Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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i ; qilliB oMAiTA DUTiY WEE : " 'l'lTESIAY , , T1TNE 28 , 1 898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hi i1 ( '
311XR ltVNI'IO ( .
131cRcr % beer. tocnfid , T'1. 323.
Misi ; Atmn Tnylur ot Iumtburg , In. , 9
tile guest of MI 1dItIi yes' ,
Wntte1--tJitat cdltlon. ot Council fl1Ut !
city dkectory. Aly nt Hey otflcc.
) , c-Cicf ) nt l'oflco l Caniitfl
day frou a trH ) to LouIlIte. ICY.
Th lniinIe nfld Mnbel Itothia of
Iutitiig ? , In , , iUe VI8IUIIg frIeni1 Iii thiS
city ,
l i' . ( , WctI Of the Car5on Critic Is In
11,0 , cIty to 1tk'III1 ( ItO COUflt ) convention
Vo3tInstor . N. Johnson of Cnrson , who
¶ g ti ( leig1t0 to thu county iunvition , is
II th c1ty
Utruo council. No. 305 , KnIghts and LatUcs
btSccurIty , will meet toulIit ot Royal
cTun1 iutIi.
f.1I'rcd Jolinsoti. on nhIe'A confllenco
' % nS &itrvtc1 & , by the polLcc yesterday os
) character ,
: 'ri10 laundry is the leader in flne
voik both ( or color an Ilnish. & 20 I'carl
gireot. i'iionc 2D0.
, , Un I ty gil I I I w II I hold a spC tal inecti ii g
) in ovtnIng at tI : . . home of Mrs. Mad'len
niiI all members are urged to be ircsent.
. John \V. GIagow , hailing rrorii Nnicr-
Vile , Iii , . 'iis arrstcil yesterday afternoon
fhr e1IIing boo1i without first tahiu GIt
a license.
I ion't you think it 1U13t % ho pretty goofl
launtiry that can pIeno so liurny Iii.uIretIs
of ctIstuIiiers'eIlthat's the 'L'aiIc. ° I
721 Iiroailwty. ,
I ltev. I , . 1 1. Crnx of Ochvein , Ia. , hna ac.
CLiltetI tIit call ( 'xtenl'd ( ( to hIm by the
congregation of Grace 1I1lSCOiaI church of
this city ala ! 'til take charge about Au- -
East I. . -
ltov. I. . P. ? IcIoitrilt ho nrrnneil ror a
cointinattOn ervtcc at t. I aul's cliurli
next unIny ( evening tu which nil deaf
, , - t 8Iltltes In ( lie city are Invited. Rev. A. \ ' .
danii , gt'1'rnl tiiisIonary to deaf iiitite ,
.i1i be , 811(1 ' % 'lll Interpret the scrv-
I Ice I-cn by tIi ILetor1 , '
t. MIss lila 1"ellcntrotor orrivil yeterdny
'from ' , Califm-nln on a vIsIt to Iir Inrents ,
Mr. and1 S. A. F'cllentreter -\'asItIn- -
thu avenue , anti will Ltlce In the cpoii
I tlnn. Miss Irefltnt reter l a contrltn
singer at ICIUt(3 anti her frlend in this
city hope to lLVC the Ilca nrc of hearIng
her In concert before she leaves for the
Ca t. '
Thi , enminer vacation at the Stab InstI-
tuti' for the 1)eat commences Thursday and
1 hat lay initi t he fal luwi a g th a cli I lii ren
will lt ) ? , cflt home. Superinteiident itothert
put in yesterday at the local ticket otlices.
securing the tickets for his charges. As
the children caine from all irts of the
State , the task of arraligitig for their trans-
IoratIon iIfle ! Is hot n light one.
Coiniiienclng tonrnrrow the cotigrcatloii
- of the iI ft Ii A vi'n U e I eth od I si cl i U reli w III
hold tabernacle , , icetlngs every evening In
( A. large tent tImt has heeti erected on tue
lot ( ) IIoSitC ) ) the church. Au enlarged
chorus has beeli organized to kad the sing-
I ag a ud t ho nitp t I ii gs a Eu expecteil to last ,
; three 0 % ' four weeks. ltev. lry wIll iinb ,
a 1)1 ) y liol ( I t lic reg ii I a r Sn rnluy services I a
l the tent.
FOR Stll-Gooc seconu-h'ind bicycle ol
: ' . bargalc. Call at Tue Bee oflle , CountII
\Vnr songs war songs ! vur 5aug13 ! by tin i
ItidlcyBuck ( Illartet , Vednyslay t'veiiing ,
Juiie 29 , at the armory , 3lnsoulc teniple .
Admission i cents.
1'flIt ) ( ) ( UI-S I II'I' 'rod ( ) XF'lIt .
- I'pf II at tiiil' ( . , ii * Ii'd Itii' ( ) Iein 4
n Cuiiist'II
. fi Tiio tIi'st IIL' o1 the I1ottawa1tanle cunt r
nstttiitc , which Ojeflel ) yesterday morning ,
.resmiltciI In aim mmrolimment , of 2S1 teachers
time largest immimmiber enrolled on au opcntn ;
day in ttu _ ' history of the Institute.
t Time morning session was ilovoted entire ! : ,
to the ork of enrolling and assIgning liii
visiting teachers to toarllng houses and tim D
. real work of the Institute did not begin on -
Ut afternoon. Commencing today the ses -
l sloims will begin at S n In , nod close at 12:3 : 0
1 P. III.
1)r. Emerson E. Wimlte , time noted Instrime -
tor of Coitmnibus , 0. , arrIved yesteniay morn -
jag anti in. thu afternoon lectured at. end ii
or the soveim classes , Dr.Vlmite proved him -
self a moost magnetic instructor amid cap -
' timred the institute from time very start.
- Dr. C. C. Ioimnds of New York , who wil i
, . have language nail literature. will not. arriv 0
until imext Monday , at which time Proi r ,
Shoimp of Le Mars , In. , who wIll have arith -
metic , vIIl miiso arrive , Among time In -
structors _ viio arrived ystcrmlay are : Prol r.
-v. j. , Iclommaiml , rincIpai of the ? dimmdci m ,
Ia. , schools ; Prof. 0. J. Mc.\iammms. princLm LI
of the Neola schools ; and Prof. J. I'easle r ,
simpcm-lmmteflmiemmt of time Carson schools. Tb I )
emirolimnoot yesterday included teachers from Ii
all parts of Pottnwattnmio county. anti au -
joinIng counties as 'eIi as mmiaimy from U
Onutlma anti neal-by towns In Nebrmsku. :
The umciat pliutograplia o ( time United
States Navy. containing over 200 Pictures
of time vessels. vlllm their odicers amid a nnn-
of the views of the ill-fated Maine. caim be
had at time Council fluffs ollco of The lice
for 25 cents and a lice coupon ,
Furulsimeul rooms for rent with board. 221.
ootIm Sevemitli street.
llim * * Iiu4&a t' 'l'ru.sisfers.
