Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1898, Image 1

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c ES1'AIILISIIEI ) .1 UXE I 9 I 87 1. . , , . , . .
4 Izposition Bnih1ing Derive Great Benefit
J. from Yezterday'a Shower.
c _
: FcAr that They Would Leak Serous1y
Prove Unfounded.
I Captain Mercer Hurries Along the Work
. Now Well Under Way.
CeIIrst , , , In Coiieetlnn .iItli l1ti
Op.u.hij. of ( he ( ilrIM' IIII.I flo s
lIittlIliig to lie lii,1i IL
. Pr.uii I , Feittt&ri .
It wiu ; wath ( my at the cxpoiIUon ycter-
day , flfl ( the bulI4flgt and oavcnients were
given it thorough reliovntlon at the handset
ot Jupiter Pluvtus. The heavy showers er-
fectually dSOCII of whatever dust had cc-
ctnntilitted tiuring the Previotis two weeks
nII ) left the enclosure as dean as though
It had been housed Iii a glas3 case. Every
L speck ot refuse was washed Into the sewers ,
the lflhIdSCfllCfl cud flower beds were re-
freshd , and Invigorated and when the sun
shines again the big show vflI be even iiiore
: beiiutItiI than before.
In view of ho conditions that prevailed
the travel to the grounds was not stiflicielit
to eatise a collapse of the street railway
. Sy5telfl. flut there were a good many peo-
plc there iievertheless , and unless they niatle
thie inistnke of trying to escape In tile midst
- of the heavy showers they suifered 110 seri-
( IllS inconvenience. It WZIS tiry and coin-
'r fortable Inside the building , and the shelter
afforded by the colonnades male it Possible
to tins from ( ) fl ( ijuilding to another aiiil
clear around the fliflhll court WithOUt CX-
IOSIIIO to the eletlIents.
4Ide from the benefit to the landscapes -
scapes , the deluge performed a
mighty service n relieving the dust
11 U isa IICC that hail cccii ni u I a ted oil t-
( * 3ile ( tile grounds. There are no sprinklers
-1 in the iIlllflClUtte vicinity , anti during the
last iiioiitli the adjarent streets have been
so COilstflhltiy tralctl tllltt the tiust ilal
necti mu in ttl I ii I lllIfleflSe (1111111 ti t ics. I t 1183
Fecli grouhiti to the finest consistency by t1i
heavy traille niil every glil4t of ol1tli wiiiii
lifted lingo clotids of ( ltsagreealle stibstailce
1111(1 ( latiticlietI it over tile rIflce. The Ilicon-
Veitleitce was flat IlutiCCUl)1C In the interior
or tll ( , grotiniis , but ( lie buildings along the
otitli lde of the lagoon received ( lie ( till
benefit. For this reason the rain was not
altogether undesirable and for home days at
: least there tvlli be no further trouble front
the dust.
- : Itours Siiii.1 the 'i'eMt'eI I.
on account of the manlier lit trlilch the
extremely lint sun of tile last week or two
has inelteil the hitch that was tiseti in the
construction of the roofs of ( lie buildings
tliei 0 hail been Honie apprehensIon tliiit another -
other severe rain would be apt to cause
sonic damage by leakage. This ihii't not re-
Eult , however , for ( lie effect of the soften-
lug of the tar was apparently to iiiure ef-
fectunily eho3e ittiY apertures that TeiTi8iiiCl (
and leave ( lie roofs iertectly ) water tight.
Thu hrcitratIons for ( he Instaliation of
( ho Iiithlaii cotigress are leiilg rapidly car-
neil out. Captain Mi'rcer Is In the city
again and vii1 give his personal at-
tontlon to the arrangement of the caiiip.
Tue vo ikiiien a ro raplill y coiuhihet I n g the
. seweragc antI buildings auth in two tvecks
I tue camp tviil hi ready to receive us aborig-
Inn ! inhtabitniits.
Tile arrangeiiients fur the celebration of
. ' the opening of the iloys' auth Girls' bitiiidlng
are being carrieti on by Mrs. Ford alit. the
t. full prugrani vihl irohably ) be announced In
. . ( ow ilttys. It has heeii intended that lrs.
\Viiionit S. Sawyer , hireslilelit of ( ho hoard
ofVotu a ii 2ih anagers , won I d dcl I ver t he ad -
tiress ofVeicomo , hut a cliuiigo may be
mache on account of her recent had bereave-
uteiit. tIer oldest soit. vhtu Was one of the
volunteers at Citiekainauga. ( hjei ( of rum-
matie heart diteaso atiti on that account thrs.
Sawyer sviil be unable to attetid ( lie meet -
log of tile executive comniltce ( this week.
'Vito response iii behalf of the boys and girls
will be Iflahlt ) by dtister Fraiik ii. hughes
of Vest h'ohnt nnd Miss 1)ohly Trent of
hehlevnc tvlii eoiitrihiutt' a recitation. The
. other ciiies which , vill be represented on
( ho hirograni iiitve flot been henrtl front.
OItIN'S ( ANI ) ( it.tSSiS.
p hlitIIlMIIIIe ) , I , , t I , , . ; tiil I. Uiider
ilr..elin ( if U r. i.N , I * .
The Oregon ngrlcultinal exhibit In the
nortitt'ast coriier of ( lie Agricultural buihihing
Is attracting a great deal of atteiitiou on
accotiut of the excellence of the agricultural
hirIhtlCta shown. Tue exhibit Is in charge
of COlflhiliSSiOilCV lit'ury I. 1)oselt ) anti So-
hcriritciilcilt ) F. N. Morgnii , both of Portland -
land , aitti thity , ilover tire of expiatiiig on the
wonders of the agricuitural resotirecs of
the state.
Tue exhibit is itot entirely complete , the
¶ ninteriul coiistitutiiig it having bea shtippetl
before all was reathy lii order ta have the
exhibit installed for the openiiig tiny. Coiii-
k iiiissioiier ioscb tiiitilti his flrst visit to
Omaha in ( lie ititerest of nit exhibit in the
latter hiart of tlarch. I he coinpieted nil his
ci i iiiigttuieiits for 511:1cc : forty-eIght hours
; after his nrrtvah aiiil started for the coast
iigalii , arriving there April h.Vithiln the
following sixty ilays the money for the cx-
huihit was collected from hirivate parties , thu
iiiaieriai for thit' exhibit coiiectetl , shlipell to
Oniaha and installed for the opening of ( lie
OXiOiltiOil. 'I'hie big stick of tinitier whichu
fornis ( lie ceilter of the exhibit as well as
thai emitter of attrnctioii was vutviiig Its
braiiciu's iii ( lie forests of the h'aeitic coast
Alirli 2 and tu as cut to form a part of tue
eXhibit. It , was siuuiarc'il to four feet orig-
liiaihy. but couiith not be hianilimil ( iiitl 45
reduced ( (1 Us prestut size. thirty Inches on
macit of its ( our sides.
'l'iuu exhibit is enclosed by a vahi vhiIchi
lit tithitzcil for displayIng ( itt' various fancy
- gritssetl which grout' iii Oregoit and the
Etra-uvs of various cereals. The Oregon expo-
fleilts ccli attention to the liright color of tii
strtw anti grains , tu hichi they say Is due to
tlit' fact that the farmer in that country Is
hot huarasscti ii ) rains durIng ( tue harvest
. zsol which discolor both straw
nil grahii turtling ( bent dark. % inong the
roluets ari.uilgeI about the wall which are
t of ( hit' ordinary nuuy be tneiitionmtl sazit-
Cs of tteiiip the stalk ten feet in height.
