Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1898, Image 1

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\ i . THE OMAHA ' ; DAILY BEE. .
i1' ' . , - . ! , _ _ _ _
. - - -
i. I ' 1EACE AD
' Attribnte of the Exposition Which Are
Thoroughly Enjoyed.
I ,4qlJi
' .
Inhczent Beatiea of the Great rnir Draw
Btudiou3 Observers ,
Everything is In Place and All Its
Advanthges Are Apparent.
' : itIleM ( lie old lIsts .Mtite Are
it ) Arrive hi Oi.Iiii Next % tuiz-
d& * tu INIt the
' . ILHNIt I , . . . .
: Ashe from the flnal coticertA of the
. I i&Omaz & orchestra and the Fourth Regiment
hand yesterday afternoon mul evening there
wai ; nothing to give a distinguishing feature
* to tlit CXiOItIOt1 yesterday. The
: Eeemel ( strangely quiet after the tremendous
crash of the preceding day. The buildings
. Were ns magnijlcent as ever. The laimil-
Senpea vcro equally bright nnd attractive
and the ljtmntlng that Iloate. ! over the bustling -
ling ncttvlty of the Fourth stilt 8treanmed
, 'p front hug staff ant cornice. lint the Inspir-
lag 131)eCtaCiO ) of time vast. concourse that en-
I flladcd the grounds was absent and a Sab-
I bath quietude lerva(1Ct ) ( court atmd promo-
I untie. It wns like the silence of the theater
after the mtmttciaimn have PflCkett their In-
\ Btrutnents and departed and the audience
has disperse.l.
. htmL to those who were not on time grounis
the day before there was no apparent change
( 1I the outward aspect of the grounds. Iii
p iplto ot tIme tact that nearly every one might
. ) 1)0 ) conceded the right to stay at home and
I recuperate after the Patriotic celebration
, there was about the same crowd as on any
ordinary occnsion. It was not lmat aught
! 1)0 ) enlted a crowd , but there s'ere pco-
. . PlO enough everywhere to give the
, enclosure a populated appearance and ro-
, ( icem it from any appearance of desolation.
. d was irgc1y composed of people who ca'ne
. _
- , primarily to study the inaimy iroiltnblo
features of the exposition at their leisure ,
. when careful scrutiny as not irohibito.
by t1o dense amasses of pcople tiitt stmrgtd
through the huiitling , carrying time individual -
dividual along regardless of his wlmhe.
. The program ror the reinnintier of the
, week is not nuarked by any especially nota-
I bit' ftature3. After the big celebration by
which it was inaugurated It sas scarcely
I considrcd advisable to crowd other big
: events too close ater. For the next five
clays tiu. drawing IOWCT ) of the big show will
I consist simply in its permanent attractions
nnti the excellent music that riil be
furuuislied by Philmncy's band , which begins
a week's engagement tomorrow.
lttMMutCIIIIMtlM Niitiilulcs CiuIn.
The net special day will be July 11 , when
a big official PartY front Massarhusetts will
caine. This will be one of time
most distinguished parties that time
exposition lmns yet entertained and the
' occasion will receive commensurate recog-
nition. Thc deiegation will oruive In Omaha
mit ti ocioclt next Sutuulay morning on a spo-
cml trnih. It vill lncIuul the following
state otilcials : Lieutcnaimt Govt.renr IV.
Murray Crane , Colonel \VIiIiam C' . Capelic.
assistant. adjutant general ; Colonel harry l.
Converse , asslstnnt quartermastcr genera' ;
I Colonel Roger Morgan , assItant quartermaster -
master general ; Coloi.ei Frattic Ii. Stavenson ,
alul-de-enuuup ; John II. Sullivan , Eilshn 11.
Show ; mud horace II. Atlmcrtou , mncnmbers of
. executive council ; Edward F. llamlin , see-
rotary of the executive council ; Treasurer
J Edward P. Show , Auditor Joims IV. FimnbaII ,
E , t' George E. Sunith , lrcsldemit of the senate ;
Henry I ) , Coolidge. clerk of the senate ; Julia
, 1. . Bates , speaker of time house ; Jumcu IV.
. ' Kimball , clerk of the house ; Cnptnin John
ci. ii. Adams , sergeant-nt-arnie ; Sonatora
Henry Parsons , \\'ilsomm II. Fairbanlc , Daniel
I ) . Ilourke , Itichard IV. Irwin , JOSC1)i1 11.
Fancy , George E. Putnam anti Charles 0.
Ilailey and liepresentutives. ltigene ii ,
. Estes , John 0. Slocum , Francis F. Farrar ,
- Joseph .1. Vhilbrick , i. 1' . tm'akc , IVillinmn
. Kells. Jr. , Colonel Albert Clarke , \'i1llamn 11
, ,
i Stone , Joluim ii. I'once , harvey C , Smith ,
: Julius C. Aluthony , J. J. McCarthy , Waiter
S. V. Cooke , GUru l. Gnve , Alfred S. hayes
and Carletomu i. iloive.
: tPPr UISSIG ixiiiiii'rs 'I'LIRN UI' ,
All flu' IIiiIi Miuitme-
suu'M IIui , ' II.'u. lI'srl Irnuum.
Assistant Suiperimutcuudemut ( loodivift of the
Mimics building 1mm liavluig all sorts of trouble
, : locating the ! lIm.mmesota exhibit , vlmich , act -
. t I cor'iiumg to the statements of ti' ' . ' Minnesota
1t I people , VM CII time way to Omaha three
WSUkS ago. So tar all timmt hues appeareul
eonsIstu of a eouile Of nodcl ol lake ster.nm-
cre aliul ammo imilmulature or. car , but tIme rump.
, rescntatlvcs of lime i't ml. , ( lecusuw tht ticrc
f Is a very ( air ex'mimtt ' smneni oe on the 'say
umnti that It wifl hr. icr. vrr. , i.rmlv. Tn
, L Is time last of t.o imi.umu , cit mni tht !
now unnecotuuuced ( cr. 'lb. VsMr.g'omm c'
hibit i'ill be lmt'io In A ( 5' m 'o ftflI he
iumammagement hua ii' n sum' hp.t m
' . , ho hum every resi o.t ci wVt.tu1 ti'o .vat
ttnd in time exi.ust'iOIi . .omneu : ' . t'cn
, , I euncotmutereil lii u itteg just I tim mLt orL
of immaterial leLetl..r , l tt tim. .1Ci I ties
luutve bceii diopo' I ol a m J tl.m e't ibit : ms
hililupeit iome uI. . 'J..tungtuj % m lms
alum seut a u3.'ltL m.5mu1 fsctui lmu .iii Imit ,
I vluieli " III 1 c iustuid ! in time .inufacturera
imullultiug in ml ett is ( ml uln'a.
Tinu 1 La mu . ' .i I I. 1 * C' . b I t m i ! ; mut Huperi mm teumuiu'n t
' Ilaruit t.a teeui umuoutsl e.pcetiu1g for sev-
cmi wec'iu : imE , mmmi lvul aJd t1u imcs auc
2Iu' . Cml tic grouumctr. It " ill b. mm.iuarkd
at ommec and will "u ru'muiy for imumpcctiun in
a few ( la'H. Thtu c.'hittt lms l 'mm ult'layuui
oil ncount of the ( act hunt so many if thu
eteiminers running out of aut Framucimuco lmavim
becum inmlrrmIVl lmy time gu'urmmnment as trans-
ports. Otimerivissu IL iouhl have been lucre
l early in time first month of time exposition ,
II ii I eN for It u' ju u lul $ ism is I.engulC ,
) Manager iinbcock of the Transportation
S 1martuimcmmt has announceul time rateti that
p wIll ho unade by the various railroads on
time occasion cut the annual convention of the
atlanai League of Republican Cltmlm.u , which
convenes July 13 to l , Time arimeuiulo irac.
