Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1898, Image 9

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& ' ' . iNE\Y \ A1ERICA S1ORIES
g : Western Novel by Visc1ier and Southern
Story by 0pio Ecad.
4 ; -
I CotpIci I. , , r n SulnIle SrrlcPu of
Sil iIiltiii , % IlIr ) testI..r.-'II1 irh
t tovrlenit , ttd tIt i'nrtini-A rt
, iii.1 .IItc Art tiuitCIIt.
. Whether U Is true that Oplo Iead 8flt
s.lII L. . Vlsschcr ) rnvc formeil a Uttle mu-
I I tuni adinlrattofl socIety for the ) urpoe of
Iielplfli the sao of theft literary out , It I ;
n ( net that one Inny reati n mi IntrrnIiicUon
to the latest book by the latter whaL the
former thinks of hni as a literary genius ,
I rnIi turning to the current Issue of one of
/ the cheaper magazines one inny read what
' VIcicr ) thflkS of Itea.1 as a writer of sto-
. I res. The coItiehence of these mutual corn-
. JI linents Is rnato ftirthcr striking by the
( , xtr.lvnganco of the praise given , Of
Vlsschcr the other gentlenian says that he
s ably uittcl for the task of writing a dis-
tlnctly western novel by "his long traIning
as a writer , his fervli fancy , his insight
Into character. his warm imagination. "
VIsscInr refers to ltea.t's . " (1050 observation
otiti 'leei' ' rending , Ith the great gift of a
Iiiih and hi oail Intelligence. ' ' Jwlged by their
latest VroIttctIOIls Read Is far more descry-
1n of praise for his wnrk thait Visseher.
] t is interesting only as an oddity that they
t should have fallen upon each other's necks
I to make a dramatic seeiio for the wio of
their nlVCrtiSIflg ( inanagrs.
\'ay Out Yonder' byVilliarn LIItfoot %
Vischer , makes use of subjects anil icenea
. p which In the hands of an artist wouhil have
.4 heen good for a Sh1lCU1it1 story. Th3 eene
. ; is on I'uget oUnt1 ainlist surroundings nat-
urahhy ) IctursqtIe , the presence ut the Ii0 )
iieer trapper , the coming of the typical
s estern "tioorner. " the founding of a Inpr
/ city , the nlvent of the nexpa1wr and the
. - _ a , , ( Thucti h'hI nn&l nil the signs of an advanced
I ? cIvhIzation , rapid growth of the city , the
t t throwing together of men of whicly differing
t ttnttes , the rise anti fall of fortunes , the
' tiltutiphi of virtue even in a community not
. apt to inquire litto paat nntccetlcnts , anti
the flnal ruin of the city fiont cnuses nut at-
\ I together phalli. The author chose tue scene
I and the sohijects for the typical western
I novel , htit he has sIniiy nade ] It lent ! up
I to au argument In favor of certain lohttleal
, ' .v iev3 anti spoileti the s'hoIe by hcniiing th
. itory to lit his prearranged purjo3e. Aside
-"lI- . ' ( , jh' from this ViMseher lacks the sense of pro-
lrlet3' . I IC drags the slang alit ! convention-
ahitles of the men who loaf arottijit ( Ito corner
. grocery into his work nntl usese tlicm with
t the air of one displaying great learning. lie
olfects the realistic without Iteilig nnythui ,
3110r0 than cruile. litre and there he shows
. . I totwhes of genius in the treatment of ape-
! clal siljtcts , hut this strength is not ninin-
I tamed evenly through lila work. Lairil &
Lee , Chicago.
I I "TheVaters of Canny Fork , " Is one of tie
I stories by Oplo React that is least 111cc his
other worhs. Indeed , but for the fact that
, I it is tilitinctiy a southern nov.i. one might
rcfuso tO believe that It was written by him.
. Head has iohisli anti artistic ability , nithoughi
Ito does itot mnke pretense of the literary
finish of mtthmer jresemmt .lay writers more
( tniked about but whose works are less read.
, This story is a psychological romance , a
4 study of insanity under most peculiar condi-
Units. Time licto fails iu love vith a young
I lady vlto has heeu bereft of reasoit since
Biio Was imine years 01.1. It wmt evident her
timid been turned by semite great iiock.
lie is a doctor and becomes Interested in
tier. She is merely mildly insane and the
doctor \vatches her amid studies tier as site
rambles out anlolig the birds amid liowers.
One ilay while fleeing frommi a fire the doctor
I and his Patient Liming themselves over a
cliff and Into time vatcrs of Caney Fork ailti
the fall restores the reason to the girl. nut
timis itsycimoioglcai thread running through
the story Is only an luculent after nil , for
he presents ninny vretty pictures of Ten-
11058cc life and makes time story thoroughly
- ' enjoyable by hIs easy treatment of time lives
of the lCOPiO ) with whom lie Is familiar.
' , I , ; Itand , McNally & Co. , Chicago. l.
Two notahie new school text books have
just been issueti , comiiiictliig time series of
simpimlemnentary renders known as "Stepping
/ Stones to Literature. " Time render for
seventh grades is devoted to American lit-
erature. Early events in American history
are lntrotitmcctl by extracts fronm Francis
I l'arkmnnmm'mm n.imnirabio hmistorleem of the Emig.
I - hiatt and F'rcmmch wars anti settlements.
ifawtlmorne's "Gray Champion" anti l'atrlck
henry's elOjUeiIt "Appeal to Arms" preseimt
4 i p vro-revoltmtionnry nsj'Irations ' anti struggles
' pPr. on time Imart of the Amnericmmn colonies.
Itead's stirring poemn "Time lUsing in 1776"
. finds a ihmlce lmere. So much of time best
Anmerlenu literature has to do with Amimer-
' icait history timat tIme book Is an excellent
supplementary history book. Time tale of
I Arnolti'mm treason nmmtl Andre's capture as
* v rehtttt'ih by hiammeroft Is giveim. Time con-
trust betwcen time last days of Arnold and
time last days of \ mire' , as tiepicteti by Dr.
S.Veir Mitchell , niltis to timis imrt of Aimmer-
p icon imistory. lhtmt time whole book is filled
with excellent selections from time best
Amnerlenim authors anti it could not be him-
h.rovcti on. Time other volumne In time same
series , a remmtier for Imigimer grades , is mitt-
% 'ot'd to English hlteratmmro exclusively.
While It watt Impossible to cover so wide
I . It flttitl , the bOOk vrovlmies a choice asselmi-
I. . binge of stammilard flimgilsh writers and their
7. representative works. Atimhison , Browning ,
Byron , Caumptiehi , 1)lckens ) , Mrs. ( laskehi ,
Goitlmminhtit , Keats , Lamb , Ossian , time l'roc-
ters , ituskhtm , Scott. Shakespeare , Shelley ,
' . Eouthey and Tennyson arc among time names
that niiiiear-tlmehr writings formnlng a
cimarmlng varIety of thought amid expres-
siomi. Time whole series of smmppiernentary
readers Is on a Imlami that coommimemiths itself
to every educator. Time election mire sulil-
clentiy hong to immako thmemn valuable for time
hmmforimmathoim they contain and the edItor has
takemi evident halos to get out of time out
amid too welt worn ruts of the past. The
books are hmantiromnciy Illustrated anti ai-
togttther the best timing lii time 'ay of school
, text books that lies imppetiretl receimtiy. Time
. editing is by Sarah louise Arnold ummmt
- Chitrirmi 13. GIlbert , Silver , llurdett & Co. ,
m lioston. O cents each ,
In the currcn nunmber of the Forum ,
emmtor Stepimen M. White , lii a paimer on
. "Our Inadequate Conbuiar Service , " depre-
. . - ' eaU's the premmemit systeimi of remnoving capa-
bhe eonstmis to mmmaico roommi for mmovice3 as
itoittiral reward. As he says , it. 18 only after
' a certain tenure of omce that a consul citi
ettala that degree of usefulness anti capa-
ttlilty which ha essential to the safeguarding
of our L'ommnervlah Intereatti abroad. MercI
I over , its the pay Is hot mnunifleent , the
1rowleige that dismissal Is probable within
\ ' a certain tIme removes all lucemitive to eli-
\ gibiti young inert to enter time service as a
lift' career. Time imaper by L. 0. Howard ,
chief eutowolcglst of time United States
bepartomer.t of Agriculture , enthtieti "Inter-
national itciattomis lIsturtted ty an Insect , "
escrlbes the sPread of the Insect known
U time an Jose zcaie , wimicim 14 to the pro-
. - -
hlhition of the entry Into Germany of fruiti
imt1 living plants from America , Miss Ade-
Inide It. hiasso pleatis for a proper systerna-
tizatlon amid the suitable custody of "The
NatIon's Records. " The other papers aret
"Time DeprszIon In th Cotton Industry : A
htenmeihy , " by Luther F. MelCinney ; 'Aus.
tria-liungary under the reign of Francis Jo-
scphi , " by his excehiemmey , Albert von Scbafile ;
"Time Evolution of the German Drama" ( see-
omiti pa'mer ' ) , imy Dr. Ernst \Vilmhmnbruch ;
snti "haitian SuperstitIons and I.cgentis , "
by Simon I'okagon , the last chief of the l'ot-
tawattamole I'okagon band.
