Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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Criminal O1asc Make rree with the Cmwds
During tha roiirth.
I'iI Ie ( ' SIIlIrrlM flu. Izn' , ii.i ) 'nr si
1'n.I 1,14' , liii t t rt IIINs ( ' ( I'M fit I
I I , ' % ) I.Iig ,
'Oii t lie Qi I. ,
While the cttzens of Omnliu wore celebrating -
brating Mommy iiIht the crI1nItiI % dOUIOIt )
wn cr nctIvi , anti Its iiccg In inarktI
by the number of robberies rcrorte(1 ) to the
Irnhlce yeUrday. Severtil cases of house
# , Iveaklug ) eally In the evening tnrttd the
' crime carnival. No (1018115 of three cas
cuI ho learned owing to the nippresshnn by
the 1)011CC.
Two 1I1011 ale FCSI,0HSI1ile , for a series of
roblcrlcg of arIotis ilhscriptions In ( lie east
OnI of the cIty. Fhey first flflle ) their op.
; penrahico at 1)lek ) h31rlIsh1I Bnloou , Tenth
HflI ( IflVeIlprt streets WIIeIe they lehlheratly
. chinkeh 1inniiueI I 1yiu at lavenport
street , vho fiB slnndlog In the li , , i ooin tutu
forceul luhiti to give theni hIM noney , atuouni
Ing to $ Ui. 1'roo ) Iltituhlshs taloon tbit men
Went (0 ( the saloon nt Tenth titul Iolge
strcetut wlwro they found htster l3ancroft
% ito Vfl5 the EOIC o'cupant. lloitcrofl at
thtel r dciii a tl : tve thieni Ii Is % a tclt . 1hi cy
VOIIIuI Ituve ltuotcd the iulace hirni lint three
ctlsthtnors entered at the time. It Is
bolleveul thunt the tuien after
leaving the saloon stole two hIycle anti
left the cIty , as tvo men ansurIng their
tIeicrIptIon Were seen to tale a luirycle , belonging -
longing to J. I' . flots lelt front ti front of
the Paxton block atid One , the property ( If
NOIS Nttl5OI1 of 57 South Thirty-second
street from the front of Clhiuatr1cks ( Iry
goouls store.
Two caset4 witero strAngers were robbed
th panel huwiles are reported. The victIIui
were Johti 1eteron of UenOII , Neb. , umuth
Johit I'huhhlps. plae' of reshleimee unknown.
Thu former 1ot $16 auth the latter $ 15. AlIce
Ilohmnea auth 1)ehIt ? doomi are under arrcst
for time olTonset.
Jamnes Jaimeut of 1G15 Dorcas street had
his eoat vhutthi contaIned valuable itIer ,
uutolii. lIE took It off at hlasuails ; arlc to
light ioine tlrevorks , anti whmeum he sought
to lnmt It an found soinu One haul taken It.
limit two cases of irncket imicklng were made
a ptmhl Ic. oh thouglm It Is k n a wim thin t t Ii Is ci .mss
of thtut pitt in tt niot3t stmeees.fmuI tiny on the
4 street cars anti amnoimg the crowuls nil Six-
' ' tcenth street. W. 11. Alexander of h1S Cals
: ' - ' street lost 22 in cheeks nttd $2 In motley
in time Crawtl at the euitralict to the theater
at l'Ifteenth ahtul CapItol avenue , and
Charles hunt of Missouri Valley 1cut $21) at
p Slxteetithi and lavenport streets , to 501110
clever "ullp. ' hittlIt thinot caught the thief.
h1 ( felt thit iuaumd In his P0Clet atul sas time
L tiian dart avay. but he was unable to catch
I'Iftecn men ere arrested by thit' iwlice on
RttSiiC ion of hay I mm g been I mid lea ted I a time
robberies. but they were released yesterday
morning. Thrcc of the then , C' . MctmIgan.
. - . .
- ioc'Vlgglns anti Frank lendly , had
$130 in their possession when Picked up.
.t ri I IIi \V1i It Ii Iii Iei.i , ii eu miii
to 1)IsIuuIgt ( It SiiIiii
as rd s.
Dispatches from SantIago state that the
eiiglncer corps have cleareil a roaui from
flutiqlllri , where the Invadluig aiiny lnnded , to
wlwre the armys aulvance guard was
- , StiltIOtIcuI , anti tilitt along this road Shafter's
slego guns were being hurrIed. A New York
Still reporter tried to get some detitulte InformatIon -
formatIon about these guns yesterday.
W'hiiitt no Otto knows exactly what guns
vere sent to Shatter , sotuic Iiiformnatiomi was
oitaiueil. ills siege train Is composed of
four batteries of four guns elIcit. Tue IIICII
- 1elultiul the gituus Ivere taken ahtmuot entirely
from the lclftil UnIted States artillery , the
cricic artillery regiment of time army.
lirigauhler (1eneral Jolt11 1. Roulgers. chief of
artillery , was the colonel of timim regiment
ror mnaimy years and the IjICIL of the megi-
Iflent got their artIllery training tinder his
personal direction. One of time four oiege
batteries Is nmade up Of 5-Inch breech-loading
tecl ci II es , 7 - I 11011 breech - loami I ng ri lIeu !
howitzers , and 7-Inch hreecit-Ioauiing rifled
zimortars. The exact Illaite-tip of the battery
uhm'peimils tIPOIm the works to be attacked.
These guns , whIch are too heavy for liciul
operation. are light enough to be transported -
ported over common roads upon the carriages
fromum whelm they are tired.
i'ime total 'eIghit of the 5-lticlm rifle , with
, . Its carrIage. is 6.5 13 iOmIflhIS , the rub alone
vcighlumg 3tiGO pounds. Its length Is 12.15
feet. Tiut' ImroJectlie which It throws weigims
forty-five p oumnhls. Its range Is aimnut live
nmiles. At lOOt ) yards the projectile
uonetratus ilarveylzed steel 16 incItes , at
2.500 yturtls , 2.5 incurs , and at 3.300 yards
two Inclmts.
'I'iio siege howitzer veigl1s 3710 pomllichi ,
anti % vitil its carriage. 5,722 POtmfluiS , Time
leiugth of tii hnvitzer Is liOtIt six feet. It
; throws m l)11)JeCtIlC tm'enty-one Incites , long ,
weighing 10 pOtlulull. Its effectIve range is
( ruin t 50 to ton r 111 II CS. The 7I I Il elm del ul
lumortar weIghs 1,732 pounds , and with its
carriage , 2 , ITO PoUfld. It is 1.9 feet bug
anti tiurowa a ProjectIle of 125 iotlnds ,
Geimeral Shiaftor lint ! deiuleui , of course. before -
fore lie left Tumunpm , of just uvitat gtmns his
batteries vould he ( otllpt)4eui. The liufurumma-
tinti Ito luoslesseul of time character of
Santiago's ( lOft'flseS mleterpmluietl tiu guns to
lie I nd uti cii in elicit lum t tt'ry. I t is supiost'uI
] tero that ito lums LU etmeim to 5-inch rilies ,
one howitzer and one mortar.
It was 581(1 by 811 artillery oflicer yestom'-
(1 ; ( y thin t such a en multi mum t Ion ouu I ii be a ho ii
tiit * ullolt effective that could be uuiade.VIth
1 ito ri ii t's a 1 I n o Ii re con I ii be Rumi ( Its I nod
against I butu dt'feiises. aoime of wlIcit cotuhui
( 'ITectutaihy withsianuh I ito bouulbaruIllleltt of
eight 5-Inch rules , if tbte gunners nrc 111)10
to get uiy sort of a range ( In the works.
Ilecattac tile rules fire more ulireethy on a
mutraight line 111011 either time howitzers or
III ortum m's , t hit'y wo tub d be p1 an toil I a fro at ,
4 howitzer can be cicyateul at an angle of
25 ulegreus aumul do etTectivu work. At that
4ultu'atilt ( It can throw a .siutii fronm t Ivo to
10 U r am I I es , fl flu ! miroim I t mbte Em' I t v ii I do t him
1most uIulunmge ( , Thut uumortam'mm may hue elevated
al ullOlt I tI Ut e Ieu'penhl Ic mula r. The sim t' I is
0 Ii 1mb t lie ) ' t bra eXitlOul e WI t ii I errb b Ic
miantage to tttl'tiling witlm % viticII Ibmey tommie iii
contact. \ \ hat the cities arid howitzers tloutt
tiest roy time lumortars attend to.
11esiuie tile siege gtuns , ( lenerni Siuatter
3itms a numniter of hiocthmkIs nmountain giumuim.
mm I I rap I iiII re , a n ul he also hi as a t it I s ul Isposal
time battery of Colt gtuums given by Craig
'm'nuisuvortlm to itOsOVeit's ) regimumeumt. cmiii One
ilynztmnlte gtttm of the Stuns-Dudley baitern ,
¶ l'hio haulIng of I Ito hbotcbmkIs gtmuts could be
' easily nlaummgeti ; [ my time omen , and the
1' lynarmmittm guum Is very light. it is reported
dum uiIpatclmeum frotmm Santiago that 11w dyna-
2umito gun ha beet ) luamuied ( mmmi Ilaiqutirl
by a squaui of ummen under Sergeant Iiaik'tt
Ah8i Ilorrone. a son-lu-law of time late
Atustiii Corbin. I I Is reckoned ttmmat each
ItItCItki tII1j Colt gun 1mm equal to about
twetity rules ,
It ' .iIIiiii.i' ' . ' liii IisgitmiiuI.
