- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ -N - - - ----y--- , - - - - - - - - . - - - - . - : - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - : . - _ - - - . - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - ! t T1t ] O M A1IA DAILY 1UE : MO11)AY , Tt1rY 4. 1898. I _ _ - _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - - : - - - . - - - - - - _ - - _ - - - - TI NEWS OFINTEREST FROM IOWA ---i > ' , COUNCIL BLUFFS. ' - _ ENOIL fluwctRcr beer. ltoenfild. , T'l. 23. , . 'Try Moore's tlcnth to lice antI mites. MIs ; Helen Spies is visiting trlend in I 8ioti City. . M1RS Ethel IvnnB of Omaha Is the g1est _ _ _ _ _ _ of Mrs. 3. It. Iteed. - 'Wnnted-Laet e0itlon of Council 131t1T3 ? city iircctor. Apiiy t flea office. : Colonel 11. C' . flee1ee 1i entertaining hiS ' fletihew , Frank Masher of ew York. ; i Mri. C. Mitchell of Dunlap. In. , is vIsit- , lug her brother. J. W. iunimerflelL . Miss ! .1d fegerwootI of CreRton , Ta. , I vlNItItig her mother , Mrs. S. Ledgerwood. EX.Ieitlty Utilteti Stntw .Marslini V. W. Eller of Atlantic was in the city ycst'rday. Mrs. Mantis and dau1iter of 1)ei Moines * flre the guests of Mrs. liensore of 707 Iirst avenue Mrs. G. F. Cninp Is enjoying a visit from . ber sister , Miss AdlIe Jeffers of Ielavan Lake.S'IR. . Dr. Maderis nnil wife of Kansas City are ijt th guests of their cousins. 11r. and Mrs. I A. ta. Payne. II. hang or Keg Creek tornship lies re porteil to the police the theft of a horse . from his 1)18cc. CflItflIfl ) Lee II. rousins. r1fe 80(1 (1aug11- ( ter left ycsterlay for Nebraska City on a t3IlOrt visit to Mrs. CnIwahiaIer. Victor I. fleuiuler tIns gone to ( .nIesturg , III , to SICI(1 , ! ( the Fourth with his taunliy , Who are visiting relatives there. Louis C. Curtis left Satturtlay for Minno- tlota , vhero he viIi spu'nul the ruinninder of the suuunuier visiting relatives aln(1 ( fricululs. flev. henry 1)eLong ) v1I1 attend a Stinday school 1)ie'Ic ) today at TownHviile nt which : lIe hits 13CC ! ) iuivItcil to tlcllver an nqIIress. hi.V. . Fitch of lnthianniuohls , ItitI. , ' .VflS thue gtlcst yeuuterIny ( of C. II. Juitison. Mr. Fitch - tll(1 ( Mr. Juilsun were schlootlnatc'H bark 1 VktbL. ( curge A. Sharp ahuil Alice b. Keilcy , both of l'annnin. 1t. : . were tnarrlt'cl ystertlay IluorIling by Itcv. Ilcuiry 1)eLong at Ills res- Idence. St. Alhaui'a hedge , No. 17 , lCnlgiits ot Pythulas , vIIi flltet in regular seioii to- . , iulgitt tiiuI nil inenuluers are reutuesteit to be present. 1)rni't ) thirilc It untist be a prttt r good Iaunhry ) that can vleaao SO fllttfl hitlu1ruahs of custoniersVehtthiats tue Eaghe , ' 724 Broadway. 'I'IIC freight offices of the differcut rail- , ? OLtdS in Council hhiu1fi will he closed today 8(1)1 ) the ruuIloyeuu niTorcied an optioltunlty to ce1eirate tlie Fourth. t , . Tli fIIC ! nIIII forfeitures iii the police :1. : Cot ) rt for thit' 1)1(1 0 thi of .1 u ne alnotu 0 t eti to - . $4O , being 257 more tilitul thiC correspondIng - , . Ing Ifloflthl for the previous ycztr. Sal \VcliuIitrg coIluilnhllc'd to thin police yesterlay ( that a sneak thief 111(11 ( approprl- atcI ) 8. tWeCl ( CCitt frouiu elf a dunuiny in front of huts atore oIl hirooliway. Shortly before daybreak yesterday morn- - ilt ! [ liP 1)011cc ) 1111iVuI ( a dive CI ) flroailvay near Fifteenth street aliul arrested tiiiee ( VUHICI ) niuti tWo HIU. alt colored. C. 11. Veek of Ollunita called nt I lie police Station yesterilny afternoon aiiih left tile : ! (1ccriiItiouu ( It hils wheel. vluich hitlil beeii I stolen frolli the llerchuantl National bank there. ( ! Mrs. Ella S. Mahie , wife of J. L. Mabie , 322 Aveziuc F , ( ile(1 ( yesterlay ( evenluig of I IcrltouIitis , ageti 313 years. Tile fllerah ( vil1 ; lie iiehtl tomorrow morning at 10:30 : o'clock from the residence i1uii hlIterIncult will be In Fairview ccnn'tery. Clizurics C. Smith 1(0(1 ( Henry ShevcsIer terminnieti a Saturlay ( night spree ty ci eating - ating 1 * ( ltsturhallce about 6 o'clock yesterday - day tnornluui On Broadway aIli 1811(100 ( in ( Lll. 'I'tit' , ' gave bonds for their appearance in pol lee court this uiioriuing. The opeuiluig of the harry Semouis Ex- trltvagauza ceinpaiuy at the 1)ohuuuuy theater Illat evening sas greeted with a fair-sized atidience. The t'utertaiuinent was a sue- CCSS1I ) of SPCC1flhtY acts. Tue trapeze per- forinanee by the Mturetta siaters 1111(1 thio feats of I.yflV.OOI , tile contortionblt , vcre cslit'Ciahly good. lice Bradley , the youngest 500 of ex- Utulted States Marshal Frank P. liraIley , Is hti4h 1I ) with a batihy burileti face as tile result of a Premature Fourth of July erie- bratlon , The young lad accidentally ( hroiIel ) ( a lighted iiiatch into a can of gunpowder from s'hich ho was lob41lng a toy cannon. Ie was serlotisly burned about tIle face anti eyes. A number of Parties who have as yet Ilot l paul their poll tax are conlpialning bcatls ( t I'd ! Tax Collector Ailwood has itent tiler flotiCS on lOStIII ) cards. They ChIll ) ) till. Ahiwotid with violatluug tile postal havs by - sending 511(11 llOtlCCH Oil postal curtis anti 1101110 have threatened to mv tile matter before - , fore the United States authorities. but no I stieiu action lms been taken Its yet. The city officials say the action of the 1)011 tax celL - L hector is not In s'i6llltion of tile go'erililleut postal lfl'Vs. i C. 13. Viavi Co. , follIcle remedy coilstlhtit- tk tion free. Office hours. 