Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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S tIliIiE QMAIIA : IJAILY BE1i : : RiNDAY , d t'LY 4 , 1898.
_ _ _ _
WinulorE of the Turufest Evcnth Are Ihndcd
Their Wrcath ,
Oiiinli n 1to 'J'tt1pp , Fl rit P1 IUf' I n t It
I iul I liIinl Cuii I .Nt-NgtIuqs ,
thc Ot1urM ' .VIin ( act
Iligit Itsinl.
Otto Wurl , the young turner , who spreity
flearly na much of an Omahan 114 fl restent
k of PIattmotith , carried oft the teL ) coveto1
honor at the TranstnIssslppI turoftet-tha
hcruittful flvcr wreath given flM the flrCL
ii-Iu for general all-round IndivhIutI work
uon aarattis and In the flehl sports. The
onc.1egcI ( Denver crack , ( korgo 1yser , ran
Itn a mighty eloso second and was only
forced out of flrRt place bccnuec his wooden
kg would not let 1dm Jump tia , to the
tnnlard he eet In other eycnt. Wurl
tcorcd 70 poInts ; Iyer had fl7 to his creilit.
Th other lmirnrttht placce were In the
cliee turning. LaSalle got flrt In the firet
group of actives , West lenver ) first n ( lie
ecconil grouf ) niiil Topeka flret In the third
group. Fremont captured eccond place in
tli flrst group and Oxnnha was third In the
Eccond group. The Kansas City young wo
men were the crackN in ( heir class and the
lCnnsas City "flear& ' cleaned out their field.
Ohiaha captured second place in Foth these
- clase.
Tlieea were the main prizee that wer
awarded to the contesting turner lads , but
there Were fully fifty more of the oak
wreaths and diplomas handed to ( lie happy
vIctor.i. The Germans are among the true
loveru of sort and litlre aniateur5 , for their
rewnrds consist only of these leaves of onk ,
ahiti Parchment sliect3. The emblems were
given to the following , the f1gures represent-
lug the total irnints secured :
First group in active class turning : .
LaSalle , 40.M ( ; Freniont , 37.20 ; Hanover ,
iCan. , ZfG.61 ; lierinnu , do. , 10.'Ji.
Second group in active ciae turning :
Wcst Deliver. 46.0' ) ; Kansas City , 4U6 : ;
Oninlin , 41.97 ; Leavenworth. 41.05 ; ilol-
titein. In. , 33.01.
' Third group iii active class turiing , :
Topeka , 14.7 ; Mnrysvilie. Mo. . i3.51 ; 1)av-
enport. 87.SG ,
3eiiior claRses in cines turning : Kansas
City. 18.03 ; Omaha. 1G.S0.
Women's. classes : Kansas City. 21.09 ;
Onialia , 20.JS ; Marysvilie , i'J.S3 ; 'l'opeka.
Individuni work on apparatus and Ia
field sports : Otto \Vuri. Omaha. 70.00 :
George EyserVest 1)enrer. 67.00 ; 11cm-
hart Berg , Iavenpurt , 65.77 ; Frank 11. Fiafa ,
Ves ( Denver , G3.09 ; Carl SeitzVcst Ien- )
ver , 6383 ; ( eore Stortz. Kinsa : ( 'ity , 59.29 ;
Otto l'ucselial , lCnnsns City. 52.17. .
First group In field spolts . had 11cr-
boisheimer , Marysviltelo. . . 32.33 ; I'liiillp
i1ocl I or , Onialia , 3 1 . I 0'i ; i I I ani S I c'inscIi ,
Iavenpomt , 31.3S ; Otto Itieche. Davenport ,
30.95 ; lmaiik Stroliknrlc , Iavnpomt ) , Zi. : 13.
Second gmoup in field sports : 1 > lilllip
Mouiier , Oninlia , 28.00 ; Michael llerboi-
: slicinier , Mnrysviiie , Mo , , 26. 10 ; Cus ilcuch ,
Davenport , 25.60.
Apparatus work : Geomgo Eyser , West
1)enrer , 13.:13 : ; Otto W'uri , Onialia , 41.12 ;
Frank 13. F'ialaVest 1)envcr. ; 13cm-
hart llerg , lavc'npomt. 3S.29 ; Carl Seitz ,
\Vest Ijenver. 36,44.
SipieIiiI I'rIs i I
Special PrIzcs were a1o giveli as follows ,
no Pollits being kept :
Fcncliig : George Stortz ofVcst Denver
team first. F. C Kettler of Knnns City
second , .
' , \'i'cstllng In the light-weight class : August -
gust W'estphnil f Davenport - first , harry
l'iutli of Iavciiport second.
\Vrestliiig In mildie-wcight class : Wit-
11am Mels of Iavenport first. Otto Neider-
welser of Omaha second. Otto Iteiche of
Davenport thimd.
\Vrestling In ( lie heavy-weight class :
" , l'illinm Siemsen of Davenport first. Frank
Strohkamk of 1)weiiport ; second.
Cltb swinging for the actives : Otto
' \Vuri of Omaha first. Fritz Kettler of Kansas -
sas City second.
CiUb swinging for the wonien : Mary
Xotihnt of 2dumysviilo first. Katie herbal-
shicliner of Marysville secontl.
Weight lifting : C. Ilettwer of Kansas
City first , 1. IColiteit of Mnrysviilc seconl.
Fssays : Henry Scitneitter of Milwaukee
first. and only prize' , all the othiera being
thrown out.
Itecitation : E , E. Zschau of Omaha first ,
Edvnrd Deuss of Kansas City second.
lmprotnpti ( spenicitig : Ils'ari1 Deuss of
ICansas City first. Fraiiz Mann of ICansas
City second.
Davenport made ( lie nicest show , as ( lie
tentit titid iiiilivklunis froni that lova town
svoi.o in on tii places in pretty ncariy all
the events. Omaha did very nicely , too , but
sum as veii as the oilier ctintcstnnts seemed
to excel In sonic hrticular portion of the
program while the 1)avcnport fellows were
fliome all-around athletes tiiun aiiy of theni.
A t'1\V A1)V.ic'1'AGIS
OlTeriti hi flit. Ciit'siio ! , MII'iiiike &
t. I'iiiil ItitItii3.
A eleati ti aiii iiiathe up niid started tmoni
Oiiiahn. flaggagu checked ( mom rcsitleiice to
( leSt i iittlon. :
Elegant train service anti courteous em-
Entire trains lighted by electricity anti
with electric light in every berth.
Finest dining cor service In the eest ,
\'ltil nhtais served "a ha carte. ' '
The Flyer Icaves ut 5:45 : i. in. daily from
UlilOli I ) eiiot ,
ci'ri' 'rlclclT OFFlCh , 1504 F'arnain St.
