Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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( ; TIi1 OMAhA 1)A1LY 1EEt TV1iflN11)AY , , TtTlV 6 , 1898.
? ( ) IINr1oS.
ludwdficr beer. Rosenfeld. T1. 323.
rry Moore's dcntli to lice anti rnlte5.
% Ia Jerinle Jameson is visiting triewla In
ahoo. Net , .
Wnntc-Lntet editIon of Council fl1uti
y ( trector. Apply at tJe ofilco.
Mrs. Minnie WnIII of lnnaa City Is
siting Mrs 1. II. I'ardey at 23 harrison
The regular monthly meeting of the city
flincH was IOttOflC(1 ) ) on account of ( lie
ourth of July until ( his evening.
Don't you think it must be a Pretty gooil
ttidt y ( lint 'nii 1nso no many hunilrcds
customers ? \Veii-that's the "Eaghe , '
4 1lroailvay ,
The reninhii of ( tie late Mrs. 1i1a 14 ,
table of 322 AvenUe F' were taken yestir-
fly afternoon to Aibion. III. , her old home.
lieie they will be intet rwl.
Miscs Ioseiio ( anti Malone Fleming ore
t tile rcslihcnce of Mri. J. C. linker. ir-
icr of Scveiitli and Mynster streets. They
'ottirii home to Chicago Snturilny.
At ( he rrguiar ni'etliig or August , , Grove
: omorrow evening the newly elcetcil oiflccrs
vihI tie itistalloil and nil nientbdrs are
urged to he Present. ltefrcshments will be
served after the ceremonies ,
Tue remaliis of Carl ingqtiIst , who was
clrowneI at 1411(0 Manawa Motidny after-
1100 ! ) , were removeil to 2 % ansoli's uttilertuk-
I a g rooinl4 I ii Otu a ha , wh e to a rraIigenIuii Is
vllI be IIIaIhC for the funeral.
\v , M. Itiiotlcs and Ella Cooney. both of
( 'hicagn , vere innrriel Ii , this city yester-
clay , Jtistic'e Ferrier performing the cere-
Inony. The groom Is black as tue ace of
SflahCB whiie the woman is white.
Miss Iolge of Peoria , Ill. . and Miss Myra
fledge and Miss AustLii of Iiiiiiaiiairnhis ,
Iiic1. vlio have been in atteiulanee at th1O
icdcratlon \\'OIllefl'S clubs in Denver , are
the gucats of Mrs. Jatncson of First avenue ,
on their way home ,
Thoimmas horilcim , a tranmp , was arrested
yesterday mnnimmiug about 4 o'clock emi sits-
hiicin of having stolen two imnir of Mimes
vlmichi he bid In his nossession. Lorcien ,
vlmo is a tramfl , WOS released frommi the city
jail $ tmnhlzm3' , where hi had been serving a
entence for being mirumik.
Tima reguiar immonthly seMsion of the Hoard
of h'nrk Conmniissintiers was imi'id last milmzlmt.
The aliuwing of the huts aimil iety roil fertile
tile imt'ctdimig ) mouth ns the otily husi-
21053 transacted. Member Arnd was not
present , being out of time city.
Sam G rant , time nhiegeii corn doctor vhio
F sas being livid here as a fugitive front
justice. was or.1r.ycl released yesterday by
Justice ihurke. Justice Burke decided them' . '
vnh ; no evidence to show that Grant was
the inn a WhOlli t lie 0 mnahia authorities
charged with larceny.
Owing to ( he fact that Abe Lincolmi Post.
Grand A rio ) ' of ( lie Itepuidic , couiil not
pcrf.ct . nri'nmmgemeuts to cuiehtato the great
victory of Ailmirni Samnpsoii at Santiago
lust night , It was at the last fliotuetit ( IC-
cideLl to Postpone it , mntii this evening.
vImcn titO veterans say they vIiI have a
romstmmg % thne.
- Tim. . fatally of 11ev. 1. M. IL Fhemniiig desire -
sire to express their thanks to the friends
vimo so kindiy nided thietn in the hours of
their nd bereavement over the loss of
their loved one , time late Mrs. Mamnte Fiem-
log Robe , s'hto died rcemmtly itt Chicago timimi
was iimterrei iii the fanmily lot in time ceitme-
& 'ry at Council IluilTs. her old lmoimtc.
Frank JoImmmson , a tramp , was arrested
yesterday afternoon with two cow halters
In his possession. for which he could not
satisfactorily account. Later it was learneil
thtit ho had stoicit thient from the barmi of
Itevenue Collector Ohio Knox on h'ark
aventle ntid the charge of larceny front a
building In the day thou vas Illeil against
C. v. Steinman ilied at I o'clock yester-
I ( lay morning at the Grand Imotel haiti
Bright's disease. frommi which ho htmtd stif-
fCVCd for severni years. 1)cceased was vcli
JIlown ilitlOOg the traveling public , havin
been duct clerk at the Grand from 1St' '
to 1S91 , but was forced to give up active
work on account of his health , 'rite remains -
mains were remnoveil to Undertaker Estop's
roommi to await instructions as to their disposition -
position ( ruin relatives who resIlti at Ilethi-
hehiem. Pa.
Time seventh biennial convention of the
Iowa AssociatIon for time Advancement of
time leaf oticilcil yc&iterday at the State
School for t1e Den ! hero nitti will continue
over today and Thursday. Sotne fifty ucla-
gates from all parts ( if the country arrived
. yesterday. but this numuber , it is expected ,
will niore ( hiatt ho double , ! tclay. ) ( The
delegates. all of 'lioiii ale deaf mutes , zmre
being entertaincti at the state institute. the
PtIhiis having gone hiommie for tIme vacatIon.
Many of the visitors are accompanied by
their wives.
' C. H. Vinyl Co. . femmialo reniedy ; consuhta-
tion free. 0111cc hours. 9 to 12 tititi 2 to 1. .
health hook furnished. 32G-32-828 Merriam -
riam block.
N. Y. Plitioltimig company. Tel. 250.
Time otliclal jiimotographma at the United
States Navy , containing over 200 pIctures
of the vessels , with their otlicers and a aiim-
of the views of tile iii-fateii Maine , etimi be
had at time Council Ilimiffs omce of The 11cc
for 25 cents and a lIce coupon.
Ilium i I94 , t ri' Slighud ,
A number of Council muffs iieople were on
the .witchmbnck railway at the expouitiomm
\litlvny Monday evening when time accident
ucctirretl.V. . T. Smith of 120 North Tenth
street iinul a friend. Miss Jennie Itoush of
Lewis , In. , ' 1mo is visiting in thma Smith
family , were considerably bruiscil and yes-
tcrulay Miss itoumub was itmiablo to heave her
beth owing to her injuries. SmIth , who is a
tinner. attul is working on time Armour buildIng -
Ing at South Omalmim , was tmnimble to go to
his work yestermlay , but coamplained of feelIng -
Ing very sere ammil his face amid head are
bra Iseth.
Mr. mind Mrs. 'IV. F. Sapplr. . amid Mm.
