Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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In ( tie navy , with It constant rend rapW
chnngc , Its almost IImILIe posIb1fltks
from day to day , the fates therne1vis scnn
to It alert p1nnIng on one's very doorstep.
Ono unconsciously treads 7lgbtly and viIs. )
pers In hopes of being forgotten , ir only for
a pnsIng hour. Mnny n hasty word dies on
. the Ups because of the a.IiIng memory of it
, cnilto Just passed. the btuntIn fear ot ouc
' faML approaching.
or courj there ha(1 been znlstindei-stan4
Ings bctwecn them before , In the usual rise
and tall In the tide ot nil ) iunutn relations ,
but never before anything like this.
} : iiaign Plieli's ' hail just returned from a
long searing crUIse to flnd a condition of
; things imlitleal ( lint suildenly dwarfs the
. proportions of things feminine. lie his
. r.cnse of humor , never rauilpant , linppenel
to be further attentuated by studying late
I Into the night for his upproaching exatnina-
) tion for vromotion.
Mrs. I'hclps ' hail tried to face It nil , but
thu two lrenry years of separation had left.
her with nerves that shivered at a breath.
I Then , too , she had instantly recognized aliti
U recented that feeling In him that. comes (0
I ! all men at Huch times-thu aense that the
I deep PurPOses and enii of his lifo had
I brushed her tt9lde , that he wnnted both arms
I free for oiicc. Titci brute that. llrlits ; to win
Illogical , overlielmlfig relief , as she citing
tightly to the receiver.
"Yes , ye-I'l1 listen carefully , " she said
next ; and then silence.
" \'hat ? What ? Say it again , very siowl.
I can't understatid. Surely I haven't tinder
gtood ! " her % oIco was sharp , with a iudden
lre&d. g&iIn sllor.ce , anti then tier answer :
"Not today ? At once ? The ship ordered
to I'orto Rico ? Ilavo I got it right ? 0 ,
Guy , have I got it right ? "
Slio llsteiud and a low moati of pain escaped -
caped her.
"hut-but ure1y you'll ' come home for a
minute ? I'll . 'c you again ? "
The answer Bent ft shiver through her
from head to foot , and ho said , fiercely :
"l cannot stand it , ( 'tiY. I cannoti To
have you go at once like this-after this
morning. Could I see you-Just see you ,
Oily-It I went straight to the yard how ? "
And a few seconds later :
'It' too terrible , too cruel. " S11ldonly
1311' . starte(1 violently as a thought flashed
through her head , and site asked raiildly :
"Guy , be honest with me , does this sud-
ilen order mean-does it mean-war ? Is
there any news ? Something I don't know ? "
and after on interval :
"Yes , yes , I'll try. No one knows yet , of
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: and has been trained firteen years for Just
, , ' that , avi1co and on fire within him. Nothing -
ing of this bfl(1 been spoken between them ,
( ' nod yet it was at the root , of their quarrel
I that spring morning , vlien words 'ere said
back and forth that seemed to sweep tip the
love , devotion , PntlencQ of two lives like
- ashes on the hearth where a fire has dIed.
lie strode along the gray , chill streets on
the way to his ship at the navy yard and
she stood still , wide-eyed and vhute , and
for them both the past and future were
wiped out and the present only lived in one
of those flaming agonies of , Iisilluslon of
which One somehow survives sticli a surpris-
log number In the course of a litetitite.
c 'Fhe baby at her feet plucked at her dress
anti the mother did not even feel it , wrapped
In that overwhelming sense of finality that
belongs to Passionate youth.
Site was conscious of no particular nit-
inosity just then. 0111) ' ft sort of WOLtdCr anti
awe that this sliottlti be the end of it nhl.
The end of a liatpy girlhood , when his words
of love hail tiunlo a woman of her in a tiny ;
I anti liapity years of Wlfeiiootl , 'lien they
t were lovers still ; nut ! even happier mother-
1100(1 , that liati set her apart sanctified forever -
over In his eyes-so ho had stooped and
whispered to her , that itight when the light
) jtiriied lotv near by , nitti she hiatt fallen
asleep with her liamiti in his.
. She looked about iii dull amazement at the
familiar things about her that mantle tip their
simple little itoine. Tlxero under the lamp
( vero bitt books and a. vnd anti iencii where
I Ito had sat studying last night , amid iiear It
f iter work , where Iie had boemi beitlile him
I Fewing In iiiivIiiimtg silence ttfter her long
I isolation. The indent. of her head was still
Iii time l1ilIO % ' Oil the lounge whiert she had
' at length thrown lit'rself nod lay watching
lii iii U ii I i I she fell asleep t award multI itlght ,
t She glanreil about half dazed ; amiti then
' flutli , her old colored nmaltl , the emily itervnnt
: ' she lint ! ever timiti , caine iii from ttit' kitchen
auth t'poke to her in that low , sweet , coin-
_ _ _ _ _ I lelhIflhi voice of hers that went back to Mrs.
l'hieliui' babyhood mlowmm in Maryland. She
' , , obeyed tlto voice from hnhit anti wemit mc-
. cliniticaily about her nioriilitg duties , In time
IterforIiimhiico of which a certain warmth and
t , , pliability returned to her frozen mooed. A
sense of anger amid outrage htt'gan to burn
hIs last words 'lmoso
I- again at stinging ,
itrobo went ticeji With ( Ito sure cruelty of
bug ASsociation.
She took her little girl anti went out on
Iter liouie'ly rounil of marketing , largely
truniped up by keen wltted old Ittitli.
