Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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- 2 'liii 1 OM A hA 1)A I X .i'Ui iv 1nx , j trix ; , iss.
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- Ue , July 6. t
A Few Choice Bits
ttLkCIl tt raTl(1O1fl ( froiii our big toek of ninnier v'irthles- : ;
Cool Dress JnsL Nc' Shirt
/v- Stullsthe T _ -
' : -
, /S'4-
$ tilfrs Pi'Ity white
that : ti'eVaIlth(1. . 'it1i
the opeii
tOlay-at ( vric ,
, , work iiier
that \vi 11 suit you. .
5 here are oiue 1.2 , $1.50
- hiiiits'- eaili.
T11e140 come In yeRtrllny.
lOc Lrwn rc.
now ) nw : uiiiu w.ii t < iiers-
12c 1.wri now 7 ½ c. Navy 1)IUC ) thick turrnw , white hrnlil
18 , IIui1tk ) now 1cc. &rIRIImltIg at $3.Th each ,
18c Organ1Le now ICC.
25c IJatItt nOW lrc , . NotionsPiJUC ( lriiiiining
12 Ilitek flow 7'C. 1)1'flhl.
) ( .
HosieryI4nd ie' 1)lflClC ) cott 011 ( lte the proper thing for t rimming nil
VaHII mater1s. sIe ( InhIy
I ioie. titI1t3. ) % flOW 80 tiOIliI-We nrc 1ios-
lug t fllCi nortnient lii bath pinli
In out sles wIth oublo toe , solt ! anil
:111(1 ( fLuey itL Ic , 2c , 8c , Ic anti Cc
huW 25c paIr. yard.
I.tiIeM ( tan cotiflhl linac with rIiled ) )
tnpg-fnt coinIR-2c irnir '
Ladles' \\T111 \
C lii I ii rii s II ii I ? riI ) icd tan iioe s I ( Ii
,1lli)113 , ) knee , toe , sole ziiid liei-25c Ncckwear - PRJUC
pair. '
ItlfnntA him rlblwd idiick cation linsv _ ; Puff
with colored LIk licel nitd toe-20r , . .t , . . i tie-5 ci.iil.s a 11(1 (
I > alr.
C(1 ( I 114.
Oomcstics-B1wL(11c(1 ( HlIel ( i" ' . , .
It. i'tift tIes In plain 1)ItI { or lduo-25c
42.lncii at gc. lOc , 12 ½ e pr yard. each
IC-Inch at ) ' ,4c , I Ic , I IC per yard. Black 8atLn and cardinal IIk Putt tlts-
CO-Inch nt be , 12'c , ICc per yard. eLCi1.
: \Vhite IIIUO ) ascot ties-2c ench.
6-I at lic , ICc , IIP/4c yer yard.
S. I at ICc , lSc , 20e per yard. UiiilcrwcarI4ill ( iC4' Si I k VCSt14.
9.4 at 1C'4e , 20c. 22'c ' er yard.
10. 1 at 18c , 22c , 2Cc per yard. I.oV I1CIC anil HleoveIcs.c-whlte , pink
niul iinck-J111t ) the thing ( or warni
fleatly inadu sheet , 81x90 or 2x2 ½ veatiier-Oc earl' .
; yarIH-gnuranteed , toni , at COc and COc .
I.alie white cattail ribbed yeats. V
Per shunt. IIeck-sieeVCicS--i1flpOd at wat.'t.
: Pillow ( asei3 lx.'l ( Inches or I % xl yard InIC-2CC ) , t.
at 12'4c aiitl 15e each. Cliliiirens cotton rlhIad vests-tow neck
Iteady annie iIllltWH Ot $1.00 , $2.2. $2.7 , -Rhort siccve-iI1Iled-whlte ) and
: hoe nail $3.50 PCt pair. ccru-15c each.
niannr In vhilrii it destroyed I h hle
% v h en tin' I in itieti In t e eouiiiianl , tel I t a Ii is
I a t. 'I'li ( coin iii ad a rs frir nil Ii ri v ' I nag
lircil leteil t ii i t I r lii scn r'd an oiipo rt Un t y
lie Vou I ii ( ( er good necoun t o t ii i. tig ii I i
ahi I I t y of til" A ititrlcu a navy a ad t liy ale
glad t ha oiiiiii ri 'iii ' I ty % vns ii ii U I I y rettrhud.
I t Is ierIifliS the gren teit il'hi ICIIIICII t. III
a long hue. With S'1IICII ( nhiiiuiJore SiiIay's
11 11111 t' ha bee ii assoel a ted I t ii itIl(1 , III -
c1 iiti I ng (11(1 ( re I I ef C ) t I Ii ( , Giecly A ret I C CXIC ) -
( I I t.l oil full t ii a coin III and of thu I ha I ti morn
atItI lflhl'h4 ( ) Us a ItSU I t of a mnoli flttack
oil time A mime rican Id ti a J tcke Is.
c : , n . hn ft er , I n m 'I ' I si te Ii lace Lvc iI last
Ii I gli t. Co ii ft rimmed t he report I litti. General
I'a mb v I thi aboim t , OOO SR ) 0 I 1 rils lmuI : a r-
lived Iii time city miami VerO ahienily ills-
I ml teil mimno ii g time ( ott I flea tlomi , thi Is re-
Inforcemnent mimakes tlu SlamIlIi forces dim-
fe ii d I ii g thin c I ty from I .OO' ' ) I o I S.090. Tile
very great ailvamitmige of being emitrimmithicil
mithils hInt ccl a I I v to timel r sUe ml gth nail. I a Limo
'iiii ' Ii lOll ( I t III II I I ary omen , mnti kes Lii oh i cure-
Live ii iIit I ii g force fro am a Lii I iii to a Imal f
greater Luau our own.
% % 'iiilIiii .tlTt'.s Iv ! SiiIIIuN. !
Goncral Shatter In hum dispatches statc3
that the exce4sIvu heat nmmd rains of the
last tvo days have lmlecl am mmmcli as the
Simnish hillet to the lnhtccttvclmes of our
army. thmilcr thumn circummnstamlees IL i his
OhilfllOil that. it voiilii be umivise to attetmiit
to carry the city by assiuilt. : Thuis view Is
sharcil by the olTiclals here nail also. It ii
umnilerstood , by Adnuiral Sanupson , Iii coin-
iuitu.l ; ( il the Iltet.
Orders welo givoim lookIng to tIi' un-
mediate iIiimatCIi of troop shIps from Tampa
with relmuforci'imicmmt for Shatter , anil othcr
nOW of ? Santiago will he brotight litre at time
4arlle3t 1)05511)10 moment to aid In the tranz.
Iortatlahl ) of reinforcements. It is probable
that at least IC,000 will he sent forward as
rapidly as transuortation , can 1)0 provided.
Thus augmnemitcil , there seems to be no iloubt
that time force.i umimlor General Sliaftuir wIll
ho able to storimu and tahe the city without
-1 delay.
The arrIval at Santiago of ( lineral Piiiiio
with reInforcements fir Llnares occasioned
50111(1 romimimiejit on tilt course of ( irneral
( l arcia ii nil Ii is Culmami I 1001)5 I a ii o t holdIng
l'anilo back. In ulew ot the fact that General
Lawtons hrlgitlc ; was co-operating wIth
Garcia , bit It Is hellevcul the latter left
. Lawton In an cmniarritsseui , liosi tion. , t the
minnie llama the dIsposition of authorIties \'ns
nmalnly to fleet sItuatIon nosY Ires'nteii
rather than to quest loim how It caine ahoot.
In mcetiimg this time timost efl'ectIv steps
towamils getting relnforceniciit to ( enermtl
Shatter were Iii progress. 'limier reglnients
of General Garretsons brIgade go from
Caimi p A I gt i. on e of t Ii tin-t ii e E I g ii Lb Ohio ,
mmntier Colonel CurtIs ' . I -proceedIng
to Nruv York , whmeti' it uu'lll embau'k Imnmt'- I
diately on tIm St. Paul. The othrr regl-
meats of this brigade-time Sixth IllInois anti
the Sixth Masacmuetts-go ) to ( liarlitton ,
S. C. , viiore tlu'y take the crnitr3 I Iiru'miril :
a a ii Va Ic. \ t the sa nue Li imnr t Ii ii lirigad is
of Grimeruul irnest nod ( rimeral I laymies , now
at Oh lika inn U ga , I I I itiove ui I Lb a I I lasI hi e
illspatch to Charleston. SuvammnLill. Mobile
a ii i i ohm er coast 1)1)1 ii is. t hem I 1) to ke t he
transports ( or SantIimo. ; Iii littall the coin-
mila a is immnk I tig up I Ii Is I in liorta mm t bcal y 01 rim-
I ii ( orcemncim Is a rim as fid I ows
' ' ' , St'ICI' t'II Iii ( ( ) .