9 to 12 and 2 to ii. : i Health book ftirnishued. 32G-327-'J28 Mer- j jiam block. N. Y. PilumlillIg Company. Tel , 250. U you want to enjoy life on the Fourth - take In Manawa. _ _ _ _ _ _ - - ( _ su is II liMit Iii ltoMCauglut. Fred \'llson anti Frank MarsillIll , living at Ninth street 81111 Twelfth avenue , and lviii hilinc , living at 716 Ninth a'CIltle , Were arrested shortly lIfter 3 o'clock yesterday - day inoruuilIg for disturbing tue ieace 1(11(1 1 liuuing obscene itllgiagc % , The three , wile . nrc but mere boys , were with other ItlIls sattkilug a Ilight of IL on SOlItli Mclii street : itntl were 'iglrOtiSly rusiliuig the can s'ilcuI p. tilt ) POii'e ( htlterfl'reti'hle1l tile otihcera ar- ' ilved on tite Sceile tile lads broke anti ran I nod several 11)8(10 ( good their escape. John ' O'Neill , 0110 of the gang. living at G21 . trwelftlu avenu ( ' , watt arrested hater. itesl. ( lents In tile uit'ihuiuoriuo'ut1 hlIte rt'ceuitly CouiIilitiuIi'tl ) to tile poiico libOtIt tilt ) % U ) ' the . young fellows carry on on South Main street neurly every night In tile week 1111(1 Ciliof 1iiiuy 111(5 giVell orders that it be at opped. A I I t lie boys stucceedeil I n gl v I tug 111111 for their appearance in 11011cc court . tills morning. Herbert KirkilitId hIlls IllurchIasetI a League bicycle from Cole & Cole. 1.181) of Cuba.'est mules anti tile World I it Tbo lieu oiiice , lOc ( 'Itch ) . I terieu for lt'uf : luit's , Thu evening sericea at St. l'aul's Fpisco- pat church yesterday were arrangeil for tile ' - SPeCiltI beneitt of tile deaf mutes , of whlom tltero was a large number Present. Rev. A. : w. Mltiln of Cleveland , 0. , general IllIsbion- : Lr ) ' to deaf iulUtS 1111(1 wilD Is himself sliii- hltrly aillictedvas Present. Mr. MIIIIII's serI - UOll , wiuicb 1111(1 broIl PrcPare' iii Illanu- I script , Vt (15 rend to the congregation by the rector , Rev. Ii. I' . Mclonaitl , Willie Mr. ] IaIltl delivered It In tile sign laulgtlllgu to . the ( bItt ItlUtell Present , PkIVIXC ON BIflTANT STREET Olty Councitnien Think They Sec a Way Out of Their Difficulty. SUARE OF COUNTY ROAD FUND TO SERVE G.tierni , ' ' Clt' ( ) iiiuilnit lt 'l'luit t he 2lit ) ' Ut , ' t iu' ( ' : uptii tti I iii iir. , . U ( lie Sti'ct .ti..uig the i'uhull Vrtti t ttj.t' . . One of the matters that several of the city fathers nrc naxious to itrliig Uj ) for action at the meeting of thue city council is the cc- paving of flr3ant street. Tiu block paving luas rotted until the street is full of iloles atuil is in a nearly immssable contlition. The CntlnCllnlefl vhio favor repaving it assert - sert that it is a disgrace to tile city to hlave tile Street Ofl which tile city 11811 81111 other city htuildltlgS tare in such a CoTItiltioll. Time auth titliL' again attenhilts to 11181 < C the street hIassIltIe ) II8VC been made by laying dew ) ) chIllers and giavel , but tile uuuuterial works tiowil tiltougit the rotten cetiar blocks ailti the street iii Wet weatIler becomes worse titan before tile cinders were PUt down. A large portioli of tile cost of cc- paving the street , which only CXtCllIS troll ) Broadway to W'nsiliugtnn Ilvellile , ( ltlIi ) tail OIl tile city , as the frontage of tile city prop- ert3' is ucarly 2f0 feet. 'rile city 11:111 : , Jaii 1(0)1 ) Ilati ci iottse illuve a fiontluge of 160 feet while the city owns abolIt Ihity feet frolltlng Oil tile strrct Just t'otlttl of tite creek ntiii iiftv feet north of the creek on Wiliell IIUSCUO engine 110(150 st.'ttlti. thost of the irolierty oners ore ill favor of repay- lug , iitut the oiistttc1 heretofore 1185 been the fact that tile city treasury was not in a COUlitlOll to 1)081' ) the CXIOllS ) ( ' . Tile COlt- cilfletl hto at ti pulsiling tile illai tot SRY that tile cltys POltioll of tile cost dull be taken from tilt' part of tile county 108(1 ftintl v1ttcit the courts recently titcitied should be eilCtllCti ) when 1(11(1 ( t here the city council 8110(11(1 ( ( 50 order. City AttorIleyVadsortIl IL ; Itt iresent eulgageti In irelaring a genera - era I I nI provellic II t ( iiii I na II CC to COtU ItIY I' I tii tile 110W iav , 11(1(1 Vilei ) tIlls Is COIllleted it is CXleCtCl ( that Ilu'yaiut street together with several other streets , ninolig tile iltllflber i'luig Nortlu Maui between Broadway atiti \Vnsilington aveilue , XViii be ordered repaved. As to tile mateilal with VIliCh tIlt' street will be repaved there Is a ditferenco of olti 01011 811100 g t lie con I ) ci i hId ) a lId p toperty ( ) % Ilers. Sonic favor the Des Moilles brick , Slelt a3 W88 Ilseli OIl I'CItI'i Street , WillIe others are itartial to aspilaitutn. The oh- Jectiolt l'ttisod against aspitalttim Is that it vouitl necessitate the etttablishifllcflt of a ilatit hiele in order to make tile UeCCSSflrY repairs every year , Tue paving of 0110 street with this ltIfltellLIl WOLIIII hot ) val'ratlt tile catablisilmeilt Of a itiant here , and tue city Vottii ( tiiCll Ito colllpeIleIi to go to Onlahu or elsewhere every