; Plerrcit , Yves Verc'mi , Sylvester
Ailaln , VIncent Lepcrsomi , Emnaumuel Jacobs ,
Testomi henore , Iteumu ltmiIiu. I'Ierson
Lebreton , I'ortumme'ahcri , leslre i.eumt-
agotme , Pierre ltuffelt , Gullies IeImasno ,
Jmseiilm 'l'eiutlus. hioys-Juiiums Bettor , Au-
gtmst Tatugimour , Aumuire iarshmrey.
Saved from time engine roont-Louls ( higami ,
Joseimlm Amitlremi , Joaui L. Jeami , JOSUIthm hour ,
PIerre Bermmarti , louts Proudluato , Louis L.
Ihiroder. Iii'mmry Maitln , Vies l'rote , Yvemi
Salius , Jean i'etloctm , Lotus L. Jublen , Pierre
Jehuiiimnot , Yves L. ( Jail , Jean Music. 14.
I'etot , Joseiih Ahab , Yves himillec , Citimiles
Fortin , J. Biotmimimi , Pierre Legaruiimm. Jean
Aimmlgoun , Francis ( mulct , Yvemi Larcimer ,
Pierre. Veimtin.
l'asseiiger secommul class : Albert ( Jaitlot ,
Air. emit ! Mrs. La Cautse , Antoine Acimard ,
Oswald - , Cimarlems Llobre , Jacques liacca-
rut. Otto Zalsor. Luclemi Verland , I'atrlck
MclCoown , 13. Cermimum.
Passengers third dabs : Cameo. Aumfonlo
Nicchnus , . Stiffutoo , Antohmi Combatobic ,
Yvoim flonmohmy , I.ntmis Centri , , lcnti I.e rerro ,
U. licquich Joseph llnvnt. Joseph Ileileguis.
l'Icrre Conpiart , inunes Cr uuley. Frntmeis
hamad , Joseph Esommt , 'm'vc Mutimmgumay. Jestu
" . .sivnry. lrntmcis I. , Chill , \'Ineent itnike ,
( itmenolet hCeraumttrnr , Chinrles hililaut , IlIum-
itohite l.Inguiay , FrancIs 4Icolnut , Jean Alan-c
Mars I , . Aiescnny , Angeit ! haumtec , Alexis
Lot'iuern , Joseph Pierotinc , Juuhinli Pier-
oiune , \ eva Eael , Marie Main-
gulay , Jules liaiile , Amitoimi Lotus ,
Ncgl Is Ycopolo , Jacob Almuikevichu , Joseimhi
Stoic , Joseph itlchmmmauig , iiorrnto
Eugemmc' ihtirrahl , l'cuumieccte ( , Chiristoimhitr
flumrrnhl i'etmerctte , ( 'hiristophmer lirimumiums , An-
tom.eeke , Louis lcipauste , Auitoin hitiss ,
Ertiest ieiunott ) , Josepit hiellier , Teminte
Uraff. Thmonmas Mnvuutsini. tsamte Tarquuia ,
Etlumarti ( ht-orges , , tuugumst iltss , - hiomur-
gelmi , Freti Ilyliler , iletiry Carles'mtte , Otis-
titie Nicriacu. iotmuinien iirauiquo , Fchhi'gruuui
l'ammmpiiii , Railalit Rikon , Au1olmh Alier. Micel
Ebrahmiumis , ? 'liehuael Joitut Miller Con. ittr-
thomierl Aulrimini , Pramuix Riommek , Aiigumst
Salons , Gasliariso - , ( 'hiarlemi AntonIo ,
Clutches Kamitici. Ztmrirhi Mmitito. Micht'liimmi
- , Jolmut liachid , icmua's Ilereim , Anume
lit-umgndo , Fouuie l.uela , Ilootottilehu , Joimuu
Accordlutg tum tue foregoing list ( lucre ucere
16 lmersouus saved , of ii homuu 1116 ii t'r' otli.
ccrs. sailors , tircmmicui , waiteu-s aumul other
alt lim's hiCtPle.
IiIlICOlNI- ) ( it ill EM l. . It ( i M t I I.
i4uuuui.'r ( hhui. thuuuiy i itihiullis ltm now It' .
Cit I'0. .
