- - - - _ _ _ - - ' -'r - - - - ---1-- I'r V1 I- --V : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'mr nih i ( ) MAIIA. 1)AI14Y MON1)AY , .Jt'N 1 27 , 1808. 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : TRIBUTE TO iEADDOC'IORS' ) ' 1Iomtopath Pay Respect to the Me1Ilory of Physcians Gene ( OR. BIGAWS EULOGY ON TIE DEPARTED ' % Vird Un t IiVurl I. iii t liv I'Is slelnn , II IN I'IIiIl In iitI..l 1tn41 the II4)iIl - M4iiit .t ti tIIltIIC mehI ( fair 'EOItfl ) . h At the 1'lrit CongregntIona church , Nlno eenth arn 1)avenort 3ttCtS , were held 3at evenilig the custoniary nnnunl memorial crvIcts ot the Macrican lntttito of , homeopathy , PteIdCflt ) A. It. Wright ton- ucting them , They conI5tel of aiproprlnte ; music by a quartvtte of the ctiurel choir nod a lilting UdIrCS by Dr hi. 1. fliggar of Cleveland , 0. , the invocation being by ( lie ; intr of the church , Itc. Prank A.Var field Dr. 0. . Wooil , the chalrmnli of the , local coiiiittee. wlI $ eflttl withi Irs , - - - 'iVrtght nftd hilggnr iii the 1)U1PIL. Thu ( Itlartette cftflhIoSed ot MISM r Laura \'ahi Kuran , MrM. A. it. Cly and NeEsrs.'ing Allen atid I toiiicr Moore Mri. Fraiu'es FoiiI nccoti1IIflhIYIflF at the organ. * Tiny InuRical Liart of the progriun consisted of the niitIiefls , "Gnu , to Whoiti We hook 1lu liii iihI ( ) , ' by Chatlwick , and 0 Goil , lie Merciful , " hiy Qvotnk , nod n Soil ) bY Tinnier ? doori fioin ( ; onouI , Tiiere Is a ( Irecu 11111 Far AvnY. " . l'residviit V'righit rend ( lie HOulICS Of tio.0 ) of tii lntlttlte vlui had pnsotl ns'ay ( lurilig the year , tweitty-cigilt having been active inenihers niiul seven having hiceli iirevlouslY ' iiiernbers , thOUgh not actually lwicnigitlg to the Institute ot the tinlo of their death. lie tic' Introduced ( lie sentlinelits of the occaIoIi in the following brief ( ixiIlRflfltiOfl 01 Its ohiject : lii introdiiCltig these memorial services i wi1t to Hay ft word on ( lie occastoit which a culls togethor. 11CrCiiL ca1)aIY In Ve meet tliighit a nununi daily exercises. \ \ o frolil ( lint of our here to give that tribute of respect come nipuber % VIIO iiavi of our WI , ccii to thioie iiasscii to tue other sub and hiaVo finished . their corthily work. it iCOIIiS ( Itilte oppro- priate that at this niinual convocation we should give it jmrtlal expresI4Inhi of the 5C11 - tiincnt of respect aiid broiherly love we . fuci for those who have counselled anti haY - Tioreti with us In the conimofl cause 01 hu Y inanity. .Vo weicoine those In the unihience ' frotil t liii ; city hio by th'Ir preselice and songs of l3rniso exPress their Interest and I fyiiil3flthiY with the berviecs of this oca- Tr d iInii.Ve aoiiiettinei find our ( TeePest 011(1 4 teliciciest thniightii better eiressct1 in tile I aligila go Of iinotIiir nh ii I t Ii I oh 3011 Mlii I illiprOVe my choice of the Ioiiowliig words ! vrlii en liy rdticlaren on the iheatli of . - his fileiniVihiiain dcCiure , a doctor or (110 ( t old school : Snreiy no funeral Is hike unto tutu of a doctor for pathos and a peetiihiir aiI1ivsS fell on that company as hits iOUY WItS cnrrrIe1 out who for nearly half a cue- & . , In sickness and ( tory had leeli their belt IIII1 heittefl ) buck death time after Limo from IhtIr door. And Doctor Davidsoli , the tutu- Ister. prayed that we nilgiut have the grao to Its t as this IUtII liati done from youth to ciii age. tint for himself , but for oUuers , alid tiunt we might be followed to our grave by somewhat of 'tlitt love wherewith e ninurn this day Thy serant departett. And ng1ll1 ( ho StlflO sigh and the minister said i1I1Cfl. I'ri , yer , Sipli .r iid In1ni. . The prayer luy Pastor Warfield followed , In which hue gave thanks for the lives of 'IICIICIILCIICO tile deceaseul IhysIciatls had do- voteii to the alleviations of suflering liunina- ; I , ! t fty , sayttug their bight Iurpos hiatT helped ; to tutko the world better lie earnestly j , . - - ( - prayed that a still better ministry may now -i be rptihlzcd by thin departed oules-onu wliiclt 4 ( liuihI hover end. Ito characterized the great pttrpso of the iuedlcI professloul as that ( if service for hutiinanity. After Mr. Moore's uoin 1)r.'arfie1d ) rend a portion of iiuliui ccIL. . 1(11(1 .lurcnilnhu Ix. , 23-2 1. The last anthem followed nuid then Dr. Biggur itiade t the meniorlai address , vhilc1i t-aI3 Olin toil of tender cuitlinent and optimistic phtloso- , - , . . - . jiluy. lie saId - . , S J Dr. F. ii. Iliggur of Cievelaflhl s'as coo . -y- t flrst of the or iors. hits part leiuig to SIOtk % S fl memory of the Seniors of ( lie American 11t juibtittute of lionicopathy , 'ahuich ho dlii in ' ] est fitting manner to a hushed and atten- ttvc audience in the following words : E ii fur tite dead I would not 1)111(1 c S \ 1)140(11 to grief-uTiltlu cutlitit long divide , I 1'or I t tsl hut ItS I f t he I')40 1111(1 l ltnb.'d I Tiut' giurileul wait and b1oumed oil the iithior side. 'lhiis is not a SCAEOII for sorroW. hut for 3uraIsu and rejoicing. Ieat his tuot the King ( if 'I'd mrs. ' \\e have ieariuel uveuu by tile ] Itcless forms of our dead to sxuiilc through our tvars-iUStCaLt of tile gloolu ci ape we 1. , wreatito the door bell wtth sweet liowers , i 'i wiitisn inure faces are exprcssioli of hope tS nii't love. " Death atiJ decay are essential ; they arc ; t blessings ; they nra evolutions of nature. _ t I. . Do IC not ace it every Season In tile leaf , I the bit LI . t he blossoult ulul the triul t ? Atul . whieil tile I > artult tree lm&ts & served Its thr.'e 1 glcorc' yeLrH : : tiiil ttuu of usefillneas , decay and S (1(11th foiiOW , nuhght s e not betto rsay , . / ciiaiuge. for uuo iuartlcle or uuuolecuio Is over lost. Siecir Is tired nature's rct nod whcui ( hfe's race Is veI run. when lIfe's crown Is ivehl sol1 , tlmis dreauness sleeji stuotlld iii- t c Ways he a jOluS welcome , for v1uo ' .s ouid I ] tvu uIay , \vho would 1111k to stay vluere ' uttorin utfter storuul rolls hIgh o'er the way ? It TonIght vIslt to POY tribuult' to ( ito ' wortlt niiii ullCulll' ) ' of those of our feiw Seniors who have golle before since the last , , - gatheriui gof this Institute. "e' ittiss the S familiar foiins nuid laces of those viuo have ( ' ) eCu5 acluto1ne(1 to meet and greet. " Their uusocIntlens were Profitable , for we ftIt en- I I _ iciiedby their words of soiuuud , practIcal thought ; they were ; uettsauit , for tile ) ' S trengtluetat1 tilt ! bounis whIch hiluni us to- ' ithuor In ColilIllOlt fraternIty. however , we nust coiife that thiro Is a tInge if tint a S 'arge measure of sailliess on tilts occasion. "for lIfe woulmi be very pheasant but for