Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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    & _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ -I- - - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w _ _ _ - - - - - ----r - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - . - - . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . - . . - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ T - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - , - - . - - , . - - - - - . . . - - - . - - - - - - - . - . - . - - - -
_ _ _
rrlI11 OM AIIA 1)AILY llT1 : WtjL(1SIA.'Y , , JtLt * ( ; 14S.
, i _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I , jii iAL1 , TllRUCLITOCETIIER1 ( )
41 , j Labor.Saing Plan Evolvea by the BtaV
. llou'c Gaiig for roni ,
A4 r- !
, I'i'i' ) ' t lc , I'lgti rl' t liii t ' 1It I .t4.(1IId
I Sti % ' I.j Of TrPII1I ( situl Oh-
IS'Iint 'IIr'nrIlN ( U lie
* illtlr VIgIit.
IiNCOliN. .Jiily & . -Sjicclat.-Thc ( ) tls-
, c1oure hn been made that the plan ot
ft certMfl clique nt tI'e ' coming tnte ConJ -
J ventlon ot the fulon PnttIc Will be Intto-
t . tIuet 1 a rco1titlon cirly In the ) rocecUhIgB ,
nominating by ncelamntlnn nil ( lie preselit
itnte ; oflIcla1 eiecpt governor. This Is to be
( lone In 3 iInglo resolutIon. nnd it success
liii w III kaive only iIii nomination tor governor -
ernor to be conttstcil for. The agreement
has not been reacheti as to bow this reso
\ Ititlon shalt te prrseiitv , sonie believing
that it ought tn be hilt before the three
I wlngR of the convention simnitaneously.
liIk ottu'ri favor having the conference
t committee adopt it. The purpose of this
lilatiket i-eEoltItIofl will be to prevent a
cIrato fight being znnJ against aiiy on
I of Iii. ' Rtnto omelals. anti to ftvlId ( the tin-
lileanuIt ! cnnsrqtunCeS that would follow if
k an of tim Ir'sent oIIleehobIer5 Were left
out. The icheme has the unqualilleti en-
tnrsemetit of ( lie tntehotisc mrty. 11U(1 ( the
teIIit1eI at the capitol building are espe-
daily active in presenting the advatitages
, ( Jr [ lie itlnn to ( lie fusion atatesmen from
. oilier harts of the titate. It. In given out
that any candidate for the gittiernatorlal
nomination who npposei 11w adoptIon of such
a resolution v1il thereby endanger lith own
z lii nii,1 n T.iu'nl Not e , .
II Three iiiutII fires yetteriav ami two more
today were enusit by the reckless shooting
p of firecrackers.
The fusion conventions of Lancaster
, I county have been called for \\'ediiosilav ,
. lilly 27 , th' primnriet3 being called for the
t fattirilny prt.vlous.
: t. It I ; estlinnteii that 1,100 LIncoln people
wont to Omaha yvst erilay. l'1icy all canto
. back enthuHiast IC ovvr the big celebra-
tRill IItIII nyc ! ' the bentitit's of the xpo3itlon.
\Vllltani ( flcanhl. one of tin' nrofesslonat
gntnll'ra convlctc4 at the rcrt'nt term of
the dietriet court. vas taketi to the Ieflt )
I Ictitinry yvsterilay to tcrvc out. a three
months' sentence.
I , Tim InitrtIi vns celebrated at the has-
pital for I ho Tnszine liv the retalitlon of a
. .
. % nno(1 ( musical Pt ngrnin. a tii'ech by Super-
' ' Inteinletit Abbott nti ( an extra gooil din-
I nor to all the initiates.
I Tue 1.Ineoln ( iln club liehi n ry en-
, I nhlo tltool tug tournament yesterlay.
I 'l'ioie ) tr(5tlt from otit.dtle of tosn vcre
w. S. Iuer. iiaetings ; Mr. Kinney , Ciii-
h eagn ; Mr. Miller , lierwyn ; George B. Situp-
kitis. ( Jitinlia Pat Mcere , Sanderson. In.
. Tim governor Iticil an Fourth of July
t t liariloils yesterilny , but commuted ( lie sea-
k : tiiiri ( II 'V. C. ( 'ottleld. svlin had becit sent
2 tIt ) for ten yent's liy the district court of
7 ] ) ouglas county on the charge of forgery.
I i hoOt flve years of the term had lireti
- _ . _ Isd- served out. nail Coillehi laid iroveli hutaseif
( I ) be an ( xalnplnry Prisoner.
, \ ha Li I at I C ItICC t i II g Ii rId at ( lie Cal-
, Ital hotel last evening In dtscus the var
itlttintlnrt titil encourage the young zilch of
the city to enlist in the Nebraska regi-
ittents. The priucipat slicakers J. 13.
Strode. J , 11. icClay and L. C. l'ace. One
of tIit spCakers , seeking to encourage the
C CnhlstIneiit8. gave It as hits apiti Ion that
I IOflO of ( hose who now enlist viiI have a
chance to reach the front before the war
I ended.
, rib 4C .tuiIy ( etilriit .
, . VALPAfLIO , Neb. , July 5.-Spcciil.- (
. The Fourth was celebrated In a very pa-
4 frlotic ray. Exercises at the grove coin-
flhIJflCCl flt. 1030 oclock by singIng nail an
oration byVlIliam Finlierty of Lincoln , fol-
, lOVCI ( by a recitation by Mrs. J. I ) . ( luttery
. and music by Mrs. M. II. Griflhn. In the aft-
ci000n a Iase ball game occurred between
the Ccresc'o boys and a liottie teatli , re3ultlng
I In victory for the latter.
I ' SY1tACUS1 Neb. , July 5.-Speeial.- ( )
( There were at least S,000 peoflie here today
' 1 to Participate in observing the glorious
Vourtli. The day was an Ideal cite. Promptly
nt 10 oclock a. m. the jrocession formed on
Main street , headed by the llusines3 College
band of Lincoln , nail marched to the county
fair grounds , where the exercse ! of the day
wore helil. lion. A. Wait retd the Declara-
lion of 1iilejeflhleiICO ( tutu the 11ev. 1) . H.
i4ike at the Methothist Iplscopai church ile-
hivered an oration. Tue afternoon was devoted -
voted to sports. In the evening a vast
throng ossenibled In the beautiful leuttctia
'alley to wItness ( Ito night attack of the
. - 1. Olyitipia on the Spanish battleship Pelayo.
, Tii hattie opeutti at 10 p. iii. , auth for three
\ . . . ( ltIarter of an hour the lIght raged fiercely.
f 4 It was realistic aiiil the scene clocd wIth the
sinking of the Pclayo.
I'INIIit , Neb. , July 1.-Spectal.-Tiio ( )
Fourth of July was celebrated here yesterday
by the largest atheriug of People ever as-
seinbied in the city on a similar occas.ion ,
I civic Parade vg liclil in the inoriting.
( oliowtI by speaking \'nrringtons
opera liIu5 , ly 11ev. PattI Ii. Naylor , a ! the
l'rcsbyterinn church of thiti Place. lames
atul races liliitiIgeIl In in the afternoon
. ) ( iflhl in the evening there sns a flue ilispl.iy
! of fireworks. The 'lay ' laissel off without
I nc ident.
WlSi'ON , t'eb. , July 1.-Speclal.-Tiio ( )
Fourth of July was eeleirateil appropriately
iLl.Vetoti itli a program given in thii
I grove adjoining town under the auspices of
the lpwortii league. 'I'iie exercises cousititol
f of dialogues , recitations nail niusic atal
? l lasted t o hours. 1'lio flutal number no the
irograiu was a short patriotic nIlilres ly the
! dethodist lpiseopaI niiniscr ( 11ev , hull.
1 i 'File'entouu baud ciii ivened all with natlouial
, I . airs. Fliii town ua ulecoratcul with oI1
! glory more piofuisely titan ever before In its
4 hIstory.
