- . - - . - - ; --p - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r------- 4 rI1iii : OMAIIA IA1TY MONJAY , JtJN E 27 , 1898 . _ _ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f1IF.OM111A SUN I&Y Biti --4 ri : . ftOS1WATFR , 2dtor. e- 1'UII1SIII1) FV11tY Mofl1NO. T1tMS Ot' i.unsciu vrio. IaIty 1oVlthout ( iinc1ay ) . Oiw Yent..tC unity i3t nnd StItIlIty ( , ( ) flc Yenr IiIx MfltIIH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 4.00 'rlireo 4\Tt > ntliq . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0' ) 3tindty Hep. Ono Yenr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inturd zy ( ) te Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 Weekly lice , Ono Ynr O111CF3. Omaha : Fhe 1e IhiIl&lIni. SoUth Omaha : Sliigcr hock. Corner N itnil 2tth Stre4 t. ( ititictI JliUT4 : 10 Peai 1 Strcot. Chtcno Ofllco 502 Chamber ot Corn. Now York : I''rniio Court. \VaRIiIngLon 501 Lottrteenth Strct. COIL All enmrnunleattoisci rintlfll to nt WS nntt dltorlnl rntter tthoultl ho ntlrt'sed To the Elltur. IUJSTN1S 1.1T'rl1ts. All 1iln. . lctt'r nud rimltttflCCS itioil ho n1t1rtuscd to The Bee I'ubllflhllflJ COflhIflfly ) , Omtha. ( Drafts , clieck. epre9 nnd Otofl1CP tJ1OflC or1rS to be fllfldf nyn1lt to tlii. ftrlt ( t Of the CimlflhIY T1ll lT'F 1'ulnli3111N ; COMPANY. STTl1 ENT OF ( ' 1 itCtItATlON. f3tlLtU or NebraMn , 1)ougltu ntit1ty. S. aporgo 13. rzeliuek. ( rvtnry ut The Boo PublishIng COH1lLflY , lIni. luly vorfl , flfl ! that the acturti utimbor of full ttnd ( 'oflipleto ( ' 01)108 of 'l'lir' Daily , Morning , ivenlig , flhl(1 ( SIlllthLy Ilco , lrlnt(1 ( duriflg tlio flIfltit of May , isjqVfl8 flu fo1toVS : I . 2ti i i . . 2 : inr:1t : : Is : lni ; 1.1 : t . . , , , . . . . . . . . . : i j'J : tn , I IT 4 . . . " . . , , . . . . : in , : 1 . : ii)4 ) 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . : to,717 21 : tI,7o I i . . , . . . . 811.775 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . : iiit ) 7 IT , I $11 $ 23 . . . . . . . . . . " . . S . . . . . . . . , . . . . . : InlI In 21 9 . . . . . . . . . . , : iInt : ) 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 81.ITI ) 2C 11 . . . . . . , . . . . . . . :1 : I , n117 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . : II,17 12 . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 8 I ,1 2 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ,1) ) ) 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . , . , . : i t,1n2 : 35 , . . t'i 10 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : is ii 16 . . . . . , . . . . . . . Toti1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lca i cttlrn8 tiud UflOll 001)103 . Not total Not thtlly average . , . . . . . . . . 3O727 GFO11a1 11. ' 1'ZSClltTCl. Svcrii to before inc anti Muiscribed In tro.sonco this 3lit day of May. 1SS. ( Seal.J N . 1' . F11t. , otary Public. NOW for the ri'nl pnlkr'form. ( ( . \ Vet : t have hntl the hu tii bug unougli. : 'l'lIO 4 nierlenit peopli' uo stn v1tli 1)fltFiOtlSfll ) tli yi'Lr of all years. t : 1 mi cornlren ( C1St 111)011 tli ( ' ivitei : lins the ficulty of n'Iiiriiiiig nft'i many dmys. : IIt.iiee.tlmo cent iuoiagallda. 'l'la' lty : lseomningwhentimere vill b. Is frti'e vaeririulons ( at time 'xpoltioii , but In time iinammtlmne tla're vlll be other } CthlIlIhl' 81tVItlV& features daIly. ; Siitligo : many luive hlvly Fourth of i :1 : uly , [ nit Ila' 01(1 ( I o'n cannot celebrate , : is mutt ny I Intl i' i y day I Igli I a s , Tu ii can- ( ) by four 01 live hours' dhlieremice at this tlnie of time year. Geimenil ( mo'lmor of OhIo , w'hio inrtCie ft notnile ) Sle'clI ) ha time (31mb tn1e comi- ventloim last w eelc , Is being highly coin- lilhimiented hy time abuse heaped upomi him by the P1'Oe1iLtS. lIe hit Ihielit ou soy- 4 emitl lender lOtS. ) 'i'lie dIslm tehmes say ( lint time \Vlscomiiim . mI I I I I in mmmcii enga ged I a stmpp ress I mm g 1110 . . 051as11 ilot ha ' been iIletiiig In. ' , tensely froimi the liei : t. 'Ilie life of a sol d Ic r b3 hot 11 Id 011 511 IC toti rV I i ii t her III Cnlai o1 \'b.coiihii. . Next to the eOmflhIIi4kI1ers ) thiemnsIyes I time greatest gl ) ) of gilef 't'i I lie knock. ii oil t 0 1 1 lie d 0 1mm mm ( 'I I I ( 'm1 Iii a ii 1)111 ) It e boa 1(1 fll e 1)011mg svnhlovetl by ( lie gmnihhers : ! ( Mlire thing Vitl(1ler4 ( vhmo see an eziti t th 1)4)11CC ) hlotcclioIl ) they hI1tVC beeii enjoyIng. 4 \Vitli Y'lSOl' $ 1elihioit ) ( 'OllilectIoll 1)ilel1 by Ill I U d VetS0 Sn )1'i11t' ) coil rt de. I cisloit IIIOLe vork Is lrese1lth ) ( fr tIme S 1)(1hltll ( 1)1)10 ) ) chliiiber.s tiimI hue repair- I UL3 , 'Vlmet1ier tIme tchi'plmomie route to 1)OlIttcaI hmieferimiemit w111 l ) ( tiltis rung 1 off is time ( ltIt'St 11)11. It Is to be ilIell ) IiuIgoNoryal vilh miirvIve tlit olislamiglit of time ( 'I11III1'Ilt ' ; but lrI'Il0S attoincy yium inefeired to : MlIm1mlIIer his Inherited fortull ( ' in vreck- - . log a I1e\\4imIh'r : ) rather than In I lie ii- F iilt of t lie 1)rOf'SlOI1 fmmr vliicli be Proved hmimmiseif a imilsilt. p _ _ _ - TIme ( iIIly fault fotiumi vltlt thih year's r'l)1Il ml lea ii lili ; t f minis , ( 'Sj ) ( 'Pl11 I ly lis t Ii ey rein to to t Ii e II ii mid mm I q iii'st 14)11 , 1 $ t hit t I t lI'y ILIC Sm ) 11'fl ( ny iii I k e I ha t I t en mm not . . In' ( lotiItel t hey all menu tIme 5:11mb : ; tI timing , But tlilt im a fault only lii the c'st limmntlomi of those vImo are not reimlib. hlcaims. AlhilIlLill .Sltiiiisoii ) hit'lievcs in bc'liig just to thio enemy , /.fter fimli hmmvesttgL- : I tiomi 01' tIme ficts lie has deitled thit' ac. . dish t IOU ii ga I list the Spitim I : t rds I ha t t hey ' inutilateil tle boi1le ( it Amimericitim i.4)lthlerm4. [ 'lme ShitlllIirhs have enough crimmies to lIt)11 ( for vithiout bullhlmig any 3.iot iilIllOrLt'I ( Iy ) tIme fmcts. Mr. T4'gitlmnus , a heW mneInler of 11w : 1rt'iielm Olmnuhler of ) eput les front t11flhaIOlIlt' , hmis : the rellitlItlIn ) of being i 4 % $ UC'tSHftlI bOtce1er , itmid Is ; Vltlt hmmtlim on olin ( ) et'tSloil encoill. . 1b1etI limo tiefeat of time mIevil by ( Imbibe. lug uiimh yelling for sevemal hitnirs. I ii. terestimig tines are I)1011118'tl In time ( ) hamnber vlwn time imes' Ilftlmmi'r ) gets tim work In his iimeciahty. I 'i'hero vIhi be old tiino1omiitlm of .1 ithy cehebrut Inim lii iiimimmy southern 'itk's this I year (01 thiO Ilrst tlmn shmice time rtt' : . lhbo Clistoibi Of CIbheIIfltliIg the Fourth vns dElhiC(1 ) lii iiiitity 14UtIb'ri1 hhmlves itimmh Clirlstuizis became time oimtm hmohldmiy gt'u. I Cr11113' obsorveti , but h'miihImmj flL'Vllcrs ) : % ) 81 0 cahhliig imimoit time sotithierim lt'OhiO ) to re.ivo 11w CU14t0111t3 of time 1)1151 ) in r'gttrIl to limo ilay saereI to all iiierlcitmms. ' 1'I1I ) IIOrIIIIItI ) ) gimmig IilUkt lt exit froi : time Imohice conimutssion 11IIiflOl11'Ilt'It Imy time puIiLe. ' ( ) iohIt'O hl4marIh over In contrtmi of Omelet's lire ttiith 1)011cc (10- lfltrtiIbOIltt ( Woke 11 $ IVeheolbbe out so 50011 or ihisgiisti'tl decent Pt'Oh1lO to m4tbci * nfl uxteil I , Oimiaiut hums immut Immiti police COlflhI1t5sIOlI'VS , but I lie iherthimmami tmimt. hits s , stoimpimig to erytimiimg mmmiii stop. plug at iiotlmliig , laivu beeu thai very worst. ti ; icttou. It is III1EIU ; TIlE ; LtV : .sllot'Id in ; Jfl.i ) W.