The color pinto for time July number of
the Art Anmateur , New York , is a portrait of
. a thritfany lr1 by Miss Elizaimeth Fuhlick ,
a ycuc . ' . : 'iericamm girl ho has beeti study-
log I : . a nimnibor of ym'ars. The lint-
tommy I'ejsant In timls pIcture In a siendcr
and sorncubat refined young girl stantlimig In
a nmeamiow whithmen sue has gone to draw
; water from a brook that is crossed by a
wootien brIdge. Time PIettmro is charmIng
from tIme hmarmmmony of the whole scetmi , auth
the itlillImlIcIty with which it Imas been worked
out. The number contains a vaitmimble arti-
do 00 .imihes hireton , whtim llltiutratiomms of his
ork. These illustrations Include m'epno-
iUetlons of imis 'flmenlng in the hlamnlet of
Finisteric , " 'Tho Conmrnunlcants , " ' 'liati
AiVlCC. " 'Tlme ( ilcaners , " atiti mm. fcs' others ,
Time workhmmg art designs of the number are
unusually line.
An important eoumtrlbutlon to modern lit-
ert.ttmro is the article entItled , ' 'I'nlnce von
Iilmtmnarck , " ( ruin the into of Spain's ex-pre-
muter , fliuiliio Castelar , anti publlshieti in time
North nmerIcan Review , The first portion ,
contaimmeti in the Judy number , deals princi-
vally with hllsmnm ch ( as tIme lmmcammmathon of
Germami unity amid time milan of action 1mm tIme
Gernmaim revoltmtioum. Time same nummmber von-
tabs elsa thmt , first of two entortalnttmg artl-
cbs frommu time iten ofV. . A. l'effer , late
Utmitcti States senator for Kansas. The
liresemit one deals with time orIgin , Peronmiei
and orgammizatlout of that august body , and
time concluding paper wIll be tlevoted to a
lresemitatlomi , of tim privileges , powers amid
fumrmctltmmms of the actuate , anti .its rules anti
mmwtlmotha of tratisacting Itushtiess. itniimh
htlchmam'isomm's ' dlscmmaslon of British rule in
Egypt Is also a vahumnide essay. ile cutters
exiimtttstlvely hmmto time subject , dwelling uloa
the benefits confermetl upon time country since
the Ilrithsh occtmpatlotm In ISS2 , time muany
vl so m e formmms immt iotltmcetl mmmiii en tlmei r mul mmmiii -
latrathon aimil tlmtt progress acimieveti in
veal tim , conmnmerce amid industry by lmer In-
- .
What has been nttenipted and exactly
what may be tiomme hum time way of civic aId
for soldiers anti sailors at time ( rout or in
tile Imualtitalit is told in time Charities hievlew
for July. Time second ectiou of this sttmhy ,
htich wlii appear In time Augmmst nu.unbcr ,
% .I1l gh e mmmi exhmutistive occotmuit of relief
mmmeasumrcs miow tmntler way for ( iestIttmte fain-
ihien of mmmcmi In tile ' , . together with
collie itractiemil stiggt'stions , haseil on a care-
ftul stmrvey of time entire mnovenmemmt.
IItt'rmi r Ni. I
"Time Comiscience of Altiernian 7tlcGliiumls"
Is a good story In time JimlyleCltmme's by Octavo -
tavo I'hmanet.
Time American Angler has been lmurcimzmseti
by tIme 0 U t i hg cclii lmmmmm y nit d wil I lie comm film-
timi tmntler tIme emiltonlal mnammagemneimt ofS'Il -
ilamim C. Harris.
Time cover deigmi of 1100k Nevs tlmis
iumonth was a beautiful omme. showing an
. \mnenlcami girl stoppimmg up her ears to keep
omit time sound of the imopping crackers.
A hook Is nnmmoumncetl to appear in London
soon on "l'alks wIth Giamlstoume , " by LI0-
mmci Toilemacime , containing records of a
numunber of intercstimmm conversations witim
the great Engihslm statesman.
The booksellers in time east report "Peuiel-
Ole's Progress" mis comultmg to time trout as
omit. of the best seihimmg books. The book
inmyers arc also leaniminc the volume of "For
Love of Country , " by Denim lirady.
' 'Torn Cningle's Log , " him % lmIcli occtmrs a
very tine descrIption of the imarhtor of Sati-
tiago do Cuba. which Tennyson loved to
read to his frIends , is animounceti for repub-
licution by the Lhppincotts.
l'eoile , tVlmm , 'mIi'mmgeI time iixiosIImit (
( rmmiiids m'it ( Imt' llImMi Imes , , lIM-
trtt , ( a Visit.
TIme 5th of July saw larger crowds downtown -
town thmumu did its illustrious predecessor.
Time rahlroati imeatiquarters , iammks , stores and
fmtctonics were agmtimm in full swizmg , and the
imimshmmess crowd abommt town vas added to by
time several thmousamul mmrrirhmmg and departing
visitmrs. Thmmo who had come into time city
to nttenml time celebratIon of Indepentieumec
ilay at time exposition grotmmmths were busy get-
tlmmg away , limit Elmeir places ha time ramiks of
exposItion visitors ere fairly well takemi
by Peottlo wimo arrived too into for tile Mid-
wIly imaramie amid time fireworks.
it as a clear. brIght. ummoriming , delIghtfully -
fully cool , with a strommg west-
era breeze , Tlmere wait somumu jmieas&mre in
shopplmig about tIme city , amid that Is th
way mummy of tue returuming expoaltlomi
visitors put in timeir time mmntll tlmtmlr trains
left. In all time little groups timat gatimereti
here anti there the grandeur anti glory of
two achievements was favorably tilsctmsse.i.
'Flue great umaval victory at Sammtlago anti thu
stieccits of time expositiomi ere time favorite
themes , mitt itoth appeam.'ti to b. equally
popular. Nearly every tirink taken across
time down toWn bars , arid tlmero svera Just a
few of tbemmuvere to the health of Sampson ,
or other American warriors. In speaking of
time exposition , 1110sf of time visitors saId
they wotmld return again , irobabiy ho the
autumn , whelm time mork on time farm was
lighter ,
Time crowd caine Into Omaha so gradually
that time nmxliroatis imamtily realIzed imow many
itt'oitio cno In town.'hien unany of time
slgimt.seerms started for their imoummes time depots
vere crowuht'th anti all trains were eouipt'lieti
to put on extra cars , Two special trains
were rumum on time Port Arthmur rotmte , carrytmmg
time laiimtus City peojmle , who spent tlme
Fumurtim 1mm Oummaima , and tIme Milwaukee , Rock
lsiammd numd Umilomm l'ncitie adtlctt extra cars
to timelr regular trmtlns to carry time cast
mmd cstboumut1 crowds , At time iiimrllmmgton
time mmew depot Caine into tine play , anti , al-
thmotmgh time crowds were enormous , they
were hmmumtiiemi % vltimout commfuslomm. TIme Bun-
hlngton luaU a Ejiecial tralum east. mumlotimer
west , amid mauled fromn one to five extra cars
to oil regular trmmiums , No necltiemits occurred
in time rush mmd time Onmahma raliroatis tienmorm-
trated their ability to imammtilo all wimo comae ,
Siirl lag' , . t.'hilrnt Imiji.
