Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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r : , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
; Make Six llit flfl(1 ( coven Runs in the lilath
Inning Off rishor.
, , . ,
Oninlin .tlnopt 1lnt 'Jni I.Iekcd lVlicn
Ilie ClItINrup1i Cnnte Oft-Dc-
; tPJIN of the lINLsfrF 8 *
Far n * 1IIowfl. ,
After dallying wRb the flabea out on the
; Jot for etght lnntng * yesterday afternoon
the SLnth rnbhed it Into them brthe score
of 11 to 4. The Saints are some bail tossers
after all ,
It a * a hard game to lone. It wo.s 1 to
I to the fourth , when they made It to 1.
In the next we went them one better and
math ! It 4 to 3 , They saw us In the clghth
and ti1ttt do a thing In the nInth except clean out of sight when we were
; hot expecting It.
hard luck that was , and wIth Fisher In
$ ' "i' the box , too. At that It was an Interesting
' sort t game for an unprejtlIIced audience.
hiLt you could iiot pound that Into the liead
of the home rooters with a iicknx. It we
. had turned around and made those seven
runs in that fatal ninth wouldn't we have
, I . been some pumpkins on the vIne ? You bet
vo would.
, 'Fhby'll not get the third on Danny Daub ,
who is awaItIng a chance to retrieve himself -
self , antI you redhots had all better come
out this afternoon and see the Saints
cooked ,
Burke-they called him Spaniard out on
' . tim bleashers amid be stood for It , too-
, "xuiibled tip nnml hit the first pttched ball of
tla ghm square on the nose nod iot a safe
hqio on It. lie was sncrlflccd to second by
Miller , startmd to steal second just as Glen-
nivimi lJangel tli ball for an Infield grounder
and hover , topped running thitii he' came
, . You're n ball player. Mr. l3urke ,
/ Glen it ; put out. at first and ( ] lasscock
t turned up his toes likewise.
We worked along the same lines. Flem-
1 log blfiod one that came withIn an ace
of being an error for Colonel Shugart and
got to second on Eustace's sacrifice. Thea
Itoat ewatted out one of those three-baggers
of his and sent Flem borne , Pick nuide
flr3t on Cuba's moult of his fly , and was
loubleil up with Lyons before float could
- \ reach the rubber ,
: TIme second and third were easy for both
sides and so was the fourth for us , but the
Saints forged alteami in their end. After
. ( Ilenalvin went out Classeock made a hit
. > nimml flier also deposited a safe single bet -
t hind third. l'roston fielded the ball and
throw It without knowing exactly whore ,
The leather reached the bleachers and before -
fore it recovered Glasseock scored and
Gier was on third. Sliugart flow out and
01cr scored on the throwin , GIllen and
Simlos each made a hit after that , but FIsher
emided ally further hopes by fanning out
We played horse with theni for a while
in tile sixth llfld when that was over it
: ' ' . ] ookcd something like a. cinch for us.
. 1dllsJLoo Hits : i Iknier.
McCauley got a base on balls. lie reached
a $ ecolll % and Fisher got Ofl first on Dggy
: Miller's dropping a fly. Fleming struck
, out. Then Eustaco came up. I-ic did not
. do much. Oh. no.
Mr. Eustace rapped that ball an awful
. bang and It whizzed off as It it was never
, coIning back. It diii not come back until
, McCablcy , 'Fisher and Mr. Eustace all three
, acoreI. It was the prettIest , cleanest home
. : run Reel ! D the lIolne grounds , landing way
! out near the fence between iniddlo and
fr right.
: After that Ithat mafia a hit and Doggy
MIllom dropped another fly , Pick's this time ,
but Lyons and I'reston both wont out to
Glasseock. ,
. , A tally did not coins within a mile of
115 In the rest of the game , but they were
not through yet because the score was
against then , , 4 to 3.
They vent out In one. two , three shape
in the fifth , sixth and seventh and hope beat
high In our breasts. But in the eighth they
tied tlH. Burke hit F'Isher for a two-bagger
and after foggy went out scored on Glenal-
[ via's single. Giasseock doubled up Glen.
0 They murdered Pa In the ninth.
01cr luade a hit. Shugart bunted to Flail
and the latter fired the ball to Roat , who
'n'as cowering second , It was a wee bit
wide , but Freddie ought to have gotten it.
But he did not 1111(1 before the bali was cor-
raIled again Shugart was 00 thIrd anti 01cr
second. Glilen was given a press ticket and
Shies brought both Gier and Sliugart in on
a two.bagger. Fricken's single scored Gil-
' ion. Burke singled agaIn and brought in
, c Silica , Miller forced Fricken out at third ,
/ but Glenulvin batted out a tri-socker and
: ' . both tiurke and Miller scored. Giasscock
died at first. At his second time up in the
& : . inning 01cr whipped out a two-base Imi and
i scored Gloimalvin , Shugart finally Put the
I aide out by rolling one dowli to Lyons.
. \Vaan't that murder ? \
' n our end ot the ninth'.McCauley beat
out a bunt lIlt , but was doubted with Fisher
and Flemnimig dit'tl at first. Score :
All. It. Ii. 511. 511. I'O. A. E.
Fleming , rf. . . ,5 I 2 0 0 1 0 0
Etistuce , 3b , . .3 1 1 0 1 II 3 0
littat. m3Nii..4 0 3 0 0 0 2 1
] ' 1koring , Cf. .4 0 1 ,0 0 i 0 I )
Lyons , lb. : . . .4 0 0 0 0 U 0 0
l'meston , It. . . .3 0 0 0 0 3 0 1
1lii't4V'th ( , 2h,4 0 0 0 0 2 1 0
; lcCttnl.'y , a. . : : i 1 1 0 2 0 0
i'islmer ; P. . . . . . I 1 0 0 0 0 5 0
'rotals . . , , ii 4 8 1 1 27 11 2
AU it , If. SD , SI ! . P0. A. H.
Burke , if..5 3 : i I 0 2 0 0
Miller , 1 . . . . . . 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
GittUhliVIlt , 2b..i 1 2 0 0 2 3 0
( lasscoclc , lbJ 1 1 0 0 .14 3 0
01cr , et..5 2 : i 0 0 1 (1 ( o
Shugart , t4..1 1 I ) I U 3 3 0
0111w ; , 3b. . . . . . . 1 1 0 0 1 4 2
,8Itln , e..1 1 2 0 0 2 1 0
FliUkCU , p.4 0 . 2 0 0 2 4 0
'fotnis , .40 11 14 21 27 iS 4
ittlits by InImilIgs-
Orualtit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 04
ift. 1'tlll . . . . . . . . . . . . .j o 2 o 0 0 1 7-11
flits by intlings- .
. Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 0 2 0 2 0 0 1 18
- 3t , Paid . . . . . , . . , . , . , 1 0 1 4 0 0 0 6-14
Hrrors by imtmimtgs- ,
Onutila , . , . , . , . , , . . . , 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1-2
Ift. .Piiui . . . . . . . . . . . . .j o o .o 2 1 0 0 0-4
i'ttrmmed rums : Om nlmn , 2 ; St. Paul , 6. Two.
lttise hits : Burke , tiiies. 'l'imreo-lntso hits :
tl'nnlvIn , float. I4onhim riot : I'tmstnce.
Ilotibiti plityam 1titacti to Lyons. Gliien to
Gl'mtttiwlit to Oitisscock , Siltigurt to ( ilini-
tot'k , host's on bulls : ] i' l 'islier , ( Illien ;
by Frit'icen. McCauley. Jiret base on er-
lors ; Oiuaiia 4 ; St. Paul , 1. lIlt by Pitched
bail : ll Friclcun , Preston. Struck out : fly
' ] "Ialter , Friekeit , Gilleit ; by Frieken , 11cm.
lug. j..oft Oil tiases : Omaha , 6 ; St. Paul , 4.
- 'i'immle : One hour and twenty nllnutcs. Un.
4 - itiru : C'ltflhiiiOll.
( ) 'i'I I lilt % 1 S'J'HhI N i.Ii.tO LID SCOittS.
tiIlvztmiIt'tt ( it'lsA'tvu itIi AalltIl'r
trout ( uIssahis.
COLITMIIUS , 0. , Juno 22.-'J'oday' game
% .a14 ft fift to MiiWflUkttt' tite lirewers
snaking tlioir two rims In the third inning
without a lilt. ticore :
Columbus . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-i 6 2
MIlwaukee , . . , 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 -2 6 1
liatteries : ClltltfllJtlsVoiters tiitl Sulli.
t yomm ; Mtlwnukee 1ettger ttmltl Speer ,
. , ' hAN1IAI3 ClT4 , Juno 22.--4'ho Jibes won
. - -
eiIevea nerYou5dl.ordef.ahauatio ,
tleUdOOh , wakofuinuae , etc.
