Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1898, Image 3

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Bopublican9 of' Lancaster Got Early Into tbo
Field ThIR Ycar4
2titIi , INflllc ( 'ttbIng s , Ii Cup-
11111 CIt , . PI'nffl riiu It , . F'uItI. Iii lie-
ptlhlICfllL IrIuseIplci. * ttiI IeuIgeu
Stuliliort ID the
LU4COLN , June 2. - ( Special. ) -
The 1.amnter county republican convention
met at th ( 1unkc opera house this after-
OOfl. LtflCOIU Frost , chairrnnn of the
county com1nlttco , reai s telegram from
Congremnu strode , congratulating the dcl-
.4 _ cgnta in n0vancc on the outcono of their
T deliberatIons ,
Captain Li.S , llhllingsiy was made chairman -
man of the committee. The first work of
the convention sas the nomination of a
candhilato for senator fiom the county pra-
ductS , Jacob Roche , a German farmer liv.
lag near the towp of itoca , wa nominated
on thu first ballot , In spite of the fact. that.
Up to the time of the annotiocement of
the vote ho declined to be a. candidate.
Ito received 27 votes , J. C. I. Mt1Cctuwn
and U.V. . 1ggIes1on 110. The nominee ,
1r. Roche Is an old soldier , was county
treaSUrer of Lancaster county several yeara
ago , and Ia one ot the U108t ubstnntia1 elt-
liens of the county.
' 'l'lto other candidate , A. It. Talbot , from
this city , was nominated by acclamation.
Thu catitlkIat for the house nominated
crc as follows : George W. Anderson and
Jienry Ilnrkness frotn this county. I'aul
F. Clark , Joseph hums and A. W. Lane
from thu city.
T. M. Munger was nominated county attor-
1ey and Fred Beckman for commissioner ,
both 1w acclamatIon.
Tue eonvcntion adopted the foflowing res-
The republican varty takes no backward
sti ) oil the money qieujtioii. It Is opijOeii
now , as it was two years ago , to thu free
nilti ttnlhiilted coiiutge of silver , 1\'c con-
gratuinto the country. upon the wonderful
prou4.vrity that baa come to all aLit' PCOl'O '
uhuitiIg tile ninlntenanco of the extstlng
sintidard of values. i'e , confidently irtiIct
that with the presertt higher iriccs for our
r lrlucts ) ) ( awl illcrensel vnges for labor
- the advent of new Public qticstiun the
flee culnago ( leltisiflU vill SOOfl ( hIsnhu1).a
11.1 fl 'i'tuibing ' clement In national ilcbi.
' The fifty-three delegates to the state eofl
volItion were selected , being aportloncd
among the wnrda and precincts , each dde-
' gaLlon being n1owed to name its repro-
'r ' eiitat1vca. Th delegation goes to the
Stilto CoilveIltioll uninstructed. Mr.
bIas Ilot yet nameI the sixtyonc delegates
to the collgrosllonnl convention anti it Is
probable the list will not be made public
Until licxt week.
i-- - lulIorMe thU Var.
'o Lcartily endorse thue action of the
hJlCSItkIIt aild eogrcss Lu ( ledharilug war
nnnst Spain , for her tyrannical , crud anti
illhlflI.Ii % trentuncint. of thorn Cubans , and we
ahpIl.0VC of the action of our seulators mid
ripreseittatives , who have givtti cortlial
atIport to the ndninistrattoii. ,
t We favor picuighiug the rtiotlrcrs of tile
nation tu tue support of the vat iii'd.Ulre3
viincl.d by contress tiiitl for til3 vlgorou.
Prose utiOil of the war until the Cubali
veoiile become free and iluloileritient.
\Ve coinmeini the patriotism of the men
who have gone nnd nra now going to tiii
front t the ahh of the President to do-
fciiil the. iicIp1cs Cubans against the op-
vressions of Spain 00(1 to establish freedom
anti Iiimrt.y on the lahand of Cuba. and we
coiigratuiLte the army and navy upon tim
sllieflild victories already achileveil.
We favor the speedy passage of a bankrupt -
rupt law that will lilt. the burden of debt
from insolvent ( lebtors. cliii we urge _ our
r---- setiators anti representatives in congres to.
ise every effort to hirocure the enactment
of such a bill at the present session of con-
gresWe condemn the action of the presept
executive of the state in ignoring the . op-
portimnity of giving the natibu the 'services
of young men of military education given
at the public expense. and vc condemn the
giving for partisan purposes of important
commands to those without military edu-
catiton or experience.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ The contest between the two candidates
for coigrs came up next and was exciting
while it lasted. It was apparent this morn-
Inj that E. 3. I3urhcct's fricutis were more
numerolia than Judge Hall's and that the
iltirket organization was doing the best
work. Time convention on the question of
'which should e1cct the delegates to the
tituto convention decided in favor of Burket
by a vote of 261 to 199. On time announcement -
. . - - - - - .
- mont of tile result there was much en-
tiiUiiiitan ailti Mr. Ilurket made a rousing
speech in aCCOitillg the nomination.
lOHM oil * II ( I'Umernhul
The estimated value of the Fitzgerald
building , which ' 'as destroyed b , ' fire last
night , is placed at $60,000 , with insurance to
tlm amount of $40,000. The Beatrice cream-
cry stock , valued at $30,000 , is insured for
' $17,500 , flu follows : Home of New York , $10-
O'J0 ' ; Niagara at New York , $3,500 ; Macrican
of New Jer.ey , $2L00 : Itoyal , $1,500 , and
_ _ n3eriean Central , $1,000. The stock of
_ _
1 _ groceries belonging to the estate of II. P.
Lsu was valued at about $50,000 and was
veil insured In the following companies :
Norwich Union Fire Insurance society ,
$3,500 ; Lancashire Insurance conipany , $7-
( .00 ; Flremami'a Fund Insurance company ,
$5,000 ; Concordia Fire Insurance company ,
$2j00 : Spring Garden Insurance company , $5-
000 ; l'rovtdenco Washington company , $2,500
New York Underwriters. $2,500 ; Farmers'
nil Merchants' Insurance company , $2,500 ;
companies represented by M , W. Folsoni
auth Maurltzius' agency each iave policies to
tim amount of $2,500 , Other policies are
hmeiti in comIanies not designated at the
present time , sufficient to bring th total
Insurance up to $15,000.
