_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ - _ - - - - - - . , - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I 1 ( - 'ItTTE or4TrA DATLY B'1J : V1DN1SDAY , Tlt14Y 0 , 181)8.:1 ) r - - - - - - - - - - - : " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - j , - SPECIAL NOTICESI IrtlNcIitM for tlu' . , , Iitiiiis , H1 br si , i.tII I tis. for ( lie ' .iulti iitil instil 4i8D fnr , tirtiIii& nnhl 4iititItt ii1ltloii. ltnhjq. J l.i. t iiud flrNt lnqertluiu Ic n unrsl llii.rnflrr. iplitig ttiliI % for les , . Iliitti 2n fer t fii unit IIIMIr- tie ii. I'liist tiut crl I.sti.iti ti iinwt he run iiiinieiI t I ci ) . Ai1 ' cr I'irN ' , li , ri q liip * lug 1 % liii lit- bered cliei'l. cue lie ye ntts ers nd- 4rc.iMvil I , it II ii iiltrcl l. t ( 'r I ii cii ic r 1'lic lIce. A tIM % ( 'ii U itilil r4MilI s Ill iii. dclltircsl ( iii of the tlitcl. iiiil' . sl.lt * . 'VlThS V.tItl ) . ryi'iviuifii111i c'oplng.2l Uee13)i1g. ) A-cG1.Jvs _ _ _ . lii ) mOkkeQlr , 6 yearn . 'xlierIflcfl ; beit of refenlivC4. A.I. drc U 2 , Ili * ' . A-l i21 fl I Vt'l'Il-MA ll II llI' . SAL.FSMFr. : : , : for elgiiri ; I2 IL ilitIttli fltltl dc PCI1I ; ) lil 11 mi ; ixIeI : ILUI'I U IIIIC nary. C. C. BIshop & ( . , St. . , . . U , ' 1t rpetflIU ! ' ! In JcnItMns U ni1 Nc1iriii1t ; ( tile i1t1c lines ; ' ngont make .Ol ) r1iy : IL'ed ly ult ; ner- t'linhits.lI(1C1 \l fg. tu. , U.1' ( U. fflith \ \ 1cntI , J ud. ij-i : ' . ; .ly . ' - I ] 'AIVfN1 ! with e'1irrlc1.N' In hanLitilig ' I 8011C1t'IS II ) C' ) to ) . or C % ( 't I 1atn ; Illust liiiv , . oiiie caMil ; fully se- I ctirct1. Ct c1littin 1,1k. , t. . --MrO O I \S N1'nI ) 21) ) sewer men. A , J. lintilgiten , 2w : ) l.LVCI1. % I bAtI1tS for extra gang cii II. & M. lii \ oiitliig. Frntiir and ( Y1 learn. 21 I S. 12. Ii---M7IS 6 ( WANTlfl , flrit-chtss nxperlencc.il lmrtors : J 11111i4t un % 0 refc'rnnceH. \ lI)3 ) Ii'tsveen 9 t end ID o'CIIJk ii. iii. nt flottoti stnrc. J. I L. Jitiittlcts & 11-735 5 I. W'ANI'ID. tnr farm Tvorlc. n tnnrrle.1 ninn : 1 $ : IIJ ltQr 111(111 ( tJt arid lioliMu WithOUt bonril. I'&tko itttut 11111 eatrt to Ileiwon ILIU1 flhII ) ) to fliio.Vllflniiiii. . fl--\tT4I S flT1.AIILF men to trick oi1'&rliliig slgiit ; 4 $ w..Oo viUtIy rind exl.iii ; .Xut Oi for ) ( ; . nnit1e. ett. 1,1n Chenilent Cu. . 2t29 N Citiratlo , st. , I'Itlla. , Pa. Ii-M7tJ 6' k - II.I' . 100 Gflt1.S for all kliuls of work ; $ . to $7 wed : . CLIttnIInht OItIt.c. z.2z Douilns. C-512 V \VANTflI ) , 130 gIrls , ICflploynIcnt ! ? Inrenu , 1&2i : Dodge. 'r.k.IIiotie 76. C-MSII Jy12 1.VANTED , families with grown girls to learn wenslttg a Phuin Cttfltt gcdi4 ; guii1 % uges cnn bo ziittiIi. Ai1drtss at once , LVenrile ) Cotton MIlItt , lCeirney. Nib. j ' Jy io _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VV _ _ _ _ L'VTV435 COOl ) girl to lieu , cookrittd clianibermald. Lntiu boLd , 601 . 11th St. ( % \'ANTED , five 1iidis to repri8c'nt 1U3 In thhi tutu i4urroIInUng cIU's and towns ; jerxnnti cii t 1)051 I Iii U ; gihI ( pay ; call at once. OXI1 8 , Crelglttiit block. C-M571 30 _ _ _ _ _ _ V 1VANTJD , Girl for gonerat houstworIc. AIWIY 2t01'lrt St. C-729 6' V \N'rEz ) , . first ( 'IILs couk. 1214) ) S. Uth st. t.-.il7.I9 5 A GIfl1 for generul lictuRework. lrs. War- Tell Sw1tler , 2601 St. Mary's ave. C-M743 6 % 'ANT11) , girl for general housework ; 81'Iiy at once. lrs. Dr. Wilson. O20 Cass. C-M742 7' POlL 1IIX'I'lIOtSIVS. C11OICF houses anti cottuges all over city ; $5 to $75. Fidelity , 1st ( leer , N. Y. T.lfe. D-513 iTUSES. Ienewa & Co. , 108 N. 15th St. D-SH hOUSES. stores. Ileinhu. l'axton block. 1J-515 LOVING household gootis rind pianos. ' Oun. Vu ii & Storage Co. , 15I11.4 Faritain. - . Tel. 1&9. D5PJ- _ _ F1JIN ITtJlti _ 13.fltl ieuiseia of a 7 nod 13- V roq fIl&i&'iIi lint. for sule ; burgain ; good .t'atiI1 , ent ios. IJenils , 1'.txtoiu blk. D-517 co'r'iais : , 3-room. SI.r.O anti $ .OO ; 5-rootui , $ l0.O ) ; I-rootiu , $12.0 ; 8-room. $16.00 ; newly paintoil rind iater.'I ) . ; IjeauLiful for sitna- tion , 13i 1ouird of 'l'inde. D-51S 7-ROOM modern hntisc' with stable. large shaily grounds. J3eiuits , l'uxton 111k. D-d28l FOR ItEN'l' . four-room cottage foil 3 acres 2 ½ uiuIlc west poto1flce. F. D.'cad. . D-M577 FOR rent , furiilidieil modern house. Address - dress T 19 , lieC olilco. D-M501 7-ROOM flat ; furniture for 5L1e : , Fiat A , 21125 F'nriiaun St. V Foil iti.N'J'-i"tJit.'cisiiini IIOOMS. V 10X.I'OSI'I'ION V IHITOItS. L000 foritisluoul roonisV ii to I o Fx iOsitlOfi Itoontitig Co. Iuuglus block , Itahi end Dodge. I-'JIl-.1yI4' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! I'llF Faritain 'i'erraco Hotci , 2O.G.3s-Io-g F'n mn In. Nev iiultrui I , u I lii I ng , n to r- J fish I ngu , a I 1 elegant ou t ih I o coo nv U hiort'lieH. 1avii , trees. Fspeciuily di'sirablo for titan and family. 1-\il3-Jy1i N1CIY Iurnhlied rooms. 2112 Cuss Street. FUItN IHI I Eiroorns , 1624 ( iss ; un Shier- utait CUt' I inc ; lerererlees requl I E-520 EXPOSI'i'ION OlIlcini I iiforinttioii ; lttircau , t 1319 t'ariiain :5,000 : choice rounus to rent. _ _ _ _ . - - - ' } hEGAN'1' rooms. 3S17 Leavenworth. 1-t27-Jy7' V Pu RN I RI II ) rooms at reasonable prices. V N. 19th. ) lEC'l'lt IC light , nice beds , clcai , coot ; rnte's liuw ; clity or week. Over 1316 Doug- ins Ht. F-M319 0 ltOOulS. 1117 Douglas ; one boti iii room. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-M962 : , ' itooU3 , jwek Up. 1T5l Lcn' . , ititsinirs. V 1-I\1SU3-JyI4 VURNIRIIF.D rooms. 