A Ot.q4 tosie. ibid oaI In boltlu.
- -
in one of the least Intereating games of the
season. Meredith pitelmeti fairly good , but
was mIserably supported , while Norton
was easy for the home batters , Score :
iCAnsas City ,1 I 0 1 0 0 5 0 1-913 8
Minnenpolla . . 1 0 1 0 2 4 0 0 0-814 3
] iattcrles : iCansas City , Meredith and
Wilson ; Minneapolis , Norton and 11111cr.
1NDrANAI'oils , Juno 22.-hahn out-
pitched Scott today. The latter wa ltlb-
titutcd for Foreman in the opening innIng.
Ten strike 0111 * tell the story. Score :
lntllannpeli , . . .3 0 0 0 0 a 0 1 0-6 9 2
Detroit . . . . . . . . .501000200-3113
llatterIea Foreman , Scott and 1.ynch ;
Hahn anti Twlneharn.
l'layeI. . WOil. Lost. I'er C.
Intllnnapolls . . . . . . . 49 32 17 66.3
lit. l'aul . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 33 21 61,1
Jnnrnui City . . . . . . . . 61 2 21 60.4
Columbuq . . . . . . . . . . . 43 23 20 58.3
MIlwaukee . . . . . . . . . . .63 39 24 61.7
Ietroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . io 34 35,8
Minneapolis . . . . . . . . . 63 18 35 34.0
Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 14 33 29.8
Games today : St. l'nul at Omaha ; Mlii-
neapolin Sit FCansaa City ; Milwaukee at Columbus -
lumbus ; DetroIt at Indianapolis.
( LtMI3.M OF T1113 NAT1NA1 LlitOtJIi.
Cl. lengup i.Ie , . AiiotIir Vourls'en lit-
II I pig Cuiilu.4 at Ilfihtie.
CIUCAGO. Juiie 22.-Young Woods fig-
tired In anothet' fourteen-inning contest today -
day antI again lost his game by one ruli.
\'ilils was reth-etl In tile first after linvimig
givemi four bane and hitting a latstnan ,
The locals 00(11(1 ( do nothing , with Lewis
after tile second , anti 110 WOfl Ills oWfl game
at the flniah by It afo drive that scored Ills
catcher. Attendance , 4,060. Score :
JtILU.A.I. lt.iI.O.A.D.
, . . . . . . . .
Ityan , if. , , . 2 2 6 1 1 lta'Iton , et 0 2 2 0 0
lrerItt , II , , 0 0 ii 0 0 Tenney , lb. 2 2 15 0 0
1.31150 , Ct. . . 2 & 0 1 hong , sa , . . . 1 2 5 S 0
Lalilefl , I'S , . 4 2 6 1 1)utyy , it. . . . 0 0 2 0 0
Mc.rm'k ( , ib 0 0 7 0 OlCoilini' , lb. . 0 1 0 4 0
Mertet , rt. . o i 6 0 0 $ tahl , rt. . . . I 2 3 0 0
Connor , 2Li. . 0 0 4 3 ii l.owp , 2b , , . 0 0 2 6 0
Ionaliue. c. 0 2 1 0 0 Hergen. C. . . 1 2 6 1 1
Woods , 11.1. 0 1 0 5 1 vtiu , ii , . . . 0 1) ) 0 0 0
- - - - - I..eVI * , p. . . . 1 2 1 2 1
Totnl 13 42 14 4 - - -
Totals . , . . C 1P41 SI. 2
Itynn out ; lilt iii' batted ball ,
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . .32000000000000-5
Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20100020000001-0
Emtrned rlm : . Iloston , .4. Left on bases :
Chicago , 0 ; 110811)0 , 8. 'i'wo.baso hits :
Iihleri : (2) ( ) , hamIlton (2) ( , r'nney Collins.
TiltCo.baHe llit Tenney. SOcrIice ! bits
Et'eritt , McCormick (2) ( ) , Conhiar. Stolemi
bases : 11)0.11 , Merttis. Double ilns : Long
to Lowe to 'I'onney , Lewis to 'i'emlney , Mc.
Cormlck to Coilnor to Hveritt. Struck out :
Iiy Lewis , 3. ilirse on balis : Off \Voods , 2 :
tIff ' .Villis. 4 ; nit Lewis , 1. hit with ball :
Mertea , Time : Two hours nitd forty-fivo
ilillUttes. Ulnpirem4 : i3wartwood and \ootl.
l'lrLt4cH % 'lim It lihsIl ) .
PITTSUUIIG , Juile 22.-icttig lasted half
all liming and vns replaced by Seymour
after Plttsburg had won the game. Joyce
was put OUt of the game ( or questlonillg hi.
decision. Attendance , 1,600. Score :
1'rrr4nUno. N\V yoIu.
nml.o.Ag - Il.ll.O.A.t.
1)onovan , rt3 .1 1 0 0 V'IIaIt'n , ct I 1 2 0 0
O'lirIen. ct. 2 1 0 0 0 Tiernan , If. 0 2 1 0 0
( ray. lb. . . . 1 3 2 U .Ioyce , lb. . . 0 0 0 0 0
MelYthy , It. 1 1 4 0 0 Seymour , p. 0 1 1 3 0
ii. lavta. 11 , 1 0 12 1 0 (1. ials. tis 1 0 1 1 0
I'ttdden. lb. 0 0 : 4 i ( fleaion , Zb. 2 2 2 3 0
Iioriuan , c,0 2 3 1 1.teCr'ry , rfl 2000
Ily. ra. . . . . . 1 1 1 4 Ii lIarlmm , 2b 0 1 4 0 0
ratnnehiil. I , 1 0 1 0 \Vsrner , C. . 0 0 6 1 U
Gettlg , 11.11)0 1 3 2 2
Totala . . . .10 i : H 13 3 - - - - -
'rotais . . . . 5 1024 17 2
l'ittsburg . . . . . . . . . .1.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ' -10
NewYork . . . . . . . . . . .010000130-5
Harned rutis : Pittttburg , 4 : New York , 3.
Two-base hits : Gray , Vanflaitron , Tiernan ,
Tllreo-basa hI Is : Donovan , McCreery.
Suerlilco lilt : Seymour. Stolen bases :
Donovan GIIty. Double plays : Padden to
Ely to ii. Davis , Gettig to G. Davis to
llartman , Gleason to Gettig to Ilartman ,
Seymour to Gettig. First base on balls : Ott
TltflIlClhlll. 1 ; off Gettig. 1 : ott Seymour , 5.
liii by pitched ball : ' , Varner. Struck out :
By TtLnflChlll , 3 ; by Seymour , 6. Wild
jtitches : Seymour. Time : One hour antI
fifty-lIve minutes. Umpires : Cushman and
1-leldler ,
Iliigliey JeItnhligN' ' .Ylld 'l'ltrow.
CINCINNATI , Juno 22.-A wild throw by
Jennings In the seventh bounded Into the
grahid stand and allowed lilli to make the
circuit with the winning run. Attendance ,
2,200. Score :
ILII.O.A.12. it.1I.O.A.H.
McBride , cf0 0 1 0 1 McGraw. abO 0 1 6 0
Shitith , it. . . 1 1 4 0 0 Keeler , rt. . 1 1 0 0 0
alcl'hee. IbO 1 1 1 0 Jennlnga. aso 0 3 1 1
Miller , rt. . . 0 1 1 0 0 McOiinn , II , I I 17 U 0
Corciran , as U 0 1 7 0 holmes , it. . 0 0 0 0 S
ileckley. lb. 1 1 11 0 .1 ilrvdie , ct. . . 0 0 1 0 0
IrwIn , ' 3k. . . 0 1 4 1 0 Deniont , lb. 0 1 1 5 0
i'eltz , a. . . . . 5.1 4 08 Itobinson , cO 1 4 2 0
11111 , p. . . . . . 1 0 0 1 tMcjantes , p0 0 0 3 a
Total , . . . .3 Sf13 I Totals . . . .2 42111 1
Cinciflnati . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-3
lialtimoro . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0-2
Earned rumis : Cincinnati , 2. Two-base
hits : Stnltll , 3blCPlloe , Jieckley. Stolezi
ias.s : Peltz. First on balls : fly Hill , 2 ;
by Mclames , 3. JIlt by pitched lalI : Dy
IJiiI. 1. Struck 0111 : 1J ) 11111 , 2 : 1)3' Mc-
James , 2. % Vlld pitcile4 : MeJanies , 2.
Time of game : One hour and forty-live
minutes. Umpires : Snyder and Connoiiy.
Diiiihiii llO 85 ft
LOUISV1LL1Z Ks' . . June 22.-Not a Senator -
ator passed second base today , and only
two of them reached that bag. 'rile
Coioneis fielded finely and did some great
tlatto ruonning. Tile feature of the game
iwits Hoy's steal of home Willie Swuim was
in the act of pitchIng the ball. littretige ,
who was liretI from the ChIcago lean : ,
illade his lirt appearance Uhld caught a
good game. Attendance , 500. Score :
it.u.o.ti , ILii.o.A i : .
