- - - - - -w- - - - - . . . - - - - - - - - . - - p- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - , - TilE OMATtA DArTX 1UTh MONDVY.TUTX ' 1 1STh. 7 ' 4 ikf\ % vrt , fur f IIl'Mf. (4) ItfthII . " II I Iu , 4iitvi nut U 1t Hia fur ( lie C % PIilIui int1 until $181) fur itiurithig ' ; Iiiil 4IIiitfl ) . (11llipiiM , II ItteN , I -ut I , it orul (1 rt IIIMIrt , , . c fl t iti il t lreiftt.r. Notli lit ( aikeit ' * Stir let.i tliiti ft ( lie llrMt liier- p ( mu. 'FlmeM ( ndert leiiIeti4N iltti4 ( II -j nut ' A ( liserpi , ) i req tiist I ii n nil iii ) 1u'riI uliri ) , (8)i Iitit zti.uer , ituI dr.sii ii , it _ , , , , , . , lit ( ir I ii eli reef of 'Vim q , lice. % I1 Vi N ? SI' nilil ri.setI . . 'ivil I lii. del 4)11 ireN.i ( ii f of . , the q.I.eck uil. ' ' - -7 SlTVATloNMW\flI ) . . . : rYI'1\'flIr1Na nail coylflg. 20 $ 1i'f' fl1g. A-G41-JvS ; i'osrrio in Imkery by young miut of aorno experience. AtItIreis T 57 flee. .A-cio is 1.1 II 1I.i' . c WANT1t ) , 3 men In Oznnhn nnI one rnn . In neli unuccuitled tusn In NebrnMka ituti r ttdjolnln itntn ( ii tnku nrden4 for tnen'i liiitile-to.ortler suitti itt to U.OO ; - ninitly $ l.&Q to 1O.IJ ( ; pnnt4 11.50 to . ® . ; 1.ro per tnontli muie beglnner wRIt- out experleitce.Vu ( urniMit full line of tutn1IIe4 , tttjd all fleC'I4.ttr' inttilt. For ii. I 3)IICnhIOfl ) and reference blank inI full part - t ticulnis itli1iegs 4 ¼ iii.rIetnouIen : I Ills I Cu. , Tailors ( or the Trade , Clileago , ft. . U-M613-Jy.i' ; L3AIlSMl N for elgnr $ ; $125 a month nod expenses ; oki ttrm ; exlterlne Unflecet4 sary. C. C. 11114)101) ) & Co. , St. Louis , Mo. it-fl 13ATdsMflN : to ieIt ol1Irntpeilattle4 In ICIOSZtH flUd Nebratikzt ; line tIde tines ; iiLcIItH bake $5.00 a day ; tis.i1 by all iner- clntiits. Model Mrg. Co. , Box it , South . Itenil , Intl. ILt Jy 26' & PAItTNFIIt wIth experience In handling itolIeltori to go to Denver or New Or- harts ; must have sonic cash ; fully so- citreil. Creigliton 1,1k. , r. S. U-M&O 30 W'ANTF1).2O sewer men. A. J. Itanlghen , , 2703 Leaven . 1.-li6Q2 . - - - - - - - - - - II 161.1' . Ion O11t1S for alt kinds of work : $3 to $7 week. Canatilait OUhe. 122 Douilas. C-512 r.T WANTED , 150 girls , Fmptoyrnent flureau , -4- 12I ; Dodge. 'i'elelhOiio SIG. C-M8l1 Jy12 WANTED , tlnlllh'8 with grown girls to learn weaving on plain cotton goods ; good ' woges can be mode. AIhlrt'sH nt once , , } enrncy Cotton Mills , Featii.'y , Neb. F C-435 Jy 10 t \4 . GOOD gIrl to help cook nod chantherninid , Latige hotel , 601 S. 13th St. C-196 wAN'rED , five Indies to represent its in l't'i this IiIItI surrouniling cItIes and towns ; t ic root itii t. I > osl tloti ; good inty : cal I at 011(0. ( I04)ifl 8 , Crelghton block. , . C-M171 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ SVANTI6D , girl for general iiouscvork In - t sinht I I faint ly : no cii I I d ren. A t I 12 Soti I It I , 2tit avenue. between F'ariiant unit Dodge streets. ( -COt 4' .VANTI6D , reliable educated hiiy , tOIUI $ ' - important trust by I he 10th of .1 uly. P'or ' piiticulars : ztiltJrcss 'P 56 , lIce. C-ill 4 W'ANTI6D , neat , CXICVietleCd girl to tb t'COlIti work. No. 2105 St. ? ttary's Mrs. A. 1) . Itranilpis. C-M93 5 01 ilL. for second work anti hell ) take cato . at child. 560 S. 2Sth St. C-30 2' COM 1'E1'I6NT girl vaiited. 1314 South iOth Ave. ( .Y-612-2 . I.t)1t CHOICE ) iotltes nod cottages nil over city ; - $3 to $75. Tkletity , 1st floor , N. V. Lire. . . D-513 hOUSES. 13eneya & Co. , lOS N. 15th St. t I. . , iiousis : , stores. feints , 1'ixton block. . - 11-515 I. OR ItENT , 3-room house , 937 No. 2lth St. Ituittire 842 So. IStit St. D-M706 5' IIOVTNG itotishnltl goods zuul idanos. Oin. Van & Storage Co. , 15t1' , F'arnatn. 'I'd. 1559. D-516 FUItNI'I'URFi nod leasehold of a 7 nnd 13- roojn inoderit flat for tnle ; lmrgaiii ; good iOctttIOn , tCnt low. litauls , l'iixton hlk. D-517 COTTAGlS , 3-room , $7.50 atiti $ S.0O ; 5-roont , bO.0O ; fl-room. $ l2.0 : S-room. $16.00 ; newly pointed and Pniwrcii ; beautiful for sltua- Unit. 436 hoard of 'l'raiie. D-5t8 7-blOOM modern house with stable , large -j shady groitntls. Ilernis , Paxton bIlk. D-M2S1 \ . . t : LAtGI6 jliRt : class barn. 1110 No 18th. I-470 J4' ' FOIIItI6NT , four-roontcotttge ; and 3 acres 2CJ Inhleti % Vcst POStOllICO. 1' . 1)'en1. . - D-M577 volt rent , ttirnIs1id modern liotisi. . Address - dress ' 1' 49. flee ollico. D-M501 7-ItOOM flat ; furniture for sale. Fiat A , 2025 Farnain St. I-5.7-7' rOlt Ii i6'i'iITllNiSiii61) 1(00MM , . .6XPOSlTlON'ISI''OJIS. . 1.0041 furnIshed Roll OtS. V r I t u to lx lIosi I 10 ii Iboonttng Co. Dought s bloc k ICt It a ii ib Doti ge ! , 16-9l1-.Tylls 'rilE Fi4ttn , Terrace hotel , 20J5-3S-49-2 ; j'tt roil in. Ncv jaoI t't n I iul ill tog , ney ( ii I'- r fl i Sb I n gs , at I I ci ego 0 1 on t sub lOfltH I ) , ) reites , lav it , t rees. lpecIi ii I y d es I raid o for ittziii Itnil ftttntly. fl-MlJ-JytS i16r-4Y fttriiiittcd rooms. 2112C'ass street. 1,1-Sw , , , VU1tND3Iil'D ' rooms , 1621 Cess ; on Siter- lila 0 ILVOIIII U ( 'It r 1 I tIC ; Ecterence ret I II I ted. . I-520 EKI'USI'l'ION Olliclat I ofurinatioti liurenu , 1319 1"nrnntii ; 5On0 choice rootos to reftt. 4 . 16-521 I6LI6GANI. ' roonis. 1817 Leit'tItvorth. FIJRNISI I El ) rooms ut reasuitnitie lirlees. G'N ' , bOth. 16-'iI2JT-Jy7 _ _ _ _ , 361 16fl4N'1' titritistietl tootit ror gttttietnntt ; tttttrnhly located ; inivato fatotly. tU 3. 1Ui 3t , J1-M567.Jy5' _ _ _ _ 16i.16C'i'EtlO light , itice itis , clean , eoat ; V rules lo' ; tiny or week. Over 1316 ! ) oug. hts St. 16--1lIl9 : _ _ t,0 ItOOMS , 1117 D081g1u5 ; One bed in recta. 16-M5u2 1100:1113 , $1 vc.k tilt , 171i Leiiv. , upstairs. . l6-Ms93-J'1i FIJRNISI1I1I ) towns. (302 ( N. 16 ; grocery tftoro _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - .iOD11flN rooms , housckceplttg. 51 I North lttit. ) 'rrittiionts , VIItNIS1 I iD rooms by tin' tIny or week during tim 16xIiotItinIt ; :1 : car lines to 16x. position rottntis , 721 North 21st St. . ' 16-11S-Jy-4' ! .l'biitI6fl roonts itottiekeepittg. 1112 Satttit Uth , ' _ _ _ _ _ ROOMS ; netr.uIi cor lines. 1Sf ( 'tlirortitn , i2-5 Jy-2b' ? 4lC'1614Y turnishedrootntor gentietnen in Private fatally ; rtt'reItce retluireti. S. 'IV. cur. litit and Capitol UVO. 16-MSSO ' 'VISITORS VilIing to pay for choice tic- eoitttiiodatittat , can secure sante by ttply. tti , : to ( teorge 1' . Iletuls , 306 I'axton block , lttis ; niui lirnani stIecis , or by telepltnlt. Ilti ; No , SSS , _ . ' ' VUItNISIIIID ItOOM , 515 South 1tt ) Avi , 11-613-4' . - . , NiC1LY ( ttrnl.thed room ; cool , modern , 201 Woolworth Ave. 16-6fl 4' I'tt ItlIN' ! ' . cool rootas in brick house , furnistieti for geflhlt'mnet or light itouti k't.ping. 1836 N.lTth St. 16--M6'b ' . blOOMS for transletits 1616 Cts. ; 11'-'t16S ' ' - 4' FUIINISII Ill ) rooms , fucitig 'ximosiikmn grounds , bQprd IC tIetired , 3811 N. 20th 15 % , l1--6i6 .A2' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ii , ! itNISiIl6I ) ItlE'.iS ANI ) lIQUID , TJ111 MEItI1fAM , fIrst class fsnmii hotel. 