\\'lhlhammm Sebrtmmg of 507 South Twent-
flftlm street becatmmo so enthusiastIc ocr
time miestructioim of the SPanIsh hieet that lie
htt'ennmo hntoxlatt'ti and imlppeth imle s Re
last mmlgimt. Otlteer Itlgleimimiim , s ito iought
to mirrt'mt blnm , was attacked with a lmeavy
hmainmmier aimml wait forced to beat a retreat.
Sebnhmmg , however , as forced to tlmrow
( iOVIl time copon as soon as time ohlicer
brought his artillery to bear oum hulmim. Sc-
brlmmg will explain umatters to Judge Gordbn
today ,
Sit'i tir ! t''mIM 1h'i ,
Time smumeiter Is experiencIng considerable
trouble In gettiimg omen to unload ore and
imas a number of cars emi the track which
have been Ia sevcnal days aqd are still Un-
loathed , Time work is very hot , and as timero
are so mnany other Jobs open 1mm Onmahmt no
men can ho found bo will undertakj tmat
class of works
IN GtP AT C11ICk1IAUCi1 ( (
Word from the Second 1ehrakt and Colonel
Urigsby's Cowboys.
I'orces l'mhi y .trime.i , nmmil Emimil fltR'lI
pull .t imimiu tim ( mm tim time
I'rim& n mid Him gil go Iii
tile Figiuiiiig ,
CI1ICCAMAUGA , Ga , , July 2.-Special (
Correspontlcnce.-'LteUtcnaflt ) Colonel Olson
of the Sceotmd Nebraska imas atldett much to
tile comfort of ble lmeatirumanters by unovitmg
I his tent back several feet and provitiing it
with a Iiy.
TIme pay antI muster rolls of this reglnlemtt
. have been subrnlttcti to the paymasters anti
It is expected that time iegtmucnt will be
' paid next Mommmlsy.
I lItteeum recruIts arrived yesterday from
Ommialma , thirteen for ComemtiammY U anti two for
Conmpany 11.
I Corporal Charles T. l.elgh , Comnpammy C , left
yesterday for his homume in Nebraska City
on a fmmrlotmgh. lie Is seriously ill.
I Second Lieutenant lvm'ry ' Allen , son of
Senator Alien , has been cmii on skit leave for
several days , imttvhng spent time time ciiam -
demm's ridge. lie retunmmcti to camp yesterday ,
but was ummablo to resume his dutieS.
James It. Collins , tlultbcti "General" by
nmemhier3 of ble compamly , L , is the Imletorian
of time reiimmmemit. Ito Is writlmig a history of
Coniltammy L , anti the clerk of the conipatly
recorls his stories frommi day to day. The
matter Is to ho umsed as time basis for a
hinimited imhstory of tue comliany.
'l'hie 'ommmaim's htthief corps of Norfolk
Neb. , has eemit Commmpammy L a box of house-
VIVC'3 anti other comtvenlemmt cmtmmip articles.
Compatmy II limis meceived a large qtmantity
of provisiomms from time gooti Womimemi of
.1njor Mapes returnctl to camp yesterday
mmmcli refreshed nfter spending a day anti
ml I gut a mm Look on t nmoum a ta I a ,
limutlons for ten days were Issued to the
regiimment yesterday. I
Lieutenant Colonci Olson had time regimnent
on tiresa parathe yesterday evening , The umien
amatie a splentlid simowimig.
Time Secommil Nebraska has recelveti mid&il-
tional eqmmipmnemits itt tIme ray of cartridge
belts , htuversacks amul camitcemis. This regi-
mmicmit was mmmustereml him yestertiny mnormmlmmg , a
immatter very etst'umtial with the govemnmmment
, l'mu'mmmasters ' eumeammiped umear witlm 2OOOOOO in
I cold cash.
Omily eleven recruits for time rcgimncmmt Imave
arrived within time inst two days. There
are yet lacking nbout 200 mmmcii to comnploto
time comuphemnent of the reglmmment. 'rime coin-
nmnmmd lih participate iii a division drill on
Time regiment has recelveti perinlasiomi to
itarticipato in target hractice amid is aunt
mimakimig the miecessary arrammgemnemits for the
Comnpammy C , commamitieti by Captcmlmi Hayward -
ward , hma r""Reil a tomi of grit ituti fifty Ibexes I
boxes of serwiceuubmt , trteiemm : m friotmds-
amid relatives In Nebraska City.
Captain Domi M. lodge of Duluth , Minim. ,
has relieved Lietmtcmmant Sldenlfamn of Coitu-
pammy A , who actimmg brigatlo co'nmls-
Time Second Nebraska reglmemmt band
covcretl Itself w Itit glory in playing for
tlio democratic state convention In sessiomi
imeni' . The band rendered mutmslc for time
commvention during the entire day amid was
glvemi atm ovation by time convention.
Time officers of time Second Nebraska Imati
time Imonor of attemitling the tiim wetidIng an-
mmiversary of Coiomicl anti Mrs. Datdorf of
St. Louis at brigade headquarters.
The Seconmi Nebraska has received soy-
enteen cases cumitainlng 140 rUles. This
comimpletes time number mmecessary to equip
time regimmient anti its recrimits.
Lieutenant Gootisell of Company K re-
celved a telegram nmmnounciimg time serious
ilinesa of his vIfe. lie left. for his hioimm
in Chadron , Nob.
Lieutenant Coloimel Olson , who was in
commmmnanti of tile brigade temporarily , was
relieved yesterday by time return of
Colonel Bettmi from Lookommt immountalim ,
Major Mapes was in turn relieved of time
temporary commnantl of time rcglmnemmt.
Time mnenibers of time Second Nebraska
reglimmemit were very much disappolumtetl because -
cause this commmtmmammtl was not inclutled 1mm
thu orders to go to time trout ,
' , ' . -
Gi'igsl's Cob.-s.
Time only incident of time day in camp
was a gamin , of base bail between Rotmgim
hiltiers and a team from tIme First Illinois.
Timu gnome rc'stmitetl In a score of 14 to 9
lii favor of time Itougim Riders. The cowboys -
boys are now consitlered the champions of
the park.
Coiommel ( irigsby , Lleutenammt Colonel
lAoytl , Major French , Major Montletli nmmtl
Lieutenants McMichael and Heath vIsIted
Cimattaumooga amiti Lookout mountain yes-
tertiny ,
Quartermaster l'arhlamnan , Adjutant Stmes
anti Colonel ( ] rlgsby have had timelr 11110-
tograpim taken In a group and time plcttmre
will be preserveti as a ummeimmemuto of tlmo
i'nI''ato Baylor of Troop I ) , who Imas
been quIte sick with ehmimmuml nmenitmgitis for
several minys , Is inmprovlng. An operation
was itcrfornmeii upon imlun amid watery sub.
stance remnovetl from lila spinal column.
Coioimel Melvin Gnlgstty , time Popular
Ctnmflltiitier of time itommgii RIders , was yes-
terdmmy IreenteU wIth a beautIful saber by
time oltirerum of the reglnicnt. The saber Is
a gem , time scabimaril being moutmted iii
gold. On time saber Is Inscribed ° Prcsonteml
to Colommel Melvin Grlgsby by time otilcers of
time Cowboy reglimment , "
All of the sa4dles anti Krag-Jergeumsen
carbimmes have been received anti dis-
tributcti. All of time Imorses are being simod
and time regiment vthi begin drill mount
at once.
Chmatmialn Clevcimger has secured a nurn-
her of CoitleS of Culotmci Gnigshiy's book ,
'Tho Snmokcd Yammk. " Tlmey will be dls-
tribumteti aimmozmg time boys In time reglmneimtai
Sergcaimt John W. iiutcber , whose tIme
has just expired in time Rigiutim Uniteil States
cavalry , arrlvel at time caumup yesterday amid
emmilstcii wIth Troop Ii of the regIment ,
Mitjor Stewart immim ; returmmcd from a trip
to CincInnati.