Clarke , If. . 0 3 1 0 SelUach. If. 0 2 3 0 0
ittehey , a& , 0 2 2 0 Gettnian. rt 0 1 0 0 0
Hey , ef. . . . . 1 2 0 0 Anlert.on , Cf 0 0 4 0 0
Dexter. rf . , 0 1 U 0 loyIe. ib , . . 0 U 7 0 1
iitarrorl. II , . 1 2 2 0 Meouire. c. 0 1 5 4 (1 (
.1. W'g'riiil 9 0 0t.\"g'r.2IjO 1100
( 'i'gmun , 3b0 3 4 ( I Iyers. lb.0 0 1 2 2
KlttrJge. c 0 0 0 \Vrlgl.'y. . . is. 0 0 2 1 1
tlagee , I , . . , 2 0 1 U gwaiiti. p. . . 0 0 0 2 0
Totala . . . .5132110 0 Totitls , . , .0 524 04
Louisville . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 ' -5
Vashington . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0-0
Earned runs : Louisville. 1. Struck out :
1y Swain : , .1. 1'Irnt base ott balls : Off
. . ff Rt'nln , C . . . .lIi , . . . at , .
ilitchey , Stolen bases : Iloy (2) ( ) . Dexter
(2) ( ) . \Vagner (2) ( ) , Ilitchey , Ciingnian ,
Stafford , Kittretigo. lilt by pitciietl bail :
Clarke. 1'itsed bali : Kittredgo. Left on
bases : Ioul"t'iIle. \Vnalilngtoi ; : , I. 'I'lnie
of game : One hour anti forty.Ilve mm-
tltti , UnlitIres : McDonald mint : Oflay.
CIt'ieItlid lirhiept , Up ,
cr.IIVELAND , June 22.-Tue visitors
couid not touch \Vitson today tinti ( lie home
tcnnl gave kiln good suilport. Tito game
was snlLply 1)11 both shies , Score :
. CLSViLAND. XIROOgLYN. 1 : . Jt.II.O..t.S.
llurkett , if. 0 1 2 0 0 Griflin , Cf. , 1 1 2 0 0
tltiltls. : lb. . 2 2 2 9 1 June , rt. . . 0 0 i l 0
\'ttlace : , lb I 0 1 2 0 LIcll'ce. AS. 1 0 0 4 1
24cK.'uti , as. 1 : i 0 2 1) ) HIit'kartl , It 0 1 2 1 1
TetshtI , 10 , 0 1 10 0 0 Tucker , lit. U 0 10 1 0
lflnlte , ii , . , 0 1 3 II 0 haunt-an , lb 0 1 1 2 0
.IeAher , ct. 0 1 3 0 0 Sitinille. 3b. 0 0 a i 0
O'Connor , CO 0 3 0 OiIyan , C. . . . . 0 0 5 00
% vlaumi : , ia. . 1 U 0 1 0 11111cr , ml , . . . 0 1 1 2 0
TOtaI . . . .6 021 8 1 Tutal . , . . 42111 1
Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . .I 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0-5
liroolilyn . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0-2
Hartied runs : Cleveland , 1. Left on
bases : Cleveland , 7 ; flrooklyn. 6. Bases on
bttlln : By Wilson. 2 ; by Miller , 2. Two-
base hits : McKenn , Childa Rhekard.
Sacrifice lIlt : Jllako. Stoici : Imso ; hail-
mail. 1)otiblo iday : Jotes to ItiPtLll. lilt
by ititc)1t'r ) : hlyVilson , I ; by Miller , I.
\Vllti hitch : Wilson , 1. UmpIres : Lyhtcil
ttntl Andrews , Time : One hour and fifty
minutes. Attendace , 600.
$ htflhb for the 4lu1ccru ,
5'l' , LOUIS , JulIo 22.-The Quakers icon
today's ganie by Ilitting at opportune
times , The locals vlaled a listless fielding
genus mtttl their errors were mostly costly ,
Attexulauco , 1.bOO , Score ;
ST. L0131i4.
ltliO.4t,1i , itIiO.tJ0 ,
lowI , rf. . , I 3 1 0 2 ( ooley , of. . . 0 1 3 0 0
Hteiizal , cC. , U I 3 0 1 louIas , U. 0 0 8 0 1
harley , If. U 1 1 0 0 lrkl'ty ) , It 2 2 1 0 0
( rta. II , , , , 0 1 1 2 1 LaJole , ? b , . 3 3 4 4 2
Itcker , lb.,0 I 8 1 OlIjck. rt.O 2200
$ , C , . . I ) 4 2 1 lleFuri'd , o 2 3 3 1 0
Quinn , . , .0 1 2 2 lAhb.itt. lh.0 0000
Croci. , . Iii. , 1 7 3 1 Cams , as , , . 1 0 5 7 0
Sudliert , P. 0 1 0 5 Ortit , v . , , . 0 2 0 1 0
Totals , . . .211D1 7 Toial . , . .8l321 133
Si.Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . .000020000-2
PhilatlolillIlu. . . . . . . . . .0 1 0 2 2 0 2 0 1-8
HarlIeti runs .Pililfltleiihilitj , 4. 1'ivobase
hits : 1)tilelmunty (2) ( ) , Ltijoie , 5110110ff. I lotne
rutl LaJ0le. Double 111515 : SudlIoff to
Decker to Sugilen , Stoiei : Sugtlel :
ieleltttnty , itieFhirlht nttl. Titree-bast , hIts ;
Cook ) ' , Ortit , liustat on bails : Ott Sudhtoii ,
3 ; off Orthi , I. Struck nlUI fly liudhoff , 1'
by Orth , 3. TIme ot ganit : : Two hours and
fifteen mnillutt's , UthillIrca ; linisiio and
I'layetl. Yon. l.ost. Per C.
( incinllati . . . . . . . . . . St 35. 19 61.8
lioston . . , . , , , , , . . . . , SI 31 20 63.0
( 'htivelttntl . . . . . . . , , . , , 53 32 21 1.0.4
llttitlmncire . . . . . . . . . , 51 30 21 6.8
C'ltiUgO . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 : ii 24 54.4
. I'ittsburg . . . . . . . . . . . 54 2i 25 53.7
New York . . . . . . . . . - , 53 27 20 50.9
Pltlladehlhllia . , , , . . . , 60 23 7 46.0
Ilrcoklyl : . . . . . . . . . . . , 51 22 29 43.1
Vaabington . . . . . , . . . 54 19 35 33.2
l _ -
St. hulls . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 30 35 35.2
LouIsville . . , . . , . . . , . , Si 19 23 33.3
Games Lotlay : noston at Chicago : 13n1.
tlmore at CIncInnati ; Brooklyn at Clove'
lend : \'tuihington at Louisville : New York
at I'lttsbilrg ; I'hlladeiphin at St. Louis.
Vcitprn * seclntlon ,
DU13UQU1 , Ia. , Juno 22-No game : rain.
lntrrtnte League.
V'OltT WAYN1d , lad. , Juno 33.-Score :
Fort W'ayne. . , 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-2 5 3
Newcastle . . . . . 100010001-360
flatteries : Fort Wayne. hirodie and
Campbell ; Newcastle. C. Smith and 7ln-
tam ,
GRAND ILAI'IDS. June 33.-Score :
Youngstown . .0 10001000-2111
hiatterleim : Grand Itapids , Aitrock hod
Cote ; Youngstown , Iteiberger and i'atter-
linstern League ,
Syracuse , 3 : W'Ilkesbnrre , 1.
Itocliester. H ProvIdence , 6.
Buffalo , 4 ; 'Springfield , 10.
Montreal , 7 ; Toronto , 4.
Ontlie 'l'ihl * A fternuon ,
It tines not take a very good gileitser to
idck Omaha for a. winner tilit afternoon ,
althOugh tim Saints put tt ; , a game yesterday -
day such as a lot of colts Wttlltl. Dantt
Dauli will Ilitch for the ltabc nitil Is sure
to redeem ltltnselt. 'rho lineup ivIll be as
Iolio % % s :
Omaha Position St. Paul.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . linen. . . . . . . . Glasseock
I Iollingsworth , .Second lihtie. . . . . . ( Ileiiitl'iti
HttStiLCC . . . . . . . .Third lutse. . . . . . . . . . . . . Clillell
Iloat . . . . . . . . . . . .Short stoli. . . . . . . . . . Sllugart
l'reston . , . . . , , , . , Left lieu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uier
I'ickering . . . . . .Cetlter fleltI. . . . . . . . . . . . Burke
Fleming . . . . . . . .itight field. . . . . . . . . . . . Miller
Mccauley . . . . . . . .Catcher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spies
Daub . . . . . . . . . . . . .I'itcher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'IiyIe
' ' ' ' ' llUNNiI TltACitS.
t5'Ir1'S ON 'I'Illd .