, , . 1himeiI ii Ineiii Nfltcs.
William Gleason , lately convicted of gain-
hung aiiil sentenced to three mnontini in the
iloliltentinry , has filed a. motion or a now
trial and asks that tIme semitence hi' set aside
on the grounds that there WLIS some tech-
flea ! error iii th charge.
hiss AmhrewH , Ohio University Place young
WOnillil arrested for theft at hlerpolsitcinier's
' store , was ftuied $5 anti costs In Police court
r yesterday ,
. . - Ia the ltobhnson divorce Case. 'which has
licotutgesthiig Lincohmi People for quite a
while , Judge Cornlsii read tiio principals it
' long lecture yesterday arid told them to
lmtchi the affair up.
Tue recruiting oillccrs of ( lie Second r gi-
bent say that they neeti about sixty imien
yet. 'rhiey think they will iiitve no ilithiculty
lii securing thiemii iiow that the First is full.
Thu Up-to-Date Farmer , a mnalI newspaper -
per tievoted to ( lie interests of creamery slid
dairy , was entirely ilestroycd by tire. It 'as
locateil in the secomid story of the creamery
building. I.oss , about $400.
Fifty recruits for the First regiment' left
L , . Lincoln today , The first sjuad of twenty-
five mcmi under V. ' . ii , Reedy heft at 3:30 :
O'ClOCk and the second. under Captain Wil-
ioii ; , left at 6:10. : Captain Wilson picked up
- - another squad , which awaited him in hinat-
- '
tugs , The recruits go to tIll companies C
nuil L.
Comuimumlsshuimiers Auid It Ciniiis ,
DMCOTA CITY , Nob. , June 23-Special. ( )
-The pakotil , County hoard of Coiiimis-
sioners has fInished Its labors as a hoard
of 1quahizutiOn and is now auditing claims.
' I Tue nssesaOrB returiis show ( lie total 'aiu.
ntion of 1)akota county to be $1,468.03 ,
of which the Sioux City , O'NeillVest -
em Itailway cthulan is valued at 6,15O ;
Chicago , St. Paul , ? dinneapohs & Omaha
Railway compaily , $196,872 ; Western Union
Telegraph company. $3t32 ; lands and per-
sounlty , ; 1,202.439. The peraoualty assvu-
macat fitnounts to $282,7l. land , . $ S0t,38S ,
tfltvfl hots , $ ll0,33C , The sxernge ver acre
mm lAud ranges from $3 73 in hubbard product -
duct to S10.i2 in Dakota.
hi flu. I nh , 5.
S\flAN.tI , Neb. , , Iumie 23.-Speeial ( ) -
Prospects are promising now for a good crop
of wheat. both winter and spring. Oats are
looking weli end promise a big yield. liar-
vest will commence next week. Corn in
lnoing floe and time farmers have got in lots
of hard work in the mit tow clays , end the
weeds are nenrhy all put under. The weather
is aow tory warm , with prospects for a few
days of dry weather.
, A young son of Chare ccFrance fell from
a cherry tree two or three days ago anti this
morning a physician was called in , The injury -
jury seems to be to the bones of the neck.
Prof. A. t. Covinese , who for eight years
has stood at time head of the sclmaols , has ac-
capted a call from ttccook , Nob. , where lie
wihI take the position held by Prof. Ynien-
tine , formerly of Nebraska City.
I'hi I to ( 'umuuui t' 'l'i-mi&'hiers' I mist I tim te.
COLUMIIUS , Neb. Jimmie 23.-Special.- ( )
The foutteenth aniitmat Teachers' Institute
of Platte county opens in thin city tomorrow -
row morning at the high school building
imider ( lie direction of Superintendent L. U.
Lcavy , assisted by an abho corps of teachers.
This morning there had been some sixty
muffles enrolled nod Mr. Leavy says lie con-
fldeiitly exiiects an attendance of about 100.
Lieutoiiunt Covernor Harris and James \V.
I3olus of Lincoln and S. W. Butler of
Omaha will be bore. The services of the
Normal Male Quartet at Fremont have also
been secured , -'rho Institute continues until
July 1.
CropN Iii ( nout Comiti It Ion.
WAUSA , , Nob. , June 23.-Specinl.-Cropn ( )
of all kinds throughout this section were
never in 0 iiiore promising condition than
at the present time. Corn reaches nearly
to the waist , small graili is an excellent
stand and with hrcsent comitlitions sustained
tim largest yields in the history of the state
% .ilI rpctilt _
The creamery at this volflt is running nt
Its full capacity. Its product brings good
prices anti thu patrons recetve more through
this source thait any other one thing.
! 'v'utii nr L'rptlleinit'n ( .
I1IJ.'tIlIOLDT , Neb. , Juiio 23-Zpeclal.- ( )
A jiecullar sequel to the recent arrests for
tii Illegal disposal of liquors in this city oc-
curreil yesterday , when Thomas W. Conner ,
tue night policeman , was arrested charged
with giving away liquor. Mr. Conner in his
oflicial capacity recently confiscated some
lluuor and his prosecutors say that. he gave
it away afterward , thus violating the law
himstlf. Conner and , his friends denounce
the action as pure spite work , The case is
set for the 28th.
After it ItOrMe 'Flilef.
F'AIIU3UItY , Nob. , June 23.-Special.- ( )
A young man named Charles Orithitli left
hero a tow weeks ago with some running
horses belonging to T. Clemmons and J. 1' .
higgins and failed to account. for the prop-
erty. It is understood that lie sold one of
thu horses at Lincoln for a small amount ,
iiiiti that the others are at hamburg , Ia. ,
while Griffith , when last heard from , was
beating his way on freight. trains toward
Colorado. Time officers are on his trail and
expect to capture hiliii soon.
ItcoruuliM Surt 'tVest _
COLUMBUS , Nob. , June 23.-Special.- ( )
Captain ICihian of the First regiment left
here this afternoon over tile Burlington
witit 105 new recruits for San Francisco.
via Denver. Tue boys were from Falls City ,
Fullerton , Wahoo , St. Edward and this city.