Its p They crero maca for whom one Is better for knowing. hum the pious. devoted nn'i t sainted Sahutatu Lowiler. of vhioin it is saul C thoU one was nlways the tette'r for seellig Till futce. So Is was wIth ( linen wboiui I ver. sonahly kuuew ( if these deIurtel Seniors. Tfittt II1CII fill graves , but there ore graves TCIWtCII llu sky ttid the earth , above rouuuiti. % hutch cannot ho tilled. ' They ere great , for thin great are these 'who serve. They were great , for it is Itt- t uleeti great to be great 'licuu old. Tiucy not hoarlprs of lunney , but riches to tiuclil WU1I In goad ( ( ( ( . They jireterrtil to hiavo tiuclr reward in the gratittluhul of theIr Patients. Their lIves w ro s nuunetrical. cquai iii length , equal to breadth , equal in itoh-lit. I Fftteil hhiYSiClhY ) and constitutIonally for , their great sork , not given to ( 'XCSSS , _ 't k S Ofl ys : rnj . ' ' T hiati Salt Rheutu for ycav , My leg f rota S ' p4 ? ' knee to aniclo wo raw ani sivohien , anti the S I'aInyas intcnIo I tt ioit utnetorsin ItarUord , - - Waterbury , attil Now liacen , to iosyntl. ; Cu. ' 'ruCLYRA ltcsoLvir , Curicitn. , ( ointment ) , S and a box of Ctrrueun.t ico5p cnlnpleteiy S inc. (1AititirV 'r. SAY1RS , ( S hartford EioctrIoLlghtco. , llartforI , Coan. $ rIItr Ccsi Ti'rtitIT Io ' 1'unviic , , Iuie. , S flosos , . wucu i.uii or U&nt. Wirni bsth , will , I CUIIeCN& O&P , genus .MnIIUI. with i.uiluII , u4 S InItdo , , . o.t t.'vTicvi 1iflULT. - I.I4 thn'vtioattt& . wori4. Iitrgi lisro D Vest , io1a. stow W Vies a 1ta.iu , it , . Ji I their t'S'tlllS cooll et lute the heaynrk of the plon'r * . ShooleI esrly to ( lehti'fltIOlt5. duepiOlfltiflftuits. tlenDtIt tid culvorjtIus. sill t iulthi stimtultcd the hcrsevet1et , at strong titi healthy naturAt I nit roflcd thtcit' eieuglv nd ehtsrsctcrs. They were riict'.i t.L.u1 by ttilr stroligest oppenenl. tllWl % ) $ inyicithlng In ahat th'y thought vits true aiuI right Their stern auihuernco In right t'ui resiet. They were hirsv. eariuest. valiant nl conscientious sorker In theIr lirofsnslon faithful to ( huhr chosen eniltug , they cere ever zealous. They sere among the early fiIniwcrfl who Lruivcci the t.icule of the arI % srohTers : , for theIr cnnvletlnns were In no- eouilauuce with truth nnil tIelr : belief. They were heroes , tile ) ' fouuht for the battle nobl)1 and achieved the vIctory grandly. ia : rutest ittuti 'igIlutui I 1Vlrl'rs. They were earnest and vigilant workers of unusual culture and reatliuig. MinuT and heart % i ore blOflhIt'tl to ati unusual degree in thO makeup of these heroes. indovetl wIth Intetets that fitted them as few inca are hitted ( boy flero giants anuong inch Iii ability anti friendship. TheIr aiinds were utbovo the narrov strifes of men nttl Inca- p81)10 of a thought that avas pctty or Ig tuohile ; they lived fot' those who loved them and in ci Iivluig they gave their own her- sonality of charm ( hint cituseil them to in' Ioceil ( if men as few at-c loved. Tltoiuutli they hail not nil ottaltie dtlic leuigthoiied SPRII of life , yet tile ) ' hind macre titan at- talned those 'enrs by their uleeils of use- ftilues. , They believed ( lint titan Is most happy vhOt4e soul tic tittutled In luarinuily cvith all that is 111)1)10 niid ilure auth gOoil Iii llfc 071(1 iniugeil tot lit , ' tIme lieui In every fellow liructitioller ( lucy should Ihiitl a brother , a couuuselor , a scholar niiil a geuitletnan. 'Fhtey woi'e heroes. for they dId ( lie right thIng at the right tIme auth tile ) ' velI kutv ( hat ( hue lIft of theIr heart gave light to ii.ilr 1liii. riuey had no only taicuit , illt Iturhuose ; lint only the rower to achIeve , iUt the wIll to labor. They vvrc borul tnt' higher things than to be tite shavc of their unties. Tiuey Ititil a uilissiOli to PertorIll auld they ihhui it. scil , trite types of hlhiYSICiltilS tiohtug all ( lie gooI thie' CoUld. They were coitsecrated to their cvnrk. They hail faIth In ( he law of cure ; tile ) ' gave dully evidence of theIr cnnhidenre In that law. The high cullIng of the hihysIclIull is one of thu noblest ttnii grandest professions. None can surpass It , linac call equal It. It at- turtle opportuuiitles to exercise all of the unlioblitug tiuaiitles of that witicit Is ( rule fluid beautIful ntiul goaih. " \'hat are the other iirotessiotls or vocatIons in cnmparl- 1(01 ! witit tue InestImable value atlil luniiort- iiflCe of the Very lIves of those teiow-tiueti vhio everywhere move and ireathe antI pcak and act itround us'hat are miiiy or what are all these objects when coti- trasteil with the most precious and valued gift of God ? -Iiuman lito And what would not thu great auid most successful followers ( if michu viutlet cahlings givu out of their own ProfessIonal stores for tile restoration of health nuuui for the liroloulgation of life-If tiue first were ouuce lout to them or If the other were merely nuennred by ( hue dreaded and lthglttIng finger of disease ? " It Is a 1101)10 lirofessiolt. It flakes good med bet- ter.re ve not irouil to be tuetnbers of the SOnIC profession as the gentle and kindhearted - hearted atlhlior of "Itab un1 Ills Frienuls , or ( lie hero of a Doctor of the Old School , " who was tihu ns ituuil mit all ( mIca willing auud ready to rospoild to tile calls of the sufteriuig. on was \\'eeluni laciutro , so self- forgetting miii so utterly Ciirlstlan ; or of that hilliltintlurohle hero who is so henitti- fully Portrayed by Ilaizac in "The Country Doctor" ? They were benefactors. If lie is a betue- factor vlio plants a tree , which gIves 511011 beauty and shade ILl1l proteetiout , Itow i-ouch more is he who by his learnIng alul 51(1111 nod enerience not nllhv a ieIut'fiOInr htzt it savior to those who 111110 restores to health. \'hat trIumph over diseuse and death. what Joys to mans' Itotnos. More worthy than many who wear bravery medals or whose hreast are decorated with the insig- tila of the Legion of honor or whose brows are encIrcled with the laurel wreath. A Olan'S true wealth is the good he ilocs In ( lila worlil. It not in alias. a kInd and gentle vord. "A hoot 01011 v1th a sIngle hlililflii of flowers hteapeil the ainis bowl of Budha , whIch the rich could not fill with ten thousand huiie a. " The only pleasure that never wears out Is that of doillg good illitl good netlouts are the 'luvislbie hinges of tlte doors of hucaven. " The Kughlsli saId that Punshion could not help hint lircachi well for lie was ill ci' ' . with thu linly Ghost ; so these 111011 cmliii tint help doing good , for tilO ) ' were elithiusinstic coukers and wIth an ambition laudable to titcuttertuost. Tlley have offereil