C. 13. CAItItIL'lt , City Ticket Agent ,
IIUIIIIN.9' ( ) % IUU'I'l ! ,
1'.t't INIOII i.'iihIelIi * ,
fet Springs , S. I ) . , ittith rctumn-$16,40-
3uiy I niul 5 ,
Salt Litlic and rcturn-$32.00-July 3 ,
Portland : uiil retumii-G0.50--Juno 30 aLit !
3iily 1.
\'atthl ngton and return-$3 1.25-July 3-
4-f ,
Nashville anti rctnmo-$23.25-Juiy 3iS. .
Buffalo 01111 return-$26,75-July 11 ulitt
1till Information at ticket office , 1502
Farnuni St. , or at hlurltngtoo depot , 10th
ZiIit1 tlastin ste
' : ( ; : ; : HXCI'ItsUN
hii I'o rt .t rthi. r IIosIt ! ,
. h1LV ItRl TO
tVzishington , I ) . C. Return Jill ) ' 3. 4 , 5.
Nashville. T iiii. Return Juiy 3 , 4 , ! .
liiiIfaio , N. V. Return July 11 031(1 12.
hlonieseei.eru' rouiul trili , July , tilid 19 ,
Svceiui i-ouiid trip rate to nit silliltuer re
Forts , For rates. folders , with vacation
tours aLlil nil Information nih at Port
4 mtlitir Itotito ofilce. 1415 Fumnitin street
( Paxton liott'i block ) , or write harry 1.
tloores. C , I' . & T. A. , Omaha , Neb.
: 'iv siiiii'it ; ctii SFiIiYlC1 ,
'lgi Iloi'I IMILI IttI 11011(5' .
CDIII 111011 ci rig Al onthay , .u Li e 27 , Pu I I ii an
ehpcpers 'lll run from Olnahia to lenver
on ( miii No , 7 , leaving Oinalii at 7 p. rn. ,
nod arriving cit ! ) enver 11:30 : and Coinratho
Springs 11 :05 : ( lie following morning. ( hlvo
this new service a trial. For tickets nut !
sleepiuig car rcservatjons call iii cIty tIcket
ollice , 1323 Faronni et
S1'HtI.tI. ? ) t.t'i'IS
'VIII UiNNourii'nI'lIh5' 1tiiiliiy.
Wiishiingtoti , I ) . C' , , July 3 , 1 , 5 ,
Nashville , Tenn , , July 3 , 1 , 5 ,
[ lulTulo , N. July 11 and 1.
Fourth of .Ttily , 2 , 3 , 1 ,
For further luiforluatioti call at dePot ,
Uth aqd Webster , or uiow ofliec , location
S. 1 , corner 14th and 1)ouglne ) streets.
ThiOS. F. CiOIF1iY , 1' . & P. A ,
J , 0 , Phhhl.1d1'VI , A. U. F. & P. A.
DAYLIUILI' 'VhtAI ( ' 1 (5 COI.Olt.tDO
'ls hock hititiltil hloute ,
Leaves Omaha 5:20 : a. ui. , arrives 1)cnver )
nd Colorado Spriuge S p. ni Take this
train and save sleeping car ati. ei
QLPcp 13Z3 Yaxz.m trceL
, ,
- -
hiarlley O'Connell of thIs city , who re-
eigiied his position with tliVcstcmn
Weighing nesocintioti to enlist in the First
Nebraska olui1teer Infantr' . writes The
lice from Cahill Mtjr"itt , aii 1"rnncluet ,
that the d'1nchment reaehei ( lie ctas : with-
alit incIdent To stich men as O'Connell ,
who had an easy limo o it here , tue ork
ALIt ! discipline if army life cbnles rather
hard , anti he says that ( liii jO'J is no picnic ,
although he is glad lie enilst1 , The thing
of getting tip aionR In tii night ( l fl , rn )
18 what seems ( ' 1 be Iliti hiurdest , and tli'ii
the drills frot.t revIhii ' retreat are cx-
trernely hard on recriitt. theds are inttlo
In the sand without ShY 3tiliowii , 1)111 O'Con-
uicli 'says tlia wh2n iiInt coine3 tvcry coo
Is so tired tlua : na account Is tukeit of this
lnconvenlencu. it ; is rcpol'Iv'l in Caittip
that a start for Manila would be niado In
nirnut a week , nflil there Is ireat ; rojoi ( log
on tlib account. As for the climate ( lie
writer says that it Is damp antI foggy hi of
the time. The regiment is rapidly perfect-
lug Itself In drill auutl can show Up in as
good form as any reginiont at the camp.
hleut hiIct' $ ( , , ,
Otis Jacobs of San Francisco has reported
for duty as an inspector In the hiurenu of
Aniunal Industry , ho having been sent here
to dii a vacancy caused by a resignation ,
The force has not been increased any on
account of the Armour opening hut will be
as soon as It is determined wlioui Armour
wili Commence slaughtering. It is understood -
stood that on account of the opening of the
how packing house the force of stock exam-
looms , Inspectors , taggers , etc. , will have to
be increased by the addition of twelve men.
As for the niicroscopicni depnrtuncot no increase -
crease iii 'tlit5 Y rc will be uiiade at present
as there is verylitUo demand for export
meats Just how. More than half of the iuii-
emoscoiists tiav 'bcii laid oft and wiii not
ho uisslgnetl to duty again until the export
ordemn commence to coutie in.
hhIthItIleeM I ii ( 'I t ) ' i'IIIlI1N.
City Cierk Carpenter hits prepared a state-
nieuit showing the condition of the funds anti
( lie amount drawn up to July 1. The amount
or the 1S97 1ev ) ' was 1,613 anti of this
there line been drawn $ T1,1i9 , leaving a hal-
itnco of $10,153. The balances in ( lie dif-
foment ftiiitls are as ( allows : Interest , $71 ;
Jtidgnient , police , $339 ; vater ; $3,067 ;
fire , $501 ; light , $2,823 ; sainry , $141 ; engi-
ulcer , $329 ; general , $654 ; street repair , $ SS6 ;
park , $1,704 ; SPecial witness , $11 ; ilog , $112 ;
hulk. $7 ; special license , $55.'biie it will
bo seen that there is no great amount of
flood iii iiuiy of the funds the financial con-
tlitioui of the city is better titan it ivan a
year ago as the overiap wlii be considerably
lsgle CI I
I' meeting of the leaders nut ! stevards
of the Methodist church viil be held Tues-
( hay evening.
The Sunday School board of the First
tTetbodist Episcopal church will meet in
the iastor's ) study this evening.
Chief Smith of the fire (1eiattl000t Is
doing nicely auth his friends expect that lie
s ili be able to return to duty In a week or
The old Board of E'lucatlon will meet this
niorning at 9 o'clock and adjourn sine ( lie.