If the Uimiteul Stnts lUll ! FImgItmului should
forumm atm alliance , the ounhuiijui strength
Iroulut bu so great tituit timeru wouhul be lIt-
thu chmaiiee for eumeummIes to oye'rcoutue us. In
mm , hike niaituisr , wheit macmm and woulwum keep
till their bodIly streutgtlm with lbostetter's
ttOIllliClm hitters , tlmertu Is little eltaulce of
littacks froumm uIlseabe , The olul tiumme remedy
eumrlciies the blood , bulhuls up the museba ,
btcauiiea the ut'rves and luereases the aim-
uttit. Try it.
' ,
Mrs. ' . .1 , I.tnm'pli.i , 4tui Iii itm't'uel f
% 'ithi n iumlfe umimsi
% iuI II. ,
Mrti , A. .1. 1.'Umucrrlt'n altemptil to totu.
tumit suicide Ist nilit by m'ttttlitg her thioftt
tititi driving knife into Iuc'r brpt , Tin ,
, " otutni Itt the timrettt ns not scrlomutt , bitt
the other injury ns folloapsi by
itt'ninrrhuage snd the ounna's death Is e.
PeCtt(1 'vithuin il short tIme by thmc 5urgenn
of St. .iosephi's itoiuitai. It Is bthlevetl by
her husband that Mrs. t.GtuvrrIeui wums de-
nmefltemi shcum it tnado the ottompt.
'fiio L'Guerrieuimm came to Omaha frotu St.
i.ouIs , .Mo. , about a week ago nail have
born living witim friends at 403 llancroft
street tutmtii Mr. h'Gucrrleums could Ilumul work.
In tltis ho bias IlOt met with the best sue-
eels amid his wife became despondent.
I.'fkuen tetu says his wIfe lisa haul sos'-
oral i mcml Otis of Ills I ) I a I ml era ngonicum t ml ti ri a g
tue last sIx Inoultius anti tlminks that last
night itiut' was laboring ultuler a l-cetmrreumre
of the same trouble. ihie had speltt umu.t
( If ( hue evening OlOfle nttti vas found about
! ! o'clock oti luer hued bleeding ( coin wounuis
nil her throat nuil breutst. The gash on ( lum
tiuroat hind just inisseul the jugular vcitm
amid I lie stabs oum the breast htmti pctieiinteul
thue lung. Time s outman 'Ins lakeum to tue
ltOSIItal tunder time charge of a 1011cc sutr-
gee n.
( _ _ , _ % J..d.- _ . . . .t
There are less than iv o dozc'ut pieces of
stmt hum ry I u t ii c A m t I I ml 11mg-a very 011)11 II
autul Iimaulcquumta exlmre'msioum of tile umuolerim
itt the uotunmla of the svest ss'Ing is a
rcimrouluctiomt iii iuiaater ( if the \Viimged % 'Ic-
tory of Summimuthirnee , untuic tIme exact size of
tIme or I gi litti , It utul semi t to ommr c , posh tioum by
time Freucim govertmundnt , It seems to be
very luerfect ium every way save that it 11023
unit Impress one as being Poised on the base
at qtuite so numuctm of aim aumge ! as time orig-
blat. This , iuovvver , may be duo to time
differencu itt the setting. Time original 'Ic-
tory stumumds on the stoime pm ow of a Greek
vessel. at the bead of a wide staircase lum
time Lotmvre , where , with nothIng clue near ,
she seeuums to spriuug almeatt of tIme umuotion
of tIme boat aitl her wings bent the all
55. I I Pm s'eheumm en t uumo tioum . The scul PtO l hits
ulmost skillfully uepresemmtcul tim effect of the
Iteit ireezes hiovluug the drapery utgalumst tIme
iCily nnd legs ; the caressimug foluis of tills
thin tunic now befine nuid imow conceal time
simielmdor of tIme fot'mum bcumeatiu.
The \ Vlumgcd'lctory was founul oui the
Islauid of Saummothrace iui 1S3 by a repre-
senttmtlve of the F'ieuicij gmverumuuuent. vimo
wums excavatIng there , butt it was mint mintil
iS79 timmt tIle Stones which forun tIle vrosv
of the luont svere uhiscoveremi to beiouig to the
statmue , Before this time tite Victory imail
been glveum a very tlmmpreeumtlomis ( iilace lum
thai Louvre and imad attracted little atten-
LIon sire front art connoisseurs , who de-
dared it to be otto of the greatest trcas-
tires of Greek art. It Is said to iuavc luceum
nitRic Iii time fourth century 11. C. , and time
lumost famous scmulptors of that thutme were
Skopas , I'raxlteies auid LSliiIuu4 , wimoe folIos -
Ios eus carried Greek art both east and svcst ,
Mr. C. T. Newton of tint llritlsim nmuscmuun
says : "The boiul and ortgiultmi treatuncuit by
Which the flyiimg fouls of tile drapery are
mnuic to express rapid unovenment hums , per-
haps. uleser been miurpasseui in sculpture. In
time execmution there is a subtle retiuiement
svhlch reulmlndcJ ( 1110 of time imlilSter-ilItnmls by
sviuouut time statues of the uuutmusoleuuui were
carved. As Skopas is known to lmimve worked
luu Stmunotiirace it is a fair conjecture to at-
tribmute timis Sanuotilr1uciau ) Victory to 501110
later artist of his chooi. An Oplulion , Mr.
Chlids says , wiiicim is m1niversmIiy accepted
by nloderum savants.
' 'A dlstinguislmeul 1rencIi arcimacologist , M.
Itayet , says that the rising of time breast
hutdlcates that the head was erect amid Imok-
lug lulio time distautce , auid tile nmovenuent
of mm'imut rcuumatuls of the slioujuiers eumahies
mms to vstahilsh vitim Irectsion the dIrection
of the anus. Tue right arm. ralsci autd
extended in froimt doulticsui hteid a trumiet
tue ieft ; urnm , timross'im lmck arid lmaulging
( iOSVui , carried oiie of timoso woodcui crosses
\Viulcil fom'uncul the Interior fratime or stander
( or tropilies. ' '
Near this cast of the Winged Victory is
LI decmrmtlve : panel in delicate coiors , "tiuitemi
as ouuiy Mr. Aminuns iuuows bow to do it.
This pallid in relict , calieui "ttescnrclu. " was
nuado for one of the broulze minors of thin
coumgressioumai library \'imshington , I ) . C.
Tile imamuels for both of tile doors Iwore CX-
hibltcd recently at the spring cxiuibltioii In
New York City of the National Sculpture
society imnul Mr. Taft , In writing of thenm ,
SitI'5 : ' 'It sm'Iii 1)0 renleulubcreti that hieriuert
Adun was seiected at tIme tinme of the
sculptor Warner's deatim to couuipiete the
sscoumml door of the coulgressionmi : library at
W'asimington. iuianl-s bias acquitteul himself
vehl , but I think wIth a lees sigulal triuunplm
tiunim his smiecessor. 4IOlIl3 forte is imis
bemuutIfuui busts of 51001011. Outo of Jtiii0
Marlowe's was coveted by every ono of mus.
George Barnard proulomunce' ! It worthy of
tiuc Itc'umaissance-as great as the greatest. "
'rimeum lie goes on to speak of the timmee
stnttuettcs whmichm Ibeuslo l'ottc'r had sent to
I iu0 Sulilli' cx it I ii t Ia um a 1111 V hicim a re now III
thue uotmiuuuitt of time east wlulg of the Art
" hitlt of course tIme real iuitcrest of thti'
western exhibit SViI $ ceimtereul iii Miss liessle
i'otter's iikutchies. I was assailed with In-
qmui rlcs aimut titeun svhmeuu I arrived aumd I
noticed at time recelutinim tlmat giants of
i1iUSt u tmtul imron ze st end no ciiaui cc I n t hi e
coumietut with iter tiny iigures. Site seumt
her ' ' Yomu umg 5l ot imer , ' ' 0 I ri Itm uc I a g' a ii ii
' 'Girl Iteading. ' ' Nearly imhi of the artist
fri en mIs 1511(1 ( umm I ( Ilet , 1)11th ) IuaiIt t ers a um ml
scmtiittors , 11)1(1 ( lIla they wanted otme of tlieuut ,
' , Vu're going to buy , or at least iumquireml time
. ,
\vli , tlmose faIry figures have a quality
'imtch is pitifully Iimc'klng in most of our
scuipture-the & 'icnt'utt , of lulensture. The
I look of sIuoumtauleIty. time appeal whticim cotiles
frouim a work which HOtImIS to have gIven mle-
lighmt In the very doiumg-tlmese are virtues
whttclm clIng anti coitiimtue to give pheasmire
ever titter. "
I remuoumilmer seeing MIss l'ntter occasiomm-
nil ) ' I tm t hi' amu to mutt of I S5 at t lie (1 irIs'
citib tim Paris-a little girl apparently hot
over IS years of age , but qmiito time envy
( If t ho at imir stmudtuu I 5 I um hiioul ci lug. Eveut
at timat tiuno her ulitle stattuettes hail at-
I un ci eul Poimmular um tt Cut tb ii.
