- - - - - ' - - , - I- - : - - - - - - - - - - - . LAL ] )1WTJJ111 &Yfl mV ] . , , ( , . 'W ii FOR SUNFLO\VERSTATEI \ Do1kation of the Building Marked by Very PhasLtnt Oeremonic , BRINGS OUT PROGRESS OF TIlE WEST tdTfluiti ( , ( it Ilie 'l'syIta IerrIlrleI tf is.t MtriIigt FlIICitI 1I the Mtio'I ug of Pr.jcrI t I ) ) 'liso Urcsit tSnt'i. The ICalisas stnte bulkUng on the hewer portton ot the flhuff tract was crowded wILi ) nnthcs of the Sunflower stale when the party ot * ctate omclats and inembera of the X1oItIon coininlgslon rcachicl the building Ut 11 oclock yesterday. The Interior of the liutiding was handRuiflely decorated wtth bunthin. . Potted Plants and cut flowers. The r eveIti3c3 olumenced without tlvhty , t'resl. dent George W. Oflek Ircsldlng. The trum. ptL corps ot the 1Joy' First regiment of To- jeka upene(1 the ball with several trumpet cnIli , IICItIIIIg ( 'FIrMt cIII , " fleveIIle" anti a qtllckRtep. A male quartet from Topeka sang "The Flag \Vlthout a Stain , " and wa encored. Pre1deiit Glick announced that a lola- _ _ i gram had hccii received from Governor J. V. Leedy reading like this : "I am too bus ) ' to get sway , I'lcase express my regrets. " 4 VIce l'resldcnt J. I. 1rost of the Kansas commission was Introduced to deliver the address of welcome. lie spoke as follows : May 30 , A. I ) . , 18&4 , was an eventful day. It marked the begInning of an epocit In the history of our nutlon , which , In Its nelileve- monte , mukes it possible for us to meet hero today to dedlcnto this building as & Part at title great xposItIoii of the resources - sources , development and boundless protnle ofthe mighty sest. Lilal. Imotnule Uay congress passed the I. _ act creating the twin territorks ot Nebraska - braska anti Kanfta , and while the states- Inca of thut day undoubtedly foresaw a great future for this then Unicopled region , who could have foreseen the marvelous growth which the two states have attained In the bait century that has since elapsed ? What prophetic vision could have revealed the scenes that surround mis here today within . the liounthmrles ot the territory carved 'out . - of a vast , wIlderness ? TIuJ twin torritorles , become atates , have grown side by side in close friendship and generous rivalry , surpassing - passing In their attainment the fondest _ _ _ _ s. ' _ 1)01)05 or flicir creators , anti today they clasp hands , whIle Kansas renders ready trIbute to the prowess of her ulHter statu as exeinitlifletl In ( ho 5Idtt(1Il ( cretitiomis with which wo are surrounded. I emttcei It a great pleasure , a hIgh privilege - legeon behalf of the Kansas commission anti of our follow citizens of the Sunflower ' state to velconme to the dedication at tium Kansas state building our tricuds who honor us with their presence this mporning. We congratulate the managers of time ' , Tranamlsslesippi and International Eposl- tiomi upon their mlarlimg spirit and matchless pluck In conceiving and undertaking their great enterprise and upon their tireless en- b- : orgy amid skillful management in putting It in successful oncratlon. We mnomt cordially welcome the representa. tives at Nebraska and of MissourI and of Iowa , of the great northwest and of the great southwest , of time Rocky mnountaln re- glens amid of the Pacific slope , component Parts of this muagmilliocut Trausmissleslppi tiemnalu ; we welcome our triends tram liii- imois , which great Jthcr has sent to both Kansas nod Nebraska a greater Proportion of Its population thaim any other state In the union ; we welcome those fromn time Buckeye , the Badger and the hoosier states and front the grand old Empire state , fromn stanch New England. the sunny south and from all time othema. From whatever state or territory , "Omme for nllantl , all for one , " you are all ICauans by adoption today. Vl'PPIIlIVIItVflttIeM' Itt'niune. President G. W. Wattles responded on behalf - half of the exposition. lie reviewed briefly . - . - - - the narveIous progress wimich has been made in 'tIme prairie states of the west during the last half century , eclipsing the progress or ammy other section 1mm a slmnilar time. In comnnienting on timis condition he spoke of the peculiar propriety of holding a great epositIoim to display to the world time mag. nhflcent resources of this great region. The president comIlimemmted tile p001110 of iCan- ' sas on the fine showing which has been made of the resources of their state amid especially on account of the handsome and comumodious state building which has been erected for the accommodation of the poo- pie from the Sunflower state. The grand result of the efforts of the conimnissiami anti ' the state officers of Knnas in raising funds for the exhibit of the resources of the state wore comummiended in high terms by President Wattles and the promnise of lie future , as indicated by the emmergy amid ability liown by the state In this imi- stance , Were cited by the speaker as most cmmcournging. The resources and products of the state were dIscussed somewhat Iii detail by time speaker , amid in conclusion ho expressed time epe that the invcstmnent made In time exposition would ho returned to the 8tttto a thousandfold. A bugle aomig by the quartet and several - ' trummipet calls by time trumpet corps met . - - ' witim imearty applause mntl F. D. Coburn , ecretnry of time Icaimsas State Board of Agriculture - ; culture , was introtiuced. He announced that he would 5ICak about "Some Kansas Facts and Fictions. " lie asserteti that Kansas has been more written aboutammd talked about anti less understood timaim any similar aggregutiomi of pcopie , land , sunsimine amid air known to muodermi history ; more praised. by those who know her virtues best and ( more aspersed by those upon whommi In her varying mood she has frowned. ( Turuimig to it discussion , in detail , of the resources of the atato , Mr. Coburn said in 1S9 the state produced one-eighth of time total yield of corn in the United States ; in t 1892 about