up theIr lIves fluid will- logy hiestowed their talents In aidIng and countol-tillg the sufferillg. "Greater love iintht no maui than this that a tiian lay ilowul his lIfe for hIs friend. " liil you ever think what It is ( lint vro- Illotes the most and ileepest thought in the hllmall race ? Not earning ; not tim condiuct of bitsiness ; not even the II1IP1IISC of the nffectlons. It Is suffering ! The angel that went down to trouble the waters and to make Ilelu healing nuny no have been entrusted - trusted with as great a lnlssinn as the angel wile benevolently ilufiictel ( ( hue sufferIng - Ing , tIle I1ISOILSC front which they suffered. Weary alid MnrIl , titey are now at rest n sicep. Ilonteopathiy- lost faithful and able representatives whom the Great Reaper hiss garnereil-shiocks full of graIn , fu I of ripe goilen cars. As tnttcii as Iletli In us let us live peaceably - ably wIth ai awn ! never allow ( lie darker part of our nature to Ilersunde our o'ertalc- irug iiltui s'hio Itas cllstauuced its In thue race of lIfe. Let no effort Ito maile to lame thin character anti ( hits ditahitislu the specil of our nilversary. May a retrospect of our lives lie a retrospect of hoyt' 1111(1 ( usefulness titlil iionor and glory , ' 'Mourn the lIving , not tue deail , " said a tloti rgooil nitl with a heart full of hove and charity , always strIving to make others hinlip ) ' . 'You.t seutil flowers to a friend whto Is goule ; I cliil uiine ! to thin hiving , ' ' Alt , thlet ( ' is a great truth In luer .st'iitituucnt. Garlauida of flowers ( or the noble ilciol , thor yIn those staunch lilotueors 1toso do- votlons are scotia sunken from the tree of lIfe , From a great tntultituile ( arises a howl shout and tIn' vi-iril of their hearts Is amen to the CaUse of relieving ( lie sufferings of huulnautity. lt-t't I tig of Seetliun % .lvitiet.i1. Ilecautse of the desirtu of a number of the hmoltlt'opaths to return home soon Dr. KIug tmnnotinceil that the evening portion of ( hue section lit neurology and electro-thterapeut- tIes witleii vai ; to have been \\'eilncsilay evl'nlulg ha been ailvanced to thIs evenitig , to tiike phnco at the MIllard huotel just before - fore the reception nitil ball whIch tue latHes' auxilIary of thin local commIttee is to give. l'rof , Ii. 11. 8. Iltuiley of thin UnIversity of Kiitisa wihl deliver a paper on "Electro- Clinituical Proof of tile 141w of Ilotneopatity. " Atoult 350 inviLatlons are out for thIs evening's receptiotu anil bali at tluc MIllaril itotci , It huromises to be one of the greatest social Orefitil of ( ito exposltioll season , It htti heeui arruuigetl entirely hiy the wives of the local hiotneopathis and other women of Oplaiia , all constItutIng an auxiliary cool- inlttee on onterttluitnettt anti itospitality. Mrs. Dr. If. ilatichictt lit thin elunlrman of the atuxilitiry , antI Mcii , lr. It.V. . CouncIl is tile chairman of tue tuheonitnittiti havIng tonighut's receptinu and boll In Iumuuuil. ] L is tile intentIon of the ladles' auxiliary of ( be local liotucopatitie couuutuilttt'e to take time tnenibers of the Aniericazi itistltute for a ride thirotugit the Ott ) ' this tuiorniutg at ti O'clock , 'isitiuug Ilnasconu mid itiverviow harks and the reslilejiec Ilortiouls of ( Ito city , each carrioge to be accompanied by one of tile uiteutibers of ( Ito auxiliary to hiolat out ohijocts of interest. Tue decormutinittu In ( lie amphitheater of tlto Crelghttoti MedIcal college , whtere the Principal nut clings of tile AmerIcan luistitute of hlonivoiatiuy are being held , are 'very fittitig attd approprIate , Back of the prest- tient' desk bangs a large American flag and upon It are worked In letters and figures of snilhiux and everlasting ilowers the Initials of the institute , ' 'A , I. 11. , " and ( lie slgnifi. cant datsis. 'ii14 and lSS , " telllug the age of the assolatIon , ) , , & I , % ssn'itt Juuit ihi't-t lug. This tilornlng's tuiectlng of ( lie Ladles' Ilaituewanu lilonutnent asoeiaon ( at the 'residtuteb ' of Mrs. OcorgoV. . . l4ningur on Eighteenth street promI8es to have a very . . . - huge tult ( nilanc e 'Die iiltof having a tutitnbli , monlttnent at Vaslilngton , 1) . ( ' to romlnemerstc the nltie of italinemanli's liritielpie of therapeutIcs to tuiedienl seicnne 111111 lilt c-auto to t1i race generally In Iih ershlzhutg the profession of tuueillrlnt' has in- tercteiI 11111(0 ( 8 nuulnbet' of tlue wives of ituominent tuba hi thi count ry. Tlle honorary - ary vice lireslilentS at large of the nssocla. tlan are : Mu'iulntnt's M. A. hlanuin. George Vt'stinghouse. .lniin Daizeli , hi. ( 'lay ivan , \Villlntn Appleton , 11. N. Iliglabothinun anii Jalnes A. Mnttnl For Nebraslin thin honor. ary vIce presidents are Mrs. I.inlnger anti Mt-s. (1. M. Lamberlson. Thin ehinirmati of thtt Omaha local coninulttet' is lr. ) Freila lit. Lankton. The hrcsIileult ) of the associatIon , Mrs. Joseph T. Cook o hiuflalo , N. ' . , is in ( hue cIty and wIll be present at thuls mornIng's tncetittg. fluiftilo Is th lteuiii- ( iuarters of the association. TIit' suijCCt of thi powers anti lImItations of health boarils. lfluttilclpal aunt state , in relatIon to contagious dIseases is down on tue prograni for discussion ( lilt afternoon iti thin section in sanitary science by thue htOllICOhiathis. A linPer uleahluig with tile sub- Jeet generally is to COfliC from Dr. Edward Ileecher Hooker of hartford , Coon. , mud the special phases of it hare beetu assigned its follows : lr. T. C. Duncan of Chicago as to tuiliercuinsis , Dr. ilt'.nry fl. Stout of Jacksonville , Fia. , its to yellow fever antI cholera , lr. Chester C' . lllgbee of St. I'aul Os to sniahipnx , diphtheria , typhoid fever , scarlet fever altfi lfleaeiS , titid Ir , harvey 11. iale' of Oshikosh.'is. . . ott tlte tlnuugt'r Period of contngiottsness. BOAT RIE BE&OMES SERIOUS 'r-tt let fi.iuuii Arlxotiut hijuve it , II. rI II I iii- . , ' iii , t lue tllssiiuuu'I ltIi'r. James ltowaiu aild Otto Carnilcitnel. tic o cXhOsitioli visitors frotut Arizouia , took a tiuuIhhitig boat ride nuiti one tIle ) ' viii utevel' forget , as the fornter nearly host hum life oIl ( lie tuurpld , treacherous bosotti of the Mis- sourl rtvcr ytaterilay. The men had engaged tue heat froun a liontunati north of the Dottgltis stteet biitige to see thin city froun the rIver front. Every- thiltlg Weilt etnootiuly until tue fast uiioviitg ctirrcult was reaciieti. here tue boat was whirled about , despite the efforts of the two uuuett , who hlileis' but lIttle nhiottt hand- ltng a boat , and was nearly capsized. They Itiade matters worse ii ) ' theIr frantic efforts to control tito