Tile following transfers were ilied yesterday -
day In limo abstract , title mmml loan oIlle of
J.v , SItmlre , 101 Pearl street :
13. W. luseahury to C. It. Nicholson ,
lflt 7 , origimmuul iulat , Council itiLmffs ,
vd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 100
11. 0 ui urso I o P'mmu uk J . ( umnter , ,
nw % mm % % 1-5.- * mmmiii ne % mn 2.75.
: ts , d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000
lulutry C. Scmulien anti ilusluamni to howls
1 I - lidredge tmmiuii' zms' sw sw
12.74.44 , 'V ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
Cimmmrlt's l. ( 'orrlgmumm uid wire to I'wIs
I I - i'ldreulge. ummuitv uw sw %
v ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
\'iilIun : 3l'Tumlimumm to 1ovI I I.
rt'ulm. ' , iimmillv mmv sw flv' . 12-71-
4. 'V t ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000
Ne'lui Pt'lermon and wito et ul to Chris-
ttuiit I'utersomu , sv'4 ' ne. nwY
seV4 mo' , Mj ne' ne % 21.76.43 , w d. . . , 1
Fredrlck llerg mimmd wile to Casper
Ilrieh. lot 8 , Juuison'mi Grumul View
_ muilmi , Neola , w (1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii )
viil F. Ileuiemtolif , mmii vICe to lcru _
bout I I enja mn % u , lot I , idock , 15 , 1I III
miulmi , ( 'uuLImmeil illuffs. q e d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Della Imu ) ' Bnodgrnss amid htmstumnul In
FiIziIbetlI Htlll , ii 10 feet of lot 14 ,
IIm'lc ( ( I ( . Carson , v d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
, Alb.rt l.mungstroni and wife to I'ImOmfla3 I
OIlIct'r anti \V. I I. 1d. l'umsey. lot 26 ,
bhCk ) 3 , hIghland I'lnee , w ml. . . . . . . . . . 100
-\vl I 11mm in C' . tin tI i'll o ummutVili lain J.
Idmirtlii mimmil wives to Pmestytvrkmu
elm mm n'h ( if I I mu ncotk. lot s I a mid 2 ,
block \\'Illtmtmns 2t1 zultl to Ilmmnctick ,
v d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Eleven trnmutI'r14 , total . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.lnrrIsmgi LIu'u.uu.'s ,
Licerumues to wed 'ero issued yesterday to
t 10) fuml km wing It'rsmm S
Naniti antI ltesldemici' , Age.
I lam-ry Ieters. 2uIlmuIen , In. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.omilso C. I.ederer , Minuleim , In. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
\v. Ii. Ciidy , Onuilma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Anna Stenmiett , Ommuiha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2G
; t
1'orPuddiug8 , Oustards , Cakes
LLnd Blanc-Mange.
: i ; iIEcA1Es ARE IN DEIANI )
P ottawattaini County's ' Support 1 Much
Do.ired Just at Prcscut
S in I I It Iol'Iiriiui Viuui imlienic , . tue' , Im ) . 1)et.ItlImt ( U nI'r , _ fiur 1e
I'Iutee , I.emt I ii g I I a ger nuil
mIe&u to IluuiIe.
The friendand supporters of the several
c ongrcssl nni cammdidat'e's were busy yester-
( thy iatchlng up their fences and lining up
t ime delegates preparatory to the county cona
v emmtlon wbttdi will be im1led to order thIs
t tmormmltmg at 11 o'clock in time superior court
r oem at the county court house by Chairman
I lazdton of time reu'pblcan ! county central
c omamittee. The convention Is for the pur-
l boo of electing twcmmty-ftvo delegates to
a ttend the statd convemmtfomm at Iiubuque Sep.
t enmber 1 ; twenty-five delegate3 to flttCfll (
the congressional Convention , tinic anti plato
yet to ho diSlglmatcul , : in l a like number to
attend time judicial convention , which has
also not yet been called. Owlmmg to the con- :
t est for te nanmimmation dmief Interest is
centered in the election of the delegates to
time congressional convention , as I'ottawat- :
tamale's ( lelogation Is the biggest Imi time
Ninth district.
lcveiopmnemmts during the last twenty-four
hours Promise to na1 thb convention an
Intercstln and possibly exciting one. Up
to yesterday morning the friends of cx- I
Speaher flyers said he had a ihrge majority
of the delegates. Matters may now take
another turn , as lIon. Smith Mcl'imerson of
lted Oak has consOnted to become a camult-
date. This he had imrevlousiy refused to
do , alid the contest at the caucuses lay be-
twcen flyers anti linger. Mr. McPherson
has a. large. numnber of supporters In this
city nmul county , mn1 there are those who
predIct that now that ho has consented to
ho a candidate lie many capture time delega-
halt from l'ottawnttamnie. LeadIng repub.
liean In the city say ( lint had ho nmmmmounccd
himmiscif earlier he would lmare had no dl-
eulty In securing the delegation tmonm this
county and his friends hope even at the
cleveiutit hour , as It Is PoSsible to make
him l'ottawattnmnte's choice for congre3s ,
Mr. McI'horson It is said , vIlI have the
solid suppcmit of time delegates fromn Mills
nail Montgomery 'cbuaties at the congressional -
sional Convention , bnd If he secures Potta-
vattaflhIc lie is simro of ( ho nomnimiatiomi.
\ \ . A. Iollet , a leading attorney of Atlantic -
lantic alit ! a law partner of Major Curtis ,
Is In the city iii the Interests of the latter'
camul lulacy , but lIesemit lmnilcatlomis are thai ,
Major Curtis vIli not
develop any strengui I
to speak of 1mm tOday's cozivelitlomi.
t The convention will vote by districts. 01 :
, I which there are seven in the county , wit ! 1
, total of 172 delegates. It Is said tiier
is a scheme on foot by those opposed ( C )
Mr. flyers to change time usual order o r
timings anti have a resolution udopted provid .
lag for time votlmmg by towmmships and pro- .
clmmcts but It Is not -thought likely that thu
convention will couisemmt. to a * hammge in thu
usual method.
lfoffmayr's fancy , utemmt flour makes thu I
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for it .
sitit.'s sti'i' GOIS OX 'lItIAL .
I'1muImutlll Vlums IieI'Irst Itoumuuul mum him -
I& . & n ! Comm es C.
The hearing of the suit of J. .1. Shme t
against the City of Council Bluffs was commi. .
oucmiccd In time district court yesterday aft. .
ermiooiu before Judge H. M. Towner of Corn- .
lag , who hind 1)0011 invIted to jureslule b ,
Jimilge Smith. tue latter being more or lea : S
persomm lly Interested 1mm time outcome of thu
case. The hearing had bemt set for mnorn :
I immg , but as Judge Towner mild not arrive tin -
( II late It was irnstpoaeul until the after -
noon. . -
'rime first round was won 5y Shea , tb it
Court sustaiiilmm n imiotion filed by Iuimmi tu :
j strike cut certln Protiomme of time city ; S
answer. 'rho PotIoum stricken out covercu , I
I sixteen paragraphs and is ( lie part of tIm it
city's answer alleging that time plaintiff wit S
CStOpietl ( mmmi hi ioging actIon by reason o f
lila incites and also that the real vainatlo : Li
of time city otm which tb constitutlona
linilt of imidetitedmiess should be bacd tva
differetit front tii assessed valuation. At -
torimey liar ! spoke for an hour against tim 0
motion , but Judge Towner decided agalni ; t
himim inn ! tmstIuinet1 'thu nmotlhn to strIke.