25th and Iodgu ts. 1'-253 . , PLJIttllII1l ) ltOOM5 ! AI ) IiiA111) . . . ' ( COntlimueti. ) iL.ffAA&1 ; 'roI , modern , strictly tlritt. class boaril ; rnfl5or.nlJle rates ; tratisients taken. 522 N.l9tim &tt. F'-M813 1L16.\RANT , 7511 furnished room : nil modem - em rntivenIence , wtth or withDut loardl , 1ri&tto family ; near 1Iaitcotn prtrk. I' 12 , fee. 'iici6 : down that "for metle' or tor rent" tigii in your window. 'flit' 11cc renehes mrc' , I > eollf In n tiny than will t'n your wir.dow lit t mouth ; And they consult theo columns when they Watit to buy or remit. - - iiii SAILA'T'OGA 110T1614 Isthe place. American or Ilurepean , N. 'IV. corner exposition - position ; Sherman Ave. nod the 24th street car lliicq plLJ the iiitte. , St'rnmer resort style. Pnmilic'ti sctfrttcd. Molern , cool , comfortable , homcli ¼ e Ibaths. gas , tminiio anti library. 'roiefnmno 1934. You can get a street car nod ilntt a sent In it. We ) mfl.1 a trees , birds , green grass and crwbUCt , Double hatters , vast 'erandas , hammocks , jolly People and a pet hear. Rates rCnsIlfl- able and according to accomniotl)5 sou-rir 'roonis''t1hTcrnt8. . 2I(2 ( , Cass. 1-coo JytI' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , p . _ _ L1flAt _ - - T111 T1lflO\VIlrt--2S OO(1 ( rooms. N : 17. , F-M182 .128' TIlE ALIIANY , 2101 Douglus1 nc'wlyfur nlshe'i. F-M633 JyS' . 'I'OltiaNa girls' homne. 523 . flttfl. - . - . . . - . - , I 1'-d9l6Jyl5' 11l.\UTlI.'UL rooms ; transients. 21.q liar- . , l'-M216 ' ney. - Jy20' - - - - - - - MItS. Ciodso , 202 N. iStli. 'rrtnsit'nts taken , 1-263J y22' VISITOflII to time Trausmisqissippiond In. tornotlonal llxposition vis1ting to secure comrortnhlo quarters can save tinto nod ( 'XIUORC by wiltIng to or culling upon the OllIcial Information Bureau , 1319 Farnam itt. , the only utithorized tietiev of the llxpositlomi manng.nnent , Strangers ott arrival In Omoha can tnk , street cars direct front any depot. 0111cc open day and night , 1-2l7 , TIlE I1IINEFIT 110U516. 21st and Pinkney qt , , 50 daintIly furnished rooms ; on scitmnro from the Arch of tIme Stnt'i , ; everythIng new and firat-cluss ; terms rca- sonable. TIlE Rose , 2020 blarney ; cool rooms , frec bntIi ; transIetit tulcen.rntes ; reasoimlile , F-310 PLEASANT rooms , molern ; strictl y flrst cIns ionrd ; transients taken. 212 S. 25 St. F-4S7 volt I1I6NT-S'I'01116S AND OF'FICIIS , i'on R1'INP , time 4-story brick building at Sit ; Farnom St. This building has mt , lire- ; roof centent liasement , vnter on all floors. as , etc. Apply at tlut otbice of Tim lIce , 1-910 S1'ACFI to rent , suitable for job printing or otltcr small bttslncss , Telephone and (1I'Sk. Rent cheap. 1517 Burt. 1-681 AGI6N'L'S % VAN'L'161) . VANTl6fl-Agents In e'v ° ry towit Itt No- brnska and Iowa to m'ollcit accounts for us I 0 CIII lt'Ct. Cttslt ci ito mn Issi o a iii. 'rIte for itatticulars. S tb , lbec , Omaha. .1 938 Jy 15' 'W.N'I'161)-'l' ( ) 1t16S'r. \VAN'I'ED , to rent , a dwellIng wIth from 10 to 12 roonts. Address T SS , lIce. K-4OD 4' IIOAIID for gontlentan anti wife for the sunnier near I lunscomn park. Auitlrs Box l3. K-Mt)9 ) 4' S'FOfl.tGII. PACIFIC Storng3 nnd Warehouse Co. , SOS- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. M-25 OM. Van &Storae , l5it14 Farn'm. Tel. 1559. M-256 " .VtN'k'161)-1' ( ) BUY. IF YOU are in need of anything , try the Want COlumns of 'rho lIce ; they will bring you , wJmat you. wont. N-S67 FOIl SAI.I6-VIit1TU1tl5. FOit sale at a lmrgatn , 500 Illows and 500 mattresses ; new pillows , 25 cents up ; new mattresses , 75 cents up , 140S-lO Dodge. ( -M112 Jy25 I')1L S.tLlS-IIOItSBS , ' % 'AG0cS , ISTC. 12 PASSENGIII1 wagonotto , 2 good phac- tons , $10 attd $85 ; fatally carriage , leather tot ) , $50 ; good trap , $ S5 ; surrey , brand new , $90. lrummnond Carriage Co. , 18th and Ilarney. P-M974 .1y17 VEItICLES , best variety ; prices and terms easy. Crawford Co. . 1111 Jones St. P-M6O7JyS FOR SALFI-Stytish ynung driver , perfectly gentle I1IP1 klimil ; no fear steam or cars. It , D.AIee. 1336 s 50th ave. 1'-liS 28' : FoiL SAId6-MISC1lLLj16oUS , hOUSE Clipiiflg macnines , knives anti re- ) jlt5 , cli stntttiard makes on hand ; grind- log razors , shears , clippers ; prontpt. serv- lc , . A. L. Undeland. Q-258. OItEA'r bargain. burG to 10-hole steel ranges 'for ' hotel or 'restaurant ; two invalid - valid chairs ; must ha mplti. 1110 Iodge. Q-M92 Jyl ? ' 5'Olt SALE-Ten R.I.1'.A.Nb. for S cents at druggists ; one gives relief. Q-219 'I'IIII Spanish , mssesslons itt Itotlt the east and vest , in moat- form , with nearly 200 photographic reproductIons of the Macri- can and Spanish tIlt'l19 , naval comnnmand- cr5 , etc. All for 23 cents , at ( Ito lIce 0111cc. If ortIeril by mmmmill , niltlress Navy l'hotogrnin icpurtittemit , Omaha 13cc. . - . t,2-t)9. I 1I/.V1 3 , , .1tnmintpi typewrItert that 1 will soil ( 'ItCUl ) . F'rnnlc 16. Mnores , City hall. . 1100. intlitr anti lawn fences ; nil wire ; is be5t'iro \\'url. 14th tutU liarot'y. . , , , Q-260. - - - _ _ _ - - 100 1UNDS mtthtecal watirs. 5lt.rmnn & MctommticIl lrttg Co. , 1513 loilgi' ' St. . Omrithn. , . - - - - - - Q-MDsS Jyi7 _ co'r & Imtattress for $1.50 , Lewis , 1411 Inigo Q-290.Jy.-22 _ _ _ _ - FOR ibA116 , t'IV ( ) fresh' Jersey cows amml Otto freslm Holstein for sale or trade. 718 SoutIt 2Stli ntI''et. Q-M576 I ST.t PS - CO1'NS-IlOtlght , sold , Mortt'n- son , 401 N. 16th. Q--Mi75 50 G lIT cut prices en hog nad poultry ( once. Sn\VfltttOt ttir HSeeiting tlors , etc. 'J'll. ' 158 , 901 1)otmgius. Q-Gl6 . _ _ 4- _ _ _ _ - - - - \ACiON t.enrs for dray Ptlm'POSe'tI , now and sectnd-Itaiid. J. 'IV. Crawfomil ( 'o. , 1511 Joimes St. Q-MtIIt 5' FItIJI'I sttmml fur sui ott . 15. 'IV. Cor. l6ttt anllLt'cntiort. Q-1t16816' OLl ) UNION fll6l''Yt' ( ntIfltlm ulul ! 1asnn 14(5. ( tO be retnm'ed , at once. 'Immtlows , doors timlil lutitber for silo at a itmrgaItI. * Q-Mti7S 10' - - I. 10. 1,6llE11A1'i' % is ( lie only opert lire lOss It ii I mist t'r o f t Ito - ieople in Omaha. 1uotn Si ? , Iir'wn lllock. Q-1tI62 9' FOR Si LE , 12 imenti good , fresh cows. ( 'au ntternoamm. Jct4ter's yard , 25th mind hurt St. . Omaha. Q-5G-I 2' lii IIDIUM-SIZI'll ) safe cheap. 1 II. 16th _ 13t. ( -.1',17101O' - .ilSCl6LI1'XhIOtYS . T\'FNTY-Fl\16 cents wIll buy the late3t publication Illustroting tite 11. 