Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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There Ia Every Indicitton of an Etr1y
Recovery hi Prices.
IttrIiw TliI. W'i.k 'Wilt lie
Iairgi. I'ii ) iiiitt of ) . , nnul
llIfl.tI.Nl % % 'ISIiI VllL
liicti rti lii c. ( uI1.
N'OfllC , July 3.-lIvni-y dews , head
of ( ho hatiking house of lk'iiry Clo'a & Co. ,
writcs ot the iturtt1oti inVnlL strect
( iii the stock exchange we have had another -
other wtek Ut dullness. The touc ot the
Tnnrket , however , has becil decidedly tIong ,
vltii IiidlcntIon of an LIltonehIng ) ) iccov-
cry Iii lirices. TIIVrU has becti a general
Et1CflSlOII In atcctdntlvc selling atid any
rnlernte revIval of buying would be lIkely
to gIo an l1lwnrl ) llniiUlS to rIccs. The
EIltnnt1al ) buckltig to the mat ket toy thc
coming week Ill ho the huge buyliig br
the luvatinent of thu sIi1t-LtnIltIal dlvkli.l
nuil Interest. money which vlll ho paid out
on the first of the month ituti will be the
largest amount vaid by vorioratlon on icc-
Orh It. vIhl ho but nntual for the reelpi-
cuts of this nioiey to be appreciatIve of Llio
geOl ( trentuietit they have recelveil by the
various COIflflflICS who huve corttrlbtltch thhi
hitonw : , which thi&'y ate lIkely to show by
reinvesting In the same ProPerties.Vhitit
betkr ovhicitce to tflSC ) conhllcnce upon call
InvesterB hove thinii the ourco their luconte
vrovldes' Such buying , COfllCllelltl ( % } , call-
flat fall to be large nnd Ill be an lnhortnnt ,
factor In advancing hrices lii the lmiiicdlntc
tIltitre. hleshihes tllltt , nif.lltloiinl encourage-
Hielli. vhhl b (0111111 Ill ( ho good etop lt'S
hccts In all .hlrectlons , the superablItlIlahlce
of IllOtlOy nli.l the colitititled confllnce in
tile result of the war anl Its early termlna-
tiOll. At ; a matter of hict there Is scVcehy
any cause for distrust to cotte froi : ally
quarter. The \V11I Ilas certainly served one
vholesolncj PurIosc ) Ill kveiIi AlhlCrlrhttlS
frotn lnluhglng In fOICISU travel t1111 Sllll
ZIlch to IL very greit etellt. 'the cxpettdl-
tures are not. likely to lie more than one-
t half Lhlat of fottuet ycari for titat urioe.
llaktng a saving to this colhIhl ry of at
] eat .O.OOOOOO. This Is an Item of coil-
ldcrahjlc Importance. 'I'hiese stay-at-home
people , lnstcnil of traveling in Europe , will
do so lii this routitry anti otmm Internal
transportatloit coihlIlahIles vhlI be corre-
spothihhlig taluers. In view of thcc factors
tile Inarket scelils to he verging toward a
ConlhltiOll Ill WhllChl a fresh rise In prices
vlll iiecoiiie the oriler of the day.
, SOuilelhlat thlhepcctcdhy here , thm. . Ilank
of hnglatmd on Thursday nut down its rate
to 2 1-2 ncr cent. Tills Indicates a inure
settled feeling Oil the 1uroheami ) lhlOlht )
markets Itoh 110 doubt lii nart rellects time
revIvih of Colltlheilce ( title to the sttietilcnt
of Lime diRpute bPtweell Iiiglaiid nail Fraiice
Oil tile ihlStrlbUtlOfl of African territory.
Timat S'ttielhlCflt removes mt very crious
( latiger froimi the region of foreign politics
amiil so far It is calculated to revi'o cohlhl-
( thlCO I ii time FU lOpiqIhl I ii Vestlileilt ill nIh Ct s.
Imi which our own inity ho3silhy ) participate.
T'o doubt the action of the batik has been
llliIlhcIlcvh ( by time hirospect of Aihlerichmn pay-
Illeilts of July interest and divktelmiis to for-
cigmi hiolilers. Wilhelm can hardly be estimmmated
at less than lO.OOOOOO. Timis liquidates a
colisi lernijie Part of the balance of iiiiiibt-
cmhmies ( iUt from ltiropc to tile United
States atmul io far dlmnlnishmcs time teilsiohl iii
tile foreign exehamiges. limit there illust still
'CiilOIil lI large umihlquldatcil sumhi of that
floalhlIg debt , which mmmny soomi show its ef-
ccts ill 0 reilewah of gold shipmneimts to the
l'uitetl States. Bills drawn against our
310W ClOilS vtIl be forthcoming amid with a
] css nomoutit of Imports to be temnltte.l . for
tuna usual It Is tiot iilliOSSibie that within
the ireseilt ) imlouthi gold many be liowilIg
- freely Ill this direction. This ( oreslindows
a COmitlflUlhllCC of the oresent ease In the
ocni niolley market.
It It imow gemlernily conceded that of tile
whoi $200,000.OOl ) ci time national loan about
1 2f1OOOOO vhhh 1)0 takeil ip by time small
slllscrilmtlons. , Timi ummexpected mesuht has
piaecl ( sonic of time banks in a rather nwk-
vard position. Tiloso limstitutlons imad uld
their older issues of bommdim in order to get
time new ( ilCS , which wolmid pay better. the
resmmit being timat timey are now left wltimotmt
these ttirestmemits 811(1 ( immay have to pay a
good Prelulumn to replace what they have
soiii. This Is time nmore Inconvenient because
It Interferes witim imc ability of IlolliC of time
biallls to accept treasury deposits. not hay-
Inc sulilciemit securities to hypothecate
ugalost them.
This large absorption of time loan by per-
soils of smiahl means has been mimmattended
by the sale of other securities to procure
time imleahls of iaynient. Timis llivcstnwimt of
130 large an amount of tile savings of the
imon-liivestlmlg class is not only a healthy
liymllhtOlfl JiB ( I ) time veiI-to-do coiimiltioii of
timflt class , bllf also is a fact oti which time
coumltry hilly for obvious reasons congratulate -
late itmmchl. By timere mmubcriimtions a large
3naHs of ommr IleOPie Imavo Iilcremmsed timeir Interest -
terest 1mm the fortunes of time nation mrmt1 mit
themselves In a position Tar beefIng , nore
closely (11011 ever their depenmleimcn lipoll
hiocl goverilmmieimt , conservative uohltics aimmi
otmiiml imloiley itilmi immure timamm timls time Invest-
neimts arc a grmmtifyimmg evimleimce of loimuiar
coimfldemmcti 1mm time lnstItutIon immmder which
time subscribers are govermmed. Timero Is
3mrobahiy no other coumltry vimoso masses
could lllakC such a. contribution to time wamit
f the govermmmimcimt
W'iille all is going welt at time seat of war
In Cimtia no.1 . mummY Pesslibly result him an ear-
31cr PCUCO than imas been looked for a seem-
lug cloud of dIstrust him rlmmimmg on tile Imori-
Foil of time l'imillimpines. Public oplimlon Is
arrested by time fmmct that ( icrmmmaimy Is cc-
; ortml to have collected seveim war visseis
nt Maimiin , a force exceedimig timat mmimiicr
time control of AlmIral ( Dewey , It I'm imii
dersteod that tile ( ' .erimian governmnehmt mhls-
avows to ours ammy mmmmfrieimdiy Immtommtlon In
thIs eourimo and aiflrmmms timat mmotimiimg is comm.
tcllmiIatecl ) beyond time imrotection of Cermimnim
residents amid property. 0mm Imesltates to
bchivo timat 1mm view of ( lemmian's very large
conminerciat Interests In time
Ibmlted States--
111110 (11511 raId y cx ceed I mmg anyt iii img sue Immms
or can IIUVO Iii the PimIlIpplnts-sime could
take a commrmte caiemmiatcml to mmiieimato our
i-copi ( I II mmml s'im Ic U in igimt 1)0551 hi y ireei imi -
tate imost iiltles between the twit commimirit's.
Such rvmtmmommlmmg , imowiver. would icmmil tmmi to
ixpeCt. , timat simtm % ommlIi simow her nimilty at
? 4 mimI I in mis ci I as I mm imer ml I iioimm ) ml t I e iiSstl r-
aimed ; , Amul yet she Imremieimts herself at time
timeater of hlom4tIIitiCmt 1mm overwimt'himmlmmg miaval
loreo amid nhlmarentiy contemmiplates gIvIng
ad d I I lemma I slgmm I ilcammee to t ha t mieimloimst ration
iiy time Lrt'sm'imce at i'rimmco hlemmry. Simeim mmc-
( bit fromu any other coummtry wommld be coil-
tmtrmmeti as a dIrect timreat and mitt Immmmmilt to
timis cotmimtry It. certalmmhy Is , But soimmcthlmmg
3mmay' be zmhInveti for time fact that time eta-
voror 1mm wommt to be exceptionally demon.
trativu In iiemmllmmg wItim armimies or simlms ; multI
show little rcgmtrtl for fit lmroportluils betweemi
match ixhl bI t lommim mm immi I im ci r oceasiomms. If.