, TILihN , Neb. , July f.-Special.-Tlin ( )
Fourth of July celebruitloti lucre was a great
slicccss , Crowul ( rout' thu country began to
f uusetuIb1u on tilt ? streets ne early as 7 oclock
, J .flfll , by tlio tune the street luaraulo was
' formed , at 'I ) :30 : , Ii is estimateul that bet -
t . ttueen 4,000 nuid 5,000 persons \vore iIreent.
Colonel Slnuaon , mayor of Norfolk the
- . t . orator of the ilay. Sports of alt kInds ( oh-
4 loWell aiiui the day closed with a very lute
I uuyrotechtiic display ,
liA1tNly , Nob. , July i.-Special.-TIue ( )
I FauirtiL iaseui off very itlictiy lucre yesterday -
. day , On account of the suutalier towns In
the couiuty huavutig celebrations , Icearutey dlii
. not tuIaJo arrangiuuients to celebrate nail
lutOst of Its chthzt'iis went to Gibbon , t3lieltoii
01 oilier Places.'hien the IIeWs of Sauup-
tons Viclory wa receIved , hiowcvu'r , the
lint riotie siilrtt of those In town overflowed
013(1 ( nddrcses were made on the street hi ) '
Congrcssxna tirectie' , 11ev . . lr. hayden. li' .
I. . Iietnn and others. In the evening a
I very him display of fIreworks wits given.
CO'iA ii. Neb. , July & . -Spcelai.---Thio ( )
largest crowd of uwoide evcr asseinliled litre
hteliut'il to ecielurate the Fourth in the typ-
icai st yle. 'Flue program opened lilt a
' grand Putrutile itt 10 ochock titaile up of the
several fraternal secret tiocieties. flue fire
( ' ( iii ) i'll a y ti iitl Citia I luuutti p I a a l east resit I es.
'riuti exercises Were lucid in an itutuieluso
Iavilloui. where a chorus of 100 voIces sang
3 ,
lustutiid * or Lover lit hut' Army or Navy ?
'iituil tutu tothuty it 2t ) nu.kuuge of jiht'nti
Fout-liisc , a Iowtier ( or the feet. il 'hit )
Iui4rviu. i'uthk or st.uini luecil It it cures
a'luiiig. tired , sore , suvollen , siventing ( eel ,
atuut uuuukes lint , light or new hiocs easy ,
l'ceL e15111 hIlls icr , get Sore or lalious
, tuerc lieus , Foot.IItb ( , Is tust .1. lO.tittJ tt's.
tilItUlilUutI. 4ii tituggists fluid slio stois
ehl it : fe. 541111110 scuut F1il'iL. Addi ess
Mien L ; . Oltntcd , Lu ltoy , N. 1' . .
- . - - - .
. 'i . - - - . - -
latrintic pnngq nnul the liccinratbon of In- I
ulthCfllCflcO ( WAS reaul The speaker of the
ulay ias e.Ooverntr 0. A. hbott. A big
sliani bstlI. ti.i the tiosltig fviiirc of thu
day'a frorui. A tort bsJ t tulPtrtictcul
flotiiii A ip&alil. : i. . ILt Jt.t as the
Irt hsr bksl iJtfl : t'3 lb. bcy
fri bItt. s ( etr1 ( . 4111011611 ef guiupowiler
OcL'iIt tf'.I - utERi t he ort , uvitly injuring
three 1 Ac. 0 tfl ' . re quIte badly
liurned about the liaucb pail f.le ( ' , the third
one heltig vety : The in.
Jured men hip Mr. ic.rteerger . % , a black-
staitlu ; 11. ( . iieti and C. Ii. Streit , farmers ,
the latter hieing most uiously : hurt.
ST. IU1. , N.h. . -Special.-The ( )
1)COPIC Of hlowar.l and adjoining counties
celetratcil OUi flflttnfli.i hinililny yesterday
In grand StYk lucre. Iii t I'.tuil the speakers
were ( hoveunor I1olcnib , Mayor T. T. hell
and County Sullieriuiucudeni ) lcCnll of Orti.
I n lanneln og 1ht rieakcrs i PlC P. M. Hannibal -
nibal , l'nul Atulersotu uutul S. C. lCeiin. The
Iutp Valley \'ctcraiis' association also Is
holding Its third annual reunion In St.
I'atti at present and will continue for three
( lays more.
AiNS'OitTiI , Neb. , July 5.-SpeclaI.- ( )
This city celebrated the iourthi. The this-
play and ; irograni were the best over hail
lucre. The news of the annihilation of
Cervera's fleet by Sampson was received
vlthi trpneuuulotis cheers.
UTTON , Nehi. , July 5.-pecinl.-ThuO ( )
twenty-eighth celebration of the iotirth-
contiiuiously : since 1871-occurred yesterday.
lttv. Mr. lotvler nail 11ev. Mr. Losey spoke
in the forenoon. Fred Antes read the lecla-
ration of Independence. The music was fine
nnul the audience was very large atuul alt-
ircclatlve. Congressman Sutherland spoke
iii the afternoon.
OINflVA. el , . , July t.-Speclai.- ( )
Geneva souid have hail an unusually quiet
lIirtu ) had IL not been for the news ( rain
Santiago , which caused much rejoIcing. The
church bells vero all rung and the whistles
blown. Many welit to McCool early in the
WIST POINT , eh , , July 5.-Special.- ( )
The Fourth of July exercIses tut Dodge vcie
largely nttendcd. 'Flue orator of the day was
( 'oionel James C. llhiott of Vet l'oilit.
Large nutitbers of visitors Were present
from % \'eat l'olut , Scribner and all the towns
on the Scrlbner branch.
Si iiiTON. Neb. , -Speciah.-Per- ( -
feet veatlier nail cheering uevs , ( rota San-
tlngo gave to an Immense crowd a vill that
annIe tlteni celebrate , as never before. here
yesterday. Rev. 'I' . C. Webster of Grant !
Islanil and Judge Ilautcu' of Kearney were
orators of the day. Bicycle racing antI horse
raring , flreiorks antI dancing concluded the
diuys duo ) melit.
IIASTINIS ( , Nob. , July 6.-Spcclal.- ( )
There ns no patriotic ileinonstratioui In
ilasttiigs yesterday , wIth the exception of a
entaIl ( I ispla ) ' of fireworks in the evening.
lvcrythuluig passeul off quietly atul only two
tumor accidents ere reported.
EIGAit , Net , . . July 5.-Special.-Thc ( )
Fourth was duly celebrated In Ilgar. Tue
News In the niornhuig papers that Sampson
hail annihilated Cerveras ileet , meager as
Is wac , was sufficient to arouse the spirit
of patriotism auth overyhoihy joined in the
work of celebrating vTtit aluantloui. Tiut city
vaui gaily decoraleil with flags nail bunting ,
ihuiiu cannons voiced the joy of tile ascni-
bled multItude. A feature worthy of utote
was the procession of floats representing the
various business iuiteicats of the city. Aio
the ulutlon of states , Uncle Sam anti Mies
Coinnibia sustaining "Olil Glary" in the
niithqt. At iOhO : htcv. . .1.V. . Scott , pastor of
the Methodist. Iulscopal church , delIvered
an oration In the park. The afternoon was
giveut over to various ganuts and was highly
enjoyed ty the vast crowd itresent , which
remained to , enjoy the grand yrotochnical
display In the evening.
GIBBON , Neb. , July 1.Spec1al.The ( )
celebratIon of the luuirtht of July at Gibbon
'ens the Iargcsst in the hIstory of the village.
fly 7 o'clock nearly every buulluhiuug In the
town vaa lianilsomehy decorated with liags
anti bunting nail by S o'clock the streeta
were tilleil with people anti the roads lead-
tag litto tile "lunge is'erc thronged with
teams. An interesting program began at
10 o'clock. A uroeessiouu led by the Gibban
Ilarniony band niarchued to Davis luirk. in
the north part of the town , 'hcre
thiii irinciinil address was delIvered by 11ev.