I On returning site toiled wearily up time
' three flights of the apartment hiouse-tiie
, elevator so selilomn ran mtfter thu nien had
t. I roiitt lmonme or time tin ) ' . She snuk m'xlmanstetl
I on the lotiiigtt in tiiti tiny dining room amid
I let time chIld mmii off her gloves , ommu oh- ,
tImmatti finger mit a time. 11cr e'emm wore
shut uuii a nerveless r&'action 110(1 et lii
I , wben bo hie'ai-ti a young step bounding up
the stairs nitil a sharp ring at her bell.
She t'mms half coiisclotis that itutli opeimeti
the door nimmi that a boy's bight voice was
sayIng :
"Can't I see time lady herself ? "
Sue sat up as lie apitroacimeti.
I 'lloiihlmtg telefoant-corner drug store ,
t 2atiy-youseii ittive to llurr ) , ' lie pamited
nimil vims gone again iii a hash ,
Mrs. l'he'Ips sprammg utter hut ) , nitti called
down the stairs :
" \Piiat ituimiber ? 'm\'htere front ? iId you
hear ? "
' "Sixty-one , " lie shiouteil from two stories
beiot' .
"Thto navy yardi" sun exclaimed , a thrill
- J I pt premonition semitittig her imeart into her
tiii oat.
A imionient litter she stood alone in the
telephone closet tit lime corner , smith through
thit , traiisniitter a soft "hhtmllol' ' speti on Its
ay , Timen sue listened.
, "Yes , I'ut ' Mrs. I'helps. W'hio are you ? "
, bo had not recognized the voIce that had
S. Guyl" she cried , sofUy , In iudtien ,
\ .
_ _ - -
course. hut , Guy , speak to Ine-your voice
Is still cold and hard anti strange. Say
somethilmmg to nte-one word I can cling tote
to hell ) niol' '
' 'What ? " A pause.
'You are iii time paymaster's omco ? Clerks
all about ? Is that it ? l'leaso whisper It ,
and iIl try and catch it. "
She listemieti paimtttmiiy-only a burr. a
woman's laugh. a word lit an unknown voice ,
a tantalizing , Immcesant vibration front time
endless feverish crisscross of life going on
forever. iii cliic1m she hail no part.
"I can't hear , 0 Guy , I can't hear a word , "
ho lUIted. "iou't go yet. Vt'hmen can I
hear from you ? JUst one minute ; I want
to say soitiethilmig , Guy ! " The telephone beli
sounded with ahtarii impatience oven as she
SPoke. She rang again amnl again , and there
was tie answer.
'Conmo back ; I must say one word. Con-
trttl , give Intl 61 , ideas' , give me 61. Guy ,
dear , won't ' you come for one single second ?
I'm--I'm so sorry for tiiis morning. IL was
all may fault , every hit of It. " She plead
mtobblng into tIme senseless thing in her hand ,
that ao longer responded , She rang again ,
amid once again , frantically.
Tlimi hme sprang m-igithly erect amid witis-
pered :
It is too hate-lie's gone-perhaps forever -
ever , " 11cr lmead fell forward , he swayed
toward time closet door , fumbled at the lmmi-
cite , opened it amid cried in a voice faint antI
pitiful :
, ,
' \ill some one-help me ? " 11cr fmmiliiig
sight saw Ituthi iiurryimmg toward Imer througim
tue street minor ; her fullIng hearing was
iderced h ) tIme shrIll youimg voice of a nevs-
boy daslmiiig rotmuil tbo coiner :
'E'c-tra , ex-tra ! I'resident'mi message read
Iii congressitir sure to- " lila Voice was
lost in the roar of the streets , and Mrs.
l'iiehi's ' sank unconscious into itimth'a anna ,
Twenty-four hours jtassed. Half through
time night &itid all day long the cries of tin ,
imewshioys reached the shmrlriklmtg Jmcnrlng of
time yotmmmg wife. 11cr sweet ( ttce was stiff
aiitl ashy with * nmfferlmig ; her hands so cold
that her child shmrauk from Imer touch and
wltlmmtpered. Ruth hovered about , in amid out ,
on a Ymtmudreti foolth lovimmg errands. 5n
ldIiYCtl and laughed boisterously with the
baby to drown nIl oihmer sounds wimen shme
caughit the first tar cry that wrung her mis-
tress' iteart ngalim and again , comlmmg nearer
amid imearer down time street.
As tue thity drew to Its close Mrs. I1lielpa
lay once agimin shout anti spemit on time old
loumigt ; cmiii mmgmiln hmti Iwurd a quick step
spring up time stairs , a rlmmg at her bell , time
low worths at tiitt door , It seemneti like time
confused mmmcmory of a dre'niti. Simit thid Imot
even open hem' eyes until ltuth satti close be.
aide her :
"Ommo these yer niess'ger boys , Miss Nan-
mits' , jes' brouglmten timis ) 'er passt'l ( a' ) ( mU.
it tb simmell like It
mmmigimt be some sort er
hio'qu ci , ' ' sime atldeti sum Ii I 1mg.
'l'mmt it tlowmt , limanmimmy ; I'll arrange themmm
inter , " saul Mrs. Phelps , Probably t'ommie
friend at thimm yard , ' 1mo knew of the ship's
sudden sailing , had reitmezmmbered her anti
sent imer sllimt message of syimmpathy In thmis
sweet way. It was ofteit done from cue
sail-hearted wIfe to aimotiter , Just. to hell )
a little In time endless pathos of their coin-
thou lives.