General Ermiumitmu lirlgailiy , FIrst brlgailim.
First ihiviston , IIrst arlimy corps : Third \'ls-
cousin. ( mloneI ttarLin 'I' . Monre ; lIftli 1111-
lids , Coloiiel J. S. Culver ; First 1Ccntucky.
Colonel John Ii. ( ast1eniaa.
( ueneral I Intact' brigatin. rlmlrti division of
thu IIrst army Corps' "liitli I'ennsylvimnla ,
( 'oimiiivl ( 'harles ii. Iouglierty ) ; St'conil MIs
sotii'I , Colonel V'Illlnmn IC. CaiTery ; FIrst
Now I Ia nhlathl I C , Culoiit'i Ilobert I I . Itol Ce.
Col and ( I a ri 01 Loml't bm'Ign ii t' : l I glut hi 01 * In ,
Colonel CurtIs \'arti ; SIxth IllinoIs. Colont'i
I ) . J. Fttter ; Sixth _ 1IssIstIppI. Colonel
Chairs F. Voo1wziril.
'l'iio Navy dLpartimltiit fli ) flhlditlfllll
; 1oodi
ro iiiitrh iii I ilk . alan )
reatty , t'flirieiit. s i t i sf a r j
tory ; Irr cut mm enlil or ( ever , tI
etiru ill ituer ill. . i.iti { li.iit
i'Iie , Jeitli' , coii.tij'atlti. t'Ir l'rittu ; , r
Tiit' . .tiiy l'iIIs in tii.o iiti 11km ! . , .mr.iitr'
, . , -
, The Omaha Bee
1ap 01 Cull COUpOn
, Present this Coupon with 9
A Map ot'Cuba.
A Map ot'tho West Indlos.
' And a Mapofthe World ,
2 8 Mail 1 cents.
, . . . - .
tiutalls of Iii annulmllatlomi of time Spniuishi
Ileit. miiiI It iii said tbat thit' dIspaLrlmr
front 4m in i ci ) ii anilVat emi gI vi mig tlui' es -
seiit ial facts usere llkrI' to be followed by
lie more minute ilitalls except through tIme
imiat I . A dni I m a I So iii psomi 'a s not present
vlicii I he cmi go gt'nie at bega a a a ii Conumilo -
doit'Vatson 's (1 Ispatcim of last mm I gut I nut -
cateil that he hail reacheil SantIago after
the hg Ii t , I ii t Im ubseimce of ho I Ii Sn imipsoim
ml liii \il toii t Ii C ii I rect loll of t ii t' figh t 'you Iii
Ii a vim fimi I mi to Comnmnodo i.e 5dm I iv , aii1 be-
lag In tIu heat o ( the imigagemnent on the
IIagsIuIl ) fli ookiymm , it seems probalili' that he
gave time milgimals by uiiIcli the Amnerleami
li I Iii ; lii CO CtI S cred a mmd selecteil tim dr va riomus
iohmmts of attack. Time ( leIartnicnt olilclals
( eel tI ! ( ' smmmmmc seimtlmnemuts of gratltuile for
a I I the clii ci rs part I CI Ii LI mig I ii t he great
battle , as It is felt that each of themmi ccii-
Lrlhmi I ci I to tIji' utmmmoat accord I ii g I o the cii'-
cmlimmstuimcei of Imi IosltlOmm. )
Smililimigi , 14 SIitr of
A message rceelveil from General Shafter
Immilicates that. the sItuatIon of Samitlago Is
terrible. They mIre iit only Paiilc-stmiclcen
over time fear of boinbar'lmmmemit , hut they
are sullying ( roam the l.uck of actual umeces-
sIties ofjlfe.
Iii oime of hIs cable messages Gemmeami
Shatter says : "Time town ( SantIago ) Is In
a tetilbIe condition as to footi. 'lime ieopk
are starving. Rice Is Iractleally the ommly
staple article of food they have. "
F'urtmer ? along In the scum dIspatch Geim-
cral Shafter says tiiit tim growIng food
crops iii the vIcInIty of time cIty hare already -
ready been utIlized by tlii , reslmituntum of time
city , and that the emily growing article of
fool left. is a few maligot.
SpeakIng of the troops timuder hIs corn-
imuatid , General Simafter says ' 'Time mcmi are
I mm good simI rI ts a mmml reman rka hi ) ' well. '
Iii time cotmrse of anothem' illspatcit General
Shafter , referrIng to time condItion of those
lmiJumreih says : "All the wonimileil are tlolmmg
slmigimlarly well , only one death havIng oc-
ciirreml since time bat tie. "
A private telegram from General Sumimimer ,
formimerly colonel of the SIxth cavalry , sta-
tloncti at Fort Meyer , mmear this city.
says : " Fort Meyer otticers sate and
veil. ' '
Time glad tldlimgs received frcmmn both Gen-
cml Sliaftcr anti General Sumner , conc ernlmig
the comuilitlon of time troops. and particularly
the wotmmmiled , wIll be receIved wIth Joy In
all tomils of time coumlitry.
General Simafter , In his statement of tlmi'
sltuatlomi In Santiago , is borime omit by time
condition of the mmmcii eaptmmrctl by time nmer-
can fleet from the vi'stls of Cerveru's
squad roil. 'flmey ha ii been ott hal C meat Iomm
so long that. soimic weme nerIy ( .mnmlsiieil ,
and If they hail not iefln biught that tap-
tiiro ii ) tile Jmumerlcniis : macaut death , they
u % nimbI have wchconmeil it , hecCuC it lasum ed
them good food mau1 plenty of it.
it. Is learned oumtiuorltaUvciy that tremeim-
domis Iresslmie is being brought to hear Upomi
the Spaimlsii commoamider of SantImgo , by the
foreIgn cmii3tiiml , resubmit Iii the city to Immdimce
hiiiii , lit tlmit Intemet of htumn.immitj , to sur-
reiiuler to the Inevitable , Th consuls have
coinmnmmmmipateil uvltli timeir hone governmnommts ,
aimti . it Is hid irycti hero hmat repremmemitatloims
.lll be imiade by them to Sflhll ! to iimilmmce It
to Iwrmnlt t he city to stmrreimtlt'r , thereby lire-
vcntlmmg fmirthtmr lees of life antI lroperty.
\'tmat the resmil L of these negittiatlomimu mmiay
be eutitimot ha foictoith. Time opInion is that
the Spaimlanha Ill fIglmt to time last , alid
capItulate nimly u lien they are forced to tie
so. voi' that. iaon any delay of olfeimslve
actloit agaInst tlmo city is hot regarded Iii
array elreieswlmii favor.
St'OIt IS .i l'l'ii' ' ) , ltlI.
. % MINIilIIl 4vi'i i'li , i 3t'Ikit'Juli 31i11.'s
It ii U I lug , ti , I lit' I'il ii t.
\Shi lxr.TON. July 1"- " 'orrs of .ippll-
catlons for time ilisehmarge of iillstet.I mmmen
in the arimmy hiavo liimii reitlvt'd at time \'ar
tic p.m rt ale im t . They etmimme frotmi fa t liert mm im 1
immothiers ( toni wives and ( ricimils , all of
ujmommu are brummglng curry l'osllh' ciemnetit
of louimmeitco to beat to have tlmt'ir requests
granted. Seimatora amid rclirtsentatl 's have
ii igemi time tell tiest t UhiOli the ti epa rtmmen : t.
nflil time war olflclals bmavo cxlutmntietl a lot
of time imimil Imatiemice in liuveBtigating time
cases hirotiglit to timeir attention In order
that a clear miimilerstaimilhimg tony be had hmy
time iilmldie comurerolug the nuatter of thIs-
chm.irges ( rein time army.
Assistmttmt Secretary of'ar Mehitiejolmu to-
tiny iemmtlerii a mleciiomi , VhiIChl % iii ho the
guide In time fututu for actloim by the ilu.
ltitrtimnnt oh apmhIcatlommt ( or thlscimarge ( rein
tiit Bervire.