60 N.1G : grocery store t J-4 ( ; ; .iy. 19' : ODlfltN rooms , housekeeping. 511 North : 19th. TransIents. J-IlSt4 14' TJI1tIF rooms , hiousekeehiln6. U12 South I , 11th. _ 2V:16. . 1OOlS ; uuttr all cur 11ne. 1811 CalifornIa. I 1i-5 Jy-29' - NICiIY furnished room for gentlemen In irivato family ; retertiicu reliulireil. 8.V. . , cor , 17th andcapltolave. F-M5SU 7 : V 1tJ1tN1tU1iD rooms , ( acitig CX1)sIthifl grounds , buard It desired. ltJ1 N. 20th St. I F-63I i2 Ft1RNiS1l1I ) rooms ittrensnuinhle prices. 20 N , 1Itht. I-Zii2)7.Jy2l' - - - - - - VIIItNISII lI ) rooms transients ; light IiUuJkL'IJpiIig. GU3 Dodge street. _ _ _ _ 1-731 S i 15UhIISIIIi ) IIUOMS tI ) I Ti i is Al 1lt1tL'tM , fIrst-class Ca.mity hotel. 25thu upd 1)odgo Sts. I PIEASNT Iloorns. modern , stricti y fIrst. class bonrd1 r'asoiuibfe rates ; Iruutsients taken , 522 N. 19th St. 1'-MSiS 1'LEASAN'l' , furulslucil room ; nil mod. cr0 c'tuflcIiIeo ( Cs , with or without board ; private fauuuily ; near Itutoucoun liurk. 1' , L. itte. t TATC2 ilinvu that " ( or sale" or " ( or renr' sign iii your window. 'l'Iio flee roaches URIrU PClPiu ( in a day titan will pais ) .ftI vliidow in a lutontht ; and t1ut ) ' consult V thioso roIunuti when they want to buy or ' runt. FVV.s& ; - , : OUTIL rooms ; transients. 2Ifl Cass. F'-4tJQ ; Jyt ; ' T1tF Th1ItOW1lt-2S good 1Oflhti. ? ti N. 37. V F-ih1b JfS : 'rIIl 3 ALJJANY1 ifI Douglas ; itewly fur. Ideht4. i-MGf Jy , _ _ l.t it lSIhI1) II O4IMS , t I ) lhlht hi I ) . ( Ct' . .ItjulUOtl 3 - I 'ii ; : S.'iltA'FOtIA ItO1i1. is the idace. Amerhc in or Jtir.penfl N. W. coruler tx. losittn , ; Sherniati Avt. and I hr 2(1 ( ii , Iii' i' l'ai' ' th ti..t'ft ( ' tIlflInVr rr.'rt &I yle. I'nmhlu's o1hi ted. Modern , cool , coifttnrtnlile , ititohits Iki tini. gni , 1h1110 nflul library. 'rt.h..ptirue 1931 oU e.nti got It Street tsr itfl ihati n e.uut In It , Wi' iuai , trei'it. blrI gre' n gin nnd crollitt. 1)mVibki i'rlors , vsst % Vt.rI4uI4lt % ; , lu.nntnneks. jolly , .npli. niuti pet l'er. 1tatQ rt'liotl- able anti nceordln to uccommot3atlitu'i , VIIiClNC1 girls home. 8. S. 1ttt. l ' -Mlll' ; .i3ir. ' ht1lA l'Ti FUh rooms ; tran'Icntt' ' . t I br. ' . . . ' . tic's. 1.-2d211. Jy9 MItS. Godo , 20 ? N. ISthu.Translciits tiiks.n. i ; ' . .9V3 JV VISI'J'olt $ to I hue ' .L'ranRIi1IsMiuj.ilpilati4l In- tirniutinnal 1xiHI'ltbon vishuLiig In u.n are ( 1)111 tnrtnhle ittn rters cnn stive thtuP anti 'petise by vrbbItig to or cahhitig uliloit liii' ( ) jflh I I ii fi in OR t huts ho i-i ii a , 1319 Fo ic it in St. . the only stithorizett ngt'tuc' ' ( if thut' Iiiiuuagt'lrtflt. Struinget $ Ott nrri'.al itt Omaho ( VUl1 tnhce titrect csrs ( hiret t uroin city diV'lIiJt. 0111cc opi'tt ( Ill ) . ] night. F'-217 I _ . _ 'l'l I I. 1I1NI'1"IT I ii'Sl. 2Iut and 1'Intney St R. . 61) ) thai a t I hy In ruitsi ii'd rooms hue SIIUOR' front the Arch of the t3tntes : evc'rythuluig nosy anti thtuut-chtss : ternhul ucnqniinble. . ' _ 1'II i floso , 2020 Zlnritey ; ettol 100105 , fret' baths ; ti nnsleuit taken ; ttteai re&tSt'tUthtt'V I.-3hu1 1lVT\NT roouui , niodirn ; strictly first clns board ; trauu4lpultu4 taken , 12 S. SI. F'VIS7 NICEhY turnlshwul rooms ; r.nsonnbhe ; four bloL ks ( rota tostjilIcc. tStL Cacti. I-1745 Inht II F''l'-S'I'hb I3t .INI ) U il I ( 'lIS. . F.rnt nVFNP , flue 1-'itory brick hutit.lding itt 916 Irarnam St. 'l'huls building has a lhu'- limo ! ( cn'ellt 1ucuhient ; , 'ztter on till floors. . 'tuih , etc. Ilh3" ) at the ollhct' at 'i'lnt DCC , 1.-510 SPA'l' to rent. nuitohht' for lOb pt'iuitluig or oIlier unnaIl huMuhcuts. 'felephiono and i1ek. htcnt cheap. 117 Burt. I-S1 AGIV3'l'S VA'I'Ifl. \'A.1'l7)- . % ' ii in I own Iii No- braskn anti Iowa to qolic'lt acconuits fur its t I ) ( ui bet . t Ii Sb IVIi ) I I ) usl iou ua I d . \V ui to for varticuhnrs. S 4 , U 'e. I ) unutlii. .3 PV1 Jy 3 : ; ' 4GhN'i'S N'l'FD : wont oh' shirewil , careful luau In ivouy town to ninko a few t Ii ( alan a d 1oIh.u rs fur Ii I unsul f i itli et Iy at huotn tind hot vork hutrul ; lirivute Instrue- I I otis ituitl val an i'l 1' Oil t II t o f tivsv gooths iOVI1 t free. Adilrcsu ; linineditu ti.Iv 1' . 0. 11ox 30S , Dostoil , Mass. J-.l74S 6' MANAGTIt wiititt'd to establish hiranchuc'n for 1 oteruintlonutl Carpet ( 'loanIng Co. ; branches in II t it I'S. Address 64) ) i't'rln bldg. , CiIiclflfl1Ltl , 0. Jd7Vl7 C' % VAN'l'l3i-'l' ( ) htl3N'i' . \\'AN'I'ED , p'rninnent hionril and mimi In Private Aur.i'rieaiu fuimily on or near car hut' itt reniuiit1u1e rate ; uht'scribe room , state price and incuitlan car lithe ; flo CX- hiositlon rate tuuiuIervil. , At1drcss ? l Iss ( 'ora Gitteti , care of 1atz-Ncverus Cu. , City. K-M737 S S'Eoil.G1. PACIFIC Storagc and \'arehnuuso Co. . 908- 910 Jones , genera I storage and forwardluug. OM. Van & Storao , 15II 1"aru'm. Tel.15V9. . MV.25tj \t''h'Ih-'I' ( ) lILlY. IF YOU are in need of anythIng , try the i Wztnt ColUmns of The iJoc ; they will hiring you what you want. \VANTED TO 133'Y. good seeuuid-hianil safe ; give prIce and size. Address N ( ' , lIce 0111cc , Council llltiffui. N-N750 C Volt S.tL13-PtltNl'I't'1tI3. FOR tahe at a. bargain. 500 pillows and 501) iuuattieses ; plllovs , 2 : , ( 'CultS up ; iievr mattresses , Th cents up. lbS-iD Dodge. . - : ' - - ? . ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rii ( ( INS. 13'l'C. 12 I'ASSICNGEIt wagonette , 2 good Phine- I toii , C0 ititil $85 ; fatally t'uuriztge , leather tOl ) , $0 ; io&l trail , S5 ; surrey , brand ness' , 0. Druinnuond Carriuge Cii. , lSth and Jiarney. P-M971 J.J7 'V1iII1CLIS. best vutilety : prIces and terms easy. Crawford Co. . 