Time colors for Colommel Gnlgsby's regIment
viil arrive in a few days ,
Time different troop commanders were busy
yesterday makIng out the pay rolls for the
rttglmnemmt ,
'rime regIment has received miii time sabers
imecessary to equip time entire coummnanui.
Ten otilcers of the cowboy reginment ivihi
receive time 10 per cent iimcrcase longevity
pay for scrvlco rentiereti in time UnIted States
army. The ofilcers are : Colonel Grlgsby ,
LIeutenant Colonel Lioyth , Atijutant Sues ,
CaptaIn J. 13 , BInder , Captain Jolmn E. 1Iimm.
men , Lieutenant D. F. Conner , Lieutenant
Way , Lieutenant Wedeklnd , Lieutenant
Fuller , Captain Nugent and Captain Culver.
A reglimiental nldlumg school imas beemi
established and the men are taught every
point calculated to hnmprove theIr riding.
Time veterInary dispensary Is now vehl
stockctl with drugs and the horses are no-
ceivlng careful attention tnm Vs' . I. . flag-
gert , time reglnmentai veterinary surgeon.
The hmemilth of tIme regtm4nt Is very good.
There has not been a case of typhoid fever
in the commnamith and , with the exception of
sore arams , resulting froun vaccination , time
sIck rate is very lows
In viewing time intermediate ama ! Pelimmary
exhibit of time Omaha intbilc schools frommi
the first or "baby" grade to time sixth hum-
cltmslvc , Penlmal's time third year's work attracts -
tracts mnost general attention by its mini-
form excellence , ammml this is especially ( rfle
I regartie time drawing ,
None of time freedom of expressIon whmiclm
cimaracterlzes the drawltmg of time first two
years mind which to a certain extent seemmms
. to dimnhmmlsh in time upper grades Is lacking ,
while a surprising degree of accuracy Is
I The work of this grade , too covers a
wIde range of subjects , irmciudimmg liiustra-
tlon or coinposltioim , sketches froumm mmntumro ,
fronm life , of mmmotlela and somumethimig of tie-
sign , timommgim more of time last is seen In
time grades himmummetilatt'ly fohiowiimg.
As tIme number of schools reprosenteth 1mm
these grades Is commaIderably larger than 1mm
time seventh and eighth grades , it is hot
Possible to aimow mit mummy glvemm thmmmo a ear-
respoimthlmmg lroportiomm ol time work prcpareii ,
litit tltmrlimg time progress of the cxposltiomm
time work on exhibition ctmim b mmmore frequently -
quontly eimaumged , vhhclm is certaimmly no dIe-
Several schools , immcitmdi a g Hehlom , Traimi ,
Ommmnhma View. ] hmpommt nmiti l'aric , have sent
the work of entire classes ,
Ammmomtg thu selmools excelling In mmaturo
work ere Trnimm , a imartlculmuriy sehi done
tlmurmi apple branch beIng the work of Mary
Chmrlstcmmsoim ; ICellommu , fm out 'tvhiiclt commit's aim
effective fruit Picco by Jt'aum MeMaster anti
a groUim of vegetables by Lois Iorvard ;
Mason , hmaviimg several pieces by George
Slmropsimlre ; ihancroft shows aim attrntive
emray of wootibine , time work of i\nima iCon-
vahis ; Forest , pretty lmiCCCS ii ) ' Frank l'ras
nmmtl Ltmhtt ilicime nntl Farnnmn a tmiistlc
bramiclm drawn by May Scott ,
Leavemmwortit sends mm. plecmaltmg sketclm .by
iCimmg Cimapmnmum ; Dupont , mmketcimcmt by Erich
liramom auth Freil Graham ; Lnje. sonmo ex-
ceiiemmt fruit pIeces iii color mmii Casteliar
nlstt has sonic pleasing stqthies of fruit.
Mnmmy of time figmmre sketchea seen In the
booth devoted to these grades are of mumome
I tuna ordInary rmmenlt. Amommg them mmmay be
inemitloned one by Clarence Walsh of'est
Sttio and aim emmtirc card , time mork of Irommo
Mnsomm of Traimm. Others rlmowlng careful
worlc iii timlmi line are Judith Camimion of
I Farnani , Marcia Mom-sit of Long amid Frank
I inummarm of Llimeolmm.
There are mmumerous groimps of models nntl
other objects wimlcim show sklllftmIiy cxecuted
eftects iii I iglmt ammd shade. Time work of
Mary Ilogume of Slmerunami , Cilfford Mehien of
I Lothrop , Irene HOmipe anti Matmd Barker of
Cats , Jummm1rcv Crawford of I'acihlc amid earths
from Central. Saratoga. Park. Irtmld huh.
F'mmrmmamn amid Mommnmouth Park are excc1emmL
specimmiens of tills climes of work.
Many lIeasing border and surface the.
signs ton \mtmm i'm" - . ? 'motlc d. A border
design iii oak leaves fromim lq the
work of Albertiuma Johnoim. Ernest GrIm
of Leavenworth nod John Johimmson of Slier-
mmman show very pretty surface deshgtms ,
Omaha View , ifelloni , Mason and Cuss
scimools un mo : effective designs.
'fimero are several cleverly pammned pieces
iii lhiumstrntion or commipoelthon. Amumong Umemu
arc laumdscaimes by Anna htasnnmsscn of Sar-
ntoga , helen Griswold of Colummmblan anti
Frank Swoboda of Conmcnimms ; also cards
from \\lmulsor anti Clifton Hill.
Marlime secumes iii deep blue , suggestive of
Holland , come front Cemmtrai Park , Clara
Pettitt havlmmg a eketcim of an old-fasimloneti
wlzmdimilil , amiti Vinton sends a pretty card
In seidn.
Lake and Webster contriiumte sonic dainty
I pen and Itmic sketcimes. Time free-hmaummi cut-
timmg iy tIme first grade ptmplls of Webster
Is aumommg the best in this chase of work.
A "Motimer Goose" card shows time klmiti
old lady ritiimmg her trathltional broomstick ,
"Little MIss Muffett Who Sat on a Tutrett , "
' 'Toni , time Piper's Son , ' ' with hmls stolen pig
( mother lila arm and Jolly Old Kttmg Cole's
servammtn brlimging hue imhpe anti bowl , Time
cuttings are from black paper anti are
mmmounteti on wimltc which effectIvely brings
omit time stibjocts.
lcrammkIimi , Casteilar , Cornenius and many
etimer schools have cards of this free-
imanti ctmttltmg done by time hittlo foiks frommu
' 'Iummglnatlomm Pictures and objects. "
Anmommg time smmbJecte are 'IIius'atima , ' ' vlthm
his how , "Circus h'aratie , " LettIng time Old
Cat. ile , ' ' anti ' 'hioutml for the Exposition , ' '
represeimtlng a. baimti of rio summit iropor-
Then there are many farmyard scenes anti
amilmnais so well domme that labels arc not
Time first amid second grades slmow a great
variety of work. Lake line a card of Iammii-
acahes 1mm surmset effects , Long a card of colored -
ored birds sketched froumi life , Daveimport a
jdemmslng card of nature alit ] stIll life
sketches mmd Druid huh some stroimg work
in mmbaduimg.
Time work of tIme little folks , which must
ho seemi to be appreciateti , is ilaced cmi time
outer north vahis of the booths commtumhmmlmig
time Omaha exhibit , EL1. Ii. 1'EItItINE.
1uliimtlIt , htsstist h's.
'Flue following births anti deaths were no-
liorted to time health comnmnmlssioncr him time
t.weumty-four imommrs ending at imoon yesterday :
illrtims-'F. C. Aiipieby , 3226 CalIfornia ,
boy ; F' , hhtowmm , 1620 Cummmlng. boy ; Leo
Hart , 1212 .miartlma , girl ; Thomas W. Tlazemm.
2571 Sialthimmg. boy ; Emil , 1225 South
Sixteenth , gIrl ; Jomn ! Rezek , Timirty-lirat
antI W'tmintmt. boy ; John Olatlek , 1407 iouthu
Fiftecrutim , boy.
