Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1898, Second Section, Page 4, Image 8

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    F I _ - - - - - . TIT1 pNAIIA1)AIUV iBk : 'tTES1)AY ' , 21 , 1SO1S. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B. flOSVATEfl , Tttot.
at1y lice ( Without Sunday ) , One Tear.iA
afly Uce nnd Hunday , One 'Lear
13 Ix bontha 4.00
T hree Ionths . . . . . . . . . . . e. . . . . . , . . s oo 2.00
Lunday fle Ono Year 2.00
Haturdty 13cc. Olin Year . . . . . . . . ' . .
Weekly flee , Ono Year . .
Omnin The lice Uu1I'In. '
Ikuth Omaha : I3lnger Iliock , Corner N
* nd 24th treetfl.
Council lfluIti 10 Pearl Sttet.
ChIcno Ounce : 02 ( Thainber ot Com
Ncw York : TCInDIO Court.
Wash Ington : & 0t Fourteenth Street.
A1 conimuntcntlonn relating to fleWR IITi'1
editorial matter ehould bo nddrcse1 To
thu IdIton
MI IiiInp Iotter ani n'mtttflnCefl
.hould 1)0 a(1(1rese(1 to The flee I'tib1IS11Ifl
Company , Omaha. TraftR checks. exPrci3
and post.fllcn inone urtlers to be niadi
paynliln to tim nr1r nf ( ho companY.
StRte of Nehraka , DouglaM County.
George 13. TzwIiuck , Recrotnry or The flee
Pubihihing company. betng duty sworn ,
BftY3 that the netuni number at full and
complete copies of The Daily , ldurntng.
Evening niul SIIIIdLY 13ee printed duritig
the month of May , 189S. wai& as
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . ; ; , I fl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ) , : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , EZ
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : , 19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : 20. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . :10,7.17 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . , I
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ) . 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . , :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , su 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ; ,
12..8 I ,2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , I8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ' ) . 31. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . _ _ _
Tota' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lc3 returns tind unHol(1 copIes. . . . .
Not totril sales. . . . . . . .
Net dnlly average . . . . . . . . . .3O'721 '
Sworn to before me and Rubserthed in
toy presence th1 31st day of May , 1898.
SezLi.I N. 1' . FML.
Notnry Public.
Now l the tlnn8 to ct gOVrflflWUt ( !
boiul vliIIe they nLC ehl'l1) : .
Ililtiols lrOIIIlSe4 to shov the ICOPIC of
Otnalut 811(1 ( Nelrnslt how to elt'brate
the t1ClIClItIII ( ( ) of a Htflte tuilhuIn.
Our liltitots frItids nuty mill froni I he
Sticker state , lut the man wh.i tnke
tlieiit for sticlq s vlL1 sooli t1heover hh
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The way SU1)SerIltkfl4 ) for boutb4 8V0
beliig fllC(1 I1IItkC4 It ceitIu * tlittt thtne
vtlI 80011 be a great enlnrgeiueitt of tlit'
chtss of bondlio1tei In this coutitry.
flavnIt SCUIUH to be reittly to resort to
,1ny 111e204t11'O (0 CUfOECe
iimtriniony with Uliele Sam byvtt3 or
niiuexntloii. lint these forced marriages
seidmu turn out vel1.
The court-martini In tie Nebrasia
regltneiit at CIIIelt1flaltga 1IIIeateH ( ( lui t
Bourn patriots. are inure anxious to t4rVc
their coulitry svlth their utouths tluui
with thLr typewriters ;
An esteeiiied coutemporary
nouIIees th ennecits of the Chicago
Apollo cliii ) iiiitler ( lie head of " 1Iids ny
Anttiseiuent. ' ' This Is a 1)1tC ) ( where au
iiuJunctioui would be Iii order.