1311 Jones St. 1'-\1C67Jy9 FOR SALE-Stylish young driver , vcrfcthy gd t he utud k i tud ; no fea r st cain or cut vs. 11. D. Alec , 1311 ; S. 30th ave. 1'-W3 21' FOIL SAlI5M1SCJCidANLi3fltJ5. oi'r cut prices on hog and iwultri ( euro. Sawdust for swcp1ng flours , etc. Tel. 458 , 'JOl Douglas. Q-G1C GIt1AT bargain. four 6 to 10-hole steel ranges for huotI or rcstuuura at ; tWo lii- valid chairs ; must be sold. 1410 ] ) odge. Q-M'J72 Jyli' 1"Olt SALE-Ten for cents at druggIsts ; one gfvet , relief. Q-2tu 'l'IIFI .Slianlsh POSHcsSlOuiS In 1,0th trio east tund In iflUli forni , with nearly 200 hIotograPhuic reiroductions of the Aunc'ri- can uuiul Tunlshl ) flaViC4 , iitttLl COTflthltuthI- ( cr5. etc. All for 2 cents , at tile Dee olllce. I t ordered by mall. uidi1rcsu Navy 1'Iiotogruun Jeiartmcuut , , Omaha lIce. IVVI I AVD 2 flt.uIluigthfl tyhiiwriters that i : will sell cheap. FruIt J. hIoore4 . CIty Ilalh. Q-211 iIOOpouhtry nitul lawit fences : all wIre ; Ia best. % 'lre Vorks , 14th and homey. , Q-529 101)1IDS mineral vatcrs. Slueruuinut & MCOuiflOlI Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha. Q-l9i0JYl7 _ _ - _ _ A COT and a mattress ( or $1.50. liii ) 1)odgn. Q-29 Jy22 - - S'rAthl'S , COINS-Ihoughut , sold. Mcurteuu- 1.011 , 401 N. 16111. Q-M575 30 FlttiiT stand for sale on S.V. . Ccv. 16th tutu Dtvi'npurt. Q-ds1 t' OLI ) UNION Dhl'O' tiit1i auni Mason stuI. to 1)5 removo'J Ut OOCO. Wiuitiosvs , doors atiul ILtunler for sale a t a bargain. Q-M67 $ 10' 1. 11. 1IlhthiA1t'l' is that only sxpert ( Ireless loss athjuster of the juenpie lit Omaha. Itooni SI ? , Itrowut block. Q-M(72 9 M EDIUM-SlZhD safe cheap. 2l ( S. 16th St. QV t1710 los ITOII SALfl , ( hue set of bank fIxtures ; good nil IiOS. 318 Sit. Dthi. Q-717 (3001) fresh milk cow. Inquire Thuomisrm , 40th and Farnaun. Q-MTIS 7' 'J hS'IlIhlIltS ) , T\'EN'PY-FIVE cents will buy the latest jiubhicatlon Illustrating the 1J. 01. and Slmuuishi IUIit' $ , naval coniunanilers , ott' . ; milunost 21k ) uhuotogmahuic , reproductions , with a large tuiip of flue 1uuut and \Vest I uudbe.s , itt Ohio otIIce of The Ilse. if or- ilered by mail , address Navy h'htotogruiph 1)eputrtmneuit. Omaha JIve. \'AN'1'ID , 11o.kVlO for two years , by tilt ( ' 5- tilliiltMl and l'rmtitlcal ' unanufaetturi'r of tutu uui2.hhuit1ei'Y , vho desIres to locttt' Iii Omaha.'ould employ 75 to 1(1) ( men. Catu furnish hue'st of r&'ferenc'es utuad sic'uirit' to hutui. lnuiuira of J. I. Utt. secretary Coununercial club , ( tug full Information. It-Gil-S ANTI-2iIONOPOL.Y (3arbagn Cju. , clann ceueIOOiS & Privy vaults. 621 N 16. 'I't'l. h77. lt-SSi Jy16' - CL.tlltVoY4t'I'S , Ls'i' nrt ; nilssingfrl.'ndui traced ; life readings ; lucky belts. Cli N. 2othz. S--.M5CS 33' )1ASSAtI 13 , il.'I'hiS , 1'iC. 41tS. 1)11. LhON , electrIc Imisuage bath ierlors ; restful anti curatIve. 417 5. 11th , upstairs. T-MTI2 13 - LAUIIA 1iIlsun , 119 N. 16th ( upstairs ) , Thom 22 ; Turku.htusIazz and plain batns , mas5u5o. T-2fl ( JyJ. ' MVtMS tII' , htTIIp4. I'l' ( ' . I Coo I I fl tied. I h1tl'ATIit lrnthu' tuiuusage. Mine. Uris. soul , ( rain Paris. 11 * N. 12th : upoi nil nIhut. 'r-319M Jyli' - : \ IAtLtMtVfl4q 54'7 i1thi , riouui 10 ; Hiatt. sMge , baths. r-4l7-Jyi' St 'l'FitFi.t'Ol'f : hsuir. mnli'tt. etc. . 1i'rniit- Iipnt ly remunvcii by ehvwtrlelty ; references. Mu-s. Crouiyuu , specialist , r. 10. Creighoui ( hulk. ' -lT2 30 MMD. SM lTD. 11 ' . 1.thi St. , hut spring nuhilnixir tiuthis. T-2 Ii' _ l'P11t5.IN tI , . Tvi : C0. lbS lIce btulkling. $31) . I'.1Ji"t7flfl etirci' ( 'iv $ t. No 'leteuutiouu from hausiuiess ; 6 yttar.s lIt Ouliahiut. ( 'all or write fur cli etilars. ICuipire Itimptiurti Cure. 9324133 Now York LIie bldg. . Omaha , Nd , . Thifl l'nntoriiitn , cloth'tt leaned , Prt'SSNI nnil rtpaircd , duty null itiglut : sluecial Vi1VO given. ladles' tailor math , toWnR : dress stilts Cur litre. N. fl. cur. 14th & Frirtunni. Tel A 1A1tG 1.1 Map of the t'nrld , , ( liii' of ( 'iutitu flIhil ( Iutt ) hi u of the entire 'tVest Inlles , sliowliug Cuuhia Perto htlc'n. I la'ti. San Donuliugo , IuirtituIque anti nil ( liii other W'rst huitlinui 1shnnti ; 10 citts , at 'l'lin Dee ilflce. fly iuaih , 14 vents. Address Culaiti uu111 DOPL. . Ouihftlia lice. USt,8 V IIATIIS , massage. Mine. i'ost , 3l9 S. 15th. 1l-MCSS ' 1t1.O\VS'l'OD National l'at c , chiciit colhilatny t'xc'turiulons , % 'th to for t-irctular , \ 14Cl1I1 , Chuuuuabau' , iLiont. U-M25i .1y21' OF'1' your shoes hualf-sc'lt'il nuni heeleti while you vait 15 uulimitutes , for 50 ci'flt4. 'uVori guaranteed. 710 N. 16th St. IJ-211-J3'22 LAUI FS' : 'I'urklsh 1uatli. Mule. Post , S. 15th. U-tI 282 _ _ _ _ . - - I , SvedIerg , , bathi of nil kluii1s ; iwetlhshi Ino'eInoI1t , eI.'ctrlr'tly. ott' for ladles ututi gemutk'meui. 109.110 lice iildg. tI-3Y.t-J y-22 G1tI'l' iduscluttus ! cLime for sexttmthly weak men for $1.00 ; iiflrtIcttittS : 2c. hiux 268 , Ounuiha. U-7k Al' W A ht lioN 1)5 : enly lIve thays romnaiuu In vh k it Eni a hun. to n mni : ke subst-rip tiins hi a nks si upd ted a ad uuu let 1rIa1 red % it huLl t C hun r 1 , v I hi. ' Nelrtska Nut I b ' ii at 1tuik : , July u-i'tio : lo MtI'iY r9 ( ) I..L- : : : i , ll''l'A'i'D. \'AN'l'fl I ) , clutilca fuiruum a I ii tity I.ji Iii , . It. C. l'oters & ( :0. : . U S. Sat'l h3tiik bldg. $100Othh.UU m'peclal ( unit itt kaut on llrst-ciass liii ItIOVOII Omaha in 0 perty. tim fo r L'u I Id- lag purposes. huiielity Trust Conipany. LOAN on iuu roved anti unimproved city , icrty. ) \ ' . FO rn'tni Sunhthu & Co. , h31) ) uirnain. V-2lil C 1'Elt cent. etty and brat huuis. Guirvhn luroq. , 1613 Fnrnani St. IV-268 Loan & 'l'ruuuit Co. , 315 N. Y. I. . ; hiuitVk iuhoiI' Y at low titLes to- choice tat mu lands in Iowa , Northern i'lItsourh , lttptt- era Nt'brutsta. ' \IONI6Y to han oil hunpru'ed Omaha i . 