r t THEOMAHA I DAILY BEE. a . w : i * I - : j JS'1'A1uiIs1I1 + : U .1UN'J + : 1 ! ) , 1871. ' ' ' OMAIIA , . ' , 'I'IIl'USDAY \ r7ii1T.LY 7 , ' ' . . ' F MOItXT\Gf 1898-TWELVE l 'AU.Lb SINGLE Ct r J ! [ rI. C.l.\ . 1' t 1 i WA 1 i ; I 1 Exposition Buildings Derive Great Benefit from Yesterday's Shower , r _ d 1 + ROOFS STAND THE TEST OF A DELUGE Fears that They Would Leak Seriously Prove Unfounded. PREPAHA110NS FOR TILE INDIAN CONGRESS Captain Mercer Hurries Along the Work Now Well Under Way. MRS. FORD WORKING OUT A PROGRAM Cclehrvulnn Iii Couneetlon with the OpenluK of the Curls' and hays' lltlldlou to He 11ade a I'romloeul Feature. Il w na wtu.li . tiny at the exposition yesler- dny , and the bulldings and nuvemetits were given a thorough renovation at the hands 1 of Jupiter Pluvlus. 'rho Irenvy showers ct- ( ectually disposed of whatever dust had accumulated - cumulated during the prevlnus two weeks nud left the enclosure as clean as ( hmigh It had been housed In n glass case. Every speck of refuse was washed into the sewers , the londscnpes and flower beds were re- , I freshed and Invigorated and when time sun slimes again the big show wlll be even inure beautiful than before. In view of the condltlons that prevailed the travel to the grounds was not sumclent to camse a collapse of the street railway system , hut there were a good ninny peat - + t pie there nevertheless , and unless they made the mistake of trying to esenpe In the midst of the heavy showers they suffered nn serl- nos Incouvenlemice. It was dry and corm- T fordable Inside time bnlldtng , and the shelter - afforded by the colotnmdcs made It possible to pass ( rein into blinding to another and clear around the nmhr court witlmout ax- poSUre to the elements. Aside from the benefit to the lnnd stapes , time deluge ' performed a mighty service lu relieving time dust uuisauce that had accumulated out- ' side the grounds. There are no sprlnkicrs 1 In the inunedlte vicinity , and during the last month the adJaecnt streets have heett so eoimslantly traveled that time dust had ncetmnUulcd lit Immm imse quautitIes. It has been gr0uud to the finest consistency by the heavy traliir and every gust of smith wind lifted huge clouds of disagreeable' substanee and inunched it over the ( trice. The Inconvenience - venience was not noticeable lit the Interior of limo gtonnds , hilt the buildings along time south side of the lagoon received the full benrll6 For this reason the ruin was not nltogetlter undesirable tnmd for some days al least dare vhll be no further trouble from the dust. , ItanrH Shad Ihe'I'esl tVen. z x On account of the manner lu which time extremely hot sum of the Inst week or two r has melted the hitch that was used in time construcllou of time roots of the buildings thou hall heeh sonmo apprchenslon lint mother - other severe ralmi would be apt to cause some dninnge by leakage. This did not result - sult , however , for the effect of the soften- ' hog of time tar was apparently to immure ef- j feclunlly close any nperlures that remained I amid leave the roofs perfectly water light. Time prcytnrations for time installation of the Gndhur congress are being rapidly carried - ried out. Captain Mercer is in the city I again and will gtvo his personal al- teutmoi to the arrangement of time camp. The svot Inuen are rapidly commmpicting time se vcragc mtud buildings mmd In two weeks the camp will be ready to receive 118 aborig- iml inlmbltnnts , Time arrangements far the celebration of the opeuhmg of the Hoy5' mind Curls' hulidIag are being carried on by dlrs. Ford ana the fulI 1 ira bran t sill 1 robahly ho announced 1n few days. It has been Intended that Mrs. ' / wluomt S. Sawyer , presldent of time fount of 1Voanau Mmmngers , would deliver the address - dress of t'elrun e , but u chaugo any be made on account of her recent sad bereave- 1 ] nmott , Ilcr oldest sou , who was one of the vohuteer5 at Chlckonanga , dted of rlmca- mantle heart disease and on that account Mrs. Savyer will be unahle to attend time umeet- ing of time executive conmlltec lids week. Tim response lu belmlf of time boys and girls swill he mudo by Master Frank ii , 111mghes of'esl Point mind Miss Roily Trot of , llcllevue tvlll contribute n recitation. The other cities which m relit ho t cpresenteml on tin program have not been heard front. OitaO\'S : ( It.tINS AI ) ( It.tSS1S , 1landsnnie 1)INI.Imy by II. , . Stale trader Dl rl'rI I"ml of llr , IllIMi'hl , n The Oregon agrlctmlttnal exhibit In the e northeast canter of the Agrlctdtural building ! t attracting a great deal of ntlentitnm on account of the excellence of time ngnicmiitural products shown. The exhibit Is lu charge of Cununlssioten Ile my l. 1)nsch mid Sur lCFlnioileut 1 { . N , Morgtum , boll ) of Portland - land , and they never tire of exptntiag nn the ivnudc's of the agrlculttral resources of the simile. The exhihlt Is not entirely complete , the 1 mnterlol mnstlttttug Il having been shipped before ail was ready it order to imavo time exhibit Installed ( or the opomhmg day. Cont- ndssluner 1)osch umde his first visit to 1 Omaha in the Interest mif an exhlbit it time latter part of March , lie completed all his ntrmutgemelts for space forty-eight hours t after Ids arrival and started for time coast iigaht , arrivhug there April 1.Vlthln time following sixty days the money for the ex- , ldblt seas collected front private parties , the uinlerial for the exhibit collected , shipped to Onralur and InSislled for the opentng of the exposition , 'l'ime big stick of tlnmlmer which forms time center of time exldblt as well as the canter of