15. antI Simnitisli navies. nmt'nI comnninnth'rs , etc. ; almost 200 vhiotogrnihic repro im1ctiot , 'iUi a large mill ) of the lst and West I iiillei , at the , 'tltt'i' of 'Ilie i1o. If or- tiered by mmmmili. midtlress Nav' l'hotttgraph 1)epnrnmont % , Omaha flee tt--870 ANTI.MONO1'OIX ( itirbago Co. , clenn cesspools & lirivY % 'aults. 621 N.IG. Tel. 1718 it554 . ] y16' c iiN'I'IIL ) , $ iO , ) for two years , by an es. tabilsited ttmt.h lirmiel ienh manuf.icturer of mill mmmaeltint'ry , who desires to locate In Otmtuha.'otiltl eniploy 75 o 11 tflVIi. C.imm furnish best of references anti security to lotum. Imuiniru of .1. Fl. tYtt , secretary Conmmnercial 11121) , for full information. ' 1t-614--5 ti.'itI(1)itlSSISG , LIAIJI of hair goods : priceit satisfactory. Miller hairdressing Pariors , 1$1I Douglas. 553-Jy12 C1.1itVOStTI , ibOSP articles fominhllq'mnIsslng tri 'tltls traced ; life readings ; lucky belts. 611 N , 20th. 1 -M56 30' M.SSAG13 , lI.t'i'iiS , 1ITC , MRS. DR. t.IION , electric mnssnge 1ath , Parlors ; retttII mit1 curative. 417 15. 11th , upstairs. T-Mf2 13' _ _ _ _ _ - MMII , SMITH , 1i N. 15th St. . lint spring and vapor baths. T-4614y.-4' LAIII1A. llhiisofl , 110 N. 16th ( upstairs ) , robm 12. Turko.1tlssinn nn'l plain baths , massage. , . . ' 1'-207-Jy19' MRDICATET ) baths , massage. Mmne. Dris. son , from l'aric. 107 N. 12th ; open all night , T-M901 Jyli' _ _ _ _ _ - MADAMII MlIS , 507 S. 13tlm roommI 10 ; immns. amuse , baths. , T-567-JYO' SIJI'iIltFl.UOUS hair mob's , etc. , perma- ni'mttly ietuovcd by electricity ; references. Mrs. Cronyn , specialist , r , 10 Crei1iton bik. r-M52 oo VIAVI CO. , 31611cc t iilditig. 15-550 $50. RUl"t1flE ctiretY or $30. No ( betention from Imitsittess : 6 yearS In Omaha. Caller or write for t'it cuhars. Ilmuitiro Rupture Cure , 932-933 Nsw York Life bldg. , Omaha , Neb. U-263 TI I II Pantoriuni , clotltes cleaned , iiteOd and rcpmmircd. day amid night ; special care given , ladles' tuilor made gowns ; dress suits for hire. N. II. core -14th & Fttrnammt , Tel 963. " ' U-164 A LAROII Mop Of the\Vorld , one of Cuba and tnotlir , of the entire 'IVest Indies , showing Cuba. l'orto Rico , Ilayti , San Domingo , Martinique and all thin other West Indian lslands ; 10 cents , at The lice otflce. 11y mail , 11 cents. Address Citban Map Deit. , , Omaha Bee. 15-868 IIATIOS , massage. Mme.I'ost , OlDI'S S. 15th. Yflt.LOWSTONII Ntttiona1Pai. ' . cheap compan ) excursions. Write for circuhur A , Lycun , Cinnabar , Mont. 15-2.1251 Jy21' alI'rrnir sltocs ) inlf-obed anti heeled while you vnit 15 rntmttmtc for 50 cents.'ork guaranteed , 710 N. 14th St. 'U-23i--Jy22 LADIIIS' Turkish baths. Mmne. Post. , 319 % . 15th. U-M262 DR. K. S. Swedberg , baths of all kinds ; Swedislt movement , electricity , etc. , for ladies and geittlemen. 10I-1b0 ibee Ititig. IJ-309.Jy-22 'tIN16Y ' 'V ( ) 1,0N-1tI6AL IIS'I'A'L'16. \\r.N'J'D , elmoico farm and city loans. It. C. l'cters & Co. , U. S. Nat'i Bank bhdg. $100,000.00 special flint ! to loan on tirat-ciass improved Omaha property. or for build- lag Inmrvoses. 1"idelity 'rrust Company. . - LOAN on iinroved and unimproved city in-olierty. \ ' Fartittmn Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnan. . V-2U 6 I'Elt cent city and farm Loans. ( iarvizm Bros. . 1613 Farnam St. \V-IGS ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. I , . ; quick money at. low rates for choice fatni lnndq in iowa , Northern Miisouri , blast- ermi Nebraska. MONEY to loan on imnproved Omaha tt'al estate. Brennan-LOVe Co. , 219 S. 16th. v -2U 5Ii PElt cenney. ] 3emis , I'axton bik. - W-271 investors , JIst that are investors' lists ; write to Investors' Directory Co. . New York. \V-GiI Jul-it , MtNIIY 'l'O 1.0t-CltA'L"1't6IS. $10 TO $10,000 TO LO\N ON IbOUSlllIOl.1) FUItNITUJIlI AND .PTA- NOS. ilOltSIlS. W.CIONS AND CAll- JtIAGIIS , WAREIIOTISR RIICEIPTS , etc. , at lowest rates in Omnaha , South Omalmu anti Council Bluffs. No removal of gooits ; strictly conilIential : you calm ony thu loan off at any time erIn In any ammanints. OMMIA MORTOAGlI LOAN CO. . 1108 South 16th St. TITFI OLDEST. LARGEST AN ! ) ONLY IN- CORPORATIID LOAN COMPANY 'IN OMAhA. . X-274 MONISY loaned salaried people holding permanent positlon , with responsible concerns upon their ownname , without security : easy payments. Toiman , It. 706 , N. Y. Llfo bldg. X-572 IILISINESS V11.CI6M. TO GET iii or out of business go to J. J. Gihon,514 First Nat'l bank. , Y-276 WANTIII-An intrest in good business. State full itarticulars. Adrcss r 30 , lice. Y-341-16' - QUICK , clean printing. Tel. 1346..ltIiO Cass. . . - - Y.-f75-Jy-lS' $225 00 WILL buy a'nlce paying busi es on North 16th st Address T 53 , lIce. Y-iI593 4' iN event ( if fl 1055 'by lire , sob ' 1. B. Iliir- hart , roomn 512 , . Brown block. Y-M671 0' DO YOU want to sell ) 'nhir business muick ? Sec Omnaha Business Exchange , lID Far- ham. ' Y-M670 6' want hi hIm , 'deli. tMde or rent afl3tliiflg cmiii 'room 512 BrOwn block. Y-MC9i 0' MILLINEII1Y toek , good Nebraska towim , tltting a thee business ; will e1l at a bar- gain. ' 1' 65 , 13cc. Y-M703 5 FOIl ItFINT , hotel dining room completely furnished ; good location. A1)l)1y at once 1305 Douglas street , Y-M711 6' P01t lxc1i.ctR. : FOR SALE OR TtADII , teanm and ti'o- seated buggy , for'slm'igle htrse attil buggy. Old Nebraska feed stable , 16th and Lca' . enworth .Sts FitIt sAld6-iti6.tr lT'r11. lIOUN'I'ZlI i'iace1 mgtuins. $5.jtIO , $3 150 to $6,500. J. .1 , Gibeon , 514 First 'Nut'l bank bldg. 1111-279 FOLLOW'INO ilesirable lropcrty I3uiness lot corner , 60x150 ft. , lit So. Omama , paveil , litisiness mt. tiIxISl ) ft. , intproyeti , South Omaha , street iavctl. 'l'rnt't (21 lots ) , I6tlt St. Tr'eL ; (20 lots ) , 10th St. b'or irnrticuiurs alply 1012 Farnam lit. . 1111-281 hOUSES , lots fnrins. iamls , loomis , also fire insurance. liemnis , , Pitn block. ItlI-'iSO IF' YOU Itavo rOal estate for solo end % aIit it Hill , list it With IUO flittI I will sell it-If. I enmi. If you wish to purchuso and want a big bargain look over may list. J.11. Sherwood , 122 N. Y. Life bitig. SOUTllf1AS corner 26th null hickory , tIOxlSO feet , only $750. J , N , Frenzer , OPt ) . old postotilce. Itll-M 257' iIA\'F you petite Iota to sell ? Now is tIme time to Ilisitose of then let the people ktlOW that you want to dispose of tlmem , 'I'll , ) flee reaches time PeoPle vlto have time money. RiI-S66 n. fl fl.