Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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    - - - - - . - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . - - - - - - - - . . - - . - . - - -
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. . 'rrriD1IA iA1T.'llEE : '
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We Close All Day Today 2 "
. , * * , , F 0
: u1y 4th , to cc1cbratc.--but Tuesday morning , July 5th , . wevliI pcn
for business at a q'iarrc ' E.f cight with more choice sbflaIi1c met-
. chandise at spccial prices than any other storc in Omaha.
_ A . Mcn's - . . 'Light eolored Cool
. : rurifishinos-lawn string tie9 , Siiiiimcr
. . - - : 15e a (1O7.fl. ( % Gloves-
'I ? Light coIore ( how tk , inndo o wnsh
. . ' good. . ' . bc or nr 21C. LJnti I the
5IIICIt hoyi ; , Inudu of wash gooils , 6c
tthd ioe encli. COlU I fl
. I ; Of t11 (
- . -i / 1)eCia1 Vflltle iii La- 1ayei'
Miislln-ilies' Mu1iii Gowii
p , . ,
. ' _ ' 1)1tti1 trimmed with
embroidery. til)1)ed 1)Ue Silk Gloves
- . who vere irnrtlctilnr ns to their
At &De
nc I 4 1ifld cflPrlt1g , hut whu
vnnted ctoI
- , .LntBps I.oneIotI ; Night ( iown.
high gloves were at ti loss a to what thty
. or tut ick , triInmol ( with Iac or shuulil ttse.
I ernIroItPry. ( rnm fl.OI ) to 1OO ' .ci. )
Lawns arni ' 11ueslayVi I 1 be a LIH1ICI4 . cacti. SIiIrt , elaborately tritrnncd , t ( ri Kityser tit perfectly. si. & ier I'rIcts pair. , &Oc ,
Dimlties-lay full oI 1twtis .
[ mb h1cry . Stylish Siimmcr .Tliero vas a
and 1)iinities and the coUec ' ,
Speclill- Wash Skirtstittie wlieti the
tion is of the most wallte(1 (
. manufacturers
13ty1e5 of the year. r110 . . -
cousidere(1 it llarlIy (
JOe I.LWflH , 5C. out the oc1d
10 iiii1 12 ½ c i.awns and iirntttei at to iiiake Iretty garments for
7c. j > iecos.oI :
Other Dimities at Joe , 12c arni 1c er . sutinnei' veai.
. yard. \V1SS
I Tot1a the cnndIttniii are etitIre1
Plenty of the Pretty pink aflhl Ii1ti EIgiflgS ( c1iitiigei ( . the iaiiiiner 3lc1rtM which we
goothi ; lilPilty Of hiack grounth alit ! iwII iirqVIk14 or ci , and HlftW itto-
) ilie-itdflt , that. hi , ror the probable ht'i ; hue pertectie- . afl lit , nearly
: (1 11YS liectiM , evcry I1I1' brIngi something hess' .
' It. 1i4 II. IpeCiiii treat tu get Jtiat s'Iiat Jlleel Iternember our goods cost no more
r Villa Walit at ( lie little 11r1eei3. busy thflhl the Coiflifloft OflO'S loId every-
1r1cc8 are itit to Illellil tow StyII'H III them in tvo lots to be sold where.
I11O4t storei : not Sc ) Il ours , on
I Ltrieii Crsti , ScIts at. $1.00 rnch.
Ahorfoyle Oxfordi , the flneit Americati ' 1'4Jfly Flue Grns Linen ShirtH itt $ i.O Cecil.
11111110 gOOI8 , 25o ( ItlitlitY 110W 16C' Per
yaril. At. 250 IflId &OC It Yftl'il. NI\3 Blue Duck SkIrti , flounce eiTectg ,
iSe Organillo Zeiiliyr at 12a per yard. The lot COfltitIli.M eInhIroIIlerIei4 ( real our
, ' ilflCiU 13tCiC. urni are chietly 7-inch anti
] 2c rancy Duck Stilling at IC IiI'
yard S-Iiicii gcO41s. TIIIISU ss'lilch se lire hosiery-
tittering ( or &Oc have SIII ( ( or 7K' , 85e , I
Choice 1)tinitlei in all the ' cnioti4
uet' . . .
$ l ) 2.OO. I2.2. $2.Q and
01111 that 15c. are irn hari to get , itt lOc , 12 ½ c 'artl. . LflliCS' Black
Come early bforc the best are gone.
Underwear- Cool UflIergar'ritosu who know ss'Iiat our embroidery Lis'e ' line
iitock will Uflderi4titti(1 and appre-
] nents vil1 hell ) to ditto t111i4 reduction. snhiiil lot at
llflht EdgiIlgi4 ( I ) be iiuld itt 5e a yard. '
Illake the hot weather beara- ' di'opstitcli
'ble. Corsets-It don't sceiti cetilila11OS ( , \viu
We have mIIIi , ' feather weight Iorts lIe flint a i'eally good
that it rc' at InoHt a i4 t ii I ii as it vet I ii IiI1 dots
yet IIH Htrong 1t13 the ) icas'Icr iftirts. corset cui be made for a half I)011L ,
FOlt LA1iiS. ( lollal' .
Fife % ' 1hI Ic rttItt'd ) gauze vest , tipsy neck 50 1)Li1' .
ziiiii 8IOeVeIt'4H , 1i , ' neck niel ihort ItIOSt of those sold at this irice cer-
81 eC % ' ( ' $ , il titi ii I gli a eck a ntl long lit I thy are hot good.
H1eevet , 25c each. I Its'e a corset tIiitt Is a real quality Itdtes' flhte1c Co ton DroitltcIi I toe ,
Ff110 gaUze S'eIt8 , fancy 4ttare nccIi3. wonder. 'l'iio Miiil1uitttii 18 tietile of a very nice quality , 35t'-3 ilair , $1.00.
:15c' : and 40c. gOoti , strong ,4UtnhIier , nettliig , tsvt , side Clilitiren's 1iiio Ribbed Little I lose ,
Il5Sci4' 110(1 ( Children's thin gau.o vcsti , steels , extra valst , nil slze , at with douIlc kne'H , toe , sole ailti htM'i ,
tc ; , lOc and 15c cccli. 50c cacti , pair ; would be good ( Inailty at 23c.
I HcMori9JLN & Co0
- -
though the other regiments were more actively -
tively engaged.
Captain Jackson ot compiny G , Seventh infantry -
fantry , shot. In the left breast.
Lieutenant ( 'liaries E. Field , Seconi Mas-
sacliusctts , shot through tile forehead.