It is expectei ( ( lint the nc'v boarti will
iliect this eveiiing and organize.
The walls of ( lie new postoilice building
arc now at grade and stone courses are
being laid. The work doca not seem to
progress as rapidly as was expcctcti , although -
though the rainy wetthier : of a. fe' veeks
ago delayed matters considerably.
This morning the contractors who have
the building of the Lincoln nciiooi in
charge wlhi put a big gang to work and the
constriictiou sviih be rushed to compietiun.
The excavations hnve hteen compheteti and
quite au amount of material is already on
the ground , so that there will be no delay
from this source.
Clifford's G'i'.tty thic't : ' ' opuictI last evcui-
lug and die's ut.i :1iit'.i'titj : : wlii'hi l.uxtd the
capacity of ( tic' struct'j" s , i" .uiitiiiz ( lit'
cxtravnganz.i burlt.sui "Lit11 MIss Clii-
mngo , ' ' 'vhieli sery' ' 3 : is ' .veii ; is iait aiy :
oUter iiaune nuigtt do lee a pci foriiiuice : ,
vhi1chi Intr'idcea a wealt ii of pitik I igh1ts ,
Songs , dances and a variety of specialties.
'l'hie charm' 4t of ( iii' sic uiIiIiicrjcihi : aIi
comely , as choruses go , the music was
good-some of it excellent-ant ! a nuunier
of very clever acts are preseoted 'luring
( lie evening. To "Little Miss Chicago"
there is rio plot wortliy of thescription , less
even than the usual burlesque or extravaganza -
ganza , but that fact does not hiniler ( lie
Iresentatioo of an entertaIning performance.
The first. act is sUiposetl to be on the planet
Mars anti If thiogs look ( hat way up there
it is probable a lot of Onialia inert will want
to euiiigmate , 'l'hie ociiIdg chorus was a
collection of popular negro nielodies.Vnihe
ahiti Miss Carter sang a catchy song , "My'
hag Time Girl ; ' ' James T. ICelley a topical
song , "ChIcago ; " Frank Blair a taking
song , ' 'Sister Jane's Top Note ; " Kelicy ,
Illair , Wude' and Miss Carter a very taking
eccentric song and datica ; Zthiss lJoliy Most-
nyor a vocal selection , "Song of All Nations -
tions , ' ' and this followed by a duet ,
"I lCiio ( a Tiiing or Two , " by Misses Meat-
aycr and Black , which was ilechlely good.
The first at c1hsjth with ( his' ever popular
Cecil song , ' 'I W'unt My Lu Lu. " Ut' the
siecialti's ) loin '
l'onieroy sang very cleverly
a juvenile souig , the Lawrence sisters lire-
senteil some .good contortion. antI acrobatic
work , Sherman \\'ade ant ] Frank hilidr sie-
cialties nod Mtses hiluck am ! Mcstoyer
'oma1 numbers , 'fhie hiaiith builaiicing act of
hInsingB ( uS'Ui4 0110 of the best ( hiluigs on the
card , but his dog easily oiltil'assei1 his clever
work by his fitic balancing act.
The Wootluvarti Stock company switched
to conietly again this week , opening yeser- (
day uvitil "hictity. ' ' TIle play is OUt of ( lie
boisterous sort , hut ihahy amusing situa-
( louis ur , evpived out of thp love affairs of
a yoliuig 111011 vhio cannot agree with hits
father In ( hO choice at a u'ife , and from ( lie
theatre f several other persons o engage
iii a lit tie Ilirtatioui iiftcr they have r'acliel
( lie ago when ( hey should know better-
particularly uu'lien cneunibere,1 uvitli ii uvife ,
'I'Iielr little Iiidiscretions siicceeil in get-
thug ( hem all into sotiuc tinbarrassing sflua-
tiwis , out of % % hitch an onlooker could secure
Iiitiehi more lilnUttollielit than one who vas
actually iii ( lie predicutnent. "Iiesy" ( iii
ntiiiising antI ( lie company succeeds In get-
tiuig all out of it there Is in it. There is one
ncu' face lii ( lie cast , George Salisbury , aziti
lie is fully , UP , to thie saniprd ( ) of ( lie coin-
lltit'i lMIlssh Ilieli rsl.iis.
t3it 1ake and return , $30.00 , Julio 0.
Salt Laktu uiiitl v1urp. 32.00 , July 3.
l'ortlnhutl and return , CO.5Q , Juuio .30 nod
Ju .
, , 1) . C. , and return , $34.25 ,
July 3 , 4 anti 5.
Nashivillo and return , $23.2 , July 3. 4
end 5. '
hluffalo antI retvro , 26.T5 , July 11 and 12.
For full information call at city ticket
oiltce , 1323 L"ariiniu street.
, isii % I I Ii' , 'l't ii it. , iuiI Ilet tint ,
' 'ia the Northwchtemn Line ,
July 3rd , 4th and 5th , extraordinary rates ,
The Norliu'esteru ( is the "Olilcial Line" for
thio Nebraska C. 1. delegation , Through
cart ; , 1401 Fartiam et ,
July 1 ( lie Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
I & Oiniilia iativay will ruiti special train
I frciit Oiualiu to 1oiroa. stopping at all
liierindelato ( plnts. Tati will leave
I ( ) iiuuhia ; ii 1030 p. i.u. L.yman b'bolee , p. F ,
1uud 1' , A ,
Local Ministers Scak In Bupport of the
Present War.
ir , MeQititith , hr 'l'ti rkle niul hh'in
Put r I'reieli ott I un l'rrpit'n t % ' . 'nr
-Ser ties 1. ' l.a ) 'Iiicu Alting
SlliiItitr I.Iiic.
The services at the First Methodist Ipis-
copah church were of a veFy patriotic nature ,
yesterday , both forenoon rind evening , In an-
ticipatton of the Fourth of July. hUe entIre
ermon train beginning to cud In the morn-
I lug , Rev. John McQuold , ( lie pastor , do-
, vated to jatriotisni antI at the evening scm-
vices there were several addresses all to
the same end by lay speakers ,
Choosing the words of Jetis to his disci-
' pies , as ( ho evangelist John recorhs thenu
In his gospel , "Anti ( lie truth shall make
I free , " l'astor MeQuolti dilated cloueiitly
anti learnedly on the value of liberty nod
the % vorthi of love of country to the nation
atul also to the race as a whole. So cnthiusel
was. lie with his theme ( hint he spoke ittitch
longer than usual anti was several times op.