' - ' , I ticaily covers the entire UnIted States aimd
' . is regartied as very satisfactory , Time rate
u froni nil Iolmmts witluin iO miles of Onmalma
ltl bo one f.mro for the round tnt' and tick.
( 'lb will be oum sale July 11 to 13. They ivill
Lw good for time return trip until July 21.
Frommi all points In IVestern Passenger asso.
elation territory outside of time iO.mlie limit
time rate will be ammo fare luitma ( or lme
round trip. The sanmo rate will tie 1mm force
tromn all points on the Cotton l3eit , Port
Arthur. Missouri , Kansas & Texas , St. Louts
& San Francisco , Oregon Simort Line , except
tmortlm of Ililoum , Mont. , Oregon Railway aimmi
ay1atiou coumpwy , Chicago & Great \\'e3t-
' %
era arm Wisconsin Central roads. All points
in the Southeastern Passenger a'eociatlon
territory will also bear o. rate of one fare
titus $2. The fare from Central Passenger
association points will be one fare anti $4
for time rotund trip. The Trunk Line I'assen.
ger association imna made a rate of one anl
one-third fare to Chicago anil one tare phus
$2 from Chicago to Omm'mha aunt return. From
Tccas and other southwestern points the
rate will be one tare plus 2 for the round
111(1 'i'ltifl.S tNl ) USiI'UI. VOOtS.
lIIItt ! of ( II. ' i'etulIreN of time ( reuLt
Fur.'sry UlmIIit.
Immring the last tow years the practice of
forestry has made material progress in Nebraska -
braska , ammul to a citizen of the state belongs
time honor of mnaktrmg tree planting time 00
casioum of a very widely observcul holiday.
On timis account the display of limo timber
resources of title anti oIlier western states
wimiclm occupies a part of time Agriculture
bmmiiulimmg is unuiommbtetiiy of more iimterest
than it wommid have been a ulecatie ago ,
While no great effort was made to secimrc
an intleimenulent forestry exhibit enouim ma-
tonal has been contributed by various states
and individuals to form a very interesting
and instructive auxiliary to the other fea-
turea of time buliuiirmg. It incimudes practically
a comlulete exposition of time timber of Nebraska -
braska , Oregon , Arkansas , Texas , Missouri
atmul Montana and nmntmy of the specimens
are umufilciently extraordinary to excite time
wonder of time average visitor. Time Oregon
exhibit commtains some of time most striking
specimens of forest growth , TImis is the
imomue of time mammnoth flrs amid cedars whose
ummarvelous proportions excite time woimder of
time average visitor and the growth and fibre
of these forest giants are very effectively
illustrated in time exhibit front that state.
One imiece of tiuumber is of itself sutllcientiy
immnsalve to liii a good-sized chunk of the
space , It is a huge log of Oregon fir sixty-
to feet long numd thirty tnches square , a
rallier hefty specimnomi to bring all time way
( rota the coast to simow at the exposition.
Timitu splinter weighs sereum tons , anti it took
two hat cars to haul it to Omaha. A couple
of cross uctiouis show the size of the trees
fmoimi avhiclm sucim iumber can be obtained.
One of timemux is ctmt from a title land spruce ,
time mmcxl largest tree to thu redwood , amid
is thirteen feet in diameter mmd 32 years
olti. A cross tectlon of yellow iir is slightly
smaller , but Its rings tuimow it has required
525 years to grow to its present imroportlons.
limo oxhihit also contains a nutuber of planks
of red cedar and hr timrce feet wide ammul
four limchcs thick that are as clear and
sound ns a selecteui stick of holly , In imar-
mommy itim this Immensity are specimens of
pine amid fir cones , some of which ame eight-
cell inches ioumg. The exhibit is hued omit
with summalior sirnciuumemrn of ummyrtlo , cherry
and a ntmmnber of other varieties tlmat take
forms pccmmltar to tim forests of the coast
, Im , lierui I'tmme 'Fl uumipem' .
A yery luauudsommmely arranged eximlbit dis.
id:13's : time woods of Texas nod Arkansas.
Timis is partially comiosed of a collection
of ilfty-elgimt varieties , which is time property
of the hoard of Trade of Little Rock amid
has been loaned for cliibmtion ot the cx-
position. 'l'licse include a large number of
varieties hint amo susceptible of time most
beautiful fluuitlm amid ninny specimemma of trees
hint utmost of those who ace timemmi have never
heard of. 'Fhc Judas tree , wild plum , red
haw , PawPaw. imoimi . ui'nre amid shittini are
among souume of tue more ummcomnmon va-
rietles , white time collection itt enriched by
burnt' ntngmilflccnt speciuumens of holly , sassafras -
fras , becim anti a dozen others. One big
sassafras Is exhibited as aim illustration of
the marvelous cafambillty of timat timber to
resIst fire. Tlm tree from wimiclu it was
cut is 151 years aid and has been throimgh
ten forest fires. Time bnmk lmaim hecim burimed
comnluietciy oil and tIme mnarkum at prodigious
heat are plainly perceptible , but the log is
as whole and ounuI as ever. The Texas tim-
tier Includes a variety of srmecmcns : cf va'nut ,
mnuibort' , clmcrm y , iminek locust , various kinds
of ash aimd othern and time railing vimicii
surroumithi time booth is very artistically coo-
strucled of time mmlx merchantable woods of
time two states , yellow pine , hickory , oak ,
naim , cypress amid walnut.
While Nelim'zmska is not considered as much
of a timber uttato it is represented by a
very Immtcreating collection of specimens. If
alummost any Oil ( inimaimitant was asked to mmmc
all the various kinds of timber that grow
in the state lie would be ltkeiy to begin to
stanimner after ho haul miamed a dozen , limit
IICFC are specimumeos of about forty different
varieties that have been cut on Nebraska
soil. Most of theni are fromim the collection
of timc State university , anti while Nebraska -
braska has umo ummammoth red woods
nor spruces it shows soimmo cottonwood -
tonwood butts that are not so small.
There is a cross section of one big cottonwood -
wood si feet across timid one of black walnut
that measures four toot iii mlinnmcter. Keya
I'ihmt county contributes n cork eini that is
2LO yetms old anti as a mitmiking illustration
of the ciimacity for nourishment of the Ne-
brnsla cull a shoot of catalpa of one year's
growtim Is shown that umrensurcs tsvelvc feet
iii length ,
To lmOOPle who imave not learned that Ne-
braskzm. is souimc iummmpkimms in time timber line
after all it iii be Interesting to glance
over the list of the followtmmg varieties timut
arc fll oJmccml in Ilmic state nod included In
I lie nlmibt'imtc : .iulm , ticage orange , imite
wal itui , ioasoe1. ohamitlimis , white spruce ,
cmi' ei'io ' , ( . ) it cfim , vimituj willow , cotun-
ooci , 1)1 : &lnii , catalpa , black oak , box
s1e ; . lmi.'m iqut , , liii cherry , chingimapin
03 1 : , : cmi : .m ul be cry , lirmicy 1 ocUst , remi birch ,
, : bttc elm , imI ceuar , slippery chum , Austrian
rtmc. tet mnnple , vlmito oalc , burr oak , lmmmck-
Lem : . ' , yellow pimme , thianmond willow aimti
butale bcrry.
'thu Moiitaiia exhibit inetnules specinmens
of roil cedar , birch , cuttonood , willow nimd
aspen , togetimer iilim mmoverai imnmmmemme cross
eCtiOnB of red muad yellow idmmu anti cedar.