'iltmtidersturitt ltterfere * tiith ( Ito
Siturt nt Sltecisltentl ,
NF1\V OItF , Juno 22.-The tiluntler-
storm this morning made the attendanie at
Hheepshcatl light. It . w pleasttnt until
tile lIftit race , when another thunderstorm
siolled the SPort. Time featilce .bi time day
'Pitt' the /ephlyr intake , ItesuItH :
First race , six and one-half furlongs :
Swiftmnas won , I mama lIOCUIld , Mainstay 11
third. Time : 1:22 1-5.
SeCohId race , Zephyr stakes , b'uttlrlty
course : Sir hubert ivomi , Klngdoti SceotlO ,
Muggitla third. 'rime : 1:11 : 1-c.
'rimird race , mile : hey Oratur icon , San-
dora e'eond Latson tltird. Tune : 1:42y. :
Fourth race , seven litrloilgs ( .ioid Mine
ivohl , lii Leo second , Mlritut dare thifrti.
'l'itnc : 1:24 ,
Fittil race , tulle and one furlong : Lehman
icon , liatluock iccoitd , Dci $ tartltird. Time :
1:53. :
1:53.Sixth race , bay hurdle , two ntiles : Forget -
get icon , Sir 'nssnr Hccotld , J3en Eder tllird ,
i1mio : u49.
CINCiNNATI , June 22.-Results :
First race , seven nurlongs : I'rovolo won ,
Mariti second , Jennie J third. 'rime : 1:2th'f.
Second race , soiling , fl''o furlongs : 'Icr-
relic ivomi. Mttrcltmnont second , itallltet third ,
'Iliac : 1:02l : .
'rhtird race , one mile and .iuventf yards :
FaUnetto won , iticylark itecolid , itemil third.
Time : 1:46k. :
Fourth race , selling , ono bib : Domestic
won , CaiUS second , Annuheim third. 'l'imc :
1:43. :
1' tilt : race , live fLtrlongs : Obstinate
Simon ivomi , Lost Time second , Furo third.
'Ilnie : 1:1)3. : )
Sixth race , one mile , sellIng : Pan Charm
Scott , Pares second , Roy Uel Mar third ,
rinle : 1:42. :
3'I' . LOUhd. Juno 22.-Results :
First race , for 2-year-oitls , lIve furlongs :
Rosa Cia ) ' won , Beit Bramble second , Foil-
talnobleau third. 'rime : l:02' : .
Seconti race , selling. six anti one-half furlongs -
longs : Xaiissa won , Nora S second , Fourth :
\yttrd third. Time : 1:21. :
Third race , Ilandicap , one and one.six-
toenth miles : Parote tl'Or won , Colonel Gay
second. Forbushl third , 'I'Ime : 1:15. :
Fourth race , one and three-slxteenths
miles : Gold Baud won , Lady of ( lie West
ecomtd , Bishop ltecd third. Time : 2:02. :
Fifth race. selling. one and one-eighth
miles : Don Orsino won , Olnlnoor second ,
'Pt'tLflhV thtird. Time : 1:55 ½ .
Sixth race , selling , s1 furlongs : St.
Augustine icon , 10:1) . King Gold second ,
San Sabu H third. Time : 1:14 : % .
DHNVE1I , Cob. , June 33.-Race results at
Overland park :
First race , pacing : Fannie Putnam won
second , third und fourthl heats and race.
Times : 2:26 : % , 2:213 : , 2:21. : She Can took
first heat. 'rime : 2:13 : % . Miss Peterson
took fifth. Gray Eagle also started.
Second race. seven furlongs Decapo won ,
Tulare second , Royal Lancer third. Tune :
1:29 : % .
Tiitrd race. one mile : Rubicon won ,
Devil's Dream second , Saute Lamar third.
Time : 1:42. :
Fourth race. six furlongs : Charlemagne
won , Powhucku. second , Mrs. S thtrd.
Time : 1:19. :
Fifth race , four and ono-itulf furlongs :
iIili Howard won , Dora Wood second , Low
Watkins third. Time : :55. :
Sixth : race , six furlongs : LaMacotsa
Tiny P second , Sir Kenneth third. Time :
1:17. :
DETROiT , Mich. , Juno 22.-Results :
First race , four and on-haif furlongs :
Jut : McCioVy ivon , Contravetle second , itir
Cassimnir tmtird , Time : :56. :
Second race , six furlongs : Marionl Won ,
Mary Pruthier ccotid , Glen Fellow third.
'rime : 1:16 : % .
'third rave , five furlongs : Weller won ,
Gay Parisian sepond , Pell Mdl 11 thIrd ,
Time : l:02h.
Foitrth race , Ilrewcr $ ' stake , selling ,
si'eepstakes , for 3.ycar-olds hind ulIwardS ,
21,000 , seven furlotlgs : Old Saugus won ,
l'oarl second , Brighton third. 'I'Inie : 1:27. :
Fifth race , ( InC and ono.cighth miles :
Distant Shalt won , Deyo ecOtid , L 53 thIrd.
'Lime : 1:57 : % .
Sixth race. six furlongs : Manzanila won.
Volitla second , Shanty Kelly tllird. Time :
1:15 : % .
CHICAGO , June 22.-Harlem race results :
1"lrst race , four and one-halt furlongs :
Rosa L won , Guess Mo second , Mazie V
third. 'rime : :53 : % .
Second race , covet : furlongs : Amy Watle
ivot : , Miss Casey second , Neceduhi third.
'I'Imne : 1:29. : - .
Third race , live furlongs : SpItituelle
won : , Bill Anthony sectind , Malt lJtg third.
'ritne : 1:02 : % ,
Fourth : race , 0110 anti one-sixteenth miles :
Ohio Dixor won , Goodrich second , Albert
Vale third. ' .Fltne : 1:4S'Y. :
Fifth race , tour amId one-ilttlf furlongs :
Munadottr V'OIl , Josepitine Ii bocotid , Mr.
Johnson tlllfti. Time : :555g. :
Sixth : race , six furlongs ; Tile Mnhixmnn
ivot : , Bt'ilicoso eeond , Hila l'enzalieu third ,
'l'inmle : 1:14 : % .
Seventh : race , cocci : furlongs : Cheery
Flame won , l'earl Walker cond , Low
1101)1)01) third , Tinie : 1 :2S'4 : ,
lttcld IS I'OS'l'I'NIdI ) 'JILL ' 1D4tY. (
Illtd 'l'emtIter Iisplmeces ( lie Course
Flags aitil li'Iits ( lie I3s'mtt ,
GALES FERRY , Juno 22.-Tile intercollegiate -
legiate boat race is llOStPOflCl until 32:30 :
tomorrow , as thte course hugs are all out of
51101)0 ItS Li result of the stunt , , anti could
nut ho iixed before S o'clock , when it
would be too lute to row ,
Sioux Cit ) Shunt ,
SIOUX CITY , Jutie 22.-Special ( ' [ 'ole-
graxn-Tilo ) ecofld day of the See Gilti
club tournament opened with : beautiful
wL'atiler , making conditions perfect for
fast simootIn. The contests were very close
ttlgetller anti tile money was split up into
small pieces. 'i'hte shoot for tile interstate
ChhhtTltpiOthtihi ) medal was ihie eVent of the
On ) ' , uiid It waswoh by C , J. .Cailiacnj of
Cummings , In , . with u score of 42 straigllt ,
'rho high score of tue day was made by
George l'etursgn of Coon Rapids , In. , 111
out of 350 ; J. L. Taylor of Algoaa , in , , see-
end , Witil 140.
Pillsbury I.enls by . Hair.
. VIENNA , June 22.-In tlto sixteenth round
of tlte internatIonal chess tournament to.
day the results wore as follows : Pillsbury
beat l'nibrot1t , Jitltc.Wslti beat Alalilhi ,
'l'sehiigorin beat Ilulprin , Marco anti L'aro
drew , Striiititz beat LIpke , Sclllechlter it'at
Baird , Shiowalter bent Trenchard , Illack.
iturmie itilti Burn drev , 'I'arrasch beat Schit' .
furs. l'illsbur ' lends at
. Itltllougll ) Present
Tnrrnscit htts a win in Iland against Ja-
ilOWttki , whIch after its conclusion will
give ( lIP ; ermntnit ( SIC lead with : hamif a POiitt
over l'ilisbury ,
lilibart tVimts mit Tt'titis ,
LONION , June 22.-in tIme All-Ingland
iuwll teiiiiis cllamapitlnsihlll tuU runiltenit hit
W'itflhliotofl today Clarence Iiubartr this
Ainerleiti : itlayer , bent lhIyhI by ( lie score of
r.-1 , 4. : , 6.4 , 6.'t. In the ilotibies Nlsbet umttl
Hobart beat hlawes anti Once , the scores
fur thme sets lteng 6-2. 0.3 , 7.5. iii thu
gunto Hobart took tIne 1:10cc of Eaves , Wile
lIt Ill.
l.orl Ii gi r1 flu rs. ' ' .Vi its a It in' . , ,
LONION , Juno 22-At the secoild day's
racing of the Gorsutht meeting Sir , \'eemnir'a
3-ycur-old brown colt ICing Crow won thai
Nortilummlberitittl lute of 1,0)0 sovereIgns ,
' 1110 Ottlwick Purly 1111:10 ii'ti $ ss'om : by tIle
1 . rllmrtrd-Iiereal'ord stubies' chestnttt lilly
hilt osen. !