NE'OitlC. . July 6.-TIme total value of
l.a lloturgnguuo's cargo wmus $2iSi. Time tot-
luwimmg mmmmmih matter utas umm ( hit ? stemiunt'r Omit'
thoumsamul uteveum litumitired aumii seveuity regis-
tend letters , sixty-six tings of letters , 101
iimtgtt of lrinti'tl , iumatter frommi New York CIty ,
a small qumabtity of foreigmi mmuiuii for Fraumce
( rout ( 'hut , Ecuador , Jtmimmin , Mexico. Von-
ezucla tutu Cuuracuuo ; 160 omommey ortli'es for
Italy , miunoummitimig to $1.751 ; fifty-live ummoumey
orders for Ssvltzt'rhmuumti. mutnoitiuttuig to $5 i ;
101 mooney orders for France , nmuiomumtumug ; to
$1,165. mmii mu small uiuummber of letters front
dlfferemit harts of thin coumlutry outside of New
La Ilouuu'gogmue lund hmati isuany muistimips sluice
It uu'iis buIlt at 'l'otmloui , Frnmice , In 1SSG. lii
lS10 La ilotmrgoguie alumuost mutet ( hue smumuti' fate
tiunt overtook It last Mouttlay. Tue Frcuucht
lluior hail left I imtvre January muuiti ot tutu
night was oft Seihiy islamiuls. It was titt'ui
blowing a hurricamue , wimemi studtieuily time
liritishu utteanmer Torridoui , hotuutti for Clius-
sow , hieatietl dli achy across Its bow. 'l'hte
Vreumchiunaui crasiieil Immto the steuuner : , strut-
ing Its sterui , carryIng mtwuiy Its uropelier anti
otitorwiso ( iammmagiuig it. It csc'.ipeti with
shigiut Iumjtiries auth ( hue' Etigllshu vessel uimis
tibIa to imroceed to the nearest iort.
1mm l'ebruuary , lS6 , La liotmrgogmmt' collided
uvIth tit Alisa lii ( lit' Narrows of Ntui''ork
harbor oft Fort \Vndswortht. TIme Allan samik
before it could run agu-oummil.
( 'ItE.t'u'EM iut'm'i'imi'i' IN I'.tmtlS.
( , 'l ) ulut Mmurrou.uiti tIu , 4)11I1t , . hf ( Iii'
1omuu uuuili , ' St-t'LIuut.
l'AltlS , Jumly 6.-i' i. mn.-'ilme umews of tlit
catastrohmimo to La liotirgogiue iias tiuiowtt tIme
cIty Into eomistermmatioui : Special otlitlomma of
the himipers , givIng uietaihs , mire seillmig hIke
wild lire. Aim euuormmtotis crowd is in ( remit of
( lie offices of ( ho stonmnShmilm Coiiipituiy beg-
glumg for news.
Time pollee are eommtrollimig ( ho large crowds
besIeging time nilice of the company. which is
still without umows as to the sau'ed. Time
company has only received a dlsumatelu de-
scrlblumg tIme collision auth tIme uiuumihier of
President l"atmre semit the fohlowlmig tele-
grammu to the compauty : ' ' 1 aumi grievoumutly
ilistresseti over the terrlimle imews anti I feel
keemihy ( tie ulisast that hits pluogeti so
ummany into sorrow. " . -
MOm lI'I'I I I S ( A IIOU'i' 'ii I ii Ml I I PM.
Ihifitteul Mtt'uuuuit'r W'uiM II ( 'uuiummuuirziili'ely
\.w , ! ' , , uit.
NEtV YORK. July 6-La hloumrgogtue was
built him 186 at La Seine. It was a four-
toasted , shuip-riggeil scu'ew steaiuuor of 7:195 :
turns gross register nuiti of 8,000-horse hiower.
It was -194.6 feet long. hind 52.2 feet bemuuui anti
ui-as 3-1.6 feet ticop. It was built of stC'l amid
Iron , 1usd tivelu'e water-tight caummpau'tmmtcmmts
and carrieth si'nter tamilast.
The British sluip Cromnartyshlr'Ciuptauum
ijoltlem'soum , Is saul to ito ( remit Duummklrlc out
June 8 , for l'iiulailelphtla. It Is a huh-
rIgged , thirec-mnasteti shill , of 1,462 toums
register. It wits buIlt at Glasgow in 1879
autil Is owned Imy 'tV. Luui' & Co. , of ( hunt
city. It Is 248.9 feet long. iuami 32.8 feet beammu
aumd is 22.8 feet deep.
Iu liutsa % ' ( ' , , ' .I uu.ii A I I ye.
MONTREAl4. July 6.-Semtor tin hose ,
formnerhy of time Sparmlsh legatian imu W'ashu-
iumgtoui , hatigimeti wheui hue was told that his
minnie was on tIme lIst of umasutcuigers of the
-fated La flotmrgogtte. ' 'You comm iuimagine
that I have no desire to sail by tite svmty of
New York , " lie utald. It has sluice beemu
learmmod that ( lie maui m'oferrtutl to uuas Euugcuue
Dumbest , a iviuahesmiie biller of this cIty.