General Ltiillow's horse was killed under
liiii , .
During the afternoon the fight tar the possession -
session of El Caey wis most obstinate and
the ultimate victory reflects great credit
511)011 the American tI'OOiB.
It was a glory too , for Spain , though it
never hail a chalice fo wio at oiiy time hOC-
lug the day. Its iiion fought in .intronch-
beats , covered sways and blockhouses , white
the American forces were in the open from
first to last. Tue Spanish soldiers stuck to
their seork libo muon , and this. the first
Janti light of the var. many svcli cause Spain
to feel lrotid of its miien. -
, The American soldiers attacked the in-
trcnelinciits through OiCfl ) ground and froni
the firing of ( litt first shot until they were
On the lulls above LI Cancy they fought theii'
way forward nut ! the Spanish were driven
backvtirds. General Cliaftee's brigade lielti
the right of the hue svlth the towi. of El
Caney. General Ludlows division was In
tlio center and Colonel Miles held the left.
Tue idali of battle VIIS for Captain Allyn
Capron'H battery of the First artillery ,
whIch helil a Position In the center , above
General Ludlow , to shell time tort near the
town ; for General Chalice to close In as
80011 05 tile artIllery linti reduced tIlt' fort
anti drivemi time Spaniards toward Santiago ;
General htlllOW ( to lay In the rozul below
the lull on which Captain Capron's battery
was statloni'il , OnII iisvlng in on Clinffc&s
left ; while Colonel Mlle 5'IlS to keei , close
to General Ludlow's right and by a email-
taneous nrnvcmnent , sweep the Spaniards in
toward El Caney.
General Lmuvton , svlio Personally directed
the operatIc mis a f Ii Is 41 I 'lsiOii , itft tile CII III I )
on the roati train Slbomicy to Santiago at
4 a. 01. linhI St 5 ocloci ( Was svltij Captain
Capron's battery oil the lull above El Canoy.
Orders were glycli that the hattIe elmauld
begin troni the center , unless Cemieral
ClIaffch' , sviio was nearest to the enemy ,
liniilii ft iil Ii I 1usd f at tuck cli II ret.
The actIon oieiiCtI at 6:41 : with a eliot
frame t Ii e second sect iiii of Capt a in Calimo n's
liattery. It struck close to Ilie ftrt iicii
El CIIICy. Anotlici' eliot lilt tile fort faIrly.
The Spa n lards gave U ) the I il ca o C hot ti -
ing time steno fort PCOPOC after It was shuck
the fIrst tliiio and the entire arrisoa ran
tlouvii time hill towerti tlit town. Thu coer.n1
way In front of tue tort , however. sIIC hell
by the Sluitmish troops , s1io auitntalimetl eli
OiHtlIiiitts lire uipoui our 01CC , who su'ero flu-
valicIng siosu ly thuoumgii the lirui1i cmiii
groves , only firing an occasional eliot.
Captain Capron's battery opemicul on thin
emliuiy at once auth tore the ground up ss'ith
shells , eciiilliig cliiutl of iluist high tutu the
Air. Tue battery also edit a nunibei' of
shells entirely through the fort , tearing
. down large sections of the wall. This hue
unauksnrnnship svau repeated several times ,
thin battery stoiIIni ; the tIre cii the Siauutii
soldiers , ss'io had opened repeett'dly fuojui
the covered way lute ,
fly 8 ocloeic General Ciiaffce's brlgaule si'ae
flei.t iii thki' alter utinuier ; u
iiren.uit ullstres'u , nlui tlhges.
ttoui , cumin enuus I Ii'a tian.
l'uirviy ' . t'gett.le i do lid rhi'e
er lus5 6014 by cii uIriijtt.te.
i'rei.eed oui Ii ) G. I , ilouti Co. . Lowohi ,
- - - - -
: The Omaha flee
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resSiflg in toward the town and the firIng
at Intervals ss as warm. It was dihlicult to
see auiythluig of the battle owing to the
rolling nature of the ground and the deiise
sIilat' In aInot every direction made It
impossible to see far.
'The 'firing at times was heavy during the
morning , but the Spaniards In the cover
mituhe a miiost obstliiate defense and refused
to'yielul an mcii. TIme and agalnthe shells
( remit Captnin Capron's hattry drove them
to cover , but as soon as his fire ceased they
svcro up amid at it again.
1)espll the hicavy firing of the Anierican
troops , . they wei'o able to mnke but little up-
parent regress during the morning , al-
thought eventually they steadily drew In ani
closed on the town on all sides.
At noon it became evident that the fire
fronu the coverel way could not be stopped
by the artillery ainuie. amid thmat no pernianent
advance could be made untIl the place was
taken , and General Lawton decided to capI I
turn it by assault. Accoruhimighy lie seat a
messenger to General Chaffee svltli Instruc-
tlons to take the joaltlon by a charge.
General Chaieo thereupon closed In with
hits macn rapidly from the north , while Cup-
talui Capron maintained heavy fire on the
fort , keeping the Spaniards In tutu covered
way and putting hole after hole Into the
stomio vahts of the fort. Shortly afterward
he threw a shunt Irons the battery which
tore nsvay the flagetalt , bringing the Spanish
flag to the ground. From that time on uie
banner. waved above it.
At 3 o'clock the advance of General Clint-
fee's skirmishers , the Seventh infantry ,
began to appear on the edge of the woods
below the fort and by rapid rushes ad-
vniiccd up the lull to the tort. No eliot
was fired as they swept forward. It was
evident that the covered way hind been
abandoned aiuh in a tow minutes the Anierl-
can tuoopa were Liilckaround the fort. which
coriuuiiandS the north side of the towui.
Tue Spanlartla were completely stir-
rouuiuied. 'flue main lmrt of the armiuy was
between them on thO oilier three sIdes ,
They retired 'to the - biumhilings Imi tIme town
and maim a gallant defense , but from the
than Gcmici'al CliaiTee's men took time atomic
fort they tcre iout troops to Sluitill.
RaLlier than take tle town by a general
a58nhi1tirittii1t thin tuld of artIllery , svhiich
muutiet certainly' result- great loss of life ,
( lemicral Lawton dechuheul to artier forward
ai"tiieu1 , ' to shell tiit tossii et close range.