Get a iiui ; of CUU4 and get the best anti
nanet coolplrte. The Bee's crnninatioa map
of Cuba. the WCB1 Indies and .f the world.
With a lice map coupon , on page 2 , 10
i'elltIf , at 33cc olilce , Omaha , South Omaha or
Council liluffs. Ily mail , 14 cents. Address
Cuban hiap Department.
Local Bailroado B 1V in Regard to the
I'assctiger Mcii Ol'e Notice Thnt
Unless an 15ftas , Made to liii-
force ( Ito Or.lJnyflee 1.ow ltnte *
will JlC.,11tilrawii ,
At a meeting of the local passenger nsso
ciation yesterday the following rireamblo
and resolution were adopteti :
Whereas , The railroads centering In
Omaha , aliti ill fact all lines in the west ,
apprcclntlng the great Importance to thIs
city , state and the west of the nlngniflcemtt
exposition created by the genius , Iliolley and
Potient labor of the people of Omaha atiti
the west , have respotitled to all reqttests of
the exposItion fltallagemeflt by making low
rates tuid providing extraordinary accont-
imtodttions : for the b0flcfit of tile public ;
Whereas. At tile solicitation of the managers -
agers of tile exposition and citizens , the
city council of Ottialta enacted an ordinance
wilich was duly signed 1 , , ' the mayor ati : is
now a law of the city , designed for the II-
ceasing of the business of so.called ticket
brokcrimig or scalping , tile regulation of
the same , and especIally for the Plotectioll
of the public against. lielmig Imposed illOfl
by Irrespotlsibie PeronB or with fraudulent
tickets , as iweli as givitlg the railroads pro-
ti'cting assurance In case they secured or
made reduced rates on accoutlt of the cx-
Positiotl , Wilereby ,
First-All persons so engaged , I , c. , In
tii business of scalping or ticket brokerlng ,
wore required to tnke Out a license antI secure -
cure and wear badges , -
Second-l'rohibiting tile sale or tlisposi-
timi of a second-baud ticket without \vunr-
lug a badge.
'rhird-I'rohibitlng or making it unlawful
for any person engaged in ticket scalping
or brokerage business to call out his business -
ness on the street.
Fourth-DeclarIng the buying or sollitig
of second.iiand railroad tickets which are
invalid in the hnnds of ; ntrcbaser or in vie-
lation of tile original contract of purchase
and the forgery or material alteration of
railroad tickets or contracts for transportation -
tion a iublic tluisance , etc.
Fifth-flequiriitg that any audI ticket
broker or scalper shall give to each put-
chaser of a ticket a certifIcate stating date
sold , starting ioint anti destination nilil
amount Paid for it niitl tIle signing of such
certificate by said 'broker , etc.
Sixtll-Requiring the city clerk shall issue -
sue a license to anmy such ticket broker or
scalper on his filing a bonti of $2,000 , etc. ,
for the guaranteed protectIon against loss
to the purchasers of second-hand tickets ,
Seventh-Providing that any persolls or
-corporation engaged in the business of railroad -
road ticket brokers or scalpers guilty of
selling witllout a license arc subject to lain-
alty , etc. , and that penalties apply for rio-
lation of amy provlsloll9f said ordinatico.
Eighth-That suci axdinance was duly
passed , approved and b ganic effective from
anti after April 13 , 89 and ,
Whereas , It Is dicarly the duty of tue
municipal machinery jt the city , through
its police and otheri departments , to enforce
its ordinances ; and ,
Wller as , The abpyqprdinance is opeiii
and flagrantly violatd jr every feature and
it Is impossible for an policeman or other
city nfilcor to passt albng the principal
streets without ka6wia of this open and
flagrant violation , nnd'no attention is vaid
to it or attempt madoto execute the law of
the city or prevent annoyance and fraud
and forgery being practiced ; therefore , be it
Resolved. That uniess.tbe above ordinance
is enforced and therqperly constituted city
authorities shall haye made a ilue and dill-
gent effort by every legal and legitimate
menus within thelrpqer to secure proper
c mpllance with h ordInance. thereby
giving the public and railroad companies
the protection it contemplates , these railroad -
road representatives desire to give notice
that it may be necessary to withdraw all
exposition excursion rates , and they wilt'
from now on decline to consider or recommend -
mend to other lines the making of as low a
basis of rates for special occasions ( not al-
reatly arranged for ) as they would otherwise
Resolved , That In'failing to execute the
above law , wilereby the publIc and the railroads -
roads should and could be protected. the
constituted authorities are encouraging
methods which will doubtless largely reduce
the attendance and cloud the success of the
Only lIetItOd ititiiit etit for Setliing
Iivp StiiI lInt. 'iVnr.
CHICAGO , June 22.-ExecutIve officers of
western railroad lines were In session hero
today trying to reach a settlement of the
live stock rate ivar. I"aillng in any other
plan the lines propose to form a pool Irac-
tically disregarding the law In the case ,
The question as to whether the railways
or the shippers itilould pay the war tax on
bills of lading tailed to come before the
meeting , owing to the inability of the railway -
way attorneys to agree on a report.
ltnt. ' Vnr ott MlIinry 'l'rufik- .
CHICAGO , Juno 22.-l'nssenger rates 1,0
the south anti east are In danger of going to
llCCeS as time result of a flgilt among ( lie
Ohio river lines over tile movement of re-
crults. The trouble was precipitated by the
Big Four disregardIng a rate agreed ttjlOfl
for the transportation of troops to Falls
Church , Va , , from Monmouth , Ill , Tile Haiti-
more & Ohio at once made at lower bid for
the business , and In further retaliation filed
open bIds witlt tile quartermaster foi' further
bitsiness to southern camps at CoilsIderably
Ies than 1 cent a mile. The agreoniemtt be-
twc'en tile hues is now broken up alto-
tIlroi's II to ( ) itiulti ,
NEW YORK , Julie 22.-Tile Tribune will
tomorrow print tite following :
The board of managers of the Joint Traf-
lIe associatIon lIas ahiproved a special fare
to the Natlomial Republican league meeting ,
to be held at Omaha in July fron : the 13th
to tile 15th ,
ltultu'n Notes , J'.rsohitil * .
Vice l'resideut Pcaslpy of the Burlington
left for the east laatpjgbt in his pccial
car ,
Geacral Suporintntiedt wililams of the ,
Port Anthur divisioh , horth of Kansas City
is In the city.
A washout on the 'Itk Island at Atlatttic
caused No , 41 to hrrivo in Omaha about
three hours late.I
The Marine bamI iL Omaha yesterday
evening in two aectldijq. one on the Itook
Island and anotlier"oq Iittrlingtort ,
1''eaidcnt RIpley 'ii tIe Santa Fe , together
wIth his special parJy1 left for the went
after tile collciUsiOti of 'the Illinois day ox-
ercines. 4 1
'l'ito Itock Island 'passenger train front
Chicago was somne three hours late ( lila
morning on account. Ott washouta near At-
hattie anti other Portions of the line. No
very serious damage vis doime to tlto road ,
although illo local otflcu ilas (10 detaIls of
the main.
Gotleral 'l'orrey'a rough riders to the IlUlli.
her of 1OU ( ) and Inure , withIltoir accoampany-
I Iiti : luggage and horses , will ians througil
tile city some time this nloriting be.
twct'l C ald : I ) o'clock , 'l'hey come fromit
( hieyer.i 0 OVOt tue UnIon Paciflo attd will
iuivo for ( ito south over the Liurliugtomi ,
itt'Ii I iiiii't fur h2htlll'ror's ( tipp ,
IIIII4IGOLANI ) , Jimmie 2L-Thtero were
sei'en eomnpt'titors in the yiu'hit race for tile
Itimilil enlIhertir's CItI ) , ( ho CtUrsU being
fi ( 'in Dover to Iitligolttnt Tiho start was
mfllltio at 2 o'clock MlntIgy afternoon itriti
tile lirsi iOftt to iitishm : ( ito Rainbow , ur-
riveil itere at 2:25 : o'clock tills Inoriling.