I'Jnmm. . fi' I'eim ii , . I vii u iii immy.
\\'ASIIING'I ON. July r.-Specimmi ( Tele.
gramimrcit ) e'Tm' t or' bt'imug ummado by
t he Immeni 1. ' ; . , e f m e l\ a 1 auiIa commm mu is -
clue mu rm1' : i' , . m h , .tia uiay : mt tiu Trans-
$ , ! br'u'su : . : m a zurtullu etic'cuu5 oim.i
mm it 'et : ct mi CarmiIs ? 'i.m lie lucid
Ia ' : . ; . ae : t' i . ; ty rmimmg : for
the ; .r'.e of ; upon th. t1to for
I" ; tiuyt , ur. It ry .mnui I h' Felt rilcu of amm
Om''Oi' fet the ( heat lmmcm'sio : will
1 e U c tu , lic a r on I 'as t immm : icr General
CImnr1a imury Smith to be orator oim Peiuim-
syIatuia dim ) .11 Omaha , hlch will probably -
bly be in September.
? iut Op. ' . . mmii Simiu.iu. ,
WAShINGTON , July 5.-Simeciai ( Tele-
grammi-Cmairummmmim ) ilrlgitamu of tbe govern.
meat board of cormtrol having charge of the
governumment exhibit at Omaha has written
a lettcr to i'restdent W'ntties stating tlmat
the Goverimmimemmt building could not ho
opened on Sundays. There have becim many
attenmpts immimule lmy fornmt'r expositions to se
cure coimvessioiis for Suntimmy opening. but
Ilmey have all failed anti itt all imrobabiitty
Ommmaima will fare like the rest.
it. IIM lotus ii'rIt'i'u ii t list. C ruimmulm. ,
The first religious service to occur on the
exposition groummds will be lucid at the Audi-
tortum itt 1 o'clock imext Sunday afternoon ,
11ev. Jemmkin Lioytl Joimes of Chicago will
imreach on time subject , "Time i'nriiamnent of
Iteligloims amid \'hat Next. " Rev. Mr. Jones
Is one of the mimost noted divines of the
Viiitiy City and musical features of a high
order will ho arranged for the 8ervIcc ,
Oabinot Decides 'to Push the War if it
Annihilates the Natioa.
itIuiMtry iC'tP mmmiii After 'l'nlki.mmz time
tittler over , itesolveN to ( li.
.Aimend IElt Vnr to time
3.ittcr 1umd ,
MADRID , July & . -1i:30 : p. mm-The cab-
met council tonight , after a short esslomm ,
decided not to oiemi' , negotiations for peace ,
but to continue the war with all risks while
a single soldier remains in Cuba. The gov-
crumncnt has no news as to a bommmbardmucnt
of Santiago , anti has cabled liiammco for
details ,
MADIUI ) , July 1u.-Scnor Sagasta ima ciii-
daily nnnounceml that Cervora tins been tie-
tented , that the Oquemitlo was burimeti , time iii-
fammta Marie Terern sunk anti Admiral Cer-
Vera Iminiscif a imrisotmer of war. Time die-
natch coimtaining the information has not
been fully deciphered.
LONDON , July 5.-The MadrId correspond-
emit of time Times says :
Atimiral Cervern.'s family has received a
telegram professedly from hinm statIng tlmitt
lie is a. prisoner , but its authenticity is
tioubted , Time following is the only official
dispatch the goveruoient. has recived simmcc
yesterday :
"At lusk last night there reached the
Socaia battery seveim shipwrecked amen from
time stunk torpedo boat destroyers , 'Fimey said
( lie Intanta Marie Teresa was steaming in a
tiaoiagctl coimtiition belmlmiti l'olnt ltuzer , out
of sight of the towim , amid that time Al-
umuiramite Oquendo was on lire. Subsequemmtiy
sailors ( I do not kmmow imow many ) got. ashore
aimd ccinflrmned the above , Time enemy attacked -
tacked our simips durimmg time mnornimig , caus-
log us a loss of seven wounded. Colonel
Escario's coiunumm has arrived. "
Time dispatch goes on to describe time intervention -
tervention of time foreign consuls at Santiago
and the offer of time Anmerlcans to delay
bonmijardmnemmt on time nmorning of July 6 , pro-
'riding the Spammiartis refraimmed from attach-
imig them. It coimelumles with the words : "I
have agreed. "
The Matirid correspondent of the Times
says : Dispatches received from Amnericami
sources descrihimig the destructIon of Ad-
mimi Cervera's squadron , which the morn-
log naners considered wilmi exaggerations
anti consequently held back , have mmow beemi
mublisheti in special editions. Timey are regarded -
garded aS substammtiaily true amid have pro-
titmeed a macst Imaimifimi impression among all
classes , hut there is perfect trammqmmilllty. I
Pcrcel'e no sytuptolims of thuigerous excite-
Time Madriul correspondent of time Daily
Telegraph , telegramhmimmg Tuesday night , says :
Disorder Is spreading among the mnihltnry ,
time crowds In time city arc gettiug riotous
anti everywhere signs are apparemit timat the
population is arming for civil war. Mar-
slmai Martinez Campos ammtl the captain general -
oral of Madrid have held long consultations
as to ways amid mucamis of lreserving
Fhtrlior Aufieemu.
( Copyright , 1893 , by Associated Press. )
MADRID , July 1.---Time general nubile of
the Spanish capital still belIeves Admiral
Cervera and his squadron imave escaped froni
Santiago tie Cuba , thanks to the niliciml : ills-
imtchmcs given out by time governmemmt and
the immtcrviews granted by time mimmisters.
A dispatch from CaptaIn General flianco
says : "Cervera's squadron , at ii o'clock on
Sumiday mornlog , broke the cetmter of time
line of the AmerIcan fleet and proceeded at
full steam in a westerly direction. "
Time Spanish minister of war , Senor Aunomi ,
is qtmobmd as saying : "I mimu highly pleased
with time feat of arms performed by Adnmirai
Ccrvera's squadron , which left Samitlago the
imiomemit Admiral Cerrera judged it opportune
ttm do ro. " Time minister of marine atldel :
"Tlmu squadromu could only leave time harbor
at a given nmomemmt , and whemi the mnonicnt
arrived Atinilrel Cervera seized It. I hare
never doubted lie would mb so. hut , of
course , it is dimcuit to foresee the result ,
The Ammierican sqmmatiron was taken by
surprise , After attacking us , time Amen-
can admiral tletaciietl five of his best slmip ,
wimlch steamed for some time abreast of aiim's ,
but they were soon left astern. Oumly time
Iowa and hlrooklyn were able to follow our
fleet , but it is certain timey wili not tb so
far , for tear of reprisals on our part ,
Atimmiirai Cevera deserves g'reat vraise. "
It is said in Madrid that General I'antlo is
still at Havana amiti that the reinforcements
for Santiago ( he Cuba are conimnandeti by
General I'areja and Colonels Escarlo anti
Narlo ,
iiiu.mpmijtmie Io Nut Mt'mmtloi. It.
Not one of the ofilcial dispatches received
train Cuba up to noon , make memmtton of the
tiestnimetlon of Admnlrmmi Cervera's sqimatinon
anl ( commseqimeimtly time Aumiericami accotmnts of
time hattie cause inmummemise surprise nmmd sousa-
tiomm , though they are tiiscredited by time
Spammisim ofiicirls , Everyooo its ammxiousiy
awaiting ne's of today's expected bommibarti-
nmeumt of Santiago , anti it is nnticiimntcd that
the lighting will result iii appalling blood-
shied , Time Sitaumiartis doubt vhmother the
Amnitricans , even if time ) ' tiestroy time city ,
vill siicceetl in hmeumctratimmg into it , as their
losses arc confiuicmmtiy expectetl to lie emmor-
mnous , since time arrival of time Spanimuli rein-
( orceimments at Santiago to mimalce a mom e
tenacious defense thou would otherwise
have imeemi the case.