-llnrgaimms. flrigltt Beautiful ilomnes ot' 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 10 antI 12 roomims emucim ; ioca. tions the roost tIesImabIe in that city ; If you ore seekIng a htotne , we would ho Itleased to show you time most desirable Property in Oninima , lii. J. Kennard & Semi , 310 and 311 frown block. ltlI-995 160 ACRIIS 1 mnhl , from good Nebraska town ; niortgagtm $1,000 , which I vihi PY end give clear decul for $2,000. ( 'dover , "The Itcal Ilmttnto Man , " 502 lIariac-It 111k. IIFI-M6S'JJylO - _ _ _ _ hllIS'I' farma ucor Ommmmmtma at hmmtit a)1)rOiSett ; 'zI1Ito Jolt1) Sizer. 2502 Blmmin st , , Omnaha 1III--39' ) July 29 ; liU.1I or IIxt'Iiange , lustness block ; clear ; 810.000 ; rents for $ l.00 per year ; will take resitienec or form proptirty tV. L. ( Irahumu , lh'ebuilding. ltll-5h3.7 FOI1IIAI.l6 , , lt'sirnido resldemici' lots , l2ix 139 , iii lirtmt.t'lame location : ten mnimiutts' vstlk from court house ; chmeap for cash. Address 0 61 , lIeu' . 1l11-MtJ7 M I M M hIll it LISOII'l'S , YIILI.OW'STONII NAT1ONA1 l'ARK , Wy. lie permanent camps. titcciai rate. Fl. lit. Hunt , I and \\'are 131k. 'Phone 2135. -99 jyii _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'l'Vi'Jl'S'lt l'l'illtS. T'i'PIIWRITI'iIt.9for cent. $ i00 per month , The Bmuith-I'remnier 'l'ypetvrlier Co. , 11.25 Firimani St. ; Telephone l3 % . - h'7 LOST-On lIxiomhik7groutds ( pocketbook containIng ehiihm and commutation tiekt to ( 'posRlAll. l"imiiier Imo lib- eraily rewnrtleti"mfm'n leavIng limo ticket at this cult's. tPtltkeepers Imave been no' tilled of ntImnhetM 5 $ the tieket will be of no misc to .tnyono"bttt owner. IMst-M236 _ - - LOST , Saturticy .luttltrnoomt , imeok coat ala- log elmeck amid % I.l ? . tmtiictuge book. Finder Please returmi to'ltcitmillce , or 1511 So , 29th St. - . - - - 1.ost-M676 4' - - - - - ' - - - - - - 'vr----- LOST , a gold l'lfli , ' shield of white amul hltme onnmnel. thjters ) 11. 5. in gold ; mm. gold wreath sl4-Jmn.ling time whole , a. small crowmi nbtm.'piammtl the Ilgures 'ttS lme low ; $1.00 rovai . tir return. fleturmi to 2007 Sherman Lost-SItISi 5' Aye , , City , - - --r-h- LOliT. gent a goljwatch , made by .lnmnes Kahn , No. 1Ql00 eft itt closet mit Umtion 1'it'h(1 ( ( leltit liberni reward for retain to U. P. tIcket ollice , Lost-M708 4 Ali'Vi0N. Fr1os'r-cbAss mihhlnery store and lixtures nt No. 216 Sotmth 18th at. , oimposito city hall , on Saturday , .ltmh % ' 2nd , at 10 o'clock a. iii. ; stock VOsistmi In Irnrt of trimmnctl and tmntrimnmned stylisit hints , ribbons , trimmings , ihuwers , fcmttlmer , counter mind , , . , . , . , t , , . , , . , , , . , . , , i.I. . , t , . , ting , etc. , and oilier articles too tuimeroits to muentioti ; Italics itartieularl' Inviteil to attend sale. Mrs. I. T. Van No ) ' . J. It. Maxny & Co. , auctioneers. 579-1 S. It. MAXCY & CO. . atmctioeers , room 416 , Knrbaclt block , want your atmetlon sales of real estate , merchanulisp , furniture , lire stock , etc. -523 . ' ' ' ' ' ' l4il.i6C'1'It0'l''i'l N ( . It. S. STAIIK& CO. , 1110 Dobge.51451 -51451 .Tyl'7 . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - JUS'I'IClI OI' TillS 1'16tGIl. D. B. IZOUCK , 500 ICarbachi Iliock. 2S8 l1lC'C1IlS. Nrir wheels , 19 to $25 : seeondlmaid wheels , $5 to $15. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chicago. -658 1'AWNIIItOICIIItS. II. MAROWITZ loans money. 418 N. 16th F - ritiVA'Vl5 IIOS1'1'i'L. i. LUII1RR , cancers , female diseases. 1912 Leavenworth. 550 Jy4 Evil 01.S'l'lllt ) I (1. LUNDEFIN , furniture made over : 1523 Leavenworth. -M691 JylO S1IOIITIIANI ) AND 'VYI'I6'It1'VINU , VAN SANT'S School , 717 N , Y , Life. Tue school whose students get employment. Conducted by an experienced reporter. AT OMAhA Bus. College. 16th Z Douglas. 2i 511o14'r-IIAND. upto-datc , taught by court reporters. lloyie3' School , 403-5-7 lIet , ljliig. 28. ) liltiCIC. WI'flINELI. llro. & Smith , paving , sewer. building ; capacity 100,000 a. day ; 22d and Hickory streets , Tel. 425. 290 CtltiIm.tGlI M.lCtNG. KARI3ACII & SONS , 1312 howard. Tel. 1102. -M2263y20 - 'UltN1'1'Ul1Fi I'ACI'Z16i ) , ItT. \VALKLIN. . 2111 CunnIng. Tel. 1331. sltmessM.tKI Na. DRESSMAKINcLMss ! Sturdy , 2501 Day- enport. -7DlJyll' , , . 111C1CI,1lit _ DAIIGAINS in new & 2nd hand bicycles ; easy terms. The Safe Store , 1116 F'arnant. StG 3y13 s'I't'rIJAlt Y , ARTISTIC figures , ornaments. Connella & Co. , 317 S. 10th St. 269-Jy 21' SItM3l61t SCiI001S. FOR iupiis of 7th and 8th grades , beginning - ning Jane 27 , at Church of Good tiltopard , 20th and Ohio. Agnes M. Dawsomm. 31S-Jy-5' I'IANOS TUNISI ) . PIANOS tuned , $1.50. Rose , 1521 Dodge. 597 JyC' - 'VIOLIN 1iLi1tlN ( . C. A. CASE , vioiinsrepalred. ' 116 Sheely 131k. -M692 JylO bt1ISW , Aim'r ANI ) LANGU.tGIIS. PnOP. PETIIRSFIN'S musicschool. piano , 'violin , mandolin , guitar , zither. German method. Terms reasonable. 513 Sheeiy Block. 52O-.Iy-1' S't'ilNOa ItAI'lIIIltS. WIl SOLICIT and ' furnish lositions for stenographers free The Smith-l'rcrnier Typewriter Co. Tefeohone 1284. 2S3 _ 1L I IL 1)IIIISSING. SALII on hair goods. .Illlcr's hair Dress- Inc. 1511 Douglas. -907 Jyli SUES & Co. , . . PATENT. . LA8YERS AMS ) OLICITORS iieo Isldg , ( ) nialme , Nab. ScmI ( or cii r ft't Invent. 02-H GuIde. GViliINll1lN'I' N0'l'ICIIS , Cl I IIIF' QUA RTIIRMAS'Vl"IIVS OF'FIC'iI- Omaha , Nd , . , JuneV , 1S9t Sealed iirovcmsals , III tm'Ipllctitc , will ho received hero ( toil ut offices oI umuoutermnttmiteru at stations natneul , mmntil 11 o'clock a , 'itt. , central tltno , July 6 , 1S'JS , mtimd then OiolCd for furnlmmlming omits bran , hay nail straw duriu Ilseni year coin- tmienciiig July 1 , lS , at Forts Crook , Nb- imruirmm. mmmiii Itobinson , Neb , ; Otnut ha Depot , Neb. ; Jefferson liarracks , 510. ; Forts Leav- emiwortli amid 1tiiy , , Kamis. ; Fort Logan II. Uoo ( , Ark , ; F'ortI Iteno amid Sill , 0km , Proposals for tlt'li't3p mmt other tthitts vili be ermtertnined , 13' 5 , ' reserves might to r&m- ject or accept munytor. nit proposais , or any imart thereof. 1nfqrnttioii furnbslmoti on ap- ilication lti're , or tq ( iumlrtciImlKters of shi- tbotiut mmmcd. 16n eMpes contmibnlrmg proposals - als hmoimltl be mrtrk&4 "I'rtposmtlm4 ( or Forage - age , " and muhlrcsso6t to untlersignetl , or mummrtormnsturs qj stjm.tbons miatnt'ti , JOHN fl.A X'I'EIt , Jr. , Q,1I J7d itJYl-SM - - - - - , a- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1'0S'h'0b'i'23 NO'I'ICIC. ' ' ( Should be all interested , as changes may occtfl mLt mmmmy ' Foreign mails for the ve'I' ending July 9 , 1890 , wilt close tIHtOMl"ul. . itt all cases ) at time General 1'y,4llictm ott Iutlaws : I'Alt- Cl6115 POST MAlr.s plose t'ime hour earlier tItan clusbnz tltadtimihsvmi ) below. J . , 'I-- ' 'I'i'si ims-t fLuim I Ic t1mi I Is. TUESDAY-At 6 for EUROPII ( except - cept litmtin ) , per"slI , Servia , via Queens- town ( letters Inum&t be dIrected 'icr ) 8cr- 'Imm. ' ) ; at Ii a. p. ( suppiemmientary 1230 ; P. tim. ) for 1IUIIOI'F5 ( except Spain ) "jwr I4. ii.1aiser 'IVmn. der Grosse , " vie. Sutiiamnhmton antI lireirmen. W1'fNllSIAY-At 9 mu. H ) . ( supplementary 10:30 : a. iii. ) for OIUItOPJI ( except lipain ) , Imer mt. . lirituinmmic , via Queenmtown ; at 10 a , in. for FIUBOPII ( except lipain ) , per 5. \Vesterniammd , vIa lioutltmmmnptomi and Antwerp. SATIJI1IAY-At 6:30 : a. m. or FRANCEI , liVl'rZllRLAND , ITA IX. 