; iiis lieniui is said tO have a longer tlber and
' . reater teitsile strength tiiati iienip grown iii
other eetiOfl. Sugar cane twelve feet
. height is also in the collection , the Vane
- tug used princIpally for feethuiig stock , ci.
y , - . ugh the farnier make syrup from It.
. : . e iroihlction of "teazics" Is one of ( Ito
. thtigs for which Oregon is noted In certahil
quarters. The ordinary citizen has no Par-
tlcular use for a "tettzlt' , " but the inanufac-
tore of all kinds of woolen goo4s , sa well
5.9 of cotton goods havung a "nap , " requires
the use of these products of the soil. To a
hnynian a teazle hooks like an ordinary this-
the burr , but it is the product of a iilan
which grows to the height of about ten feet
and there are very few places in tue world
where the plant thirive. Oregon has two or
three sections where the raising of teazlcs
Is a thriving Industry and the burrs are
shipped to Woolen mills cii over the woritl.
Several varicijes of wheat are exhibited ,
especial attention- being drawn to the khnth
called "gohleii chaff. " Th grain of this
is very large nad plump , and it is said that
the average yield is from sixty to sixty-five
bushiela per acre. Among the varieties of
oats Commissioner Doach and Suiperin'
tenthent Morgan lay particular stress on
one known as "black winter , " which is
sown in the fall the same as winter wheat.
The kerneia are mostly black , and it Is saul
that the yield is about 125 bushels tier
One point which the Oregon advocates
take care to Impress iiitoii visitors is ( lie
fact that all of the grains grown in that
section overrun the standarul weights by
Eeveral poiind to the htihiel.
In addition to agrlcuiture and forestry ( lie
flaht resources of Oregon are shown in a
limited vay by means of fresh fish in big
glass Jars. Some of the immense salmon
which are caught in Oregon streams have
been shipped ta Mr. Ioschi and iihitced In a
chemical solution , which Preserves their np-
Pearance. A shipment of these big fIsh was
received a few days ago , bill. sonic of them
were too large to lnlt In the Jars , which
arc abotit four feet high anti about twelve
Inches in diameter. One of these daInty
morsels formed the basis for a little diniier
given by Mr. Doschi yesterday to a few in-
viteil guests. Ihesides the salmon , sturgeon
and other varieties of fish shown in jars , the
fish industry is represeiited by a nuniber
of "razor chains" in jars. These are con-
stdered great delicacies and arc much sought
after. A case of samphes of Coswohd wool
attracts the attention of visitors to this cx-
hibit. 'rue wool measures fourteen Imichies
In length. this abitorinni length being ac-
counteth for by the fact that In the mild
climate of the shieci ) district the wool grows
during iiine months in the year.
More material for ( lie Oregon exhibit Is
expected today.
: u i ! 4SUFi { i's i Nlit A L. hNii I 1111' .
N.itirn i lteNourt'esI.f * lit' ( rent StnP
_ t iiiIy ) , , , .
The Missouri state exhltiit in ( lie Mines
buihliiig Is cii Illustration of what a hltthe
energy and perseverance can effect uiider the
most adverse conditions. Money antI time
tero both iachcuiig whicii the 4nsk of organizing -
izing the exhibit was uwhertahcen , but never-
thehess the niiiioruil resources of the state
arc very creditably represented. The work
was largely domue by James A. Reeves of
Joplin , who hind charge of the Missourt miii-
era ! tiepartinelit itt ( lie \VorltI's fair , whitehi
attracted general attciitioii. In ( hint case
M. ' . Ilceves had $15,000 in jitoney iuiid more
( bait at yeai' in which to collect ( lie exhibit.
This time him had nothing except what lie
was ahiho to secure by hurivate subscription
aitil tue v. ork was not begun mintil about
two weeks luefore ( hue exposition opemled. hltit
( lie iuresent exhibit , while it does not as-
some ( ho dimneiisions of ( lie Chicago exhibit ,
very fully Illustrates tii importance of Mis-
sotiri's mineral production.
The main feature of the exhibit is ( lie
commipleto showliig of ( ho zhimc aiiul head in-
ilustries of the state. Southiwesterii Mis-
satin produces niore zInc than all the rest
of the United States combined. its zinc ore
is thue hilirest iii the world and it exports
both ( lie ore and ( ho mnanufacttireul metal to
various Europeami coumitries. This metal Is
consetieiitly given a liromineuut place and
the entire process of manufacture is iiltts-
truutd by a large collection of specimens
which show ( tue ore In nit its various stages
Of cumiversiolt. The collection of raw ore
iimcluules SPeCiiiieiIS from all time various
mImics of ( lie state auth shows ( lie Product
In all its various comubimuatlomus. Other spec-
linens show the ore after It has been
ertustucul , tufter the sulphur has becui roasted
out and titter thue product htas been mixed
t'ithu coke for snuoltiiig , Oiie Immense pyra-
inhtl iii tue center of the booth Is constructed
of metallic zinc , or spelLer , which Is time
cimnmmicrcial ( aria of ( lie metal.
Thieve Is a similar exhibit. of heath shiowiimg
time metal Iii both the raw cml manufactured
S ( a to , a iid t hi is I mid tides a ii cxii I hi t of the
Jophin viiite heath , which is said to be the
only white lead that cannot be colored by
stiitulumiiC ( fuiiics.
Au exhibit of mmickeh from ( hue Lamilotte
mimimmo Is very interesting omm account of ( lie
fact that ( hits is the oldest maine lii ( he west.
It was operatcul by time Frencht in 1720 mintl
has hoer. iii almost contlmiuous operation
since that tinie. It is ( lie only coninierelutl
prouhumct of muickel iii the UnIted States amid
It is largely used iii ( lie manufacture of liar-
veyized steel for armour plate.
Time coal resources of the state are ilhus-
trateil by a litugo block of coal from ( lie Rich
hhiui mnhiies , which tveighus 1 , 100 pounds , anti
( hero is also a complete exlmlblt of fire clay
niiul brick. Thou quality of ( he terra cotta
turoduced iii Missouri is shown by a ltugo
eagle and a iuumber of smaller ones , tvhicii
are motieheti iii terra cotta. Among ( lie moore
omiuiimmeiital features arc a case of speciinemus
of crystallized Ieail ( mmmi ( lie Joithimi chub mimi' ?
( t.o Cases of foreigii amid domimesttc mnimueral
ShiCCIiieiS ! , wliicht are contribiutl fromn the
irivato collection of F. 1' . Grates , stmporimi-
temmdeut of tluc Ioe Run head works.
V V llI'.t lt'i'i i.1" lN Ih I Ili'i' .
li' loeh tloIt.i . , , ii ltI tiiuis to lit'
A .l.i.l t ii * Ii a' iisiln , , .
The exhibit of the avy depuirtimuent ill
the Government buIldIng is ( lie center of
attractloii since ( Ito stirriiig events of the
h)88t ) few thays , amid there Is not an hour
during the tiuty 'tvlieii the space occupich by
thu exhIbit is hot thiroiige'd with ia'oiihe ,
Notiihiig escapes the critical exammilnation
of time crowii , but the models of battleships
and other vessels of the navy are given
the iiiost aentloim. ( A fuhi size oflicers'
stuiteronin has been auuuled to ( Ito exhibit , and
this Is critically oxanuiiieth by ( Ito visitors ,
tvhmo seem greatly interested Ill absorbing
all ( lie Inforimiatiomu possible regarding hif.
on the btiilS of the navy. Lletitenauit Logaiu
of ( lie Mariiio corps , ttIto Is lit charge of
ihue exhibit during thu abseco of Lieutenant
Cotniiiander Stethiputii , has been notified by
the latter tlitut the model of ( ho dry dock
tvitii ( lie uloating mimodel of the illinois will
arrive soon , to b teluleuh to thu exhibit , anti
it itt expected that title will attract a great
deal of attentiomu , The model will be
operttted several ( hues each day to show just
how a battleship is docked ( or repairs. Mr.