There is ummuch coumimmmemut here over the
mmews of time dupantimne of time foreigtm war
simips ( rain ? dammiia at time monmemmt of time
arrival there of the Americium rciimforce-
mmients , Only two Geruman , t o Fiommeli arid
four flnitibtm var ships now rcjunimm mit
Mammila and p001110 are mmskimmg if immtenuma-
tiommul lmoPtic imave undergone ii change and
if time .merieans tue to be given a free lmmuul
I mm the l'lm II Ijuplime ial andum.
Time miev rcc.eivu.i hone tlmnt time linitisim
comimii at Ilonf Koumi ; has scat mm dispatch
heat to Mtlimiifl fur time pmirposo of immfornuimmg
ltcmr : Adamii'ml : 1)mvo' or time fact that Ad-
imilral Camnara'a mIimat1romm has cmmteret.i time
Suez cummml : Ia mmmmmvit umnmmienteti upomm itimil the
mieiveualucmmm : masert that time Jgyptiamm amid
himitisli iumtimoi Itica ptmrtoseiy imiaced ob-
etudes in time wimy of Sdmtmirmml Camnam'a's tie-
Imarture in ormier to delay hue arrival at Ma-
umila as long as possible , ntldimmg that time
hiritish imave been more scrupulous 1mm ummain.
tainimig the neutrality of time Suez canal
thamm they were when tlmey ahloweti a steommmer
to leave 1101mg icomig loaded with arms for
time Manila Iimsurgemmts ,
lmmtiescrllmnbiy hItmpji.
I p. nm-Ainmost indescribable cntimusimmsmri
contimmues to prevail here over time supposed
escape of Admninal Cervera and his squadron
from time imanbor of Santiago do Cuba ,
Time admiral's aanme is on every tongue
smith it is claimed that it was lie wimo savcti
Santiago do Cuba by "adding to General
Linarcs' handful of soldiers his brave sail-
ens to man-time guns ashore and repel the
Aimicricamme under General Simafter , "
I3uch Is about tbe exultant eulogy of Au-
mimtral Cervora heard on all sides , this state
of vublic feeling being due to omciui an-
mmoummcemueats from Santiago , For instance ,
ommo statement from Samitiago is as follows ;
When Admiral Cerycra found It was cci'-
, .
taim Escario's reinfortemnts were in proximity -
imity to Santiago , the nt1mlya helti a coun-
cii with the commanm1cr of his squniron ,
mlisciosing to them a plait to force the
blockade in broad daylight. The coin-
manmiers respondeti unamtlhieuly "forward , "
It , was themm arranged that the torpedo
boats were to take the ea0. the Cristobai
Colon protecting their umdtaoce , sheltered
by time batteries of Morro , and distractinmi
the enemy's attentioi whIle the remimninder
of the squadron sallied out of the immmrbor.
Time Americans at1 first were taken by
surprise. Timen rccoring they opened a
tremnentlous fire , especially' ' agaInst the tar-
Pod' ) boat dcstroyer which vessels Ad-
aural Cervera hatl instructed to steer mmmi
opposite course to the squadron.
The Anmericarms were deceIved ammd ma-
ncuvencd toward the supposed course of the
Spaniards , while Admiral Cervera went full
steammi ahead , mnalmitaining a continuous tire
Until clear of time American lines nntl
timemi steamncl wcstwmmrtl , vmmrsued amid
breasted for some distance by the swiftest
American vessels until they were lost sigimt
of from Morro castle.
Iii time immeantinie the torpedo boat tie-
stroycra sammk untier a rnimm of sheii from
the imumumerous Anmerican war ships , It is
nresunmcti part. of their crews wore saved
by time eneummy or swamim ashore , A mmummmter
of life buoys were provided on board of
time torpedo boat tieiutroyers. wimose crews
amiticipateut their vessci would be do-
iiio.uiulumklig ime l'nmmmIutt'e ,
Time foregoing Is the Popular Spanish ver-
aba of tue sortie of Cervera from time imamlior
of Santiago do Cuba , aimtl th sacrifice of
time crews of the torpedo boat destroyers is
said to be imighiy appreciated by time queen
regemmt , while time getmeral public Is over-
joyetl at their eontiuct.
It is Supposemi that Cervera is running for
hlavauma , since he has not beemi reported as
arriving at Cicimfuegos , amid there will ho
tremmmemitlotms amixiety imeretmntil it is reported
that Cerrera amid his squadron are safe 1mm
havana harbor. Hopes are expressed in thmts
city timat the Spanish admiral immay capture
or destroy some Americami vessels wimile on
his way to Havana.
Fonelgmm mmcv's , giving comitradictory ver-
dons of time sortie , have cast a timige of per-
pioxity anti mlanmpness upon the general re-
joicimmg. In milItary circles it is commsiticred
that General Shatter imas been cimecketi , that
Ilcar Atitniral Sampson imna been baffled ammtl
that the aspect of the war has been cimangetl ,
hut time uumlversai opiniomm is that Peace is
iniiOSsihlO ummtil sonmething occurs which ii'
satisfactory to the public feeiiimg ,
SlumumiMim Atimmi iruilI'ru'celN on II Im.
1uI3mtgty to ( lie I'iLr 9Sf P1.11-
immIume Iihmu.uiiu ,
( Copyright , ISOS , by I'ress Publishing Co. )
IOltr SAID , Tuesday ; July 5-10:10 : a. mu.
-New ( York World Cablegram-SpecIal Tel-
'egramn.-Camnara's ) fleet emmtered time canal
this mormmitmg ammd will 'probably reach Suez
tOniomnou' afternoon.
I'OIIT SAID , July iL-Thm Spammisit fleet
Under the cemnniaimd of Adnmiral Cammmara , comm.
slating of the I'eiayo , Caries V. Patriota ,
ltapido , hhuemios Ayres , Isla de I'ammay , Sami
Frammcisco , Isia tie Luzon , San Augustin ammd
San igmmacio tic Loyola , has emmtered the Suez
'rime Spanish torpedo boats which were
vitli the fleet have beenordered to Messimia ,
ictly. ¼ ,
Admiral Camara's torpetlo boats lmave
sailed , their ( iestlnatiomi , is said , helmmg a
Sunfish port.
hONG KONG , July 5.-The American cqn-
sul lucre line sent a dispateim boat to Mammiia
1mm order to Imiformu Rear Admiral Dewey of
the fact that time Spammtmmh fleet , comutatidcd
by Atlimmirai Camara , line passed through the
Suez canal.
IVASIIINGTON , July 5-The State depart-
nmetmt imas been oIllclaliy apprised of time en-
trammcc of Camuara's ilect Into the Suez
eammal ,
Jmi rw. ' ( limimul t it . , l'rovisioumM Are
itch.5 ; Sent tim thu. isitimmul for
I lie Stuirtn I'coiie ,
WAShINGTON , July 5.-Thme plami of feed-
log time starving Cubans 31 proceedimmg systematically -
tematically , despite 'fliti attentiomi the aim-
thonities are obliged to hIve to time var ,
Thbse plans are being carrieti out by time
commissary department of the arnmy.
Totlay large consigummenta of footl are being
I loatieti cmi time steammior I'ort Victor at New
I York , viz : 75,000 pounthi of corn meal , 562,000
I Potumitis of flour , 750 lmotimmds of bacomm , i)0,00' ) )
Ipoummds I of coffee , 15,000 ountl of sugar ,
60,000 pounds of soap , 60,000 poUnds of sait
ammul 3,000 pountis of Pepper , These will be
nmade up into rations amid distributed over
a wide territory to time Cubans.