Mitchchl. A Platform ( or tlL.cing with lute
band music was veil enjoyed by many of
the young PCOiiie. At : t o'clock the news of
tue destruction of the Spanish fleet at San-
tlago i'eached tue grounds auth was an-
nounceul. The enthiuslasni knew no bounds.
JUNhATA , Neb , , July 5.-S1)ectai.-Tilo ( )
Fourth of July here could not have beeui a
litter day anti flue crowi 'as the iargest that
ever celebrated that day in Atlanta eounty.
The patatic in the morning was gooJ. anti
! ijO program was fully carried out. Rev.
John hiowers of hltustings , delivered an cx-
cchient oration. The amusemelits were Va-
ned auuil ninny.
SE\'AhID. Nab. , July 5.-Special.--- ( )
Seivard celebrated the national holiday In
spleiuiiiul style yesterday. The town was
( till of ltroplo all tiny. uuiany conilag frouut
disutinces. The oration was dehivereul
by I bit. Clinches I I. Sloan of Fllluiorc
coliiity. lie was followed by 11ev.Villiani
Murphy. lii thu evening a tilaplay of fireworks -
works \'as given , the nualti feature of which
s'as tue hoinhaurclmetut oflorro castle by
the dttnerican battleships. Tue sliani battle
% i'as sticcesettul.
ST. J.MES eb. . .
, , July 5.-Specinl.- ( )
Tue celebration lucid lucre vits a success.
The local \Vuuuiuin's Christina Teniperance
ii ii Ion uuuuiler ivlioe con t 101 5 ad nuispices
nil were entertauuicul , t'as hitulebteil to lr.
tlclCeiizle ( or the use of his lark anti to
tile citizens as a whole for generous liatrout-
age. Mrs. C. M. Wootiwartl of Daviul City
gave the principal address , folloii'eul by
11ev. tIchuitoshu of Iinrtiuugton anti ! te' . An-
trinu of St. James. A boutitcouta dInner was
spreal , to which all were inailo welcome ,
antI t tu a usinil tucceseorlis of t lie sit tuuuuier
pIcnic , ice cretuni , leniouuutle , cauiuiy nod fireworks -
works , were sold. All receipts , together
with a geuicrouls suljscriptioui % , going to iiqui-
hut e the I tide iii cii iu'ls iquout t lie \Voznan's
teiti 1,1 , ii I a Cli icago , 'hu irk I s I a ho in ado tue
nuejuorlal of thiss Fratiecs E.'liiartl. .
\Voiiiitui lliiuiI iuiJiiri'iI.
DAROTA CiTY , Neb. , July 5.-Special. ( )
- : ra. Nols Ilhiven , an aged wouiiaui of thutit
county , withIn Ieaniuig up against a tree
vltnessltug the races at the celebration nt
iionutir ycsteruhiuy. vuis run hub by a POIl
rltldcn by an iuudtttn. ivhuich bolted flue
truck. Sue recciveul three broken rIbs , besides -
sides having her breast broken lii. 11cr
recovery Is tlouubtful.
lIuii't Ii. it tIiiiitvuty.
STEL1 , Nib. , July 5.-Spi'clal.-Wlille ( )
hugh Thtonipson niud fatally were retuirnlng
train tliu cciebrat bit itt \'ertlouu Inst lilgift
they tvero ruin into by two buggies ( rota
the rear. ( rlghuteuuliug Mr. Thompson's tenni
uiuiul causieg theta to nut off. All of the
OccUluuuuits iii ( lie rIg vere badly itujureil.
II ii ri Ii ) ( 'nislilIll ( 'rnt'ler.
i3lltLi N , Neb. , July 5.-- ( Siucelal.-\S'liile
relt'bratiuig the Ioiirthu at thus iuiacu Frcd
% v. Ilut'kunuui haul his right huatuul tern to
itleces by the lurenuattire explosIon of a large
cauinoui cr.uckcr. A part of hIs hiund has
becit nunpittaleul antI it is feareul that hilb
entire hand iuiay have to conic off.
1'iric itt 'tiittl lii but ,
'FEC 1MSiii. Neb. . July 5.-Speclal.-A ( )
sneak thief inado away with a riding iuon
lilch was tied out ( hue street here last night.
It wits the lIreluertY of F. 1) . Casforui , it
yotutig farmer living south of the city. The
sheriff Is after the property today.
'i'treiuuvtu fit r 'I' ! luli'is.
ThiJI1N. Ntb. . July 5.-Special.-Tho ( )
followIng teachiers have been ctiguugctl ( or
( ito vn5tiiiilJ year : L. 14. lichen , prIncIpal ;
Malnie hiarlow , gritniniar ; Estehin.Vbltney ,
lutermcdiatol I. lichie itice , priinar' ,
Lt Week Hot anI Dry Throughout the
Entire Stath.
54lr1 , i V lu'nt Sit fltr'u 5u11111' I it I lit'
( ut , I lu. n..terit Coitus I ieu-Cnrui lit
l.l ii ic % el I nnd 31 ii iI' llItls
Are ow laid ll.
United States lepartment of Agriculture
ciintnte and weather service of the \Veathcr
bureau. % eckly cr01' bulletin of the Nebraska -
braska section for the week endIng Monday ,
July 4 , at S o'clock a. at , :
itninfutli chart for week enullng S a. m. ,
July 4.
&ci O
ot'h. ' ' /st / ti.xh
The first four tinys of the last week were
lint. uiry uuiti windy. The last three ulitys
were cool , with showers Frlduuy iiight atid
Saturday. 'rite vcek as a whole has been
warmer tItan normal , the average daily loin-
Pernture excess rangluig ( rout 1 degree to
2 degrees. The daily niaxitnum temperature
guticrally exceeded 90 degrees on four days ,
ma ! at a tow idaces thu weekly maximum
exceeded 100 degrees.
'rite raInfall hunts becut tadoui' the nornial
in most coututics. It line excecuieti an inch
only iii a. feiv vesterii alit ! northern cotta-
ties , anti tins bcuui less titan ouie-hilE inch
in niost at the southeastern and northwest-
erru counties ,
Tue hot , windy weather uluiritig the first
of tlue week affected small grain tuuifnvoma-
bly. SprIng vhtent was tiauiiagcd In the
soutliestern eouiitics , nut ! the yield of
wheat i'ns iirobabli retmuccti slightly iii
uiulttiy couuuities. Oata continue in good colt-
ulttlujn , The winter whucat harvest is general
lii the central coutities , alid tucauly coin-
luleteul iii the extrenlo southieasterii coon-
Cacti has inatle a rapid growth in all
Parts of the state , bitt is still smaller than
tasual at thus reason of tue year. Tue cal-
tivation of cotut has unatlo good progress ,
"liii the flehuis nrc getierally clear of weeds.
Many fields have been laid by.
ittiOt ) t by counties :
Sotiiit'utstt't'ii luui _
huller-Sonic wheat cut , crop injuiti' I by
vheat scab ; cant growiug scli , but etill a
ueek or ten tinys late.
Clay-Sonic wheat tutu ! rye hiarvestctl ;
oats look ieli ; corn growing fast ; haying
co iiituw a ccii.
Flllunore-\Vheat being iiarvesteii , the
crop is butt shlghttl dainageul 'iiid will ; ter-
age itch ; oi a and potatoes tuecti lain.
( hago--Whicnt tiiostiy u'tut tittil in shock ;
couisiuiemable wheat scabs 'it some fleld nail
ilotie lii other fields : cacti tioing 111101) ' .
liainihtnn-Soni wheat and r a being etit ,
berry Pitiulul ) iiiuui gotid ; corn growing very
fnsl , sonic being huuiii by.
Jeffersoiu-\'hueut hiujured liv lint weaihier ,
has ripeiietl too fast ; winter % vhieat hieing
cuit : corn vlli netul miii tooi. ,
Jolutison-iost t tile wIttIer w heat is
cut ; spring \thteat looks i'tll torii clean
anti mostly laid h oats uoinu ! : likely.
