- - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , - _ --V - - ' - - - - - - _ - - -V. . - . - - - p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T1ri OMA1LA iAU4Y 1'EE : F\VE1)NESIAY , , TUiY fl , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ I ThIRD FINI4LY FILLIN ( : UP Another Oompany of Brya&s Regiment Rcathc Camp at rot Omaha , ALMA BOYS PUT IN THEIR APPEARANCE 8It iC 'rIi.i I'nn flu' 1'I , .sIenI Ii- uiiiItint 14)11 flhiil IItit I for 1)rtII -Coiipniy t Ut'ts fips Viii- f.rn ititui trlilN , Company TA of Alma nrLvel aL Fort Omaha yoteri1ny nrnrning , malcing the twcittii company anti filing the rcgliiient up to itR full ( lUOtO. A rotldng farewell was oxtcrnkl the boys on the Fourth of July at Alma. Ncnrly cvcry man In the company was lccorate4 witti uutncrotls pieces of ribbon - bon , the gifts of sweethearts niul adinIr cr , nml when the company was Iinc4 up for InBpcction utter passing the physical cx- iunlnatIori the gay colored ribbons gave It the appearaucu of a rainbow or an laster lint. Of the ninety men who arrlvcI with ( ho company thirty faileil in physical cx- aminations , but nnothf'r officer of the cmn- pany will arrive tomorrow with sutficient Illen to bring the coiiipany up to 100 , the nunibcr rcriuiiccl for mustering. Arthur A. Uiiilerwoo1 Is captain of the colniany , Auzi A. I laibleti is first. iicuten- nnt anl ( ho sceomi lieutenant hia iiot been cho300 yet. "Tom , " the mascot ci ( lie company , is zt flevcc looking bull ( log that bears marks of inony a hard light anil has the reputatIon of never having met tic- feat. Clothing and anna has been isuel to company C of Omaha and as soon as car- tritlge beitH and canteens arrive the corn- i.i'fl ) ' Will be completely outfitted and ready fur service. The men in their tmltorrns arc the lions of the entire regiments uiut all the oilier coiiipafties arc striving to get recruited - cruited 'iii to the 100 mark and be mus- tcrcd in. So keen is the competition for now recruits that iohicitora for several of the unfilled COflhl)811lC8 meet nih ( ho street cars when they arrive at Thirtieth street and i ape In ( lie men who conic to thu fort with the intention of enlIstIng. t Llcuteliant ltrtlstoii of onipatiy A of Lin- colii veflt to hincolu on the Fourth of July nntl aecurcl thIrty nicri who expressed a ( lesiro to join company A. The mcii were brought to Omaha arni Instructed to show ill ) for physical cxuninatlon yesterday. \Vhieii the time came no men nppearcd on the scene and Lleutonaiit Italston Is stIll waiting for them to show up and hoping that the men did nut come for the sake of having a Fourth of July excursion at the state's expense. Tlio band is enlIsted In company A and will liti HR1CI the charge of the olilcers of that company. Tiic ilruin iiiajor who came with ( ho COIfllafl ) ) 1(1110(1 ( In lila examination but another iirtiui major , an ox-member of a United Status nriny hand , will arrive tomorrow - morrow and begin uractlco vtth the mush- cia us. The first death in the regiment was that of the eagle which caine with coot- lhtflY A 110(1 fl5 the mascot of the regi- ruelit. The bird was given a nilitnry funeral : auth a salute ns tlrcl over its grave. As ranking eagle , "Uncle Samuel Ewing , " the bIrd belonging to company t of O'Neill , t'1l1 take the chIco left vacant antI his iro- motion has bcei ! announced by Colonel Uryan. USE THE EXPOSITION STAMPS Cii p it I it I it I iii - ' ti reli ii es % 'it.tii r- outof hiM Cliieiigo ( : o rreN ( U , II ii I0 * It is lirobablo that an effort will be made to have all the local representatives of east- era corporations irt vail Upon the home coin- panIcs to use Exposition postage stamps on nil tliir mall for the lmr1oso of giving % Idcr itibllclt to the Omaha fair. Captain 11. l. ) 'aiincr line just bought'3OO of Exiosition stamps In response to the following letter from ( ho general inniiager of the western tlepartinent of the Continental Insurance coiiipaiiy of New York : CIIICAaO. Iii. . Juno 21 , 1898.-Captain II. E. I'alnier , Omaha. My Iear SirVe : have lieeit usIng inure or less of the Omaha Eiwsitlon stnnmps on our mail amid desire to use timemit on nil mail leaving this otilce. We have , however , found it imposslhhc to get all that. we require unit would like you to itdVisO tIS whether you can get us , say $100 worth , of these stamps and send them to tiim. fly the time they are miseil up we can probably get what we need from the hiicago ofilce. Yours very trimly. 0. I. KLINE. Captain Palmer says ho Is going to ask time other ronipamiles which he represents to (10 the same timing amid hopes to have other rcsiilent imgeiits follow his exaniple. The re- smut swill be that a munch larger hart of the . . letters going through Uncle Snot's mail to mill iart of the world vlll carry souvenirs m of time fair. 'Vito Cone hint titi LI iiiilt.il. The new \Vnbasim solid vestihitihe train of day eaehiCs , sleepilig imnil dining cars. A train for tourists and all clascs of travel. \Vlll Leave Chicago ( daily ) . 12 noon. Lnve St. Louis ( daily ) , 9:10 : a. m. , Arrive New York via West Shore , 3:20 : p. ni , Arrive Iloston via Fitchburg , 6:50 : p. m , Alt agents sell tickets for this traimi anti vlll tell you all ubotmt it. Attic hilimi or write a. N. Clayton , 0. W. I' . \ gt.'abash It. It. Plate ( Units , Plato Mirrors at F. U. Iccu- uard's , I ItO Ilarney St. JiI'I.I.ti ' ) , X. . , .tNlhtiTUIIN. 