\ ' . Phmere I s a d Isimi , s I ' Ion I a con n I ii q i liii. . tei.4 to t1xo miii eiiiuhliliites for ureter- mn'tmt on 1-l'itlhmiiemllI ) stnte ii nil lemls1ntlve tchet' ! ' vhio immtvc' nt oily ( limit' reftiscil to silimliort mill .i.hi )4ttmllgiIt PortY 110111. liiem's , iii otlmt'r vorihg time lute is Ii ) ha' drnvim upon ' 'ry iimnii tslmo hits himith time cohIrilgI , to break mnvny frnni his PartY iatlmer than to voti' for eamuililmiti's 11 ot orloitsi y d ishioiist :111 d ml Isrepil In Ide 01. ' klIOVl1 to I1II0 becim frntithiiicittly folsk'd tipomi it lirnomilo coiiihdiim'im iiiiI corimoratlon m1merc'narl's I t. mu fly i u in oril er to rd H I ii d t ii e self- tyhcd stnlviirts vImo PrlllP til11114e1Vk's 111)011 inivimig swallowed miii time ( 'hI)1V ( dog cmi 11(11(111 ( ( tei4 I limit immivo horiie time pa m t3' label thu t I he rm'jnihiilen ii party 1 * , lii time iiilimoiIty iii Nebraska imm'emttist' It has drivemi out ot' estriiiitvil thou- sitnii of I rue nimih loybli repimimilemimis ills. gusted by the lingratit 111)11505 tolerntl ItIItI ( ( ill ii I din ii ccii I ii I ii e 1mm , rI y ii a iii e itimil dlshmcnitemmed by time iein'ntcil faiI 1110 of tim(111 l'ffOFti4 to i"i' t Ime imrt of thit' ( orlupt el'mnI'ibt VIIieht haiti list , i'iied I I s it'zm ii ersi i I I ' Ii Ii ml inomi mm huh k'.eml its lmoimors. I I' I imis class of reimili ihlentis Is to hi' imalrei fromim asimiratlomi to liosi- linus of honor ii iid Itust miami time ic. vtihs : mtio to be reseived exclusively for t I m imsevin ) ii ml a 'il U k'scctl I it I hi c eITimlt ) ) hii dIces that lutve vrecki'tl tIn' immili y a I iti (1 ( i)1i ) ved I t f I I s suupii'iiimt vy ti It.P ( (11 it it' i I t t I e I f mm a y I tUIK' lot' V Ic- toi - Iii ISbS _ lii olusmi ml s ( f in pm i v I m o lid I eve I ii ye- lull hi Itmi mm PmI itci ph cm. ' mm ii x I o 118 to emil ly t 0 I I ii' sii luimort 0 f 1 I m e repui il lea a ii I a I 1(1- art ! iH9tr'rS tiil 3'ir : I f they 11th hmmi ye assllrLllcc : I limit I in' : tmty iti reamly to dlsemird the ( hIserethitetI niul ihlstrimsteii ieimhers : amid muimuke a imev start uummdi'i' I tmt'i1 iiosc' ci : reeIs a ie 11 lImb 14Si : I lti : d 'I'im Is 1mm mgi' cieimm i mu I tv Ii I hot mihlo v I Ii ciii selves to be limsiiitetl or sI lgimiit : IZCI by lit' I I ig imit t Oil ) ) ma I 11)11 ) 11 S I f t Ii cy w ei c g a I I I y 0 [ ' treason t o replmhmhl ( mi I m isiii vhmeii thiS _ POhIS'IeIitiOllSiy ( hlsehmarg(1 ( C hit'li smicreil ohdlatIois , its A imierlean lt izii l ) it'ti isl I I g t o hell ) 1)cLIctum ) I t c it t'Igiu of emusemuhl ty. jobimery muiti t hmit'vet. I I' I here mire : immy iiiie' to lie drivn : I ) . . i1'1)1m ) I ml I en us I a I hi e scict o f en a- ( I lila I ( ' 5 for I hue I iui.peiutI . I it g ( a at pa I gn they iIutim4t be ( irawn bet ween macn of knoss'mi integrity mitmil ciimicity : mumimi muien of kmuovim dlshmouiestv or iimii ned clii- ciemucy. I I itmiythming time men vhmim iuive : oil her hm. % ' Vote ( ) t' sIce dntireil pi-otest a ga ii ist I ) ltIhlC ) I ii ii ii ml eucis ii ic I o hi' m re- ferreti Imt'fore I hose vilm ) , vIt Ii flit ! kiiovcilge ! of time facts , have either hmel ) ( ( oi. ml eq ii ieSCl ( in t ii e iom itiOIl or hit' n 1c5lOmisiimic for tin' dbutstcrs that have overtaken I lie 1):11ty. : SJJUET ( IL.lfd.OT LA IVS U1'ImLD. ( oed . \ muierican citb'.eiis aught con. istciutiy iuiiite In eniiiitumhuiloius : : to time gOV11m01' ( ) l 1)cltvure _ : : for hmuvimug pt'r- imutteil ! the election Idii ) : ( ' ( tIme htst : iIuy : of time rt'ccmit legislative si.oiu ! to tIle imecaimse of his lefusmil to slgii It. 'I'lme bill 11111V1(11'l ( for mihmamimionnuent of time SCUICt ballot iav. \\'licmi tiui' liVV0' ( 'Iit oUt recemitly thmmu t 0110 stat t' 11:1(1 : dot - t 01 1 ml III ed lijuomi a I au ckvmi id i uove mu icim t Iii time iummt : ter of ( 'll.'tiot SStPIlls it. plo- ii tuced a I ) I a fii ! shock , 1) ii t I at i u idly It humus ino'il untrue , for 1)ehnvurt' : imus : IWCU saved front this thisgricc by tIm good seilsi' of time gmveliuor. 'Via' huh hi a i i been rushed t Ii rough t ii t' I eglshi : u ii ic lit its cho.iimg ilays , mulost iiift'iy by in- lliui'mmces that , i1 kImo\vn , vouhiI be teceg- uiiZVI ( as iitiimilcal to tii vci1are of time St mite. 'l'iie secret ballot system vi1 intro. ( I11'eIl fmoiui Aimst nuhia : iimoimt ten years 1 go mu a d Ii rst gi : I mm cml a fool I told i mm 1' t'ui - tacky iiittler : t In v pisst't1 : by titi' hegis- hature. It was iiiuimn'dlatey ! mldoitcd in it 11 mmmiii ) ( 'V of the 1 I 1010 P rngrmsslve s I a It's amid imov It ; Is In c.e in moore or hess iuioml I Il ( (1 ( to rio I a mm I I time st : i tes excei it ( k'orgin , Lotuisimtuimt mind time Cmrohinaa. I t has iwen ioilutel ( out thtmi I public o(1l- ( eimth elected immtmier time secret iamhiot sys- team miie 110 lelt'r ) titan timoc eit'itt'ih the 1)1(1 ( 'V1t y , I mu t I hI'VI. ' hmi : s ( 'cr1 a I U ly been till huIreml se I a t I i c a a i iii i'r o f ' 'cri : t ci i lr.iioL ! , vhIchi html k'ttes ficetloumi fromuu 1)11113' ) restmaliit at time ! , Iis antI simows that I t is ISS ) ( liI ) ( I o mm elm love re forums mum ore remni I I y t bamu formumemiy. h"raim d liii s not imeemu t'uiml 'd , 1 m at I t is umuore d I liiciu ! titmi IL befi ) itu a miii. I lie imeimpie immi u such colt lIihm'i I cc I a I lie iuu ri i' I ng I mu I iiieuiee of the secret bullet tlmmt : I iui'y vihl upimohil It ii it I ii 501 tIe I I t I II I ) l't t ( 'P i ; suggest ed , 'i'imt' secre t ham i lot syst L' til iits ; it ut yet iitt'ii ) ( ' ( ' ( ' ( ' , Legisimitoms mire 1011- ti 111111 ihy I m mok I mm fo m' I nip mv e mimeuu t s mm ml uuiik : I ii g t imeiui. 1 1 uvolh d 1 me a i ii isfott ii no simould even one little state go back to the old \Vt of votimug , cituI01' SiIdIL4S' 1'AMILtIS. 'l'ilO hmiuportamit duty of hookluig itfter tile utt'is of time fnmnihirs tIf sohi1km is hmeglumuliig to receive atteiutlomt. 