Lancaster-\\'lteat harvest lii 1utogi'es ;
corn growing rapidly.
Neuuinhia-\\'kent harvest about over ntl
) 'ICll HOt SO large as eXiiCtctl ; corn t1row-
lag vchl , bitt tucetis mlii.
Nuchohls-\'licat. and ouIn : partly cut ;
oats iaariy reaily to cult : lint , dry weather
has ripetieul siiiall graIn too ( nit ; corn
growing ivl. !
Otoe-htye cult anti whicat being cut ; o.tts
hicginuuing to ripen ; June hiay beltig cut ;
corn growiiug fast anti most all laid by.
Pawnco-W'hieat harvest welt aulvaticcul :
corn lii fair condition , a good stanil , Ioiu1e
haIti by ; oats and grass good ; apples light
Cr01) .
i'olk-itye not filling utll ; witcat riien- ;
luugfast ; hay a big crop.
lflcharilson-W'inter vbeat about nIl cut
and sonic thirashuing dotie , yIeld not ito good
as expected ; corn growing finely ; gr.upes
Sallnc-Itye nuid winter wheat almost cut ;
htot. dry weather has been hard on crops ;
oats and hIotatoes tIolng well.
Sauiuiers-ltye antI wheat harvest progressing -
grossing rapIdly ; oats goad , color nut !
lucatijng heavy ; corn growing vehl , bitt
needs ritlu.
Sowarti-hlarvest in progress ; wheat in-
juiced a good dciii ; heavy crouu of mu beIng
cut ; corn growing rapIdly.
rhiayer-wiieat harvest geiiemnl and crop
unusually good ; corn quite tree front weeds
nail growing 'ery ( :1st. :
York-harvest of whucat nail rye begun ;
wheat tlnniaged somewhat ii ) ' blight ; oats
goat ! ; clover a rank growth ; corn growing
Not-I Ii t'ziserii St'et bit ,
Antelope-Oats , svhicat nuiul barley grow-
lag nIcely ; corn doing well.
iJlyui-ht'O harvest couiiuneticed ; wheat
heading out fInely ; corn haihiig laId by ;
Ilustuires : excellent ; hay abundant.
ihurt-Corn unailo rapid growth , nearly all
, ! by , fairly clear of weeds , but needs
Cedar-Corn has growti rapluiiy and unost
of it In ill by.
Cohfax-Corn is backward auth tuotuiewhitit
weedy ,
Cuuning-Whueat , rye anti barley ripen-
lug ; uvhient and oats good ,
Iakota--Smaii graIn ripening fast ; nearly
all corn laid hiy ,
Dixon-Corn has uiindc good growth , lout
Is still somewhunt. lmckwiirul : intent and
oats tilling well ; iasturcs itnd Potatoes cx-
ccl ieui 1.
hotlge-Corn rapId growth nail
hieIng laId by ; rye uutid winter whicat bellig
cult ; wheat nuid oatit excellent.
Halt-Rye tech tllleuh , inuuno reauly to cut ;
whieat aiiui oats excellent : comic cultivatIon
has nuaule rapid progress.
Knox-lint witithut the first of veck hitumneui
( bun leaves of corn , IuOtiutOs , oats cmi tul-
( nifa sonic , otherwIse goad sock.
Mailisouu-Oats attil wheat lodged antI
datuitigeul some by hail nuuul vind ; corn hittu :
grown rapIdly ; rye about ready to cut.
l'lercc-Comn fine ; siutahi gritln good ; rye
I'hatte-nyo antI winter wheat In prog-
roes ; spring whuat hieutuietl out ; outs do-
lag ii'ehl ; corn growing veii.
Sarpy-Soiria rye ciut ; wiucat flat filling
\t cli ; outs good ; corn looks gooul autul most
of It laid by.
Stnntoui-Oats anti wheat very tall nail
statuti uip fairly vell ; grass very good ; corn
hieIng huuld by.
Thuruttoji-Ahl crops tanking good gmowthu ;
hirosiucets for good tipple cr01) ; potatoes
doIng vell , but acreage suuiuil.
% \'ashiliugtnn-Itye ciut ; liiost of flue corn
hail by , 11111 tiectis u-alit ; ( all liotatoes necil
\Vayuue-Somei ulamage front hail ; grass
very good ; corn doing well.
ttn t nt I ie't' ( lui.
floone-Whieat looks fairly well ; oats and
potatoes good ; corn rather siuiitll , but souuio
laId by ; pastures flute.
lbuiTalo-Sprlng wheat nail oats daniagetl
by dry witudut ; rye , barley and winter wheat
good ; corn doilig tiled ) ' ; hay abuuidauut.
Custer-imy veathier Is Injuring huent
nulil oats ; rye' nuiti barley rlpeubtig too rap-
IdI ) ' ; good week for growth anel cultivation
of corn ,
lawson-llIgh ) wind anti dry weather
ratluer hard on spritug wheat atuel oats ; rye
hieing cut ; corn growing nicely ; alfalfa cut.
Grechey-Gonei week ( or corn and cuhti.
vation puusheul rapluily , sonic lalul by.
hall-Wheat , cats antI rye excellent ; corn
as a general crop boles well. but Is not a
heavy stand.
hiowarti-Sonio rye atid winter wheat cut ;
spring whicat iloilig well ; corn growing fast ;
contuluierablo mulct sown.
1errlck-Rye ripeniu auul faIrly good ;
eats ant ! wheat flne , grass excellent , corn
gmotIng well ,
ittiCt- Sonic rye cut anti winter wheat
almost Tilts ; small grain tuhinuit asbueJ ;
I.Otn good nu1 firOii1l Iluljr.
'nhIy-(1uiri ( : artiwluig tr ; ; t.c8 i
oats lielc.l f.iut ; iii v . . 'thrr i.b.h : . bight
ltiul hs'e , been ntht ! atitcraUe icr
smell grahui.
iieelrr'heat I Li : 1 rye h"luug ciii ,
fairly geniI crop ; ca I lie ihuin flely ; tortt
grassy In piacs ; ; ) .7tatt4a ilooti.
sl , $ I hiuiu'ilrei Set' I 11)1 % ,
Adaineityc : i i.bc''t : ; fuft ; iiot so large
as uisutni at thi.i iuie : of vtnt.
ihlaloe--h'ii : l.a ; i"t'n d l'orn week ; grain
tutu garde'g : n.'t.j rain.
ltinly-Very htt. hut crops. have' not suit-
fercil much ; ' 'huu $ , cats tutu corn doing
well ; wIld grars v.r"piutially gooti.
lmatikhin--Suiinll grain Iuujurt'tl sonic by
warm , dry weather autil wind : corn looking
fIne ; rye being luarvestiti atiel is a hciivy
lmon tier-Good rain lriihay restored
droofiIng grain ; iIiiter hent about ready I
to cult ; other crops doitig finely.
Furnas-Mucli ( all wheat cut ; spring
wheat ripening too fast ; corn being laId
ii ) ' : omo datnage to wheat anti liotatoes by
( iosper-Vhicnt and oats injured by vituul ;
corn doing finely.
hiutrlaii-hlyn niud winter wheat hieing cut ;
cant doing finely.
Ilaycs-\\'hient tiaunngeti inuiio by dry
eatiier ; corn nail lmtatoes doing well.
hitchcock-SprIng wheat sottie injuurcul by
ihry weathuer ; lnter ihieat alit ! rye being
cut ; good rain Frlulny nIght.
henriuey-.13uirley and oats flue ; corn huts
titnule nut excelletit growth ; potatoes 110011 ;
\s heat In lirilue coutelltion.
Llncoln-Corui growing rapidly , hut siuiahl
gmalit nceiilng ruth.
l'erkins-Ahl stuinhl cmiii hiui suiffereul
froun ( Iroutghut ; corn doing 'oll.
\'ihiow-iuunie dniuiagc' to gmalui from
hilghi 'vItal niuih the ulry vcnthuer ; vhicat
ahotit rently to cut.