Thu secretary desires it to ho uintierstood
dlstlimctiy that mill such apphlcotlons immust lie
niatlo to tIme \mr tlepartnmetmt thimotmghi time
rcuhar mnllltmiry chmaimnel. Satisfactory cvi-
dence that uin t'imilsieii oman is uiude eiglmtecn
years of ago wIll cimthho ( hIm to be ills.
eliurgeti tiiion applicatIon. but itilisted men
betvn the ages of IS and 45 wIll ho re-
qiiired to Irtsent perfectly sstlsfaetory rca-
Sons for the discharges for which Lhmimy may
hilt litli 1i I its 'tI , ri ( U ; ' mit ii t Iitg.i ,
ICINCISTON. Juinmite , July C.-The lint-
lshm war bhillis l'ailuis amitlilrrt have left
here for SantIago tie Cuba In order to lmiIng
away Ilritlsh subjects 11110 are desirous of
leaving that city.
Gallant Officer is Leading Hi Rough Riders
When Killed ,
( iiiiriiilt' . , ( tii li'r Vp a Ft' of ii IM
Ii't'.ii it ii I Ihrl' ( ' M II II ii It , ru LI nh
'rlieiit Ii , II Is .liitru , , mM
VliIiuu Iii lklnlioiiii ) , ,
( Ciipynigiit , hStS , byssoclatn'l Pn.'ss. )
P01(1' t'iTON1O. JimiaIca , Juime 9.-
( Corrcsimondeimee of time , ssociateil Pnees. )
A small parcel , containing a soitlier's cain-
palgim hat , a lmlr of captaIn's epaulets and a
IOCkethOOk , went out fromuu hero In the
l'imlteil Simutes mall today. It was one of time
fIrst sail imlenmtmnto of the bttleiteIiI ticar
So cIlia.
rho package was nmlilrcspil to Mrs. A. IC.
Caimnon , Fort Sill. Okihonma Unlteil States
Aiiit'nica , anti when It reaches the lIttle gar-
rlsomi home on tiio pifilims it tortiiigmt ) hence
It % lli tell to a broken hearted woimman the
Ci tmel story of mu soldier's death.
Time artlche were these worn by brave
( 'alit8lim iiyim IC. Calmromm , who romnmnaimilii
rrooi , i4 of time ilouigh itlilers , In their lie-
role mmsaiilt Oil the Spammish ouitpout. Nim
nmesmiage acconipanleil time lijrcel ,
The oiieiI grey hat and time blood stalmmed
epaulets will tell the story of death , anti
the iages of I ¼ immerlcaiu lmlstory will tell
( if her soul I er ii tishia mitt's lmcrnlsmn.
Time articles in time parcel vere takrmm froitu
th hiody after his death amuil eciut here to
l'iilIeml States Comisul Smmydt'r by mie of time
dispatch boat3. 'hemi they reaclmeii time con-
suml they were wrapped lii suicim frmmgmmmvimts of
iiaier amid cloth as could be Picked up ahomit
the field hospital.'Ith time care aimd tender-
miess of a brother Mr. Simyiher limit timemim In a
secure iiacket anti sent themmi forward tinder
tIme seal of the Arnenieamm eoim.iUi.
Ciupt.uiii Capron died as lie lIved , a fearless ,
noble , Amncrlcamm soldier. lIven whoa mu
Spaimlslt bulict had hiiorceil his boily. arid
time death pallor was creepIiig over lilt tea-
tunes , he smiled at hIs comrades abaut tutu ,
teillmmg thonm to leave lmlnm where lie lay anti
go emi wlthm time lighting.
Ilii , ' : Iitii y IlititIMli 1pM.
Nomme but those who passe ! through it
% .lll ever kimouv thin hmnrdsimlps , time pain anti
the final fury aimmi tritmimmpIm of that mnorim-
lug. . the couimtry was imew to the Anmer-
knits. But mu few hours before they hail
lift the quiet of the great transpmrts imuir-
rlethly , hmmmil beemu crowdcd limto time somali
hottt ; 00(1 inimmieti thmrotmgh time tomumuuing surf.
Omit' mmlgimt's sleep nim time heated heaclm cmiii
\v I t ii d nybreak coma e t Ime o i'd cc to iminrch
into time immomintaImm ammil drive back I lie
SIRI U I shu eu tposts vim kit time Cuba us Ii mmii cc-
Ported iii time thIckets a few riiilc back.
l'hmem'o vas iii ) ( heimly. ito qimestlomuing , un
fmuittring. Every ummamiVas i'enily. it vas
PC V I I ci Li S ummarcimi mu g up tim e mu on mm La i mu . They
imaii only a traIl to fohiou % ' , nail tlmmut led
over rocks that brmmIcti timeir feet nmmti legs ,
cmiii through timleicets which left 1)100(1 staimms
amid su ohiemm ulcers omm their fAces amid imantis ,
'i'hmt so mm ltommm'cd do uun ii pen them. Can-
tcemus were soomu tiraitmeti , timitl hiamkcts were
cast imil. Lips iiam'chmeml with thirst asked
cheerfully for Just ammo swnliouv from a
comnrad&'mi cmumutcemi.Vltlm each atoll for-
uarI , the heat grev Intense. ii along the
trail there were cool , shadowy spots where
the great puihmums grew thIckest , limit tIme macmm
( liii mint stop there. On they \veimt throuch
time bumrmmiumg heat ,
Now anti mmgaiim a sttmriiy fellow staggercl
fom' a mmmomnemmt cmiii sank down umndei' time icr-
rible exposure. } lurrieihiy lie was carricil
to a simaticil iilace amid heft to recover while
time column was mmmovcii onward.
Thmcri hIke a suiidcn ( lash of raimm ( roam
a tropical sky came the shower of Slanlsh
bullets. Flashes like the glow of fireihles
at night was all our men commiti see. To time
rigimt anti left , mind in front of them , Maims-
era cracked , anti time thicket. was aglow
with death Ilashmes. it was themm timat Cap-
tahmm Capron , wIth his brave little bami
Cmiii 'l'roop L , dnhetl forth into time hitilmig
places of the Spammiartis.
I'u , I I t' it'd % ' Ii t. ii ( ju it ru ii F't' I I.
It was arm awful hour. Burning with thirst
neil summu heat , pmtesing Oii through a swarm
of imleehmig iiiihietii , bruised by rocks and
toni by cactus thorns , they fought lIk
mailmen. Oniy ommce was timere time slightest
sign of vaverImmg or evemi hesltatiomm. That
was time iiiommmemmt CaptaIn Capron sank to time
groumuti mortally wommmmtleti.
\Vitim a revolver in his right hmammil , firing
antI loadiuig , he hni ( beeim pressimig In nil-
VitiiCC of his mmmcmi , taikhumg to themmi comm.
at ml mm tiy anti tu rgI 1mg t ii cmii to iii o vim ra tdil I
Timere hail beeim a brIef lull iii time firing
In tue thicket. Cmmptahmm Caproum was cmilhlmmg
( I ) lilt iiieii to piusim forwunti.
lie was stntmdiuug erect anti was in the act
of ievimulng iuI revolver to lire Whi'mm fl fierce
voihey crmmslmed frommu time hushes cmiii his
Ii Istol ii r oppeti ( mum im is hum ii . I I e ii riimheil )
to time ground with his left baud lirssetl to
imlt Itie , but unithi his mIghi poInting to time
spot whiere liii' SpanIsh rhilts us't'm'c liashmimmg.
Scveriul coimmratles knelt over hihmmm , but tic
Sn Id : ioum' t iii I mmii iii im , boys ; go eu to I ime
t hi Icket. "
Strlckt'mm wIth tleathm the brave muon. imcarti
ii is I I LI i t' hand no elm i ii g on coil hut so v tIme
eulcium y ret rectum g tiovmm I he ii iii.
\\'hmeuu time tIght uwnit nuer Captaimm Cmmpmoiu
was carrIed teuuilerly by huls comnrailes to
I lie I I t I he hmosp I Lid by t imim semmimhuore , 1 tim t lie-
tome time timm wcumt ihimvn thin cairn of a sol-
tIler's tienthu uuius on hula features , 'mVlth hmis
tieaii coimmnmmthes lie iii burlcil on time battle-
fielmi ,
TIme little varcei wiilchi left here today
uIhi immtieetl cam'ry it smith tmmesstige to time
eoidlcr's withow. It lit alt thmimt is left to
hit'r of her tirail Imeno. hitit the lIttle grave
here aim t ho Cii ha mm ii I I is I ii mint sumeretl to
her alouue. It lii Imahloweti groitnth to all who
love the worti "Aimmenica. "
I'uiItt'.I 4tultt'M ( 'tiliMill iii I'tui .titituiii )
lt'mmutrIiM &iiIiI It'rM' tutu i4uIIiis'
iuuhl ut Ills ( ) wui IIiutiis. ' .