They are to recruit the regiment p to 106
eisa to the company and are a part of about
300 Inca who were secured in this state.
They are a good looking lot of iiicn and
have been drilliuig hard hero for about a
week. . .
It"ruuIs (1u ,
ITASTINGS , Nob. , June 23.-Special ( Tole-
gram.-Fifty ) recruits left Hastings tonight
over the Burlington for California 'to ' join
the First regiment of Nebraska volunteers
and to be torwartled to Manila. They wore
members of companies 11 of Nelson and G
of Geneva. The recruits were under the
charge of Lieutenant Wilson. The boys
weic escorted to the depot by several hundred -
dred citizens , wimo wished them godspced
and cheered them on their way.
hurt ly U Full.
GENEVA , Nob. , Juno 23.-Specha1.-Yes- (
terday while Mr. Brennan , engineer at tue
Girls' Industrial school , and a friend of his ,
Mr. Beirue of Virginia City. Nev. , who is
visiting hiini , were driving home from town
sonic part. of the buggy broke , throwing the
latter out and cutting his head badly , per-
hals dangerously.
All small fruit is very pcntiful in the
county , especially cherries , which are unusually -
usually flue.
l'lolit'ei p4 l'IeuIe.
WIIITE\VOOD , S. D. , Juno 23.-Speeial. ( )
-Today occurred the eighth annual picnic
of the IBack hills pioneers in the grove
in this city. An immense crowd caine in
front all of ( lie outside Ulack hills towns
anti the atTair was one of ( lie bct in the
hiiatory of the society. Addresses were
iiiade by Mrs. Tallont , the flrst woman to
come to tue I3lack lulls ; by Edwin \'an-
Ciso , candidate for nomination for con-
grcssniaii a nil other ironiinent shicakers.
oN&.N lulL At'iii ,
CIIADRON , Nob. , June 23.-Spccial.- ( )
Burt Snyder. a member of the Eikliorn
bridge gang , was the victim of a serious
accident Monilay night. which , it is feared ,
will cost itini his life , In attempting to get
aboard a train of cars Snyder shippeti and
fell itnti his left aria was crushed , Medical
attendance was stimniunned anti Snyder's arm
was aniputatetl near tim elbow , lie Is in a
precarious condition.
ii iic' U r S. , re a t I'i'c ii IIlNe'll ,
TECUMSEII , Nob. , Julio 23.-Speelal.- ( )
Tecuniseh citizens liati a burglar scare last
night. About niitlnight two or three reports
from over the city came to time night watchman -
man that mcmi were prowling aroiiutl reid-
jences. The fire bell was sounded and a
large iosso of 'citizens put in search of the
mcii , l..tit none was found. No Idases of
n'aperty are reported today.
IIe4rl I l , fur ( 'I , It li , uilmiuiga.
NIB11ASKA CITY , Nob. . June 23-pe- (
eiah-LI ) utcniin 'IV. I1Viicy , who has
been here for tWo or three days vast recruit-
ig for conpafly C , Secomid regiment , has
secured efoven men anti sent thicni to Ciiicka.
mauga this oveiilng in charge of Milton Mc-
Cready , Seventeen more men are needed to
bring the company up to the required
atreiigtbi ,
lotV' .
NIBRASICA CITY. Neb. , Juno 23-Spe. (
clah-Today ) was tlio hottest of the season
thus far. Time mercury readied t9 degrees
in time almatle , Time settled weather of ( lie
Inst week has enabled farmers to get into
their corn amid destroy ( lie weeds , Small
grain iii ripenimig up rapidly.
lIm'e'al.s a it A ruui.
SYI1ACUSIL Neb , , Jumie 23.-Special ( Tele.
graiiiIrloyd ) Berry. son of Conductor Sam
Ilerry , while visiting at Br , lulls , fell from
( lie top of the vorch to the ground , him-caking
his left forearm and dislocating hii wrist.
lie was taken to his home in Nebraska City
Ct'lt'hruites lii. . . MnJurIt.
DUNBAII , Neim , , June 23.--Speclal.- ( )
William \Vtnser celebrateti lila 1st birthday -
day at tbG homnu of his parents Mr. anti
Mrs. i. i , Winser , hmibt evening. A large
gathering of young people of this vicinity
1aad Nebrazk City was present ,
_ _ _ _ _
Thiabo to hd a Way to Hear WIrnt is
SaM in Two Conventions.
Ci Ic Claims nnd Village imnlros'etiieimt
hIscti'iu.tul Ut Oilier lceiimg-
Lull lii the Contcst fur
I'reuit1.nt. ,
DENVER , June 23.-The "double bill"
feature of the federation was inaugurated
today , with lirospects of numerous cases of
nervous prostration among the fair en.
I thusiasts who have planned to take In all of
( beam. ' incoming trains continue to bring
club women to increase the crush and the
two iiiaces of assemblage , the Broadway
theater anti Unity church , were packed to
( heir utmost capacity. The morning session ,
devoteti to "The Press , " anti presided over
by Mrs. hienrotin , was an interesting innovation - .
novation from the federation standiioint .
Miss Minnie J. Iteynolds was local assistant
chairman. The program was as follows :
"Western Journalism , " Mrs , , Anna Kal-
fuaspree , California ; Mrs. lichen Winslow ,
Massachusetts , and Mrs. Frances M. Ford ,
Nebraska ; "The Club anti the l'ress , " Miss
iCnobe , Illinois ; "Women's Clubs. from a
Reporter's Standpoi n t , " Mrs. Josephine
Woodward , Ohio , and Mrs. Horace ill.
Townor , Iowa ; " \Vomen on the Proyimmciah
I'ross , " Mrs. J , Lindsay Johnson , Georgia ,
anti Miss lllleim S. Cromwell , Washington ,
D. C.
The simultaneous session was d&oted to
"Civic Clubs and Village Improvenient As-
socintions and was in charge of Mrs , Cor-
nehius Stevensod of h'ennsylvnnia , with Mrs.
Jasper D. Ward as local assistant chairman.