'V lt lie Xur * hiii'est eta Li lie. July 1 1 imiiml 12 , ittruordhmmtry : rates , thmougim ears. Thin Northwestern Is tIme "olilcial line. " \\'rlte C. . E. Morgan , inter- natiommal itreshlent II. Y. I' . U. , Omaha , or city utilce. 1491 Fainniti street. StiitiIimt % irsImiia. Thu large new excursion * mtvanier "Jncob Rlchtmnan" IC1C5 the foot of Douglas street cvcl.y day mit 2 imuti 8 p. iii. , iniiking a trlim of two to three lmatmrs tmm the rIver and t return. Fare 25 comitB children under 12 , 10 centS. Chuhtlren in nimits free. _ - - - - - - - - I ' _ SUMMR TOURIST RMS Now in effect to Colotado. Yel- lowst000 l'ark , hiluck illils. Men- lana amid Utah. i3urprisimigly low-only $25 $ for Ike round trip ( hnver , C mlor. I t1a sprIngs or I'ueblo. $5 to salt p Lake City. Z60 to lleiena or I , Ilutte. 1IeIet 0111cclepot - 1502 F1flO SI , 10111 MISO1 8S. _ _ I i p- TEACHERS ARE GOING AWAY Smtmiiiiier _ tihI resmt.mif , Summit' SS'hiii lviii 4iiuti I'is.I r Vlmef I liii ( hit- tItI ( if Omumihmn , As a rule , most of the teachers in ( ho 1)111)- lie schools of Omaha spenml their summer Vacation omitsitie of time city. This year , however , mat of them will vary thIs rule and remain here , the exposition and the nunierous conventions proving a stronger attraction than the mountains , the country and the watering places. Most of those tmo do Intend to travel will not gt away until the latter vart of time hiresent week at the earliest. The names nod summer ati- dresses of time teachers who will spend the balance of the Bummer omit of town arc : Jcnnie Salmon , Iast River , Conmi. CorycliS'ootl , 729 Twenty-ninth street , .Miiwaukee , Wis. Annie Q. Fair , Mlssouia , Mont , ii. Jennitetto Boyd , & 17 Itacine avenue , Chicago. Iranees A , Fisk , Mayvili3. N. . Margaret eott , Tarkle. Mo. Alma M , Miiroy , York , N , V. Ilien : .i thite , Mitidiesex , Vt. Ehiza escott , Vecott , eb. Mary A. ! .ucas , IJubuque , Ia. Kate M. Miles , Flint , Miclm. 13. C. Vhitniore , Scranton , l'a. Ncttie Ihmctt ( , I'ittsbumg , Kmni. 1Iatti Simnonds , l'omiy , Mont. Mary E. Sinmonds , l'ony. Mont. Alice flnrper , lieatiice , Nub. Clara Il , Maton , Burlington , In. Caroline Scimerer , Monroe , Inti. Abba W. Ilowen , 1mlanitou , Cola. lila E. MacIc , 4747 Lake mtventme , Chicago. helen \Vyckoff , York , Nub. Corn E. Henry , FairfIeld , Neb. Jean llerdmiian , Iommrnouth , Ill , Mary II. Lltteii , College Springs , Is. Lizzie L. Banker , Cook , Nub. Mabel I. . Jennison , Usage , Is. Anna I'henix , Albia , In. Clara Iilackburii , Shchlsbmmrg , In. Mary L. Torrey , Ciintonvihle'is. . Margaret 1. McAva , lIchiefontaine , 0. Louisa P. Salmon , Keokuk , In. Sadie I' . I'ltinan , Mount t'ieasant , In. tlary II , 01111mm , Illaine. 0 , Mary II. throhliar , Phillips , Nub. Louisa Adams , Lawrence , Kan. Margaret II. Itcitd , Des Moines , In. Amelia lirownVashimigton , In. Agnes J. Mitchell , Tingiey , In. Myitie I. Seymour , Toi'aka , Kan. Myra Laitmie. Corning , In. Annie I. Cults , hook , N. Y Olive J. Mnrshail , Burlington , Wyo. Lulti 11. Iltmut , l'rovldeiice , it. I. Lucy Ilcock , Van \Vert , 0. Clara U. Invai , Atlantic , In , M. I. CraIg , Storm Lake , Is. Sophia It. Fisher , Aiton , Ill. Carrie Id. Iloutehie , Galesburg , Ill. Lily M. liruner , W'ashtngton , D. C. Alice M. Fawcett , Galena. Ill. PHILLIPS GAVE A RECEIPT Novel 'I'rmmi , Iii ' .Vlli'il iLfl iivmt Itriiier CmItCItet4 flit Oiitn ha 1eimtmile Tli I e f. Jolimi Phihiip , whose dress anti manners stainpeil him as a green country mitan , imrovcd in uolice court yesterday that lie was not as green as lie looked anti that he knew a thing or two , or three or four , a fact that will ( leprivo i\llco holmes of her liberty until the next session of the district court. Phillips is a fanner at Creston , Ia. , and lie Caine to Omaha Sunday to see the sights with 5 tucked away in his pocket. lie was decoycti Into the house of Alice Ilolmes anti robbed of his money , but , unlike the average - ago farnier visitor , ho did not care for the 1)011CC.Vlse Phillips accused the woman of having robbed him and told her that if sIte would shIlL the amount toIen in two and give him hmtif he would not have her ar- rested. Tile woman stepped into the trap set for her very readily anti gave PhIllips half the money back , ho giving her a receipt - ceipt for time amount. lIe t.hen left the house , but returned in a few moments with Sergeant King , who placed tue woman no- mler arrest , anti on her person was found the receipt acknowledged by I'hilhlps for ( ho money she paid hint , it being a practical confession of her guilt. 11cr hearing before Judge Gordon wns short. Sleniiint A rn YmliM iii ( ) iimtlmn. Yesterday at noon the steamer Jacob Itichitimian arrived from St. Louis. She collies to lily 00 the Missouri river as an excursion boat for limo summer. Site is tied Ui ) at the foot ot Iotmglas street anti viii stnrt on her first excursion this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Sun is itianneti by the samuc crew ( hint sailed the Libby Conger here as an exeur- sion boat in the summer qf iSi2. Sue is a new steamer , larger aitil better equipped ( unit was the Libby Conger , has ail ( lie inotlern improvements , including a perfect system of electric lighting ; a very powerful searchlight , which they propose to make iimte : estmng on the river e'tmitmigs itnil will ho ( itlito Ito addition to Omaha's many attractions - tractions 'this season. t lii 'I ( lit ( ii t N. I The attractions at the Trocaticro for this week are Frank Gardner anti his ridIng baboon Jessie , Johim W.Vorid , the eccentric - tric comedian ; Madeline Shirley , prints ilonna soprano ; Lorenze utiti Allen to an original anml unique singing : and acrobatic dancing speciaity Adelman anti Lowe. ehaimipion xyloplioime 501015(8 ; Vouletta atiti Tomlas , acrobats and equilibrists ; Sharp mmii Flatt , comedy imimmsicnl artists. A mali- lice will be given itt 2:30 : today anti Sntur- day , at which Performances the price wilt be only 25 cents for adults anti 10 cents for ebtldreim. Ihtiflitlo , 1. , ulitl Helmiril , Via the Northwestern LThe. July 11th and 12th , extraordinary rates , through cars. 