one-seventh of the total yield grew in Kansas. Last year it grew moore . wheat than all of Now England , Now York , VIrginin , IJtminwame , Maryland and Georgia . combined , Simo imas a mile of railroami tom' every U0 inimabitalits , mis agaitmat one mile to cacim 700 people in the eight Nortim Atlantic ' . states , Time cemmsus shows that nearly 70 per telit of her tarmns are owned by those Who CUltiVSte timeni , Time wealtim of New York state increased 25 per ccimt from 1880 to 1890 and the whole country increased I0 per ceat 1mm the same jmerlod , while the wealth of Xammsaa increased 197 imur cent. The speaker oimclumiem1 with an eloquent Peroration in whicim time advantages of iCansas were cx- tolled in language which imeid his hearers iii rapt attentioa cud was followed by a burst of applause. ! inm. SI ILH I'ti'ier SI'flkN. Jalimes W , Moore of Topeka sang "Nature's Adoration , " by I3eethoven , and wa foliowoil by lieu , Silas Porter of Wyanmiotto , who said , among other thitmgs : Nr , Clmairmnan , Ladies and Gemmtiemmmemm : Timis iS Kzmmmsmms day , a Kansas autlicnctm anti a ICLumbaa building. Kammeas amid Nebraska are retmewing today aim acquuimmtaacu forimieti to : ty years ago , when as tnfammts , tby vere rocked in the sumac cradle , amid time mumme of one was mmever immemmtioned witimuL the ' , otimer , 1mm time history of time great commilict against time , extcmmsiomm of slavery iii the now tcrritoiies of the northwest their , a. _ names beemmomo forever associated , and time acquaintance forzmmel , to early Imas ripened into a wurimi 1ieimdship. They lmuvo kept tmtt'l ) together tim the grammd mmmarctm of progress unti today their iimfrrests are commmmnorm. And Kansas congratuimmtm's her young sister - ter upon this immagmmilicont oximosition anti upon iit'i tireiess cimergy un , genius In crsating here a fitting mmiemmmtmrial of time history - tory anti deveiopnmeimt of time great tratis- ' nmississtpimt territory. ' \ We l'ave come to throw open the doors of thIs beautifui building , which represents 1mm a measure time dignity and imospitailty of our state , and to write over those doors a mmietmngc of royal iveieonme to dl Kansans amid their frietmds who nia have occaBion to wool here. 1azmsas is the central statu , her rcm sz- eeehI that of New Iingltind , anti her vopu- I lation is about 'qual to that of the etty of Chicago , so that every Kimasan h85 imleaty of Ibow tooth. Th state is 200 miles wIth , 400 miles bug nimmi all suimsimimme. Today that sunshine fnhis upon a wheat fold of 4OtiO,000 acres , ( ho smmthetn edge of which ii ; ripening for the harvest. ( knerni Fre- moot , in his report to time government in 850 , said timat the fertile district of Kansas - sas ended abrtmptiy about 100 iics west of time Missouri river , "Beyond , " im said , "it Is wholly unflt for agricultural purposes and mntmat over renmain so" A single county hyIng more than 100 mIles west of Fre- mnomit's himmmit prodtmced Inst year 8,000,000 bushcls of corn anti yields encim year tipoim time average moore corn tlmnmm any other county in the United States. The "Great Aimmerican Desert" is covered with magnift- ccitt farms nod orchards , the homes of a commtemmted mmnti prosperous people. Time Kammsan is loyal to his state ; he na- Iures the hnblt of thinklmm of his state as somt'tlming real , of identifying himself with her iast history , her lmreseflt fortunes aud imer future dcmstiny Anti once a ICatmsaa , always - ways a Kansan , To him the sun always shines a little brighter there. If some occasion - casion has arisen aecessltating his removal to anothel' pinco he looks forwarti anxiously to the time when he shall again rcsi'itm ' within her borders , hnnsas is both the best and worst ativer- tiseil state. 11cr name is always In the imewapapers ; any paragraph about Kansas is as sure of being repuimilshed as though it were followed 1) ) ' time words , "All papers please copy. " With it all time state Imas slit- , _ , , , , - , . . , . ' . . . . , . . .i.l , , , , , , ,1.ir,1 flfl. 't ; : ; ' maryeloussectmhatloniti ; real estate which rcacimcd its climax aout ) ten years ago lmroveti a more costly experience titan nil time accumulated disasters in Kmtn- sas history. WhmCtm reason returned anti hiq- uhdatioa tmegamm conditions vore imiost Unfa- vnrahle. Distrust prevailed in flnancitil elm'- des overywhmero ; a period of depression in all limies of busimmess almost ummparaileied net in : low imrices and , worst of all , a partial failure of crops resulted in ninny Kansas obligations going to hmrotest , The eastfln man with .nionoy to lend was largely at fault , lie believed that values would con- timmue to rise an'd ime frequently loaned up to the limit of speculative values. Kansas loans matle with any pretense of jutlgmemmt have proven safU investments. Kansas laws for the imrotection of the rights of time debtor chase imave been persistently - ently misunderstood , Editors of newspa- porn in eastern states where the laws for a hummdrcd years have given the mortgagor from ammo to two years equity of redemmmption Imave raileti at the dishonesty of the Kansas law givlimg time mnort7tgor eIghteemm months to redeem. But Kansmis Is not the only state where men lost their heads in real estate speculntiot The bankruptcy measure Is miot being pushed through congress to aid Kansas bankrUPts alone , The state has mmiuciI to be proud of , Within mem' borders general prosperity reigims. The wise man wimo prayed that imo migimt ho given nclthmcr poverty nor riches voUlti IlimU in Kansas an ideal home. We imave mio mohhilommaires and no poverty. The state Is iommg on schools amid academies anti lhmurt on Jails amid ioorhmoUses. I-for school fund Is rielmer tlmmmmm a "kitmg's ransom , " amid she makes the proud boast that the per- cetmtnge of Illiteracy among her people is less than that of any other state or province or eouimtry in the woriti. And so it. happened , very naturally , thatof her 3,000 soldiers enlisted - listed inst immoath , every omme can read and write. 