"LaimmI sakea , Miss Namtnit' , ain't you put
theiti hosies 1mm water yet ? ' ' coimiplaimmed
Ituthi , ugmmin appearing at time door , watch-
11mg for soiimc shark of Interest In ( hint sot
whIte face before her ycarimimmg eyes.
"lint's no way to act , Mitts Namimmie , an'
) 00 know dat rIght vehl. 'Vt'itmi folks takes
do ticuble an' do 'spouse to buy you some
flowers you'th mightier spunk up 'nough ,
alboreiy. to say 'howdy' to 'emmi , "
' ' 1 % i I rIght , mmmiii immy dear ; p1 ease tioii't
ecold , " said Mrs. I'imeips , a smimile breaking
for aim Instant timmoughi time rigidity of her
face ,
She arose anti begaim to untie time string
about the Pasteboard bOX , She raised the
hiti anti lifted ou & rcat title of pink and
yehlow roses. Time baby ran toward her
with a soft coo of delight , Then Mrs.
I'lielps gave a lomiti cry and the roses fell
all about her , She stood staring wihhly
at an envelop that had slipped to the bet-
torn of the box , addressed to her In her
husband's imanmiwrlting. It was as it it
came from a grave , that awful silence of
time sea , For a second she wits afraid to
touch it and stood with her hands iiressed
over her heart. Then she elzed the envelope -
velopo anti with one swift mmotIop.of her
trembling forefinger ripped It open anti read
with eyes imnlf blinded by tears :
"Time idiot heaves us at Scotland lightship -
ship in a few moments. lie will take thus
back to the city. Also an order for a few
flowers , which I cnn only hope will go
stt'alghit. Yott shotmhd get this tomorrow or
next day. I am on my kmmees to you , my
vlfc , for this morning. I beg your pardon-
it was nil a lie , every word of It. Try anti
forget it it you caim. Stamp it out. of your
tnenory , for it hmns no real existetice against
all the rest-all time happy years. Just try
and remember those and love mile a little ,
"Do not believe the papers-do not. ' reild
them. Peace zany come out. of It all ) 'et
and it not-try nut ! be brave. A sailor has
mmeed of a itiimcky vife , one driiied into thmo
tough spirit of a 'regular' by long service.
Atiti rcmmwmntter :
Ours not to reason wimy ,
Ours but to do-
( ho had Bimiei at tilt ? word , with no time to
rewrite. ) 'Cootihy , my hove , Ahi' ' if I cotmld
have hmeid you for just one second and hmenrti
you wimisper : 'It's nhl righmt , Gtmy. ' hut take
001' lIttle cue iii your nrms atiti look limb
lmcr eyes-may eyes youv'e always saiti-nimd
rend ttmere my emudles3 love anti honor. 1C1s3
her ammmi lioltt her close anti forgive moo , forgive -
give lime. ' '
Mrs. l'hteilts fell on her kneeS , anti throw-
lug her arms about her bnhmy begmmum to sob
like a tired cimihi. Mitl tlme _ little girl patted
her cheek mtnmi crooned to lmer , tue spark of
motiucrlmooti already alive in her ; amid Itutli
brooded over them both ,
that itmomnemit mmcc agalim , time simout
cattle tli'rcimmghY UI ) from time street beiov
"Ex-trai Congress v1il declare var ! "
'I'iie ) 'ouItg wife sprang to her feet anti
shook her fist lii thme tilmcctioii of time voice ,
anti half lmmtmghuimmg , half sohibimig , hue cried :
' 'It is not var-it is peace , thank God ! "
, i.CIS'S t"IIIS'I' ht'l'I. '
I ( C.i i' Ott I of ttl'rmtt' ( Ittil tie tutu
1 It ii ( 'I iI'L ; t'tt ( eu It.
None of General Jackson's bIographers
give time details of his iirst duel , anti lie hmimu-
self Imever cared to speak of tue mntttcr in
later ycais ; but sonic years ago a gratiti-
daughter of Colonel \Vaitstili Avery toid mime
time fumhl story , says a writer In Yotithi's Corn-
Waltstihl Avery was a Massachusetts man
who went to North Carolina , carrying with
him a letter of recommmmcntiatiotl from ito
1es a pemsoimage thamu Jonathan Edvartis.
lie seem : acttiired reputation amid lmtiiuence ,
amid in tinte became attorney general of
time state. It 'as imIs ctmatorn to take students -
dents of law immto his fammuily , vImo bceammmo
tutors of his children.
Iii 1S7I , whien Andrew Jackson was but
17 years oh , amid ambItious to become a
lawyer , lie aitphieth for lila situation. Tue
tradition is that lie was refused because a
tiaughtter of vory's took a dislike to his
uncouth appearance.
Young Jackson next applied to SImrliee
MeCay , a lawyer in Salisbury. N. C. , In
whose olIlce lie was fitted tom' the bar , ammil
Ime shiortly niatie his appearance In time
courts.'iteii Jackson was 21 years of ago
lie anti Avery met in time trial of a case at
Jonesboro , Tcnn.
It vts : Jackson's habIt to carry in hIs
saddlebags a copy of "Iacon's Abritig-
macnt , " amid to nmakc frequent aicaIs to it
in his cases. This precious book was always
carefully done ump lit coarse brown paper ,
such as grocers used before the neat paper
bags of thic preseimt day were invented. Time
unwrappiitg ot this nmch prized volume lie-
fore a court was a very solenma fuimctiomm as
icrfornmed by Jackson.