Ahihuotigli the road from the Jul11 to the edge
of tIme I osen'miB uiearly tinpassniule for artillery -
tillery Captain Onpron niunhe the eFfort nnd
by 5.4'clork lied hulsiiuis in positIon ready
to oi'emu of , the tovmi ,
lor knniuu thee General Chialfee's brigade
huehul Its lO5ti1uli wIthin tue lutlune fort auid
then began the descent emu the town , firing
raiuiul volleys as It advuuccd.
qeuici'ul' I4tdiOuVanti Colonel .IIIes
pressed eisciX , ! , , other sides iuiiuh at
nlgiitnli the town si'as lrncttcally In the
luuuitle of 'the Aunu'rlciuuis.
'Flue country wer , i'hiIch General Lasy.
tontu. ; ulls'luitouu ' ( ought offered great nulvazi-
tagea for both thin attachuluig party 011(1 the
ulefeuiders. It Is a broad vailoy , Ihahukeul on
thin ve2t by towering muiotmntalius auuul on
tIe. ' cast by a rlt1g' about 200 feet huighi.
lilac it wasuunuler cultivation , but
line been uieglecteul aimico the opening of the
'var. ' -
It still ruitalmus , however , signs of its for-
01Cr pruperhty in groves of coconututs and
niungo trees ausul broad fields of ss'aving
ras , ilu locust csq scaist high Sevcr.b
riuYges Intersect It , but none of theme i over
fifty feel high , . 'rue selleye bcts'een tluemue
hh1 hue grovj's lverc iitllttti , of vauu-
logo ho the jnuerlnan regulars , who useul
tlonoqtheftullt i'itit till tutu skill acquireul
ci _ the wt'se , n plaluis Anierlr.i ,
i'lte ojien spaeu lVCC it guect btnelht to
ihusy SuuIardut , were giveui a clear sight
of tiiutujieuleiiu , soIlcm as they advauiceui.
It scas tluc croselmug of theuu placed iyluieii
vatts.Qti thianuericans their iieuviest lossea ,
'l'hie brigades qf Colopel Miles otiut General
I Ludlow hail macro of this swork to pvrf4irni
tlumun jusd.tien'rnl Ciite' ( , auiuh they. inert' .
over , were , eoluiehietl to make their final
charges Iii tf'c town aertues tin open ejiace
throtigh su'hleb the Spanish firu swept with
uieauliy tITcet ,
2co work hauu ever becus clone by eel.
iflers than "as iloule by the brigades of Ocut-
cral Ludhotv .nn4 Jg1oiueiiiei. . n tiny cloiod
In on the lose. The Svanlshi blazed awa'
a ; them s'Ithu Mausere and unaclulne iuus.
but wIthout effect. Nothing could fop them
anti the' Pushed he ciocr soul CiOCt , cud b -
the ttme General Cheflee's men were ii
form , Miles and Ludlow were on the skirts
of the town , holding on ss'Ith tenacity , amid
proventimig the Spaniards from retreating
toss'ard Santiago , whille Cliaffee closed in on
the right.
The fighting for hours in frontof Colonel
MiIes him at a hacienda , kiiown as Iuemo
hiotise , sas fierce. The Spanish defense
was exceedIngly obstinate. The house was
guarded by rifle Pits and as fast as the
Spaniards , were drIven from omie they retreated -
treated into another amid couitliiued thucir
fire , It was entirely a fight wlthu rIfles , .
as the Anerlcans had opiy.Captaln Caproit's
battery of artIllery and the Spaniards hind
110110 at all.
In this iart of ihq fight Captain Capron's
battery was unable to fire for fear of hitting
otir oss'n men. The piacc was filially taken
with a rush about 5 , o'clock , the Spanish
fleeing , lart to the hills and part to El
Caney , where thcuy wctb rotlndeti' up with
the other Spanish troops .v ho hind been
driven there by General Chaffee.
Tomouiow ( Saturday ) uiforniiig at daybreak -
break ( lencra Lawton's dIvision will sweep
past El Caney on the direct road to Saim-
thago , connecting wIth General ICent's and
General Wheeler's divisions anti forming
thin right of the columnut.
When the final' clositig lb movements
began at 6 p. m. the town of Caney was
taken amid a large number of irlsoners were
Caiuturei , The Spflfllsh ioss'is 2,000 In all.
It ilX I' ( ) utCll i'vs : Nu1' t'i' i ixz i.t.
fin t iuir $11 iii ttt.uirt Cuii.I I t mit 'I'lii'ie
uN 1l'lii tiiCIiIi iii'uI.
hONG KONG , .July.-The BrItish steamer
Isuiicralla , which left \Iauuiia Jtmiie 27 , has
arrIved lucre. It reports that the AmerIcan
reinforcements had not arrived at th tinue
it left Mamilia , The sItuation there , according -
ing to the 'Esrieralda's report , was sin-
, , . ' ' , Sit ' , .
iuiu.1 'l'rsuIiuujiurt,4 Ii t % 'i ii piiili.
SAV.NNAhl , Gn. July a.-Thu .rnilroads
hero have becui ordered to arrange for time
transportation of 5,000 troops frommi Tamuipa
to Savannah , 'rhiey svill he braugh , hero for
thin ItIrPOSO of cimibarlcing on thin Jttiantic
traimaports as retuiforceunents to General
Shatter. .
The transports have already left Nois'
York. It is reported , anti thin moon will bin
huroughut. hero by the time thtey arrive. Just
what regiments this luichides is not dell-
umiteiy lcaos'n. -
S nil ii'it It. ilu ) N ( ) i'vn is lIuierN ,
LONDON , July h.-Thut , liamhurg corrc-
siiondemut of time Jally MalI says :
Tuvo hircineip Atlantic iitiera have iueeui
sold to a syiuilicato iii Nasv York for $1-
250,000. The caine syndicate has acquired
the uiess' llrltlshi' ati'auiicr 'uiouinuouthi , which
left New Orleans June lt , and nru'lseul at
liromnen Jtil ) 1 , for $730,000. The Monnioutli
will sail for New York July 4 wIth a new
Li en teluitild ( ) iii i.u Not it ihi.'il ,
FUll' ! ' TIIOMAS , ICy. , Judy 3.-Is. ; Ma-
soil , ssifn of Lieutenant Mason of the Sixth
reglnicuit irifnuitiy , sister to Lieuteiiituit Orul
of tliui Sixth , who ss'as reported killed imu
General Shatter's troops , tonight received a
telegram front her brother , Lietmte'aauit Ord ,
at l'Jnyo dcl Esto today , saying : ' 'I urn
alive and sychi. Aiui on General hlawklmis'
staff.Vas notin this .hattle at all. "
Sic i IuI'I I , ( ( ) ( ) IC' $ iiPl"t' ,
Sliouii.I 5Iiili' 1'auiul I'iisti' nuisl Juuuic
Vt'il ,
The true science of cookery is to select
hirohuer atuil Ingredients unul then
treiuarc them in such it manner as ss'fii
lulenso the taste , nuuti lnciihentiy the eye.
