)1 ' 1 . ) c , . - . . . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ' . ' ' - . _ _ - - . - . , 'l'I"NJRSIAY I , 7 , . StNGLE COPY rivi OEN'l'S. ( is'r.jiisiiin jurn - io , isri. _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAhA ) MOIVNING JDLY 1S9S. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . l ' jijjj FIELD OF ELECTRICITY Another uccaful Raid Into the Domain of F steam P wer. CABLE O'ERATEO BY AN ELECTRIC MOTOR XntrrcIig. ( , ttte . ( VIII FIcetlc V&reN Il * _ . ) WOrk In C4iPttL Itlvtt. electric motor In the 'world ! The Iggcfit working twenty-One hours a day In Chtcago. of innchnery 1mB other claims to ThIs i'lcce ' fame thnn mere SIze. It I the ponccr oC labor never before entere In a briliC1 ! I by motorl4 of Us cht. It s puithig atx lflLkH of WIT rOIO. ) moving the cable trains on ( lie imist tmportatit line of the South Stile of the city. Tits ) mecliantcnt iroilIgy iB only ten feet high arnl about t ! 1 feet. ! qiIare at the base. but It Ic a whole rower house In ItFelt. ThIB stateinetit IH flOt In the lenit CX- uggerateil , for a large lower plant , cnpablo of giving out eiiougli power to run an enor- nous factory , 18 shut dowii entirely heii the motor Is put running. UollerH , ingtnvs , lUflhlfl. ) COfli hInB and machInery , covering overnh acres In nil , are Idle from the time ( ho bIg motor begins to hum Its \orkiIIg tuiie. It Is a marvel of comPact force. In 0110 corner of the big engine 100111 Of the 1trty-sccoEu1 atul State street iinnt the motor is located. One of the two great 500- InirsoPve engines there has been IartiIIlIy fliHinahitled anti its htigc twentyfourfoot thy wheelrellrnved o ns to give room for the belt vhiieIi connects the PulleY wheel of the niolor with the cable-driving ihrutns. This belt is maiht of inch .thiiclc leather , Is four feet whia nuil moves at a velocity of 5,110 cet a minute , so oII1e Ithea of the huge I ecale on which things are untie in iL cable _ r t plant can 1)C ) obtaIned. On the other iiIe of the engine rooiii is the engine which tnkes . thu Place of the electric motor several 7 months of the year. It Is a grtat , sIrawhtng ) r Piece of machinery occupying 720 square feet of floor spacu and tWeflty oilih feet high , as against the 112 square feet of floor space 811(1 teli-toOt hief'hit of the tIght little motor. A great ileal of shuiftlng runs ocross the end of the room , an to It Is nttnclted the cable lrums nod cogwheehs whIch give the great wire rope Its motion. F'or many years thIs Fttty-SCCOO(1 ( street phnnt was operateil \ 4f by steam. Thu two bii englties , each of roe ' - horse Iower'ero run alternately end kept the cars inovilig wlth great satisfoction to tIn' public. 'riien the big electrical vower hioiiie in tii& relr ; was built atid began sup- iuiyiuug nil thu South Stile trolley lines with , current. in winter this luhant was erowdeh ' to the lImit with work , but in suiuhuier easier running coiuiiltlons unude nearly one-thIrd of Y Its capacIty tulle. hero are sonic or the remarkable things this motor ( hoes : It takes the place of r eheveii savIng their snges for the cciii- vanY The winter crew vhlchi ruuis the steam uhant consists of seventeen men. In this force Is cut ( IOWIL to six. It h lflIVCB ( hue cable tutuch more steuuhily niol at c more cotistarit SPed1 ( luau the steam en- gino. This Is' because alt electrical machIne is ijiutchu nuore subject to regulation than one , nut b ) steam. The result of this Is a 50 per cent dlmiimuttoui of wear and tear on time u tracks itlutl rolling stock , as well as a great Increase of comfort to the passengers , for there Is no surging of the cable or jerkIng of ( he cars , It rejuire only as muuuichi oil - from one sumnimier's eIu to ( hue other as ( lie engine uses III ) iii its cylinders alone in ( eli days. It muses only about the satule aiiioiiiit of coal us the steniui engine , although ( lucre is no extra transformation of jO ) % or frouui k mechanical force to electricity auuul back In- i" voiveul. Thii is because time big plant rniis , much more economIcally than the lIttle ouic. : Lastly , null in COuiSeqLiCflCe of nIl ( his , the electrIc nmnter saves the company from 500 to C00 a mouth. - 'Vlum Ih'et ne l'u , rumnee. I ' Frofesior John Trowbriilge , wrlhng about the electric furnace , bays : There have been ' 1three illstluict eras in the racticah appli- catiuuis of electricity. The first was char- ncterlze(1 by Its uc In telegraphy , ( he . secouuul by Its application to hfghutiumg. imuuul , the thuirul by its cmuphoyuncnt Iii ( ho trails- flhlSilohi ef power.Vtu are now entering 1111011 the fourth era , In which electricIty may be saul to pay back 1(3 ( mlebt to the energy - - whIch produces by generating heat In , . the electric furnace. This use of electricity I liaum alreauly rovohuitiommizeul certaIn processes in the arts , The heat of the furnace is generatch ty ) an electric arc such as we set , In the case of ( lie arc lights on our city , - ' trcch4. ThIs arc is lrolumccul by a current t ' r of electrIcl flowing umrougtm the tmmu'mmscly t 3ueaeul air between ( we lmlcce3 of carbon , The furumace cemisists of a bOX or Paralleho- , : pipeil of Iluumestouie , having it cavity of 511111- lar i4uapu CUt iii It. 'Flue electric current Is leti Into the cavity by uuucans of pIccc , ter- mluuahs or electrouIp3 mis ( lucy are teciumui- , rally cahleil , of hmarti carboum 'hmtcim pass through holes cut iii ( ) IIOSItC ) itls of ( lie , ) cavity. Then the oxIulo of lie metal which : one ilesires to fuse Is ummtxed with carbon I luowiler and Is vaeked orouuuul ( he carbon terumulnaim amid is rcMluecd by time great I heat developed by time voltale are , vroduced j by the electric current flowing through the emvIty froumi one carhoim tcruuuinai to time t other. In this way aluminum Is proulucel , I onul in it similar way carbide of lime , vimtch , on being dropped Into water gIves forth time , gas acetylene In great quantity. For sd- I emutifle cxlerlmentatlon time c.'mrlty holds a : iuumall crucible which Is commupoeul of mmmix- turo of carbon amid magnesia. in thmI crucIble ' ' mire placed time suhustailces whtcim mire to be I' incited , There Is no mumetal wimich has not ' r been fused by this furmmace. 1ven 1)latllmuumm I nimil irIdIum , both of 'Imichm renmaiui solid III lime hottest furnace such as hail hitherto ' iueeum mused , ummelt like wax In time electrIc ' furnace. Sonmetimnes a carbon tube Is flxeJ 1mm time littler furnace ocross tue flume of illrec- tiomi of time earbomm termInals , or , In ottmcr . vorths , at rIght ammgiea to them , amid EO Placed I timutt It Is about omme-himlf an Inch below the , Inteumso vohtaic arc amid about tue annie dis- lance ( coma the bottom of tIme liummestomie . cavIty. In this enrbomm tube is placed time . :4 : gi substances whmlelm are to ho heated. 