Platidoll. hits autiteulce was carried au'ay v'ih (
the senttnueiit auth forgot their usual iiinday
In atlihition ( o the music of an appropriate
nature from the choir , ( lie audience sang
the hiynins "America" and "God lhiccs Our
Native Land. '
Dr. Mcuold ) inatle Athens ( lie cradle of
I human liberty and considered ( lie true
American idea In (119 present war uvithi
Shiam as being ( lie extension of liberal instt-
tuitions on this contitietit. Such a uvar , said
lie , was inevitable. lie lirnised the athnitiiis-
tmatlon for its sobcr'-niiodetlners and pa-
tince. ho hits invocation lie prayed for a
sliecinh bhe3sing tipon "our soldiers anti
sailors uvhio are this lay flghjting under a
southern sky ; ' also for comfort for their
loved ones heft behinil at home , antI v niced
the hope that ' 'out of the tumnioll of war nizty
coiuie the victory of a great Peace. " Among
other thiiiigs lie said , iii hits scrnon :
I'u'lg'II I ( or , , of i'nt riot Isii ,
The fist true patriots were the pilgrim
fathers. They were such before they left
Euiglauiil and tue tieclaration of liberty
t'hiichi s'ns to become tli setittitient of a
coiittiient they wrote In ( lie cabin of tire
Mayflower in 1620. They were ( lie real
revolutiouiists-thio real rebels against I
kingly iower ninh iiutocmacy. the divine
right of kings , ( he absolutIsm of the state ,
the iiiiprisoninent of thought-and u'lint
they began cuhiiitnatcth , as it should , in the
stirreiider of Cornwall is at Vorkiouvo n'utt
niso iii ( lie surrender of Lee at APPO
inattox. Au Eiigiisii Gladstoiie. a Gomniiin
liisiiiutrcht auth a French Gamhea , could not
have existed anther ( lie regime they heft he-
liiiiil 'svlieii they ciiiharked foi' the shores of
( hits broaih continent. It was they who
liroughit ( hits distinctive American idea to
this soil-an idea of liunian liberty suchi as
u'as ucvei' tirennicil of by the baroiis vhio
( Glee , ! ICing John to concede the Magia ! I
Charta ; an ithea never conteiiiihnted ) by
Croniwehi ahid his Ironsides.
I deplore t'nr ; I ahilior war simply as
us'ar ; I tietest thiatvar which would be
nothing nuore than ( lie expression of the
jingo spirit-a spirIt that would make this
nation go iiroutid like a big , suvaggerini ;
bully in ( lie highways of the worhil ; but ( tie
present war I regard na one of righteous-
ness. It was inevtablc. ( human liberty is
thie force underlying It and it is for the ex-
( elision of the' Aniericari idea. I t is hot for
the acquisition of territory nor for the 'iu- ,
dication of honor. for our hioiior as ii nation
needs no vindication , but we are engaged in
I war to extenth to other people that same
liberty as we enjoy.
1)r , MeQuoith at this Point couilti not me-
Press a tciithczicy to refer to the "volumes of
abuse heaped upon ( lie athiniuiistmatioui by
sensatior al journalism , " and remarked , "I
have the highest atinutratton for ( ho cahni and I
heroic sobriety of President McKinley. " At
this ( lie auitlenco broke forth In louti ap-
iuhause. lie resumed :
Nor is thus war for revenge. The tragic
loss of the Mattie did , it is true , leave a profound -
found inipresstoii on our people , hut on that
historic morning whieii Dewey salleil lob
( lie harbor at Manila to niect an opposing
fleet ( lie ensign he sent up diii not rent ! ,
"hberiieiuiher ( lie Maiiie , " but "ICeep cool
antI obey orders , " It is a war for duty-
for duty , not revenge. 'c are fighting not
( or u'nr , but for Ieoce. We' are giiilg to
have iicace if we have to light for it.Ve are
, figlitliig to exeuith ( ( lie American idea of the
grentc-rtt liberty of the individual coiupai- (
ble vltli the highest di'stiiiy.
'tVIin t t lit' ' , Vitr 1t'tiis.
lie saw four hirotihiecles in ( lie liresent var :
It predicted a new cotlo of international
haw-Iie ( gun of Jewey was ( lie opening
gun of ( lie twentieth century ; ( lie war uviis
not for conquest and glory , lint for liii-
uiianity aiitl niercy , ant ! tIre parable of ( lie
Good Samaritan uu'as to be thio jiow coilo
of intemaatioiial law. ' ' Second , there % s'as
to b a new and unitet ! civilization-the
usgs of ( lie two great Anglo-Saxon nations
lint ! fluttered side by itle. Third , it pointed
to ( lie triumph of ( lie spirit of progress anti
freedoni over ignorance anti tiespottsnu , In
( lila respect lie contrasted ( lie two uiation ,
and. of ( lie tvo Greek war deities , lie coli-
sideret ! Athena , ( lie protector of ( lie state
In ( lie arts of peace and industry , woe the
fit representative of Anicrlcri , while ( lie
oUter , unscrliliulous ittirrer-up of strife , uu'as
typical of despotic Spoilt. Fliiahly an unbroken -
broken union of the Anicricon nation vas
Iirophieieahly ( assured in hIs hopeful prog-
' ' ' ' ' ' OSIY ,
I'fGit'I'l NG Flt ) II 1'3IAN1'I'Y
A , iterit'itii 1'rt's liii ( t ii' jipr ( , , it ittiti
: iliiJi'N 111,1 IfI hue.
The serinoui delivered by htev , A. J , Tar-
Ide. pastor of ( lie Kountzo Lutheran Menia.
rial church , sine of a patriotic ilature niitl
tas largely t1c'oeh ( to a discussion of ( hit
right niid wrong of ( lie war with Spain , as
vicuveil froni a religious standpoint. Tue
ettealcer shiouveil hy ( lie bible ( lint In ( lie past
there hind beeli wars that were of a righieous (
nature , niiii that hail met with ( he approval
of Goii-fearliig men. Iii rnaiy of thioto uvars
the Cause for the slaughter was not so utit-
iiart'iit lie iii the coiitest ( lint is how going
on in Cuba.
Tint s'ar vitli Spain , the speaker declared ,
is a righteous uvar nut ! Coil is on ( lie ii1U
of ( lie American aiiii Cuban armies. TIm
unlcil ( forces are carrying out God's par-
poses in putting to all end a wicked reign
almost in sight of ( lie shiprea of ( tie United
States. lie Iiaeth ( war nail uvouhil do aiiy'
thuiiig liossitile to lreveiu ( t lie slis'dthing of
blood , but so bug as thit' boit in blue uvcre
flghtiiig iii Cuba in ( lie hiitcies ( of hiuniaiily
lie u'oultl Riot raise lila voice against ( lie
strife. lie woult ! welcome a cessation of
hostilities if the result could he brought
about iii au honorable maimer and ( lie tic.
sireil end atoiiicth.