Folloiylrug this an adjournment was taken
until ( lila muorning in order to allow the itt-
torneys on both shIes time to agree on a
statclmieiit of facts. The ci3 ! has PrePared fl
statemnemmt of its fluamices ( rota 1881 up to
time ; rcsent tlrmie , wimicim It intended to 1mm-
troulmmce in evimiemmec and for thIs pmmrimose the
city officials hail beemi subpoenaed mis wit-
ilesses. Shea also has Preimareul a statement
which he compiled from time city records
amimi books. It Is likely that botim lde t-IlI
be able to ngree on all matters shown by
time city recormis alit ! this tvlll obviate time
necessity of puittimmg time otficlais 0mm the I
staimul amid greatly facilitate the hearing. If
miothmlng turmis up to cause a hitch In time
ngrveimmemmt dii to statenmemit of facts , the ar-
gummmllmlts will be comminermced right away thIs
mmmormulmmg and tIme hearIng of the case wilt
probably hot occupy nmore titan two days.
Should mtn.ugreczmmsmmt.faiI to he reached nil
this documnemitury evidence tvill immito to be
lmitrouitmced utmd will commatmmne the entire
Scisuuif Auljmuitgsd IIlNuiI. .
Carl Sclmnal , wimo was arrested Wednesday
or last week and semit to St. Bernard's hmos-
Imitmul for obscrvatiomm , was adjuulged lmmsammo
yesterday itnuI ordered sent to time itsyltmm
at Clmirlmmdmt by the commmnmlsslommem's for time In-
sane. Schmnaf's legal residemice was foumul to
be in Mills county amid time auditor of that
coummty was tiotitleul accordingly ,
\\'tmarm arrested SCImitaf imamt in lits posses-
slon $2.25 In cash , a certificate of u1ep4stt
1mm ( ho 1irst Natiommal bank of ( lila city for
G0 and a mimic hIll for si ; : ; signet ! by hIs unI I
do. Christ Scimnaf , for whom he said lie had
I been workimig. Since being semit to time hos.
luitai ge-imamif's commulltlon hits growmm worse amid
Summulay night lie wmts tilseovereti by one of
tIme attemmmlaxmta trying to scalui imlmmiseif to
death in a bath , Sonic way lme haul mnmitmuged
tO gel into the bath room unumotleoti and
'lthmout tmiklmmg hIs clothe's off got Into lbs
iuidit antI turned on time boiling tvater. The
attormdammt discovered hint just in tlmue to pro.
vent any serious results.
Untimit ry Slurs' ItoIlv.i , ,
Word vnmu receIved at the sheriff's oflico
yesterday that the store of M. L. Tucker itt
Brooks. a small town emi the Burlington. hail
been broken Into Summilay mmight ammO twenty.
two Pairs 0 ! shoes anti a general assortment
of dry goods stoemm. It Is thought that the
thieves macdo for Coimmichi illutis or Omaha
to Plant tint 8tOlCfl goods ,
Ilmiluum's . % uisv'rs Suttmtr , ' , . Mutt.
lit the dlstrit court yesterday David
Italnes flied an answer to time foreclosure
suit brought agmmimmst imlma by J , \ ' . Suluire.
Ilainemi alleges that the loan to blimi was
hindu not by A. D , Aunts , as claimed by
Squire , but by Squire imimmimieli , and that the
trust deed executed to secure the loan was
siull aod void because SuLre could not in
vlijtor-e totht5 socttOu. It bas UI ' .
tact execute a dee4 to himself. Further ,
Ilalnes sets tip ft counterclaim for $10.000 ,
alleging that Squire inmiuetI him ( o execute
new mortgages on his property , agreeing to
t ake up at once and cancel the former aotes
a nd mortgage. This Italnes alleges Squire
f ailed to do until after the lapse of a long
( hue , so that time recflrmls lmOwd tt large
e ncuimibrance against his property , which
eo ep revented hima from disposing of It as he
o therwiso would have been able to do.
Cal Ilafer. the well known manager of
t he old llamnmcr Lumber commpnny ; amid cc-
c ently with QuInn & Co. , mas severed imluu
c onnection with time last named firm amid
I ntends running a lmmmber yard for himself ,
I to has leased a comniodiou yard on middle
l ironuiway , opposIte Bradley's. anmi vtiI soon
h ave a full stock on hand and be in good
n mnning order. Lie bit fotini by hIs
f riends atV. . II. Ilradteys liltic F'ront ,
w here lie has a temporary oflico.
, ,
1ilItl : ISA1 Ctl I'A t'M ZI0 % ' i.ic i.
3lnmuiger fl'ebuhmrlmmNlIImig 'Vim tmims to
ha iiml It IiIImNiInu * I'ritcI.
Manager Webster of the OminIt flrldgo
a nul Terminal company 'as itt thO city yes-
t erday making nrrangemens , to posit the
work of the comimpany's hlne over Union
a t.entmc as raplmliy as possible. lie has
ao warded time contract tor building the bridge
o ver time creek 'to J. hi. II. Canmpbel o tlmI
cl ity. who will at once cotmimenco work on it ,
l imit tinder ( lie mOst favorable circumstances
i t cannot be completed much under two
months. The bridge will cost ilitwarti iCt
i,000 and tvhmilc In course o cqmmstrmctIomm
time coumpammy will cross Its trains over time
"false work. " The bridge will be eighty-
eight feet amul tuonmetlmlmig over nlncten
feet wide. The triteSt across it will be built
iii curve. Maimager Webstei' ha emitereit
( mite a contract for time track crossimigs tobe
placed mit Twelfth street and Union avenue
and states that ami nrrammgemnemit satisfactory
to both companies will be brqtmghmt about , be-
tuveemi time Termmiimmni amid Northwestern. Mr.
Webster goes to Chicago the latter imart of
this Week to cioso ( hg contrt t. . . . . . ,
The arraugenient to misc time llumrlhmgtomm'a
tracks on tIme vest si(1e of tIme creek between
FIrst amid Sixth avenue 1mn. IiQbem , , , pmmm-
ideted , but Manager 't'cbster does mmot cx-
liect to immeet with aimy obstacle here. It a
satisfactory arrangement cnmmmiot be miiade
the Terminal commmtammy viii build a track on
( lie east side of the creek. Mr.Veljstcr
sill's lie hopes to have his trauma rumimilmig
between C-otmncll IlltmfIs anti ( lie exposition
grottmmls possibly by Joy ! 15 amiul anyhow by
Atmgtmst 1 , whomi time big tmavel to time expo-
sitloml lie thlmiks rill about conummience.