Tiuree yotuuug womumemi , the AiIiises Relic autti
Laumre hiarsalou auth Ammalulo tie Letoumreatu ,
ivhto ii ore uhrowumed , left Alommtremul to joium time
comiveumt of ( Ito Femumalo Framiciseamimi iii
Fm mmcc.
A , .uu I liii' t ii s.
NEYOItIC , July r.-Osc'ar Onitiochm , tIme
genom'tul freighu t mu gen I. of liii' irt'mielm I I mitt ,
itti hI a t I I o'el ocic thu t thto Co fli un mm y hail re-
eciseti ito couummmimummication rt'gariimug ( hue' me-
[ liii ( cii loss of La hail rgogumtt. 'h'hue auth y I ii -
ftmrmnii I Pm ii thu t imath beoum rei'I i'etl it imti hie'emu
t hi rtmum gli time 4tsstmc I ateii I 'ross. I I i' titiil It
it-ott I ti lie I miipotts I iii e for Ii liii to nia k it au y
btiitt'liieuit itt Iui'eseult ,
'I'Vt ) LA K SI'I-tsIiBlS ( 'OllI Ii i- .
'iuuhii'ss of ( ) lIl'vrs iuui.I , m t erts
ut ! 'muiule ,
CLEVELAN1) , July 6.-A disastrotuit coi-
I islti ut accui rroul I ut time I alci' I It rttt mu I i u's fromum
I lie iii oti t hi of tIme rI vem short I y a ft e i' I ( I'd 0 Ic
this mmiornlng. As a rt.mitmlt tInt Imasst'iugel'
steauumor State of New York Is hmatily tiammi-
aged , mihuitost all time tipper iitmtk 0mm time
utortsltlo iias'iumg been tiiveiit away hy I lie
uiroiv of ( lie whaleliack , hle'mmry Cumurt , lioumnii
iii. Thu State of New York left Its umuocring
aimortly after midumlghit , two htunmrs litter tiumumu
its tiehmeduleil tluuue. It is-os httimmitl , for To-
letlo amid carrIed aiintmt 201) piisseuugors. 'i'imu
lug uvltalehtaclc uutt'auuuer hiemury Court uvas
title to arrIve with it tow , amuth. exumec'ting
itoturly time ttmg 14. 1' . SmIth , left ( hue ituotuthi
of ( hue river , following close after ( lie State
of New York. Whmcn ahmoumt thurco ummlles
freon utimoro Captiuiui Ed Ialii ) of tue tug
[ mearui a ult'nfcnlng crattim. lie at oncu pro-
ceotleti to ( Ito steaumuer. timutiluig it bailiy ills-
aIded mind tooic aboard a uuuiuuuher of pas-
singers , ui'Ithi whom hue rt'tuurnetl to time
harbor. The whalebaehc hail strtmclc time liit.
seumgt'r boat near tim patluile box , whIch It
deutmolishueti , ilmiul ( lien stielit nivay
time upper works fem sonic distiumco. ;
Tlmere was a u-flu rush , of jnsut'uigti S lii
all staies of mmumtircss to titci theek. Olihters
antI cccii' , imoiuevu'r. Ucted wutiu the gue.mtcst
. ,
( C. , it I luau ti out 'I'l u I ni I 'ag a
for dainty table dishes.
No sooui ellis be tiny better limitut nIi
absolutely iuturc ttop. The most
, cxpeumslvc
- - toilet sOflhts 4 1- ,
; ureiiotltcttcr 9 I'
thiall Wool : ' . -
- Soap , A uuoip ;
. s'oii't
- - , that
shirlIlk us'ool
- - unttstbcnbmuo
. , huitchy
I free from in-
, -l jiurlotma Lu-
; ; , grettienta.
vMMA uwisti MINt FOil ANY PUB.
VLA ' '
: 'lVooi tbsp ii auu t'tet'licmil srIit-h intl
wumuttami IiI taetitrI tuC * itlui I"
: IIrJ4 : M ItAiuK Lii , 'I'rt'uis Nat m W t' 'I' tY ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - - -
_ t siiMliI-'I'M ,
A IU ) 'ii : OP RhLi NlIIi'i'
ThE ( or , Itt
TCDERO im nul
Ii.urney its
i.enzViihinumis . , I'rops. and Ztigrs ,
\ \ ' . \ ( 'Oi.E. Act. Malinger ,
Tcleulutiime 22U. .