I t Is il1ggestetl that th Span In ul
would find It a great leti nuore notui-
Isluliug nuid ito less tinpulitable : : to eat
crow tliuut to keci , 111) ) the liorse.IiesIu
4 diet ; to which lie 11:15 : liecut retiuced Iiu
So long a-s the gamblers coiuie up Into
court oiuly to be lilt with a feaulwr
duster In the shape of a 'jonuinal hue for
nil offense which h a. felony under the
. I)1uaL code Just so long will they con-
thuuu tbe lasvless buusiutu.s.
Tue gains inutde by the soeIahIt In the
recent election In Gtjruuiauuy will not cii-
courage tb socialist Iaity ) iii the Cuutteil
States. There are arguineuts for suUal-
: _ istui that seen goid in a unonuirchiy ; but
' have no application iii a tpiubllc.
'l'hie State departuutcuut at Wns1uIngtoui
Is called I1Ifl ) to Is.iie only tlic suimli
iuuutuber of about udxty pnssorl.4 [ , a day
on an average. 'the foreign trave1 this
year is going to 1)0 ) largely III the tiliec-
. thou of tim TruuisiuuIssIsslpit : Expositloui
intl the vceiterui uuiouuuta in ii.orts.
Tue P10ViSiOILfhle war revenue law
L for the lqxnlioii of legacies meets with
I general nprovnl. In practice It will
compel thit' division of large estates w'.ien
they vnss through the 1)I'Olnhte ) couii'ts
uuid ' nitricaii opinion fitvor bienling
.t UI ) 118111 ilistilbirtliug large estatts.
; An ofhicilli stntkt ieu1 exhibit shios'a
that the United States flow tnket pine-
tieahly nU the 1)FOhtICL ( of 1Iui-aU itual
: - tchls it it'0le ItlIflOi4t all thin goods they
i Ifly ( ruin abroad , \\'hiat , thou , Is to be
, gained even coinineuciaiiy by iiidulgiiig
the IIutvaliuiui ileunuuiut for uuiuuiexatioui ?
ICILIIRIUI lty hue ; just ttyuirt1e to p
11IIII of uiuuilturtalers tim contract for I he
; burial ot Ult 1)t5iI8 Who tile iii that
cIty' without luouicy or t'I'IeIldH.r1110
: tract is for one year , nuui the eoinpeuna.
tion to ho half a cent. . ' 1'luis gives Icitut-
: city tutu ihistliietioii of lining the
ClWuulWSt Ittiti 1)\t city lii tin ) coLintry In
which 1,0 dIe.
.Auothier luteriuitloiini exhtlldtloii Iii tut-
itouuuceti , this tune utti exhiluitlon qr all
S kinds ( if lIrthiI ) , to be lucId In ituisslu. 1 t
vas idiuuuicul to have the exposition thiIi
year , but sluice the 1)11811 ) winu auiuinuueed
It. hits grovui to great Iuroiiortlon nuil
the exiulbitiuui hits beoui mit off utnotlier
year. I it the hue of great oxIuuhltkuiI8
tim cue nov In progress in Ouuiaha Is
niso a bIrth.
It Iii easy tuouighi to talk ubout iiui-
ning a initithle-of-the-road LioInhhlt 1 life
tIcket , lUt to get nu the olIlcial ballot Is
the rub , thither the electIon Iasvs , as
iuuIlthhuIt(11 by tim bite iioitilst ! IcIs.
- . Intuire , that state hotuc gang l , suuitiiue
In rtihliig enuullulates cii utiuti ot'r thto ballot
? , anti the tunehiliuc thiult hanthinil ; tie ticeut
ttuttO eoutuh'Ittee ineetiuig vitli sueii a
high huuuil vhII not hesitate to trteze th.
, rnlddlo-of.tberundor out again.