11cr patriotlsnm Is as strong today as in the 'GO's. when she furnished more vol. unteems in proportion to population than any otimer state , This building is only a temporary - porary structure , btmt it stands for time time for Kansas. Let us dedicate it to the memory of time brave men who founded and preserved the state , the loyal , generous- hearted amen who gave the best efforts of their livcs to make Kansas a free state , an outpost of freedom planted UPOfl time frontier - tier of civilization , anti those others wimo 010110 after anti imeliCd to preserve her free Institutions as a priceless heritage for us and our posterity. But in a broader sense , let us dedicate it to the lCmumsas that we know. the hew Kansas , prosPerous Kansas , without ache or pain or cause of complaint , Kammsas with nothing whmmmtever "the mnntter with her , " where the Intliami mmd buffalo nra traditions of time past where time grass- imopper long ago ceased to be a burden ; to debt-paying Kansas , with nmoney of her own to lend ; Kansas , from which the prairie tiog has gommo to JoIn time cnlaiiiity imowler ; Kansas , with 2,000,000 of ProsPerous people and ample roonm tom' 10,000,000 more. War is imot ami unmixed cvii. In scasomis of lommg Peace mcmi forget tlmeht' coumitry in time Pursuit of wealth and power. "Tlte nmmmtmy fail. the mw guecctt. " Those who stmcceetl become more selfisim and graspimmg ; those who fall. discontented. Dhscontemit breeds social disorder. The deaiagOgUe sees iii opimortunity and anarchy and socialism are advocated ; distrust prevails. and muon lose faith in governmmmeimt. At such times a foreign war In a Just cause is a blcssimmg. Axmd if time revmval of patriotism which We see mill almoUt. Us shall drive out nil traces of sectionalism forever. if it shall lead men 'to consider time welfare of their country and to lose sifllmt of selfish ends , if it shall re- stilt in sweeping away the social disorders wiiiclm seemed to threaten time stability of our iut3titutiotms it will rove to be worth all IL costs in blood and treasure. Anti 'Kan- , . , , . . . . ,1. _ * + n + n will , , nin ns byththm'evlval ofpati'lotlsfli is any portion of the untcmm. Kansas ieiinves in LLs destimmy of time An gin-Saxon - to accomplisim grand resttits iii the causc of human liberty imi time interests of cvilizatiomi agatmmst despotism. The tIme may comnu 'tiliemi outrages in Armenia shall cease at time command of the Angio-Saon. We need have mm Lear oX a 6tanding arnmy matlo up of our eons and brothers. AntI time navy ! It lie longer belongs to the seacoast states. Since time first of lfimmy the whole counti'y , ncmrtlm and south , east and west , immis clmminmetl It , hereafter the western con- grcssfliamm iimc votes against an approprin- tion desiglieti to strengthemi timat armmm of the servht3 Wihi base hi emplain his vote to his const ititent mm. A song by time quartet. more trumpet calls and "taps" by the boys' trumpet corps woutmil up the exercIses. trout 'tV'N * 1I Ut. WEST POINT , Neb. , June 2.-Special- ( 3 , P. Neligh went to Omaha Monday anti took with him an e3eant basket of cut flowers to be set out alomig time colonade3 In the grantl court of the exposition grounds , They were composed principally of imomid liilies , for-get-me-nets amid roses. ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Grammil Chiiiter of Nt-1ritslmt in Sc- siii N.m' at th.i Oiin lii- sonic ' 1'ei.i.1e. More than 400 persons were 'in attend- once last imight at time immeeting of the grand cimapter of time Order of time Easterti Star for Nebraska lmeltl 1mm time Masonic tern- plo , Mrs. Melon ii. Stires of Columbus , griumd umatron , presided at the meeting mmmmti immtrodtmcoci Mrs. Anna. C , Voters of Omaha , nmtmtron of Vesta cimapter , who muado an ad- dress of welcotmmo to the delegateB. Mrs. Eva Id. Baldwin of North Platte , associate grand mimatron , responded to time welcome , Following time addresses czmmne the oxempil- iic.mtlon of ritual and floral work , the ritual uork beimmg done by Vesta chapter of Omaha and the floral work by Electa cimapter of Lincoln. .Afle'r time exemmiplificatlon an informmmmml re- ceptiomm was hold mind the meeting was ad- Jourmmm'd until timia ammornitmg. Sessions will be held througimout the day today mmd it Is the intention to complete the work of time order before evening If Possible. Time local members of time Eastern Star will entertain time delegates tonight with mm. reception at the Masonic tcnmplo , 'm.i.t. iliglit ici..i of g l"ricmmd , I was seriously afilicteti with a cough for several years , and last fail imad a more severe cough thamm ever before. I have used many remmiethies without receiving mnuch re- hot , mmmmd being recommended to try a hot- tie of Chmmmnmberlahmm's Cougim Remedy by a friend , who , knowing mime to be a imoor widow. gave it to imum. I tried it , and with the most gratifying results. The ilrst bot- tie relieved moe very much mmd the secoimd bottle has absolutely cured me. I have mint bud as. good health for twemmty yemmr. MitS , MARY A. UIARI ) . Ciaremnore , Ark. 1O\\TA \ \ .ANI ) TILE EXPOS1TlO What the Great llawkoye State Ha Done Towar.1 . Helping the 'air. FIRST TO MAKE AN APPROPRIMION Imrly ltee.mgim It ( if lIme ilemmefiti. of the Trnmi.imi.Isiiii Pair itiackd . liy mmmi Int'rictl CtttmtisNiuIk 10 Sueeessfmml lpu.mc. Iowa was the first state to make any ap- proprhatiotm for the Transmississippl Exposition - tion , As early as March , 1890 , its general nsseimmbly Imassed a hill for $ tO,000 , whTcim Governor Frammeis M. Drake approved time following month , The bill provided Unit time executive council of the state , consist- : lag of Governor Drake , Auditor C , 0. Mc- Cartimy , Treasurer John llerriott and See- rotary of State George L. Dobson , almonid appoint a commimmmission to lrcpare an Iowa exhibit as soon , as time national govcrnnmemmt recognized time enterprise , The commission was selected soon after congress took actioa sad It met in May , next , year , at the call of time goverimor and organIzed as follows : Ex-State Senator S. II.Mnlhory , a promninemmt Chariton banker and railroad contractor , who was clmairnman of the Iowa commIssion at time Chicago World' , fair , as its president ; Allen Dawson , time edItor of time Des Moines Leader , vice hmre- ldeimt ; George 'mV. ' MeCoid , aim extoimsive farimmer anti stock breeder at Logan , treasurer - urer , and Fruak N , Chase of Cetiar Falls , Ia. , secretary. Mr. Chase had been a meimmber of time State Board of Agriculture for twenty-six years ammtl was the secretary of time Iowa coimmmnheslomi at the Colimmubian exposition. lie Was aiso in charge of Iowa's agrleul- turni display at thu New Orleans exposi- thou in 1884 and the next year was sent by lovermmor Sbcrmnn as 'Iowa's representa- ttve to the "Three Americas" exposition at Now Orleans. At Atlaimta lie was the spa- cml agent of his state , To Mr. Chase time commission turned over the general super- itmteniicmicy of time agricultural , itorticul- turai and tlalry exhibits at Omaha , but as 1mm otmerous iositioa necessitated his entire persommal attention and alhowed hinm no flume to attend time conmrnisslon mneetimmgs Captain John ii , Merry , the assistammt general pas- stinger agent at Manchester for the Iowa divisions of the Illinois Cemitral railroad , was SPIOiflted on the commission from Mr. Chase's district and to hiam was -tunod over the trammsportatlon branch of the conmmis- sion's work. Iizt'eimtIve Coimim.itlee Orgummized , Time executive comnnmlttee of the commis- siomm was composed of 110mm. S. 13. Packard , formerly governor of Louislamma ammd collector - tor at Liverpool , Eng. , ummder Presidetii hayes ; S. D. Cook of the Davctmport ltepub- lican and K. U , Moore of the Ottumwa Democrat. Ex-Goverimor Packard , like Moasrs. Mallory anti Chase , had also had plenty of experlemmee in the exposition line. lie was In cimarge of time live stock exhibit from Iowa at the World's fair and chairman - man of time auditing conmmnittee. The remainder of the commission was up- pointed an 'auditing committee , naaiely : John H. Walibank , a leading mcrcimant of Mount Pleasant ; Attorneys J. E. E. Markley of Mason City , Owen Lovejoy of Jefferson atmd A. W. Erwin , manager of a big Sioux City dry goods establishment. Tha eonmnmissiomm and Secretary Chase set to work immediately to see what could he done to give Iowa the showing due. It was felt timat not mucim could be accotnphishmed with so somalI an npimroprlation as $10,000 ammd an agitation was started looking toward - ward an additional appropriation by the next legislature. At time suggestion of the Departmtmeat of Promotion of time Transmlssisslpimi board. members of the Iowa commission visited Omaha In person and . they returned elated over the prospects of the exposition. They Iaund everything far beyoad what they had been expecting and they so reported to the executIve council. A schedule of what Iowa should have at Onmaha was forimiulated by the comnmnissiomi and submitted to time executive council , the estimates given amounting to a total of $57,000. It was hoped timat when the next legislature assenmbied It wouid appropriate $25,000 additional , at least. Among the things the commission hatl in view was a line building for the tates exclusive use , and , of course , a complete exhibit of time agricultural , horticultural and dairy resources - sources of the state , for the general buildings - ings of the exposition. I'u.Iiiig the 11111 % iom. In duo time a bill for a second appropriation - tion and for the amount mentioned was 1mm- troduced in the house by lIon. L. F. I'otter of I'ottawattamie and a similar proposition was put forward in time senate by Senator N. M. I'usey of Council Bluffs. Thmis was in January of this year , Time imppropria- thou of $25,000 was passed on March 27 antI soon received time approving signature of Governor Leslie id , Shaw. , Time legislature did not appropriate this second summm witimout first gaining a full and satisfactory assurance of the successful tie- velopment of the Transnmtssissippi Exposi- tiomm's imlans. About 100 members cit time wo brancbes of time legislature-about two-thirds of the full legislative strengthm-enjoyed an oxcursiomm to Omaha on January 28 , soomm after time $25,000 appropriatioim bills were introduced , President Gurdon W. " , yattles ammcl many of iie metnbers of the exposition executive conmmittee accompanied time excur- sionists. Along with timem also came cx- Governor Packard , Secretary Chase , Cimair- nmamm Frank F. Merriammi of the house up- imropriations conmnmittee and Messrs. Moore , Walibank and Cook of the Iowa conirnis- sion. Their perBonal visit satisfied them beyond any possibility of a doubt and time anmouat of time appropriation tas never chammged. Seimatorit Allison and Gear , Coim- grossman Perkins 'with imis Sioux City Journal - nal and time editors of Iowa gemmeraiiy diii all tlmey could to urge the approimriatloim. It might also be added that Iowa's delega- tioim at , " , Vasimtngton stood solidly by time congressiomial appropriation of $200,000 until it passed , Couliti Ipisiimt sit With the $35,000 now placed at its dis- posai time comnmimission's efforts were rim- doubled , mind ii systematized its work so as. to secure the best results , segre'gatiag van- otis branches thus : To ex-Govennor Packard - ard was assigned timat of the live stock cx- imibit ; to Mr. McCoid , manufactures anti mua- chinory ; to Secretary Chase , agt'ictmlture , dairy and apiary in particular , thmough tlm general supervisiotm of all time exhibits was left to lmini ; to ex.Senator Mallory , hmonti- culture ; to Allan 1)awson , woman's depart- mnt'ntl to Mr. Markhey , music ammd Imbotog. raphmy ; to Mr.Vnllbammk. . nmines and gaining ; to Mr. Lovejoy , forestry ; to Mr. Iirwimm , time decorative work amid imstaliation , 