Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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: TilE OM.&UA. DAILY BEE : PRT1Th.Y , JUNE 4 , 1898. ii. _
Ctop Seam Mvances Ju1y Wheat After a
' % Weak Opening.
Cnrti flhi4 Osit Are Inc1i higher , but
. Pruvliloni. Are Weaker ( III StII-
Ing ) 'r I'ncIrji nnd Alt
Cke Luiver.
CIITCAOO , Juno 3.-Crop scares nd-
vanced wheat today after a weak opening.
Iu1y left .ott % higher and * 3eplember de-
cflhied % c. Corn closed c better and oats
, i.k. On e1Itn by packers pork lo5t 7,4e ,
lard r aml Ib5 1k.
Contkued favoraIle weather for harvest-
ng exrted a beirisi Influence in wheat
at the stnrt. Iurln the flrst halt hour
there wits enough short selling and liqulda-
tion to cause the market to soil ott ' 4Gi'3e
from the eise last night. hut crop damage
_ _ iV reIort again became numerous. and the
selling soon came to a halt. Considerable
4. rain vas reported in those sections where
harvestlng Is now golti on , nnd injury to
. the grain wn regarded as probabIc Chinch
bugi were nid to be numerous In southern
1lllnfl4 , nnd from many Kections where the
lrtll $ * 111114 ) ) eeII gt1iered the yield wa ttkI
to he (11511)pOintltlgVlth Armour suiposeI
. - II ) 1)0 ) vorkIug to siisttiln thu ; rice of the
futures to vrotect liI cash iroIerty Rnd
tIit trade already rather nervous , these reports -
ports 8JOfl ( alarmed shorts and there was n
(1h41)lMltIfl ( tO Cover the demand gradually
improving the price. Some considerable
lines were cvered and the bear scalpers
, . . were eventually driven in. Iuring ( ho cx-
' : : ( IMtenee ot the buying fever July ol.l lip to
75e , September tO fVc ; and liecember to
I GS i.8c. The tra.llng was light after the
- . - . llrHt. hour. hut exceedingly nervous. There
S. a strong suspicion et manipulation
: ttiil a wliesoino dread of the alleged nut-
nipulritor. I'rices were near the highest
) ( ) iIIt of the day at the close. lomcstie
recipt were extremely light-twenty-six
carloads at Chicago and sixty-two at Mm-
' . , a pal is and Iul u t ii . 1'h e total at the Prin-
4'- . < - ( iIfll vestetn Primary nmrlcet8 was only
7uOo hu. , compared with 277UoO 1)0 , at the
similar date last year , Atlinitie port cx-
. , ports vero llbtral , nmouutliig in ) vllcnt and
_ _ _ flour to 116,000 lti. July opened nehanged
_ _ 4 _ 10 C lower at 734'i7lc , soul up to 5c , then
declined to 71c ! , the eioMtig flgure. September -
tember started ! j-Sc down at 6 7-8@f.7 ½ c.
< leclined tQ liC , rose to 64itN 3-Sc , tlicn
weakeflel ( to CS(68 ( I-Sc bid at the close.
4 fter a wnk opening corti turned strong
. . on tile rally in hiett ; : uiii the eariy decline
wns more tluin recovered. July opened 1-8
i3-Sc lower Itt 1272 % anti rose to 32 5-Sc.
' tile closing Ihpire.
T' ( ) ats were eal ( early , hut flrmd Up later
with the other grains. July started 1-Se
lower at 23tc. . advanced to 21c , then 501(1
off to 2l3i23 i-Sc at the close.
Outside ) ) , ( started provisions firm.
Toward the latter part of the seislon there
.aI5 inotlerate ; ) acldng house selling , vhtcii
_ _ - stnrtel PriceS .lownwtrd. : .ltily pork OIefll (
.4 _ _ Sc higher at rose to $9.'O , fell of to
" . 15. then llrined UI ) to $9.24. the closing
quotation , .1ul V lard began 2'/c ' dowii itt
$5.70 , a IlVlncell ( to 8.75. declined to $5.E5 ,
tiii'ti rallied to $ S.G1 ½ at the close. July
riis started unchanged at $ .15 , rose to
5-l7 ½ , soul off to $5.31 ½ , then i1rind UI ) to
5.lO , the resting 1)10cc.
Fst1mated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
ir cars ; corn. 4.O cars ; ( flits , 2O carA ; hogs ,
2C.,00I ) henil.
1.Q0lllIg futures range n follows :
, tlc1e. . I Open. I lIIsh. I Low. I Cios. I Yo't'y
Jilt)1) ) . . 83 I3 82 423i 52l )
.1iiy. . . 7lt-74 : 7. 7t : 7&4 74
S(9)t. . UI37 (184(3 ( fllh ; 118 ( it en.
] ) cc. . , . I ) ? ( tti 4J 07 GM ( 67I
'Orf- I
.itty. % . . 2 ( 'i 3254 32 : i2th 123
. SCtt. . . 82(1 :15) : ) ) a 2i : ii : 3:3 :
Th.c. . . . 3331 34 33 ! 4 33
iii'y. . 2 24 231 } 23
203t 21 20 > t. 21 ( t 2OI
i'd It -
.10W. U n : ti 70 0 45 J & :3 : 0 CO
. eII. . U 8(1 ( 0 85 0 u ; t ) U7)4 ) u 7
, . - - - -
- -
- LtrtI-
JUly 70 75 5 fl S C7 n 72 %
Se1)t S 82 % 5 55 5 ia 5 77 5 82 %
8. Itiba-
.7111y 5 4. 5 47 % 5 17 % a 40 5 45
Sc1)t. . . . . ) s : ; 3 07 % 5 4 i 47 % 55
No. 2.
Cash ( luOtatiOfla were as follows :
Ji.OUlt-Dti1l : winter patents , $ I.S'iJ ' 1.90 ;
straights , $ l.&Oh l.CO clear , $ i,400j1.SO ; spring
141)'iUi4 , ; .2315.5o.
\V1lEAT-No , 2 sprIng. 7Oj72c ; No. 3
spring. CC1175c : No. 2 red , 7'Jc.
COltN-No. 2 , 3,4c.
OA'l'S-No. 2 , 25e No. 2 yellow. 323c : No.
2 \vhite. 27'2'Jc : No. 3 white , 27'4c.
ltYF-No. 2. 42.4c.
I3A1tl1Y-No. 2 , 33.3c.
SEEJS-Fiaxsecd , No. 1 $1.0 ; prime
timothy seed , $2.65.
P1IOVISIONS-I'ork , mess , per libl. . $9.50
4i:9.55. : 1Jtrd. per 10' ' ) lbs. , $5.t1t5.7O. Short
ribs sides ( loose ) , $5.255.5O. Dry salted
shoulders boxed'i , $1.'LSIj3.tO ) ; short clear
shies ( boesl ) , $5.7V6.OO.
SUGARS-Cut bar , $6.02 ; granulated ,
. -
- it1c1e JlmcolptL Shipinent'i ,
? l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( . ) 8.300
Wlieut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44.1100
Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) , 400.000
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , l0j ( 17l00
Bebu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
l3.rley.bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.MU ) . l.f.IJO
'p the Produce exchange today thy but.
ter market SYOS ilrm ; criaiflierie8. lltiJl6c ;
dairies , 11 ½ c. } ggs , steady ; fresh , 10'Ac.
Live poultry , good ( lemand ; spring chicic-
' , uI\ \ OIlS l214e : hells , 7 ½ c ; ducks , 6t6e ;
turkeys , G1J7c.
_ _ _ _ _ _
1- ( tintiit1olis for I lie lity un General
( niiiiiio4lt it'14.
N1\v YORK , JUlIe 2i.-FLOUR-fleCeiItS ,
14,651 bids. ; cXlOrts , 9,90t bUls. ; steady and
a shade Inure ait'ti'e.
CO1tNMlAL-Steatly ; yellosy western ,
flAflT1Y MALT-1)ull ; western , G26j7Qc.
\16 1'AT-1lect'ipts , 190.550 ho. ; exports ,
203 , 170 llI.'SI'ot ) lirmer : No. 2 red , 90c lts1ei.
1. o. b. iflout ; SOOjbSc , car lots , Options
OICflCt steady ( tilt ! weru soon IflilliOfleed y
ltllIiSlI ) udvices troln outliwestern 1)01)115. )
A in idilay reaction ii lId er vezilc cc n t i 1 en til ;
( ( lIlieS % ' )1S followed by another atl'ance
UI ) coverings , closed a little off (10121 top
I il1)tgli ) lot 0 rea I I ci 11g. 1)0 t I c hih1er
tiflhll lnt IligIlt ; No. 2 red , July , 7OijSOc ;
closet ! , bOr.
COltN-lteecipts ' 119,0S5 ho. ; exports , 40-
i. 566 ho. OItic)1)S ( ) fit'lrly steady itiitl iidvaiiccd
. with wjjtat , ciosilig c iiigtier July , 5GJI
3(3 ( ( ' .
bA1'S-1tecelIts ) , 65,400 liti. : iorts , 150-
81) ho. ' spot venlcer ; No. 2 , 2'Jt : ; No , 2
white , 3tc. Olitititis quiet IIIIII featureless.
with 00 ( 'IlItilge frum yestertlay ; July
Ci4)5t'd , 2)c.
I tyl'S-'jteahiY state. common to choice ,
18a crot ) . 3i4c ; 1896 crop , 6fTc ; OhO ? crop ,
2L l4c : l'acllie coast , IbO : . crop , 3114c.
WOOl.-Qllhet ; liecee , l73c ; Texas , i3
lSt' .
OlIS-cottonseeil oil dull end weak ;
Prhno crude 2Oe , llOtflIflfll ; Prima ciudo ,
f 0 , fl. , mills , lTQilfc : pritho slimmer ye- !
( lOW , 2lc ; off summer yellow , 21c : butter
oil. Sc : Prime winter yellow. 30G131c.
llTAl.S-1'o.1itYM mcmi market was a
Slfltll ( , narrow niThir , with the net tcsult
, , , , , st uiisntltactorY alt around. The nih-
(1)31 ) close ( or 1)136 iron warrants IVI1S Ufl.
ehnngcl , with sPot 1111(1 July quoted it
$ C.504i6.65 : eoppr nhIehlflflgcI , with SPOt and
JUlY quoted at $ ) tin uncitungeil.
with SPOt 0)1(1 June tpIOLCII at $15.224tP
15.2Ti ! ; 1031(1 steady , with spot and JUne
quoted at $3.95li.00 sPelter flominUl at $ S.0&J
4i5.2 : J'lic mirm naming the sottltng price
fur icadtng western miners and sluelturs
lend at $1.75.
quotes Cli l1S1-F'lrl1l 1 light kiins , 5'6c ; 1)art
full SkilflS , 2J2e.
skims ,
. , . \ ' . . . ) ; city , 3'tc ' ; country , 3l
pt _ icstent1y ; ( cir to extra , 5'h'lJ1c ' ;
.litpltfl , S T.U&e.
New Orleans , open
kettle. gooll. to CllOie. 2'i3.1e. I
11UTT1RECeilItH , 3.84t iIcgs. 1 market
- ! - . steatly ; westerit ereatlerI , 13 ½ t117C Elgins ,
lit' : factory , lll 12c.
lOO 1-jtlweiits. 8,892 3dCg13. ; market
steady ; wostrii , 12c.
rIli'l Uili I linr1cet ,
CtNC1tATl , itine 21.-15LO11Ttliill
easj titflcy , $ i.2iii.65 ; tLtZflhll , $3.70@
\InAT-V1rm. nominal ; No. 2 red , SOc.