craft. W'ith a Ejiced little less than fifteeti mIles an hour the boat 'attil its itelpless crew 'ere borito tiown thue streani , StraIght for tIm stotue 111cr of ( lie Iooglas Street bridge tlte bnat. eliot. Itowauu seoltig their danger stood In the bow of the boat wIth au oar to ward ouT ( lie cclii- sIan. As thin boat neared ( lie luiet he held out his oar atid it came In contact with the 111cr with such force as to thurow iiltti Into tue water. The boat , touved from de- strtuction , Sued on with Its sole occttpalit , who was utiablo to ( ho anythltig for lila counhlaltioul. who was frantically struggling In thto current. ltosan hung on to hula oar ntitl was swept ( lowtl stu etitti titter ( lie boat. lIalt a ntlle below the pIer a boat- tuian put outt from the shore and caught the ritltaway boat and rescued tlte man in ( lie vater. ltowttti , aside from hehutg thoroughly - oughly exhausted , suuiTerc'd no daitiuge. FOR TEACHERS' CONVENTIbi heads ut 1)epuui-ttnc , . t , , i1tiho ouuue liii jbortnitt , It IuuititleeuietjH toui- cerli liti Puuer. Prof. Charhea E. Bessey of LIncoln , vhio has charge of thin Science detiartinetit of the Transtnississlppi Educational cenvetitton , sends word that on Wednesday at the conference - ference of Itle section at ( lie Iirst Methodist church I'rof. F. 1. Nipher will presetit lil.e Paper In the form of a snialh printed book. I'rof. Nipher found hIs subject grow upon hlun atiti he'as 0 llnpressed with Its lIlt- POt tattoo that iie had it iirlnted III orilor that all scIence teachers who attend tuny be glveul a copy of It. Sluperititendent Mltspaugh of ( lie Salt Lake City schools sends word ( hint lie eihi be uttable to be present , Ills place ott the pro- grant sill be supplied by tile cotnutiittoe. l'resldent Gates of Iowa college. Gl'iutllell , SolidS word thtat lie has jttst decided to forego attenilance at tite tweuity-flfhi antiutal reutttion of his class at Dartmouth lit order titat he may take hIs Place on the program of the Transinississippi Educatlautul enliven- ( halt. Stiperlntenclent Simpson , state superln- ( cadent of public schools of Maine , who Is ott ( lie program , was In Omaha on Saturday. lie vent to Wahoo to spend Sttnday with friends thure , but wilt retutra to Oninita today. ii'I ant t Ii l1i I es , , . , , , Three men VllOtTi an exposItIon visitor met casutally on the street last night invited him to JOill thtctn In dlsposiiig of a liitclter of beer iti a rooni on Sixteenth street near iavetiport.'ltell ( lie stranger was seated at ( Ito table ( lie men throttled him anil took $28 from his fiockets. They tlieti per- nutted liltu to heave and Ito retutroed hoon afterwtird with a liohiceman. Tim inca , who gave tue Iiauules of Thiottias Killgsley , I'nlnier lttty tind E. E. Frledctiburg , s'ettj Placeih ttuuiier arrest on the charge of robbery. When tue cotuplaltiltig wittiess told that lie would be obliged to accounliatly the mcii to the attiotu ho watched hula chalice fluId gave the olhicers ( ho slip without. having loft lila litutile or adttress , PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. It. T. Mitchell of Fitidley , 0. , Is a guest at thto hiarker , II , 5 , Foss has gone to Salt Lake City to be abscitt a moitthi. Major I. K. Carson. UnIted Status arm ) ' , and lila wife ate expositIon visitors , Jul111 W , ( Jorlt'y of the St. Louis RepublIc and daughter are In ( lie cIty. George Shiedd , ColtUifl of tito UnIversity of Nebraska feet ball teatti tluring last season - son , is 'isIIuug itt tile city. flurry Arintutrotig and wife , Jratik Lorons , CV. . Johnson nuid tb La Rue brothers are ChIcago arrivals stopping at ( ha Barker. Colonel John Murray and Wife , F. Mel- yUle nd 'wife auud L. . F. Seanlin and wIfe are New York arrivals stoiplttg at the llarkcr , Frank 0. Millet , assistant press agent ( or the Iarepautghi 0114 Sells brotiters circus , loft last night for Nelirtuska City , where the show wIll exhibIt ( onion-ow. MIsses Jewel IS'ced mid Marie l'ugshey hare returuied to Kansas City , Mo , , after a visit of several Weeks with Mrs. 11. L. I'ease on South TweIlty-.Ighltiu street. Pratik 0. liuiilei , press agctit 0 , B , Goulti , ticket seil3r ; S. liedier null J. W. Hussy , nil- vauico agents ; lit. Schulz , contract agent , and forty-six hierforliitrs with Fnuepaughm mid Sells llrothera' circuises are quart < jred at the Barker. , S Miss Mabehie Crawford , contralto itt Slier- wood's ( Ittartet of ChIcago , is to be the contralto - tralto oloit In 'T1te ltoso MaIden" at tue expositIon Moaday os'enluig. Miss Crawford Is tltu guest of the MIsses Abbott , 2019 St. lilaty's avenue. Nebraskauis at hotels : C. W. Pesstig anti ivlfe , Alhloui ; Milton May , North Ben'l ; l"reil W'ltlthsni , I' . L. ihivis , Liticulii Charles A. Done. Creighiton ; lii. 13. Plttiej , ( iakdsle , Joiuui T. Kutz , I.exiutgton ; Ii. J. Turney , John Tori-icy. Ansley ; George liax- 10) ' , SIdney ; Henry 8waunliolni , Itusiiviilo ; ii , . Ii , Alderman , \\'cst Point ; T. II. Carly , Chiadron ; C. C. ilpaulding , Ord ; A. H. la'vis ) , North Platte. is equally nourlalting to the uiursluig mother who takes It and the babe who gets ( lie Indirect benefit. Mttlt-Nutrino Is prepared by the famous Aaiuousor-iiiisch Ilrewjtig Ass'ti , which fact guarantees the furity , e- celleuco and tnerlt claimed for it. -s % & . 5 . . ' , , , . - ' , - 5- I ttE'i % , - - - - -S 5- iiiLklRhhIItIl \ \ ) hAS RESICNE1) ) 'I- Pastor of the FiiE ' Dongregational Ohuich Sta.c His Flock. l' . r" RESIGNATION TOIITAKE EFFECT AT ONCE l..41.-r hIi'al ut ( ( 'iuielii'tfiii of the 11rui lug M-ruIues , .tiin.uiinoea lhi ' ' ) ' hi Itetire frku'It"s ( 'liurge. $ ' 't 'tr - rAt - At the elos of the morning service at tue rirst Congregntfonnl church yesterday tutoraltug Rev. Prauik A.'at'field reati a letter to ( lie eouigrt'gatlon placing lila reals- natIon of ( he vastoratc in the itaulds of the members of the chutrcii alid requestluig ( lust it ho allowed to tnke effect at as early a date as POSaihhc. lie gave notice of a ape- cmi meeting of ( lie cluurcb iuiiuibers to be held next W'eilnestiay eveiiiuug to consider the nuttier. The' anuiotunceiiiont tlitit Dr.'nrfleld wlsiue'l to sever lila otiuiectloli with ( lie cliutrehu tas a suirlirise to the toctiuhiers , to wham iluirluig hIs stay in ( lie cIty lie hail be- eottll' mitch ouiilearetl. Tue eOllgrcgniOtl had llsteuied to a fine Fcrnlouu froth a visIting inltilster froth tlue I'acltlc coast , Rev. Edwlut Ii. Jenks , PaStor of ( lie FIrst I'resiiytcrlnti church of Stilt Prauiciseo , oIl "lmtiiortttlity. " Thin text ( thou iiticit thue thoughts were based was Johiut 2. 