3mosever , lIe clalimis time right to Immilimlge lila
persoimmmi taste in stmcim nmmmttermm imimmi defy all
imiterimatlonal usage ho simoulml mmmmmko It mum.
terstcohl thmmmt he hiss no mmmmfrlomidiy our-
vose Ill Coulteillplatloim. Tilmmt. however. lie
has Imot (10110 auth tlme absemmcu of sucim dell-
nile immmsurmmncemm 1mm leadlmmg to a distrust that
must reach to time European courts ama well
emit tltsturb conildvimce tim W'asimimigtomm. 'Pius
state of timings , wimetimer It immeans a nmere
careless playlmmg with lIre or immlscimlef In
carilest , itmust eIther be acoim cxiilmtimmttI wltIm
much explIcitness or tievilo ; , Into set-lemma
coomphIcmmtioims It caimmiot be contimmimed mnucb
longer wltimomit ralslmmg the gravest Inter-
i.lnttoimmmi Issues.
'imtiimm .ilartt ,
\'FIti'OOI. . July 2.-"OTTON-Sput ,
I html t ed titiflhl liii hit-Ices liilCtllt migml A mmeiI-
( 'II II fll Id ii I I mug , 3 -3.mI ! ; smiles , 5,0k ) ttles , of
m'imteh 200 cro for spccimhutlumm mmimd export
mmmiii Imicluded 4.tOO Amuerlcamm ; receIpts , Sod
ham ies. I mm dud I mmg 30t ) A itmerlemmn , i'tm t tilts
( 'iOI''tI steady ; 4mnerIchmn mmihldlimig , I , Al . C' . ,
July. 3 22-04.1 sellers ; JmmIy and August ,
: i 22.Gli1 st hiers : Ammgumst utmmd Sehitm'mmmta'r.
.J 21.fl4tu3 22-01.1 buyers ; t4eptenmtmer mmmcl Oe.
tutier , 3 2O-U1I3 2i-GhI limmycrit NtS'emuImer amId
Icccimilier , : t is-ai@ 3 lU-Gui hiuyers ; tectmn-
ber mInd Jmtimumiry , 3 lS-Uf3 19-tJ4ti tnmyers ;
Jmmmitlmtry mmii Februhiry , 3 ht-64i3 l9.64d buy-
0 crs ; Fibrumiry limlil Marcim , 3 19-6itI inmycrs
.lmimehm mmml April 3 20-641 buycrs AlIt-ti mmd
1hI ) ' , 3 20-64j3 21.64(1 buyers ,
\ % ( ) oi Mirlcta.
LONDON. July 2.-Time wool market to-
timI ) ' Wits extreimiely mmmmlrnmmtetl thmruughmotmt.
( nmtm of Cccii 1 hilime itild Natal wpuls simmmrt'tl
Iim the rIse and greasy tact-limos uold veII ,
Greasy uimd crommt-breed8 were mostly
latken by lome Uado , Time comimetitiQa
among eoimlliicnltml htmyers , was spirited.
'File lititimimer of smulrs UUCrCuI tomimmy vcro
In,7&4 iaipt. TilO followIng am-c the stmie him
detntl : Nm' Ioutim 'ttie , 1,2(10 ( inIt'sl
meutmrei ( , 14I,4liqflR fiti ; greammy , triIthI. Queensland -
land , ice tmtiki ; : ecuimrcti , lo.qfIt4,1 ;
grc'mlsy , 7vDi1. VIctoria , 1l'O hales ;
greasy , st4qi.d. ( Tasmania , 100 lathes ;
sc-omtri , , r.l.ciiq fla 1(1 rensy , r,14.clhol. COImO
of ( OOI1 iInim atiti , tititi , coo iflieS rotitt'u1 ,
Mfll.1. . New Zemmimumnl , tOq lcmles ; Siomlre.1 ,
' 4u1.Tb' fohiovimmg ate the Imnports for
time week : AmittnIIjm , 2S halts ; ' . .ew.eim ' -
Immnd , ? 3iJl bales ; Colic ( if ( aou1 hope nmmtl
' ' ' .mitnl , 4.11 1011(14 ; tlquwht're , 1,12G bolt's.
'i'iit off"rings for next week am ft
laitm4. , 'l'iit' mit-rivals of mvool for tile fifth
serlu.s iii , . ti ; to ; bitics , of WhIch lO.COO were
ftmrwmmrmli.jj tlreet.
OIiIAGIllt.t ! . iAltJ1TS.
Cnmiuhlt Inn of 'troth-n miii Quntnt lomm , ,
on ! tn isit' it nil Pnuie- rocerIcM.
EGCS-Uod tok. SmOc
lIU'fTt'it-Coinmno to faIr 9fuhlc
, ; sep-
nrmmtor , lOc ; gathieresl creamery , l3h1e.
VIAl-ChoIc't , fimt , SO to 12 lbs. , timiuteti
at Sjc ; large anti coarse , GGJ7c.
ld't I'Ui.'j'ltY-1ien , Ge : olil roost-
era , 3'c ; sprIng cimIcketit , 12ji3c ; ducks ,
Gc ; mcese , Ge ,
1'lUIONi3--.1I'e. mer uioz. coic.
ONIONS-New southern , imer lb. , 1c ,
IIEANS-ilmLImtl-hlleked navy , per bu , ,
i'o'rA'1'ols-ew , per hu. , SOiiSe
CAhtilA(1I1''V crate per Ill. , hc.
't'OMA'I'OES---l'er four basket crate , 75t
CtYCt3MhlEi-1 { tome grown , per doz. ,
1Oi ok' .
\\'AX hilANS-1.3 1)11. box. 401j50e.
flI1ACK flASl'UEItlti ES-Per 21-qt , case ,
1iT.ACF1t1'ItltI 1S-l.5l2.OO.
ItEI ) ItASI'IIEItItIES-l'vr 21.qt. case ,
$ l.7m 2.00 ,
( OOSflIlttt1FS-1'er 2t.qt. case , $ i.0O
'l I iitlfl ES-l'er 2i-qt. case , ; I.oojl. ;
Cmmilrt'rnlas , per 10-lb. boc , $ i.25.
I'FAt'i I ES-Southm'rn , 1-3 liii. box , 75cj
$1.00 ; Caimfurnlmi , 20-ib. box , $1.25.
A i'll i'O'I'S-l'er 20-lb. cast' , $ h.Viul.tO.
CU itltE N'h'S-l'.r 21-qt. case. $ l.25j 1.&O.
\'A'rIItliLmNS-Crimtmt , : ; oc.
'i'itopit1i. : lltUI'i'S.
OltA NGES-Set.dihmigim , $2.500j2.7 ; Mcdl-
teirmimlenhm SImeets , $2.tOhj2.5.
llmtONSCmmhtrorimlmm , $5.00 ; fancy Mes-
sian , $0.00.
1IANANAS-Cholcc , large stock , per
btmtii Ii , $2.Otdj2.25 ; mnedlumn sized bmmncimei ,
$ l.ThJ 2.00.
NUTS-Aliminumils , per lb. , large size , 12
1cc ; small , lie ; Jimazihmu , imer iii. , h10c ; Eu-
gllshm vaImmmmts , per lb. , fmumcy soft lmell , h1GJ
] 2c ; mitmmidmtrtl , ijOc ; ilibeits , mit'm lb. , IDe ;
hmecit mis. Pal islcd , IOVII itt UI , t i To : extra
large , Stj tk ; large hIckory mitmts , l.OO 1.10
Per him. ; south , $1 25jI.25 per bmm. ; cocoammuts ,
per 100 , $1 ; Imelumuts , raw , Gj0'.e ; roasted ,
MA1'rE . each
SYRUP-Five-gal. cnn , ,
$2.75 ; gmtl. calls , iutiic , icr tb ? . , $12 ;
cm' ' miii , 56.2.5 ; ( timUrt cans $3.50.
I IONEY-C'lmoice vihiti. , 14iflSc.
I1i\1i.Si Immiluwee , ( ; 0 II ) 70-lb. boxes , 5'4c ;
Sair , Sc ; 1'mmrd , 9-It. . tXL'q , ( , DC.