'al estate. 13t'erttiafl-Oe Co. , 219 S. 10th. 514 I'IOht ccnti'rnfli'y. Detuils , 1'aon ( lulk. FOlt Investors. hjsttt that are in'estors ilsttt write to Investors' Directory . ( o. , Ness' York. w.-&tt Jy14' 3t)16Y 'It ) I.(1Vt-Chi.t'1"Vl0lS , $10 'ro ioooo TO LOAN ON IICLJSEI1OhD FU1tNI'I'tTttfl AND PTA- NOB. I1OIS3S.iCNS AND CARRIAGES - RIAGES , VA RI6UOUSE ItECFI PTS , etc. , lit lowest rates lit Omaha , South Onumuhrt and Council iliafu's. No u cinovid of gcoiis ; St rietly conlid entlal ; you ( 8,1 , t1tY the loan off at any tIme or lii any nutounll ; . OMAhA ItIOIITGAGI6 LOAN ( ' 0. . 506 South 16th St. T1I1 OLDES'r. LATTr.RST AND ON1Y IN- COILPOICATED LOAN COMPANY IN OTdJLhtA. X-274 MONEY loaned salaried people .V:1tting : perniancuit itosltlutitt , with resiutuutslhule couircins l1iOit their ' , , , ; name , without securIty ; eL. ' 1.tyiiCntS. Tolman. It. 'T.ifc bldg. X-572 lILSJNES : t1Lters. ; ro Gi'J' iii ou out of busIness go to .1. J. Gilisoui , 511 l"hrst Natl bauuk , Y-276 \\'AN'i'E1)-\ui irut 2rest iii good Iuuusiuuu'suu. State full Ptrtic1.laiS. : .Atldres l'Vi1) : , htee. QUICE , clean rinttng. T"h. 33l' ' . 1610 ( 'musS. Y-hTh-Jy-18' - - IN event of ii. lo by lire. to I. ii. ilur- hart. room 512 , lii own idoek. V-Mf71 9' 1)0 YOU wnnt to sell your luutsines quick ? see OmnitluL ; Itutdness EVXCIItnge ; 1121 lear. Y-M670 6' 'tooL. ' - IF' YOU want to huu" . sell. trade or rent anything cull roazl 512 Brown block. Y-M093 9' FOR IT11N'I' : , hotel dInIng rooui ; cnnipit'teiy ( uruji shu ed ; gxd ha it t io n. . .iIui y mu t 0 lSOSDooghutu4 st reeL. Y-N711 C' . "WANTFD , 1.500 yurtim4 of earth remnoveii ( vi , ; ; ; 26th ave. anti I bit I toward st. Ap- I II V II' Luleli ty 'rru et Co. , ii rs t II uu N. V. LIfe. " Y-M71l 7 FOR fll6N't' , uncut unaricet in fine location ; mulljOiutu4 flrst.cluu4 grocery store. Inquire at2006No. 26th st. Y-M7IU S' ICOIt FOR SALE 011 TItADF , tram and two- seated buggy , for sjutglo horse and buggy. Old Nebriska ; feed stable , 16th and Lett'- enwouthu Sts TO flXCIIANGE for general stock mnor- cliiuuiise , huurs S. ( miii 3 to 7 von vs iuIl weight , 1,001) to , { ; wimht ; ii , $1(0lJ ( or $1,110) stock. J. L. Proper , lirute , Nd ; . Z-727 7' TO 16X'iiNG1. CU-foot lot ; tuui two Cot- tageu4 Out Seward st. , ho Ounshia , uuutler goiud rca tal ; siuum t ( mu run or C hlcago 1)101) ) . erty.V. . C. Van Glider , 115 Monroe St. , Chicago , /-\l7ll : ; 10' V _ 1"fllL SAIJ3-hL i0.tI D41''ihV ; , KOLJNi'ZE Place bargains. $2,500. $3750 to $ i.s4ju ; , J. .1. Gibsoui , 1)14 First Nati bank bldg. ltlO-279 FOLLOWI NO desirable ProPertY ; Business lot corner , Clx130 ) ft. , hut ho. Ouumutua , paved. Business lot , COxISO ft. . lnipros'ed , f3outht Omaha , street paved. Tract 121 lute ) , iCtIi St. 'l'rm't (20 lots ) , i0th St. l"or iarticuhars UIIlY ) 1012 jearflam St. itF-2l IIOTJSES , lots farms , lands , loans , also fire Insurance. Ueinls , l'axtvii block. II. , YOU have real estate ( or aio and s'nnt it sold , lIst it with in and I wilt clt it-if I cmi. It } ( j wish to Purcluase tuiltl % vauit a big bargaIn look over my Itt. J.1i. Sherwood , 422 N. Y , Life bldg. , 1(18-352. SOUTHEAST enrnor 28th and HIckory , SOxlSO feet , 0111) ' $750. J. N. Frenzer , oup. old postoillee. itF-M25' I1AVF you some lots to sell ? Now Is time 11100 II ) tiIIftse of them : let the pe.opto know thu.st want to dispose of them. 'flue lieu reaches tlue Peolile who have I ho nuonoy , ltD-tOO U. 13. fl.-flargains. Bright Beautiful homes of 5 , 6 , 7 , t. 10 auud 12 rooms etuchu ; toca- Ihoui thue most tiesirable In tIe city ; if you nra seeking a home , we would be lileaseul to show you the most dt'slrable PruiPortY In Omaha. N. J. iczuuuuruI & Souu , 310 and 311 Brown block. ItlC.-995 160 ACRES I mile ( rpm good Nelraska towuu ; mortgage 1l.tsXi. which I whIh pay uind give clear ilced for 12.000. Glovt'r , "Thou Real l0mttate Man , " 802 lCarbmichi 111k. BD-MGblJulO - JII61T farm near Omaha at half appraIsed vahuit' . Jolt1 Slier , 2502 illonulo st. , Omaha. 81-393 July29' _ _ FOIl SALE or i2Xrhtange , business block ; clear ; U0,0'X ) : reuuts ( or $1,000 ier year ; will take resiiitncu , or ( arm Propt'rtY. W. L. Orahuim , lletubuildiumg. htD-51u3-7 ioit ; : SALE , iieshrahulo esit1cnee lots , I2Ix 130 , in iiruut-elmuss location : ten tnInuts' tu1k from court huoue ; cheap for cash. Adulress 0 Cl. lice. htI0-M7tT ( l,1tGuS 'I'Ii.\13l ) , iiVNOS : : tuned. $1.59. Bose , 152t Dodge. h7 JyG' - LOT , I.CST roi IV' < iuttItInfl grounds is'cketbook cofltaiitflg ) change no I eonifluulttittflfl t icket I . ' , e peuti I inn. Fluid er ' , v ill ho I lb. emIly rewau (1(51 ( tup'uIt lsah.'ing tilt' ticket At thh alibi' . ( nteket'pers lurit'e bc'eli no- tifled of iItuithl so the ticket will he of no tuse to unyotte tutit owner. i.ost-M2G 1AST. ttiiinhl ti'il t. un' tutirkeul ' ' 'tsxle , ; ' ut IL'ciO4itlOtl ? tttntJny. flevard. C. S. Stebiuiuus , 1.Vp. , I lentltutrters. ; 1.ot-MTit. ) . ' LOST , Night' ( if July 4th , nenr 2lth itid Sluroglue Streets , 1)1(55 book. etuuutulnhlug riihronul P155&SI III ) List' to fltu' tulle mit itsnir. 