'shile Mr. Moore iooketl utter tim very important tie- tail of time imress , Specialists being imecessary also , L. G. Chute qf Manchester was given time imnie- diate superintendency , under Mr. Chmase , of time agricultural , dairy amid apiary oxhhimits , and A. F , Cohinman of Corning was plimcid in charge of time display of fruits. As a grcmtt deal of mommey was intended to be used in thu very attractive feature of decorating - rating with natural products , I ) , ii.'ool - ward of Chicago , who hind womm tnmmmo for his achievements in this direction , was secured - cured , Mr. Woodward had whim this unique art decorated the iowa building , Agricultural pavilion , Mimics exhibit , Ontario ( Caim. ) court , Soutlm Africa agricultural court amid , 'the Ummiteti States govcrmmmemmt symmmboiic I IC arch of the agricultural exhibit , all at the C World's fair , anti had been strongly in evidence at the Nanh'jilo anti Atlanta cx- paitIons , the TexnsVntton Palace atVaco , the Sioux City Corn ! 'Rlace , time New Era Exposition at St. , Mo , . and tIme Iowa Coal Palace at Ottuniwn. What he has done for Iowa's exhibit ff"flmo 4gricuhturaI anti Ilorticuittmral buuldinMmtt Omaha calls forth amimniratlon from evltne , particularly his statlstlcai work and il big sixteen-toot ear of corn. Ovtr the's eWtranc to the Iowa agricultural eximibiC'-h' ' has fashioned a natural ommough lookimi'i' eagle out of cormm , 5130 beneath it thP itimmhficant motto , "The Ilanner State. " fOcoimmmi5sioa secured plenty of space fem 'iIt such mmmi elaborate display , 1,100 squam ' 1t. Kept .sU.LJi It. . . Lemid , 1owa' results aPt'dt' in contrltuting to the general success' ' Transumlssissippi Exposition fully justf/y time 'lead ' It took in time matter of pecuniary promotion. Its building-pretty flinch after time refresimhmmg style of a Fremmeb chateau-is one of time vary best , It i directly west of time Nebraska - braska Imuilding on the huff tract , in the ' cemmter of time group of state buildings. .los- selyn & Taylor of Cedar Rapids ivcre the architects , It fronts time east and ovcriommks ' the beautiful valley of the Missouri river , ' toward Iowa and Its own Coummcil Bluffs , The peculiarity of the tmuildtmmg is Its great . semi.eircular veranda in front , commcnvo 1mm forum , extentilmmg outward as though to eta. , brace , amid eaclm of time two nrmmms of It ten. , mnimmatimmg In a large pagoda-a decidedly , tmmmiqtie but comfortable arrangement , be'r , mtmeA nlrv nnhh eonvmmi.tiL nffnrdimi oven r facility for mmiusie 'and imublic speaking , Time builtlimmg lirohmer is two stories imigh and Is near time viaduct conimectimmg time unit tract with time east end of the grand court , around which are time large exposition buildings. It is time headqtmarters of Iowa visitors anti their friends , a jmiace for rest anti coin- fort anti contaimms the omces of the cnrnnmis- siomm , a hOStolflCO , bureau of immfortmmatiomm , check room , baggage room ammd other con- veniences. It is also lmrnhoscti to tine time basement for quarters for a band of forty , pieces , which the conmnmission imopes to be able to mimaimmtuiim during the exposition for the purpose of giving daily commccrts at the building , A feature of the Interior is time fine tap- entry paintings , relresemmting Iowa rural scenes of various stages of farmnitmg , and anotimer is the huge organ bmmilt by I'aul E. Corruti of Mason City , who , whemm a boy in his teens , played iie orgaim of time cola- brated Milan cathedral in italy , 11(5W ThE "eVIG'AM WAS UIJ1E'l' Story of Commmeii ihhimiTs' I'zmrt 1mm tue Gr'imt Ix1tsitimm. ! The PottawattanileVigwarn. . which will be time hmonme of the people of Council Bluffs and Pottawattamnie county during time cx- position , stands 0mm time Bluff tract close to I the Iowa State building amid is ummdoubtediy the most ummique structure omm the exposi- tiomm grounds. Time structure , while imot clainiimmg any architectural beauty , is ccii- ceded to be a faithful representation in nmarnmoth jiroportions of time tepee or dwelling - ing temmt of tue noble rd man of the plains. The building is eigjmty.4bree feet imigh anti is surmounted by thlrty1foot flag poie , fronm which "Old Glory" vihi , proudly ii'ave night and day , rain or sumnilmine , during time cx- pcsitinn. The circpmmmf remice of this unique structure is 180 feet and contaimis four stories , which are reacimeti fremmm the cemmter of the building by a ? baudsorne amid wide stairway. The wimtlowm are built In iimmita- tion of the openiog peculiar to the red man's tepee amid time oitIro buildIng is coy- ercd with heavy duqking Iaimited to represent the skins from wmich the Immdiamms of time rdains were wont o cqmmstruct their abidummg places. The flrst floor. will be devoted to exhibits , time second tq the fruit and hor- ticuhtural display f Pottawattamnie coummty and the third w1il Uereserved , as a parlor and waiting rooms for.womemi and children. On the fourth will be a smoking rooam for the men amid from this floor , whmicim is pientifuliy supplied with windows , a bag- nificent view of the entire exoshtton can he bad. The idea of the Wigwam was commceived amid carried into successful execution in spite of whmat at first appeared almnost iii- surmountable obstacles by time Council Bluffs Exposition association. This association was time outcome of a mass mneetiimg held in July , 1897 , in the city imnhi of Council Bluffs for the purpose of forming aim orgmum- ization to arralmge for a represeimtativo cx- hibit of the products and resources of Pot- tawattamie county at the exposition. On fortticd' August 12 , 1807 , time association as anti an exectmtive committee of fifty rmm'pte ementativo citizens chosen by a popumisr vote to carry cult time purposes of time organiztt- tion. Time idea of Pottuwattanmic oumnty havimg a buililimig of its own at the exvo sitlon was suggested and mmmet with ap proval , To 'Victor E , Bender , one of time executive committee , belongs