'rim most velunble food will not hong
agree with a Iersoii If Its male is disagree-
aids' . Thin tiot's not algae that uuIl nh'tu
tiibtiuug articles art' uiutrltipus cmiii nouuriahi-
hug. iiowcvc'r , It Is the duty of till tool
eiiiLrt5 to productu delicious fool and train
thi lucet iiossllile ingredients , anti to have
IL ceunprehiL uiaivu knots ledge of thin laws of I
tligcstion and assluuilhmltion ,
( ruuhu'u.Nuta , the nosy tooth now oti.sahe at
grocvr , Is thought to be this hiigbuet't typo of
bcieiitiIleahly uuunde ( coil Ilutus far prolhuiet.ul.
It iioeuiusuee the deltcatp sweet of grupu
sugar. wIth a hew 110(1 PeCuliar flavor of a
elect winnIng ehisflctcr , while hitS I'rorcsies
of utleuiyaetuure bavu' btoijgi ( th foul to
such a condItIon timid it Is absorbed hy thin
system Iii a most natural utuid healthful man-
her ,
Game Trn'1iot1 to Kansas City Goes On to
Babes' ' String.
: tnii ul luig' . ui Cieti ri y ( hit iuhsieu1 iii
I lit' O.1ili , ii. (1Ii tI'Mt1IMiI'i"M
J'IfliIii , titiIii n Ci'cuit
o/ :
IANSAS ITY , July 3.-Spccll ( Tebo-
grain. h-The , aune old Iioouboo svhilebi tins tue. I
STilted iCnuisiis City from oftmt whining Its
Sunday gaimicsu'as in evidence today anti
lent material assistance to thin hlluues In los-
hag the ganme to Ounahin , It nuight be snlul
( lint execiut for two Innings the game seas
not a hind xhifdtion of ball plaiuug , but
vhen It is u'enieunbereti that In ihosuu two In-
iuimigs the Oinalmans seen tititi cinclitl tlit'ir
ganic , not. mitch he left over ssliich the iCan-
ens City fau eami indulge In an hilarious cx.
hulbitiomu of Jo ) ' .
Fishier , Who Is on the slab for the visitots ,
hultehmeui vimuuiuig ball , whilic uiercthithi was
hilt hard and ofttui. lii addition , thin lIlacs
minnIe lirovukipg errors at crItical timites ,
svhiiie the rcj'uvenated ushers played a goout
article of ball , In the first lurnlig , SIngle
slumgieil. ssent micuose tui thili'd on Coiiuinuighi-
tan's lilt to right field anti scored onVll -
son's grounder to Lyons. After ( lint the
Blues were euilly bimuikeit until the sixth.
Fuisbee bunted hiiu way to first , Couuiuatighi-
ton took life on float's error.'lleon lilt a
long niuiglo to tight field and Kansas City
scored tsso ruiis when Ilciiiiiig fuuiillehl tla
ball , This tells the comupbete story of the
Blues' run-getting. In the eighth , utter two
outs , % ' , 'illlnmns- lilt against time left field
fence for two bags , but there was no one to
bring hum hiomiie.
Thie fielding of ICansas City In thin first
rotinul ss'as dnaiagtng. SIngle auiil Coiinatighi.
ton iuiude tuinhiles , svhiicht aIded the FIshers
in gettIng three ruiis , sliigles by F'leiuutng ,
l'ickering , Lyomis and lioilluigswortti giving
them a good start. In the thiirtl Lyons sin-
ghed auni McCauley lirouight blat home with
a three-bagger betweemi left and center. In
the last inning Omaha scored two runs on
Olin hilt anti tsso errors.'iox fumbled , F'leuii.
iuig's grounder cmi Picherimig took lIfe sehiemu
O'hhmigaui dropped the easy toss of Vbx , who
fielded thin ball. l'ickcrlng stole second auitl
bothi nieii scored on Lyoui'uu third single.
Score :
.Ah3. hi. 1l.I'O. A.E.
Single , Cf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 i U 1
Frluuhiu'e , it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 1 1 0 Ii
Conomiuglittun , e . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 1 1 4 0
VIliiihufli4 , flu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : i 1 1 1 1 1
\\'llsoii , C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a I 1 (1 0
0' 1 hitgituu , lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 ( I I ) 1.1 I ) 2
Mc\'fckuir , i' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 U 0 1 U U
\'ioxIb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 I ) I 4 7
: i ert'tlltli , ii. ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fi 1) ) 0 1 3 1
tleRm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 0 0 0
. . .
. .
i . .
Totals ; , 2T
u . % O\IAlIA.
. .
a - : ) All. 11. 1i.l'O. A.E.
Fbemimig , i'f.u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I' , 1 2 1 U 2
Eutiice , 3b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (1 ( ii ( I 1 (1
Hoot. as . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 0 2 I I
l'fckerluig , Cf ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f 2 2 2 U ii
Lywi , lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1 0
Preston , If . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 1 2 ii U
I Iollluiguisvdrthi , ' 2b . . . . . . . . I (1 ( 1 2 2 Ii
alt uuiiy , .ut. . . . I , . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 2 ( 1 0
1"l.uiieu , P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 I ) 1 0 1 o
. . . .
Totals . 27 13 i
Bntted tar 1ukiedith In mulmithi.
Kansas L'lt . . . . . . . . I 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-fl
Omnaliit , . u . . . , t . . . . : t ( 1 0 0 0 0 0 2-J
Emtuiicd rimis. ; . , i'Zutiisa City , 1 ; Oinahuui , 'j.
Tsvo-base Ii I t3 : \Vi I I miii s , Fl 'uiultig. 'Iii mee-
liast , hit : ' , leC'auiey. ilases on leslIe : Off
Fishier , 1. 'kilt ' tiy iultt'iicd ball : .Villitruis
Struck outs : Mereulitli , I ; 1' Fisher' , . on ba s : Kamusas City , 0 ; Omutluuu , 8.
Iotmbie plai " \'iox ( iflmasslseul ) , Meredith
to Cominaugh'temu to O'lltugami , Attelithuuutut. , :
3,50. ) . 'l'luiue of game : On , . hour nail torty
muilnutee. umpire : Canttiiom ) .
o'l'll llt % 'FS'i'iltN IF.tG Vu SCutES. (
Ciii iiiiihuts ( iives , 1"i'ii itic F'ireiiin ii ii
'i'errllte 'l'ii rnu.uli Iiir.