1a- S tend camm be tntrouluccd limb one emuI of ' 4hls tube and after It Is heated can beuirawn off by timplimg tue tube. without stopping the : . t ctmrrcnt In time furnace. in order to vroduco mliaunonds , Iroum Is mumelteil wltim a large qmmammtlty of carbon Vowder amid when time umixture has attaIned \ mm Imigim tenmlleraturo-over 6,000 degrees i.-lt r Is suddemuly phimuiged Into cold water or a baib ef ummoltemm lead. The lead beIng a better conductor of heat titan cold water , ummoru suddenly deprivemi tIme mIxture of Its I heat. On exaummtning time shag , summall coIor less crystals of cuirboum mire foum\l \ , wlilcim are i. identical in theIr ProPertIes whim natural ii iii lummmtiL - The electrIc furnace has time great au- 4 . Vantage over ( mtlmer furnaces in Its power : to locallzs the heat Iii mm mmarrow compass mititI time aummoummt of imemit we cam , produce in such a furmmaeo l almmmommt tmnhimulted , An ' umoummt of heat eumergy vquiraicumt to 7o 1 horse juower has been vroducvtt In an eicc- .4 Inc furnace cavIty which was not larger ; than an ordinary tumbler of water. l3ozue- / i L . -.t--------- _ times a powerfmml mngnet is useml to dIrect the electric arc impon a certain region In the furnace. A magnet has tile property of mit- trumctlng or repelling an electrical current anti the voltAic arc In the furnace Is such an electrlc.al current. With such an ar- raumgemcnt , namely. a ioltalc arc anul a magnet , we imave practIcally a powerful blowpipe , which macits glass and the metalm like wax and vaporIzes even time lime walls of the furnace. Timere are a number of electric furnaces at NIagara Felts , which are used to reduce the oxIdes or metals amId to form such substances as carbIde of lime , from II hich acetylene Is generated , amid corundum , which is used as a grindIng agent In the arts , made. llietrIe ItseiinrgN Of Ilslic's. Sonic Interesting facts have been cc- cently coniitletI ; with reference to fishes wimich imave the power of generating eIeCttc dIscharges. Of the fIfty speck's of fishes posscsslmmg organs capable of giving electric discharges , three have a particular interest. These are ( lie torpedo fish , which Is foummml In time bay of Ihtscumy , anI belongs to ( lie slate faummily ; the electric eel of time Orimuoco , ant ( lie timunulerer lish , foumid imi the NIl miami other African waters , TIme charge is developed by some chmemmmicnl lirocess occur- rlmmg Iii tIme plate In which the electric nerve Illammiemuts cmiii , anml iii sommie tnstammces the mltsciiargc Is from the head to the tail , while tim the case of other fishes the reverse is ( rime. in it tull-sizeul electrIc eel or gyimmumo- tus , the voltage Is probably from 300 to S00 volts , and is easIly cmipabie of stunnlmmg a man. TIme unoimmemmtmiry currents nrc smutflcient to deflect. a gnhvnmuometer or mungimetlze a mmeeulle , It is to he noted tiumut the gcncrmm- ( Ion and lmmtenslty of the discharge are umu- der ( lie commtrol of tIme anImal , which Is ap- hiarently imm no way affected by time actIon. Jlso. there mire mio iumsuhatlng immaterinis iii time fish aummh time greatest econoimly Is shown iii tIme gummeratlomm of ( lie electrical emmergy. Iii , i'l'il tVl mi.i I a Ii.xlum imil. flrttislm huOstIhice mlLmthoritic-mi have laid about forty mimiles of time large telepiiouio mmiul telegrumpim trummmk limmo ciibie wlmichm Is to cx- tt'imil froimm Lomulomi to uirnmiiiglmauim. Time iaylmmg of thIs cable Is by far time hmmrgest PIeCe of work time iumthorlties have ummnlertnkemm sluice timey hmad control of ( lie telegraphs. Time cable , whIch Is heimig mmmnmmu- factored by the liritisim Insulated \\'ire Coin- imumny at its works at Prescott , imns mm total iltamimetem' of two niumi Ilve-cigimths Immchics nmmd tutu weight of encli umile of cable Is about tweimty-two louis. I t Is mnnile tit ) of sevemmty- six iehuaratehy insulated wires , cccii mile of which \seiglis 150 vommmmmls. TIme maimmier iii vhmtch the cable is constructed - structed Is iumteieIiig. Eumchi eommmhmmctor is tparatchy iimcloscd lii a ( tube of loller , SO ( hunt It is cmmttrehy sumrroummded wIth air. Time object of this is to get as much aIr arommimd time commdmmctors as Posib1O wIthout increasimmg time she of time cable. Air has it lower ca- Puleity than numy kmmowmu substance and how enpactty Oim a cnbhe is equlvalcumi to snuall absorptIomm of current. This immeamis ( lint speaking is vosslble over a greater dIstance thimuii immider ally other cIrcLuimmStaiiCCS , nmiml it % .ms mint. uiitil Zi. cable was iimvcmmtcd on ( huts Principle ( hunt it ijecaimlo luosslble to speak over mumy commslderaiule mltstaumce by means of uiudcrgrommnd wIres. 'rho ordinary overhead wires mire , of course. ! ilnys surroumiuded by aIr , nail ( hits ts why speakhuug Is possIble over such great mhlstunccs , but bug limics mmmiii imiany wires "cross talk , " and ( Iammger of Iii emikago renders this systera very trouble- 1:01110 amid expemusive. Oim time uuc'w cable time conductors are muamle imp Iii imaIm's. tIme wires strammuleul together rnuummi omme another amid time whole covered \vltim a heavy sheatiming of bail. At inter- 'uuls of five immlles pillars are emccted amid at tiRse Potumts dry aIr is lo lie forced ( hmrougim ( lie sluaceuu tumto ( lie cables , so that If ( lie Iau1 siucntlmlmmg should becume inmnctmmreil ( lie iresemmcc of time hole will be Instantly dis- covered. ' 'l'Iie l.lglmt ( if tlii 1uit u 'rime demonstration of vacimuni tiule ) lIght- . lug reccuitly made in New York ammi ( PhIIa- mhi'lphIa , whIle showing that a brIght , whilte lIght Cliii be produced by breaking an dcc- tric circuit at mmmi exceedlumgly raptul rate wtthmlim time vacuunm of a glass tube , heaves maimy volmmts umianiwered concernIng which the mmmore lrmtelllgemmt of the public are be- glmimming to be somnewlmat skeptIcal. It ta iuotmited omit. to begin wltim , that time vohminie of light which calm be produced by time sys- ( cmii wIthout causIng strains ami breakage of time imlupiuratus is muot great enough to cii- able people to sIt uuimil read 1mm time apart- iuueuit wIth numy degree of cointort ; moreover , time Imicessant trembitug of the lIght wommlui umake tIme attemmlpt to read by It for ammy Icmmgtim of tulle vosittvvb' Injmmrlous. It has also beemm remnnmkcd ( lint evcmm ( ho plamits of ttmnlteml capacity with which tIme system hums been illustrated up to ( lila ( tine hmave becum constamitly subject to Immterrmmpttons anml break-dowmmmm , and It Is argued that such failtmr s woumlul become mnort prommommnceul In a larger Installation. Time contention , imoiv- ever , which , . immure timan any other , seeimms to immllueumco time lmmmbllc , In Its doubt as to lime votmmt immuving heemi reached nt whichu time 'timerle' lIght camm be used wltlm comfort and ecommonmy tim imommst' , Is thnmt no figures or "curves are forthcomnlumg 1mm rcgnmtl to tIme efflctcncy of time tubes , time tmmnommnt of cur- remit it takes to luroduce a gi'en qmmammtlty of lIgimt by timemmm aummi time expense of Prohumc- ( bum. him other wmrds , ietore banIshIng its linasmulilo useful sixteemm camidle.power dee- ( nc tmmcnmuuicscemmt lamp , time \umierlcmmn publIc watmts to know what lengtim mind mllummmmeter of vmmcmmummm tule wIll give time sammie lIght efllclemmey , and how uummmclm It 'tll cost. UntIl these limeStlouiS are snliuufactorliy answered vumcummm ( tube llgimttng will muot make muehm headway In this coumitry. 