Mt' . Taft , who Is a teacher lum time Art
lmmstitiute aumd weil kumowit , not ommiy as a
remlhptor , bmut 115 OIl art critic and lecturer
awl selto is to Ito time beammlcr of tIme art eoui-
gross wiulcim uneets hero Ium Selutemuber , imas
aeimt two s'ery Imuterestlmmg bmusts-ouue of a
yeti ( Ig WOIhltmhl very cita runiuu g Iut I I 11 e a mmml
contour , tIme ottuem' of I iaimliln Garitmumd , silmicit
tmlpctmrs to hue a vet ) ' lifelike portrait of tIme
atm t Imor. I I lit hutoui oh in g is broad aumd sI mmmimie
umulul umot overworked.
slr. Erumest lCeyser lmtts sent a carefully
etudleul beau ! of Ophicila lum mimarbie-No. 778-
whmielm is graceful anti delIcate.
shatrrimmgs' Ili.emIsi'M.
The followlulg marriage licenses were is-
smied yesterday by the county jumle : ;
Name ammd uIuIress. Age.
Charles Snyder , Ilouluher. Coin. . . . . . . . . .
I hurdle Duumum. Iloumider , Cob. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Frmtnlc F. ( Ireemme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Al tolmie M. ItohuIumsomm. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . I
Alluert Klhiimrm. : ( ) unatma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Barbara Joimnsomm. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Albert A. Mcioumahti ) , St. Joseplm .Mo. , . .
Nettie ( 'arney. St. Josepim , Mo. . . . . . . . . . 21
Samumuci Vuxeimberg , Ouualma. . . . . . . . . . . . 2-f
iittie Salzuummsum , Ouumahma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Justlu A. iloss. Ommmalmmt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 15
Nancy Cole. Unmaha . . . , , . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 14
Goes rorty-Five Mi1a Through a lltiu
of ho IUUI Shell.
itit.3 ( uf I hi' (1i-n I ' . ' Ihtttle
11h1 hi. Giutit''ts.t % Iutlie's mm
( I rt'I It 10I III A g ii I tm' I
Itohta ) '
WASIitNGTO , July 5.-F'ronm his
imo3ition Oil tIme bridge of time ( "bit-'r Liotiteumant Conmmaimmler'nitm -
I wright svatclmmyul tlm flames nuni smoke as
tIny envelopel the miecks of thte tlltei' great-
cuit c ar shiims of tiii' SpaumIslm hmvy , schmidt
\th.0 sooim to 1)0 reduced to lmothltmg Imut
shiallereul mmiasts and twisted sulmoiestlmCk4
protrudIng Obove the water , simiint to thet
I other ilcture ) ill Ilasana harbor. It svtms not
strahuge , tlmerefori' . timat lie reuimamlced to Imis
bmohher otlicirs besiuie hmltmi "Tue Maiume is
nvemugc'i. "
Just thlehi time l'lutotm amid tIti' 1tmror saulk.
'rite ( Ilomucester's boat Iliekeul tup mis unaumy of
time smum livers as It could hum ! elm tIme chore.
lime llrisoumers of svar tlmclmmdeul the captmmlmms
of both boats. Nimume offered ammy m esistamtct'
ammd were glrmd to go to time ( liomtceater , as
tiny foutreul aim attack froun the ( 'ttbatis.
A lie uiiluer of tIme mmmi evivo rs , mci mid I ng
I ( milIrom mu of ile : imirmmr , ssbio , it is reporteul , 1mm' ' !
their legs sitnt wore micattercul aioiig time
coast for smme mhistnhmce mmii could muot be
: fou umd , Three oIl ! cers a um il six mnemm of time
t'htotm ( ! CSC11it'i ( fromn the' elmore ium one of
their 00'hm hoots nr.ul pulled to time \ssocI-
nt.'il Pr 'ss dispatch boat \Vmmumda , where they
i'Ollltt I 110(1 Ii mm I ii tli m i r edIt ni ii , scum ) va is lie ! 1
a iurlsouier Ott time ( liommeestec , ordered them
to join iiinm Otm tile butter vessel.
Time mulust remnnrkoiule featut e of tile COIn-
hat svnu ; time luict that , uiot'itimqtmumuliumg tIme
mutter mlestrmmetion of time Spanish iievt 01111
tIme liarml tight those simlimS hmuztl0. eveim after
they score on lire. time Aiuiei'icalm vcseIs
sitotti 1 CSCI1 1)0 551 I hon t i uij a ry. The oiml y
lossibii' explnuiatioim of I ills is that uwor
niarksunamusuiip of the Sllantslm gtinumers , wimicim
hits ieeul 50 sveii deinommstruteul tim every otimer
conflict of tIme scar.
Time Newark , Coulitnouloro'atsomm's ilmg- ;
slmip , ( lit ! not Iuarticiiate lim time great capture -
ture , as It wmts coahiumg at Guantanatimo.
ici rmst St.cuiumts ( lt 1)1st reM' . .
Time Spimnlslm 51111)5 hal uow reachel a Point
about seveum uutlcs % vest of ? dorro , nuid a unile
or so beyoimd wimere time torpedo huonts were
tutu mmlng nut' ' ! lirokeul In t 0. The hingailip
&mli & ( tue Oqueimdo ssere time first to slmow
signals of uhistress. To 13-inch shells frouim
OhIO of time hattieshlipu hmai stu'umcic tilt' Marie
Teresa at the water iiuie. causing It to liii
m'tmiiiiy. Time Oqmiendo stuffereul the same
fate , aunt both headed tom' a smnaii cave. tImId
both Schtt agroummul 100 yards fronm the shore ,
Ilaunes sirlulgimlg fiouui them.
Time officems 011(1 ( crew lutIst have becim
aware of tile late whicim seemned lCfolC tlmeun ,
iUt it l'as hot miultll tue silii)3 were ott lire
that time incum cease , ! firing.
Time Gioucester steanleui ahong time coast
to wlmere ttme arnmored crmmlsers werc sti'anuled
and went to their rescue. There was danger
from the mmltmgazimles , . immul iany out board
imimnimoul Ill the vater fluId swammm for simore ,
and mnaimyere uumabie to retmcim time small
strIp of sandy beach lum the cove. butt were
timrosvuu ouito the rocks. Maimy of time wounuled
'ere taken asimore. But this task was : m
diflhcuit oume.
Au Amnericaum ssiaiml tlmrough time suit witim
a line from tbe Marie Tereca to the shore ,
untking it fast to a tree. The Spaumiards
could then hrmuni. The ss'ounuitd were taken
to the Gloucester. and soon the yacht was
full of Spanisim wouii. . The Gloucester's
crew gave titian every atteuitiomm possible.
TIme shore was hiumcd witlm those who hail
escaped fronl time Aintiramute , Oqtmendo aim !
tile Marie 'I'ercsa.
There were still souile men on both vessels
wlme'ml tile fire comtllmiellCel to reach the umlaga-
ziuics urmul tile tOXeS of alnununitlon on the
deck. A ulozemm om umlore explosiolls fohiosveul
tile fluing , time 3111010 froun wimicim covered
the imiilsiule , runnthmg dowul almost to time
water's edge. Another column of sunoke
two ! lliies ( artier to tIme westward svns oim-
mierveul. Time Vlzcaya was 'dan in iianmcs aiim !
svtta 01)1 tged to rummm ashore to keel ) froimm
going dowu. Tue Iowa 011(1 time Immuliana
were keeping up a terrific lire tmpoum It nuid
Its condItion svas as baul as that of tIme
The Brooklyn , Origon , Massachusetts ant !
several Snlaiior vessels coumtinuei ( thu. chase
after time Cristobol Coioum , imimul hum less tItan
an lmotmr were lost to view of time lmtmrnhumg
ships nit shore. The Iowa amid Texas both
gave nsslstamlce to tile lillperiled crew of the
Vizcaya. Its captain siurremidereul his Coin-
iltand anti their prisoners were trammsferreul
to the battleiuilii , . The Vizcaya irolmabiy lost
abotmt sixty mmmcml. as it cornet ! a commlpienment
of 100 , amid only 8 10 were taken mmboarul tIme
C. rmei'it 11.-mm rs ( Ti. llrim'eI y.
Snomi armor Adnmlrnl Cervera reached the
shore and surrendered be mas tmheum to tue
Gloucester at hits OWII request. There was
110 mnistaitimmg time Itetmrt-brokemi expu'ession
on tIle ohul .Setiflihfl'S face as ile took the
p rofeireti ha imd of II emitemmmn t'a I un ghi t a rid
55115 sL'own to time latter's ( ' 111)10 , hnut iii'
mnamhe every effort to bear bravely tue bitter
defeat thmot imtul coummo to html. lie timankcml
the conlmnimulcr of time Gloucester for time
svords ( mf congratulation oftorcsi oum time gal-
iaumt flgimt amid thiemi spoke tammestiy of his
solicitude for time safety uf Imis ( neil on
shore. li Inmormned LiemmtemiantVaiunvrigimt
tumimt Ctuintn soldiers vera aim tue lulls preparIng -
parIng to attack imia uimmrmmmcal mcii , tint ! salt !