Dcatims-l'atrick Henry ' O'Coimumeii , 2217
I'acltlc , 25 years ; 13. MeNaniee , Twenty.
sixth muimil N streets , Somthi ; ) mtmaima , 38 years ;
Eva M. linemnussen , Twenty-sevontim and if
streets , 32 years ; VlncmmL flurkley , 2312
Webster , SO years ; VIrgInI Carter Megeatim ,
iit ; Somitim ThmIrty-secumtl gycumime , 67 years ;
Charles AtkIns , 1C0 iCyzior , 67 years ,
nut. , . time flair Urpimig I'irmn ,
County Judge Baxter has disposeti of thom
case of time SLte against Thomas Andersoum ,
nisimager of time hlaitlitmoru haIr .iumml Bristle
conmpany , finding him guilty of iimuuhumtalnlmmg
a nulmatmce. Time detndaut line beemm fined
time Ilummlt , 50 mmmiii costs ,
This is the case where time hair anti
bristle conmpany ummahmmtalueml a drylimg ground
a short illstammee vest froumi Soutim Omaha.
Oti time tract of land the bristles and imalr
froimu the animals slaughtered at the South
Omaha Imacklumg houses was siiraad out to
dry , Residents in time vlciimlty compialned ,
lIiii.k cli VIIl htrct.ser ,
George flinckweii , who was shot through
the rlgimt lung by his vlfe , Lottie , at tiit'Ir
home , Twenty-seventh anti Douglas stre.ats ,
after a quarrel Sutmday , wIll no tile , as wua
believed yesterday. lie iasseti time critical
jiolnt last umight.
hits wIfe 1mm coumtlncd lii time cIty Jail yet ,
but will probably ho . niIeasotl , ima hutch-
vcil requests imer discharge , lie admIts
tme vas justifIed In doing what biC ! did ,
hIen'y Smile. of Stmiimiii ,
The receipts at the Onumuimme postoffice for
June exceeded those of any nmonth In the
blstory of the othiee. 'Fbo sale of stamps ,
envelopes , postal cards and ; maper wrappers
for Juno unmounted to $33.413.24 , aim increase
of 11O25.2 over Juno of 1ST.
- - - - ' - -
- - - -
One Resnit of a Dispute About the War
Revenue Tax Law ,
Commnn ii' , , SI iii Ihcfiise' to l'ny for
'l'iiitni limmil the Sii t'ppcrs Scuit
( limmid. . b ) ' l'tts ( Freight
in 1refrcuce. I
Time controversy over the payment for the
war revemmtme stamps necessary for the shIp-
rneumt of exumruss imcknges is still on , ammti
the situation is mmmmchange'l. Time i'achfic Es-
press company has linen whipped into line
iiy the oilier coummpaimies and demands timat
time Persoim cxpressiimg em package pay for
time staumip. Timtt hCammsas City oiilce oh
W'chls , Fargo & Co. has also giremm up
time umaYmnent for tlmo stamps , anti has oiuieti
the other express cvmummpaumles iii stanthimmg pat
oil tIme agrectneumt not to pay for the sttimmmps
mmmmless coiiipehietl to by time courts. Time
only western line over wimleim cxpres packages -
ages nmny miow be sent without tIme sender
paying for time stamp is the Denser & Rio
Grande him Colorado ,
Time light against time express cotmipammies
is extcimtllmmg , time Oimmnima itmiti Gramit Smmiefl-
log orks lenthliug time mmmrmvrmu.nt. . Time cx-
press busimmess amimoimg nil time comnpatmics Immis
fallen off iii time past few days , anti time fast
frelgimt business of time railroad cemnpnmtles
line beetm correspommdliugly iimcrcnseti. Now
timt the otimer oxitress etimmipanies Imave foreeti
tIme l'rmciflc limb hlmme It is Itretlicted by the
express officials that every express incknge
sciit. emit of Onmaima tll have a stmmmnpcd
paid for iy time itcimmier tmimttl time courts rule
miiiteretmtiy , Time mmmercimammts otmtl other lug
simippers nrc nwnitiimg the ( iecisioim
1mm time New York ' test case
witim mmmuchi lnmpatit'uice as they
commfldemmtly eXitcCt timrmt time commrts wilt order
time express conmpammics to pay for time stmmnmps.
Time Onmaima & Grammt Snmeltlng commmpammy
it nilowltmmr sommw of Its simlnmmmeimts mmstmally
ummade imy expresS to ncemmmnmmlate at flue smmmclt-
ers here , the express comnpmimmies dechiniimg
to take tlmenm mmimlcss time war mevemumme stamps
are paid for by time eoummpammy , mmmiii time smelt-
log eoimipany absolutely rcfmshng to pay
tmmorc thmaim tIme express elmarges. Simommiti time
comirts decide timat time express commmpaimhcs
mmmtmst lma' for the staiimps , as time smumeltummg
conmpammy mmmmtlcipates , time latter corpomahiomi
vIi1 bniug suIt agmtlmmst time express commm-
; ammies for time tielay occasioned by timehr me-
ftmsal to take the express packages.
iUNS OUT ( ) i'VAIt. . S'1'.tL' .
Otik't' of I ii I ermitti hte'im iii' huM
: u 'I' vm' ti t S I I t. I. t
Unlteti States ltmtenmmah ltevcmmmmo Collctor
J. E. lloutz and hits clerks ore busy mmmcmi
timese daym. Time mmcmv revenue tax just putt
11110 operation has mmmdc vertlnble ltmterroga-
ton poiimts of 110011k' . amitl , mis cite of the
clerks said , "it would botimer a Phuhatielpimla
lawyer to answer sommie of time questiomme
vhmlclm timey prootmimti to us. " At 10 o'clock
In the nmonumimmg the chico is opened to time
public. Long before tithe time time corrhmiort
of the building are filled with nil sorts ani
, , : 'Ittidiis of men * ho Wmint to buy stamps
or ask "stioims reimmtlvc to their busimme.s
"Not a 2-eeimt stamp to tl" .t. ' , .11 ;
hmave to go to time bank. " Is the invanlamite
mcnionse made to iumqmmiries.
When Mr. hloutz was asked hmotv time law
was working , lie said : "Yes , it Is workiimg ,
bmmt slowly , and I and amy amen are alto
working to the extent of fourteen to ehgimteeim
hours a day. I mini imow so imoarse trout
talkipg over the telephone that I cami imardly
SPeak. There is umo telling imow long it vhhl
take to lunprovo matters.o have our
orders in at Waeiulumgtomm , but tue smmtimlen
enforcement of time law lies ummathe it lam-
Possible for time govenmmnieumt to do any bettor.
Since Monday I have receiveti thmis package
of telegrauums from dlffcreimt htarts of time
district. There imitmat be over 200 of thmeumm.
1mm reply I scnti omit a circumiar anti tell thu
PeOitlC to continue business amid ho patient.
To show time difference In time busiimess
doumo tItiring time fiscal year anti time one just
precething It hot me qtmote a few figures.
' Lmst year , fronm July 1 to July 1. time him.
crease of receipts over time fiscal year hum-
ummetilately before it was $1,175,000. Timlim
tices not iuclmmtie time receipts frotti time mmciv
tax , TImIs smmmn Is approximmmately wltimin
; ioooo of tie total amimount received itm
this office durlmmg time year previomma anti Is
almost twice as much as tIme receiimts of time
I fiscal year two yenrs ago , ThIs mmmakcs it.
I easy to uumderstant ] why we are so busy.
Time govcrnmeumt ima. ahloweti us umo Increase
of force amid front hmresemmt appearances we
I wIll uimtioubtetiiy imavo to contlumue doing
I business with our limited corps of clerks.