1"iiuler will In' revmirdeuI by cc- tturnhuug tintiu to t uuu"ric'aui ipresS ( ' 0. , 1.103 Fuirnauuu St. , or 1ie othice. , Lost73) 5' 1.051' or stolen , a potketlrnok t'iuuutnttting II ft t'euu ho rs I it in o lucy , so tnt' liii I i's tutu 5 - tibit' to N. ( 'tie Stewart , l4Ofli ( ' dcttire . , e te. Leave lut iT. S. MeCatthty'S , 212 14. 17th St. , fl1ui got reward. Iust-T3.1 5' FOt'Ni ) , hay ionic. .luIte 25. vcighit 70) ittIflti . S. Chris J ( ' 1)5(11) , N Iii et vent hi it uutl w. streets , South Omaha. Fotund-73i 7 SitOit'1llAI ) AND ttlF3\Vitll1N ( . VAN SANT'S Schuoui , 717 N. Y. Life. q'i10 uo'lut.ot WittuS ) ? ttuiintui juet empiuynheuht. Couititicted by ito cxl'erlcuIceU I t'pturter AT 03fAi1. Ittis. College. iltit & Dotigtns. SI iottr-I TA N 1) hlt.to.date , tatuglit by court re1e1tkrs Iloylci SIVIIOOI. 40.1-5-7 1.Iei. ttlg. ; - - - - - - t'tlIhlt.tUi M.tllNi. I 1VUtUCU S0'.b 13l2I1unrtJTth1t0V t -M226Jy20 St'3i1illt 1t135it'l'S. V1.lI.t.OIt'STOND NAT1ON\ I'ARI'1. W'y. lit' n'rmuaneuut caunus. ; SIu'chmtl rate. fl \I iltuuit , 1 and 2 \\'ame hik. ' l'itutie 2135. -Mi)9 ) Jyti ' ' ' ' . S'l'Vt'I'U.hiV. A ItTISTIC ficuuitu. ( iruumuunentg. ( lonuuehla & Co . 317 . 1011 St. 201-.Iy 2L 1'Yl I0vul l'i'ITit1. 'I'Yl 'D\'hi i'i'flltS ( , r cent , flVi ( ) pet' month. 'J'ho Smuuttlu-l'reiuuher Tyua'wrlti'r ( 'u. , lidS Farnuuun SI : TCh'thinfl ( ' 12M1. . ' ' ' . .t t'C'l'UN. J. It. MAXCY & CO. . atuethoncers , roonu 416 , Kn ubachi block , vamt your auctIon sales of r'ai estate , uneri.huumudlsc , furruitur , live stock , etc. -52 1 ! . . I It I ) It hISSING. S1.fl of hair goods ; prices satIsfactory. Miller llairdressiuug Purior , 1514 Douglas. sSa-J ) ' 12 I31.i1C'I'hL t'l' Vl'b NG , 11. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Dodge.MIS -MIS ! Jy27 = = V J15'l'It'1V3 OIC 'I'll 13 l'I3ACLI. IIOUCK. 300 Karhach Block. 288 IulCcLi1S. vhecls , $19 to $25 : secondhand wheels , $5 H : ' $111. Ontahta BIcycle Co. , 16 & Chicago. -053 1'.tVN Il It 0 K B Il S. hi. MAuo\\-'rz loans money. 4t3 N. 10th 1lil..t'I'IO 1IOSI'l'l'tI. . DR. LIFIBEIt , cancers , female dlseasc. 1512 LeavemuvortJt . . V 5 4) U1'IlOLS ' 1 1611 I NC. LUNDflEN , furntttzre made over : 1523 Lcaveuuworthu. -MC91 JylO 't it'l'i'i : ji II I'.CltlII ) , 51. \VALI'1LIN , 2111 'tunIng. Tot. 1.531. I ) ! t 10 5 i'ihI A KING. t)1tI6SSMAKING. Mihs Sturdy , 210i ) ) , i' . enport -7'JIJyh1 - 11 I CYC I .25 S. B4\I2OAINS in new & 2nd ham ) lulcycles ; easy terms. The Safe Siore , 1116 Farmiani. 876 Jy13 SttI3li5lt FOR PU1)iiS of 7th and 8th grades , begin- njng June 27 , at Church of Good Shepard , 20th amid Ohio. Agnes it ! . Dawson. 31 5-J y-5' VIoLiN ltl INC. C. A. CASIS , vIolins repairetl. 116 Shcely 131k. -i1G92 JylO WhI3O6 ILAI'll ISItS. \\'FI SOLICIT and furnIsh positions for stt'uographuers free. Thu e Smnttb-lreuuiler 1'iicwrIter Co. Toleahane 12S1. 233 ll.UiL hitlSi4SINfl. SAL1I on hair good. Miller's hair Dress. ing. 1511 Dotugimus , -907 Jyli - . , V'- SUES Co. , 4 ,8V UflLIiS AMS ) OLIXVI1S ( , V. / 4' lIce ILIdg , Onuuiua , Net , . _ . ( _ , _ - _ & Semmd ( or our iit Imucitut- V V 1,1-s ( tiuide. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' l'tS'I'OF'l.'lt. hI NO'i'ICIS. ( Should be read daily by all interested , as changes Iflit ) ' occur at Xfl3 tiumie. ) l'orehgn intulls for tIme wed ; ending July 9 , IkilS , will close ( l'ttOMl"i'LY iii all caseS ) at tile General Postoltice as foiiuv ; 1' It- I ' 161S l'Oti'l' tIL I iS close otia hour euuuliuu titan c1oiu tiutto shown below. 'I'uuuis-A t lutuit to tuuiis , WISDNESDAY-At 9 a. in. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m.u for F1'ItOPlI ( except. Sitiuu ; , per s. s. liritu.nuiic , via Qiieeruitown ; at 10 a. in. for JU1tO1'i8 ( except Spaiuu , lur 14. \'t'sttliuJia2utl , via Soutliunlpton auth .d II twerp. Sit'i'tTlthAY-At- ) n. III. ( cur FRANCfl , S\Vi'1'Zflit1AND , I'PA lY. TUItF iY , 1XY1"l' and lhltI'FIShI INDIA , per s. s. I lL 'l'ou rd ; ue' . via I I ii ' . ri t l't I ( OS to r other jiarts of Europe ( except Spain ) must. Ite illrt'ctt'cl ' 'lieu La i'ourutiutt' 2 ; at u 11. 10. for GltlSjtT IIltii'AiN , IItELAND. I'Olt't'I'GA L IIEI.i I I'M , NI8TII DR. Li\NiS , AUSTItIA , ( ISItMANV , Di8N- dAltF1 , NOit\VAY , h3V1I1)iN utiud itt'S- 51. . , ier s. s. IStruirin , via Quuct-listown ( letters for other parts of 1uropo ( oxept Slat I n ) untust lttt ii I rt'vt eti 'uut-r i'll ru i-Itt I mit 8 a. uu. ( or , ND'I'IIDITLANDS hlirh.tt , Per 5. 14. SjlauuuutltluuI , hui. ltotterdttni ( let- leTs Ilutust Le directed 'jt'i Sltariuduun at 8 p. rn. for i'I'A l'u' Per S 14. F1nlser I I. tlettors must be ( lirectell ' i'itst'u $ Vt'un. I 1' j ; itt 10 a. in. for 15t'itOii. ( ext tlt Slitifli ; ir it ii. hierlin. \'ht Qtueenshw ( u ( letters : nuutt be lirec-ted "per Berlin" ) ; it 11 a. m. for NOit'VAY ( threct , er 5. 5. Nurgo ( letters must be directed "per Norge" ) . After the islng uf the fiupplemeuutnr 'i'ransatlnntlc X.Ittih : nanie4 ntove. nih ] - tlonul stupplemnentary mails are opruied on the Piers of tile .mCtICaZI. Fmigllshu , 1"reuuch anul German utteauneis antI renusin uiit'll i.uuitil withuin tell minutes of the hour of sailtuig of 1eamoer. 1tiiith , for South iuiii Ccui ( ruth . iucrlcn , S'est lnilIc's. 23(0 , WISDNISSDAY-Atl2m. . for GIt1SNADA. 'i'iINIIAD and TOIIItGO , tier s. s. Oren- ada ; at 11 p , itt. ( or JAMAICA , per Sttanuer ( roun Baltimore. T1It'itSIAV.