\'ebster-Rye cut ; sonic wheat anti oats
cult ; dry wcathucr Ims retluccel s heat crop ;
corn growing faIrly well ,
% ' ' ( ( ' it iiul No ci iii el ( 'i'n S-e ( luiis.
lIox llutte-Small grain uiuimagcul by hot
wlituIs ; good ralut lmltlny ,
llrown-Onts , barley and wheat lieuiullng
u'ell ; rye turnIng.
Chic cry-Cant doluig ucil ; whicuit almost
ak. uthuer small grain gooul.
CIii'yeutuue-Coru growIng fast ; to' tic ) '
( cm grnhii ; l'atige glass good.
ietuel-\'ery dry ; vu'hieat ntnl oats tii'cd
Keltii-Gooil mItt Friday checked hot
it I liii 3 , a util e vemything iii I rIght t
hCluuilotil-W'cek favorable for uill crops ;
soutie Parts uieetl rain.
l.oguiii-Corn groviutg rapidly ; \shicgt utah
oats nc.ui rain ; rye turuilng.
Mc1'lieruoui-\\'eck hot antI 'icy ; corui
growing Iiiuely , Ittit isiceel ) ' .
itock-ltalu of lot good for all cr0113 ,
cot.ti growing finely nut ! early potatocs
Shier Itlut ui-Crops I 001 : I tig icl I ; ha y c rep
uunuusuahly gooth ; week dry.
Sioux-Corn huolihitug its ovii ; small graIn
iutjurcti by hint veathuer.
G. A. LO'1L\Nl ) .
SectIon DIrector , hhiicohui , Nob.
ilA V1't II I ) 'it ) It I S b'ult ) ( bN ( Itis.
l'rt'fc's Xut ID lie ii ( 'zuiuuIbuizL ( ( for
( u ) % er.or , 'iii is 'ii iii , . .
LINCOhN , July 5.-SPcclal.-Tlte ( ) slate-
taUnt has Itceut nineie itpoii goat ! authority
that Judge tl. 1. hayward huuis deebileti to
ruin for couigrcss In that P'Irst ulistrict nni
that tlieret is an effort hebuig ? iluauie to uuilte
thu a suit I lucnitt ct'ui C 0 Ii a ti es I a iu Is so liltort.
flcitlcil steps % ole taheut by iiayivuirui's
frIends last week amid they tuow claIm that
there Is a probability tlittt the otutside coon-
ties wIll conihilmie against Lancaster nuith
mutake the uonuiuuatloui. A geittleunan seuut to
see 11ayvnrd yesterday to flail t'ot about
his candlilucy has writteti The lice eerie-
sponeleuut as fullovs , uneici' unto of Auburn ,
Jelly 'I :
I suis' ihaywarul today and know that lie
% ould lIke thue tuounlnatlon fot' cHigress arid
trill be before flue cotuvotitloji. lie does muot
thoslre the nouiiliiatiouu feur governor. Theme
is a strong feeling lii tile outside countIes
flint the ) ' Ought to unite.
ThIs letter canting from oulo of Judge
1 inywartl's strongest personal ( rientis seems
to admit of rio uioeitit that I laywarfi will be
an active catidltlate for flue congressional
uiouiiitiatlon arid that hIs lunate will uuot be
lrescmiteti In tue state conventIon.
'i'i ku's I I is ( ) euui 1,1 ft. .
IIAIITINCTON , Nob. , July 5.-Speciai (
Telegram.Yesterday ) mornIng Corouter
Itelfert wuis called to the ( anuS of Johun
lCiiblo uiortlivest of thIs town to take
charge of a muami vhiei hiutil couittuiitted sub-
dde Imi Nimble's barn. Two utica crossed
flue river front Yankton ( or Ceular county
Gui July : i. They rculialtieel over itighut at
the house of Mr. Kuble. They clniutred to
be out of umuouiey iuci aiiIed to stay till
nIght anti verc granted the lirivihege. On
the mortilng of July 4 all arose at 4 o'clock.
One of the uuien , Albert Lone , nccomnpanleul
Mr. Kuhilo to the Itusture to catch the
huorses auiti i'hueut tile ) ' to the barn
they toumiul ( hue lifeless hotly of the other
luau in thie barti vltii a hiullet In his lucuni
alit ! a 32-calIber revolver lyIng utear him.
The' coroner's exantiriatloti dIsclosed flue fact
flint Lotte never knew tim yotuuug bnati be-
( ore ( lucy tact as tmaruulus on ( hue ferryboat
anui thuit there was In , chamice for a miiurtler
case , Iirthucr iuivcstigatlot.i htroved flint the
3.ouimug nuan mulct death at hIs own hunmuds.
Lone claimed thuat hIs partner had stated
( lint hils a ante vuis Johu uu Num I I arid flu at Ii Is
home was in Iowa aetr : Hemsen. Coroner
Relfert luroughit the body to town tutu no-
tifieti thio ltostniutster at ltemseti by ( ole-
graph. Mr. Null , father of flue uleceaseti ,
was to arrive tonIght , but nuiiuiuteil flu' train.
It seems ( hint ( lie boy wait not satislied with
ii good home anti pleasant sunrrntinehingus nnii
uhccitleuh to start nut in life for himself.
Dosponiulency is thud cause assIgned ( or time
rash act. Mr. Null is a wealthiy citizeti of
Iowa. The hotly was Interred lucre tonulghit.
A era mitre for l'm'i lila ml , ' , , .
SYItACUS1 , Nd , . , July 5.-Sitocluih.-Thte ( )
couitity repulthlcan central cnninilttee coti-
v'nel ( at thte Opera huouise thuls forenoon anti
culled the printamles ( or ( hue 23il Inst. : uuiil
the Coutmit ) ' conivouttloji for the 27th inst. At
the cotiventlon all congressIonal and state
delegates will lie clccteui tititi ( lie coummity
ticket noniluiuited.
\Vlntcr whicuit hiuirvet is svcli tinder way
nIII the prospect Is very 11itterIng. 'l'bie last
of thuis utmiii the first of next week the farmers
will be into their otls : fhld spring uvlneat ,
E 'ery I hi I ng noi , ItOini fit t 9 , a ii a bin multi mu I I ii -
gathierimig and overflowji , ruutiarles.
l beLt'ui ii : " n
TI i41)RN , Nohi , , July 15.--SiiocIal. ( ) -Johin
Fredericks was severely Injured on tIme race
track yesterday by hieing ' kIcked on tire
licaul timid Uncle by Seritdr Allen's staihlout ,
"ulemunitage , ' wiulcli as entered mt tue
races at. this luhace , C. Yr. Sithuier s'as bnuhly
turuiseul by the explosion of a giant lire-
crackcr. The utrcuiiitttu 'dphoitioit of P. skyrocket -
rocket severely buruue the lmnei of GIlbert
Seliol. t : .
At't'iul u.u. * Iii iiif4 lug' ,
JUNIATA , Ne'h. , July ii.-Spccial ( Tele-
grain.-Yesterulny ) evenIng Mrs. Freui Luin-
caster was seriously hurt by being caught
by ii wIre cable on a steamni swIng. 11cr leg
wait drawn In ttctweeii flue cable anti ( hue
swing triune. The cable burned the litishu
badly nuel stopuleti the swing ivlthi Its heavy
loath ,
lutlui ( il ) Su'iicol Cu'iiusuic ,
IAVII ) CITY , Nob. July 5.-SIueclal.- ( )
Thue conllulcteii school cetisus of the itchiool
dIstrIct of haviui ) CIty gIves 70t ) as tIre miumit-
bc of PilItlIs In ( lie district , a gain of twemi-
ty-cighit from last year's nunilter.
BlaIr l1u'Jtiu'u' ,
IILAI11 , Nob. , July 5.-Special.-Every. ( )
boily Is rejoicing over the vlclory of Sampson
anti Thu Daily flees arc juickeul up rapidly.
i'uii'u' It'll le'ii St I i It l'uiult'r.