'I'I Ii , ; ( iii smin lisgim , Girls sumioke. No trolley cars. Forests of mmmauuogany. No will anImals except dogs. Everybody lakes ii immip at mmoon. Here Is time hmlgimest land Iii Cuba. Lottery tickets mire oh sale everywhere. Most of time houses mire omme-story bulid- tugs Snmmtiago Is the Spammisim forum for Saint Ju mm it's. imlimaimltants , I0.000 less ( baum most Plum- delimhmia wards. Time belles mlnster their faces with pow- iieretl egg shells. 'rIme harbor of tpe emabraces sixty-five smlmare mnlle of dccli water. Copper mines have heeim worked siimce time sov'nteeutim cemmiury. Tobago Island was so called by Columm- tnm frommm Its fammciml resemblance to time tobacco - bacco or iumhmallmmg tube of time aborigines. Our ' ord tobacco Is ( lmcmmco ilertveil. lii lii , ' 1'ImIIItIlIIms. No b'roomus. No hats worn. Girls mmmmmrm'y at 1. No knives nor forks. They sleep mit muidday. horses are a cimrlommity. More women luau nien. 1(1cc Is the duet product , Cattle as ammmnlt as goats. Manila emmjoys electrIcIty. Natives batimo thrIce daily. lcmvey ) haul a rabbit's foot. TIme grimsaimopper is mm 4e110.lcy , \'o buy half ManIla's imenip. Laborers earn 10 cemmts a ilay. Coroamiut oil Is amm lltummilnammt. Maumlla suis foumudeul In 1571 , iluffimloes are used for phowlmmg. Orclmlds comnmumatmd $1,000 apiece. ManIla imu 200,000 imihuubitammts , Ammnumml cIgar output , 140,000,000 , Weyler was governor for tour years , vICT1Is OF TIlE CUBAN \YA \ Additional Names to the List of Hcroe in the Battle at santiago. PERCENTAGE OF ( OSS EXTREMElY HEAVY INIiiuiitC hi I lic Surgcuiui. l'lmiccs I iui 'imtiilu'r of IC I Ilcii niust % ' , 'umm itiluit at l'uihi . Sos cttei'u , Ilium- tired tIcii. ( Copyright , l53I , by Assoelateti Press. ) fl1WOltE SANTIAGO , July 3.-Pcr ( Asso- elated l'ress DIspatch heat Dandy , to Port. MmtomuIo , July 4-Tho ) fIghting thmrlmig the Inst two mlnys has cost the Ammuerlcamm army 1,700 imien. This estimate is made by the surgeons at divIsion headqtmmmrters after careful - ful tlgurlmmg. TIle list of wounded , as uminde imp at divIsion lmentlqmmjircrs , Is large Iii Pro- luortion to those killed oumtrlgimt. I'robabiy hess titan 100 , nIh tohmi , of the number woumnmied , have dleml. making time total ticatims tim time mmclghborhmooil of 150. Time remimaimimlcr of time wommmmled ( will probably recover. Conslderlumg time fact ( lint mInt over 12.000 were engageml on our sIde , mmmiml timat mint mmli of thmoe were actually unuler Lire , the ver- ccmmtage of loss Is heavy. Time slaughter ! was brought about mmmatimiy by time g.mhlantry sitlm ivimleim ommr troops advanced Into time : Olicil groummd 1mm time ( mice of imeavY fire trommm : ( lie emmtremmclmmnents cliii nIle 1)1(5. Our mmmcmi generally hInd amm opimilon ( lint time Spammlarmls coumti not shoot. amid mminny thougimt they wonlml not fight. 110th lnmmirvs- slomma erc errommeotms , imartcmmIar1y the latter. 'l'lmc Spammmsh have fotiglmt with great mhiter- muimiatloim anti bravery. Returns simow a mmummbcr of regimimemmts miuffereti heavily. the Scventy-Ilrst New York beIng time worst emit up of time vohtmimteera , nmmul ( lie Tlmirtccntim timid Stxteemmth regular Infantry stmfftirlmmg tue ummost nummong time regumhnrs , wIth tIme Sevemitim nuiui Sixth infantry close 1mm time race for glory. Iii sommie commiptumuics of the Stxtecumtim one- third of the ummeim lure gomme , amiul timer , are commmpammles In that regimneimt emittrcly wltimotmt otticers. him ( hue Sixth tumfnmmtry more thmami one-third of time olllcers are gomme , one field oflicer , Major Mtmicr , belmmg the ( lilly 0110 heft. TImc followtmig Is time list of mmomi-eommummils- stoned ottlcers cmiii prIvates 1mm the Seventy' first Now York , hue vere kIlled : 1'ItIVATE DEUTSCIIBIJhtGL'fl , Coma- Puny C. I'ItlVATE hOLLAND. Comnpmmmmy M. C01t1'OItAL MILOIJS , Company C. i'ltlvA'rE SCh IotID , Conipamiy D. P1tIVATl SR1NNEIt , Comnuaimy 11. I'ItIVATE BOOTH , Commiiuaimy L. h'itIvA'rE iECICE1t , Comuijuaumy L. HaitI ) ' wotmiutleil- I'rlvatc Jcllings , Company 13. I'rtvatc Clark , Coniluaum } ' 13 , SlIghtly V. ouuiuied- Private i'tcree , Cumuipammy 11. I'rlvate MeDloumi , Commilammy E. Private flututim , Comimpaumy 1. l'rivumte honey , Commipanl' E. I'rlvate Neimneler , Comiipauy K. Private Fouley , Comnpaimy K. Sergeant CuttIng , Commipaumy M. i'rtvate Barrett , Compamiy M. l'rivumteVahiiis. . Commupammy M. I'rivae llarmett , Commmpammy M. l'rRae Dommmmci , Commipammy M. l'rivate Mills , Commmpamiy M , I'rI'ate C. J.Veeka , Coummpany C. Sergeant icDcrmmit , Coummpany 1. Scrgcammt. Yotmngs , Company M. l'rivate Esemmimmiud , Commlpamm ) ' F. Private h'mhlmimuettemu : , Comumpammy F. I'd sate Cim mum immgimummmi , Comimpamiy L. Private ii. Obkamp , Commipany L. l'rivne Gannon , Company L. Private Kirby , Comumpany G. Qumartermaster Sergeant. Long , Corn- puny II. Tue followIng Is an additIonal list of killed amid oummdeui : Killed- MAJOIt FOflSF , First cavalry. LIlUTENANT W , E. SIIII'l' , Tenth cay- ahr } . COLONEL hItMILTON , Ninth cavalry. commmiumammdlimg time reglmmment. 1'II\'ATE STEELE , Company 1) , Twemmty- fiftlm lumfammtry. h'JtIVATF IIOWF , Comnpammy N , twemuty- fifth infantry. I'ItIVATE L'IIELi'S. Comumpammy II , Tmvcn ty- fifth Infantry. 1'iI'ATI LIAVEItW'ITCII , Company G , Twenty-fifth Infantry. LIEUTENANT .1. hUGhES , Fourth in- famitry. LI EUTENANT Fl ELD , Second Muissacimu- aetts , CAI'TAIN JOhN DRUM , Teuuth cavalry , LIEUTENANT JULES . OitD. aide-tIe- cimmimp emi aeneral Hawkins' staff. hIEUTENANT WILLIAMSAT , Thlrteomitim Imifantry. 1)lt. MENOCAI , fIrst dlvlslomm hospital staff. LhFUTENANT LOUNSI3UIW , Sevcmmth imm- fatmry. 1'ItIVATF AS1ILFY , Itotmgim RIders. PIt1VATI GitlEN , itougim Ititiers. 