. ( IIITA H 1' Nc7b sstTr.
lct3thi ' flit' war the nniiexntloii ot
1liwll tV1tii urgoul n a commercial no-
ccsslty. It ynttFait1 that iuoseloli , ot
the Islnuds by thie Utilted StaR 'u WflS
esse'TuTIitt Id' ( fle cxlenlon of our cuin.
nIlite 'In ( ho- far ensL Ti6 suis not
a iersunslvu irgulinent. It had uiot tim
force to overcome ( lie strong oljeetloiuu
to the scheme of tcrItorin ncqutsltloui
lnv'tilvlng tim nbsorptiott of a poiuulntloui
a large inttjority of whIch thu uiot .1esh .
lt. Be51de8 , vltJuout posessin g htavitil
the United States hind hceui steadIly en-
inrglngf ( ttit(10. ( ChIna and oilier
lortIons of the eastern svoihtl and thrt'
was no sotutuil rcn.'On to IllICit It cthild
hot coiutlnuti to do no , wIth hawaii a
an Itulepeinlent and friendly country ,
iafeguuitrdet1 agniluit foreign pover b7
the Eoiiroe doctrine. The niuuiexation-
Ist. Were thwarted In their efforts for
the ratlllentlon of thin tiety utiud it is
hluLi'lly to be ttb(1 ( that huuiul the svar
beiu averted tile scheme of anuiextitlon
would now 1)0 iwacticnlI' deutti.
' ] 'he war infui'd neW life Into it 11II' '
IISWSIIIIU tunuiexatlon Is now being uirgeul
Its a uuuIIItuuy unce.shty. I ( Iu dcclii red
tIlUt the UiuIteil tu1tes nhiit4t uuIulrOjrIUte )
huM territory Iii orler to have a. IIItII1
station there svhiere our ships In the l'ut-
chic cnn obtain coiti 1111(1 ( oilier sup-
idles. But vo hiu1o nil the adynuituiges
thieve nether exIsting conditions that 'o
cotilti huii'c If ( lie ISIIiIItIuI S'te ours. Our
WILT slilps can go to hInahi as fret'y
as if the Isiuiuu1 veie inerIeuiu tent-
tory anti can get whiatevi r supplies : ure
to be had there. There l ahiuuiIuitehy no
restrIction nuld will not be , us ( lie nepl
of tIn ! 11nvnIIutui minister of foreign nf-
faii to the Protest of the Spanish viec
couisuul itt Honolulu shows. In the utes-
cult \fl lhi llutwutliuii goVeIIIIUL'llt Will
accoid to the UnIted States c'tuIy unl1- ;
hege or utssisli ; lice thin t uiuly be ni'qtiI icti.
Iii tlik resiectq thieiefoie , se 14111111 lie as
vehl off VitilOtlt anuiexatton its \vtlu ! it.
rj'1115 the uluuuuexa tlouilsta unuleistuni ii
fully , lint. theIr ltirpoe reaches ln,3outd ,
1IS'II II. 'i'fi0 luorpl ion of thuot , Is.
lands vouhti be the first stc toward
the cuiniylng out of a huger ehieiiie of
ternitoilal agglandl7.euneIut. I'eniua noun
lCstSIOfl of the Phulhipptns has be-
001110 fl cardinal luirt of the nhuuuc xi : 111)11
puograin uuuuui it is this ( hut gives foic'
10 the idea of mIlitary uie&psht ' lii tin
as9 of hawaIi. Au orgaui of annexa.
'titiui says : ' 'lhio lIuivuIlutii IsItuui1 : vIhi
itot defend thueuuusoives or our 11a"ifio
coastIhut thefli huts lb u
Plillipptnes Iiiio tt1t ) osessioII 1111(1 ( OUP
o\vn coininent lul tlevelol)1n(91t : tuuii I iter.
national J en hUSitS w Ill cointel I hi' In re
teui tiiui.r1'110 IssesioU ) of thio I 'lull
iuhuit' tlit , zuiiulsltloui ( of the lit-
wuilluiut isinuutis. " "Vll3uuot uuluo oilier is.