Ir. Turkle ntlvocates ( lie freeing of Cuba
end the l'liiltppine islands front Spanish 1
rule , and while he dos's'nut say they are en-
titlet ! to absolute eehf.gotemnnient , lie ex-
tureeses hie opinion"governioent indc
venilent of that of Spilifi liotild be cetab-
Siteaking of ( lie untied eonliion of the
United States , the speaker soul that no herEon -
Eon ever thought of nktiig frrnn what state
Dewey or hlobson came General Fitzliugh
bee was loved as mueluibt ( he people of ( lie
north as b those of tue south ; ( lie United
Stales tnoouis hail been bombarded with
flowers as they passed fhrougli lhaltimorc
antI the brave boys from every state had
niarclieil side by stde to light for one corn-
iiion Ituinilose. Sectional lines hiatt been all
reinovetl from ( lie niuup antI the soldiers of
( lie south and those of ( lie north shared ( lie
sanie hilittiket aiid ( Imank from the isatiie cnhi
( ccii. The war lint ! also bail macli to do
with wiptng out the hues of caste. In sup'
Port of tim statement the speaker recietl (
incidents uu'hiere ( lie rich niid thur poor
iiinrclietl shoultier to shoulder anil where
laboring men were in coiiiniantl of compan-
tee of inca innile up froni ( lie maiike of ( lie
rich anti aristocratic.
3IAItIC % ( ( IF A 'iA'i'tONAha fli't'il.
heats Fntr I'ehiM nf ( lie l'lffci't of ( hit
I I'reMeIit 'nr alt II INter ) ' ,
I The seating capacity of Triutty cnlietlmnl
: severely taxed yesterday niorntng , ( lie
Itntriotc ( services aniioiliiceti for tim itiomn-
ing5attracing one of the largest cougi'tga-
tions that lms filled aiiy house ef uorsiaii , iii
this city for soiiie tinie. TInt iieuu it of the
sail losses of ( lie Twenty-seconil reginietit
froni ( his city hind ( lie effect of cniplinsliiiig
( lie spirit of ( lie patriotic services anti wits
teeliiigl' nlluileil to by'ery Rev. CahlitibLhl
Fatr , detiii of the cathiecimni , in his tliscoui'se.
' The music wits a special feature of ( lie
service. A beautiful alit ! approprIate bass
solo , "The Hattie Prayer , " uvaus sung by Mr.
Jules Luinbarti to hut ustial strong niiil liii-
ressl'e niaiuiier. "Anierica" was also
i heartily rentlereil by ( lie vested choir nail
large congregation , oath there vcre a nuiii-
. her of other national anthems stiiig by ( lie
choIr. In othihition to ( lie usiirui ibm ! deco-
rations ( lie Ainericaii nuid Ilnitishi hlags u'ore
hirfliiiitieothY tilSilayctl about ( lie altar.
lii ( lie course of his semnioti Dcaii l'air
sold : ' 'Each of ( ho ijroiiiliuent eras of the
iiation's history bait left to future gonera-
( ions sonic great achievement , So shall u'e ,
not. couieiit ( to rest cii ( lie nchiieveiiieiits of
the last , heave to the ( siture soiiiehiiiig ( as tIlt !
( lie PCOlihe of ' 76 leave for us. The exploits
anti achiievemeiits of thits nation since ' 76
lirtve been nothiiiug less than uvontierful. 'A'e
have engaged in eleven wars sInce then , six
of thcni being with Indians. The recorih of
our vars with the Iuutlintis lii not iun uinsiil-
lied one. There have buen acts that we caii-
not feel proud over , The church of Got !
had shone vlsehy with the hiidiuiis , but I ani
not persuadeth that others have acted like-
vlse. 'fhie history of our Inihianvars is
riot altogether a chapter in which we can
1 ; I ory.
' 'In IS2 we hind our lost s'ar uu'ithi Eng-
land. Thank ( lotl ( here huts beeii no war
with ( Ito niothier country since then. Titanic
God that ( lie present war has hiatl the effect
of hiuitlilig our two Coliiitries closer to-
gcthcr nail niaking future conflicts betuvceii
us almost out of tim qiiestioui. This chiiirchi
toilny is a living innuitfestation of ( lie ties
thint biiit ! the iiiothicr country alit ! her ilaugli-
( or. Today ( lie
flags of the two great un-
tbolu ; itre Intertuu'iiicrh as arc the Political
liistoijes alit ! ilcstiiit of thic' two countries.
Englanth niitl Anierlea are now closely haunt !
together , anti they ought never to be sep-
"This Fourth of July will be a Fourth of
July of son etc anti satuiess for many of
otir dear licOhile. AS the reports front ( lie
battic in far off Santiago conic to us ( here
Is fresh grief iii rnaiiy a household , With
these we mourn anti we tie1tiy 33'Iiipahiize (
with ( hueni in ( heir losses of Urn loyal and
patriotic mcii who have tileti bciieiih their
Country's flag.
'Aniericn has been an extenthiiig nation
ever sluice ' 76 , but It has kept Its domain
between ( lie two oceans ( lint have made is (
shores , We have nbohishietl ( lie curse of
slavery. \o hittve given to all personal lib-
city and Indirithua ! freethoni. hut ( hero are
achiievenieuitii of our cIvilIzation that are
not to ho overlooked. 'l'he eucatiuiiah ! influences -
fluences of ( lie great expositions that have
been held in this country have been barked.
hole iii a western city that is not yet fifty
years 01(1 we have today a great expost-
( iou ( lint at.onco takes its place alongside
of ( hose of Viejina , Paris London , Piiila-
( iciphuhit iind ChIcago. It. is truly woiiilerful
(0 think of uchi all aciiievemeiit , It is
an exitnipie of Ainericati pluck. It uu'iil
bring us better results ( bali war. It will
bring us better results ( bali ( lie conquest
of territory. In seine respects its inihucuce
is euen better than ( ho abolition of slavery.
hut ( lie iuiost anti ( lie best of all to us in
our iiiieteeiitii century chvihtzatioii is ( hat
our own ICOhtlC , from ( lie liiglitust to ( tie
lowest , are people whose rcputntioiis are
fotintleth on honesty 011(1 ilitCgri ( ' . A repu-
tntion terived ! from such a eiiaiactcr is ( lie
real zower aniong any hteolile. Let us work
out this principle. It will riiake us a wise
and untlerstandiug vcople us iiotliiuig else
will , ' '
'i'A K Ii Cii A It ( 11 0 1" $11 It 'iCLIS.
ihti'uir lhoores itiud ( ii hit'i's l'rt'ius'li tutu
I Iii' 'l'oiIeM II ! I Iii' Iltuti r.