'l'ia' I ' I m ii ml ii'iili in L' I iii es l'i1Ii : rks I I m a I very I 11111 iIY f time brmte mni'l1 yluo have voiumttci'reil to tiefeuid their eotuiitiys emiuso VeL0 vIthmmnit t'miiioy1it'ilt mumil ot I iei s I e ft ( 'Omulpell SIt I I 11 b hI i > ti I iiumm vimerehy their fmtmniik's mmimiy be greatly rettimecil in tIme uit've-smirles of life. 'i'hie hi-st ( ml 10 of lmit riotle people in evemy eomuunuunlty , smtys hint. imuit't. , should he the fmi III I I Ics ( .m f I Ito sold lets lii I it e lli'l ml. ltemiiIy titt'io is saul to b eonslleralie ilesti In t Ion mu 111(111 g tue 1mm iii i i h's ot' oIihitms In portions of tiue ( ' 1151 811(1 If tit ( ' Wl l si III Ii I ml In' lVt ) t 1m1 I tet ! t here uvhil be fl dciima muti on t lie uiimt ii I ii bit , I ii all Imttts of thu t-mnmtmtry to provide fOV the iut't'thit of 5hmhi1 ) $ ' tamimllim's. I t'gl sin t Ion I I i it I vhi I elm mm hi i' t lie ftiiiuiili's 0t sIilil'i $ to 14'elV ( ' tiit'Ii' PRY. In itlt ; 01' iii vhuoieVIli llr.miaihiY . iumu eumneteil h' etnmgress , halt' in time ym'ir : ISIII a bill uvmis inmseil by coilgiess vhk'it iiuuie IL imosslilit' 10 lIllY to nimy soliller i' imlemi U 14 tI f It ceit I lieu t e II ) (1 ii tim 1' SIll- I 1tmI 5- iii 3 itt New Yotk , iucit pait Of imis lilt ) ii t imi , ' hIllY 11 $ lie aught w Isim t o scumi hits lainihy , time boimmnco of time PmlYlIIeiIt bm'i iug I mmmtmle iii ate lucy. r'cut ml ) ' a II of U mu tiobllers hutvlmmg fuiimtlhies nvmulli'd them. selvt'S of thm1i imiw , it Is hurohuilseth to ituiss liii net siinilmir to that of lSUl amid to lurovkle ftr tint tiIptliillIlOimt ) 01' tomutuiis- somiei s repit'scittliig ( 'mm'li state vhto ( 'mill go to time ( tout neil avrmtiuge vItlm moimilers lor the P1tY1II'mmt of pmtlt ( It' theIr uvmiges iii eurtIIImtt& ' on thtosuh.trasiury Of New 'oi.- ! , which of course yihI be uus good 15 cash auyuvliere lu the United Stute2. AW UI " ' ' I I I Is timniigi i t I liii t v I t 1 m n 1 % fl tm iugemllt'mit of timis kiiiml the gremi ter Paml of time iuulY of tue soitliers wiii go to their fttIiIIltCml , its us-mis time cfl5 ( ' miuii-iiig time dvii var. I t uvoulil i ) ( a good Idmuim to orgmtmulze In ( ' % ( 'I colniumuhl I ty vImt'ro t here ui-c sohmlicm' & fmtlIIllk's 0 idIot society mit iOhii4'll , to ViIIi.'il such finm iiiN ( ' (111111 upimly for nsshduiimoe vhm'n ( not'mlemi uuuitl 11mm' imietiuiut'ts of SVi1l'il cotulti kem'p tlit'iii- sehves liufotmned ns to time cotimiltinit multi im'mjtiIi'iimelits of soldiers' taimlihl'im. % society of this kituil uvouiml have 110 111111. t'uiity tim obtnltmlng t1lliittlOliS Of ( 'Vet'- thiitg mweesnry. .Id socIetIes of this ciImurmmct'r w'ere uverywimcre duriiig tue clvii uu mui' amid \volmih lw ! iIposslhie to COuimluitmi ) the gooti thi'y uild. 'l'uere ! vliI IH' abuimdmint ( ) il)0Vtii1IItt' ) for time s&'i s' ices of sieli orguuiiizatloits thu-lug this \ iui. , mis is uiiicmumiy Imimhk'mutemi , aiim ! their I , ti'ui 1(111 si toni th no t uvil I I for t I a' ii plicat of dt'st I t ii t lomu froun those viimmse imut4 hat ii m Is ml it ml fmu I iit'is ml re me1V I II g their eoumimtiy lit time army. 'l'imcre lu ibm ) miutirt' 1)11 Itiotlc duty t htmun to piovide for time fuuimmIilei of our smimtier5. lIfl 1.-on vn.t 4ccordIu1g \iutmshmmul Campus , Spmtin's Oiliest edie ! , vhmo iumiy be emiii&'d upon mIt uuiiy tilil ( ' In nssuuiutm' time uimhuliimiistimt. ( lou iii' umllmiirs , a mnuJmnity : of tIme nation Is emu ger fri i it'mi ) C ( ' . 'I'ii 1' ii 1st I iiguu lshim'd SOhihiIi. is 1)1(4tmi ) ( ) lily htiiuisehf out' of this iimlijOlit.m' . I Ic 114 iulilme fuiiiullimtr vltlu t I m m' pouver ii mmml rest mu ii'es o f t lie 1' ii I t cmi tim I m's timmmut Imbost ( It' hIs emiuulut i-ylmueII itimmi it is mint to i' miouiitcml tlmmut lit' fuh3remthlzcs ! tiut' hlmuha'hcssmtess of his ( 'oil ii t my's st rug gi ( ' mm gut I ii st t i'm mmcml ii ntis I itl d s. 't I t ii a s m i i tit lt ut : I riot I smmi a s any SPliIlmlrth : and doumhtit's mis stiong a feeli mug (1 f 1 iii ih e , ( 'mi imi tI oes limit iut't' mutit these to imilimmi hmlmn to liii' real choir- mm e Icr o f I it e sI t ua t 14)11 , 1iIP I s Ito so foil- hsli mis to timimik tiumt. "imuiiot. remlullres titmi I t lie limit ( mi slum Ii ligimt 011 thought 1-li I ii lie t hi e I ii'V I I : t 1 ii t' nub t coin m. ' . Ni ) - imuimh iii mmioi' ioymuh , hut itis loyalty is limit ot' 1110 khial that deitimmiumls cmIl- ) timuuiiitc of mu hopeless commllict even to dcstrtic't imii. I t is ii i i l ot-t ii 11:1 : t C fo r im : iii t It a I. such iI'It ( a s ( "mm flu i' ' ° mu ye am ) t d I I'lt I ii g I 11 ( ' 1)tlk'Y ) Of tlm ( ' lilt Ilomm. I'Itei'e is 1m'88011 to hehlevL' ) that if hie were at the iui'uml : of milim : its I'uce : negot mt \Uhh hh' t'uili'u t'mi uiii ) > ml vitit :15 little dehmty as imossi i di' i immi v I t 1 to mm t a muy serlm mu s tin mu - gelto tiit thomuiestle peie : , for ( a1uipos I 14 U I oh i ) iii d emIly st monger I U thi c ioliIh:1 : r ( ( ii I thtlemice ti mu a mu ny ot I icr mumiii I a paln. \i im1 vhto distrust : tgistn. : time tsihi- t k'ha ii , \muuhi 1-mi I i\ _ t I ) ( 'mu nlhmms , t hue smd- mhii'i' . I haviuig : t ilmt : brlty of t lie iu ° ie uv Ii ii hi I in I Ii seek I mmg a a I ton orahile helce. : hme couilih iepmm'ss mummy rcvohui t lou- au y uluiV'IlIl'imt , ( 'lul'ek the designs of ( 'mu rhlsun : uuith lmres.'rve timt' tlyuimisty I I. soui1tt sc'uut I ha t t i me eta Id I I are m.iiit' for a ( ilauugc of pohiey. I I. is said tiliLt the cosuuto of the Cortes , Insteul : 01' iuicifyhiug : 1)Ohuiiii : ( iisL'llltt'lit , itmis iii- ( 'l em : i4t'd tlu e su Si ) I i ' 1 oi I S 0 f iad i I icimimis :1 ad t iii' illiCIt sl hess i 11(1 ah mm run iii I ! mm um clii : muuuil inisimiess cliches. flow great tlmhs : linuiul is WOS Sll0'iVut iii time uiiauiIlest Issued a short tiuiie ago by I imi' lmmhustylmmh ii ssoeiu : t ii ut s of ( 'a I a ion I a . 'lite g ) s'iui- mmieimt , It is saul , is hivlimg 1)11 t lie 1)u111- 'ilie ) of xmuItuIiig thuume at mutmy cost , hut vhmut : it ( 'xi'ttS ( fioitu suehm a ( oulrSc it is not en 14\ , t 0 II a ml eu-stm : i oh. ( 'e ri a I lily II ( a ii i hut I tOI ) ( ' for I ii t eiu't'il t i mu. i n'ea mm se that is cheimly : 0111 of time questhmimu. h1 I him' goveull uumciit ii i's ! I : t I es to site for htce ) : thmrouigii feat' of liii ci-tamh I u-oubht's It. Is bunt It'sseuuimig tiit' damiger ot staht t t'tmii5. ) h f tltere is reisoii : 1um\ to fcmr I Imese thmcrm' uvlhh be Iuiillt greater 1 ti : 5th 1V lieu fui i t her de fe : m Is coin i' . 'I'ime Cutiteil States is in ( flmuLhItlii ! to st mike 1mt 1) ) i (1 ( mt ii ml ii t'cis I ye i hovs. 