Stvihimiaii has iuho Sectired a rapid-fire gun ,
st'veral torpedoes and a bliuiiacle Coitipass ,
aimd these u'lll soon be added to the exhibit.
Since ( ho rush of arming new ships Is stab.
sltiitig , it Is expected that It wiil be Possible
to tccui ; e some of ( lie mnoderii gnus which
were iilcluthed in the exhibit of the Nat'
departuient as at first COiitcimiplutd. ( Pins
w2iichi hail beeii set aside ( or hi's Jiurpose
tver' required for actual use , 1w. th ofilcers
iii charge of tIle exhiihit ixpect to SUliply
this theficiemmcy very soon.
1.1 ft. Sit tI sug ( oni I n&e.
\VASIIINGTON. July G-Speclai ( Teic.
grammi.-Oeneral ) Superiiitenthent S. I. Kini.
bali of the Life Saving service stated today
that a crew for the life saving station at
( Continued on Fifth l'age. )
1teo1ntions Providing for This Action Pasi
the Senate.
All Attempta to Make Amendmcnt Are
Defeated. a
Several Deniocrata Record Their Votes in
ravor of It.
ltetihtt ittim I'rnl.h-M fur ( It. ' 1 , , , I-
ii. . &OeCitIiIICe ( , f I lie 'l'eittler tt
1liiit u I hut ( overl iiieiit ( ii
Ceile ( liii hsliiiitls ,
\\'ASIllNGTO , .Ttthy 0.-Tue annexatioii
of hawaii Is now accomplished so far as the
legislative branch of the goveruumiment is con-
Quito unexpectedly ( lie resolutions providing -
ing for the nnncxaiomi of ( tie Islands were
brought to a vote lit the semiato late this
afternoon , anti they wore iuisseil by time decisive -
cisivo vote of 42 to 21.
Early In today's session of ( lie senate con.
ferences of ( ho leaders on both sides or ( lie
chamber were held , antI a. tacit ngreitem3t
was reached ( hat a vote simoulul be taken to-
niorrow or Friday at the latest. The op.
ponents of annexation had practically con-
eluded ( heir nrgtirnents , amid uti they hind mme
desire to keep the semiate iii sessloii by iitirel'
hilatory tnctics they aminoumiced theIr tell-
llngmucss that a vote should lie takoii as soon
as Mr. S'hIe , Mr. l'ettlgrew and Mr. Allen
hind finished their speeches.
Neither Mr. White mior Mr. Pettlgrew
spoke to great lemigthi , but Mr. Allen thought ,
\thien lie bcgaii , that his speech might occupy
( lie remainder of the day cud a part of lo-
morrow. However , lie concluded to ehlmnln.uto
a imrt of ( lie matter he had ireparet1 , anti at
4 : 15 lie coiuihletel his speccit.
It tvuis ovldeuit imistantly that a vote was
at hand. The word was passed softly
through the corridors and eoniimulttee rooms ,
anti in a few iniiiutos every semmator at time
capital was lii liii seat. The gallerhcs fihleul
rapidly amid nuembors of the house of rep-
resentatives. learning that a vote was to be'
taken , came hurriedly to time scmuato side of
the great itiarblo 1)110 to witmiess proceedings
that will be historic.
The test 'ote came imp on an amnendmnemit
offered' by Mr.Vlitte at California. It was
offered with no expectancy that it would be
adopted , but macret ) ' to place the ideas amuti
opiimlomis of the OIIiOmmemltS of anoexatiomi on
record. It was rejected by it vote of 10 to 20 ,
Indleatimug that the amimiexatioaists were
strongly in tha amajority.
Aimiendinemit after anuemidmuent tvas olfcrel , ,
hut the advocates of ( lie rnsoluloiis stork
together , gaining rather titan lotiiug strength
oil the amuemidment votes.
Finally , at 5:30 : p. m. , the resolutions
thiettiselves , in precisely ( lie fommn they were
received from the house of representatives ,
were reported to the senate auth the roil
call began. Intense interest t'as iumtmiifested
by every spectator. Net it souiuul was heard
in ( Ito chamber except ( lie call of the cleric
and the respomises of senators.
1t'MIii I
\Vlucii ( lie vice Presi(11'iit ( annoumined the
vote by which the resolutions tvcre passel
a treinemmtluums wave of applatt40 swept
through ( lie gall erlcij , which time vice luesi-
dent itmade ito effort to check. Those who
had avocated the resolutions eiresei1 , t heir
pleasure I ) ) ' sliahuimig hands with otto tnothicr
amid on all 51(1mB ( evitleot. relief was shown
that the end luau cohmme. L'or it few nilnutes
so mulch good-natured cnusion xlst.ul , that
( lie dignity of the seimate was threatened ,
but Vice i'reslulent hobart tt'etiy ' rcmnimici !
the semiators that the sessiomi was nfl yet
iLt aim eiul.
Mr. Merrill ( Vt. ) was ( lie omiiy repmibhicamm
\t'ho voteul against ( lie resolutions , although
Mr. Thiurstomi ( Nob. ) tumid Mr. Spooner ( Wiit. )
were paired agaiimst thuemit. Six democrats
-Mr. ( iormnan ( MU. ) , McLatirimi ( S. C. ) ,
Momiey ( Miss. ) , Morgan ( Ala. ) , l'ettus ( ila. )
amid Simliivun ( Mlss.-voteul In favor of an-
On tue face of the vote east for the roso-
huiqmis ( lie treaty of annexatIon might have
beemi raltiel , the resolutions having a two.
thirds majority , butt as ( lie twelve jialrs
would have beema arraimgeI on a base of two
votes for one If the treaty hail been under
Consideration the vote of ( lie full semiate on
time treaty , on time basis of today's vote ,
tvotihl have been 65 to 33 , not a sumciemut
numuiber of votes in favor of the treaty to
ituive ratified it.
Time deauleil vote was as follows :
Yeas--Allison , Ilaker , fluirrots , Cannon ,
Carter. ( 'hark , Cuiloin , Iavis ) , Diboc. , .
hums , Fairbanks , F'oraker. Frye , ( tauhinger ,
C.orinan , flnie , ilnimmia , hituiMmrnmiuzh , I law-
he ) ' , hoar , Kyle , Lodge , Meitrhui' , MiJ.ruuijn ,
Money , Morgami. Nelboii. 1'e'amoe , J'tuikimms ,
Pettis , l'lat ( Coiimi. ) , l'rlthu.tiul , l'i nt or ,
Sowell , Sheep , Suhiivami , Tt'il.r . , Varreiu ,
Welliimgtoii , Wemnore ( , \ \ 'iluuonVolcott12. .
Nays-Alleim , Bacon , fate. lierry , Caifery ,
Chiihtomi , ( his' . ilaitiel. h'auuiiior. Ion's
( Nev. ) , Llmidsay , McEiuery. Mallory , Mitch-
cli , Morrlll , iiisco , icuigie v , iouieh , 'Fur-
icy , Tuirpie , Wltite-21.