. I'Irm' l'iuuIerst-rIfui , , ' Suelmil Cliii , .
The ammnual maccling of tlm Pite Umu1uI-
writers' Social club of the state will be held
hero todmmy amid already a number of ape-
cliii agents , uccommipailiLd In most ciic ! s by
theIr wives , have mtrrivetl. The cssions of
tIlL' club , which are said to be soicly for
- social purposes , will bo held iii the ieague
, roomns at time ( Iramid , which have beemi milcoly
decorated for tIme occasion. Those who imitvc
cmigaged rooms nt (1mb hotelshtucm tiomitj so
for several uia's , as miiost of the visitors iii-
tend pumttlmug in most of the week taking 1mm
'time exposItion. Aniommg those ivimo arrived
yesterlay nut ! are gitqrui , at time hotels
arc : II. C. Stuart , wife and daughter , Vi' .
A. html amid wife , T. Afloblmmson : aim. !
daughter , M Isa Vivian ItobimisomuV. : . E. 11111
ami rife , 13. T. Houmgii immiul wife , F' . A. Iuin-
amid wife , J. II. Smmuitim zmmmtl utife , mill oh
u Ies Molmies ; T. T. Armstrong , Mimes , In. ;
George \V. Iteymioldis , Chicago , amid D. W.
I Aumtlm-evs and " , V. E. Ilolt , St. Louis.
Vliy do I have immy ilmien done at tIn
Bluff City laummulry ? hleCause It looks fimmi
and wears longer.
J. II. Tabor iuius purchased a Leagu .
bicycle front Cole & Cole.
ilstrlt't Cmumrt
Judge Smith held the session of distric 1.
court yesterday afternoon in the superio I. .
cotmrt room as ( lie case bf SHe Igafrist tim : 11
City was being heard lii the district cour t
by Judge Towncr. The Wiisomm divorce ens : a
occimpleil another day of court and was no t
concltmded at ndjotmrmiment for the clay. I t
Is expected to be finished tommy ,
0'15 ' I' . Jensen fihiurmt iuetttion for divorci C
front lila wife , Hcrth , .Lo.wbomn Ii e
va8 nuarried in York township , I'ottau'attn -
nile county , March 6. of this year. -
Charles C000ey , conyicted of seductlomi L
was semitenced to nine months in the Pefli :
tentlary at Fort Madison' -
Frank ICiilian and 'I' . W. Crn , ot1 h
charged m'Ith breaking mind entering , ontere 0
tubas of hot guilty.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Map or Cuba , \Vest imtuiies and the Won 0
at The Dee omce. lOc each. ,
Try Moore's death ( o , ilcq atni mites-
ilmtv.e l , ii it uumimiun llors , ,
A rummawny horse hitched to a road cam .t
belonging to Jamnei4 0. Larn , ' of liii At . -
enue 13 created comisiderablq , cxciement on
liroadway yesterday afternoon just mit a
time when the street was crthvded with
pedestrians. Time horse started on its mmmd
cancer at time corner of flrynmmt street but by
time ( hue It renchemi Main atm-oct tIme wheels
of ( lie cart were immlssitmg and nothing re-
mmmcd but. time bomly , which time aimimnal
trailed belmiimd it. At the corner of Main
ammul liroadway a crowd tras standing in
front of ( lie new batik bmmlidimmg nail the
horse mmmdc straight. for time sidewalk , scat-
teriog time People right .iimmtl left. harry
Clark , a telephone hiuemnnmm , failed to get out
of the way lii time miii was kimocked ilown
itiiui tranipied Oil by time animal amid struck
iii time back by one of time summIts of the
cart. lie was severely brumiscul anti is probably -
ably hurt internally , but time extent. of his
immjtiricmu cotmhl not be learned , Time horse
after colliding with several btmgglcmu tumid
mloing immure or less ulanmago , was finally
brought to it unit by rumimmimig limb a ( ole-
graph pole.
Sii'rIer Co. . mt.
Time June term of time sumpenior court was
convened yesterday morning by Judge Ayles-
worth , who after arranging a few preilml-
nary details , adjourned until Weminesday
mmioraiiig , at wiilcit tinme time ease of Thomas
C. ICcmmmmedy against M. fl. ldgertomu is set
( or' hemurlmig ,
Judge Ayleswortlm nmamle an order that
trial notices uimumy be fileti ( coin this date
until ( lie last day of the mnommtim to bring any
cause ( or trial on anti after July 11.
The commr ( will macku amm assignmemit of
cases for time term \Vednesday morning.
'Itt , , tulului \'i'lil I ii irs.
DS ) MOINES , Juno 27.-Special.-Two ( )
remarkable golden weddings uscre eelt'lmrateul
in Ies Moines , omme today' anti 0mw Saturday ,
both families belmig aiumommg the most jurotni-
neat in ( lit' tmitc , Time ceielmi-ation Saturday
was that of Judge and Mr3. Chester C. Cole ,
who were married In Oxford , 0. , amu imavo
lived lit Iea Moummes since 1857. Jtmdge Cole
tvmus formmicrly cittef Justice of this Iowa so- I
imrcnmu court. The amunivermusry today was
that of Judge amid Mrs , I'hinemms M. Cassmnly.
who were married in les Molmics fifty years
ago anti Imave lived hero ever simmce. Cassady
was ( lien a young lawyer anti he ha.s been
engagctt iii bamultlng tumany years.
IIiiuel , tai mui.i. ui ( ii F'siuim. Ii' ( oui , l..t ,
ANAMOSA , La. , June 27.-Speclal.--.A ( ) re-
cent. Imuterestlmmg cvemmt at tiuo Iowa Iefll
tentlary was ( lie bapttam anti reception on
probatiomu imtto time Methodist Episcopal
church of Miss Ielln Falos , mm convict 1mm ( tue
womnatu's departnment of the lurisoim. She is
servIng a twemmty.year semitdmice for assist-
tog her lover to kIll his father , near \Vav ,
erii. Ily tier request sue t'ss imumnersetl iii
time river near the vrison , the first iastamicu
of the kind In the history of the prison ,
. , I
I owa Bateries ( Prepardi 'fako ' Up Quarters
at Camp ! .
. . _ .ALi.
u-i is'
PIfllu nnl SItli Aretl'cleete.l In lie-
inurt sit les inIpui's for lieu-
, ' . , . ' '
: mit Litter ( 'luitit
Wedmiesuiimy ,
DES MOINES , June 27-Speclal ( Tele-
g ram-Word ) has been received at the state
h ouse that Adjutammt Gnrai Dyers has comn
p leted the work of examination and enlist.
ment of time Sixth lowa'battery at hurling.
t on , and today goes to cedar Rapids , where
l ie expects to complete .ih samimo work oum
t he Fifth battery by the tuitidle of the week.