E. Lougee , MIss Anna lio'nmltm amid Mr.
James Fenton escapeul with a general slink.
ing up and a few bruises and with the cx-
edition of Mr. Sapp 't'i - , limit feeling inuchm
time worse yesterday for their mmnimleasalmt
experience. Mr. Sapp was conihneul to his
room yesterday , but imI ltmjurle3 are in no
way serious anti lie expects to be about iii
4 ilay or two.
lulmiji of Cuba. Vest lrmiiles aimd the \Vorld
at rlmo lho oihlce , lOc emicim.
: FOlt StLE-Gooe secotttl.humnd bicycle ot
a birgolu. Cull at Time flee otfle , Coummcli
4 flluffim.
Charles Reytmohmls has Imurehased a League
biCClo frommm ( eie & ( 'ole.' IieruMe $ .
lAceimseB It ) veul Immive imct'im issued to tltc
fotiowiimg Iiersumns :
lt ItmU it mmd lit'sitleni't' f go.
( lustas' 'V. Kieimi , Atmlstirii , Neim. . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Otlel iii Fritcli , .A titmim mit , Neti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Joimim F. \ V.VoIt. . l'uittmiwattmi male. . . . . . . . .
1ttrtlmi ( FCieIimorIm , l'ottmiwattamnte. . . . . . . . . .
VIhiimi in 11. Iihmoilcs , ( 'imicagu . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ella A. Coomwy , Ctmietmgu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
thinning Thieves Turn a New Trkk on a
Trusting Salooninan ,
1' % % Im ( 'ummi a I 'vi iii % 'Ii I tars % lnle a Night
Of it itl ( lii' tJim.iismcu' , ( lug
leIuim mmmiii % 'lu.I , Pu by
( ittluir Ills Ciushi.
August 'endlnnt , proprietor of time l'ahst
saloon on Broadway umear the Nortlmwestern
ulcjmot , was robbed of $210 shortly ; mfter 2
o'clock yesterday itmorning by two well
dressed strammgcrs , who had spent time greater
hart of tIme night ulrinkimtg In his imlace.
After conhuutittimmg time rubbery the inca
boarmlt'd a imiotor car for Omaha anti are be.
iiocd to have crossed ( lie river. 'rime imollee
VCi'L' notified about twenty mnitiutes after
time robbwy , imtmt tilthougim a 'igorous searcim
vLms mmmdc until after daybreak no trace
of tIme crooks could be oimtaimicul.
TIme tactics flulolmtcd by time roimbers were
different frommi the tmsual nw'timods , itmnanimicim
as imo violence 'tms tised amid \Vemmdiant was
cveti tttmavore of ( lie fnet ( lint lie hind been
lobbed until notified by a party vtmo hap-
Pencil to witimess tIme transaction through a
windov. 1'liu thieves , 1to 'ere both vclI
dm'esst'il anti mueetncui to have plenty of money ,
flhllicared itt time saloon and , after taking a
drink. left , but returimed about 11 : 30 o'ciok.
'l'hey bought routmil after round of drinks ,
I every titime askliig'encilammt to join timeimi ,
i'iticit lie diul. Time imlan of the crooks was
undoubtedly to try to imia1e'cndlant intoxicated -
toxicated , so as to be able the mote easy
to rob him.
A little after 2 o'clock , at 'Wciidlant was
hreparlimg to close at , , one of time two stratmg-
cr5vimo hirctenulcd to be imadly itmtmxicated ,
walked behmimmil the bar and placing his arni
around \'uttdlatmt's mieck , tohul bimmi ime was
too ( Irunk to go back to Ommmhia that mihght
atid that ito ( \'cimdlatmt ) would have to take
Imito to sonmo Imotel. lie also limodimecd a big
moll of money , hirobably a false roll , and
said lie guessed ime'ml ask W'endiant to put
it tim the safe overimlglmt for lmlimt ,
\\'hiie this little imyplay was going on time
other man clinmbcd over time little wicket
between the window ammd time cigar staimd
tinder wimicim the safe stood and , opemmitig the
smite , took the nmommey , t'hmicit was in a bug
bill case. 1mm additiotm to time $210 in notes ,
timero were a number of checks in tIme book.
\Vlmlic tIme maim was robmbiutg ( lie sale his
partmmer kept his arm round \Venublant's neck
and his head turned iii the o1posite , direc-
tion. As soon as they lmad secured the cash
( lie two mmmcii took their departure. Joint
Iirislitmvlmo Is visiting a relative at 1518
North Eigimtim street , hind been in time szmioou
anti noticed time umicum , lie vcult outside for
a few niinutcs and oum rcttmruting founul that
time screen door on ( ito side lmad been fastemmed
froni thai inside. lie veiit roumud to tile
front anti found that also shut. Looking
through tue wimudow lie wltmmcsscd time nmatm
robbing time safe , bimt for some reason best
kimowum h. imirimself rained imo alarm. After
time itieti Imad left and boarded the car for
Omaha , he then notiik'd W'cuitllant , vhmo hind
turned out ( lie lights and was lrcmariimg to
1 ; ' ) hionic' .
From time description given to the police
by Wendiant. ormo of the two robbers is
stmspectcd to be a noted coufiileimce uiian and
all-round crook. who is known to imave beeli
lit Oumiaha recently.
( : I % I1i4 COM I'Ll MIiN'I't It V flANQU11'l' .
I'o t t uvzi ( d is mum I ( ' Iii' r A ssoe Iii t Jo ii
IIoiors I ) . C. 1t1uuuuier.
Tlm comphimcimtary iltflqtict tendered to
ilout. I ) . C. lhioomer Inst milght at ( lie Grand
hotel by the Pottawattamnio lIar assoia-
tion , of which lie Is president , in honor of
his cighty-secotmul birtlmday , wimichi ime celebrated -
brated on the Fourtim , was attended by forty
of r members. Time banquet , consisting of
six ) burses. was serveui in time big dimming
root ? tIme guests beimig seated at one large
table iii thic center of the room. At time
head of the table were seated the honored
guests of time evening amid Ilium. A. T. Fiick-
ittgcr , vlmo hmtd becim cimosen to act as toast-
master. Tile affair was pimreiy inforamal in
fun much as no set mrogratn of speeches or
toasts hail beeum artaimgcd. hut during time
coltrac of time evening nearly every Itiemiicr
iircseimt was calied upon to either utiake a
few remarks or respond to omme of time iiiatiy
toasts. Time banquet last nigimt was time first
giveim by time coummty bar for four years , time
last occasloim being time imanqilot in imonmr
of Jimilgo I'emer's cievatioum from ( lie dis-
ttict to the supreme bcmmch.
Timoso present last imight were : lieu. J ) ,
C. lihootner , Judge Walter I. Smith of ( lie
district Imoncim , Jimulge 11. E. Ayicswortlm of
time superior court , Senator N. M. l'usoy ,
County Attorney C. C. Saunders , Assistant
County Attorney Spencer Smith , City Attor-
Iic3 S. \\'adswortim , 110mm. John N. Iialdwin ,
Iloum. George F. Wright. Ummited States coma-
missioner ; JudgeV. . C. James , Judge
George Carsorm , Clmnrmcclbor L. W. floss ,
B.V. . lligimt.V. . A. Myimstcr. Joimn
Lirmilt.V. . C. hendricks , C. M. Hurl , Clemn
I F. iCiumlahi , l'miiii Ayiesvorthi , ( h orge S.