tUne repalt's sere Ileelied. hard httiitvti 1)cs Moines brick for the top layer aitil Councii IBuffs brick for tile lower is rhiat Seems to be tile most favol'ed aliti it. is thought that these will be useti on all tile streets to be repaved tills year. Fireworks cheap. Firecrackers , 3 bunches 10 cents ; cannon cracl.crs. 1 cent cath : skyrockets - rockets , 1 cent ; roman cantlies , I cent ; ser- icflts ) , 1 cent. Fings anti ethel' thillIgs equaiiy na cheap. Klein , 112 Broadway. Fine bathltiuz at Mailava. Manawa is the ilnest pleasure re.ort In the vcst. If you are bet go to Manawa nut ! get cooled off. I'tCI t'I C h'i'S ilAt'ICINT ( ) 1.1 NI. l'.ltrvNs ( ' .1111 1111111 II ( ' ( 'iii Its I ts Sot lee lii It'gItt'I ( ii Itest'iii , , ' 'I'tt. The flgilt between the agricultural inilile- meat firuls anti tile express companies is I now back to therc it started atlil present indications are that it vliI lInt be ended tItItil tile courts tiecitie the controversy one vay or the other. Yesterday Agent Eiwehl if tile i'aclflc Express COlUflll rerei'ed . % oril from ilcaliquarters that the coiiipany ' 1111(1 receded ( rota its Position taken in Oil- Position to all the other express conlpanies anti tilIlt the former order of tile silljlper llavillg to bear the cost of tile 1-cent stunIp to be uiilxed to all express SiliptUelit receipts \Otlitl be III force again. All officer of one of tile large implement firms oil learning yesterday tilflt tue Pacific Express company ilad fallen back in line with the otiler coin- panics saltl : "That is just % 'llat we cx- pectcti anti It vill make us more ticterinined than ever to carry 011 tue ilgit.Vlieit we iearneti of tue action of tile Pacific Bxprss conpany iii reacintling its fornler order alit ! deciding to bear tile expense of the tac itself we realized that tile other comnanles Would bring tilt ! stroilgest kind of lressure to bear oil it , with tue result tilat tile Pacifle would ho WhllIICtl ) back into line , The CXPFCSS coinpaitits may alIt ! all of them probably viil reftise for the present to accelie to our ( loillanhi , svhilch we tech is both just anti legal , but wiicit they see us shipping our goods i ) ) ' freight rigilt. niong iflstcatl of by express tiieli ee think tiley will begin to veaIcll ; alit ! ho ready to conlllrornise. Thin express cOllllnUlcS ) think we cannot do our shiiiilillg ) Of 801811 articles by freigilt , but tile ) ' are mistaken. It will , of course , be au lIICOllVCllieXtCC to SOfllC extent , but I guess we can atailti it. " There % 'tls talk yestcrtlay among tilO ilii- picilleilt illCfl of bringing stilts against tile express comlianies , tit sauno as ilad been uloito in tile cast , fliltI a illeetilug of tue rep- resentativelu of the Icatling tirms wIli be liciul today to discuss the situation itntl te chic what fuurtiler aCtiOn to taice , FIii , big auth 5111811. scale 11511 ztntl fish VitilOltt SCIliCS. fresh fisil anti sitit 11511. oltl tisit itiiii young Its ) ) . In fact tito greatest iiiaee for ihsii 3'Otl ilttVe ever seen is at Sui- iiVutil'ti , tile grocer , 3 13 hlroatlvay , \\'hen tile sea-liolls ere lerforlning ) at tile circus 011(1 of the bystuntiers wanteth to know if the sliow-unait hInd borrowed that big 11511 lit Stullivatis , the grocer ? Tile show- 1111(11 uildit't kflo % % ' Suulilyflil , hot by enjoyed the Joke 00 tile teilow lust tue sanle. Tue 11111 fl tied t red lie luau scott soxiict ii I ug that 10011(91 lIke it at SllIlis'afl'S , IL WILS ijroba- biy tile big Jtlllt ) lisli lie huul seCli. Big time at Mnuiaiva the Foturti * . " I Vl'N ( ' , tiit'Ii liii it tiiiiI Nitiut' . 0. Ii. Tihbetts , editor anti Ilutlilshler of tite Itepubhican Sunbeam at I Iaullburg , Ia. . wile is visiting ill the cii ) ' , called at tize police " 1 - - - - Ir r 'We1t Shoes station yesterday to see Frank Copelanil , the Hamburg printer arrcstci Saturday night on tite charge of attempting to pick the vocket of James V'ard , a farm hand frotul Missouri Valley , with wiloin be bath bccn drinking in a saloon. Copsiand indignantly - nantly denies the chiarge of attempting to pick \Vard's Pocket anti Editor Tibbetta says the yottig tflflfl. who works for iiiun , bears a good reputation. except that once in a while he goes on a spree. Ward was himself thither the lnhltiene of drink when he maile the charge anti ( 'opelant ! asserts he was trying to get hint away from two negroes witoin lie thougitt were trying to ork bun. A I"t''e SIitti , ilundretis of people stopped to look at our display of stntuary ill oar eltow Wiuldow last week anti all were tlnnfltmotis thtit nothing has ever bcen shloa ii In Council Ititifis that call lCflt this line of goods , 'oti can ilnti the hero of Maulila tilere and other noted military hId ) besides. others of renowit 811(1 taunt ? , it etcuts notluluig to see ( Ills dieplay 811(1 ( YOU will utiCa a treat it you tail to see It. COUNCIL hiLtIl'FS 1t.1T. OIL AN ! ) Gl.ASS COMPAN' , Masonic Tenlple. Mauiava trains corliect witlt thin Olliaha motor cars auiul tue service is good. If you don't go today , go tomorrow , or you will miss sotnetlling flOe. Along with the circus thlcre were 11)1- tnertus en I ert a I 11111 CII ts I ii tile ci ty