- . - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - . - - . - 4 TIlE OMAhA DAILY JuNE 8 , 1898. 5 - - I EDUCATORS IEET TOlGI1T' ' ' Opening 8ion of' tim Transmississippl Ethicational Convention. ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE GREAT EVENT I'r1 Ittil nfl ri p nn4 I 1tt Ar- rInI uf , , . , IuIi o I'irtIc- Ijitti Ihi the l'r.griiiii As.- , ; $ Irc , Il4 ( 4NP. Although the opening csoti of the Trans. 1nhIIsIIpt IlucattonnI coventInn h L lielti until tlIIR tvenltig , a large nunthur of L iiekgates arlive(1 ( yeqterthy An tlure I con- , ( 31IoraIle activity In eIUcat1oIa ! cIrc1ei In orranging for their rcceptloii The coiifer- once lB Intended for alt IerFonfl inttosted In the educattonni progress of the Mates IartICIPatIIlg In the exposItIon tnd between 4,00G nnd & ,000 slelegates nre expectd Among the nrrlvals yeiteray of those who vtII take n promitient Inrt ) lit the exercIses : nre 'V. V. Stetson. state MlperIntenIdnt of InstructIon of MnIti , who will speak ' VdflCs(1ay night ; Prof. Gilbert 1l Mon Isori r' IrIneIPtII of the Kansas City Manual Train- ; lug lIIi.rh selinol , who will siiealc nud take part lr * the manual training coiifrnce ; ' .farne A. loirlIl of the same school ; Mrs. Matilda Evans Itlicy , inatrtictor In (11 awIng in St. IotiI. Mo. who will eoiiltict thc' con- I ferciice of drawing teaeh&rslIss ; % nry C. McC'ulloeh , vlrn vIIi nIlar ) ) on the ' hlnergartcI1 ( JrograIu on TI1t1ray after- noon. The leaihiuarters , for the arIoiia contin- genis have been nnrlotlncel ( as follows : ( en cml hcattri1arters of the executive committee - . . ' tee , Millarit Imotel ; Ne1)raskn ) , lellono hotel ; r- Iowa amni South Dakota , Mercer hotel ; MIs- , , sourl anti Innsns , I'axton hotel. The mucet- 4 , log llace for the general nessIon vIhI be Boyd's theater In the nmormiimmg mimid the Amnhl- : toritirn , exlo3ltIOt1 grounihs , In the evening. The conferences wmli be held at the tol- : lowing points , WelnesIay afternoon and : Thursday afternoon : e' Boards of Education , City hal' ' . Itural schools , Young Men's Christian a- soclation nuthltorltmmn. Secondary schools niiii colleges , Metropol- harm hall. Science teachers. First Methodist church. Teachers of English , F'lrst Unitarian church. Teachers of htstory , Library building. Agricultural colleges anl ( experiment stations. Conimnercial. club rooms. * Teachers of mimanual aimil Immdmmstriai train- r I tog , 111gb school buthihing. iCindergarten teachers , First Congrega- tlonul church. Drawing teachers , First Presbyterian church. Music teachers , High school building. - Chili ] study , First Congregational church. h- Teachers of the deaf and blind , First Christian church. The committee on entertainment will be found at time Commercial club rooms. . ' ii iii IsIiui to A .ud hurl uusut , It is particularly umuumounceti that no oume who atteuids time evening meetings of time convention , all of which vhIl be lucid In hhio Atimhitoriuni , oxpoltion grounds , will be requIred to imy for alnhlssion to the grounds In order to attend the meetings. Arrange- Ineot hmma been mantle by which those attending - tending these evening mmmcetlngs enter time Audltoriurmi direct fromum Sixteenth street , Just as thmough time Auditorium was outsitie time exposition grounds. 'rhmse already upnmi the eXlOSitI1 ! groummds 00(1 ( wishing to at- teImI those meetlmmgs will be glvcmm chmecks mipomi passing from the grouuiuls Into the . Ammditorlummm. These checks will remuimimlt _ _ J--- : them to the groummds from the Autiltoriumn at the cloo of the meetings. The oIicial progmamml of time comivemutlon proce'dlimga , , a neat booklet of twenty pages , has Just been received froumi the iress. Be- I(1es ( time detmill 'd irocranm of the gemmerni sessions mmd conferences the book contains a quaumtity of general lmmformatlomm ( or the convemmiemico of time stramiger , lmmcludimmg an accurate map of the city. The musical tea- - - ttmres mlemicrhimeul in the prograuim are of a -I- . 'very high order. Time Theodore Thmonmas orchestra - chestra % Ili render time opening uuuimmbers of tIme evomming sesioims amid an orelmestral concert will take iiaco every eveumlug In tIme Auditorium just irecemling. the convention ineetlmmg. icr'Ist's 'I'iuls L,4'Iu iii . The oriler of exercises for thme opening Session toniglmt will be imeld in time Amuiltorium mind ( ho preslIhng otficer viil he Dr. A. F. Nigimttmmgale of ChIcago. supelo- temmdent or 111gb schools of Chicago. . Omaha JCOplD tech an especial Interest in 1)r. Nlglmtlngnie , as he was time first rlncipa1 of tii hhigim ehmooI. lie was later called to the princlpmlsimt : ) of the Lmtko View ihighm school , wlmere ho remnaiuicti tuntil that . suburb was lumcorporatcd in fbi' city of Cimi- / . I cago. Time programu will be opemmeml by the Thormuts orchestra , followed by Introdmmctory remarks by time chairimman , The remainder of time progrnnm Is as follows : Address , 'The Coumservatlon of Forests. lteafforestmmtion and Arbor Day , " lion. J. Sterling Morton , Nebraska City , Neb. ; "AleltaVaitz , " Mrs. Unto hirhieweil Anderson , Salt Lake City ; mmmimiresg , "Some AIeCtS of the Ilstrlbmmtiomm of Forestry , " Ir. Jacques W. lteilway , F' . It. 0. S New York ; address , "The Train- log of a Citizen in 1)emnomracy , " l'resideumt ( eorgo A. GulcH , Iowa college. Grinumeli , is. lion , J. Sterling Mortoim is mmmmthlcientiy veIl iniowmm to Nt'hrammlcaums mmd of time other two speakers lr. Jacques \V. 1tcmlYay Is one of time bmt immtoinmed mmmcmi timat It has beeui the privilege of time teacimers of the west to immet. , lie Is time author of two different series of geographies , botim of wiuicim are widely umseti amid favorably regnudtnI , l'resl. dent George A. ( imltet4 is one of the most strikimug 'permmommnhities nnmoumg time college mmmcml of time vcnt. lie Is mm thmorouglmly west- era man iii mmii the qualities that we expect to find mouder that termu. item'i'it , , tim Team'ImerN , The receptiomu to the visiting emiucnors ( at time city imahi on Thursday night has been Ilmtlmnetl ) on an elaboratu , scale. Time build. log wIll b thorotmgimhy lliummmlnmmted amiti mlec- orated munil time occasion Is eximectod to be a brilliant out' . 'Fime reception comunmlttee so far mmanmemi Is as foilows : Chancellor amid Imlrs , MnLvnim , iiearii ltosewmmter numul wife , Victor lInaewater , C' , C. Beidemi and wife , Thmomumui lCllpatriek mind wife , lr. Vt' . 