( ( 'omynighmt , i'u'JS ' , l Aiimtcmt'iti ted l'ress , )
iOitT ANTONIO , Jmmnmaica. Jummtm 'J.-
( Corrtspommdeiuco of Liii. , Atsociated Press. I. -
rhme Auoerlt'uuui ooldtcrs in Cuba are huaviimg
ireat dhlliculty lii etLImmg tlmeln letters
brought to time Uniteti States. Almost tinIly
thous.iimtls of ietters arc broughut In lmt'rc by
time governniermt illeitatchm boats , but for time
gemicroelt ) ' tiimit liatriotismul of Uiuitetl States
Commaul Sutytler at thIs port few of them
mvtutmltl cL tlmrouglm.
TiuJ hivttish iottai ii.uvs rcqmmtrtt that all
letters sent out Ii ma hero iuuust miot only va
trnugh l'ort Auuiomilo poltoilieC , hut uimUst
have tue JamaicaEiigiishm stailips , v.imlciu
cost i cdliii. Most of tIme letters coummiiig in
here hin the tJiiltcti States staiulp , butt that
goes ( or imothmlumg. Nor wIll time authoritIes
luere allow city ShIll to tkc the letters to
atm .tfmeilcmmmm port tmiulcss they bear the Ja-
uuaica-Fiighlslu staiuip.
'l'hmo result of IL cli Is that time large bags
amid lituimuhlemi of soldIers' ictters mire takeim
to Coumsul Snyder niuti ( rein his own loelCt't
he htUY the immnmaica hiostatm mmcml cimtls theta
elm to Iiaitlumiore , l'hhIadeuiitia. New York or
Ilostomu via 0111.1 of time lloMomt Fruit coin-
parmy'ut stcaintmrs.
Since the troois lammileil In Cuba hmtmstage on
soldiers' letters lois cost Mr. Simytler imiore
timaum his salary. Timi' isial authorities itt :
\Vashmtiugton iizuvo btt'mm oiipeaieil to aiiiI It
Is expecteti some cidjustament of time nmatter
wIll be mmmdc.
It is interesting to hook tlmrough a large
b.mbe of the oimlhvi' letters as they voice
( rota time fle time Cuubmmn camps. At
lenitt tuo-t1mttr1ot , th missIves cite tti-
dreiwefi to "t4lif or 'Mr. Perhaps time
greater ntimbJr ! tV'Mps : ' for mituiler thIs tIthe
roman both thijtThtothmers nimil wives. Maumy of
tilt , letters iq.1r mo Btnimmp , butt are Sitmihily
inarketi "Solher'A Letter" or "Ship's
tar. ' ' , .
In limo tYnttiiftates' letters so mnflrkc4l.
Corning froai mIlitary ramp or from a war
ship. would bcm carricti to their destInation.
thOm receIver leng requIred to pay time post-
age. Hilt thI L' not tIme ease iii JamaIca.
The laws huerawhll not cvemm vermnlt an Atner-
ican bent to take letters to btmlk to an nier-
lean hmort uimle t1im ttmifnrnaica postage has
beiu paiti. mm '
Many of t1m l&trcs are atldresscit with
lend Pouch , aumi imow anti then omme finds a
little coril tacked umu thimit tells sommmethmluig of
uhmnt the cotiteti Is of time letter flutist lie.
Freqimerilly the cnrils "To My llohoretl'Ife"
or "To My lt'nr Mother" turn seen on tile
cuieiope. i'enimimps there Inn ) ' be a syinptommu
of just mu tinge of homesIckness Iii thuI , lull
thorn tl'miui all It shows the cloiiimmes of time
Amenicami snhihitmr tim tIme Ainericaim hioumimi.
- Occasionally oim liii imtireiope Is sonmetiihimg
of thm artistic. Oii cimveioptt atldresseii to
"Iear Old Mother itt Arlzouma" hinul a beau-
tifuihy ulrawii mninlnture of the lmuimditig of
tIme troops. Aimotiut'r hail ( irawum iii one con-
11cr a Imoimell sketch of a cOttage lii Massa-
clmusettg to slmIclu time letter was to go.
A NO'l'Il lIlt 1,1ST OI"t. st.t ; I'l'l lS.
ltIlII'M Of l'utr $ of liii iIhIiI itiuil
'utiuuuIt'uI iii Suiutluugu , , .
iiiPOltli : SATl : : AGO , Juily I.-Vla ( l'ort
A ii toimli ) , Jim limit lea , July 1. ) - ( Per the A sso-
clateil l'rere 'lispatcli ) float CynthIa hi.- )
TIme followhmmg Is a stmlmstltmmte ilst of time
killed enil uvomuuttleul oiflcors ( ratio oillclal
sources , so far as obtalumeth :
hC1LL1h ) .
JULFS G. OIL ! ) , first lieutenant , Sixth In-
\V , ii. SMITh , first Ileutemmamut , Tcmmtlu cay-
\\iIil. M SATE1t , second liomitemmamit ,
Timlrtc-cmmth Infantry.
JOhN ILUII LTON , licutemmarit colommel ,
Ninth cavalry.
ALt3FitT (1. FOILSE , major , FIrst cavalry.
E. N , IIILUNCICY , sccommii liemiteumant , Sixth
iii ( a ii try.
A , \\1ATiI1ltILL , captahmm , SIxth lxi-
UiNSlS M. MIC1IIE , secomumi lieutenant ,
Scveimteeumthm iimfaumtry ,
V. N. IICICINSON , first lleutemmaumt , Niume-
tcentlt immfantry.
Johum ltihierton , second ihemitenatit , SIxth
lmmE'antr ) ' ,
i. H. Occurs , Stucoimil iletitemiamit.
Ii , E. iC. Ltmzuimm , ileutemmant colonel , Tuvemm-
ty-ourthu Infantry ,
Jaimies Torrance , caimt.ahmm , Timirteemith iii-
fimmi try.
hleaiy Carrel , ileutummammi coiommei , SIxth
cavalry ,
C. \Vooilliury , captumhmu , Sixteemmthi lmmfamm-
ti'y. . ,
\V. El. Scott , ilr.ut Ilemiteimant , Thmirteomithm
Thcolom'e J. ' &nL , mimajor , Tenth cavalry.
'i'lmnnmas A. Itoberts , secammth hieuteiumimt ,
Sixtemmth cavalry. .
C' . ii.'niter , captain , Sixth hmmf.mmmtry.
Clamemuce I ) . l'mrrtiy , Secommil ilcmmtemmant ,
Sixth Infantry. i
A. L. Miiis , first hletmtemmammt , First ccv-
\v. S. V. It. F. McCoy , seconti iietmtcmmamut ,
Tenth cavalry. .
\V , I I. SImmmoum , : secommd hieuteumamm t , SIxth
John i-i. l'attcm'.omm. I Icmitt'imtiimt cohommc'l ,
1'vcimty-tecotmii Intamitry.
John it. Brodmmman , eaptalmm Twemitietim him-
fammtry. ' -
, Jamea E , Brett ; I captahum , Twemmtyfommrth
\V. S.Vootl , adjutant , NImmtJ.m cavalry.
J. It. Seymnourmm , first iieuteuiammt. Eighth
I , . A. Ellis , macicr , FIfteenth Infammtry.
w' . S. North , IleUtemmaumt colommel , Fifteemmthm
It. ' . EsknItlge , major , Tenth immfammtry.
li. Dammforth , nctiumg asaistaimi stmrgeoim ,
U. S. A.
It. S. Furuimaim , second ileutemmammt , SIxth
II. C. Imicai , captain , Tuventy-fomirtli 1mm-
fan try.
I ! . C. Egbcrt , ileutcumant coiommcl , Sltiu
Cimarhcs D. Parkhmumrtt , captaIn , Timlrd ar-
tIller ) ' .