'rule lit but one of several comisignnments ,
as time work of relief has been going on for
time last two months , hundreds of thmouumancia
of goveromiment. rations being distributed.
Time supplies will now Include refrigerated
amid cold storage beef for Cuiiamm troops and
time reconcemmtrmmtlos. Time intut comisigmmnmemmt
of thmimu kind will leave Tampa next Saturtiny
and will be sulilelent to last until time mmcxl
consignment of refrigerated beet goes ( or-
vurd ,
iix , ii : ) st'i'i'iiis or , ' 'J'miiV't' .
Sevi'rmui 'I'rm , mspor. . I'uit- 'I'utuiuiumi
) , , , time J'zOt 1Tt't'k.
'rAMPA , Fin , , July 5-Several transports
have sailed frommi vort Tiimnpa witimimi time
last week , carrying large quantities of war
mmmutmitiomis , horses , light artillery ammd abotmt
'Jsoo mumeum , to relimforce Cemmeral Simafter at
Time first of these boats 1to leave wrl t1'e
ihtmmlsomm , Jimmie 2f ) . It carried 950 reguham'
Time City of Macomi , carrying Colonel Turner -
nor of time First Illinois mmd staff , with 700
mmmcmi amid commissary stores , left Tuesday
mtfternoomm , Juno 50 ,
Time Gate City , commtairmlog time rt'nmnlmmder
of that m''glmmment , 600 mmmcmi , antI mm provisional
eommmptmmmy of time Illinois reFlmncut attached
to the engineer corps , imio sailed ,
Time Siecial 1st carried twenty-five mcmi
cacti frommu II.tttcries U amid F , Fotmrtim ar
tllkm'y , and flattery F , Fifth artillery , six
fleimi pieces , six caissons anti six limbers
tom' each of time batteries. igimt heavy ghoul
pieces su'cru carried to reinforce Major Comm.
oral Dhlicliacic , now 1mm Cmmba ,
Time Ummiommist carried twfnty.fis'e men froimi
flatteries C , I ) anti F , Third artillery , 300
horses , grain ammd forage.
Time Comnammche carried time imeatiquartera
of General Wallace itammdalphm and staff , cap.
tame of different batteries anti the balance
of time omen , about 500 pmen anti imorsee , Inyor
Pashma of the Turkislm army and Captain
Stang of time Norwegian artillery.
Friday morning early the First Voiunteer
regiment of the District f Coiuimmbla broke
cammip anti took a rain for l'ort Taummpa ,
wlmero it boarded the Catonla , one of the
largest mmmiii best equipp ti transports , to
sail froumi bore. It left Gmat eveumimmg.
( u r H L'ftigtCN frumum $ nimt jago ,
( Comyrigiit , iSOS , I' ) ' Associated Press. )
KINGSTON , Jamaica , July 5-2l& : lu. in.-
Thu l3nitislm war shie Alert and I'allas , the
fornmer with ( ourteemi refugees auti the 1st-
ter with twemmty.eigimt , and time Austrian
moan-of-war ICaiscnin Marie 'Theresa with
thlrty-elgimt refugees , arriyed at i'ort Royal
today , They left the entrance of the liar-
her of Santiago do Cubs at 4 o'clock P. m
Leo Liable to Put Ills Hand to the
Intervention Plough Once More ,
fluiroimeami Semmt iimmemmt Itegarils tiuti
'uir I'rmettumli Over , " . % 'Ii lie
Spalim' . , Oisit Imitite l'riuie it's time
Oliject of Smituremume CummtcumL , ( ,
( Copyright , ISOS , b l'rcsg Ptmbllsimimig Co. )
LONDON , July & , -Ncw ( York World Cmi-
blcgramn-Speciai Telegrammi.-Ttmc ) Daily
News' Itoiuio tiimpatch says time war is mmn'
regarlcd as lmracticahiy over , presstmre beitmg
used to induce time Pope to obtmuimi Emmrei'ean
intervention , so that Simaiim by reuioummcing
Cuba mmiay save time l'hlilppines
The Standard's'ieimimmu dispatch says : Al-
timommghm it is atlumuitted imere that. the eatas-
tropho of Santiago has probably brommglmt
time mmmolmient for commmnmemmcemuemmt of imenco mme-
gotimmtiomms mienrer , yet in time best immfornmetl
circles the fact is not tiisgtitscd timat these
negotimmtinmis will ho mmmore uhililcult bccmimmso
time Simammiards do not rightly ierceivc time
utter hopelessness of tlmeir situatiotm ,
'o OertureN for i'emiee ,
It is reporteti tonight timmtt at today's cabl-
miet council Salisbury lnforummcd his colleagues
tlmut time forelgmm office hind no information of
any overtures for imenco direct or immtltrect
having yet been made by Stain. While
deeply desirous of promimotimmg imence time ioi-
icy of time liritisim govermmmnemit is to take no
lamrt iii nay attempted ineditition , html will
eiiiploy every infltiemice to iimtiucc Limo Spami-
lsh govertmnment to treat direct with Wash-
immgton. Sir henry \\'olffo , hlnitishm umnibassa-
uior to Madrid , ha beemi immetructeil to use
his good oiflces to that end , Iespitc the this.
like auth distrust of Emmgluntl imow prevalent
in Spain , Wolff ! said to exorcise aim cx-
ceptiommal Imersommal iufiuemice in Macintl. Rim-
tumors imave beomm prevalent in political circles
that France is aincatly bestirrimmg itself to
bring mmbout mmmediatlon , hut Salisbury's
tieclaratlon above quoted timrows doubt on
these reports. l3esldes , it Is loimitctl out
that time miew French foreigum minister uvonld
bo chary about temmimmtimig a ruosslble rebuilt at
the outset of his ( entire of oiflce. 4mimoug
tliimloummnts imere time view is freely expressed
tlmat ileace will not lie attaimietl by any immetii-
atory efforts because of comiliictimmg immtercsts
arotmseti by the United States' positiqmm iii time
Piiiii ppi ties.
Samiipson's feat continues to excite intemmse
atlmnirmttion lucre amid has addeul emiormously
to time naval prestige of the United States.
It was clue of the comiminoimplaces of EuroPean -
Pean expert predictiomi at the oimtset of time
war timat Amnerica woulti timid time Spamileli
naval iower it formidable obstacle to sue-
cess in time camimpaigmi , so timmit its virtual ob-
iiteratiomm iii the emily two eugagememmts time
Spaniards have been forced to face line
simovrm hom' greatly Spain's navy hiss beemm
overrateti , flut what. appears to he wilder 10
experts immoro thatm ammytimlng is Cervera's
failure to iimfiict nimy dammiage oim time Amen-
can licet , similc time mnarksmammsimip of time
Ummited States guunera mueet with the lmigi.m-
cat lmraise.
Citiimmirmi' ' % ViIl ( too , , , , Cimnee.
Sympathy with Spain In Its calamities is
checked by time fatuous obstimmacy of its gay-
erimmneumt. iii persisting in sendimug Cammmara on
a wiltl goose cimase to time Philippines.