'rURICFIY , FG't'l'T nail llitlTlllli INDIA , her t3 , s. l.a Tourumimme. % 'la liavre ( letters for other parts of Europe ( except lijrnin ) must I , , , iimeeteui 'nor l.u 'l'ournine' ) . mit 6:21) : a. in. for ( I11IIAT FOII1TAIN , IRELANI ) , I 'UIITUGA h. 11111.0 IUM , N IlTillIll- IaN1)S , 4'tIST1t1A , GERMANY , lIIN- MAItK , NO1t'AY , SWEDIIN anti Itl' $ . lilA , 11cr s , s. iltrurIa , via Qucenstown ( letters for other parts of Europa ( except SatiIt ) must lIE , , lirec't.l "mier i'truria ' ) at S a. rn for N$1T1FlRANDS $ direct , Item' S. 5 , SPautrmsiam , via Itotterdamn ( let- let's must be directed "per Spaum'nm.lanm ) ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' ' ' ' ' 1'0M'I'0l'liiili ti'l'IJl1 , - . . . ( Cotttinued. ) - - - ' - - at S p. m. . for' ITALY , POC 5. 5. i4'mtiser Vmn. II , ( letters mntist be directed ' 'icr 1nisermmt , Ii" ) ; at 10 a. in. for l1L'llOi'E ( except Si'nttm ) iwr mt it , iierlimm , viii Qttuen6town , ( letters Imnist be direetcil "i'er llerlin" ) ; at Ii a. mn. for NO1Vs'AY direct , Per 5 , 5. 'Noise ( letters mnttst be ( lirected "tier Norge" ) . After , , tlio * sbnc of the Stippiementamy 'l'rnnsmttlamitlc' MmiItc namntI abovO , amid I- tiomtmtI supplemnentary mmmnils mire upeneti mm time PIerS of the , tawrieatm. llmmglislt. Fremu It amid ( lerniuin stealnel S timid rcmntimt 01)011 ) ititil witititi iOu mnhiitttes of the hour of sailimmg of steamer. 31iiii for Smililli amid ( 'oil I mi . % , imterien , Vest 111,11CM , ( Ito , MONDAY-At " 3 ii mit. for ( 'OSTA ltl'A ( , 1li1l1Zl6 , i'UIIILTO t'OltTIIZ amid GtT- 'l'IIMALA , 1ur s.enmmmer front New Orleans. Tt'iISDAY-At I p. mu. for 1litA'/.lh direct mmii for L.A 1'LATA COt'NTitllIS , Per mm. mm. ( lmi I hhlco viii I 'ermmn mmibtl en , I iii lila nid htiti Jnueiro ( letters for North lirazhl mntmst h ( lir ( C ted "fler ( lalitlec' ' ) ; at. 8:110 : p. rn for Ni6'tVFO1YNI)1AND , tier stemimmter front North Sydney ; at 10 . rn for JAM't1C'A , _ , l ! umttaktuerfromn I'ltihadclphimi. 'IVIIDNIISDItY-At 12 mm ) . , for (1 ItI'LNU. 'rlthNlDAD and TOBAGO. per mm. mm. Oren- ada ; at 11 p. at , for JAMAICA , per stt'mtfltcr froma llmtltimnoro. TIIU11SDAY-At 11 ii. in. ( supplenwmttary 11:30 : a. nil for ViINlIZulhIt.A. CITI1A- CAO , SA\'ANI liLA anti 'Alt'l'lIAGl'INA , ier mm. s , Iatmghton : at 1 P. lU. for ( 'AM- ' ' ' TAIIASCO nmtd 1'lICl Ill , YUCA'I'AN , CIiIA1'AS , Per a. a. ICenmiett ( letters fr other imuum Is of Mexico mtiust 1)0 directed "Per Nemmnett" ) . F1l1)AY-At 10 a. ma. ( simppletnemttnr3' 10:50 : a. mu 3 for CAPE l1A1t'1 timid SuuN'1' MAIt'h'llA , tier mm. mm , A. 1)tmmnnimm : at 12 in. for 1110 DII JANIIITtO amid SAN'roli , mm. 14. Scottislm l'rinco ; at 12 in. ( stipple- mmtentnry I p. at. ) for CIINTI1AL .AMIii- ICA ( except Costa. Itica ) mint ! for SOliTil PACiFIC I'Oit'l'S , per mm. mm. Advance , via Colon ( letters for Guntenmalmi must tie di.- rt'cted "Per tu1vmmnce' ' ) . SATITIIDAY-At 10 It. m. ( mmupplemttentars' 10:1' : ' ) a. rn ) for FOlt'I'UNII ISl.ANI ) , .TAMAICA , SAVANILLA mutul GltlI'I- TO\\'N ver s. mm. Atlios ( letters for Costa Itica must he directed 'per Atlmtms" ) ; at 8:30 : p. ft. for NF1\VFOUNDtAN1) nail 15'l' . l'llIRlthI MIQU1ILON , er steamer fromn North Sydney. Malls for Newfound'iantl , by rail to Hall- fax , and thomtce by steamer , close at this 0111cc tInily at 8:30 : p. mn Mails toy Mi- qucion , by rail to Boston. and thence bY steamer , close at this otllt'e daIly at 8:30 : I ) . flI. Mails for Mexico City , overhand , imflleS.9 specially ahitiressNi for rleepatclm by steamer. close at this oflute daily at 2:31) : a. in. .tni 2:30 : p , m. "Registered mail closeS at 6:0' : ) p. itt. 1)revious day. Prnns-I'neilic lust IIm , . Itinils for China amid Japin ( speciallY addressed - dressed emily ) , per mm. S. llmnpress of China ( fromn Vamieon'er ) , close here daily imp to .1018' " 4th at 6:30 : I ) . rn Mails for Australia ( except those for \\'est Australia , w'hiclt - nro forwarded vmt Europe ) , Ne' Zenimmnil , 1lmivaii , Fiji niul Simmmoan Islands , tier S 5. Alamnetla ( frem San Frnmmcisvo ) , close here tinily uti to J Ill ) ' "SIlt at. 7:00 a. ma. , 11 ml. mu. nail 6:80 : P. Ifl. ( or aim arrival n Now York of mm. mm. Cnmputmimt w'.th ' lirltisli mails for AustralIa ) . 50mtil for Cimina , JnPiIi : amiti lluuvnii , per mm. mm , City of lilt ) tie Janeiro ( from San FrancIsco ) , close here tInily up to dimly lOthi at 6:10 : p. in. Tttnlis for Chum amid Japan , icr 5 mm. Arizona ( from Tacoma ) , close hero daily up to July " 11th mit 6:30 : P. ifl. lttaihs for AustralIa ( except \\'cst Australia ) , Ness' Zeniminti , I lawath and Fiji Islands , tier mm. mm. 'I\'arrimmtoo ( froni 'Vamtcouvcr ) , close here tInily muter July . 8th nuil up to July " 21st at 6:30 : p. mit. ? .lmtils for the SocIety Islands per ship CIty of l'mil'iti ( from Stilt Franelco ) . close here daily up to July 25th at G:0 : p. in. Trans-PmmclIlc maIls are forwarded to vort of Sn ii lag ii ally and the schedule of closi ii g is arranged on the presumptIon of their unimmtorruntetl overland trutsit. : "Itt'gis- lured mnih closes mit 6 p. imi. previous day. COIIN1IL1US VAN CO'I'T , Potmnister : Postoflice , Now York , N. Y. , July 1 , 1898. 1ti1m.V.tY 'I'IM 16 C.tIth ) . -ClhICAGO & NORTIIWIIST- crmi Hallway-City Ticket .7dJjm.M 0111cc , 1401 Jarnam Street. -J I blltW' 'l'eleplmomie , 551. Depot , lW , _ f Tent.Ji amid Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave Arrive. Daylight Chicago Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:40 : am i1:55 : Pat Mo.'alley , Sioux City. St. I'aul & Mlnmmoalohis . . . . . . . S 6:10 : am ' 10t5 : pm itlo. Valley , Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7:45 : am ' 9:00 : pIt ) Iloomie , Dennion , Councli Bluffs . . . ' 10:10 : pm ' 10:05 : am Eastern lix. , Des Moines , Marslmrihl- town , Cedar Itap- hIs anti Chicago. ' 11:05 : ama ' 420 ; pm Atlantic Flyer , Ciii- cage amid East. . . ' 4:55 : pm 4:20 : pin Fast Mmiii , Chicago to Omaha S 3:15 : tni Northern Express . . ' 5:30 : pm ' 8:40 : am Om.