uluri II g last. week , hIlt 110(10 of gleatci' Interest thlan thifl flilllliiflOtll tiisiliny Of fresh hlsil at Stul' iivnn's , the grocer , : ; i hiroaulway , FOiL SALi-Gooa seconci-iv.nti bicycle at a b3rgnln , Call at The lou oflie , Council BiuIf. . An excellent lirograull has been arranged at Malinwa for tim Fourth. Nice iitilitlg stlIt Itt Mnulava. I ) . C. Iiltttll'l''M Iti i'liishit lion , 1) . C. fliootiier of this city , jiresi- ( leOt of tile l'ottawattanlie County liar asso- etni . elIi eli'ltrnto lila nlthi v-eonnl blitlitlay totlay fill ! the local nieuiibcra of tilt' hat' have arratigeti to tender 111111 8 liltllcllt8iY ) banquet in itonor of tilL' occa- eioll tonlorrow Ilight at the Grnntl hotel. Covets viil i.e haiti for ilfty &iinl CIII ) ' ioctti lIlellIbels ( If till' association Intro been iii- 'itcd , 'Ithi the exceiltiohl of hic' . L. I' . McDoulahui , rector of St. Paul's Eiliscopai cililrcil , 'ltit WIlielt tile gUest of the evening ills be.n so hong itlentifled. havis , tile tli'ti , iaIlit tutu glass Inn ! ) , is nlwnys ( Ill Witil thIC tilics. To verify this it is only necessary to ice ills big display of i1reorks. lie has an pni1ics illephiLy of goculs hi tiii line 1111(1 tllere is no tise to look nu'whcrc else to fintl tilcill cheaper. lavis' itriees are nlvays IlS lit' . if Ilot lower , tllali ilily competitor. For boat riding lIt ) lilaco beats Manawa. h'leuity of boats there. Ftlrflisileth l'OOlllS for rent wIth beard. 221 South SC''ctlthl street. 1)on't ) tall to see tile electrical mirage at 2tlIillUVIL 01) tite night of the Fourth. Sullivan , thy grocer , hIlls scored another big vtctory over the elusive Ilsit anti this wcck lie \ihl Ilave It illrger iilspiay of the tinny tribe than ever IlIlt ! this means a pretty big unlertaktllg. 'File oiliciah pilotographa of tilL' tJnitetl States Navy. containing over 200 Pictures of tile vesscis. Vltll their oihlcers and a num- of tile views of the ili-futeti Maine. can be had at tile Councli BilIffs office of The Bee for 25 cents fllltl a Bee Coupoll. ltlIMl'r SlI'tl fot' Stitiiiier , ious'r AYI1 , Ia. , July 3.-Speelal.-Ttcv. ( ) \V. C. Sinitil , a Methiudlt minister at Kel- tenon , has been stleti for $ ,000 damages for slander by Miss Forrcstcr Moreland , a IliC- sle teacher. The petition was flied yesterday. it alleges that tile defentlaut circulated statelneats derogatory to her ciiaracte' . Plaintiff's friends say tile derogatory state- Ilients were caused by jealoltsy , as Smith's % 'lfe Is also a nfllsic teacher. Defendant's Irlotlds say tilat tile action is being brought for revenge and that iilalntlff is being ill- liUcliCeti by liquor iiieit tllonl Smith hati as- sisteul lii prosecuting. Keihc'rton is divided into two bitter flelgilbOrhood factions. l'.i' .t I it'Ilit t It , it of .t ifeet iont. HAMPTON , ha. , July 3.-Specinl.-A ( ) p0- Cuiiar 1111(1 ratilcr sensatiottai case is docketed - eted for tile Atlgtlst tcrzn of the Franklin coUlt' court , tile lirillciPals being uartles living just liorth of this city.Viii Lu.sken- bauchi brings stilt agtiillst iris inotiier-iui-iat' , Mrs. Lillic Gootlenougii , chalniing tile 811111 of 3,000 for the alienittion of his wife's affections. ( 'Ii I I , ! F'tl I iuIl fill rued , ATLANTIC. in. , July 3-Speciai ( Tele- gratn.-Franlc ) laulscn ! , dairyman , and vife ieft titeir 8011 , Ralph , ageti 3 , asleep this lnorullug : 111111 before returning troll ) out of doors it. awoke , securctl matcltcs and set tire to its clothing. An oiuier sister discovered hIm , but tot ) late , as its flesil was roasted alIt ! tiropplulg traIn its limbs. It will die. , Fit run Nolt'N. Itia county farmers say their hay vlhl average nearly two tolls to the acre tills year. C.V. . Reynolds of Gruntly county sold to T. L. Quier of West Liberty twenty- three itetttl of yearling steers for 4G jier licail , itobert Foster of ( rtintiy county last week tlellvercd 115 heath of hogs tiltlt brought hhlil tiiti ! lCiit sum of $ l7SSI , Tile ) ' aver- egeil J44 PotIlItis each. A wintistorm lit flentoll county ( lelliol- Isiteti a 1)arit belOllgillg to i'tlihlh ) Frank aulti a log huotlse east of Mt. Aubtirn was hifteti UI ) alIt ! tiroppeti without much injury - jury , JI. P. Sitedtl of Ciierokce county has over 200 sheep utid says tue clip this year is good. lie takes a good deal of PaIlls with his liecceti 1111(1 expects to get 20 cents for his wool , Vcsicy Sititer , rcsilllulg near tue east line in l'au'e Cotlilty , olti and delivered tile fore 1)art of last week forty-eight head of line stt'ers thlltt. brougiit him the stiug still ) of i,122S' I , 1111 average of a fractioti of a cent owe" G2.33 iez' hcnti. I , . Keculail of h'lyiluiuutll CoUnty recently itolul a buileil of cattic in line condittuti , Siteeii steers in the btunehi averaged in vcigbt l,142 bouulhs ) antI tile cows aver- agu'ti 1,351 2-5 itoutnie. 