I I 0 S-i lii Iltir ted , fmi mmc' , 3-t roII , 11-lb. ,
hcXeM , jOe : 5-crowim , 44-lb. box"s , 13e ; 2-lb.
boxes. 2i23c per box ; Cmmllfummila , 10-lb.
box. $1.
( 'I iJl1m-1or hour 1.1,1. . t.'L213JM.
I I i 1)ES , 'I'A LLlE'I'C. ( .
HIDES--No. I green hides , 7c ; No. 2
gremul hides , 6c ; No. 1 salted hIdes , Dc ; No.
2 saiteul Imidt's , 8' ; No , I veal emmit' , S to 12
lbs. , C ; No , 2 'emml calf , 12 to 15 lbs. , Te.
'I'ALl.O(1 itiASi , ETC.-Tailow , No.
1 , : tallow , No. 2. 24.c ; rouglm tallow , 1'.c ;
white grenmo' , 2i2e ; yellow mmmiii brovmm
greuse , P40s2e.
Si iflii' i'EL'i'S-C'recmm smItetl ; , each , 15ii
7 : ; ( ; grceml suIte. . ! silearlugs ( simort woolvui
cmrly : slclmms ) , eacim , ISe ; dry simearimmga ( slmmrt
vouI 9l dmtrly skills ) , No. 1 , cmmclm , 5c ; dry
liluit , 1mmlmszis nmmd Nchrmtslmm lomb her vml
Pl t a , i'r I im. , a ct mini veigllttb Sc ; d ry 1 I I mit ,
It mm imsmu S mm ii , i Neim ra ska ma mm rratn % vom I pci ts ,
1)er lb. , mm ( 't mm ii veIghm t , i , It. ; ci m'y lii fl t , Cmii ,
rmi mlm bmm t elm r vool pci t mu , lieu' I b . , : mc toni
% ' ( 1gb t , 4t Si ; ul ry lii imt , ( ' 1)1(1 ) made in U rraiml
vool icits , Per Ii ) . , imctmmal veigimt , 80jtc ,
St. 1.oui Is C rm I ii um i i'L.t-t.
ST. LOUIS. July 2.-'l'imere was no regu-
mr sessiomm of the 2.1erehmmmmit' exchange to-
( lILY , limit there ris moimmo tradIng on tue
emirh , . Ommly cigilt cars of wlmeat were re-
celved hire today. The feeling vmms strommg
alnomig locmt I d citie rs. Set tember oid at
70'4c to 7mIe ) , time latter Ic above yester-
( lily's chue , tmiil later at 0 S-Se ; Decemaber
sold mtt 7l'c mtiiul July 73c bid.
Corn shoetl great strengtlm : September
sold at 31c Ofl the curb anti that was bid
for It ,
flit inrie1.
W'ILMINGTON , N. C. , July 2.-OiLS-
Spirits oh : turpentiume , tcady mit 23rii2m14c. :
] tOSiil , mirmu at $1.00 mmnd $1 .03. Crude tumr-
Pemutine. titmil lit $1.00 aud $1.50. Tar , steady
itt i.30.
SAVANNAh , Ga. , July 2.-OILS-Spirits
of turpcmmtlmie , JIosIn , mlncilanged.' t1) i'rs USES.
UimIe Smiiii mi * 1mm' Ilt'iml of flue 1.1st
or i1mmLe rn is miii (1st-cs.
Timere is now exported from Great Britain ,
reports time Now York Sun , more soamj tlmtnm
was used him Great liritalu at the beginning
of the present century , anti , besiiies. ac-
cortllmlg to authentic figures. 400,000,000
hounds of soaii Is used Irm Great Britain
every year , exclusive of 55,000,000 pounds
exported to other countries , chleily English
coloiltes. Time Freimch mmianubacture of soap
amnommnts approximately to 300,000,000 pommoils
a year , the larger part of wllicil Is made
in the city of l'aria. Time sale In otimor cotmmm-
tries of French soap , mmml particularly
Frencim 1)erfimmnetl soap , Is a commsIder.miilo
Item of commerce. The exports of soap from
Great BrItaIn Iii recent years bmmvo becim as
follows : 1875 , 12,500 lemma ; i8SO , 19,500 ; 1885 ,
20,100 ; 1800 , 25,000 ; 1S.I5 , 27J100. What were
knowmm In EmIglahmil as the soap tmnzus orlg-
limated tiuring time reIgn of Queen Anne mtimd
\vero orlghimaily fixed at $150 a ton , yIelding
ill time year 1830 a iubilc revenue lii excess
of $7,000,000.
All official estlnmate recently made milmows
tIme average consmmmnltion pcr Immhabitammt of
Great lirltain to tme nlmme poimmmmls a year ; a
simIlar average pre'aIls 1mm Frmmmmea , hIelgiuuim
mtimtl lid 1mm imul , tim ott gim a Imoimmml at' lid let
ascribes to time last. coummtry a mimurit larger
use of sonim , oartieularly for homisecleamming.
Timero are mme otflchml Ilgures cmi time miubect ,
limmt thmere 's a general belief that very lIttle
soap Is used In Spahmm. Certainly no soap Is
IimlIOrtetl ) immto that country ( time Spnnistm
blockade omm 5001) immmmt hieemm of long uhmmritioim ) ,
auth mmuno Is exhorted ft-omit it. 'l'iie United
States stmmimds at time bend of mmli other courm-
tries In time misc , If not him thmo Imlanufac-
ture , of miohmIL 'l'ini average exportatiomis of
Ammicrlcaim soap 1mm a year muihiOtillt to 30,000-
000 1)011 tmtls. 'I'hmo I in port a I lemma into time
Ummited States of soap amnouilt to 3,000,000
1)Otmihtl5 ) , or omme-temmthm as imiucil , Thmc're are
imearly 500 summit factories 1mm the United
States , witim a cmmslm capital of $25,000,000 ,
uslimg mmmaterlnls to the value of $30,000,000
aimd gIving emmmploymmment to 10,000 Persoums.
1mm time imummiber cit such estahihIstmumiemmts New
York stmmmmdmu lit-st aimmoug Ammiericamm cities ,
but prior to Its emmlargemnetmt Pimilmitleipimia
haul time that iilaee , Ne' York miecommtt amid
hlrookiymm thmlmd. hiustoti. Samm irammcico and
Cimmclmmmmatl follol' 1mm time order imamned , and
Iii respect of tue vmmiue of mmmimtcrials used in
5051) ni.ikIimg Chicago CollieS first , imayIrm
1110111 ( imellitles for pro2urlng them , but
turmmlumg out. a clmeap mmd Inferior grade of
soap ,
Sdmmrs (0 Siumirt' .
A. hag faklr \\'tmmtimingtoui time otimer (10) '
titus amimimoummcetl hits wares : ' 'l.ook a-here ,
fellers , thmere'mi forty-eight stars cmi timia flag.
Forty-eight , mnind you. I'll bet mm Matammzamm
mmmuio tlmmmt you can't finmI nuamtlmer old glory
lit timls cotmmmtr ) ' that Imas mmot got fort.i'lglmt
Oil It. 'l'imoso that omm bu ) ' him time stores
has otihy got forty-fivo uttars-ommo for eaclm
state ; but , , timls lmere hag o' immino has beemi
built for time occastomi. It's got timre.a extra
stmmrs added fur time new states-Spaimm. Cuba
mm miii I'imIl Impi mm ci a mmd . See ? I f you domu' t
get on < i of 'cmmm ) oU mtlmm't In time push. You'll
lmavu to iiaIimt three muore stars omm time hag
) . ( ) mm'vo tlir ( ady got , timid out caimt imuiko a
I mmeat job of It. You immmglmt mms w'lh imave
ommtl 0' timummi clii usgs wIth thmlrtccmm stars
oil It mis a forty-live-star flag 1mm these ulays.
Get mmcxli Get 1mm time push ! Get Into
the big star-saxlglct1 Imandlealu , with tlmrco
atmmrtermu added ! 'I'imey ulmi't no long shots ,
eI timer. "
Get a map of uiuu.m and get ( lie tmest and
mucist ctmmmipkto. 'lime lIce's cnnm'ihnatlon wa
of Cuba. tlmo W'cs ( Indies and . , f tue work
'i'Itim a Bee nump coupon , on page 2 , 10
cents , mit Bee otflce , Omaha , South Omaha or
Council BlutZa. fly mall , 14 cents , Address I
Cuban Map Deartzent.
Wemk Ends witil a Light Supply of All
Sort.s of Stuff.
, ,
,1 % ( I I mi i ml n ii Ciumis I mm g 'roge timer
Serve ID itu-uhuice the lt'mnnhuil fur
XIIItrs-itugs In Iht'ttcmitt , -
( jluVJ ( iimsL higher.