attraction temps wwviuug Its branches la the forests of the l'arifle coast April 2 and was cut to ( o'nt a part of time exhibit I ( was squared to four feet ( mrtg- Inally , bu ( could not be handled and was reduced to its present size , thirty Inches on each of its four sldcs. The exhibit is enclosed by a wall whlcim 15 ulllized for dlsplaying tilt' vnrlous fancy grhssus which grow i1 Oregon aid the rtrats of various cereals , The Oregon exita- aunts edl attention to time bright color of the strawy and grains , whielm timoy say Is due to lire fact that the farmer in that country Is nut harassed b ) ' rains during time harvest ( t t season , tslulch discolor botit straw mid graim , murnlng them dark. Antomg the products anmtuiged about the wall whidm are out of the ol dhmary nmy be meutlomed tam- ides of ! temp , the stalk ( vu feet In height. This hetllim is said to leave a longer fiber and greater leublle strenglim than imenmp grown In arty other section. Sugar cane twelve feet 4 to height Is also tU time collection , the ramie being used priuclpally for feedlog stock , nl- though time farmers uako syrup ( rout It. Thu protUtollon of "teazles" Is one of the l tidngs for whlchm Oregon Is noted In certain ; quarters. The ordinary cltizeu has au parr I' tlcular use for a "teazle ; ' but time matufae- ' y , . ' . . - . - - d Lure of all kinds of woolen goods , as well as of cotton goods having a "nap , " requires the use of these products of mho soil. To n layman a teazle looks like nn ordinary thistle - tle burr , but It Is the product of n plant which grows to time height of about ten feet anti there are very few places in the world where the plant thrives. Oregon has two or three sections where time raising of teazles is a thriving Industry anti the burrs are shipped to woolen tnllis nil over the world. Several varletjcs of wheat are exhibited , especial atlenticm being drawn to the kind called "golden chat ( . " The grain of this is very large and plump , and It Is said that the average yield Is from sixty to sixty-live bushels per acre , Among the varieties of oats Comnmissloner Dosch and Snperln tendent Morgan lay partlctmlar stress on ono known as "black winter , " wimlch is sown In the fall the same as winter wheat. The kernels are mostly black , and It. Is said that the yield is about 126 bushels per acre , One point whiclm the Oregon advocates take care to liminess upon visitors is the fact that all of the grains grown In that section overrun the standard weights by several ponds to time bushel. in addition to agriculture nnml forestry the fish resources of Oregon are shown in a limited sway by ntenns of fresh rill in big glass Jars. Some of the Immense salmon whlclm are caught in Oregon streams have been shipped to Mr , Dosch and placed in n chemical sohmtlon , which preserves their imp- penrnnce. A shipment of these big fish was received a few days ago , but some of them were too large to yitut in the jars , which are about four feet high and about twelve inches In dlameler , One of these dainty morsels formed the basis for a little dinner given by Mr. Dosch yesterday to a few Invited - vited guests. Ilesldes the salmon , sturgeon and other varieties of fish shown in jars , time fish industry is represented by n number of "razor clams" In Jars , Timese are considered - sidered great delicacies and are much sought after. A case of samples of Cotawold wool attracts the attention of visitors to this ex- hibit. The wool nmeasures fourteen Inches In length , this abnornmal length being ne- connted for by the fact that In time mild climate of time sheep district the wool grows during nine months In the year. More mudcrlal for the Oregon exhibit Is cxpcctefl today. 31ISSt'ItPS MINIItA1 , 1 : NIIIIi11' . Nut rim l III'Nnnret'N of the treal Slate .tingly DINpnyld ( , The Missouri stns exldimit hl time Mines building is an illustration of what a little energy and perseverance can effect under the mnest adverse ctnmditions. Money and titre were both Utcking when the Omsk of argan- Izing time exhibit w'as tmdcrtaken , but nevertheless - theless the mineral resources of the slate are very creditably represented. The work was largely done by James A. iteeveS of Joplin , w'ho had charge of the Mlssonrl mineral - eral department nt time \Varid's fair , wlmlcim attracted general atteittimr In that case Md , itccves hall $16,000 In nmoney nud more than a year to which to collect the exhibit. Tlds time be had nothlug except what he teas able lu secure by private subscription and time work was not begun until about two weeks before time exposition opened. But time present exldbll , while It does uol assume - sume the dlmenslona of the Chicago exhibit , very fully illustrates the Importance of Mis- sotu'1's udmeral production , Time main feature of the exhibit is the cnmpleto showing of time zinc and lead industries - dustries of the dote. Southwestern Missouri - souri produces more zitm limn all time rest of time United States conbtne.L Its zinc ore is time purest in the world unit It exports both time ore and time mnnufactured metal to various European caummtrics , This metal Is consequently given a prominent place and the entire process of uranufacttio is illus- tratcd by a large collection of specimens sehtch show time ore In all its vuriotms stages of cunverslon. The collection of raw ore Includes specimens from all the various mines of the state amid shows the product in nil Its various courbinatious. Other spec- inlemms show the ore after it has peen crushedmmter time sulphur has been roasted nut. aimd after the product has been mixed with coke for smeltlmg , Ono Unnrense pyramid - mid Imlhe center of the booth Is constructed of nmetallic zinc , or speller , wimlch is time commnmcrciai forum of time mmmetai , There Is n similar exhibit of lend showing the metal in both the raw amid manufactured slate , and this luchmdes aim exhibit of the Joplin while lead , which Is said to be the only white lead that cumiuot be colored by sulphuric Tunes. An exhibit of nickel from time Lamotte amino is very Interestlmg on account of the fact that lids is lime oldest iitue in the west. It vas operated by time French in 1720 and limns been In alumost contiunous operation since that time. It is the only commercial product of nickel him time Umiled Staten amid it is Iargcly used It the manufacture of llar- veytzed steel far armor plate. 