'll It were uuot so I woiuld have told ) 'ntl. ' The ever revIving desIre to live , the preachier said , is deeply itaphtiluted Iii ( lie heart of everytitiitg that hives , brt'atlios attil nioves. It is oxeinlilihleul li-u tlte lives of tli beists : of ( lie held fluid tlte blrtlr. of the nlr. Tin' iilrtl ( rota seasoti to scaseti iuiake theIr Iuilgrtniages to ( hue south to congeuilal clinics niud it Is their in- stitict tar life atul hapliituos. tiiat warns tlwtn wlicti antI s litre to go. Even the lou ili'st of the woriuis oIl ( he earth loves its exiatcuice , for ( IDeS . it ttiit itasien its sluggish - gish tuovenicuits at thin approach of the footsteps - steps of a Pt50ib3' : ? l'l lileitet' tit (1i Va Ithi. ' ' \'att couiuiot find thin spirit of a utinut with a scalpel , " ( hue tuinlster saId. "No mere will the taitiu of a titati StatId in ( lie cold , gray searchlight of science and renson. Tilt' thought of his hope lie tiiay not hut tible to lint iti tangIble form , butt it Is there tutu re- 'cnhltig 1tclf always. Ieep down in the Iteart of every hiuuiiati lieltig lIes that hope for the lIfe vhi1cli is bu'yotid.'eut uiiay not be aware of Its existence atuil mamt' tinies you do lInt tiilnk of It , but thin crises of life bring It to thtu surface. The ltuivs of iiuture herself teach the one great truth of Christ amid thin futulre life. i\c shtalh surely iiieet again. W'e cannot thiiuuk that we shall hot see outr loved ones ever again. But till tIle gieat philosoPhers timid titluikers of the world have gotie frola its vlth that feelIng. \\e situll Iiieet again attef they hiace been taken avay from us. It i so hard to believe ! And so hard to Part from those we cherish ! " 1 have stood beidc the body of a bright , golihen-haired little oic uuider a white sheet III ( Ito hionie of deb1ite grIef. I have hooked uuion ( lie ( eatuk's of thtut little one and asked myself th qitostloti-and thought there was tie answer-Is this all ? 1 have been at the bier of , tlue great mcli of the world , tue lirlghtnt'sa of whose mlmiils Itail growti great ulider the goodness of God , and I there have looked upou their faces front which the wonderful light of life and energy lutid gotte forever uid have asked nuyself , Can this be all ? No my dear frlcuitis , it ha hot nIl of life.'t'o shah live agaltu. 'If it were not. so I woUld itave told you ! . ' 'Ye' shall be withu lil. ' Lot that hromlsu console its willIe we wait. " , ' i1l'l''l'tNGS AlU 1'It.L A'l"l'INlHl ) . S seil I at. ( eve ii it ii * S ( rv I ( 'i'M I ) ii S ii ii ii ii , 5' Ti. l'tl I I . , t I ui'i t'Mt. The meetttugs lucId on Sumndny at. the MIs- sloui church , corner Twenty-third atud Day- enport streets , itt connectioti vithu the ( nor- teolithi anltUal cotiretitloti of tile Swedish MisslatI Covenant of AmerIca were unusutally vchl attended autih tile keenest Interest Iii all ( lie services was dIsplayed. Ill ( lie miiornitig Rev. C. A. Iijoi'k , pm'esidetlt of ( lie coveuiamit , gave tue seruiiouu , Ill ( lie afermunon occurred tIme fuuteral of MIss J'attlltie Frock. ltcv. A. T'ohl of Clii- cage , who was atu acquaintance of MIss Freck iii Sweden , gave an earnest and effective - fective talk. Miss Frock Itad lflfifl ) friends ninotig tile y0005 peolile aimd mauiy of thleln were deeply moved during ( lie exercIses. After this Itec' , lit. E. Andersoll of liohil- m'cdge , Neb. ; ffev , J. Orrnian of Vista , lilltiti. ; lto' , II , It I3loom of Waverly , Nob. ; Ite' . A , II. Siioberg of hlastittgs , lilian. , anti Rev. S. W , Sondberg of Rockford , III. , gave the orilinutloli aerhilotI. lte' . C. A. fljork coui- iiutcteul tile ordination services. They were sitnplo niiti IhiiliCSSI\'C. Prof. David Nyvali made an address to time young people. TIle church was tilled mtiostly with yottuug licolile nuid tiit' address itiado a 1)ouveruh lniprcsaioti. In ( Ito evening ( hue chiutrchi was filled to mitnutditig room. Itey. C. A. Nelson of lcs MoIno 51)01(0 first and illustrated his 5cr- mon with totuchiitug Ittcldeas ( , ltev. A. I'oltl of Chicago followeil , lii the several seu'vlces of the ( ha ) ' the chtoIr gave sumac good selections and showed careful training uuuid preparation. " 1'itm'liF'l'S ( .tXl ) I'Iti'IIECY. " itztbhi Fruinlci lii l' thaI tiM fluIllgttter ituuti Nt'i'i'sNIt , 'i'iui-r-ur. Thin subject of Ittublit Frauiklin's Sunday morning discourse at Temple Israel was ' 'Prophets and Prophecy. ' ' lhegluitilng with MoseS , the greatest of propltets , lie pictured ( ito children of Israel worshiping the golden cal ! which they itad erected. A treumzled thou uiattCetl unit itauig snout toe gouuemi mom , but suddenly thi crowd liarled and mnaiie way for Moses , wbo dasited tIle ( alibis of stnlte upon the ground and broke thteni Into thiousuttiiis of jileces iii his anger at mu 11001110 s'lio hind lost faiti in a supreme being and in their iguiOrttnCOfilhii iliahmiess hinil bowed tiown before a g-tJ , Aft theIr own creation , "l'ropuiecy , ' ' pId , , r. Franhchin , ' 'is the miccessary toessage , te ; ( liii itiattureil , aspiring soul , Every ii its prolihets , antI it voohii ho a sad , orJti , indeed , It lropuuccy itail ceased with iLIUh biblical prophets , as many veople wolmldhttvo , us belIeve. Jesus , lauliel , Moses , tl.utber and Dante vcre prophets in the true ensa of tho'word. They wore tnen who , , buruetl with a great truth nuid dared to OhiOsUthcni50lS'eS to the cur- remit of luhjitc opinion. "Tim lieeiile tot ' ( tinner days couisldered _ o , I' hIrolilmerl' as sonw4huilug whIch lund 1een giveti to ( he iouitI 1)3' Itiapireul liii cliii doeluiroti that without inspiration thu're eouiiti lie so prp'.mets They otmsitlereil prohihuecy alt ltouulething i'hlrhi was wrappetl lii tiiytery liluul u'aa tint to he tiutiroiighly utili'rstitoi. hIlt this liotlon has bet'ml dispelled in a luierisuiro atitt ( lie belief ( list tllt're 'ii ill hit' PrOhhtt'cT as as there are great timiiuul has suupplatiteil It , "Every age' hmns hind prophtets lit ( lie ocil world , in tl'e relIgIous Vt arId antI In the Political wend. Men 'hio live godly hlveit anti uchun see the faults of tii age in which tile ) ' hIve .tnd whO ulo nil li-u theIr lo'cr in better Cflhlttofls are iropluu'ts as lnttrh as Moses or nay of the patriirehis of ohti. .A ProPhet lutIst be tin icouiorlnst to a certain extent. lie roust tear down old systetuis whIch au-n ltul-ierfect , bitt his iork is mlut t'olnlu1et If lie merely tears down. in thin 111500 of whitit he has destroyed truitit must bu h'ltitttci and a hierfect strutetturt' lutist he crtcted. l't'opid r'rr whiemi tile ) ' call Ingersoll ft prophut't ; lie takes aiiuv all ( lint reilgloti chtngs to nuud otTers uiotlilttg in Its stead. The tiropiiet tui the Political world Is thu Intuit w ho attacks rottt'utness anti supplunuts it sithi good goveruitneumt. Tlu m'opiuet itt ( ito social world Is tlte titan s'bo upholds a tittiforumi stnuidam'd of monthly for all iuiei zuuud ivito fearlessly demiouuices tiliquit y. lit the realtn of rehigloll the ( rile ltrophlu't Is he i'hin ttpu tiots all sttpersitlomis iiuuil lihamuts iii their lihiucu justice , brotltcrluood nuud iutu- I maulilt ) hIOt'SI % 'llI. II , tVIl A 1)1 tl , VI'l'il. Ilcutily * o . . - ' ' I hi e Si'iiuttu' ( ( 'IM 'l'lir.utigIi as It Ii 1Iuiu itil. 