COhUMI1SIS , 0. , July 3-'l'he biutue hilt
coitiniui tells the story of today's gumne.
Score :
Columbus , , . . . . 2 1 1 0 1 0 9 0 ( i-IT l i
luidlunuiolis . U 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1- 3 7
Batterfee : ( 'oiumlnme , Scott , lreinami
anti 11'micii ; lumullauiaptuhls , Jones and l3uck-
ST. PAUL. , Mum. , July fl-Thin Saints
bumichied their hIts wIth tee Mhllere errors
and womi hiutuuuhlhy. Deuizer jiltehuetl well nuid
recel'cd almost luerfect support. Score :
, lLhi.Fl.
St. l'auh . . . . . . 0 2 2 0 1) 0 0 3 0-7 7 1
Miiimttiapolis . . I ) U I 0 0 0 0 U 0-i ' .1 S
flatteries : St. Vnui , Denzer and Spies.
i\liui mieutIuuihis , \ ' righ t maid I ) I xan.
Mlh'uVAtJKIiE . , July 3-The ihes'-
cr5 womi fromfl the 'i'Igers touhty beause
they coiiiuh nut 'hilt Teiy ss'hien uiiemi svcu eon
on bases. Score :
Milwaukee . . . . 3 0 0 0 i 0 1 2'J 12 J
Detroit . . . . . . . . 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1-3 8 3
t3atterituui Mllss'ntilee , Terry anti Sums ;
Detroit , Jrwin anti \Vihscuzi.
ST.AND1N ( . 01' TI-lW Ti'AISIS.
1'Iaycd , Won. Lost. Per C.
Indlaminluohls. . . . . . . . . 60 : ii 2:1 : 61.7
St. 1'utih . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 : u 25 uo.j
Coltumhnu'-i . . . . . . . . . . . S : i.5 23 60.3
lCmtiiuuuis City . . . . . . . 61 37 27 57.S
uhilwittukeu , . . . . . . . . . UI : lu ; 25 54L3
Orr.ahia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 21 35 37.5
1)etuoft . . . . . . . . . . . . . un 2L I2 11. : ;
lhhifliIcithhiH . . . . . . . . . 61 21 43 2.8
( lames today , tsvo at enchi omen : Ounihia :
ii I l' niisii ii Ci ty , I iuuh Ia minhiol is a t Co I i i utilems ,
Dotruht , : ut Miiss'uiukee , St. Peal at Mlnne-
apolls. , ' .
( iihJ1S ( IF' 'I'Iili : .VI'IN. ) % J LI1.tLhi.
Clui.'iigu Ciitcks ( 'uIoiielui by 'i'hiiiely
Hut I lii itliul I'IPIIl lug lI.'t lu-i' .
Cii ICACO , July 3-Lcuiig nmiih timiieiy lilt-
ting , with a. ilttiiu the better tlelilliig , su'on
tuiday's ' game for tile Orphans. Captain
Clarke hilt eiifel , u'nehi tIme LII ) , WillIe lihhl'il
led the locals ssitii ( out' hilts otut of five
ciiuiiees. Atteuuuiuiietu , 5,800. Suore :
lt.1i.o.A.E. it.ILO..5.l.
Ityan , If. . . . 3 3 1 0 0 hloy. ct. . . . . U I ) 2 0 0
Evt'rltt , II , , ( 1 13 ii I Itfic-huty , ni 0 0 1 7 Ii
Islehl , 21u. . 0 1 I a tu hu'xier , hi. , 2 3 2 ii
1).ulileii , rs. . ci o G a i ' . liii lit' , If 1 4 1 ii I
M't.'urciu , lb 0 0 0 1 Ii % Vuigiwm' , II , I 2 II 0 0
\riee , Cf. . I 2 2 U 0 ( 'igiiuamu , .b U C 1 2 1
Clian. e , rt. 2 1 1 0 OIJ.Clarhie , rt 0 Ii i 0 0
liiuuuhiuie , e. II I I 0 O ILtrulg. , e 0 1 2 0 i
'l'iiormitun , 0 0 U U 7rier , u , , . . 0 0 (1 ( 3 0
'ruutuii'i . . . . 7 117 U 2 'i'.tuuls . . . I t'2i : ii 3
\I Ct.srunlck . uit.tuu . Duilihi'uiui Irutcrferc'micu , .
C Ii I cn go . . . . . . . . I ii ( I I ) 2 :1 : 1 0 -7
l.niifss'IlIui . . . . . . . . . . I U 0 2 0 1) ) U 1 0-1
Enruieui rniis"Chihrngo : , ; Loiulsvllie , 2.
Let t uiui luiiiruui : i a p Ohm tciigo , 0 ; iiu isv I I it' , 9.
Thurec-biee : hlhus. . ltyiiii. Atones. Sitrhlli'u'
tilts : houioLu , I in'u'nguuu'r , Cllnguniuu.
Stoieui liuiseit ' % \1agncr , F. Clarke. Struucic
( hut : tlY 'ihioruituun , I ; by Fraser , 2. 1ie
liii liii I Is : Off thi'uhiorii to ii , I , tfi' l"ruuuer , 3.
1 1 It seit hi bnl ) , ' j-.kiii hI en : ( 'liii tire. 'I'l nun of
go 1mm : 0 no hull ) r ii nil Li f tyIl'uu in lou tee.
Umpires : 411111 ivoud.
lit'Sl(1A ( I a .tiio I tier i'u I r.