I COlt4l.1ruh1dl Na. 2 iidxetl , 33c ,
I (1A'1'H-:0sy : No. 2 flhlCd , 27c.
, . l1tOV1hiiONStfl1. easier , $5.00. Ilulk
'I meats. eas ? , $ .r'0. linron , easy , $6.55.
\)1lS1t-lirn ) $ l.2J.
01110 , 1it1r ) t1it1r , jOe ,
I1tJGA&1-Eatsy ; hard rcflicd , $1,47J6lO ,
I 5 1(1Os..9tuut ; ( t Sc ,
l3'nitimori , Mnrltt.
TUI4'4'tlQlU. Ml , , JUItO ! L-FLOISR-
veaic 9l14l01yCr western stiperhlile , $3.5O
375 ; ) cstCln extra , 1.O0ii4,75 ; wegtern
fu mhly , ' $6.l1iS.5O ; winter whez8t. li.Ot)16.7
SIU1g wheat. lC,231i6.SO ; spring wheat ,
$ trntghtt4sc01446.25 ; receipt ; I,30 bbls. cx-
: , tinwtt ,
78o bid. ltecoipts , lO,22 bu. ; xport. C.S , .
000 ml. Southern wheat , by sample. 77SSc ;
soUthern whent. Ofl grnd 7SS44c ,
CORN-Steady. spot ftfl ( the month , ! 43 ,
qitc ; ; .Ttily , i1it3553.Re ; toamer mixed , 93X
I31c' . flOt'CIit5 , 201,29 bu. : exports , 2O,2
bii. SiltIthern white corn , 35cj6e ; 100th-
em yellow , : lSt4e ,
OATS-1)iill ; No. 2 white , 2232',4c : No. 2
mixed. 30130c , ltecelpts , 42,257 bu. ; cx-
Mtt5. 80.001) ) 1ii.
I1UTTEIt-F'lrm Mny creamery , l7qllSe ;
fancy Imitation , ICc ; fancy ladle , 13fJ14c ;
good iruilc. 12c ; store pitched , 1Oj111c.
EGOS-lirin : fresh , l2 ½ 115e.
C1I11S1'-Steady fancy Nev. YOik 9
fI4c : New York medium , 9J9c ew
York small , 1Ol0c.
OMAhA (15Nl5it/IMAItiCl5TS ,
1otilttion of Trnde and ( uolntions
on Staile and Fnhie Produce.
EGGS-Good stock 8419c ,
1IUTTfl-mmon to fair , 11c ; sop.
atator , ISo ; gathered creamers , l36iic.
V1AL-Choicp § 0 to 120 lbs. , quoted at
i9t ; large nnil cnirs , G'7c.
LlVF I'OULTflY-Ilcns , 0e old roosters -
ers , 3 ½ c ; slriflg chickens , 12jthc : ducks , ce ;
gee3e , Cc.
l'IGFONB-l.iye. per dcli. , 6O7Gc.
hAY-Upland , $7.00 ; midland , $6.00 : lowland -
land , $5.50 ; rye straw , $4.C0 : color tnnos the
price on hay ; light bales sell the beat : only
toll grades bring top , pricr.
ONlONS-N southern , per lb. 2c.
1hiAN5lJa)11Iicked navy. l'er htz. , si.s.
POTATOj-Ji mo grown , 85c new p0-
tatOcs. Per bu. , $ i.O0
CA13I1AQE-l'.r-crito per lb. , 2c.
TOMATOjS-1'er tour basket crate. .OO
1-3 ho , bOX , fW7& .
CIJCUMIIEItS.-.ll nie grown , icr doz. ,
SOc.WAX 11iANS-1.3 1)11. box , 60575c.
ST1tAWfllflflf Fi1fome , ! grown , $3.50.
JOLACE ,1t\SpflE1tjtjE51'er 24-qt. case.
$2.50 : 24-pt. ease $1
1t1'D 1tASI'DE1tl j1S-1'er 21-pt. case ,
GOOSEliFflfl1FS-rcr 21-qt. case , $ l.OO@
- 21-nt. case , $ l,004j1.2
Califorolas , per JO-1t ) laix , $1.50.
1 ItIC' l tAltl' ItIti lS-M issouris , er 24-
Pt. CliMe , $ l.W11.25.
l'FACI -htI. box iSe Cat-
I 1S-Southcrn. , ; -
ifornia 21)-lb. ) box , $ t,25j3l.3J ,
A1'StICOTS-Per 20-lb. ease , $1.731.50.
OStANGES-Seetllings , $2.50ij2.7& ; Mediter-
vatican sweets , 2L0iz2.75.
lj\1ONS-CtllfoTit ( ) ) , $4.50 ; fancy Mes-
SiflO , $5.504Ii.00.
DANAN\S-Clio. large stock. 'er
bunch. $2.00j2.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
$ l.75'632.00.
NUTS-Almonds , ier lb. . larie size. 124J
13c ; small , lie ; 11rtzhIa. P'r lb. , 9iJl0e ; Elig-
ilsit walnuts , per. lb. , fancy soft shell , IlIf
lie ; tandnrds. SIDc ; hlbcrt , per lb. . i8
lecans , Polished , medium. r4Vlc : extra
large , Slitic ; large hickory nuts. $ l.O0l.iO
per ho , ; slnali , . l.25'AJl.E Pck ho , ; CocoaflUts ,
per 100 , $1 ; lCttflUtS , raw , Gj6c ; roasted ,
MAPhE SYRUP-FIve-gal. can , each ,
$2.75 ; grtl. cans , Pure , per ( lo. . , l2 ; half-gal.
Cflh14. ' 1.2 : ullart cans , $3.60.
Fl 15-hlnported , fancy. 3-crown. 14-lb.
lioxes , bc ; 5-crown , .11-Il , . boxes. 13c ; 2-lb.
boxe's. 22(2Sc ( er box ; California , 10-lb.
box , $1.
hONEY-Choice whIte , 14ji5c.
3)A'l' , GO to 70-lb. boxes ,
5 ½ c ; Sair , So ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , Sc.
Cl DElt-l'er huIf bId. , $3.2jt3.50.
hIDES-No. 1 green lilies , 7'c ; No. 2
green lililes , C'.i : No. 1 SItIted hides. Sc ; No.
2 sailed hIdes , 'j ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12
lbs. , 'Ic ; No , 2 .vetl , calt , 12 to 15 lbs. . 7c.
' 1ALL.OW , 3REASE , ETC'-'l ILliOW , No.
I , 3c ; tallow , NO. 2 , 2c ; rough lItliow , 1jc ;
'hito grease , 21i2e ( ; yellow tuid brown
grease. ' , % .
SIIEEI' l'1'UFS-C3reen salted. each , 15f
75c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , lSc ; dry shearings , ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry
hint , Kansits and Nebraska butcher veoi
pelts , per lii. , actual weight , 45j5c ;
dry flint , Kansa" . iiid Nebraska intirrutli
Wool Pelts , per lb. , act'tal weight , 33ic ; dry
hlint , Colorado lutchel WOOl pelt : ; , per lb. ,
actual veiglit , 4ESc ; dry flint , Colorado murrain -
rain wool llts. per lb. , actual weight , 3
St. 1.UiM Mn rlit
ST. LOUIS , Juiie 23.-F'LOUIt--Dull and
easy ; Pateilts , $4.SOP'4.70 : straIghts , S4.0thiij
4.25 , ; clear , $3.G0'ji3.90 ; mixed , $3.233.50.
v1 I EA'l'-Strong aiitl higher , closing c
for July , 7-8c for September and S-Sc for
lecember UI ) from yesterday. Spot. higher ;
No. 2 red. cash. elevator , SOc bid ; truck ,
SOc ; July. 70o bId : September. CG'j6166 7-Sc ;
December , 575-Sc ; No. 2 hard , SSc.
CORN-Futures closed at the top and
fractions above yesterday ; spot , higher ; No.
2 , Cfl131) ) , 32l32ic ; JUly 31 ½ c bid ; September ,
32i-Sc. ttslted. . .
OATS-Strong , and 'higher for 1)0th futures
ntid spot quotations ; No. 2. cash , 234c ;
track , 25c ; JUij23 8-Sc bId ; September , 21c
bid : No. 2 white. 2Sc.
RYE-Nominal at OSc.
SISEDS-Flaxseeti , higher at $1.03. Prime
timothy seed , $2.002.50.
CORNMEAL-Steady at $1.7Ol .75.
DRAN-Orferlngs sInall and demand light ;
sacked , east track , Sic.
SLAY-Easy ; prairie , $5.50 ; timothy , $6.SGiJI
BUTTER-Quiet ; creamery , 144'j16c ;
dairy , l0l4c.
EGOS-Higher at Sc , loss off.
BAGGING-tI 3-8t47 3-Sc.
M15TALS-Lez.i. higher at $3.823fr3,85.
Spelter. lirm t.u.8O.
PflOVlSiONa-Puric , dull ; standard mess ,
jobbing $9,5O,4ard. lower ; prime steam ,
$5.45 ; .65jiacon ( boxed ) . shoul-
ders. $5.55 ; extra' short clear , $6.12 ½ ; ribs ,
$6.52 ! , ; iiortsG.37. Dry salt meats
boxed ) , shotildets. $5 ; extra short clear ,
$5.62 ribs , $5.75 ; shorts , $5,87.
ItECEIPTS-Flour. 1.000 bbls. : wheat.
2,004) iju. ; corn. 36.000 bu. ; oats , 7,000 ho.
SI 11PM ENTS-Flotir , 1,000 bbls. : wheat ,
6,000 hu. ; corn , 48,000 bu. ; oats , 13,000 bu ,
1.iYt-rIoo1 Mnrket
LIVERPOOL. . June 23.-\VIIEAT-Spot ,
( lull ; No. 2 red wInter , 7s. Futures , July.
6s Gd ; September , Gs lid ; December , Cs
S 5-8l.
CORN-Spot , firm : AmerIcan mIxed , Js
3d ; ( tittires. tciuiy , July , 3s 1 7-Sd ; Septonl-
her. 3" 34t1.
FLOUR-St. Louis fancy winter , dull.
10' ; GIl.
HOPS-At London ( Paciflc coast ) , dull.
T'flOVISIONS-Th'ef , easy ; prime mess ,
CSs Sd. l'ork , du1l prime mess , western ,
Ols 3d ; Prime mess , medIum western , ISa
91. linnis , short cut , 14 to 16 lbs. , ilull , us.
li1tcOIl , stt'itiy : , 29s ; short ribs , 30s ; long
clear middies. light , Cs 2d ; short clear backs ,
Sis ; clear bellies , 32s Gd. Shoulders , suuare ,
tltClIIV , 26s Gd. Lard , prIme western , titill ,
21s , l'nilow. nrlmo city. dull , IOu Gd.
ChEESE-Stonily ; American finest white
ttiiti colored. Sis Cd.
OILS-Cot tonseed , Liverpool refined. dull ,
lGs , Turpentine spirits , steady , 2-Is 3d.
1tcIn , ommonj steady , Ss.
G in I a ilet'ei 1)15 l3 PrI i.e I out lgtrI.f s.
ST. LOUIS , Jun r3.1tecelptsVhent : , 2
16 I NNl'APOLiS , Juno 23.-Receipts :
Wheat , 24 cars. F
C11lCtaO. Judo 21-Receipts todny :
\\'heat , 26 ears ; qro , 265 cars ; outs , 131 cars.
Estimated receiif for tomorrow : Wheat ,
15 curs : corn , 407' ears : oats , 2'0 cars.
DULUTh , ) . - : 'Wheat , 3S
ClttCElPTS..Wllcat , 6,600 bu , ; corn , 22,750
ho. : OUtS , 2.000 bu.