Ii. tlioiigimt imis sailors immtd suffered enoughm
imi timeir battle svitii ttmo Aunerlcamm forces
and that Iii' sins wlilummg to smmrreumIer lmis
entIre commmmmlnnui , but he asked tbut sonme
prmtectiomm lie gIven ( u imis nmemi muimttl they
coimiti be takemm art In the Aimlerican yes-
seis , Captain \Vninwrigbmt hind Imiaru ! slnd-
itmr reports froumi hmis own otiict'rs regardIng
tIme priuteim cc ( If Cim bit nm' I ml the brush , a mmd
lie sent a guard of armmmesl saIlors asimoro to
preveumt the Spanisim prisoners frotml imimig
Fotir ilours after Almlrtmi , Cervera went
aboarml the tiiouicester time lmmtanta Maria
Thit'resm , Almmlirammte Oqmmeuitlo amid Vizcaya
commtinued to bmmrui ammd every uiow ammd tlmemi
a deep roar , aceommmimlmmle'd by it burst of home
aumul 311101CC fromum the sides of time slmlis ,
l otmld nummlotmulce tile oxploaiomm of more am-
HI mm mm I tioum or a not her mmi agmzi mme. A s the
lhammm es s lint it Ighmi r it iii ! hmiglm el' above t he
decks of time mungimlficent vessels that himml
Cmjmlllo.4eml Admiral Cervera's lit's't immany of
those wlm'sitmtessetl time scene felt it Imad a
strong coullmectlon svithm time destruction of
t lie A rmieri ca mm ha ttl eslm I iI a I mu a lit I Iumvau a
Harbor five unonthms ago. Liemmtcnammt Coin-
mammuher VaInsvrIght , tIme comnmrmuumuicr of time
Gloucester , was exermmtive oiflcer of tlms
Maine at tile tluimo of tlmo disaster , amiul , ah
thought lie rtmmmalneml Ill havana hmarirnr two
Illufltims otter time Cxiioslalm. hme lived on
toarti time dIspatch boat Fern suit ! steal-
fostly refoseth to set hIs ftamt 1mm lime city
until , to misc hIs owq sords , "time tinme mtlmould
conIc sshmen imo could go ashore at time head
of a landing iarty of American blue jack-
ets. " Today it was imls simlp thmat sank two
Spanish torpedo boat destroyers and afterward -
ward received the SilaumIsim almlrai aboard
imut a vrisoimer of war.
Ieesm ( Jilioim'ss Ii'simi * Imim , .
LONION. July 5.-Tonight 1mm time house
of Coniummons the rt'solutioim of Mr. 1)Ilion ,
I'arimellite. demniirmding a redress of the mis.
Prolortiommato tuxatloum system In irelaimtl.
was rejected by e vote of 286 to 144 , the
iuiinorlty buriutlbmg the hlbem'al leaders , Au-
muiral Charles llerostorul. Colonel Santlor.
Itoh , II. C. Piunkutt and otimer uuloimlst.
- . '
' " " '
- -
iiiiIrmil tera erp'I ; lii lit
% at ( I. , , ml ts In t iql , ' , ' home 'I'Isere
vi t-t. I4tt t'mtm ShiIs' .
( ( " 'lmrlRhlt. 1'1i't , bi Au'nrlntet1 Itreumsi
OF'F SATlAiO. ( July I.-lly ( Asovlsteul
Press fllpatit i&tt "ynthln. via Kington.
.iiiiy -Admniral ( 'c rvora lieu ! a eoumsttht * - I
ttoum si ithi his otflt botot e aiiIng out of
thmc Imarbat of Samitlago tie ( 'imbit antI by a
I Milahi iliimjority I hm Ulilve agreed upon.
l'imm. nmlnority snid , mlestrmmetlomm was sure. As
mnatmy of the flmvlmlct lintl Immtititmled amid time
beSt men iml the hIt'tt were worn out serving
time StIllS Ill the aiuure bottsries.
1mmrIy III time Imlonnlhig of the rorlIt' careftti
I observatlomls were taken. .dmimIraI ( 'ei'vertt
t1ec'idi , on taking time westward course. whim
Manzanliim ) , Cieuiftmegos. or I > OSsihIY Ilavamma
the port to be menche.l. lie womuiu ! have gone
east bitt for the sighitimig of a iust'ge trmmmis
port heel otT Sihonry aint the tissiurammce
that a cmltmvtmy Ut wam' vessels 55(13 stiitlonel
ssIUm tIme trttuisilortmm.
As is nmatter of fmiet tlmere wus mme war
vessel larger thaim a coimverteul yacht , eccept
u tilt' New York , thmtmt comtld have obsteimctc.d
Adnilral Cers'ern's escmtiie castsvtmrti. Naval
mmmemm hero are stmre tlmat time Simatmlsim yes-
sela eotmitl Imrtve disabled or smmmlh ( time New
York omit ! ( ' 5(1(1)0(1 ( ) Imail tIme ensts'aru1 comumse
leemm ) clmosemi feareul for it tilni' timat .soume of tIme
saIlors anti oiflt'ers mcitm swummim tlsiiomp froill
LIme Viccayim. Almlt'imnto tqui'umdo and Marie
Teresa \sere kiileul by the insurgemmts seimo
svere mmeslm iii thm elmtmimarrel Iicimr th bemtclm.
'i'imig could mint be verified at timIs svm'Ithilg , as
mio ntIimmnt of tIme loss to time Sitaumisim lIet
ObtOlmIalmie. It itt ( 'imiiiii'iI one simeii
iliied 100 nlen out time \'i7ca a , raiItmg time
s esel fore auiti tmft.
t'ltiSI'flhi I. (1) ) IJ\ ( SI mi hthNIIit'4.
( ' ( mimmimmIIslp : , ' 'i'imm'mu'.Ill' Slut , Oh em' ( ( I
( h1 ilumImm , ( ' ( , ( , c ISI tim.iti.m..hisi. .
( ( 'upVi'igimt , AS5Il'ittt'mi ( l'rtss )
( ) Ih SANTIAGO lF Ct.'lhA , July 4.-d I.
ill-f Per Asnctatch i'rcss iispateii hlomt ;
( 'ymm thi In , v ha I 'nm t A mm I mlii I o , Jim imma icn , J iii y 5. )
-After a chase 1)1 sIxty lilhles to time vest-
miarul the tirumokhyn , closely foliowuh by time
Oregnul. overlmatmici ! t iii' Cristohal ( tmiomm otter
I I 1 , nil uamm ashore anti ito ul imamiied tiown Its
Ctmimtimimm ( 'cok of time Iluooklyim wemit on
hoim cii ni I t a lId tile COill uma it tIer of t lie Siummm -
tsh mirummoreit crulser CaumlO forward to stir-
riniler nmmd sWtms taItcil omm boon ! time Now
York , whmicim caimme up Oil imommr after time
llmnokiyn nod Orcgomm haul coniimleteul the calm-
ture of tIme ( 'ristobtmi ( 'ohoim. 'rime itmtter sins
not seriomisly mianmageil , thmotmglm it sins struck
several timmmes by idiots tmomn time iirooklymm
tsuid Oregoim.
During the chiliso a clever milatletmvem' of
Comimmilodoro Scimicy's iii lmeathiumg mhmme srcst to
Ca 1)0 Ci ) ilCy , wIt tic time Cr 1st obai Cci o um hail
tmitcn a mlmomo soiltimeriy directlumm svitim a
nmmmclm greater ( iistamice to cov&'r , remiticred tli
Spa ii i a rd S CSCtt tue I mm possible.
Timere seeimms to lie mm doimIt that tIme Cris-
tIai ( 'olon , aumil itemimaps tini tilree other
Pailisim armmiored rtmisers mm tiuld have ott-
coped Iimti I t mmot tmeeum to r time protnbt act iuml
of Commmnmotiore Scbiey _ Time Itrooklymm , his
iiagshi Ip. it bite w'um.1 Imi a host t itimi to a t tack
time Spammtsim vcsselt as they left time harbor ,
aimd time cntmlmfloulor steaincuI ulirevtiy tovimrmh
timcmlm amid cimgagttl all four crimisers , immflict-
log great ( lilmimage upomm timeun.
Time Oregon was time ilrst to jOml tile Brook-
I y ui , and at tersva hut j Ito _ io si a. I mmd itmmmtm Toxzm s
tl mid Vt XCII cioseti aomimti tile Simami I tmds , ai 1
Putm ci ut g I ml a , i'atl ly fire , hu t from the begi n -
im ing to time tmmd o tlm light the Urooklyum.
Orcgomm auud Gloucester took time mmiost immlpor-
taut ilnrt Iii ilme ulcstrtmvtiomi of the enemmly.
Omie mmmii , Georgq henry Ellis , was killed
Oil board tue Brooklyn. Ibis imenil watt blown
ott iy it shell. One otimor mulaml. J. tiimruls , was
imijured on imam'i ( of it
Tiic' I3rookhyum smos struck l'alf a dozen
tiflIcs , bmut no Imijiury was tboume to aimy of tim
oGler simips.