11. ii.mmmcimett mind wife , it. C. Jordan and Miss .Joriian , C. Ii. ( irattomi aiui ) itt' , hr. J. C. Moore mmmiii wife , A. A. Uucimammmmn anti wife , Irwin Ltivistun amid wife , C. 0. Irey anti ' / grt"s ; - SPEUFIC I , fmr ahead of any blood remmieiiy on the mmusrket , mar it ( ion mu , mumumuli mumore. lo. .ldo rt'uumovimm mmnlinrimics , and toning up ' * ime run.tlowmu systemmi. It iuria any blooti diseess , It niatters imot how deeiumeatcd or obstinate , vlmlch tither o.caiIed Ilooti remnelie , fail to ream'hm. It ii a real blood remneiiy for reai blool dIea.ies , XmLr , sa Swithm , of ( ireemicastlu , md. , 'erite m "I baleLmehu a Ictil case mit Sctstio t Lttotummmatisui that I lecamnu atsohumely hmeipesi-unabi , , to take may foomiorijanille ttmysei ( 1mm ammy way. I took mu1uiy hutent tcettictmm , , imut they did not reach my trotmblo Oume ilozen bottIe of ti , it S Cured , mac sound awl , ell , audinow weli ' no. ' hooks out blood and akin diseasie mualled tro3 b swizt SpeciAc Coumlhauy , Atiamis , (1 % . Miss ir'y , Jtmdge W. W ICeysor and wife , Superintendent W. it. Jtwkson and wife , } . .1 hiociwell nntl wife , II. i. I'enfol'l nn'I wife , C. U. hearse nail wife , Mrs. .1 Id. Glhlan , iiv. 1' . .1. Mackay nail wife , B. F. Thomas anti wile , Dr. Newton Mann and wife , A. I' . Tukey amid wife , ,1rs. J. F. Wagner. Mrs. J. L. Woodwarmi , Mrs. Orietta Shields Chittenden , Misses ltne II. hlamlitomi , Agnes Metonmuld , Mary A , Pitch , Mary A. held , ( inrn F. Cooper , Lk'rtiia U. ( lret'n , Saiiln I' . l'ittnman , Myrtle \Vheelcr , Anna i"ooa , Sarah MeCheamme , LII- lien Llttlef1lcl , ilirace i. TlsuIaie , Edith hhtmrgcsa , Myrtle Smith , May McCoy , Maul hhurimanan , Mnmgnret McCarthy. Famuumie Ar- umold , Alice hlitte , .fenmiio Redfleid , Sahena Burns , UertruIe W'ntermnamm lumnouit ant 1hitht Dumont. rIaOIAy ) FOR r1EACIIERS ( Conthoumel from l"irst I'ago. ) , - - - - - - - - - - - fIl eclipse anything ever seen In this see- then , Each concession is doing its best to excel au of the others In time mmoveity amid nttraetiveimess of its arrangements nod some of thorn are going to great epeumse to carry out tIme dtaiis of timeir plans. Thmo question of urgimmg upou tIme expositiomu niamiagemmieuit time expeillemicy of reducing the lriee of auimlasion to time groummis at night to zi ; cents was not taken tmi for action , it being atated tlimit time etectmtIve commmmnltteo of time exposition humtd Limo matter under eon- slderal Jon , Ml1'.tNA'S ) I'III "II' iIt'IbiiNG. , tuu.liu'r Mimi te II.m.u , Iteuiilv In 110 : , iii'i in .tliriucIoiis. Time ceremonies itmeimient to time formmmni dedication of the 'slontmmmma building on the Bluff tract will be very simmiple amiul lumfor- mmml. A large delegation of PCOilt' from the nioumitmuin state Pt expeetcui to arrive 1mm the city tommtorrow morning , headed by Coy- ernor Robert B , Smith and a band fromn BillIngs. In Limo PartY will be rcprcstmlmta- Lives of time leading Montana. newspapers amid nummbers of retidemmts from all larts of the state. Time exercises will be held at 4 o'clock in front of the Montamma buiidlmmg , the Interior of the btmilullng not being adapted to acconmnmodato large gatimerimmgs. t'resiiient . 11. Sutimerlin of the Montana commission will nuulce a short address and turn the building over to Governor Smmmltlm as the represeuitmttive of the state anti time governor , in turn , will transfer time build- lug to i'resliemmtVattle as time reprememmtn- tive of the exposition. Time interior of the building has been very Prettily decorated amid it Is one of the Prettiest buildiimgs on the i3ltmft tract. I'iemmty of comfortable resting places are provided and the roomums are emmmbellished by mmumnhers of articles of different kinds fromim Montana wimiclm give time jiace a character in keep- 11mg wIth its tiurpose. Monster specimmiens of time heads of elk , buffalo , moose , bear mirmd other wild animals Imavo beau jilaced 1mm the roomus , togetimer with otimer smimaller anlmmmals , and vaintimmgs from the brushes of Montana nrtlmfls abound , Conspicuous munong the latter arc two lage idcttmres by C. M , iUmsaell , knowum all over the west us time "cowboy artist. " One of these pictures represents - resents a mukirmnlsh between two bammds of Indians , both armueti with carbines. It simows a running fight and tIle cxcitimmg scene is depicted witim a fidelity to nature whiclm is most realistic. The ulrawimmg is good anti the familiarity of the cowboy artist with his subject is appurent in every line. Time coloring is brilhiamit. and the artistic merit of the picture Is excellent. Time otimer picture by the same artist shows mm. lmunting scene , the central group betmig two Indians attacking a group of timree buiTalo , himcluuilumg a bull , a cow ammui a yommng calf. 'The Indians are armued with lance and bow and arrows. As in the other piettmre , the details are carefully worked out nrmd time picture is a startling reproduc- iou of time scenes which have almost 1)assed from time memmiory of time early settlers. Another pIcture of western life is a large Picture pmmimmted by II. S. Pmmxsomu , another rising Memmtana artIst. It simovs a btmtTalo hunt , hut a white ummumi is the central ligure -a scout 1mm buckskin-and ime admuinister- lug time deathblow with a revolver. 1 iepst'm ! Gt''u IL i1Ia Flu. Conitmmlisioimer Doach of time Oregoum cx- imihit imas been notified by imis colleagues in Portiammi timat a specinien of the "Royal Ciminook salmon , " veighirig eighty-five pOULluiS , the largest iisim 0 ! this specmes ever caught Imi that section , was caught 1mm the Colummmbiu river last Friday and has been ShlipCd to Omaha. The big fish has beemi enciiseti In a iarge block of amtifleiai Ice and Mr. 1)osch has arrammgeui to have the whole timimmg placed on eximibltiomm In time big revolv- lug refrigerator In time Manufactures build- lag for a few days , after which the fish will serve as thu " 1uice tie reslatamice" at a banquet wimleb will be served by Coni- mnissioner Doscim to a few imivited guests. St remigt ii'ui I mig liugiuii VuuI Is , Time work of stremmgthemming the Immumon wails is still going arm , but the work is done at. night and all traces if ii reimmucd bemore the crowd comnes in time mnorning , so that ttmo PeoPle are nomme tim wiser. Time old hand twistei cables arc beimmg removed and a heavy cable stmbatituteui us a ummeamma of mm- cimoring time ummain Plies to time back piles and time loose earth back of time simeet pillmmg Is being reimioveul mmd broken. stomme sOiStituteti. the latter allowing the water to dratum into time lagoon instoaui of immcreaslmmg the wciglmt on the sheet lullIng and breaking it down. This work hiss been almumost entirely corn- Pioteul and Superlmitemideimt Foster is of the ophmmlon tlmat there will be no further trou- hit ( room heavy rnlmms. 