Now Aver Imnul by this time dropped whatever -
ever of i'tmrltati sedatemmess had commentleti
him to JonatimLn Edwards , and was uncoimi-
monly fond of a joke. lie procured a piece
of bacon just the size of the book , and while
Jackson was atidresslmmg the court lie shipped
out time voitmme from Its wrappIng and substituted -
stituted time bacon.
At lemigthm Jackson had occasion to appeal
to Lord Bacon. It. wa aim important case ,
aiitl he would not trust to his memory. lie
would confound his opponent by readuimg
from the book Itself. W'hIIe still talking , lie
raisati time bcarskimm hal ) of lmhi satidle bags ,
drew out the brown paper package , carefully -
fully urmtietl the string , unfolded the paper
with tile decoromms gravity of a priest hand-
iing tue holy timings of the altar , and , then ,
without looking at wimat he held in hIs hand ,
exelninmed trlunmphantly , 'We will now see
what Bacon says ! "
Time court , bar , jury and spectators wore
convulseti with laughter befort Jackson saw
the trick that lied been lminyed on Ilium. Of
course he was ftmrlous. 110 smiatcimed a peta
and on the blammhc leaf of a law book wrote
a peremimptory chttllenge , whIch he delivered
then anti there. lie asked for no apology-
notimitmg but liiood would do. lie comnmmmaimtleti
Avery to select a frlentl and arrange for the
nmeeting at once.
Avery mimatio no answer to this peremptory
demnamni , timiiiklmmg ltls peppery antagonist
woultl laugh rather than light , as lie grew
cooler , hut be did imot know time yotmmig
man. Jackson grew lmotter instead of cooler.
Next. mnoriming he scmmt this note , which was
full of bad spelling. My North Carolina
friend had seen the original , anti in copying
It. hail corrected , time orthography , but these
are time exact words :
"August 12 , 1788.-Sir : When mu man's
feelimigs auth character are Injuretl hue oughmt
to seek a speedy redress. You recciveti a
few lines from inc yesterday , anti tmimtloubt-
edly yotm untiersiand me. My character you
have iiuJtmreui ; amid , further , yotm have insulted
lilt , Iii Limo presence of the cotmrt ammil a large
audience. I therefore call umpoim you as a
gentleman to gIve me satisfaction for time
sammmc. Amid I further call upon you to give
tIm aim nmmss'er iimminethiately without equlvo-
cation , mmtl I hope you comm do without dinner -
nor until the htttslness is ulone , for it Is comi-
sistemmt with the character of a gentleman
whemu lie Injures anotime'r to immako a speedy
icparatlon. Therefore , I hope you vili not
fall lit mncetlmig me this day , From your
olit. at. , ANDIt.1 % % ' JACKSON.
"p. s , : This eveimlimg after court. ad-
jotirits. "
Avery conclutieti to accept this challenge ;
anti so , in time dusk of the summmmer evening ,
the luel caimia off in a hollow north of Jones-
hero , 1mm blue itrcsermce of time same crowd
that hati laugimeti at Jackson's iiredlcammmcnt ,
'hemm the wortl was given Jackson fired
quickly anti his linil flicked Avery's ear ,
scratchIng It slightly.
Now VitS Avery's chance to change tue
later hiatory of his country , but his PurItan
blood asserteti Itself. lie fired In the air ,
theim advanced anti offered Jackson his hmaxmd ,
which nis aceepteti.
I ii he' .
Detroit Journal : lie mioured lila words of
love limbo her ear.
' 'Itile imotiulmmgs ! " site simeereti.
"Timey don't seem to work , for a tact , "
lie replieti , wIth imalvete.
i'atmslng lii the front hull only to cx-
cimmingo time coitmpliimicmmts of bite setusomm aimd
overshoes with somebody , ho left lice for-
II IN % mL mmii rut I'tuuut.
Detroit Jourmmah : The victorious captain
wiiicetl whueiu itelmed as to his ittist.
"I wmiui a good boy iii school , " imo on-
swered , with an effort. "atudlotus ammti
proimmpt , I used to bring mu ) ' tcachmer a lieu-
duct every imioriming. "
That was all he 'soulti say ; mud a word
of palliation could be gotten from Imlum.
Tcrah Hooloy's a Link .f a Long String of'
GIitteriui' Wc1ner.
. , ' , MituUIuMhiuhi , ' ci.cimio nmu.i lime
Soul It Sen iIulilm'-1incIt % iimuie a
umttloim P4u1r nmul' % 'rccIcuL
CeuutittirM Lives.
This nman Tenth llooley turned a pretty
wide swath , as such go mmowadays , relates
time New tork l'ress , and so ( lid iiariiey
Ilarmmmuto before hlmtm and Jabcz linifour before -
fore him , while on this side of time vater
I'ertiinnnd'ard and lieimry S. Ives "were
no slotmeiiea" at time bubble hiuslimess , But
none of theimi "cut any ice" worth men-
tiomulmmg itu conmparIsomu with Sir Johumm Bltmnt ,
who got cii time South Sen conipaity 1mm Eimg-
land , and Johim Law , time Scotchmunn , she
rigged all France with lila MissIssitpl
sche nme.