1'R1VATF Sl'AI4)MA , 1otmgim RIders , Woum ndtd - 1temmtemimmnt T. A. Roberts , Tenth cavalry , In rIght sIde. Captmtimi Jmimmmes Formmey , ThIrteenth lmmfmtn. try , In time leg. Major EllIs , ThIrteenth lnfammtry , In time leg , Caitalum ; Etiwarils , Twenty-fifth Immammtry ( , In (11gb * , leg ammil simoululer. Lieutenant llarzmuumm , Temmtim cavalry , Lieutenant Robinson , Tenth cavalry , Licutermamit Leach , Troop (3 , Rough Rid. ers. Lleutemmant DickInson , Sevemiteenthm lnan. try , fatally. Lieutenant \\'ooul , NInth cavalry. l4eutcuant. hleumry hyons , Twemity-fourtim lnfmmmmr3' , lii leg ; slIghtly , IJcmmtemmammt J , It. J..cdbmmrg , NInth infrmmitry. Lieutenant . S. Vortb , Tlmtrteentim mu- tail t ry , I mm slmouuhth er , Major Ii. J. lskrldge , Temmtim Infantry. 1)r lanfortb , mumsistant stmrgeomm , Nlntim eavmmlry Lieutenant Colonel Enbert , SIxth lmmfan- try. CaptaImm T. J. Wooulbury , Slnxth Infantry , In leg ; sllglmtly. Lieutermnmmt.A , P. Scott , ThIrteenth ) Infan- try. Lietitemmant F. Ii. McCoy , 'l'entim cavalry. Licutemmiunt . II. Slmummnoims , Slxthm lufan. try. Captain John f3lgelomv. Teimtim cavalry. Captaimu ii. G. Cavanagim , ThIrteenth Infan. try. Lieumtenaimt Colonel S. If. Llneohmm , Tenth infantry , In leg mmml arm , Lleutemmant 1' . It. llapgooom ) , Second Massa- chusctts , LleUtdiimflt Albert Iavs , Twenty-fourth lufantry. Lieutenant Pzmrklmurst , Second artIllery , In the mmrrn , LIeutenant Colonel ( iutimrle , In the arm. . Lieutenant ( ICeS , Tlmlrteemmtli Infantry , Iii time leg. PrIvate McMlilamm , htough hlitlers , PrIvate holmes , itougim RIders. PrIvate MIller , Rough Riders. PrIvate Jolmnson , liougim Riders. Private ( hovers , iouh Ilimlers. I'rlvate Ashier , Rough Riders. Private iIcS1man. Itough Riders , 1m-tvato MIller , Itough Itiders , . - : . ? aatJj - . - - . _ at _ - _ - - Captain Warrener , 'conmi Massacini- sctts. , Llcutenont Neary , Fourth , artlhiery. LAWTO NREPORTCASUALTIES Ollicimil I.iNt 0ck'i'i10 1lhlt1 amiui % 'iiuiiuilet In fIN Iltpulsi * iii 'I'lirce inui' rIglitIiic. ( Copyright , 1t9 , by AsscIatei1 Press. ) QENEItAI4 S1IAF'TElt'S iiEAlQUAR- TE1tS , July & . -l'er ( ftie AssocIated I'iesR IiEpatch iloat Iaunthess , viii I'ort AntonIo , Jammialca , July 6.-Chemmeral ) Lnwtnmm , cciii- mammmllmmg time Second ihlvlsiomm of ( tie cmi y before SantIago tie Cuba , has forvnrd,4 his report of the casualties in his divistan iitmr- lag the threb mlay' fighting before SmmmtiLugo , It shows ( lie followIng casualties : ( Icneral Chaffee's brlgamle , f3eycimtlm , Twelfth and Thirteenth Infantry , list of klhlemi of Seventh Infantry : Company A-Corporal Shea , l'rlvates Lee Ciansomm , F. W. Iiaycr , It A. Jones , A. 1 ! . Gray , McGres'y. Conmpany C-Lieutenant A. T. Watmiabauigim , Corporal Damilel Conway , Privates iramicIs lltmlmmm , tV. hi. ilaheimi amid J. S.'lmltc. . Conmpamiy i-l'rlvatca.Manmicr M. ilotiry , Con Crowhey , Daniel Matier , Commipaumy E - Quartermaster Srgcrniit Johmt Vi' . Jones , l'rirAtcmi F' . E. Flunmmmemmus , Iummnberry , Corporal Isidor J. Amnler , Compammy ( binmmk-l'rlvates ) it. I ) . Rivis , J. H. Long , Darmiioy , Magulre , Cleary , SIn- yen. Coimilian ) ' li-PrIvate George Simiclils. Coummpany i-Corporal Rclmiy. \'ouni1cd : . FIeld ahd StaIf-IlumiidItluijor A. V' . Cor- llss , Amljntmtnt Johim S. ( irossard , Prlnte \Vtlliani Keymier , Private Lafayette 1Iolnunb , Coummpammy E-hleutcmmamit i. A. hntferI' , Sergeaumt Samnimels , Corporal George Smalthi , Privates MeFarlamie , Rat Icy , htoyan , Moore , luitommoy , McMtllamm , Loiway , ilenilerson. Conipammy 11-Corporal It. M. Smmlttim , PrI- yates F' . It. hmumimi ) , J. 11. ilrowmu , U. II. 1)cmnpsey , I ) . 11. Fulwelteni' . M. Thmrber , JulIus Itclrke , Stevi'mms , Micimaci hart. Commipammy C-Corporal Jolmmm I' . Stoake. I'rI - yates A. McAdammms , 11. Mlteimehl , F. J. lieu. 4t. G. Stewart. J. (1. llimrlcson , J. J. Jones , J. J. ihuehher , C. E. ilumehmier , F. 0. lurgm , A. C. ilinilee , It. M. hremimmehlV. . MciIauomm ) , R. B. Gerbarger , J. Core , D. llsemi. Coumipammy 1)-Com pormil N. Maiidcml Corporal - poral A. II. Kibbemi , Privates A. J. Eibbler , Ammdiew Arumctt. A. I ) . Conmicilly , C. C. C.s- silly , M. Cuowley , li. Jacobson , P. Kerrigm , II.V. . Lmmgehemck , P. O'Connor , Johumi Succlmaum ! , H. E. V'etlmerby. Coiiipnmmy I-l'rIvates Kmieehtls , Revermmman , F. F. Iehly , J. MacIc , F' . Ij. Steeii , J. ( irat- ( cmi , T. M. Marion , S. Kalhun , G. T. lletth. U. McIowcll. Cemmmpammy F-Sergeant George 111mph ) , Corporal - poral 0. 1) . ilumrtimolommmew , Corpora ! T. L. Fairfax , l'rivntes Ntis Cimrlstlami , Jobmi Kllckc , A. It. Mamiston. W. J. McIntyre , L. C. Rose , J. 11. Smith , Carl Pollart , Timommias Kelly. Commipany C-CaptaIn Jammies B. Jnckn , Corporal G. W. ilayiieff , Corporal 0. Gmimtz , Corporal E. C. llemmhmniii , MusicIan C' . Iersim , i'rivates Lommg , MeGtmire , (3reeley ( , Crotiuy. N , J. RIpp. Company It-Privates Natimanhel ln4he'r , Johmm W'onnsc , John Go umiani ] , WIlliam KIili- nianscim. Company I-Corporal A. It. Levta , PrIvates Larsen , liemluiley , Mehidetii , Copuland. ml"m'I NG 'm'mm m 'I'll .tNOi'U'i' ) lst mY. Sniumi' _ thuumuiit It eutil * 0 SuIt fromut Nt' 1url. NE\V YOltK , Jmmhy 6.-It Is cxiCCteil that the newly acquIred troojO Shills , flue Mohawk - hawk amid MIssissippi , whmlclm heft yester. tiny , will m each Tammipa In three days anti 'IIi' be on the way to SaimtIago two days later. 'rime Flammmborommgh , a BrItIsh trammip steanmer. was Ilmslecteti yesterday. It is an old boat , but has good carrying capacIties. Time Port VIctor , miou' lyIng In ( lie Alaimtlc basIum , tim bolmig fitted up for its voyage to Cuba. It iii a refrIgerator shill ) ant Will carry supplies only. It iii stated by the ummartermmmmtster'S departnient It will be remmuly to saIl Moimdmty. The [ 'anauna Is also vrc- parimmg to smtll next Tuesday. The l'ammarna Is off Havamia. It ( limo of time lirizes captured wIll go to Norfumlk. where It will take emi 100 mcmi and a cargo of supplies. 