Oscar If. hialgoo(1 ( , secomiti iIeutmmammt , See-
oimtl Massachusetts.
iartici J. Moyumlhman , second lieutenant ,
Secoimth Massachusetts ,
Albert Laws , seconih iheutemmant , Twenty-
fommrtlu imifantry.
J. 13. Jommes , captain , Twenty-second In-
" . . N. Lesslter , captahum , Sixteenth hmmfarm-
It. C. Day , first hletutemuant , cavalry.
M. J. Henry , captahmi , Sccommd cavalry
M. II. flarnanm , first lieutenant antI aiijtu.
taut , Tenth cavalry.
C. II. Millard , sc'comitl ileimtenammt , Temmthm
S. I I. Liimcohum. mmmajor , Tenth infaimtry ,
\v. \'arrinmer , cahitaimi , Secummiti Massa-
chummst'ttt itmfammtry.
it. C. Vaumvhlnt , eapttmhmm. Tenth Immfammtry.
( ' , urh Coojm , first hleutemmammt , Temitli Immfan-
\ \ ' . E. Dove. first litmmttmmant , 'Iuvcifthm cay-
air ) ' .
J. B. Jackenum , captain , Seventh hmmfarmtry.
J. i : . Hostel , hloutt mucumt colommel , Sovezitim
hi. A. Lafferty , eecotmml lieutunnmm I , Seveimthm
infan try.
hlaummhltoum S. Ilawkhrms. htmlgaiiicr general ,
U. S. A.
Cumptimlim Frank Ii , Jones , COiiiIfliiY ) E ,
Twcnmty-seconii Imfaumti'y. :
CaptaIn Thmeomloi'o Mosher , coimipaimy G ,
] 'weiuty-secoutl tafamltry ,
Liemitencmmmt ( horge J. Goilfroy , conmpauiy
A. Tuveimty-secoimil iumfantry.
Lieutrumnumt'lhlIrmu Ii.'assell , cotmihmammy
1) ) , Tuu emmty-setoith , iimfnuitry.
'i'lllNiC % % 'AiI $ IIll'W'I'i'llJIt.t''S ,
I'uu Vt' I ui I 'a , mmu q's S It n it I ii I I ii mu' Nt ,
( Hf liutuuhlut.
\\SihINGTO , July fi-As yet time Slate
tiepartimmetut htn , ruciveti tic conilromathomu of
time statenmeum ( roam Loimiioim that imitoit tIme
arrIval at 3laimIlm of time Aimmcrlcaim troops
several vesstl , Q Germaimy anti other
European ItationS ieft , for other ports.
in oflichal oirqes the rehmort Is regaruled
as authmcimtic. , , is htoiittcd omit that tltc
only possible ; ireioxt thunt foreign immen-of-
war couhti ) : ' W butt forces in 'tlunlha
was time hmrotcctiilt , of lives cmiii property
of theIr countrymen reslillmig timere.
State otflchals say that slth
time arrival n rchiforcermmetmts for Atlrnlral
lewey time dirrigur. that fort'lgtmers in Ma.
imlia would suffer vtus ehiummInateil amud the
larger war shIps left merely because their
presemuco m's fliP loumger imecessary.
. l'lt'uss'uI vIl Ii I Iut NI'I s ,
WAShINGTON. July 5.-lit respoumso to
tiicgrmmtms sent b ) AilJmmtammt ( leumerimi Corbin
to t hit' room tumaimul leg germtrai s ml t Cit ickamimaugzm
cmiii 'maitmhtu , eoccerntiug limit tlestrtuctlon ( if
( 'ervera's , the followIng replies were
receIved :
Cl I1C1CAMAUJA PA fll. July 5.-'u'e mire
all glad to hear time umows of time destructiort
of Cervera's Iiert coil hope time destu uctiorm
of Saumtltmgo u Ill be time next genii itews.
JOhN it. hiItOOhCE ,
Mujor Gemmeral Counmommumuiluig.
CAMP TAMI'A. July & -Aduiaimt Geumeral ,
% \'ashluigton : Teiegrnun No. I received. 010-
rhous imews. Coegratulatlons.
Major Gecerni.
Oraer to Move Are Again Receiveti from
( teuler ( 'utumrM tut ii Stt.'prluu. Ii , fit , ' 1)111-
u't'n" , hutut I lit. ll'ii A re l'u ( lit
liflhluuut SlI .tit )
ih' ! a
CtiiCICAM.t7GA NATIONAl4 i'AILIC , ( ha. ,
July ri.-Timere was nnoiher chimutigu of orthers
icceiveul today ftoimm W'ashmlumgton , reumewlmmg
time order ninth' ye'sterday aimil reelimtted
later In the tiny. General James II. Wilson
auth staff are onilereml to proceeti at once to
( 'huanleston , takltig time First aimul Seeoiiil
Itrlgatles of the First corps , mis reorganIzed
by General hirookim , a follows :
FIrst brigade. General Oswmihtl Ii. Itimcit
COiflifl II nil lug ; I'ltlrtl'Is roimsi it . Colon ci ml.
T. Moore coimmlmunmmtihnug ; Setotmtl 'IscoumsIum ,
Colonel Charles A. fltruie , commiitmanding ;
Sixteo'tthm l'emtutsyhvatiha , Coimimiel'Ilils J.
hittllgs commiummantllmig.
Secoitil iirigade , General Peter S hines
commmummaumtilng ; Third ihilutts , ( 'oloumi'I Freti
lleltmtltt eomiumimammuhlimg ; Fottrthi Ohmic , Colonel
A . Ii. Col t camim mum aim 1 I it g Fourth l'en imsyl -
vamila , ( 'ohimimel U. 11. Case coniiimmuumulhmig.
General \Vllomi left this afternoon at 4
o'clock , acconmhmaiuied by his staff.
The FIrst brigade broke camp this after-
umnoul amid nmarclmed to ltinggoitl , where it will
etimbark early tonmnrrtmw immorntmmg for Cimmirles.
toni. 'Flue Second brigaule wIll heave lit tIme
imiornhmtg by time Sotmthmern frommm itossvllhe.
Notlmitmg glvemi omit as to time nmove.
nimemmt of tummy atithitIommal troops , lmtut then'
su'nit to be amm muIr of expectancy mibomit the
Imeatiquartens of thom regIments that have
becim thmoroumglmiy cqmuilipi'd amid there Is z
getmcruti licllef that there Is to hi' mu forward
mmmovenmetit mit an early thay of time eumthrc FIrst
'I'hte qimarterunniuter's dejiartmnetit is ruish-
hng ( till equipmmment to tine i"Irst corps. A
carload of rliles was received today auth
gIven otut to thme Fouurtccmmtlm Neuv York ,
EIghth Massachmtmsets ( and FIrst Geogln.
Forty-eIght boxes of eqtmlppage ( or time stir-
geouts of thin hmospltumi corps Were imaimuied
omit , hiutting the mht'pantummemmt iii excehieumt
cortul I tI on .
BrIgadIer Gcumcrai floe of New York ar-
rivcii atmil relorte'Il ) at Gemtermml ilrouukc's
hueaulqtmmmrters , lie ivfli4 nssigmmed to the ( ( iiii-
ummnrid of the First brigaile , Secommil divhsioum ,
First corps.
Time Fomtrthm Peimmisylvammia tins recelveil
t hi ree ad ml I tiomm al coma pa mm I cc , ut it I c Ii cc iii e ergo -
go mm I zctl ii liii olhlccrcuh. 'i'ime NI ii I it I 'cmi mu syl -
va ii I a un 3 t'ecei 'eul Dime athul I t loud coin-
Ifll ii , mm iii I is I ' ' '
y u m'l'c'lve tim nec limo rim tti to iii -
plete its mmew hattmmhlomm ,
Time govern mmmcmi t inmyitmast ers req mm I ue mu ho ii
two Inure days tot'
lmyiutg off at Cmmmtp :
Thmoimias , The Fhu't corps inns becim Int'l '
I hmm'oumghunmmt , 'l'iuo mmmmmoummt h'imiil ' this coups
Is cstinmmatcl , mit tihitmut iOOOOo ,
'i'll 0 C lega mm t I y aptoh ii t ed imosli t a I trmi I mm me-
Ccflti ) ' at Tmiummpa wlhh leave tommiom'row vitit
100 sick fnommm time FIrst ccmmpmu for Fort
Timommmas , IC ) ' . The I ra I mm a cr1 veil I otlay I um
charge of Major itichmands , assistantu. JJmmltcd
StoLes stmrguomt ,
iluiuii'il , , t . , _ , , . lit It , . .