Typical of the prevmmlent view lucre is time
commmmnent of \Vestummlmmmuter Gazette , which
in referring to Sagasta's vainglorious state-
macmit : "Time soldiers ilghmtimmg at Santiago are
time adnmirntiomm of time wimole , world , " says :
"True , but we simail imavo to adtl that tIme
volitlclamms playing time fool at Matinid are
time coumtemnpt of time us'imolc world. ' '
The Pail Mali Gazette smmys it is America's
busimmess "to fimmlsim the war as sooti as vos-
atbie , amiti thammks to the emmiasiming of Cer-
vera there is mio Spammisim fleet that can nrc-
vent time mnenican navy frorum dictating
terumis to Spain , If need be , train the Bay of
Cmtii. ; "
Time St. James Gazette , a niinistenial or-
gao , thimmka it would be a rmmsim prophecy
that Spain will yield. Stigamita is afraid of
tioumiestic complications. "Besides , ' ' it adds ,
"it is veli to remnember that. somnetiming may
be said for time policy of proiomigimmg resist-
ammce. Frammeum was ndvisctl to make hmeaco
after Setiar , yet few will now deny that
there was wistioni in proioumged defemmce. "
\ Ii'S : 01' ' 1'1lF ) i1GN I'itLSS.
Ativli.e Smut. to itnIcum I'cnce tiN SoumIt
uN i'psiIli' .
LONDON , July 5.-All time papers today
commitnent on the sutitlen tmmmd dramatic tramms-
tormmmtiomm resulting from Acinmiral Ccrvera's
immysteniotma timid suicidal maneuver , whmichm
various timeonles are atlvnmmceti to explain.
All eulogize time bravery tlisplayeti on both
imlemu , mmml strongly counsel Spaimm to accept
time immevitablo nnml sue for peace , whelm
m'oimld emmtail imo dishonor.
Time Daily Grapimic says
It Senor Sagasta elects to risk further
tlisaster for the fear of jlmmgoes in Madrid
ime will incur a terrible responsibility. The
Spanish flag has imecim bormia with ummtlying
glory 1mm time face of tremtiemmmious mule , tmmuti
time pummctitme of imommor imavo beemm geumer-
oUmuly atimifiemi.
Time Iaiiy News tenders similar advice. It
says :
Time can light ammul die. So camm
time Ammionicummis. Amimlamusatior Hay , iii imimu
glowlmmg umiml oloqtmemmt mupeecim of yesterday ,
giorieti iim this thought , bmmt to timeir equal
courage .Amimenicnmms multi in timis uoetiutml conm-
bat witim Spmmimm miot ommly vastly superior mmmii-
tonal resources. but a ticviaimmg mimimmtl mmmi
mm skliietl om'gmmnizmmtiomm , without vhmicim bray-
cry is nothing but a macaims of pnoyliimig
stuff for time shambles ,
Time Iaily Telegraph conumnemmts upon the
way 1mm wimleim Ilium Ammmerlcamm commammticr4 mit
Sammtiago , ammtl probably at Manila mmlso , imavo
fimufihieti their predictions for the Fourth of
July. It ma's :
Time Amnercamms ! rusimed San Juan 1mm a
inmmnmmer dumqmlaying time imnmmieutse virility tmi
Anmcrlcumim mmmammimood. t'mmiitimess upon tue
nart of limo American milflcers fo coomluct
military operatiommmi mmmmd ummiiirmclmimmg personal
bravery upon time hart of bdiim omccrs anti
macn were , in tIme etlucateul jutigmnent of
our special correspoodemit , time cimmiracter-
luttics of time demmpertmte fight of Friday ammtl
The prospects of Etmroneamm Intervention
omm behalf of Spain have vanished , amid time
significant fratermuizatinum of Emmgiiaimnicmm ammtl
Amnenlctmmus of the Intiepemmdemmco tiny nb.
serm'ammco imm the United States mind London
Jima ) ' give cause for timntieimt to those eomm-
tiimermtal stmtt..smumen who are credited with.
a design to dictate o America time terms
of peace. Spaimi , it her statesmen imave nmm ) '
fragmimemits of poilticiml wietiomo left , wiil
mimako tennis whim her adversary , helmty 1mm
dangerous cmi many grounmis.
Time Stamidarmi suggests Gmat time war cabi.
net \Vashiumgtomm on the receipt of General
Shatter's dispatch saying i was Impossible
to take Saimtiago till hue Imad been reinforced ,
ordered Imtrmm to demuarmd Its surrender.
The Daily Chronicle says :
l3lood brotherhood of Engjaimml anti Amer.
lea omm time glorious Fourth of July , wlmicim
iii an itmiportamit outcommmc of var , is muigmmill.
cant ,
Time Post ads'Iees Spain to treat directly
with its foe , bu expresses a fear that even
thii8 COUrse will hardly save it from the
. - - ' - - - - - _ _ _ _
Weatimer Forecast for Nebrasica-
Shouvers : IS'inu1m' Ilimlftlmig to North ,
Page ,
I QumIt't lny at time iiiottttiom.
Svmmtim ieeiIi's In i'lght it ( butt.
iirt' 'l'imlit of Iii ter cii I
Smmmm I inu , iImmmiminrtlmumrmmt I'mtutimommc.l ,
2 Ibi'tli uf ( ' , mptumtmm Ca lron ,
'Ert.ois I.e $ * ' , ' ( ' ' 'I I . - 'uwumign ,
it l'uIpmulIMp , StIC . her ,
V.'mutiie'r Cr.i , I.
'I E.iiurimm'i ( anti ' - itt ,
I. , 'i'li im' i' Sit Ii I - lmnmmimn ,
Sumry of time' I' ) i'striuet l.imm.
Si.nmi huh Stulil It mmimu.l ,
U Luimiiii'iI liltiffsinti'ru" .
I.mmt Nt"mmiu mmmi . ut'imt ,
7 Siurtlm ci Imm' .
Cummm.ilulat's lit imiktmm.
8 Iir mmmi's liegiti - ' hug Up.
lmmIii l'meigii' rutlit'uI ,
D IteIi''s of II _ _ _ _ _ _ miIiI'iit limits.
Jim Cummii , fit C . . ' . . ' uiumgmm.
Itimllrotmds L'roftt iy Stimuli , Ymur ,
Putt. . , tif titi' Ileiimmlitcnmm it'it mti
I 1 ( 'ommmiimt'rt'iu. I tintS Fltmmt mmcliii ' 'mms ,
tt : " % % 'flr tutu
1"umiiioims ii'lmsmitielfll iiimIIlt's ,
'Peumimeruitmmrv at 4)tiilmmi m
hour , li'g iiunr ,
a m , mit . . . . . . mmml I mm. umm , , , , , . . ( i
( I mm. mmm . . . . . . liii mm. tim . . . . . . .
7 it' 'mt . . . . . . g : it. in , . , , , .S L
8 ii , tim . . , . , , 'l 'I mm , lim . , , , . .m
I ) ii , umm . . . . . . . .t 6 p. tim , , , . .l
in u , mmm , , . - , . 7(1 Il . in
I I mm , mit------ 7'S 7' p. mit . . , . . $ I
1 : mim . . . . . . . . . 71) S p. iii , . . . . .Sub
lb i. in , , . . . ,
' 1'OI ) . 't .A' & ' 'I'll iXt'0Si'i'IN ,
At time i roiimdst
Z1 p. Jim. , I'ii I mm imc's liii I Ii. . ! Stmmti'M
Uatim.i , ( umverim immeimt Iimmiii Immur.
7 :8(1 : ( p. iii , , i'li I ii tmu'"s U mm I letS S I mutes
Bitimil , ( rmmmmuh l'inzii.
grasping propeimsltics of sommme of its Euro-
iteami mmcighbors.
'i'imose imI tim ( t'imertti Suit fter I'luee
'L'leimst'he' Iii i'rommt of 'i'lteir
'i'ruuiuS tutu iImtmm' Are ijilieui ,
WAShINGTON , 5.-Commaitierablo
commitmient huts boon cmmmtscd ammmommg time officials -
ficials of thin W'rr departmcimt at tiio great
loss of Americaim ouflccrs in time two mimmys'
of fightimig at Santiago. Oiliclai reports tints
far receivcd indicate that fifty-eight Ammmer-
icimmi ofilcers m'cre eitlmer killed or woumnmied ,
ammd time list is ommiy partial.