'ASlhlNGTON , JtttieNtithihumg ( of liii- 3iortnnL' ( a likely to cotiip before the lioutsi' ( lila wi'ek. ( "oII'rcmic , ' u'cports utinut tin' sunult'y civIl , Italian and 1)lstritt ) of ( 'oluinbln ap-i'otrint iou hIl I a , iil'nlitihtiy 'lhi lit' sub- unitted atiul the eouift'retice i'cpor uul'tin the hiauilru : i I cv iii caui ro , w' l'I ch ( hut' uo'tlat t I i as ttdiiit&'il , v I i I b to a 'tidet-ed , tit mlloi.tln liy thut' htouc is tillitlul oIlily nssulri'd. lit r. I I ud i , fm ommi t lie cola null I en oui iuuih I I ur' a fin I uw. ci' II I I its juit uunut coml'ldcl'at I ci. nf a lIlt tIther tif lii hIs ttiiid e ItC ecastu ry by uv'ur ul c- ittatitis , uiotnhly one to iuucrviurc tIle force of tiic orultintice du.'partunetit. The sititatiOhi ill tilt ? house is Citei tiuut fhitul ndoutrti uulellt coiiltl be m'raclueti canil ) III fl tei' 115)5 sliutitld ( lie scuinte thibu'0s ( if the llawtiilan retiohtutinius , I letucofor. Ii the lirog utiuti I it t. ii tj hiouiu In lIst lie Iau't'i v imlie of % valttui Uptift the eitatt"s conclusloim u e- sheet i lilt iili tiex it I oti. There are tie jiosltive ittihicatlona of thu cud of the lluvotiati dlscusiumt in the aeui- tute , tutuil uuiless thu unexpected hiappezus do- hate Cli tltls etlt'stintt will cotitIttue for aui- titliot veeJt , There ore riuttiors nhoti tile cahtltOi timat a volt' v ii I lit' reatelt ( ' ( I , ( ii. a tu ii irtnti1tmu t 101' littal ailiourtiumuent Ian , i , toverd ili end of tltt' s'cek , hilt no co'ul"rn ' ' ! o t of tiiehli enti iO secttt'ueh from ( Ito leathers on cithuer it1 of ( ho couiroversy , so titt iii the language of Setmators Jomies anti Davi.u , tin' ) ' tIlipetir to be "illusory. " The proceedings late Sat'ir.iay afternoin auid ( he admmils.uInuiut of setintol's vIio ofposc' autilexation indicate 4utltt' cheariy thm"ir slur- linac' to resort to iihhalory tactics , while hilo iiipearahit't's on the till or iide are that there will 1)0 tuloi'e i'rebStlu'e lnoug'iit to tecuu'o It vote. L:55Ts.n. ! . Tile Wootlwai'd Stock company title week lresents the dommuestic drairta "Doris , " cotii- m000Citlg vithi a miiatinee yest't'rduuy. The iiiay baa bi'eii seen lii Onimulta on several occasions , but it is doubtful if to any better tulvatuage. ( It portrays about all the pus- slolis of duuuiestic lIfe-hove and hate , Itappi- tiers atiti the deithis of despaIr , with ( lie machinatIons of ( lesiguting mlii vicious PCF- 80115 1114 the motive. Itt ( lie title role MIss Kennork zavo ii Iiat'ticularly finisiued per- foramance , and in fact the entire conipany ohipears to us iood atm advaiitage Iti this as ituty dratna ( hey have essayed sluice opettitig In ( hue house. It is oveuuly cast and etich one dot's bis zjnrt ii'eli , be that part great or SlltIilI , utitl if auy criticism Is oiTcrcd it would lie that thte ( losinf scene is sOflie'Vhlat lnckitu' in the dramatic effect mud intensIty of fueling which cltaracerlzes SOliiC of the others. "Doris" Is a Itealtitfuil play , for seeing which iio ouio can ho the Morse aitti mhhtt very easily lie better , _ ( ( it I.ui , ' hail I' 1)uiiiiigt-m. The thee department called at ( lie cottage of Edward Iterg at 818 Snutth Eleventh street yesptiiay niornlttg tn ahiawer to flIt alarm ut tire. The InterIor of time house s'as fottuud tllorolmghly ablaze timid ( lie furutishlags were a total loss before thin hilaz-a was cx- tinguished. The value of these was 2OO , 'e'iht mio Ilusuralice. Tin' building , which Is owr.'nh by lions Larson , was siightthy iinui- aged , Several large shttde trees in front of tile lioutse 'cro scarchueti Iiy ( Ito heat. Tim cause of tite flre is tunknown , but it is sup- lOseii to have h"eui the commjuutction of cliii- dretu amid matches. H uiuuiti's ol' l'uti'r.'sssLi' , tuuirm'Iuigi' . ( Copyright , IS9i , by t'ress l'iuliltshtlng Co. ) BEitLI N , Jtumue 2- ( ( New 'm'prlc World CablegramSiteclal Felegratmm.Iniutiate ) frienils of l'aiTerewski assuiu'e me ( hint ( lie ) ' ktioiv miothiiuig of lila ahleged itientlon to ntarry. They ( In not hichleve thto rutuior , which recurs periodically , ( mwing to bitt imecuhlarity aunong svonierm of musIcal tastes. Thun great rnaestros' friends declare hue u'ihl never ] mmar'ry. ) I.i ii i' . Gui's * it , ' Sit jut5) I ii % % 'n y , John Macrick , the leader of a bamud vIsit- lug In the city , louit $25 last nlglut at lime bands of Muiry Brown , a colored vomuian wIth clever Iltigers , lie repnrted thio occur- remice auid ( lie woman is In jaIl on time charge of larceny , LOCAL BREVITIES. "rIta Fish Protective nssoeintlon will iudd mu imicetitig at the sheriff's ofhlco otiVcdtue - day mtlght. Collector hlpuits Is in m'eeeilut of a telegraimi from Vu'ztsiuluigton , stating ( limit thin I and 2- coat ihocunieimtary stamnps required uuidt'r tIle new law have been ltipprcl to Omaha aumfi s'tll be on ala at. the Internal revenue ouhlce by July 1. HAVE YOU A SON , BROTHER , Jiusbatud or Lover lit ( Ito Army or Nat' ) ' ? hail hIm toilS ) ' Ii Mc PtckIie of Aileti'tt Foot-Ease , a hiowdr ( or the ft-nt , All vlio tntrcim , walk or tiiuuui titeii it. I t ru's aching , tii'eii , sore , stv alien , suveutiuig feet. 1111(1 make's tint , tight or umecv shines e'ttt' : . F'et't cuumi't Blister , ge't Sore or ( 'ullotis whom Alien's Foot-Ease Is tiuiel. 1OOI ) ti's' t I ruiomttttis. A I I dru ggist s 81 iii stint' lit 0 t'CS neIl ii , 25c' , Sriniplti se'uit I"ItEE. Addicues Alien (5. ( Oluisteth , I.e Itoy , N. 1' . Our ArmIos.1. : , . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ai't' lultl''ltIiig % i'ghtt ) on hulIshulmIg the Slutuhuilt rili4 otlt' id' ( hut' 'ny aitti I ) u'x I. Sltuut uuitti It I S mluo % ' lug ti gli I ii hoti g 111511 ilm g ' otlit'i' shine tieith'rs In tutu ri'utrVitit hut , , 5 , , grcu ( coiuiort'glvIng , iuiiitui'y-tutviuig , bIg 1 vutlute fnot't'tu'-\Vltut : Plitliul In' ln'ttet' I muus' thinlm t t'tl'ah ; ) $ iihihiei' Icr the ltthI'b ( ( ' ' -\Vlict'e can 'oti Iblul so muinuty uliffeh't'lu ( , k I Ituls p 14 hn't'e'i'hut'u'e's I I itt OX I Iii' . IOlultt'l lot'-thun hiroutuul ( Its' iuiiul thue , . ( 'Olii IuuOhi-St'ultl \ . I the I ( - I ii t' I Itt' 1)1)1)11 ) - , ; / , Itir pl'lct's ( if 1 .2i , 1.5 ( ) , . ' 1 .75-the tilt- ' fi'rctu't' imi lut'I.u is tIlt' tllfl'u'rellt't' iii ( ltlfil- S lty-AhI the tt3'It's mit ithi tim iit'Ict's. Drexel Shoe Co. , ) Omnuuhiit' . Vli-tU.iizi I e Shoe hlopue , " . ' Mit ) FARN1iI STltEJT. . -5---- -5---- ' -5 5--- - - ' S t - - - - - ! - - - - - - - - - - - ' u--------- S - - - - - - - - - - S TILE ONLY UEWLNE 1LUNADI WATEB. . Hunyad 3 nos BEST AND SLF1S1' N.TUAL A1'ERUI.NT WATEI1. , lOfl DYSPEPSI A , LIVER COMPLAINTS & HEMORRHOIDS Thtpr'ntot7mie tit nit llltter Lancuit. OTtfliNAlt' lOSl , O ? } 'lS1ihItSi4l'ti'a , IIEI'thlii tliti.tlci.'AST , CAUTION-See that the labot bears the sEgnaturo CT the firm AttItren9 Suxicittier. S EXPOSITION AND ' 4 " 4 EDUCATION. At the wt'steu'tm etid of tin , nortit gallery in ( lit' litntttmfai't lire'S litmihthiuig is ( hue exhIbit of tltu. ' Onmalma ptthilic ticlionls. It occupies In till four bouthuit. liii , ' 111gb siluiol flulluig ( lie guu'atci Iwirt itt two , tiuc grade's ( hit' r4'luuuiut- dt'r of ( itt' SPilOt' . Aeljtiliiiuig ( lie booths Is I fitted Up P. uiun1l reception rooni w'iti ( on hut. 'tIltg % % 'it'lt'i' huutuige aliui n fe'iv chinil's. , tftt'u' utijnyiuig t hut' t't'lllfort tufforuht'd ii ) ' tlmt'uui , olin feels like' stuggestitig that a u'ol of citaiu's or bt'iiclucs be' i > lncel thii'eiuuglm ( him celmtt'r Of t lie cual i-c I I tie tu f boot its eontmmltului g t lit. ' hub- lie school ot Li of ( lie state. Irttw iligs al'i arrnuiged oti the uaihs of tIle iiuoiiis , i'iIIi uihuelf t CCIII licutcothu for ( lie 'oi iuulie5 ( if vrittt'ui work. tIt'low ( Ito shit'lvcs ui-c lockers , in which are tutorial ntlilttioiuuh work to i'ClilRCC thttit iuow Dli exhibItion as it becomes soilt'il. nLlittmg else , hot exCt'Itting thin Fine Arts hnuildltug , tiuc 'l'hiimumiaui orchestra cemicerts or thmt liuldci'ay , conmintres in itttt'm'u'st. o tat' us Omuuaitii pcoiile are t'omicerneel , wlthu IlIum nhtoit'- ing mmiatle Ii ) ' our schiool. Fat i'liat ciihldrt'tt tire' Ituterestnh in , hitul'ettts arc sum'e (0 bo. Juist tiit' othii'r dli ) ' 1 hmeau'il a gt'titletmmatm say hue had act ulshcle a special tiny to go olmt to the expositIon with fits little gIrl auni bCC her "thravlng. " I ran utcross a trlt'uuii. tot , , i'lUm iter little 'ehauglltel' , who WalitOul to see it lair coliiposltioti was "really good etiougli to go to the ClieSltiOlm , " lutuil sd-u etiouight it i'ns. I overheard olin teacher telling another that tIm cotumltiitteu bouuud till of the original Pi'ohuleuuis in arithiniette nent ( ruIn Imer roota tund It was the " 0111) ' work of the kIumul 'there. " One of tue booths Is givemi over entirely to tlte uteventii anti eighth grades. More ( loin tVu'Clit ) ' schools are m'opm'eseated. lii dtawlug each school seetits to excel iui souiuo liarticimlar hille of woi'k , so that a pieasilmg variety characterizes the uiisliiny. hum talk- iumg with Miss Hlte ( , stulierylsor of elrawltig ii tins grade , I asked vliat she conutidereti the strongest feutture of the year's work. 11cr reply was , "Sroumgtli of expression , " nmiil'oveum ii cursory exaimiinatIout inches thui ahihiarent. The dm'awluigs are niouuutted out Suftly-tiult'l grit ) ' cardboat'd , outlined -with green niohdim'g of a restful shade. Saratoga , one of the out- lyluug seltools , has souuic llrctt ) ' iuittire work , All oak nuid tittsUe branch , each of especial mimerit , are tim work of liestle hamburger. A group of models , dra'n by Autumn ( ] ilsoii , atractum ( hue eye. Farnain , too , has xeeileiit nature work. One card shows a graceful spray of tite bai sam apple viume , drauu'a by Etluci lilarsluall , atuil a castor bean , tim work of Clyde Itorhi- bough. Windsor is strolig in cotnposltiotm and brush work. Ilert Clinft've hilts a amarillo 'iew dolue iii sepia , Leslie ICrelder , Daisy lIngers 01111 May Ilodge shov uu'ritarlnuis , vork in uliffercuit hines. 1mom the Licohmi sehool comiio solute vehl executed Iigture sketches by Mary Back. A sketch of umhi bells atuil Iuuihiau cliutis by AnnIe Churistelusc'Ii atud a ltttuch box , with a. carelessly folded tialddul lumsirie atld a glast uitmil orauige hieido It. liy I'cal'l Copley , arc ivull douie. The work nf W'ahiutut II Ill attracts aim hi ) ' its plain , pretty lettering. SuggestIve of 'ar is a hag , bel t auuul sword , drawut by Cluarles Garde. liens Sluafter has a study lIt shells , \ \ 'lllie'cst has a base hall outfit - fit that will catch the eye of all lovers of time slmrt. A book cover desIgn of cotmven- tlonalizeil miasturtitutns i the work of Jemmihma Vise. Central scitoni excels In lIght and sluaule amid the Portrayal of still life. 4InonI. the names tioticcil are Itonalci Patterson , Viola Caluuu i-intl IltughiVallacti. . Marshall Penn , a colorc'ih Itulihl , luas a fluicly executed fhgium'e sketelu. Sonic groups of pottery mre exceedingly - ingly good , and a lialm leaf fatu , with a 'asu form in front , attracts by 1 ( hold , sttgges- ( ito hinos. 'Fhe pn nmiul Ink atiii brush Merle frotu Lake are atiioumg Its strong features , A street scene lit helm autd huh by James O'Neill Is alme of the tmiost ilililetult iiieces In per- altective shown. Thietu Reginald ChIns glve. a V'orld's fair reminder In a sletchu of time lagoon. The brumali ilietclues at a little ills- tuiliCo have tile effect at etchiiuigs. Lotimrolt ilepicts actIon cccli. TIme tailing names ttlitentlt'l to the tirawluigs train this school call ouie's atentiinu. ' 'Off to Cuba' ' hiy , Auihua Iayoim ( , rcproaeumta time LatItroti lauid , withi hugs , fife auud druta , "Jack aitti Jill , ' ' ' 'Horse Fair' ' amid "Rapid Transit , " hlclt eertnlhtl ) ' souttith better thou alidilug doe'mi time' biulustu , tuie , nuid "hide and Si'tik" mire scuttle of ( lie titles , Tiue last lilettures a liD ) ' slaneiitig ie'ltle ii barum , eviticuithy jttst mcdlii ) ' to say , ' ' .hl u'iuo aimit renuly. e.aIl titit Ii ' ' ( 'nmiueui I it a tutu ii c's a ii cxt'u'l I cti I shu Dii lug iii eolmuo1t ; Ion , ui feature of ( hit' tirmuis'lulg in- tu uiiiiuci'il for thin first tinue ( hula year. Morris Ti'ior hums 501110 iileasing figure ske'ttht'tt traIn life. I Ii lIt t' M'fl I k'Ti oni K i'll ani , .1 tim m's 11 it nagatu liuitt nut nt1rutc'tl'i' hiou'dem' design. A u'ose jar \ lilt nut oit1'li tinolc tte'hiimtil it Is thue ivork of \Viille Slide' . Skt'tt'hut's of a ivutikitig hunt timid a tialiat ltu'uiiI are well tlone' . lbuneroft ihIuiIIud'E sceiutl itieci'5 rut flguuro ak ci cli I lug , nut ii a tu a s I e tinsle t Ill it'd V. ' I ( hi big hiuuuuultt's of lilacs is t'em'y Pretty. lotlge , ( iuiij of ( lit' sounds null iuutvluig eiiy access to trees amid oittiide' huiattt. . huas sotumu urn I ) ' ahlu'tchles (11 lihiluits in hots. , ' ilgurtu PIeCe' it ) ' Ito ) ' hlauiu'y , too. is Ilflticefibll' . 