'rime coal resources of the state are hums. tratcd by a huge block of coal from time Rich I I I I I mu lues , whicim sveighs 3,400 pounds , and there is also a complete exhibit of fire clay and brick. The quality of limo terra cotta produced im Alissourl Is shown by a hugo eagle nud a nunber of smaller ores , which arc modeled Ii terra cotum. Among rime more anameutml feaimres are a case of specimens of crystallized Iced I'out time Joplhr club anJ tw'o cases of foreign mind dommestic mineral speClniCimS , w9dclm are contributed from the prlemite collection of 1' . P , Graves , superit- teudenl of the Doe Item Iemmd works , N.tVt' II . I'.ut'r1nS'I"S 19NIIIIII'l' , 1)m' Iloelt Muriel and Itlr ; Guns to lit. .added In tilt. 1)INplny. The exhibit of the Navy department In time Government building is time center of nttaetlon since the stirrhig events of time past few days , and lhero is not an hour during lima day when the space occupied by time exhibit Is nut thronged with people. Nothimg escapes time critical examination of time crowd , but time models of battleships and other vessels of the navy are given limo most attention. A full size officers' sumterootn has been added to the eximlblt , anti tlds Is critically exanmimed by limo visitors , vita scene greatly Interested in absorbing all time lnfornmmmtIom possible regarding life on the ships of the nay , Lteulenant Logan of time Mnrlno carps , svlmo Is in charge of time exhihit during lime absepee of Lleutennnt Connnaaler Stedman , has been notified by ( lie latter that lime model of the dry dock whim the hunting nmoJei of the Illinois will arrive soon , to be added to the exhibit , and It Is expected that this will attract a great deal of attention. Time pmodel w Ill be operalyd several Unrcs each day to show' Just how a battleship Is docked for repairs. Mr. Stedman has also secured a rapid-fire gun , several torpedoes and a bimmncle compass , and these will soon be added to time exhibit. Since time rush of arnmhmg new ships Is sub. siding , it is expected that It will be possible to secure some of the modern gmtms which were' Included him time exhibit of the Nay dcpartuent as at first coutenlplated. Guns which bud beet set aside for 'h's ' purpose were required for actual us0 , hu ; the pricers iii charge of tie eahlhlt expect to supply this deficiency very soon. 1,1 l. ' Sit vlmite .l'onuug , \VASIIINGTON. July 0.--Special Tele- gm'anl-ieneral ) Superlutenden ( S , 1. Kimball - ball of time Life Sating service stated today tlmat a crew for the Ilfe saving station at ( Contimucd on Fifth ] 'age , ) 1 ANNEX A't ) Resolutions Providing for This Action Pas' the Senate , FINAL VOTE ON THE QUESTION IS 42 TO 21 All Attempts to Make Amendments Are Defeated. REPUBLICANS SUPPORT THE MEASURE Several Democrata Record Their Votes in Favor of It , RESOLUTIONS GO TO TILE PRESIDENT Ittsolutlu m 1'ra sldeN [ or lhl' ttrin ntl d l- fur Arerplaoee of tile 'I'eoder by ii it idiots ( : overnutlvtt to Cede the tltlild N. WASIIINGTON , July G-The anuexnliot of Hawaii Is now accomplished so far as time legislative branch of the govermuuemit is con- cerned. Quite unexpectedly the resolullons providing - ing for time annexatlon of the islands were brought to a vote in the senate hate this afternoon , and they were passed by the decisive - cisive vote of 42 to 21 , Early In today's session of the senate cou- fercncea of Ume leaders on both sides of time chamber were held , anti a tacit agreement was reached ( hot a vote should be lnkeu to- mgorrow or Friday at the latest. The opponents - ponents of annexation had practically con- chided their arguments , and as they hod no desire to keep the senate lu session by purely dilatory tactics they announced their w'll- Iingness that. a vote should he taken as soon as Mr'blte , Mr. Pettigrew anti Mr. Allen had finished their speeches. Neither Mr. Vm'hilc tor Mr. I'ettlgrety spoke to great length , but Mr. Allen thought , when he began , tint his speech might occupy line renmainder of the day anti a part of to- morrow. however , he conchded to elininate a part of the matter he ltad prepared , turd at 4:16 : he coutpleted ids speech. It was evident instantly that n vote was at lend. The word was passed softly through the corridors and eonunittee rooms , aul in a few minutes every senator at the capital was in his seat. The galleries flllen rapidly and menmhers of time house of representatives - resentatives , learnlug that a vote WUS to be taken , came hurriedly to time senate side of time great marble pile to wItness proceedings that will be historic. The test vote came up on an cuuemlment offered' by Mr.1'hite of California , it was offered trlth no expectancy that It would bd adopted , but merely to place the Ideas and ophmloms of the opponents of artnexatlot on record , It tvns