Wriglmt. George 11. Maync , J. J. bless , Frank
I , . \Vriimt , John lii. Gaivin , Leommaril Ever-
ett. A. 'P. Fiickinger. I. N. Fhickiuiger , J.
J. Stewart , Justice Ambrose Burke , George
II. Scott , 11. L. Iohertroim ( , hi. 0. Ourcim ,
\\'abcr ( S. Stiliumman. iiiform ) L. floss , secru-
I tary of ( lit' Houmrml of fldueati'mm ; F. tV. M II-
her. l1erimitIm Scituri , C. 13. Aitcimimmon , W. A.
Jalmnsoim'atmd Froth iioagiatmd , time tatter hay-
itmg time distinctioim of being the yotmuigest
nmeimmbvr of the bar present.
Iexter ) Cliniumberinium liloonuer , the guest ( if
the evealuug , was born In Scipio. Cayuga
colmmmty , New York. July 4 , 181G. and wits
reared imutiler Quaker immilmmence. lie conm-
imicutceil the study of law itm 1537 , amid about
time saimia tiimio took imp time study of i)0
iitical affairs. lie becanie editor of time
Seneca Couimty Cotmrier. a wimig organ iamb-
lished in Seneca , N. Y. , wiuicii Imosition imo
Imeiui fur tiften years. lie was admmmittetl
to time lmractico of law lit New York 1mm
1513 aimil dmuritig time last four years of the
'l'mmylorFiliimmoro adinhiiistration ias post-
master. In 1853 Mr. lllooummor tmioved to
1uloummt Vernon , 0. , where ime editeti limo
W'csterim Ihmttie Visitor.
0mm April 15. 1555. Mr. Bloomer arriveul In
Council Ibhimits , wlmmre lme imits niade his honie
ever simtce.'itii time late Jolla T. Bald.
vIut attd 0. fi. Stone ho took a lmrominent
vart ut the organization of the reimuhiicami
larty 1mm western Iowa atmil fluleil a mmuitulmer
of iliilmortant oihiccs. For eleveum years lie
was a inoniber of time Hoard of Education ,
, . .
- - - S
one of the principal clmool btiIidlng in the
city being named after hmlm. lie wn promt
neat In tlic movi'nicnt to establIsh time free
public libmaty lit Council Bluffs and has been
vresldent of tltc bonrib of trustees for i
number of yeAts. Par tvolv years he helut
the i'asitlon ' of ieei'iver of iitmbiic moneys
until that ouilce was abolished. lie was
elected aimlerman in ISH and was ninyor of
the city for two years , lSGt ) umnib 1871.
Iuring 1872 nod 1873 Mr. Bloomer turneul
ognin to journailsni amid edIted time Coumicit
BiulTs ltemtmbhican ; and also time Northwestern
Ouhul Fellow. lie mounpiled a history of l'ot-
ta\vattatmilo county which was published In
time tiingazlmme called time Ammnnls of boiva.
For thirty years Mr. Ihloomer has beeti a
umicmnbcr of tIme Eilscopai church and bias
always taken atm active interest in the work
of St. Paul's parish. lie was niarried in
1810 to Miss Aiuiella Jenks , vimo till time ( lame
of her uleathi lit this city a tow years ago
was of tuitional prominence as an ailvo-
cate of omumami'a suffrage nimd reform in
1)esplte ) Imis elgimty-two years , Mr. Biooutier
stilt retnaittut in ( lie active Practice of la
amid imla mimid retains miii Its old-time vicar-
. hess anti vIgor.
himmyl 1gb I liii rglim rs ( mi uuu.mlut.
Two itieut giving the names of Josepim Side-
mmoimr auth Chmarlea ( hymns are 1mm custody ,
elmarged with breaking nail onterimig the rca-
iilemiee of Mrs. Maggie SchaiTer at 3118
I Avenue A , yesterday afternoon , Tue nieti
% 'ere arrested in the viibows near time riser
after an exciting chase lasting mmeariy aim
The muon secured no entrance Into Mrs.
SchaEfer's house by cutting tIme screen iloom
ouch brenkutig the glass Patici of tIme hail door ,
They tlmen were emmalmied to open the door
froun time imialde. iiefore tiiey hind tinme to
steal aimytimlmmg , lmowevcr , they s'cre thisturbcd
by a young wautian svimo eailcd to sce Mat.
Scimaffer. i'erceivlmig the two strange turn
lit the house she at once gave the abarun ammd
tiio Inca broke amid mu , talmlmmg to ( hue lields.
Two youmig fellows mualuted Henry lfortz dud
\'iIl 1)unlim , who live tim time nelglmbarimood ,
started in lnmruit amid kept trail at the
burglars itumtib the Police arrived on tile
ltt'iml I1Mitl' ( 'i'rmtuiafers.
Thu mnilowitig 'tramusfems wet'e Ibicul yester-
mlay In time abstract , tithe amid 101111 olilce of
J.v. . Squire , 101 l't'ari street :
Mary .1. lltlimhiutrul , trttsteo , et tul to .1.
: ui . 'i'hmumtnns , I ot a I 5 a tuut ir , lulock 6u ,
ildIii''it sLmLmdtv , ii c II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I
2utar. 11 , b. limmiricllms tim .Juulitimitmt I' . 1.
iinuri'ius , hit 2 , timId iutibdiv lm&ssv'
IJ75..I3 , v ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710
'utitry ' \ . ha I ti b u iul ge it tid ii tush em mud I o I I.
A. ic'utrpuir. i-I of mis 1 , 2 , 3 , .1 , 5
amid Ii , Iioek \\'rlgh tm ad u I . u c d . . I
Anubemsuun (2. ( Gag amid wife to 1' ) . 1' .
I bowes , ½ Of lot 21. block 15 , I Ugh-
itt a ii I 'In cc , it ii utd ii t a Colt tic ii I1itt ITs ,
wil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
II. A. McCargar uiimui swift' to Mrs.
\i ii V3P A . Ito i n bridge , i-i : of I u ) t I , ilock ,
I . I tkiihie'a simbmuI iv , Con net I iii ii Ii s , q
cii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Five tramisfers , lotnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ll3i :
u'l'M ilulom m iiC f1p11 I. ii.
In the district rourt yetcru1ny suit wits
cotimnienceui In the uuamtme of l'ottawattammuie
COUlIty for the use of tile permamicut schu 1
fund agaitist S. \\.mdswortii , aulmittlstra-
tar of time estate of tIi late Katharine 1)orm-
ohmic , to foreclose muuortgage for O0 011 lots
IS auuri ill , block ti , Williams' First addition.
iii the superior court Oflicer & l'mmsey
VeN ? grammted a default in their suit agaiuuut
Jeremniaiu Conimor , adtmiinlstrator 'immd others. I
ThIs rns the only hlmsimiess transactcd by
Judge Ayies'.vorth yesterday. The superior
court Jury drawim on June 20. have been
IlOtltiei to be In attcumdamuce1omiday. .
I ui eII timul ii t- iii ii Sold lur.