' liege I I \\'itM . t hiuiimIisiit'iI hi I I.e
- ' HIeI.u.iI I1M Il 1(11 'l'hi mt'ml ( oil ti ,
4hi.s , ( II Iii ither' . .
BITIMOR1 , Jmmiy 5--A tilsilatChi to time
S ii mm fmohil IC I ii gsto mm Jo iilfl I Ca , says ;
' "rime Capttllil of tile scimOumlL'i' Eastern
Qmmeeim , six days out from I uiimgua , rejoi'ts
call jug at Navaesa lsizmmmti it ) tahm off time
tools antI stores of tite Aincrcatm ! colmtiammy ,
wilicit os mms time proicu'ty.
' ' I le fouui ul tIme Isi tmti ci mCCim I ) ietl ty ii ha iii
of ilaytieuls. svlmo prevemiteti hInI from land-
11mg , iv tlmreateuiluig to shoot amiy imrsomm setting -
ting foot oshiore. They aiil time isianil hail
10011 tleserteul iy time Auimerhcaums and Is mmiv
in timoir hiosesslon. "
.Jolmn 11. Iconier , presiulemmt of time Navassa
i'hm ospha t ii coiml pammy , sviiicim 0 Ii'il3 I he isl a umd ,
sId today :
uu\e have umot aiandnmleul time Isiaimd , amId
5111011l'C ilmti to lea'i' . SIC left time tJmiIW1
States hag llyiumg. All the PrimiertY on tue
! uiltmmmtl belongs to mms.'e have notifleti time
Stilts ) tlepmrtuneumt ; of time reporteut occuiatioil
of tile lslamid.
, , \\e hold tile llmmiteti Sltt.s govermImmIelIt
responsible to nil ) ' iostt to oumr ulroiertY , as
time island is immitier the tlmmitcui States limg ,
01111 emily IJuliteul States ltmws apimiy to ims
goveritillellt amId tue thiacilihiie of our emml-
itloycsVe would continue work If sic could
get situps to load. "
IIt-imtiv , ' ( 'iupmiiihlt.'p lit ( tiimimom'.hith
( liii , l'i'uvhihi's ( 'a. ' 'I' , Suit so ,
I hit' tmlmII , 'I'mm.
Tb m excctttlve commimllittee of the ( oumlmmler-
cmi club illet yestcrdmy mint ! trammstmcteti regil-
br buslumess. After cnmmsidcring evcra1 suti-
jects of umlimmor ihmilortmluiee tIme qucstfoum or
the imew revomitmo tax relatimmg to teiegcaitlm
mmiessagctt ammd receipts ott exlmress bimultihos scums
thicusseui , As imlatters nosy staimul tim shIppers
tmuiti busi ilL'ttS 010mm ii ru it ) ' I img fo r tim is add I -
tiomitmi tax. The text of the itisi' rends that
time corporatlomllt shall iliiY timis iititiitiotitmi
titx , but at present instoiid of reuehuiimg thit'
express aumil tciegra-ph coumipaimies It is fall-
log oum time shmippers , bsmtmikers OmIt ! busine3s
01011. An exactly 1inilar ease Is thmat at
lul I itt of lath 11mg of t ii 0' ' rat I roa 1 conm Pa uties.
itmilluondum pay tlmis tax ' aumul tIme comlmunittee
imas tiecluied that express nmltl teIt'grapiu coumm-
iimnlCS ) ttiilmii Ia' foico to tin Ithewise. ' , -
oral lmrott'sts ssere iminuIe ml few tiays ago bi
the Ihoarti of 'l'rimtlt' , limit no attentIon was
paul to tlmemn , nut ! tlmif colimumlittee will take
tIme case illto coimrt iummlcss tilt' tL'IegmttIIim aumul
express othheimls change their policy. Mr.
hayward mmml Mr. Utt ( if flue coummnlitteo siere
seiectetl to take dial-ge of tue matter lum time
courts. ' II ,
Meet WitIh \Vithcrihig rifO aitil Are DriVeuI
Bacl to EiitrnchIneiht.
R slotsIini - It I' Is , i'mmvm' tmm
11mw is.hmliid ! huh' I'Il'-Aimsem'l
( 'nil Cmm-.imimlls-s SS'ore
IIEI.'Ohtfl SANTi.flO , Smiuithny , Jtihy 3.-
( Via hhmmgston , July 1.1--Early 1mm tllr thOy a
lilami oil tIme lookout haiti t eportual tlmit time
Silanisht llet't hmii,1 , soiled tmtmt of the hmarhor
of Samitlno di' ( 'tmimzi , but it srtls not imutih
hate this aftcrtoomm that time result si-as
kmmowul at time fromlt. As the word of time
' liesi' sent to
uhlagmmiflcent s'ictory fromu ry
! mmemmtry ahoni the liring lines , ammd sins
Silotltei to tii COmllIallieS , rcgitmmeumts nil
brIgmihes , it great cimcvr S5ehit iIoWml time liliti
of si elmry moon , ss 111dm gathmereul force as it
went , tmumtll tilt' rattle of mimusketry was
I tlrowuleth tim tile roar froimm glad Ammlerieamt
I throats. 'i'imt' mmews si as uiashmetl back Itmto
time timiderbrmmsh , scimere time reserves lay nmld
ill C macmm tiltilost Stlm tim tmCml ed I mm tit ci r en -
tlmtmslastie tIeir to got to thu' frommt.
Time eime'erl mis comm t lummi cd I It i omm gim the es'emm -
luig its th' dolaiI of time flgimt t'tmmmmu 1mm. Time
mu elm cmmmh ii mint have d islmllmyetl 010 It ) Cmi i bitt -
slasmmm haul time Victory been thielm s Itisteath
of tin' mmav's.
Aitimotmgit time flrimmg contiummmed oh slay be-
I twecim time tmiltposis , s'ery lIttle ilmmmmtmgt' itas
domme emi chimer sub. ( .cmlvrmh ; Cimai'fee svas
11011 rmd ed sI Igimt ly , a ci lie html II et cmi I t I II g
t im rommgim it fs foot , Immt t ime sv I I I mInt he ( ' 0111-
lmeiht'l to heave the licitI. TIme tmumly severe
ii mi mmg tltm rIng I im e tin y oectm h-met ! scim aim t im
Spatitaim licet was lensilig tim iiavlnmr , Tiit'
emmcutiy evhdemltly lmttomlipteul to tilvert time mIt-
tt'ultioum uf our I moolls. iltmt the Anmericamls m'e-
simomitled so whilimmgiy tImmt time tIre soomm
ceased 011(1 ( I"&l3 omtiy m'esmmmrmeul at iiitemvmls
dtmmi it g t ime room a I inlet of I ime tIny.
thehilmise ShilimlIsli S.'t le.
List : tmigimt time ommiy aggi esutist' liloS Chmleitt
titum Spamliards nmaiie iestmitetl itt their se'vt're
defeat. At bnut 10 i'ciock , mitt' emltlity eamne
I out of llme tmreaelmes oimtnut time city wilis ; in
I large force aim ! thashed strnlgimt for the
I macri en it i i im ye. I mm au e o r t wo p1 ices omm r
immeim tel I back fromim t imt i m host t iomi tt , hut
( Itt I iltI y mal I leul and ul t o vi' I I e emm out v hack
PCi I imi oh i imi t u ) tIm I m' osimu ii I LeIm ott. 1'ime Spa mm -
' Isli bosses umiuist imas'e het'il frightful , is tlmey
I s ore exitoeti tim ti tet'i'Illc lIre for a qtumrter
I OtI aim hmtmur. TIme imISsea ( lit tile Amtit'mIeaul
I sub siemi' I igimt . a S ( lilt' soi d iers I a y I um ttm
I i-i II e Pi tS mm ii , ! hm : ii eve m'y II ilvait t a go.
Tin' most ularluig of the Spmmmisim : forces
are the shtiupsiiooiers. Timey took tileic -
I tiomis iiiillolt at timO immii : alit ! from tlelitte
thee tops do execiutinmm ivitil smnokeics3
1)0 t-ulei' , iii akimmg I t ii I Ill cut I t to I OCl te t lmemmm.
I Sovemal tiuiies they imavi' ttiiot imtto ( lmlerli
Slmatter's tout , wimlch is several tidIes fromll
I Ime fmeimt , aimil they have infeteui time trmil
for teum tmiiie betmvet'im , Itmrigmma ammul time ntmt-
l > osts. Otto of time most horrihie featimm'es of
time scar is tint t ( lozemls of uncut have bent
kiihetl as timey lay in litters amId that
etmrgcoiis , ssearbng tIme emnbleumm of tim 11cm !
Cross society uptmii tlmeir imruims , himve boemm the
I SPecial object of attack.
I Tim mitiillle' ) of killed 011(1 ssomtndsal for tIm
week readIes toumigimt aboimt 1SO0. No elTort
Is , aiuparemmtiy , being mlmnuhe by our oliicers
to eX1ledltC time iistimlg of time casualties nun !
not omlc-ilftim of time totm ! names are knowil ,
even to time couiimtiaumuiiuug olilcers. Already
. 800 caws have ilccn ilauitlbeti at the hosiiitml
imete , because of tile overliomv from mime
hospItals at till' fromit.