Time speakers and their subjects were : "The
Possible Iniluence of Women on Legislation , "
Mm-mm , E. C. Alien , Utah ; "What the Literary
Club May Do for the Improvement of Towns
anti Villages , " Mrs. A. 11. Okldlimgs , Mm-
nesota , amid Mrs. Ida ltivenbtirg , New Mex-
leo ; "The Palisades , " Miss Cecilia Gaines ,
New Jersey ; "A Little housekeeping Out of
Doors , " Mrs. Joseph Greene. Ohio ; "Road-
sides and 1"orests a'nth Waste Places , " Mrs.
Matiel Loomis Todd , Massachiusott , anti Mtss
Laura B. Moore , Idaho ; "Our Forests , "
Miss Mira Lloyd Dock , Pennsylvania , and
Mrs. M. a Troutnman , New York. Besides
the two sessions this afternoon wore devoted
to "Phases of EconommileVork in Clubs"
anti "hlotno Economics. " There are endless
receptions , 1ichutilmig : open house of time Nonpartisan -
partisan iqtial Suffrage society , tue Col-
leglato Alumni association , the Civic Fethera-
tion , the Woman's Iehief corps and eight
receptions for various dehegatloiis by Denver
The mlnimntimn amoumit expended by the
hostesses in the way of receptions , free cx-
ctmrsions and places of meeting is estimated
at $5,000 and stands for one year's continuous
The war issue eropl out occasionally. At
time instigation ot Mrs. W. 13. Beikflap , a
Louisville woman , this tnessage was wired
to Wnshington this morning :
To the l'rcsidcnt of the United SLats-
Greeting from the General Fetierution of
Women's clubs. Assurance of co-operation
with you in any emergency.
Mrs. Remniclc of time Chicago Womans'
club , is also working on a resolution to discourage -
courage a nationai policy of conquosL
The presidential boom scorns to be at a
mysterious standstill. Mrs. l'latt of Detiver
has only to say the word to precipitate a
loyal campaign in her favor , but close friends
hint that matters aiatrinionlah arC the real
cause of her declination , for Mrs. Platt is
a charming widow and tumble to say "yes"
all the way around. Meantime Mrs. Ted
Ifeiniuth of New York is nursing an incipient -
cipient boom , Mrs. Alice Ives Breed of
Boston Is a back number and the dark horse
Mrs. Lowe of Georgia , will undoubtedly hold
her own if Mrs. Piatt continues to say
"no. " With this southern issue comes the
effort to land the next biennial in the south.
3irH. l'imitt fur I'resltlent.
lJnless (110 unforeseen happens Mrs. Sarah
S. Platt , president of the Denver Wpman's
club , 'hll be the next president of time General -
eral Federation of Woman's clubs.
Tonight Mrs. It. 13. Lowe of Georgia
whose booni for this honor has been nor-
tentous , made this signed statement :
I came to Denver to serve the cause of
the federation in whatever capacity I was
considered available. On my arrival I was
requested to allow the use of my name for
president. I cOliSentOl oil account of the
section I represent , for I wished it known
how courteous and gracious was the' feelIng -
Ing toward the \s'omen of the soutim. But
time reception accortleti Mrs , Sarah Platt ,
president of the Denver Woman's club , at
time opening session yesterday coiivlnceti
lao that she is time choIce of tim country.
This noon two Japanese women , direct
from Toklo , arrived at the convention as
special emissarIes from the empress of
Japan , who ishms woman's clubs stab-
lished In her own country. The women are
Madame Fuilo Watanab6 anti Miss Umna
Tstmda , teachers in time Peeresse school , anti
In order ( lint they may study time ativance-
mont of time American women the Japanese
governmneimt appropriated $2,500 for expenses
auth granted theni five months' leave of ab-
A letter to Mrs. Alice Ives Breed , who
bait recently returned from Japan , from
Count Okunma , ex-primne minister of Jnpami ,
states that any courtesy shown these soJourners -
Journers will be considoreti a iicrsoimnl favor
to ( lie nation.
The afternoon session on "Phases of Eco-
nomimic Work in Clubs , " in charge of Mrs.
Lyndon Evans of Illinois , with Mrs. A. Sane-
momis as local assistant clmairmnn , was
unique , in ( heat many of the participants
vero from organizations of workingwomen.
Among the subjects and speakers were :
"Evenine Clubs , " Miss hlurkhmartit , Girls'
Mutual Benefit climb of Illinois ; "Lunch
Clubs , " Miss Mathews , Ogontz Lumneit club
of Illinois ; "Factory Clubs , " Miss hans ,
Woimman's Century climb of Illinois ; "hiusiness
Association , " Miss Ileeks , National Amisoci-
ation of Wanmen Stemiographers of Illinois ;
"liolime Clubs , " Mitts Jane Adams , Jane club
of Illinois ; "Emighish Work , " Mrs. Sydney
Webb of London ,
lltmute Et'oimouui ics Sessiuim ,
"The Home Economies" session in the afternoon -
ernoon , under Dr. Mary Greemi of Michigan ,
% vithi Mrs. henry hlanington as local assistant -
sistant chairman , was as follows : 'The lIe-
ginnitigs of Anarchy iii time home , " Mrs.
Caroline M. Severance , California ; "Why
Men Object to hiusinemis Dealings with Wo-
neon , " Mrs. henry S. Biount'nsliington ,
I ) , C. ; "rhme Economy of Reserve , " Mrs.
Margaret Ii. W'eich , New York ; "llomime
Econonmics as a Whole , " Mrs 5 , lit , ] mimery ,
Momitarimi ; "Relation of time Chub SYomnemi to
liouseboltl Econoniles , " Mm , L. 'IV , Lacey ,
Missouri ; "Denver Scimools of Domestic Sd-
etmce and the Kitchen Garden , " Mrs. J , D.
Whiltmore , Colorado.
The evening lrogram , designated as "Un-
cut Leaves , " was distinctly mm literary feast ,
with Mrs. 0 , P. llarmies of Kentucky as
chairman and Mrs. Charles lennison as hocal
assistan t. chairman. Time star iierforlmiers
were Miss Agnes Repimhier of Penusyivania
anti Mrs. Ruth McErney Stuart of New
York , whose ciever readings of unpublisuieti
works were lliterspersed with musicai numu-
hers ,
Time morning session for tomorrow vili
be aim educatIonal tonference , under Misb
Margaret J. Evans of Minnesota , and an Ia-
formation on club methods , in charge of
Mrs , Cyrus IL l'crklns of Michigan.