No doubt ninny wommder vim > ' theIr stamps
hmave not arrived , but Imavo to file timeumm
In time order of time date received anti aenti
timeni out Iii time smmnme artier , "
Jim reply to letters anti telegrams Inquir-
himg about stamps anti time new law , Mr.
hheutz scuds time foilowiimg cIrcular letter :
To himumk anti liammkers : Owlimg to delay
Iii receiving tiocunmeiitttry anti propnietory
revenue Etmilmips It has been foumiti Immmltos- t
siblo to fill ortienmi imronmptiy. It. Is hmeid
that time imtw tlois miot. require Impossible
thlmmgs to Ito done , atmti vhmetm for time
. I
I.tyaEout above given It was not imosslbie to
imocure time staunpit , it Is mint limsimitcil that
btitihimeuus shah stop anti vemmtiors elm.l by
reason tlmereof wltiliolti gootis fron : lime
immarket. bmmt that legltiiimnto iiusitmes unity be
trammmmmtctcd amid the mmtmmtnps requIred on
goods dIsposed of untier stich clrcutrimetances
umay be alilxett by time owners thereof or
Parties interested timercium , amid In cases of
coil sti in ii t bum time rein II vendor simal I mmmabc
sivormi retmmrn of time facts to time collector
of Internal revemmee , imlio ebahl umeseemi time
amimoummt tiuc tumid collect the salute under
time mimics and rogimlatiomms PrOiidt'ti tmimtier
tIme law. Tmtxiinycrs are atlmaonlslmetl timat
tlmls tmrgeney regumlatloa does imot in mmumy
way excuse timu'mim ( noun tIme ditties Itaposeti
upon them by the stmmtmite wIth reference to
mroctiriimg smtaimips ( or all iumstrtmnmoumtmm atmtl
timIngs reqtmlr'tl to be stamulutell ummder
cime4ule anti Ii of the War Ruvemmue Law
of 1MIS auth umegiect to iterforimi any of time
requircumients timoreof except for unavoidable
reasons above stated , will rentier flue tax-
imayer liable to time itconitles Provltieth
therein and they will be strictly cimforeeti.
Respectfully , J. B , I1OIJTZ ,
Collector ,
Fit liI ( lIT l1t1SJHSM IS It ( iI'l' ,
liii I I rtmii ttmi ( oiiiiiltii ii of I lie Shiut'l
'l'I uuit' iii 'Ihmis lirmi su'h.
All time freIght macn of time Omaha railroads -
roads report freight tratlie to be very lIght.
May was a gooti mnontim wiUm all of tIme lines ,
but June was consIderably lighter him its
returns , amid up to ( late there imas not been
mmmcii of a movement. In Jmly. It Is expected
that time simlpmeumts will imoW sonic increases
If time express conmimanlea declIne to receIve
express matter unless time simipper l'Y for
the war revenue etaunp. as most of this
class of goethe Is thmeum shIpped by fast
ftelghmt. Fast frelgimt servIce Is costly. but
as the raIlroads cimarge imigim for it It is
faIrly remunerative. July and August mire
usually lIght mnontims wltim time freight truhllc
departments , so time freight otficlais arc mint
discouraged , but they are lookIng toward
September for a big revival in theIr line.
W'IUi the passenger traffic it is altogether
dIfferent. WhIle passenger officIals are
looking toward a greater immovement of travel
in time autumn they are qtmite content with
the present large returns. There was mm
rcater anmoummt of travel on tIme one fare
rates declared for time Fourth of Jmmly thntm
there has been for a number of years. lies'
milan travel is also good , anti midvicce front
the territories coverei by the lines cetiterlmug
hero Indicate that a gooti arnoummt of travel
immay be expected for time next month ,
Port .t rthmur to ilitter St. .Tm' .
IANSAS CITY. July 5.-The Kansas City
Stiburhrmn Dolt line , vhmlch is controlled by
the ol1rt Arthur route anti Stiiweil Interests
anti imsed for tcrnmlitals by thosci lines , anti
the St. Joscplm & Griiimtl island rahiroami to-
day sIgned a jolmut commtract to buhiti ten
immiles of roati hetwecmm a imoint near Snmltlm-
yule to near Gower , Mo. . on the St. Joseph
& St. Lommis railroatl. This will bring time
St. Josepim & ( lrantl Islatmti into Kansas CIty
anti gIve time t'ort Antittmr road a line to St.
Joseph. The imork Is to be begtmtm himmimme-
diately nmitl be iushetl to completion within
ninety days.
itti tirgi % 4IICM itiiit I''rstmmrsis.
Preaitiermt Burt auth party of oflielals of
time Umilomi l'ciIlc ' are mmuw iii San Frammclseo.
I ) . E. lftmriey , general ilasseumg'r umgemmt of
the Oregon Simurt Line , was him Onmaha Men-
\v. V. ' . assistant general passenger -
ger agent of time l'ort rtimur rotmte , is in
time city.
A. S. Mmitelmetto of Clumelnnati. rcpresemmt-
lug time Star l.'mmlemm line , Is Imi time cIty , time
guest of harry E. Mource.
A ear filled viti New York volummt.cermm
botmimti for time l'imlilppines , hineseti thrommih ;
Oimmnima miommtIay on time hhtmnihumgtoim.
Fred i'ratmeis of time lbmrhlmigtoim's Passenger -
ger dcpuitimicmmt : eLttno over froumm ChIcago amid
si'.ilit time louu tit of July at the exposition
smell ntis.
hi. U. Chink of St. Louis , geumeruil stmperin-
teuieutt of the MIssouri Pacific railway , Is
Iii tii city with hut faimmily to spetiti a few
days at time eshiosltlolm ,
\Varrcim Ciilitllff of St. Joseph , Mo. , repro'
seimtlmig time St. Joseliiu & Grmtmiti islnimti ii : ;
rommtl , simemit tiit' Fourth of July bere , flue
gmmest of J. FL llumckitmgimamn ,
I. I ' . Simelby , iibo s as at one tinme itroummi-
mmcmi t lii Ommmaima nil Im muath circl es , lumaseti
thrtnigit Omaha Montimmy on hIs way to
Itmammo , where lie ii iii ictmti time suimmmmmer.
( korgo it. ilnyumcs , cIty passenger agemmt
of time ttllivnukec , immts nirived mmt Mmmrst'IlIcs ,
Fiummee , mmfter Imis sea voyage aiomuimti
Cape iloi mm. I Ic expects to be back imummie
about .itmly 20.
J. 0. h'hiilhiitpl , nssistaimt geuuerai frt'lgimt
amid h'assseiugcr ztgeumt of i hue Missouri I'n-
c ilie , tl ii ml ? tt rs. I 'liii I I ' i' ' I u ettm rimeti emi 'l'tmcs-
timy immorimliig fi oumm Chtlo ) , is imere timey cut-
teimdtd the fimimerni of Mr. I'hllhiiuimImi
nmothmem' .
Ommu hmmmmmdrcd anti imlmie r.crmmits for Ctmlommel
itr mmmi's reglnmeumt arrived lit ( ) mmmmimmL ; omm
'l'tm esti a' umiot mm i mmg ft uimm A i mmmt'm , Nob. 'lucy
OCI1lICti . te\erni pecial cmii's out flum'iuiigtomm
tt.itin No. 1 , anti at ommee precceticti to iime
camp at lmrt Omimalma.
Geimerni Agemmt Ktmimim of flue Nomt'uiiestcrmm '
iuma jtmst I'm epareti for free milstiuijtitioum mmmi
( 'XluOSItIoit tinily recorti book. It commtaltms
a ( iotmbit3 page gioutitl lilami of time exposi-
tiomm nmmtl a tioemm images of Illmmstr.mtcti tie-
sen i p tiomm of thi.a groum mmtls a ntt hum I I ml i age.
There is umiso sonic intercstimmg Immformmmatlttmm
I of time citIes of Ommmmmtma , Soutim ( ) imtmmlmn imqji
Council Bluffs mummd ntljmmeemmt terrItory. Time
I book is a neat , souvenir of the exposition.
'l'ravelhmig Passcmmger Agent Cmmnuiey of the
Denver & Rio Graimthe Is In this cIty to Itmok
after exposition visitors who wamit to take
western ( nuts. ile has aUiipiictl all time cRy
eiiices ivItim tuaumormmmic views of time Cob-
ratIo scenIc htmme , nimd Itretiicts that a large
portIon of the easterumers who comae out to
. .