rejected by a vole of 40 to 2a , hulicatlimg that the ammmmexmtthoimlsts 'ere strongly In the majority. Amendment after amendment was offered , but the advocates of the resolutions stunt together , gaining rather than losing strength an tune anientinent votes , Finally , at 630 ; p. in. , line resolutioma theunselves , fn precisely the torn they were received from the house of representatives , were repo'teti to the senate and the roil call began. lulomse interest was nmuifestcd by every spectator. Not a sound was heard In the chaniber except the call of the clerk anti the responses of senators. Itesul ( Is Sppmtutded. Whom time vice president announced the vote by which tlte resolullons were passed a tremeim orris wave of applause swept through the gaile1cQ , winch the vice president - dent made uo effort to check. Those wino had avocaled line resolutions exptessed their pleasure by slinking hands with ono another and on all sides evklent relief trot shown that time end ] tad came , For n few ndnutes so much good-uaturcd c mnfustoa ( xitled that time dignity of the senate seas threatened , but Vice ] 'resident Ifobart tutetly rcumindeml the somlors that the session seas art yet ttt an end. Mr. Merrill ( Vt. ) was the only repaillcnn who voted against the resolutions , nithemmgh Mr. Tlnu'ston ( Neb. and Mr. Spooner'is. . ) were palrcd against theum. Six democrats -Mr , Gormmu ( Md. ) , McLaurhr ( S. C. ) , Money ( Miss. ) , Morgan 1Aht. , Pettus ( Ala , ) mid Sullivan ( Miss.-soled ) lu laver of an- nexatlon , Ou time face of time vote cast for the resolutions - lutions lime treaty of amtexatiot nmlght have been ratified , the resolutions imavirg a two- thirds majority , but as time twelve pairs w'omdd have been arranged on a base of two votes for one If the treaty had been under comshleratior the vole of the full senate on the treaty , on time basis of today's vote , would have been 66 to 33 , not a sufiiciemt numnber of votes in favor of the treaty to has'e ratified It. Time detailed vole was as follos's : Yeas-Allison , Daher , Barrow's , Canton , Carter , ( 'lark , Cullom , Davin , Deboe , El- klus , Fairbanks , horuker , Irye , Cal imger , (1ornuut , IIaIc , Iaammo. ( Ifanrhrourh , IImv- hey , Hoar , 1Cyie , Lodge , Mount ! ' , MrLaurliu , Money , Morgrtim , Nelson , ue'irose , Pe'kius , Pettus , ] 'Intl ( ( 'ana. ' ' ' ) , Pm'It'hu'd , I'm octor , Sewell , Shoup. Sullivan , Teller , \Vnrrtat , \ Iellingloaelnmore , 1\'Ilson , 1Vnlrott-12 , Nays-Allen , Bacon , ( lame , Ile'ry , Catrery , Chlitou , ( 'my , IaniPi. I'nuftncr , InneN ( Nov. ) , Lindsay , McEmery , Mallory , MltcIm- cil , Merrill , l'ascu , t'ottgrev , coach , Tur- ley , Turple , While-21. There were twelve pairs , nnnounced as follows , time names of those w bo would have voted it the nlllrmntve ( being given first iii each Instance : Rawlins with Butler , Chandler with Vest , t1urplmy wIth Cockrell , Quay with Gray , Stewart with Mills , Sndth with Gear , Aldrich with Jones ( Ark , ) , 1Jc- Millan with 1Cennedy , Mmmtlovhh mlnrtin , Platt with Spooner , Turner with Thurslom , Meson with Tllluman. Semmntnrs Morris mud Doltfeld were ubsent , . but the aamounee- momt was nmade by their respective cal. leagues that If present they sv'ould vote for the resolullons ' 1'r.l of the i1t.oImithums , The full text of time aumexaton resolutions - tions ! s as follows : Whereas , The government of time republic of ltawull , lmavlmg in duo ( aria signlled Its comsent. in the tuamaer provided by its con- stltutlon , to cede absolutely and wlthout reserve - serve to the United Statet of America all rights of sovereignty of whatsoever klnu him timid over the Ilawaliau Islands amid ( heir dependencies , and also to cede and transfer - fer to the United Sites the absolute fee and ownershlp of all public , govertUUqnt or crown lands , public buildings or alifces , purls , harbors , military equlpment mind all other public properly of every kind and description belonging to the government of the Hawallan Islands , together with every rlght anti appurtenance thereto apperiahim lag ; therefore , , , , Resolved , By time senate and boyse pflarep reeeutalivee of the United 3tatq of AmerIca - Ica , in congress as senibledtThat said cession - sion is accepted , ratified and confirmed and that the said Hawaiian islands and tlmelr dependencies he timid they are hereby annexed - nexed as a part of the territory of time United States cud are subject to the soy. crelgn dominion thereof , and that all amid singular the properly rights herelubefore . THE BEE BULLETIN. Weather Ibrecost for . ebrasitn- Falr : Cooler ; 9nulherly winds , L'nne. 1 lnlIks ii t Ilse lx1l. slllnn. Seunt ( Volcs Inr .tminrcnllun. ltrasml fur Ccrvern's Collnpse. Hi g french Liner ( : ors lloam it Nelirttska N ( ' 5. lxaumlmathum of Volunteer Omeers , 1V.r Sltunlton nl Vnshingtun , -I l dltorisl and ( 'tub omen I. a ] 'Inns fur thr Lrnttoe Convrntluu , llwty ) Italu In ( hunha Ii ( ' , unell 1llniTs Ioemti Ilnllers , iosln Seas turd Comment. Spnln Ilrglns to I'nkr tt'nlt r , 7 Orueral 1'cstern Ness , R ( 'IIr ( 'ounch t'r..eei dlmrs , Su111vni Ileld for Murder , ii lu the Pit-lit of iait-elrlc'it , . ( 'asaultles met Snlitlnno , 1t'Iudltmg Up time Iteeelver.iiips. 'I'l.lyd . it egltneltl ( : ems a Ireurlilnsr. II Cumwerrinl 1a1,1 Vlunurlnl Nests. 12 ( tuatnt Illts of Arnmyldfe. ( idling It lrh OR ( he .trier , ' ( 'etnpernltire mil Otuahut Iluur , Deg , ilonr , 1)eg. IS n. mil. . . . . . 7:1 : 1 p , UI. . . . . . 11 u , um. . . , . . 73 2 p. um. , . . . , 7(1 7 n. mil. . . . . . 78 : t p. um. . . . . 