hands neurer : to the Phulflppiuui's tilalt tIn
vnII ? flut granting that If lie United
Stiles shouhti retaiui ) ) ossessioui qf iii'
l'llllppines it would lie uictsst y to
have hawaiI , why uot lt the iulestkll
of annexing tie hilton w'iht until t I-so
othit'r tinestloui is deteluhinel 'Ve c.un
hiivo Ilutivahl at auiy tune. 'l'litni' i' no
danger f those ishtiut1 sIIppiui. , ji ny
( tom us. Nor Is thucie any lang r that
they ili ever be otherwIse than friendly
to this couuitry. Aunericaut InleIs tiouui-
luinto lu&ro nuiti wIll uuiways do so. No
risk % oluItl be tnlen , thercfo , lii loll-
lug the ( Itl'StiOfl of fllllexflti ) lI In abey-
alice until our Policy in regard to the
l'huhllpplnes shill have bocit dceid"d.
't1lutlifri4tiy ticie Is no military ( '
utos. reiuIniulg ( lie uieiulsltloii of ha-
valI ii uiti. innhiulis the Aiuieiienui le11lO
% % .ili clecitlo thiit there shill be uunie.
Ihho 1)001)10 ) of tie United State must
not permit Ihiemmuselves to Ime beguIled by
the plea ci' "muulituiuy loee4slty. " if e
.110 to Just If.s' tie acquisition of terrItory
oil 81011 ground it will he fouuuil ( that It
cull he giveui wIle sciqi. It can 1)0
its irouigIy urged for tie anluexuttloum of
Porte Itico or OOl1 Cuba as for time no-
juihltioui otlluvuulI.
cunIWxcyJaisriTioy Noir.
It Is stated tint 1-10 votes In favor of
the currency reforni lull litre boon so-
eureul In the house of repiesell tatives ,
vluIcli h4 ; G uieuii a niajorIty uls to lead
tlio friciuls of flint uumeasuute to thmhuk tlitt ;
tIme bIll uuuay puluus the hiouie nt lIa
PtL'.SOltt sessloum. I'hucro L very siumiil :
vrohimbillt of this amid there is no good
v asoui 'why uuimy tiuime sluoumhi be taInt
ill ) In the house fios' him (1iscimslulg Ito
curremicy tltl(5t1uli. ( As the Nea YetI
: d itll 811(1 FxIress ) , a cumieumey mefonun
) $1i35 , It is doubtful \vhlctIter lily
curreuivy bill ought to be hilssud : nosy ,
ti.oii If It could 1)0. ) ' 1'lie Ilnuneinl f-
fairs of time gu'eriuuuuutt hive entered
811)0(1 ( IL lerloil ot great jul lmuporta mit
ehiutigeuu. 'lime national debt I lik'IpulS-
lug , there w111 In' $ Oiu ! intlitiomi : or liii
curreumey froimi ( lie frrutue of treasury c4i-
tIlhcatos auid the oumluurgeti coInage or
sliver tiiiti the results of lioreiseul tax-
uition 'tvlli ' Isivit a. umnnllfylng elim tt upon
tIme Iluiutuclal : tffumli's of time coumitry. \ 11
thIs 11113' 1)F0111110 ) umuuiitttuii roinlitlouis
Ii 3e11 r licimee vhm I oh couilil not 1)0 ) uiiul ici-
hLtiJd ) by any heglslatioti oumacteti uiow.
'J'hiIs Is a ioauiuil vIoi' of thu nuttIer.
'i'li (1iitst ( ion of tlitreulc-y reforuim should
be tel int'd uiimt Ii tic vnr t euitleui mud It
titll liti coiiitithi'iotl in tutu light of inur
eouudltlouis , 'rite cumIreuucy is giving
no trotible. 'I'lme nutioumnl ciecli I Is is
hIgh mis It has ever beeii. 'i'hio Inislmuess
of tIto Cotiiitry Is uimoving uuiouig suiiootiily.