'r'xUM % 'uuterumieInuiN A ri' 1I'ri' . Time waterummelons which nra to be the cemi- ter of attraction on "Texas Melomm amid Grape Day , " wimicim Is set for FrIday of thIs week , have arrived and will be imlacoti on exhibition on ice 1mm timu' Ilortiemilture build. imig at. once. The omelomis are big , juicy specifluuuus of time beat grades produced In the fertile region along time gulf coast in time south of Texas anti a look at them is emmough to 11101(0 time mouth water 1mm iulcasant an- ticipatiomi. Timere are emmougim melons to feed 1O,00fl 1)001)10 anti at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon - noon the entire lot will be carved and dis. tribmited to all corners in front of the Ilorti- cuittire building , ? Dtt.I , of lii , ' limosit Inn. Sunday was a conmparmutlvely light day In point of nttuiuiummco. Time total pail admnis- sbus aggru'gmmtcd 2t)65 ) , Time Colorado educational exhibit has arrived - rived anti is belmmg installed In time south gallery of the Liberal Arts building , Stmperimmtemmdent Ilmrmlt of the Departuneni. of Extmiiiitmi is nuuxiously waiting fur mmows of tiuui Hawaiian and Mexicamm exhibits. wimicim Were mmchetiuled to arrive on the groummula Tuestay. Time ( iermnamn Village hmmis taken time first stelus to prt'paro two elaborate iloats to appear - pear 1mm time Fourth of July parade omm the exposition iirountla. These will depict Ger- nmamm scenes iii the miuldie ages. Secretary Cox of time United States goY. ermmmnent coiuiuimismulomi is having a good dual of diflicuhty in uumiferimuimmg time emmuployca La time building. Time uniforms have brcn to- ceheui , l'tit emily one 1mm limit emmtire lot was mm satisfactory fit ammtl the rest had to be semmt back for recommstrmmctlomu , One of the CXiOSLtiOn ) conmmniszionera from Iowa was severeiy brulseul by a fail from a street car yesterdumy. lie , vas dcketI up by the mumotorman who runs Montgomery \ ant & Co.'s electric carriage and taken to their building , where imis imujurics were muttnuIed to , Fortunately no bones were broken amid the Iowa man was able to walk away after his face bud been cleansed from the blood and dirt tiizmt covered it , ii , F' . McGarvie , director of special days , is arranging for a "St. Joseph Day" at the exposition and is In rorrespomulence with SOUW of the leading business men of that . . * - w' - - - . 1'L city regarding the matter. The St. Joseph people think very favorably of the tastier and say that the interest In the exposition is strong enough in that sectiomu to make certain of it good futtcfluiahCo. Thd matter will be pushed cml the railroads will be asked to make special rates for the occasion. Sarah Krappe , ciii' of the riders In the \VIii Vest show , as the victim of a very serious accIdent at 4 o'clock } esterday afternoon - ernoon , Sue was riding oume of the bucking iioiicho when the animal fell amid pinned her rIght leg under hirn She suffered a severe sprain of the ankle amid contusions of the limb anul thigh 'together wIth mm frac- timru3 of one of the srn.tII bones of the Instep. Slit , wits tnkeuu to the emergency hospitaL where sue was unade mis comfortable as loSSihIe. The Thomas orchestra will play a short irogranm fmonm 7:30 : to S:11 : Tuesday amid Vetinestiay evenlmmgs In connection with the meetings of time Tranamlasissippi Cluemi- tional congress in time Atiditoriumim. Time regmmlnm lrogrnm wIll hegium at the condo- siomi of time oreimesLra hierfornuance. t the opening session 'flltsday night lion , J. Sterling Morton iIil speak on "Consorva- tioum of F'oresi , Iteaiforestatton nail Az'bor Day" mmii l'resldent ( lutes of ( irInneil college - loge wIll uilstmss "Tijo Trainimig of a Citizen In a Democracy. " ANXIOUSTO HOLD ON TO POWER 1)i'iiosel 3luuIui-rs of lii i' G ii' , eruuui-'s Fl rumiumil i'uilet' Iliourul iu't'I I mm i ii ) % 'ItIuiimiti , Time nmenmbers of time ulefmimmct Iloard of Fire and Pollee Commmimmisslummmers were waited ( ipoim last niglmt by time legally ntmthmeulzed board to cacrtmmimm wimetimer they luuuloscd ) to ackumowluige time mmutimorlty of the supreumme court in tIme utmatter of their expumlsion froimi otiiee. 'l'imm. ' oil board was rcnm'.muieul that time ojiiiiomm of time stmpremmmc bemicim renuiereul on Jmummc 23 left tlmemum witlmotmt legal existemice muiti vns mmskoul whether It intcmmttcd to acqui- ( mace in the decisiumm. Time defunct comnnmis- sioners , however , expresacti amm lumtenhiomm to .ilsregmmrd time rulimig mummd imold I o the lire- tt'mmded otlice as long as possible. Time miewly cuitabiislmetl board was lmeadeui by Acting Mayor tllnghamn , In company vith Comnmnissimners Victor Cotlumman , 1' . W. lUrk- heuser , Charles .1. ICmirhncimnrni 'ui. ii , Col- lins. Mr. lllmmghmnmmm cited the optimlomm of time sumpremmie cunrt mmmmd foumimahly mimauio uienmammti for the custody of thu. books amid imossessiomm of time otilces , I ) . D , flregorr , , .f9r time oil board , stated that accordimmg to lila adviee ime numd Imis colleagtmes were cmmtitled to hold omm for forty days imumidimig a muotion fur , rehearing - hearing , wimlch timey Ititemmuicul mnaklmmg. Thu stmggt'stioim that presuppoihmig good faith it vommid do as veii to mmmako the nmotiomm at omice as forty days liemico was not graciously received by Gregory and imis colleagues. Comnmmmissioner fllrkbmmuser themi mimade clear the fact that tlmere was mme clause iii time oiimmiomm timat. gmLvo the formmmcr commimmmissloimurs one umomneuit's rlglmt to existence. It sinmply recited that the board had beemm nppmmlmmted by an uncoimatltutiommal authority anul was therefore - fore void before time law , "lit the Cox case , " Mr. Ilirluhauser added , ' 'It was mmot thought mmecessary iy the. board to allow the for- amer chief of detectives to retatmm , hti 11)31- Lion pemmding time flmmal test. According to time court's rtmlimmg we arc now Immvested witim the rights of time board and it is our duty to transact its business. " Mr. flirkimauser was toliowed by City At- torimey Comimmeli , who lmitem ireted to time do- fummct board the requiremneats of the law. "Time mmcv , ' board proposes to take no action - tion , " said Mr. Commimell1 "whelm would to- suit 1mm contltct or lack of good order lam Lime city , which is particularly desirable at this time. It is knowmm that the defeated party to a atmlt. has the might to mile mnution for a reimcarlumg , but tlmere is mme authority given for its continued reteumtiomm of 0111cc. F'or cx- ample , the mlefemmdant Iii the sul. emu a prom- isaory Imoto hint three days iim wimleb to Ille sucim a mmmotlomm , but. that does mmot preenL the plaimmtlff ( room takimmg action to coiled time anmoummt. There is nothimmg iii time opinIon - Ion that would imot entitle time new board teat at once assumne time duties of its oliice mmd you commtinue a de facto heart in tletlamide of time order and opinion of time court. " Mr. Gregory eximrcased the epimmton that he amml hue associates were not acting contrary - trary to the rtmiimmg of time court , whose de- cislomi before time law did mmQt affect timeir tenure Until a period of forty days hind eiapmucd. "If we sere to submmmit now , " mulched Mr. Gregory , " \ve would deny ourselves - selves all rigimt to make such immotion for rehearimmg as we Iroposc ommmktumg. " The imew board . timeim departed amid imas taken no action as yet toward establishing itself. One of their mmunilcr said thmat imia colleagues being desirous of. avoltimmg ford- hie