'flue steers fetched $4.20 Per iiunllrei ( Lint ! tue cows $3.26. itecent furxn sales : J , McCnnimett to .1. II , Groves , 240 acres in Cileroitee CoulIty , $ SICO ; Vu' . ii. hilserot to'ahlen hlayleui , 160 acres in ilardin county , $35 ai nero ; Jell11 Alcock to ilellryVilizebcrg , 160 acres In hircmer county , $6,000 ; 11. II. Becker to 14. ii. Shifer , 160 acres in ( ] rundy county , $7,600 ; J. S. Aiibrigllt to U. l'eif , 160 acres In Gruulli ) ' county , $8,000. ltiut l'rt'ss tniiliIIt'uil , Davenport lh'lllocrat : On democratic nriui- I cipies tills congrcssioual district Is ( i'nlo- cratlc. On ilryaiulstn ) ileil that Is Placed at tito front thit' district Is aealnst it. les Molules itegister : Three Parties will ( tiso in Neiiraska lii mu attenIpt to dcfet 1110 rcpubhinns. If we reulietuber rightly titoy trietl that sauiio game lii Oregon. Tia resuit till be the sanie in Nebrnska. Muscntlno Journal : Ill tile list of dde- gates to the republican state convention front Iluinbohilt county appears tile name oft. . Id. Atlatits. t'ihltoi' of tile InthehleildeIlt , wIle V. Its It theunocratic liatler in his county Ulltll the free silver wing got control of It in ISOG. There are others like him. Sioux City Journei : Comnlliendation of Iotva coitilecs Is acciitetl slitil coniplacency in this state 110W. so coliliulon ilas It becolile. but nevertllcless It Is pieatant to reati In tile Outlook trout no hess careful an oh- server than ( leorge Kecnan tiictt the Iowa troo"s at Jacksonville arc flilloOg the beet tttUtpiCd regiments In that camp , , - - - - - - - POliTICS IN iov ISTR1CTS Congressional Contests Shaping Thcmelves in the Hawkeye tatp. : - , , ( , ) SOME OF THE NOMINA1IONS MADE Ii % . ( . Itelilihul It'it II ( 'nniiiintcs Nuttiitl li .t'I'lltlIIlttkil"i'tiMIOhliMtt ( SiUtV Ahuauuit Oett tog Sttrtcd.-ite- ccitt Chittilges lit S I tutu 11111. DES MOINES , July 3.-Speciai.-Tllc ( ) Political atinospbere In Iowa as relateti to tue congressiouial contests has beeut greatly cleared by tile conventions that have nireatly itcen belt ! , although titeru is still great coti- fusion In to or three districts. Five ro- puhiican cantiithates have niroatly been noun- mated by acclamation , uatiieiy , Lacei' , iiep burn , Cousins , thohliver anti hedge. Tilt' latter is tile lien' 111811 In the First list net vhlo iiiis beeui IlItliletI to Btlccceti Sani Clark , who declined. lie hind opposition at tile beginning - ginning of tue canvas8 , but It all tlisaiu- hicareth. Another recent iiuipflrtant cilailge is in tile Second district , where it is uiow practically concetleti George M. Curtis will succeed iliunseif. The republicans of Scott county 110(1 beell claiming that that cotullty is ctiticd to the nominee , but now tiley hiae fillicil in hue for tue remtoniination of Ctlrtis agaitist his expresseti wishi to re- tile. lietidei son anti Huh vlii also be cc- llollllnatet ! by acehatuation. There are tvo tlistrlcts in which then' are contests. In tile icourtil TiloilIlls ! .jitic- graft is a candidate for rellolninlttioli ill'- fore the COlvelltiotl 'iihcht meetS at New ! illlllitOll ) , Alugtlst 26 , iUt ) several calltildntcs 'l1i be thlero to tipose iiiuit. AltOllg'tilesc will Ut' JallIes i. lityLilo 01 cerro uontlo Seuiator Trewin of Ahiaitlakeeir. . Ilatigan of W'ontht 811)1 ) Mr. Entoil of Mitchell. 1lt the Ninth district Mr. hager iihi be up- Iloscil by ex-Spenker flyers , Major ClIrtia , Mr.Vecks nnti itossiiJiY othucra. Ill both these thlstnicts tile oppoulelIts of the pres- Cult collgresslilell Ilave iieeii greatly encour- ngeti by tile result In the Eleventh ills- tl'ict , \ here Mr. h'erkins was beaten by the ilcid in a fair light. It is ienrnetl here tiitlt ( lesilitu Ida ticteat for renoflhllttiOli : i t' . l'erk I lilt wI I I 00 t niantl ) 0 II ill S ( 'It 1111)111 for ( Ito United States senate , begun several years ago. lietil of tile hOt' . ' ( hell 11110 hlltl'C iieeui llOllli nateti already are lawyers 111)11 bothi sticcesftil newspaper mcii. Thomas hedge of Fiuriiuig- ton Is a native of Iowa anti was born Ili hiurilligtoll ill IS I I. lie recoiveti ills earlier education in tile schools of that city nOd graduated troll ) i'iiilhips aeatleniy , Atitiot'er , itass. , in lSt)1. ) lie llflllleliiately entered Yale college , but 110 Cotlld not resiSt the wave of ilatniotisln alIll lie t'as soon elllisted ill ( lie One llulitirctl and ! 3lxthl New York infantry , wilere he servetl a year with thin rank of lietiteliaitt eclonel. lie then rettlrllctl to Yale altd COlli- leted lila etiucatioli alIt ! iti 1869 graduateti troll ! Colulnbia law school. lIe retliriled to BurlIngton and begun tile vractico of law which he has followed ellice. Lot Thomas of Storm Lake , the other now tiiatt for the Iowa tlehegatlon , is a ilfl- tIve of i'cnnsylvaliia 811(1 was born in P.1 > ' - tte county ill 1S13. ills parents were of \\'eisii ancestry. lIe caite witit thenl to iowa In 1868 , ilaving Ircviotlsl ) ' gained a f.iir education ili Vermilhion InstItute , Hayes- vihle , 0. He taught school in Warren counts' anti studied law , Ill 1S70 lie entered tile law department of the Iowa State unIversity and i'as later admitted to the bar. i-fe ivcnt to Storln Lake \vlleli tile town was first staked out anti commenced (110 practIce of law. lie Is now tile oldest In COntilitlOits service on tile bench of aiy judge in Iowa , hiavllig been elected jIlfige ili the Fourteenth district in 18S4 811th has never itati oppositIon for re- lioni I II atlon. The fusionists have nominated one candidate - date , ex-Senator Film of Bedford , In tile Eighth district , lie attained to sonic state notoriety i'heii serving In the legislature as a republican a few years ago , In the FIfth district there Is talk of the nollltnation of ex-Congressnlan Walt Butler , who last came prominently before the public a few years ago by losing himself anti being ilis- covered in Iiliiflna. In the Fourth district , B. F. WrIght. ( ho leader of the prohIbition party for uany years in loiva , Is after tile ilOliiinatton of tue tienlocrats aild llopuiiSts. Either General Weaver' or ex-Mayor Bun. gess of Ottumiva vIii be tIle noniinee iii the , Sixth dIstrict. In the Ninth ( listrlct J , M. Etnmctt of Atlantic Is mentioned as a prob. able candidate. No II tot rl I Nil It Y , C. 