CICINN4t''I July 2.-'i'iie linus su'oui
iuiuu I u ga in tie , thi Y by sulutriar field I uig a i uI
ti intul y be I I I hg. hue I I ro s us untiul ui giti iii lit
lb Ii Islue a , litu t uifl ii hut rt'co svr. \h i i gn liP eui I
battluug and pqe-uiuuul ) ; tuletiiig by Stt'inteiuit
sYt'ro tutu rcuIuiqiA , 'tttundnuit t' . 5,201. tcom
ilust gunie : fl
( 'uNciM141li'I ; ; g'i' . wins
i'4iItuA.E. it J1.u , 1
Mi lii iOe , et U .1 . 1 huiiul , r ( . . . . 1 1 II 4)
StuImi'ldt It U ai , Stemizel. ( .1. . I 4 0 (1 (
Cc.rua.raui , ha 0 V Ii 1. 1 114r1e ) ' . ur. - 1 U 0
1ikhu ) , Lb. I ut5 1 0 u. lust' , t , . . . U 1 4 0
Miller , rt . . . 2 - II 0 I l'r. ! h. . 1 lu U I
ireiii , : ti . . ii a 1 2 e i ie'rnt'nt , ' 3 3 I ,
Mci'liee. 2b I 11 'J t tuilnn. .s. . I 3 1 U
P.'lz. C. . . . . . 2f.t r'.k.,2hi..O 21 Ii
1)mii'anri. j , 1 0 1 2 4) . $ uidiiuif , o . u C I
' 1'tiji - . . 9 : ' 'C.'lal- ' . . I 12 , mu 1
cilihuiluiili ,4. . . . . . - ' . ( I 5 0 ii 0 1 0 0 1-7
Sr. LouIs . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 U 0 U 0 1 I
Eu u ii cii rim us : 4'I lucIa flit I I , I : St. I , ouils , I
. ' 1'ivo.btiuu iuius : Stcnel , Crtne , Quluuui
'I'li ru'e.Ini u'ti lii I : itt1L ii t.iul I ui I I IC r , i rss'i Ii.
St tdeui ha stu : hO ii ze I. i Ii , ti li hu p1 a 14 : Cal' '
( ( Ii 1111 iii 1u1tPhut'ti to lmneicle : . ' , Fhrht base on
ljall. : : Ily lhtniinutuiui , 4 ; I' , ( udiuufi , 2. lilt
by iulU buLhi I uiii ; fly luun ii nuiui. I : by
hiu-.Il 1. , Struck o4t : 11y laiuumiinn ; , I ; by
stiullIluti . 1. 'h'iue : One until' 11101 forty-tIer
I inililiteul. I Tluuuukrrs u A I t Duuiiiiti a i iii 0' ' ) , y.
Start' secuuiul
clNI'I.s''i. # fRI' . ' 1.01115.
11.11 Q. . % 1 : . It II U . ' . i' :
ieIl I Ii' . cC Z 3 4 u u 1'-w.1. i-C . . . . 1 1 (1 (1
Sit In .11. if 1 u U t' 'Util 1. f. I 1 0
I I .i4iI. 1.5 1 2 3 0 ) terlu ) It C 9 I
llkIe ) . .4 , .i b ' U I a , . I , . 0 .1 I , f
J.Ihit' r. t . . 4 1 -I U 't I Ii ) ' .1 Ii I' ' II
Irsuim , 31 , 0 1 1 l t 5d it , 0 0 II 0 0
Mi'lit . U. S a 1. 1 Q lii' , u. . . . a 4 G I
S'sthin , C. . I I ' , tu tu irukt , 2l. . 2 5 0
, . - , . ( ( .t' , . )
I. . _ _ _ t'si-t'y , p , , I I i 0
'I'ntnhi . . .In hS II I . _ _ -
* , - . . TnteI . . 13 1 ii
rluieinumuttl . . . . . . . . . . 'I U 0 3 2 0 1 0 I-ia
St. . , , . , , . . , , , , - , (1 ( II 0 0 1 0 3 3 (11 (
hit , tIn-il rui us ; Ciuiei uiuirt t I. 6 ; St . I4uui lui , 5.
'h'ssa.hus , o hi I t s : .I ci' lieu' . Qiuluin. Thirt'e.
tast' , hilts : Miller (2) ( ) Mclhrhule , Ilecichi's' .
I ionic ruui : ( 'Rrsu'y. ) tutit.Iq' uihny :
to Crooks , iecku'r to Mel'liee , Cuurcoraui
to Ilet'kley. F'ii uut biiu' uoi 1iis : I I ill ,
1sIci' , 2. Strtu Ii alit : ity I liii , 4. 'ffuuiu :
004.1 belle situ. forty-flee tililutitetu. Unipiree :
McDounltl , end O'Oay.
S'r4NIiiNu OF' TliIl TE.MS.
Plusyeub. hst. l'er C.
( 'Iueinnnti . . . . . . . . . . . 0 ; l .1 ti.2
Clevelnuiul . . . . . . . . . . . tu his 21 61.1
13ottihi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 S 20
Iiiultlrnoi'e . . . . . . . . . . . u ;
Ciittuit . . , . ' . . . . . . . . . . 65 ill A
I'uttsbttrg . . . . . . . . . . . . ,1.
I. New Yortc . . , , , . . , 62 91 111 PiOO
Piitiui'Ieltuluin . . . . . . . . 5S 27 hL 40. '
I . hirookl'ui . , . . . , , , _ , . . ( 3.1 211 3i 13.3
\ nshiluigtoui . . . . . . . . . 63 23 33 tL1
Loiils u I Iu. . . . . . . . . . . . I , , ; ti 'I I lm : .1
; t. i.nil'u . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 , , 43
( : iiumiie ; touluiy , t'.Si sit cccli tilace : l'iutln.
debluhihut itt IluuItlInule , ClCt't'iuiiiul at Clii.
t'ngo , l.oiuf''hlie 0 1 Ciui'iiinil ( I , Iioiton at
Nest' 'urlc , St. l.ouh4 itt I1'ttsbiirg , iIi o0k.
l'li , at 1'tishiIugton.
I lIt'I'Mtz * I i' ii'uu a lie.
TOhEDO , 0. , Juily 3-Score : '
ill 1.
Toledo . . . . . . . . . I. 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 1-S 1i 2
Yotuligstosvuu . 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 (1- ? 8 5
Jhuittt'rie'u : Ttiietio , hlu'uuvr , , Ferguson nlni
Ai'tliuur'luiuiigetissi ; , , Ctugssvclt iiui ( tititI.
UI1AND IIAI'IDS , July L-Score :
n.h-I : ,
Grauiub ilmipiuts 6 0 5 0 2 a 0 0 1-17 16 2
Nessenstia . . . , 0 l 3 0 0 0 I I 1-12 20 u
IuttterIe : GraiiI Ituiplduu , Altrock ithiti
Coin : Ness-ee'utiui , SnlIthu , Miller , Null ee.-i
iiflul Zliirntii
IAY'iON , 0. , July 3.-Scume :
11.11. E.
Duiytoui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1 ( : ; u I fl-7 1 , 1
b'uur.ngtlehti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a u a 3 0-3
hluttterlt-e : 1)ayton , flouebrntigIi iinti I.nt.
I ni er ; S uui I ii g II t'ld , \'el I ui a uut i-tfil : tie.
Conic enileii cmi acc'ouuit of raIn.