Sliii'MENTS-Whent , 13,150 bu. ; corn ,
21,100 bu. ; oats , 3,0G ) bu.
iCnii'iM City ( lriiln iitl 1'roiiiou.
Icr grailes active , higher : No. I hard , SOc :
No. 2 , 76iJ7SocNo. 2 , 73i75e : No , 1 red , 77
(78c : No. 2 , 77c ; No. 3 , G51I70e.
CORN-Closed weiilc : No. 2 mIxed , 30V
3k' ; No. 2 white , 3i4i3io No. 3. 30e.
OATS-About steady ; o. 2 , white , 26c.
ItYE-Steatiy ; No. 2 , dOe.
IIAY-ChOic.l grades . , $8.50.
IIUTTFlt-'Stead 9. ; separator , 124J1flc ;
dairy 10ii2e ,
i'abs-iiarely stea(1y fresh , S'e.
' 1'olebIitrkrt. ;
TOLmO 0. . Jiitui 23.-WhEAT-higher ;
eaIi , Ide ; .ItiIy , 73c.
COltN-Steady ; cash. 3334c.
OA'l'S-Stcads' : No. 2 mixed , 23 ½ o ,
itYE-Duli : No.2 ; , 32'4c ,
CLOVEItSEEL-toadycash ; , $2.85.
3hiLvnukee itIu'rlcet ,
Firmer ; No. 2 northern. Sic : July , 83c.
ltYE14fiic uiigher No. 2 , 43c bid.
13AltldY-Quiet ; No , 2 , not quoted ; sam-
) 31t145c.
1)10 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sam 1'rniieiiii'oVhiuit Mgiricet ,
SAN FRANClCO , June 23.-WltIAT-
Steady ; December , $ l.277-S.
'Yool , liirI't ,
flOSTON , June 23.-The following
are the quotations for leading descriViioiis :
Ohio and Pennsylvania iecceS-t. aitd
above. 25j2Oc ; XX and XX and above. 2a1i
30c ; Delaine , SOc : No. conbIni , 30c ; No.
2 combing , 2'JC. 7dichlnn , Wisconsin , etc.
-x Michigan. Zlc : No. I Michigan comb-
il14 and flo. 1 hUmble C0tflbifll. 290 t'o. 2
.hieliIgnfl COUllIg. , 250 ; No , 2 IllInois comb-
ing. 28c ; N New 'York , New Hampshire and
Vermont , 22t23c ; No. 1 New York , New
Hampshire aiid Verinout , 30c ; uuwahed
tuedluin , Kentucky and lndiana-On quar.
teD 1ood combing , 22122c , i1entueky and
Indlatia tbrc'e-elgfllhs blood combing , 22
23c : Missotiri one-quarter blood con-It-
log , 222.1c ; Lake and CkOr-
gin , Df2Oe , Texn woolsiring ; medium
(12 months ) , lGfllSc ; scoured , 4Ofl42e , spring
fine (12 ( months ) , 16ftl7c ; scoured , 437j4& .
Te'rritory wonls-Montnna floe medium nnil
fine , 1Slfi6c ; scotired , 4-Sc ; staple , 48e : hitch ,
Wyommni , etc-FIne medium and fine , h1 (
lSc : staple , 48c ; scoured , 431Z4c. Austrnlinn ,
scoured tn'tis , combing superfine I0fT2e ;
good 6S.4GSc ; averege , 62USOc ; Queensland
combing , OSe ,
1nniiing of 53.ililiersnt Snnt.'in Slim-
iiiate , . thu Market.
NEW 'OItFC. June 23.-Good weather in
the west and the landing of a conslierable
Part of the American arm ) ' near Santiago.
together with the firmness in iMfllofl , acted
as a stimulus in today's stock market.
Thu persistent drles by ( lie bears against
Silecial stocks , which wes a feature of the
traIlIng tor some time , were lacking today ,
and in consequence the alparent ) change of
front by these interests was reliected in
substantial advances in Sugar , i'eople'a
Gas , Tobacco , i3rooki'n Transit and Men-
hattan. The buoyancy exhibited by these
properties exerted a healthful influence
UIOfl the general railway list , which was
augnientel by the execution of fairly
large buyIng orders in the Vanderbilt prop-
erticS. The grangers received more attentiOn -
tentiOn than for a long time and couspicu-
0115 advances were rc'glsteret iti hurling-
ton and Hock Island. l'ho revived inquiry
for the l'acitlc Northwestern stocks lent
color to Persistent rumors that ttfl arnie-
able settlement of the trnnicontinentcti
rate war may be forthcomIng. Evitleitco of
cominissioti house iurchuso4 also developed
a brisk covering tlirotighotit the list. Sonic
of the high pricetl investment shares ye-
51)00(1511 in IL noteworthy extent to it mod-
crate inquiry , notably Pullman , which figured -
ured fur i rise of 3 poInts. The market
at intervals during the tliiy displayed stag-
nation. but prices novertfleiea' forged continually -
tinually uiwarl. Operations for arbitrage
account were In fairly large volume , itnd
itieltided saie5 of most of the International
favorites. 'l'lio offerIngs Croin this source ,
however , Were well ob'wrbe.t , nini the
steadiness of the local opeetiltttlon titdtieeti
50)110 lnirehasel for foreign aevount mainly
in St. l'aul. A dovolopnieiit vhch has
been regarded with conslcbrnbIo gratiitcn-
tion by 5Uistflfltiitl interests hits been the
growing expanlofl In railway nntl intscel-
lafleoUs bomls , which in a measure re-
tlaitq the ireneral lieaithfuii tone of finances.
Operations in this departnent enibruced an
extenlVe variety of mortgages , with de-
11111.0(1 for tile issUes of reorganized ProP-
tithes heavy. The aggregate transactions
were $3,0S0,000. Goveranient isue * also
PartiCiiated in the gt'iiernl strength , tile
old 4s. registered , Improvllig per ccitt
&tfll ( the old 4s coupon , and tile new 44
1 % ) cr ccitt ctcIi on call.
'rho Evening I'ost's London linancirtl en-
blegram : ' ] 'lio stoclc niarkets here were
iluiet and steady with a. general relief
tliiit the long nineteen-day account is
drawing to a. close. Americans were good
with some demand , 'l'here s'tui little btlst-
11054 , however. with not much support front
New York. liultlmoro & Ohio securities
'ert ) , Ie'itll in tifly' ( ( , for sieclnl ; ettleinent.
the 3 ½ Per cents ittiott'l t 95w. the I per
cents itt 87 and tile ireferred stock at.
511,4 ,
The following are the closing quotations
of the leading tocics on the I'cw York
market today :
ii'.on . . . . . . . . . . J31 St. 1' . & Uin . . . . . . . . .
do rM . . . . . . . . : t4 the eta . . . . . . . . . . . . I 5) ) )
Ilaitimore . Ohio 1 014 St. I' . M. . ' N..Ill )
CanadaPaeltb' . . . . 8I4 So.i'icIii . . . . . . . . . 11)
CaluOlli SoutucrO 5' . ! So. ltailway. . . . . . . . .
Central I'udlic . . . . . l : t So. ltnllwav prO 2)(4 ) (
CIII'S , & ( ) IiiO. . . . . . . . t2t'l'exus .t l'ael8c 11t
Chicaro &Alton..i57 lUahon Pueltic. . . . . . .
C. , U. & . . . . . . . . . . . ) : ; Uiiioii l'icltW : Iht. ( .
c'.ta.i. . . . . . . . . . ' " lt.1'.p.&o . . . . . . . . 7
C. (1. C. . St. I . . . . . 42 % I SVahaah . . . . . . . . . . . 7
' 10 ole. . . . . . . . . . . eSVattli iId. . . . . . . . .
D.I , . ItIt'iOn. ( . . . . 100 Adam' . h'c. . . . . . . . . . .
Pci. r. . . ' , v..1 5 3 I Miu'rtean . . . . . . . . .
heti. & hUe G . . . . . . . I 2 UnIte , ) Stnleq 1x. . . 4) ) )
(10 pat . . . . . . . . . . I lVt'Ils Farce hx . . . . 1' I
i.rie : ItmIvi. . . . . . . . . . 13 Am. Cot. Oil . . . . . . .
Erie 1st . . . . . . . . . ' : % A. Cot. Ott ntd. . . . .
Ft.VavIi,1 . . . . . . . . iiu ; AI1I. Spirit' . . . . . . . . I i ! .
r.reatNorthierii eli. I ' 711on. . SpirIts 1)th. . . . . .
1lot'ani Valley 114 , iii , Tooacco. . . . . . I I ( )
lllInolsCntr.Ll. . . it-l ) do pfii. . . . . . . . . . . . 111) )
Lake Erie & W. . . . 15 People's Ua . . . . . . .
(10 fltl. ( . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Coii'i. tlflh . . . . . . . . . 1011
Laito Shore. . . . . . . . 187 Corn. ( i'ile Co. . . . .
l.onIMVeh1n. Nati. 52 Cci. F. .3 Iroc . . . . .
ilaiihtttLati 1. . . . . . . . io:1s : tb O . . . . . . . . . 'it )
Met. St. lty . . . . hilt ( lee. Electric. . . . . . .
! thlciilgan Cttiitr.iL , . l0-ti Illinois Steal . . . . . . . .
iiIiin.,18t. L . . . . . . ! 7 % LaCleco Ga' . . . . . . . 45 %
do 1st otd. . . . . . . . . 310 LehI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mo.i'aciiio.4414 00 IiIII. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)10
Mobil.tOli1o. . . . . ii ; NO ) . bin. Oil. . . . . . . . 10
Mo , K. .i P. . . . . . . . liv. Orceon 5iii. Co. . . . .
1,10K. & 'P prd. . . . . 3it : l'acttic.'ata. . . . . . . . .
Clii. , hiil. & I. . . . . . . 0 % Pnflriian l'at. . . . . . . I 02 %
tie ii ) ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ut St1yerCert1f1eatO. , 58'.4
N. 1 , Coutral . . . . . . 05 $ tand. Itopo Jt T. . . . C
N. Y.CnIU'aI. . . . . . i1t)5 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
L. I. IJU. , I. i.fl UO . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Octet P0. . . . . . . . 07 T. C. k iron. . . . . . . . 24 %
tIo2dptd. . . . . . . . . . : tu 13.5. Leather. . . . . . .
Norfolk,1t Wcstorp 14 do pfd . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
No. Amer. Co. . . . . . . (151 U. 3. ituibber' . . . . . .
N0.l'3ctllc. . . . . . . . . 2' ' ) do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ot , etA . . . . . . . . . . . 611 % Wctrn Urdou 0:3 : %
Ozitur1o.t V. . . . . . ] O N'Jrtliwesteril . . . . . 1'2.
Orc.It. Nay . . . . . . . . 50 do phd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Ore.Shortttiie. . . . . 25 ltea0Iii 1st1fd .j5
Plttsburg . . . . . . . . . . . 110 St L.&S. V. ' . . . . . . . . 5 %
R'ailng. ( . . . . . . . . . . 15Th do , pM. . . . . . .
ltoc island. . . . . . . . 107 Ii. U. Vi . . . . . . . . . 90 %
8. L. & S. 1" . . . . . . . . . 71 , it. ( I . 'i W. pfd. . . . . . 13714
Co Istpra. . . . . . . . . (3)1 ( ) % Clii 1L Vest. i. . . . . 13.4
St. raul . . . . . . . . . . . IJflg flroo1cIyu1l.T _ . . . . . 50)
do nrd . . . . . . . . . . .147
The total sales of stocks today were 300-
: ioo shares , tncluiling 4,52 * AtchIson pro-
( erred , 17,015 lurlington , 5,715 Cleveland ,
Cincinnati. Chicago & St. Louis , 8,576 Manhattan -
hattan , 3,459 New York Central , G,210 North-
era Pacific , 18,725 Northern l'acillc lIre-
( erred. 12,000 hock lslaod , 13.255 St. Paul ,
17,765 Union Paclile preferred , 26.250 , Tobacco -
bacco , 9,833 Peopies Gasp 5.130 I'ullinan , 66-
' 700 Sugar , 5.775 Tennessee Coal .cc Iron. 20-
017 Western Union.
Sew York ltloiiey Market.