TIme Lutottu arrived at 5 O'clock , tile ( 'bar.
Iflion at 5:30. : thai Castanet Iii 7:6' : ' ) antI thus
More ) ' 'l'houglt * at 8:15. : The Merry TilOUgitt
was tleclared the winner of thus race , ivitli
thus 1.utoitla second anti tile Castanet third ,
Lake ( ) v-riIui's 11,1 , 13n.i1c ,
VANCOUVHIt , 11. C. , June 22.-Heavy
rains and the melting of snot , its ; caused
ICoetennl mice to rise four feet durIng the
past week1 The lower portion of Haslo Is
under water and trains take am : passengers
on the hilltop near tli station. The lower
portion : of the town is navigated in boats.
antI business is at a standstIll , Still hIgher
water Is nnticipated , Tue financIal loss wIll
be heavy
% iill.ns fl1itt Aviny.
It Ii certainly gratifying 'to the public to
know of one concern In the land who are
not afraid to be generous to the ncetl'
and suffering. The proprietors of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption ,
Coughs anti Colds , Imave given away over
ten milion trial bottles of this great mcdi-
clne ; and have the sathfactIon of knowing
it has absolutey cured 'thouaxnds of itopeless
cases. Asthms , lironchitis , hoarseness anti
all diceases of the Threat , Cheat and Lungs
are surely etlrod by it. Call on } tuhn &
Co. , druggiat , anti get a trial bottle tree.
Regular size , Soc anti $1. IPvery bottle
guaranteed or Price refunded.
The city attorney is 110W ellgngetl preParing -
Paring an ordInance for tile voting of bonds
for a city bali btiiitling. Menilicra of tile
city council appear to favor the erection of
a building for liermilanent headquarters and
without tloubt ( lie question will see : : be
subniittetl to tIlt ) PeoPle.
M'ayor Ensor salti inst evelling that 110
is heartily in accord with the muovelnelit
and will render nil Ilossible assistance ,
OIlier city ofliclals feel the sonic way aild
mamy btsiness : IlicU ivito have been nil- . for Opillions litimik steps imoultl
kayo bed : taken long ago for the erection
of a city building. The mayor says lie
ivill ilot favor a bond issue of less than
$40,000 , This nfllOtlnt 110 5fl $ iviii erect
a creditable building. It would allow $10-
000 for the purchase of a site amid the laying -
ing of suitable sidewalks , The balance of
$30,000 ii'oulti erect a structure that the
citizens ioul(1 itot need to ho nslinmtictl of.
As for ( lie OXlChlSC8 of a speelni electIon
the mayor does not think tlle3' wIll amount
to much , ' 1110 people , lie says , favor tue
scheme and there wIll be 110 dimeulty in
selecting Judges and clerks who wilt servo
without pay. Thei : tllere will be little erne
no cxpcase for rent of buildings for voting
bobths. The chIef executive thlink the
citizens 'will donate the tine of roons : for
a tihy , so ( lint with thcse llrincipal Itonis
thrown off the total expense of an election
will 'not 'be over $100 , No registratiomm will
ho requIred and cotisequently the only cx-
P1)1150 would be the : : rimting of ballots amid
books ,
. Tiio present quarters are totally unfit. for
tito omces abd tilere is really no suitable
building which can be rented at time rate
the city is willing to pay. In case the
proposition is carried a city 31011 will be
erected large etlough to comltain a 1)011cc
headquarters amid lIre hail amid ( Ito saving
In remIt alone will amount to $1,500 a year.
This amount ivili easily pay ( lie interest on
the bonds voted.
Abittt lii. lIOMIhItUl.
in connection will : the work of the
women of the Hospital association in can-
vassiag the city for members anti subserip-
tions , flew. Irving P. Johnson , rector of St.
Martin's Episcopal church , sends ( lie following -
lowing communicatIon to tile press :
As I understamid that the women of ( lie
South Omaha hospital are beginning a cai-
vans of the city for Inenihersitips and subscriptions -
scriptions I would like to call the atten-
( ion of the public to a few facts whIch
many ho heluful in determnimiintr the recen-
tlon that they will receive at the bands of
our citizens.
This hospital Is the only charity supported
solely by the citizens of South Olmlaila and
therefore it is the charity which ought to
come first in our consideration ,
Such an institutIon is absolutely necessary -
sary for a city of tilis character. WlleIh
Rev. Father Mcflcvltt and other kindreti
spirits organized this institution they did
so because there was absolutely no place
to take men injured at the stock yards ,
) acking houses or railroad yards. Mcmi
who are hurt need help and they nec.1 it
quickly , Many a workimlgmaa owes his life
to this institution.
I therefore ask each individual citizen
who is able to do anytllimg to assist (11080
Wile are gratuitously bearing this burden
and thus promote a worthy cause.
Irtiiteral of Lvittnit Carpenter.
Funeral services over the remains of tile
late Lyman Carpenter were helti at the
family residence , Twenty-second anti H
streets , yesterday afternoon , 11ev. Robert
L. Wheeler ofliciatlng. The eteem iii WiiiCil
the deceased was held by the residemits of
South Omaha was shown by tile large nuni-
her present. Mr. Carpenter was one of the
Pioneers of tile Magic City and nearly all
of the older residents paid a last tribute to
the tlead. Rev. Wileeler preached a toucll-
lug funeral sermon ivitich imiciutied muauy
references totbo long amid useful ] i'fc of
the deceased ,
A widow and ten children are left to
: nourn the loss of a kimmd husband amid a
fond father. The children are : Clarence
H. of Atlantic City , 'tVyo. , Janies H. of Chattanooga -
tanooga , Tent : , , Hugil S. of Otnaima , Richard
Albert , Mary H. , harry L. , Docla IC. , Fred
H. , Edith L. amid Clifton L. All of the cliii-
dren with the exception of two were present -
ent at (110 services. Tile floral offerimlgs
from 'friends and relatives were mutiny and
beautiful and more ( lIon completely covered
time tmewly made grave. 'Fime pail beaiers
ivere Id. E. Iariimmg , Fred Smith , F. A.
CressyV. . A. I3enmlott , 31 , J. Defiraff amid
James Jones. Intorlilent was at Latmrel 11111
Cottilt't Attrn'e olt Fomimti ,
The saloon keepers of this city held a
meetlmlg at Koimtsky's ball Tuesday afternoon -
noon for the purpose of considering time circular -
cular letter sent otmt by ( ho breweries in
rclatioml to tile iilCrcaso ml the price of beer.
The hotter was talked over , but no actloa
was taken eitiler in regard to reducing time
size of tile beer glasses or concerning tIle
selling of beer in cans by mneasure , Time
liquor dealers did not 5001:1 to want to en.
( or imito an Ironciad agreement , and ( ho way
tIme matter stands mow each omie will hustle
for business without boimmg bound dowmi by
rules of any sort.
WelIs.W'ciI ,
A very pretty mnarriag was solemnized
yesterday afternoon at the l'reabyterian par-
nonage when Miss Hsther Wellu of thIn city
antI William Robert \Vohis of Maryville , Mo ,
were ummited in wedlock by 11ev , Rober ( L.
Wheeler , No invitations were issued anti
' an
are the first consdera-
RtJwI tions when buying
I Liquors for Family Use ,
011) CO WAND
are Bottled In Bond under the Immediate -
mediate Supervision of the U , S ,
Government ,
NItTY.'lime internal Revenue Btilnip aver
thicCarkemmd Cepsuiewitli tiicnainc W.A.
GAIUES Ic CO. is tile Government Cast-
antee that goes Witll ( bib battling.
the ceremony was witnessed only by morn-
bets of the family and a few irttinutto
frientla. Mr. and Mrs Wells left niuring the
afternoon for the * oitth bitt will be at home
to friends after August 1 at Mnry'ville , Mo ,
( 'nil for ( 'Ily Vnrrnnts ,
City Treasurer hlroadweli will today Issue
it call for the followIng cIty warrants : l'o-
lice 1:2nd up to registered number 62 , fire
amtd ivater fund up to number 1,018 , street
repair filnil up to number 1,112 , public lIght
fund up to number 40 , salary fund il to
nimntler ill , engineer ftintl up to nuniber'
iS ; judgment fund imp to nitniber 174 , water
fund up to ntmnilior S anti all gciieral funti
Warrants registered prIor to June 1 , iSO ? .
TitIs cull aggregates $9,800 ,
'elghItlhtstt'rs Not ( iiniige.l.
Major Cress stili holds on as city weigh-
itiaster atmtl will continue to tin so itutil his
successor is conilrmeti at tlmc next
meeting of the city cnumicii.