'rho Obdamim hums bcemi taken 1mm imamil by representatives of ( Ito govermmimiemit. it will have l.00 men nail fifteen iiorm'es. TIme Arcadia -wIll sail from this liort for Tmmmmmpa with a nimmiuber of horses : Time quartermaster's ulepartmneuit Imas received rio orthers regarding time relief simlp whIch was reported ordered by time atm- thoritles \Vmislilngton. . llmu1'IotL N'i'E4. ) henry Ii. Illggensoml of Momison , MiiSS.t recently semit to time trtmstecs of the lint- verstty of VIrginIa : t cbecre for $20iflO , to 1)0 ) used for the erection of a buIlding or mis a pi'uilmi iiCii t fummiul. SIgnor Fertilmumudo I3oCtmmi of Mtlnum Imas given $ S0.000 to foumud a hulgim sciioi of cumin- imierct' iii Milan sImilar tn timocc in , % mitwermm nail Lyons. lIe Is one of time mimany self. mmmamle macmm In I tniy , tmiitt front vem' aummahl bcginuulmigs has hlicil to see euiOt'iuiOims cc- tmtbllslmmimcnts uiearlmmg lml name lii miment of time hmirgo citIes of Italy. CiiamlCehlOr Ib'mmry lit. McCracken an- noimneeui at time mnnumthly mmeetimig of the cor- lioratlnml of the New York UniversIty that aim nnonyiimous donation of $50,00 had licen receIved for time mirouluctlve emmmltwumiemmt fuimid of time iumsitumttoui. lie Is remmcstdcl to imiaImm- taln sIlence mis to time nnmmie of the mionur , but Miss IIelt'mm (3mimld Is strongly stmspeeteil , Soilie ( if liii , prliimnry uchools Ia ( loruumumy have ( heIr OWil liiYsIciamm. lie watcimcs over the classroomns , mmml iii there to hmnw that qti'ctIomms of wmrumilmmg. veimiiiulomi , light i gig amid clemimming have eumtcrcd Into time itlug- domn of selcilco whereof he iii lilmug , Omico in every fortmulghmt lie is to give Imistruc- ( Ion to every class Ii ) the school , .mml the text lie iireacimc's frommul Is Saattns iianlin. tuna , oninla sammitas. ' ' lm short , lie Is the health officer of ( imp whole estmitllsimmmleimt ) , time priest of iiygeia , umrti time iuimlhoimolluer , imnul frIend of time teacimi'r mmmii the taught. Time experlumieimt was t1ret inad mit t'Ii.- bamlen , mmmiii has been promouneei1 a simecess. Twemmty titousanti dol.mrs ! ham hjeamu - for time pmmrpose of adttiiig a textIle iIIimirt- nmcnt to ( lie ( icorgia Selmool of Tee'iumiobogy at Atlanta. Of thIs pumm $ I0.QflO ens voted by ( he legislature mmd time otimer $ l.000 ) was secured 1mm subcrjptiomis by Limo Irus- tees amid friommils of the school. Time now branch wIll add much to the usefulness of time techmmologlcul school. auuul gr"ally immcreaso time imuumiber of the stimuicmmuu at- tenuhlmig time tmmstllutlon. It nIll he the emily te'xtllc sehmool iii , Georgia. cummil many of the yommmmg imien lii like eouih who mire conmpehie'l ' to go to tIme umelmools 1mm time imorlim for an ctluctmtion on tmIS } llmme wilt have an opportunIty (0 learn . .zmearer kiumime u the future , A nmeiimormtnhtmn ) of timq proceedIngs of time May nieetieig of time i'ennsylvamia , t'muiycr- slty trustees mmumnouimces that time board is ummnitcrabiy opposed to opening the Irteust college courses to wumneim , ite i'm ' mini y reason Is ( lust. . time fummds of tIme Imnlvermty do not warrmimit the chmtmnge , instead of dip- pimmg Immto lImo funds of time uniwersIy I pmoper , time board Is bendIng Its cimergles to ommiarge time scope nail UeUiuiessbf lien- mitt flaIl , foundeti by Jogeh hi. lleuimuett term years ago , sad devotel eiclusivehy to ( tie hIgher education t woiimeim , Mr. lieu- autt hums just. amlded four snore buildlxmgs to hula original gift , which , wIll materIally increase - crease limo umsefulmies of lienzmett hail as an amljunct to the university , ( 'Ii Ii'gigu i'u miers hI imjuc. C11ICAiO , July 6.-The Chicago .hiapers mire imublisbeil aug usual today. Time stt'fco- typers who struck have alt been ( lismimlbsed and theIr jJlac supplIed with nun-umiiuu men , . _ S- .n --S \VINDINC \ UP RECEIVERShIP Receiver 0 , W. Mink Comes to Consult with Receiver 'Wilton. RED TAPE IS ALL THEY ARE WAITING ON 3tr , IImik Amimoumimce II I. ' I , ieiiIuim ( if htctirlng truing Aettc I'nrtlctiiii- tItim hi thu' .tfTntr.i of lime Uuulouu l'nelllc Cbnmpniu } , Oliver W' . Mtmmk , omme of time two stmcccssory receivers of the Union I'actflc amid formmnerly a ronmIimcnt official of that line , arrived at the coumnpauiy's lmenlluam'ters ( In ( hIs CII ) ' Oil W'etlnosday rnormming from time east. lie vlll be here several ( lays wIth General Thonmas P. Wllsomi , time other smiccessory receiver , coumferrimig tmpoum amatters In connectiomm with the wInding up of time reeeiverimIim of time Uuuioim PacIfic brammchu hues , To a lice reporter yestermimny Mr. Mink said that hm shmouhul mitmt rettmrn to time hiiilomm Pa- cHIc 1mm atm otilciuti , or other capacity , after his work uS stmccossery receiver for tIme brancim limes imati beemi coumipleted , lIe sail : 'uly tricmmmls have kmmowmm for sommie time mumy intemmtlomm to sever ins euumnectlomm wIth tIme Unloum Pacific. I imave hmmtercsts back tin New ] mnglaiul : timat I desIre to look after , niitl after the : ivlmuhiumg tip of time rccuivem'oimlps timcse Interests wIll engage may atteatlomm. Of course I shiunhl always mualmmtaimm mmmi Imitercot tim time Ummiomi i'achflc , because so umiammy of tiny friemils are Interested tim It , but I simmill probably - ably not he ngaimm commimected vitim It. clii- cmli'arloums lmitemcsts 1mm mmii about Ommmnlma wIll comitmiuc to bring mmmc out imere for soumic y'ars to commue , I liolie. I lIke the city ammul nun gln'l to see It prospering. I imavemi't hail ami opiortummlty to visit time exposltlomm yet , but expect to see a good deal of it before going back cmmst. 1 shall be imcre about a week imelping to close Liii 501mm affairs of time old couiipammles amud stnrtlmmg tine imew cciii- l'auu In time pathway of iirosverity. hltmuolmies npiears to be very good amid time earnlng3 of time mmciv commipaiiy nrc shilemmlhul. ' ' "Mr. Mimilu , ( mow bug nvlii It be before time meceivcrsimtps of the branch limmes arc all cioseti ttp ? " ' "I'imat Is imaril to tell. Timi work wIll iii o- cecd as fast us the miecessamy legal steps calm hu tmtkeii , tit mill iiroiumbilIt''e nrc mmmerely Passive nmmd imot active agents 1mm timese fore- lostmrt's. It is probable ( lucre wIll be mio tip- poitiomm to nmiy of tIme foreclosure stilts , for ( lucre arc imo contiicttmmg immterestmu. " NEW TRAIN TO HASTINGS iliu'l imi.ctuuu fl'LcuuIhu4m l4 1oeitl Service I , , t lie .titiiiuis Coiiimt. Cmi mull iii. On nccoUmmt of time iimcrensed travel be- tvec in Omnaima amid I I must 1mm gs amid I mm temmumeul I - ate iolmits time Burhlmigtomi roaui has mantle arramigeimients for atiditioumal train service bctveemm tlmis cIty amid iiumstmmgs to go Into effect On Monday , July II. Trahmm No. 11 , whuichu nov , leaves lucre for Liumcolm ) at 7 p. iii. , wIll cmi mind after Momiduny mmcxl be ruin timrough to Ilammtlngs , arriving timcre at 11:55 : p. in. Commiing eastwarul time additiomuai servIce vtli be Iimcrcasel by puttlumg on a train to ruin from llastlnguu to Llmucolim , corumieetiumg at time latter place wIth train No. 12 for Omaha. The mmew eastbound tralmu wIll leave hastings at 2:30 : p. m. mumiui reacim here at 7:40 : p. in. After the mew service goes Iumto effect ( mum Nos. 2 amutl 3 wIll net immake so immaimy local stops. Local travel lmuis becmm so iueavy of late that timese tralmus iimuve 1mm ! hard work niaklng their flume. Trumhmm No. 2 ivili iierenfter imot stol ) hetwtetm llasttimgs anti Lhumcohmi , except at Falriutomit. Tralui No. 72 wIll follow truiiim No , 2 euustvmmrd from Fairmuiont , amid ivill carry passemmgers. TIme