Slmmmftcr'mm nnmmmy Is laborimmg mit somime tils-
advantage , not. ommly on account of time heat
auth time great battle , limit cmi nccommnt of the
loss tmtid disability of so mmimny : olilcers.'lmtie
miommo of time general oiflcers have been
vouimit1cd , ho less thmtmmm live of them are iii
amid if mmt hmommie would be iii bed ,
Gemierai Shatter himself is suffering froimi
a severe tmmdispositlon. Ills commtlitiomm vamm
sommiewimmit iniprove.l cmi last reports , but it
is notable that lie directed time first
tiny's tight froni a. cot on which lie was
General Joe Wheeior , in coimmnmanti of the
cavalry , vas seriously iii , but whmcmm the
battle begnmm immsisted , imgaimmst time protests of
lila surgeomi , tlmat he be ttilcemm tim time front.
lie Wemit in mimi amnbtmlammce , hut aim the field
nioumited his horse and personally tlircctcd
the alterations of his men.
General Young , General Hawkins anti
Acting Brigamhier General Wooti of time
Itougli Riders mire ill , butt it is ummderstouml
their commilltioum is not seriomis.
The heavy loss of officers is mltie to tlm'm
dash amid bravery of the officers themselves.
Itmstamice mifter immstnnce immis been discioseti
of officers spnimmging in front of their coin-
mar.ds nod leading tlicmim iim brilliant sortIes
ngainst time enemy. Quito iiaturally thmc
Spanish slmarpsimooters singled out time officers -
ficers as targets , and tIme result was that
time American forces simifered particularly
heavily iii this respect.
iteirt'cmi imit hr IIt'rry It'miiammis that
time Vmiiur o f I lie ( immmiimotlore
Slimill lie ltt'eo.c.mizeui.
WASHINGTON' , July 5.-Representativo
henry of Kentucky , a nmembor of time house
commmmnltteo on foreign affairs , today immtro-
titicctl the following joimmt resolution
Joint resolutiomm temimlening time thanks of
commgness to Commimnodonc Sebley , U. S. N. ,
amid tIme offIcers amid macmm under hmimi commm-
nmamid :
Resolved , That time thanks of congress
anmi of thmo Macrican imeople ar' hereby
tc'midered to Conimnodore S'hley , U. S. N. ,
anti to time officers anti mcmi mmmmtlcr lila cciii-
immmmimd , for their imerofc anti tiistimmgtmlmmimt'd
conmlimc't iii dcstroyimig the llpanls'mm fleet iii
Cmmhnmm waters eu the 3d of July Inst.
The resoiutiomm was rererred to time naval
affairs committee.
Mr. hierry , In speaking of time resolution ,
saul :
"I propose timrmt time ofilcor to wimommi time
glory is dime shall bc-'ceognizefi. Scimley Is
time real hero of time imicideumt. lie mmmi time
bravo band of officers amid ummr'im mmimtler his
lmmiiediato direction arc time ones vimo
achicvc'ui time victory ztmmd all honor simotmid
be given them ,
"Sampsomm cummmimmmantls the fleet In those
waters , hut It was Commodore Scimley 1mm
comnnmanml wimen CerVera ammul his fleet nmatlo
time imimmeky atteunlmt at escape and it was tinder -
der Schmiey that every one of that fleet mmmcl
its destruction ,
"Scimlc'y ammti his men have Imerformeui a
notnbio feat timmit u'iii go down in hIstory
imammd in imnnti with that daring forclmmg of
Mmmnhlmt imambor by Dewey on May 1. Congress -
gross simommid be prompt in recogmmizing their
services mmimti timere imimoultl be mme delay in
tc'nderirmg its tlmnnkmm amid timose of time courm-
try to time real heroes at Stmimtiago , "
Jei1'u'rs to I lit' Suit ii limit ( utiiummumlt'r ,
I ii ( ' ie' mmiii mmd i. ' ( mm'ii i- ruth
Shim ftcr It ) Si. rrt'im.ier ,
( C'opyrlgiit , It9t , by Ammmmoclmttc'tl Press. )
Gl'NiltAL W'Il RELEII'S CM I' ( ilcyonmi
Smmmmtiugo ) , July 3-Via ( Port Ammtuimlo ,
Jmmmuiaicmm , July 4)-Shortly ) before mmoomm to'
tiny orders were sent imp nail down our iine
to cease flnimmg , and exactly at 12 o'clock a
hag of truce was raisemi omm San Juamm hill.
Time Snaniards obscrrcd time hag anti a few
nmomc'mitms later Colommel Jorat ) coumveyetl
across time tiisputetl ground time followimmg
tlemmiammd for limo surrender of Santiago :
'ro time comnunmiTmuling general of the Situmm.
isim forces in Sammtiago tie Cuima-.Sir : I Imuve
time honor to immfonio you Gmat uiiht'sti you
surrendem' I shah be obliged to hehl San'
tinge. i'lemmso instruct the cttizenmm of all
foreign countries and all momimeum anti chili-
dren lust they should leave time city before
10 o'clock tourmorrow. Very respectfully , your
obedient servant , SliAl'TElL ,
Major General Commaumtiimmg ,
At first time mmmc'o iim time rifle pits on bothm
sluice mmimowcd themselves gimigerly , but
when they saw there was no ilanger all
climbed out of tlmeir imarrow quarters ,
stretched timeir legs ammd surveyed each ether
curiously , 'rime men wimo laid been trying to
pick emucit otimer off for ttmree tla's 'kmxaiuuimmed
each other's positions nmmti niado mental
notes for future use , Many of our oflhcera
examined time hue of time cimemy for masked
batteries and trcuebe
Bonibardnient of Santiago Will Not 13
Made Iuunuediately.
Destruetloim of AtlImhirsi Cervera's ricot
Ohangos the Situltion.
Aruiy and Navy Will Make Joint Attack oa
Besieged Oity ,
M.mrt' it elmmforu'u'mimu'imS'iil lit' ilumrrle4
tim ( t'micrnl Slimifter tmmi lie ' . 'tl1
'I'hem i'im tre't' Iii. , lie mmimimmd
ftr Stirremider.
W'ASIIiNGTON , Jumly 5.-As a result of the
cabimmet mmmvetiimg today immmitnimctiomms u en' sent
by time hmnesimiemmt to Athimmiral Samimpsomm tmtmth ,
Ct'mmernl Slmafter to confer tngcimer commcermm-
immg a joimmt nimumm of attack 11110mm tIme city.
11110mm time oumtcommie of thil cuimfcm't'itCo do-
nemitla time hue of uctiomm for time imimmt'uhiato
future. For t hue hmresetmt tIme mmmd benmbmmm tl-
immeimi by Geumermm.l Simmifter'mt forces imits liven ,
deferred , mum time sittmatiomm line enmimumietely
cimimmigetl by tIme mmmmmmlhmiiatiomt of time Spiunisim ,
dccl , ' amid It is mmmnimifestiy tIme humurt of vimm-
uloimi for timis iammml bommmbnr'immiemmt' to nwmmtt ,
the co-operatiomi amid support of ti hommmburd- , :
miic'mmt train Admmmlrai Samiipeomm's ilect.
Gemmcral Simmmftem"s tlenmammtl ftmr time muimrnemm-
der of Smmmmtiogo , aim time 11:11mm : of Immimbarut-
iiicmm I , % vmmmm mmumttle at S :30 : Sn mmdmiy amorim I mig.