'I'iit're is a imirgo mi immh vch I alga it izemi mu rimiy mu m md t I a' lt'L'uy : Is imutnet. 'lime loss to Spaiiu of Utmiat : uiitl time 1'hiihIpuiiii's is : issiired ; Itui I ii I I itt ) iut ty ht a ccli imleti by : i ii ' Ii mm.'i i t.mi ii mu rnty uviti m I ii tht e un'x t t I m I ml y dtys. : I t Is 5:11(1 : ( hint 1 hie blma-kadiuig ( I f ( a d I z om soiu i & ' ot i t er pl : mu I sit ) liii S 1 t't'ul ii a dcc eon si d ermi I I emu a t \\mt shu- iimi.toii ih this is coilt rlhtmtliig t liii' rt'vol ii I Iouim : m- , . s ) I 1 ! t in 4iL : i mm , rt'hleSS ) 01' uvi m icit uvotmi ( I in' less d itileul t nov t 1 ta i m hi t'icmi It yr. , eme mu ii : t UI ( 'ri ( ' m Ii 51111:1 : m I ro ii I m ) lit' semi t I I ) -pt : I ii mu juoluuia r umpilsi ii g I it ( 'it' ml ga i i m st I I I e go vu iii imm emit uil1 limit hat mm VQII i'd. i im ; I II'S 1)1)1)0 ) ) m t it I I I I y I ( I 50(11 re I ) t'iee : uvithmmuit titter thistsl'r ; is now- , but the macmu mit time lmm'tmh : of :1 : Ifitlus have uuot tue lii o tm I 1 Ci ) U III gi' I o I t 111)11) ) ye It. ! s'O 1"Ofl'IT-fl.IY Jx7'b\lmv. 'him e ml ct lsoiu of ti i r , ' mm u e on rI hi o'd iiir uiIuonstillmtioummli time scetloim of time ( 'liii It ci- ida t I ii g t t ) I i me ii re a II ml p iii I ti' coumilu I ss ii u m I emuvi's I Itt' in t ' I I ( ' 1(1 I fl : u 11 bommimi vitiiouit any legal stuuumliiug. 'tVhmhc ; miii Its 1avfumh acts up tim thil Ilutie imutu' time vaillilty that attmicimes to time nets of U hi oil k't'ts I it hO.SL'ss ) I 1)11 Ii I I ii ma' mui or o I huv : , muiuy ntteiiipt finmn uiouv on to t'xer- cisc olik'Iui : ptYt'r lii time goverulItIcult of time the amid tohit'it miciumut mIiL'ilti $ voult1 lie 104111 lmltioli. Orders ( iitutuilmitiiig fuoni sucim a smimic hmstvo no ldmithliig ellect cilimir on imiciuila'i-s of liii' lire aimti hmhlcc force or out time PmIiilC. ) \Vimlht' the hiouuul : mupioiiitcd anti orgmtim. Ieii iii s t h ) i-I ug Umi tier it u ormi I mm it i m co t' ii. I alt't cii 1 my I lie ill Ii yot' ii miii to II itt'I 1 ii iLt ill ) Tm 1 1 I Is I I moo iefin itiemi fronu CII I m'ii IIg uij iii mm ' I t s ii Ii t I m's I it oud ci t o avoimi a hossl 1 ml tu cmiii - liit t tI ) ( lOuiile hmi'ahlCti police gov'immimieitt , it I It ItS I , uioV I imt : t I I S 1111 timoil I y it mu s hem' II I t'stmthhislmcmi , iroc-t'iih to miisciumi rgt' time fmiimttioims tituvoiving 111)011 ) It. 'Pu o suggest I oii I I tu t I I t o cith boa ni ihinumhml be heft Iii coot rd for forty ttays iim' iist I t i tiit' I ( ' ia s rIgi m I 0 liUVo ei' m rehtcnuiitg of tue cnse vitimin thmmit illllOhi ( ii ml not lie en I mnt a I it ed for a UboitIell t. 'rittu hltltluiimIil hnaummh hind no legal exist- ( 'lt ( e froimi the inuuimeimt time court's jumIg- 1111 11 I i4 ( 'Ii I ered , 'h'ime but to mum imas ml lm)1ihPi ) ) I OII I. fi-niuu ii it m I er I t a ii d t lie ( 'irlSt ) , cniiiiot resuirmeet Itself by golitg thtroughm time imiotions of a lieu vJtim its head cimoppuil off. 'I'o ienve tue loilc amid fire tleiitrt- : mmi'ltt . lit ut Stuttu of cinios for forty mlmtys at time Vely tulle. it niosi iut't'mhs vitmu iity 11 iuml m I iselid I ito woumi d lie iii itt est 'ii in I mimi I. $ ' , Viiilo time iitm'iubers of the h'fuiimct I it'rml- 1111111 board u ili not likely hook to 'i'hme I lIce for guuitlmumee or mttlvitt' , it is to Ito itopi'mt thicir fricilmls mumiml imnekers vili hue able to ht'LSlilitiC timeumi that a grmtvefuml ! acceptance of tile luevitmubie would be iiiorc eremijitu de hunt uvait lug for a this- graceful IM tiieiit. It Is gmssl InctIesinwar nami in poll. tics to t''e ( hiversions timmtt distrmuct fltteiItiOli fV1ifl time uiiost vumitierable Pii1t5. this kind of strat t'gy thmmit iiflpt'is ecrtnhti liim'liiherS Of tite etumisit : ioiiIhirtctorY ) to bonllmarmi tite Ie- h)1i-tlll'flt ( of Puhiiielty. iftiehi WmttfmlFe italy , iuouvever , hue OVt'tilOiie by provoking reprisals III ' whiehm time hirmuve rirthiherists Wilt ) nLi' ' 10 CtVt'V up timings thmmut wiil not lUuI1 the senri'iiiighmt of itull ) ' ilcity iih be forced to itimuke a uhisgrmtet'- fill ietrea't. 'i'ite jtnnmI Set tlm , i'uee , Chicago iuecord The flrst troops were lande4 in Cuba to baud unuic whlciu aiimuountcml that ' 'Tlmorc'hi limu a hot Time In the Old Town Tonlght. ' That bamidmaster cvldcimtly graBped the sltuntioui. vl ( iiitit It l'iiri % I tel. Indianapolis , toiurnni. lIstory ! furluIsheB no Parallel to hue lit- hug out , saihimig and hmnding of n horse a military eXIChitlOfl ( 08 oUr invading army iuo- Iii Cuba. In the same iength of tune 1tugimiimmi Is the only other country that could cqttai the aciiie'emneuit mmml it is very ihoubtftt ! if she could. Xii is' fin''lilti' 1'Iitg. Iitnttti ! ; City Star The flagshIp of time , nericnui fleet ofT Salu- tiago has iuo white hag on board and wimen the Spanish hag of truce boat camuic out of the bay to imuform Aihuntral Sampson that Ilobson nod his mcmi vero smite the Amen- can boat Eent omit to mni'et it imad to lie equipped witlu a tablecloth tied to a irnie. Smuunhisomu evidently went dowit there with 110 expeclattoiu of havimug mimuy misc for a whiito flag. .i _ 11im fiiiViiiiil4 l'iuliuudephlit ! Record. Great opiontunitlei are offeneil to young macil who wlih tnkt , imp time sttmil of time Spaiuislu language iiliigemutiy cml with a do- tcrntiuiatton to abater it. Our coimqtuests of Spanish ilomuiatuu vii ! open new channels of counnuerciai Intercourse where a knowledge of the iaimgune will he of laramouiumt vahime. There is grcat opportunity in tue future for oIeuululg ) uievt trade hues by Ainorlrnn young men who baNe Oil Intimate kmuowledge of Limo Spanish tongue. uiutiitiiIiiiii ! 'OhIi I'V4)iil. \\'niiutiigtoii Star Spain somehow mnnuuages to keep imp lieu- bohh front of couiiiIemice better than might hiave beemu expected under the very ( le1)rmss- ) tog cilctiinSt.iiictS tha I are steadily driving her immto a corner. Athunlrable indccd is time composure 1thi which she encotuuitors the various defeats that are laying the fonndm- : tion of the Aimicnican coilquc8t. l'itiabie In thme extreme Is the condition of the mIsguided - guided 1)001)10 of time hewer classes lmo are being fed 1.11)011 ) time stones of success anti deluded intq tiuit belief that tueitmcnicaui forces are Lelumg.defcated cud evaded auld outgenoraied.1 Sqmne ilny ( lie awakeiiluig vilI couno auth wI1li it a day of reckoning for those who uru lo' unuintaining auth an uunrutlieti fm cot qf nitparcnt confIdence In the at)11113' O SmImi to hold her own against the United S'tateim. l'i iL ) ii 'i' ) iI 1iiiiil ( rit1i1iiii. New York 'Tniinine. On what iieccnt'pretence , it lii tusketi , could oum. government iltfl1tZlt1 : ms : t conulitiomi of peace the pulninar.ent nuurrentler by Spain of the PililiIIiules or Polio Rico or auiy otlitur of her colonIal iioesSiOnS ? On no iuerc 1)lOi-CIICO , bumi mi the ' .vchl-cstaiiishel ) ground of the victoi'srlghj. to exaCt a war indeua- nity from the couqucreti $ oo and to pre , icrlbo tie nianner Iii which that indemnIty shall be uumlti. Jtinuu ! beat ChIna cmiii tonic Formosa. Turkey Lcnt Gmceco anti took a strip of territory with tii nasent of tue powere. itusst ! : beat Turkey anti took a slice of Aimnenia Ociniany heat France and teok Alsace-Lorraluic. l'uujia beat 1)cn- manic iiu1 took Schleawig-ilolstcin. The United States beat MexIco and took Califor- nlr. anti New Mexico. 