KEOKUK , In , , .luly 5.Speciai.Thie ( )
Foumrtim s'as cilebrated here vitim the cere-
loonIes of UulVahiiuig a stntmte to General
i3autmucl 11. CurtIs 1mm tilt' nubile park. Time
Statue s'as iuuuveilc'd by Captain \ViI-
ham S. Grover , tue first Iowa
rolulier woumldcl In the war of
tIle rebellion. The city 5resented a gay aim-
Pearance. Flags floated froiui every store
amid house. Excursions ( iota all ulireetions
llelleI ) to imiake the day never to be forgot-
teui. .A umttmnlc'r of General Curtis' old corn-
miles were Present , contributing their uumite
tosvnrd pnyluug tribute to the macmary of a
attn who has mbouie a great deal to make
Missouri ammd Iowa fammuous. After the ceremonies -
monies had liven comichtuuleti General Jolmmm tV.
Noble of St. Louis , ox-secretary of tIme iii-
tenor , u1eiI'ereii tIme rmration of time day , his
address heiuug closely listemuel to.
- SIXIIIIIIM lull IJimhmy Itei'eiutN.
DES MOINES , July 5.-Speial.-State ( )
iairy Coumimissioner Gates recently received
a letter asking whether imimmier the new
m'venuc law milk reports nilmat be stamped.
Thc. iuinttcr " .as retcrred by ieiier to time
United States district attorney with a request -
quest for a cortstructlorm of time law. Mr
Gates estimates that ilucre are made out
montimly imm the state about G5,000 umiiili rc-
Ports. Timcmte merely record the amuo'umit
of mliii by weight , imer cetmt of butter. ftt
end ( lie itniottutt of mooney due. serving as a
l'cceljmt. Friium timls it i inferred that it Is
negotiable paper aitfi many imayc to bear a 2-
cent attimuip.
V.uui iii . ' , ' rat' I I is tuuui ii I ry.
COILN1NG , Ia. , July 5.-Special.-W. ( ) 0.
Mitchell of timi toivtm , who was speaker of
the hmoite dtmrlmug the 'I'tveimty-fotirtlm general
asitenibly , amid senator uimuriiig time sessions c.t
( lit' Tiveumt , ' - 111th mimib Ti'enty.sIxtim , rep-
resoumtimig Adnutus and Taylor colmnties , has
tcmmdercul imis sem'vlces to Gn'eriior Shmas imm
case of another call for trooims. Scnntor
Mltclmchi is a vetcr-.mmm of time clvii sear , amlul Is
only 52 years old.
iit'iuuuIuIli'iii 'fItuuIt 'I'
ItOCIC flAl'iI ) , In. , July 5.-Speelnl- ( )
Lyoui county repuhiiicmns 1mm convemmtioui hero
miOmmiiiiteul limo foliowimug cotmmmty ticket : Ci.
it. Ieiicrli'im. auditor ; 0. ? ul , iccleo , cicrit
A. N. Thionmpsoui , recorder ; Siniorm Fisher.
attorney ,
Ion it % eai.s Nod. ' . . ,
Polk calmly settlers hail a bIg retummlomm at
ft park in Des Moimmes omm thm Fourth ,
Judge tV. S. Lois is of Gieimwuoul sviil lie
ft caumiiidato ( or ( lie reimubuicaii mmommmiimation
for judge In his district.
A cousin of flriguidler Gemmerni Otis. who
'iil go to ( tie l'lmiiippincs in commumumimnml of
an exliedltiomm , lives 1mm ( ] ieim ooul.
Time 14-ycar ohil son of Albert Petty of
LemIm .i'tmS neciuleimtaiiy sbmot iii ( lie li'itui by
aim older brother and tbo wound limO ) ' prove
There are 225 grailtmates of Yale. Harvard ,
l'ri ucetoum a mmd Cal it immba ! I a I a wit . Titumt'mu
( ho kluul of it ' 'viiui amid woolly' ' svcscril
stat. ' Iowa Is.
Miss Etlmel Chariton of Clear Lake has
beemi elected an assistant in tue state li
brutry at iea Molmics. Silo imOS heetl imssist-
iimmt hlhirtmriamm at the State University library
in Iowa City.
Guthmrie coumity rcptmlmilcans who. it is cx-
ImOctcui , ssouid se'mmd a .leiegmitioim to time comm.
gresbiomual cotmvetmtton for A. W' . C. M'eclus.
ilaimmed a delegation atrommgly In favor of
time remiomuination of lInger.
I im lvii i'res I. ' , , iii iii . i ( .
Jubuquo Tinmes : It looks as if time corn-
paigim orator next fall wouh be Justitied in
ntldi'esslng imis auditors as "fellow bond.
lloitiers , "
iaveimport Democrat : A firm of real
estate agents aulvertises that "fruit forum-
Ilmg around CouncIl illuffs pays. " Time best
way to eL correct informatIon oui that sub'
joct is to ask time price of an orchard.
Couumcii fluffs Nonpareil : In Its despera.
lion to fluId sometllitmg witim wimielm to fuse
thu demmuocracy In Iowa may have to tie up
witit time prohibitlonimmts. This would be imo
macro of a. misfit than ( lit , other combina-
ttou It has made.
Iowa MilitiR May Again Be Placed on a
War rbotihg.
limml luulumicuids In ito Umiuiu' ( ) tmiy A Cter
mum I hut Iuumi-ili'm % ' 1um Comm ii ut lie
Suuhiilr. % 'hll Not lit' Imiihci
-i'lnims fur time I"uml ii re.
IES MOINES , July i.-Speciah.-Adhit- ( )
( alit General Melvin Ii. flyers is tmusy with
lmiaums for tcorgamilzatioum of the Iowa Na-
tiotml Ciuam'i according to plans that sviil
lumstmre prompt acceptance of time commmpanies
La ( lie nationni service sviuencver 'they sOmali
be called. Wbemi Iowa's four regitmmcmmts of
national guard soldiers were fluleib with flew
tIleim amid Svt'mmt to ( be front as Iowa's quota
of s'oitmtmterrs , one m'egimiuent being at ( 'Imicka-
mnaugn , two at Jacksonville amid ammo at Sati
Frnmmcisco , there was mio longer an Iowa Na-
tionni Gumaril organization. 1)iirimmg the vork
Of immobilIzation , nmmd especially since ( lie
troops luive left ( lie state , Geimerai flyers
has been revoivimmg the points of a plan
of rcorgamiization of the guard. General
flyers has riot Imerfeeted hits iulaui in all Its
details. ( mitt imas reached coimclusions on EOmilC
of time mmuost inmportuitit hmOiImtS , lIe 1155 sub-
iuiitted lila ideas to Governor Simaw , anl It
Is saId they have mulct swithi his approval.