'nsItlen will also tnie a trip through
Luur , ao. Tuavcllumg b'mmtsemmger Agents
Cummdoy and Luystem m. . . . mu0. otter the
travel oimt of here during the sumumnier.
\'IIliuiumm C. llarues , travehimig luassetmger
' agent of time Missouri I'aclllc , is omme mit tIme
itopuhar knights of time Mltinny. lie ac-
conipammicd a ntmmmiber of tIme Mltlwmy stare to
time exposltituim aimti they returned time
courtsy lty Insisting tinut lie hue oime of time
marsimnis of time Fourth of July pumratle , atud
timotmgh ii was Ills ibm ci boimt.bacIc rile Iii
several years lie got alommg % ery well. ibarmut's
Silys all tile Mithmvny attractions mild a big
buslimess on time Fourth , the atttuutlaiice at
st'vurmml of the shon a ruimnltmg up to time
5.000 mimauk.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.jii.lge htnlt'r ltd ii rims to ( ) iiixtIa After
us 't'i'hi , in Iuit'ct Ills
Judge ilaker Is 1cm fronm a simort tour of
tutu state , ii'lmere tmo hums hcctl to look mitter
his PolItIcal fences. Spemkiimg : of tIme po-
hitlcai eltumatlon out in time tate , Jutig'.u
hlmmker says flint. all of time iieoile kntmw timat
lie Is a carmdltlate for time guhicnmmmtoriaI : itiac.u
ott time rcjtubhlcan tIcket , iiui , that iii nmoet
places they view imis cnmmdltlacy with con-
siticraimie satlsfactiomm. lie says timumt time re-
immibilcatme are gettitug hunch timto line and
that in many of time commimties the popimihets
have lost strengtim tlurimmg the Inst few
months. The gooti crops of Inst. year , thmo
high Irices of all faram btrodtlcts and time
liOsPCCtR ) for an mmbmmntiaimt croum thIs year
has caused imimimtirctis of farimicre to stmim chins-
lug strange gods anti has bmougimt thrum hunch
into tile oiti columimmim , ivlmere they stood liner
to time populIst reigum. l'reeluit'nt MciClimley'mt
treatment of the Cumbaum ummatter amid lila
Imolley lit coimcmeetlon whim time war wltim
Spain , line thu imeti timnusumimils of Neluraska
votes back to the rcptmlmhican panty , ntmtl those
who a low ummomitims ago were gtiutilimg time
lured tl cii t to iii Ii nge t ii itt Colt rm try I im to imm r
time whmtdomn .hlsiuiayetl by MeIClnicy
Iii delaying actIon until the hiimiteti States
was ready to light.
Relative to time gubenimumtonal ! commtest Iii
time iJOPUhI5 party , there Is a pretty little
uighmt oh. It itortlon of time mmmitlihi-of-tlit'- ,
readers wnumt Joimum 0. Yclser to lead time
tickets , t imihe another portlom , mint' uumxlumis
for 1) , Cieii ieaver ) to try lmlmt lmatmtl , Several
cfioi ts Imawe Imeen imuade to get thin contemmtilng
I methoDs togtthmer , btmt tip to tItle thaw imo
hmtatlwmty flas been nmatlc. Yeleer's frleumils
polmmt to time recorti that Ito niatle 1mm the last
it gi slaturo a utti t itt' 11gb t that lie I ttm t mqt to
I secure lmis seat. ltaver's ) frleuumis ulge flint
lie was tue fatimer of tlmo party 1mm tlmla itonilorm
of t hi o itt ate um mmml I lmnt ime shun uml ii be recog-
umizeti. They also tale : up Yciser's recmrtl
aumti are outepokeim on the luohmmt that time
'ssimt that lie occuluieti lii time last leglmmiattmre
wont one to im'lmicii ito wits jmot ciceteti.
\Vimmmt itt worrying ( lint pomuiIsts most ttt
tlmI time Is time ftmslon questIon on I ime iieal
of tiitt state ticket. All of time factions main-
fain that the party bimomihtl imnvo time govermior
anti umeltlmt'r stile is willIng to ( oflectie tIme
uulnee to time leiimocrats. On time other humiimti ,
time miemocrats opeimly tleuluru tiunt they ii'Ill
not fuse or thu a timIng in that tiIrectlorm mini-
less thit'y have time Itlace. Ttmey say that
Governor ilolcomimb hmmm iuatl time best chico lit
the state for time terms und flint botim ( lines
time ) ' have beetm Itistrumeatmil lii placing imimmi
In Itommer. Now they urge that If they are
not gtvenm time right to namumo mm unarm ( or time
place. ( lucy iitih not play. but Insteati , will
lImit up a mmmii of their own itilitl mtimtl push
him timnougim to vIctory or defeat. 'Fhmtuy tie
not feel certaini of electIng their moan , but
say that If they cannot elect tlmeir caumtildatt' ,
ti.y can defeat time populist nomInee aumi
teach ImIs followers a valuable object lossoui.
Locally time fushon juan muIll follow that
of the party throughout the stale. If ( ho
parties should fuse on state olllcers , there is
likely to tie fusion in thu countIes , hut it
they cannot get together on time state ticket ,
( lion mmli hopes of presenting a united front
will go glimmering ,
Secretary tine Tells About the Omaha.
Convention's Outlook.
% Vetern 1'itseiiger AssoeinioiL
( rmmttts It Notnl'le htemliiet lomm-Stbtmto
of time Gemieriti l.mttmmrcs uf
Ike Lengmmc's Pros CfliLi. ,
Secretary Ti. Ii. Sthmmo of the ? 'bitlonal Re-
lnmblicnmm leagtme has re'tmmrmmeti trout Cimlcmigo
wimlthmer hit' lund iteen to spetiro reduceti
transltnrtmitloil ftt' time delegates to time iowtt
amid Nebraska State league coimveiitiommt ,
whuich are to hue lucId at ( 'otiimell liltilfa aimtt
Omimaha respectIvely cit time 12th. ThIs little
mmmatter time executive coimmimulttees of time twG
states hind mieglected to attetmd to nimti Mr.
Stlumo wemut to C'hmlcago to help timcumm otmt.
W'itb some tliihicmmlty lie simectetletl iii oh-
talimlng from time \\'vstenmm l'mmsmcmmger asso-
elation oim Suiturtimmy , after a great deal o
teleplmomtltmg auuuommg time mmieimmluermt. it omme-farG
rate for alt territory east of Colorado ruiti
\Vyoummiimg wltimin ir0 immllt'mi of thm tii 0 cIties ,
ammti a one-fare rate plus $2 for cli territory
ommtsltio of that.'lmat mumatie Mr. Stitie nit
time immore mttmxlntms to lmave stmehm a rate mmmatiG
ii.iis tliumt tIme need of soimmt. , rethtmnttoui was
iimterfenlmmg immaterIally with time liroshueCts of
attcmmtimttmeo mmhso at time mmntioimnh convention
of thu lccmgume , to be haiti him tlmis city fuoims.
tiit' 13th to flue l5tbm of timls mmmnmmtim.
Time tickets w ill be ltimiC.'tl 0mm sale nit
thme iithm otmd calm be takctm uitlvmimitngo
of by nil who wamit to ceimme lucre to utumy of
tIme co mtvcmmtlomme , mmmmti t lie t immmtm I liii I t line ticmt
bet nut Into as time 22t1 , timums iivimmg lime tieli'-
gmltes plenty of ( hue imt'ie for thu exitositiumi.
auth immelilemmtal emmjoyimmemm ( a.