'rltero were twelve pairs , aoneuiiceh as
follows , tIme names of those who toimitI have
voted Iii ( ho alhirmativo being giveii first
in machi Instance : itawllims with Butler ,
Chamudler with Vest , Muurpuiy tIh ( Colcreil ,
Quay wttlt Gray , Stewart t itlu Mills , Siiiitlt
with Gear , Aldrich with Jones ( Ark. ) . uJc.
Mllhuii ts'ith Kenned ) ' . Mantle with MartIn ,
I'kutt with Spoomier , Turner with 'I'liurstomi ,
Mnsomi tvltlu Tlhiman. Senators harris cud
hleitelcl ( were abseiit , ' but the iinauoiinco-
moeiit was macdo by their respcctiyo cot-
leagues ( lint If present ( lucy vould vote for
the resolutions ,
l't.s. ( of lie ltg'sttl ip lulls.
The ( till text of the alinexuitiomi resolutions -
( ions is as follows :
\S'hereas , Tile government of ( lie republic
of I I attn I I , buavimig in d no form si gmilfieuj Its
coiusent , iii the macliner provided by Its coma-
stitution , to cede absolutely and wit hoot reserve -
servo to ( lie Uiiltetl States of Anirica all
rigltts of sovereignty of whatsoever kind
iii tuiid over the hiawallmiia Islamutta iod iaei'
dependencies. anti ahio to cede auth trans.
fer to thi United States the ntisoiuite ( cc
auth ownershIp of all puhille , goveiiacult or
crown latiuis , public buildings or tahtfices ,
ports , harbors , nillitary equipment and. all
ether public property o ( every kind and
tlescrlptoii ( beloiiging to tIme government o
tli hawaiian Islands , together with every
right unit aluliurtenanco tltereto Ptipectauit , . .
leg ; therefore , 4 %
htesolvetl , fly the senate anti kotse pf4jexi.
re8ciitatives of the Umilted Stuuty of Arner-
ice , In congress assemblede'fjuat said cea-
shomu Is accepted , ratified ned confIrmed 50(1
that the said hawaiian lshisiicls and their
dependencies be mid they are hereby an-
flexed as a part of the territory of tIme
United States and are subject to ( lie soy-
ereigmu doininioii thereof , and ( hat all amul
singular ( hit property rights hereinljeforo
--T :
- -
'eaImer 1'oree'at ( or $ ebraskn-
i'alr Cooler ; euthierly Winds.
( 'age.
t laitigs iii 1ii , IX5t.stinn.
Se'imne Voles for .isntntinn. (
lte.isoii fur Cert'rn'ts CIlhnh.Me.
lug It'rench. liner aet's Iotii.
l1 i'lrsiskm *
liiiiliiittlit o ( 'uhtaiitcr Offleers.
"uViir Sitnntluii at Vitshingt.ui.
4 1.l Ittirin I niid L'iiinimutitt.
r ; Pliiiis for ( lie I.cnisiii' Cnncii t I nil.
Ile'.tv Itmi iii lit ) ltiflhlfl ,
( I ( 'nuii'li llluffs LtnI InHcrs ,
luit ii : t-tM tutu Cuiiui.eiit.
S iuuuiit ilt'gl aIM ( ii : l'ul4c % 'mulcr.
( tiirul'estt'rn ( -t it.
S Ci t ( 'nil i.ei I l'rnecil I uses.
Suilils uuut hoist fur aluiruler ,
I ) I iu ( liil'I.'l.t nr hBt'trIelty.
( 'iasuufllttep. mit Sn lit huge.
% 'huu.hluise ( II , flit , Itt.eetversluiiis ,
' ( 'I , I rd It ugl iii eu I ( ets a I ) reuieli I ii g ,
1 I Cuii.uiuicrelnl ( intL I'hiiutiue'huuh Seuu.
12 ( tuinhuul hits uif .triny . lift. .
( etiutse Itlehu ( ) IT glue % riuuy ,
I. iii inriu t tu cc' n t I ) miunlun i
liner lt'g. Iluuur 1)cg.
a . iu . . . . . . vt I p. uuu . . . . . .
ul ii. flu . . . . . . 7:1 : 2 I' ' iii . . . . . .
7 ii. ii . . . . . . 78 8 ii. iii . . . . . . 7 : ;
S ii. iii . . . . . . 70 .t II. iuu . . . . . , 7:1 :
I ) .u. in . . . . . . ti4 ii , iii . . . . . .
in lu. iii . . . . . . 74) tI ii , iii . . . . . . 78
II n. iii . . . . . . r i , . uiu . . . . . .
i.u iii . . . . . . . . . so s ii. em . . . . . . 72
U ci , iii . . . . . .
'l'OhA V . % 't' 'I'll i : LXt'0S t'l'I UN.
.tl hit' UrtIiiith4t
: p. uii.-l'lil Ii lIt' ) ' $ Iii I ttt Stit ( ON
lhuiuu.I. ( , , eruu.tiuut lIe I 1.1 lug.
' 7 iac' p. u.i.-l'Ii I mu ii eis U il I f oil S t id vs
hhmiiil , ( VII uuti l'hmuwii ,
mentlomiei mire vcsted in tIm United States
of America.
The existing laws of ( lie United States
relatIve to liuhlhe lntis shall not apply to
stich lands in ( lie hawaiian ishnuuds , hut
the congress of the Umifteti States shah euiact
special laws for their inanngemiieuut. amid dis-
PsitiOmi luriviled that all reveuuue froni or
uuroceetis of the caine , except as regards
such part thereof mis may he used or oc-
cupleul for time civil , military or naval puir-
1105CR of ( lie United SUites. or may be as.
sigmicul for ( lie umse of ( lie lo'uul govermiineuut ,
shutli he umseui solely for the beuueti ( of the
iiuhabltnmis of the hawaiian Imihamitis for ed-
utcational and other publiC ptirposcs.
I ' uSes . II ( I .mu vs I it l'.i t ( . s. ,
Until comigress shall lrtvltle ) for time gov-
eruutnent of such islands hl ( lie cIvil , Jo-
dielal nail mnihitary iowers exercised by the
olhlcers of ( lie existing governuuicuit iii said
islatmds sl'mill he vested hit ituchm leroiu or
hicrsoas , amid shall be exemc'is.d lii such mnaui-
mier as ( lie luresluieuit of ( lie tjmiitcti States
liall direct. amid the preaidnt shall have
pots Cr to remove said officers amid fill the
vacuimicics to occusloned.
The cxlstliig trc : tilcs of ( lie llawaiiaui
islaumuls wIth foreign mmattous shall forthwith
c'ase mluil teimmmlminte , beIng rephuiccul by stichi
( meatles as miiay exist , or as may lie hereafter -
after coticituded , between ltm Umuiteti States
mind such furetgmm iiatlons
The niuiuicipal lcglshalo'j ( of thu ltawailamu
huh' nOs. not Cimact'tl for Lit ftilflhiuuient of
hi tremities so extIngumislued and mint inm'omt-
sl"temit with ( huts joint "esolutiomi , mior con-
tracy to tue coumuttittition of the Uuiitcui
suItes , ibm. to tiny existiome trcuutv of ( hue
'Jmiltel States. shall immmu to force uuumtil
( hi" congress of thic shall out-
Cm wii't. deermuilne.
l'ntlh legislation shuati bc t nacteul extend-
hug the ( lijiteti Statc cii outs laws and reg-
ulmithons to ( It' h1au'iItan lslit1t. : the exist-
hag cuustoimili reguuiatiao of the Itawnulami
islands with tie Unit ed tttl en' auui other
coumutri ( 'S shah I reio a in U nielia aged . -
Time pumbhlc IhL'bt of ( lie repuhjlim of hlatrail ,
lawftmuiy existing at the late of time lnssage )
of t his joi it t resol ut it .i , I i ad mud I a g thu e
uuinoumtts title to depouulto's : lii tIme liawni lami
Postal SavIngs baiik , is iuerubv utesumed by
( t. ( gnve'rnmimemit of ( he United States , but
the liability of ( lie Uniteh htr tes Iii tluis I
iegard shah Iii ito cutse c'cecui 1.000.000.