I t Is expected that the. two batterIes vtli
r each Des Moines miot later than \etInesday
e vening , tu'luemm ( lucy will ( it once be stationed
a t Camp McKinley.
Judge and Mrs. M. 1' . Cassltly today cole-
b rated their goldemm weduhimig. They were
n marnietl in this city on June 27 , 1S48 , and
n ra time first couple iii Iotra to celebrate I
a golden wedtilmig 1mm tshiicim all of tht fifty
y ears have been lived tIm Iowa. Judge Cas-
s itly is SO years ohd. li served Iii tIme state
l cgisiattmre mlumrimmg time first ammO secommil gcn-
oral asscnmbhies amid represented a distrIct
which included all counties vcst of 1)es
Moines to ( lie Missotmnt anti mini-tb to time
state hue , lie huts lucid many iniblie offices
auth has at the gnome tinme bemu very success-
( mm ! In Pnivato business.
'l'hme credItors of the M. Itcigehmnntm Mu-
himmery couimiiaumy , wimiclt failed comae tceks
ago , totluty flCCeltCtI time offer to settle oum
a basis of 25 cents on thu dollar. 'I'hio
creditors hold cinimims aggregating t77,000.
There are 120 creditors itt all , tmucludlmmg
immnhmy lmrommuimiemi ( eastermi brats.
Time Iowa prolmibitionhts will hiolti their
state convention in ( hue \'ouimg Mcmi's Christian -
tian association ntitlltoritmm here tomorrow
anti Veilmmcstny. "State issues , straight out
lrolmibltlon ammO vommiait suffrage as a supple-
miment to it tvlll be ( lie declaratiomus of time
platform , ' ' saId a tvorkcr tonight.
.A full state ticket will be imomumimmatcul.
There is comimparatively no Interest in time
muomnlnations. Today arrivIng delegates
mimeimtlomied the following as a likely shmute :
A. ii.'ray , Ummion county , state trvnsmmrcr
Malcoliui Smnithm , Cetlar Rapids , secretary of
state ; Mrs. A. a McMmurray , Des Moines ,
state auditor ; J. I' . Fergusomm , Tiptomi , at-
tormmey gemieral ; I. iort , Sioux Cty , so-
iremno judge ; It. M. Dielmi'asluingtoii ,
railroad eomuulssioimer , to succeed I'erkiummu ;
14.V. . Tulleys , Coumicil Ilitmffs , mmilroati coumi-
mnlsslc'ner agmulnst 1'mliiimir , ; Charles Austin ,
Shell Rock , sumprenmecourt clerk ; E. J. Ityc ,
West lirniucli , supreme Court reporter.
illi \ ' I IS'I'l.liS 'mo ii IS CAt'I'tI.
11,1t % glum , , ' I'remtts II is
I , I i' S I o'l ; tuiim ? Cot until ii.
Fred V. Stowo of qrImums , In. , omue of the
best lnow cattle feeders 'in Iowa , has been
'Isithmig the market fo a ; few ( lays looking
for cattle , says time Duivcr News. Mr. Stowe
has bcemm feeding cattlil ( or ( hue past nlmmo-
teen years , and oaly bnco In that tinte
has he ( ailed to iumnkenuoney ott his opera-
tiomis. lie has tbmo repUtatlomu in ( hue eastern
; piarlets , lit ttmehiist.catUc thpt
eoino to the market , ' nmmul it ia a familiar
sayimmg that the tall enul or Fred Stowe's
cattle4 will top ( lie Chicago amarket any
time. Lest year for the first time Mr. Stowe
secured a tralnload of Colorailo cattle. They
camume front Bear river amid were good cattle
oven for Colorado , the kimud cattlenmemu call
faiicy ammd that is time only kind Mr , Stowe
wants. l'revious to uis Mr. Stowe had
handled only natIve Iowa cattle , the best
tiuat could be lrpduced in that state. The
Colorado cattle were , somettuing new for
hun , btmt they tmcre fume looking steers , antI
he started lii to get acquaiumteti witim them.
"I always nmake it a poimit to get personally -
ally acquainted with mmy cattle , " sumitl Mr.
Stowe , "and when they first come I always
give them a nammie , chancy. Jack , Jima-
ammything that comes ipto my head-and I
call thmeni by tlmat uiaimme constantly umnfil
they get to know it timid knowinc. . They ,
5000 becommme gemitle , amid whemm I enter time
lot or go amomig them I have only to speak
to theft anti call the naume anti they payne :
no more nttelitlon to me than it I was ouc
of ( hoot , When I got. the Colorado steerz
I tried calling ( heat Jack , but they did aol
scent to get used to my voice. I cotihtln'l :
get acqualmuted with timenm. They were iii.
clineul to be wild anti 1 kept on trying nU I
kinds of exponinments to get timem used t
flue. Finally I tried whistlIng , anti it worked
1 11cc a charm. Now , m'hmen I go among Lijemmi ,
I juist commence wimistling a tune. and they
( itmiet right down and I can go amaommg tiuemmm
m mmiii do what I please without botlmerixmg
t heta in tIme least. They are ( he finest bunch
of cattle to he seen in Iowa today , amid I
shall continue feetilrmg thcmmu mmlii fall. I
h ind it most Important to keep ( hue cattle
quiet. I allow nothing to disturb or frighten
them , If you should conic tlowmm to see
thiemu I would take ybu otut only iii my
buggy.Vc could dntyo among themum antI
look at. them all we ideased while I whIstled
ammO they wotmiti pay no attentIon , bmut if I
were to allots' you to walk among them ,
even with inc. it would startle timemum. We
allow mm strangers among thmeni amid they
loath peaceful , quiet hives , eatiimg anti digest-
lug every pound of food givemm them. Wheum
we go to market we take them as qtmlctly
as possible , amid they have nothing to itorry
or tiisttmrb thorn tmmmtii they reach the yards ,
So they always arrive in time best Possible
condition ,
"The feeders who imtiye seen my herd nrc
crazy to get sornq JJ1thonm , and when I
conic in thin fall to bjjy.fqr next winter there
will be a mmmiimuhier0 uCffeeders conic with
flue , Ieover will bq1qu. market In the ( U-
ture because we cancgetthme cattle tue want
hero anti get ( item1 zighmt. Cooui cattle are
scarce in Iowa toulay.jwblle you licople lmt're
have tIme best to behad , It will be but
a few years when albibo feetlers .wlmo want
good cattle will cornuthere to buy. "
Mr. Siowo attribtiter-bia success to the
fact that hue buys on' lime best cmntlo he catu
finn antI treats , , . Time cattle
huave all ( tie fvti thy1qao eat , clean , coimm-
( ontabie quarters wl Ienty of warm bed-
thug in ts'intem' ontL&re never ( retteul or
tlisturbetl Ia nay .
wny.i They becommme as
quiet antI gentle as kIttuims ammO every Pound
of feed brings results ,
lt _ , , It I I , , ' ' ? . , I mu ,
AT1ANTIc , lit , , June 27.-Speciol ( Tele-
gramn.-t ) farnier , Henry 'hues , living flue
Hubs east of Zuiixmden , attcnmpteml to tIriue
across time Chicago , Itock islamuil & Paclfl
track east of MinOan ahead of the Cimleago
ilyer , btmt was caught. Mr. Thmis ammO the
team were instamitly killed and Ilying Imimim-
bor ( loom ( lie wagon struck and hilled a
Iii.year-ohti tramp on the tuilnti iwggage ear.