No one 1155 11113' complaliit to make on Major
Cress' work , hut lie has IteM the ottice for
six years niitt those in power how tliiiik
that lie ought to give way to sonio other
hum , Vt'nlibridgo , time mayor's nplloiutce , Is
a rclillmllcan. %
MeigIc Cl (
Dr. II 1. . Mathews of Pertm is time guest
of Mr. 011(1 Mrs. H. Ii. Towl ,
4 new cotitlomisem' is bollig orceted emi tim
( Dl ) of one of Swift's buildings ,
Otto Maurer mimiti henry Ocat have re-
turticil final a trip to Colfax , In ,
Hxcai'atIeita lot' time mulditloil to the Lin-
coin aclmool comninemiced yestertlay ,
Joseph lfnrtiy is relorted to be rapidly
tmuproi'lmig at St. Joseph's lmtispulal.
310801110 omcers ivill lie IllRtalICd tonight
by l'ast ( Iramttl Master J. J. Mercer.
Time St. Aimius' linrochlnl schmooi closed
yestertlay after a very suceessftml year.
Joitmi Schultz is being talleil of as a re-
lamllhictul cmimiditimito for couhity cotuttilamiloner.
lan Egahi , the blacksmflitil , will coihimitehice
today imlaking comae needed repairs at the
city jaIl ,
Alias Sarah Ericsson of lCntisas City , lCaii , ,
sliemlt a few hours in tIme city with friends
yesterday ,
Mrs. George Mcl3rltle has returlicti from
Cortland , where she was calletl by the Ill-
miess of hrr luotlier ,
Miss Alice March of Sprimigfleld , Ill. , Is
'isItimig her cousltm , Nora Smmitler , Twelity-
fouttii amid 11 streets.
All of time packers amiti tile stock yartis
comupatly invite strangers to visit time glt'at
indtmstrics of tllimi city.
City Etigiiieer heal was otigaged ) 'cster-
day in staking out tile lots for time new
Iliglilamid school buIlding.
Miss Flora Fisher of Council llluffs is lit
tiit city vialtitlg her sister , Mrs. George
Curtis , Ttsemity-ilrst and N streets.
Earl Matheiva amid Miss Luiu Hell , both
of tills city , ivere mtmarricti ut time Liomiio of time
britle's parcits : in Ashland yesterday.
It is expected that ( lie remuaiims of Pete : '
Somers , iylo commintitteti suicIde yesterday ,
'will be ttmriled over to thai cottmmty for bttrlnl.
Yesterday iras the last day of ( Ito sos-
sioii of time coumicli as a board of equnhiza-
11011. Only about one dozen commlplaitits were
Mrs. I , , A. Davis ontortailiod tim Latiles'
guild hit St. Mnrtiii's Episcopal church at mm
Picilic at Syndicate lint-k yesterday after-
A large number of delegates ( ( Ito } 7at-
em Star comiventlomi visited Swift's iilamit
yesterday and wore nerved with lumicilcon in
the ollice littilding.
James 0 , Martin' imorso became fright-
cued at some dogs yesterday mnom'nlng aml(1 (
ran away. Before being stopped the ani-
mimI fell amid broke one of its hips.
Charles Carisoti ammd iwife left yesterday
afternoon for Europe , where they will vIsIt
relatives for a few niotitits. Mr. Ctirlsomi
has 'been in John llnab'mi 'employ for tile last
two years.
The fire ilepartinent was called to Thirty-
sixth : and 'ST streets yesterday afternoon to
extlmiguish a blaze iii a barn belonging to
J. ljohson. 'rho structure was burned to tue
groumid and a horse amid cow perished In the
jc men
. _ , swIm do dat-
jug dccds in
battle , are
men whose
arteries pal.
with the
.rc aifr - drich , red , vital
. , : , ) : blood of licaltim ,
The samim is trite of the
I 1 niemi who i'imt success
- - IL I the battles of work
- and bimsimiens. When
a man's liver is slug.
lila digestioll liii.
. , , , ' "paired , cmiii his stomn.
, t - , ' . - - nell weak , iiia blood
soon gets hum : and mu.
ptlre. Tlte blood is tile stremiul of life. If
it ms inipimre every vitai organ iii thai hotly is
itmttrolCrhy tmoimrtthcd amid bccoimtes weak
nu diseased anti Sails to perform its pror
fmtnctious itt the CCOitOtilY of life , 'lIme vie-
tin : suffers frommi loss of appetite and icep ,
wind , ahu , fulmiess amid swelling of tIme
stomach after meai , bad taste imi tle
muoutlm , foul breath , imaginary lump of
food itt the throat , headacltes , Fiddumcss : ,
drowsimiess , heavy liemul and costiveness.
All of these cnnditiouis amid their cammscs
arc promimptiy curcd by the use of Doctor
Piercc'n Golden Medical Discovery. It
brimugs back time keen edge of appetite ,
iuiakes the digestion perfect aud tile liver
nrlhn. TI , , , nt'ni i4rl rn,1 nr , , lslnnri
fmiicdwithtueiife.givingcIcmuknts 'f'iI
food titat hmtiltl llcaltliy tissues , firmul flesh ,
strong muscles and vibrant nerve fibets. It
invigorates amid vitalizes tIme whole body ,
amid imparts mncmital power amid eiastiemty.
It cures 1)3 per ccitt. of all cases of con-
ammniiution , streiugtiietis weak lungs , stops
bleedimig frommi lungs , spittimug of blood ,
obstinate limugerillg coughs and kindred
Costivemiess , comumitipation amid torpidity
of tile liver are surely , speedily amid per.
imiamuemmtly cured by Ir. Pierce's Plemimiatmt
l'cllcts. 'Ilmey are tiny , stmgar-coated grauu.
tiles. 0mm little ' 'Pellet" is a gentle laxa.
tive , amtd two a mIld cathartic , They smevcr
gripe. 'I'llCy mitimmuimlate amuti stremmgtlmcn time
jaded oigans until arcgular habit I. ' formed
amid many tllen lIe chiscontimuued ivitimout fl
return : of the tronlilt. They otlimumlate ,
Invigorate and regulate tile stommuacim , liver
aimd Imwels. Medicimie stores sell timem ,
amid have no other Ihills that " ore just
as good , "
k : : 14 lVPL
4zL Nrvou. .DLsea'r.-Lailisg Morn'
, - OLLIzpctenvl , HlcIpleoamte.3 , ala. cousd
, ' . by 41bu.e or ctbr 1tveies end isp. .
crutloni : quSchl and aur.I
- . ro.toniLostyitnljtj ill oItlorToungau.
tltemnanforsludy , buiintwsor aatr1ag.
- , L' InLi4tity 5811 Comtiumptlon if
(4 00 tO S ixte. Thur u.o , iiows imsjno4iato linprvc.
mUhiltslid casots a ( IUILB cii ott tail 7. .
cut macco irning tJte genuine Jjsx Tablets. Thai
base cared titoutnstrni , wLlicre roe ' .v. Ie s mao , .
ttivowrittengusrgrtteo tofIactsirur fl IITC itt
cac1 cassor isfund iho mnonsi , 1ico tJtP U I U. ; .er
sacneat or six m'ts ( full trsataentl for a ,
luaU , itt plain Wisl.por , tIler , rePfm.t ef trite. lirtalsr
' ° AJAX RI3MEDY CO. , ? , ,
For iaie in tjiimatta. Nab. , by .ii. Forsytil203
N , 16th ; lulin & Co. , Gtli and 1iuglas : Lad
in Council liiulCs b 0. II. Urowim JJrisicsts ) ,
. J 4B
t _
d :
1itgiiitiiig. lied Seek ,
iiiltaat RelIef. Cure in 15 tias , Never returns
I trill gniitv : s'atl mu pity liffrrrr In it maIn unI'd
, 'aueioi.c l'it 1P1 a J.reocrij'mlon with itOl tutor.
mphi % fur a ( ' , , , List Sinmilotsi ,
Isii , ( . , h..t'5 , ) .erreuo 3Iet.tllt. ' , CiinlI ii'aik
I. i'rli , \ orlcccl''Ir , ( I. II. tt riIi. , flitmale
t' Ib'i'r. i ; . I : isi' ' : . 61'iraliIl ShIeli ,
' , , - , , " 70Th * - - ' , " - ' , ' - '
_ , p ' : rj
I i'i55h UI ? aig 5.1 for Unnstur'
I. S diii 4lachisrisi. ls0swuatiom ,
irrilitlt's. or isrsljsrg
i.i. . iui.I , . . Cl IIIUCOSI ttt.uibrami.s ,
r.u . .OIt.u. lItite. . amad itt suns.