78 R o , mil. . . . . . TI ) t p , um. , . . , . 78 I ) a , mum. . . . . . tIS 5 p , m . . . . . . 7a tO n. mil. . . . . . 71) ( I p. um. . . . . 78 11 a. ut. . . . . . 7t T p. at. . . . . . 7a 12 iii. . . . . . . . . sib N p , o. . . . . . . 72 O tin , mum . . . . . . 71 'I'OlA1' .t'P 'I'111 : EN1'(1SI'I'ION , At time ( irummuuIsm : t p. in-I'Illiney'N t'ulled Stat'N bland , Goveraurent lltilldllg. 7 m8 p , oI-1'h luoey's 1'mmIted Slates Maud , Ormu.d Plaza. mentioned are vested In time United States of Aiucrica , Time existing laws of the United States relative to public Inlmlls shall not apply to such lands ht the nawailan lslands , but the congress of the United Stales shall enact speclny laws for their manugeument amid tilt- poslllon , provided tint all revenue from or proceeds of time came , except as regards such part thereof as unity he used or occupied - cupied for time civil , ntlitary or naval purposes - poses of time United Stniet , or nmy be as- slgued for the use of the local governnment shall be used solely tor time benefit of time irlmnbitanls of the lfaw niiami Islands for educational ucational mid other public purposes. Present lt.aN Im. I'oree. Until congress shall pr vide for time gov- erument of touch Islnnds cii the clvll , jet- tilelnl mmd mllitnry powers exercised by the oilicers of time existing gdvernmment In smtltl islands spell he vested lie atmeim henna or persons , amid shall be exercised hu suiclm uman- ner as time pm esideut of the United States shall direct , aul time president shall have power to remove said o/flcers / amid fill time vactumcles so occasioned. The existing temtes ; ! of time Ilnw'allamm islands witim foreign nations shall fnrlhwlttm cease and te minnte , being replaced by such treaties as may exist , or.as may be hereafter - after concluded , ietween the United Slates tad such foreign mmatlonmi ' The nnudcipal leglslatlou of thin Dawallan isl' mm 1 not omaeted for the ( UIIllinmeut of ii treaties so exthugntshed fluid not lueoti- si teat wltlm this joint 'esolutlon , nor contrary - trary to time eoustituttou of time Ummiicd Sates , nor to mummy exlsllag treaty of the 'Jutted Stales , shall rWim ; u ! u force umlB lire congress of time Uuh'e S1imtti slmall oth emsvlse determnlne , lhntII Icglsintlnn shall ie 4nactnd cxlend- ing the United Stales cum ems lows and reg- ulmttlons to ti't' hnivalan ( Islt'd : : , , time existing - ing customs regulation : of the liawnihnn islands with ll'e United Sttticc amd other coumm lrlcs shall rennin ii ehtntgcd. The public debt of the rapubhe of llass'all , lavflmlly existing at the bite of time passage of this joint resnhttlou , lmmc.ltmtilttg time amounts due to depoaitors 1n time liawaiinu Postal Savings bank , is herniv nesunmed by Ili gnvermme'nt of the United Stores , but the ( lability of the Unite.l Str let In tlds , segm d shall tim uo case cccaad $4,000,000. So long , however , us limo exls'leg govev- nmeut and the present somgnmerclmml relatloms of the ilayaifan islantis are continued as herehlbcfore proulded , said government shall codiumo to pay time Interest oem sail debt. . There shall be nn furtlmer Inunigratlom Chinese limbo time Iluwallom Islands , except upon such conditions as ore note , or may hereafter ie , allowed iy the law's of time 1 Unlted Stales , and no Chinese , by reason of nnythhng imercn ! conlatned , shall be ni- lowed to enter time United States from time Ilarnilau ! slauls , Tile president shall nppohtt II ye coin in Is - stoners , nt lenet two of wiom shall lie residents - dents of the ILawallai leinnds , who shall , as soon its reasonably pm acticable , reconm- mend to congress such legislation concerning the Ilawntinu islands as they shall dean' ' necessary or proper. That the comnmisstouers berelnbetore provided - vided for shall be appointed by the presl- dent , by std with time advice and consent of time scmmate' That the aunt of $ lOb,000 , or so nwmch thereof as many lie accessary , is hereby film. propllated , out of any tn .tIay In the treasury - ury not otherwIse appropriated , and to be lm inedlately avatlaile , to be expended mil time discretion of limo president of the United States for the purpose of carryimg this joint resolution Into effect. Time resolution in full is : Resolved , That time tlmanlts of camigress aul the American people are hereby tendered - dered to CouiummedoreVhdicld S , Schlev of time United States navy force operating agalnsl the Situ ultii forces in Cuban wmtem's for IIghiy distingulshcd cmuitct In conitlct with the enemy , as displayed by him h1 time destruction of the Spanish fleet off time harbor - bor of Sttutiago de Cuba July 3. 1898 , Sec. 2. Thal time thamks of congress tad the American people are hereby extended through Comnmdore 3cldey to the oilicers and teen under Its emmarmand for the gal. Imentry mad skill exhibited by theta ou liul occasion , Sec , 3 , That time president of time UmmIteti States lie requested to calico tills resohttlon t0 lie co innuntleaIed to commodore Sclde ) ' atnd through hint to the officers tad ntci under his command , GERMAN PRESS IS.EXERCISED l'rnrfnl Lest .1nu rlmat Oernpallou of the I'IIlli'plijmt , Slim } ' Nel't NNl- tale Cnropeiul Muddling , ( Copyright , 1698 , by Press I'uhllshlug ( 'u. ) IlEIihiN , Jmmly' G-Now ( Yorld'orld Ca. blegram-Speclal TeiCgrmm-Pith ( ) refer- ance to the questlom of time Phillppimes , time I Kreuz 'heltuug , the leading organ of the l conservatives amid lu tune eonfldence of the government party , says : "As long as the l'hlllpplues remahi Spatmish none of the European powers will do nnytiming to tilt- locate existing comdtllon. , Shotdd this lie diblurbed it hecoumes a queslmon of palittcal exigency w9dch can every moment occur amid which Is absolutely hnpossibio to foresee. In any case It Is n matter for cougratuiation that our Ileet Is on the spot In such coneldor able strength. A new matter hat now arisen , unmely , time Carollme Island question , since time American flag has been Imolsled there. It Is not quite clear whether only ono Island imp been occupied. If more we will have tul.tetidng . to say oo the mutter. It is yen. feethy certain that' time , tmerlcan lust for poascsslon bas greatly imereased. This may lead to serious comnpllcatlons , " Usher IN .tut tUIIted , CIIATTAN000A , Temm , , July 6-Speclal ( Telegram.