SOUTh OMAhA , Jimly 2.
Cattle. hogs , Smieep.
ReceIpts today . . . . . . . . . . . 1,173 G,401 511
OtIicial yesterday . . . . . . . . l,32 8,197 4,000
Ommu' . week ego. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,339 8l5 Ui ?
'l'.o Weeks mmgo . . . . . . . . . . . 1,0S4 6,211 667
One yemmr ago . . . . . . . . . . . . . 050 4,427
Two years ago . . . . . . . . . . . 757 4,215 317
Tctnl timis week . . . . . . . .11,473 40,119 14,7fl
WCmk ending Jumme 25 . . . .15,412 4S1.'I 0,555
'cck en.llmmg Jtmmmc' 18 . . . ,1l,55 31,500 5,062
\Vcek enihmmg Jimmie 11 . . . .15.108 42,559 4,634
\'cuk enuling June 4. . . .12,927 33,011 11,153
Average Prlco Piti , ' . for Hogs Tel the last
few days. with comuparlsomis :
- . . , . . . . . . . . . . .I3S9S.l1Sfl.IlS'J0ItS)5.1l19l.S93.h1S92. !
Jtmno IS . . . . 3 60 3 21 3 10 4 46 4 051 4 82
.Jtmimo 19 . . 3 15 3 02 4 4S 4 7O C 01
Jmmno2o , , . . 379 295 145 460 590 44S
Juime 21 . , . . : i Si 3 15 4 37 4 67 5 ? S 400
Juno 22 . . . . 3 2I 3 Di 3 02 4 40 4 77 5 G31 4 83
, itmmum 23 . . . . 3 72 3 21 3 02 4 82 5 73 4 95
, hlne 21 . . . . 3 67 3 26 3 00 4 40 5 76 4 05
Jmmlle 25 . . . . 3 Gi 3 III 2 Dli 4 40) ) 4 80 I ri Ut
Jiimmi'20 . . . .j 3l52.D7 4521 473 Sf3
.itttmo2i..i302 2913 1571473 577
Jtine 28 . . . . 3 62 3 i , ' 4 C.3 4 SO 576150 ?
.ttmmme 20 . . . . . . , m)1 ) :1 : 2ii 2 DI 4 t' ' ) 4 , Ii S GOi lii
.Iuuiit'iO : . m5 82 $ 2 US I 4GI 5h ( f 2t
July 1..3 57 3 231 2 00 1 03 5 40 5 35
Jul ) . . . . . . . . . . 361 3 1S295 _ 4 63 _ 4 73 _ _ _
'indIcates Stmnday.
'rime nillcial nimnituer of cnrs ot stock
brought 1mm to(1Ly ; hy emtch roml was :
Cattle. hugs. Sheep. 11'seS.
0. & St. I. . fly. . . . . . . . . . 2 . , . ,
\llssuurt l'mmcltlc Ity. 11 2 4
U. 1' , i45'stemn. . . . . . . . . . 20 29 2
0' . , E. & M. V. IL 11 4 30 . . 1
C. , St. 1' . , i\I. & 0 1t' 0 6 ,
Ii. & 1)1. It. It. It. . . . . . 7 21 , .
C. , Ii. & Q. Ity. . . . . . . . . . 1 . .
1. ' . It. I. & P. 1t11 2 . . . . .
C. . It. I. & P. Ity.V , . , 2 , .
. -
Total m-eceipt' . . . . . 5
The dlsposltloum of tIme day's receipts was
as fohlovs , cacim buyer nmrehmasIng the mmtmmmm-
her of head Imidicimed :
Iitm'ers Cattle hogs.
Omnaima l'mmcktmmg Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)1 ) 022
0. 1 1. llamnmnoumil Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 1,013
Svl ft mum ml Co imi i'n imy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:18 : 1,050
Ctmihiimy l'aclclmig Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Si 3,195
1' . D. Am-mimour , Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1lSO
Crmry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
North I' . & 1' . ( : ' ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
1 Immmmmmond , 1'immmsmms City---------- 19 , . .
- - - - - - - - - -
Sm"ift ( ruin cotmmmtry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S7 , .
Cuidmmlmy , Nnmmsns City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1(1S ( . . . .
\'hlte , P. & 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2SS
i Inmnmmmommd , I3est & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ?
Othmer bmmyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,39) 6,610
. Itccelpts toiliiy were unail limit It
% .h1s hi Smmttmmiin3' ii'ithi t'.Vu imoIItIa's
to fol lov , Sn imilny amid Id o mmilmty , a umil no
gmc'mtt supply ivmms mcqmmired. Time mmmmtr1'ts
ivem'o gemam-mm I I y I mm geom I slum i mc miuiul t Imu most
0 I' t Ime m-ecei ; its sot ml I mm giioul season.
( _ 'A'1"1'LF-.1'ht.i'i' vemm' lmariliy emmommgim cat-
tic here to nmake mc test of time market , mmumd
It w.ts tIme snaliest , mmmmm fom' a king timne.
\'iimit cmmttie vere omicreil , imoivever , I0it1
well mmui'i time lnmricut wmms entIrely : Ltisfae'
tory to lioldermt.
iief cmmttie if at nil mlesirabies'ere a
slmmmil e imigl mii' , him t liemivy mmmmti mmmmm t tem m C t lvii
cat ti' i'ere not nimicim dlfCem-emit fm-era yes-
terdmmy ,
Cov timiul heifers were unchmngeil : so far
as 'almmes went' ciimmcernetl mmmiii tiit fcw m1t1
nmd emmils offemeti were siomm dimlImiid of.'emml
emmlves sold mmbuut time sumac mis yesterday ,
sumac 'er. ' eunIce mmattve calves bringiiig
$0.75. Not emmougim bulls or ilthugs ivere offered -
fered to estabhisim quotathimmis.
'I'hmere were no stockers or feeders In Ilrmtt
Imands , or at least huh , of nmiy conseqtmemmc'e.
'lime cattle mmmi bet as a. whole tmI ) week
has been iii prem ty gaal shape. 110th re-
cellits mmlii tleTmilmmitl hmase bemi of liberal lire-
portiins mtmmil t'iich da9"m4 mmrrlvais as a mule
have met vitlm rcauI' sale at good lit-Ices.
Ti' temmdemmcy of fmtt cattle has been iii
varI. 1 leavy cittle : are im\ % ' ti.z IDe higher
ammml lmammdy light emittle 10i 20c higher thamm
a week ago. TIme cow mamirket durimig time
i'cek has mint simovmm much clmange. Gnl
ilry lot helfers aumd cnivs mmro good sellers
nimd jirlces are just as Imlglm us (1101' lim' : , '
heemm imimy tlmne. As a matter of curse
grassy Cii' stuff imas been ( liscrimnlmmatelI
agmmtnst and the manrlcet on that kind of
stuff is liable to break ballv most ammi' ( line
s'lmemm the arrIvals heconme lmmrger. Stockers -
ers anti feeders have declIned , lmmrimmg the
week 20i1j25e , but thm io wmms largely' on
time Imeavy feeders. 1mm fact , time decline
imas been Intuit ohm that kind while choice
little stock cattle have imelmI imp mmmcii bet-
( yr. still they are considermmbl3Iosver than
iltmrimmg time lmigim tIme , ( 'attic sold tills wet.k
at $1.05 that wommld mmt title tIme have brought
; .00 easily
IIOGS-'I'lmo veeIc closed wIth mc fair cmiii
of imogmi. but none too lmmrge to meet time
reqtmirements of time nmarket.
'l'lme trmttle opeumeil strong to 5c imigher
( ilium yesterday. 'ro start wIth , It vmis
PrettY generally a $360 mnmrkct : , vIthm more
sales above than beloii' . 'l'imeim came re-
j > orts of an easier market at Chicago mumml
Some of time nmore mit-gent orders being
filled the trade ivcmjkt'imetl umimler that In-
lluemmce mmmiii closed vith time ailvitmico Prmmc-
tically all lost.
'limo early nmmmrket was active nail though
later it liming lire. ving to time fimet that
mialemimneim all ivammtni early lric'es , still
everythIng i'ns oId mmmiii weighed up early
In the mnornimmg.
'l'liu market as a vimolo averaged commimid-
eraimly umiglier thmmm a yesterday amid Smmmmth
Omnmmhmc % vns the iuet amid highest market on
time river todmmy.
q'imls has been a week of large
reCeilits not ( 'lily at Sommth Ommimmlma ,
lnmt mit nIl market poimits , nmmd or hummer
nmarkc'ts. 'lucre huts been a tlt'mmmanii for
ot'ervl hmlnL' , .'ol Int t li In r'o rn . .f
hogs has steamilly acted mis a bear factor
for time tietiression of Vmmltmcs.