A hmatrltmtic iveck miutti mu imtrlotle slto ,
Our Unsurpassed Array of Talent
h'II.tNl ( tltl\Jflt , " 'Iluilti' , ' alit ( 'Ir-
, mllu- , nntI his uuunru t'Iuuuisly truiiitt..I
II I 1)1 % G It t IhlH ) % , .1 i-MSm l-thut' uuuul , .
5huil. . ' , ( limit aul.s mit u iit'l'I ) i
limit ft t'rd ,
tIm-D.itN .su I'E ) , M
Mu lltil , , i : o. v. 'tuii 1,1) , lush l1i/l2
.t .tIl.EN , ( ' . : tu % lIii Slti0I&i. , Ii ( Iii'
_ t u'I..tIl , , 'l ) I I.l-'l"I' . % .t 'I' II lOS. am mitt
I lu. ' 'l'hOt'A ll-lt ( ) ( 'II A li.l-li ( Il out-
( 'II l-S'l'It . . liu't't'tluii ) b'rnui' , AsIt I uinuu ,
Am I itmees Stuumtlimy , V.'euhmuestlmty auth Sn flu rtiay
2.30. l'rie-es , 2e , 3ii. , 50e. Ne" , ' nttm'ac-
tiotus t'au'lu u't'ek ,
L 1 1tlt atmil Citpital
: ; UT1T [
Counpony of .O.
Next \'cck Mclumtiu'c & liemitlu.
The I I'n ( ( p11 4. : liii rcaI
Creighton tlnutuucr , , Tci. lIlt. .
0. \Vootlwartl , Atetum.euiit'uit iii ) cOLor ,
'u' ( ) I ( li'I' , S m8tt. ' "l. . ' 4"
Th1l V00lV.t III ) ' ' ( ( CO.
I'resi'ui I uimv I Ii , ' (1 retu t ( 'uiunt-ti y ,
Next Summilay-
( ' 1-11,1-1 ! ! It .t'I'I-l ) C.tSI ,
- _ _
--r - - - - - - - -
All Roads Lead To
TralmmedVllti Auminial Show out \\'cst Mid.
way : 100 Lions , 'I'lgers amid Eleumhmutmits. '
'l'lue I.'ts'iuig Iuuhl , ' 1'hut I.uttmr , o
'l'llE Mll\VAY.
_ - - - _ _ _ _
4 I
Cut This Out-
Cot9pofl Good for
. 'Ierry-Go-Rotiiid kj
1,5th tutu i'tujttuil .1 ret.
( dot ) ! ) oLl' .1171 'i 7
; ; :
lb Not Forget to Visit the
Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss
House on West Midway. . .
- - -
---w alt
August 1st
Bombardment II I I .iiIdat'ujj
I I-Sit itt- , ' ,
\Viiu' ( rIlmii : t
utvtlio I Ft1 Malanzas
\ Itmtetmjmu. I
( lUWIM ) 'l't'li El ) \ \ V.lV1UIY hi.t Y
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 44 ?
, - ALL WTgO1S
Itotutle , vimul ( I f tit' Ic I V I 'ci 'i ' In
vIsI I'
N. of 'thuulc I ml I - Emtst Isl 1 tiny.
- - - - - -
- - -
( 'nu' . 11' , & Jmueicsoti Sin J. C' . ( Irltilim. J'rop ,
I 51) 1 too limit-A I I unoherim I uui mu lutilute ii I ui
1 tiut ' 's-A nun' mu I ' 1 it ut l ( ) ) I ' $3 ( mit ' ' u' ilmu y.
l-urtlmeiiui l'Iitmi , SI ( it ) ulur thu y it miii iuutuu'aris , ,
( 'ur llume to nmtii ( rourt itlI . . ' ( JIr'et " I
ear llume tt' ummttieutttuumC' of i-xposltltmiu ft
-HOTJ3L BA11EI- ' m
It t'l'ii' , : ; ( . ii ) l1i.0t ) I'Elt I.tY.
ittctrIe curl dtect to i'sposition gruuutdL
t'lAfllsmumtiill : , C.tte. . . , . .
, ' , . . 2AM IIAUMAN Cutlet Clerk.
- I
1U1tRitTV i1O'fLL ,
I liii amid homey St.
Anu-rlcan l'lan-3 to 4 dollars ier day ,
Street i-nm's ft ouui depots amid front hotel to
EXitOtItiOU Grounds Iii fifteen minutes.
B. SILLOWAY , Mamuager.
- - - - _ - - _ _ _ _
1 31h and Doilgins StH , , Oiuuulin.
tINTltA1l..T : WCA'SIIJ.
. .4I ) VlIItOI } ' 4' I I 4'V.-q