-Prlvalo ) John 0. Maher was acqullteti today on accuuat of Irregularities of the court-martiaL 1 Spanish Admiral Rushes to His Doom in Obedience to Orders , DIRECTED BY MADRID TO MAKE SORTIE Only Possible Ohanco of Saving Hie War Ships from Destruction. PLAY BY GOVERNMENT TO SAVE ITSELF Disaster in Santiago harbor Likely to Ornsh the Dynasty , CERVERA IMPLICITLY FOLLOWS ORDERS /htdrid Press nud the 1lluistry' l'imr- puselx "it 1111014 Nt'ws of the Disaster - aster muul Serge 1'p the hl - l.rl'Ns IIIg Nri1N 1'Ieeenu'n6 ( Copyright , 1SJS , by Press 1'ublishtng Co. ) MADitID , July 6-Via the Frontier , ) -New ( York \Vorld Cablegram-Special Telegranm.-i an able to state positively lion' Cervera canine by his fate. 'hmen time Madrid government heard the results of the battle of July 1 It telegraphed Linares , Blanco anti Cervera ( or the real state of af- fairs.'heu It was directly ascertained that teinforceoents could tmot possibly arrive him tiume to retrieve the fortunes of war an louder or save Sautlago and the Heel the govern- nmtt telegraphed Satmrtiay asklug the opimm- of Cervera , who demanded carte blanche to destroy his vessels lit time bay of Santiago seamier than allow them to fall Into time hands of the enemy. A colmcll of mhmislers instructed structed time umiUsters of nmamhme amid svar to r telegraph Cers'cra to malce a sortie al mummy cost and even risk line destruction of time Ifeet , because It was necessary to prevent n disaster lu the bay of Santiago nn account of palittcal and dy'ansttc comsideratlons In Spain. CCryera replied that lie would obey aiml go to his dome Sunday corning , \\'hmen lilt' news of the sortie of the fleet reached Madrid time minister of foreign affairs told several ambassadors to time governnment that had ordered Cervera to , o out. The mhlitary authorities have lord to act to check an outbreak Its the artillery rcginmcuts at the doclcs tuttl barracks - racks , nrrcetlmmg same hnsurgents for alleged ctnutlvauce with the mepubllcans. Time same spirit revealed In time gorrisous at Saragossa and Barcelona was quickly repressed by the oilicers. Caumpos , ha convcrsntion with the quceim regent , said hue would uudcrtake to forum a ctmbinet , mahttahi order and make peace rot couUltom tlat time queen regent Suspends time coustltntinnal guarantees aul allows Lint to suppress all republican and Carlist papers in .ladrid and the provinces and arrest the chiefs. A s'ery Indignant feeling is expressed anmong all clnsss against r'ert'era , tlmal the coniuomders of the i s'esscls have not fought better nail destroyed vessels sooner that surrender. Fiuan- elal circles , parllcularly..tje ! Matirid and bmmrses , t'elconed time news of the rise of nmoal securities inn the supposltier that peace , resulting ( roam European nmedimt- thou , is likely to follow the Duneutable cys- tens practiced before anti slice time btgtmmmmlng of the war. Moth the government std the press nl- lowcd the country' to believe during time last forty-elght hours that Ceevera's sortie tram Sautbu o was a splendid stroke of political mud mural policy , hence time hnpmess ton caused by the stern reality when 1'.Iso wildfire - fire time news spread through Madriml. Time oldest inhabitants do not recollect a denou- slratlou of so profound , palnGml , angry and desperate feeitugs , nmost bitter agahmst their government mid mingled with sad sympathy for the brave soldiers anti sailors uselessly sacrificed In the hopeless struggle iii' time govomtment , who ably though to retalmm time reins of power for lhenmselves and preserve time dynasty tvimatcver might be the issue of the war with time United States , Ludicrous alarm reigned In oiliclal circles and exaggerated - gerated precautions were taken against a ntllltary and popular outbreak , time civil governor hlnnself going round daring time ulglt to all the princlpat editorial othices to Inmplore tie papurs not to publish It full Iho tciegranms received , tnml prepare time public by degrees for the truth , CALLS FOR THANKSGIVING I'r esidenl llclilnlt'y INNnes n I'ruela- mnllon .tsLDtg the People to Shoa ' ' ( iratltnde , 'I'hefi \VASI1INGTON , July 6.-Prctldenl Mc. ICluley , al 11:40 : tonight , Issued time followIng - Ing proeltunntlon to the Aui'riean people ; 't'u the People of time United Slates of Atneutit At lhls Bone , when i , the yet frt'xlr renanrbramitt' of tic wptrecedentttl success xvIiklm attc'tltl , th line opetallamm s of time t'niled Slides fleet iii the buy' of Abt nilm ou the 1st duy of Alay Inst mere addrti the lldlug5 of tine no less glta'luus mteldeve- iiu'uls of time naval amid mllitnry urnms of our heiovel country mil Santingu , le ( 'uba , It is Iltting thud two shoilmi pansc and Slny- lu g the teeihmgs of exultUlaim tint tun nntuall > ' attend great de ds svrnught by our Cull ntry'laen III oar Call pity's t'mlllac should n verentiy bow baforc time tIiittie of Divine Grace and glue devout 1st to God , 1Vbo holderh the natlons yin the follow of Ills band and wnm'kelh upon lheum the nmarvel5 of 1I Is high w'III , and \vho luta thus for t'out hsmiIt'd hu its the Iigln of Ills face mm mm it led our hi aye no11II crs munti st amemm to t'Ietury. I therefore ask time tcopie of the United SluIes. 