Au tile 'Voimultleui ' ilmyc ; P00mm brougimt here
sImIce tlit' IlosPitill was hlrovltled. The deatim
I I'rivate Meyers of tIme Sixtim imifmumtu'y ;
occurred today. lie was shunt timroimgim tue
body. Adjmutimnt Wood of time Nhumth cavalry ,
irlin iVts silnt timmoimgim tile face , omit ! aIim
was umol CXIeCti'tl ) to recover. Is I muiprorimig
rapidly mliii imihi be souL to Key W'est next
Week. Tiuere has beeml ammicim commjecture 1cm-
ulay as to time whereabouts of Lieiutcllallt M. A.
ilttlomm of tlm Nitlthi cavniry , vllo is tim
imct I mlg touogra imIii itm I cm ulcer a f t lie s taif , numul
mmiatlo time IiIIS Of th trails before Friday's
ihmttie. I he bias beeum at mioric ever since ,
immost of the time in and miroumiul time Spanishm
I i mmcs. I I i' Ilmis a I mmioct a I IVil ys refused ami
tscomt , ilimth. tittuuigit hue 1103 hucemi simot at
several timmies , Ime imas Ilot becum wciuulthcul.
Timmmrstltmy , ssimiie out wtim Iwo muon , lie en-
Comm ii tcretl a ti etachimneum t o f tim e Sptm ii lards
anti aim oiilcer tmmmd toitk tmil imrlsomicrs. A
total of 2u ) llrisomlers were captured 1mm btmttie
at Cauiey ( Ill Friday , of sviiolml forty-live stere
regular Spamilsim sohthiers In umlifortuls , two
oiiicvrs miitl time reumlilmlther auneti residents
( If the towum. NIumt' voimritltl mllen st'ere heft
I mm tIme hiocicimommse , at temm 1 cii by a uma t I s'e
itllysiclaml. Time other imrisomiers were htrotmgltt
to Jmragiia today in charge of ( ' : mptaium Mc-
4 rtm ! tmr amni t ira cons in mm I es of t ii 0 'i'hi I rty -
t Im i cii 'ii i elm iga n regi mileul t cm nil eatmm lieu ill 00
thme railroad. The Cubmmns foiinsveui timeuul In
great crowds anti lmtmric'ml vplthets mt the
frigitteimeti captives. All tue ttoldiers belonged -
longed to time 'rweul tyn I mm tit Silo 0 ish reguu -
hors and expecteti to ha' killed.
, iithi , ' , .t'VIOImi * ( St lI , , Afl'mir.
I r , uyrigim t. I s9 ( . I ty A sst > cim : I t'tl I 'ut'stt )
SAN'rIAcio 1)11 CtJIIA , , Immiy 3.i'emAs ( -
sociateti l'ress Disptmtchm iloilt loimd3' , s'la
IC I mm gatomI , Jim by ITIm I ) e 51111 ii I sim ummtuul e a des -
lit' rim t (1 II I ghmt a t t ack mm imo ii otu r I oft mtimctrt I y
tmefore 10 o'clock Satmmmmlty umight. 'I'hie as-
sammlt svaa thirected itt the imsitioum tliimt hail
bcemm cnrrieml by Gemimirai lCt'mlt'S uimeim.
Time Sjiahlilmrtls left time' tremicimes , charged
mtiOml time opeum , at nh I ii g hmea i I y out ( I eum cmi
I Ia ss k I mis' im igade , Ctmi siit ti mig mit I ii e N I it t hi.
Tim I rt eon t im mmulml 'I'ven t yfotm mt Im I mi fuui t i'y.
Tlmey % ert , reiimnreeii by a Imeovy fit-c tmii
alomig tiioli' ilime of gmmits imuit ! huatteriemi , tutu
sii cceititi I hi d mi vi iig 501mm e of emi r umoim from mm
tlt e t remlchmes , hilt time ) hiet vy II re t ito A ummou-
lea mIs uomu i'eth I mm staggered I lie 5mm um lit ii 1 I mmm' ,
ammil sent It reehlumg bucitwarti witlm lmeavy
boss ,
ruie A hilemico mi s immul ati micoul froiml tIme'
truiielme'mi ( or time lust tlimme , aumtl while time
Silmimiarmis Stern Iii the open mtmmrime of our
( hathlmig gmmimtt dim ! terrible txeemmtiomi. The
casualties numlomtg omim' muiemm ivere mtot imeavy.
fleimertmi iiiisvkiims imas shot In time foot.
Osem' 201) tmiltiitlonmml wounuhtul were ttmkeum to
t II (3 ( fell t' ml un umg t lie II IgIm t
Fohiowbmg ( leneral Shatter's orders , tIme
hat I I oVitS ( ) fte hi t'ti it t 5 o'clock ; m Ion g I im s
whmoh e I I cm e. A t t imite itoim m' t Imo sun imd of II ri utg
is lIke' tIme Immmg roil of mmaelmlmme gtmuis , itmumme-
tuatt'mi hi , ' time' iiermvy l,00im , of Simimlmishm butt -
t em'ics.
'i'iie recruits score orulered to tite trnumt
Our loss bias reachiemi 700 ltiiieui anti
sic mm umileul.
h'art of time niglmt mittack svas dire'etiy op.
- - - - - -
- - . - - ' - _ _ _ _ - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
f ,
Spain Ought to Kno1-
1ty tltlut tltlc 1111,1 , : tliIlt ( 'fill llm'k ' 'it !
---50 111111 tbhmm vm'tmhmhn utjghtt In khhos % '
tltilt Othl'S Iii tIme big vmmine' . .
slime' m414)h' ( ' - ( ill rt'Ilme'hlhIft't thttmu.em
lime , ht'st I tk'yt'I t' i'ti rta'Ic't I tmt Is ss' ' I m ; t ml smtt'li _ ;
it i hhht ( Cli lust $ ' $ ) - $ iithtt' shuts' sum
iuui. . ' ; igthii ; svitlt Ihltllt'ls&'tI lIt1liii. . ( Itfltll' ' -
tic's thuG 111111 to their eoimil'ort-tliey're
blyck' bils ; that ciiii ito sttui oIl tIti'
I , ! I'cctmi d t'tsy sltot' am i nt m Ii' I I i ' svl t t'ci .
-'hti'i time' hti'gt'tt umimtl ihtmst ( t'OIhtIil'ltt
shsek him lIme 5'st-itltls sve't'k ss'm' it It'
I lIlt I I ii g si n'ciii I I Ii d ttt'e' ii u'hl l4 I hit 11 II lilt' iI'mi
' i4timtt'5flIt'em4 go t'rmmin $1."m1) ) to
$8.50 ,
Drexel Shoe Co. , c
Omnoimmi' . tIii-o-mluite Shoe blouse.
1419 1A1NAM SI'REET. -
. - - - p
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
- -
_ _ _
Superior Quality is its pass-
4 /4 ' 4 port to your ininiediate favor
; ; ; ; pationage
A : t
liosite tel tIme mmttittomm of the Timirti ntmel Sl.tli
cas'ulcy ( .mlstalml iIosveit'ul of I lie Thimmi cay-
nht'3si ( 'hit s , kim a si em kimmg uartY at (1. ( tim.
to stm'ttiglmu''a mit' liiti of etmti'imCitti4ltls , Q.
tsveomm Gt'imu' 'I t'imifit'v'ie lmrhFO'li. On I ice rIght I
nmtd ( Ivmmciuh ifent 'me llsdstomm cii I ii' , lft t
\'Imetlurr thtcmc 5'tis nit ulcm'ltt'mlt 0" IlOt t5 mtttt
kmioss mm. btmt lie CIOtileut tim time shark wIth the
Slttlmlii'ih svlmtm 5i'h ( ' umslviimmelhmg tul ft cult of tiir S
working PmrtY : atmd st-os obliged to m eliOt' , I
itohio of tICohl Ii scam IdIlcel ulliti I'nok' ' of ,
tEach E was si oimtmdeel.
'l'hme Spatmlshm did Ilot itivtimtet' , citmse enommgim I
to (11(151 ( time tire of timi' Amtmcrleaml itmmti. Time
ct ton last cml nhotm t e I glut cemm liii huh ti's ii mm. ! i
V'tlt nmm 51111(11 to mit'mmmsly ii t o t ii er lit ) ! ii I mm (111
( ma r froml I Time Spa mm I slm loss eon hi hot be
mmsct'rt n I iteml.
i1 sou iii oti iws.
I t Is I Ito ( ' \ ht'ct at I tin mlIW' tO ( Omituii ( ' 11 ( 't. '
sl ott gut cr1 mig mm t time 'i rmmmnm m' ultmhm t ito Ttmt's-
titi y. .1 iml y I 2. Silit'mi ml te mmdi II t I I aim e sum id yes-
I i'm'd a y m ( terlloolm t im it I t hi C svork is as so slmmim- ;
ttm g I tscl t that he Sri S sat I tled I ha t t Iiem'ti
5 % (1111(1 be mm d I licmmh ! I mm eommi mttumci it g Opera-
t inmm 5 Oh t ime dtm to 01 e ii t 10mm cml.