'I' . P. Co ii ' ( ul I I u ii , BELLE i'LAINE , Ia. , July 3.-Speciai.-- ( ) Thu lIttli district conveiltion of the lIon- nrtisan'oliln Christian Temperance 11111011 heiti in tills city tite inst week s'ns a very Iwoiltabie one anti much enthiusiaslll was showit by the large number of temperance workers present. All of the oiti officers \vere re-ehecteti , excepting tue President , Mrs. Stella Sargent of Grundy Center , who refused the nomination. In her 8(0811 ( WOS chosen Mrs. Ellen K. MaUler of Springilale. Mrs. Robinson of titis city w'ns re-elected secretary and Mrs. MeGrannuhan of Tailla , treasurer , Tite vice presitients of tile ( his- trict are tile county superlntelldents , nild remain ( ho same as before. ( 'InKed Ity * iit' \'nr 'I'il1. IOWA FALLS , Ia. , July 3.-Speclal.- ( ) Tile Board of Trade roonis thiat have been in operatIon Ill this city for several years pttht closet ! last evening and will not reopen , at iaet dllrlng ( ito prevalence of tile war taxes. Tile imposing of a revenue tax ott business of tills character is assignetl as the reason for closing here. i'iISSIONS l ' ( ) It'll , 'i' 16ul Yll'l'llut .t'J ! $ . Sir'I 'ors . .f ! , uiti'lVutulte'muipuuultereui I.l' ill ) ' ( veriul ( nseruuuuieul ( . \'AShilNGTON , July 3.-Pvciai.--i'cri- ) 510118 itave becti issued as flfo's : isslit' of JulIe 22 : Nebraska : Original-John' D. Sawyer , Omaha , $6. hulcrease-Jaims ii. Carr. Ontaita , $6 to $12 ; Jaillil5 J3.ichanils , Nebraska - braska City , $8 to $10 , Original witlows , otc-Cyntilia C. hIa'eicine iIhifr Springs , $8. Ioii'a : Origlnnl-laniei 5) ) Cable , Coon 1(111)1(15 , $8. Increase-Leo Thlorp , West Liii- erty , $6 to $8 ; Noah Frus4i , les Mtiliies , $30 to $50. ' Coloratlo : Ezekiai C. C4ndiL Detiver , $6 ; Zucilariahi I ) . Baunillurt. Denver. $6. In. crease-Samuel Masters. Pueblo , $12 to $17. itcissue-Jaunes W. McOuihttii , Ielta , $8. OrIginal widows , etc.-l.onintia McLain , PIt- kin , $8. Montana : increaso-Jam s IL Lewis. Come , $8 to $12. i.'u d V I I I II rni't' , LEAD. S. I ) . , July 3.-SpecIal.-Lead ( ) hIlls been kuiowui as tue toughtest 1)111cc ) in ( Ito Black 11111. . It has ileen tile ileadluarters ( for all tile galniillng detis 811(1 tilereputablo ilaces of tue country , 19r the reason titut imlore laboring mcii arc etnpioycd hero wIth a bigger iny iou titan in any otiier illace. hiegiminiuig today. every gamnbiing itlco Is to ho cloefi. Tile iiuallless inca of the city have bloughit the utlovoment libout. 'riloIlSitildS of iloilar have been spent eactu nionth iii these ganhbuiulg delis that will holy go IlItO other chauinels ( if legitlniato ( radii in tile city. Tito liomestake corn- liany lIes now i'stahilished a watch aver all of Its eliiido > 'es amiti all > ' man found in a gamblIng place in Ieatiwootl or LillY other cIty or in , o > ' piuco of questionable resort _ - - - - - - - - - C.t. .c 1 : ' . : M. , Fourth of July ' ' , . , , c l , . , p , , ' Prograiii complete at Maiiawa. ' ' Ivery body invited to take in the ' sights and be convinced that ' : Lake Manawa 1 : : : is the only place to get cooled off : ; and have lots of hui. . Above all don't fail to see the -t t Electrical Mirage at night. ER : III this city after 11 o'clock at itight , while I ii tile eiiipioy of tile coinlinhi yv II I 110 1 llt niet1hatiy tliSlliiSsctl front ( lie services of tile cOlllitiuI ) ) . MINING IN THE BLACK HILLS l.ilt'Mt , % dtIet'M fF0111 I Iii' It lOll 11t'tiI liNtrIett4 III tIl ( ' Stltt ( ' of South lnlutui. DE.\l\\'OOD , S. I ) . , July 3.-Speelai.-- ( ) Tb e 1' . 1. . 0 lbbs St 811111 Ill I I I , at til e Ill 01 thu of Blacktail gulch , has starteti ( Ii ) agalli after a ShlllttiOWll for rdllairs. it is itltelllCtl ) to lllthtC a steady run Ol ore froiii tile Omega butt' at Tcrravhiie. Tile huh has tell tIlll PS. The macbluer > ' for the Detroit and Ieatl- wootl company has arriveti at tile lliille at il % 0 lilt alit ! lii hieing set lip as raitltily .is Possible. Tile sllaft is tIOWlI lll'llcty feet. The iloisting iilallt is one of tile lllOt colil- Plete iii every respect ill tile iliacI utile. A new Cliii ) 1185 been Opellttl ? tii ill Ctlster coiilit3' , 111110 lflhiCHvest of Custer , called Ciilloot. The original vein of ore has becn tracctl along tile surface for a Ilistance of 4.01,0 feet. Aeays show ( lie ore to contain au average of $30 , while sento assays have golle 85 bight as $1,000 gold to tile toll. TIlO