TgCUMSIh1 , Neb. , Iuiy 5.-Special.- ( )
Tbeprcinaturo explosion of a small cannon
auise.1 Jntmne5 Artz pan of } ' R Artz , to
get his face Smith CYC badly Ahleti with ; iow
iii 1' hcr. ' % ehlt u 'lay. ' 'I lie title nihing physi-
cllti 50)5 ( tie CyCS Cli be sated.
Plut'kiiig lit to 'tii'uhtullle front 'ill
l'itii of lit' ( 'tititutry ( U Attemtul
( hue .tit it thu t'tutti clii bit.
N.Sl'ILi.r. ; . Teiiti. , July 6-The nil.
VatiCt ! guartl of Ih. & Chuu'sttse Fuudcavort'rs
reachet : .ity 'tJy. 'l"at' Ilhinci' iic1-
iaieI & ; rlet abt tr s : tbstt.taaOtti ,
hete hu hsv. bs.u for seer.J d s
ttln Chut.ieaaisui ariA the ether hi' .
tori 'ny wri t4tieWIut at'v1
attined , 'b'jt Ia ( it. best of oiru. : as
sh a t ; b ) the I.rvr ' 'b it hh t1i % ' 'iutig
the ef this oe-.r on , n.ira ! the cIty.
$ eon th3r % t'o : eer'et to their ha'aulqumar-
1' : : thv u onur.Rhis : in waititig nail
5ptt'.iI ; 3Sl1ud
All 'i.iy cii er' . tinl siuiali hands arriveti
ittiui 01) ) 1st. ttns : hirer ieIegntIotis wIll
conic. 'L'lIo .rrangruiucnha arc touupleteti at
CenIil link. The ciuirehica ! l'i the city are
to lie tiscel es heauiqtlarteuu and the several
coniinltttcea rutitleilinIe ito dlliletnlty lit car-
lng for the nttnnthlmig ulciegates.
Last tveek's hieatetl hermit has licetu broken
by general rains for several ulays ant ! the
teiilporatitrt' is now cool for JIll ) ' , thue range
of the tliernionieter being down In the
TIre lark In its natural beauttics was
tiever macire attractIve a nil tIm goitemal coun-
ittittee is satisfied that the choice of this 10-
catIon tom' the meeting will be fully approved
whrcut thie iieicgatts asseniblo away tm'oni the
stir nut ! liaIse of lire cIty.
The gi.'uieral lilibl Ic tvill be nihtuilttcui to
the tent imiectiligs to be hell ! iii as iiinuuy
ehutirehues toutiorrow iuighit and to all tire niorti-
lug iricethiugs of the corivetitlotu untIl fumrthic
notice anul tue 'l'umcuthny niorning utiectiag at
the Auelttorluttn , at u'hiichi Governor T.tylor ,
11ev. Ira 1atitlrltli , eltairtuinti 15)8 , nail Ir.
J. l. Vaiicei will 5110(1k , 'Flue authoritIes have
tIeltletl upon this plan.
lr. 1.anilrithi. tire active anti ! Iuudttstrlolrs
chairman of ( Ire local couuitnitce , is atiro delegates wIll nttctiii amid ! uiotii at-
vIces thInks ( lucre nra ) ' be 2OOO.
The first nicetluigs till be tomirorrow night.
'rue city will be gleeti to locating delegates.
Sb , , loit'iili % . t iinuut INimiliul 'biI Siniti
lIt , trr tIit ( % % ii on
* lui Imttv.
KANSAS CITY , July 5.-Speclal ( Tt'he'-
graun.-W'lthltt ) a siioi't finite the St. Joseph
& Grant ! lsiaiii mailmoati till Ite riunuilmlg
freIght aurd hiasseiugcr tralmis itito Itatisas
City. The deal liusuurinig the acquisltlout of
tile C maui Islztnel was closeti toiluty by A. l.
Sill uvcl ! , Itresldelit of ( hue Kutiias Cii ) ' ,
l'lttsbtirg & Guilt anti \V. I' . ltobluioti , geui-
oral nintutger : of the St. J0501i1i & ( .maritl
I u iauieh , 'I'iie S t. Joseph & G ta mu ii I sIn ltd a' III
reach City over the Sauita ie trac
( morn St. Josehihi to l'attsouisburg , Mo. , where
the Kansas City & Northerti couiuicctlng raIl-
ivuly tvlli b Imttet'cepteil. A thirty-year lease
of the right to use time Kanisas City , '
Northterii conncctiuig anti sublurban belt
tu'acks into Kansas City line becti secuutct !
froiti l'rtsitlcuit A. E. Stilwi'hh. The ccii-
tract ht'twecn flue two systenris also pro-
ldes for tire ruse by the St. Joseph & ( irault !
lIuutiu ! of the h'ittsburg & Gulf freIght and
passenger termiritials I a I lui ci t v. The St.
Josciuhi ( : C ] ra mu ii I sin mrih vi I I bti I I ti a frel giu t
tleltot uinth op a freight autti jiasseutgcr oiilces
iii this elf- . The entrance of ( lie Grand Is-
latiti to Iiumusas City Is to be followed by thu4
keohumkVe.stertu timid ( hue Mluuiueapolis &
St. Louis. Tue hCcokukVcstern t'xtc'urths
frnuii ICenletnic to hcs ? iloifles , ha. , anti Iii
conmuc'ctioui t'ith the Ies Moitue3 & Icatisas
City ruins to Cainsville' , Mo , A brunch line
thirty untIes lotig will be built frotut Calns-
vilie to Patotrsiiuti'g . , u'hicre conniectiout
t.Iil be muade u'lthi the Kansas CIty & North.
cmii coiunectitig raIlway.
( 'I. tent gui I 'Ii ti'iM .ttzi . I s II e 'l'ti ilti y ,
ChICAGO , July t.-li'or ( hue lust titite
sluice last Friday nnoriritrg the 'i'rtiiuinie.
kecord , Chronicle , Tlutues-Ilcmaltl aiil , Inter -
ter Ocean v ii 1 hi Isutined teitiro rroti' nuiuu'ti -
lurg , A stulhiclenut nunuilti'r of ouutshulo trout-
uttulon btcreot3'pers have beCii inirporteul Intel
the clt ) to ilttlSti this possible. The pur : rs ,
however , tvl I I be vu bI isiuct ! on : ly I it four-
logo forni , hut tills vlhl lIe ltrcrcaseel as
rapidly as Itosslble , ChIcago uuferirooti
iluilers will aio iuhlishu tomorrow iii di-
nil ha lshieul size ,
liuiiiLei ct ts it l.muit Seiitent'u' .
CIIIC/iC.O , July 5.-Etlwaril S. Dreyer ,
torrirer hieiui of the huiriklmig anal real estate
( inn of h. S. flu tyer & Co. , was setitencil
totlay lry .Jimdge Stnlthi to tIre Iletiltontlary
to serve au Inudelimiite Ierloii for ( Ito cmii-
hiezzlentent of $ llG,000 , which ( It'Vest l'ark
coruimnlsslon entrusted to hrltn as Its ( yeas-
tirem' , Thai court titus siguieti a lull of excep-
( louis In ( lie case , st'ltfchi ivihi be I nkeui to
t lie su it retrio court ,
St'utuuisliliu icnil , illmusu'lf ,
ChICAGO , Jtrly 5.-'tVilliatn flschrerhuurg ,
w'estemh uigutiit of tile Get mali Lloyd slenra-
sill ii i lure , coni In I t toil so lelil e I otltuy at ii Is
irotire mu thIs cIty. lkce.asetl killed hilmuir hf
mi hut hiethrooni it Ithi a ltIutoi. t'r. E'eireru-
ltuirg rcprescmutcii the ( ] crinnn Lloyt ! Steam-
situ ) coriupaniy hcret for mnuiy ) 'iurs. : lie hraei
( or somnie I uuio been 'ur Ill-hu'nllhi.