So long , liouvever , us the exis'Itg goveiiu-
umuomut mud the present conumnetelal relntloius
of the I lawallami isluinils are continued as I I
lieretmubeforo huuoviiei ( , said goveruiinciit
shuiihl coimtlmiue to 1183' tii Interest on sail
debt. . I
There shall be no further linuitigratiomi of
Chinese into ( hut' Hawaiian islaiuhs , except
uipomu such comtthittnns as are lion' , or milay :
hereafter be , allotted by tue laws of ( lie
Unitel States , and no Cluiiiese , by reasomi
of nnytlihmtg herctuu conta'iieil. ' shall be iii-
loweuh to euiei' ( hue Umiled States from the
llrmwahinmu ! 'tlamnls.
'Iho president lmall appoint five commls-
sinners , at least two of tvhuoni shah lie rcsl.
dents of ( lie hiawallaii islands , ohio shall ,
as soon as reasoutably hiraetlcable , recoin-
nienul to couugress such legIslation concermuumtg
the Ilawautna islanuls as tltey luttli dcciii
necessary or oroper.
'Flint tIme commnisslomiers liereinbefore lire-
videul for shall he appointed hty ( lie presi-
leiut , hiy amid trithi the advice and cohiscut
of the senate.
'Flint ( Ito suimmt of $1OI,000 or ito much
thereof as may lie nceeecnry , is hereby alt-
propu hated , out of any m'.mey in ( lie treuus-
uiry not otherwise npproiiilateil , anti to he
iimtiuicdiately avaIlable. to be cxpeiided at
the discretion of ( lie presitient of tIme United
States ( or ( lie ptmrpose of carryimug this joiuut
resolution lute effect.
-Tue resolution In full Is
Resolved , TIuat the tiutinlis of comigress
antI ( lie Anicricaut neohulo are hereby teui-
( itired to Conuinoihoro'imulleld S. Sclilev of
( lie Uniteul States navy force opematliig
against the Sliamilsit forces lii Cuuluami waters
for highly distinguished cetiduuct lit conflict
stitlu ( lie eiieiny , as thisiuhui'ed by hahn In the
destrumetlcua of the Spamuish host ott tIme liar-
bar of Stuittiago do Culma July 3 , ISPS.
Sec. 2. 'Flint thin thuuuiks of congress and
thu Ainericami iueoitit are hereby oxteimuicul
through Comutimiodoro t3cbhny to the ouhict'rs
liii ui iuie a U iih or hi s cmi uninaiid for t hi ii ga i-
hmumtry and skIll .txhiiblteuh by tlueuti on tiuutt
ocetusioui ,
Sec. 3. That ( lie reith'u ( of the Vulited
States lie requested to capc ( lila resolutiouu
to be eomnmuutuuuicated to Coinmitodoro Schuhey
amid tiirotmgla hiimii to ( tie olhicers and macmi
under life coimuinniul ,
h"eiu mliii l.t'st A iiierieuuu Oet'ui iuuu I I oil iii
I hitl'u , I I I 1.1.1 iics hsty Nt'ei'ssi-
titt' ( i'uiruivmuit 1tuhuIlii , ,
( C'ouiyuIght ( , I69 , byPretis I'tuhiiisluiuig Co. )
IIEIIL1N , July G.-Ntuuv ( Yorlui World Ca-
blegrana-Speclal Tel g um.Wlthi ) referenCe -
onCe to ( lie iuesioni of timc h'laihippines , ( lie
Kreuz Zoiuutg ( , th leading organ of tue
cotic'.mrvait'es ataul iii ( lie comufidemce , of ( hue
goverJinejt ittrty , sutyui ; "As bug as ( ito
i'hiiiipilutes remnalmi Spatiju.hi none of ( lie
European vowers will ilo anything to dislocate -
locate existing coittilioim. , Should this ito
dlutuirleti ut becoimicut a qtmestioa of pohitica'
exigency wlulcht can every moment occur auud
wlticlm Is absolutely Impossible to foresee.
In any case IL Is ii. matter for congratulation
( liateur , ( loot is on the hot lit such considerable -
able strength. A new nmiatter has now uireen ,
iinmciy , ( lie Caroline Island question , since
( lie Atnericaii flag has been hiolsetl ( tliefe.
It Is not quite clear wlucfluer oiiiy one islamid
) t4. been occupIed , If more we will have
sopietliumtg to say ou the itiatter. IL Is Per-
feetly certain that ( ito AmerIcan luist ( or
possession tins greatly Increased. ThIs muiay
leati to serious commaphications. "
liuhuer is Aiui u I ( ( nh ,
CHATTANOOGA , Tenuu , , Juhy 6.-Spcciah (
Telegrain.-Privato ) John U. Maher was
acquitted today on account of irregularities
of the court-martIal.
- - - - -
- - -
CER\TEII.A'S \ ' iiAisi
Spanish Admiral Rushe3 to 11i3 Doom in
Obedience to Orders.
Only Possible Chance of Saving His War
Ships from Destruction.
Disaster in Santiago Harbor Likely to Crush
the Dynasty.
thituirh.l I'uss fluid ( lit' t I suist r l'u r-
iltiitt'i , S'i I hulinith Neut it of t lie I ) Is-
iiser fluid Svre ( 'ii tIit lt-
itressi hg Nt.u N I' ,
( Copyright , iS'JS , by i'restu l'tmbhiuuhuiig Cut. )
Mi.httlt ) , July 5.-VIa ( the FrontIer. )
-Netv ( Yorlc'orltI Cablegram - Siccial
Telegrammi.-l ) ammu able to state positively
liotu' Cerver.i camno by his fate.'licn the
Madrid governnient heard the rcults of the
battle of July 1 it toicgruuphed Liuiares ,
Illamico anti Cervera for the real state of af-
fairs.Vhiemi it was directly nscertahmued that
I elmiforcemmueuts could mint possibly arrive Iui
time to retrieve ( ito forttuiies of war cmi lander
or save Stuitltigo cmiii ( ho ihect the govern-
macitt telegraplued Saturday asklmug ( lie opuli-
iomt of Cervera , who demmiamitied carte biamiehue
to destiny hIs csseIs iii ( lie bay of Santiago
sooner than allow them to fall into ( lie huumuhs
of the enemy. A couincll of mnlmiisters iii-
srtictel ( ho nilmmlsters of niarltue' auth war ( a
( eiegruuphi Cervera to make a sortie itt any
t Cost amid even risk tIme tiestruuctlomi of ( lie
fleet , hiecuitise it necessary to prcvemit 8
dIsaster lii ( lit' bay of Suuiutiaga emi nccouflt
of political ammul tlytiastlc couuiuleratlouts Iii
Spalmi. Ccrvera replied ( lint hue woitld Olu8y
amid go to hIs doom Suuuilay niarmuiiig.'hiea
( hu' uuews of ( hue sortie of ( he fleet reached
Mahrld tIme imiimiister of foreign affairs toll
several tmnbassadors to ( lie govermmmeuit that
I lie lmuui : orulered Cervora to go out.