(2usiI liiiSvg' mIx imlotles ,
IIUMIIOLDT , Neti , , June 23.-Speciah.- ( )
A gasclimme BOVO explodeti at the resideace of
I I'otnmaster Baatz this forenoon and for a
' . . , .
time it was in serious danger of destruction
by fire Mrs. hlantz wan sccrchy bmmrned
about the face and hsmjq
I sOuru OIiAdA NEWS.
The new revenue ia miacing a tax of 2
cents on each hank ct1kssued will greatly
discommode ( lie corpohtns and merchants
of South Omaha. Nearly every one gives hi
check here in payment for bills and all of
the employcs of thUtcking houses are
itnid by checks. Vithma tax on each check
the number of checks issuetl viih be greatly
diminishmed and muchuisilabor will be entailed -
tailed upon the bank ilemtks.
Just what the jmaCa'mWihl do has not
been decided upon , but hae matter is now
being consitiereth. An effort is being macdc ,
it is understood , to have the enforcement ot
this new law postponed umitit July 15.
Whiether the packing houses wilt be atrtotme
enough to continue to pay iii checks after
the new war tax goes into effect is a question -
tion , but It is hardly though. that such will
be the case. Even. at 2 cents a check the
aggregate paid out for such revenue stnnps
would be enormous at the plants where soy-
cml hundred men are employed.
Slmotilth the plan of paying off in cash be
nilopteth time trade at many of time saloons
sihl without doubt fall oft , as nearly all of
the saloons make it a nolmit to have money
oil hand withi which to cash time checks issued -
sued by ( lie packing houses. Laboring macn
enter a saloon and buy a beer for no other
ptmrposc , but to secure time amnoumnt of their
check , and it is thought that with cash
paymmients a great theal of this trade will be
The' bamiks hero will be imrovidetl with ( lie
'stamps 'lien issued amid will sell stnmnpetl
check books to ctmstomners at the cost of
the stnmnps ,
llrN. Fccuit'y lii 'I'vuulile .tgmi Iii ,
Bridget Feeney of ( lie Third ward is Iii
time toils again oim tue charge of disturbing
time peace. It took time cotimbimied efforts of
Ofilcers Ahlie anti Morrison to bring her to
tIme city bastile. When time police showed
iii ) at the Feeney domicll the wommman mmmdc
a fight bud managed to escape from time
cltmtcimes of the otucers. She rim to a nommd
mmenr by and waded out to the tmiidtile , where
tim \vater evils abotmt timrco feet deep , From
this poimmt she recited a chmoice collection of
lirofammo epithets amid called down all kiemtis
of curses on time heads of time perspiring
biuecoats , Finally tha officers throve their
horse into the pond nntl whipped tIme u-o-
maim to the shore , whom-c she was captured.
Upon arriving at the jail Mrs. Feeney censured -
sured Judge Babcock for sentliimg a couple of
kids , as mime called them , for her and she
impresseti upon tue judge's nmimmd the fact
that hereafter sime would be arrested by no
one but Chief i3rennnmm.
\'iIi AMm .tm.m fur IiuiIIromitl ,
Either today or tomorrow Messrs. Bar-
m'ett , Ciingen amid Kelly will visit tIme legal
representatives of time railroad companies
in conipany with City A.ttormmey Montgomery
for the ltiPOSO of taking up time ( luestion of
viatltmet repairs. Under a recent decision of
time United States suprepie court it is held
to be the duty of iIaihmuads passing tinder
vlnducts to maintain4 them. This city has
expended tbotmsantis of , ohiars emi time via-
thticts and aim effort ja be made to imave
tiio railroads contriii.mte jo the nmaiimtenanco
of tIme big biltiges. . lje present time tIme
viatiucts are in ba4 , slpe and as it will
take several thoustmcl.iAllars : to nmako the
miCedei repairs it svjw , thmouiglmt best to see
what can be done evim tile railroads before
thmo annual levy is
l'r's * ' , .
Time names of P. , Anton hly-
dock , C. M. Hunt , J.'mns , Carroll and Andy
C. Myers appear ntt lmeY to a remonstrance
agalmist thin asscssndhttmade ? on the real
amid personal proper the Cutlahy I'nck-
ing conmptmmy : , time .Oflnl ; ' nckin ornpnny , '
time Union stock yartth hian nontl Pack-
lug company , Armour and Company , Swift
and Company , th& South Omaha Water
Works company , the Union I'aciflc raflroad ,
( lie Burlington railroad , time Metrdpohitan
Street railway , the Omaha Street railway ,
the Nebraska Telephone company , the South
Omaha Land company anti time Sotmth Omaha
Gas company. It is alleged by the persons
sigmiimmg time document that time valuation of
the property of these corporations is much
too low.
3lutgic ( It Gossli , .
Al Gary , tIme cx-pohicemnan , is on the
sick list.
\v. I. Stephen has returned from a trip
through Canada.
A son was born yesterday to Mr. anti
Mrs. W. F. Denny.
M , 'Cotton of Spearfislm , S. D. , was a business -
ness visitor here yesterday.
Lewis Lunthin reports the birth of a son
at his home , Twenty-fourth and Q streets.
Time members of time Baptist Stmnday
school picnicked at Riverview park yes-
A daughter has been born to Mr. anti
Mrs.'Ihhiam Smnitz , Thirteenth and 'Y
A new crosswalk has been laid on time
evest side of Twonty-fiftum Street at the intersection -
tersection of J street.
fleptmbhicnn primaries vIhi ho lielti today
to select delegates to time convention to be
imelti in Omaha on Saturday ,
Oim the evening of July 3 the tenthi an-
niveriary of time local Bohemian Turners'
society will be celebrated at Koutsky's lmall.
Mrs. Mary A. Baldwin of Davenport , In. ,
Is here , time guest of her sister , Mrs. Ly-
man Carpenter , Twenty-second anti It
James \V. Murpity intends orectlng a
tsuo-story brick building omm his property
On Twenty-fourtlm street between lit anti
N streets.