'l'ime veek oimenctl wIth volumes a strong
Sc Immmver , bmmt ( mmm 'l'mmemitlmmy timere was no mna-
terlmml cimammgo. 'limo nmitrkct mlechImu'mi 2 ½ c
on \ amid Sc elm Thurmehity. Iii
other wormis , hmy 'l'immmrsulay time market wmms
12'c ' lower tlmzmn at time close of ( ho prevl-
( mmiii ive'k , , On Friday there wmmmt a remutItmn
mmmnotmntlimg to 2e raid time week closed ommly
71,40 lower timtmtm tIlt , wecic before.
It is 'cr' c'lmIeim ( timmmt Iii mull eetions of
tbtm country there imre mm grem : t mommy imogs
( limit nrc Imemivy mmtmml ready for mnarkc't. Tue
Imot vtatimer 1mm cmmuslmmg feelers to rmmsim
timemn flmrwmirtl to inmmrket m'Itlm time resmmlt
timmit Jumme wmmmi a large mmmontim iii time mat-
Icr of receipts multI ummmiesn all sigimit fail
July Is likely to see free umiarketlimgs. 'I'lme
effect of large receipts s'mms htinhimly Vimilhilti
tim time commrse of time unmmrkct bust nmontim ,
v hi I m' im \m'im 4 ml cud I I y d i imvum mmu cii , mel t II mm iii y
( ) ( ' nsiommmm I ii mmd mm mit mum i in rt mm a t react ho mm mm , At
t hO ) CO iii IflCiiCt'fliPil t ( I I I ime mnoum t Ii t Ii e aver-
a go hiri ( Ii liii Id for hogs o a t it Is man rlet
whim ; $1.20 , m'imIle elm time last , lmuy ( mf tile
mon t Ii t he mmm'prago Imrico sm'js $3.55 , mm ii rep
of Ole. 'l'lme cxi m cimmo Imigim p.iuit of time
maommtim mvmmt ; tomut'lmei , oim Ilmi. lust tiny cmt tIme
! imotlt1 ! : mmmiii time extreuma' low poInt was hot
r'mIIi'i , umii mime imimim tummy.
SI I IOEP-'I'imere mm'ero numly two cars rim-
Imorted 1mm tb" 'mmrmIs immiti tlmt'y ( ' 1111am 1mm lute.
' 1 ime' ivero ma I xtqi % m'cmit t'i'um lit mnlms. 'l'i ho 1110 r-
l' t ml Id not shmnmm' mm a y vm'ry mimum t ct-ia I ilIum migo.
'l'im t Imt'ftmI migs mm f shi t'mjl ) a um ml hmmmnims immi vim
becum 'ery ligimt mit this haunt mmli lImo mvemk
lihist mu imml ( or severmml ms'eolcs in fact. 'Ibm ,
r ( ' ( ulpts of time m'e&lu , mis mm'Ill hti noted ( coma
t im ii ( mmldtm ii f ugh reM gI'vtm mm I t hue Imeum it a f
t im Is colmiun mm mm'ero mm ii t so bail , immi I o f t Im mm
arrivals mm conmildermmihc Iuroimortlomm is'mms
miimilled ) ) II Ircct t n ha ek cr5 , i'imIio o C t imo bum I -
nn't. ( limito mm gitutl mmmmmumy mvero mint of limo
kind calcuhuitemi to stlrmmmmimte : free bmmylmmg.
Oil most tlmt' , Iii ( miet , tlmirt. immvo : mmot in't'n
elmi. mmgh ml cmii rmm ide in mu t toll. mmli 'ti or lii mnbs o mm
alc to imimukim a , test of time mnarlcet. StIll
( it hm itnmmm rkct s imt : vim imecim lomv'r mm huh it mnigh t
ime mumbo to miii ) ' timmmt hInd there beemm numy
imt're tim ii nmo mm mIt t o mm ml't im I mmm.r t im e ( na m'ic ut
svtmhil hmmmve hittul nfl ( it i0i20c bomvtr emi
lmmmmmbs. Very ( ems' simrIng Immmmmi's lumve beeim
rt'tt'Ivv.1 . lucre lmmmt they mmcc bringing time
best imlIecs In ye'tmrmi ( or timis mteasomm cit time :
) 'emur. In thu lmmmmgtmmmge of time ymmrtlmt they
LI re a mi bIg Im its mm imoim tie , mflbmt immm vu 1 o i'mm
geniI sell e rmu mm I I I 1mb ; sea miomm.V imcim ( ' ( ihli I
ratIo In m imhis mit milulteti eoumm I ng sprl img 1mm mims
hn'gn mm t 0 11(1 t I um mm a mm P'a rut ace In t he ama r-
h-ets of t ito cotmntry nail I imu deimmmmmmil hums
beeti 1mm excess ( It time SluIlhl ) ' riglmt along.
Kiiuiiis Ci t . Imyt' Stiomle ,
1ANS/IS ( 'I'I'Y. Jtul '
. ) 2.-CArTLE-Ee-
celhits , 120 iiemmd : imrlces mmmu'iionged ; receIlmis
( or , tIme mmeck , 2h,0.'IO hiiod ; lilmt supply tact
mIt im vlgoromm mi ii curium mmd ; it I I grmtdes kI I I immg
steck active mmt st.'mutly l.rIecs . ; stockers itumml
feetiers. milmmidti hmlghmtr ; late smiles : Clmolt'o
Imeavy steers. $4.7M.03 ; imietiltmu , $4.503j
4.tO ; light w'eigimtm4 , $ h.U0ijG.00 ; stockers aimul
( ccders , 3.ff.0z5.00 ; bmmtchmer comm's ztmmd lImIters -
ers , 13.10h5.00 ; immmteimer bulls , $3h01f4.tiO ;
cmmmuumlng stock , $2.5033.10 ; 'I'oxamt steers ,
I i3.i014.40 ; i'exmms cow's and imelfers , $3.10ij
HOGS-fleemiptut. 4,500 imead : lmriCes. mibmido
I highmer : receIpts for the m'cek. 78,500 hmcmmd
I wIth liberal receIpts amid dull provision
market pt-Ices were ivell maintaIned , the
tl top price being o 1milmer than this day ]
last week ; hiehvy imogs , $ .14f51.SO ; mixed ,
3.4Mt3.c5 light , l..130'1J3.0 ; pigs , $2.504u3.33 ,
Ml I1'hI'-Iteceipts , 18 iii'nul ; prices tmn-
ehmmmgetl receltuts for thm veek , 21,500 imemiI'
mitmong tletaniiil , whIch atituuirhucil good me-
eCliltit and 4.eslrnblo flecks miolti utteadyl few
inmnciiea of common mitnk mmlii 101120c
lower ; Into salt's : SprIng haiuil , , $5.)0ii' ) '
r.f0 ; yenriltmgs , $ I.7&I5,40 : native mnuttons ,
$ l.200j4,0 ; Texans , $3.Tf414.C5 ; Arlzormmmmm ,
$ t.00134.70 ; stockers anti feeders , $3.2MJLOO.
. ( tt _ l.ntulN'e SIOCIC ,
ST. LOUIS , 2.-'A'l'Th.l-ItcccIpts ,
100 imemmml market nomiitmti faIr to fancy
mumtt'o shuiiping nmitl 1l,0rt steers , $ I.55 *
5,10 ; bmmlk ( if smmles , $ .l.70I.00 dresseul beef
mind lumitcimer steers , $11311 i.7D ; bmmlk of sal2s
$4.301m 4.71) ; steers lImier 1,000 pommmmils , $ $ .5
4.05 ; htmlk of sales , $4 l5Gm4.70 stockers nun
feeders , $3.St,8H2fl ; bmmlhc of soles , $3.5&4.25 ;
Comm's and iieit"ermi , $2.tK'Ol 1,65 ; btmlk of
$2.S5'P3.75 ; Texas nmim lfltllmiim steers , $3.45t' '
4.23 : ( ( mmm's nmmil helfers. $ Z.S03.75 ,
lIOGS-ltccelptmu , 2,300 lmerui ; market a
sliauln stronger' yorkers , $3.Gdim3.0 ; packers ,
$3 rMl.1.5 ; htmtchermi , $3.70i3.8 : ; .
Shl EEI'-Iti'eclptmi , 100 head ; marlwt
steady ; mmmttl\'e mnuttonmu , $ .i.TM:4.5 ; lmtmnbmi ,
$ i.500i0lO ; cumlimi and imuekmm , $1.i5'fj43 ; mitock-
crc , $3.l0'z4.25.