-At. 11 a. rn ( suupleunentary 11:30 : a. in ) \'FNE7.Ul5IA , ( 't'ITA- C O , SAVAN 1 LLA and CA1L'lI lAG DNA , Per B. 8. Laughutou ; ; at I p. in. for CAM- llSCihlT , YUCATAN , 'I'ABASCO anti ( 'IIIAPAS , ier s. 8. lCennctt ( letters ( or other larts of Mexico xuuust be dIrected 'Jnr iCeumnett' ) . FitiDAYAt 10 a. in. ( supplementary 10:30 : I'STfll'ii'L 1OL'ICfl. it omit tnttt,1 ft. in. ) for ( 'Al'D i13'I'1 aunt SANTA MA1t'i'lIA , per s. r. A. litunoi'i ' ; at 12 rn for itto 1)16 J.NhiR aHil tN'OS , vrr it S. Sctultlsli l'rI.ic" ; at 12 Ill. ( stuppli' . iuleuhtsr5 3 p. in. ) ( ' 'r ' CliN'l'iL L A 'ti lit- i ( . . ( . 'tcopt ( 4)510 ItIen ) rituil for SO1'Tl f I I'ACh I'IC [ 'ORTS. peu s. ii. Ai1'uitici' . ' . I.t I Colun ( lett&i's ftr Guatemala lutist tic dl. ri'eietl 'her Advature' 1. SATVItIAV-At 10 a. nu. ( suppienientary l0.30 : ut. iii. ) for lOitTtTNiI iSt.AN1) , .TAMA SAVA N1111.A nuid ( IItBY- 'h'\'N Per s. ii , Athos ( letters for Costa Rica lutist hue ihireeteut "luer Athios' 1 ; itt S .11) hI. ill. for N l V l"OtN I ) LAN I ) a liii 5'l' . l'IflitltlI M1QI. . ' lIl.ON , 1401' steauner frouut North S'ydiut'y. Mit us for Neu tiitlndbu ui , by rail iii Ball. fit x. antI thence by steamer , elnu at I luI 0111(0 (18115 itt S:50 : P tU. ttmtii I ) ) ! ? ( ll qimeloli , by ruth to ilostout nitul thuetlt'i' by steamer , clost' tut thIs ornte daIly at :3l : ) I ) . Ifl. Malls for ? tlt'xlct. CLtv. overland , tiuulss specially uutidreeseul fur ltCuhihI(1t ) l' steiuumut'r. , 'lnse nt this 0111cc doily at 23) a. in. .tnd 2:30 : p. m. "ltogistered luau cloS1k. at Gfli : ) ' . in. lurovIolls chit ) ' . 'h'rututs-t'utt'l Iii ) ) iut tis. Malls for ( 'hulum alit ! JnPI1II ( uuiecially ad. ( iressed only ) . iucr S. it , Bunpress of ( 'iuina ( friau ' ; utIcotut ci 1 , close lucre chutily UI ; to July lt1u cit 6:3) : P. tO. 1tluils for Jtui"t m Lexcetit tituso fit.Vi'ct ? Aurtrat'.mt , which utre ( , ) m'wnrt'tii % 'o ' h.tIv'ihtC ) , Nc't' 7ethiu" , I I a tvu ; I I , ) 'l I I e ' .II Sit inca ii Isli iel' . le i' S it. Ahittiet1& ' ( ( II : Vi 1ruuui'Isu' ; ) , eIo.4 , ' bert' dalht' tip In .101 % ' ' ' , uIi sit 7'J : i : . ni. . 11 ml. 711. anti 6 . $2 $ ' . ni br Oil it . ' .LI ii Neu 't'ni-li ( , I S. 5. ( 'a 11P3 hi 111 I 1 ; i ; uhiitil- ; ( tic . \nstr'l-t : ! t. \itilio for tIulit. Jflltui nit,1 , I lit ttII. i"t' . . t'ttY of 1 tb do Jauielr ) ( ( ruin Stn : i.'rtuiciseo ; ) , cluucc' lucre doll ) ' till to July 10th nt 6:5 : lu. rn 111m11 I s ( or ( 'Ii I flu n ad ,1 a iau a , ur S 14. A ri zomia ( ( me nu 'l'itco nun ) , c lost' ht it' tutu- Iii ) to July " 11th itt 0:11 : I ) . ifl. 2dmiihs for Auititrihlt ; t ( except \Vt tit .Atist mliii ) . New Zemulnuuti. I Inwmuil atu" , Fiji isin Iils , her u' . ii. Vmurrluna4 , ( froitt V'umeotuvi'r : ) . close lucre daily tufter .lIuly Stli 1)1111 lii ) Ia , luily ' ' 21st Itt 0:30 : ii. in. \In us ftii thut' b'ociet y 1slttiui l'u' Silbit CIty of l'apelti ( ( corn Situ ICrihiuciscot. t.loie hicut. ' daIly at to July 25th at 6:10 : 1) III. 'l'mmu mu s-I 'a ci fit' iii ii II s fl ue forwzu uii etl to port of i'll ihluur u.ribly 1111(3 I hit' Si't' tIe if eloslnn i-t mu rruu cl , ( nil t I ti i r-'i a iii i ' tbout c ) t t Ii t'i u' hi I ) I uu t cvi ' .1 o t eu ( lt't'h a ad I r. t asit . " I tegt ii. t C red inn I I t'tnsos it t 4 ; p Ii . prt'vhou s ltt y. COItNDL.1L5 'AN CO'FT. I'tutunuster ; Postnlllc'e. Nt'tt' York. N. 'i' . , ituly 1 , IS9S. 'i' tMl , ' ' ' ' ' - 'ft-1 , CHICAGO & NOlt'i'lIVt'lSS'l'- E"'a I cr0 1tiilwiuy-City Ticket ( ) lilce , 1 tOt 1"ariuanu Street I II il.h1tL1s.4r 'I'd eptut , flu ? , 561 . Depot , 'l'emutlt usual Mitson Streeta , Telepluoiue , 020. Lent'e. ArrIve. Daylhglut Chulcitgo SItetial. . . . . . . . ' 6lO'tiun : ' 11:55 : pun Mo.'ahley . . , Sioux City. St. 1'uut & itiiuuhCtIOii' . . . . . . . . . 6:10 : nun ' 10 : IS pmn tioi. Vutilty , Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7:15 : ant ' 9:00 : turn Iluomu i' . 1) ( . ultuh on , , 'tutmuiclt itltuils ' 10:10 : imuu ' 10:05 : itun ilastem-mi 15 , ; : . . De itt 0 I lies. Slut msIai II. tOWli. C'rtlnr ltniu- itis ititol ( 'Iubeuigt. ' 11 :05 : ant ' .1 :20 : pun . /ttlauutlc lelyor. Ciul- eago aunt Fast . . . . . ' 4 :55 : limit ' 4 :20 : iouui l'iist Mmiii , Chicago to Oniahmn * 3:15 : pun Nouthui.rn Expi't'ss ' 5:10 ' 8:10 : irnu : aim ; Omn.-Chilcago 13l- cml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:53 : iuuui I :25 : am . I.ulhy. } LKIIOItN & : I MIssourI \'aliey itaiiwa- , :11 ? ° JJ.t ± J Geuterul Oblices , Uuulte % rliitu.j..1V States Nmutiouual ihank Bldg ' Southwest Corner Twelfth and laruamn 5treets. TIcket Oth1ce _ 1401 l"murnaun Street. 'relephucuno. 561 : LelOt , Flft"eiuthu and Webster Streets. lelepluono , 1,458. Leave. Arrive. Black I Iii 14 , flejiol- wood , h1t Siri'gs , 3:00 : in 5:00 : pm Vyomning , Casper and Dottglti'i . . . . . . ' 3:00 : pmn " ' 5:00 : im hastings. York , la- t'il CitY , Superior - Geneva , EXCIJ' ) M . - Ser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : tl pm ' 5:00 : pm irollc'erdigr3 anti Freniomit ' 8:15 : nun ' 1O:15 : nun Lincoln , \S'aiiao & Fremont . . . . . . . . . . I. S:15 : am " 10:45 : am I're untoil t 1 .o' ut I . . . ' ' .7 :50 : ii iii York l'asseunier ' 6:10 : pmui ' 9:10 : amn . Daily. ' 1 iiIIy : except $ : aidty. ; ' . Sun. day only. ' ' Daily eXcept Saturday. "s. Daily eac-'ut lticjiuutay. - ----1 CUICAOO.ST. I'AUL. MIN. 4.i.arI neapolls & Omaha Itailwny , , . -General Otflces , Neljrasica PEtjJ.Lt"4rt Iivlshouu. 