A large supply of the exposition postage
stamps i. ; expected to arrive at time postof-
fico totiay. 'J'lmo demand for time stamps is
on the increase ,
sv. ii. Orilly , manager of time now Armour
wimolesale iiouse at Thirteenth and Jones
streets , ( S senulimig out mnvmtatiomms. ( or time
opening next Monday evening.
Ernphoyes of time iiotoliictm departimment are
still comnplimiiming about the lack of numbers
oil residences. Much delay in tIme delivery
of immail matter results froimm lme mimixeti up
commtiltlon of time hnuso ntmitmbcrs anti it. is
understood that I'osmmmnstcr ( ItlcMiilan will
send a comnimmuimlcation to tIme cotmmmcil urg-
lag timmmt steps be taken to remmuniber the
boumies all over thtity ,
Time rernalmis of Potr Somers , who corn-
mitteti suicitleVctlnnadzmy neorning , are
still lii the custtmily.jmf ntlertaker Brewer.
Yesterday Mr , lirewrr rceiveti a telegram
froimm Mrs. C. I ) , I'etersoml of San Jose ,
Ciii , , a sister of thiti teccased , instructing
hlnm to emimbahmim tlu b dy , its she would
arrive ibm-c i3tmnmlay'nikirnimmg , No tllsposl-
tiomm will be mantle' oft' time remains until
after tile arrival of tMrmLJ I'etersomm ,
Jima Bell was a jirisoner at time city jail
yesterday with a chirgeof suspicious character -
actor opposite his ' iim4mo on time blotter ,
Boil was arrested 1attho Instance of T.
Courtney. vhmo imeadtile , assertion that time
prisoner had himnceed htitme out of $20. After'
tlmo arrest. of Ilelh-ommrtimey left. for time
hum-pose of trying m jimid Hell's partner ,
but failed to rctuM'ta the police court
and prosoctmto time "ease , Tue trick was
turned at time BurIlmtmttrn hotel.
Iuv'Iilmig limmrmuu'ul itt Fumirhmi ,
FAIItBURY , Neb. , JuOo 23.-Special.- ( )
Time tiwehling house of Mrs. Rose Kirkwootl
in the east part. of the city was tIestroyetl
by fire yesterday , with all its contents.
'Time fire started in the cellar , but the cause
iii unknown. The building was insured.
First liie of Aiitsttimn ltumltau'miy ,
SICAG\VAY , Alaska , JUDO 15 , Via Seattle ,
Wash. , Julie 23.-The first mile of track of
time first railway in Alaska was laid through
Sitmmgway today , Grading is finished for a
tlimmtance of five miles beyond the city 11w-
its ,
Onban Comes Ont with Aconrato Description
of Conditions There.
'ol ii n I cerN Co am jiel i cml * mi Porn go
Puoul-Tridm' Hunts lnumnrd , hut
Big 511mm. . Are Umminiuremi-
Sremith.emtIug icfcmipes.
( Copyright , 1i195 , by Associated I'remus , )
SANTIAGO DE CUBA , Juno 22.-Per ( As-
ociateti Press Dispatch Boat Wanda. via
Kingston , Janmaica , June 23-A Cuban vhm
left the city of Stmumtiago on Mentlay mmight
arrived at General Garcia's camp omm Tuestlay
with accurate maps of time harbor and ot the
earthworks sumrroummihing It. The ships of
Admnirah Cervera have moved fronm the peal-
( Ions they were lii three days ago amid imow
lie 1mm alnmost a circle , surm-ountlimig a small
island anti lighthouse but half way tip the
four-mile harbor. 'The armored crumiser
Cristobal Colon , evhmich was tmnlnjureth , iies
to the vest , comnrimammtIing s'itim its port
battery tYto narrow neck of the imarber ,
wiiiic the Vizcaymm , also uninjured , lies to
time east , its starboard battery looking umpon
the sarnO neck.
Both of time Spanish torpedo boat destroy-
era nrc temporarily tiisnblcth , one lmiuving
been struck by fragnients of the shells ( lint.
sunk the Ileimma Mercedes and time etimer
imaviiig its bofler tubes anti emmgtnes in course
of repair.
The niost immiportomit statenment tmmathe was
in stibstance that the torpedo boats have mmot
since their nm-rival here mantle any attemimpt
to leave , being unable to do so. The ships
have only half their supplies of coal , al-
thought sonic coal arrived by overiamid routes
two weeks ago.
Time shell ( lint eumik tIme Iteina Merceties
was fireti by ( lie Massaehmtmmmctt.s. hieyommd
( lila loss anti the quite large loss of life
inchhemmt to it there was fltt.he or no dnmmiago
domme The earthworks were thisturhcd , anti
0110 smooth-bore gun was dismeuimteti on
the west battery. Seven new guns arc beimig
put tip facing time Sea , three of v'lmich , on
the west , are sumip's gums. of time muix-immch
multi-fire variety , and nutommmntic guns of
all uhescriptiomms , it ahmpears , nrc being this-
iflotmnteti frommi the ships and nmoumnted en time
earthworks surroumimihimig the city.
A mmcmv line of trenches has beets thug nboumt
a mile anti a half from time city ,
Time Spanishu soldiers known as the rcgu-
mr troops are omm half rations , amid tin rum-
tions or supplies are furnisimeti to the local
Spammislm forces , numbering about 3,000 men.
They are compelled to formmgo for thmeniseiv s.
Time spirit of discontent , it also seems , is
very widespreati mmmmommg the Spanish troops ,
and aim tmprisin In Santiago the Cuba Is
fenreti. There is an absolute lack of drugs
iii Santiago , and , . fimmahly , the crews of the
Spammishi war ships ne on half rations.
Survivors Ut' lmilt''zir ltemumeumibereul
lt' : I hit' G'umernl ( tmruuiiiem&t.