Time first step In time guard m'corgntuIatioim
pbamm , as outhitied 1mm a cotmvcrsation by Ciemi-
crab flyers , is time organization of twelve
commilatmies , ill various huarts of time state to
make up omie rcglmmment. Foruimcriy timere
vcre four regimuiemmts fi'ouim the four uluarters
of time state. Timat number swill b ultimately
reaclmed in ( lie rcol'ganizatlotm. "I uiumt op-
hosed to Imavitig auiy brigade orgmnizatlons , "
says time nuijimtniit general. "Formerly tlmere
have been brigade Om'gllflizmttimns , the fotmi'
regintcmmts being diviuled Into two brigades
Witil ii , full staff for each.Vhcim It conic
to thu call for voIlmmitcers time brigade or-
tuimlizatlons vere miot accepted , amid that left
thioo oillcers , nil of timetuu , aumxlous ( C ime
tuiken care of.'Omen we s'nmit brigade vimrit
iii tlme guard we comm let the setmior cobomicis
couuimmiar.d , and that viil give theta experi-
(01CC wit iii ( hey mmmtmcim mmecd. "
Tlieo first twelve comupuutmics will he or-
gmmmmized at tile toWlis whIch have built
a I tmiori ci' . ftmr I ie pit m rclumum cmi. Soluic mm
those which have arniories of a simluatantial
character and osvuieul by ( hue commipatiles are
Ccmmtcrville , Shcnauidoahm , fled Oak , (1ien
veod , ? uinsomm City amid LLivimmpori , time last
miimuiicul beirmg time oimly one of tIme beading
cities lit ( hue state ss'imlth has an armory.
Iet Moimmc , Cedar Itapluls , Cotmmicli BIifft ,
Sioux City and Musemitiute , nil of which imitil
gtmai'ul coumpanies. ( It ) umot have armmuorics.
, uii , : 'e
hilt the irnportamu fCatllm'c of tile luau is
that svhmereby the umi mi wiii be exanulmmed and
s 'ml. ly volunteering tOm kmimm tile gtmards ,
volunteer to serve do fuffieral call. Gemierai
l'rm'3 Is 'ntPuaiuiI over this. iii' says :
"Imi getting nien to voliimmtcer in ( lie Iowa Nm-
tiolmal ( iimarui lue'um we morganhze I vIil go
to the to aims vimcro time companies are to be
orgaiiizrd anti swill imitve an exmminin : : ;
.3111 g cut. iiitti to get into time guam'd coin- '
panIca time much s'ill , have to be able to pass
a imhmsiciul cauumintmtIoui as stiff as 'those required -
quired for admimissi9mt into the vobuntcvr
federal s rviee. Timuire Is no tmsc. basing
'maca ill the guard s. ha , mini w umiake a gooi
si'owing at , tIme socIety events of time guard
or In camiup , amid tiuemm cannot cnhist vhirm , a
call is uuiad on accotmumt of iull31Cfll i1efe't ,
\i % Tmit mactm ss'lio can act. There Is no iuo
I having the state hal' out nion'y for ( he
cililcatton of soldiers to be only play soldiers.
fly Omis class of cxnniinatiomis we wiii gct ii
younger class of macmm , beaimso they vil !
IlaVo more of a chance to s'ork up. .tt
I lust these companies vihl probably be organized -
ganized Withl sixty maca or so , bitt I thiluik it
svlii b' loesibie to get the 100 , svhicim is
( lie nmaxiniummi imI service.
"Wlmcum these riien voimuutteer for cc' Jice iii
tue Iowa Natiommal Guard ' -
as a nuiiitary oi'-
gniiizatioiu of the sttte : , they swill , immuder tIme
ililmn of orgammizatiumm , at that titute , agree to
voltumitcer if thieve is a cumih front \Vnsiulmug-
iou. I tl'imuk we eaui hil\'C tl'e form of the
atim at multister into the iuard changed ro
thiat it s'iii emnbody this. fly ( lila plarm time
lou a Null 'anal ' ( iumrul : , 'iil tave voimmtmerred
to serve ( lie goverliuuucnt evcmi before ( lane
I iii a call. This will save mactm of time ti onbie
we hind imu tllliumg time gtmartl cornlilujcs ) : for
s'oltmmttecr servIce si'hcuu tIme first cail is-
sitcui. At ( hat time it getiemni order was issued -
sued fiommi ( liii ; office for only those macun-
lieu's of ( lie guard s'iio were willing to serve ,
I % ere tmmmimmarm'Ied and swore mint lilmudercul 1mm
I any svmy fi'ouiu scm'viuig , Phmysicimhly able according -
cording to sr.eeiai , 'xanmiimatioums , and iii I
( 'very 5V ) ' fit to conic , The Couilatiies :
iv ii I elm caumi ii d Id mu at ha ye enougim mu aim I a Il II
thitm ( milaiber tinder ( be coil , anti , notwltim-
standing time preliminary examiuuuiIoum ( , mnamuy
s'ere turmied down at time examnimmaticium in
"I believe ( lint tinder time pimmi : of exammmiuma-
tions almul enlist macat in the gimarul , witim the
( 'XICctiitiOmt ) of serving OS a pu'oviso of cmi.
listuiuent , svouid kceim time guard on a star
footing , which is wiutit time governmucnt
svants. "
I .iai lb I I . 'r' I'izm , m'i. ,
it was giveum omit at time state iioimso ( his
uuuormmimug tlmat tIme flttt'cti or tweumty vncau'mt
Places 1mm time ranks umf time two Iowa tnt-
teries ss'ilI be ihiicui by rejected inert frommi
time tvo originmil orgamiizatIo mit Cedar I
Itnpidut ani ilurhingtomm. It is cxpcctcii that
a cili 'viii 1)1 ! hushed by time uuuljmmtnmmt geum-
oral to this efl'ect itioum ( mis retttrmi frommi
( I ieflu'OOl ( ,
Time imiteresthmmg itmmiitioui has tbevclopual
that tmfll'Sii omumctItImmg of timlmt kind is ulommo
lova itt likely Co b& ' Without its imecessary
quota of imrtlilcrynien'fdm'ronme days to come.
it iiums been nearly a ht' ll since the governor
called for experieumced 'k1llmmit 'ors Jo the hr.
t II lery re i'vicum I a utun hIm' oil t t hi e mtuumui I mm a nm her
( if tell ( or e'acim batt'oi. ' But two out of
time imlimmiher s'imo iuavt 'roiimnteercd Imavo been
I , ( tccelmteul , for wimmut npimedrs to lie time reasoum
flint rmezmrly all of the experienced voitmmi- I
leers have been tiehieatly hmiimtlmmg thot their
services wouhil ho teumi ed the goverum mcumt
, Iii consideration of immniissloris itm return.
Time ro bciumg rio eouhmimfsslummms t o ho gi 'emm
out , time governor armdT hmljiitaimt gemieral have
decided , it is saul , to call for volunteers
broom thai utica s'iio Zr5ieft bthiiuumi at illmr-
iirigton and Cemlmmr ita.4t1s , ninny of svhmoma
rcuonlmmeul urmier ( protest amid wimo are capable
I aumd experienced arliiMrymen. They were
rejected oumly because ( t"was tIme govermlor'mi
swish to give as mmmanyAs nssihio from others
parts of time state a clmmtumee to volunteer.
Time Iowa Telephone coinnany toiimiy mm-
tified time Hoard of Public Works that it de.
chimes to conmply vltil time city council res-
olutioums of Jtmumo 6 oruleriog them to vacate
the streets , alleys and public imigimwzmys of
les Moiumes altO tint it bus immstrimchmd its
attorneys to take such action as is mmeccssary
(0 vrotcct Its rights.
Suil'iiI' itt i4luium ( 'ldy.
Sioux CITY , July 5.-Special ( Telegram. )
-Sorrow nail remorse over his inability to
stop time use of Intoxicating hiqimormi catused
CltarlesV. . Green , ammo of time elevator op-
craters Iii ( Ito lboiton block , to conmuait stmi-
cub at 12:30 : this nfternooum. 'lime deed was
done Witil ii. 32-caliber revolver nail death
was instantaneous. Time bullet entered time
head at. the right teniple and eumierged over
the left eye. 2'o ohxr ( cause than hits
'tY :
: , I : : The Great Resort.