The First Methodist Episcopal church was
crowilet ! last night with Patriotic worship-
( 'mit. Itegular services were abaoiloneii nail
( lie evening us'as gIven up to sirigilig of itoh-
uhar national ( tines anti addresses by prom-
incuit public rnt'n of Onialiui. The attire nut !
stripes decorated all parts of ( lie iiuiitiing.
'Fhe organ , ( lie pulpit aid ! ( lie gallery uvere
iuil streaming s'ihi ( OltI Glory. Mayor Moores
wore it tie of roil. white uiiti lihuo ant ! led
( lie song service svitii a flag of ( lie tlliiteti
States In one liani ! and one of Cuba in ( lie
other. Special nttisie was hunovltleil ( or ( lie
occasion. T. J. Kohl ) ' , ( lie orgaiiist , hiiipmo-
'lseth a uiietlhey of iiatloiinl uilms for ( lie even-
lug aitti hietweeui verses ofiarehiiuig
Through Georgia' ' phayeil parts of "lixle. ' '
\Vhiho ( lie 1)011 was stilt ringing ( lie choir
sang ' 'Anierlca' ' in ( ho tower. 11ev. jim.
Mackay of All Suilntk' ' church ohielied ( lie
services by praying for ( lie iiutioui in ( hits
time of ( mini flliil for tile OEIIiY niiih navy ,
Mayor Monroe was ( lie fii'st speaker. lie
saul it lie was like tim patriotic iiiiiilster who
u'us so deehily tntertttptl lii tile sltuaion (
( hint lie alinouliceil to hits coiigregittion ( lint
i t wouhi ! flail bits text in the ( hiirti book of
Philhippint's , ho woiihdtake his ( ext frouii ( he
first chapter of ( lie book of Santiago .1
Cuba Mr. Moores rciiii 'a long extract from
, ' l'hllhp Nolan , ( lie Mriii'lthou ( a Country , "
iiiii ! npihiet1 ( lie storytilo ( lie prcseil ( time.
Senator Maiiilersons spoke of ( lie growhi (
of ( lie Uiiitetl States 'uiohii ( lie small , fnslg-
niflcan ( c'olommies to a eounry ( now classed
u'itli ( lie powers. At the request of his
fricatis the senator tt'nl an original story
% litehi lie entitled , "The Tuvhii Seven Shoot-
ore. " It gave ( lie story of his early life in
/ A the ability
OTHERJ' of this tonic to give YOU the now strength of
7 1-4'r which you are sadly In need after a spell of
I , ' ' 8lckness-Fossesses the grentest nouriehing
, anti soothingqualitles of malt and hopa and
I at , , . cusceires.
_ _ _ Foley ftros. , Wholesale Dealers , Office , 1)el-
Ion. hotel , 124 N , I4tli5t , , Oiiiahs , J4eb ,
, ' - . . ' - ' - - - . - - . - 1 , _
" '
( he army slitting ( lie ; ebellion antI fohlowcil
( lie hiresentalon ofuo beautiful seven
hooterx by hIs regtnieht up to ( lie prcsciit
( into , The services were closeti by ( lie song ,
"Old Glory , "
The services at TrInity Mcttiotllt liiie-
copal church last nlgli were in charge of
( lie men of the congregation nail were put-
triotic iii nature. The church was ilecomaleti
with flags tb nililrceses of ( lie eveniiig
I Were of a patriotic flavor anti the music
' cotisittet ! mostly of uvell ktiown national
t atiti iiatniotic soligs.
The speakers ( if ( lie evening were U. V , ' .
Richardson , (1. hI. ItltIiiiflOflil , ! ) r. W. Ii.
( lnimn and Samuel I3urne. Mr. Itichiardeohi
ex3iressed ( lie belief that ( lie United Stats's
has coiuue to an Ihnimrtnnt rnlnt in its en-
root. l'rogress line brought us face to face
with ( lie itnoliheni of territorial extension
nIh ( lie consequent development of Anierican
commerce. To refuse ( lie opporuiitt ( ) ' offered
I to tb great goot ! anil enter tipon greater
iiesfiihiiess ii r. flicliartle liclievei ! wouht ! be
to lilt in ( lie face of lirogress.
lr. ( irifliii urged It upon nIh citizens ' ( lint
being in the war no crltcieni sliouiil' b
lienpetl upon the atlininletmatlon ; that we
stand as a uniteil lCOhlC agaInst a cOiulhiiohi
foe. Ito spoke feelingly of ( lie coiiifort lie
deriveti front gifts sent to hint while iii
( lie far sonh ( during ( lie civil War nut ! ciii-
pliasizeil the wonderfui intluence ( lie wonicli
of ( lie land can wiehil b' scathIng ( i'iiics to
I the boys vhio are so far away from home
antI tlue inhlliemuce of uu'oineii they love.
Mr. humus hioke hrit'tiy of the hiresclit
strife antI reinindet ! his hearers of ! 'rcsitient
Lincoln's saying : "The goveriiniont at
\\'ashiiiigon Is safe white Got ! lives. "
'l'ihkM tO lIr ) ii 11. , S..Il ors.
Ir. F' , , t. Sissoii of ( lie liaiusctiiii Park
itiethiodiiut EhiSCiih church preached thic
first semniomi to the Thiirt ! regIment , V , 1.
yesterday nfernooii ( at 2 o'clock. lr , Sissoli
saitl lie coiisiileret ! it a great hoiior to be
I. able to address ( lie boys with tIre gallniit
I conirnander vhio have enlisted for ( lie honor
of ( lie flag alit the ciuse of Jesus Christ
antI hitmniaiiity. lie referred to ( lie rainbow
as the seveiu liiililhSeS of God to lnahikilitl
nail ( lint these ! rave solthiers hiatt nothing
(0 ( fear as Coil haul pronitseti to be' with
( heat always alit ! that alhotigli they iiilghit
never return ( I ) ( heir hionies here. by ( rust-
hug to ( hicir Creator all would be united
again in ( lint 0(1mm world where there was
neithic'r ut'mti's liar ileath , Patriotic songs assisted -
sisted by ( lie Third regiineiit band , added
much ( o ( he s0r'icee. '
'l'he Cot. thitetiun ! Itiiul tt.i.
The new \Vnbasli solitl vestibule train of
day coaches , sleephuig ant ! tliuiiuig cars , A
train for tourists alit uhl classes of travel ,
Leave Chicago ( tinily ) , 12 noon ,
Leave St. Louis ( ilaily ) , 9:10 : a. at.
Arrive Nest' York ' 1tVest : Shore , 3:30 :
p. in.
Arrive iloston via Fitelilitmi'g , 5:50 : p. in.