WI.1IINcTON , Jutme 23-b'pecial.-PCfl- ( )
sions hmavebccn : , isued as follows :
Issue. of Junq 11 :
Nebraska : Original-Ole Viclioren , Hold-
rege , $6 ; Jaimmemu b. scott , Kearney , $6 ;
Francis C. Fuller , Omaha , $8. Increase-
Leroy A. Simmons , Alma , $6 to $8 ; John
ii. Atmstth , Teknnmah$17 to $24 ; Cyrus Fet-
ternian , Gerinammtown , $6 to $8. Original
witiows , , etc.-Juiin A. Jacason , Red Cloud ,
Iowa : Origimmal-Chieries Seiberhing ,
Mitchehiville. $6 : ChprlesV. . Welton , Rock-
forth , $6 ; Richard T. Akers , Gravity , $6 ;
John Femmstel , Fairport , $6 ; Cyrus L Twoni-
bly , Seymour , ' $6. Immcrease-Spelal , Jumno
13 , John A. Ladth , Traor , $12 to ; $24. 1t-
mssume---Spccial , Juno 13 , special act , Milton
Isermeman , Des Moines. Original widows , etc.
-Minors f Newton , C. Balsitmger , Ilurhing-
ton , $12 to , $24 : nmimmor of Samuel Davidson ,
hlihlsboro , 10 ; Georgia Goodenougb , Des
Moines , $8 ; reissue , special Jtmmmo 13 , minor
of Richard Higgins , Hubbard , $16.
North Dakota : Original-James Lahley ,
Grand Forks. $12.
Cohorado : OrigInal-George . Grier ,
- Denv r ,
MoImtL'na : , Origimal-Joseph II. Shaw ,
Butte CIty , $10.
I'ruhuLhuIlltIeM Are' tlmuit it "uVill lie Fair
I a % 'luIiiM1ui , , , A e euimmjminied by
Vucritmiulim " . % 'Immtls.
WASIIINGTQN , June 23.-Forecast for
' '
Frklay ; ,
For Nebraska and South Dakota-Fair ;
variaUI , winds.
For ' Katmsas-Partiy cloudy weather ;
southerly winds. '
I"or Missouri-Fair ; southerly winds.
For Vyoining-1'artly clammily weather ;
variable winds.
For Iowa-Fair ; southerly wInds.
Lo'tml itecord.
OMAhA , Jtmmme 23.-Ommeaha. record of tern-
PL'r.ittmre amiti ralnfmtll comnimaretl with the
correspondilmg tluy of the lust three years :
1698. 1897. isi' ' : . iSIS.
Maximuim temperature . 91 79 91 92
Mipirnum temperature . 74 63 71 66
Average temnperaturim , . . , 54 71 51 79
Rainfall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Xl .06 T .00'
ltc'cord of temperature nmmd imrt'clvitumtion
itt Onmaima for timl dmti' and simmee Mardi I ,
ThIS :
Normal for time day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Rxcess for time tiny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Accumnulateti excius since Marcim 1..150
Norrimnl rainfall for the day . . , . , . . , . 19 imicum
Deficiency for the tIny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II inch
't'otal raimmfail miummce Mmimrchm 1 . , , . . . 13.36 inches
Excess mince Ntmrcim I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 inch
Ijelicieney for cur. periuti , 1897 , 8.98 inclitmit
bxccss : ( or cur. imermoti , 1690 , , , . , , 8.41 inches
JtuLnrtM fmumi SittIii ( at S ii , un. ,
Seventy-fifth Meritilame time ,
WEAThER. . :
, : , ,
. - ' 0
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Omnnimtm , cloudy . . . . , . , . . . , , . , . . , . , 9
Suit hake , clotmmhy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GO 76 .01
Chie'eliimu , clear . - . , , , . . . , . , , . , , . , , 76 82 'j'
ltmtpitl City , nartli clouay , . , , . , 82 92 .00
huron , clear . . , , . . , , , , , , , , . , , , , . 90 II ( Xl
Chicago , partly cloudy , , , , , . , , 76 78 ' 1'
Vllhistoim , rttinlmig , , , , . , . . . , . . . , , 64 74 , : ti
St. L'otmimt , partly cloudy , . . , . . , , 56 90 .00
St. Pitul , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 92 ,00
Davemipurt , clear , , , , . . , ' . . , , . . , , . , . SI 90 .00
l1iena , elotmmly . , . , . , , . , . . , . . . , , , , . 70 74 ' 1'
Kansami City , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ItO 92 .00
Hmtvre , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 74 ' 1'
hlirnturmk , ciotmdy , , , . , , , , . , , , , . , , . 72 94 .00
Galvestomi , cloutly 82 561 .00
T lmmdicutes trace of lreciimitmution.
I , , . A.VELSIt ,
Local 1"nrecast Ofilcial ,
, Alletm'mi Foot-Ease , a imw'tier for tIme feet.
It ctmrcs painful , swollen , mimimrtimig , mmcrvtus
feet. and Instantly takes time stiimg out of
corns and ijunioxmim , It's time greittemit coin-
fort discovery of time nge , Alien's Foot-
Fuse makes tight or new rilmoes ( eel t'amy.
It 1mm a certtmln cure for sms'emtting , cmihioummi
: tntl hot , tired , itching timet. 'I'ry it tomiimy.
Sold by all druggists anti mime stores. By
iimii for 25o lii mitnmopmu. Trial packimgo
1"itEII. Adtiremis , Allen H , Olrnstcd , LeRoy ,
N. Y ,
The Omaha Loan
and Bld'g Ass'n
Iii Bee Himliding ,
'vul build tot' sale on umouthly ima'rnontH
Modern Cottages. Intercst.O per cent.
G. M. NA'l"I'JNGEIt Sec'y.
' 'A liquid malt food of extraordinary nourishinl
, nnd building qualities , Grows soUd tiosh , fIIl3
:7' : Out thin sunken cheeks and glvoa to bony ,
nrmguiar bodlea ( ho much de5Ir'ed bosuty
. _
urvos.ShouId be taken daily with meae
_ _ _ and itt bed Limo.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ A NON'iNTOXtCANT.
_ _ _ _ _ MILWAU1UE Li. , S.A.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Poley i3ros , V'holessie Dealers , Oliice , Del-
lone hold , 134 N. 14th St. , Omahn , Net' .