hew train servIce will be of special inipor- tance to local poimmts , amid will allow time through trahmis to make faster timmme. ite- turmilng exjuosltiomm travelers camm now leave here in the evemmtmmg tund reach as far west mis Ilastiiigs before nmidnlghut. Sorroiv for .Juim ( 1)lIii , , . . There was a simndow of gioummi thrown about Ummion PacIfic Imeadqmmartcrs Wedmmes- day t'liemi the list of those neimo lost timeir lives 1mm the ilourgogime dIsaster was received , nail It was henrneil that ( hue wIfe nail thammghm- for of Ibm. Johim F. DIllomi , general coumusei of time Union PacIfic , had gone dowmi ns'iIu time shmhim. Tue mmews was first received by Stmccessory Receiver Mlmmlc , Gemieral Sollettom' Kelly and Secretnry Ocr , nil of wimommn were acqmmaiatetl witiu Judge Dillon's faintly anti deeply regretted hIs severe loss. Judge Iillon ammmi hits faummily mimako ( heir imoumie Iii New York City , but have nmnule a mmunther of visits to Omaha. The son of Judge Iilhlon , Il Iranm P. IIhlon , Is located at Topeka , Ruin. , as receiver of ( lie Mummmiiattmun , Alma & Ilmmr- hiumguimo railroad , Mrs. Josepim ii. Durkee , wimose death is reporteul 1mm time floumrgogmie disuister , Is be- lieveml to lie the wIfe of time receiver of time Jacksommvlhle , Tummimpa & Key \Vcst railroad of Florithmn , who is well kmmown aimiommg raIlroad macin lucre. .tlgnut I Ii ( . Iiguumui ) . I'umuum II y. Josepim A. Lommiax , iiscnger and ticket tigent of time llum llmmgtomm , Cedar RapIds & Northern raIlway. Is in time city ( rein Cedar iltilmids , 1mm. As this is thmo tirmut visit of Mr. Loimmax 'to Omaha In sonic ( line , he met a lot of mmew rallroami mumen , nmmml nearly nil of ( henm asked himim what relatlomm lie bore to time general passenger agent of ( ho Union i'aclfic , 11. L. Lommiax. Time Iowa man rim- vhieil : "So far as I know we are mme reIn- I (10mm , although I..omnax lii a very uncommon annie , amid time family of your Mr. Lomnax Is tIme only omme by ( hunt minnIe that I lmmow : I of timat Is not related to our famIly. Aim. oUmer singular timing Is that both fummulhles are of soutlmermm orlglmm mmmii later settled In I 0 Nt' iv Vo ri. ' 1' ruui , mis ( ii I ii mc ' % % 'e I , Thmere will be a cnoveniemmt of New York stab tuOoIiS tlmrommgh Omaha emi FrIday or Saturday of thIs week. It wIll be one regt- mmmcmmt of infantry bound from New York to Saim FrancIsco for aim expedition to time l'imil- lpplne Iseummtla ! , The amovenlent will lie over time Erie from New York to Ctmicago , Northwestern - western fromn ChIcago to Onmaimmi , UnIon I'a- cille from Omaha to Ogden and Central Pa- cHIc from Ogden to Sami i"raumeIsco. Time reginlent Includes 1,300 men neil wIll be hmaumtllett Ill forty cars , tilvlmleti Into four trains of temm ears eacim. Oumly a brIef stop to ciuuimge engines will be mmmdc In this city. Dum'i'tulsnui . ' iii'cceils Iu'iif ) , Whlllanm lan'imlsoim line been aupoluiteml as sistmimit cIty tIcket mmgemmt of the Kaimnas City , l'Ittuburg & ( luif railroad , In place of Edmvarml lemmt , who reshgimeil last week. Hurry R. Mooremu anmioummced the appolimtmneumt yesterday mmmorumlmmg. Davidson was formerly employed tim time gemmi'ral passeumger oillccs of ( ho Ii. & Id. Later ho removed to MInxucapas , anti recently lie imas been wltim time I'uhlmnaa coma. pauy lookIng over business cmi the Umilomi PacifIc. lie Is a brothmer of Cohlmn It. Iavtl- ) son , secretary of time local passenger CSbo- ciutton mit Kansas CIty. Semi I hens l'mn'l flu I'Iuiu iieiuml SIo'lmug , SAN FitANCISCO , July 6-The financial fluport of the Souther1m Pacific comupany for tine last year shows an Increase of 4,000 , . 000 over the preceding year , This shows that the last twelve months nvero the most vrospcrous In the history of the corporatloui. Increases in Profits immive been made In nearly every round In time system , though in somno eases there bums been a taIling oft In travel mumul consequent losses to time company. hlnIli ii ) O4CN timid 'ersnuinls , i : . R. lluckimmghamum , suluerlmitemndemmt or Uniomi Pacific car service , imas gone to Cimey- cnmmc. ( ic'nerai Agent John A. luihn of ( ho Northwestern hums gone mit into Nebraska to humatlo miii sonic freight tramc , Phil 1)oduhrttige , gcmmcrmti agent of time ien. vcr & itlo Orumndc at St. Louis , is in limo city renewIng old acqmmatuances mmmd tmn- spectlng the exposition. Wilder harding , assistant cIty liassenrer agent of thm Missouri PacIfic , received a teiegrinmn % 'emhnesiiay announcIng that hIs mtuollmcr iii llostou was dyIng. Supcrtumtetmdent ltobert W' . Baxter , Super- intemidemmt of Trnmmsportmmtion hlucklmighammm and AssIstant ( lemmerni F'reighmt Agent L4iiie of time tiiioii Pacific mire linking a trIp over time mmimntn limme betwecmm here amid Clucycaume. Aiomuistauit ( lenerni I'nsseuger Agent Etit'mm MacLeoul of the Itock lsimmmmtl himms becum timk- immg tin time exliosltlomm for this Immat few tla ) ' wItim lmimi famimil ) ' . I Ic ileclart's ( lint it Is time greatest show ( limit ever hmnplcmmetl , barriumg umoiie. Dully eommfereuices anmomig time attorneys amid Iiasscngcmolficinhmi of time limmes ct'umter- Iimg here mire beIng held with regmird to time sealpimig of re'dumecti rate tickets itt thIs city. It Im : expected ( hint sommie lirosrammi for imumttcd action nn Ill sonim be agreed tmluoii ammul n cmtimmpmmigmt ngmnlumst tIme tucunlluers Immaugtiriited. Gcmmc'rai Superlmmtemitletmt Clark atid Simimer- timemmtleumt Itmmtimbmmrin of tim Missouri i'aetfle oil Tuesulay mmmcl wIth ( ho local rehiresentmt- ( lvi's mmmid considered a probalule change Iii tIme tiuumo cmtrd of liasscmmger traimis b'twcc'n imeme mimmi St. IomuIs. it is PosltiIu tlmiit ( Ito nfteiiiooin trmiium immay be clmnuigeti to leave imere mit .1 im'eloclt , iumsteami of 3 , btmt umotimlng has iut'mm flummnlly ileciticti upon. SHERIFF TAKES BALL PARK .dlitchuM 1I ( ( ; ruuuimIs utiuil hluuiluIiiIgM at the Suit of iluiuiS'Imu flm'i'elt'd 'i'mui'mii. People n'iio are deuctrouls of obtaimmlng liiiSSCS to the groumiuis of time Omumtima : hinsti flaIl climb should apply to Simc'rIfficlomi - ahil , mis mit huts timmie lie Iii time mllspeiiser of all prIvileges. ile becaimme tIme ctistoiIIni of time base ball park Timestlumy nntl took ( lie keys just before mmmldtmigimt. Wimat hue wIll the vlthm tii grommuids is a mmintter of con- Jc'c'tur& ' , though hue says that lie nn'til umot Put 0mm any gauimc's for the present at least. Late TmmesImiy mmlgimt Timommins I I tiril sued emma a mu mm t tacim mmmcmi I. migat must it. K. 5dm ii iii a ii . lures- iii cmi t ( if t ime 0 uumuuiia IIaS ( ' hal I el tub , a I I ogl mig thmat tlmero was time summim of $123 titme hummi fur labor luerformimeul and