'l'lie riule may hie a harsh oio : , but It Is thie haw of uiations. On what uieccnt itretonco could our goveinunent be iisked t 0 hg1 : I. rli , : u n I I iiei at e Ciuba anti 1)01 all the bills vitimouut indenunity ? 'I'Iii' 'I'a n ! 'iiiil CIi'ei , 1'hiimdt'ipluti Record. Mr. Thomas ( L Siucanmnamu In a cornmnumil- cation to tile New York Tlemahd veumtllrcs the vredlction that time trilling tax of 2 cents each iiiton bank checks which has itceil liii- itosctl by the new ruvemlile ias wilt sicehliY result Iii stoppliug the ilevelopuncult of bank ilelosltS Iii 1-oral dIstricts , wIll lead to the almost universal layment of sunus under 20 In imuoney insteati of by chocks , : mini wIll tiutus increase the ilefliauiuh for actual mooney In- steail nf checks to time extent of at least * : io,000,000 uvery day. Mr. Sheunuiian's iii e. dictioui will uio dotulit be In great jumeasuure verifIed. Thio Iayullent of mooney by checks IM tigi cat uouivcmuleice ; btmt If a tax be put 111:00 : I h convenience time tax wIll he largely cvnuhcd. Time itor capIta of mooney In use ouiu1 have to be largely incremiseil If money Passell ( rein band to ham ! in every trniusne- Lion. The habit of utaylng lit reamly umioney obtains lit Frmumce : , nuiui this accoumite for the lmcavv i'i ) capita circulation in that country. Every niaiu Is conipeiird to make a bauult 0111 of his own liocketr. . Ssiiiipil' iiisiuiii't' uf ( 'oiiinte. Pu hamlet phla Led geu. Courage rims tiumouglu all iamiks of the Amnerieauu army antI navy ( rome the lowest private to the highest officer , There was a pretty good luiustnatlouu of it lim the laiidliug or Adinlrmmi Sampson anti General Siuaftcr oil time iiore of Cuba , unarmed anii Un- gluanmied. to meet Gencmoi Garcla 'i-tue Mar- htiehead lay off shore to mrotcct them and a few liunihreml of Garcia's iuoliIers ( were ou gumnrd , but within twelve ni1ie were 12000 Sluammish troops. * 10(1 , ( er all they kiuew , thousands of imostik , troops ought have hioctu mmmcii nearer tiimtn that But ( lie lauidlmug was mmnniolested , tue conference was heimi in ptace , and a plait of campnlgn was lnapcul out In time mti4tuiy51 cotmntry , almost wIthin sight of itis hk-uilri'tinrters. wltimotmt nuiy In- terfrretuco fron him. Time pmtrforuiiaimce may himive been a hlttof1iravado certzulniy IL does not iupear that aflythuuig was done witicit might mint ilav-t'-icmI ( done as veil iii safety on boaril uiluipmbtutdit was useful , if only as a ilcuuuonstrattdn , 'bed to show time muon that they are notilkkt'd to go whiere thmolr ottt- cora auo afraid too timemseives , A ' .VOJitiI ii SIGhT. iul h Tiim .t iiierItlflhi % . * t riiiy of Iii ) miii 'I'rp..l' . ' 1 Sm'urw. Iiafllmrne 4'tIIUViC.lii. It oust lmuvo been a wondorfui sigiut wlucn ( Ito forty-nine ithijis of Shiufter's expedi. ( toil moved In m-egular line over ( liii sniootit tropIcal SCiiS.mIffiWjZuCCOtifltS Wtt lilubhIsh thuls niornhiug refer at leuuglit to the beauty of the spectacle , but otmiy tiiose wlmo iumive seen oveim a dozen iul ehips moving together can have the ( ablest Idea of time iuiajcsty aiud imprcsstvcmiess of IL. On these great boats were between 15,000 nuuil 20,000 of time finest SPCCIuilVflB of mamu- hood , lucked nail traimteil aotl drilied , With th.iemmu were flue eiluiiuuuients of war and many onimaimi , anti aitogetimer the arimiada was the biggest and nuost spectacular thing of Its kind that timis country ever souL to a for- olga bhore. its safe orrlvmtl Is a matter for general congratuiattoui. 'Flue pity Is that thai people who are pay- lug over i,000O00 a day for time war cannot - not have reserved seats to see some of time shmow jmrt of timq Jroceeditugs. ii is sad that such a sc iutm nuuat be viewed only In I the descriptions of tb t censored dispatchcs $ i''Vl i'ltlSS O s'P.tFi POlITICS. 1Cerirnt'y hub ( rep ) : SI lloicoinb l Bly , deviiisht 51)- . lIe Is getting nih of tue Va. Ilous and rnuitituuIimmouis cnmuuhltlmutes for gov- eruuor by tue enr anut slyhy waiting for the people to rise imp and caii for Silas to be timeir deliverer again. Miflultii Gnzctt ( bet' . ) It Is given cult that Judge hieaii viii be a cnmuiiuiate before the 1)011 state convention for the nonuination of governor. If we are to have a pop gov- ernou- Judge Heidi Is miii right , bitt ( lie rnps have haul about all ( lie governors they ever uvhhi have in Nebraska , A gooti repuhuhican will be the next governor of thii state. I'oncn Journal ( rep. ) : iirigndier ( hent'rni ililis' boom for the governorship is moving right along slid is gathering strcagthi as IL got's. No one could mnore flttimigiy rcpre sent the heath of hue republican ticket ( luau Mr. Illils. iliti record vilh bear ( hue iuiost searching scrutiny alum ! vIIi omuiy convince 1)001)10 of tii exceihent orthi of tue miman. Mliideiu ( Imizetto ( , rep. ) : .Iumnmig ( lie pronil- iuent candlilates for congress beIng talked of by the repubilcans of ( lie Pitttm district as stroiig , it not ( lie strongest , is C. E. Atlminms of Stmperior , Cnptaimi Auhaumis is one of the clcaiicst nuid most available muon iii time dis- tm-ict nmmd huts noimiimnutioii woumid muroimso eon- sidentubie cuitimumslmisin. lb is a good cant- lull I gitcu amid uvomml ci lank e tiuliugs iii I glutiy I iu - teresting for .ti Sumtiicilnumd Stanton l'Icltet ( ( rep. ) : P. 1 Mathews , a gentloinmuim , eimoimir and orator , vhmost' imomti Is In Freinnuit v1Il be a cainhidato before the reptmhuicnn state comiventloui for tiui' noun- ination for auditor. hmurimig ) the cain- palga of tn a years ago Mr. Mntiucvs iiiamle a speecii here whiIehi was geimerahiy lwouuoiliiceil time best of time scnsoii nuid those Ito iieirii : iultii then will be glad of a cimance to vote for iii mmu tiuI fail iimailshia' ! teptubhicaiu ( rep. ) : 'rue urnini- iimtt party vlil make tue flgimt of its lift' to retain Nehirasla ( lute fali T1m course for tue reltmblIcans to luirsuuc is