0n nrat nsarm tiling fur dlvino worship - ship In their r , speellye piome $ of meclhmg , t0 tiller thnnksglvuhg to Alndgiit' God , svIto , In Ills iinterim luble trays , mmuw' Ienllug our hotta upon tine wit temS la unsudlied trimph ; nets' gum ldlimg them In a at riimge fund through lime dread thaduw's of death t ) success , aveu though nt mm femmm'ful must ; hats' lieu rhmg lion 'ItItad mcrldunt or 10514 to fur dlsttrmt clhnrs , has tvatrhed over our ciiIibu amid Iit'nughl nearer , the success of the right and the mttatnment of just mud ioitormthle pcmire , \Vltlm the urmtlon's thnnlcs let there ho in ingled the nmrtIon' s prayers thud our gallant - lant stilt ii coy' be tiill'Itied from harm aliIce , on lie bttIletleld5 mm nti It time clotim of fleets anti he tpmi'ed the scourge of so rfrrhmg mm u,1 , dinrnte' w Idlu they itre it trh'1ng to uphold their country's huioe ; and wilhmrl del the tilt tlun'is heart be ittllit'd with huty awe iil the IImought of the rumble mcn who have perlshed its lmeror5 tile , fwd be tilled w'Rim cinnpasslonato symmlilt thy far mill those svho 5uter bert'avemetit or etidmm re tilt knes5 , wounds and funds by reason of the utvul ( Struggle. And above all let u5 pray is'Ith earnest fervor tint lie , limo dlspeaser u ( ail good , nuty speedily remove frump mitt time amtoid af- lllcllont of svar nntl bring to our dear land time hlessings of rrstored peace and to all lbw dnmalu now ruvuged by time cruel strife the Irlceless lm"n of see only timid trnn- qullhily. Sv1LLIAAi A1'KINLEY. Executive AfitnslunI'mm14bington , July' G , IS0s , CAMARA ORDERED TO RETURN KptiuiNh Goiei'anu ul Sends 1Vurd to lime .tdollt al ( o 'I'nn , Ilnelt to Spniu. GIBRALTAR , July 6-According to ills- patches received ! mere from Madrid , the Spanlsh government hat ordered Admiral Camara to return to Spain , General Ochande has arrived at Algeciras to Inspect the sites of the now batteries. J l SIX HUNDRPERSONS DRON . .f French Transat G , Steamer Bourgogne Goes V Down ' Its Living Freight. L' FOURTH' ' OF JULY Big Liner Crashes Into B1 itish Sailing Vessel Off Sable Island During mL Fog. 1o HUNDRED OF THO3E ON BORRO THE SHIP SAVED Horrible Scenes Enacted After the Collision , When a Mad Fight for Lif. Occurs During Which Passengers Are Denton anti No Effort La Made to Save the Women-Survivors Brought Into Halifax by time Vessel Whiclt Collided with the Ill Fated Steamship , IIAIAFAX , July 0--The Frerlcll'1'ransatlantic steamier ' La Bourgogne , which left New York on Saturday last for l1a\'ro , Bahl : after a collision with the I3ritish ship Crohlarty- shire in a dense fog , sixty miles south of Sable island. 't'he collision oecnrre(1 ( at ( ) o'clock in the morning of July 1. Only 200 1)el'SOilSV,1"l. ) , ' tNed out , 01' time , SUU souls aboard th ( , liour 1 gogl l e. ' 1'lle Allan line steamer Grecian , Captain Nuuan , which Sailed 1'rohl Glasgow on Julie ? 1 for New York , arrive ( ] here today to\ving the British ship Crolnartyshiro , , which has been in collision with La Bourgogne. It reports that the latter alllllc allllost llln Cliatell' ( . The passengers and cre\V Saved ntlnlber 200 pci'Sons in all. Of this rluulber 170 of the sa.'edveee passengers an(1 the other thirty rescued were meulbers of the cre\v of the l ± r'elicll steamer. Only one wonlau was save(1. 7'he ' oilicers of La Bourgogne Were dl'OWIICl , with the exception of the pnraor alld tllrCC ellgilleer'S. Ilaem'y ] loofas is uncut of the Frenelt line hum this city , but states blurt no a no fm-amn Omuha ue vicinity ivas booked by hint fur time llout guguo amid ] w is cutt iilont ttunc w'oro on board. STORY OF GREAT DISASTER Onielnl Lugs of flit' Cruootrlyshire- Surrivors Ilt'liut' 'l'helr Es it n euee. HALIFAX , N. S. , July G-Tho BrIUsli Iron ship Croinartyshire was towed lu here this morning by the Allan liner Grecian , svllh Its bow tore away by n collision , sixty idles soultm of Sabte Islmiud , with time French steaumer La Bourgogne , a hleh latter vessel svcnt down ten minutes later. Of the 800 passomgers tuid crew' on hoard the La lionrgogmie. only 200 were saved. One w'oman' ' wus sa'ed by her Husband. The captain and utimcr deck officers went down with time simii. Time Cromurlyshlre laid to and picked up ) the 200 passengera amid seamen who were resemed , lramsferritig theta to the Grecmau , which cane ttlomg simony afterward , The log of time Cronmartyshire , signed by Captaln Ilcudcrson , is its follows : ( in July 4 , at 6 a. m. , dense fog , position of ship sixty relics south of Snide Islmmad , ship by svInd ou time port tack heading about west-norlhw cst , though under re- ducedcanvas , , going about four or live knots per hen' , Omr fog norm wus kept going regularly every minute. At that Cline heard sleaamer't whistle on oar weather tldu .e' port beam , which secumed to be nraring vury fastS'e blew horn timid were answered hi' ' steunmer's I vhlsllq w9icn all of a sudden she Ioumuad ' tlmronglm the fog nn our port be iv and crashed limb us , gohmg at a lerrlfic speeti , Our foretopnmst and mmntep : gnilunt mast canmu down , brhmgiug with it yards and everything allncicd , I at ouee ordered tuna t boats out ripd v"nt to exatamc lice danumge. 