'l'hi.i Northiieateru is the ' 'Official Line.'rltc " . C" E. Morgan , International - national itresident Ii. Y. I' . U. , Omaha , or city otlice , 3401 Farnarn st. iti'tei ii I N Irniti iItisi'H. The first half of tItle year huts been a record-breaker him the matter of receipts front liceiiics nod iwrmtts. 'Flip sum total received front this source till to July 1 was over $15,000. This Is over $2,500 macro than was taken lit from licenses during all of last. year. The total receipts for 1897 were $12- $ 517.17. Juno was a good itionth , the total receipts being about $2,717. One year ago for the month of Juno they were $3S7.55. The booth also surpassed Mit ) ' , of this year , when the revenue nitiolintetl to $2,376 , Iiq tin ! II Igli ( N mu Soiii lVmtte'r , Celorcd society is very much worheml till Over time rcftmsml of Lacey E. l'eytomi , it ( lruggibt itt Fifteenth mmmi Fmtrnmmmu streets , to sell E. II. I tall umitl his friend , J. ii. Ilerti two glasses of soda ivater. halt is an attorney anti Ilmmiiiimmemlt among hIs racn. lIe has swain omit wairants for time arrest of l'eytOn oil thio charge of discriminating oil nctotint of color. itiill says the meftisal to servo the tirinks \vnii hot itmatle imupol ltd y anml that ho was stmbjectetl in itci insults other tItan his color soil his feelings. lIe is hackett in his action against tIme thtugglmt by V. Ii.'alhier , vimo thli bandla iitmi case. IAtLiH I'l''l' iiAi ' 1 0 CO1OItAflQ l'iu Ihiek IMiallil Itoimte. Leaves Omaha 5:20 : a. ni , , arrives Denver aiitl Colorado Sprtimgs S p. in. Take this train auth save sleeping car rain of $3.50. ticiet allice 1323 lrmmrnamn street. 'J'iit , .ijerb EiiiiIimiii'iit and quick tiimmt of the Union I'acitic makes it the popular line to li prtnclaI western resorts , City ticket atTire , i'o. 1302 Far- namu st. Iiiimzhits of Vtimiiis hut imititiji , 'l'lm Knights of l'ythiias lodge roania In The lice buihdtmmg t ere the scene of imuich enjoytnemit inst night. It was the regular I piceting . nhici1i puint' ' of I'lItrlrn _ ; were m t oiitueet1 over the 1titth In Pythlan hIQimOl8. _ I Amoimg those m Ito were &tliZl ( Into time order i'ere { hahil , 1'elmuy , } : ntil Leripy I sitmi Isaac flenyakar of the Streets of All I Nations mit tlw exposition. After the lodge business had beemi disposed of anti aftc.r the imtitiation of ( be candidates , iight refresh. meets nitil einrs were served Ia tbi aS- lors of the lodge roow UN1O' PACI'IC'S [ ' ' NE\V \ 1)EPOT ) City Councilmen Incline to Stir Up the . Railroad Gompinies , TIME FOR BEGINNING WORK IS PAST Agreemiicimt Mail , . iii lime 'I'imiie ( iii' City ( lrntt ( eu l'crtil iioit for ( ii , , Ire- tititi Of it 'i'eliiptmrnry Strmme- tim ro iN VioIntteiI , The Union Pacific railroad may be prodmieti in the very near future by the city council if It does not continence to get action on itself shortly toward the erection of a per- Inanent depot. Several of ( ho councilmen are considerIng the advisability of bringing tIme matter before the attention of the aldermanic - manic hotly , if the company were living up to Its agreement with the city , work shioulil have been commenced upon the structure 50100 three weeks ago. It was In the early part of April that t1t Union i'aciilc's depot proposition came before - fore the council , amid , it was on April 12 , that time council deemled it lot. of property to the iiniomi Pacific for depot iurposes antI gave the road permission to crcct Its present temporary depot on condition that It. coin- inenco work upon the permanent structure witlmin sixty days. Thmese sixty days expired on June 12 , or thereabomits , and the railroad - road has as yet given no cvideec of Intuit- tion to build. Sortie of ( lie councilmen are somewhat stmrprised at this dilatoriness , inasniuchi as the council gave more ( line than was tie- inniided. Presimlent Burt appeared before the hotly anti asked for only thirty days , but the council voluntarily doubled the time. At that tIme also sonic of the councilmen wnntcth I'resitient Burt to put up a guarantee In money that the condition wouhml be coin- viied with , but the resolution wits PassetI simply on an assurance that the road hami . time money all reaily for a depot and that work would be promptly commenced , No camis& can be assigned by city officials for tito delay , because It is generally reported that the Plans of the structure have been drawn for seine ( line. Just vhat action the city inny take is not known , but. those of the aldermen who have given the matter attention declare that they will be in favor of tearing down that per- ( iou of ( lie lireseilt temporary strmicture that lies on city property. They argue that they can legally tb this , since the land as' deeded for depot purposes anti the temporary structure was allowed only on condition that the permanent depot ho conimencetl within the time mentioned. A failure to cotiilh ) with tIme conditIon wouhtl invalidate the deed and time Property would revert back to the city. liii ii. ll'ngeM omm 't'ort ii ( rim i'zieilic. ST. PAUL , July 5.