comthict would consider emmcim stel ) with deliberation. A imrctemmae of uioimmg business was nmado by time oitl board after time departure of its successors. An order was issued to the chief of loiice immatructimig him to imsum mmmi- umsimal care 1mm prevemmting timu imse of dyima- mnite or simimihar noisy llrccrackera omm time npproacimlimg mmatiommal hmolltiay. . ' PlpernanVillianm Kelly was grammteti four days leave with imay on account of time death of imis son. Charges against i'atm'Ailmnimmm lain and holmes were Set for imemmrimig next Mcmi- doy niglmt. ARMOUR'S UPTOWN OFFICE Oummzuiim L'Izuil of I Iut ( et'im * 1'neI I Fm , 'mmm iIuL's mmii Omit' , , lug of It'i Oyuu , Time Omimahma house of time i\rmnommr packing establlshmnent was opemmei esterdiy : In time hOW bulidina at Thlrteemmtim ammd Jones streets. Time occasion was imimirked by time mnanmmgemaent diaensing refresimmmmemmts mmimd otherwise entertalmmimig sommme 700 3)001Ie who called to immu'imect the ummdel vlant. fl was a big tirat day ammd time twelve elmmpioyes of the idace vere kept busy mmttemmdimig to or- tiers. Six carloads of beeves , hmeep amid cattle were on display In time big storerornim , where time temperature imoverel 1mm rime ureeincts of 30 degrees. Time great mhiapiay was decorateul with rosettes aunt large immmmnhers of imeopiti t'ere courteommaly simowmi through cltmrlmmg time day , Time capacity of the uptown btormmge plaxmt is 100 emittie , soveuty-live sheep ammul fifty calves. Abovp and below mire large storernonma , There is a room for time snmoked ummeats ammd there is every facility for handling - ling a fremuim , big nmeat miupply. systenm of overimuad truck tracks exteumd& &om time car delivery doors at tue rqar through to time ottice-whero outgoing orders are weighed , checked , cte.-ntmd tmeike to time delivery wagons , The bmmildlmmg is iuammd- saintly finished In pine , it is well lighted tiurougimout , it is to he time base of sup. lilies for time city , Coummeil lhlumffs and ad. joining poimmts , One iiummdred timousammd poummuls of mneat will he handled daily. J , Ogulemu Armour , one of the firma at Ciii- cage , cumne over yesterday to mice the new builmiimg ojmemm for business , He returned last night. v , C , Cuhiy will be time manager of time now brancim , F. F. MIles 1mm at the imeaui of time hmrovisiomm depot ; A. L. Lowry of the beef departmemmt , C. 0. Snow , the Armours' credit mamm anti time otlice nmmmnmmger anti superlntemudemmt , ammd who imas beqn with them for years , Is here attcndimmg to time general supervision of affairs 1mm time South Omaha departmmments. lie wUl later ti eatni1shed imero permaamiemutiy in general charge of the South Omaha offices of the packing house. Umrrhiumxc LIeeuuustmui , Time follouvtmmm marrIage licenses were Is- uvut yesterday by time county judge : Names amid Addremcs Age. L. N Cash , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 .daria I. Cmsim : Omnabmu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Irving Owens , North Liberty , ha . . . . . . . . . .28 Iuttm M. hlan , Omaha . .m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . Charles E. Dean , Arupatme , Neb. . . . . . . . . 5.3 Lemma i. ilmmrriimgtomm , ilertrmmnd , Neb . . , , . . . , z. a. Sherman , Niobrmmra , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ada M , Harden , Niobrara , Neb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - . INSTITUTE OF11IO1EOPATllY Election otOffloerlOcipis a Portion of the . Moi Hour. REPORT ON PRESIbEtWRI6I1T'S ' ADDRESS Ciii , , mum I I tec % ' I I ty Ii , I lii' Smug- geNtiuuimu. 41flm.ur4Ii , hitIlt'umi of tiut' luistIutk'- Uiuummmnemt Asu'liifiiu's .tflaulrs. Pt p- Wlmile time other proceedings in pro. gress yesterday mmmorsing the election of officers - cers for time Anmerican Institute of liomeolm- atim' going emi b tims Australian systi'mn 1mm time trenmuurer'a olflee below. About every avallabie roonm-anpimithmenter amid both lee- tore rooms-of time Crelgimtomi Meuhical eel- lege , was occupied throughout the day , nmoro or less , by time honmeoimatha. In the mumnphi- theater the seetloit in surgery was restmmel dmirIn the foremmoon , mmmiii In one of the lee- I tore roommig below that in eye , ear and throat diseases , The sectiomm 1mm smimmitary science begins 1mm the ammmpimiiimeater 1mm time aftermmootm. rhio balloting for tii olhicers comitlnumet fromu 10 mm. lii. ummtfl mmoomm. whmemm it wa.s closed oil the hoer sharp. From 10 o'clock until mmoomm the pohtlmig ( or the tflcers contimmueti whemm it wits elosed cmi the hiour sharp. Time result was that Ir. Il. F. llaiiey of Limmeelmi icctcti lmresldemmt over Dr. C , F. Wattomi of ( 'incimmmmati Imy a S1)te of iOn to 76 ; Dra. Frmmmk ICraft of Cleveland - land amid 'llsomm \ . Smimltij. of Chicago ( or the recortiimmg secuetmirysimtm ; , tiel omm ¶ 11 voLt's each ; Gemmerti Seem etary Eugene Ii. i'orter , Ticasumer E. M. 1e1itigg mUmul Asslstammt Tmeasuror T. lrommkiimm Smith , all timree umf New York , were re-elected ; Dr. A. Ii. Norton , also of Nev York , was mmmuide first vice vmcs- iiicnt , ' mmmmd Dr. Sarah J. M ilisoji of hlowiimmg Greomm , its' . , secotiti vIce hmresilemmt. mmmii Dr. Ridrifige C. l'rice of ihaitinmere was cimosoim oil the io.mrd ) of cuimsors over Dr. T. C. Dtmmm- cmi of ( 'hicago , the retiring mmmeumiber , by mm Vote of 115 it ) 55. A , mnenmber of time board of censors is CleCtel every yeam for five years , This is time fifth time Gemmi'm-ai Secretary l'or- tot hits imeemm elected , Time tie between lm-s , Kraft and 'iisomm was settled wheim the Insti- tub reeoiiemmeti imy a ballot , Dr. ICraft getting - ting 1mm again by one vote , 49 to 48. Time comm- test for this oflice as a geographical oume , beimmg between tium east mumd the west. This viii tmtko time fommrth termim for ir. i'raft , ho vas forumorly a lay mIcvspaper mmmamm , ba'- lag beemm miuceesstyu..iy society reporter , horse rePorter amid night editor umm time St. Louis Globe-Democrat umitiem' J. 11. 