1" I fteenthi and LIt. - : 'itj,4'obater Streets. Cut ) ' TIcket Olflce. 1401 1"n ml1uIit ; Street. Tub'- lOL.iC. ! 501. Dejiot , i"hfteenth atudVebster Streets , ' [ 'elttpiiono. 1,45t.Leave. Leave. Arrive. SIoux City Accomn. . ' 8:50 : am S:3 : pm Sioux CIt ) ACCOIfl. . " 9:50 : am ' S:35 : lUll Blair , Emntrsciu , Sioux City , 1'on'a , , hltui ti't'uJ anti ] JlljOiihl.ll . . . . . . . S. j'm " 11 :55 : am SIoux ( 'ity , Mait. Icutto , St. Paul & Mimmmitatpoli9 . . . . . . * ' 0:00 : pm ' 9:00 : mum D.tily. ' luiiy ; except huuuduy. " Sunday - day only. ' " 1)oes not stop at DeSota or CoiTxnuui. ; , . _ _ SiOUx CITY & l'ACIFiC , - ; # ' ; Railroad - General Olhlees c:14flV IiuJ. t111t011 States Natituuti ; Street. 'l'Ick&'t Office , 1401 Farnaun Street. I'ehehhiono' . sot. Depot. 'l'enthi and 1 ° tlruscmi Streets , Teieioliouue , 021. Leave. Arrive. SIoux City. Man- Icato , St. I'uul , ' 6:10 : am 8:40 : ama 3tl I a uit'a Pui Is . . . . . . . C :30 : nu ' 10 : I 5 ion Sioux 'it ) ' Iocat. . , 7 : 15 nun 1:00 : pucu ' Daily' I-- UU1ti. FN7T'N & 7th IS- I 0 , i.4 I sotmrl lttver Itillrotid-"l'htou I uUF rnon i liurthngton htuute'-Gen- I I eril ; UtHees N. Vt , Corner n I it n I J'i'n t I I It ii oh F'mtruit mci S t t ( 'i'ts. L ± I I U I 'i'ckt-'t (0111cc , J5r4 Farcunimi _ _ _ _ _ VI SI meet 'i'elepltomie 250. 1)e- hot , Tenth ttiid 1tltusoTu Streets. 'l'eiuphorus 128. Leave. Arrive. LIi''oln. hastings and llbCook . . . . . ' 835 ; am 9:35 : turn Lincoln , Deums'er , Colorado , Utah , ( 'a I I fo rum hit , I hluk : ulhtis , ? ltuitnuim & I 'uigtt Stuimt'i ' . . . . . ' 1 .3' pin 4 :00 : pm I4nt'oin I.ocai . . . . . ' 7:00 : huh ' 7:40 : 11111 L hmucolo I aut Mall , ' 2:55 : pm " 11 ; 40 ama PLover , Colorado , Utah , C'ahtfarnia and l'uget Sittind ' 1 ] :55 : pun ' 11:55 : pin iJalby. ' "I.tiiy except Suuidy' , , TURLING'I'ON & Qtitncy ltailroail - "rho B i I Burlington Itoate"-Ticket r I OIlier' . 1592 1'ti u'nain Street. II outs ) 'l'elelihouuC 250. E'elOt , ' . I nd Miosoru Streets , i'eiu. I Ititono 128. - 128.Leave Leave Arrive. Chicago Vestibuteti Express . . . . . . . . . . . . 61)5 ) pm 11:10 : am Chicago fixpress . . ' 9Ii : ani ' 4:10 : joni Chulciugo & S. Lotmhs tSxhross . . . 7:43 : 1)10 8:10 : am ( 'ri'stout 1oo'iti 1:00 : urn ' 10:45 : auui Pachilci .Junction Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11:55 : pm 5:10 : inn Ftist Mail 2:50 : 11111 Chicago Special . . . ' 12:05 : ion it50 ; 11111 , Daily. ' Daily tixcolit Sunday. I lcANSAS CITY , hiT , JO. & CfluuhlcIi illuffs flail- BurIiuton coo ii - ' "l'htt , I lu ri I ngt ou ii llauito'-'i'icket OIilco , 1502 II oute Farnum Street. 'l'eleliluouio , 250. Depot , 'rt'ntbt ututi 31111- lion Streets. 'relejuhuonu 12 , Leave , Arrive. ICanmoa s City Day IIX3ITCSS . . . . . . . . . . . 9:05 : am 5:40 : pm } Cnnsas City NiLTIIL J'Ixioreuos . . 1loo : m 6:30 : am ' & klI : : St. Louts 4:30 : vm ' 12:05 : iota ( or hit Joseph and Daily. oMAHA & ST. LOUIS BAIL- PORT roai--ornaiia , iCamisas City j Fasterri ittuiiroiai-"j'htt , t'oii . , " ' ' .Artiuur ituuto"-'I'lrket Oilhee , ROUTE. 1415 Furutuumi Street. ' 1t-i. - _ lhiofl 322. 1)enot , Tciuthi anti .lasuuI Streets. ToItolmone t29 , Luav Arrive , lit. Louis Cinuon hail Fxpreums. . . . . 4:35 : tim 11:5O : am Itatusas City & Qulluucy Local . . , 7:10 tim 95G pm Knnsas City Er- lress 7:30am : Port Arthur Er- press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30pm S Daily. - - - WABASh ItAILItOAD. ' r--- Ticket 1)111cc , IllS 1'urnam 4 V Street. Telephone 892. Lelot ' ] 'i'iuthi utuhti Mahon Strcets. riieihuono 629 , Leave. Arrive. St. . . "Canon hittlI ' Express 4:0 : pta ' 1133 am Daily. fltll.w't. _ 'l'i3tI ( tlii ) . Cthl'AUO iL'i ISLAND . & Pneillc Itniiroma t"l' hue _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gr"itL ILo k Isbnulul hint , ' I ( 'it ! , Ticket Olilie , 1323 , I . ' Farlutuun Sireot. 'L''leIhholuo 42:1. : 1)epot , Tenth utiud ' , 31ttsoit ; Strcets. Telephone , _ _ _ 23 , t.ove. .irlve. Rocky 31lotuntaiuu t.iunltecl. eaSt . . . . 1 :30 : am I :25 : am hooky Mouuutniui i.ftutteol. tve4t :2O : am 5:15 : , uiii ChiCtgo & fIt. Path \'eitIttIlctl B biresM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : pun 1:23 : pm ltuucoln. Colorado SrIngs , t'ueblo , t'ettver and vet. . 1:30 : lum 4:23 : pun Cute ago , Des t'IuutuhPtt at Rock Ia'and ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7:00 : iint " 11:25 : am Atlantic tJXitCtt , ( or Des Moluut' niuti eastern points " 7:20 : am " 8:50 : pm Cculouvtoio Flyer . . . . . s 7:00 : h'uui S:34) : tim 1)nhl ) ' . " DaIly exct'ot Suuioluli' . _ . .2irr1. uNION l'.cttc - " 1,1111 uitW4i % ! Overlonti ltobuti'General Of- flees , N. \ % . Corner Ninth tulni , Firnuuun ; Sti't'tut. CII ) ' l'icket % LVrlJ . ( ) il'cc , Ilirl t'ttriumtuut Strtet. % . : : * : : ; ) ' ] ' ( 'l'phflhtO ) 210. lejout , i'cuttlu " : , , , , . . " ttuu.l 31tasott Streitti. 'it. lt.phioute co. Loave. Arrive. "Thun Overiarni I , tnuitt'iI" for Dcut- ver b'zult Lake , ttll ( ( 'ostt't'lt l'U. . ¶ :3O : ant iis pin TIto CoichtIo Spa- i'Ial , for I iofler : & tuli C'eltuu' uda p't it. ' 11 : . ' 5 via C :40 : a Iast Mali Tt'tii for Stilt Lake. 1'aeliIc i.4)U.t ; tuid all wt'qtCrn tuotats , . , 4:35 : pm 6:10 : nun LiiiccitIl , I he.ttrhee .1 : : Strenhbl.ourg Dx. 5:90 pm ' 12:20 : 1uii 1r in,1li , , C.ltuuuu- bus. Nrfolk. ; Gi'tl lsluud .t hcuruuc ) ' 4:35 : 1010 ' 12:20 : thin out ad lsltud : Eu. . . ' & :0 11th "II .20 lulul . Pit ! ) . " Dolly except b'iunuliy. S u I 01 Unuttluit Local in 'is.et'o's , 6 :15 : a. in. ; 1:1. : , , 5. lii. ; 11:15 : a. at. : 1:1) : ) P. in. .Ai'- ii' . cut , lt'l6 ' : is. ; n. ; 3:31) : 1' . ; ; i. ; 6.OJ ; ' . : uu. ecu I , ' 9 ihl.ttts I .ncu I - - I . ' . 