-General Manager Kendrick - drick of time Northern PaciFic has issued a notlco to the effect ( list the wages of the train emnpioyes over the entire system have beii rcstoreti to time figure in effect before ( be reduction in 1Sl. This question has been under consitleratinmi by the presi- dent. anti other officials for sonic months. In view of the excellent financial show- imig by the company it was decided to restore vages without request front eniployes. 'rite raise tlates front July 1. Eimglmieems amid contltmctors will get an increase of about 15 rcr ccitt , i'iiti iuniid P'reliiii t Sil iptiit'iits. CIIIC'AGO , July 5-Eastbound shipments for Inst week ( five days ) amounted to 29.- 622 tons , against 55,541 for the previous week anti 4,292 last year. The Wabash led with 5,91S tons. Other lines carried : Michigan Central , 3,758 ; Lake Shore , 4,082 ; Fort Wayne , 4,715 ; Panhandle , 4t,91 ; haiti- Inoro & Ohio , ; .779 ; Grand Trunk , 3,976 Nickel h'late , 2,507 ; Erie , 1,056 ; Big Four , 1,958. Lake hines carried -19COS. Time "Jacob Itltciiinan" is a new steamer , large anti comniotliomis with all modern hut- proveinents , double deck , spiendjd siuuie. Fare for round trIp excursion 25 cents , chiithren tinder 12 years 10 edits. children In arias free , r USIAMUSMNTSIIII. ' 1 Moimday night brought time regular weekly change of hill at. tue Trocnmhero anti there was a large anti apprecativc crowd on hinnth to ivitness the opening of the theater's thirti week , ( lespite the fact that the exposition proved stiTh a magnet thiat nearly nil of the other down town play houses auth gartheus were almost deserted. Time local amusement loving publIc scent to be just commencing to realize thmat in the Trocatiero Omaha hums One of If hot. time Ihitest vandevilie houses west of Chicago , and hereafter few of theta will miss going at least once a week. There were eight nunitters upon last evening's Itro- grain amid they fmmrnisheth three hours of the best amusememmt irnaglmmahie. They were Vouletta mind Caries , daring lady and gentel- man acrobats , who come hero mhirectly from the woriil'mm exposition at Stockholm , Sweden , whicre they recently closed a successful en- gagonient ; Madeline Shirley , a chmarming coinetlienne ; Sharp and Flat , inspiring mnusi- cal zuaker who are among time cleverest People of their kind that hmat'c yet visitCi Omaha. After playing upoil a tiozeim different iclntis of Instruniemita they wind UI ) their perforiminmice by strap. ping wImio lenther collars , upon which are fastened sleight bells of dtiferent sizes , aroumttl their arnie mind legs , ( ito collars are stutitleti with small reth , white and blue in- candesceimt lights connected up invisibly , the lights in tue house are tmirmied down and by kicking nmitl wildly gaticulatlng ; they make gooil music , whmilc the effect of time lights 114 very lieasiflg ) ; their act Is it decided - cided tiovely anti very fine. Lorenze anti Alien , coniedy ketelm artists , captivate time emowmi itht their splenthid tianclug. Joint 'tV. \Vorid , time comedian who was formerly oime of time veil knowit trio ofVorlti , Keller anti Mack with "Town Topics , " whose act was soiiiewhiat marred last evening by time or- chiestral acceinpanimciit which i'as too slow for hum dancIng , is gootl , hmis scarecrow song anti dunce heimig ltartletiltiriy so. Frank Gardener's rIthlimg baboon , Jessie , which huts been re-engaged by continuous deinaimtis for another week ; Adeirnaimo and Lowe , xylophone - phone soloists , who closed time hierformauco \vitit a t'cii ruitmiereti overture front \\'lilintti Tell , Sousa's "Stars and Stripes" and Imatriotic airs , vhilcim ama always well ro- ceivemi. Taken aitogethmer , this weeks at- trmtctloims tire time best that huts been presented - sented by time nianagemnent imico time Opon- of the theater. A P11 % ' . ' titV .t'l'AtiPi Otli'retl imy ( lie Ciih'magu , 31 Iisviimtki.e & St. I'mttii itimiifl'im ) ' . TlIi SilOlIT LINE TO ChICAGO. A clean train ii tie imp anti started from Omaha , liaggago 'mckeU fropm residence to destinatiomi. Fiegant train service antI courteous cm- phoycim , Entire trains lighted by electricity and with electric light In every berth , Finest dining car service In the west , with meals served "a. ha carte. " Time Flyer levca at 5:45 : p. in. daily train Ummion iepot. ) CITY TICKET OFFICE , 1504 Farnani St. C. 5 , CAItIIIEI1 , City Tickvt Acnt. icIi' % % iIiIEt'lNG VAiL Siiii'jcp I , - Viii Uotiiui'miunl Iloiue. Comnniemmt.lng Monday , June 27 , Puilxm.in sleepers wlil run ( room Omaha to leuver on train No. 7 , ieavItmU Onmaha at 7 p. m. , I amid arriving at Denver 11:30 : amid Colorado I SitTings 11 05 the following mornitig , Give tltis imew service a trial. For tickets and sicttphxmg car reservations call at city ticket olhice , 1323 laruam t , CREIGHTON THEATER SOLD SiecIni Maitter ( JusimlsMinner itogerN l'imldN 171 , due Claim of ( lie iInrImget.N. Special Master Commissioner ileritert Itt , Ilogers sold time Crei'ton % theater property at foreclosure sale yesterday to satisfy a claim of 120,000 , hhtl by the Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust company. The prop'rty was bid In by I. V. Nslt , as trustee for the stockholtiers , hcpaylng : the sum of $130- 000. The other biddersat the sale were A. L. ItcetI anti F. P. ' Kirkendaii. The first biti was $122,000 and wi titade by Nash. Front that time until the sale closed , the bidding ft5 lively , going ahotig at the rate of $ l.000 per bid , Tue aggregate debt against the Creighton thichter was about $120,000 , which inclutled interest , taxes and costs. The stun realized from the sale gives a surplus of $10,000 , which will go to the stockholtiers of the Creighiton Theater ilulitling company , the original owners of the property. To bInd tIme bargain , Mr. Nash deposited a certifleti check for $20,000 , whicim will be liehti until the confirmation of the sale , which will ilkely occur sometime this fall. rtz.IILAI1D ABOUT TOWN. E7 - ? There arc several stories goIng the rounds purportIng to tell how a sparrow stopped a train. here is a new one told by John C. Bonnell , lImo well known raliroath man : "The Trnnsmississlppi Exposition at Ontaii this year is now the chief attraction in our nation. My story of a sparrow stopping a raiireaii train is confined within the hinihts of this great exposition anti to be more cx- Itilcit it is withtimm the Agriculture huilmiing , whilcim is one ol time largest structures. Each eontpetitor in this building has presented in design auth art , in the agricultural line , all time best liosible anti tue result is a better amid more artistic and interesting class of exhihits time have ever before been iii this or tiny other country. The exact ho- cation of our story is in the display matlo b the Rock Island at the wc3t end of the Ag- ricuiture building anti occupies a space of over fifty feet. square. It is built in two semi-circles , forming nearly a coitipieto cir- do , amid the large panels afforded in a struc- hire of such dimensions gave mae , the archit- toot anti designer , aim ntivantago seldom it ever before vouchsafed. At each of time four ends of the semi-circles are turrets eight feet in tilameter anti thirty feet 111gb , each supported by sixteen glass cylintiers Ilileti with grain. Near to time top of these wall spaces a miniature train is rtmnmiing. Iti gauge is three incites laid In regular raiiroati P rail ilattern , one quartem imich high anti one quarter mcii base and each rail is ten feet long. This traimm is time exact counterpart - part of the new 'Itocky Mountain Lhmn- ited. ' The extronte length of engine anti temider tn this ntinimmttmre train is fourteen incites and conforms in detail anti prolor- tians to the ceichrateti 1101 , of whicim it is an exact copy. Five car each thirteen inches hong complete the train , which is about seven feet in length. "At six o'clock p. III. OiiO ihay time attendant at time cxhmibit turned off the electric current by a svitchm lever at his desic nitti time model traimi stood still. Time next morning an iii- verse movement of thnt lever started the model train. It miii lain all nighit at a point .on one of time large maps called Emiil , In Ok- inhomna. It proceetled on Its way niong the niap to Fort Worth anti passed through tumret. No. , crossed time bridge and ran through turret No. 2 , amid , as shown by the tilap , math' the rumi St. I'aui to Chicago and ontereti turret No. 3. TIme attontlamit. dItI hot itotice time traimm after lie hind set it in motion liar even thought of it until about 9 a. ni A goodly number of 'vIsitors had gathered to exarmtimie the exitibit Situ htecanie so utter- esteti that lie spoke of tue niotiel train anti said it would he arotinti in a macmeat or so. ' 'After waiting a coimsisteut ( line amid the train imot appearIng , lie instituted a senrch for time little tieserter or rather time lazy little loafer and at last he found it in turret No. 3 , standing stlii , with its cowcatcher ( pilot , time railroad boys call it ) smack up againrt a sitarrow's nest on the track. Tue fact was that one imir of tIme hundreds of English sparrows that have taken up thmeir home in this btmiltiing hind tIme ninht be- fore conciudeti that it. was time to go to hotisekeepimig aiid Mrs. Sparrow ( helpemi tommie of cotmrsc by time oitl man ) hail betw'een 6 it. mu. ( lie day before and 'J a. in. built a miest of stoutly interwoven straws amid straw leaves and bits of cotton from time display there at. itammil directly on tue roadbcti of this model train and so firmly was it an- choreti to tue ties ammmi rails that the little model train could not push it ott and that is ' 110w 5 Sparrow Stoppeti a Itailroatl Train' . " Major 'William I .onagitnn of Cleveland , 'ho hiatt been ( ietalied as an adtlltionai hay- master in the Ieparttncnt of the Missouri , vithm hmeatiqimarters at Omaha , arriveii im Omaha yesterday. For a number of years Mimjor Monagiiaim hiveti in the sante coit- grcssionai dIstrict with Prcslticiit McKinley amid was very intimately acquainted with him. in speakliig of time president , Major Monaglian Saii that be never had reason to amlmire him anti respect him more titan he has since time beginning of tile trouble with Spain anti limo ivar. "The coolness with which McKinley stimycti off the actual decia- ratIon of war in the face of hutch unfavor- ohio criticIsm was somnettiumtg remarkable , " said Major Meiiaguian , "and still lie kept pro- itaring for i'nr vitii all vosstble haste. It wns a picce of statesmnanitimuit which was time amimlratiemi of foreign powers , as itch as of li thmoimgumtfui people in the United States.Vitim rcfereimce to time bill which Is pending Iii comigress concerning time cmi- listimmg of 20,000 colored troops , Major Mona- giman oximresseti a desire that tue bIli vouitl Pass. Experiemiceti miromy ineim licmmm' testumnoity to time fact that coioreti troops make gootl soimhiems. 