I'um r ly ( lt.umut5' ttItIitcenluitiiil ) SIutii -
ems ; ( uuui.'rt Suuuuuiiei'ly % % 'l iui , ,
lleeommi ing' Nuumt hen y.
WAShINGTON , July t-Forccast for
\Vcilticstlay :
For Nebruiska nail Kansas-Partly cloritly
weather , with occasIonal shuowers ; cooler ;
sotnthueriy vIuuls lteenmuuhmug northierly.
For iowa-Showers arid thitinder strrrns ;
hueeotiulitiz norilusster1y ,
I"orSouth Iakota-Ialr , except iihiotu'ers La
eastcrnl jiortloils ; cooler ; northerly wlntis.
For MissourI-h nereasing cloudiniess ;
sotithuerly wlnids.
\\'yonilng-FaIr ; cooler itt eastern
itom'tloni ; northerly tu'Intles ,
iui'u I Ili.uurui.
Oii'I'H 01" l'IIF VhA'l'ii1it ll1J1tlAU ,
( ) tl Al IA , J Lii ) ' 5.-Orinuhuui rt'e'orul ui ( tern.
Iterli t U rut ii liii ru I ii fuel I , coin I ill mcii ts'I I I u I Ii it
( 'C ) rrercltuj miii I a ic tIut ) ' C ) t' t Ire I mu id t hu moo yin rut :
Ihi.Js. lS'Ji. lbi.
Mttxlmuuln temnhleruettirt ) . tub (4 t3
AIIniinruuui , tenilltiruittiro . ( J i ; itt gi
Avenuige , tnmnhieruttun'e . . . ' ; i s ' ; 'u ;
Ihulmifuill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0:1 : . & ) .0) )
Re.e'orii of tonnporaturo anti uireliiltutiiin :
ii I Otitti lilt , In r t Ii lii uIui y it id si nice Al ii melt I.
Ncurnnli I for I Ii et ii IL y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lefle'Iemicy for thai dirt . . ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Accumnitiateil excess slnice March . 1 . . . . . .l2
Nii i'muu : I rut I n fuil I I or I hiu ( ) ' . . . . . . . I ne Ii
lolieIi'nro ) ' for thic ility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 hitt'Ii
'i'iu t ti I ru I ni fuu I I si luct' hil ii rehu . . . . . 4 . . 1 1 tiehiout
l'lli'ieirc' sinets tulitr1hi I . . . . . . . . 2. 15 inthious
1)e llt'It'lu I' ) ' ( dir ear. i e'nioil , I taT . . 5 . 19 I tuilu's
lxi'u'ss for etur. ) ( ' , lati , . . . . . I .9 ( inwhieus
hbciuuirts froisi SIui ( bemis ill S p. mis. ,
t.tii.i ? 'i
. . .
h'A'FtOS AM ) tiTA'il al C1
OF' WCA'l'hllit. :
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Oniahui : , Iulirtly clounhy . . . . . . . . . . utl IT'i'
Niirthu Platte Itutril ) ' cloutly. , . , ti iii .01
Salt ltuleo , cle'utr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S ( S 0)
i : he'iiiit' . clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1i2 h , .01)
iteululll CIty , clear , . , . , , . , . . . . , , , . 9r .01)
I I uron , eluutiy . _ , . , . . , . . . . , . , . _ 'iii tie , r
t'hmleutgt , , thur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 72 01) )
VIiiIuitun , cle'uur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 bS ( s
St. i.uiuluc , elecur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521 G IX )
St. Paul , liarti ) ' ClOtiuly . . , . , . . , 7s 2 .0(1 (
' io 1.-I .01)
iui venhuort. llai'tlY cloutly -
I iclemiut , clear . , . , . . , , , . , . , . , , . . . 7oi 72 .01)
lCuunutaus City , clear , . , , . , , , , . . , , , (2 tG .01) )
llat're , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' l.a .0) )
hiiutinare'k , i'irth' ' clotiuly . , . . , , , . S4 hi ) .15 ]
GalveStoli. inertly cloutiy . . , . , , 81 _ tI .0) )
1. A. % 'i1.HhI ,
I L . . . . Local Furcuitt OllicIah ,
, 8
- ( ± ' C ¼ . ) <
- . - " e"ics .
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i7eUb e lh'erenec' to 4hie lhciut list ttlts , ilitsilteusM : tleit 11111 ! Tt'rehifllt ( a I
the c i4' ,
When All Others Fail
ltemnenitre'r flue woniherfuilly tuiiee'smsfuih specialIsts niril treuitunenut of ( lila instIttite corn-
hiltit' tIre' two gre'aterut fit'tOrtt ( if ( lie henlimig art knenvmt to ( lie ItiiMiii'iil Iirofcu5ioti-
Eh.lC'I'ltl'I'i'\ ! M lDit'lN I ) it irs ( lie largest , uitoSt thiu'iouighuly nail completely'
eqimIhil Ce ! lirqtttttte. both ileu'trlcluhty 1(1111 inethlcnhl' , o'i'r i'rttlitllithIel iii tito'cst
fot' the trt'utttiieiit utnui oliutoltitu ours' elf n 11 tuervotis , ehuronrlt' ititil tiriviute diseases et
ui l'N utniltM I'N. I loiteirnble' nail ( utit' ticalinug iui'eoriled to till.
These Doctors Oan Cure You.
C ' 't- -1M
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&w & ri'w 'I
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ct \ I S/
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'J'hue great eloctrlcuth utah medical SPCC1L1IIStS of ( huts Institute are' far the beat , muost
siucee'asfunl tutu iu'leiltIIiC ( tic 'is'orltl linus ever knon'im , all of tviioiii lire graduates
of the best inctilcal colleges itt tile woriti. t'tctt : IrvIng lund liiirg millet Site-
cc'ss fui i iiiutet I co I a Ii Is spoela I ty , a lid nt'tu aeii I eu I ti g i't'.siul ( it iii c a ml tug t I I C sick
it miii sum herb rig by t hit'ir cli uirb iiicul 1I cetru . t1 eu k a I I ion t miiemt I , \'IliCli % 'oii lii lie imu-
lIosShhile to' obtutin Ii ) ' eIther electrical on' trri'iihtah I continent ueluitti. 'I'Iii' State Electra-
\ietilical hmlstlilitit Is tilt' ONLY [ 'LACi ] wiucie ) 'uii Call itiuiiil flue iitmreiitus of thii
su0003sful treettneiit : imnuIcr ( lie tuitttit skillful anti lea rtll'l , eliet'IalIstui. It E ASSL' ItED
( hint it tiny niuj'r ii ri on rt ii cuLl ) ( 'ii me you lii i's. itt't , , .i's ott ii. I ty nut ' : t 111 ( If I lu ci r coma -
bluieti ol ( 'C t r'o-ni cli Itti I ( rca t en cr1 ( ( hey Ira ye offe'et oil 'o ni p1 etc ut nil I e'mniii : tuemit curl's
: tfter all otliei's lund ( ailed. Sonic lloc'tors fail hmcaume of treatIng ( lie vmouug diutcause ;
othemut ( mciii not leutowitig ( lie rIght treumncnit. :
a ad a I I farnus (1 ( f rnmptu cc , StVll I I rug c'uii a rgi na a t ti , ii e foriri I I It's of silo. lt : I in'guu urn ; iu Iso
vCiuhc , shurimntke'ri. : utriiitlriid or iiefiirurreul iiuguimis ( lit' lilu ri t ) itilutllv'IY ( utnrii 'prickly cured
uiiiel re'sturctl , to thi'Ii mniturrtl puiwi't' , hueil tht uiirth vigor by 'I'll El It O\'N Sl'l''IAL ;
ELEC'FIIO-M l'lICA h ' 1'1tLA'b'uh lN'i' . Flt'c'trlc ] trt'itiuienit ; riitnie ut'Iil linrelt ! it i'e'm'tiihii
liii nil ic r of ti I tti'i ccii ii uid ( :0 : me it fesv ; mint ! I cii I t nyu ( in our ( : el ii nut' 'a' I I I cur no it err taint
per cemit of illuu'utiit's , hut whieti mill hue corn ( rvu' cnui't'gy of tuc'Ii uif thui'sii great eturletlvo
( ii et orut ii me sk I I I ( ii II I y it nl cI ci it I lien I I y Co nnlil mieti it mud utti n ii I nils t eroil ii mrtl t' r t Inc ii I ccc-
( tens a ( tfr t' lii alit sun cc'css fun I ut nil me I Ill ( ii a is 11(0 hi I at us t I ur uvui mlii liii ut ever k mi el iv it I t lit
liii ! I mm to lie uieeii t llui t iuim Icker ru nit ! iii a t'e tot ( I s fut et on'y ri'sim I I ii a ro sri me t u u I ut oh it uu I ii i'd ;
tl ii t II romflit Itt rca Iflu ) y lie ell'ee I oil vhue r tI I her c'leet viol t y ol' in oil Ii I ire uu I ii ti u' liavis
Cc no I ii ct ol y ( a I I cii ; : i huh ( hue ) ltiL'i' efi'e I cii C 0 mn iiite Cit l'tM ( I f uieit'i i-s i'ui t iii ut i iii lift ) bhiou'mt
ii I i'uLt4'S 11 fti'r ru Ii lit Ii t ± i' ) ' $ thu rus mu miii mn e t Iroil a hi It ii fun I le'ui cv e n to gI to rd i i' - a Ii
0 f V. Ii ichi is lie rfc'ct ly I ilaumsi Iii e Vhli'Ii 3'ili C' ii mu sld or I I i a i'iimitl ii uiel i'uu ma t lye r'tiu'n'g y oh u-
t nt lii I'd by t I u Is t'h't't romacuI icut I t reid t muCh t . 'I' I 1cm lit it ii : its ci I ii I sea si's I m u t'hr Ich i ( hit
cotmu 01 mii'iI I non ( nien t lit tiest I tied ( ci uiceiuiupl I ish a grca t lu muil mu cli a t'i'dei ! gpiiuil , ii nil t Ii at
Is tiruulet , eliurtusitloil tinuier tliut hii.ului tif NE1Y lt'tS'I'l I LINIA , er N ER VIIH ll Ill Il'l' V.