the credit ot the idea of the Wigwam or big Indian tepee , as itns lie who conceived anti .umg- gested the ajipreprlnteness of such a mmtruc- tore. Tint f'inds to erect the buiiitiing were secured by popular snbscriptiomm , shied by a donation of $2,000 from the county funds by the Board of County Supervisors. in all , something over $3,000 was coliecteti by sab- scriptioims from the citizens and business men of Council flltiffs. In addition sonic $501) was raised by selling Wtgwanm but- tomms , I Time omcers of time Council Bluffs hIx- position association nra : l're.itiemit , A. C , Grahaimm ; vice president , Dr. J. 11. Cleaver ; secretary , C. ii. Judson , and treasurer. E , , W , hart , The entire construction of tIme \'igwam wile placed in time lmammds tmf a 5pm'- cml committee of the association , of which Victor E. Bender was cimuirumaim ammti lr , J. M. Barstow , i'rof. J. C. Itiscy , Leonartl , Everett. M.'o1hrnan , 0 , P. Wlckhanm , II. I Binder , A. C. Graimamn and Colonel SV. F. liaker the other mmmembers. To the tin- tiring energy of time presitlcimt of time asso' , elation , A. C. Grahamn , whmo ; iersonahly so' merimiteflleti time building of the W'Igwanm from time laying of time foundattomm to time last. touches of the decorations , is dite the stmccesfmml comupletion of this most ummiqime Imuilding , Time executive conmimmittee of time Cotmmmchl Bluffs association comprises time fohio'mvimig citlzemmsi Victor Jeimnings , W. 5 , Baird , Victor E. Bender. George Carson , II , L For- I sytime , Saimmuel liens , J , C. liisey , J. E. lid- a letmlmeck , C , Ii. lutison , W. A. Manner , N. M. Pusey , II.V. . Sawyer , I. 51. Treymmor , ' Al. Woliman , Leonard Everett , George F. I Wright , J. C , Mitchell , H. I' . Barrett , Ii. I v. flintier , C. N. Bowemi , E. hr. Clark , A. , Grahamim , B.V. . hart , A. I' . I-lnmmchett , I A. S. Ilazcltomm , 'F. II. Keys , Williamim Sloane , .1 , A. I'atton , W , I. Smith , E. ii. Waiters , ' , A. W. Wyimimmu , Emmnet Tinley , L. A. Cmis- per , J. 5 ! . flarstow , F. A. itxby , W , C. flayer , S. Ii. Cleaver , J. P. Oreemmslmieils , , I. P. Hess , J. A. It rol.l , W. C. James , C , F. P. Froom , J. T. Oliver , St. F. ilolirer , E. F. Test , 0. \Vickhimmn , 0. Yommkcrnmaum , Lucius Wells , II. B. Joimnings. DEATH RECORD U. 1I. Ilnrrett. TIEADWOOD , S. D. , Juime 22.-Spocl.iI.- ( ) P. SI , Barrett died at. imis imonme at i3arrctt , I Wyo. , a short distance from this city , yes- terday. Time deceased was well knowim imm time Hills. having made Deadwood and other , Black Hills touvimu in time early 70's as a salesman. lie imivested about $5,000 in Hay creek coal hand across time line in Wyoming amid Itmlti out the town of Barrett , wimichm bears his imnimme. Owing to the failure of time railroad building in to imis mmmines , lie lost I heavily iii his immvestnment. Ills remnains will be buried iii South Stafford , Vt. Cotmel Croftoim , U. S. A WASHINGTON , Juno 22.-Colonel it. E. A. Crouton , retired , of the army , died here today - day , aged 65 years. He was appnimmted to time army from Delaware at time outbreak of the civil war and was a brave amid brilliant ' omcer. Since time war he had been eta- taioned princfpaliy in the ivest. Time railroad - road riots at Chicago occurred during his atinministration at Fort Sheridan and lie took a protnincmmt part in their stippresslomi. Later hme was involved in troubles at time , Fort Sheridan host. IiitIIoi& Goumit ) ' i1omeer. I BATTLE CREEK. Nob. , Juno 22.-Spe- ( cial.-P. ) J. O'Neill , one of the Drat set- tiers in Madison county , anti a man who , has associated himself with its growth and prosperity , dropped dead of heart dleaso while .eatimmg his dinimen yesterday , He was about 60 years old and leaves one non and three daughters. His wife died about fir- : teemi years ago. Funeral services will he : hold from the Catholic cimurcim Satmmrdy. I nmi DEADWOOD , S. D , , June 29.-Special ( ) - Dick Jones , omme of tue oldest settlers in Deadwood , whose name has figured mummy times in big mining deals , tIled yesterd.my : at the ago of 70. Jones never becanme ricim , although he hamidiefi many big deals. lie ' was burled 1mm this city. None Other- Thmmum Drex T , . Slmoomimnmm ever wemmt to so munch trouble iii lmuyImmR slnomt for cmmmifrt-i\o , lmmOi'ti eommmfom'tnhle aiuou s'tmS , eve ! . itimitle or g.hth . tlmmtu thu nuw' ilttm'k lm'ouvmm , tuim vie ! kitls-ium thin ocfortIs : tmul high emit styles-tIme imew pmtmmel 'etiimg tOJS-O c'olmmlIhmmttioml ) of St'IL' anmi foot talite Ibevei iuffl'C ) I'oummtl-W'e're clot going to aay mL ss'ord mmbout time ln'im't'- ei'eit ) thiflt It is our usumti bmW' kind foe , ' imig vatltml4-m"m'e s'niIt time lathes of Onmnimtt mumtl those lmc're mmiglitseeiuig to ask for this mmluoethuimvl"hl tell you tUl mtboimt it-You tlomm't neffil to buy-but u'o kumuw you ivihl. ' ) Drexel Shoe Co. , . . Oiimnh.u's UhOdntO Shoe llous. I ' ' ' s'rltEE'l' , 11l ) FARNAM If Our Navy . Kver gets into Santiago hmmu'ior how ' $ ialn vhll hmovl-tommhe people how'l Whmemi \ tlut'y iuai'tm teeth uxtrbteteti-itH inaimmly ( \ ) tue cimlise of time (14'imtiSt-lthtiL'tI ( to DIII' mmk ill umeqimimed l ) ' over tlmim'tm'emi ymntt's uxptrlt'nCt-tt'uI of It here In Oumniimi- Jrl& \ . , \'o apply to i % ( ? lmmt'o ii. little itjiicttiomm : titi' gmmmummm tlummt. uumumies ; it jimsibl tot' uimm to t'xtritc't vitlmoiIt eithit'm' 1)111mm or go4- : No bmttl utter i'fl''ii $ : mum(1 ( uimly 50e-Its the Ltimmtt v1tlm mmli totmi' 'ork-tlue hmet ' - that cmiii it ) , iummL'-mmt1 . _ time mutiat ruzmillflllO ii.Iet.ExmthmmimmmttImtS , ' l uiimtdtm fm'CL'-LUtly ' , tlttelmdltimt , ii ' , BALEY ! , - - 18 Year. 3d Pjo'nr pnxtan Ihik. EzprrtriIiI. Zt1th'Mud ' Fsmrumm A Reckless Man-r-mA Om' inuputlt'mmt 'OfIIami , nrc those who , . - don't sla't'IHIY gt't'a ' ' ( ' ( for time mbtii- . . . gt'rotim4 t'tmuglmmm , & 'OulH. lI'mILiLItmh ) ( trIIIIl'K ( , - . ; ' ' . f - t1 t. , t him t w'iil lt'mi ml I im iumeImmIIl1ia , p1 mu- . i'i ) ' mtiiml lmmnuy thtiil mhisLase if not itt- ti'mmuit'il to iu tiiume-t in't'itntmd rpmmn'mly " ( II' ti (1O't.I" . $ i.r'rerlimtioil . ii ; inIju'i'ntI'i' - , - 1)mmm' skill amul Judgimii'imt can btm rulk'd ' I Iminimm imm t'itin'r evuut-Wu it i'e time Iurm't ' 'i ! ' ' ' 1mm OimimthlU-ltlIi its ' . ' rt'tmtll tlu'uig stort' - ( 1 uu'ver imt''tm.8ary for * 15 to substitutim- - ' ' ' ' I fur we lumuvo everytimiuig , ' . - _ _ , J 2 ' - - - TheAloe &PenfoldCo - - L.uiijs.rt. . , , I . , I Limrcc.t ItetuiI flruW lLtuse , l48 Farnitma Street. OMAHA. Opposit , Faztcgm Hotel , . 