'fhme brave lighting of time cnioreml troops iii the engagement at Santiago bears fresh testimony to their eliiciency , and , moreover , being accustomned to time warm climnate , colored troops enlistetl In time south- era states would not tie overcome by limo heat like men vimo collie train mote temn- Iterate ciiimiatemm , C. J. hlois'iby , etUtor of time Crete Icmno- crat , was in the city yesterilay. lie brought his son Charles with hint , anti the boy has joined tue comumamiy of eimginecrs being raised Imi timle city. itmioiiior soil , ilnrry , has just passctl time exmimimmatiomi for nil- mmtission to'cst l'oint , being ammo of thirty- cigimi mit of rminety.eigimt to successfully stanmi ho omdcnl. hid recelveti hIs appolitt- Inemmt ( rein Congressman Stark a few mitoatits ago to liii a vacaiiey eammseti by time failure of the original appointee amid alternate to Itass. J , J. Bruce , vimo stnrted tue first newapa- per in i'ocahmontas , ila. , twcnty-mmine years ago , is in Ontaima vhmmitimtg ( lie exposition mmmiii visitimig a semi who is in time employ of time Nebraska Ciothlmig commtpammy. Mr. Bruce is enthusiastic over the exposition , as veil as favornhiy lmprcssttti with Oinmtha , amid ii.Ihl let lila friends aiim ! neigimbors know of the attractions awaiting them here. l'vrsitmi I'm. imtgrit i'j' . Ezra Miiiard has returned from hIai'varti University. Ir. Gemicytevo Tucker of Pueblo , Cob. , is Jim time city , 1Gx.ovrnor ( Richards of Wyoming is an Omntmhia visitor. Dan Shelley. a Chicago anti cx.Ornaha itowepaper man , is In time city. John It. Corey , Frink Perry and Ernest Moore of harvard are stoppiiig at time liar- kcr. Ir FrctlV. . Muiler and 'tV. IL Moore of Kanaa City. J. S. Mamitti nod wife of New York , E. W , Jacobs of Montreal Can- ails , Itt. Zmtckcrninn of Chicago , arc prom. mont guests stopping mit the flarker , htos Towle imas nrrive0 itonie from Will- lamns college , ba'ing completeti his senior year. year.Miss Miss Ellen M. Iavis ) hiss gone to Washington - ington , U. C. , to spend a month wilh her brother. Miss tbba hiowen left yesterday to speiiti the summer In tue iteigitborhood of Mani. ( Ott , Cob. ( IcorgeV. . lioltirege and party left on mu westermi trip yesterday In the general man- eger's car. 11ev. F. A. Warfield left yesterday with his family to assimnie the mittlies of Imia litiY cimarge in Massachusetts. Miss Nellie \Vnkeiey will leave totlay for Cripple Crek , Cola. , where sue will visit Mrs. Citmirica L. Lawtoa. Mrs. M. A. hews of Ieatlwood , S. I ) . , Mrs. T. J. Foley anti Mrs. John Stewart of Iretos are stoppiitg at tue Unrker. Miss M. L. Littleflelti started yesterday to attend time Nmitiominl Educatloital associmu- tion about to assemble mit 'tVasttington. itobert Oberfeitier of Sidney , Neb. , is in the city visiting time expositioti nitti attend- , imtg time mtieetiitg of the state (1811 oimtimtis- sion. Miss ilocia Johnston heft yesterday to sutenti the suntiner iii the cast. Sue will visit \'ashington amid Boston nmiti finish her ed- utcation at her fornter Itoitme at Neitin , 0. Nebrasbamme at hotels : II. 1' . lienminmice , II. S. Evntts , F. M. Crowe , .1. II. Agr , hurt i..nnthers , ( I. M. Lnimtbertson , Lincoln ; \V. S. PeTite anti wife , P. 0. Sumifli antI wife , Grantl Islamid ; Intlimiito lticitmrtls : , Jmmr- via Itlcitards , Citatiron ; 'tV. II. Attsiln , Mrs. E. Austlim , Miss hello Atistimi , Frzmnkilmt ; Clmnries llceler , E. S. Cioyer , Sciiuylcr ; T. L. Joy , Freinont ; 1' . J. Lnngtlon nitti ii1c , J. 'mV. Cttlver anti wife , Gretna ; 11. C. Spatmlmi- log , Ord ; Ii. Casteilar , Blair ; Roy A. Dii- via , Gibboit , Not Ii's' I t itt'iitii ieitii Citults , Tue republican climbs of ionglas county nrc hereby requested to iticet itt their van- aiim ; rooms on Thursdny itiglit , July 7 , 1S95 , to elect delegates to time State ileptthlictiim League comivemittomi witichm meets at hioyti's theater July 12 , 1898. at S o'clock p. in. Time basis of represeimtatiomt is as follows : One delegate for every fifty niemnbers or fraction. thereof. nmul time nrcsitlent , vice vrcsident and secretary , who are delegates x-oiiicio. A meeting of thte delegations of the 'carl. Otis climbs of lotmgias county is hereby called to meet at Crelgimton Hail , Monday , July 11 , 181)8 ) , at S o'clock p. mit. , for time inmrposc of taking action reuativo to tIme state nod tuitional league conventions. J. II. MEIRLE. J. J. IIOUCIIEIt. Members Executive Comtirnittce. MANY COUNTERFEIT TICKETS Se''i'imt Cities F'Ioht'd i , time ( iuiig ' % 'imieim lmts 1)i'leete.t'hiile IS'orkimig iii ( ) ninitit , Through the arrest here Saturday of George Iavis , ( lie bogus rmiuiwmty ticket "shover , " the operations of a well organ- Iced gang of bogus ticket inmikers was laid bare , anti itad it not beeti for time over- zealousness of two detectives to initice an arrest one of tite ienlers , of ( lie hand oui'i now be in captivity with Davis. WIlson , ( lie naitie thIs nr.tmi bears , was with Davis ten minutes before his arrest auth was Probably in view of the ofilcems wheit itls iml wa'm marched to time