eri.oi'luu . I I y o ( in u'ui , v It e t lie r t hi c' neuiur I t t ) f yn in t It fuu I ( tii I lets on' lit t tn' I ultl Icm'i't Ia ii s it nuil ox-
eCil'ei4 , nccomnituiirieti hi ) ' ylIrlottis ( ermnit of ty eakniesseit , eU' . , irotiriclng it lung truuhit ot
mtymnlutuini ' lit ) fui mnllluui' tii 811 ,
I P' A iI usrue'bu SI' i'PKitE I lS c'otnlui hilt get uu 'I'A S'l'h' tutu , it store ) of I lii' viirulerini
hiClli'fltnl iiori'eui ( mann t Iris COti Ii I N E I ) El EC'i'lfO-'ul El ) ICA I ' 1' I I IA'l'M EN'i' ilu it s'-
or on cli rt It c'uiuil ii I icc' t'i'it , t ( rein fmonti liii i' tSO I nrg uL ( UI I cii ii ruin ii f t ron I nir clu t I a it vu ma-
lhu4o iuurd sttisfulctury : intro anal reuitcti'aIoxi iii luerfeCt hieutltli , arlinhy uttreulgtli iutitl
emujoyrnelit of life.
Do yo ti k uiouv t hun t t h i Is ( 'nm Id iiotl l'lec t muiulu'ui lea I 'crc'n t tn 'mt t tel I I ire un p I I y nI live ruhi
uf ) ( uii r so ftc' ml ngs ii mt ii ii 11111 i'll 01s ii jul reustor o ynu I o buetu I I Ii Ii nil e 'u'iiu I' a t a t I I ft. ? it
) 'uIl it re ii sit ( firer ci t Inn' ( ni nmi a ( ii I I' ( I r u hi ro II he Ii II miii' ii i ts a vi ' I I tutu isi' I I' ii t lint i u. It C'
I hi Is most siu'ci'ssfiul ft nil I I fe-gI s'I mig ennui Ii I neil I m'i'i t bent t , 'I'Iu I us I ii us I I I ri t ii is u'tj u I luliti !
% \it Ii ii I I mmd e'mn eliot ml c a iiuiui n a t in us a n ii In cl I I t I cut ( iii' t non t in imu t ii f it I I It I nil us n ( ii Is-
( 111'08 0 f ru cii ii nil tvo moir , ii Iso a Ii Imiantuit V e f a I ii ii iii nice's fiji utu i'cctni to I Il il rue t rent-
nic , It I.
% , btl'l'I I t' YOU ( 'A NNO'l' CA ll-.t I I C ii rr'sius , islu'ist'u' I is P1 iii ii Ilus t.i uipes ,
( 'oiililu'uiliiil. u , aiu'uiti'isl 1lt.rittu I' . ' ti'tst ( a i'ubu'PuIs 'lfIiusiI Siicliul
It u'u.tii'itl ,
State Electro-Medical Institute ,
180 $ I'AINA.1 S'l'R El'J' , 0'tl t UA , NEIl.
- - - - -
- - -
s rt m ci j.3 L U D1
by our lull llL uut.rui ( , f 'I urki'ulu C. r.une , y0 .tii1I Ciiflt4 by 'I ; urkbsli
rr t U ) . ilt'hit l.o.i. ' . , l' ' ) .tit's , SI'IVtI ( iume , nebr fIl
etrllr4lultroutr. ( hirol ii , OU '
. ,
tU I treatii.u'uut with
cur wrrr. We .uake our , u'it ' tu.s J1 tiuQ.iJ ittnWIuiioieflA0. guauu
antye.ui can rirluuuu grttnn weil W tsimo
wiltfrii guaritnu. . wluI t.uli cure , i1ltiio _ , IjHNII PHAI1MAC' ( .
jioz Si ( Si tv ii , i ii itW'L i'ulA _ ! I Li I , iiiI ti iii. itstb ii . ii t s
' _ _ _ _ _
- - - - - - -
fJbicbi'ater' . ErgIlili i,5uiion4 llu'an& tape Michlganand take siuner01riransaortaiion Co.
OriIuuul uiuud ( INI , ( Senul..e. TIlE OREAT LAKE ROUTE ,
' ' . , L rillill. . LLtI k OSli 'l'liu "lerl i't'u.In.hlc Sluiiultuu ,
. S.f ( ' Xglt.t Zulu
litugjl.u . . , , , . Iii 1014 .ui 0 , .4 tu.iairts ' ' For Mutektuu &nIIinso , lu.iiu , , lJi'tioII From l'l.otliuiI ChIcago. , , luuftiloTe
- I . neottiur. t.OI ( itil.4 . tui . Li , Itliob . , 'l'uL . . 0u4'.1tte 'I tuu ut .i Mi'"i U 1' i'l huh A ! i'tuit ) 4
t iLtiiau. '
- $ Ci.iat.j t'.ui.u Au1i,4t.tor..n4 1 or ( 'hiurlti ' ' oh I Ii rbur 13 Ji' , at' I'eto.L' , cuc.i
Ia for isduueur. . . , ueliuon&r , itt uv ' usi. 'I'luur ii AM , list '
, I01iitt fr . .4lr" Is , Cs retu l'ue .Slturjutiui. , ihiumie'utk , iluuh&toiu Atnuisol.
' 51811 , 10,000 Te.ttDne , p.m. J.p , , Huluiti , Lie t I S I'.M.
I' cmeh.01rc cmituulVuM.dI.o I iIuDir4t.I uuuu.I1e4 Cr , ' , . cii , ipn1uututn
4t7IJilhcI.iDg55jiil& 1 : . ' , . 'Iiii..tDA.t. , CUIC MID DII. S. UH AND N. WAILk ShI..CHICAOI.