'u h ; 5 a. in. ; 6.10 ii. la. ; :40 : it iTt. : 5:11' : ' . . lIt. ; lt ° :3) : a. mu. ; 1 :1t. : P. itt. : 4:31 : p. ut. : 3.5 : ' . u u.S : .2 , p. lu ; 10:03 p. iii , . Aurilu , , COV1 it. lit. : 720 a. uut. ; -.l' a. rn : 31 : 'j a. in. : 3W p. in. ; 5:1' : ) , . iii , : 6:30 : p. 1.1. ! ; 9.05 P. ; ut. : 20IS ; p. in. : i I l'A t ( ) . \i I h\'Al l 1515 & Cs'cA5 St. 1'uui ! tuiilway - City MILWAUKEE ; tret1eeolieos4 ; " . S. , . 't'oiuthm ttnd 31lttsuti Streets. , Telepluoiue. 029 ip Leave. Arrive. ChIcago LimIted Express . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:15 : m ' 8:20 : am Onu a butt & Chicago Exprcj'i . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 : am " 4:15 : inn Sioux 'ity niuui 1)05 Moines fixpress. . . . . " 11 :0' : ' ) nm ll5 : pm 'Datht. "Daily except Suutdmuv. - ' 'tJA8At. M1i4OUIt1 L'ACIF'IC RAIl. . . roul-Uuiieral ; Otlbces utuid 0 TIcket Otilc , Southe.'toil Car- . nor 14th nOd 1)ouglas Streets. p . I p. 'l'eheluhuonc , 101. Depot. iStit Vebster Sto. Tclcihuone : p Leave. Arrive. Kansas nuid Nab. 1.iunlteol . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:07 : iumu 92:53 : i'm KattitiLS City & St. I.otil Express . 9:10 : pin (1:00 ( : aun Nebruuoka Local . ' 4:30 : pnu 9:45 : am Daily. ' Dail' eXChiLut Sunday. \tl'l' . flh'I' Uh' t't' , O1'r a t itimi' . of Osti' ' , ' . lii , Ihbilipt tie. lii't t' Iii 511 lIt'ri II ' . , ' Suitu. vstitloils ' she cc1Almncd St 01 tttiohit' . ' 'not a hilt of it. I hunt t' too muitlelu semis' tot' that . Of t cures' there ate sonic little timutuas i tort cud I ii g K'(1 C ) r bui ih I trek t Ii at ot'o'a't. u. uhly , chalimu lii ) ' stentiohm ( , limit stul'o u fit Is onhy the ( Aibluig of the weak. 1- ' ' 'ttit a imuiiutute. 'liucre's a 11111 on the 1. . walk. V ' 'Tlicu'i Now I hiae it , Do 3011 k'tnty over ) ' tIue 1 have st'en a hut aunt flboh to pick it LII ) ( Icorge niuti I hifite qtmirrel I. Straluge , isuu't It 7 1 ' ouuhthiu't dal' , to toss 0110 itOt' . "blat we were ploiitkhng ot sut'rst 1 1'tL' tueuirol II 5111(1 ( that everybetly is 501 t i . - tlotls to it greater or hess extent , but I lou t hcllc'o it. 1)otl you ? Of course I kui. didn't. flat yeti do find stulh'rsItie'i ill I slralugemot lilnoeS. I once kii&'u a glu I ' 'I ) ouu't cult across the t'urumer I ii.it ' Ion't yoU ktmot. its a sure sign at huiol Ia I t ouhduu't ito it ( or the orId , iii t ic il ; Ill I ouice kiutitu' nit u-lull dowuu by ii iituiite t 'i i ti'itlfT to emIt utcu'oss It corlith ttmut 'u sy I ii uhlWutyi4 thiotughut thieve wuus a ount i"al of foollsthuht'SS itt I hunt lihen , but titter t liii it StitB different , of course , "Let's set ! 'hucre was I 7 ( lIt , 'a. floly t l'ciiiciuiticr.t'e tualltbui about thtt ii' . sturdily of [ icing tupeu stitltius. ' ' 'ehi , I ouuco kiuctu' a girl ut tm nettuily 1o- livctl iii ghosts. itcal uumnslhtc girl hit a ; bit respects , too. Fuuimiy. tabuu'U It ? I uuttet uo tell her (11111. shi'.l have to , ct o . . r ii r aLt i oem-st I t tans oi' site' be I he I : tiigb a g u.l ii It tit everytooly , hut it tlidtt't tarot 'o iiinliii aim ) . tltfCcictlcC. I ilmtnh site limust hmuve tuo.t a cah ; . . lt.miu't yuti 2 ' 'Iiy thur luy , I ttat' the mum'uv unenmu over may lcrt sluouil'lt'r inst utighut . Vlunt b iii ioiIllo&hSt' ) will hmnuul'tuu ? 1 jtmst kiouv t It it. ( ioOi-gl. t-lhl trii ; mao a tto o'pnuit tifl ot czuumul : . ' imemi he t'ommics to coil tOuth : ° . 'I that t Iac I saw tile uuew uneouu my I ft blat tutu em a ; IS t lie tery Ii ig I ) t hot I V i eiOs ; ' 'Still , of COtll'St' , I iulttstui't lou . , 't thmitt t pihled somime ait today. ioiimyhje thitut w it make' a iliifl'I'c'uuce. 4\nyuvuly , I 'II k..ouy u-hmats tIme reason if I .Iomu't get. tlic cuuuih : ! , autut thui're's some satisfaction in thuat. ho ) 'oli liior , wlmeit an ) 't hi I a g tiuitistuu ; I lm ; pm' ' ' us I COIl ttluuuost always fIgure rIght back to wlittt caused it ? , , I bu U I' mul iii I ghi ty ; imid I 'ut um mit sum iut'rsI. ( ttotis , 111cc moo uiuiiiuy girls I hmuuw. ' ' N. , ltiuit-i's .t ( tt'uiibif tO'ark , ST. LOUIS , Jtuty special to the l'ost- iispmtrhi ) ; fr iit l'immru , Ill. , umis : NoU ? i- statutllug the 1t1.kuliUti of tIme opeintors of the fotir l'ann nIrnj , that thit'y trould opimu tim at r in I a cc tn U' . nou-uumi lou mci u today , ti not miltluotughu POhtco 10 otmi Utumu uas offered I ho Itldhu , tiobotly athezuptoti t go to work. All ( ho moines ill C' sturrotmndetl by a imrge forcei or tmnloti nhumc'rs amid htmiol umon-uuiuhon umi'mi uittelthiutI to work serIous t ioull'u wotihi lutvt' ro'sumitd , as tlm.i . tom umu'i' ulclare they " ill not allow outsideis to tmtke thielr places , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----------------V- - - . - VV _ . _ _ . _ _ .r----------- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - , , , , , , . V tItlittY CS ) ! ) , ThflUG ii DX PITNSI VII hiSIilNC. ' ' 't ttI' V. , cwmi'V k'I I 4 p . . , . .V ) \ , , , # ' . . % , . ' -i - * ' , ' //1g- - -4 . , iT1ILOftIl1ijti.lii5 ) . . - - ; : f , A' t . f I , " .c A. / / ¶ ici 't' I gcL v \tV ( i ( ' L9 /11 / # I ( e. , , Lf' , cr44k' : t b . . o ' 4) ) ) .fV. , ' . lEo-I always keep my gloves on whoa I go to bed , I find It keeps in. Ibands soft , She-Do you keep your bat o ; too ? , I