1'lccmmi- higim. As time megistrar , Dr. Ii. C. ildricb , editor of time hlommmenpatimic Magasimme of Mimi- mmoapolls , had mme oppositiomm , hue vas also re- eht'etcd. lirs. Porter , KellQgg , Smimitim , Norton anti Miiitop were elected witlmout tiprnsitiomm , htumhil ii liiMlfli'1iM : fltt't I uIJ.r , Before time sectianh'wemmt wemmt Into sessloim a bimsiness mimeeting lit tim institute imeld amid on time report' ' df time Commimimittee emi L'restdi'im I. Wrigimt's . atidress resolut ions were amioimted : , . lmmstructimmg time egisiatiye Ctnimmmittee to work for legislatipim r quirIng nmethieal cx- uiert witnesses , t h. alpommmtei by time courts or otimer , ' stab atitimomIty , lmrovkiel time mimoimmtiIg mower ) simimli mmot dllscrimmminato agriihst mny particular scimool of imiedical imractitfoner. Cimamacterlzlng the presemmt lack of ummi- fornilty of state mal1om.mi laws us constitimt- lug a neemtlessly OiflteSslVo , system. l'iemlging efforts. for forestry legislation , such as may irevqmit fprtlmer tlestructiomi of forests amid may imrovlde for the reproductiomi of for ts wimere mmecd. Establishing the , LnIIt ! to ti : mneunbership of the commIttees' on lagisiattomi , e1ucatIon aol drug tirovings mit fi'oimmenmbers cacti. A nfl regarkllmmg thmtimr8utimg Of time honmeo- prmtimic forummulmm as It 'relates to the cimolee of words , "ctmrammtur" or "curemmtum' , " time 0101)- tion of time presidemmt's reconmmimemmdatlon to simbimmit the question It ) a competent committee - tee , tns urged 1mm thul foliowimmg formmm : \Ve recomnnmemmd time appointmucmmt of a commi- immittt'e of our itost achehamly and judicious iimemmmbers , coimsiating of thrue , to he ap- Polmmteti at this mmieettng , together with lrs. Iumdgcoa of imndoim , Emmg. , nimul Viliers of iresdcmm , Germmmauy , to c"nsitltmr amid report next year. A rccomnmemmdation of the Senator Ailemm jcimmt resoltmtlomm proi'tdi'mg agmimmst : govermu- , mmemmtmml dlserimmiination against hummniopatlms him urimmy anti rmavy appointnments. a.m ammmeimded by the lmmterstate commmmimlttee , cummme in time shape of a report from time committee on leglsiatlomm , vimich was amiopteti. Tue legis- intive coinmmmitteo mtle iledgei tIme hmustitute to an active support of every imommicopatimle apilicatiomm for mxmhiitary and naval appoint- nments. lIulmumt-ruuituiuu lltuumtuimmi'umt ilmmtti'r. A report on the matter of the llahmmeniaimmi rnommummmczmt by Dr. henry M. Smnithm of New Yomk , t'crctary of the immommumant commmnmittee , was suhniitted. Time rnoiimmmemmt , said Ir. Snmitim , Is about completed. It was exhibited at time mneetimmg , recently , of time National Sculptors' society in New York ammd givi'mm time jlaco of honor as an object of art. The presidemmt of the American Floe Art society. ivimo was then lresent , has persommaily comm- gratulated Dr. Sumith Di ) time artistic achieve- nmemmt of the Arneriamm immstltute. Touciuiimg upwm time flumammcial .stattms of time mmmommummmemm I project. Ir , Smith saiti that of the subsemlptiomms from time Ammmericamm lmmstitute of Homeopathy , aggregating over $20,000 , all html $9kOO imad been pall , Dr. Smimith ratimer regretted timat of , imui favorable - able resimommacs ( between SOO mmnml 900) ) to tIme subscription circulars sent to almimost 10,000 uimietors , lest timami imume-imaif had comae from nmonibc'.s of the Amnerican institute. lie reitmi mm list of the ammioummts the members of each state haul subscribed , unit tvhien Ime canme to Maine whIm its $2,000 ime saul ioo of that hmad been subscribed by Nancy Wlilfaums , aim aged lmonmcopathle uloctrcs3 ' of Augusta , After Dr. Sumitim , Mr. Joseph. T , Cook of Buffalo , time president. of the Lathes' lioimmmc- mmiann Menurnemmi association , occupied the hoer for a few mnimmutes mmml toid of the on- glmi less than a yeajogo of the association ammd what its Imurp m , was-to Interest the laity ieemmnlurily , , mmmouummmcmit idea. A meeting of time iauiJ s' association 'vita imeld at Mrs. George Vj , 1ninger'a during the forpmmocmn , Ilni' t.rs 'l'uiil . , ICmsil y A report submite1.i9z lr , Atmgust Kern- doerfor of Phllad4f1h1b. , cimairmmmamm of the comurmmlttes on rmietcmih ° culmmeattomm , was re- frcshlngiy cummmhiml muim itlJkimo nmanmmer him wimlch sonic so-called tioi.ntt get their degrees. ir. Kormmmioerfc'r is WMrniumt of the l'eummm- sylvaimla State l3oait mt Medical llxmmmmmlncrs , ummd imas been brouIit'tce ' to face with the neemi of a immoro Elil&mIitma college require- lii' S. - _ edt I3rex 1 Shoomap mi 1' ) S Ii .uul 1118 ( log ; } , io timP ( 'im'ehus- \'e'il ia'ep I Ito gn'mutet t4111) ( ' $ ill'e ) lii 0 mmmmt him imiit'mi fin' lii I' haul I i's I I in t vI sim t m ) i'O I lii. ? llmmt'st tmu siioe8 es'er hmmiiiiv- \Ve''e aivmiys sold tlmmn sImni's nimil' ' ( m ' ( ' rIght imp s'ltii imil I iii , Ime't'st styles --1'lit'rtu mm vu t Ito I I mu mm mmmm ml itimo8 ( lt mmul t liii 1"tistem' mmmmmkcs-immit fomumiti. : mlmy'lmere CibO 1 mu I _ iii'i'm'-mt Ii d thmolr supu'rlor Iie\'t'i' ulituilil - Silulhili ss'u , tiie'mum ( iii time mmev veit Hil'S-iSu eimsy mmmiii Jiltit tiit slui tiVVf llmli3'5hmot1imi 'u'mmi' svlmtin seeing time lx ( - time ( Ctt tmUVj'1' tire vlmemm COVti' cii 'itli omit' iimmum klul-tv&'ii LOttumil simtt' $ . Drexel Shoe Co. , Onmmmlmg's Up-u-dnte Shoe Hou.s , mo FtRNAM STRlEL 1 . . _ _ . ' - macnt of the novitiate. On this point the committee's report said : We would call mtttention to the Itnpor- that tact , that thoumgim nmauy of our eel- heges have wrought asaldumously in mhoveiop- log the tnntlrtl of the lecturer , but little care has beemi bestoweti upon that other iemportant factor tim college lirogruss , I mmammmely , the nmentmmi qmmmmhlflcntioims of timeir prospective stmuivnts. in fact , umitli quIte receumtly , steulents have been accepteul in imieuiicl colleges without timc seimibamice of sta mmtranco t'xamninmmtiomi. They mmiight eumime from time fanimm , time forge , or the shop ; timey might hack even time very rtmuhiimieimts of nmm edmmcntton , yet naught stood between their ambition and time tioctorate save a few htmumdrsd m1oiiar itnui a lunrrot-likt' macmn- ory. To this day umuiny , if not rmmOfut , ecil- logos fail to reqtilre of appiicnmmts mmmi entrance - trance examnlnattotm : nu1 , mimammy otherwise thoughtful amid talthftmi tencimers lrncticmuiiY ignore time ileccasity for any special pre- llnmimmary , or prejmaratory trahmmImmg for the studemmt 1mm metlichne. , gain , in sonic 1mm- . stitmmtlumns wimuro such an examination Is calleti for , as ion cmmtnlogtmm' . it Is comiducted 1mm mm mmmmmtmmler far more ritiietmlomms timami a farce. ltm one case. to wimlch our attentinmi hits recently beemi called , mimi apphicamit for mmmatrlcuhatioim , who , failed to Possess ammy certificti evidemmem. of education , was askid mm tev commmmmrnlmimlmtee questhommu , and timemi dIrected ttm go to his hnmmie , mlIte ii short I atmtohlegmaphical sketcim , about 200 words , mini present tiit' smimmie next day to the vrnper college Oiiieimul. If smitisfnctor' iii style. hits was to hue ncct'imtcd in lieu of other ibm- tiommal credemmtiais. This mmmattvr of cdtmcmttIounl reqtmlrcmmmemmts. mtlo college curnictmiumimm , emmmime thmroumghi time iimtm'r-eolicglato commmnmtttet' with fmiomtmble net iou. Sui rust-slums itt VuurLu cum I ii. Timu' imotmr for n.hjommrmmmmmeimt imaving arrived the imusimmuss scssiomt gave way to time st'ctiomm in stmrgery. Ilt'rmmimi commtimmtmu'ml to 1w time gemm- cr.tL mubject 1mm time stmmgleni umeetiomm , lmmilem's by ima. C. II. Sawyer of Mamiomm , 0. , tin lilmysien I mu emmimumes mm imd ummecimnu lea I a 111)11- mmnccs 1mm the trvntmimcmmt. amid J. 1. hinmmchmt'tt of' Sioux City mum time trcntmmmumtt of large sctOttih imernia IIy time Inmplammtntiomm of vire or silk gut moats. 