Iuiurl ito I lie I itI In uuis iMsliI
Si , sum loiii Iteahutt-uit.
SAN FflANCISCO , .lniy 5.-A Ctmatthera- :
hml quammilty of lntcoum Stiplulietl to time reg-
than reglnmcmmts at Cmmummp Merritt was today
coimilenmumeil by a slmclmih board of survey
ahmptiintctl by Major Geimerai E. S. Otie. Tim , '
imuent vas Imispecteti at time couuminlsmuary tent
by time hoc nil utmul liii uumcth Intel y a'lJ ' umti ged
ummflt to 1)0 eaten.
'I'Olhtt ) ' it. lamanih of sim rvcyV i be appoi a ttmti
for the Thuirti itrigaule by flrlgmiller : Getmenat
ii. 0. Otis , at the neqtmest of Cohotmei Loller ,
to 1mm q mml rim I ii to amid report oum time q mma I I ty
of tmnifornus Imismmeuh to time FIfty-first Iowa.
Mealcs are sprcntiiimg Iii tile Teuummesst'e
aimii lCamusas ntgiimmeuits , whichm are especially
immunassed by time disease , although mmont' of
time ncginieimts at camp imave escap'ii time
thisease , Simrgeoums say miteashes bremik otut
lii ummost mucus' hevies of troops , rtimm mu niece
or less exteumileii course ammil die out. Today
Lucre are nhout sIxty-sIx liatletuts qumarnu-
tlmmed hi the nmcammhes warih.
Thmis unirnimmg E J.Vood , a private of
Cciii part y G , Seve mm I ii Ca I Ifonmi Ia , d led a t time
Fnemmchm huospi tim I of typltol ii mieU nmomm iii.
Although thur govenmmnmemmt Is still Iii pos
Sessloim of wily hme stimaimuers I't'ru mmii City
of Pmmebla for time next cxpetlltioui titere
umne several other vessehs iii sight arid It is
exluectetl they ihi lie secureui in a few days
anmil time cxpetlltion orgammIeil.
General Amuiiersomm's Issue of a cmiii for
imimrses at ManIla Is a muoumrcc of Imope to thin
cavalry , whmo imave luec'mm thureateneth mmli doug
\ultim thte mmmiscrable I ittio Mamulla hmorses or
dii I mis 0 heIr um t no mimlier of t hurl n o vu , aim i iii a Is.
It is thought mu uvlttuhi' meghummemit of cavalry
vIil be semmt to tue i'imihipmimmcs.
'lIme secommtl cx imeil I LI mmmi sv I I I hirtmiaimiy meachm
: uI,1 ii II a \\'t'tl n esulumy or TIm tunstiay , iiresmm iii I tin ;
tue vessels uvlhl travel at mmmi average speed
of ttit knots , wimicit Is time mtIme 'iI thmi'y u'IiI
be likely to inaitm tumiti , tIme Colon behiug semite-
ulmat slow.
TIme Pimiiatlelphnia , whichm laus beeum hxmiviimg
aim ovenimauthlxig it Marc huthmiud , will be
reaily lit mmhuotmt two seeks. it Is said time
work uiotme omm it Is of time best uiescrlptiomm
mud ii um o tim I mug imas btt.'mi left U mmuimi mu ii I o mitut kim It
CaptaIn I. ii. Ttinmmer left for Mart imilammul
to take charge of thto IroquoIs , fonimmerhy
time tug Ftanless. It Is itluiteil thuat It nnuy
be scimt to Maumlla as a tilslmatcim boat , as It
Is veil aulapteti for that lmmtrpost , .
lIt'unhurs itt' u.uIiulttiut' . , ' ( 'tunis , tisu ,
I'ti rg t' I C. , r S ii ii rip.
it ! m ii u p 1 t' p.s ,
( Colmym'Igimt. 1S91 , by Assotluiteti l'ress. )
hhEFOhti S4N'rhs\Go. July I.-ie'iayeti ( In
Tm a s at I sst t.ii . - ' Ia IC I rmgstomm. Jim inalca ,
Jtily 4. 1 it. in.-Ono ) feattirt , tmf time iighnt
vhuIchi has ii noui seil gre'at I ttd I git attn ii at immoim g
time Aitmeriean tt'oOjis Is thin act of tlte Spanish -
ish in itmmvhimg ttiuanpshooters In tue trees
ainmig the hue of timarcim of time Atimericau
troops. Of course if thin siiarimshmonters itath
tin ii omm aritmeti nucmm they would have tioume
nothmiumg uimou'e than umiiglmt iuutve Imecum cx-
peel eti him t e ii C tihmO ii lslm ion rksmmmn ii Intuit
hthui post flroil en uvoiiumdeil nmemt anti ant rimeut
carrying time woitutleul to time rear. Several
nmeiii liars of t ii mm a i ubuil a nec COrhl3 uuimrn
l no intl t'ui I mu tim Is umma n nit' r mmii t v.0 V.Un ) tl etl
limed uuiio were totiiimg along to time rear
were shot ttrmul killeul. Sommmu of tluete
atarkiurneum uvorn voateth less thimmum half a umille
( mimi t hme A iumc ri rim ii cmi iii ii. Col aim oh i .laconmm hi
of the 'rwt1iity-otmrtit hunfimntry said :
I'dm4 fired upon several tllntu by inca Itt
trees iumtih sIx bullets hew very close to iume.
Later lii time day a comumpaumy of cuvairy
ulas sent along to cheat' them out anti time
, work ut mis effectively untie. Thte iahhauutu'y
of the gu'mmeral oflicers urns ( outsplcuoum3 titir.
hug hue ilghttmumg. Major Geimeutil Vhict'lcr ,
w ho uvas seniottshy IlidiSlIosail the uilgiut ho-
( ore the hattie , wits stutTerIng ( rota arm at-
lack of fever on time nmmornlng of time lIght.
hunt as soon xis bit was auv.unu. ' that time
tjttltvtt States troops wre likely to be vim-
gaged his ontlereti ann imiulnilarico to convey
hilimi to the front ills ungeomu atteumlhttetl
to titsitaudi , iutnm. ijuit time alit general seas
obulurate nod to time frortt lie weilt. 'l'tmtm
iuuumUuhitxi'e oit'e ( Item , time souumtl of flghmtiiug
rL4toted hIs breath amid in a short tIme was
enllltmg for huls imore Stiul perlrnflnhly timed ' 1
11mg hil thlvlslon lii thur attAck eu lime greut
retlnuul I.
( hcuieral IIRSIklil5 , conmmummantltuig the l'Irst
t'nigRdp. Inmthm ilielInnm. uut'ts ' couipieuuouu , fur
thin inistmimer I tu uu ii I cli un exposeul hI lii sri C to
SpittiIlm hiuniht't mud it Is mm inlrtteit' ' lion iii'
e'cshmeul serlouts inijuiry. A Iter tInt' tnkliqt
of the t u1 nub t oum I tie htil I by ii I s enmumtmmn imul.
nutleul Lu ) ' ulrtneh'nmcnts fronmi Geumeral
\Vlmerlrr's ullvimpion , he stonti fur a loitg I limit'
( iii time sutnmmnht of tIme rriloutimt watehmlimg tint'
iirogreuus ut tit , lIght. A heavy itri' for ii
titmie uvas conmenuitrateul on tint' upnt. butt fr'e
Crouum aulrun'mmt fear imo emuu'veyeul tlm tielul of
iittttl su inlli' the bullets ssore wiulzslumg heist
by hmuutmdretls ,
LIttttt'ituint Coioumrh htoosevcht was iii front
of his tt'glflietmt thmroutghmout tIme tiny , ummil hut
boot hmet'l uumus earnietl asumuy tiy a iuleet' of
TInt greetest race mm imd at t emit tort smeni' lit' -
Si ( I vtt1 mm ouu I hit'
uu out intl nI ii ii 'I ' iii I uu
emireti for 1mm a s'cry , iuurt Ihimmi' after rmrim :
hog tlit' imoSimitmil ,
Tiut' hmnshiltfli of I lie
Sccotmtl .1 . I sIsi ott uu'mts esi 01,1 Ishm i'd cmi t hi r firlil
of liattlc , mutt was milso a vim vumlrv ulletsitmim hitt'-
Imlini. TIn' imoiuhtal of time First dtvlsiomi
seas eslabllsimeul a sluturt tllqttittc , west of
(1 t'umu' ra I. Suit ft or's It etiti
uhtuitit ens , uu Ii t'i t' by le
o'cl eck futi I y Chlu ( am eum hmutti re't'Is't'l , une'il itoh
ott runt 10mm , Thtnt' sei'Iotiil v hunt su tie keip I
nec r ( lie It ospl I mu I Ii t. ofllet'rs bel ng hilfl'tl
utuntier tu 0 I a rge liii I tuts . The mnmCiiut'rt'
hulaceul Ii Pu ii I lmt' gromummu I a rout liii t lie' t t'tm t mu
amid nmiaui im tie conmu ftrtmuhl e as luessl hi m' . 'iii t'
amumlaulamirt' toi ps lmroveul st'ry effective mutul
ito iuimuuumdul umiemu mint' mihloweul to rttmmmmiuu aim
I ii 0 lii'Iil after ilark . Thur ii nov IsI o mmiii bitt -
hiltal at Slbouney recelviul mu large nuuummber of
mcii , simn mmii imlghit hong inhtrrl , aloimg tin'
roaul ( cciii tIme' ft omit as hmt'st they couultl.