immaterial fmmrmilmuiieui in time constrmmctlumm of gates , luleacimers , ticket 0 fllccs amid gramiiistummiti . Tii is tioctmmuueimt \n'as jiaceiI tim the Imaumuls of time shicrltf mmmiii time property nu Its heviei tiiOii dumrlmig the imtgimt. mtiti ii ol 5 ( . ug'ut lit l'l I i el I. Clinches W. ElIwell , timst sergeamut of Coam- pan ) ' C , Secomiui Immfnmmtry. U. S. A. , Captalmi \Varlmig's commmpliiy , who died frommi smmmistroke dtmring ( lie m'ccouiumalssnncc before Santiago tb Cmmiiais nn'cli kimonvim In Ommimuima. lie % s as stttlomicti : lmt'r.a dtmrlimg tue tlmno imla regl- umment was mit Fort omaha , aumil sIx years years ago ns'is mmmam'rleul. ills wife iii now lIving in Omaha at 529 otutIu Nluueteeuitim street. imavIn comae ber'e from Fort Ilarrisoum , when tim reglmnment wam ortlercmh south. Sergeant Illiwehl as one of the best driil sergenmmts In limo service amid Iii well knowmm because of imis vork 1mm traIn- lug tlte Tlmmmrstou itllles for theIr comumpt'ti- tion at Suit Antommto. Ito lund becum twenty- five years in the arnny. Jul I I It eiui ii s' a I l'uim I m' ' ) ii t'ui. No city ofhieiai Is wihliag to imuznrd a gmuess wiieii time city Jail s'iii lie reunoveil to thu cons' quarters , but it Is belIeved that time transfer will take place nbotmt time lirst of iiext miioimim. The work of preparIng time quarters him beemm slow , but it lii saul ( lint I t is bel mm g PImSiiL''l as cmi p1 ii i y as licisslimlo. Piuelps & Co. , the contractors , have been glveim orders to commmimmeiice the crectiomm of ( lie stahl e miuml tints bmu I kit ii g v I I I vroba huh y ho started In a tiny or two. Time laborers who were at work In trammsformlmmg time In- ( crier of time school buhldumig Imito a JaIl immtve been delayed for several days iii order to give way to the lihtmmimbcrs , limit tiucy lmavc resummied work agaIn. ? i'OM I NA'l'muNS it 'I' II I i'll II'I ! IlN'l' ' . Soiume CivIl A IluoIIitIiu(1u15 ( , Alimt i'itIi .triui' , , * , , , W'ASIIINGTON. July 6-Time liresfulent to- ilay sent. titesi ? miounhumatiorms to time semmate : \Vnr-Volumutecm' amnly : 'ro be lmisptuctor general , wIth rank of major , l'erry Ileinmont of New York. 1'ngtneers-Flrst ri'glmmicnt : To lie captaIn , FIrst Liemiteimmtnt Emimnumimil Sawtelle , FIrst Ummited Sftmtes Volunteer engineers ; to lie ccoiiti hlcutenaimt , II. l. Bishop , jr. , FIrst Omitted Ctatcs Volummteer engIneers ; to be scconti lIeutenant , WIllIam G. Mitcimell of New York. 'rimird regIment : 'ro lie first hieutcimaumt , Jolmmm W. IJanIel , Jr. , of Vlrglmmia. lnfantry-S'cvemuUu reglnmieat : To be calm- talim , Robert C.'c'ilea of 11.llsmmommrl ; to be r.sslstammt mtumrgcoum , wIth rank of first lIeutenant - tenant , A. V , ' . Shockley of MissourI , Ordnance Department , lt'guuiar Anny- l"Irat lieutenants to be captalums : E. ii. ilzuhi- bItt , R. : ti. Ltesak , Beverly \v. Iunim , Joimim , P1 . Thompsoim. Infantry , Volunteers , FIfth hleglmmmemmt- . Joimmi K. Iaviim of MISS1ItS1III1I , misslstant smmr- gcon with rank of lletmtenaum. Trim us fers-Secommil Lieu ten ii n I It. V. Ileach , Second reglmmmeut volunteer engIneers , to FIrst rcgimneumt ; L. Il. Ihitmimhhton , FIrst regIment voluumtec'r eimghumcermm to i'c'conmil reg- Imnont. Passed AssIstant Surgconm FrederIck A. Ileiulcr , to lie a stmrgcoui 1mm time navy. Jummitice-Tlumiotiiy F. Burke , to be attorney for , and Frtmmmk A. Vi'atlsell , Mnraimal for ills. ( net \\'yomlng. . Postmnasters-Oklaiuomn , Milhlaun McGIum. icy , lClmigflsimt'r ; Rlbt'rtV. . Hoyt , I'ommcii Sanitmel Murpimy , Okhmiiuomna CIty.Vashmlmig - ton , Vi' , L. Iarby ) , h'omneroy ; 1) . J. Oiujs , South Ileimil. VyonmIng , Ada Jiewes , lies- per. California , J. fl Fowler. San Luls Ohiispo. IllinoIs. A. T. Jcumktmms , Sullivmmn. Iowa. Frank l. Fritciger , Nashua. Kmtmisau , 13. A. AliIiomi1cPimersomm ; Jummne Frey. 1mm- terprlse. Missouri. F. ii. iltmhieock , Lii l'litta , Isaac N. titrawn , Hopkins. AIJOt'llMlN'l'lt ( ) % ' IN t4lii'i' . ( uuugres , ( 'Jit ( .eAnvn' * Pi * Ii , . IuiI I , ! liii , WAShINGTON , July 6.-It is belloymimi congress wIll utijourum Friday or Saturulay. Time pasugo todmmy of time iiawailamm resolu- lion and time general deficiency bill. both of which wIll go to time liresiulent tomorrow , leaves mme legalatloui of gemicral imnportancn to iitu couisluicre'l ' of vimlcim there lii lmoiue of mamisago at this seimsicum. 1mm the imouse time Immternational bank 1111 , amid In time senate the bIll nilowlng volun. tiers to vote. amity lie pressed. but l Is not Imeiteveil mu. ilunrumn carm be obtaIned for any bimsltiess that would lead to Iurohommgeui tie- bate. Unubjected busIness will no doubt be con- oltiercil anti seine mniittmmry bIlls may be brought forward. There are quIte a mmmii- her of nominations peamltng In time Sante , hut those to wimlclm timer Is numy objection are not likely to be acted upon. The seuators mire anxious to et away. - - . - - _ huRl ) ciis iTS BAPTISi Bryan's Regiment Deluged with Riuwator Instead of' Blood. SEES TIlE UNPLEASANT SIDE OF CAMP LIFE Is'eryluiuig $ usnke.1 uuuuil Suiiler Iiari In ( ht't-ltnw' tui , ( , , lletr nuid llnrrtu.ot ite'riu its tue Ie.aturcs at Furl ( imnuulmum , Time Timird regimmiemit at Fort Otimnima hail is foretaste yesterdum ) ' of wimnt camp life hiolti iii store for theimi. Mummy of time roofs cml thu old barracks leaked like sieves and the groumnds 'ere turmicti lute a hake for in while dtmrtng tIme otternuomm. All the n'ooil got wet - , anti time cook ( emits 'erc so flooded ( hint It took time commxtmmg of a stiiummd of miudmi mtmmui tim patlemmce of Job to iirt'iimtrc time i'veumiuig me- Past of umncat , bemimms mmmiii Potatoes , 1mm the last few days a new Itmxtmry hits bccmm added to time bill of fume tmt time shape of ommiomis. Time emmlomis mimmny be takt'mm mw or cooketl , hut. tmliout atitse of time cooks macst of thm cc- ertmtts tumite the ommiomis rummy nun ! time fellows who mb umot cot time fragrammt vcgetiihilcs mtro vIsimImmg for time orgmiumlzatiomt of mmmi ammI- ii ii iou barrack a. l mimi y o f t lie mmiemimla'rmi of time rt'glmmmetmt have been goIng barefooted about the Cttuiil ) mmmiii time ) ' Iuumve been time butt. of it stormtm of , jests , butt muow they are iii t ii e i r ci eummeut t , for mumlmthtl3' mutrec I s amid mmmtumla- ttmro rivers hold no term ova for timemmm , Commmpuuiy II mnums mmmtmsterctl iii yesterday aftermuoomi mmmiii Is now siortitig it bright lot of miew imimlforumimu. Several of time oilier coin- ; intmivs lack ommly ml few mmmcii ( if time reiltmireti mu uuumlu'r-l OG-mimmut liii yq gi I bt t ouigueul so I Ic I- torn stiutloneti at 'l'liirtIetim mltrect to secure _ _ _ _ ml mm y n'ut muuht'rt'r vho many lit' I Ii I mmli log of cast- lug lila lot with Umicle Sam's boys. Cciii- t I unity \l. of O'NeIll , cm mmmere im tipc'rly front _ _ _ _ I bIt eoumumy , lacks omihy tiumee mmmcmi of reach- lug ( Ito ceumtur3' nmmmirk amid wotilui itmivo secured - cured time mumtiehi coveted trio ycstertiiny umft.