stntioii. lIe hind iii hIs Possession time entire stock of bogus tickets. It Is now learned ( lint Davis anti \'ilsoii canto to Omaha Saturday morn- lug froiti Kansas City , wimere they disposed of nearly $100 worth of bogus tickets , time majority of time tickets being fac-siniIict of the Wabash railway shippers' tickets. St. Louis was also hit itanti by two other members of the gang , as were several of the smaller cities mmear Chicago by oilier operators. The headquarters of tite gang is In Citicago anti it is in that city where time tickets are tirlmited. So tar as can be leamneti no attempts were inatle to hood Chicago wIth bogus tickets. as the mcmi evidently thougltt time risk was too great. Time Clticago police authorities hiave been notified of ( lie capture of DavIs amid have heemm asked to unearth time prInting establish- iticiit of tile gang and to ferret out its Ieati- ens and members. The work is a great deal like that done by the gang headed by Janics Colon , which was brokemi up by time Chicago police a year ago. Itock islis miii Eemirsiotm' , , Stilt Lake tmnd return , $30.00 , Juite 30. Salt Lake anti return , $32.00 , July 3. Poi'tlantl amid return , $ C.50 , Julio 30 and July 1. \Vtuslmimigton , D. C. , and return , $34.25 , July 3 , 1 timid 5. Nashville atiti return , $23.23 , July 3 , 4 and 5. Buffalo mummi retrrn. $26.75. July 11 anti 12. For hill Information call mt city ticket office. 1323 F'arnani street , ictitisits thmi ii's ( INt ) hJiokeim. A man named Nordcn , fromn Kansas CRy , hail his mieso bioken in a fall front a street car on Mondity night. lie returning front the exposition groimntls , and atteimmpt'.itl to jummit a crots'tled car that wait rmtnniimg at a high rate of speed. lie missed lila foothold anti full to the groummti , breaking lila nose amid bruising his body. 'iii I2 it Ji.i i/i's' MA it i lii' . INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tuesday , , Tilv 5 . - ' . . . . . IS' , . rrtiu I 'm J. ' 1' . Ilmtrst ct al to E. C. Moore , hot 14 , block jIG , South Omitita. . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,200 Jimrs Joimmisuti to Oiiie Joitnsomt , lot i0 , block 5. lirowtt Itmirk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0. E. Gibiummi mmtiml wife to I itu'iirti Kennedy , jr. , lot 17 , block 6 , Kilby Pine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2thi&x Meyer & hirittiter ( nmnutamiy to 0' . 1)'eaui , iinthii' 1-3 mme ziiu4 36-IC- 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S0 C. B. Keller immtd vIfe to M. C. i6cremi- semi , sum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,200 E. C. Park uimti hiuisiunmh , : to F. .1. \rett1 , 0 4t , acres of mie4 nm1 mmw't 8-15-1'l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emil Sehig tttti ( wife to Jmuine Murpity , lot 14 , block 9 , Shumli'mm 2ti mold. . . . . . . . . 650 IT. 'I' . 0' C'oii ittr mtimd ivl fo to Frit tic' I a- cmlii Simt'm'hitmmi , lot 19 , block 21 , 1st ali ( tO C'orrigtifl J'itmc'e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 13. It. llrustlitgm ( anti wife to Jnimn' 0' iinhiormmit , mi ½ ( tf lot 17 , block i7 , Tumonmiehi's nild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Sh"ritT to I I. A. Kosters , lot 5Vood - unvmi atlil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Simerlif to sumac , lot 7 , same. . . . . . . . . . . 100 Sheriff to S. 'I' . I'eterseit , lot V. lilac k .3 , Arbor h'uace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CS7 Total nmnomint of trmmiafera . . . . . . . . $1 iI1S i'A ' ; ; i xirac1 of GOLD CROWNS 22K $3 $3 I XtcCoJ : I Anti bridge work , or teeth without plates , 13.00 Per tooth until July Slit only. This offer is made to introtiuco our high class defltni vork mutti is guaramnieetl in every respect. Very beNt set ( it' teeth 5.00. Gold fIllings 11 ( tO up. liliver , amtiigttmn mind gold alloy uiiiliigs SOc. Teeth extracted positively without vain 21c ALBANY DENTISTS , 120 So 11th St. , cor , Dougjmms. venings Ufl lii 8. Sumiday , p. ma , Lady In attemidaace. - - , ' Ike , Jtii 5 , 1SDL 57 oMre , , , anyhow. Once inoi'o tliti il'ial'k-lowlt hlliCrOI)0 113 flbl'OIlI ( in , the 1:111(1. : F'Oifl [ hIO'iV until cold weatlici' he vi11 be t I 'at 1ioiii" ill liii ; favoi'ito 1launhi , 1111(1 liii I0i'tI4 ot iilark-lo\\'ii ( lflhilhlUggel'y fo1Iov' Iii his \\tIkO 111iero will ho stock taking a1eso\'c1'10lldC ( ia1es , be- . f'oi'e 1111(1 after i nveiitoi'y ta1ett , eltai'tiicO i1 1Ct , iiitiiL- get-out-of-t1ie-1ioti1 talei , and. itH kiiids Of ftl'Cilig out iuiil fotiiig.oIt a1eim , \\T(3 never have filly of ' tlteio t1e , Oii' gootls ai'o lIlflrke(1 ( dowhi wlieii thuiy conicin.Yo novet' wILit until a casoit is ovoi'Io get , goods ( lOWlI to saleable pi'h'es , hechluioV0 ( loll' ! like the i'lea of chargiiig one pi'ke to 'ou and aiiotlior to. you1 , neighbor. For twenty-live cotisectil I ye hethi0lIS. ill Ollialla w ( ha ye got nloiig 'il hout fIlly 1iuiiibug ia1et , 1(11(1 WO still decline to follow the Ia1hioiI of overcharging our dustoihlel'14 in SClSOlh1 : niid rellledy ing it after the season Ilas gone by. Come in a lid. ee the 1111011 crash suits I'or $2.50. They wci'e not. . I 'markel dowii. ITIdthorA dter ' 'Ve are just in receipt of a shmipmttcnt of Ijatlionn water train tue celebrated sprIiigs itt Saratoga , N. 