\Vntiitis (0 it ueyed mmmaut y , liii t olin' rs lint' -
( cii eu us a I k I ii g n tmti tIm nun ghm out tlit' tm I gin t I Iii'
road utas ilihetl with thmt' uvtmtmtmtiel , , uu lie
imto eil showi y ill ii g thin lint ii lead I mug do a mute
to time Seacoast.
1'IIiMI. , ' , , S'nt trim , , . Suuuitluiatp to
miitIui Nui' ItI , ' I ii utu
Iltiiiuit 'i'Iiu'ii ,
(1'imms'nlnrhmt. l7'I. Imy .sCicimitel , l'remuu-t. )
SANTIAGO tE CU13 , , , hmmly l.-Vl.t ( h'ort
Amitoimlo , Jmummm. , July 5.-Per time Ast'ot'Iatnl
l'ress lispatc'Im float Cyimthmla I I. i-A t noami
3csteriiay. actIng tummdcr Iumstrmuctlonm frotmm
\Vashmlagtnmt , Majtir Gemmerai Slimiftem' , the cciii-
immauitier of tine Aummoniemumm troopt , semmt mm let tr
to Ge'mmerah hlnares , 1mm camimmimamnul of him
Spumni Isim forces ti efeim ii I im g Sc mm t I a go. tleuimu : mm 1-
lug time smnrrcimmlcr of tint' cIty. 'I'ii , mmiessnge
was ticilvened by Coioumel ltirmut. ) 'h'lmree
momma elapsed before time flrImmg eomnhi , be.
S t ( mliii pu. ( I t'mm enmu I Li ii a m'cs l'espoim ul'l
Promilimtl ) ' scithi mmmi absolute' reftnsah to sunm-
literal Sitafier at mmmi today rehmeatt'l
Imis demumamuil for time smmm'remmuier of timim t'lty cmiii
mint I fl eui Comm rid Lt iuumres I lxii t mu mm I e it
Smmimtiago mutmrt'eutlereti , iioiutIhitie votmlti hi ,
rc'summmn'ti at umoomi aim Tmiosiiay. tip to t iii
evt-mtlmig General Llnares has not replied to
thin secommul request for time surrender of tIme
Commfememmceu witim tite comnsumls of time
foreign iuowers h'zmvtm hiren cOhiltmcted , mucar
CeumeraiVimet'ler'm imrudqun rtera. rIm ,
coimsuls saltl mrre us crc 11 000 nmmeum , woimmeim
arid chilitiren , foreigmm mutmbjeems Iii time CII ) '
and time ) ' meqilesteth e ce'iutImt ot inottlhhtl"it
mm oi'uler Lii nimble thiemim to hi' renmoveil out-
sld Sammtiagm , atmil to in' iihaep,1 , uuumuher line'
pnomectiomt of tIme ' '
States. 'i'imls urns
deli ii i tel ) ' rcftmmrth ii ) ' t Ii C ill erica mm Ctifl -
mcmi ii em' , uvimo ti eel I umeil t o aecep t ii mmy mummeht
resi , nmmsi hi I I t ' . 'lii .uuis
) C Cull user , t 01 ii I Ii : t
It rettei , us'lthm thsmn to immsist upon' ( irimerm )
i.imtare' sunrrvxmuleriimg.
Thin commfert'mice summs resuimmeil at 9 o'clock
timiu4 imiou'tmiimg , su ht'mm time commsmmlmu mxllre'smueI ,
grave uloumbts as to ( it'mmerai Limiutrums' muimn-
nemuder 0mm iicctiuuitt of thmt' ( cisc telegraumis tim
ri'garti to Simaumhmuhi sIctorltme aund y'hltw fever
amnoumg tIm AnienIcan troops iemmt il.mliy to
ul nil rId , svhm 1dm en uiseui tim e Spammlurds tim I I I ii it
tlnt'y dare mu ot sum unt'umul er alum I re tin rim t o Simmi t mu.
liouvever , time fom'eigum ctimsuis will ilc'mnmammui
tint' sumrrenmile'r of the cIty , hint It Is doulitfumi
wiit'thrr they svIlh prevail.
All tIme inrgttiathomms mire suiimnmlttl , ullreet
\Vasimlngtoii , thus cainshumg soimie tielimy.
Geumerni'heehcr t&'lelthoaes to General Shiat-
ter anti the hatter over tutu immlhitary ilmmc'
( rein hmls tent to time cable statitmmn at Guan-
taiimtmno Bay conmmnmmmuicates thhrect with
A courier of tine Assoeiatel , h'ress at I
o'clock thus mttt'ruiooim mtit'S iii ) concltuslor-mit
imath imimeut renclteth.
( Ieimrral Shiafter tietmies the eximutemict' of a
gencruul ; tnunlsilce tumimler thin white hag , arid It
is beilevt'l , hmtsthhIties su Ill u'econmuuneumce aim
Timetumimmy at 12 o'clock before whmlcin tiumme' tine
exouitts of 31,001) forelgmmers will lie acconu-
Ill I shmeui . Tim e [ in t tshm uvar shm I IS Pal I as a rid
Alert ani , the Atmttniammvitr ship \lmiu'ti :
Tereita hmas't' imnemm mmhhoweti by htemur i\'hmmmlrmmi '
Saiimpsomm to eimter the iuanhrnr of Snuutiago
niuh remove fonelgmm siniujects. Ottt lint imdu
vrsel has alneady cleaned for Klumgstomm ,
' ( lie Spitnhshu munmimoreth crumlser Cnlsttib.11
Colnim , lIsted cii Its beanu eumulmu ( mum time
rocks ammih It. Is minus' lmrnetlemihly inumpottIble
to ease It.
iIii-i i' It.'mupit'i't I'ti' , t u.uu'rh'iiiu 'm'nliur.
1.ONhON ) , .ttil ) ' tL-Thie hit'uihii corremupomiul-
eumt ttf hue Daily .ulimlh says : Time butt I in of
Saumthmmgtt tie Cuba is consluirreel to have
1m1'a veil t lie ittipe r itui'l ty of A iii enim'a mm mu rut or
Ph mti I mig iiii 'I ' ii nt I I I e'r. anti I t I mu beh leveth Iii
time future Etiropecim umationis ' .vtil gIve liii ger
onicm's , to Amtmnrlcamm tankers for anummor , guns
iiiitl thin hike.
Restored to Health by Lydia E.
Pliikham's Vogot.ablo Compound.