Tue iiillhtary uutmthorltles have hail to act
I \'hgoroutsl } ' to clteclc mimi outhurcalc iii tim
: artillery rcglmneuis at ( lie docks antI bai'-
racks , ; urrctiuig semite imusurgeots for ahiegeti
comimilvamica with ( lie repubhicatus. TIme same
sjulrit reveulcui : lit ( lie garrisomus at Saragossa
8flhl tiarcelomia was quickly m epresseul by ( lie
f ohlIccrs. Camumpos , In comiversatiomi with tIm
qtmcen regent , sail lie would mmmmtlertztke to
formut a cabinet , maiuitnumu order antI make
hence cit cotiulltlon ( mit ( lie uttecti regent
SumSfJCmtl5 ( the couustituiinnal gumarauiteeg ami'l
allows hint to suupprc'ss all repumbhicami amiul
Carhist Papers Iii Madriul atul ( lie hirovinces
anti arrest time chiefs. A very Imuthigmiamut
feeling is expresseul amnouig tilt chnss
against Cervera , ( lint ( lie coinniauiclers of time
vcscis have not fought hetter anti u1estroy.i
( lie vessels sooner thmaui eurremmuher. Fhmiamu-
dcl chrcls , parttculariy..LJLC Mailrid amuil
Barcelona bourses , welcommied time mietvs of
the rise ( if moat securities cii ( lie supposition
tluuit peace , resuiltimmg ( rota Eur'oleami mnetlia-
thou , Is likely ( I ) follow the laineiitahile iys-
( ciii jiracticed before amid sInce ( lie begituimliug
of the tvar.
lioth ( lie got'ermuuuemit anti ( he ircss al-
lowctl the coumitry to believe during ( hue last
forty-eight hours that Ceevertu's sortie front
Saimtluigo tas a ilemttild ) stroke of pohlthcil
anti tiaval huohic , hence the ittiiumes3loii
catisril by ( lie stern reality whmemi hlce thhd-
fire ( hue miews spread tiurotmghi Madriul. Time
oldest luiluahitamits do muot recollect a demuomm-
stratlomm of so iirofouumuh , paiuifui , ammgry and
desperate feelings , imuost bitter agaimist ( heir
govermiunemut nmitl mnimtgleui vltii suul : syimipatluy
for ( Ito brave sohuihers uumud sailors uselessly
sacrificed In ( hue hopeless struggie by ( lie
govermmimlc itt , tsluo 01113' thought to retain time
relius of power for themselves anti imreserve
than dynasty whatever mIght ho the itue of
( ho tvartt Itht tIme Umaitcul States. Ltmtilcmoims
nlaruit reigneul iii official eircle timid exag-
geraed ( iirecauutiommsterc takemi agalmust. a
I miiliitary auth popular outbreak , the civil
governor himself going roumid dutrlng ( lie
imlgimt to all ( lie lirinclpal editorial otilccs to
lumijulore ( luepapers not ( a publisht iii full ( lie
, teiegrammuui received , but pretuire ( ho public
by degrees for thin truth.
l'i''sltliil ( lt'i I ii itu issues a
( , , .tsi.lulg Iluc' l'euumilt to
$ lit.ut 't'lueir Gnu I I' .
\\'ASIIINGTON , Jtmly 6.-l'rcsumlent Me-
Kiuiley , at 11 :40 : tomulghit , issuted ( liii follotv-
lug uiroclantaloii ( ( a thin Atmierlcaiu peoiile :
1 ( ) ( hue ( 'Collie of ( ito United States of
Amemit a ' At ( lila ( lute , t'ltemm ( ii ( lie ) ' ( t
iresh me in t rim ii mt time , ' uif t I to (1 imlr'cei ) cit t eu
sum ceess itiu'h n t t t'iil ( eth ( lie ( I tOm 0 ( I 0 itS ( If
t hue I nlted Stittes ui&e ( in the iuity of Itlut.
muilut tin ( lie lutE duty of May last are flitieh
time tidiuigs of t hue itt. i&ss ghumiuuuimt uteimle'e-
moiia ( H (1 1 ( hi o imavut 1 tu uuul iii I I I to my it rio s tm
Ii Li i bob s'ed ui ii ii t my mu ( Hut mm t lumgo ii o ( ' ii hut ,
It is llttimmg tiuitt tvti sluoitltt hmumuse itimml smty- (
lug ( lit' lu.teiiiigit of txmiituttiufu ( mit iou
iou ( ti utt I I y ti t t cud gretu t ci e'tl ut tt'r.m ugh t Iiy
( our cuitimitrytmuen iii our cotmuitry'mt cuttise
simumild ri'vereiutly hots' l't.uI'ore time titutimt ,
of Iit'hmui' Oruuee coil give tlevou ( lruuist )
( ( u ( aol'iiu , luohie'thm ( iu , muittinimut lii ( lie
laid hots' ( i f I I I 13 lii uni it mad t'm rice t hi ii i mm
thitin thmt mnutr'e'ls ut Ills high still , untul
\'iuu littt tiitmu. ( umr histmfti tu , tms the
higlut of i I Is ( me. . itnid led our Iii tuvo soldiers
nod seutnutco to victory.
I t hereto t'e its It t lie lt'm ) hI e ( if ( itt i'imi t eul
Sttt t vs. oim mm ix t ut t4t4ifl iii h mig fur ii I V I im it t'or-
* 4 hi I it I um I hid r rtttjuec't I VI ) i ii it cs ( I f umiteti mug ,
t ( I oft or ( liii ut ksgl si umg t o A I tim 1gb ( y G om I ,
'V ItO , I n 1 I iii I lisertu ( ut I ) i 1. % Vfl y5 miu\v I maui I nig
I ) ui r hues h is ml littit I itt' % % ut t v cit ( 0 ti it St it t it uth
tritmmuum ; iiutt gtmhdiiig timviui In mu mit rtumtgt-
itt ni t ii rotmub t lie ml rca tI mu lu tdots's tu f ul cut t Ii
to Humecess ut'eit though ut it feutiful cost ;
hoW hieutrfmug thmetia wIthout ttct'lmlemit uir
loss to ( mmr miitutumt climes , hiatt vatehmd
ever our ctulime itimut hrougiut uic'uurer time
stiCtetS of tile rIght umuil ( hut. mtttainmneuu ( of
just utmm.l iiruuuortll c' ; uettte.
\Vitlm ( lie mintion's thttmilcs let there ho
flu I uiglvui t lie mitt t 1(1 ii'S iraers ( hit t u ii m' gut i.
lit it ( so n s nitty I , e mm ii bIt I od ( mom hut uen ii I hlt
oil ( ito liii t t leileimls a umd i a ( he cIa slu of hiee ( s
a nmul he mm mt rcih t It u seoti rg. ' mi ( sit ( ( til mug a ratI
ci im..ase it I 1 ( hey ttrm tut ri vi utg t o um ilmoith
their couiiiry's ( hinitor ; tuid witluiti let ( lit
xiii t hut' S lieu t t lie s t ii led st'l I Ii Ito I y tiuve itt
tiitt thiotighmt of the itoble iutemm vlio immive
ivrlshied its ltcrotuu lilt' , iiiumi be hlileti svlh
Clii Put Si4iouulu I C. m4)'flm lun t Ii y ( ui r uth I I host tvhuo
sutlftr laieut temnim t utu' cud um re tult k ness ,
votiimm1s tmuiul tiomudim it ) ' reitsuun of the uvuh
A mmci it hove oh 1 1 CL ti ti p rtt y ti ( Ii etm rites
( u'tvor t imtt t I I e , t Ii e ill mtueiia4ei ) of ii I I good ,
iiiit y sliced I I ) remove ( ruin ums t lie tt n mImI a f-
hiietionmm of % % 'utr imiutl brhimg to our mluumr iutniml
time blessimugs ( if rt'umtorcmi Pence umnmi to mull
time uhurnauln niitS rutvagcii h' time cruel strife
t lit I ) rit'etemms humuiu 0 f $ etm rI I 3' am huh t rut ii-
omuilhlt' . VI Lli A.'l rui' K 1 NLlY.