- : : ; -i-0011
COt.tIrflD ( Be a
f ; i
, . t .lu
Ready Made
. r 4 Mn ,
3 i I
/ . i-in'e : your garlulentI3 ' cut to
/ . your order , You can pinco
. : : : : : E . - yofli. oi'der vit1i ui for as little
! as $18 , $ O , 01' $25 for
I ' - - SUhtS-IUII 't , 5 , $ ( ilhid 7 for
, \ - . .u - ' : ' . . . ) t1'ollSeri--\vitII the 1)1"lvilego of
iiiakiig your electioii fi'oni a
. . variety of desigliB ; iggi'cgating I
4 _ _ _ _ , _ itcady 2,000 1)attorlls.
Such p1'ces arc ililleeci a temptation , but whii backel
' for fii'sl-cIws woi'kinn 1151 I i'iiij-
UI ) bY Nicoll's guaralItco ; - ; i p-I -
inings niid 1ittiitgt-yoii can ill iltrord to ovoi'look this opportunity -
tunity of c1resiiig well at a Iloinilkal cost ,
Are you SkCltiCill itbout the tciiiptiiig 1)1'i'c ? rrlljlulc
the price is too low for satisfactory gariiients ' r1'11011 lot us
prove our boast I We'll be glad to do i't.
TROUSERS , 4 to ¶ 12. SUITS , $15 to 4O
209 and 211 S. 15th St. - - - Karbucli Block
The Ladies' Department of the
In now open for business , and fully
cciuipped with tvo now apparatus for giving
the most hemthtlifuh , pleasing bths known
to the worli.
The INSTITUTI has among its patrons ,
the best known ladies in Omaha. We asic
you to give it a trial of two baths at least ,
and it it is not found as represented , we wIll
refund your money.
flooms , New Quarters ,
216-218-22OBee Bull ding
New I1yOIene nst.
vIc ! OTflEfl' FIT. OOtVLT
ear1es & Searles
Gtmaraumtce to cure apeedLly cmiii rimdi-
ouilly IdI XERVOVS , ciiitoNiO .A.D
Pft1VATIO diseases of Meirgnd women.
SRXUALLY. cured for life ,
Nimt Emissions , Lost Manhood , H -
droceie , Vericoceic , Gonorrhea , Gloet , Sip -
ill. , Stricture , Piles , Fistula and Itectai
ULcers , Diabetes , Bright's Disease curad ,
Consultation Free.
Stricture and Gteet Ut
by new method without pain or cutting ,
Cailon or address with stMap , Treatment
b mail.
nncm orni ro V cmrint to 1ZP $ . 14th $
ijilO. ( HI1LEO ft tI'ILtO. % UMAMA , JVID
No Dotontlon From Uu6inoeB.
Ve refer to hUNDREDS Ol' I'ATICNTS Cumimi
In SeventoTen Days Without Pain ,
0mm TREATSIcNT DOES rmmfl Wogic ,
( Suoceitsors to TIlE 0 , E. MILLER CO. )
D32-933 New York Life Building , Omaha ,
Call or write icr clxculas.
- '
Advertising 'Medium
The Bee
Is Unexce11e ,
Rates on application.
- -p
= - - _ _ -I- . . _ ' .
That It Reads Like a
Fairy Talc
\Vlmelm We toll you timat we can gIve
A ruit Land Home
In tIme Oregtmn country for a . verylit.-
tie mommy that 'will -
Give ou
- $2,000 a year
Income irm return for your care of it ,
but we know ( lint it is true.
Heoce We Persist
In caillimg time attention of all amen
who work in cages , slave in hot base-
meats , ruin e1'L' $ itnti hiettitim over
books , destroy nerve and life amid
the tiUst amid rattle of mnachiinery ,
Anti health of it fruit farm home in
our haututittil L'acillc eouHt hand.
Because Itislrue
We invite yomi to ( nice this year's va-
catiomi for a trip out. there
To See With Your Own Eyes
AntI feel with your own senses that
we have beeim toliimig thu truth all
these years ,
Tue First Excttrsioii
Goes Jiily : 1st.
' '
Via 110cR TmiInnd Route , Denver Salt
Inke , l'ortlmtnl , , to Astoria , time I1ttchfic
ocean , over which our soldiers sail.
to thee Citmicade lakes--time biggest cml
emmrtii-tL work that cost tlmo government -
ment miilitli)14 tmf rntim'y anti tweuty-
fcur years to multi , to time \Villumn-
utt 14'itlls , ( liii lam'gest on t'urthm , where
clear mnoimiititin ss'aters ( till immto time
t1da of time twit , itmmd yield as they
F , , II n , , , , , , , , tiligt , nil lru , . , , , , , u0r
tthfl ; ; ) ( ( ' ( . ; - ( ; Jlai4atotiltm ;
( arfitmetiVihliimette Valley , wimerti
roses bitmoin twelve mnoimthmmt imi the
year auth whmc'ni. yields 1IIX'I'Y bushels
to time ucre.
To .CIarke Co13
'f'ime ; ; eeri'ss , richest anti fairest rural
dimmirlet of Arnerlca.
ltcttmrmiing imy citnieti of live routes ,
( or one ( mire , limelutiiimg every exmcnse.
For narticuimtrs adtiresa
Fruit Land Co
1323 Fariiam St. ,
C. A. Rutherford ,
Gen. Agt1 C. R1 . & P1 Rye ,
Omaha , Neb.
Lake Michiganand Like SupeniorTransimorlatlon Co.
Ow , TI. . , ew mien tite.u.bIp Meeliwu ,
For M&ckluao SahIJntiu Iumtd , Butioht From QhIcagp ( , i.vitti , iiuffloTor.
unit , etol 'to , . ii A.MWtJ. S i.s.1I AMbit.4 j'.M.
I"or ( , , Birbur . . , ' .
Isriyoig i4prlt.g' l'OtO57 i'tc. ;
'I u' . . t AM. 'fur. ) li .t ii , Ue ( . 4 I'M.
For Marq'.tle. ILueoe , Iiougtiton , Aslmiimttt ,
, . . ' ' , . . ' , .
Duluth .tc.i 't'.d. S m'M.
Iiiuist.4 auihI.ts msIie4 fr. on .pi.lJctloa , .