A mmmommg t ito ium oimm I ntmmt sPeakers numtl or-
I iCammizem 8 of mmatltmmmmml ncpmmtatloit ii'iuo arc to.
be here for time umatltmimat coumycuitlomi , be-
shies ex-h'resitlt'imt I ) . \\'ootlimuniisec of
Ciimcltmuiatl , islrmt. . J. Elleim Ftimmter ofVmtht -
Immgtomm , I ) . C. , time ltresltieimt of ( \\'otiinims. .
htcuitmbhieamm : imttmeintIot , of time t'mmiteti Stmmtes ,
Simo is to t'pak eu time iiouk time mvoimmemm of
tIme ctitmmm try mminy do fmr I Ia r.puiml icamm pmmrty ,
hiecemutly site lois ie'mm , iccttmtiumg till ' 'A New
I iumiuenial Imtmn aim ii thm \\im' : tom' i'eace. ' ' 'lime
W'ouiimium's uissturimmtIon is nimxIoumum to have
rupresentatloum itt ( lie commveumtloims of limo
Nntloamml ilciumbilcan .eagIme miimti ttis. Fu-
ter wIll immake mm itica ftii' thIs pmtviIcgt' oim time
grommimtl of time oliieacy of time ii elk time womimeus
hue tiolmig.
I ii iiiiIs hits mu ( 'oitll ltt.
'i'hucro are to be two cuimlilctlimg delepa-
t I o lii ; fiemn I II I mmohe , cmi c It tatbed by
Seim at e r Isemic ti I I I cc 1 I ummuili to im , thto
iiepres'tlelmt ' of ( it. . ' oki Itague of
timat state , anti the otimer b' l'rcsitlctmt W. lt _
I'aime mmimti Ora E. Clmutlulmm , state tmgantzer ot
tIme ' 'iicitmibiieaum Leagmme of Ihhimmois. " Time
hatter Is a mmcii orgaimizntiium starleti mmii I
oppose time other , tiuc ' 'Ihlimiols Ifepubilean
Leugiio'-tiio sihgimt ditleremmee' in time immmmumes.
mimay be imotetl-mi hmhcit they ciaInm is a Tnmmner
orgaimization thirotigit anti timroumghm. 'l'iiey'
nmaltc time commtentton that wimcmmcver a state
league beconmes a immero state immaclmino for
otto tmarticlilar ummumim It hums ceased to be a.
triml' repreeemmUutlve league. Both mtitiea ivihi
have large anti .intimtmiastie . tbelegatioums.
"Altogether , we expect , about 1,000 dde.-
gates hero to the national convemmthon , ' ' smitl :
Mr. Stimme , zmi : socn as lie gtmt. coimmftirtuibly
seated iLm imitm oilice at time .lillnmti , ' 'aimtl tilt )
rotbmmctiomm iii time rateS is mmmortm than cut-
COIl , di , . . 2 " ho exitialimed ( hint nmntmy mmmcmii-
hens of ccummgrtss , Imuvevf'r ( , who imati iiemi
i'xpectetl , iioumiti not lIkely conic owlilit Ic the
imartl work timey have laid to luilt In tiunluig
tlitt mtcsiomm umimti a geuieral demlro to go to
time sea shore i'llttit'tliatvlv elmommiul commgness
atljommnum thus iioek , wimleim now sottmns lIkely.
'Fime governors of ' time different states
imavo been kept. tied tip , too , by time
\ar anti It Is therefore tlnmmimtftml if timcro
iviii lie ummaimy of them iii escmmt timls year.
rim imil Itmi t , , , ttr l'rtid eti ( ' ,
Several cntmthltiatcs utre coimmiimg omit for thmo
mint in mmmii m mui iticiicy of tim e I wm gmme. A tim cog
timcso nrc Colomiel George Stout' , itresitieimt of
time Callfonmmha hemigmie. lie is time chmoico of
tim wt'stern states mmmmti ivlll hue eu immmmmd
ivitim a canlomul or mimtmre. Next ctmmmies E. N.
limmgiey of iCmhhammmazoo , Mieb. , time scum of
time utmitimor of time Dinmgiey ithhh-Ncleon iImmg-
Icy of Mahmio. Still nnotimt'r canubitlatt , Is A.
N. iilgglims of Terre iltmtmte , hid. iie was
a cammtiitiato Inst year at. hetroit. atmul limit
Ut ) It good tight , but L. J. Crawforui of
Newport , ICy. , tiefeated httimm , J'resldent
kansas league commveimtlomm at Little hock.
Altogether ito imas bcctm at thirteen state
conveimtiomms thIs ycar.
'I'heno are also several eatmuhitlates for limo
seentutarysimlp. Luke ' : ihltcr of 'i't'mmtmessce Is
0110 umimth F. F. Meyer of Newark , time itreel-
.Jeimt of time New Jcr4ey league , Is almotimer.
Mr. Stlno Imas also iti'eti itnevalieml Upoim by
iuis fnlcmmtls to ruin , nitimougim at first lie ivas
OltpOst'ti to mioiiug so. Mr. Stlime zip.
lolimtetl to liii omit. tIme ulmexhulretl term of
! tl. J. Iowhimmg of itetmvliie , .lo. , ivhmo fell iii
anti ivuis ummmmhule to coumtlmmuo time duties of time
lii all time letters receivemi by Mr. Stlimo
zmmiiclm umimxlcty Is expremuseth over time seeunlimg
of commveim I 10mm im cad tj mm art ci a. 'lii v no I s a gium-
cmi fear hunt Ommmnima Is eromi hc'i ' , but Mr _
Stlime tiimthum umot nmuclt trouble hum gcttimmg ann-
p1 o acoonm imioulmt bits.
Mm. ii ! . 'Jm , , i mu , , Ierm'ml II bps F'ui I lmt.r-l ii.-
l.nm , Iiist 'tmmtijimlmiy . lte Ar-
u.n I g ii .i % 'eiI ii t's tI a l u rim I ii g.
Tue prellmlimutry lucumninmg of Jolmum hCerr ,
viucu iuot ammtl Imliliti John IteltI at'allcy
last Smitiirtlay , itili btu lielti lteore ( Jmistleo
I muck at I 0 o'clock'etI licittlay mrmnrtm I mug. I
Is uimoro tlmmiim likely ( hunt Kerr ivill salvo
oxaimulimutiloim maid will ho imelul to appear at
time next Icrmum of time thletrlct court without
After coinmnlttInmg the numtmrtier Kerr tried
to tithe hIs owmi I hfe. lie attennIttuth to shoot
imiimmmelf , antI thmtni , tnietl to cut lila throat ,
Iiuthlctitmg mmve'ne ivoutids.VImile lie Its not
llm a critical coimtlttltuim huts ivotimmtlmm are very
patmifihi anti Itreveat him froni securing uuiy
rest. lie still refuses to talk tf the imoot-
immg or ( hint ummattc'ra ( butt ietl up to time murder ,
I'aur A gi'um ( A ' .istl I Is's Iit'Imtmrl ,
County i'oor Agetmt Askis Itlm huts likd lube
rerutmnt ( or time YCIIF eimtilng July 1 , itimowlog
wimat lImit county dlii him the wity of assIst-
lug time tiutiltie iioor of louglamm cmnmnty. 'limo
report ttlmowtt timat tIjh ( mlt.tstlttmtu Persona
were rellevcui nimml ituittbtortel anti that as-
sbmttmmrmco whit glveui 3.311 luersoula.
h'ttlmitllt'x antI itroylelons ivert , dltitnllmuteul
Rti follows. ( 'otil. 1.067 taxis ; hour , i3iJ00
loumnuils ; sugar , 22.462 ; touummls ; coffee' , 5,969
itoumutis ; ( cut. 2.657 itouimiia ; beumits , 22,300
huounmtia ; rice , 6,122 jouimds ; rellt'uh oats , Ii .357
111)11 ) ii mis ; ( orim iume'ztl , 2bSit ) iou ii ti mm , meat , 20-
012 i ) ° UtmtiN ; stmlt , 5,361 Iotmmutis. . l'INlm C'm.mii ut lash , , . 3lecl.i ,
A uimeetinmg of time Nebraska Smttu ( Fish
Coiflzimtlimtioim was iititi iii Ommmalmit oum Tuos-
tluty nnormmliug. sil of the comumimmlsslonermi being
hureeenmt. Arrauigemcmmts were unaile for time
t'ntertuuiumiument. ( if time vleltlimn delegates to
hmo American lostitue of FIsherIes , whiltim
will hold Its natIonal conventIon hero on
July 20 mmmiii 21. 4rnoumg other trips that
will be arrmtumged for tue vhmmlors ( Is oim
to tbtj thttu fish hatcheries at I3outlm Uen4 ,