tuinlim imimil nmuy deviation will menu the sumecess of time ccii- giouumerate gang whulcim imow Imufests time state house. The beet timber In tJio iart shmoului lii' lioluilnatcil amid If titat is acconuplishied the fumsiomi of all tile iiisgruuumtleii rhaco hummu- ters in time state cannot prevail against it. Scimnyler Quill ( pop. ) : A rough gmuesa itt this coining fail's politIcal affaIrs would be tiiat iii fusion circles ( lie denuocrata will asic for t o pimiecs on time state ticket. They viii be conceded the nomInatIon of Attonuicy General Smnytii anti wilt asic also for gov- erluor , bmmt will accept of a0dltor. There is constdeiabie kIck on Aludltor Corumni ! nuuui 5011)0 of it is ncli fouiumlod , alit ! flO t'tlsy lvn1 to hot hint cult iii be to give tue othIco of auditor to the democrats. Frcmmiouit Trlbtune ( rep. ) : Soittintent anuoimg roptuhtitcans Is ruiiiiing utrett strouigy ! in tile direction of Geimeral J. C. Cowium for gov- ernor. lie doesim'tvaimt time noinlimattoum , or for that matter time ouilce , anti time questloim is whether hue can be Iutduccd to accelt the respouisiililties of time udace. Coivlut is stuoiig wIth the PCOilO , clean anl : uhie. I Ic woumid make sticim a gorem nor as tIme peopie of No- bmaska nilgimt vcll be rmromid of. lie is In- Iinlteiy superior to any mmf the macn imtemt- tioned by thte ftusiOuuists. either wing of It. Autburn Post. ( rep ) : If the noinhiatlon for repiibilcaui cauidiilate for governor were heft to the republienim ilevspapers of the State there is no questIon hut viiat Judge M. L. linywarti of Nebraska CIty would be time Ilomnhtice on the tirst or second ballot , as a iargo majority of the republican avers favor his nomination. Of course there arc a few vIto favor other local candIdates , but Judge liaywtrd : Is the flu-st choIce of many and the second obmoIce of all the lialciumne atmd If imonilutated ho vIIl receive thmc loyal support of every ouie Iia3tIutgs Tribune ( I ep ) It's cli rot , this talk aboUt Time lIce s-auitiutg to dIctate the republIcan , nomhmmatlons on the atato ticket Tue flee , like all ether tumme-buc ripuhiieal : pallors , Is lookIng nftc r the Interests of ti.e republican party : tumti ( lees not intent that aimy candIdate shall secumo the umotnlnatloht who has an uutsavory record. Thiats tile kind of repuhilcanlsm that counts autd iiclp3 to iUlld up the party. it was the fellows t'ttim the unclean records ( lint ( ! a'ised No- brumsima to get Into time popuiilst u-lit. W'imat the repumiuilcan press of Nebraaka want3 toile ilo 110w Is to ilevote more time and space to the bulidlug tup of the republIcan liarty so that hanimiony reigns supreme. bet's hear no more about title cry of "tlictatom. ' l'einlcr flepmublic ( rep ) As may be seen from the comments frommi tIme to tlnic of the hiress of time Third congresslonni distrIct , tlti scntlincimt Is veII nigh imiianiniomms for ( lit' nominatIon of Judge Norris for congress by the republicans this fall , Tue judge Is very lopmuiar with all clascs of the people and always has been nit ideal vote getter , draw- lag largely from tin. oppositloim on account of hIs pleasing manners aimil clean rccord and SlotleSs life. lie has always bt'en nit no- swerving republIcan and Is one of ( hue best caiuiutaigneri In the ii orthwest , Whenever ime speaIs ito coninuanils tluoumgumtrtml alien- tlon , and tlmese various chal-acterhstics will domiithes.m numke : him a winner lit time dcc- ( lea. ills candidacy will be worth niuclu to the success of time state ticket as eih as hIs certaIn eiectloum , for the fmusioiulsts lmmmvo ito 1jun11 hIs equal to pIt against him. Norris will Ito Maxwell's successor , Lincoln Nens ( rep. ) : It begins to Ionic ( low flS though our preferred populIst cmumuill- miate for congress ( ho 110mm. George \'muiming- ton lieu-go , vas about to he slmelvel umiti sonic such munknown as limit I lou. Jmtmes Manahian or time Jioli. Mmtttimow Goring or tIme lIeu harry Iloydetoum foIsted tijiOll time Public mut ( lie i-cal simon Pui reform orticle. The occaelefl for these fears Is found iii time evident tleternuinntloui of liii' ilt'mnocrats to InsIst. that titey be giveim time job of umaming the candIdate for congress ( roam tlmis district this year. Timoy Point out that eight out of nine of [ ho tatc officers mire Pretty cer- lain to be populistut and tour out of time six of the eongrcselenai candIdates will not he democrats. Thmercmorm' . if they arc to Imavo anytimiimg wimeit thIs jde is cut , timey want the congressional noiuiinntioa In this ills- trict. This request Is so fmiim miii rensuitimlmlo that the Ioltuifnts vIhi tuluiloubteilly oijcct to anything of the kiuuci being done anmi in- imist upon time quite apparent superiority of their inca over any such thing its a demnoermit , nuid a sliver republican is not to be thouglmt of save mis a mighty haimily thing to have around on electIon day when votes are mb- streil , There is miuchm a gradual nuoveineimt toward ( hit man being a democrat ( lint we grow sad mind are sore as we see our clier. Ihied candidate's chuances vaiutmmiuiitg Into thin air. Seward Ri'porter ( rep. ) : In the discussIon or uiossibie cantibbates for the goveumoritluip of Nebraska , Judge M. I liaywmmrtl of Nebraska - braska City imas received favorable muintlomi from a large number of mcpubmiIcans soil no- pubiican papers lie is known as a man of time hIghest standing , entirely free front en. tiungiemnent with those who have brought discredIt upon tIme party , and would mnalie a very strong candidate miami a first-class governor. Tue ICtmarmtey hub recently sug- gesteti , In view of the eatlrueuit hega ! abIlity of .J'iulgo ' Ilaywarul. that it wouiti be wise to inako hulal time candidate for attorney geit- cral , nominating soutue otiuer good mmmii for goyarmuor. There Is rio qtlestion that a lawyer is needed lit time office of attorney genemal , amid Judge hayward would fill that Important position as IL has not been filled for some tIme. In any event the Reporter woutid tiuguest to thioso who am-c looking for a goo.l man to head time ticket time name of I'ettir Jaitsea of JeUeru-oui county. So far 145Yl ) are informed Mr. Jansen has never held cii otilce , but he ttuma been for many years one of time leading workers of the ro- pulmitcan marty lit Nebraska , lie Is cuitirchy tree front any connection wIth Jobbery or trickery. and hits record , botit as a umiauu antI mu politIcian , l hibly creditable. L the manAgement of Ii large farmmtiflg anti stock btiIness Mr. Jaiisn iumus shown the buisine3s qualifications nnul ecccuttIv ability net'tletl in the office of gooriior auiih would