The ahock forced a 2x4 seantlimmg bile the
express car and the messenger hind a harrow
l'iis : Imuimlat , . Xutt I luiruusuiiilumms ,
OSICAI.OOSA , In. , June 27.-Siu.ctul.-n (
tlmeir county convenlomm ( here lime demaocntms I
ttmrxmetl down l. . J. Anderson of this city , I
utho tried to get time imudorsemnent for con-
gross. They imomuiImimmt d 0 , 11 , McF'aii for
county nttonmmey and cu orsed J C. Wililammis
of this city for district $ udge , Time luopullss (
Put in moit of their' time condemning the
. , -
Will dnd Yoli iii ManaWa
: : - . a mmN.Ifl Thirty-Five Minutes.
- . . - .
' -rHE bathino- season comtienced on the 19th lust , rri.e
j .
. , - is fine-just ricrht - bra bath. Tak the Bridge
line , which passes the principal hot1s. . , , '
Nicc tenting spaces for rent , Special performancc at
, 4:30 : and - 8:30 : p. rn. Band conceit No extra charge for
jLCflLC . Tables and chaiis free. Call 'Phoie No. 50.
action of thuu mhmuocrats. Tlmo rimiglendera
lund ngred ( lint the lurulmmilsts ) shmtmhuh ihiiimii
time cotummty ottonmicy. Mcl'ali slippe'i immiuler
tIme canvas , amid it lit irnssiblo there rlll he
mmnnthier ( idiot ; uhiu&d iii time field by tim
mu iddle-ot-tlituroauters4 . lio.ure cry munch
dissatisfied ,
! , , .ui C eu ii , ltii i'ii mm ma.
IIUIiLINGTON , In. , Jumme 27.-Speciuml.-- ( )
The store of J. T. tleckmmian at Dothgevlile ,
1mm this coumuty. was emitereti by two bumrglnrs
ulmo held up Mr. ileckmnami at tIme lmolmmt of
revolvers , tiemnaniling hIm. mnamiey alit ! watch ,
Mm' . Ileckmmmamm refused anti , called for help
upon which tiuc robbers puumuded him over
this head with ( he btmtt of tlmclr revolvers
tmmmtll lie fell to the iloor. then saying timey
vouil ml Ii I II ii I mu i t lie d itt muot cmuslm um lu. Beck-
mmmii Is t'ery badly used tip on aceotmnt of loss
of blood ( roam a large hole itt hits head. The
umibbers secured abotmt $50 amid it gold watch
of about 50 value.
l'iuivuui ( or Mmit'lt I uiery.
1'iItltY , la. , .ltmuic 2t-Spccimul.-TIme ( ) do-
mnntid for iuar'vstIng mmmachilimery iii thIs art
of Iotva is umiiprecedemited. Several salesnuemm
imave been puiiheti off in tlmis territory emi ac.
cotumit. of the inabilIty of time factories to
turn out am-i ) more mnchmimues than uthat timey
alrcamiy have orders for. 0mm represemmtmttive
of a iromlmmemmt harvesting machimmery conm-
luany , whose territory comprises seven comma-
tics , tachumuling Ialitus , says ( limit Ime has sold
already forty-nine carloads of immachminery
mmmiii twine this seasomi , or an average of
seven carloads tO each county in hIs ( cccl-
to ry. - - -
liuly htet'o'erem1.
CLAItINDA , In. , June 27.-Specinl.- ( )
The body of Earl Morgan , who was drowned
Friday afternoon at. Shmamubaugh , Page
county , was recovered at noon today from
time Nodatvay river , near the place of
- l.utt lress Coma iiiemi t.
Sioux City Journal : Mr. hlryumi fotmnd time
UmiittI ? States too large two years ago.
Cedar. - Rapids tepublcaim : The cc-
publicans of the Eleventh district spoke out
for gold. That is ( lie Iowa way.
Kcgkuk Chute City : Admiral Cervera
could hardly ha\re muanageth timings worse if
lie hadbeemi. . chugirman of the democratIc
national commmimilttcc.
Mtison Cit ? ( iholmit Gazemte : Time eastern
visttprm tp tIme Omaha exposItion will see ft
show that heats the world if they look omit
of the , tsLnulows as , they pass thirotmgh Intuit.
lCeoktmk Gate City : Iowa's best product
ku its rapidly lmcremsiumg ! crop of vatniols amid
heroes. That t mum inulustry vastly superIor
1mm every way to th itrotluction of corn anti
Cedar Itajmids Republican : Those wile ad-
'ocate ( lie mutralghmtotmt gold platforni iii Iowa
( huts year do not mean that we shall amaice
that time great or only issue , hiut ruttier
that we haii treat It as omme of the settled
policies. In order to do this we must re-
a ffirm the gold stnndartl , To fail to do
t hat is to Invite another turmuuoil of dls-
c tissloii.
Dmubuique Times : Amid now the opticians
o f Iowa have formed an organization amid
t hey propose to petition the legislature ( era
a law ( orhimithing any optician to practice
i n Iowa until he Ims luasseti mimi examllmation
before a istnte imarti amid received a dlplouuma.
' ro limit to ( lie Imoitlors of diplomas time right
t o tm-cat the eyes mnetiIcinmily or surgically
V tiulti be vroiier enotigim , but time inallenabl
right of ( him tlrtmggist. to sell spectacles tuitut
and shall be preserved.
, - Ii its I lieNs t 's.
A new $5,000 Iowa Central depot was
opemietl 1mm Oskaloosa last week.
In ( liii little town of Keota more than
$35,000 will be exlemttleti in building ( his
year ,
C , Dnmmkcr , who resides . 'lghtecmi miles
imotutlmwet of Avoca. hits let the contract
for a $2,000 ( aria rcsitleumco.
Iowa City is schliimg lots to c'ImCOUrflgO the
location of a jewelry factory , anti lifts
ralsetl $35,000 imu this way so far.
Osage pooimiu. held a mnass meeting omme
day lust week for time purpose of Imavlng
exiuiairmcti to them the Plans for time waterworks -
works umow murmtler construction ,
Emnnmetmibumrg creamery receipts for May
ammioumntcti to 67'J.224 potunds of milk , Time
average test tumma 'JS0 average yieiti , 4.48 ;
urcrmmgo nulik , 61 CentS i > er cwt. : expenses
247,36 ; increse of clmmunti test , 8 iier cent ;
price irnld'or' 'butter fat , 16 cents. Time
creamimery has mmow 140 putmonli ; $1,000 wIll
be distrIbuted on pcuy ubmy. Daily receipts ,
28,000 pounmis.
iit Iti.i rii'r-it luel liii rrm'mumur , ' .