NEW YORK , June 23.-tONEY ON
CALL-Nominally i'461 ½ per cent.
ceo t.
actual business in bankers' bills at $4.S5
for demand and $4.84 tar sixty days ; 3iostei
rates , $4,55ii4.85i,4 flil(1 $4.StP,4t4.S7 ; 'cominer-
chat bills , $1.83.
liAR S1LVJlR-CS4c.
GOVERNMENT I3ONDS-Firm ; new 4a.
reg. and COUpOU , 324 : 4s reg. , 100100 ;
( C7UIofl , 1103k ; 2s reg. , 93 ; Sa reg. txld coupon ,
lll'4 ; i'aciiic 6s of ' 99 , 101.
Closing quotations on bonds were as to- !
lows : ro . . .l24'4N. C. lIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15. 8. new 4s coup 1243.4 N. C. 4 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 %
U. S. 4srer. . . . . . . . iOO3.j . No. l'acitl 1514. . , 115
t1.S.4sCOup. . . . . . . lit No. l'aeittc : js. , , . 0214
U. S. 2B. icr . . . . . . . tIS No. PaohlIo 4s. . . . . 1)81.1 )
U.S. 5 mr . . . . . . . 1113.4 N , Y. 0. &St L.4. .104 %
U.S.r.s. ooUu . . . . .111 % N , &W. tiN . . . . . . . . . 121
1)lstriet.l.CSs. . . . . 115 N.W.Consols. . . . . . 1.19
A'.8..claa9 A. . . . . . I ill N. SY. 11gb. Os. . . . . . I 11.33.1
AIa.oIass U. . . . . . . . 105 Ore. Nay.Iets. . . . . . . I 10
A1u.1iss : ( .3. . . . . . . . 1)0 ) Ore. N.w. 4s . . . . 954
Alit. Currency . . . . 90 0 , S. li 135. 1. . r. . . . . . 1911
Atclilflon4S. . . . . . . . ai3. : . a s.i. . . ii's. t , r. . . . . 10)3 ) %
AtehIl.oIivAi. : 413. , . , (1)33.4 ( ) 0. Iiiiu. 1.ts , t. r. , . . 114
Canu1aSo.2nl. : . . lU'3 % 0. litip. A's. t. r. . . . . . 003.1
Chi. Ternii4. , 40. . . . 011 I'aelfluti's of ' 05. . .
C.1 0. ; is I 14 % ltpultitr : 45 . . . . . . . . 50
0.11. &h. 411s . . .10414 It.OV'oat ist . . . . . 1)0 )
1) ) . . ) ' It. (1. t'iI , . , , lUU4 St. L. . 1.1t. Coi. I 95
i.3t It. 0 , 45. . . . . . . . ) ) I4 St. L. & 8. 1'.Go.t3. 121) )
I'astTenn , IsIs. . . . 3l74 ( St. I' . Uoiis'lft. . . . . . . 1.15
1riei. : 4a . . . . . . . . 74 St. P. (1. . ' 1' . 1 18
3. ' , iv. & U. is. 1. r. 711.4 51. 1' . C. & h',5i. . . . . I in
! , ct , . l leo. St. . . . . , i.s ) : Soutlierii fly , us. . . . 9544
Ghl.aS.A.I't..105 IL . . . . . . . 08
( I , 11. . " 3. .i , . thIs , . , It ) I Tounnew set ii , . , 92 %
1l.tT.Ccnt.5s..I 10 Tex. l'ac. L. ( , lni 10. ' ,
hi , .itT. 0. con tJ. .11)4 Tex. I'ac. icr , 25g. ; i8 (
lowi (3 , bits . . . , , . 11)0 % (3. 1' . D. & (1. l'tt3. . l1lt
La.NewCoa.4.IU0 'Nab. 191 5 . . . , , , , , 110
L. &N. Unt. 45 , . , . , 90 ' 'tab. 2Ib. . . . . . . . . . . 854
Milisourt 05 . . , . . . , . 100 ' V0st Shore 45 . . . . . 14)034 )
itt , 1&T. 20s . , , , . . (3314 ( Va. Centuries. . . . . . . 71 %
N , Y. C. lsts..110 % Vs. deterred. . . . . . . . ii
N.J.O.Os. . . . . . . . . lIlt ,
Hasten Sock Qiii.tatIon.
BOSTON , Juno 23.-Call loans , 14j13 per
cent' time loans , 3j4 ier cent , Ciosing
prices for stocks , bonds aid mining shares :
A'T 3S. ) ' . . . . . . . . 13 % W. Elee. uf,1 . . . . . . . .
Auirrtci Sugar 12014 Atcltisoit td. . . . . . . . 3:3 : %
Am.Sugar 01.1 , 31114 floton L. . . . . . . . . . (15
hay Stitt U. & 1 ( Uca. itlec , 1)50 . . . . , 02
eli 2eb,00Stio 274 it } . I. . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Uos1ori.A1b.Y 223 Atchison 4s. . . . . . . u24 !
efttoII 1iun , , , 10' ) Gee. itlee. Si. . . . . . 105)4 )
c.ii , Q , , , . . , , , . , 1053.1 AllouezMi.n , ( D ,
) 'ttebourr. . . . . . . . 10034 AtlantIc. . . . . . . . . . . . 21)
aeIIerllI FliCtflo 57 % IlOilon & Mottzlnt 2014
IlIuiols Stool 5(1 ( Uutto& hitco. . . , 24)4
Mexican Central 4P4 Calunseti , hlool * 54.30
N.Y. . 14. 75 , , . , . , 05 Centeunl& ) , . . . , . , , 14
010 Colon , . , , 11)0 ) h"rsnkltu , , , , , , . , , , 13)4
0,8. i . . . . . . . . , , , , , 231 Ocooi . . . . . . . . . . . 51)
ltuooey . . . . . . , , , , 24 Gutucy . , . . . , . , . , , , 3 1.13.-i .
IJitloe l'aeltic . , , 23 % Tautnraetc , , , , , , , , 157
West EiiQ . . . . . . . _ , 83 ; Wolveyint's. , , . , , , , 224
West End Uhil. . . . . 10234 i'srrott
% v. moo _ . . ! ! _ _ Ql(1 ( 1)otntnioii . . . , . . Oil's
Suit PrnHi'io ) hluiiig Qionttoni ,
SAN FRANC1SO , JUlIO 23.-Olficlal elms-
1116' Quotatiofl 0)1 ninlng stocks today were
as follows :
, , . . , . . , . , , . , , icxieall. . . . . . . . . . , 11
AllOts. . . . . . . . . . . 3 OccIdental Con. . , , 60
I3eIcl'er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Bcsl& Iielolu3r. . , , 17 Ovrrntitn . . . . . . . , . . . , 5
IiuLltoa. . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . , , . , , , , . S
Ca1etIon1i. . . . . . . . . 10 S.IV1gn. . . . . . . . . . . . 4
ChsllenyeCoii 4 SIerra Nevada , , , . , OS
Cliollar . . , . . , , . , , , . , ti * llhvor 11111 . . .n. . 3
CoiiflUenc . . . . . . . . . 30 Uiiioti Coo . , . , , . , , , 10
CouCai.t Va. , . , 24 ItahCoia. . . . . . . . . . 9
Crown Polii ; S Veitow Jflekc3. . , , . . 15
floiiQ5tCurreI 0 Slmtiar'.l . . . , . . . , , . 105
Jutlce. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
flller bars , 57
46c ; drafts , sIght , 1'c ' ; tehegrtpli : , 2Cc.
liisi1c Ut ljiigli.l 5lICIIItilt ,
, LONDON , Juno Zl.-Till' weekly state-
meet of thto Batik of hoand ! tihiow5 the
I following chflnges , as corlpared with the
, vrovious account : Total r serve , Increase ,
320,000 ; circulation increase , 11,000 ; buil.
lion , incraue , 334,600 ; other securitIes , tie-
creas , & 6OIXIO ; notes reserve , incrensO ,
2M3,003 ; government securities , increase
144000. The proportion of the flank a
l'nginnd's reserve to liability Is 43.2 POt
Cent as compared withi 4.9l icr ccitt Inst
' toet. The Hank of iiiglaiiti'g rate of sii-
Cotilit remains 3)tlt'hnflgod at 3 per cent.
Net's' 'York 31 In leg ( timId Ions.
NEW YOI1K. June 23-The following are
the closing mining quotations : _ _ _ _ _ _
( Tholltsr. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Oneirto . , , . , , . . , , 250
Crown i'olnl. . . . . . 4 node. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
t'i'n. Cal. Vit. , , 24) . 1'inout * . . . . . . . . 12
i5'adwoo . . . . . . . . . .9) ) ) QiIclsllre' ) , . , . . , , . 300
GoUhi.t Corn , . , ii . OuiClUuIyor oft. , . 225
Jls1e. .5ornros , . CO Stetr.INSV'a'IL , . , 50
iloin't5o. . , 43410 StnFtr4. . . . . . . . . 170
IronSllyct. . . . . , , . 00 1iilon Con. . . . . . . . . 10
Nextean , , , . . , . , . . , oI1owJaccet ) , , . 10
lsiidiit stqg4 IIIittiI ltiis.
LONDONJuno , 23.4-lp. rn.-Closlng :
Conpol's , ' , . . . . . . . V. Centrsi. . . . . . . 113 %
Consols. neat. I 11 ; 1It ) il'ettiisvlvantit. . . . . . , I l ) (
Can. l'acflic . . . . . 5111f441&tdlnz. . . . . . . . . , Oil
Erlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I314.Stex. ( ; nn , isow 4s. , 07
Irie : I.t ) ) t ( I : . , , 3ltAluhilsou ; . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Ill , lOljr.ll. . . . . . . . . ll)7'-b ) , N . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MeAIcanonllIIsrv. 20 iUralai Trunk. . . . . . . .
5tt'itiieotnhtuzi.l02.141 _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IIAP. SILVFilt-Qniet 27 1-Sd tier ounce.
MONF1Y-34 11cr CJ1n. , .
The mb of dic1i tt" in the open market
for short bills , % qfl1-iq per Ct)1t for three
months , 1 5-16ti 8-81'ith' Cent.
vllt.tIltIi.IIAI Notes ,
OMAHA , June 23.-'I'hie clearings for the
day were lbt,2i.i.9.13hah4nce4 ; , 70 , sS.20. 'l'lie
clearings for 1197 ) yre ; 791,4&3.i2 , IttId the
balances. $ l6O16.C8.r . hllcro&tso iii clearings ,
$171,620 So. I
CHICAGO , June 23.-Ionrlngs , $16,411-
512 ; balances , $ l,79,10Nnty York exchange
2Cc Premium ; stofling exchange ptfstteI
rates , $ I.85j4.86',4 ; tictuull rates , $ i.847i1.55 ½ ;
sixty tiit' . $1.S37H.S4. Steck , steady ;
lhlscult , 31 7-8 ; liiacuit Preferred 91 7-S ; Dia-
ziittiiti Mzttcli , 13 ; Ntirtlt Chicago , 203 ,
I3trawboard. 2S ; Vest Chicago , ' .12.