FO1t'I''AYNl1 , Intl . , . July 3.-Score :
1t.1 i.fl.
Foit V'Uyuiti 0 0 1 0 1 o o 0 o o a 0-2 s i
I'uiuuuieIleiui . . . . . . . . 20000000000 1-010 1
Ihuitttrles : Fart Vutii. ' , Itelmiuitmi nuuti
Ca uiiltiCl , I ; u1 ii uistlt'ltl , lieu iii aini Lttss' ,
% 'yiuloru S'Iius . % guilui , -
WYMOIIE , Nob. , Jtuly 3.-Suecinl ( , 'rele-
griuin.'l'hiu'Vytiiart ) flail chili svnn its
chIld gutmne fromn I limos-er at uiiuryevihie ,
luii. , toulmt y it ftt'r a ci 1)511 a liii e e I I I uig
git 01 e. 'i'hie gui inc svuis t I e.l I mi t tie iii ii t Ii Iii.
iuitig , V.'hI'ii , si-Ithi tsro mcli out lii the Inst
hiiI I , I. ' rt : isauit Ii I t t lit' I i a I I to r t ten cc
itliti brought in the svltiiiiuig run. 1'turner
\vuiH Ill thu. ' box for \ymii-e auid ss-as very
cf'Cectlve itt ( 'riticull thmuies. Thin featumme at
t hitu game ss-iis thm be ttlng of Crasylorti.
whuu ) got four hilts ( nit of It5' tiunee a I bitt ,
two of them be'iiig tsso-baggers. Tin' 1u\'y-
tnre , cIul ehitrtereul : it Shueclul ( mlii for the
ocutsion , s'iiicli ruui frame 10ittrfc. timid
took about 400 IieihuIC ahoig to u out for the
cluuinipiomie tif Nebraska. Score :
ihujmiovur . . . . . . . . . . . . . o i 0 2 Ci I 0 1 1-6
\\yomre . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1) ) 0 : m 0 t ) 1 1 1-7
. The Vytmiorc' tcain huhiLYs itt Ci'etti tweet'-
P.outoiu ttuiru's VI in
Boston Stoic antI uionmi ui lie iuiet at Fort
Oiiuit hi a gIutiui(1 5 , Se miii ty niuuuuil mig. 'l'tie I a I-
tom' Seer , , , hefeuiteul by tilt , score of 9 Ii ) 2.
9'hi feature at the conic svui' thin uittehiImig
of Sullivan , lie strikimig alit fourteen men
Scort' :
11.1 I.E.
hbutoii Store . . . . . . . 2 2 0 2 1 1 1-3 1 I I
Miiiai't-li'U . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 1 U 0 0-2 2I
Iluitteries : L'ostoui Store , 11. S. StilhI'nii
aint 0' I I ea Cii : ul u inn rch s , Ittel man ,
O'hcife ummid O'C'rn'Iy.
See u , ii ii . Se It ii u' I z ii ( t' , I II e I ii s.
NF\ YORK , July 3.-TIme secomiil sehiuct-
: : u.'uu ( emt a f I Ii e Nit I tuhmiIt I Shit : 11)SliOuitetC' ii C-
soda I to ii lu3gfl Ii I udty a t C lemiul itt ii l'ut u'k ,
I. . . I. . mind ss'flI be contlumumid tluifly until
itt ( ilithil y . J U I- : I I . 'l'I i i-ce ycul I Iulgo t liu' uu 5-
suucluttlujuu lucId Its lmiItfui touimmii mmic'mit aim the
sit mmie gi-uu mid s a u iii rut n ges , tui I I lie cii tries
for this ycmire lu'stivnl i : e iiimiiisut uiutitio ,
I I ic' mm ii liilut'm' on t I it' I 1st I m i 19ti , 'l'hi is year
tIlL' ilSSiC bitt h a ii I s lii : e'lcetf by it gnu ma ii ty
fimiiih ut $ hjtid ( ( ) umuiti thu cacti Iu'lzes alomie
utmount to rmeirly ; $111,110' ) .
(1'iun I iid iii us ' , V ! ii.
RAND ; IS LA N I ) , Ntb. , Jtuiy 3.-Spcciai (
'l'u'iegruu mu. ) - Nntss't I his t i u iuul I hg ext ci lent
WOrk on tlit' uetrt of Guide Ilrothei-c' btt- :
tory amid other mnemulucu's of the home teuini ,
thai Gemiuua huiulia lie 55011 ( uut touluty's genie.
Setre , 1 1 t a . G ri lid I sIn ii ii hi : 0 no I uuuu Iv
Its ( )1uIOliCiiti4 , but Its hiuTne uttmdtuia
agolmist it umiui had itri up-hIll game ( raIn the
ii tart.
( t uutIuisIL 'Ifll'M 1"uii ri Ii Gaiuie.
O'l"t'I'M\VA. in. , July 3.-Ottunisva ss'oui
today by hard hilttluig. Score :
B , II. E.
Oltmuimuw't . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j 13 3
Quuhmicy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .1 2
Llitttaiies : Ottuniss'n'etrner and Keefe ;
Qtulncy , Cooper auud Luihiniaui.
.4 lii ii N 1' lii ( Ii Is.
A coterie of minIs' faces st-ill iuiaiigurnle
time fourth week at the Troatlero tonight
cmiii offer a complete cbnuign of lurograni.
Thin counpany tilts week coniprises the ( Oh-
lowing tech knots'n leople Adchumiaa anui
Lowe , Vouletta and Canoe , Loremizo end
AIlem , Muulehlnc ShIrley , Shi.irp nail I-'lat ,
Johimi "uS' . \'orhub nail Franic ( iiirilnuit'r'u.
fanious equestrIan baboon T.tusi. , esjii'ciahiy
engaged for olin more week.
l'iulul lsliers 11 u'fust-llue ( lifer uuf I''uss-
1111'li Ii , . % it itS lIt-il littuirs miusi ' . % 'i ii
Shut Out Iuiluuui Stu'r.'uulyiiers.
ChICAGO , Judy 3.-The situation betsveen
tile striking stercotypers and the lumilhsliers )
of Chicago reunnimis practically smuchmanged
and probatuly iiI Ctcago paIcr ) will iuiihuhlsti
hioforo 'l'uuesday mormulmig at thin earliest. 'rim
publishers haul a. conference this afternoon.
sshien it vns ulcterunined that no ntteuuipt to
lssui a t ounom'rosy W'oui i il lie muade.