1mm time eye , cmmr amid tlmroat section down stairs , 1)r. ilnycs C. Fremmeim of Sami Fm'atm- cisco read a palmer oum ' 'The Optician Agaimmat Lime Octmlist , Etimiemmily mmmmtl Cmnmiierciolly , ' ' 1mm t'litcim imb comisluiereti time opticimmmm immure I a p1 mice as a mm mm rt isim ii mmmiii mmmercium mm t tlmmtmm I a sclemmtisi muui mecommmmmmt'mmulcti as a remmmi'dy for tIme cvii , the tilting by ocmmlists of timeim' I owim pr 4mriptlomms , tleaijimg witim th whole- sul o in a mmufmmc i mm to ra ml i rec t I y. A lnler imm the saimme stmbjct by lr. ii. F , Fisimer of lomisas City imsui sonme lmrctty strong cxpresaiomms indirectly favorable to ativemtisiimg anti a sarcastic : mlluusioLi to ' 'our cobol ethics. " One of time doctors wmmmmtctl timis part of time luimer , btmt' it was thought Inmimroper to tmm 1mm tier a I tim Dr. Fisimi'r' ii miuper. Dr. Fisher's stmmtu'mmmeiits weme : Atlvertislmmg-logitl ! tmmmtuu mmmiverttslmmg-iias a great dual ho o witim time success of time opt ic iamm , aimul ve arm' so ' ' hmld e-hoti mmml ' ' by our cock' of cthIc timut we cnmmmmtut let time 10.01)10 immotv wimut we comm tin. Dam mmmost stmccessfmml opticiamm imas time traule of time city , mmii gets it by nuiverthsing , Mommey talks , if you mmuivertisti time 1)00110 Vill kimow where to get betten serb at as remtsommmmble prices. 'l'iie mmeccssity of good vislomi In railway amml rnmtnine service empioyes was bandlemi by Dr. F. i'ark Lewis of liulfalo. lie very exlmammstlveiy ivent limb the stmtject of colom- blindmmuss , nmud told vlmat is being ulomie by timis ammil other coummtries ammd Massuehusetts , 01mb anti Alabnmmma 1mm the way of govenim- mmmemmt detectiomm of timis defect of vlsloim. flu Sa imItziu' ' $ , 'It'uu'e. TIme sectiomm in sanitary miciemmce dmmriumg time nftcrmmoomm luroveti to 1)0 ) of more thmmmm usmmai interest because of tie imnortammt qmmestlons tmmmuler dlsctmssiomm , lr. Eiwmmrd B. hooker of lhartfortl , Commmm. , time cimatrmamm , strommgiy advocated time passage by congress of a bill establisimimig a mmatiommni floarti of ilealtim , amid time comitmugioimsness of various dist'ase was I dwelt upomm for timretm soiimt lmours. Time topit' I % as "The i'owerai of Lirmmitatiemma of Bortis of Ilenitim with iti'specL to Coimt&ugiotms Dis- easemu. " , ,1' % ) idamma. Dr. Iloolcer said , ut' imow he- ! fore comigress , ommt' , tIme Catlery bill , maskIng I time mmmmm m i Ime hi 051) ltal scr' ice a so rt of mit- tiommal i.loartl of health , amid tIme otliet comm- te mfllltm ti mm g a mm cmi ti rd 1 mm e mm' boa ri , mmiso su ii - ject to th Trt'asmmry ilepartmmmeumt , of thirteen mmmenmicrs altogether , one ttm be the surgeon general of time tmrimmy , another time mturgeomm goncmai of time immtmrimmt' imospital service , amid still amiotimer to be a ru.'luresemllatie of time J Loimartiimcmmt of Thu yellow fever timid clmoicra iliases of time qmmestiomm were discussed 1mm ii inn' , ' Dr. ili'nry II. Stout of Jnelusonvijie , F'in. Like Dr. Ilookor , ime mmmlvoeatei a imatiommal l3oamd of Health , hut with state boammis sub- joeL to It. He sold time imiarimie hospitmml sony- ice , mms it is at presemmt colmatituteti , imas lieemm thought m-espooslhlo for scvermmi yellow fever iuiagtmes In time south of late years. Omme thing time lmesemmt war vould do , said lie , would lie to "cleammse that pimmgtme spot of time world , the imarbot' of Havana. " The mmatiommal Hoard of Health lm1a also found ndvocmtes : irm 1)rs. Sarah J. Mlilsup , I'tmmmberton Dmmihoy , Charles K. F'isimer tumid others , immcluding lit. ZlcCleiaimd of Pitta- bmmrg. "Time outimrcak of yellov fever iii New Orleans iii 187. ' , ' sail a pmmlmer from 1)r. Ci. It. Mayom of that city , ' 'mlenmomumt'att'ui , time absolute immability of state mmmmd dmmunty boards of immuitli in cope ithtlm time fears of a lmmmmlc- stricken pcople. At timat timime slmotgmmn quarantimmo held imlghm ctmm'mmivmml , the rougher amid mmmo.t igmmorammt eiemmment of mm eommmmmmtmmmity forimmimig tim' 1cm cc of guammis timid emmorcimmg mob laws at the polmmt of time gimm. ' ' 'limis hind resuitumI 1mm general business timid bmicimml ulemimoral I zat 10mm , I mm ii icti mit ; I mica i cu I mtitl 0 1 ii - Jury. Dr. Mayer m ns 1mm favor of time Ammiemi- camm iumtItuta of llnmmmt'opathy mmiemnoritmllzing commgremus fer a mmatiommmml board of hmemmitlm , Is Ciuiui uuiIutloui ( 'u.imtiuiIcuuus I 'i'imemi caimme imp thut' quest 10mm of time Comm - taglomiemmess of tuberculosis , Dr. Timormimis C. limmicmimm of Chicago imnmmuhled fbi' stmbjcct hog- ativciy and ricenmeul to be siiglmtly sarcastic at time expenumo tmf itcolmie iii Colormubo mmnd Cailformmia agitating measures to pmevemmt more comisumnmptves going thmore. "There is a contilct of oplmmlon , ' ' smmlml Dr. Dummcamm , 'as to vtmotim'r the bmmchihl 1mm time mined spmmtum can be gimlvammizemi Into hlfo mmgaimm , evcmm if imiimimieui. " Time imfectiomm timeory , imowever , that Is , that it tie commimmmmmlctmted by rmlearms of the aljmmmemmtary cammal , is growing , ammd Now York City imas ialmcmm steps to jire. vent its simreauh , Time retirimmg prcsidcmmt , ] r. A , it. \\'mliImt , of i3umffmmlo , was very skeptical as to the smmpposeml commtnglommsness of con- mtumimptiomm. lie could show malaria germnmm as vehi as germus of tuberculosis amid it would be dithlcult to imrove either of themim commtagiotms , "Nobody imad ever supposed coimsummmptlon 'ns commtagious untli mtcicmmcu took imold of it ammO said so , " Hut he be- hleveui it infectiotimm. Time reai loint of the discussion , lie thommght , was time vulmmermubllity ; : ; ; rj ; : , t _ _ _ _ .L _ . of mm person to the t1ii'a rather than her- emilty hr. Charles l'l Sawyer of Marion. 0. , saId imo hail relieved eommsummiptinmm Imy macaims of fumes of emmcnlypttms. tumupemutine amid eriuoiIe mii'Iml , mumixed hum equal harts. Dr A , 1' . hiamichmett of ( 'oummicil Ihluffs mmiii tithcr vere immeiincui to tiit' Iumfeetmomm theummy ammi oiIOstIi to timmit of eommingtotmsmmess. As to the powers and limitations of ht'muhth boards iii relatioh to muiemusica , scmuriatimmn , uhipimtimenla , typhoid fever mmmiii simmailpox. Dr. Chester 0. hiigbee of St. Paul was ulvcidemhty . opposeui 1mm his hater to the qumarantimme a imow practiced cxvuI't tom' smmmmuhipox , for which ito ratimer lositIv&'iY iuilvoemmtt'tl vaecimmatltmmi , . a mimetimomi Dr. Cimmirlc's E.'alinmi of t'lmmmiu- mutti emmmimlmaticaliy took c'xeeplion to. Omit of : ; ,0ot ) etmses of vaceimmzmtion , ime' sail , there lund beemi 2,000 ctmScs of 'arioil1. ir. lllgbti. , scofft'i mIt thc b.ietcnlological theory by which time mmmolt'rmt sciemitist tiles to mum- count for every hmmmmmmmm niinment , and he imroved a stickler for private rights , exc"pt iii time evcumt of a smimallhmox epltlumimie. lmmmigm'r l'em'I.ul of ( 'muulsugtuuu. Time final iiaper-a vury seimniarhy one tm ) ' ir. harvey Ii. hue of OshmkoshVis. . -tluait tltii time tiamiger Period of