$0 TslE0i5itstt'0. jesm . 'r polsosus. ,
5lNUl1Nihi.0. $ shI bj DrugU ,
'U . 5. 5. is ) lsis rsp
ml , fPf , .pal4 ,
' - II.t * . or I 05w. . , szi& .
it43(3 . .h
is Hot only to the originalIty iuuiti
sIhilpltctty of Limo eoniblmmmmt1on , itut also
( .0 the cmu'o and mdclii v1th w'hmlehi It Is
liILttitlILlt2tlil'Ctl by tcli'iitIfle proese
hnowmi to ( lie C.tlli'oimNlA Fin Svmpi'
Co. oit1 , ' , utah ii'e wish to Ilmipress lilian
all the ilulportamiec ( If iimit'chitslug the
true nual or'igimal rciiii'dy , Au the
gemutilue Syt'ii of Figs it ; llimlmitlfmmctul'ed
1)3' ) t.lte CA1lm'ollNlA Fia SvitUi' Co.
' -lilly , a hnm'i'1edge of ( limit fact ii'IlI
assist. oiue In uvohilmig tIme w'.IrthmiehS .
Imitations mamii fmictuum'ed l' utticu' par.
ties. 'i'Ilu bight stamidlug of time CAXI.
tt)1141.t ) F.ia Svmtut' Co. tvltlt time mtuomii.
cal llm'OfesSloml. mtttl time sntlauictitn :
wllim.'hi the gemitm'uite Syiup of Figs limis
1Ti.uil tn 1u't'iiiomis of fanuhlk's nimuices
tile ilflliiti of the Comn1mtmly it guaranty
of the excehtomlee of its : i'uil'dy. It Is
fit : ' I a mwlvmm nec of miii 0(11cm' lnxmtt Ives ,
as It nets on the hutimeys , lIve : ' amid
bowels " , 'it1l0llt ' '
irt'itat'tuig om weaken-
. mug tliumti , zitl it iltit's ntL grie nor
nauseate. Id o'dortogetlts bemieflulith
effects , vlease rCIliCmiilCr time lillille of
the Comuipamy-
s,9 , I'IiAUCISIh , Cmii ,
1.lI'isVlIX ( , m , itat' 't'lllhl. 34. T ,
Au. , : !
.1'u FCA1' ( ? 1ORA'rIV
its not a ' [ iatcnt" rnctieItm ! , but Iii prcrar d
direct Irom t.o : krznula of H. B. Iloromt : , 31 , B. ,
Cleveland's iflOit cmflumlcntsblorialuu by Jljnitncr
0. llcnsomtI'h.l ) . , 13. 5. lL'u n-hiNli Ilium rt'4-
est known restorative anti lmmvigorator , I I
tcs solimi 110511 , ltiuttu t'ttmi pmru'itgll , , clcirs ;
. ' tire brain , makes lImo lilocd
mid r''ii ' 011(1 rittCl : a
' r 'it g licrai I . hOg of licalijI ,
II' , : \ maicnrtlm nail renewed vital-
4 : , , ' its , iuhill tlo ltniom'mtmli'o : organs -
_ gans tire lii'lpcti ior-cnimi , their
j(4 . , mi mini totors and ( ho stit-
" , - ' S forer Ia muleihy mniu o er'mi-
/ ' . sious of dIrect bemmoilt. 0 0
1 'ti'i , , , box will inorlc vomicrn , kix
k ,1 ' cc" ' shoniti perfect mu rare. ruin
_ h ' ' ' ; - directions I : cirry I ox , or illi
Out. time dltgteis mbtut ' , tu
. flail cmieIocii , m.miti 'a' , , ii1l gR-o
your case special nttcimticn iiii' out extra
cltarg'e , SIn It-liEN is lt'r rcio a . all miruit
hitOre4 , a GO-drno , laux for Sn ) e at ' . er ro ivill
mnllltset'im'clv cicaloti on rocriptof price.
UI lIar-Den libel : , ( h-roland , 0.
For sale li' Numlin & Co. , 15th attd Dotmg-
las ; J. A. Ftmller & Co. , 11(12 ( latmgbms St. .
mmmd Graitami : Drug Co. , 11th multi Fmtrluittil
Kttg l'iuam'mmuucy , 27th himitl bt'nvotiwortli :
I'C.'toli'mj Phiarnumucy , 21it ) it mid 1 eavenivorthi ,
I. J. Sa'kotn , So ttt Ii 0 ton hit mi nil a I I other
iii tigaists lii Otiiuita. South Omaha , CouttCii
llonie Iidustries
_ _ _ ww _ -
U , . I'urcititsiitg tOOI1 $ it.iilr itf ( I.e Vol.
lowing elrttslcmu iCitetorieni
AWNNUS .tNi ) TitN'f 5 ,
IM..11t 'VEN'I' .INI ) 11U1i1111t CO.
( Suceesoers Oltiauta 'lent flhtil Awning Co. )
31itnutiaetuCrs ( emit ! , tiwiiliigs ; jvt t.'r5 loemea'
aitd gents Mukiitloales. 'jemits or tent. flU
Faranni st. , Oniauma.
UItitvEmt1 us.
031.111 % IlitFi % Vl N(3ASSOC1A'1'103i
Carload tltlfIhtlt'ntN million In our own refri-
erator cam a. 1 mmue liitila'ii , l'Pite 1xor'icmina
itx.Ort minti Famimy Expurt tteliVtre.l . to uii parta
of tile cPy.
OM.lI.t utomifllt % % 'OlIltli.
.3 1) Ii N It. I.m ) lt'IIIIY , I'l'Om , .
l3olier , Tarica anti Shcet 'oti 'nric , Special
facilitlpri for aong : reamrs. etc. Tel , IH
COItNmCn W'oitita.
0. LI' . i11'HNIVI'Iilt ,
12.SilI COltVICii 'O3tKM.
Motiufacturer ot G'ivanIzd Iron Cornice , , Ott'-
manlzed iron itkyhiIiia 'fin , lien and taie
Hooting. Auent ( or Kinnear's mdccl Ceiling.
lOs.1942 Normiu IieventIl lreet.
CitARmBi I'CTOnumS.
AMIIJIIC.tN nlSCVl'i' ANt ) ) lI'G. CO ,
Wiieleraj. ' Craekrr aiauiufacturems ,
O.lMlt. N1IJ.
DYE 'OhtitS
VOJt ICS , I 5111 lrhll'iiit Iii St.
DyIng ammO cientmlr.g . , ( . : ilrmeittn iilitl gel , of
every tieacrilttioml , Ckaitliig of One garthlenm s
1tLotJt MILT..9.
S. I" . OILMAN ,
llnur. ! eal , I'e"d , liron , iui3.I5.i1 Ntrlh 17th
Street , Omia ) , NCII. (1. 15. Plnck , 1.ianger ,
'reepuione ; HI : ,
* i.t'iS co'tvr.iJr. , hilON S'OliiiJ.
1 t'tiii liltill Jirtiss Foim uitit'rs.
Manufacturers nntl .ioblters of Macitiriemy. cen.
armii reItiriimg U si.eciauiY liii , 1115 nd i)5 )
, ltieltson ati't , 0018110 , Neh ,
. . _ _
- - - - - - - - - - -
LiNtimIni ) ojr.
WOh1lMA % I.lNhiliitI ) WE , WO1IICS.
Manufacturers old process raw iinAeel ( Iii , Pat.
tie t.eiied iimtec'l oil , oU : mtm'oas gieun.l hinureil
cakes , ground and screened ( or .IrtlIt.
ists. ott.tIL.t : , NSii ,
J.i'rThiitSlliS. ;
O'tI.til. % III5LiINU CO.
? , fanutactlirrs or hdlt grads 3lnutrca , , , liii
IIIrrpv St tret. flntimi. : )
OVHlt/tId. ANr uilllit'l' FACTOIIIIflI.
K .t'h'Z-Niit'ENS CII Ii I'tNl' .
111r , Clothing , ( 'anti , $ IllrLs , Oyctdi ,
oMAIf. . Null
3liiliT F.'TOliIi5.
.1 , II. IiV.tS ,
N 151111 , tSIC. % 511 ilI'I' ( Iill'.t NY ,
Exclusive CUStolli shirt tailors , 1517 lrurnamn
viNuirlAil AND PICitl1ii4.
II t.1I3IAXN S' ( a ) ,'rs of Vincxsr. Pickles Cutiupi ,
Ilitutard , , 'elry amid .VorecattmlIico hiitltc
S'AOONI3 ANt ) C.thtltiAOZS ,
VJl.I.l.tM I'FlilFi'IDI ,
For a gotil , S'ill tflhiIlll ( Cbicic of any tleu'ri.
tlmi , ( or rnpalttiing or rttt.he'r tires itni flew or old
wheelstiti' best mthar , is 27th ( ( lid l.eitvimyorhlj ,
Street , ,
JhIlNli .t : 00 ,
lArgest factory in the wait Leading jubbera
of Onlfluid , Itminia , ( 'ltv. I.lncoin Omud SI , Joaep
Mmmli , our gudi. 1066 l'anmism Strst.