-Chicago Site- cial , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6:55 : pm ' 8:25 : am S Daily. FmI1315TONT , ELTCIIOT1N & . Missouri Valley Raliway- Gc'nerai Ofllces. United , , Statt'h National Itank flidg , Sommthwemmt Corner Twelfth and I'arrmnm r' Streets Ticket Ofilco 1401 Furnant Street. TeielhmOlmC , 501. lepot , Fifteenth and \obsLcr Streets. Totephone , 1,458. Leave. Arrive. lilack Bills , Deadwood - wood , hot Spri'gS 3:00 : pm 5:00 : ptn Wyomniuig , Casper and Douglas . . . . . . " " 3:00 : pm " " ' 5:00 : pin Ilastimigs , York , David - vid City , Superior. Geneva , llxeter & Sevnrd . . . . . . . . . . . . " 3:00 : pm ' 5:00 : pm Norfolk , Vcrdigr3 anti Fm'emnont . . . . . " 8:15 : am " 10:45 : am Lincolp , Wahoo & Freniotit . . . . . . . . . . " 8:15 : am " 10:45 : am Frcmotmt Local . . . . " 7 :50 : a ni York I'dss''hgCr. . . . . 6:10 : pot 9:40 : am S Daily. " 1)utily except Sunday. " Sunday - day only. ' " Daily except Saturday. ' * 5' , DaIy , OxCtiot Monday. C1IICAOO , ST. PAUL , MIN- , itetilthis & Omaha Railway , : ' ' -Gemieral Olflces , Nebraska Division , Fifteenth and , , Vt'ebster Streets. City ricketililce , 1101 .Farnnmn Street. Tele. phone , 561. Depot , Flfteemmth and \Vt.'bster Streets. 'I'elephtone. 1,458.Leave Leave , Arrive. Sioux City Accomn. ' 8:50 : am ' 8:35 : inn liiou City Accomfl. , ' " 9:50 : ant " ' 8:35 : utrn Blair , Enmt'rson , Sioux City , l'oncn I Inn I Imitou amid liloonimleid . . . . . . . . 5. LOO pm 'il :55 am Sioux City , Mami' limtto , lit. Paul & Mimitmemipohis . . . . . . ' " 6:00 : pm 9:00 : am S Daily. ' 1)aiiy except Sumiday. ' Sun- ibay only. " Does not stop at Deliota or ColTuinmi. 8I0IJX CITY & PACIFIC , , ltmuiiroad - ( lommerumi Oil1cc , ljimitetl States Nntlonaf Itmink BuIlding , S. W. Cur- mier Twelfth and Futrimain Street , 'l'icket 0111cc , 1401 Farnani Street , 'rolephone , Sill. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629.Leave Leave , Arrivo. Sioux City , Man. kato , St. Paul , 6:40 : am 8:10 : am Minneapolis . . , . , . , S 5:30 : uirn i0:46 : limit Sioux City Local. . . , 7:45 : am 9:00 : pm S Daily. OMAII/m. & lIT. 1.0018 I1AIL. l'eami-Ommmaiin , Ramisas City & Eastern itailroati-"L'je , - Port J Arthor " ' ' Botito"-'I'lcket Oiilcc , RQiJTE. . 1415 Farnuni Street. Teio- lihonti 122. He ' 'rcitth and asoim Streets , Telephone t29. Leave , Arrive. St. Loula Cammnon Bail Flxpre , ' , . 4:35 : pm 91:30 : am Ilamisas City & Qulney I.ocah . . . . I 7:40 : am 9:05 : pam Iiinsas City lIx- lireus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730 ; am Port Arthur Ex- aress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :3Opm : I Daily. , - - - - - - - MISSOURI I'ACIFIC hAIL. roati-Getmeral Otiices ' anti I Ticket 0111cc , Soutltcimmit Cor- . ncr 11th amid Douglas Streets , p I , l'cleplmomie , 101. Depot , 15th amid Vebster lits. TclopIton 1458. Leave. Arrive , Kansas and Neb , Limited . . . . . . . . . . S Z:03 : tim 12:55 : pm ICmimwa City & t. Louis Express , . . 0 9:30 : rim 6:00 : am ? elrnska ocah , , . " 4:30 : pm 9:05 : am p Daily. " Daily exce Sunday. 'IV' A 13 A H II ItA1LItOAD- Ticket 001cc. 1415 Farnara $ : A Street , Telephone 892. Depot Telephone 'i'ertttm ammil 629 Matoim , Streets. I Leave. ArIvo. Louis "Canon flail' Express. . . , . 4:30 : pm ' 11:33 : am Daily. LANIIAllKS ) O TIlE 'PLATTE old rornna Traafng Posts in the Vicinity of Denver , MONUMENTS OF WESTERN PIONEERS ir. ( 'ones ammil ( ims'mrmtmr thn iii' 'Iis II Ii itmrhe Mimots In t'qilortiho-'l'm'nt'es 0 I' ( lii' l'ns ( him 0 lm. , Itimlits tiE 't'o- tln.-1'riiimtlliig lu mmml mmiii rh.is. lRNVIlit , , Ttmhy 5.-Speelnl.-'I'ithln ( ) a range of foimrtet-mi mitihes north anti sooth , in ( ho beautiful 'alley of. ( lie Piattit river , Is one Cit the most Interesting historical local- bties in ti.e The traveler vhmo passes tittouglm this charming region is ( arrieui ir- resistlbly back to time ilnys of the early trappers miiiil fur trailers , to the voyagers and athventimrers , tIme explorers and huutera , amid hater to the tlarimtg tacit nod wotmien % imo left fi leitils nail ecmmitfort in Iho far off cast to seek a imew woritl of conquest immider time slmadow of time tootmutnins , The field is one ( ecimmimig with ronmanee amid yet to thousands living itt time city of 1)envcr nitul vichnity It is tmmmkmiowmt. The presence In time c1ty of Dr. ilhhiott 'ours , time celebraicti scientist amitl lmistorhaim of the vest , lroimilses to brimtg title tue PrOiltifleliCe it deserves tlm early lliimtor ) ' of ( liii i'iatte valley. lr. Coties , RCCOtnhaliiCtl by Governor Alva Adaimms antI a party or- gamtlzemh especially for the purpose , vIsited several of ( lie hIstoric Shots anti started mimi lmm'cstIgntlomi which many clear away clouds wlmich have overhitimig a permit in the tIe- velopmitettt of tIme state , to which lIttle mitten. tiomt tins beemi pnhtl , It is vossihmle 01st flS a result of the inquiries miow set oil foot the tinie ittuty comae when the lmhstorie spots of Colorado iihh tie marked Imy seine en- ( lurimig mtmommtimmmcnt. . ' 13) ' IflfltIY it ha thtotmglmt that ronmmimico belommgs distinctively to the southwest. New Mexico amid Arizona imavo been acknowledged as the field to which the mimind may turn in lieriotla of dreanty reilec- tion , but Colorado Presents nO tte1i attrae- tbomis. , A trip through tIme Platte valley vttlm Covernor Adnmnim or 1)r. ( 'oucs would quIckly dissipate ami ihlusiomi of the kind referred to. 'litre , ' I6ariy 'I'riimhimij l'osts , Timis tour of investIgation imicluded a visit to three of tIme early trading hosts Iii time vicinity of Iemivcr timid witluha easy access of every nersomi desirous of investIgating tIme history of time state Imrerioums to time rtdveimt of the gold hmtmmmters. It sould be aim biter- eating tIming to know who was the first hIto maim that ever traverseil ( lie ynlicy of time Platte , but. the annie of that miii. vitlimni wthl remimain forever wm'apped itt oh- iivi 'a. Front authentic sources it is no- knowiedgcd that quite early 1mm tIme present cettury : tIme lined ) ' fur traders were trapping beaver in time sti-camims that llow from time SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allemm's i"notEase , mu hI\vler for time feet. I t cit t'es hilti II fumi , S'.Vth iou , smmta rt 11mg , mme i ou 'm feet nail lmistmitmtiy tttkt's time siimtg omit of corns tumid hiummiomis. lCs tIme greatest coma- frt , discovery of time muge. Ailt'mis P'oot- lInt-ic muakes tight or miev hoe feel emisy. I t is a certim tim cimm'e for svettlmmg : , ctuliimms , ii nO mit , tired. mielming feet. 'I't'y it today. Sold liv all tirmmgglsts timid shoe stores. Ity mall for SIc in mmtmimmtps. 'I'riah pacluigo P111116. Address , Allen S. Olnmstetl , Leltoy , N. Y. 1tA1I''AY 'I'13116 CAll U. r'-flUflLLNGTQN & MIS. fi ' t.4 I sour ! itiver Itailroad-"Thc our IflOfli ilurilngton cmi Olilces N. 