Titi' tire miu'pnrtummt'mm t at A rmmlommr'n lmns becim
orgauilzeul timid Frnmmlc llarmmes , for st'vc'ultee'lt
years a umtemmmbcr of time Oumlilita fir , ' depart-
hmi'ii I , httms itceum .sei ect ( ' (1 a s time liitmrmmlt um I . mI r.
I3-im'mmt'ut served for a mmimumiller or years as nOt'
( If tim flSslttliit ciiief of tIme Omimahia deiimrt- ;
mmient noel itilui a gonul rct'oruh am a lire flgimter.
'I'm ) ( ( mill hllUll't' IV I t it ( 'Imit' f lIam-mles ss' I i I imm s'e
ti'fl stehl drilled ilri'mnc'mi , mmnd tIme mlcplrtlnetmt
ssiII lie' emmltrgctl aim ilceesmmity uiemmimmihtm. iul
imtl ( I it inmm to thi Is force' t Imore si II I be a vol I ihi -
t"er slepo rt ummen I moo ii o lIll of labomc'rum , svimn
will receive extra conlpe'mlsattumm for serving
I n t hue' (1011:1 : rtuml 'mm t . TO aim illOtt I ime llrc'uti emm
1mm cilse. tif ii uligimt alarm nih of ilm scotch-
uneum cm hnimt I ii c lii .lil t siti i he lull pm'csetl a iii !
IS. II I be' ci ru i t.u ! ii fim r 1 P03 ( hIlt' In t ho misc
(1 t I ii e tire ii gim t i mi g a Pp.1 ma I mms. Tout lIre im y -
dmamlts are Iocmtui abotut tue PItlilt : mull cVmi'y
OmIt' mmf I Itt' him hitl I ilfit ii 1 3 hmeum I ) I 115' , ! 5 % I Ill
umpt'umimigs emi ( 'sem-y liujor. lim I ills svny timt'rc
lv lii be no d Itlicil t y i mm iim'ocmm r I ii g a sum Ill cie mm
smmipI' of ss'atc-r iii any eh'Jmmrtillelmt. ; Six
ti1OiiSiultI feet of hn3e iiils luecum hiircmnseel !
amid ii is I ri ii mm teul a both t time p1 a 0 t an ii I mm al -
dltloim to tills timere scill be a reserve eitmph'
kept imi the fire imahi , Time fire' pimimltls cflit-
slat of two mimmpiex macimunes wIth slxteemm-
filch cyiiuiulcm's alit ! tss-cis'e-incit struikes , witim
a timrosvlumg capacity of 1.201) ) gmlinils : pem
illimltmte. TIme reservoir front si'hlcim time smtr-
plums .SUCil } ' of ivater mvii ! he tirawn hits a
capacity n 51)0,000 gaiiomls alit ! is ccuiimmectemi
svitim time timirty-lumeim inaimi schmidt rmmmmm.'iioil
Q street. As arrange'ti now tile water situ-
Ill- tot' time pimat ; : millOmlii ts to l0.IlO0.tOi ) ) gal-
Ions evcry twcnly-fomtr itommrs. All of time lire
mpparatmms is of tile latest olake amid has been
Placed I il t ho html I i ci I imgi mm uliler til C PO3O 0i
supervisiomm of Chief 'i'ierrmr'y of time , rlmlotmr
fire force at' Chicago.
Tile lIog titt ! hICef lmommscs ore comlipleleul
numul icrmmlahlcumt tracks arc now bouulg miii im-
tsvcemi time builtiiiugu'cstetuiay ; time fintsim-
log totmchcs Oil the roof of tiitm fertilizer
but I Id I ulg ivere Pu t on a mi il So Peu't mm temi 1 e2 at
linac exlecttt to blase the u'oof Oil time imammi
houses hii'Xt svechi. fleltimig was lnIulg litteul
I cm time e migi n es amm 1 lIicim : I mm cry yest erday a mId
ilS far as tue lllOtIs'ti jiowem is comiceruimni the
hultiult might Start today. Stmlwrlimicmlmlemmt ( it
Motive I'otvcr .Juiit'mi E. Smaltim silent ye'mter-
dtm y 1101-c ittlk I ng eve m. tii e lila It t anul t lIt' ihlit -
ebminery sins tested Imy iiinm uimtii every hlt'ce
worked ium a satisfactory uimanner. At time
oillctu lmiiuiiuug the haiti is oed iioou' Wlms
1)0 1 Il g ha Iii. ItIost of tIme io rmhim ; uteut I coumm ters
ahmul tlesks have beeml ithaceul amId tite umlovim-
Ide furimlttmre smihi tmrm'li'e the first of mlcxt
One timing wllicim imas delayed mmlatters
stmlmlewlma t is tIme lack of gas. At first It wms
time luIttuitloml of Smmpcriotendeumt I mice to
imoumm ni gas frouim omie 0 f time Soim tim Uunalma
Cohllpoilles , iiit OIl account of time litigation
thmiti svhil ho impossible , tom' a thin' at heIst ,
anti arrammgemnemmts are mmow beuimg immsuie' for
the ert'ctlmmm of a gas plailt.
C. " , ' . Ilolloway , who is to iu tilt' paynhils-
ter for time jmlatmt here , arrived yesti'rmiay anti
Is iooitinm ; umiotmt for permmmaumemlt ( imlarters.r ,
i _ . . Veishm of tue dressed bem't ( leiartni'mtt
Is mtnotlmu'r iii'sv a rrtvai is ito si i I I t mm t' ii im lm Is
reshuloumee ltc'ro , J. L Nortolm. geumeal book-
keepei' , is here imm ntiVittiC ( ' cit hmis corps ( mf
clth'ks imu order to familiarize iulnmseif with
liii' hots' I oem I I t y. G cmi i'm's 1 Tlnmm keeper 2i1.
S. itowbey , svhio caimmu imere ii yar ago. was
mit ) I umg time u'i glm I I imi mi g ycsts'u'mIay cmii tim e hi rt hi
of a niumt'-I > otmlid toy.V. . E. i'icrce , smuperium -
tVhliefl ( t ( If I lie ml rested it's f ml Ciit i't rmiemm t , Is
spemmuilmig it tt'mi' uiays itt time city iookimmg over
the beef itoimse here , ivitlie 'ml. It. leinrmy hums
heeut tmssigncui lucre permliamleultiy itS tiimistatit
hog ltiiyem.
\Vorlt mhl time stables , wimlehi are to he bull I
Jutti. eaSt of time imammm lmousmis. has hmot COOl-
- - -
- - - -
thlcitCet ! yet. for timc' itSOlt : I lmat Smmperltmet.
temltlcmmt hots ( ' (111(3 mlOt kmiosm yet just iitc1hU.
mmlaumy tettmm.s liv will ttlCtl. lie timmtighit % t5)
-.5 , mt , , : bi' butter to limmt ( 't the ereetlomt
tha h I' Is' * ti mu t ' I Ie ten miii etmt imosv hilUm
Lit'immt'ss 11101 e mm titilul tue. i'or time tlumme tcti
tit'i't sstll be imtreml ft cmii Inca ! lmaimis ,
tltmnmltt , , (
Ommly tour tmmi'mmmbcis of tIme' cieimmchi sitosvi
thu last IligimI tO attetlul tim nmljntmruteth macel
lag of the Itoim ml ct tthtl'utt tomm , itld on mit
coimiit of ito timhmriuh1 a I ( 't't'SS was
itmmtii 7 n'htmclt imt'xt 't'muemtliy t'vcmlInt h
Si ( IS timotighmt thmtit ImM5lIul ) ' commit' mictiti
mul I gimt be' tO h emm I n colImlec t toil mc i tm ! t It e add I ii.
I 1(1mm m'cectt t by lmiimmi e to I lte va I tiitt loll I ) f I im
: i aitert y of t1u tom'pomat 10118 mimIC ! is I I it thih. . . . . . . . . . .
I i'XitOVtihttOui several repm'cscmttitts'cs of liii
, Cmtttcc rums score itmesemit. 'l'imere deme mimi
I s cchll ( ma St I 1) lit' ti tiy t' Ittm lIce ( if I it u' t'otmmt
it'Ct'I tid I ii hi I ttt uiCt itmmi I ml I ii Is Ill 1 t I cr althmmitmrui ,
i'Oitlt' lime ltmmnw mm I (1 fit S'mit' :111 : tm'eiuhiat 1(111 t I ;
lit limt'feremicti It ) lhi immi'rt'oe him thte vmihttt- , ,
tioim , I
I htiil' Fm i"u.-mihi.g . l'vl'.uiier'i.
I Two tmld wore i'c'u'eis t'ml yesterulny iithir ,
I city cicm'k for the feetilmmg ol hutiommci'im roll
the' mmcx t I ss t'l e titontlis. Last year tIle
I ccstmftmi cemttl'actoh' imld 12 vomits umem' mot'atmget ,
ii umth ii ta immcommm c. ti tmtmm tim Is 511mm I.c.c it itili mmmitt'ct (10
to itltt.liit 470th. Buuls tom' thmt' comstrimctkmts ; I $ )
of 'uVmtthCli sielea umlits ii ore also t-ecetvemt tuly
mum i mm timaili ycste'rdiey. TimI it r lb re's
huidders time imi tue mttitrhtet mimiul tIme coumpe-
tltlon lIm-ummmlscm4 to It' ilst'I ) ' . Fnu' time' yemir
j List c'heSe'tl t1t ( ( ill I l'ti ( ' I 0i olit us I mteil fromlm thmtt
cIty about .1 lt00 ( ( athe cohlstrlmctiumi of
ivoodc'ue ss-iiiks.