1 found tint our bows were coumphett ly ' m' ' off and the platys heisted. Other simip tilt. apl.eared through time fug. flowerer , mfr stmlp was hunting an lien coil islon bulkhead so there seemed min Iiamcdlate danger of her sinlang.Vo sat to work at once to clear the wreckage mod also ship our star. I board anchor , which was hauglag aver thio a ttIirbnmrd hew and in danger of pummchhtg holes In time bow.Vc heard a milemim tr I blowing her whistle am couming bitch and ivu answered with our fog harm , The tteatncr then threw tip a rocket uud fired a that. We also thfew up tone rorkels uuul ! tired seweriml idiots , but we nellher saw nor heard anything more of the stcuuuer. Sluht hoots isllit Surtlvor , , Shortly after , or about 6:30 : , the fog lifted smncwhat aid we taw two bmnts pantos toward us with the Fremclm flag Ilylug. 1Ve signaled then to Collie aluugbldu , amid found that tutu sleanmer was time La Bourgogne , from New York to Ifuvrc , and that the Ind gone down.'o laid to all tiny and no- celved en board about 200 survivors , from annngst time pusseugers and crew , reported to lie ht all about COO. Several of time passengers - sengers were on life rafts with'put oars and 1 called for vohmnteert fr9nu amuug any crow anti time surviving Frcluch reamer to iring douse crafts alongshte llie slip. Seine of the patseugers and searnQu Oem the sunken Sleaumer assislet ) us ynd we Jettisoned some 3,000 tuns of cargo frmmm our hold , in order to lighten limo ship. About 3 p. lit. another steamer hpve In sight , hound wcttwnrd ; we put tilt our blg- rinls ( N. C. ) , "tvartt mtbsistmmce. " Shortly after the tleaner bore down inward u5. She proved to be tine Greclan , hound from Glasgow to New York. Tlue captain agreed to low any ship to Ifalifax. Owing to time comdtllon of guy tile , I nccepted the offer and proceeded al once to tnmins.sitlli time passengers and get ready our low hue. At C p. tn. we had nmade a cnnimectiun aqd proceeded ! n tow of the Grecian tuwarml nalifax , havinmg put S tu(1 ( over the broken bosv to take part of the strata off the col. J.-u..r.r. r I181ou hail Ititend. There suns al heat time fourteen feet of winter In the fore peak. Story' of Survivor. Mrs. Henderson , wife of the captntn , was tin imard the Crnninrtyshlre with her two cblldret , She tolls n thrilling story of lien experience , 'l'ime weather was foggy amid silt Ind risen from lieubtnmk at nn curly hour , as a'as her custom when the weather was bad. Shortly before the vessels canine together - gether time detected a ateaumer'i whlstlu blowing on time port aide. The Crouuu ty- almire ivrms sounding Its foghorns al intet vals of one adntte. .l is. Ileulerson called lhu attention of hot husband to it. anti a nmtnmle later the note , wvhu tvmts on watt'h. It cmuuw nearer anti nearer , and dirs. IIcudersou cane near lime cabin in order to rescue lter children should a titsasler result. Snddeuiy the huge hull of au ocean steamer laoucd up In time mist , going about seventeen knots nn hour. Almost lntnme- dlmilely there waa a ( eafui c'nsh amid dlrs. Ileulersom rushed below anti found lien cldl- 4ren avaltl'ncd by the slmoehc , She dressed the little ones as gniclciy as possible nod removed then to time deck , expecting to see lien own ship go down tiny inhnlte. Cmmptnhm ncndmrson , of soon ms ( ho colll- slow occurred , ordered the hunts la bit lo iv- Cred atul time dammuge ( ti he abeertitined , No Ii 11'orl ' ' lu Save 'o ni'ts , As soon as it arts found time Cronarly- shire' w aa 1n no hnnredinto dmiuger time ahlp pot about. Time vessel with which they hall eel llticd waa al that time uuluiovn , ,1 few rmhmules later Its w'hlstlo w a14 heard , ammd several rtmcItetmm were sent up. Captain Iict- derson ecplled mm like' umanner , thhdlug time steanmea' setts offerlg assIstammcc , but In a few uiltnttt all tsas quiet amid those on hoard began t ) realize the awful resuhs of ( lie collision , A ( 6:30 : the fug lifted and two boats vcro pleltwl up with only nmeu ou bound. Thu weather cleared still more mud mot were to lie teem lu every dlrcction , elingitg to my reckago nud IloaIIrmg tin IIto rafts , Il tuu14 u ( entitle sceua Nem pen can ptctnte the mmp- h alliig sigbl ruveulcd b the ort-lookers Whets time clntrttu of midst arose , 't'he work of rescno w'an coumntcnced wltb- out a monienl't delay imtld over 200 mersoms tveme plekrd up tit iaken on boat rd tit' thlp , dirs. IIendcrson , win Ind it nple npportuldty of lutervlewtng lhnso who were reteueti , ex- greased her belle ! , from what alma heard , that tlicm'e had bcemm uu effar ( to tnve time uvoumon. Thou were ninny foreigners an m ionrd who ( aught tar f minces Imu ( ho lies ta. It wmms fitly lets minutes to it quarter of inn I hoar before La Bourgogne went down , and t1 tmilk that line lhe'ti w as mnplu oppur- tally offered to rescue mil least tone of time women mud chlldrerm. As It was , only tame wonatu , Mrs. La Caste ems saved. Shu hue been ou board ever slnre She Is time wife of A. U. La Cussa , Iratbcr of Innguagea of i'jalnfycld , N. J. 'limo crew of hits Crummimrly- I Slulret connmeml Neely upom time fact that only ono wotimuu was anverl out n ( 300. Nearly all limn llrat clasmt passengers were lost , thusu t saved being Steerage multi tailors , La ( 'atsei atdils wife were In the water eight hnurm , . . , clinghtg to a raft , before time ) were gtckd i up by mt bomit fron the Cromartyattlru. ' ( bey lost everytlmlug but what they eland lo , Ilnciuding money std s'aluahlus. ( i/lle'ms , Stn ) o'I'ltii / r Post Out pimssengcr was going ! tome to Franc. witlm lilt two children , Ida wife having died a urontlm previously. 1k was saved , but btu r