! L'ie tinue is not liuspiclous foi cumiu.tnmey
refotiui ugltntlouu.
IIO1tX 'it ) nt.r.i IA' ' .1 I'11t.NtH.
'Flue Spaniiii goveim1Imi ( t hits rofmi.ed
to exehimumige I IthSOui ) ) auth his eumitrmiios :
auth time hmrobabillty Jij that tlmt' a ru
tiooiueth to rouutahui lunlsolutmis thirotihitiuit
time yar. It is not ullliictiit me guuu's time
uuuotlve for reftising to exelmnmige these
lmt'roes , vIutc acluieveimicuit tinujim ( lie
adumliatlon hOt oily of their own coumim-
trylnen , hut of iuieuu overyvhioro vlmo
honor high courage. 'J'hue jmiuis1i : guy.
eluimmient youid nvolt gIvii any reeot.
mutton to tIme exeepilounlly uhi ring dmm'l
of hhobsoui nmul hIs umeum vliIchi uuld
lie IliVOlVetI Iii their hmrumuhmt exchange.
1'hie factthuuit. . our goveiuiincimt maul.
( i4teul a. ult'slio to lu1VO tiituu exeintugel
as sooui us it could be ibirtuetoll mitmul that
it w.LiH ) to liltIngly tymr.l : Ihmeiut
for theIr irumvery5 ) tIlitiiCIi'imt to lit.
uhtiec tIme Spauulshu nuthmoilties to refuse
the muoposal. TIa're Is muo doimlt thmmt
tIme govenuuitjiit ; witui auiviseul tO 'Ia ills
by BlaUCO , With tb oueurrcuc of Cur.
vera , for while time latter wn reported
to lustre exvrt't.sed nihmniratlon for tia
bracery of hlobsoum and hits uu.sneiatei ,
lie milti hot iit'itutto to limcarcerntc' thmeimi
iii Iort uiorro In order to lmroicet that
fortIfication froiii lumuimnrdnieiut , thus
shmoylng imliuiseif a thorough Spaumi ml.
No imava 1 coimimimuumuder of iuimy ot suet clv-
Iilzcuh imatIoum It Is Rafe tO sumy would
uminla stieii list' of prIsoners of war.
It Is understood limit thie Amuienienli
heroes flit ! hot. Iii.treateul , limit thmt'e : -
colve all time consIderatIon tliutt can be
gtveii llieiit as tulsoimera. Jlmis uumay tue
50 , but unruly nnytjmlumg iflOiC ettiel
could be Inflicted umpOti such mmmcii thnui
to iuiuuke tioumi uuiisl1htmmg.n his to tIme en-
clay. of tlmeI coututry. It. Is euutmy to be
hove that liobsoim and lila lissOClutteli ,
kumoirluig for what pumrpouie they were
coiiiliied In miorruu , oxpenIcnied the keen.
et. iiieittiil torture , nor can there be any
tloimbt I lint they would readIly ylcitI up
thielt lle. rather Itimium be titus made
helpful to itIii : , 'rime decIsion of tii
Spuummisim goverummieuiL lint ' ( o exubmuige
timse hilHOiIeiS ) shoWs it uuiost illscrethlta-
bit spIrIt , bitt oiie that Is entIrely elate-
neti'rlstle , It utily l'ep hlobsun nuid
hIs comnrauies iu1St)11etH ) to time end of
time rar , if they shill lIve timiougli It , hit
It caumumot ullimmitilsim time iimllueimce of their
spleuuthld exniumple.
IV } r.qM ; TO ( ? ( ) i'Ji'Oii rtxxizi.
Omaha xteiid a hearty 'tvclctumuie to
the stalwart governor of time emimpire
state of time great vest vtio has oimue
1(1 tletilci to time hulhthlug erected by 1111-
iioi mit time i'iui ' ) flxiiOsltluii. ,
'I'lmo eltlzeii of Ommuihit uiimth Nebraska
feel Imlghhy hmouiorcd l' ( internee luuim.
miei. s hresemmeo ummud gut tefuihy itppioclate
the iimvalunhle service Ime hits reumuhetemi
to time t'xpositloii 111111 time eoiuipiIti nt lie
Is now putylug to time expositIoum eiiy.