without question iiinke a muioL xcehlent omeiai. lie t.njo-s a wide DCltlltiiliflIlCC lit lltlt stnt anti others mumud is held in imigh cstu'elut wbcrever known.Vitliotit tue least thispiuragcmiieiit ( If time ability or stanilimig of any other unaut whose natule itn Iteeui nueiittoitetl , time lie. ilorter believes that no nIflhl In Nebraska wouid mnmuke a stronger enutilulato or a better governor tiimt Peter Jansen. Emnerson Rntcrpnlso ( i-eli. ) : 'The muauite of ( lelueral ( 'huni-lea 3. Hills of hmilrialry , JotTer- mon coumnty , is ineittioiied for tue repitbhlcaui nontinatlon for governor. Cettcrnh huiiit' to- inibilcaitismut has never hwcut quiestloiued and lila muiiltnry record is of ( lie very best. Iii time capacity of coiuuiutanther-ln - citlet of the Nebraska National guard timiring time inst few years hue has at all times gIeit proof of lila soimhieriy qumulities anti dumniiug thue Siomt diflictiity lie t'xiiibltcui ti-tie griL the is now at tite trout at Ciiicknuumaugua htnrk in coittiuimiiiil of a brigade , to whIch umositiomu hue was lmroitioteti a short ( hue ago ( rein that of eoiouiei of the Seconti Nobrashmn regiuuteiut mttntiouletl at that Irnimit. ( lemmenmul hills itt not only a slieilditl ntihltnry imumiti , but hto is one of time sumcecsfuui huushiies mcii of tIme state ntui nminiirabiy qimelifleib for the positioti of gov. enter. Ills rerorti is clentu , 1i has never alioweul his umuimmo to be imsch lit a itoiitieal 51'hiSO and Is In no tily conmmectoi vitli time old state itotmac gamig.'ith ( ioiuerni BIlls itt. liii imeaul the repubulcan lmnmt of this state ti mitiiil be eorttiiut of victory iiext t\oveimiiIer. Scituiyler Qmtllh ( II0P. ) : it bogimus to look as If ( lie lioiitiiist Party was of short ilfe nuud each year hail niore forciiihy iiuiiicates it. A imotie diviticil against itself niust fail , antI the ltoPUlist llnrt3' Is baihiy ihlvideul. } veu'y IOlmtuilSt cttiuveuitiouu or uneetimig litetiulS a 1OW iiettvt'eiu hit' imiiddie-ot-thme-roaui creed 1111(1 tiuc ftu s I emi ci eni cml t a mmii each it cmi ommumecs aim ml coutileutuius time other. referring to eaciu oUter as truultors anti eveut gettiiig dowut to tetimi- log each other hoodhers aittb trieksht'is. lit time south the mniddic-of-tlie-roati t'icmcnt is nheail amid ruuut things , amid there the tiemo- crats ' , omild not fuse any way , as titey do lmtit need to In order to tvluu ; svhmlle in tile umorth , cast auth tvest tue fuisloti eleuuituitt Is iii chum rge aumul a ii I via I out of ( mlii rca is iii I ( lint Is tlemnmnuuied for time ' 'Ii'forimt' ' clemneuuts to get together. 'i-lie ouuiy excuse timere is for a third lieu-ti to exist is because time two old partleR are u'irtuaiiy ouue nitd ( lit' saute :13 : to seuitlmitent aimti ( Ineinreul imnilmcliies , \Vhieit the tltird PartY 1)0015 issues wltiu OIIC of tlue old Partica It forfeits its right. to exIst and ( lie logic is Idain. I f ( lie out pnrt Is rigumi theme is ito occasloum for a third Imaity ; If it Is wrong ( lie ftmsiuig ta'w Party is just cia bad as it Is : tuith dnc3 hot univ uttorlt lIfe. Eitimi'r time demaoc'u-atie Itauty is righter or It is tvrouug. If rIght mu , ilopuiist uarty is itt eu-tier anti it simtuii Cease to exist auth au go into ( lie tieniocratlc ranks. If It is trouig tiieti its co-partner iii fusion Is aiso wrong , amid eIther iiormu of time deienima Is u-tot pleasmit for a POltlhIsi front prInciple to aultielpate. The PoPulist party as a abtie IssiW of democracy Is a wart. 1' ( ) It'i' I. t Ii F'.t I ii i ) 'm'O $ II I b1i. I ( ( ' ( IS I'll I liur lCiosi,1 I ! .u'rs ( mitsIl'rnbIy tVIsu'r , UN . % ' ' 'i i n , t'moret' . I'lmliumtlt'Ilmiuia Press. Advauico guarls of ( lie Argonauts who set out Iii the sprIng of thIs year to seek tim golden fleece lit the Kiondike ate already - ready returning hmonie sadder , vlser aiid poou er atm , Dreams of wcaith gIve place to itarrowluig aceotintit of hmirulsiilp , of cx- aggematloul lit tile eaniy stories cmiii hitter cOimipltiuitmi : of swiuitliing euirolmte to thut' gold tleids A very alight faculty for an- : tuyzlmmg cvliit'nco was sulflelemit to aimow ( lie falsIty of inaiiy of tue early storIes of gi- gtuimtle fortiunes rcailzeml by lirosmiectois Iii a few untiultlms , lxaggcratIontt of actual gaIumm4 were c.jiiahly lateuit. The reports of amounts brought back rero ( tilt of all proportlomi to the qunmitity of gold sold at time uuiints. No inthividmuni is icutowmu to have hail macu-u' thtmit $3,000 worth of 111mg- gets amid ilust. lii Saut Francisco the total I lnirChiases diii not ucacli $50,000. One ox- vcdltlomm of femur eartiest , intelligent. macmu , just returning to Flm'mington , N. J. . imas only ia'cul titit sluice March 1 , Omit theIr ox- verlouice has coat tlieuit 2,500. They toil a pitlftul story of the iiardshlp'i . iuid sufferimig iii the unsuccessful attenipt to cross over tile Ciuiiicnot l'nss , where hutmuitlred of tiuufortu- unto humimnan imeluigs rcniaiui to ( mayo tue dtui. : gers ( limit c.-tn oiuiy remmit lit hlttei dlsap- poiiituticuit. Time crimiluility of umeed rcmmuhts iii the metdy accelltnhice of the uTio3t deceitful stories of flndtu , whereby time actual eam-utings of a prosiector are multiplIed twenty-fold by ruiuior. 1'I1tSONAb All ) m)1'uIiItW'iS1. These battles wIth the Slautlurtls are mere trifles.'aIt ( hI you read ( lie umtortumnry record of July 4. Jot' LoIter agrees witlm Jobun Cutlahmy's maxim , 'No man Is bIg emmouglu to uiuoiulccy titIm tue Aumtt'rican viieat crop. " Pitliatielplulas $20,000,000 city hail Is to have a clock roting 27ft0. It will have ( ouii dials tweumty-Liirctt feet WI(1C. Jout Cmirias' titmuhilicatloils for tIme tiurouie of Sliahim caumutot lie stmccessfully mmttaclmt'ul , \Vltuiess his Immdmistuy n'i . i manIfesto utmaker , It is said that Deituhio Fiicton , tuiio fought ngaiiust Jaeksnui and 'i'aylor , hits fourteen tiesceutlants : ut time au-lily autti Isery itroud of It. Tue president of ( lie Daughters of Poca- houiti : in Massnciuusotts itrmti's time approlinl- ate immtnio of Suuukhm. Siio acquired It by marrIage , too. A heroic bronze statue of lieumjaunin Frank- hln , time gift of Juatmus Sirawbnltlgc , Is to lie imlacctl in umoumt of tile Itostotlico uI l'hilia- tlchpbla. It cost $10,000. Joseph h , McCoumias , whom time Imrohuibui. tionists of Cmuiiformila hutiva nominated for govenmuom , Is a large fruit grower Iuu l'oinoiimt , 110 turns omit a fine qumaimttty of grmmpc juice , too. too.it it Is reported ( u-em The Ilagume ( list on ( hue occasiomm of ( hue coronation of Queen Wliiiel- mnhila severn ! Ihmtcb IndIan princes are cx- ueCtfld to lie vreseiut at time fotlvitie. Tue suitait of Sink , with a large suite , will at- ( cliii. Time man who wired ( lie country that ( lie "prospects favor is dark horse" for tito iireslilrncy of time Women's Federation tie- ert'ctb more tiammu ( lie cold u'huomiitber he re- ceiveil , That fellow is "too mean for ally- thug , " hiepresentativo David Ii. Smithu of Neil- ttucky is at. time liemid of a movi'unm'iut to litmiid In Ilotlgentmvilie , Ky. , a luommue for time ihismuijlt'tl soldiers of time present war with Sliaiui , Thuo biome is to be a iuiculioilmti to l'rcumitleuut Lincoiiu , wimo was born lxi Hod- geuisvliie. Time mayor of Ciumirleston , 13. C. , has ltsuotl all edict ( bitt itencefou-tli no municipal other- or ninpioymt shah reiliovo hmls coat wimile at- tendiimg to his dutIes In ( lie city imall lie thinks that ( lie custom of renuoving time coat has shown mc lack of respect to citizens coiiliieiied to tb iitushmes with IiUiJiiC officers , c. : efs : . 