1ANSANS ( ENJOY IT ( Continueti from First I'age. ) Wetlnestlay night , June 20 , nra not yet cmi- tirely settled upon , Time financial status of time comiventlomi is reported to be cneouragimmg , paynments mm subscriptions having been mmemmrly Comuileted , Time convention is also cotmmmuammm5immg the attention - tention of the tmewslapes of the restern , cities , antI the inibhlcity conimnittee tins or- tiers for articles trommi a nuimmber of itmilu- , ential Imnhmera , Ttme conimimittee will meet agaimi on Friday or Saturday. 31 I i.V.t' , ' 'i it , uiHii'CHIHiIIIA'i'H , ( jnmi'eoinmiiiIm'es'l'hul , ) , q'l.IeN to , loiU I mi Itisli'iemmleiiei' lit Iit't'eisi'M , At a nmcetimmg of time Comiessioimairtn' cimh % , which was held imm time h'rcss inmilihimig yes- brunt , time organizatiomm ivils roimipleteti and rcgtulatiomia for time govcrimtmmcmmt or the club adopted. The election of oflhcers resulted hit time selection of time following : i'resitleimt , C. ii , tie /.evaiios of time Giatmt See-Saw ; vice imrcsitlent , E. 0. Feliler of time Moorish 'Vii- lago ; secretary nmmd treimsuror , C. II , hIoi- brook , sr. , of time California Gol.t . Mine. Time cxectmttve commmuittee consists of J. A , Gor- mamm , P. C. Mattox , II. W' . StcCommmmeil , A. F , Turpimm and lm. ii. Cagimey. Time consttmtmtimm nummi by-laws ivere ndoimtcd after considermmtmle ilisctmssiomi nmiti time ques- tiomm of ii 25-cemit evening ndmlssiomm to time expositiomm was ( hiscusseth to sonic extent , but laid over without nctiomm , H. F. MeGmirvey , representing the expo- eltiomi nmmmnagerneimt , addressed time cimmb relative - tive to the inmrticiputiomm of its immemuibers lit -time Im'ourtlm 'of July celebration at the grotmmmtis. Time suggestlamt was favorably con- sitiered anti time cRib will orrammge for omme of time ummust mmovei amid itmtercstiimg ; arutlea that has eveim heemm aeemm imi time westemim hiumnislmlmere , E , 0. Folder , J , A. Gorimmami , F. D. Colvin , Froth Thommmpsomm amid 1' C. Siattox were appoimmted a special comnumittee to ur- range for the umarade. htivmt'sJmrimitmM Itejxieter. 0mm of time most ummimimmo features or time louva buildimmg vili be the register which commtaimis spaces for over 100,000 names mtmmd is supposed to be one of time largest books timmit bus ever been mnammufmicttircti. Time calm- tract for Umis immmtmmemmse tiocumnmcmmt muas lot by time Iowa comimnmissinn two nmnmmtiis ago amid it has just beemi commipletotl. 'Time book is thirty incimes wide , thirty-two hmmeimes lomig amid teim imicimes tlmick. It commtains nearly 3,000 images and weighs 950 potmmmds. It no- juireii a renni amid a half of paimer that weighs 200 pounds to time ream amid timirty square feet of the best quality of bather. Three books of gold loaf were used in thm lettering amid ornamemitotion mqmtl time total cast of the bank was about $800. Alter it has served its hmurpose at time oxpositioti it 'mviii be deposited 1mm time Altlricim historical coiiectiomm at flee Moines as a sotmvcmmir of time expositioli. It.klmimr fur it tlLIitl , No nrrangomneimts imnve yet licen immndo by time Musical departmmmont for a humid to give tinily commcerts aim tue expositinmi grcmummtls. Negotiatlomis were oicmiei witim Director Grecim of time Seventh \'mmrd humid to PImmy an cmmgagcmmment of one week , htmL Mr. Green said thmat a numimbur of his mmmcmi svare playimig imerimiamment engmmgcrnemitmm mmmm'i ' lie could not ask them to break timese for a short emmgagemnommt. Attemmmlmts to secure time services of otimer bands were also ummsuc- ccsaftml. Time Atlmiimtic ( In. ) bamiti will accompammy the laura deicgatioim to Ommmahma today anti will imhay on time grounds. Pimimimmey's band is under engagement to imiay mit the exposition for a short period cornnmcncing July 7. Imi imcht''omt ' , mr thit' OIII'ers. After time dedicatory exercises at tIm. ' Jowa imtmiitiiiig this aftormmeon time mnenibers of the executive council of Iowa , the mmmcnmbora of time Iowa Exumosition comnmissiomi , time cx- position officials and distimmgtmisimed guests will lie entertained at lumicimeon at time viaduct - duct cafe. A reception to Governor and Mrs. Simaw , the mmmernbers of the executive council and their wivcs wiii be held at time Iowa build- jog from 5:50 : to 6:30 : p. m. For this occa- sian music wiil 1)0 furnished by time Apollo club of Council Bhuff , a niaimdolimm climb of llfteemm members , I'vetit Fit I I . .mm N fom' S , ' , 'd I elm Dii . The preparations for time celebration of Swedislm day tomorrow are practically corn- pleted and the local committees who have WLCOM [ IOAJ Speciallowa Progrniii . , . * mt flti , , CERMAN V1LLCE 1i1ltJ''lt7S DR1 , S'I'L li I EN VO SZt Ut'mmermil Mmimmagt'r. Klm'tgliitem"s Futunotus I.lItiy Ot'clicstra , l.hu1)avcupot i NOuS Songs. The Only Cool Place 6rounds i RISORT 111 ton IAUftS. - . -5 - - - - - - - - - the mmmatter iii charge are jimtmInmmiby $ conflmhen that time occasion wihi lit' omit' tif time immost notable of time week , The shmmging cluh $ trmmm Stronmslmurg , Stamitoim'imkei1iti antI a mmmmmmmber of tmtimer Nebraska ,1tlt's mmrniveml ) 'Cstcrdfl ) ' . Time lieth Oak ( in.i chimim is ais itm time city' ammti those fromim Sbomux ( lily anti other cities will arrive tummy' . ir. , l , A , Emmimmitlem' of Chicago iumtl lr , Carl Swemmeomi of Llumthsborg , Knmm. , wore ammmoumg tiit' imotalihe arrivals yesterday' . 