commtagimmumsmmt'ss , html mlii miot give ammy oimiiilnmms ( stuvo us to constmmmmptiomm , which iii' matimer tleemmmcuh a umemmame to time ptmimiit' lmeltimi , timotmgim lilt linlier eommtaincui a perfert coummpermtiltmmn of 1mm- fommmmntiomm aim to the character mmf the baeiiil of uliimhthenimi amid cholera , amid the germmis of mimeasles , wimnouing cough and other diseasm. lie salti time t'xritimmg cmmmmse of smmmahllmnx is yet n mm rutter of tmnee'rtmilmmty. thu' theory hay- ing hcemm alvaneemi that it , mms u eli mis vanlo- I iii. is givemu off him a vnlimt lie fimmimi ( rota the skimm. As to typlmoiui fever time iuossiliilt , of coumtagion Ii ) ' mmleamms of th lmri'atlm mmma' tie trilling , mmii a ith rt'furemmee to yellow fever lit' saiti "Iirt'simlmuuiull' it hums mu mmmlt'roime of its oumu , yet ft Is elalimmel that thtreet trauisimmis- sinim fron in'rsomt In imersomm Is mint eommmmimomm. ' ' Thi mmmectimmg of thic scc'tinmm 1mm mmeur.mlogy tiuimi u'ieetrmm-timerniueumtlcs nt time M iiitrtl last t'vt'mmmmmg prou i'd cry iumtu'restimig fromu time fact tlmt Prof. halley of time Umitversity of Kmiumstms reatl n paper to mim-ovi' time hmtmummro- imatim I' lii mmmi mm I i. as mm phi I ci to pim3's I r'i. To a certain extent it iuas a presemitation of a mmcmv theory m'mmtlrely in lihmYSles. Br. halley's mmmaimm iuie is timat time ciectrn-cimt'nmieai iro- cess of tiiltmttnmm of smmbmutammce Is faeliltmtrtl : hmy time fact flint umiatter Is smmbdivluled hmmto loris In the imnccss , amid by timec Ions time electric currcumt is commmmmitmmm icmmtm.'d , Ptmlmers vere reami by lrs. C. T. Ilnol of ( 'hmicago , A . I' . ' ' I I I lain smmm of Immmmetm hal ha miami N. ii , lelammma t cc o f Clmlt'tmgo aim ml 1) ms. ' St I I I lmmmmm : , 1311110) ' anti Cimmrice : Gatcheil of Chicago , lld- ridge C. Price of Iialtlmmmore anti vtimrs cmi- terci Immto time tllscmmssiomm. Dr. 'mY. Ii. King or New York , tIme originator of time Natiommat Society of Thertmpetmtics and time editor of the Jommrtmal of Timeralueumtici , was time clmairmmmamm. I'u'e-tt , mmmiii IImmi I , There imas been mme mom dehigiitfmml aecial fmmmmctlon given 1mm comimmectiomi with tummy mit timl season's cotmvt'mttiomms thamm time elabormte reception tmmmd bail glvemm lii imomior of time vhsimimmg Imonicopathle PimYsldimmms : at time Mu- larmi imutel last evemmimmg by the local commmmmmlt- tee omm emmiertaiminmomit. Th affair timrougim- 1)111 was mm grammml success , tmmmd m'eiiectcd lmim- ilitmse credit 0mm those iii charge. A rt'ceptiomm frommu S :10 : tmmmtu 3:30 : afforded an opportmmrmlty for immtmodtmctiomma between visitors amid Oimmnha society folk. Time guests amm d ii os tim aooim beca mmmc a eq miii I mmteuI nmm ii time dance that followed was imi'artIly emmjoyeti by mmli , . . programmi of a dozemm mitmmmmbems ammd half as ummamy extras was given , time mntmslc beimmg remmimrhahly : good. At 11 o'clock supper was su'm'veul in flit' gold amid uvimite banquet rooni , About 201) gmmi'stsserc jresemmt. Mrs. Comm- I nell was eijairwommman of time emmti'ntmmimmummcmmt commmmnhttce , amid sue vmts nbly assisted by a mmtmmber of local society womeum , including : Menlanmes Clmariea K. Squires , \\'Iillammm F. Aiiemm , \ ' _ 1-i. llancimett , Andrew Rosewater , harry fimmrkley , harry Nett , Dailey of Lin- mum , mmd time Misses Mabel Taylor , Lommise Sqmmircs , Ilowemm , Garner , I Iammclmett , lilglmm- snmm , Cmmrtis , Jacksoim , Coami ammO Jaymmes. A II I itt to 'IIIONt' 1''Iuii Immmt' ilo'mm'i L'oummuuluhui * . Mr. Johmm iievimm. editor ( if time Press , tbomm , Iowa , 5035 : "I hmtve tmsu'd Chammmier- mimi's Colic. Clmolera amiti 1)imirrimocm : homely imm mmmy fmmmimlly for tifteemm years , imave rt'commm- mtmm'mmul I I to im mm mmth reds of cit im era , amid imave mmevu'm kmmo miii I t to fmmi I I mm a a I migi a I mmstmtmmce. ' ' 'I' I i i'I' um ii - rim I s , to , . I e iii ii y. Time fumiermml of Mrs. Samimel IL Jommes ott- cmmrrcd tm'numi Trlmmity catimemlrai yesterday aftt'rmmonmm at 2 o'cioclr. The services v , em. commuitmeteti by lan Fair limIt 11ev. Mackay. I They \vt'm e vrim'mitt' , but mmevertheiess uere attemmmcd ] by a largo nummuber Of time fm'iemmis of time ticicamuel. 'ilit' remnalims ore tenipo- , , , tiu'potei : , ( mu time m cc ( j'i'ig nuit tm i'rospcct 11111 cemmmetery amid will be later smit to 'l'imnqmii , Pa , , for burial , &t I I ( mclnclc ) t'1ttrtIat mmmmrmmlumg fumimtmal St'rvtc's were hell over time m'enmalmms of Mrs. hilly L. Collier mmt lien late residence , 1901 Dodge street. 'lime luuuimse was packed at time services , wlmicim were comiducted by Dr. hlmmrmulma , 11ev.Vtlsomi mind 11n' . lemmise , time latter iueiug time deceased's grmimmulmiomm. Timeme vert' mm gment mmltmtmy lI'rml oIti'rlmmgs. At 5 o'clock time romnains vere sent to l'lmila- ulci idm I mm to r i ntemimmcmm C At 4 o'clock yesterday mmftermmoomm time fumnem al of ilarmild II. Fimmmm occurmt'tt fromim time late I cshiemmct' , 2208 1 iownnmh street. 11ev. Mackay conducted time mu'rvlci'n amid time 1mm- termoent at time grmvo lii l'rospt'ct 11111 cemetery - tory was imeid und r time tiireetlomm of the Royal Am'cammummmm , ummuler mlmose ; mumsplces tue fmmmmeral was hell. 'Fho iiorni offerIngs were ii U maccomma mu miul heititt flml. l'Ii Iiui'I , i N liu'IeI ur1 , , Fiuvtrd ; Murm'y. a imommi the lulici , say Is 0110 of the mmmmmmieroUs grafti'rim who follousemi to Omaha time clrcmms , was mirrestel on Six- tci'mmtlm street , ) uiiili3 trying to iliiujmcmmie of tyn tvmmtchea , wimicim time iuollc'e say \VC'tt thu fruits of imis skill aim a pIckpocket. Wo Give You a Choice ( ) F sum el i vi'll k mm ow'mi 1)1mm Ii 08 mm s I lie Jlimmleull , ] 'mimIbe , l mu immmeii & 11mm t1 m , 4 t vm'hm' ' DI Ilgilig (1(11mm $27 to $ t'O- t 1 me limmm ; 1 IL' gi ue'u'u , imi I I 1 I ' 51)11 i cml u-I I m a f'riuimmm'lm ilmmt'ii time hmm'llilnnt tummii' mimui 11mm' 1 IlithIiiI hilt ) mmit'miiuuimi tummmi'-'i'imt'mm wa h mim v ( ' . ; u1'ii I mmci 1 I ml I Ii gm'mtl C lmlmt lies as I lb I iuivt ; ti'tl , hLim'mil , , \\'iiht mu'y , \ ' I m' It ) m' , A I mm Priem' mailge ( if $1 r. : t 27S-tlit'ri a ru c'i I cmi 1ur 01 it's-i em I'e I g iImtt't ; ml tee ml Imy of thmemt' . A. HOSPE , 1uslc and Art. 1513 Iouglas Groping in the Oark 1mm mmmmuehm imj'Lt ( 'I' ( ni' yunlm' him'ict'less t'S'CS t lmmm mm I 1mm' glmi mu' ( ) f tim p imut s mm lii I ii i'r sim mm- \Vi my si III lit I m i i ti html kim rm m 's a t i lie smm Im 'hit'mu you ( 'II II ( ( I I' 25 vm'mm I a ow' a a ummi 11 ( I I' s m m m ol'il ( 'yt'gl mISSI'S 4 P i. uhCCI ) ml Cl ( 't 3 ii St Ilium thillg fol' hlimS ) ( , s'liui iule ( itit t4igiit m4t''liig'o ( I tim . ( ' I I m 12111 hI H ii I g ) m 'oil a ut 2. ( $ ) . I I it' gin sst's mm m'tu U I omm L I iii smi I ii It-- ' ilium fm'aiimi's--mmms Is ' ' it's JIm - - mm c'ulmmimiu'to ( 'ye mIh)1 ) I V S I mu m'e- . ( ' 0 Ii I i' I mt It t op t lelit a I elm ' 'ln I II k ' rum I mmml Ii m'go sv i a mm e emm m'e a ( ' ( ) I'l ( ' ( ' I I' % I I hI i I i U I iumms ( fm'i'm- p hut I m'l I yim mi ImoIbesti , ) ' rImmmt sliollibi lie ilolie :11111 : 'ilmtt ii ivihi 'ost ( flI hut can't ia'lp , ( utlw ulii It'll yell 140 , TheAloe &PenfoldCo Iahhuig otqntiflu Ojitielen. . 