lioth these wortlmk's flourished In the Inst
ccntttry and , curiously enough , while Law
begnmu hmls operatloims a little earlier , time
two schemnes Were erked virtunliy side by
side ,
Law was born iim Etiimmburgh in 2671 and
was well brouglmt up , but early In life be-
camime a gnmmmbler and stmiiiiorted hlmmmsclf
mmmalnly by tIme cards until 1691 , posing as a
i.ondomi man-ahjotmt-town. Thou lie got Immbo
a qtmarrel with Beau W'llsomi , a mmuysterious
yoummg man of fasiuiomm , who always liati
PlentY of mmiemm' from soimmo uimknown source ,
amid kilicti htinm. On time fIrst trial Law
was commvicted o. nmurier , but an attemiupt
was mmmdc to have time death sentence coma-
imititeti to a fine on the ground thiat time
kiliimmg was tiono iim a duel mtnd so amuutntmmtcuh
only to mmmamslntmghter. In time ttueamitlmnc hue
escaited nut ! mnmuie Imis to Fratuco ,
though his Mississipiti scimc'mimc tiiti not ama-
terializo for macro titan twenty years after-
ward. Some lmuterest is aduied to imis story
by time traditlomu that his victiimu was the
favorite of the thticltcss of Orkmmey , vhmo ,
tirlmmg of htinm , hired Law to slay liiin-bttt
tlmat is nt'otluer rotmmamice.
Law l.umuelmetl his MississippI sclmetno in
171'J-20. It took Iim the emmtirc colonial comim-
mmiercc of France , time control of time tmtiimt ,
the imiammmgemmtetmt : of time mtatiotm's re'vemttics.
The colonies of Prance at that time iim-
chided a goodly portlomu of siiat 1mm how
time iJimited States , umimiler bite tithe of time
l'rovince of Lotilsiana. This lirovimice , wlmiclm
vmis of vast urea amid really ummllmmuitei P0-
tciutial wealth , vas beiievcd to be even
richer thian it vns. 'l'ito mmuost falntiotiim
stories \verc told of the wealth of its mimics ,
the itrotitmctlvciiess of its soil , time range
of its Itrotlucts. WorkIng with time itrimmee
of Oricatte , timcn regemit ol Framtce , Law
orgaimizeti "Tue Conipammy of bIte \Vest , "
Poiittinm ly termneti ' 'Tio Mississippi Coma-
itammy , " anti time entire prnvhitce was ttim'tied
over to thto orgamulzatitin. To exploit the
mttiw territory mtmmd to Itoh ) bite comilpaily iii
its osteiiIliio task of emmricimiimg France ,
vlmiclt was terribly impoverished , a batik
was forimied untl upoit it was comiferreti tite
power of issumlimg a. steady strcaith of 11013cr
Of cotmrsc , Law 501(1 his stock in his conm-
Iany , time sitares being placed at 500 lIvres ,
or about $100 ench. So well were the pros-
iic.ctive profits advertised that time mnarket
Itrice of blue shares siteedily rose to tweilty
tlnmcs their par value , miti the comimpammy's
stock , originally equal to 800,000,000 hlvres ,
or the supposed voitinme of coin lit thto kingdom -
dom , was watered till it. represented mt value
of lii,000,000,000 livres , or 3O0OOOOOOO.
Relatively this sum was vastly larger thou
a hike sum would be miow , and pronmisiimg a
dividend of 12 per cemit. Law ha , ! no dull-
culty 1mm imiarketing thi shares at a big utre-
muitummi as fast as lie could turn them out with
a primitiiug iwess. His bniuk non matie time
itoyal Bank of F'ramuce , its miotcs circulated
at imr with coin , anti Its was itmade comup-
troller of bIte kimmgdoiim. rIte entire mtatiomm
hailed him as its financiah savior and lie
s'aa courted by blue highest In time land.
ItIggtst ihiuim iii Urniuct- .
Timoso who could mmot get access to time
financier were brokenhearted over their
failure. Oiue womnomi of qttality , who hiatt
long tried in vaimu to attract htis attemition ,
Instructed her conchimniu to overturn tue
carriage whett site saw Law approaciming ,
in the hope that he would hurry to her
assistance anti therm give her an opportunity
to Invest. The scliemne succeeled ; but
another i oman , who linml a false aInrmn of
fire eiit out from a house near one 1mm
ivimichi lie was dining , In hopes that his nt-
temitiemi could titus bo attracted , failed altogether -
together , for lie suspected time ruse amid rout
away its fast as hIs legs could carry him.
Before this , while Imis heatiqimarters were
him a narrow street , the authorities had to
bar the thmorommgiifare at both duds train
6 a. in , to ti Ii. mu. ltooms , desks , win-
miows , even housetops iii time vIcinity ,
rented for fabulous sunma to jersons who
had shares of stock to sell and others who
wanted to buy. l'ensants filled their pock-
eta with small coins by renting anti liolthtng
laphioartls for frantic speculators to tratio
uiiomm amiti omie well kimown chmarimctcr , known
as bite liutiebback , from a physical do-
forimmity , realized what was to hint a fortune
by remmtImtg his broad bock daily for a shin-
liar liurpose. Soumic of this seenis reinarka-
bie iititi mumihiclievabie , bmtt it is set dowiu
for sober fact In blue annals of the day ,
'I'Iie' G raitul CulIihIHe , ,
Of course Law wcimt as math as aumyiiotiy
else , amid naturally , lie cvemu had coin demonetized -
monetized , so that it lawful to pay
dcbt emily in notes on his bamuk , AntI of
course the collapse eammme soon , wlthmhmu a
year or thieroimbommts , itt fact , for In November -
vember , 1720 , there was a grand smash.
LmmW'a imaiier nmoney becamne ivorthm tin macre
tlmnim rags anti all the conceasloits to the
Coimipany of bIte \Vest were withdrawn.