Aim imttmr later Admnirai Cenvera immado lila
smmieblal dash fromim tue harbor , resmmltimmg iii
a COiiihiotm trmummsfonmmmittion of time navmti amid
mmmiihtany eommtiitioiis. Imistenit of mm mmiemmmtcimi
Simmmimmim : liect s itlmim.m time imarbor time way line.
beemm cleated save tom' time shore batteries , for
time emm t nmlmmco o f t ii e i" . mmmerheamm fleet ii p to
time wimam'vcs mf time city.
W'ithm this imicmtcrial cimmmnge s'rouglmt it wuma
obvious to the tin tiionttles here thmmt : tIme h'.ouv ,
lirat imiteimulcd to lit' tlehiverei imy ( lemmerni
Simmifter nloumo , u nimbi be tlouimly effective mind
di'cislvc If time two forces coimiti be hrtmtmglmt
togctlmer amid mmtm'iko slmmmultmmmcommsly frotmi
Immimul and sea. it is fem thin reascimm that tha
comifercmmcc viii tie held lietweemi tIme Amimeri- .
cmiii geuicrni a a mm ml t liii itil ma i umti ,
Uim to tiitm close of otitce imoumna today umo
word ) matl come eitiiem' to time \Var or Nmtvy
tlcpartmmmemmts , ro far an ii'ttmm tlirm'nu't.rctl , as
to im'hmiit iletenomimmation himul hecum remmehmt'tt
at time eonfe.cmmct' . At time eamne tlummc It
is time clear expectation of time atmtimuriticme
Imere tlmat thu confercuice ivihi usammit In mu
tletermiminntiomm by limo admIral to tmmke his
fleet thmrotmght time minnow mmccl : of thm liar-
her , mmmale his w'ny vast time hhioro batteries
amid fortifi"atious anti take mm vosltiomm before -
fore time city for a benilmardmaent.
There is rm'msomi : to believe that time in-
struetiomm sent to Aulmimiral Sammipson at least
conveyed time thesii'c , If not time iimstructiomms ,
timnt ime enter the harbor , uumt it is said
that time nmimimim'ml : ammml time gemmeral commtimmuo
to be time stmlmrenme ofilelmis : 1mm authority , ammtl
thmtmt heimmg aim time scemme , fully alive to mmli
coiitiitiomms , timeir jtidgummemmt will lie taken as
dual iii time course to be followemi ,
Nm ) OiNlumu'it.m , to iim I m'zimmee.
There Is saiti to bmi no oimstacle , so ( am'
as miavigmtiomm : iii u'oncenuieuh , to time entruimce
of time immrbor : tmy time Ammmuim'icnn fleet. Time
Cnistohal Coloim , which cleared the Morn-
flume ammil got out of tIme imarhmar Summday , threw
twemmty-timree feet three Iimcimt' , wlmich Ia
uvitlmin sovemm immchmes of time tlrmmft of time
battleships Iowa , Indiammim , Massachusetts. _ _ _ _ _ _
ammtl Oregomm , itmiml is greater thou time draft
of time bmttlemmlmip Texas.
Mtmreover , time Navy departimmont line knouvmi
for time lust ton days that time mmccii of the
etmanumel ivas opemm , despite time simmking of
time Merrimmiac , anti that timenu , ii'ns a clear
seaway of sevemu ( tmthmoimms , timm'oumghm which
any simlim in our umavy commiti uaii. Thmimt mOe-
ummoves mmli dhflicmmlty , except frommm smibutmarine
mmmimmea on frommm time shore ijattemles ,
As to thmo uimimmemi , little tmecotmumt imm taken
of timem , since time Spammisim tied jmassed over
tlmemu. The Spammiantimu are lim thin habit of
using contact mimitmes , so that lucre imi hittla
iiicehiimood of timero being immines oimt'ratetl by
electric conmmectlon with time shore. Time
forts anti batteries hmavo beemm badly weak-
cued by time commstaimt lire of time fleet for
mmmany s'eeks imast amid s'lmihe still a factor
they are greatly uhisahieti ,
Once up to time city time fleet and anmumy
could comnimimmo 1mm a terrific miommlmlo lire , No
hess than 292 imeavy gimmia wotmltl be trained
froumm time Ammmcnicaim war simlpti on the city'
amid at the mmamimc timmie time big siege gumme ,
wimicim it Is expected imave licemi broughmt to
time front of General Slumfter's hue , would
mimi iois'im a torremit of steel train tlmnt quar-
ter. Time siege gmmtms throw shells of 135
POtuImtlS. Amuido ( remit timr'mn timero mute four
imiotlern lmowitzers aimmi gumma of a sunimlier call-
lien , Timc'eo imne in time heavy nm'tiihc'ry , wimiio
time light artillery emmibracu'ms mm great mitmnmijer
of gumis of 3.2 caliber. Comnblmmett timis fircm
fromim mini mtmmml ectu woulti ho termifie 1mm its
Time actIon of time ( orc'igmm rc'presemmtmmtivea
at Sammtiago baum tmec'im mmmi muthditiammmi , u'cmmsomm
( or dccrnlmmg time hmomimmmrtlmcmmt. It was mimamie
kmmown late today ( lint oume of Gemierai Simnft-
or's tilepatcimes aitl ( lint tlmeso represemmta-
lives lmmmtl joimmeml Iii IL numluest to imlmmm to nut
off time shelling of time city ( cm' ammotimer brUit
pemioti mmmmtii their respective colonies committ
be nt'mmmovetl. 'i'hmis ncvommmmtmm fun' time deimar-
tune of time foreign war muimtps ( roam Smumitiago
harbor , as timoy nm'o lieumnimmi ; rmwmmy lime foreign
m'emuid'ii te I mm time it'rlumh iieom' t ii e iammimhmmtr'i- '
immcmmt begins. 'l'lme activIty of tint commmmula
at Snmmtlago Imas heml to umo mlipiommmatic commi-
iulieatiomm uvimicim lmaui rcacimcml time State do-
uartimiemmt timimmi far and Ilium ammtimonities lmere
feel ( lint mmotimiimg of that nuttmro will deV - '
V elop. S.ummu , hlluiNion. . . ,
'limo Statti tiepartmnent today took occasion
to dispel caine uhf time aiitmmuiomms over time tim-
cape of Ioimniral Cervera's fleet. It scemmia
that Madrid Iii not alomme 1mm time belief timat
time fleet mmiamltt mu immmmdsomne : sortie frommi 5a.m. .
tiagu and left time Itimmerican imimilts far in the
Today a cablegram came train United
States Mimmister Lunis at Caracas , sayIu
time Spanish residents timero were giorifyimm
time naval victory. Time minister was informed -
formed briefly tbmmmt Cervtmra'a firet imati imeu'mi
tlcstroyeti , them , mulj.mirmmi . mimatlo Itrisommer anti
that General Simnftcr hmati demnmummdetj tIme ammr-
remmtlcr of timim city.
Time definite olilolumi report reaclmiimg hero
totlny Gmat the I3imammish lied imatl entered time
Smmez canal nmmatic ito chmimmmgc In ( ito plant
of time Navy departimment as to sending Corn-
immammder Vatson's squadron to time coast ot
SpaIn. Secretary Lommg said It. wouiti ntarC
at time earliest IOiSibhC ) moment , html Ime diti
not care to give time day of dvparttmre ,
The ammniimliation of timu Slmanluhm fleet con-
timmimos to be aim absorbimmg topic ummuoug naval
imlieUmhs ( , anti thmt'y arc tIviimg mumost generous
urmt'5c 1cm Comimmodore Scltiey for the mmobl