1very body invited to take in the
sights ai-td be convinced that 'I
'i ti , ' , ,
Lake Manawa
the oniy place to get cooled off
and have lots of ftui.
, Above all don't fail to see the
' '
IElectrical Miraoe at night.'H
great regret over his cravlmig for liquor cOil
be assigimcd for tli uleed. ills relatives
live ut Ormasvim and lie is 21 years old. Ills
father Is iubllsIier of the Oumawa Scmitiiiel.
l'ruIilhut ( ( 'et'hrsil liii , .
CIIAIITON , Ia. , July i.-Special.-Tlmo ( )
lirmililmitlormists of Lumens coumity hell a con-
ventioml here yesterday. A colmmmty ticket ss'uis
uioiuiiiiated its follows : For auditor , J. 0
\Vertz ; clerk , fi. fi. Lewis ; for muiemuiber
boam'd , A. I'h1ttca. . I 10mm. C. L. l'arsoum ,
their camidiuinte for coumgrcss of time ilgiutim
dtsti'iet , also Oimoiicl time EIghth district
cammilmaign imero with a iiuio uipeecim to a large
crot'd , s 110 listeumed 1mm spIte of time celebra-
( Ion.
.tillgmmuir ( 'umuuialit I.ezia'Itig.
\'ATERLOO , lit. , Jttiy 5.Speeiai.The ( )
alligator which sas , ircsemmtcui to the CLdar
Ii iver imrk : by time immeumiluers of Comnimimmy : B ,
flo % at JflckSolivliie , amid then escapeui fmoui
th "Zeo , " line been recalturcll as ime
tryimig to effect aim entrance to the china-
tatuqmma groimmtuls. Time reptile ss'as safeIy
cagul this tiumie , ammO ( lie smuithl : boy miosv
breathes freely as lie goes immo ( ( lie Cedar
for lila daily swim.
* I1h'el n Su'a' Itlshuuuu , .
lAVENI'OItT , In. , July 5.-Slielai.-Tiie ( )
standiuig comlimmiittco of time Episcopal church
iii Iowa , by 'l'lmomns E. Greemi , president ,
nun ) J. J. Richardson , secretary , has issued
a call for a special cnumvemitiomm of ( lie chiurcim
iii the diocce of Iowa to assemumbbo in the
catllclrnl ( at Davenport on Tuesday , Septeuti-
her C , for tile ptmrlmosc of electimig a bisiloim
of the diocese of Iowa , to succeed the late
\VIiiIaun S. l'crry.
( 'eIuti ill lou iii V lii lsen.
VILLISCA , Ia. , Jiuiy 5.-Speciai.-Vli- ( )
hisca ceiehrateul yesterday in flume style.
There s'ns pai'iotlc ( uuiiusic by bamud antI
pCOilC , prayer amid Clicecimes by three of
the niimmistcrs , lumicil served by the l'res-
byterlami chuimrchi wouneum , clmariot , ostrich ,
pommy and bicycle races , a bnlioon utecen-
sioui , iulatformmm ummud lmali dammces ammd a liar-
vest , for druggIsts utah bootleggers.
I ii J ii i t'd I a a 1 % rae 1 ; .
VILLISCA , Ia. , July 5.-Speciai ( Tule-
gramn.-Stock ) traimi No. 70 raim Into a work
train erie-fourth of a mile vest of towum
timls eveniumg , liartly svrccking the forvard
engiume of the stock ( umnui iimjuring both
time Ibrenien of time ulotubie header stock
VuuirlIi of .Iiil , ( 'mMuxUhly.
ItIVEItTON , Ia. , July 5.-Special.-Arlio ( )
Ilnhilmnamm met 'lthm a bad uiccidemit yester-
mlay unorning white lirluig oif firecrackers by
hiaviuig a large carumiotm crnekcr exiulode iii
his iiammd , badly bacertittn ( hunt niember.
I.IMI iii I'reshuleuiihuiI . & ( to
Phumees Iii I. , . Aruuly lit ( Jill-
eIr'll Aiuiro'a'i ,
WAShINGTON , July 5.-Time senate today
coumiiruncul these uionminatiatms :
ThIrd Itegiumment , Vnluumteer Imifaumtry :
liarraleon of Georgia , secotmil lieimtcmmant.
Secoumd ltegtmemmt-Engiumcers : Ii. F. Iick-
coil of liuuilamma , caiitaium ; lIm'st lI imteuiaumt , A ,
T. iiaifiiume of Ohio.
Signal Corps-First lietmtenault , C. fi. 1(11-
lioimrumo , Jr.
IulaumtryPrornotiomms-First ( hieimtenammts
to be captaluis : F. ii. McCoy , Ehias Cimarmder ,
F. L. loduls. C. It. Noycs , C. 'IV. Abbott ,
It. M. BlatcimIorul , J. E. Brett , J. ii , Iieacon ,
\V. T. May , II.V. . hlowey , 'I' . J , Ilearn , J. Ii.
Shollemmiatrger , tV. K. W'riglmt , C. 11 , liardirm ,
fi. P. I'emmdietomm , Ii. A. Leonhauser , C. 11.
'ouumiles , C. 'tV. Penrose , I ) . L. Howell.
l'IdXSINS 1lt VflS'l'IiitN 'Fi'Vl'iltANS
Iuumi'la'urs of busde\Vgir , ' , , ' , , , ' ,
Piy dim. ' ( i'i.'riI ( uu'eruuuui'uut.
\\'ASIIINGTON. July 5.--Speciai.-I'eim- ( )
sions iltivo been issiieui as follows :
: Issue of Jumue 23 :
Nebraska : Origiimal-.lolmn ( ] riiiltil , Lyons ,
$ s. liestmratioum amid Increase--isaac Ii 'mo-
ly , miead , Ohmioiva. $30 to $72. lteumcwal amid
I m'etliue-Joic'Iutm J. iiamnhimi , Sos'nrd , $0.
Iowa : Original-iIrumJanmimm Brewer , Pleas- '
iimmtvllle , $0 ; Aifm'cd Ci. Nixon ,
Logan , $6 ; Arcli'lmaii ' ftitee , Shells-
Imurg , $8 ; Itaclmme I ) . Kellogg ,
Ic's Molumes , $25. ioisstumi-Imeiuic Knox ,
I inhiommcga , S. Original viuiows , etc.-
Ehiinhietim \ ' . Henri , Ames , $8 ; Ilerthma ii.
Godfrey , W'msimiumgtomm : , S ; Samall fi. Kcuit ,
Ft. Madison , 8 ; 4\imnemmn i.3eovliie. Nora
Springs , $8. 1teimesvuil-peeiul , Julio 24-
I Mtumor of Jolmici J. Comma. l'es Mumincs , $14.
Colorado : Originai-flciuiauutiti lb Hal-
heck , Twiim Luikea , $8 : ( 'harles Fammrmtimg ,
Prudeim , $8 ; Francis M. Shirley , 1)emtver , $6.
ltestoratimmm-Clmmytomu Sumuttim , lint SuIimhur
Siuritigs. $6. humcreasc--Georgo t'aiker , h'it-
ohio , $17 to $30. Iteissimo anti increase-
Alexaumiier S. Velis , Ihumver. $8 to $10.