A conminittee train the Prcssmumen's umniouu
waited on thin piubilshiers today , asking for
mimi opjmrttmuutty to act as comiimnittec of cnn-
clllatfoum , but thin publIshers i'euuscii ( abso-
Intel > ' to hias'e anything to iho with thin Ster-
cotypers' iiuioiu Imi filmy way hiere'after , do-
elating that imone of its mmiemnbers ; svouid be
permumlttctl to svork In nay of theIr emcee
A special trallu froni Milwaukee over thin
( 'iilcrugo. Mlisvnukec & St. l'aul railroad
dumb I ii ton ighi t hurl egi ui g cx I ra nil I t In us of
Milwaukee evening papers to partially eiuii.
lily tIm ilemaumils of ChIcago mailers. The
i-tutu ssas uimndo in 01141 hiotiu' auid thirty
uniuututcs. nemirly a imiiie a imiiflute , crud time
iapeu's , were ulispoecil of to cagor cltizeuiuu
ainiost as soon as they aPhienrech on the
MlI'I'l ( Iii Iliiiui. ut SiiauIii ,
AIADEII ) , July 3.-Thin fohlowluig are the
iuicreases iui tim gold and silver hmoldiuigs of
tInt Hank of Sham for the week cuithing yes-
terihay : Gold , 2,298,000 pesetas ; silver ,
5,515,000 oesetas. ' ( hue note circulatIon In.
creascul 2,381.000 1ue3eta.
$ liyuui'ui IN . .f Ot'.uuui YMIIl , JiiI' 8.
At Piuiiatlt'lphiiui-Arri'ed-\Vaeshauuil , from
A t Q ut.eii et own-Sn I I ed-Cam put n I a , for
Ness York.
At Iluvre-Arrlvcd--La Navarre , froni
New York.
At Movihlc-SaIled'---F'urneesla , for New
I aucreul ( rein Eezmma en the rirlit car. I
Cut I i himrtli ) b'el' lii ) ' IIanti3 ui1 I t , Slut , ituti I li
sra so severe , Stimuli hiulubtes scuutu ti ° l cii ,
VuIt-tt ! , ; ; .t ssu'ry'1iLo tilitmic , ii I areit'y $
iloI..oiitiiJ. o .e of the le.zding doctors hero
I I iitui uuu , a'u I a lIIIIL'ui I iuo tz ta : I liyslcaiu'c !
reineuhies tututiout benefit. My buuotlt.r tee-
oimuuuiumii thtt : I try C'I'l'tt ItS. 'flnfrt :
iippllu'uiliun ur-3 j'if5 101 , and huetar3 time bilL
iuauatj' g'Jiis 'lut ,1.'il'a lhhuiidis(1p111-rn-il.
11 , C. IIAht'.I.l' , 'U hate St. , ( 'iuiii , , 0 ,
itri&Y Cr.e's r..t . rmr , Icusiorf'e.
* 1 5 i , uTlia Id's I ' 'r I I u it - 51'- Ill 1. . . C , ; l , I. TI-
iii * Sumi-enlIe NnI"in. wI t I. ' , iuu-v11 * . J-Iliot ( it
mn.iike : , , &nd PaIl 4n. . ( ' a ieee h1nu.tsa .
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binui t ilL. fst'ii gi'cuttcut fmtetnruu of thin hinutil 1mg art kiitit'ui it ) ( hit' IlitMilcili lurotessIout-
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These Doctors Can Cure You.
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The great electrIcal and tncdtcnl specIalists of ( hula institute are far thin best , most
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1iiedfcuil institute Iii the ONLY I'iACE
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thiitt if tummy Povr huh eutrtiu cali cure you tlieso tuctors can. 113' Jiueu-lic 'if thmijir cOn5.
lutnunl u'lectro-uiieulk-nl I reatmemut they lie so effected counplete auth iht'luuuutuicmit t1 , ' , it
after till others lund failed. Solon .lc'etors fail iiec-uijie of tleutiuig tin. , wroumg tiled .
itlicms ( ruin 0(31 knots'iuig tIm right treatment.
A pet-feet cure guaranteed In all cases accepted. Our epochal eonibiuieul Eli
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slee'i , i eseiicutli , % V iI k hose of body it mid lire I Ii , d I zsl uu's , h ii I I lug I ii 1111(1 ( I' , lutelc ii f ( 'mieugi ,
II lid Cu ) Ii lldeuici' , 1 eniemu ti i'o y , u'vl I fuurt'Iioit I mu ge , t I tim Ii I I t y a mel at I ar d 1st iu'ieiuug sy iu ui.\
I tune. Such ci , SiC , I 1' ii eg I ci teui , al tim net I iv a rfubly I i-ad t a mciii ii t ii riii u cii y mu lot ii i.iu t It .
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'l'lue coimibitirtI Ehr'rtro-'lt'illeal 'I'tcatumi ( 'ill cut thin 131rito 111w-ti ( i'\Ihl11lui ( I Iiu3titlit
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of I lie ssonib , in lIe ma uric t I ii a a r U hr-era I iiui , I ilium t lug , iu cii uhue-hucs , Clii I iii I ss'ei it uiesi , ,
tvliitciu , luakutchue , hot hiuuulu.'s , iier'uiuiHtmeM S. lt..uie of nhulietitu ) nhud geuui'rutl WL-aklueu5j ,
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Olut.uu DnIl' fVohut S ii , flu , tuu hI p. iii , , Suuiiihii- , in to I p. iii ,
% s'It ! il1 I 1" YOU C so-i' CA 1.1.-A I I (1 i.i-i't'sui liii ( 'lI'I' ) I ii iImu I ii Gus l' ,
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I I t' tIll I ? $ I.
State Electro'Medical Institute ,
I 31)S ) 1t UN41l S'I'R JE'I' , o1 't H , NlIh. ,
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WE [ ( : CUllED ft SYPCUUS 01 !
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cr wero. % Vt .nake uur usi , , ui leuhis . l4 .
' UctuO hi HiflJlQliozeifl.CO ,
aiuiI yeti Ctfl till .ia gettIng well. 'iV IIIUO l
Nrltmen &OIItTNfl11N With fuul ewe. ihuiutle , , HAHN9 PHARMAO ( ,
hut Ci OUi.V , : ul iuIAusAcy s is. t5I , , .iii i'aTfl.iI.OMAIIaiND
iUi'jE ; : ! iLi : -
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I Uiuto.nO , 'I iut,5 % % ' U 1'i 'lhuu.hiiul. .
I I ir ( . - Iiuitbor ' '
Read The Omaha Bee , Thur ( i .t.h , u ' it L
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