- _ _ _ _ crumnoum tumid mmii t tim e ma I ii lessencti I lie mmii iii- ber of mtspirlmig wmmrrIors. ' Coummpammieuc G auth R were niso unustc'reul tin ) 'csti'rmimmy nftc'rmmoomm , mmmmmkimig fotmr vomit- iultiiii'ui Wimiclu are uuutlu.'r ( ito ctuuitmol of the goverim mmmcmi I , mmii tn'tm Cohim pa mm It's , mimmti yes- sibly immure , ivIht be mmitmstcueti lit toilay. mteMt iii I ii t 'i.iu rs liii 'l'Iii'ui * , 'rIme restrtcthoums of cimimul ) ihfe mire monme- thIng mmcmv to lutist of timu ret'mmiltmu amid mnmimiy' ii cvi ces mi rc' p1 mm mi mm el ( tic t'scum jut mug ftc mum ( him groummmuls. Gmiaruhn , mnutrol ( lie ilummits mimmtl arc so close together ( lint it is a hmnrd imiatter to get out wIthout bt'lmmg muotlecti. 0mm sevi'rmii occasiomimi mu mush has bee mm mmmmuit' : a mm 1 a vhmol in Sulmmultl Items dma rgcti emi t Ime gumard mmmi ti Cs- capeul. Oiu'tj ( liii , ( lie ( i ommiuie hums ommly be- gtmmm , as tutu miimmtter of gettlmig tin Iii mmmcc tlltflctmlt immul at mulgimt the nn utcit is imartlcu- lady Sti'Ict. No omme is mulloweil to sell anytlmluug what- eve r ' I tim I ii tlii _ ' go vermmmne mm t gm'tiumimthmu , bum t ii. coumtluiumal imarterimig ietweimm Irtmlt iii'duliers amid vcmmtiers of all klumuls tnke Place muerosa time camimp himmes. 'rime sammmciiess of time tic- ( hums furuilsimeul glvcs time m'ecmuiIts a relish for dcilcacts ot a cuhiummiry mimutmirt' . NeIther Is water rcllslmc'd by nonmie of the recrmmlts mis immuicim as momuictimimig a little strommger , anti many seimeimmes hmmive been mlevtiotd for 'rimshm- tog time can. " Small boys nho cnn pass t ii moumghi time ii Igim Wecmls ( hint sum rro mill ii t lie eatmmp hues wItimout bt'Imig uletecied hiy limo guards are macaims of eoumstmmmit ComimmmlmmmmiClL- ( Ion heveemt ( Jw muoluhic'rs itmiui time smitlers ( lint enter to time hiumslr.css of thai fort. Captain Lnamborti of ( : ommmpammy L , I mmulla. ucla , of ( lie TimIrtI regimmmc'nt of Nehirm.slitm. \'olUntei'r imifamitry , rettmrnt'ul yesterday ( rain Mlmmulen , whic're lie secured seveul re- crmmitui for Ills ( .OlfliiiiiiY. ( iaptmmimm Lammmiuorim says It ha mlilllc'mmlt to flmmti mmmcii nvhmo 'ammt to go I mm io t ii C Sc rvlco , a mm ml it tt rI lmtmtes I Ito rolumetamico of prospective voltmmmteers to tlm fact tlmat It Is not kumown ilefimittely where thu Third reginic lit will go , muir ivhiemm it. ni'ili start for time frommt , while other recrmult- lug statlomus mire rcimdummg mcii to Chicka- . mmmatmga ia rk mm iid ! il aim I ha. : mm . . .m fi , . I Ii . - St'o iu ii , Sergeimmit Limimd of ( lie Omimaima Guards Ia muttli coimuluictlmmg a reermultiuig station at tue Omimalma Gimarths' nrnmory. 'l'iiesulny liii soul. cheveim utmemi to Chmickaunauga , miuuukimig ( wmuimty- six I ii ad i timmt I. hmumve hit't' ii mci mu t t u Comum pa ii y' 0. or time Ommmalma Cuimrus ; ! , as they nrc lmioro faimiillariy knowmi , of tue Scenal rcgIimmeumt of Nebraska % 'oluiiteers. 'i'Ime mumt'mm t'imo were mic'imt south yesterday ai'tViiliuiimm J. 'ood , JosejuimV. . R. McEirmmtim , Joiumi 1' . A rummiulel , George /ulammis , Aibert 11. ilarllow , Chris- ( K , iiehl. ) ilenjaummimi I ) . hayes , % VIIIIammn It. Scott , Joitim Ostriummi , M Ichutmel K. ! uhmillemm , Frank C. ( lately. Only two zummmm'e mmmemm lure needeil for Comimpammy ( but It Is likely that. men WIll be recrulti.l 1mm Ommimuhumi. for somn of time oUter comnpammles. FEDERAL BUILDING NOTES. Time cmistoni imotisi' has received in cmmrloaut of wooul statimary , which was simtlupcd frommi hircmnumm mmmiii bllleti tol. . I I. % 'lhtitttms & Co. , St liii huvo : mun exhibit at time exliosItioim. Moot. of thin phasterimug 1mm ( lie upuer uutorlcmi of time new federal hiulltilmmg limes becum comiupleteil mmil time force of iinen work- lag iii ( lie builillmig imnui iiec'ui r'miucvtl to tiulrti' . Tue v , ork timat re'mummlmms : umndomio lit time sort ( lint requires kfilctl workuimon nail yIll pmogress slowly. 'Fime sale of ( iii' ( 'xpisttltmi Htititilui ( comm- tinui'um very liemivy. Oriiers fronm otfmt'r cities are mmimmmmerous , mummy letLars stiutlmmg that limit- bitio olhices do hot keep a iuumpply out himimiul. One ortier hut 30 ( ) worth of ( lie stainjus was sent to Ciilcugi , yesterilny , time tuna wimo ortIercil them writing thmuit the ChIcago office kept oimly a ilmmilteii supply of the ictamnius. J'uuuiu'riul ( if 'Iiieuu , * Ituurlh. ' . TIme ftmmicrmul sei''Icc'i of Vimiccuit iiimrkiey were imltl yesterday 1mm the St. Joimmm'uc CollegIate cimmmrclm end thu m cimumml ims Imiterreul in thin Cmitlmollc celumc'tt'vy ( if time holy Si : I4UICIICt. St. Jtihuis chmiu'clm wmis welt filled s'iim lrleuuils nimil reimmil vemi of ( liii ile- CL Usd11 , liii t t ime rem I mi a mil t ii remuteim I n n ; t atium' , ' Ii : iu t mmmii y fm ton fol Ic st I a g t hue procession - cession tim the burIal im omiiumlmi. 1"umthuer Imlmtr- liii Itroimbgeest , S. J. . urcacheil time fimncrmth sc'rimiomm mit time church. I lii Slutiltu ( if time lIne ( Itlitlitfa of t'Immciqit hlmirkhc'y rind tolmi of time loin % vhIcim his ihatii was to tutu Cmithmo- lie cimtmrch. lIe commmforteui liii , fuuimily mmii frlcuiuleu of the ulcceistuil ii ) ' telling them that dcmttii wmii tutu comjmmmlin len'i'i'r of its nil anti timumi. each immuat In ( tirum fill tue eotfln mmmci ! macct before God's thiroimu of judg- mnciit. 'i'hti uall hiearcrtm were clii amid Immllueumtial iiUIiInsmi umiemu of Onmalin n iio hail becmm frlemidmi of tito dcccmur.cd for mmmauiy years , They wt'rtm alt follows : J. hi. McSiimtrmu , .1 , I' . ( 'ri'Igimton. j. 11. Fimrmmy , F' . C. Morguni , C. J. Smoytim , Vu'ihhlmummn limmsiimnaa , Tiuomnns t l lit null Owen 'ichimammi , lc.'rr's IJui'I hg Ciml I isuleul , Jnimim ICcrr , wiio bhuot amid kllleth iilii fmitiier-ln-lruw , John i'ItI ! , mit'ullcy. . Nehi. , several timmys ago , wIll lie gtvcum mu hurcilnilI- nary imenullig ii tore Jmmtieo loriuey ilommek ( hula mifterimoomu. 'rho imc'arinl ( wmms to have been grammtctl ycslc'riay ummernlmug , hilt time ilaIyms ( of thm.i ikad maim naketi for a tiny's coatlumuance. Mrs. Iiill'iil i.11 II'lgi foj 'J'rlitl , Lottlii hiiuckweii , who tihiot itmmti sorloualy vommmiuleit imc'l imtmslian ii I ii tiu t breast Buimlay after ii fmuruiily quarrel , WaiVcl exumnlmmatlomu mmliii wits bimuntil over to the October tcrmmm 01' thmtm ilimitrict. court. Iilackwell Is at time I l'rcsbyteriani imospital mmiii iut ultimate r. . I covery is certain.