Original widows , etc-MaIiiilO ( ltctlwrg.
Pueblo. $ S.
North lakotn : Original-Thieodoro John-
stomu , Ltsboim , $6 ,
S'nuta , 'l'ull. , iiu hIuamuhl.
WAShINGTON , July 5.-Time debate on tIme
Iiatvaiian resoluttoum was cotmiumitcui today.
Three sliCecimes wore iuiatle. Mr. hoar , in
atlvocatltmg annexation. mimaih' a notable ai-
peal against ammy Possibility of general tern.
tonal eximimimslon as ti sequel to time var.
Mr. Lindsay 01)IiOSe(1 time ammimexatioui , ( Ii-
reeling lila attack against time constittmtion-
nhity of this acttomm. Mr. White resumimed his
Au a'Isei muf Ih.a'nlt iii Irimgumily.
WASHINGTON , July 5.-Time Ilttmto de-
Imartnient bait posted the foliowimmg bimhletin :
Arm official telegram was received yesterday
by the Department of State from Moumovi-
dee , anuouuicIo a military revoit against
ftt3i' .e .1" . $ .
"I. : ' 'I'1' $ - . ' ' ' 'II' ' .0' t' ' ' $ ' . $ 0 1' d' "ii' 4 $ i . .4 , t 'j' . $ '
: FRUIT AND 6A1DN FAR't16 pi
+ :3 : Are U II : i Co u ii cii .131 t i II's t fl El JP
, . ¼ , . . . 'I'o ma cii it i , mm , . I iii p vi , vu' , ! ii ii ii U ii I iii ii mn'e.'uI f i'mi I t I ii ii ii . . t , ii elm p a i. I ii
* : . . tbuI'u vielimity ( huiiui ummmyuhieie Iii liii' UumIel Stales. 'l'Imere Is ii , , Cmiii-
ii i'a ii C e r05s lie ic. I.u.u L mm t Ii ii t F rum I t I'ii t'umu , . w It I I a I hey mu i'm' I ii lieu r- '
. , . ' luui , : l ;
.1. ' ' ' ItY . - iIit"4 , . .s. .
.i' ? D. . 'Y' & i. 'J'hio 1i'ii I.tiitc : mini . . , , Iirit'is ,
.t , Ii ' , ye e.i'i ii si vu' emil e muf a I ii i.te tm a mimiut'r ii r I. .
.1 ? 89 Pearl St. CollltCIl B11LIFS , ft lrmmiI , ( larileum atmul ( ii'iiim : i'mnum' , , \\'iito
. . ' & . I'e rsaui Ii I I y Co ii ( I lid bill' C I'S I ii rmiio Ii aim r mit hi r I ii fom'mi u a t Inuu it mmii ii a to su ii ft y omm
, , . orciumtrd. free tmt t'Iutrg" : . 1 % mliii. ' ,
: * 5H : *
' ' of ut time capital
( lie go'ei'uiuneumt Uruigila ,
I ml 5 % II helm mumammy svei'e kill cii ammO svouumuled.
Martiat law bias bcmi deelarcil by ( lie
govertiumisilt , sviitclm is said to be iioldlmlg its
own , mltlmoiught a reiicwed attack by time
revelutieuiists is iiioufleuttlml'thy expectcd.
Nll NA'I'moNt4 mm V l'IllIl'hI IISI 1)1"N'1' .
'l'hm ret' Nehurniukum au'um ( it'd l.muumui 0111cc
! ' , iu I t I u , ii .4.
\VASI11NGTON , July 5.-TIme imresiiiemit to-
tiny sent thmoe nonminatiomis to ( lie senate :
Regular Anutmy-Quarterniaster's ( leilart-
macmit : Charles fl A. Loather of tue 1)ittnict )
of Cohtmutibla , to be muliitary storcl < eeiir
with raumk of captaIn.
\Toltuumteer Eulgi umeers , Secolmd flcginmemit--
To bo captain : Timounas tV. M. Iraper of
Colorado. To be tiret hleueimammts ( : E.
Storrer TIce of Colorado , Freilericlc J. Mills
of Idaho , Frederick C. Turner of California ,
Frank L. Brittomu of California , Las'reimce
P. Butler , sergeant Conmpaumy I , I"olmrtil Itiis-
sotmrt volunteers ; Second Lietmtcnaumt Titoummas
Cooney of Montana. Timird rcgimlleumt : Fir3t
Lieuteminimt Charles (1. Post , qimmrterummaster :
sergeant , Imattahion cumgimmeers , U. S. A.
Imitorior-To be registers of land offices :
Peter Campbell , at Altroum , Cob , ; Elmumer 11.
hershey , at Missoimba , Mont. ; Gcorgo E.
Freumchm , at North Platte , Neb. ; Freulericlt
M. lem'rbmgtoim , at Alliance , Nob. Receiver
Public nmomieys : Frauk Haeoim , at North
l'iatte , Neb.
ilomise A gr.'cs to Al I Fiu eut , J'nc Ifle
I , umiiI. A uui'uumnun Is.
WAShINGTON , July 5.-At the ojmetming
ef tile hioimso Ciummplain Coudeml mnaule a feel-
lug reference to time events nt Sammtlago.
Mr. l'aymme ( rep. , N. V. ) , liresideui iii ( liii
abscuuce of Simcalier Reed , who was detairmcd
in Now York.
Time seumate anmemiulmnemmts to time bill for
time imaY of the mirmimy hi oumu enroilmmmemmt to
tile tumusteritig in svere concurred in amid
( Itt' bill now goes to the lmreslient. (
Time Partial couitercuico report out ( lie general -
eral deilciemicy bill , ieaviumg ommiy tile SCii-
ate l'ncifle railroads refuuiuliimg amentinmemit
omen , WitS auloluteul.
Time uninority fought for an extemmdcub ule-
into CII tIme excepted nuuueumduumemmt. Mr. Ma.
guire asked for three days , hut agreemmieumt
was reached for a vote at 4 o'clock touiuor-
row afternoon.
ltiuuul for I Ii. ' I"I rM ( Nab riishti ,
W'ASIIINGTON , Jtmly 5.-Sjuecinl ( 'reic-
granm.-Congrcssmnan ) .Slereer tolay had it
talk 'itli ( lie officials of time Var .iepmmrt.
uumcnt , at time request of Colonel llratt of time
I First Nebraska volunteers , miow on its wtmy
to ( lie Pimliiupines , with reference to time
( iiiestioul of fiirnlshummg ( lie reglmiment
witii a bumnd amid instruments. The mie-
pnrtumicnt hits ummado arrangeummeruts to supply
J'tht.leumc' ) Ii II I Ii. II , , ' , , ,
w'ASIIiNG'rON , July 5.-Tiuo house has
Lmuloliteil time couitercumce report on thu gcmi-
ccii I ii i' tic I r'lm ey lii I I , cxccimt I mug time i'tm c ill e
railroad imimmenuimneum t. On timls debate iicgamm
with an agreemmmcnt to vote at 4 o'clock tomorrow -
morrow atieriiooti.
lb. II 'l'r.iisuiv SuuIuui'm ( .
f WAShINGTON , July 5.-Today's state-
I meat of time treasury shows : Avallaiule u'msh
balance , $214,230,633 ; gold reserve , $166,805.-
I'muiui I mmcii t hl.'hpiii ii of ( hI ( ' Cimud rr
.h.i muumd l'g'r ( , ' , ' ( a NmtIouuuut
I ) rgu II I _ ; a I I ii ii ,
E\V YORK , July 5.-In compliance with
a call issued by time i4'uierntiomm at Ziumnists ,
iii New York amid vIcinity , a rmimrumher of time
iulost jirommiimmeult Hebrews of this coimimtry mumet
in this city today anti effectual a utationnl or-
ganizuition of Zionists. Othicers s'ero clecteul
otiui ii commmummittce was aPPOhImtCd to Imimsim time
svork of coiormiziuig l'alcstine.