ST. LOUIS. June 23.-ClearIngs , 3SSS-
485 ; balances , $712,131 : UlOfley , CiS'8 per cent ;
New York exchittnge , SOc prmuiuni bid , 40c
Premium asked.
I'll I l.ADELI'IIIA , Juiie 23.-Clearings ,
$ Il.492.0h1 ; balances , $ l.S26,02.1.
CINCINNATI , Juuie 23.-Moticy , 2416 lC
cent : New York exchange , 3)ar ) ; clearings ,
2,03l , 860.
N 11W OI1LEANS , Jt111e 23.-Clearings ,
$1,035,553 ; Ne' ' York cxchaiige , hlank. $1 per
$8.000Premitim , ; conilncl'ciaI , 25c per $1,050
IS , JulIe 23.-Clearings , $722,335 ;
balances , $25,154 ,
IIALTIMOIIE. Juite 23.-Clearings , $2,627-
791 : ialiutces , $807,765.
NEW \O1tl. Jo lie 21.-Clearings , $110,100-
ass ; balances , $7,12S,432.
BOSTON , June 23.-Clearings , $15,901,310 ;
balances , $1,23t,238.
1'iii't'lgii I'liizuiiciii1 ,
LONDON. Juitie 23.-The inrket for
American securities Ivas generally lIne all
( lttP , vithi the trading merely prstessloiial.
Tile closIng 1'I8 teittiy , Spanish 4s closed
31 5-S. a net gain of 4 , Gold is quoteti at
111101105 Ayres at 171.80.
I'AItIS , Juno 23.-llisinc'ss oil the bourse
tOhty ( o1ened quiet , but prices afterward
hardened on rumors that 34. Peytral had
nuceeedetl in forming a cabinet. itontes recovered -
covered on the benr covering. Spanish 4a ,
after a decline , hardened and after the
close of tIle hourse these were quotetl at
13 11-16 , an advance of 3-8. Three per cent
reiitcs , lC2f 67bc for the account. Sletnish
Is closed at 23 13-143 , n. net gain of 3 5-16.
IOEIII.lN , June 2l.-l'ricos on the 1ourse
tothitj' wro fIrm anil Aniericitit securities
were harder , Caundlun 1'acihic advLtnce(1 (
sharply on 1.onilon rumors of : t Settlelnent
of the tariff war. Local securities were
iuiet. Foundry shares were harder oit the
fornintlrui or a ' 'colunton sales syntlie'ate' '
for pig Irwu.
MADItII ) , June 23-Spanish Is closed at
60. Gold is quoted at 88.
rniilc of J'rtiii.'e Slnteiiieii I.
PARIS , Julie 23.-Tho weekly statement
of the .Jjuiilc of France .ahows the following
changes , as comparetl with lirevious nc-
counts : Notes in circulation , decrease , 49-
025.01)0 ) francs : I re&isury accounts current ,
increase. 21,250.000 frniica ; n-alit in hand , increase -
crease , 5.523.000 francs ; bills dlcounted , tie-
crease , 5,850,000 francs ; sliver iii hand , increase -
crease , 2,651,000 francs.
' " ' ' '
, CO'l"I'ON 3ItitICE'l' ,
111411(91.1 tOlls I'Oilit I litti Selling Slave-
11141,1 hiss ltiiii Itrs ( burps.- .
NE" . % YOIUC , June 2:1-The : development
of today's cotton rae8 ilidicated that the
soiling movenlcnt 1whicli hn beca the
itur. ( ) ofspeculathonduringthe WeL'c. iou ]
Lu. . ( U ) CJUIC , Jt1LJ .l'UIIiIIll ) . steatiy Ull
day unchanged to hIgher , prices were
pouiitled losrn sevomI"points afll dislodged
several lines of longs. Late in thit , session
shorts 1)eeztmo ) , ± iisiVo of a. turn tutu
covered iii the summer months , which lou
to sonic inveatmutit buying. On this de-
mend the early hus was sooit recovered
and prIces continuui4t ) improve with the
close steady at a ils'tgaii ) of 3 to 6 points.
Total sales of tile day reached 74,200 bales.
Spot outsy ; middttua.J1.3-Sc ; net receipts ,
420 bales ; gross , SU2bales ; exports to Great
Britain , 1,302 bales. 'Jo the continent , 140
bales ; forwarded , 1l7 bales ; sales , 1,013
bales ; spinners. 211i1 liiiles ; stock , 104,826
bales. .1 otni todaj1" Net receipts. 2.428
bales ; exports to ( Jet Britain , 8,802 lathes :
to the Cofltifl'flt , 'ilOThalca ; stock , 317,175
bales. Consolidateil ; , . Net receints , 13,957
bales ; exports to Cf8at Britain , 20,337 bait's ;
to France , 824 bales o the continent , 6,685
lathes ; total slncetBeternber 1 : Not re-
ceipta , 8,439.985 bales : r experts to Great
Britain. 3.195.629 ba + es to France , 805,433
bales : to the continent. 2,900,742 bales.
NEW OTtE.lCANS , .zJuine 23.-COTTON-
Futures dull ; gales , 20,300 bales ; June. 1mm-
inal July. 83.75(115,77 ( ; August , $5.7hf5.74 ; Sop-
tember. $5.7biiS.72 : October , $5.7O5'5.71 : No-
s'ember , $8.72Q1'5.73 : Dc'cemler , $8.7lJ5.75 ;
January , $5.77715.79 ; February , $5.79 bid.
Spot. steady : sales , 1,400 bitles ; ordinary ,
4 9-ICc ; good ordinary , 4 15-ICc : low mlii-
dung , 5 3-Se : nuiidling , Ge ; good iniddilne
6 3-Sc ; middling fair , Gc ; receipts , 1,07
bale's : stock , 125,713 bales.
L1VEnPoOI. June 23.-COTTON-Spot ,
fair demand ; prices favor buyers ; American -
ican middiltig. :1 : 7-lCd. Tue nles of the titij'
were 30,050 bales , of wliicl& 800 were for
speculation and export and included 9,600
bales American : receipts , 14.000 baleS , in-
eluding 11,800 American. Futures opened
quiet with a iloor demand and cliiiicd ouht.'t :
American middling , L. M. C. , Juiie , 3 21-81W
3 21-640 , sellers ; June ittid July , 3 21.64W
c u-aiu , otHers ; . .j uiy uiiii ItCIIP'L , o . , -ou ) ) '
3 21-G'itl , sellers ; August tutitl Septcinia'r ,
3 2l-fii3 21-Glul. sellers ; September anti October -
tober , .1 22.CiW3 23.u1J ; , sehi.'rs : October iutd
November , 3 21-5-Id , btiyers : December and
January , : i 20-GuI , buyers ; January and Fdb-
ruary , 3 20-Slul. buyers ; February and
? ularvii , : t 21-610 , sellers ; March and April ,
3 21-6Ii3 22-640 , buyu'ris.
Yoi'k ir Glotlps Muirkel ,
NF1\V YORK , June 23-'rhioro is no
marked change in the dry goods nlarlcet ,
The demand is fairly veli sustniiled. Sell-
erts nrc ntill sloW in olCniIig the rnttrket
for highit's'cigh t woolc'iis aiid worsted , 'l'iio
demand for tiress goois iS still light.
Staple utica show little improvement in demand -
mand anti iricea are wenhc and vptripille.
lii slllts the ticinanul I'S ' % 'i'li iilalntitmnt'ui in
the more ioiitihitr grades. Silks of donietutic
manufacture luts'cu had a great season , and
niantifacturors believe they are to expc'ri.
ence another.S'oos ! arc in fair demand ,
eoiiaiu1ering the high range of tariff prices.
Ilicachied goods itre , as heretofore , the
active department of the market. Print
cintius are tilioted at 2 ( 'eflt for sixty-four
squares. Prints are strong end in good
demand. Fall fancies iitw continueti tic.
tivity cliioiiy throuch mail orders at
pricci rcentiy made ,
- caller Muirkt't ,
NEW YORK , June 23.-COFFFIE-Optioiuu
olCflOd steady at uiciiuiigt'd , prices , ruled
tiull , 'With barely steady undertone , foliow-
ing t"'ldeic ) of weakness at liavrc nn(1
under local offerings ; 14lOCuiiItiOfl chioclced ,
by small warehouse tleii''e'ries. slack elIot
demand and to size and con-
ilition of fleW crop. Closed steady at net
unchiitutgel Pri'es. Sales , 6.500 bags , In-
eluding June , $5.60 ; Juiy , $5.5&5.C0. Spot
coffee , ltio , nomInal ; No. 7 Invoice. 6c ;
No. 1 jobbIng , 6c , Mild , dull ; Cordova ,
8S4f15'4c ,
oil Mnrket
oir4 CiTy , June 23-Credit balances S7c ;
certificates opened SSc ; first sales , casi at
flOe ; closed SOC i4d for regular : sales , .1 000
bbls , cash at 9c shipments , 113,193 bbla. ;
runs. DQ,24L bbis. .
SAVANNU1 Gm : OUnu 23.-OILS-Spirits
turpenttne , 231,4c , , iirni and on-
WILMINGTON , N , C. , June 23.-OILS-
SPIrits turpentinO' steady at 23i.j23c ,
Rosin , firm at sl.o6ri'los : ; crude turpentine ,
,1uiet at 11,00 , $ l.&Ve11.75.
S.utU' , hutvlcsts ,
Steady ; OllOfi ko44i , 30140 : contrifugais.
white , 4j4 5-Sc : yellow , 4414 3-ICc ; see-
ends , l'hlll'J 7-Sc , MoiuIses , steady ; centrlfu-
gal. 47ul3o
NEW YOR1. Jupe 23.-SUC1AIt-flaw ,
firm ; fair refIning.8 . O-c ; centrifugal , tsi
test , 4'c ; reillueti.7.8e ; mould A 4-4c :
standard A , OC ; cOnfectioners' A , 5c ; cut
loaf , 5 7-Sc : crtishi , d , & 'T-Sp ; iouvdered , 6 S-Sc ;
granulated , ; , 5 5-Sc.
Csu1ifgriiiuriel i'ruitK ,
DRIED FJtUl'1'S-.tiet. Evaporated tip-
pies , common. 5746e Prunes , 4i8c. ApriCots -
Cots , royal , SYijiOc : Moor park , 1061j12c.
I'caehes , unpeeled , 59c ; pee'ed ' , l216c ,
Beccipta Are Untisnally Lbem1 for the Time
ol' the Week ,
General Conili4ionps Seem 'to tppote
An lYrosleet of a Itiuue.-iiogn
Itohul About Steady Vinier
floitvuirul Pressure ,
SOUTH OMAHA , Juno 23.
Cuttla , itogit. oulteP.
Iit'CCiitS 1c11a3 , ' . . . . . . . . . . 2,221 5.793 679
( lihicial 3'et4tcrtln ) . . . . . . . . 2'S 10,252 G.W ?
One' week ago . . . . . . . . . . 1,488 6,174 997
Two weeks ago , , . , . . . , , 1,501 8,35 1S4
Otie ) 'eitr ago . . , . . . . . . . . . 1,662 8,781
Two years ago . . . . . . . . . 1,221 6.633 280
Totel four days . . . . . .11,731 31,003 8,263
Same dtj's : last week..10,859 20,149 5,283
Stilno ilays wecic beforelO.STf 29,742 4.66.1
Average price PItid for bogs for the last
few days , with comparisons :
l183.I1897.IlS9G.I1S95. l1S3lTlS93I1.