Ciihi'ttti , , Il ( . St.t'tc , ,
CIIICAGO , Jimly 2.-i IOGS-Estlniatetl rEm-
CCihtM ttallm3 , ' , 15,000 ummaml ; left over 5,360 heath.
Mmmrket stemmuly to Sc lower ; light bogs ,
$3.65m113.75 ; mIxed , $ .i.655j'3.S0 ; heavy , $3.601J )
3.80 ; rnmmgim. $3.fO'113,70.
( 'AT'I'LE-lteceiptmi , ' 400 head. Market
mitE flu ) ' .
lOT I iEI'-Receiptmi. 4.000 iiemnl. Market ilmmll.
wumik ' mmmi tI'euu , $3.2Si4O0 ; wemutermms , $ I.O0I& )
4.8.5 ; Immmnbs , $400110.75.
Ytstcrdmmy'mm olilcIal : Flogs , recelhlts. 2i.22 ( '
Imenml ; simImmmmemits , 1,355 heath. Cattle , re-
Ct'ilts , 4,771 Imemid ; mthllmmnc.mmts , 2.2)1' Imemmil.
SIlcep , receipts , 15,525 Imemul ; i4imilmnetmts , 1,054
Emutlmatcil rcceipts bf hogs Ttmeadny , 25,000
imemu ml.
Stit'lc I mu Slixlm I.
Itecormi of receipts of him e stock at the
foum priuiicpmmi markets for Jmmly 2 :
Cmmttle. I Iog . . Sheep.
Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,173 6,4'4 ' ; 511
ChIcago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 15,001) 4,000
Nmtumsm City . . . . . . . . . . . 320 4,500 18
St. LouIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOU 2,300 100
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1S5.'l 2S,261 4,620
CAME 'It ) W't'I'CIt 'I'lItlV.Ul ,
(3llmuiimsts of hut' i"ui..lgm . % lmiehies
i'itit tim1mmvutihiuii . % m'mmmy.
TIme foreigmi military attoelmes ivhmo accom-
paimleil tIme Umuited States amamy to Cuba are
aim Immtorcsting gromip of macmm , mmot so imimmehi
for their tmmmhtvlmimmallt ) ' , wimicim Is not ummarked ,
as for what they reprcscmmt. It is consid-
cred noticeable U ) ' time arumuy otlicems timat
110110 of these torelgimers Is of high rummmk.
, \ it1m OmW cxceptioim , tIme ) ' lit-C of mimimmor sta-
tiens 1mm theIr o'n mmm'uimhes , mmltlmougim ProbablY
above the general muvemage in immttiligeucc ammd
power of observatIon.
Timis glomil ) of foreigmmcrs 1mm oIctum'esqmle
mmmilformmis , at a less for sometlmimmg to (10 , was'
nIl ever-presemmt fcatmmre of time lolmb > ' of time
Tammmpa flay Imotel for several mvceks before
tIme arimmy emnbarkeml for Cubum , wm'Ites a cor-
rcspommdeiit of time Rnisas City Star. The
Uni teml States govcmnmnelmt fmmrmiislmed each of
timu.'mmm with a samidlo horse and a mnemmmmtetl
soldier ntteimdmmmmt or 'mitriker. " Tiuc ) ' imerdc,1
togctimem lii time lintel mind rode aniohmg time
camuips several iiommrs cmmim mlay.
Time chIef milfllcmmlty tlme' seemncml to imavc
was 1mm accomnimmodatlng their strict nmiiitmry :
etIquette to time rather loose , frec-mmitl-easy :
style of ommr owmm cilleers. A mmicetlmig lmctm"cen
a forcigmm and a United 1tats , oiileer time first
tlmmic gemmemally rcsmmltcml lii somime commfmmmmiomi
amid entharrmssmmmemmt 1mm tIme imiatter of salmmle ,
but was imsimall ) ' comnpromseml by an dm1-
fumslm harmed imamidmihmako.
iliglmest. 1mm mulE of these m'tttuCimcs is Major
General Thauiomv , smmrgeomm ' gemmemal of time
Norwegian aria ) ' . lie Is a imlg , 11mw' , rudmly
looking old fellow , m'imo stmmmtia ImigIm in time
ostlmmmatiomi of imis commmmtr3' .
Gerniammy is represented by Coimmit 'on
Goetoen , a hieutemisnt omm tiuty witim tile Cifl-
bmssy : \Vaclmimmgton. . 'i'hc commut Is a tall ,
tlmimm , wlry-loelcimmg iuimllvilmmnl with a atm ag-
ghlng beard , wimleim lie att.L'mflhits to trini Into
a Vmmmm Dylce. lie enterd tIme army fourteen
years ago as a private and is tiiorouglmiy
acquaInted with all tlmlmmgs mulhitory , aumil
c51)cclally wIth time muatter of equlpmncmmt. lie
conic \VaslmImigtea 1mm 1S86 anti married an
Ammierican womuian. '
1mm 1603 ( 'oummut vomu Goet'iemi , accomapammicul
ii' 025 natIves , mmmdc an expiorlmmg trip across
Africa , discovered a lake or two ammd a vol-
cano. lie is time only s'hmite maim mviio has
followed certalmm P0htIOflS of Stanley's trail.
lie reauhed the comst : after mommy iiardshlp
amimi later losIng half of his mmmcmi in skir-
mnislmes witlm time trIbes.
The mr.ost interesting of nil the rmttacimcs Is
time little Japanese soimhler , Major Shiba , of
time Japumimemie artillery. lie has been In tills
coummtry before , speaks Emugllslm iimmeumtly anti
Is mmdl edmmcateml. lie was for mmommue timiuc
mvItlm timcm Japanese iegatiomm \Vasiuingtomm. .
Captain Ablhiigaartl represents time royal
navy auth armn' of Sweden ammmi Norway. lie
Is on time staff of time tanmomms Normm'egtamm geim-
oral , L'Oramige , amid is nu.aklng a IiartictlIumr
sttmdy of tIme mobilIzation of voluumtcers.
Captain 4. \'estcr represents time Swedish
imifantry amid Captain T. 11001cr time mmmval : amid
mIlitary attache \\'asimhmigton , the Austro-
himmuigarian forces. lie is a llemmtemuant Iii the
Russia Is represented by Colonel Yermmuo-
IoU , smhmose iiggy m roummems utah tug calm
largely to time golly of natives In a tropical
ciimmmato. CaptaIn Artimur Ii. Lee of the
Itoyal artIllery represents tile Emmgllsim army
amid is a clever. bright yommng officer , wimo
imas mimafic iminuself vem y vovmmlar wltii thai aol-
tilers of time Uuitted.
Thmis list mommhl mint hue complete wltimout
a mmmemutlomu of Captain 1'mget : of tile royal
BrItish mimvy : , wimo , vlmile not eommcermmetl wIth
ariny mmttcrs : , Is rmmakiumg a report omm smmbsl-
thizeti vessels sucim as tlmls govermmmmiemmt is
11(1 .v mmsumug Io trLmnsl orts. 'lime caltllmin is
Imilmltable. lie Is tall amimi ehmlerly , a short
gray beard , not mmdl trlmmumimed , lcmigtlmemus the
effect of Imla mmatmraihy 101mg face. Ills valet
Is kept busy premarlumg tmnifomumms for differ-
emit imommrs of time day , but mmeglects to tIara
time captaimi's socks , Omi occasions whmemm a
vlmIto goiml-lacemi Etomu jmmclcvt , mvimltc duck
trommsers , mimomteimem1 iiy mnauy laumumhcrlmugs ,
aul lois' patent leatlmer simocs are miii rhgctmr
I accirtltmmg to the calitahhl'fu mucittithimle , time et-
feet of the soeics'Is at times starthimmg.
lImit It is imis mmmunoele that tmmselmmntes. Ills
emmso of muummnlpulatioum Is superb. 'FIme glass
rests mmmmiher lila uiualmy eyebrow apparently
wIthout auy effort omm he hart of the cau-
tam , ivhmtle imo carrlems. or a commvcrmsatinmm
withm a heshtatiimg and' lualmmfull mlrmuvi. A
coumvmmluloum of time forehead oath time glass Is
gone. TIme temmulmtatlun.t9 hpck for It omm thu
hoer is humiposalblo to overeommue , bmmt IL hums
mllL fahieum , ( or It dammgietm at time cmiii of a
strlmig. Time effect macuncle upon
sommmt ) of Teddy's terrors has been trcnienti-
Otis. limit after all tiii'TmptaImu ! Is a good
old m'otml and socIal 1mm ills' 'v mty amImi. what Is
more , hum knows imla busimmess-somc'tlmiimg
m'hIeim comm be saul of th&ly all lmer lirltlsh
amajesty's mmaval olllcero.