Ir. lticiiarul ii. ( lottlmell , hirofesror of Itoh-
bummimical lIterature at Coiuuuibia university.
was elected lurestuiclit ( if time tmsSociuttiotm.
\'ico liresimients : Itabbi V. S. Felentim. Clii-
cuigo ; ir. A. Sciinffer , lialtiniore ; lr. J. lul.
Jamitrow. Pimtiaiieiplmta , armul Dr. I. J. lilac-
stoma , of this city. Mr. C. I ) . lilrkimduseum of
thIs city was eleetul secretary amid Rev. S.
ii. Wise. ! uimmulisoim Avenue muymmagogue , was
ummadu. honorary lmrezltieult. Rev. ( jittlmeli.
Rev.'ise , Ic , Ii. flarasolmn , Leoum Zollllkumff
nail Dr. I. J. Illuemutoume were imamuiemi us leie-
gates to ibasle , Swltzoniaumul , to attemmui the
mmecoumit intcrnatmouual Xloumtsts' camiferemice.
'vIIl hhiil.t , ' ' , ' ( , lit iuuiuhusg. ( . .
ChICAGO , July 5.-SwIft nail ( 'enipitumy ,
whmcm a few ulays ago secured time contract
from tile governmnelmt to furnish time entire
arnuy 1mm Cuba wlim freahm intO caummmt'd beats
for limo next muix mnomitims , V. lii build a 1mm
refrigerator at Saimlumgo , where all mmueas
for ( ho army will be shipped and kept
41W. PangeM.D.
flcadcr of Dhi4uses of iicit timid
V ( ) mum cii.
Vori.I'um 1lei'hi llImeumsmlmy of ? uledlciw'i. ,
I ct'mtE-Catitu'u Ii of IlentI , Throat ain't
1tm mugs , I ) li.ease Ci r c mu nil tar , I'll s mtmmi
A io lilex } ' , I i cart I . ' i't' ii mel IC lulmiry I ) b'etises ,
I ) imiluet euu. I irighm ti4 1. eit.t' . , t t V itim s 1 lii mice ,
itlmemmnmiitlstmi , Scrmf.ila , iu'apsy clmr'il 'il Imumiit
tiilmuimug , 'i'iibii \\'ormnu removed , nil ohm eumiG
Nervous timid i'rivitto 1)ieeiuu.emi.
_ young and
LOST li1L4k ihJ timiuiuiit uiCuI luiemi ,
_ Oumly I'imyilcitmum w 11mm Cliii
S YPt' I LS . iui'uiicm i ) Cuui' ' SYI'i I I i.It
Wi t imniut dest royi ng teat ii arid bomue. No muir. '
cmuu'v or uuiumertul ueu'd ,
'J'lie ' eu ly 1'lmyiciutui w him Cull tel I what milhi
bit IVltimmit ) misklmmg ii uiimestiimim.
'l'linio ft a , iIi'titui'o uiiI for qmuestioo
bluiuik. Nm. 1 for ummemi ; No. 2 br wuuuit'um.
All Cimrrei.iiOfl4I'uiCO strictly couitldeumtial.
Mcdtclmme sent , buy o.tpm'ees.
, /idult'S5 liii letters to
G. W. PANGLE , WI. D. ,
Iij : 1lrouuiIaa'mi , ( ) uNcm m. Ill.IJFFS , l
L't"Scuid iituuuiiu for mtuii'
Gas and
! F1)t Gasoline
III Engines.
c&ll OP UI or write for rtcu' , nnl 4.r't'rlptIonV.
DAViD Hhi.IJi0Y & CO. ,
Coummeil Iilumff. . 1oi'u. . .
.IACOII Niiii.SIA'811h1 , l'iiOI' .
201 , 200 , 208 , 210 , itruomdwiiy , ( ommumeil lilmmffs.
Ihmtes , $1 25 imer day ; 75 inuimums. First-elas
l.m i'vi'u p u'u'mulicct. 2uiiitit hue to all .li'iitmtit.
I ui'ui I ii gu'mi c ) fur I lie ( " ( 'i ( ' turn I cii St. I uii ii
A. IL C. fleer. Firt-cias liar tim Coil-
lice t I ti a.
FOR ' $30
! iitJIIIii&i : &
No Dutontlon From BPJBlnoso.
'Ve refer to IIuemrnumrs em' l'ATIINTS : Cuitirt '
Iii Seven to Ten Days VItliout Paul. '
Osum 'I'RF.ATsumsr Iom.s TIIV. Witmuic ,
( Ihumac..sor. to TIlE 0. } . MILI..Ehi 00. )
p32-933 New York Life Building , Omaha.
Ccii or write br awuis-s
immiUl they are needeul. Toumiorrmm % ' time first.
fmiir ears of meat will start for 'ftmmm'
whmc'ro it will he lcmmuti'd hit , ) hauls nuuui
trim uisluoreti ( to Sn ii tin go. 'rim o cii nit co mm t aIim
tivel vu drmmuims of muumiuumiumla , scales , immeat-
' I , t ucitmu mm uiui t'vu'r'
hooks , Ii 111(5 , jmmtii'im mm cry m
timtumg rmeeesary to builml time refrigerator ,
\'iii ( 11w ciii's wIll 80 twi'umty-flvo experl-
en red maceli a mi I cmi mm um ii hitch I umg house mmmcii
who will erect the iuumlliilmigs. ii. C' . ( 'aril-
tier seili have clilirgo of tim , . expedltiomm unit
expert ( ' ccii Iii elm w I I I tue 1,1 , aecil I it ciiu rge.
. % inlrcn. . Vihiuli'tii ( ( iou , . ( lie ( .uumI.'st.
( 'iilCAGO. July 5.-A'cordtng to a mututti'-
mcmi t of ii nmeumubctr ( if I ii o I mu nil of Eu ucit-
tliium term i gim t . l'nesbi eu t fi. iieumaium $ I mm A n -
drewmi of Brown umumiversity imas deciuleul to
witimilraw fm oun the corilest for muuiuerimmteoil-
ciii. of seliocimu. President Anuirews lit muabi
to have biased iitt refusal on ( lie oipositiomm
hum eanuiiilacy hits itrouseil. If ( lie ncpoiu i
true ( lam simpluortc'rs of Siuiierimitemldelmt Lau *
believe he will be rc-eivcteL
- ------------L-
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