'i'hei'e iiiii te a rehmemursal of nil time climbs at i'attersmmmI huh at 2 n'cicck tbmis afterimoomm ammd tommiorrow time vlsitiumI muimmgers vili be emmti'm'tmihimeti at Itimicli imy' lbs Onmaima cl tilm , ' ' , , . Musle br 'i'ilny. TIme exposition immusic for today , Jimmie 2 , will i)0 ) 2 p. mmi.-Dedieatiomm corcumommics at lows bmuildmmg. ( , 2 i. rn-Grnnmh cimoral commcert by tbp Chicago Aiolio climb , Wihlinnm is. Tornhimi , director , witlm Thomas orchestra necommmumam4- nmemmt at time Auditorimmmmm. I ! Ii. mmi.-Fim'eiu cmrks. I ' m..ms * I I on Nol i'm. . Time enr cmmtmtimimmhmmg the litinimesota umiinurai exhibit has bocmm host summmeuvimem'e cii the m'ctid. It wee shined a week mmgim , bitt has evitleimtly bt'on sltietrmtcked mmopiewhere. nn.l a trmmoem' bums becmm scmmt emit to ioeiite it , Ouu immg to tiIe late mmrriviml itt trains th thrdicntlomm of time Iowa building will coin. nmence at 2 o'clock iotiay tasteati of at 11 o'clock , itS iiort'iofore nmmmummmmmcemh. TIme exercises miii be hmchtl In time Iowa buiitiimig. A mmunmber of lost articles , immclutliimg irnro ois , hiockctbools cmntatmmllmg mimoimey , lmpod. kirciiie'fs mmmiii vnrlotms other knick-kimu kmm am. ) iii time cbcck ruomn of time Nobrakm buiidlmmg nwmiitimmg idemitifleation. Time owlm- em's or thre articles mmmay obtnimm tlmenm by cailiii [ ' at the Nebraska buiilmliimg anti pruv- Imig ti'.ii' might to time lmi'ohmt'rtY. . Time Gerimmimim vihicge is mit time front uguimi witim mu mmiicclni lmrogm'Immm for ltmwa tiny , Slami- umotimimig titmit agcr 'omm Szimmmmyey imegiects cami multi to time enjoyiimeflt of lila gimesl.9 nmim time village is mmlmemui ) ' the immot imoltmlar retort - tort , mmm time grotimiths. Time T'robonim wp.r- blers ni.e 01111 of its immost cmmjtiyniile mmttrmi- tlnmis ammd have scored a gemmUimme hit with. its Patrons. Charles McDowell of New Orleans , secretary - ' ' Lumober asso- tary of the Soimtiiormi C3'lmm'eSs eintioim , iii in time city urrammgimmg for slmaco tom' mmmi eximibit to be iminmie by time associa- tio'm 1mm the Agnicimhtume l.uildimmg. 'Time cx- iitbit. Is how 21i rommtc to Ommiaha amid Sin. Mclowell iill remmmalu to look after its 1mm- stahimitiomi. A full h'.tmo ' of cypr&ss Itmmmmber of all gramles 'will be iimcitmdcii in time exhibit. Time bunny nttractbomis of Mommtgomnery ' , Vard & Co.'s imuildimig nrc exceeding its ca- vaclty. Yestenihny time ommtortninnment vns so vcll patrommisctI that tIm doors hind to ha shut at intervals to Prevent ovorerowiilug , Scarcely mm visitor omm time groumitimu imecmmmmm to miss time opportunit y. to enjoy thts novel aimd attractive exhibit , timid nowhere mire tlci' immore cordially received tmmmtl imospitehmiy cmi- tem'tmi iii ed. i'm'esitieflt S. II. Slmhiory : or time Iowa coma- immission was in time cIty to participate lim tit dumdichtiomm of time iowa imuhldummg , immmt wzmi cnlkd it' Ci'nmitomi i' time glows of time su i , dcii ticaihm of hmls oum-ln-law , I ) . J. Timayer , nmmtl will imot ho prcsc'mmt at tia ilethlcatory cxcmclscs , 'Tl'e mi1diesS hreimar.(1 ) lmy thmo Pm'cmmidcmmt for time oceasiomi wIll ba read by. S. Ii. Packard , chnirmmman of time executive comimmimittee of time commumisslon. Get a map or Cuba anti get lAin best and most coimipltmte. TIme Be'e conmliinatiomm mna fly Cuba , time \Vest Indies and of time world , With a Bce map coupon , on page 2 , 10. c' ° mmts , at IIe oflic , ' , Oimmaha , South Omnmmita or Council Ilimmifa. By mail , 14 cents. Address Cmih'in Map Department- From the Rock Pile- Is it lmomg jlmmmmh ) 10 ldlmitS--\'e : hiiiveii't mummy m'ocks fur tutle but we otTt't' tmthmIy ) mm . - mmhi'ChIi ) tmxiositiomm ) lumi'galii 1mm ii lClummiomhi uiimm'ighit plammtm-in either ( imtit , umimiliogammy ' . , -.i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 01' vmhiiimt : llimimiu-7 141 ot.ta'es-thmrt'ti , it'mimii-oiie ( if tIme hiimmumhiemimmm'mt imimtm'im- mmmemmti immumie-bnut time stylus himive hmetimi " ' limi't'e of tlmeumm-timd ' - - c'hmnmmgeti-ommi ) - : yommi' ( 'hiOlee this W'l't'k for t2.Ot-nud ( } you caim't dimpiicmlt' : tiii'umi : mnywlmure for h'sH tiuimmi : I2.oo-Thit'so mime : mimiumteiy iit\i' mmmmd gmmtnimmtt't'd : by us-Nes't'r hmmi'a : ive offered tuchi a snap 1mm a Klmmmbthi : 1)iauo. 'tb4. ' A. HOSPE , 1llsIc cR11 MI 1513 Doucjas - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ Do Biference- 1)tao iiy kopa ( it icr le ) ( iii tie gaptifi witi ilim ; Idil 'but ' 8teuml mimilmets mmii' ' I i'uim1 sli nis' ( hulmi tin (1 ( 1 lrem'mmIe4. I n't s't'ui mt huh- t'st fnm'iimor mum' a crook-I'll but ileii kulnu I'll I i't tt'li un ml I fl'um'mm't' imetsstmmmi g ii y dm1 d mm Iii'u t'emit Stout'kt'r elgar mimi' iob4 of du ten ut'mt'rmi ; muLl , 'Oil kium 1)3' ) iii iles mhm los'ui iIlt titit's umtmtiilum , film' iltmm' 1mm 1(118 ( of 4lu luuume.4t (4t ml hi imet l t' tin i mm ( I umimi lot tlmtt huuit ' ' kost' is umii.le . nitimni'-Jt's tley ; mmmi goumi flmi ibid kmum umumtl' tlc'mmm , no.1 . tlmtt (13EJ Immeammr dat. tles' Is iii , bt'mit vvi'i' zimmidu-- "i\'imuim y'oIl vumit a u't'mil good mmlmmulu PUt p'T oh a umickie mmii get a Sttmuckc-r , /AR9 44ece"S \ ; 'Ii 1404 DOU6LASO I- - ---4 Illinois Day is Bone- So hut 11mm gui doii'mm to hmimmmlmmessm zigmiimi- fm'mmit .r's'ri'fuig . liumsiuu'ss-tiiat umfl'flhim4 kI'itleb4-\\'It It mmmi you 'zimi ilIld grummito iron ntStmm'1lig Iti't I It's imt 1 2t.-i e-1 Sc- 2Jc nun ] : ic-u.'Ihmtmic'ci k4'tlhus at Se-Ide . --I 2e-1 t'-1'ilkIlmg : tboti I I iii ivui.m 1m.s' . ilbOilt 5St full'U large $ i'/.Q No. - grummite iroum tu'fl kettle or mmplmikiimig tiimmi : mit 1i-1 ( Sc'-2t'-'i'nti mmny gu't thai mmimumuo jmmiiem ; othi'm' itimti'es immit ) Jmu'hi mint gu't limo mitt mmmc mmlxi's mi mm ml I him an u mmii I t les at I hue motuuie him'i'a-Not mmii Itemim 1mm I lumivumo but ' A/ that wtm iiits'u or cmiii umutke-anti smtvo you lmmuliey 011. A. Cd RAYMER , WE DHIJVEII YOtTIt PIJItCLIASI. 1514 Iitwnftm : St , ,