ore is a retlillsh white qtiartz , canl'yillg free gold . sylva II I te , tell it ritltll aliti ii isillutil. About one-fourth of the ore is free-mlllhittlg 111111 ( lie balance refractory. Tile latest 11111 ! ill the camp was made last ; 'eek on ground belonging to Pay & McKay of Keystone. The golti bearing district is knoivzi to be about One hub ill 'itltIi by nearly three nhilctc Ii. length. There Is also a tract of land con- tatllitlg about 200 square niiles , from liar. lie"S peak to tile Limestone and froln Bat- the Creek to Pringle. Tills district Ilas ore similar to the Chihkoot district , niany goat ! veiuis of ore Ilaving been traced for long tllstances On the surface. The entIre dis- ( net Is practically unprospected. A Cll'lliiUp was 1118(10 this week In the St. Ellud nilno , near 11111 City , owned by Cap- taill Marsh of Oniaha. The mill 11115 been running nearly four months on a good grade of ore. The cleanup tills week was ( lie best yet Inade at the miii. About thirty-five toni of ore are beIng treateti daIly. As soon as the broken forniation is vassed through , it is thougllt a mucll richer gratic of ore vIli be encountered , A contract has beeti signet ! for the transfer - for of seventy claims In the Keystone mining dIstrict to a Colorado syndicate , of which a Mr. Weliler is the principal Ilgure , The coasldcratton is reported to be $250,000 , 10 , her cent to be paili August 15 antI tue bal- alice in six months. The property jobs tile Holy Terror tutU the Keystone mines. F'V. . lillsCil , stlperintcmllient antI general manager of tue foul Coin MIning cdli- pany , 1185 arrIved Iii tile lulls and ivili corn- mnence Inimnetliately to p11811 development work in tile Coitl Coin mine , seven miles west of Custer. The preseilt development consists of a timbered shaft ninety-two feet deep , ore Wiiicil assays well , Croescuts are to be rtlli east anti west as soon as the rater level Is reacileti. Ten moore stamps are to he atitled to tile holy Terror Inihi at Keystone , i'iiichi will double ( lie capacity of the mlii. With a teIl-stllliip null , this compauiy hias sunk a siiaft over 600 feet deep , iluiit a large Iloist- ing Plant , capable of sinking 3,500 feet , nutti paId regular ( livitlontis of $9,000 a month , besittc layillg away a large suni fore omor- gencics. Tue labor strIke in the Blacktail district is still oil , Tile strike affects a ilalf dozen mines and htO iflen. .Ill ClInt ) . hit' ( irililli 'l''tlll. Cli E\'ENNE , W'yo. , July 'J-Speciai.- ( ) Early iii Augttst State Auditor W. 0. Owen of tile city will niako an attemnilt to accoin- phishi the ileretoforo unaccomphishieti feat of rettcilllig the SuilnIflit of the ( iruiltI Teton peak of tile Tetoli niotluitalui range in Nortil- western \ Vyoliiillg.Vlthi Mr. Owen will be TilonlaS Cooner. Ciieyenruui ; 'V. 14. htaiiett , Etli of Judge ilallL'tt. anti another Denver gentleman. Tile Iart ) ) ' wlli be equipped wIth lIlt AlItni ) otililt , drIlls , 1,000 feet of rope , and other articles necesary In itiountain ciltuttlng. , A number of uuisticcessutii at- tenlpts bavu been 11111(10 to scale tue peak. In 1872 a ularty of tile Geological survey ciluiubcd to a distance of 13,400 feet , In 1891 Mr. Owen with a hiarty reacheti tile height of 33,000 feet ; last year Mr. Owen clImbed to tile height of 13,700 feet o within ltiolit ) 100 feet of tile Suillillit. % 'yuuusiuig Nes ? oliH , 'rho League of RepublIcan Ciuhis \Vyota- - Ing will maceL Iii Chlo > 'dillie July 7. iougittui citizens have hiehul a nines meet- I ng to lay i mIll H for entert ml I ii I rig t he cepti Ii- lican state convention Aileust 10. The Platte \'alley Sheep roulipauly is ijrillging ill 20,000 head of sheep ( reIn Ore- gao to be ranged iii tue vicinIty of the CoIn- hail > " ) ; ranciles Ill tue Platte 'alicy. Tilolnas Let'is. a leatllng citizen of tile Big horn illislul , was instantly killed by higli to I tig Sun ila y even lug it'll I I o ret tunili lll to lila 1011db from church lit Burlington , Bug liorlI coulity. Through Oil error in tile Postotflce do- partiiiemit tile Ciicyenmle-hiorsn Creek niall route contract ISOb let to two contractors anti iioth claimuetl tue uiiall Ivilen tiietr contracts - tracts went Into effect , Dohany Theater ( 'ommeuit'Ing Sumlilay. July 3 , lIAlCItY V. SEMONS' L3xtravngaiiza Coiiipany : o American and luropdltmi artists l.'p to date burlesuue show. i'rIL'4 , liret hour , f0e ; balcony , 21c , gallery , hOc. Seats iiow OIl sale at theater box 0111cc , . - L - - - - . . . ' . ' , . , . b .4 . $ . . ) b .5 . . .5 , $ . 4. , . . . .5. .5 . . .q . . , . , . . , -ri-r , ib "I S I S 0 I e a i 'r . r" : FRUfl AD AflDN FARMN : 5 : Al"OUfli Council iJltzffs U 11 II . ) * . , . , . , . ' ( ) ll 0111k hIll ) iIlLt1'I ) % eu 111111 111110111 l''d fi'iiit iuuiitlti . 'bt.ius , , ' , . iii . : . 4i tlui' . lOIuil ) ' hhuutul utlI Ii Il'l'e Iii ( lit' II ititt'tl Stutt''i . 'i' bert' I' iii , lull- . . . . . , ut.t _ ' if ( 't'ItO. hI'l'e. l.ii.K lii our Vt'tuit l"ut l'Ills il. lie ( Iit' ' itl'e iii t' . ' tug , 'I. -ri-jr P rwric"r" I.u.tV . ' Z11' . ΒΆ ' .1.1 .LIi. , L. (2i .8.iJ. 