All of thmeso attacliesl are inumnencely Interested -
terested 1mm time mm'ar "betmyeemm time UnIted
States mmml Spain amid.1 4o _ dommbt time ) ' see
immmmmmy crmmdltics 1mm tIme aletime(1s of mm youimg
nation going to mvam' Amml 'ummammy intercstimmg
reports of time Ireceelii5 will bmi made to
forelgim goverimaments whmemi time war Is over.
'limo attmmchmes are mion-commlbatants ammd pro-
teemed by ituicroatlomial law , 'fimey are all
mmcli taken care of mmmmd timoy consider their
lines are cast 1mm plea8ant places. Anmommg
themselves time Japanese soldier Is commsuti-
ereti the most imuteru'stIog , ( or Europe mmoiv
takes JullIami into eommslmlcmattomm In all Its
castermm affairs. lie receives umimmcim uttemi-
tiomi as time represeimtmmtive of a powerful ,
but. largely unkmmown , factor.
\'imemi asked vimut Ito timOmlghlt was the
m trommgcst POImit In tIme UmmIttnl Stmmtes armmuy
lie soul : "Its entimusiamummm , Its mvoimdertui. it
m'Iii redeem muuaimy imlIstakes anti atone for
mmiany faults. It will make the United
States Irrcslstmibhy stmecesful. "
hlmu h"uis * 'l'Ii I rigs Go.
A. mmumtimcmmmaticlan imas coummmuiled time tel-
lowlumg list of speeds mm muecomuth : Thie * miuIl ,
one-hmalt' Inch : a moami mvmmlklng , 4 feet ; a fast
rutmmmer , 23 ( eet ; a thy , 24 feet ; fast skater ,
38 eet ; cart-Icr Ieon , 57 feet ; l960muQ.
. _ - _ OF OMAHA. . -
arin , Orendorff
' & Martin Co
J obbcrs of Farm Machincry.
Waon. amid BuggiEl Cot. tth amid JoDeL
1b Moldings.
Mlrrorv , Fratrmev , BackIng anm .ArtlEe
Drake , WiIsot
& Wdiarns
Sumcemsors Vi'hlsumm Irimic.
7.tauummfncttmrvrmi hollers uiiiukt' sticks and
breeclmlmigs , prcsstmre , rcmitlerlmig , Shmeelu . mhili ,
In ru ii lmmhmmt ( or t a nkmm , huh I cc I imhlm.m4 ( ' ( lit-
m4tOlit I y emu ha mm ii , seconil Immu mmd hioll em's
luumlgii t mm mmd sol ul S meci mm I mu imil p romupt to
repairs Ium city or coummtry. 10th mind Pierce.
: i rnerica am1
fi Sewed Shoe Co
ili'f'rs Jobbe's of Fool l'J'ear
cxs1EltN AflEs1 rout
The Joseph Banigan Bu'oborOo.
Rubber,5 &nd M&ickititoshes.
I 107 hIovmmrd St. , Oi'sth1A
o ; ; ! ! &Co
BOO/SJ Slices and Rvbbers
S&leem'ooms l1O2-llOf.umcc liarnsy Btr..t
\Af.v1 \ t1
Bools , S/ues. , Rubbers ,
\\'l1OIASALE. .
0111cm antI Salesroom 1119-21-23 howard St
ar8s ma ag
lmaporters amid Mrmmufactmmreri
6 rz - IS 5'jf/j. ri//i St'eet
Te ner
Thiry Oo.
tirower. ammd mminufactlrtirs Of till foum. of
Chicory Ommmahia-Frernonm-O'Neil.
. , .
ls.iiorlcr acid , Tob ip'
C'oeieer ; ' . Chin v , Glassware ,
Oliver Plated Ware. Looking Glasses. Cha-
delIct-a , Lamnpr , Chimniys. Cutlery , ste ,
1-110 F'AlX.tL 81' .
ChEAiutidY U11'LIm..S
Creaneri' jl'Jar/iiicrj ,
an'l Smmpplles.
BoIlers , Engines , Feed Cookers. Wood Pul.
leys. ShaftIng , hieitlnm , lJuttcr Pack-
acs of all kinds.
901.909 Jones Si. - - - - - -
DRY G00D3.
IyUt sm&
Importers LimO Joimbers of
Dry Goods , G'tnij
ttvc-slxty immlles 011 lmoumr SS feet ; muv.'nl-
lou's , 220 beet ; time worst cyclommmm knowml ,
380 feet ; time Krakatoa wuvc-it the vol.
I enimic catastropime of Augumat 27 , 180I , III time
t3mmmmila. Islands-li tO feet ; time summf'.e of time
glolme ( In miCfl lrel at time equator , 1,500
fce't ; time mumnoim , 3,250 feet ; lime Mmmi ,
mmiiicmu ; time earm'.m , 18 mmmlii's ; halley's cmlmmmct
In time perihelion. 235 mmmlirs ; electric cur-
rommt cmi telegraph is icc's , 7,000 ummil 'mm ; In-
thmmctlomm current , 11,040 mulIrs ; electric current -
rent Iii copper wire armuimutmmmes. 21 .300 mIles ;
light. 18(1,000 ( tidIes ; ttlsclmargo 1mb t leydemm
jar tlmrommgim cojulmer wire one-mtlxtcemmth Cf
amm immeim tim , limmmmmctcr , iiimmu mmmmhcs , wmumcmm
Is soul to have beclm thu hIghest clocity
TO EI'it. ) ( l3 Sit 11111' l'l1liI1lG.
t'uiioruito As'tu.elmitluiii Orgmimiiia'.l to
Ouurnte Iii S'cmui Stmmtt's ,
liN\'Eht. July 3.-Speelai.-Fronm ( ) all
over time state comes stguma of aim cx-
traomdlnary Immtereat Iii the simeclm himisineas
nail It seemmis probable thimt : time lrmtlmmstry will
becomne greater tilamu It Imas ever iieemm before.
heretofore time sheep fcetlimmg Iimilmmstry has
been commflmmycl principally to time nortimermu
part of the state , aromunml Greciey mmd Fort
CoilImms , anti time simeep feeders 1mm tlmat scctiomm
hntve been very prosoecomla uithiIilg time Inst
I fIve or six yeats.Vhmhlo timla hiudumutry has
becim Comliiileil (0 OtIC sectiomm ( if tue state. It
: has , nevertimless , given time state a itromnIn-
euco ammmolmg the stoekmuen and acking
I imtu3s of time country.
I At time large eastern nmarluets Colorado
fatteneml lammubs base beemm time preferred
tock , and have , since they lmave been a
factor omm tIme umarket , brought decimicilly
, imigimer lit-Ices thou time launl'ut fattemiemi in
otimer miectious of ilium cumntry. Somimo of
time lIrolmuet of timeso teeth imcmua hmave found
. theIr mvu ) ' to England amid there are imrlgimt
lmrotiucts thmmit mi conumnerclai buslmmemma In
lmmunb will sprlag up between time United
States atmd England that will tme an un-
Imortaimt omme.
Altimougim the i'ort Collins milatrict lmas
already galneml the distinction of liehmmg time
best lamb feedlumg miuttr1et 1mm time coummtry ,
otimer ( llstriCts are rapIdly coming to the
front and the feeders are doing everythIng
L to advance the linportaute of the
dson Drug Co.
9O2'9O6 Jcksou St.
7. 0. ItiCliAl1DSON , Preit. .
0. L' . WELLIit. V. rrsst ,
T" Mereer
ChernicI Co
avpr. 'tais2 ant I',4thcmI Pr.psra -
4onI. . j'seaI Formular i'rep.uuetL to
Ormi.r 'imct lou' Ctialote.
Laboratorr , 1(11 hiowar1 St. , Omibo. .
C.E.Bruce& Co.
. _
Druggfrfs and Sfa1lonrs ,
"Queen I3ee' SpecIaltItu ,
Chrarti. Wimatm intl llrmmrmdte.
oraem' tOtli and Ihitrimey trtetU.
\kJestern \ Eetdca1
Elce/rical Sit /blies.
Elcctm'ioViuinir Bells rtiid ( ins Lghtitmg
(1 2tlgr. uiowaril lIt.
1AI EIer
vv Sppy Co
1.rN Fm'oam ni ,
B &
Commission Merchants.
8 , V. Corser ith Rod lEeward Ste.
Ijembems of the l'atmcnsh Luue of (2ommulu.
elost 31rchmamit. cf ( Ito Coiled State. ,
G RO CE 11 f E .3.
; ;
' , -ww.w
18th a mid Lmtvciiw'om'tii : St.
Stab/e and Fauy Groceris1
t AD COrbEL ROSIti13 , Etc.