LONDON , .TUoe , , 27.-The Eu'eimimmg Newt
( lila evening announces time betrothal 01 r
Gerald Du ! uiuurler , utOii of time late authiom
" " Miss Ethel time u
of "Trilby. to liurrymmioro ,
Mnenlcamm actress , wiuo sonic time ago wat
reported engaged to Laurence Irving. Youmu :
lu Mmmunier , iii May , lS'J7 , was said to bt u
engageui to Miss Margtmcnite Silva They bolt I
nmado their American miebut in litiG , as mneni
tiers of Mr. Beerbohun Tree's company '
Gerald lu Matmnier was Zoo Zomi lmu time Len.
don iuoductlon of "Tnuiby. " lie is about
30 years of age. Miss liarrymnoro Is mm daugii.
Icr of Maurice Ilarrynuore , umid a niece 01 r
Jolumm Drew.
(1 f I iit'rest In Iftu uuits.
WAShINGTON , June 27.-Speclal ( Tide
granm.-Ttmo ) Merchummnts' National hank 01
( ) mnalua was today approved tie reserve agent L
for ( tue Merchants' National hiamik of 510am C
City , Ia , Also time Commumerclal Natlomua
bank of Chicago ( or time First National bao } I
of Lantier , \ ' > 'o ,
The comptroller of time currency today ox
temideui time corporate exIstence of ( lie Firs
National bauik of Deadwood , 8 , 1) . , unti
Julio 27 , 118.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
i : inuii AND 6Afl0N FARMINO P4\1 \
* Council .lJluifs ! ' 3 . .
i' You enum liii ) ' iiuiim'ivei a , itt imui hump i'n''ut ( iii I t inuuils e'iu'mi pir lii
mr I Iii' . lei ii i ( I imm.ui ii mu tviu'i't' lii I lut ( I i I C ( 'ii Slut i's. 'l'lut.ri' Is miii ( nil-
. - . , _ mu m' of . 'ruuis , Iiet'e. i,4)D1. at our Prumit I'm , m'Iuua mmii I Ic they ii re Iii lucuir-
; - iuig ,
, . . Fsft7 P vT'rIrc I ) . IV , c itiSS ,
'I'- .1J .1. ( ICi 'rite tteul : E'Iutt" utmimi , , , itrnlcirmm , , s- -
4 : + :9 : Peam'l St. Council Bluffs , Itt smi : fLtuui3iefltimlirtt ; ( 4 . !
-'i. I 't' rtuui iii I v comudmue t huiyc m's I Ii mud i oti r timmui for I mu fot'l mu : m t ii ii ml Ml it tim tili at. yotm - .
or'Iumtimk keim ot timtr' ,
-0' : : sammt.
, . 'I' , , t 'S ' $ I.0' 'h 5m . . 0I -t I ' ' I .5. , ' 0' . . ' I I
I : ' ' 4' ? ' q ; ? - , - : ; -r ? , . . '
RiOT II11NENT A' ! ' IIA\'ANil \
Oivil Police Dissatisfied ciiid Are Guarded by
tbo Soldiers. .
ElmugIlMIuuuumimI % 'iiu Cuuue Omit eu time
Cruilsem' 'I'iulimot 'Zeus ot' ( ito
Cemiuilt louis I've-mmii I I mug
'I'icrI ? . I
( Copyright , 1S98 , by Assoclateti l'res ; . )
KEY \VEST , Jumue 27.-Thue muuost imuthuemu-
tic arid reliable news yet obtalmital of time
true coummittlomi of affairs iii liavamiii was today -
day fmmrnisiied to ii reporter of tIme Asso-
clntetl I'ress by a British stmhJcct tvluo left
Ilavnmma eu board the British cruiser Tal-
hot amid who arrived here yesteutlay. lie
says mt m'L'lgmu of terror exists at tue Cubami
capital. Captain General liimnco : has issued
a Procianmatlomu arumuouncimig that ammyone ( ilmr-
log to express an unfavorable oplmmiomi of or
suspected of beIng dissatlsfletl with ( hue
Ireselmt policy of the govemnimment trill ho
sumnamarily shot uvlthmout trial nr investiga-
(10mm. 'rhius iuroclutnatiou , IL avvears , caused
diasatlsfactlomi uiuuong thmc miucimiheis of ( lie
ortlemm iuhlico or police force , u'iuo ( lii eat-
cited to revolt if full atlomis moore miot
aerveti out to them. Sommie trotmhlo was cx-
IeCteti , as the Omiemi ( 'piubllco is a mimmnicums
amid uveli artmied hotly of mumen. The resumlt
today is that orden iublico patrols the city
anti their nicmnbcrs nrc themselves policed ,
Spanish inmmmmtry amid artillery soldiers
mnouimtimug guard over tluvumm at every cur-
nor , Ftmmlime is lmimilmimt ? amtml time .utories
o ( time arrival of sulplles mut liavamia by
way of Iiatabamuo are promiounced to be mmmi-
true. - -
'rho informant of time Associatel l'ress
thmimiks Ilavamia cannot pomsibls' hold nut si
wecics loimger. The city is jronotmtmceti to
be iummnlc-atriclcemi , ita inhJiant ( expect-
hug every ummonmemit to be ljomntiartied by time
Amnericami hleet , aS tlmey 'reahiae ( hat Captaimm
Getmemul h3lammco' mmttuth t released Limo
Umuited Stntcs ( rout ( lie obilgaiomu of givlumg
the custommmary bomnhardmmment notice.
, Id mum H s Ml I miii thin Is l'siierm.ti' .
Riots are daily expected at. ! Imtima , as
the troops arc smmfl'erlmmg ( roam liummmger amid
time voluiiitcers see ( heir uu-tves antI chmiltirt'n
ulying of uvamit. Under smuchi comuditlomus , time H
captain gcmmeral camimmot mmmcii ioiiger keeii
the uuiiiltary forces iii check immmii a rcbeillomm L
is likely to tievnstime Havana befomu time :
city ii. . captureti by the Anuerlt'mmrms. Cimji-
( mmiii Gcmmeral hilamico atlmmitts thmat time sitmma.