'est Side's sevi'mithu gruiht' : shun's a iititmitier I tif creditable hileecs ill COlluhtOsitlOn uuitil still hif. Cnstvihum's : stm ouig Poiluis ale iuatttre work timuil coin lcisitlon. u. hieutu t i ful tmnk Iira ) ' i'itit tui'oitts IS thit' tuirk of harry Pet'kiuus , amtl Adaline l'nine t'.ci'hs itt ccinipouiltieum irumiu Long caine several copies iii color of ttuulaiis scenes nmuti itrtuctuu'es ( , ninniig t heimi I ho ' ' I t0 u I hic a uuui' ' a nil ' t'cht of 'rn. uunplt" II ) ' ' I I eritert Elscu , amtd ( Ito " hiruulgo of SIghs" iiy Joluui liekin'um. A card of lauitlscutpct In gneeti uuuiti bu own crayon , ( lie idea origlnntiiug w Ithu Cluristlumo Petem'suum , In especially nttractivt' . Oui nuiothier carti one sets's copies of the Otumahun ( lull ) ' puiiers care- 10551) ' restluig utg.iiuls ( vase fat utute , a elifileutit luicec of M null well tlntie. it. uitueirctuse by \\'IlhIo hiuiits Is a clever bIt of pou'pnctii'o auth it gr.uecful dlii bruiuich Is tile work of havltitp Jacksoui. l'urk shows 501110 carefully executed ef- feels itm lIght ntud simile. A teuu set it ) ' Ahiec i'ritchiiird is iilirictulnu'ly 'ell tlone. the om'zunlimentatioui stamidiiig otut ium relief , as is alto a ! u'cuit piece with tlecamitt"r and giiisseia by Julia Stneitz. A group of 1indet'garten pupils nitoumt a table iii ( hue work of Euutmtn iillswortti , Some attractive tigiure sketchlilug nimd a iilthni itt a jardlumlere 1)3 , ' lticband Clark nm-o pnrtu4oftiuc Ivork. eotumbtaui's exhibit Imiclutties several qutalumt auul dainty designs for honk coversi Ouio of the itiost plcusiuig cards , because of thin umuilqdte mnnnner of Iuoummmtiuug , is a series of tables with covers unuul nut each a jug couutuutnlng a ciray of Iiumi'urs. They tire ( Ito work of Josie Sculcluy , llmiia Stlbhitug and Ethel lIeu of tue Wehister seluool. Figure sketches of fellow PUPIlS "across the aisle" Rid trtue to life. Oh a card trooi Central Park Is uintlced _ _ _ _ a vell exeetuteal slcetchi of a lint. sluopuluig hag amid gloves , the ior1 of llnreuuce Macas- lab. Prettily copied scemics ill ink brush work amu observed froumi tluis school. Fl otu Cass tin ntrneti'e Ciiu'l iuaut , nuuouig other itlecoS , a ciuveu iy elrawmu apu'iifrom a tounuto vimue , ( Ito worl of Rosa ClarIc. The muatiure 'ork by GIlbert Stuublttt of tito Mason uielunol is ouie of thto Imtnst. artisio lticces iii thilu ; clrmas of rou'li , Gu'iuec llttm'shu of tltls school ilaS 5(11110 hicututiful such huiCCeui , Omaha Victi couutnibuucmu ( tt enrih of colored crnyoxt would. Olin sketch frntmi life itt tin oxuist ( ely colort'il ituothi t'estlutg nh a spray of leaves. 'l'hie i little eturd In partIcularly iilcaIttg Iiccauusc of ( be soft tnuueti haIler used. A conilitut : , broken iii lunlf , drawn by harry JOr5t'IubeIu , nuuti a dilator of Easter lilies liy Goblin Miller deserve mlienttaui , Aniortg I ho ilratviuugs ( room Fnauuldlln is Out iild-fiitilijiuiitifi ( 'huti'H , ( hue went of Euumuui 'hIte , and sketchit' of tvo boys , title resting - ing his head out his liautul , evitleuttly tiuunied Ill dccii thought , , tile ojjeim couuupltui.Iy Io ( in a , ' ' uiewtcpapcr h'eiluaps they didn't care to sea the churn. Iii writltig of the tools uied by the nailvo Ahtidiaiitt ( lie nhier duty I Intended sayiuug they worn mnndo of loIue.-uio ( toiui' ' anti llietiti. EL.LA II. h'EIIItINE , Sz' tiers ti , , ii 'I'ht'I i' ( ii. vgiuit'e.t. , Thit gm'l e van rca 01 lb ii so tint's cx a iii I lied by t tie authorities itt 101 1 a of cuutr ) ' , 'a hii'u'o thin seamlutul belong , ofte'mu tut'tu otut to Iu Iriiagltulury or gI'tiil ) ' ulxuiggeratcil. Itiut there are iileuiy cit cruel tmiml : couuciuiceIett slclhilters s'luo uubutsei ( lie et cii's Viuleuuc'o is oh tvaye ohijc'ctionalie' , mmii Iiohuutctlly so ti'hitm , IL 15 e.t'm leil ui.oti uili iutifottilIilmte liver , stounacli athitun citt by dusiuug i liii drastic pilrgativcus 5 % hiichm wcikvut I lie iuucstitu.s , Use liostette'u"s Stoluiliclu iluters. ( 'IIIIPS cli ( , , , , i A hiu lice otlicu-Ouuuahua- Cotuacil flImuft's or iioutui Otumtuiua. Cut a ciluitult frtmuum page 2. Aiiilrt'w' C.ibauu uuiap II cOt. Framing- I t tet'miis utliiuost uuulteeemislu m fn' us to S 1 tell you iigti iii I liii t we fittuuiu luit'tiurl1- ilmt ) , ( ) ' . the fii't : unit vi''vc ln'u'n I mu I lie sa u t ii ' huu'tu t 1mm fur iv e i' I wc'i i- d lyiive yeilmi4 , vt' kilow' tluei't' Iii't ! P'tiPltt lii Otuitulun ( hut luuuve hover liet'it iii out' 141 ( tlt'---IVI' 'it Ii 1 you to c'omuui' a tid st'e I lie liuumi : ) tlliii'rt'iut s1ylc of tiuuitmliIIiig tvi S I ii icy to r Iii : iiul Il g i il il llrei4--nu1 I' im'l ) ( t'lt tui.t ( Si ) I ( ) Hint , i'll ) ( tli linrilly gt't huh- ln'i' luiiuiuiihig utuid utitukit It ) luuus'II'lit I lie iu iIce--l Iit'iu s'e k lil\ % ' huo' t o ft't ; lilt'- w'e' Vu ( bile $0 ill it i'hu ii I I -you' I ui t inure to i ) ( stt : lslieul vhthi oni' voi'h ; tiiuih lui'iets. A. HOSPE , jY Music and An. 1513 Dou1as Shoulder Braces , eto1- .A Colmuhuiciti hllb' of slniuiliit'r liraci'g- " ' mint do I ii Ii I i et'i'u t't ly n it u 1 I ( ) i u i'ee ny ll'it ) t' ( I I to ' .luo ni d eri u iua ii II t'fl 01 II I'll hi. fillh iiiii' iii' hi'l'ouimiily hrn't's , trilsst's , ' ' S t'ie.-'i'Iii , ; tlefuIlthuit'iht ; bt iii elturge of th " i liumi ou ugh ly & 'ti it i i ut'l t ii t u'iso tat v I to u u i ii h e , t tin'iii ill aiuy ( ' .l4ui ( ill iuitluul--olIr stouli of ' , , , , huultitlll'lt'tluI'eil gouuuls i ( 'ouulIletut ) iuid ' ' ( ' 0 i ii I i'ist's u'Iuis t he stock I it gs , t l'uusu's , sulJ I' I suit t' l' $ , I tit I I ( 'Viu'dl , ii I out i'/.t'i's , VltI t cli t's , 4 I tu.i I 1) " ii 5 , Ii i I' lull lo't4 , x'm I bbel' gun Il s , S I I rgl 'iu 1 I list iii it uu'iut it , Illeul Iu'it 1 sili , i I i ts , 1vI t'te.-St'uiui to 1114 fcui' edhuloglht' ot' iiuiy iii- , i , ( I ) I'i lull I huh I 1(041 ( rpu IVo I till i I ii w' tnt t hit I i t't'ik'ul I i i t Ii Is I iii tu ( tot ii uct tin I ini'itsu in- uuit'iut. ; ' : , : ; elrf u heAoe ! &PenfoldCo lcformtti I ) ' lirtice .iiimui uu fiucutul ron. , ilfil Farumam Street. Opposite L'axton IbId. HA , . --5- - - - -5-- - - - - - - - ' - - - - S - ---5 ; -Y