Jut00 io:1 - : : s 3 27 2 93 4 3 * 6 41 4 66
Joule .11 , . . 3 82 3 27 2 W 4 41 4 57 4 ( .5'
June12 , .331 300 436,46S16451 ,
JUfltil3 374
Juiio 14 , . . .1 79 3 29 4 38 I 701 6 281 4 73
Julio 15 . , 377) ) 33.1 298 444 4816 191475'
Jutio 16 . . . , 3 U0i 3 22 3 01 4 59i 6 1O 4 ' 75
June17. , , , 382 31s 30 , , 441 1602 481
Julio l't . . . . . : i SO j 21 3 10 4 45 4 651 4 bZ
JtitIo 19 . . . . " 3 15 3 02 1 48 4 7U1 6 011
June 24. ) . . . . 'I 79 2 tiS I 45 4 CCI 5 lIt ) 4 48
Juiiu 21 , . . . 3 11 3 15 4 3t 4 6"7j 5 78 4 .10
JUIIU 24 . , . .1 72) ) 3 21 3 021 4 40 4 77 ; 5 63 4 83
'Indicates Suiiday ,
'I'Ite oiliclai number of cars of stock
brought Itt today by each road was :
Cattle. hogs. ShIed ) . h1'sos.
1. . , M. .cc St. I' . ity , . I . . . .
U. & St. L. . ith . . . . . . . . . . . I . .
3lisbuuri l'acitie fly. . S 4 1 . .
Pillion l'acillo t3ystetn 22 31 1 1
1 _ . cc N.V , ity. . . . . . 1 1 . . . .
3 , ' . , F : . & 2i1 , V. it. It. S 45' . I
I' QI ti p _ e t ) . , II C
Cu i i
C , , ii , & Q. it , it. it. . 2 1 . . .
C , , tt. I. & 1' . . .ltyV , :3 : 1 . , , .
Total receipts. . . . . 82 112 3 :1 :
Tile ttliijiositioit of the tltiys receipts was
as follows , each btiyer purchasing tIle atim-
ber ot' head Indicated :
iluycrs. Cattlo. lIon-s. Sheep.
Onlana l'ackiiig Co. . . . . . 16 1,637 14)
ihe U. 11. hiaiumuntl Co 2.11 9i . . . .
S\'ift 11.11(1 CofllI.tiiY. . . . . . bli 1,1.2)1) 32J
'jIb Cuultthy t'acking Co. liC 2,49.1 110
It. Uet'lci' ailet Degan . . . 918
J. 1. . . eutrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is
v. 1. Stephens . . . . . . . . . . 'a
BCfltIl .11 Underwood . . 2i6
Liviiigston & Scllttier . . . 62
'iiite , 1' . & 1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:19 : , , . .
North 1. . ; : P. Co. . . . . . . . . . . 4il.
lntt'riiuiuiial P. Co. . . . . . . . . alt . . ,
Ai'inoilr & C ) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.15 , . . .
CUiaIi ) ' 1' . ( Jo. , from IC. C. 77 . . . . 2.08
l'Iaiikunon , Stllwaulcee. . . . . 231 . . .
Other buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Totals , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,242 .1,035 678
G1INiltAL-'riierc were a few over On )
cars of live stock iii the yards tociaj' . &ts
agaitiat 156 a week ago , 114.3 . two ' s'ceks : tgo ,
and ItS three weeks ago. The receipts tar
thu week to date show liberal gains over
tile last two weeks in cattle , lion-s ittiti
tuiteep , 'as shown by the ilgures gIven tbove.
CA'I'TLE-'l'hie ttrrivals of cattle today
were sotnewhiat larger titan wt corresiuRd- (
lug dts of the lust three ' ' 'eelca , but its
there was a big siting of western feeders
anlong tito number , tile actual ofteritigs of
beeves were flu ) larger titan ttstial. The
market as a ts'lioie was slow , with tu down-
ts'nrtt tendency , but still ubout everything
WItH sold iti good season.
Ucef steers were slow to Sc lower as a
general rule. thotiglu in extreme eases e'hl-
cr5 were eaihiiig It as itmehi as lOc lower.
Shippers uvere not : tttenlptlltg to tb tinich
and loni pacicers under thte Intiuence of
reported easier niarket at Chicago tvet'e
very bearish and disposed to talce tileir
tinie to make aeiectioii.
Good dry hot helfe'rs anti cows brought
satisfactory IriCes , seine good little hollers
selling UI ) to $4.50. The arrival of grass
cows thii week Is giving tile market a
do'u'nt''turtI tendency.
Ahtiioufhi 200 head of stockers and feed-
'irn.wre shIpped opt into the county yesterday -
terday , there were PleiltY on sale today unit
more than were ; tctuahly needed to iuupjily
the tiemnutuis of buyers. Iii addition to it
tow seatttring loads In first hands there
was u. irulil of fifteen cars of the Brown-
111(6 yearlings and 2-ycar-okis from Cob-
ratio , 'i'here was also a lottil of Wyorn-
itig range cattle Ilere. it begins to look as
If tile high prices Would start range cattle
to coining earlier than usual.
Owing to the atamber of stale cattle in tIle
yards and to the downward tendency of
the market speculators were very cautious
and were denianding concessions. The ye-
stilt was that the market was again lower.
As luues , already been pointed out In these
columns the tendency of the market on
stockers anti lecders has been steadily downward -
ward during the last. few days and It is
safe to say that tile decline for tlioweek
so far amounttm to all of l5iJ20c on steers ,
heavy cattle sufferIng more titan choice lit-
tie yearlings. Stock heiers have suffered
more than steers , the loss in values on
thttt kind being fully 258J30c in the last
week. 'rho feeling appears to be that tile
lottom has not been reached yet and that
Prices on stock cattle will go still lower
in the near future. Representative sales :
No. y. Pr. No. Y. 1r. No. Mr. I'r.
1.,1345 $3 75 30..1270 $4 35 62. .1251 $1 50
1..I13O 390 l,1l80 435 25.1166 450
1. .1000 ' 4 00 21. 1149 4 tO S..11'JG ' 4 50
1..1260 4 00 20.3153 4 ii 61..1022 4 55
1. , 724) 4 00 53 , .116.'i 4 45 22..1098 4 45
1. .1010 4 10 16 , .11)30 4 43 34. .1332 4 55
23. .175 4 20 17. .1204) 4 45 1. .1220 4 15
12. . 950 420 20.3307 445 3.,1250 455
1. . 840 4 o : ; 21 , .1118 4 45 38. .1231 4 15
9G.,125l 4 15 22 , .1017 4 45 32..1360 4 00
1. .140) 4 25 : ii. .1358 4 45 35.,1317 4 60
24.,1401) ) .1 25 18 , .1125 4 50 19..I3'.S 4 tO
32.l5' 4 30 30 , .1121 4 50 17..1235 4 60
5 , .1132 4 35 7. .1145 4 50 21. .1331 4 70
12.1050 4 35
CO5. .
1. . 770 00 2..1l10300 I..llSO 355
6. . 750 60 2. . .110 3 00 5. .1218 3 55
1. , 0)70 ) 65 : i. .3036 3 15 1. .100) 3 60
1. 920 65 6. .1056 3 15 2. .12i5 3 b5
3. . 820 .2 65 1..1110 3 20 1.1380 3 140
1.'J20 275 3.1050 330 1.SG0 3.10
1. . 910 . .1 75 6. . 913 8 30 1..1210 460
1..l200 275 4..1017 310 1SI0 404)
2. . .180 28.0 . 9..1177 835 1.l360 400
1.,1210 .1 04) 2..3005 :1 : as i , .ii&o 4 00
2. . 875 ' 3 00 6.,1188 3 50 19. .1059 4 0'S
1. . 930 300
1. . 610 3 15 1. . 760 3 CO 5 , . 650 3 90
2. .1065 3 25 1. . 560 .1 65 44. , 511 4 25
6. .1051 3 25 1. 4170 : i 75 2. 620 4 30
1. ISO 3 40 6. . 1475' 3 85 27 , . 687 4 50
7..805 360 12. . 845 3140
23. . 802 41.5 .
7..1028 3 85
l..1280 3 00 2.1300 3 34) 1.1570 3 40
1. . 840 3 11) l..1840 3 35 1..3550 3 50
1. .1310 .1 15 1. .1520 3 40 1..I920 3 60
2..1490 3 20
1. , 720 3 50 1. .1490 4 00 1..1120 4 00
1.,12b0 3 81) ) 1..184O 4 00
1. . 370 5 25 1. . 140 6 75 1. . 150 700
1. , 49) ) 1 , , 150 6 75 1 , . 140 7 00
1. , :40 taco
3 , , 716 3 25 1 , , 350 4 00 25 , 659 4 70
1. , 680 3 50 87. , 7113 4 10 1 , . 350 4 75
2.,1005 3 65 133. . 791 4 25 4 , . 552 4 80
1 , , 740 3 75 33 , . SOS 4 40 35 , . 552 4 80
3 890 3 75 26 960 4 6.5 16 , . 50 4 89
I..920 400
62.60i 325
hIOClt3-There were plenty of hogtj on sale
Itt tiio leading markets today. Ciicngo rci-
ported early nrrivals at 33,000 head , and
i1aulsas City 12,000 head , vhiilcu there ivas
a liberal run at this point to ) a 'Thursday.
lii fact , the receipts at thu market were
the largest for a Thiiiritiuy in several
weeks , Thu mat'lcets geiterlzily were in
pretty gooi ( condltioti ttiij the supply did
nqt nillieni' to ho at nil burdtmsonie , Buy-
era started out title iUO'iliig bidding lrlces )
that vere a sitatie lower antI some few liege
sold on that basIs , but not innily. 'rho general -
oral market not iiiaterlitiiy different
from what. It tvis ) yesterday , tlte hogs sell-
innin ahiotit the caine notchies. it svtls
practically a. $3,7Ofl'J,75' uiarkct. A few
itia(18 of cotninunihi atiui lIght. stuff sold
below $3.70 , iit thu big string of the mixeil
liege went at $3,713. . . with tIle better hoods
largely at $3,72,40J3.77i ! , 'I'ho ) narlcot was
active itt the itres'aiiing prices and everything -
thing chitinged bantiui at itit early hour , the
yiti'l14 1)010)5 deserted by the middle of the
forenoon , 'l'ite hiogi ) today sold 1'Rhc lower
titan ojitt week ago , 2Cc lower than two
weeks IlgO , but 45c higher titan a year ago
and 7Oc higher than two years ago , Repro. .
sentativo sales :
No , .tv , Sb. Pr. No , Av. i3hi. Pr.
17 , , , , , , 168 , , $3 65 15 . , , , . . 217 . . . $3 CS
25 . . , , , , 244 . , 3 6'7/ Us , . , , , , 215 210 3 61/ ! .