Iv1 & apke ,
who I. ESALR
I Tea. . Sp'cee. Tobacce am' Clgi.
I 1103-1447 Ilarrmey Sre.
axto arn
aghcr Co
1111V0 It'i'Emt 8 ,
Anti JOLIUlO GttOCEfl ,
? .lephon. 112.
_ _ _
jii &Co.
S .11' ! ' , ' .
114 IIN'JC't ; , SA 1)1)1. ' AND COLLA fl
Jobbers of I.eimtler , Mz.l.lfrry Jlardcmmra , .Efte.
We molicIt 3'omlr orders 1315 llowmtrd St.
& ! iIhrny Co
Wholesale hardware ,
Oniaha ,
L oe4ark ! IAnreesen
iardwar Co
Wholesalt' Hardware.
Bicycle. .amd Sportini toda. 121U-l.2 flu-
oIly Street ,
district In wimiclm they live niul at tim , ' samne
ttnue Increase timeir ImmdIm'mtlmmal limminess.
l'm-omim time eastc'rmm miiope of thme state imave
conic reports wlmicim wore smmrimrislmuk , mmii very
few ) eople recognized tIme importummuce of timla
section tis a feeding commmutry.
For tIme last two ur timmetu years lammuii feed-
lumg hums bcemm vlelng witim unelomm rmmlslmmg for
time mtmmpremmmacy In time Arkammsaa valley , amid
imotlm Indmmstrles have timrlvcmi wommuierfully.
Time imiciorms mire recogimlzed all over the
coummtry aimfi imomv time Humetip ummemm of time val-
Icy lmuvo hmaumu1e1 tlmeimiselves togetimer for thme
mmrose of mmmnkimmg time morlml recogimize tlmemmu
mIs promltmcers of lit-st-chess iuumittomm. C.V. .
Swink , state mit'mmator ( rota that district , was
Immstrmmiuiemmal ( 1mm tormmmlng time uoelomi growers'
assocIation , ammml now imo Is lemmdiimg time move-
mimemlt for time orgamulzation of time mmimec'p
1mm time artIcles of Incorporation it 11 stated
that the mmsmiochmition I'm formmmemi for time sole
immterent of pronmotiimg time mvcltare of time
commimuelty and not for p.crsonmil profit , and
for timis reason 110 capItal stock Is stated.
Time iimcorpnrntors cmiii dIrectors of time now
ammsociatiomu are Imuimomlg time best kilowim rrmemu
in time /trkmmmmsas m'alley.
'lime mlhrectoru s ho lmmmvti beea elmosen to act
( or time 11r3t year mmmc G. W. Sviimk , J. j.
Cooper , M. Z. Fat-well , W. A. Colt , W. N.
lianmlahi , ii. C. Roberts and A. J. iioteli , mmii
Iiroumulimemmt shmcli macmm. It Is stated him time
incorporat1omu oaimera that time astoelatlon
will operate In Pueblo , Otc'ro , Bent. and
I'omm'ermm commntcs ! 1mm Cuhoramho amid in time
stumtcs of Colorado , Icammsas , MIssouri , 1111.
noim ( , Utumim zmmm.l time territory of New MexIco ,
with thmo lriflelPal ollicu of time commmjmammy at
ltocky ForuI , Cob. , wimere amm mmummmmimml meeting
mviii bo imeimh , 'I'imo field 1mm willcim the mmcmv
asmmoclmmtlomm states It will operate Is wide
emmouglm lit scolmo to allow rt'prtmmemutmmiivcs of
tiio coumipany to go Into time simelm brecmliilg
mllatricts of the couumtry to buy ) 'otmmmg laumubms
before tile ) ' are fatteimed ammO also to go Immto
time section of time coummtry imimero time large
immarkets are located ammd where time fattened
itroduct of the valley camm he disposed of to
time best advantage.
Lhurimry Ntit.- , .
In July utb ; time Ladjes' 110020
- _
\/aItor \ Moise & Co
s'lloi.lAI.I. : ;
Proritletor. of AMm'hhtC. : ( 'IGAIt AN ! . ) Ot.ASS. '
114-fIG Soutim 14th St. '
_ ,
Liquors and Cigrs.
Ills 'amaaiu Street.
IcrsEage Iin
Jiasi India Bitter :
Doldin She. ? Fur , Ill. and Bourbon WbIlk.7.
Willow Spr'tmg. 1)i.ttllta' , lIar & C. , 111)
liatasy Street
) ohnioeiiiii
, . . .
Wt'n's , Liquors aitd Ciqars.
4U-41t B. Uthi Otr..t.
hkaoLmer Co.
iUM.BEP. . . .
814 South 14th St.
_ ! . .
k.J-- - -
- - t
: . A. Mtfet. 1st'ic I'ren. L. .1. Drake , aen Mar
. . - . .
Gmmrollne , Ttmrpt' , . & .xle Grease , 1te.
Onmaima lirancim niml , , gu'ncies , John II. ItUtm ) MgI.
hrPaiar Ca.
Printiiz Pa/icr ,
rvra,5/'iiz Pape ; Stationery.
orimer 12th tail llowtrd etreet. .
Crane"hurhII Co
101.1-1016 iouglmiq Stroot.
Manufacturers and lobber. of Steam , Ga. tal
WaterSupplies of AL ! Kinds.
U3L States
Siippy o . .
zo8-izro fiarneb' St.
Steam Pumnpme , Engines and Boilers , Php
Wind Ztillis , Steam and l'iuamblng
MaterIal , 1l'ilo ( , hose , Etc.
- - - - - . . . - - . - _ _ -
G reWostern
fyp Foundry
Superior Coppes MIxed 'Fyp. ( ths but or .
th. maket.
lila Ihow&rti Street.
Stranger's in Omaha
Are invited
To inspect
The Bee Building.
The most complete
Newspaper plant
In the West ,
'l'clepliummc I 039. Ommmnlma , Neb
ImfiAlhl ) ( ) ih 'rHAlumi ,
DIrert wire. to cmimcen snm New York ,
Corrsspondcni.m John . . % Varrtn & Co.
TEI.Iii'JlNii iiu8 ,
H. P. PINNEY 6 CO. .
fluuiuui 1 , N. V. Li ft. lIIilg , , ( ) iimmilmui , l'rh , _
, ,
1)1 rt-ot % 'hi.'s N.'mm' ' , , rh , ( 'Iiii'mmgo uimith
Vt.stcr , , ( , mm tm.
Jourmmal Mrs. liurer simowmt imow vouimcmm may
be stout or timimm mut mvhhi. ' 1'Iml liemitut time
mloc'tors ,
\'hilo time immultjsamulemmt Is In time cba.ting
busimicmts mmmi hectimmmes of uumagmtzirme lze ant. !
timhckmmess time lIt-ICC in I cuhuceml.
Dr. Nmurmsemm cmmmm mmffoid to dabble Ia Arctic
exitioratiomi cmmterjtrlaemu. lie Is mmaiml to imavo
mmmdc $100,000 frommm imis book.
Gilbert l'arkt'r humus recelveul time degree
( If Li. C. I. ( room Trinity ummbversity , Torouutn.
I I ii imns mu so ixa'mm mmmuml o mitt hmoumorary mum emmmlier
of time ltoyiml Siicl.cty of C'mmummimla.
'i'imu ( , ' lmoistommt , literature rmlniming ttmrouglm
time iimagumzlnemt is refremmimlumg mmml far fromum
lnommotonoumm : 'rimere were mmmaumy sluice to the
Carl Schiumrz , who imas retIred froimu time ma
cthitorlal iagu of llarltcr'e Weekly is now
emigmigcul uperm a hook ( if immemnoirum.
Mr. Qumurltcim says timat Ghmitistommo pur-
chmmised imimumself ( ummie 35,000 books. A great I .
( iuummtity of vohtlmmmea were ircsemmteml to imim ,
time first of these beimmg time copy of 1 Iarmrmmmhm
More's 'Stmcrtil lraimmas , " wimichi time old
lady gave hmIumm wimcim umimo it cimllmi lii
btIeimmrti Maimeliehul imas secured from tInt
Scrhimmmers thmo exclusIve rigimtmu , Iii thmlmt comuum-
try , for the draimmatismithon of Stevcnsou'ma
' b't. Ives. "
Get a map of CUba anti ge LimO beat mmiii )
roost commmplete. 'limo flee's conmbliuatlomj ma
of Ctmba , tbe S'eat limmiles and of the world.
WIth mm lieu immup coupon , on page 2 , 10
cefltb , at lIce Othice , Omm'Lmmm , Soutim Omaha or
Council Bluffs. liy mall , 14 ceatg. Addres
Cuba.a MUD Department.