'IV. Corner t-lnmmtn Tcmmth and Farnam Streets. -j i iuu ID Ticket 0111cc , 1502 F'arnmimn _ _ _ _ _ - Street Telepimono 230 , Do- hot , Tcmmth and Mason Stretutmt , Telephone 128. - Leave. Arrive. Llm'coln. bOastings and McCook . . . . . 8:35 : am 9:35 : tim Lircoin : , Denver , Colorado , Utah , CalifornIa , Black Hills , Montana & l'uget Soimmml , . . . . . ' 4.33 pin 4:00 : pm Ltncoln Local , , . . ' 7:00 : pin ' 7:40 : ian LIncoln Fmmtt Mail. 2:55 : pat 11:40 : ama Denver , Colorado , Utah , California and Puget Sound 11:55 : pm ' 11:55 : pm Daily. 'D.tiis' except Suimdny. iRlCAGO , BURLINGTON & n , : . Quincy Railroad - "Time uDE inon liurhington Q Oiiice , 1502 Furnam Street. Uniifn Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth Iluuio and Mason Streets. Tele. 1)110110 1S. .Leave .arriva. Chicago Vestibuled Express , . . , . . . . , . . , . S 5:05 : pin 8:10 : ama Chicago llxpress . . . 9:45 : am 4:10 : pm Chicago & BL Louis Express . . . 7:45 : pm 8:10 : am ( 'reston Local . . . . . . 40l ; ) pin ' 10:45 : ant [ 'acific Junction Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'll:55 : pm ' 5:40 : pm F'ttst Mail ' 2:50 : pm Chicago Snecial . 12ci : am 11:50 : vm S DaIly , ' Daily except Sumiday. . _ KINSAS CiT'I , ST. JO- 0 ' M seimb & Council Bluffs flail- uUF RIiLDfl , , road - "Tile Burlington - floute"-Tlckt 0(11cc , 1502 l.lnii'f-ci Farnam Street. Telephone I IUU ( U 250 , Depot , 'I'I'rtth anti Ma- bolt Streets , 'I'ciepiiomie 128. Leave. Arrive. Knmmsa mm City Day llxpremt'm . . . . . . . . . . . 9:01 : am . 5:40 : Pm Rumimas City NIght , , llximest , . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 11 :00 : pm ' 6:30 : am II ii i , si t 1,1 II Ft yer' ' St. Iaui' ; . . . . . . . . . . S 4:30 : pat12:05 : pm for St. Jo'eph mmd ' Daily. . , c1I'Ti9i. UNION PACIFIC - "TiIFI tt4MLv ; I ) "riaml , ltolIte'-Jeneral ( Of- 1W flc-cs , N. 'IV. Corner Nintht mind p.4 ? 51h h'armmnrn Str.ets. City 'i'b'kot ' * .tflru , Cii'ce ) , ' 1102 larnam Street. 'k ' i' 'J'o I ito , , 21 . ' ' em ' t j 6. I 'ejiot , 'J'cim tim and Mason Streets. Telephone 628. , Leave. . Arrive. "rime Oycriamui Limited" ( or Dcii- ver. Suit Lake , mmd western l'ts. . :50 : az . 4:45 : Pnt 'rimu Colorado Sl)0 cial , for 1)t'imV em & all Colorudu im'ts. 11:55 : pam 640 ; a i-n iast Mali 'Eraiji for , , , Salt Ialte , i'.tciflc coact aimil nil western itolnts . , . 0 j55 ; pnt ' 640 ; am Limmcolmm. llc'atrjcc & Stonmutburg JIx. , " ; 0 jIm " 12:20 : lim Fiiammont , Coiuimt. hit , Norfolk , C r't lmdand & lem.iney : 4:35 : i'm ' l2:20 : pm Urmmnd islimnil lIx. . . " 5:00 : liOn ' " 12:20 : irni S Iaily. ' Daily except Sumuda ) ' . South Omaha local Pass.-l.ea-ier , 6:15 : mt. pm. ; 7:01) : mm , i-n. ; 9:15 : a. in. : 3:10 : p. m. Ar- tives , 10:15 : a , am , ; ii3) I' . nt. : t0O ; Jm. in. Council liltmlf.s I.ccah-Leavus , 5:55 : a. in. ; 6:50 : a iii. ; i a. i-mt. ; :40 : a , in. ; lOJ0 : a. ma. ; 2 15 p. in. ; 4 :35 : ii. mn. ; 5:55 : im. to. ; 8:20 : p. lii , , 10:05 : ii , am. , Arrives , 6131 ti. itt. ; 7.0 : a , am ; 8:35 : a. in. ; 11:50 : a. iii. ; 'JiO ; p. m 5:40 : p _ mn. , 6:10 : i. : , f ± twi It. am. ; 10:45 : ; i.rn. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND - I'aciilc . ' " & . , ltmiiiroami---"fito ( ircmtt itochc island Route" ( ity 'I'Icket 0111cc , 1323 . , I I , mirnunt l5trect. 'I'u'lcpimono 42g. 1)epot , Tenth tumid . isun , Htrfct , Telephommo . . Icave , Arrivo. Rocky Mountain LimIted , caum , . . , 1:30 am . 1:23 : ama Rocky \lnmtntaimm i.United , 'iv" 5:20 : am 5:15 : urn Chicago & SC. Patti ' Vestibuied II x. lremls , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5:00 : pm 1:25 : inn Lincoln , 'mlorailu Springs , Pmmeblo , 1)ctmtvel' apd wi't 1:50 : pm 4:25 : pa , ChicagO , lies Mmmies , tc ] tock ls'and ' , , . . , , . . . , , , . 5. 7:00 : i'm ' " 11 :23 : am Atlantic llxpress , m'or Di's 1.Ifilmes and eustern vohmmts ' 7:20 urn ' 8:50 : pm Colorado Fil'cr . . . . . 7utm inim ' ' 8 :50 : aIr ) ) ' . " ) . ' except tiunlsy - ; : , - ; Jl1CAOO , z1I1s'AugI11 & , St. Paul Itauiway - City 'I'Ieket ( lute , 1501 Farnaxo UKEE Itreet. Telephone 28i , Depot , "a Tenth timid Mason Hireet. ' , 'l'elelmhono. 629 Leave , Arrive Chlca go Limited F.Xiures . . . . . . . . . . . 8:15 : pm 8:20 : am Ontaima & Chtical6o Exprc.ss . . . . . . . . . " 11:00 : am "id5 pm Sioux 'ly ( and Des Maim's 'flxpremom , . , , ' 1l:00 am " 4:15 : pm Daiiy , "Daiiy except Sunday , - - ltcmky moetnitnina , h.ewis'siii * Clark in 1SO- ' i.ieute'nammt l'iko In i0G , Major l.oimg in .1S2I amid Fremont as early as 1S12 visited tiv nbnhiatnilts anti wrote descriptions of ( heft jotlimley which nttrnetc'il time nttemttton of llnglislm spenkhitg people of the emmtiro world , Yesterday ( Ito [ ) citver 1mar11 stotiti upon the Shot iitere I'renlommt camnpeti on his flrmt : expedition amid where ttnjor Long gazed on ( ho ln'ak afteri-ard tlcslgnatod as t.ong's tienk. Time 1mar13' visiit'ti thme rtmils of F.r St.'rnhu , l"ort'as.itmez nmiI Fort h.oiptotl , iicrhmnps l.iowm : , tmrcvieums to ISIS as Fort 1.amieasicr. l'iw ti'ree forts i'cre Imuihtit rnbolie or suit tlrlel , brick , but timmin amid the elmamige of season are remitmetag time hihstori landmmtnrks to time grttmntt nod lit a fey years tmothiag bitt an Irrgimiar mnmmnml of sand vlti remaiti as an evithemice of time llri'ntloim amid damigira of life in time iegiomt of time limiffalo ammO thu limthinit , Time wahi hirive imi maamiy Plnces mlisttp'mtlftrCt iimtl ant nail wasps are the oitiy itmhiabltamits of spoti i'itlcii s'eio ommee tIme centers of iiitporlatt gtilmerimigs : of traders amid caimiplng hdutC'i'i * of i ihtl tribes nttractcml for litmmttlm'etla iii mnlivs nhommg time muoum'taimms , A iiectmhinr feature Is that the tiire 1)051 * are i-ill i'itlmiim aiiitt of time Uumion l'aciht ( raihwny and tihtmmot miirecly ( umloimgside time' ' 111am wagoit road hemithiug front ieimver to- Ciieyemtnc , Time gloomity vaiis coil forth ill- ' qtmiries frotmt bIcyclists iiti traveler , , bitt it time history at those mills could be wrhttga' it otllti be of silrpmissing bitterest. Poi't Mt. 