' Caun hIt , itly ( itCh % 'ork. "
Mrs. l''iiiicuc i.tNuuiv : ,
W'esiiunsteth , Conmn. , ss'n'utes :
it Dr..ii i\hlh4 , i'INRII.tM-It is w'ithi
pleasure that \'rite to you of the
liimuii'fiL I have tlc'r'is'd front yotn r
svoitthtmrful't'getahlc' ( iiuuimotnnuth , I \'ilM
'ery Ill , nun lY'n&uh ss'itli feuutmthe ss'talc'
flCmmS anti thImpIacmtmue'uut of tine svuutth , ,
' , I eounhd tmutilei'pmit might , Ititul tim svailc
the floor , I i.uu fri'u'etl i.o svl thu ham lit iiuy
iule mind surmmthl of amy humichVnis tu'aim-
blot ! v1 t hu 1 l on t I ii g. ut at I it t. thins svomm I t I
fniluit isva : , ; 110(1 ( ii t'rn"ibhtj lit muty
hmcxit't , me imati mate In unmy muon tIm ntlI thte
tiruitu cud svouiltl s'onimlt ; lint naouv , tltiiuics ;
to I'd u'u. I'iuilelmtintu crud met' Vegtitnlmiu
t'oumupouuutl , I ft'cl ss'tml 1 anutl sleep ss'eIl ,
cdii tb nay svork s'ititottt. fcehinmg tireti ;
( It ) tint bloat oz' Iiuvc any trouble
"I ; Itiec't'eiy titnmnic you for the gooti
ath'tt'u , 'ott gave norm nmnmd for ss'bmtt your
metilelmue hits doumu tam' mc' . "
U ( fm. tmntit l'rmn , , i , 4 t ittutitgla. "
MI.s' ( h1'ltrII iu.'giy ,
1"'ttihtllii , Nob. , writent ;
It J sufTerc'ul fun' home tlnintn ss'Ithi paIn'
ttml anti ! lt'reguulnn' mimcmmmtrimmitIoii , ( milling
of the w'oinub anti jmnin In tine hitch. I
tn'iimtI hiiymmillniIs , but fomntu4 ito relief ,
0 j % % 'it $ itt mat persmtmtthetl to try hihimi
l. I'Inilehimmuit'i'tmgtmtntblo Coimmpoiunnth ,
anti caumrnot It emmotigh for svhat
It. Inuts dount far nie. I ( eel lure ii. hew
person , anti womtlnh iuot part with yomur
mt'dic'tuo , I have recour.mended It. to
several of my fx'LeuU. "
: .tuiti lilt ulit I till I lIlt ii ill I Ill 111111 II ili1tIl ll'tiSj
JIre You ( oiug st ?
; If ' , , , . ( , S , . . , , , , , , ? , , , trip , , t.n'i4i . h
, . , . , , , , . .
0' ttthitI ! .n fl t * S , ildtu.
- .1 i , . , . . . , , h t. . , . , , , i,4 , Si. tihI tI' ' , I.
: t.t.iu. . mu '
: )
: fr-rn lift , , , "w-"s FIl. , ih.upj.
: ' i " S 'f
: USRIVAI.LflIJ sciy
: i'i i' I , , s , . , , ) , , 'ttht , , u.iitt
- it S flt I. , st , m. . rh : . I. th , . ( Ih
! thl.ACh iIAMINtl ) fiXpfl55
: nfTm ' ' I \ . , , ' 'b ; 'uunt.lphtu-.t.
- tu'.u. , , , 'i I. , , , , t' . , , u I
: An ' gl , . , ,
: % iAl.S ! tu Ia CARTI1.
: I nr tlIe'trit..i , I , MCII , , , uhi. , . , , , ,
: t tic , . . * 4 rim .1 lii , . ? . .mi , . , , , ti , . in , I , . ,
- In uct , , , t. ( hg. . p. . Id I' , ' . ' ' t' , . . A.u , 5. ' , , i , S
t I i I I I t I I I I t I t i I I I I I I i I t in I t it u u u p i p u i' u u t u , t t t
DU-1 ; If'
L- - -a
t.ut Mih'tIliVh'M ,
A flt ) V IR : OF U ilIXII INl'
l.piitz & Ililumimium , l'rnps in-ui Mgrs.
\ V.V Cul.h , At. Mmunitgr ,
'l'rlt'his ; , tmt . .2l p
A mmmi u tot It' vt't-.k mmmii mm Pat rum I ic slum lv.
Or UnsurpassGd Array of TaIcnL
h'It t\It tltIIIiI ) , "nuuiui. , . II-- 4
lit , . . , ' ' uuilul hIM lIIlIru t'It.l , t rtluu.I ,
It I 1)1 % ( 11 % htto' ) % , .1 1MSI hithut. uuiml y
lItutt. ' tutu usurlt't utt It.'u-rt multi , . .
, , em vtrul , S
tlIIlll t : tl ) l.FVlI , 'II tlflI"fl
4Ilnit i.hv , , I \ 0 , 'tY. % % lull 1,1) , 1.1111 ll'/l
.v .tiii : ' , t' , ll'uutllh ShiltIS , SIItItI'
. ( b'I t'l" I' , 'Ot . ' " ' . . ' ' ,
: I.I'I"n't .s. 'i't It Itm' ) , ut uuil
t lit' 'I'ltl ) ( ' % IIIhiti ) ( 'II A . , ( . till-
( 'hiuS'I'It t , IIr.t'tlou , Iriutu' , iou , . .
:1t. : t liter- Sit umululvt'd mit'sulmt y a imh , Stt t ti rtiay : , l'u'h's. , , 21e. : i : . 5(1 ( , ' Nesy utttrae- S
tititis ittrhi sv't'k.
. _
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - -
' :
= - T I .tlm atuJ ( ; tpitmtl , t'c ,
F' The I1SOT OF SWftLIOM ) - rt
.A -
UTTET U1r141u
t : ss dA1
( nlml.Iul\ ' ( If O. I
Next \Veek 3hInitii & hie.ttln ,
The Ci'eighton I
0. u ) \VtaIuvtii , , : , , ' , , , ' , ' ) ' , ,
'loll cta. 'l't.iGuu'u' ) , 'titt : ,
'nil Ih % VliI'tV.t ( It I ) 'u'tt'i (0 ( ,
Next Sutmdmmy-
( 'niI.lif1t'llI ) C ttIh.
All flitaus Letuth 'i'o
Pm'altmcl'hhil iunttittmtl Siijv tutu \ 'rstilti. . t
sumly : lOt ) Lhomis. 'h'ig.r'm amid Ei.'tiituit
- - - -
'I'hme i.iviuum I ) hl , 'l'ii , . F. it tax' : of
'l'IIE MhiWAY.
'LIAoN ' !
. .
' '
.1.1. 'J'Ilh S
- - - -
I tIt autti ( tpitl 't5'i.
Captmnrim time L"nss itIng aumd lithe AgaIn
, ) s. li I N ( I I tL"I' , i.t''uec' ii util ant. .unigi-m' , S
to Visit the
Forget . . . ,
UNS [ ThAT [ ;
Tea Gardens Bazar and Joss ' I
House on West Midway,4
611AT WftSiUff OSTRICh [ AR1
August st
Bornardmont I
It : , Mafauzas 4"
lbIc' 'It IlI 1:1 : ; . \\V " . \ iS i.l. i'\V '
r 1LL k1WS. i
htt'uttit/lStt. ii 'S I V I' .l
' ' '
climb STORES S
N. uti uiti-I , ' hi.tli I i-I \htIssmmy.
ii t'Ii I- .
Con. 13Th 'iNi ) JONES ST. . OMAhA. S
II ' , l'lt'm ' st.o ; ; % 'tI ) i.tiit i'in : mm
EIctrIc cur , , lImcct I. nsoii1 mi r suit I ,
, ' . , , , . . . . . .
fIi t NV II . 5ttu it : : . i'mkr
. iii m.i hA cm t tN t 'nt. ' ( '
I It It autil ilauiit'y tt. ;
, 'tumi.t'Iiaui hiamu - 3 to I titihhnirt imet ml ty.
Sheet ttt' $ futjumn iii Pots timid fmoium hiult i iii
IXlosmtioim ; Groumiultu lum lift t't'tu uuilimut t
it. Si LlO W k Y , Mmurim r.
I Jth ituiti ) ; , Stm' , . , I 111101) ) I ,
csl'm'ltAI.t.Y i.ue'A'to ;
- - . Il 1.11 11.t \ A Ii II 4OI'h t \ l'i , 't % , _
J i : , i tuiiImh. , t um't , h'tiuiti ,
Con I & Jtttkstjun 14t , J. t' Grilhiut , i'nop ,
i'ij : i It "tilts A I I rnittthc'u ii I in iir' , imit' , , i ,
lbttt s in. cli itt h'imtui , $ CO ii , $ j tjIj u .t
hum uni t'mm I I 1' I mu it , $ I U ) htr tiii St tel u um , , ' sit.
I ' lInt , it , tttiui ( nina mull t.Icuitt'm 1r ' t
von. juts , : 1' ' titeltu entraiico of'flIG
I ,
_ _