73,230 120 3 67 80 , . . . . , 216 114) 3 67
71 , . . , . , 235 . . , 3 70 59..253 80 370
Cs..27 80 3 70 11. i. . . . 201 . . . 3 70
Gl,25i 40 370 74).255 160 370
73 , , . , , . 230 .2O 370 12. , , . , , 234 . , . 370
59..253 'SO 70 iii..282 . . , 70
72.:32 120 70 84 . . . . , . 240 80 70
81..lii $20 70 2s , . , . . . 2Th SO 70
64 . . . . . . 260 80 370 4 . . . . . .228 . . . 70
62..230 120 70 66..3M SO 70
66..2010 Sf0 70 68 . . , . . 25 $ 160 70
i2' . . . . .251 360 70 72..2 * 120 70
79 , . . . . 264 160 70 5.3..274 160 70
. . . . . . . 40 , 370 19 , . , , , . 284 _ . , 70
S..251 80 370 77..217 . . 70
59..288 80 7ltt S.j1S6 SO 72
? . . . . . . . , , 3727 63.279 120 72
57..9c3. , . , ' 1 loLl ' 7).2.1:1 ) ; : 161) ) 72
71 . . . . . . 2S1 . . , 3 72',4 Sd . , . . . , 341 160 172
58..811 . 240 ' 1 724 118..279 16(1 ( 3 7214
51.100 160 3 72 IT..251 120 3 7214
GO. , . . , . 239 . . . 372 65..273 40 72
68 . , . , . . 270 120 ' 72 CO , , , , , , 250 40 ' 172
' ; 0,4.270 . . . 3 723.4 . 54..261 80 ' 172
64. . . . . ,2S9 40 3 724 f5 , . , . . , 2.S9 160 3 724
57 , , , . . , 302 80 75 55..277 . . . 375
51.301 40 75 ' 22..296 . . . 375
S7.33O 160 ' 75 ' " 83..325 . 411 375
14 ; fl , , , , 234 120 ' 75 61..100 160 335
5.297 80 35 ' ! . . _ , , . . , 7 $
' . . . . . . . 1607i ' ' ' , M' , . . . , 322 40 75
63 , . , . . . 246 120 3 67i 08.i.,2411 . . , 370
10 . , . . . . 231 , , . :1 : ' ; , ; ' 11. _ . , .259 80 ' 10
63..257 154) 70 " 40 70
67 . . . , . . 250 89 $ , , , . , , SO 70
44).221 . . . 70 ' ' "O. . . . , . 235 40 70
73 , 4. , . , 241 160 70 71' . . , . . . 232 120 70
56..21 * 80 O 88..232 . , 10
52 , . , . , . 267 40 370 23 . , , , . . 2'2S . . , 70
1,1 . , , . , . i:03 : . , , 1 70 G7 . . . . . 26.3 SO 374)
GO . , . , , , 27 ? 80 70 60 . . . . . . 282 160 370
10..278 80 3 70 SI , , , . , . 212 120 370
55. . . . . ,2t1 40 : i 70 71 . , . , . , 214 80 370
66 , , . . . . 23:1 : 80 370 80 . . . , . , 222 80 370
40..212 , , . 70 65 . , . . , 270 . , 370
70..218 200 330 ' 60' . , . . , 231 SO 10
73 , , * . , 268 80 3 70 6.1. , . . . . or,5 so u
' ; . . . . . . . , , 30 63 . . , . , . 29' ) 120 .
67..241 200 ' 72',4 61.258 SO 3 721.4
79..E 201) 7214 ' 59 , , , . . , 213 120 7214
63..272 . . . 7214 68. , , , , . 2.51 . . . 7214
67..270 124) 72 63. . . . .2 iS 240 1114
51..53 160 7214 ' ' 66 . . . . . . 25 160 3 721,4
74.250 ; 2.30 72 % ' , ' 23'.293 , . .
28 231 7114 " 'Ott. "GO 3 72 %
( JO..292 : : : lO.2' . . .
' 6..255 40 32lI' ' ' Cu . , , . , , 253 120 7314
71 . , . . . . 249 . . . 721. 69 . , , . , , 251 120 72 %
It..Ill . . 7214 62..2' IOU 721
35..2td . . . 72',4 1 33 , . . . . .801 . . 721
19..5s7 SO 791,4 61 , , . . . . 344 . . .
CO . . , . . . 253 . . . 75 , 67..2,2 , . .
74.239 ; 40 75 ' ' r.5 . . . . . . . .03 80 3 ic
5 , 5 , . , . . . :102 : 80 ' 1 75 Ci.211 ) 240 3 75
61 . . . . . . 'Jilt 160 75 53..289 . . . 377 %
61..297 . . . 77141 . . . . . . . . : 40 3 811
23..2.34 . , . SO
. . . . . . . . . 00 . . . . . . . . . . . 225
1..210 . , . ' 70 1 . . . . . .4S0 SI ) S 50
a..1.18 . . . 'I 65 5..1)4) . . . 3 65
S . . . 1ql . . 1 in ' 2,0 . . . Ii CS
. . . . . . . . .
3 . , , . , ltiJ ; . . , :1 : a- 4..3.12 120 8 CS
4 . . , 375 , , I ( .5 . . . . . . . . . . 3 65
2..115 . . . 'I CS 'I . . , , . 3.S6 . . . 3 65
3..293 . 80 , l 6.1 u ; . , , , 166 . . . 3 63
2..34(1 ( . . , ' 1 ( .5 ' . . . . . . . 4(15 ( , , , 3 65
1..217 . . . :1 : ts ; . . . . . . . . . 3 63
5..232 . . . ' 4 67 % 6..204) ) . , . S 671,4
1 . . . . . . 280 . , . 'I 31) ) 8 , . . . . . .2 . . . 870
. . . . . . . . . , 'I To : . . . . . . . ' . . . 3 70
3..16 , . . . 'I 70 5..272 . . . 3 30
:1 : , . , . . .3 20 . . 'I 7) ) ) ' 7..237 . , . . ' 1 , O
C..221 . . . 'I 70 .5.,3 . . . .1 dl
. . . . . . . . . . 'I 70 , . . . . . . , . , . .3 70
3..tO . . . 3 70 2..2.32 , . . ' 1 ' 70
1..310 . . . 3 7) 1..530 . . . 1 70
6..223 . . . 3 70 S..315 . . . I 70
SlIi'i41'-Tiirt'e loitis ivero reportotl iii the
yards this inornluig , of witidli one' 10110 was
consigtied direct to a packer. 'l'he deinatid
WR.M good us ustial , in allito ot the fuct that
ii. PUcker yoste'rtluy received a trainlod
direct , and good steady to strong Prices
were lunhd. 1epresetitutlt'c sales :
No. 1ev. I'r.
10 natIve elves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 $4 50
I ewe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 4 75
III ) mixed 511009 and lambs . , . . . . . . SI S 05
1 spring lamb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 6 25
ChICAGO L.l'i5 S'1'OCl MAIt1I1't.
ieuuiniutl for Catfl.'Is * ) isniiou1i 11131
itisul I'Irct'M A'i7' hapver.
( . .h41iCAGO , Jilnet 23.-Tue tIinniiul for cttt-
tIe today ivita diattlipointlitgly slolv anti
Prices were a sliatl lower ; choIce steers ,
11.90115.23 ; inmliutn , $ l.SOfll.G5 ; beef steers ,
$4.10ui4.65 ; stockers anti feeders , $3.500j'5.0O ;
btiila , $2.SOj'i.0O ; cows and hielfers , $32004'
3.90 ; calves , $3.25W7.40 ; western steerl , $1.20
7j4.90 ; 'iexutis steers , $3.500t4.75 Texas cows ,
Tiiere was ttii active tlemttiid for hogs ,
sales being largely itt ILfl tttIVailCo of 2.4c.
Fair to choice , $3.S71,5W4.00 , packers , 33.75W
3.83 ; ltitcliers' , $3.S2333.97'A ; ml xecl , 33.77 %
0t3.u : ; I in-hit , $3,650j3.S2 % ; ) , $275u3.S0.
'I'hll deitili nO for Sited ) tyits L'qUIt I t o tile
offerings , 'l'iio recent ittIVitilce WItS vell
niaintaiuied. Native aheel ) . _ $3.251i5.O5 ; shioi'ii
lambs anti yearlings , .2ijiI.6O ; spring
iainbtu , 76.00146.90.
P'I'S-Cattle 10,500 hied hogs 33-
It ECIOI - , , ; , ,
000 head ; shicel ) . 12,000 head.
lniisas ( bity Live Stock.
KANSAS C ITY , .3 une 23.-CATTLE-Re-
ceipta , 2,050 head natives ; 723 ll Texans.
Sujiply light and all grui'.Jos 01 killIng 5tocl
sold readily at steady PriceS. Stock cattle
slow and shade lower. Choice heavy steers ,
$ l,704.SO ; medium , $4.5Oj4.70 ; light weight
steers , 74.00714.75 ; stoekerS nnd feeders ,
$ , i.50W4.85 ; btitchiers' cduvs and heifer , ' , $8.11) )
i4.75 ; cows , $200742.30 ; uhl , f3.01W4,00 ;
western steerS , 34.00324,60 ; Txa5 steers ,
$1.55j4.2O ; 'rexas butcher cows. 33.20'1i3.S0.
HOGS-Receipts. 12,415 head. Denutnui
good , prices teadj' to aijado higher ; heavy
hogs , $3.S'5' ' % : medium , $8.7g3.9O ; lights ,
$3.30i1.SO : lulg , $8.008i3.40.
sI4EFIP-rteceipts , 1,385 head. Vigoitns
demand continues. While quality of otter-
lags Is falling off some , prices are strong.
Sliring lambs , $5.25W5.75 ; Arizona. and Texas
grass sheep. $ ; stOckers and feed-
cr5 , $3.5017450.
S. . LoulsLlve Stock.
ST. LOUIS , June 23.-t.AT'1'Lh0-fla'ceipts ,
7,600 head , including 1,200 Texans : 011111-
inents , 1,700 head : mitritet steady ; fair to
fancy native shipping and export steers
$4.500t5.30 ; bulk''pf Stles , $4.70W4.93 ; dressed
beef and butcher'steers , 'T4.50145.05 ; bulk of
sales , $4.15W4.30 : iitoclceri' and fealers , $3.50
6I4.65 ; cows and heifej's3Q0W4.S3 ; bulk ot
sales , $3.C.0W4.CO ; bulk of sales of Cows , $2.85
63.65 ; 'rexas and Indian steers , $3,15W4.5O ;
bulk of sales , ; 3.G54.3O ; cows and heifers ,
HOGS-Receipts , 4,100 lieati ; shipments ,
1,700 head ; marlce stoutly : Yorkers , $3.7OtP
3.80 : packers. $ : i,75.7J'3.85 . : butchers , $3.855J'3.O5.
SI tIlE 1'-RecetIts , 2,000 head ; shipments ,
400 head ; market strong and rtctivo : native
inuttons , $4.258j'4.75 ; lambs , $ l.25.TJ6.20.
New York 1.tse Stuck ,
NEW YORK , June 23.-I1EEVES-Ro-
celpts , 911 hood : 10) tradIng ; feeling weak.
JAva cattle. 10fl109lc ; tops , lie dressed
weight ; hive 14h11'ei ) , SW1Oe da'b'ss ll weight ,
Refrigerator lecf , S@8'/5c a pound ,
CALVES-lieceiiui4. 215 head : 52 on sale.
Mttrkot firm ; veiiis , 33.00146.751 no butter-
Sil14El' AND LAMI3S-lleceiiits , G,8S2
iieiuil ; 271 % cars on StIle , Shied ) t4IuP.v tttid
weak , cliolco lambs Steady other gratbei
l0'15e lower , Sheep , $3.50'tjl.15 ; culls , $3.80
6j5.l7 : , -
IIOGS-Receipte , I 812 hictid , None for
auio : alive. Nominally atcaily itt $ i.00tr4.40.
Cliut'innuti Live Sioe1c
CINCINNATI , Julio 23.-hOGS-Active ;
$3.ooivi.85. :
CA'I"I'LE-Stcndy ; $2.f,0144,7Q.
SiII4EI'-S'teitd' ; $2C584 1,00.
LAM1IS-Ihighiei' ; 83.04)fjG,60.
81,11.1. . I ti Sight ,
Record of receipti of' live stock at tue
four principal marlccts'for June 23 :
. . . . Cattle , hogs. Sheep.
Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,221 8,793 679
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,500 33,000 12,000
JIanstis City 2,775 12.415 1,365
131. Louis , , , , , , , . . , . , .p , , .p 2.600 4,14)0 2,000
Totals . , , . . : , . , . . . . . . . . SO,3OS 30,044
FOO'IiIlAht 1)11' 'I'1i13 5(11.1)1101(8.
Sluice 4 Ii ii S I ockl is ge I'm , 'ideul f ) r I he
'uiuuideers by the Guverniiei4 ,
i'jar1y 50,000 of the men in the new
1.oIted States army wilt. wear shoes made
10 the busy towns near Boston. On the
sea , too , is the Now Eiigl/tnd hioo a favorite ,
even siown iii Manila bay , When wer was
declared one order for 25,000 pire of shoes
was received In Boston and another ( cc-
tory is now filling an order for 18,4)00 ) pairs.
The goverunietit , relates the New York
Sun , detnnnds htoes of a regulation pattern
of a baltnortil style , with broad toes. The
shoes lace and have til0n.r four hooks and
eyelets. The material ri Jcangaroo calf for
the tilpers , tititi oak-tanned leather. The
army shzoua : of tothty are far superior to
those of 1861 , whteit cowhIde was the ma-
terlal anti the brogans dubbed "barnyard
p0-ties" were the style. Those iioes w ro
pegged , anti it caitnin of 1861 tells how
80)110 of his iiteti wore shoes olhy ) half an
hour before tue soles tell oft , o poorly ( lid
the peggilig hold , The shoes wore very
heaYy not ! the material stiff uiilea well
cared for , which wn hot always Possible
during active servIce. ConcernIng the weight
of tilOse elloes. a story is told that the
troolus who ) ) retreating at Bull Run pulled
oft their brogans so that they uilgit ) run
'ilie mnodel'n soldier will go into war with
, comfortable , W'll 1)15110 oboes , no heavier
titan those sonic athletic gIrls wear now ,
iutd uiilesa their feet are tututuraily tender
they will suffer very little from sore feet.
This is a very ltnpoi't.ant point when iL ii
understood that In 1861 P. thIrd of ouc cota-
pail ) . became strnggers ! in from
WashIngton to htnrper'sS'er ) ,
An Allowance of so mitch is ln&ui to eae
soldier for clothIng. It h , des 'n t dress
ttp to hits allowance thobtu1tihico'ij. is
paitl to him. while it ho rits I er the
anuount allotted he hilust pay the 4fllercnce.
\'hiio in camp the Inca msy savor hUt ( ito ,
never do ou the field , say. an armi' offleer.
Eacit article of clothing 1 'listed' nul sold
at the price stated. For in5tartte ! , bfliulsewed.
boots Pro listed at. $2.89. a pair , barrack
shoes at SO cents a pair , aiiti citlfakin shoes
St $1.89 a pair , The allowance for ( ho
mounted troops Is one hair of luOoIS 'the first
six niontlis , one paIr in the eccond j'ear , * nd
one pair In the fourth year , TheS' 'have an
allowance of one paIr of barrack ShOes ea&i
year for five years. The foot troops havonui
allowance of two pcirs of calflkiflahoes ( Ito.
first six months ; one pair the seconti s ( *
months : two PaIrs the second year ; (11065' . )
pairs the third year , two tirs qte foutitlib
year , and two pairs the fifth year , Tboe
motlnted troops get one pair. of calfslifla
shoes the first six months ; one" PaIr thb.
socoinu six months : one pair' the , . seconild
year ; two pair3 the third year ; one paiy
the fourth year , anti one pair theflfth , yoartr
The soldIers have thoii choice o ( elthert
cotton or ' ' 'oolett hosIery , the former costinj
6 cents and the latter 23 cents a Pair. Inn
the incIter of cotton stocldngs ' the protitt %
soldier may intluigo his lore ot'volor , as the ,
governliient eonsltlerately provith'i any cototu'
In 1861 ( lie soliders had tin choice but tes
' ' ' heavy woolen atorkinga , nltlmtigh they' .
' ore clttals ) ' itt thu shoe cud votP heating , ,
The allowailce for voolcn hose is ilirco lairs )
the first six Inontils ; one Pair the secontl ,
six iiionths ; four pairs ( ito Beconti year ; four'
PaIrs the third year ; four'tiatrs the fourth ,
year and four Ilairs the fifth year , a total
of twenty pairs In five years. 0ach man
may get three pairs of cotton hiote ( lie flrs
six months , three pairs the Becond
iiiontiis and six Pairs each yvar for the
four years , making thirty Imlrs of lIoso ( OOr
five years. There Is very little darning iii ,
An , , , , , ltIlln3S ) , fl , , , , , . , . , ntln , . It , . . .1n4Itir
' . . , . . . . , % , . . . . . . . " . . ti. . . . . " fl1u
UI ) around the hole aliti tic It witit a string. ,
Overshoes will be furnished at $2.22 a paler
-one hair the first six months antI one Ilaint
the third year. They are not 'regulal'iy in ,
Cltiied In the furnishings of the soldiers , butts
Will be provitied by ( Ito quartc'1naster att
cost price.
Nevspuipers that Are l'iilslisiit'.l .
I lie lit'n'llt of Vort'lgiiers.
There are 2,200 tinily and 15,000 weelclyy
Impel's pulhisiiel in tht Unite'd St'atos , eaj ,
( lie Ilookschier. niltl twenty-three tlIffereiit
lallgusges. other ( hail Etighlth , are repre. . , .
seittetl in tito newspaper lircsl of , tlit cotta. .
try ,
There Is only one newspaper publlshmsL ,
in tim Ittinsian language in tlto" Uuiteul,1
States. There are live newspapers , idil
iveckly , in the l'orttigtieso iaiigunge. Or
these thrco are in California , anti twp nrc ,
iii Massiciuisctts ] , at New Bedford and att
l3osiou , There are four tInIly aewspapors-
lii the l'olish language ptibhlshie'ui ( It Clii"
cage , liuffalo , Milwaukee ailti Ilaltimoro. ,
licsldcs these there are seven weekly I'ollshh
papers at Chicago , six in l'enilsylv nla , ernie
at Cleveland , one at Toledo and three at'
Detroit , Most of th periotilcals in tito' '
SliatliSil language arc trade iapei'e , lint thore..i
is a daily iaer : in New Yoi'lc. atitl at lCeyy
\Vest Is another. There are four Slianish
PaPers in Arizoiia alid twelve in 'New Mexlcou
One Araienlaa paper is pubhishieul in tiiti'
city of New York , anti there are two q'-
0050 weekly papers in San Fraitclsco. . ' ' Ivot ,
iiowspapers are Iwbiisllc'd in tlt # Fianlehi
iangtiage , two in the itiiiie i'egi"5 of Michi
gail. aild one eticht in IhIt,1015 , Mlnnesetac
anti Nc % % ' York. There tire two11aily Iho-
liemlati h1ah3C1' iii ydu' Yorl' two at Chits
cage , and one at Clevelitnul , Thiero are three , ,
Danish llnpe1' in Chicago , one iii Oalaha. , I'
one In fleclneVls. . , anti one inPortlandh ,
Ore , 'flie Danish liIlC5 ) ate , nhiiIOat ox-
elusively , designed for circulatIon among tIt. ,
farmers , and few of them lucre any ciby.
circulation , thougil there is one Danslt ) paper
lUblishCtl in New York. " .
The indisposition of ( lie French to acquires
any other language must ll coutiV for thee
large number of Fretich papers ptibhlshiodh
throughout the union , even where tb. .
Frenchi population is inconalderableb' Theei.
are French tinily vniers ( read chiiefly by
Fronch-CanadianB ) at Fall River , Lowell aildul
New Bedford , and one published tt Woon.
socket , It. I.
Seven newspapers are publishe'd in thou
Siavonic language , and of the afour Weishi
three are In Utica and its ncigllborhool.i
Thirty Swedish iiowspapci's are publishied,1 ,
but no daily papers among the iitlmubcr'
cloven Norwegian , seven of Minne. .
seta ; five Hungarian , one Gr ck one Gaelict
one Arabic and eighteen Dutclij' nine of. ;
which are in Michigan , ilieru , ( ho hal- .
landers are numerous , one only bei'ng pub-
hiahod in tim east , In Paterson N J , There4 3.
are two Italian : tapera In New Y i'k and tw ,
in San FrancIsco. There are four lJapoet
published in the Lithuanian language , tead
twelve , three of tiienl daihilts' , in the Jewish )
jargon. Geraiaa newspapers ate ) itlhhisbotl'l
in nearly every state , and German daihieus
In nearly every large city.
Ilotiesdy Nut ( liii Jlent l'olicy ,
Detroit F'rco Press : lie was an honest
man , unuseti to ( lie ways of society and
making a call on one of the most stunning
young Itltiielt of tile city. " 110w I love
3eah1ty , " slio paid , 'lt scenis to inc I
would give almost any other worldly lO-
sessloti ill exchange for beauty. "
"Don't itiltiul if you're not itatulsoine , "
ho rei'hiei. ( ' 'It's much lcttci' to' be kind
and good. "
TilciL lie went home wotiuiering what hind
given hint a chill ,
Maps of Cuba at 'l'hc lice oihco-Ouialia-
CouncIl illuffe or Soutfl Omaha. Ctit a
COLiPOn from page 2. Address Cuban map
dept. -
'I'Ithl 1111.I.'l'Y StAHlhi' ' ,
INSTRUMENTS lla000 Oil record Thursday' , ,
Juno 23 , 1898 :
1'r.rrfl Ii I , ' IIi's' ' ) s.
Georglutia 74cCot'lti Ct oh to Union Pa-
cilia hallway conipany , lot 7 , llOCk
'ISO , Omaha
Edwin Kirkland to uetiiu' , nn'y. . , . . . , , I
A. Id. Clarke titiul wife to L. 13. . JCnode ,
lot S Clifioii 11111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I. . IV. i4lociim ho 0 , A , Joslyit , s 105'
feet of w 123 feet lot 17 In 20-13-1 , . .
CI. IV. Scott anti wife to stuno , lot Id ,
' , . - . 1)1. . , , .
oltflt , S4 1" " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
II. 10. itlehi and whttu toV. . ' 1' , 1 iigginis ,
lots 13 anti 14 , hilocllt 460 , ( irundview 604
Quit ( : Ii.iiis ,
United States .SIillhlY company to
1.01115 fdioliotiiHky , o 45 feet of is',4 ltt
49 , Gise's add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii
2) " t'
Sheriff to Northwestern liltitual Life'
InsuruIlcu , c'ompuilI' , W lot 5 , block1
88 , Qmahii : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 222t
3ultister In rlialit't'ry to seine. PUrt lots
21 aii 22 , 1 brunch's 1st ; thl. . . . . . . . . . 21,3 ( '
Same to same , lots 1 ailtl 2 , blqek ? &O ,
Otntiiin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sheriff to Oniaha I4avina 1)0)111 ) . , lot
3 , hindu 193 % , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Ui
ihitecittI mt&stcr In ilniteil States Hui'-
ply eoinJlnn , C ) 45 feet of ilot 49 ,
Giso's 41(10 ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total amount of transfers..8i00 ,
J1IES E.I33YD & CO. ,
'J'elepliouie I 039 , OllhtiIlu , Nub
hiDAlli ) 4W 'l'liAlIhi ,
Dlrtrt wires to Ciiivae sal New York ,
(2orr.spondenhIt Julia A , ' % 'arrn ' 0. Ctu
Itutit 1 , N. V.1fl 11111w.1 liuiiiit , Nltp
Stocks , 6rain , rrovison ;
Direct Wires NeW York , Chicago. sid1
Wsu.tsru l'oSnts ,