Thiousammds of iersons who hind fomnily
beiieVcti themselves rich beyond time tirt'autmtm
of avarice were Umen fm.mnd to ho ltemmimllcss ,
though some shrewd Individuals who olti
out. at tIme highest mark 'were lucky enommghm
to mumnke great fortunes. The namne of Law
speedily became a byworti and a rcproaclu , hiimtself was nrrestt'ti after lila carriage -
riago had been smnashic'd imi the street amid
might Imavo beeui killed only for a timmeer
friemidahip that was still entertained for
him 1y tIme regent , 'who bind time failt'ii
finammcier spirited away to a place of smufety.
Law tiled tim Venice in 1729 , almost por-
erty stricken , but still convinced that his
scimenmes were sounti mind that faIlure had
collie omuly through the machinations of his
enemies ,
'l'lme tiniitl.m ICiL Ilululile ,
Tim South sea bubble lmtui its beginning In
bite fact that Great Britalmu's floating debt
1mm i7ii amnoummted to iO,000,000. In order to
float this the earl of Oxford , lord treasurer ,
atlvlseti by Sir Jhmn Blunt , formed time
Soutim Sea ceitmitany to engage in a imionopoly
of brittle with thmo Spanish coast of Southu
America. Stockholders were to become rich
through tIme iroftt earimed and time goverii-
mont was to realzio heavily from dutIes
irnposc4i upoim imnitorts. flut Spain , alwttys
obstimuate , ri'fusc'i ho ahiow more titan ommo
Euigiish ship to visit her ports each year
anti timittily broke tint agreeineiit ltcriumittimig
that much commuimierco wlt.lm liimgland , Thou
tluero was a hunt for otlmer waa of exploit-
lag the company.
in the reign of William and Amino whiat
were kmtown as "irretieeuuiahjlo miumnultica , "
aimmounting to 800,000 a yenr , hail iteomu
granteti and time laynmeimt thereof was a
heavy tirain upon the natlommal excitequtr.
In January , 1720 , tIme South Sea coiumpammy
asked l'arilaummemmt to authorize time holders
of these annuitIes to exchange theni for
itock , znikIu extraordinary promises aa
arIiii , Orendorff
& Martin Co
J obbcr of Farm Machincry.
Waonu nd Iiug1es - Cor. U , stud JOuIB
P icire Aoldings.
Mirrors , Frames , hackIng * nd Artha' .
D rake , Wilson
& Wiharns
Suieee'ssuir''IIMuIII & lriutme ,
Manufacturers itniiers. smminkc stnm'hs nail
breeciiiimgs , pressui'e , renticring , shuecli till ) ,
1iiitl ttimti % s'mttvr ttmnks , holler tubes comi-
8 t an tl y oii liii ad , itt'cmid lum iud ttohlc'rs
itotmghmt auth raid. Siit'oIal auth Prommulit to
repairs Iii city or country. 19th _ anti Pierce.
mrci 'nd
Sewed Shoe Co
i'f'rs Joblcrs of Fcwi i'(1car
vis'IEitN AidNl'S Oit
The Joseph Banigami flubber Co.
r.'L Sragce
Rubbers and M&ickintoshes.
I 107 Ilowtrl St. , OM IlA
J3oo.'s , S/ices and Rubbers
flaiegroomns h1O2-jjQ.ltD5 ilainsy Striet.
\A10v1 \ fll'S2
Booi's , Shoes , Riii5ers ,
Oihlct ? anti Salesrooni 11i9-212i : ilowarti St.
E3erns ag
lwportcrs amid Mmnmtf.icmtrorg
614-16-18 South ri/It St'eel
The Ameroa
' Thioy Co1
Growers autt manufacturers of nil ( aims of
Chicory Ornalia-Fromnoot-O' Nell.
v1 . H11
Jutporir and Jp , eu
Crothery , Ch ma' , GhTSSZUtVe ,
hlilver Plated Ware , Looking Glasses , Chen-
dehiers , Lamps , ChImneys , Cutlery , tc.
1410 VARNA3I ST.
I Shaiiles © rnp
. Creamery . /1'lac/uinery /
anti Stmppiles.
Boilers , Fngines , F'e'ti Cookcrn , Wood Pul.
leys , Summufting , BeltIng , Butter Pack-
beI ; of all hinds.
DOT.909 Jones St. - - - - - -
I4 Smith & Co
Impotere and Jobbers at
Dry Goods , Fui'nisluing' Goods
to giit-edgei profits stire to be realized If
this s'ero allowed , The Ilamik of Englamuti
authorities mnmuio a similar vroposltlomt , but
were beaten by tIme South Sea conipauuy amid
while time amiumimltants were imot forced to
tmiako thin 'xeumange with one accord they
practIcally went stark mail , so that. inside
of six days two-tliirtls of theta hind trailed
bud r govormhluent sectiritics for coinpatmy
In nimbi-September South Sea shock was
worth 1,000 per cent , but before the end of
thie year it was worth mmotluimig anti the prol-
erty of blue Sotithu Sea. conmpany was ordereti
confiscated , Wlmc'n it. was sought time cx-
tent of the swiimtllo was for time first tlmno
realized , since Umo South Sea company was
found to have no property.
( I11tlS'i'Ol ANI ) llSlhjtILi.
'i'1ui' ' Ncer iii'e'imuite' PcI vu. te Fmli'tmils-
A a A iii uisi iig l'uiHNuIge sub Anus.