( iou is desperate. lie recognizes , il. ii I
pointed out , hula Immobility to coiutiol hii I
troops , goaded 1)1' iuungc'r , immucli longer , mmmi I
imo lit reported to linte tumulmi ( hat i.e wilt I
mmcver leave Iias'amia alive , as lie is immo'
PitTed to ( alto lila owmi life whemm the omit. :
break occurs ,
Senor tI mm I Itoh Itlo , a lronm I mm cmi t Spa mm I sit L
mimercimutmit , time mefligee commtIiitme iii imis atmmtt' .
mmmemmt to tii Amsociated l'm'ess , haiti i,000 bagi ;
of lieu r iuim.itiemi a L G uemm Iuios , a s alum rh 01
himmu'ammmm , amid was retailing it to tlm lumbllc
General Amolas , time mmuliltary governor of hum.
vamia , uvaut tnforxmme'i that Senor ( ialbomm'm
truclmmu had traces of frsim flour on timelml I
ummtl lie c'atiseti time Vehicles to be followed
Time store hieing ( hums tllclosed. it was seizet
omit ! distnlbtute.i umimong the rnvenous sol. .
diers ,
Referring to tile uttrengtit of time Siuarmisil
forces , time Briton says timuru ( are 320,00 (
macmm u mider anus mm t I inucmiumm , but a gnt'im I
mmtmmmmber of them are re'mttiy to uuurremuticm
rather hum die of litimiger.
In comuelimeluim , time gentlcmoatt says hm' ' I
cretlits time report that tIme gunmmels at L
Morro castle ammd at other Spanish baltcrlc'm m
uu'ero taken ( room forelgmu war ShutS amid in
says tile consuls , iruclmiuling Mr. ( Ioiiamm , ( lit
llrltlshm representative , ui-u strong Sinmmmisi m
symnpatimhzenmu. llritlshm'lco Commmutml 4raste .
gel , tie comitlmmucs , is 'mu SpanIard buy bimti I
and a reporter fur imi Ltucimu , ( hum. xnoutim
piece of the govermmtmient . Mr. ( oliumm , iii. . ;
linltlslm consul gemmermul , hue ( imntimc'm' remimarks
gave mm dinmmcr on ( lie qtit'cn's birtiiuiay a
tuhlcim all time guests were Spaniards aiim I
three British subjects , jiromiminemit muociumill p
anti financially at liavutna , were , it is iii-
legeul , relegated by Mr. ( loilan's ormiers ti ;
the forecastle of tIme Talbo ( when It left ha -
vana , because time ) ' were Cubamu mmymnpatimiz .
it Is said timat as a result of ( lam ammergeti :
protests of the Englislmamemm to time Iiriisl
foreigmi office anti to the govtmnhmor of Jut
mnalca , time Taibot will shortly returmm to ha -
vamma for MInister Goilami.
m'ertuilmm I misc to I'st , ullIes ,
\'ASiIINGTON , June 27-Special ( Tele -
granu.-l'ostmastermu ) appointed-Nebraska ;
- . - - - - - -
- -
G.w. M.D
. . Paiigle , .
flenster of DtMsmLf4et3 ( St lChl suid
mile U.
i'RoPitIit.roIt Ott 'r1ui
Vor1d's IIct'biml Di'.pm'im'uIuu'y of Metiicln"p ,
I CL1mI-CntmiruIu ofliefid , Ttmmoat amid
fimmmgs , iimcneml ) imi , i e nmm.l Ear , Fits mmmd ,
AIOhuleX } ' , liemurt. I , mci' mtmmti Eihlmt'3 ( JlH1'itit'L' ,
iIabetcs ) , lIriimt a I -'cItt' , ft. Vilmis Ihmmmc'o ,
Iiiomm mmmimt ismmi , Sctof'u lii , I I mopsy cu red tvitimommt
Itmpimimug , 'j't , 'ml Vormmi' mCiiutu'cd , nil cimromtlO
Nervotis umimul mmnlvmuto iiitc'tuues.
'Iii yommmig mnm
L ' .
YPLIS _ Ommiy 1'iyielimmm who can
U iiOCi ly eumm'o
without d2stroyitmg teetim and bommes. No mner-
cmi my or luuul5umm ttimme'rum i mm toil.
I'Ii only 1'lmvieltmn tmtmo can tell wimat utlhi - - - -
you Wi I inuim I , imaklmtg um ( immt'Bm item.
'l'iitnt itt a tiistitmmct.m M'mmtI for question
blumim k . N 0. 1 fom' minim ; No. 2 1 or tvommmcmm.
All eorm'cuuimoflticnoe strictly eommiicietitlai , ,
Medtciumc emit by express.
Adtlmces till letters to
G , W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
flit Broiadwmiy , ( ) lNUl L BLUFFS , LA
ifSentI n.cemtt mutumimmu ( Or mmmii'
m Engines. Gasoline
r. 1toOO
I , ' /
! . . ! . : : . : s. : Power.
or us or write for prlc. ' sail t1emerlption
IIA % ' II ) iIiit1)L1i1' & CO.
I Cot : mini I lilimif. , Ioivn.
.IACOII'iil ; , lIloi.
201 , 20C 2i ( } , 210 , IIm'umiul mummy , Commrmcil flluffn
ltitt i.'a , i .2. ' per dim y ; 75 numuns. 1"irst-cie&u *
I ' r'spe ( ' I . ui lit (1 r I I tin t 0 St I I ilelum ( ii ,
lucumi itgciu'y fur tim , . ( k'it'Iunmiti'ul St. h.ouimi
A - I I. C. ihutr. First-clues bar 1mm con-
- - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - _ _
F' . l".llruwstcr mit. Nortleui , } Ceymm Iuahma.
Comm ii t Y , the L E. Sit I mm I ey , mum u vetl ,
I Intuit . C' . 0. lmmrrehl , at l'ilot Mound , Boone
Soumtiu Dakota : \Vhlliumgmm A. l'ricst , mit Bend. .
Si't'r'tmi ry Igt'r trli ) , rs IliaC the I'Iu. .
tlmmms of lii , . 'h'ijp.'li , 1Vr..ic lIe. .
i'iI t. lii , ' IIe.l ut At lt.i ( I , , , . ,
W'SIllNGTON , Juno 27.-Secretary Al-
g'r today rcctvcti a tmlegrama Ironi
l'resltiemtVam.imbumnmi of time Kammuas CiLy '
Mexnuiuis & iiintmmlmmliamn railroad
, on wli1cI
time wreck occurred of Colonel Torroy's reg- ) ' :
himmerut of rotmghm riders , Colonel Wmmsimburn.
( ! lmnl'sseti grmut regrtt timid sorrow at the
eathmmutropimu amid mmmustirt'd limo goviurmunemmt ot
time desIre to give time WoUmided all atten-
( lou unit tb ( mvcrytimlilg Possible for theIr' .
coutm fort ,
Coicmrul Torrey , time ctmnmmnmmtndt'r of thm
reghimment , was able to i'roceed on his Jour-
. ' . lie smmukcmi : "
mmm.'y. that time demul be given u
Ciurlstitmui burial , anti limbs will hit , .10mw . , IIr , (
Washburn imitaio somuo mttmggcstiomms as to.
utemmmilmmg time wountled to luosimlials grid in.
reply to hut telegrumrm
Secretary Algem , ' saitl
"i'lcaimo take care of time wounded at thm
best hospItal arid time nearest by ( bat yom
calm find , being certain that they arc well.
carctl ( or. 'I'hme gOverflmflmm ( will pay tb
expchmses , Also imuive thu dead burled amati.
( be raycs marked at Tupelo , "