1o ( 2'ara .zn reeL. m. OiietUu stMua AoIeL i . - - e. - . - - - - . ' - - - - - - - - - - - ' - Muirry nuhmnis flint 1mm' Iii a c'lrcums folhovcr. bmit coulul hot gIve a satisfactory eximiana. lion as to wimere ime got tIme iuatcimus. U OMA hA N EWS. A VomliC % of rmmuntiis ago Bert havis ) was shot by John Shammaiitumm timhie lryiliC to bremuk into time lntttr's house ii.iuis ) y5 qmiite tiadly Injured imimul umis sent to time coumnty jail for safe keeplmmg miumd mmmedleai trtntmnemmt.'estcnulay he was brotmgimt tie. fort , Jimulge Babcock mud wits miischnrgeml be- emouse Simnmmahmmmmm refumseth to ittipmit agmuimmiut huiumi. This muiethmoul of mleiimg inisimmess uilmi not sumit Assistamit ( 'otimity Attorney \'Itmtu'rs muumut lit I cftmsed to accept timt' stuutemmient of Siian- alma. W'imiters ubenmantleut that iavimi ) up- imear 1mm court at 1 oclok ycsterthmiy otter- linDa mmmmti mit timat tlmime the tiefendmmnt np- lienrel with mu helter sigacil by iiimumnnhnmu 1mm t Imimlm Ime imoslti'el refmisu'tt to humes'ettLc amil so aim order of tilsmmmismnl vntm emitt'rl by time court. t'cummty Attorney \\'iniers wes gresh ly ditiulmaimeth mit this umm'mm of affairs , t'slm'cially os Simmilmmiimmmmm Imaul islted imimmu hum hula nhiice emily a few' mitlys ago itimmi mmtr.tcd imsitively tlmmmL ime uotmlui in' 0mm hmamimi 'to ) ' ' ) lavimm whemm time came was called. Simnimaimmimm mmow says timtmt as time gnmmg t wimleim hmnvis umms a mmmeummht'r lois beemm iurokemi tmhm mmmmui lie uiocs mmot feel tlisposNi to himmaim time mmmatter 'i'hme oiict' seemmi Ic , think that mm ease of nttenmhmted imumrginry eoumlmt have luut'n mottle mugaimmat lavis lmmui mmot Shmmummnhmmimm btmcktl oimt. 'I'uuum 1uuft ii , . IiMi'huu % ugeal , Time case of slmommtitmg him inieimt to Ittit mmgmmimmst 'rtmmmm i.tmftmms wmms dismmmissed yemuler- mlmmy mmmmd l4mtttmti 1mm mmgmiimm mm flee nimmim utter lmmuimig bccmi eommtlmma'd famr ilvt'vct'ks , hhito I imttt. was mule to mtttvmmtl ioilee commit mmmumt muta t cut liosi t I u ii y i am , J mniga ? Ilmibeock miii ii . 'aim. slmutnmmt t'ommmmty .ttnrmhey 'lmmters timmmt luof- tums Was hot uu itim MiuhmIommmm time mmlgimt of time slmuum t I mug . ' 11mm re vuu a imum tim I img tum ulim tlmeLm limit to allmuclmmim go time ilt'femmdmmmmt frommm emma- tody. Judge lhmlu'nt'k has set time imemumimig tt Miuhiox timid iaily ( em' l'riuimy of thii week , ( 'aims uit'l I hIm'a'h I umg Fuu I leaL m For sommm& ' reasummu the city ctutmmmii failed to mmmc t I mmst mm I gim t ni though so u''mm mnemmmbrm ) , cre 1mm the chmmummmbcr a immoxmmt'mmt tuttfero Clerk Ctmmiucmmter atmim toth to call tin' roll. Iteimmi'- mmuimmtatlves of time packiuig hommstm mind stock yards um ore immosemmi as it imati imu.'omm mimmimotummeout timmit smimo mmetioim wmmtmli lie tmikoum taiward eqtmmmilzimmg tlmu mecetit mmsscssmmmm'mmt. i'muslClemmt Ilatrelt occilluled time chaIr mmmmd as imum de- ciimmcul to send a lmoiiccmmmamm for time mmmiituimig mmiummmbcrs amm adjtmurmmnmcmmt was takt'mm until tommiglit. lit. I'lmu m'ai "IrlIlay. " Alfred Normlell of 1.ul'latto : t'mmt agaimmat the "Truily" gammmc emi louver N street yes. tt'rmltmy mummtl cimmmie out a loser.Vhemm the re- stilt was nmmmmommmmeoul lit' grttuuiieml a roll of omommey mmmiii mimic for time tloor , limit vamm cntmgimt imy sommie of the boosters amid held wimilt' time mimomit' ' , less time ammmommmmt lie lost. \'as tnkcmi frommm imimmm. North'li started to raise mm fuss mm umd umuts I nltemm I mm cimtm rgo by i Iuoliccnmtim : , immmt Judge Ilimicocic let imiumm go aft or gi V I mm g t ime ytitimmg mmiii mm sommiam gomici mud- vice about hoW tt ) muet 1mm a large city. .ilmagie ( 'ily ( ussIm , . Demmmma Alliucry accomimmmamiietl time remnains of his siottur to Blair yesterday. 'l'iie Oil Fellows nmet last mmlglmt mmumd immi- Li ti el a ii mmtmm butt of cmmmmul lintoil. Time Otiod Temmmimlmurmu shll imoid a immcetImg at itlodemmmVoouimmmmmmi hal I this evenimmg. A mmmeeting of time Uzmiomm Veteraim Union uiih is. , lucid at Masomml hull this i've'tming , I itullie Roberts immms retmurmmeml frommi Lhmmcokm. vimcr" ime hmimmu beumu mmttcmidlmmg the State umil- em'5mty. Cimarles Dummlmmtmmm is back mut time tellsr window at time Packers' Natiummal bank nfir an mihsemmco of mt week. J. Ogdemi Annmnumr of Cumlcmgo : sluent mm few hours Imi time city yesteruimmy iooicimmg oven tim e big A rmmmotmr Iulamm I imem' . Albert 'l'igime , semi of I'oilcc Oihicer Msrtln 'l'iglme , rotturnomi fronm Ctml I fmnmm itt yesteralay after aim nhtwmmce of four years. A nmeetimmg of time Iloard of Ruimmeatiomi will lie hell Fmiuitmy mmigimt for time eureose of d t mu ; uesl mm g o f ii mm 0 mm I aImed hutisi mm t'mis. Frammic J. Stryker , clerk at time stock ymmrds cimmute lmousi' , mctmmrimui 'i'stt'miltty frmmm flochmcster , N. V.tliene he visited mclmtivs ; for a fortnIght. fettle i'liIIer has fuel a comnplulmmt ngmmimust Frammk ( 'armmes , changing imlimm vitim ussmumlt : with hmmtcmmi to hill. Cttrmmeim hind sommie tmmmtmblo with tin ssommmamm iuimd tiuremmtemmaul La ) carve imer with a razor. 110th partIes hIve 1mm Al- brtgimt. A special trimiim will leave N street at I :30 : O'clOck thIs nftemmmoomm for thu races. Tue retmmrmmummg tnmmlmm will leave time race track at G o'clock. Jim CaSe time patrommmigo is sutli- dent time tralmm vili he kept aim mlmmrtmig the miieeting. A. II , Spimugh , mm iwonhinemmt "mVyommmlug much amiul cattle owner , was 1mm time city y- termimmy. lie Silml that time rouge was 1mm spieo- tihti eommditioum mmmii timmut soimme of time best cat- tIe evem mmitmrkctm'd ( rein timat state us'oumld he imiiiptni timis year. S I i'm d mu a. ' It a , a , uas Sum r ! cr5 , ' ' In time persomis of S'illlomn Ahleim , Pairmmer W'tmy mmmi Juimmi Vi'Iilimmmmms , the police believe they have tin three mmmcmi silmo ielimmg ) to Ii. gmmmg of ' 'reomu workers , " wimo Imave beemm opcrtmtimmg witii success at down tnwmm emnali imotelu , auth indglmmg houses elmmctu time omemmltmg of the exposition , TIn' moon w'ru captured 1mm time Hotel Fuim. tmtmm cliii , Tim i rt comm tim mmmiii i ) mul go mut roe t , Su mm- mi flY II mu t , 'im Ii e Pm'0Wi I mmg mm boum t I mm I hi n hmall- way of time imntel 1mm a sumulmicious rmmammmucr. Tim mmuc'mm vcro gticsts of time imotel. 'l'imehr idamm is to engage a rmionm at umommme iiotei lucy imave muelectt'ul to olmerate iii for a umiglmt , nmmd themm uiunlmmg time early Immiurs mit umiormmimmg mb tlmeir work. l'mmivn tickets were fotmmmui iti I lie imiemi'mi vossc'ssl omimu. - _ - . . , . _ - & Tifp ' - . -I . 4ccriri'l' , / ) , ; -'l' ii' : t ) db ' : Wp - - - - - - :