11 Ihs 18 CI , iIr.turo C , , ; , C : --EprcrLx-A- . - - - - ie Lii' ilatis h iii itg-.ttui c Tap'1 itnth , a u "it , C. . r9 w-tlt 'l'.I.l. Oi % 'I'1'S. "S'itt l'IilInmlelpIiifl NortliAuuterlenni " RI c time ditties tif a rt'gliiut'iutiti tlittidttiiiT" ' ( ' 1) avoid st't'miii it g U I. I ii t' rim tic uS it liii thus set a gouti esiultulde for ( lie oilier to- ! iowsi. " Pittsbiirg Ciiroiulcho : I Inpity hiemtuiht : , 'l'lte ( mumil S 5mtu1i droll is ii i it tre ii rctuti , ' 1 giitd it 11(15 ( rt'uitmtmktti I I iltund. ani cemiseml to be a utiglutinmure , " replied liniket. Chicago lostl " \\'immit iiiakcs you think lie isiit 0111' of liii' inch who ycileti for SO ocIferotmsly ? " % Vtlr ' ' "liccaulso uviudim IL camnu ho eniistcd' \VnshiiiigtOlt Stat"I uutiuherstiunti that ' ciiifricitti itow rejoIces In tite tItle Of 'eolo ' ' ' lOll. . _ , , rittltor ilis- utott \ds , i-culled Major , permigimusly. "hut lie iuuumi to go to wiiitO iamt it. " lndiniiniois ( Jouiritmit \Vlim salil tue Simaitiiunii , its lie tiuilted in for lits siesta ' , "thorn's Iii ) 115(1 of ( lUi tmrrouving trouble. . .i kitow It , " leltilOil thu mniimlstt'r of Iiittuiice. "luut Its ( lit' Ciii ) ' tiling WO Call get without couiiltertti. " ' ' Ciuicuugo 'L'ribuito : "Come ouutsitleb' ih'rci'Iy shouted I tie yoimilg 1111111 siitm felt imiiiiseif Iuitiltet1 , "iUud tte'li sooti ace \Vluit'it 14 time best niin : ! " ' 'it ytuut vmuut to light , " saId time oIlier ' ' , Wilt ) vi1s mtlRltit tSi ) nizeS sumuaiitr , 'tthY ii itil' I ) ' ( ull t ) ii I ) ii gut list Shut i ii ? ' ' 'l'Ito trotu * 1 imltIlittiiitti aiid tltutmi lie stVot.i : his luitbe untul his u-i.'jumttatloii. hoi mIt , Iotmrnal : "Au mtrlui ) tuuirso iutu , . to but nt least 2 years tutu" ' ' I iti. 'I'lio tuumt it girl quilt 1'ltey imliust think svu'i e h'mitl naxiotis to 1,0 illlm'SC $ ! ' site t'x ci mm I hued , mitlicit icr I umrti'ul. ' 'uloretmvvm , It Wits iiotilit full if ( lie iiittiout'fl lril wail us gme.Xt itS It witS criteluctu UI ) I , . ) be. Clulcagi ) JliliUmti : "I tOW iuiuteit George u-c- scilibicit Ills IntImtr ! " exelimiiiteil ( ho caller , itutukl uug ma t t hue fium uuieil po ii re i t of time ) iiLi tug oi d icr , iui i it i ; I iii- oil tilt' wit ii , . ' \t'iht ill U I ii , ' - 10111 lti I ui is stnmiumgi yitilo I ii it dccl ) Vol CL' , I I e t tl n t I it ku mu to 0 C Imiiuidf nt imil. I los wrlteii iii mite ix I imttcs tou iiioiioy sliice lie vnt to , 4 C lvmtr. 'i'iO mif ii yclimnit'er. Chicago i'ost. ' 'A tuturtly , 'lUthi , " ( lie silrgetuii sahl . I ii i4it Ill lit nil I iimt t $ tttli t eu t' - ptt'tclutg ( 'yt' , a umiuble lmimtti , 4 , siuIrit mittito uiiiti&tuitti.'d , ' 'I liii huumigs nuo all vo eotild eXlCCt , A-titm' ills mwuiso of iiemmnlilg ' I us limbs I tutu % Vitliutut defect , I Its liatuiru ucrsuVeniilg. , ' ' 1 iii ; imetrt-- : ' ' lii , inust' : ; tile soluiiet"H c3'O .Amttoittsimitit'ltt u eiiecti'd , As If tIme ynumtii , tt'itii great surprise , A biulitler hlitti iletecteti. ' ' ( live . 1)mtUsOh' ' excimlimIted liii' voumimitcer ; . . \ cure 'ergImmg how eu fol ties ! My licumitVmI3 luft sonic muilies Irouul here , 4' miii ytutu't. . tt'tit , m i't ( I mug ? tl oIly's. ' ' 'iilIi 110110'S ( tILtIAitY 1)etmolt Free l'rcsH. YinlSo ask nut' w'y I uioiut enlist , 1 , VI ) gtit 1110 reasoil , lieu' , Alt' . liecut 1 uipleis It ofT 'tyotise cli umuidorstitim' Ut dcii. l'utt w'at dey eitlI a iiobo , fr'en'- A. I rmtinn ) I lvii ? in'foie- 1)c'y aiim' I. tim ) militcut I iti it' t iieeit itt ' ' ' ' shore. 'J'wlx ( cast'ii' weSterim IT(1 , trit'iit utixetT utie ill ) it bit \\li lots o tltlfrlmnt gemttm , W'atii ulnule , le sultimure by mae , an' so i'd gi' 'ciii ito ofteumse. 1''c pmuiuclmetl mb hong hunted cattle o 1)o u-uI I Iii 'l'exus Iilmm Iii , 'Loumgmiltbe 0' 9'ulily itoomiit'Oit , 'l'rouglt show mmmi' Itihi utn mimi. 1\t mnarclucul wid OIum'mai Coxcy , mtit liii , , tlooiiiiit' , liubo bmtumii , \\dmi sttiuu' out t rejjmmimtte 1)ls grc'ml t tIlt' groivium mild. Au' dcii along lit niutoty-sIx , \V eut lirymlum itOVe in slgitt , i : went In viil do gnutg mmmi' ynlied l't'i silver timiy nil ntgnt. I itimilt' , it. fi'euu' o' Billy its I'd mode a fr'en' 0' Temi. Au' If do , .kber ot ' 01(1 misked , I'd gIve 'man iuii ale hicauk 'N' mio 1'tm i.-ll first tie war broke omit I itt mu nilnui t' light , ' N' dcii uric couuscieuiee lOnote 1110 flu 1 voui'Iered if ' tivius right. I kuituwed dii chuck t'uz on do bunt , " ' ' emiused tuuirc3t , 1' iVil'uit dat mis Fer elmucit lit gttod enougim fet 1130 , Dmtt good for uthl tie rest. No , chiuieltvtih ileeder lIeu-c nor dci- , Nor mt1tut1ui' otut Iii ( cultS , 1)e _ tiutg dat trouildt'ul niu de unot \\uml. imivlmi' of olttuie 1)ey'iu hot' me fr'en's , $ ( ) Imlow ulto it I mcuiow mm Ii mcli is un , bt'nt , _ 1' jid I t 'l't'ui II ) ' s ml il or t 101mg It Er ihryui's reglnmouit. OUR IA1LY ) lhULLI'1'iN. MOnAY IJHi.A IELI'lhlA , June 27 , lgitS.-Prchirn- iuunry vork wiii Imeglut totlay at. (130 Cmunip simlpyantis tmtoui ( lie new battiesimip to be comusuumctvil ( for time htummtsimuii Oaverumuuieiit , \'Iiiio tile exact cost has lucemi kept secret , it. Is iiiidermttootb to luo iii thue vicimmlty o $ I ,000,000. Just Think What $4,00D,000 wouEd buy in th way of clothing , when $3.50 buys one of those fine crash suits for men , that are io popular now. Better cries at $4.00 and $5.00-besides feather - ther weight wool , Then there are all sorts of cool , light weighj , . coats and linen trousers , and if you want a shirt you want to get a move , and see those we are selling at 25c-soft negligee - gee and stiff bosom , fancy ones atSOc. Look iii our 15th Strce ( Windows , !