'I'ilt' { , ' I':4t : 'ii ' ii titi lit , , it ltritcers , ' ' $ 0- . , . , . ii vi' ' ' . ' 'to sali' of tu I 'I r 't' luuiuiih'r of t' , , i,9 eat ! t. ( , ouno U , II. ' ' e. I'tuult. rtl"ui uuuti ( : titi i'an'iiis. \VI'lLo ' 4. i'e'rIlllnhly enuitltiet hutly''l'mt ihuroilgil CIII' tIlt'lll for ilitot'illatiiil tIll I tItt ' ii hat yell 't orriunniti ( r't' or ctin1 : ' . ( ( alit * * :4 : 4:4 : : : + : + 4 : * : : * + : nmtct'im u , Al. . 4HAllut COLLEGE AN0 CONSERVATORY FUR 1DIES 26(11 year. UllIirU'C'tit'IltCti l'rspcI ity. 21 l'roit'bqllM IrollI hut- r:3 : t4Tt'h41. " tB' , " 'tltieH ttiitl 5 H , iepenit ( 't.iii"'utt.rIt's , A $ l.OtJLu I'iiillo to t , , tlcht llllll,1 ( ' p111)11. ( cvllaul-A ) , tuu It-tin ( 'tIll. . i''tit uIi' _ , Xitt'r fl1lLriulltIUthlM&l , ! : flOycrrinieiit stiporvisioui , Netvliuuhuiulirs ietiitrert'cteti. , 8tuitientit reet'led litlit 1 'yJJLrt ; year lorwant ol'rooni , MAJOR SANOFORD SELLERS. M.A. , Supt. . LEXitGT0W.Pt ( ) . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - &oie Opeuis Sept. I Uthi , I S9S. H citi'diii niL 1)auy School fot' Cit-I Under ( lie direction of itt. flev , George \'orthiIiugtoti , S. 'I' . D. , LL. D , Prlnlary , PrelttratrY 1111(1 coilegiato colurses. Comll- Potent COIS of ( emicilerl. Modern ruieth- Otis and every advamitage olfcretl. Strict ( ItteIltioul 1)1(11 ) ! to the nioral , nienttul nut ! iIl > 'SICLti 'elt heilig of the IltuilolItH. Dtplo- mas eomift'rrvd. l'reparcs for all colleges open to 'Ivotnen. Special courses in 111gb- cc Etiglish , ScIences , Ancient and Modern Lamigutages. Music alld Art. Vermns mod- crate. 1iuiitling repaired anti in excelient order. Snnttary iitlliiliilig. Satisfactory atcaIn ilCiltiliC. l'arcnts 1111(1 guardians desiring to enter Ptlitiis svIlI please st.ntl for catalogue , or apply PersohlnhiY to Mrs. L. R. Upton , Priti. 1ii'oviielI hail , Onialimi , Nt1 , . B RAUFOTiD ACADEMY -'Founded 1803. For the iiighicr edticatien of young vomcn. Classical anti Scielutiiic course of ittuitly , also l'roarlttory ; ztntl Optional. Year begins Sept , 11 , 18 > S. Apply to MIss Ida C. Allen , J'rin. , lirafifortl , Mass. The Ladies' Department ol the Now flygiene Institute Is now open for butuines3 , and fully eqelpped with two new apparatus for glvin the nlost healthful , pleasIng baths known to the world. The INSTITUTE has among its patrons. ( ho best known ladles In Omaha , We ask you to give It a tnis ! of two baths at least , and it it is not fotumud as represc'uuted , we wl ! refund your money. Rooms New , Quarters , 21fi-218-22O8e fluiIiIln New lcaii4uiist. - wn1 OTHERS FAIl1 OOI1hUI. ? DOCTORS Searlea & Searles 0 ii . : L ( ( 1' SPECIALISTS Guuturatutec to CllTS .pcedily And ikill- cnilr nil flhIVOt. CilitoNlO .ttI ) i'ltF'ATII diuraute. of Slemu tiiisI wattleD , WEAK Mi SWllLIS SEXUALLY. cured for life , Night Emissions , Lost Manilood , i1)- droceie , Venicocele , Gonorrhea , Gleet , Syp iii. , Stricture. Piles , Fistuta and lteclai Ulcer. , Dlsbete , IJntghl's Diiesu cured , Consultation Free. Stricture and kethireu I ( I lB C by nw method without pain or cuttinf , Calhon or addrei wIth .tanlp , 'rreatniens by mail , I ORS. 8EARIIS SIARIES. ua144A4 , AJC.5 . - - - - . i"1.- ' cLw. PangleM.D. Tilit GOUt ) S.tTAii't'AN 25 YEAR'S 1XPER1ENCE , i.eisdcr of HiUtttCH of iLcut amid " . ( I lii CII. PllOPRll'l'OR OP TilE S'urlil's Ilcibal ItisItetItlIry of Iflctllciw'i. I Cli it mi-Catoti Iu of head , Tiuront nutl Lti ii gs , i ) i5t'ttheti n f Iyc nut ! 'lltr : , I'll ii ii itti 4 1tIItxy ) , , I I eat t , I. ' ver Ii ui'i E Itllut'y 1) ) l5tllts , iiabete. liriglit's I. cuist' , St. 'itii 1)tuute ) , htlie n tullItisun , crtufti ItI , i ) rtupe3' cli t'i vi I I out t to pjli tug , 'Iii it ) "V n rutis retmioved , cli clii ouulo Nervells and t'rivlito 1)li.caees. ri M Tui yoiumug anti L OST tig I' itl lflhiilo luged loon , _ Oni > ' PIly.iottliu ) wiuti olIn S YPILIS I Itrulienl > ' ( JIll I' syJ'tI I m.iH Wi I iltiut ( leSt lo'Ing ttit't ii itnit boluct. N o 111cr. clii > ' or ilolbon ltIIlCu'lii 1150(1 , i'huo only I 'hyslelutul w ho coil tell tyliat uilii You ivi t 11(111 1 ask I rug 11 lilieS I ' 111(11,0 It t it ti Itttii 1110 501111 for qllest ion bla Ilk. N ( I. I fo r mcmi ; No. 2 I o I' ' . ( ilileli. A I I enrrosiuultt'liCO ! strIctly t.'onildent id , Medicine bOut ii > ' express. Addies nil betters to G. W , PANGLE , WI. D. , r ; ; Itroatlivi.y , COIINi ! 1. ilitllrFS , IA t'Send 2.cen' tiimnu fur reuhi. Gas and ) \ Gasoline Ph Engincs. 1f4t7 I to 100 ' : ; : r. Call ea us or wrIte for itrlees and d''nIption DAVID iiitt I ) iIOY & CO. , Council Ilhmilis. iuvu THE NEUMAYER .JACOU NIiti.AYIll ! , l'hlop , 201 , 206 , 2(111 , 210 , Iiroadss'ity , ( 'OUlicil IHiuffs , itatea $125 hier dtty ; 75 rouuuut. FIritt-cblls I a evel y respee t ii u t or I 1110 t II It I I ii epot s , loetl agelury for tilt ) Celelirittoti St. lIlitI 1 ii , C. hoer , l"irst-ctana bar Iii culi. IliJOt lou. RUPTU CURED FOR $30. No Dotontlon From aueIneBg. Va refer to Iivuusias : ou. l'4ThiNTS Cuiuri PILES CUHEl ) ul Seven to Ten Days VItIuoiit Pain , Ouu rSSATMINr : iors rita \Voutuc , 'rH EMPIRE RUPTURE GURu AND MEDICAL INSTITUTE , (8000Isilors ( to 'i'iU 0. 1 MILLEiI ( .10. ) 932.933 New York Life BuUdng , Omaha. CMII Of write toe d'culses . - -j-