Gladstone and lmis great oppoiient , 1)Is-
racli , never became private friends , as Is
80 often the case witji 1tubhic opponemits In
English politics , writu's the Lontion corre-
spoiitleimt of the New You'k Sun. Their first
mceliig was at a dImmer party mit Laiiy
Lymmdlmurst'S , when time two mcii whom their
huomtts hail hirotighit together on purpose that
thmey nmiluL become friends , disliked each
oilier at lirat sight. There was a great dif-
fereimce between thueir ways of showing this
amithitathy , ( or IIsrmuell tried bard on nmany
occasions to iiigratiiuto hmlumself withm Gladstone -
stone , whereas tito latter was dlstaiit anid
censorious from the first. On bite other
ltanti , Gladstone mnatio a comnmimenimiabio effort
to ho strictly just towarti his fututre rival ,
and ho was one of the few ineumbers who
persistently chiecreti DisraelI's mnaltieu
speech. Time late Gemmeral l'cel usetl to rc-
hate built Mr. 1)lsraeii stilti at Lady hind-
dumigton's oil time tisy after his speech :
" \'ell , Giamistomie chiocreti me , mumtl I would
rather have his applause thami thmo fawnIng
of soimie of those curs who hark at inc. " A
few nIghts after this , however , ( ilnilatono
anti Disraeli hind a sharp bout. of words at
Lorti Abcrtieemu's. DIsraeli was itu one of
those self-asserting tuieocts whIch caine fitfully -
fully upon hIm in lila youmiger days , cape.
daily when ho was emnartimig under somno
sllbL Gladstone happened to allude two or
? chardsoii Drug Co.
902-906 Jr.cksot SI.
Jt. C. RIC1IAI1ISON , Preet.
Li. ) ' . WELLumli , V. Pret ,
ho 1ereer
CheinicI C.
Wf'r. .u4sttsI-Z ( A'scsrntsotuallooI ? , Vr.ptrm-
fh.ims , ; tee1el Fc'rni.uhtme E'repciret to
Under. .Seict for CahzioUu , , .
Lab.tatory , flu Rows.rd St. , OmLbsl
: .E.
Druggicts and SIatiozcr5
"Qutsl flee" 6pciaitIei ,
Ctgar , Vint suid tirandie. ,
rnu lCth &nd flimnmey trstL
W astern Eectrica1
Electi-ical SuI'pIies. '
Elet'tt'Ic'iriiiL' flour , ammul ( iuH Lghmtlimg !
n w JOiiNSTOt' . ? .lgr , lSiO hlowturd St.
Sugpy ) Co
V.21 i"arnam hit ,
3 &
Commission Merchants.
a , 'IT. Corner mth anti howard hits.
Uernbeis of time National tcague of Commil-
ston lemctmamit.s oh tha UntaI Statce.
i1t1t and Lunt'cnworth St.
SIab/e aizi Ftity Groceries1
eye'&ake ,
I Teai , Eptees , Tobacc Clg.te.
1(03-1407 llarney Ser.I.
axtrn an
I hgher Co
IMP ( ) tI'I'hiRS ,
Telephone U3
I . 1a ! & Co.
. , ,
it ! , .
II.4ICNIiVI , .4AWrd 4N1) COLL.4H
JoWera of LemSIuer , .Sadtllery Itardoare , Rtc.
We o1icit year orders laib howard St.
etr & Wihemy ! Co
Wholesale Hardware ,
U mualia.
L eeuClath Irnreesen
Hartware Co
. WhoIcsa1 Hardware.
Diceles &nd SporI1mm tOQdC , i2lQ.2.1-2O U&-
three tinmcs to Oxtortl , and thmls set Jisraeil
flying off into a suthiien sarcastIc dlstimmisi-
tlon upon tue nmeager results of umiivermilty
traituing , 'Oxford takes a thmousummd : youmtg
immeui of time best tanmilies , itiakes them pay
frormi 300 to 1300 a year for their education -
tion and turns out less than a dozeim passable -
blo scholars aummuuahiy. There is more Latium-
ity hi a aecouitl-rtto Itahisit or Spmuuiiahi mmmii-
astery titan in tIme whole of Oxford anti Canuu-
hrldgo anti the Sahaunmmmca student who lives
oil bread amid onIons aeuiiti hut to almanac by
lila various accoimmpilshiincmmts time greatest
iirlg who over learumed to write Latimt doggerel -
gerol under lcectte mumtl ( lalsiord , ' Gladstone -
stone , of course , did not lIke this awi It
mitay lie partly in coimsequence of this ear-
casuum blunt lie went on a totir to Itamly in time
sauimt , year (1836) ( ) and tried to satisfy imlium-
self as to the attahumnients of Italian inommlts.
But. perhaps lisralI's attacks on blue duke
of Newcastle miith more than anmythiiig else
t to remutict Gladstone's dislIke of Imhium mi-
placable. Time duke was a. diligent , limit fee.