All agents sell ( ikcts for this ( rain anti
will tell you all about it. Ask hiini or write
G. N. Ciaytoo , 0. W' . 1' , Agt. Walirishi It. It.
I'lato Glass , h'hae ( Mirrors at F. ii. Keu-
nard's , I 110 Ilmirimey St.
I'i us' ki i.c' t lit' (1st rht'hies.
Several of the largest ostriches ( inclui- !
ing the giant Mark Ilalina ) will be plucked
oil Montiny at ( lie Miiwny Ostrich Farm.
A iistviiiiu ( 'riliM&'r 114 ( 'oiiiIiig ,
TItIIISTFI , July 3-Thie Austrian cruiser
Maria Thitmesa sailcd for Santiago the Cuba
( ado y.
From Mrs. Rank to Mrs. Phikhnxn.
The , following letter to Mra. Pinir-
ham front Mea. M. IIANIC , No. 2,354
East Susqueliaiinn , Ave. , I'hulmidelpliia ,
Pa. , is a remarkable statement of relief -
lief from titter discthiragcmmiemit. SIte
says :
' ' I never can find vords s'ith w'li'ich
to tlianhc 'oii for s'hat Lytlia. E. 1"inlc-
hiani's Vegetable Coniponmiti liris done
Lou' inc.
I' Sonic years ago I hiatlw'oinlj trouble
aiid. dtCtOi'Cd for iu long time , iiot. see-
lag aiiy ilnprou'eniciit. At tinies I
\VOU1U feel well enough , anti other
tinics was nilsemable , So it vent on
uintil inst Octolic'm' , I felt something
terrible creeping over imie , I knew not
what , but Icept getting worse. I emuut
hardly explain my fc'elimigs at , that
tiiiie. I 'IVltS SO ( leprerrsed in spirits
that I ( lid ii t wish to live , although I
Iiuid evcrythiqg to hive for. lint hys-
term , was very nervons ; could not
sleep anti its ' umot safe to be left
alone ,
I' Indeed , 1 thought I would lose my
mimic ! . NC ) 0110 leiiotvs s'liat I entlured.
' ' 1 continui'th this way uintil the last
of F'cbruai'y , when I sass' in a pajier a
testiineininl of a lady whose case 'nus
similar to imuiiic , run ! s'hio lint been
ciii'L'd ly r't1imL l. l'hiikliutiii5 Vegetable -
ble Comupounti. 1. deterimiinetl to try it ,
and It'll. better after tIm first dose , I
continued taking it , and to-day unit a
vehl w'oiitnn , anti can say from my
heart , ' Tliunln Cod for such a mcdi-
cm0. ' " '
tIrs. P'inkliirri invites all suffering
women to u'rite to her at L3'niii , Mass , ,
for atlt'lce. All
such letters arc seen
and auiswered bys'Olmien emily ,
nthnarhor Water.
Not a fes' of the hicohiho of Oipnlta have
'isi I oil I lint lieu a I I flu su mann t r i'eso rt nit in ed
0 I trYSt , Ii liii it I I vhiti I iruvo , hone so limtve d in lmhc
thii' su'nitt'r ( ruin the "FiX'Fi.SJ ORV1iIi. . ' '
'J'hihs vater iii ( hue strongest suihihitlr-aimii
utritilie uu'iitcr kiiiiwii-In fiit't it is so Ktrting
t i dli t tilt , el ii I in ti t t Ii e , iuviierii ii t t tie vt'i
that 4)114' quart of their wmitt'r etitinhii in
nwiltt'iiitil Hi renghi 10 gohltiiis of ( lie majority -
ity of oilier iniumemnh svaterii ( in ( lie rniirket ,
) it.iliH tO la tribe , We itro ageuitH for Nt'bmns-
lot , oath eon ittipiily at smtirit' hiricea as ore
chmiirgc'i iii ( lit' springs , viz : f/Ic for one
( I liii , i't I ici I t ho , ii nil $500 Pr ilozeli.
\o sell 100 kiiiths of rtiinemnl wmttcrii ,
lkro-Ltthiii ; Viiter , gtilloiis ( iiti gas ) ,
Sot. lmttit'-emuies of 12 , ISs ) .
ltoro.I.Ithini Viit'r , quarts , grisenhle , 25c
1)0(115' ) , 12 51) ) ihozi'n Ciises itt 50 , s.rj ,
hiuri.l.itlihnS'nuter. . plirts , guist'uii , lIc
biuttle ; $1.50 , lozeii. Cases .if 100 , 110.00.
Enro-h , lthiirt'riter. . $ ltihtB. giisi'tilii , , lOc
hart the' ; ! .20 tloz'ii , , ( 'iiSeii ( it 13 $ ) , $9.00.
'Write rn call for Mhliertul W'ttter L'uta-
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. ,
Mitinhic of lllock. 1513 1)otlge Street.
OMItII.A. NIihi.
( p" , J
Anti bridge vork , or teeth without 1ilatS ,
IJ.0)J ) per 1oct11 until July 5th toily. Thiiii
offer is ninth' to lots otuco our high cltts
tleiial work ainh Is gtntrittii'I , in every
respect.'er' liest s4't of teeth $5.01. Gait
fillings $ ! 4i0 up. Silver , nirnuhgtiiti iimiil gob !
uiloy fillings LOc. Teeth extracted positively
uvihotlt ( ham 23c.
120 So , 11th 141. , cot , DQuglae. 1venlngs Un.
( ii 8 , SulIduQ' , 1 iU. ) ' In ittti1dU.flCO.
hoe , Jul3. ' 1.
& 6 mark do urn ' ' 1 ,
&r/e of Szus
Say I If you. 'ant to tee the 1lflUOW11USS of onio
black-faced' nl\'el't'lIillg flhl(1 tilt. ) ilfllliblig of I I (1gJl ( ( 1111 !
( lOWn sales jtiit (11'OI ) itito 11110 Nebl'aika lilly day t1ii
week 1111(1 ( look at tito tujw S1i1)lhlellt Of lnehl't Butiii stiitt
vlticlt Will he oftet'el ( at tvo-lifty a stilt.Vo are not
e11ing tiltist ) iIitI at tWof1fIyIeeltl WI ! ai't.i 'over-
1Oi1IC(11 ( ( " 01' ICClltiiMlVC ) are going to take invoitloi'y IlOXt
week , oi' 011 ltCCOlhhlt of the heat. , but beeaiwe we had
Illehil lll$1(1O $ 10 sell. for that pi"u'e alld bectiie WtJWflllt
to iuakti a few peIlties to buy lir'i'ra'kei's foi' the '
oils Fourth. " tf)1yq ) i1litH ni'e IilttJlt-flh1 lillehI-lflhi'O
lillell-flIld at 1)1'OSehit W1'ilillg tllCl'C iS a l'iill I'l'dtll thou-
Iflhl(1 of 11101 ! ! Ill fIll i'ogtilni' Si'l.JS-lO ( ttllillg11O\V flltlly $
will be Itift to toll the story witeit the bugle blow8 ' 'taps"
iiext Satui'day iiigit.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - _ _ _ _
' : c _ , a11 " :1- '
AMERICAN MUSIC DAY rirst CongrcationaI Church.