FxecutIye MansIon , W'nmshminmgtoui , July 6 ,
Sliluilisi , ( iuiv.'I luiueuit Sa'nIs ' , .rtl tub
( lit.iihiuh.'uii , to 't'uuriu ihg'lc
Ii , Stuiulis.
GIBRALTAR , July 6.-Accormlimtg to dis-
hatches received here frame Mamirhi , tIme
Spamiiehu goveronteot hmium ortleroil Asiuniral
Caunmiara to return to Svaitm. Geuuerai
Ochaitde lice arrived at Algeciras to inspect
( Ito sites of ( lie new batteries.
. - . - - -
French Transat Steamer Bourgogne Goes
Down Its Living Freight.
Big Liner . Crashes Into British Sailing Vessel
Off Sable Island During a Fog.
Horrible Scones Enacted After the Collision , When it ! ittid Fight for Lit.
Occurs During Which Passengers Are Beaten aiil No Effort Is
Made to Save the Women-Survivors Brought Into
.LIalifax by tite Vessel Which Collided with. ,
the III Fated Stoaiushl1 , .
HALIFAX , July (3.-The ( Freulell 'l'IfllISfitlflhItiC Stealner
[ jit l3ourgoghle , wiudi left New York 011 Saturday last for
111t'1'O , i1hii1C aliei' R collision with tile 13i'itisli i1iip Groin ai'ly.
sliii'e in a ( lehise fog , sixty lhhi1e south of Sable iSllflll , 1hIle
collision oedurl'eI Itt 5 O'cloCk in the lluoihiiiig of .July .1. Only
200 IC1'SOuiS were tLved ; out of tile SOO souls aboard the Bour-
.111111 11 ii hIC stealnel' CT1'CCifllu , CR Itaihl i'hllIahlVihiCh
sailed fionl G Ittiov ; oiu , J into 24 l'or .Ne\\ ' York , ; u'ri 'cd 1iei'
torlay t owl uig 1. lie Bi'itisli sit i p Cl'olhIa Flysil I i'e , v1t I cii Iuts been
ill coliii'toii with La Boul'goglle. It ie1iorts tutu tile latter iui1c
al luloSt ilull1Cdiate1r.
'l1iie iissehigers an(1 cI'e\v SIL\'Cl iiiiiiiber 20 ( ) 1jW.'Ol1S 111
all. Of this nuunbei' I 70 of' tile a'ed vei'e ) ts'e1igel's fURl
tbe other t1itity i'escuecl were melubeI'3 of the ei'cw of the
Fi'etich steamer.
Only 0110VOllhflll was 5flVCI.t'J ' 110 ( ) fIiCCrS of I a
i3ourgugne wei'e ( h1'OWllCl , Witil the 0XCC1)tiOuL ol. the itii'ur
fill tll'CC ClIgilIcel's.
' Mooi's is of ( Ito F'i'enuli line in ( lila
IIittt'y agent city , but states thmitt no (110
fi'omn Ointtlaa ot' vicinity vtts buokeI ( by huhiut ( ot' the iioutu'gogimu 811(1 ( Ito is coit-
liticuit itone wore on hinaud ,
- - - -
( ) Iiieluii l.g tif ; : ; ( , . , i.uiiusluhu't'- (
Suie' lt'hiite 't'iuir
m. . e I I t ii I ! 4 .
llALIlAX , N. S. , Judy 6.-The iirltislt iromi
Shill ) Cromutturtyshitre Was toweul iu lucre ( his
mnoriiliig by thin Allan lImier GrecIan , ttlht
Its bow torn away by a collIsion , sIxty mmiilemt
sotmthi of Stmlule Island , with time French
iutettiier : La iloumrgogume , whIch latter vessel
went dowut ten imilmiuteut later. Of ( hue 800
uasscuigers ) timid crev on botirth ( lie La
Ilourgogmie , only 200 were saved. One woman
t.ums tiaveti by her huushjammd. Thue cumptahti armml
otluer deck ollicers tvent down tithi time ship.
'I'lme Cronulryshmiro laid to auth jdelieml UI )
( ( mit 200 liasseuigora amid seamuten tvlto Vere
mcctmcui , transferring tluem to the Greemaum ,
t'imich cantue tuloumg m.lmortly tufterward.
'l'lme log of the Cromnartyshuhec , signed by
Caumtalii Ilendersoit , is as follows :
Omi Jtuty i , at. 5 a. rn , dense fog , position
( if shIp sixty itiilcs ouitha of Suihlt Islumini ,
slmlii by ut'Inui emi ( Ito port tack lueahltug
abomat west-muortlmwest. timoughu uiuide'r reduced -
duced canvas , goiimg uiboumt four or five kimos (
ur hour. Oumr fog Imormu vums kept going I
rcgumlumrly every umtimittte.
At that ( line hearth mmtenumier's whistle on I
cite tveuuluer side 1- 'Oit beuuuui , witicli
imeeiuued to ho imeariuig 'ery fast.Vo blew
linen itimd teero umimstvcrctl by stcuiner'mm I
tvhtlsie , suluen all of it mmmmdtlcn shin huoimuh
thirommghm the fog cmi our luort bow and
crashed Into us , goitmg at a terrific speed.
Oti t' ford olumimaim t a ii ml iii : i I ii ( op guI t nmiuts t
canto tiowim , hjmuumgiuig ttitia it yttrds umini
cverylmhtg ( ntmuclictl. ( I tt ( otmee ormlereul tlt.
boats otti. itoh ant to exuiuiiiue ; ( hue ultiitiumge.
I ( oumid ( lout our bows were commupietc ly . I
off ntuth ( Ito ( twistemh. Olmcr ( mulmhp this-
auimieareuh ( lmrougii ( lie fog. tlotvever , out'
ihi i ii tuims hhoat I ii g 0 it her cal I I si omm hiu I khtcumui
so them mieenut"l tie linmtulittte darmger of
hutr siumhimtg. We eat to vork at ommce ( a I
cletmr ( lie wrechunugo imimul also slmip ouur starboard -
board tuuelmor , whmielt ts'as hutumigimig aver time I
mitim rboa t'tI bow a imul I mu danger o f p ii itch I tu g
holes in ( ho hots'o hearth a miteimimi r
huiotvliug her eltistlo out conming hack amid
we aitsuereui with our fog htormi. Time
Iittttuiflti' ( lien threw uiju it rocket anti tireul a
shot. Vo lo ( hut.ew tip santo rockets tumid
hired boveral iaot , but tt ti miehtlter saw iuor
Imearml tuiiythming tonic of tlmo stcuimmtm'r.
Sight ilullits U It ii SU rvlvors.