'V. Our irlces on tlti water will he as follows : Simigle hattie 20c , per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 Cimes of ' 48 lintM ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.50 W'e sell ticarly 100 kimiuis of mniiiermtl waters. iitmro-hItitia , cases of 12 i guiloima , no gun $5.00. Iioro-Litiiia , cases of 50 qnhrts ( gaseous ) $ S.50. linro-Lithia , cases of 100 itiiits ( gaseous ) , $10.00. Iioro-Iithia , eases of 100 , splits , $9.00. Call for book about mineral vatcrs , Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , MIddle of Block. 1513 Dodge Street. OMAhA , NED. ow Steinway Pianos 1d Only r iror"m Sc1irno11er Mueller , 1 Faruam St. To make room for several car loads of Steinway , lyons & Poiiul , Vose and Emmierson I'ianos we offer time following retnarknble values : Vose & Sons , worth $300.00 , only.$175.00 Chase Bros. , wortim $250.00. emily. . . . $125.00 Kmiabe & Co. , worth $210.00 , oitly . . . . $ ilO.00 4 Chickening Piamtos , your choice . $60.00 Moore & Moore Upright . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 \\'ootIu'iinti & lirown , Square , only. . , . $5.00 I'Ianos rented , tumneti anti exciiaitge. A. C. Mueller , 'runer. Tel , 1625. Easy imaymnemits may be arraitged. SchrnoIr & MteIIer , 1313 Iaruam Strect. Largest I'lano Dealers iii the West. . - BUY THE C1UIi3E' sytp F FOGS . . . NANUPACTUItED liT CALIFORI'4A ! FIG SYRUP CO. flriOTil Phi mhN&M FLAGS ! FLAUSI The Biggest Stock. All kuimtis-aii , izes IOWil' t'itlCES-Sc mis i.Iimco itricus hmavo dcciiit'ti. .s . _ Omaha Tent and Hvbher Co. , 181 1 Lmii'mituiti , ' - - - - - - - -l I5lICA'i'IOStI. , BrowoU I Opeiis Sept. 1tth ) , 18lS ) , Jioardjiig lulid Iay School for Gir1 Utitier tue direction of lit. 11ev. George 't\ortltington , S. ' 1' . D. , LL. I ) . I'm'imtttury , lirepanutory atid coliegitmtc commrseim. Cciii. hietent corps of teuclierm. hiiOiCl'ii mdii. oils and every utivuittugo offered. Stnici atteimtion liiuiti to limo itititti , mmomttai amid physical i'chi beimig of liii tiithemitti , Iipio. tans conferred. Prepares for nh colleges opea to women. SpecIal courses in 111gb. cc Englisim , St'iemmce , Ammciimt timid Motlerti Langumages , Music mmmiii Ai t. Vermn mood- crate. Iluildimmg repaIred amid iii exceiicmit. order. Satmitar3' , huiniiImig. Satisfactory steam heating. I'aremits amid gumartiitmit desirimig to enter. pttliiis vihi plemso : seiitl for catalogue , or' umlmy ) persomumii' to Mrs. L. P. Upton , Priii. Bm'ovimeiI haul. Ottialma , Neb. . . , .p.W.PflgtWUSI T 3KNOXVILLE , U ! IIHIl I o i ILLINOIS , PARENTS desiring to send their daughters ! to a school of high grade , with high social , 1itcrary , and artislic advantages , are invited - ed to mett the Rector of St. Mary's atany Cconvcnient time whklm they may dcsig- nate , on Thursday , Friday and Saturday , -July 7th , 8th , and 9th , Millard Hotel this fcity. , . " , .t Doctor and Mis. Leffingwell wou1da1so ; : be giad to meet former pupils and patrons of the school , ft . $ b 'I.Pbfl nfl 't P 'S. . It 'a ' HARDIN COLLEGE & CONSERVATORY Foil 1. tIuii4. 'Li 26th year. Vimprec'ed'tmtcml , lirositerits' , 24 ' . l'rtfessura frnmtt S l'itI'ersttIea mmimti 5 i'mtr a- . Pelt ti Comiservim tttiies. A $1 , ( l ) I 'I it mi to imeimt. himimI4iv Pill il. C erlua it ) ei'it tm it Coil aervit- tory. Xuver Selmimrtveiiktm , iiire'tor Gctmcr- ni , imr'scmtt iii i'rsomt tiui'imtg ! itmuy. Largest. I'imettpest. htt'mt. Amhhicss Joi IN "tV. itt I LIaION , l'mes. , II ( A St. ) . Mcxivc , Mo. 1) IhAUFORD A'ADEMY - Founded 1803. J3 For time itigher ( ' ( ilmeation of young' 'tie omen , ( iti ttsi'tI mm mm ii Sl t' n t I ii C coil rae ( I t at 1 ni y , us , , I ' . ' ( 'ium i.mi t ii ry it ntl Opt iomiai. Year begIns Sept. 14 , 1S98. Auiply to Miss ' Alien , l'iimi. , ilrmmdord , Muss. ffi _ y1 iargestand X1NGTON. MO _ _ - - - - - - . . _ _ 8 ( ) lme thig cvrtmii , , , ttm nil I iit''r .1. iii of scm' t ii jil ( 'ci. 0 f she Ji-sto ru gu.is o t . _ , : C S I IsIs NtOi' ( ' , V ( Ill wool I'milss PeJ'lln tt'tt ii go riu'iI t is at , s' i1 ts , sitiiggi'ti I ii ivi ( I. sisi' mtls I p , mtem , ( , j % t flit ) ' i'iiltt ( IIC jiiIl I lit tt5 PU' IImlliNhlt9i , 7 ? ccl trc'c.cL ' tc. iirltg eer't isimug Pii'i timlit l'li' ( lit lit-tom , eomi.lfl imim imni ( , 'lImi lug , ' It for i ; 5 : i : : i : SI iI'i' . biit Ill' ymttr lsmmmr lutt'l , hhtmm't hlimit' So he JitmluIie , 'itlie , ' , Cumiti uisii. ' tiromif timit I tie eitit't tif- . . : ' 1. S ti I t. , . fimrtl to , Iiirst goa.ls , W'Ili ( .ftily flue di'ehlmtof NtunhiiIV 1" ii C .73C'iII _ 1 iI ] , ' it itliti ii I ii g bt'gi its. ( ) ise rf'mtNliS m ii y ii I ) ( : , i t1 C , I.upu'iteti . 8 ilium's of stills , , ii , ic- iimtiiitqi I haiti * .O ( ) , mui I s. 'l'itey ii em _ L'1FtEz' : 'E.YLlSO1I g.ti mtiui lucilest sslui's iii )3.i' to tt,7fl , 'l'tikm , pk'i iii il5thl ) is stilts ' " of 11tii- 'i"ii s- . , . univ-u C ireer lillitii it lie 'iiti imee.t omit. , 1L .il. . cas : : : c of s iiit eimO.s. , Ira , , , . Siiii.i m's sir gmn , ' , brosiis iiiid iii'-t'itlmer t . : I.ti11 : 1 1 ] Cifll etiieel.iti , ilnldt'ti tim. nil i'I iui I terims ' iiutii timt tixttimrs , eitsNimmerl' , elmey- , : 1 tTca3fl id ] CS.S lilt , tiCttl , ricot , TorsleIl--l.l ( her a ! Pj'Jj ( g . Ilti ro niii-iiil itti-jiui i't' until. Atul si'itiieii ololli ri4usg iii vest ii ttit 'S ' ( ; i'.e i ( ; 1i ci : , s . every siiiitioivsi , lYe immlgit lii. Ilititim- .J(1 I tli : cimi I I y fool Isli , liii t 'ilitiim'i'i'itii , I y vui'- rent , iid timid's ii imp ii it r.uy. I this Store. m _ _ _ - - - - - - I ' )