'I'riilmi , Fort St.'rain is hocated cmi time east bank. of tue i'latte. at tue mouth of time St.'rain river , forty-two mimiles mmorth of 1)cnver. ) ' 1'ho- foi'L is seven mitiles lmcyoiil , time toi'mi of Piateviihe ( , It ucetmpies a inriect luosltlotm oil time first bench above the rivt'r , Time muoumt- talus are clearly seen on the west , across time 'ahht ? ) ' at ti distnnc of twenty-five or thIIVt3' mimihes , 'l'lme iammdscapo is of trait- sccttdemmt beatity. Time fort was 100x120 feet iii size. The walls were 'cyiticittly ten or twelve feet high timmd coutnined gateways on time east amid south. The lLUIC ) of time miorthi vall is iicariy blmtact , time west vahl is ulmotmt omme'immtlf gone and thm soimtIt i'ait huts largely disappeared. A rotlmmd tower stood at time soutlmwcst corner. Tlmi tower , aceordiuig to olti timmiers , i'a , higher timami other iarts of the strutitiiro and from its top a semmtry could obtain a , gootl 'bew not emily of tite vtihhuy of time l'iatti' , but of the eurroumidimig cotta- ti ) ' . Several portholes mire to ho sect ) in the crummibhing wtihimi , Ilulf a. utile tutu west across time I'iatte are limestone bluffs from ivimich stone tins taken vimose blocks are scattered arotmmmd tlmo fort. The general valh of the bit , as ePlLlincd by 1)r. Cotmes , vms for dekimsive limrpeses oimi3 . 'Fime fort hiti1 no root , btmt on time inside of time ineiostmro stood , i it thmt' en rh y days , a mitmmnber of separate - arate butihthiimgs fur storage of iobe , furs atiti mitmiuplies atiml for tIme accotmmmmtodatlomt of time traIcrs amitl timi'Ir cmnpioyemi. At. title hiol it t Colomiel F'rcmuon t mimamle gt'od et hr nIt - servatiomis itpomm i'lmiii ttcrc based the Ic- eatloti of tue immitial mn'rltiinu , for the mmioumi- taimm region , This mitem itilami vns imseil for a utmimmilmer of ycat mm in scientific obmervmimans ( , ltimt later it twas foummul tlmmt : Freimmont , ow immg to time tnnccimrncy of hIs astm otiommmieuml him- stritmnemmb S. miizili' Ii lit istaho imi it I s r'sul tmu. The furl itt omm the hand owmmcl , by .ltick Itoluorts of timla city , Five isolated stacks of adobe arc nil timaL remmmaimm of this historic nmo nu mit eti t. I"mn't Ysms.jmm.z. Fort Vasqmmcz is atm time olti stage line , now time un n ci haul 'agomi ronil , on u nmmti mi hal miles soutim of l'iatte'ihie , 'I'iw fort hie iiortht nod south nit a level trmmct of land. It imicnsttt'es 1111 2-5 feet by 103 1-2 feet In area. Six portlos of time waihe mum'o ettititlitig , the highest beimmg temi feet nilove time ground. 'I'lmls fort evitlenthy had mtobastbons. Imu 1859 , wlmeit first seen by Julge , 3. S. Wheeler , a nmemitbcr 9f , time icirty of yesterihay , time walls were clevemi feet imbgh. There were two gates , one au time east timid one aim the south mmiie. 0mm the lmmmtido of the tort he is conli- dent there toom1 a toner thmlclm was ust'il for ( mitservatlon purposes. TIme fort Is about 200 yards trout time bottom of tue cliff at the foot of i'iticli formnerly lion-ed the river. The corimers of this fort are all stammding amimi convey - vey tin immmpressioti of sohimhity , wlmiclm is further strcagtimeumed by time coitmimmandimig position of tue structure. Colititmimmi l'eport says time fort 'as built In 1815 or ' 16. It stands on a fnrmmm of 240 acres belongiimg to time Fnrnmers' 1 nilependeit t 1)1 tchm coimliany. As the party slowly ltt this imitercstirmg relic the odor of new-mmtowmt alfalfa wait borne through time air nail the wmtving cit greemi corn at-id time lowine of cattle liii- imresseci imiton time minds of time visitors that time viclimitb' of time old tt'auiing Imost Is otto Pt the richest agricultural cumtiimiuimitles of Col- orado. ' 'Jint halter took Christmmirms dinner with its lii timat house in 1859 , ' ' renmarkemi Judge \Vimeeier , pointlmmg to a rude bubimlimig almost covered with foliage of trees , half a umlie across the valley. Fort l.mm.t.imi , Fort. Iupton s'ns reached after a mimIc ( If seven allies southward ( mum Vnsqtmcz. This fort. is a tiisflimiOlnttiL'mtt ) , Altlmommglt limo stm'ommgost of the club posts in time valley , It has tiogemierated to a pig stye ammtl a cow yarti , Time fort is half a mile t'st of the m'oitl anti is aimnott lost to vbeti oim siccntmnt of a brick i'esldt'mmcc vimlehm was years : mgo crc'ted directly in ftommt of tIme fort. 'I'imu utile leim t find I mmg estmib I I aim titen t It as long hmeemt put to tielntsing uses amtii ( lie visitor eam'ries fm-omit it noime but regretful imiemnoricS. Foi- ( Ltmptomtins time largest of tlio forts in tJte vaiic5' . Tm'aditbon cluimne it , y , jreetci , Jmi I 835 it ii (1 ( 0 II 11 IlocrYphm tmi story imI ttcemi tJi begimmnlmig of thu fort as early as 1818. Oemmr eral Stun hiroivmmo of title city itt omme timu Co immmmmttmii ; oh a cciii pa it y of s'ol mm mi t cc re i'im tnt s'as hastily tiitsmmilmlel iii time fort ttm ire ' tect settlers front ito uprising of time Ilmi mlianmm. 'l'itie was lit 1865. Settlers for ImtnbV miles down the l'iatto took refuge lit tlmo , foil immm'I ' time imiterlor svmms lihleti ivithm voimt'it ammd clmiidm'en s'iio rcimmmiini'mi for evcrai weeks mitmmler the notect.iomm of rifles. lotacitmuerfimj : of Ummited States troops immn'e at thlffe'reut tiimies beemm muttitiommed at tue fort. FotI 1.iip'-c ton 'mis of mhlfferomtt miesipm front mmml ) ' of te other vosts. 'rite taiis wore in imlacos wo : tnh a imaif feet thick. iia3tlommum steoul tmt time tmortitwemit anl , southeast corimers. Time hiatut ion mit time imortliwest cornmr is now utilized as a pig 51)0. A careful -xmuntimn- ; thou of ( hum remminins of the wmill9 elmoweti timmit time fort. was divided btmto two intl-ta by a strommg si'mmli ammO timat a iuimlldlmig in time formo of mu marmmlboiogt-aimt stood mit one of time cormmcrs. 'l'wo tail pieces 5)f u-eli are stamm'ling ' ammml others arc eommc'eahcd horn vIew 1mm tIme stable si'lmicim occupies 4 imortipim of time inelosimrc. 'i'lme old t'aiis of time fort now lemormmt time oillce of aides for the stable amid two port Imohee frowning-toward lime tmmst ipdicnte wimero bm-i'hit eyes ommeim , Ianceml alommg mmimbaitmg harm-vIe of steel , Oilier posts , mmomne of llmcmn said to lie more ancient timami of time timri'e 'lcs.jeti , arc lying iii ruimts lit thti valley of tAme Platte antI St. Vrnimm. Ruins twelve idles above timo.mnoutlm of time .91. Vrmmin arm poirmiuti omit as at one time nmm brmll.ortmimt stvnn'4. ltoid of travelers assitmg jhmromighm time val. 1139'S CS early as 1845 ammO m. t1c of ru.ime'l forts once titti lmeathiuartemmm mil iamgo trnmiipg CS t aiii Imtlm iti ( tit t $ . 'I % ' > ' ' , mu I ii jr Cimmi I Ill I mm vs. ( llI1IYENNiI. Vb''O. . July L-Simecini ( ) - Noah 'm'otmmmg , state cot' : ' maine imm'mimc'u'or ( for Wyoming , after an oiihelmml visit ho the goai xmtinc of Iteti Carmen anti Iock Sprlmmgs , ro- hmorts tbmo mines itt excilietmt eomm1ltIon atiul that lime coal tale was never letter in \\'yeinin' at thih scmson of tIme year than at present. All of time tmtlr.os at Rod Cauou and I time No I mine at Rock SprIngs are worlbmig full little , an alntolt unimreeelOnteil state of facts for tlmis seasotm 'rime flock Sprimmrs No , -1 maIne is sbippintg over 2,000 torts of coal daily ,