, . . , , , . . . . . ' . , ' , ( ' ' ' . , . _ '
i,80 ii. iii.-AdI rt'i ii ) ' N. Cot' Stt'iviii't. 1 diii ii. iii.-.ili rt'sN it'orgi' ( Gouy )
I 0 * I a. in-.h , i't'ss Ity iloiiii'r 1ioi't' . .t I 1 1u it. iui.-.tthh i'tii , i.tiIs C. H1N4III.
i I it. in.-lLt't'i ( iii , % V ii i lit iii hi , Shiei't : inn p. iii.-itee I iii I , lr , ( t'rrl I Suit I hi ,
.Ji.iuiiie ONIirii , .1. % 'ihiittte .tl i" . . ( . , 'ni'I d Sin I I Ii , 1i INS .101111 lt
( Itititi u'Ieii , flit ( iii , , Firiust it. It iu.egt'r , hurry J (
. Ux'I'iJN Al' it'1'4) It I I IT.
- -
sol. ( ) IS't'S.
ill r. blent hiiirtl 1ipitt'iiiitii ii. ii C. i'ii'iist 11 , i rut'gt'r , ,
. :11 : iNN A iuiiu iitizi 'ie'rhieI her. 'II vs. Iiziit I ii ( 'ii Ii ii ,
_ , I r. liii i'i' ' J. FCi IOuu'N. il r. iiit' ion II , ( 'iit'hli titi ,
Ilr. I ! oilier tltii re ,
l'ouitiedirs i 11 r. ( , 'ougi SV. ( 'tutu aviel ; , 11 i' . .t rt Ii ii r iiees ,
.tIIliSSiOX-3i1' .
S 2,000 People Tiirucd
S Away Last Night. . . . . .
AT' 2:30.
ThE _ _ _ _ _ TROCADERO Ilsriitmyiti.
Lenz & Williams , Props. and Mgrs.
\v , W. COLE , Act. Manager.
Telephmoiio 2217 ,
A puntothc : ( week aiitl a iimitrlottc show
heel a a i ii g
Our Unsurpassed . Array of Talent
. ) , " ( 'lr-
iiIt .tNI ( AhtiNhiit "Maitre dii -
till. . , ' ' iuiui his iiuttrvi'ioiisi' tniuhiii
It I iiN ( i.t Ilii ( , .J l'ISShii-tlu. ituuly
'Ihi.uhey t hut su'orkN ut II Pt'rt y th Iii-
0 ii ( ii cirl.
, . , . , . ,
Fisft'i'hiii iy n.-tiig.get by i'n I i no-
, , , ,
ituiN ui'iiiiiiiils for ut iiiui ' tti'eLi
. uiiIii. % , tSi ) I.(1Vli ( , M % IIIiCIi
S I I I it .1 SO. 1 % ' . % Vl ) It 1.1) , 1,0 II II.'I'I. Ii
t A I.llX , ( ' . 'ihA It III Si.iNIS ) , SILt itt'
& i'l . .t'i"l' , 'ouI.l1't"I'.t . ' , 'I'.t ItIl4 , jiuud
I Iii' 'i'itOt'.t II'IIt 0 ( hI A lI.Ii % ( ii ( lit-
( II IIS'l'it A , hii'i'rl ituut li''zpz .th'liuiuii ,
Ida ttiiecs Suntlay , 'V'etlnest1ay antI Snturimty
2.30. I'rices , 25t' , ISe , &Oe. New atrtic-
( trios erich week.
130 Not Forget to Visit the
Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss
House or West Midway.c
Angust 1st
Durnhardment I
: : : I Fl , Matanzas
( 'IU\'hS'1t71tuIhJ ) A\V.'u ! ' i''EiIY , II.'tY
\ls 11'
N of Mtii.I huh - East Midway ,
fl- - .
0. ii. Wootiwarii , Aiii'.L'lilt'iit ) iiicctor.
'i'OII'I' . so. : :
'I'hIII'OJi ) % % ' . ' . It it 'I'OCiC ( JO ,
Prcscmit tag
Next t3tuiitlay-
( , 'IilI'ilt t'I'liI ) C.tsIi.
All Roads Load To
Trained \ilti Anlnrnh Show on W'cst Miii.
t'ny : 100 Lions , 'J'igers anti Elephants.
'l'iie Living I ) ill. 'I'Iie I.ttttr. of
'tilE MllWAY.
. . . .iIT 'I'IIL
- - - -
1 5th ii itd C ' ititol A'c.
Capture Limo Brass Ring anti Ride Again .
FItEFI. u.
J0t4. IIUX ( hUFF' , l.eNNCC huh ilniingci. '
Ilo'Z'EI..i. !
Cor. lii & Jneitsoui Sts. J. C' . Grihhin , Prop ,
110 iooins-Ali moili'rn lmnhrriu't'rnelitu.
Itttent-Ainericaii ; l'hniii , $2.00 to $3.00 icr thay.
Iti roiemt ; a Pint im , id1 ( icr day ii iiii ti iu'ri rihs ,
Car line to itilt ! ( mimi mill deliuii. Iiri't't
car i i lie it ) man i ii t'iit rn ito , ? 0 f lix tins I I Ion
13th nind Douglas Sts. , Otitalia.
. . .A31E1LICA % ANI ) EI1tI'I.tN ; i'LAN.- . .
J I : . M.htIcliI. .t. : SOS , i'roie ,
it.'i'ts : l.r. ( ) . % l ) . ( IiI l'llit IAY ,
iliectmIc curs direct to exiioition , ground. .
FltANk. jJiIls'gIt. ( 'settler. . . . . .
SAM hiAiJtlA Cater clerk.
14th abuh hlitmucy St.
AmerIcan I'laii-3 to 4 dolhmirs per day.
Street cau's from tlcpots iiitil fruit ) hotel to
Exposition Grounds iii fifteen minutes.
13. SILh.OVi.Y , Miuiager.
5r , 'fla1' . ? "
t ,
_ * } Jccs'teiwlili'O
DUN oucss AuNTs , 5TI YOi ( . " (
I ,
- -4
FOR 4th Ol JULY1
All hinuis- till shi.oii i.tVj'1' i'jtiuiSOs
iii , i.iiit'o p1 let's hia'ii iIt'i'hiliil.
Omaha Tent and Rubber OO
181 1 1'aii'ii.uiii ,