Shortly after , or about 5Q : , ( Ito fog lifted
Foulest , hat utimd we saw t we lieu ts html i I I ii g
towaril tus with ( Ito Freimcim flag iiyim. , 'e
a Igimaled ( imein to ennui e nl aim gsi d e , am itd ( cu mmmi
that thu steammier semis the La Ilourgogom' ,
froni Now York to Ilavre. aitti ( lint hu had
gonme mlotu'im.Vo limbi to all dimy auth to-
ccit'ed cii itoturml about 200 mmmmrvivora. froimi
amniuigst ( hue hiimsbcmugemu coil crew , reporteul
to be In mill tihiouit 600. Several of ( Ito tiuts-
senugers t'er0 atm hlfo rtifts svltiiput oars
antI i cuilleth for voluuneers ( rein amomig tmiy
crete anml ( hue nmurvlviitg I"rcncht semnmmcim to
hiring timoo crafts alongside ( lie shmlIm.
Sointu of tim uiassemmgers aummi imennmtthm ( mmii
( ito utUimkeii titetliner assitcuh tie hull tee
jettisonemh sonic 2tOO ( aim of cargo frtiimi our
luohul. In artIer to lighten ( lie imiulit.
About 'J P. 10. atuotlmer tmtemmumer lu mve In
sight , boummuh westtvtmrtl ; tee uut tip nile mmhg-
nude ( N. C. ) . 'tvahut amsshmtttince. " Slmartiy
after ( lie steatoer bore ihowu towarl , us.
She Itroveml (0 be than Grecian. hominid ( root
( Iiasgow to New York. 'I'lmo captain agreemi
to tow mumy imluhhi to Halifax. Owing to the
coutmltiioim of niy chili. I nect'lmied I lie offer
anti proceehemi at once to ( rauus.almiiu ( be
passengers aimml get reauly our tow him.
A t 6 p. nit. s'u hued imiamit at coo nuec t I o ii am liii
liroceeded in tow of tlme Grecian towmurd
iiahlfax , hsving Put a bail over tue broken
bow to take luart of ttte strata off ( hue col-
I is bum I kltemd : . Tiiere vas tut t li a t t into
fouiutcctu feet of water lii ( lie fore hcttk. )
Sti , , r si , rul wu.u.
Mt's. hltimulersoui , wIfe of ( im caimbuin , was
on boammi ( itO Croutiuurtysitire ivitim her ( tso
chmiiulrtuim. Site tells it tlumilhiiug story of her
experience. 'l'hte weuutlmmjr was foggy cml site
humid risen ( coin item huithi tut no early itouu , tot
tuna iter cutsuoumu wliemi ( ito weather watt
bath. Shortly before ( lie vessels came to-
nether it mieteettul a steummmmer'g tt'imiimtltm '
blotting omm time hurt li1e. 'Flue Croimmummty-
sim I to vas soil 0 d I iug I I am roglmo rim s itt I ii tcrt.i i s
of on e iii I it u to. ti es. I letiulersiumu cut I led t lie
uittention of hier hiuisbnuud to It , auth a imilnute
I ate r t lie omit t e , t'imim seas on tea I cit . I t cut umu a
iWaC'r itiol nteurer , nuimh Mrs. hlemiulerson
Cahmie near ( lie cahiim in artIer to rescue luur
cimilulreim simoumhil a ilisuister result ,
Smuhulemtiy titti latmgo hull of alt oceaim
Stea to or I ooimm cii imp I a t ii e mu is t , gel n g a ho Ut
sevciutceni knots tin hour. Aiiutost iinme.
chhimtely there wait it ( emrfiml : crash auth Mrs.
I I e iitl orson rtus hieth lid Ott' a ii d foti uuml Ii er cli I I -
tircim awaketmeil by the shock. Shot ulresued
the little emues as quickly as liusslblo tumid
rcmmtoveul ( imeimi to ( lie deck , expecIimg to seti
lie r own sim i p go (1m ( Wit it Ii y in I no to.
Cuptalim : iletuihersoim , uiim bioii tms ( he cmuihi-
sion oct'uirreml , oruloreul time boats to hi low-
croti coil time ihamiingo ( o hue nscerttiiueml ( ,
Nip lhf't ( i 511 % , ' 'IbIlI4.S ,
As soon nut It tens fommimul time Crottiary- (
elm I to teas I ii ito i mmm umicti in t a ilum a ger t lie' sit I l
pmmt abotit , 'rime vessel tell It t hulcht lhmey imtmii
colhiuled teas at that ( info utiiiiiowmm. 4t ( etC
iuuiiiittes Ititer Its tvhmhumtle hmtarui , mmiii
sev.'rumi rockets tvemo sent utii. Cajitalim Ilemu.
ii ersoji rep I ivih I ii I I Ic e iii a ii n t'i , tim i ii it I mit ; ( ito
S I ( 'ii titCi'tis ii ffcr I tg : it K5 is I ii ii cc , liii ( I a at
few mnlimuttemu till ivuts ujiiiet amid tiioo on
boirul ticgummm to rttiilze ( lie tttvttl resialtm ( of
( hue colilsiomi.
At il0 : thu fog lIftemI imiul ( iso hioat tuero
p imlektmi imp s itli ( lilly flitti ( iii itoumrui. 'limo
% ttotlutr cictireth still tonic onul imioum ttcrc to
hue temm hum v'cry .lht-cctimmii . , clinging to
I wreckage nuumi lloatiumg ott iit itmfts , it stuut
it t erri iii ii scoim e. No ucum Cii ii I ) let tm me tIme amui -
t lilt I I I ii g ii I g lit re vm'um i oil to t hue a mu . lookers
'vhmeti time etmitamhut of mist arose.
I 1 hue tt ork of rosette stats coinentimceml tviii. (
ml el ay ii nud a vem 200 luersonts
terre li'l.'d till till hiikcii ( in himxurui tim' itimlit.
ul rn I I emati ermomi , tt bin ham ii ii mimpl ' mtpti rt ii it I I y
( if inmtervlott'lumg ( imose telto tvt'ro rescued , ox-
hitessemI her ltd lef. ( room telia t hto heti imi ,
tlmuit. ( here hail beeti tie effort ho stmve ( Ito
WoOlen. There tt'erui miitmnmy ( oreigimerum on
: hoard whmo ( ouugbit for imlares lit time huonts ,
it teas fully ( cii tnlnmuea ( to a qutarter of ant
. lao ii r tiefo ru l.a ha mm rgogtme steam ( tin ant , ii mutt
d tm ii nag ( ii it t t i tue I lteio vas am ttuiu Ic tippur-
( unity offered ho rescue at least semite of ( lie
% vomca antI dtuimlrciu. Aim It wits. emily 0111)
tvomnmaii , Mrs. La Casse , wait utavemh. Slmo has
be on board CV'l Inre. She iii ( him itifu
of A. B. La Ctisse , teacher of ltmngutiges of
l'imuhmiflcltl , N. J. 'l'lme cmutt f the Cronmturty.
I mmhmlrti ( Oiflhiieimt freely upoim thin ( act thtat only
tine wotutnim was imavcmh out ( if 2iO. ( Ntuurly
all time first-class Passengers tveflu lost , thmou
I saveul belaig ateetcuge utiml sailors. La ( 'sss ,
anmul , JmIs wife were hit time water eight tiotirmu ,
clinging to a raft , before they tseru imiektth
I Ui ) by it boat ( rein time Cromartyimhiure , 'i'hty
lost evurythiliug but what they staumul iii ,
iticlumlinig numoney nail vaulutmltles.
fIlbert Stiu ' mu I 'tlui'lr i'iin ,
Onme iuissenlgt'r was going Itoimmu to Franc.
with his ttto cbiilmlreii , hubs wife hutvlmig died
a mouth Previously. lie was saved , bUt bIu.
' - . . - -r-