_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ Is'f
'i'll t 'tt ' ' ' 'I' iI i
II II it I'm' S I I'II m M mm .
ti I ise ( 'orcmt rttl , j m. , Is to he tn ccl today Cli
itt .ltmtiet' Fotet"S ccmmimt for forglumg time rd
1111010 ( If imla fmtthier to lmarri'h tick'ts si'imtcim
here' casitctt by time Cmushtimy I'aeklmmg Comlir. .
htlmi' . A ttcr tim is ImemerImIg I t mcli I be e1t'iuiemtt 1) ,
hmy t lmo lit imy iS hit tIer at imer tmuit'st 3 mcli 1
fnihnm' or hilt . it it ; I itommghmt thmitt young
Cnmcoran imati lmccomtlimliccs , bmmt ime still ccII
fmmses to tell SVlit ) they srem'e.
31.gk' ( 'I I ' ( ht'.I I' .
1oi I c e .1 mm ige I Ia iCock is eum I e'rtn I mi I mm g his
couslim , .1. it. lltmhucoth , mmf idtm Groic , Ia ,
' 1' . i imuct or of ml o tm t rm'mi I , Ctt mm moLt , I it vii t-
I mig ii is iji'o lime u , ( 'tuit mm ty Ceimmmmm iesitm mu'r I toe-
tom ,
Cii I 'f S uum I tit of t lIe' lire d&'httm rt mllt'uit lit Top-
lily iillptOviumg lluitl stIll 50(111 ( hi mtmIo to
restu mmlo ills ml mm t It's.
sl i ss A I tmm iamtci'ol of l.ui'mmox , i a. . 1mm tIey
gmmst of C. C. howe mmlid family , Etglmtecuttim
tmnch Mlssomum'l aVt'lltme.
C. ii. Itichi , a well kmmnwil 1 ls'- stock newn-
pimper reporter , itms imcct'pti'i ii Iimmsttioimsi'ltht
tlm 1)rovers' Jommrmiimi comupimny.
hiereafti'r MagIc City lodge , No , : io. Pra-
ternal Uittomm of Aillt'i'iclt , itthi htteet on tlir
first lmhmei third \Vesimiesul.mys of each nlmmmth.
A miieettumg of the Christian i'miiCitS'mi' so-
clety ivas it el d last ccciii iig it t I II I' imoulme of
C. i'd. ' Rich , Eiglmte'euithm 01111 itllsommm'i wvmj-
Tb e Snmmtlm Omimahmmt I ieitmmbi I ca ii ci iilm si'Ili
ittlhi a milt'ttimmg lmt i'is'oitlui's himli tmnmtglmt
to select uheIegttm's to time umlcctimig of time
stile Ieagtme.
Time Mike 1hmrt ulmootimig case' mild nmmt
comus. , ih5 yctttt'ruilly mimi tmceommimt sit the con-
miitlmml of Hart. I t it , thought tlmat time trial
still tiike place todny.
Cic'mm'nlfil ts'u'.h , , , , niol mm I'Nl lssmte-
J iiie'iil mui the ltcgimlimr ( , smiieiI
4m.sslccI lii I I h 'Pa , . haul , ,
Timti city comincli imm'iui a very mhrles'etltfult
cammlnmittee of tile ivimoic lleetiihg yesteruitmy
aftem'mtooii. Theme' was a hIre iuunjumrity of
tilt ) milelllbcrs irt'seumt aimil tiuere Smere vemy
foss hmatters timat eulmnt' lip for cnilsitiertitlomi ,
Omviimg to time itistulce of Coiuimclimmiaum block-
hey , omm accimmmult of time mie'atim of his ftttimer ,
'Iumcemlt iturkley , tlmere scott no report framml
tile finance cohmlimmittee amid very few other
rc'pnrts. . Time ctmnmnmittee maimily eommtmiticreii
somume ohijections in the gruuliumg or 'I'sveiftim
51 roe t frsmimm 151 aioim to h'achli C , t b m 1.1 . that
05cr svlthmotmt taitlumg nctiomt ummthi mlext Momi-
'i'imcre was no cotmhmcil meeting last night.
Time regmmiar sessiomt ss'as hiostimoneul .mntil . to-
um igit 1 , it is it con seq mi eumet' of t lie d Cit tim of
( tutu itch lila II 11 ml rid ey 's ( a tii or.
Vs'.srm ( , , Fh'eiem.'s , , . % Nslsm iiiI I. . , , .
'i'imere ssi I I be a rcgmm I tm r iii t'l I mg it f t It ii
0 mmim : Im i Vet e rim mm Ftmemmm mit's asmuut'zatuoti atm
'cmi hi eul y ev'hu Imig. J ti ly 6 , it I S tcbot'k .
mm I. I lie 1)111Cm' of C h I of I teul. ' I i . Ilius I it eas of
imltitomtttmce wIll III' tm'immatmc-teeI.
1)1 III ) .
IltTItKiFV-'i'hie Itmuicral services of this'
I ttt 4' V I uiei hI 1 I lii nc by id hi lie' Imoiti \'ui m t c's-
mltmy iilou'ilhrmg itt 9 ( t'miiek , itt t its' lit I. ' rm'sl-
sit'hiiq' , I mtt e role ii t um t t hue I I oi y 501 ' mm I elmer
( chIme t ' 'my.
The Musical Congress-
I iu'sh I Its' fimummotmim I'mmitln' lila Ito-I-mn
Ittitlt grt'ltt ltItltt $ ( 'mIslumIsim' lt-tititt hIlt' kt. : ;
I ) r. I ) mtmtmt'ose'Im--lothmtmhi'm sit' I lit' ( I I'tttth'iO ; '
ii II d Sy mtt mimI my is tt'he't I ' - ' m' . ' It th utuem tm
55 , 1 ii I t' I'm ) u't's'e.t' I mitt s i'em I I I I I it s' I m t tmi 'im I ' : l
iihuilltl $ ol tltt' eommutti'y-smthl : "I itrerer f
Ilic' l'uitlu' : 1)1111mm ) ) It ) nil mtthim'i'i ln't'mittsm ' . . , m
I I I 5 'y mt i's ' I ) t' l'I'e''l I u I I ) i I SVOi' 8 Ii ml s w ct't It ( ' $ m-t
etc I oIht'-t'e' u ttlt uk um I mIt' fe ) u' I hi e eu ity m m t tI
( 'S.t'Il ttsthl.-'t\'s' ( ! ' 11tt 11mm' ssmie' itgt'ittt l'ssv
11mm' l'htitlO' imhilhhms : tiiel shios' mm hiitgm' utimsi
( 'tmIititlt't' Ilhlm'-spe'elmm I iii'le' mlhuttlm' oh
tlmchlt this svm'm'itnlttmmrtmssvhI ' yhslttii'tt
SilothImi t't' I Ithit hhtlIIy.
Iusic and Art. 1513 Douglas
A Pointer for You ,
i'i'tthittls , muss ttllms'r 'lhhtn'l'tt eshtm't4 its '
ul'lI1 ( ltt'hitg sslutl is hhto4t ctthils'tl 1'mh' flit'
ihhmtitts'Ihu. 110111 tlms' t'mmItl ' 'ibithlt't No , 2 , ' ' -
'b'IiIs IlIum' ctimte'iuI ; It ito tt ritmige'd tlitmt
t'ithmtii' IthmIle'14 ( II' l1himt euim Its' tt.i.'tl . - $ { - . - - -
' ' ' _ ' hlmtmst sI'sIt'uils1e
lImit It lit'tIhI't' ) , , -
sli.e' of tiithis muimtera mitit Itt' lutds'tl 1mm
d.iyigitt u mmml itt III iesi svitbm ii ctiel'iilly
tm'ste'mi ute'lmt'oImmt I it' ie'iirtt' of t.tipeh'lui'
( llhltlitY1hihlsi'tt5's'tl h'4tiilt'.u tittitle'i' 15th' :
SlOth ) i.lmnls itt' 1111mm' hlmiM ' , ;
fm'm'l hltI It' ' ; ttlie'I'I ; ottly svt'hglmm I 4
01 I II ( 't' $ it I I ( I IS V'l ( > ' ( ' ( III 5'hh ( i s'hh I lot' I :1 : I I ihg
( i1 i ( ' \ ( tit'sl ( ml I ml , ( I C' . - ' . I 1' yomi ( iss.n It ( tL .1.
nteiii , \ 0th iitlt Itilhiie' , ' , .Ouit' ) thi't'S. : 2
' J 1 mAioe &PenfoldCo
A mmcter I'hmnto ni'ijbtm.ius. .
1401 I'nrnom Street. OMAHA
Ouposte Pazton I1oti.OMAHA ,
- - - - -
- - - -
- - - - -