, bho and chart sighteul muhummlnistrator as secretory -
tory for war. lie was held directly respoim-
milbho for the brt'aktlowmm of tIme arnmy's staff ,
tranisports and conimissariats in the Crimea ,
and the whole entice railed at him. Hut
I Gladstone ivali lila friend and milwiiya tried
1 to protect him from DisraelI's terrible tiar-
I casmim. Ilsraeli'a onslaughts on I'eel had
often made hun paho with anger , but Peel
would take care of hlmnself , whereas the cmi-
servatlve orator's cuts at Newcastle hit a
maim who was generally felt to have deserved
hittIng , and could not htlnmself parry time
blows. But to hear his frieiitl abused ni-
ways exasperated ( Jiatistono to frcimzy , so
I that lie would be almost Inartlctiiato when
lie stood up lo make a defense. On one of
these occasions Iiaraell alluded to him as
time "itight honorable anti excItable xniimis'-
tcr , ' amnid gencrpl laughitor. "Gladstone , "
says an eye witntss of the sceite , "uttered
something like a growl. lie jumped up ,
threw his lint on the scat behilati himu anti
itiungeti lila hiantla Into lila coattails. A roar
of artier from time bmouse forced him to sIt
down. lie sat down on his bat and crushed
it like a bitihn. Then as the mirth of time
opposItion swelled imuto one long , hearty
. shout , he fled from the house and vanisheti
I into the night , & waddeuieti anti incoherent
\/t/alter \ / Moise & Co ' '
l'roprhetor. of AMIIt1C.N ( 'iGAft AND GL&hi *
WAng i _ o ,
! i4.hiC 8oUtIi 11th St.
R2 ! _ . .
Liqzeors and Cigxrs.
11111 Faruna Street.
East hd : ' Billers
Ooi4in Sheaf Ture Rye intl ijourbon WhICkSY.
Willow hiprei. Dh.ttilitri. 11cr Cs. , 1121
hiarimsy 511151
J .
. . . . . . -
rf't'ncs , Liquors anti Cig-ars.
411415 S. 11th , .
hho Lrnber Co
iUMBEYt . , .
814 South 14th St.
.1. A. Mofftit lit \lcc Prea L. 3. Drake , Oen tli'
. . - . OILS. . . . . Axle Grease. nb.
Omnht.t Branch aittl gcn'ies , .holtui lu Ruth Met.
! MM1r CO . ,
1'VraApin Ptti'er , Stalion cry.
Corcer 121km tnti iiawtrd atreets ,
Crane"CurhHI Co
1014-1016 louglas Street.
Manufacturers and jobbers of Steam , Ga. anl
. ? Supplies of AEL Kinds.
Uitd States
Suppiy Co .
zro8-xzro Ilarney SI.
Steam Pumps , Engines anti fellers , Pip. ,
Wind Mills , Steam and Plumnblng
Material , Beiting , hose , Etc.
fiipe Foundry
Superior C057.I ? Ulsed Type Is thu but or
the inr.lmeL
inr.lmeLLECTflOTY1'E FoUNDRY , .
1114 llctwartl hired.
- -
Strangers in Omaha
Art , invited
To inspect
The Bee Building.
The most complete
Newspaper plant
In the West ,
man , " Occasionally theIr little passages at
arimms were ahiuiply nmimuusing , as In time tel-
lowitig case : When Mr. ( lintistone succeetieti
Jlsraell ) mts cimmmmicelior of Umo exchmequtmr , emu
the fall of time fIrst lerhty imilnistry , time
chancellor of time exchequer's hiouao , wmts , mum
usual , ropaperetl am ! ropainteti , auth the bill
was sent , its usual , to tIme retirIng chuauu-
cellor. Iiisracli rcfuseml to pay time bill , do-
daring it wIts time bumsinmess of the goverim-
nmcnt to keep time imomiso 1mm artier , Mr. Gladstone -
stone watt always a stlcicler for precetleimt ,
anti imrccedemut hieIng on his side lie Insisted
that liiiuraell wait bmmimnti to pay bIte bilL
it was at last mutually imgried ( bitt the matter -
ter should lai referred to tint ticcision ot
Sir ( I. C. Lewis , who hecltlcti agahimat 1)ls-
mcii , 'fito latter toolc a conmical rovcumgc' .
Till then l'itt's chiauicellor of time oxcimeijtier'u S
robe hind thceceumtheth its an oillcimmi ht'irlooni
to successors , limirnell carrleti it elf-as liii
was po doimlit entitled to tlo-so that his
successful rival utbcmuiti mint wear IL ,
Siit'eiiict ,
A gentleman who hits long becui one ot
the immoitt eliicicmit utitti iioituiar olllciuls ccii-
nected wltiu time distrIct judIciary system.
relates bite 'uVtmshmiitgtonm ' Star , was htusiiy cii-
gaged when it mnmemumlier of the bar cimmimo In
anti vumute4 to talk about the war.
"Now , this hoarii of strategy , " he began ,
"hats been subjectcd to a grerut tirol of criti-
clemum. Anti in may opinion there iumlgimt 1135
some very deitlrmublu chmamigos iuimidu in its
Policy. "
There wait no rcItouiiio cxceitt a rapid
scratching of time itemi.
"iuim't ) OU take aimy iimterest in the war ? " S
"Ohm , yea , " was time answer , "but there Iii
no umso of takiumg tip so mmmdi tiiume In cx-
itreasinig tInt situation. I ama a mmmi wimo hiss
beeim traIned to immetiioihIcal thouglmb amid
coqelso forums of exprtnlsiOnm. I am no cx-
ceptleim to time rule. I have the whole
thing figured otit for myself. Atud hero it
is 1mm a nummtshell. "
lie itUBSCi ( a piece of legal cap over time
desk. On tIme loiter was wrlttcu ; '
"Dewey I.
"Schicy 02.
" 022. "
"Satumpuon .
"What's this ? Algebra ? "
"No. 'ftmat expresses time itrosent status
of alfalrs. 'Dewey womm. Scutloy ought. to.
Samnpsomm ought to , too. ' Mimi that's all
there is to be said on the sublecL"