Iii luVOICOItI lug tiOVOillOl , ' .i'tiuiier ,
0 inn lit miso cxteumds cordial greetlumgs
to tIme iimeluutOVS ) Of hIs stiff niud the ills
tlngtiiulieul CItIY.eii5 of lliInuis tvhm hitve ;
il000ililntiIeth ( theIr goveuimor to llitlCl.
lute iii the cenuumnonles of hhhlimois duty.
'I'Ite lmOslItumlit3 ) for tvhiieli tie great m\est
is miotOl ( till munt be wmmiimig on this
OCCutSlOiI , hot rimily foe the citilnent
guleIts of thu exIositioml. bitt also
for umli ttll ( ) COllIe to innke Illinois
dumy omitu of time iuieiuiorahhe events of the
exposItion Pt'tlOui.
'Tlio ' reitilhicuuii ) county coiiimflittce hmis :
lureeluilumleul it comitest likely to lurOtt-
tilsmstrotms : to time PuuitY unless Its iti-
tuuliilt it ) like simap jumigimueumi Oh time
i-mimI uuuith tile of time puty hi uroiuuimti
mesel ii mli'ml .
Iii a stir chammuher uimeet1umi. culled wIth-
omit 1)111)110 ) notice tliL couiminlttee hums or-
htreth a frlmmma my elect ion uuet F'nitlay
to eleil tlo1eates that are torejresent
loughums eoumlty Iii time meinmimhlcami state
coumveiutiomi called foi' time tuiithi 1ut of
August uieCL -
'l'iuls action is wIthout prcedeimt in
the history of tim 1trt tillCOfltraiy to
ill usage. It is it lilghi.lmnmmdetl attemmupt
to disfeumeimiso tile rank utimil fhlq of time
1)liitY mmmd Imamni oy a ii Incke(1dehegatioum
to Cflhuiilliltt4 ( time 'wmnt. to av id it con. .
test In which their elninma for preference
could be subjected to tIe clistomumutry test
of discussiout In icinuhillcan climbs miii cii-
dorseinent of icpuihdlcami votems.
Uialer time mrevniliimg Auustruthlun : ballot
systeiul tii ilmumnes of leiogtte : uionu
Ommunia ama ! tiithm Omaha tvouuhl have
to lie 1110(1 Wltlilti the uicxt Ilmeec dumys ,
viuieim mimauulfestly pieveilts mu umy repre-
sentatlvo choIce by. cltib or ctIlemuseuu.
'J'lme Iulot : of gIvIng voters oumhy three days
iOtIe to tilO' iiult lii lVhimillleH : lImit
Involve time tlcsthliy of time 1)tltY hot 1 in
Simile mini uatlonul : iulitic Is umnimenith-of.
'l'hme atteuumlit to force umion Ioimgins
eouiumty repmmlliemuuus ) a truidimig dtlegat ion
flint trill hairier a vay time viiole tit :
ticket aliul Is uulimuost ceitalim to ulest
whatever chalice tie ( hits to regain
suprtiumaey in Nebymujkm is mint oily a
stupid bhmnuler , hut aim umniuultlgated out-
uimge. Never befome mild hirt ) ' iimteross (
deumiutiud urmmtleumt nuuul hituuuoimIou aetlon
sIt.hi a vie' to tiit , imoimiliittiomi of nit
iuuvhimcilile tIcket commmjmoseul of eniuiiidates
tvhio conumutiuui iOl)11111i eouhhdeumce uuiuti
i csieet. ) Every step lendimig tOWail ( tue
selectIon of tie stnimdiiiuI homers shmoulth
lie open 111(1 ( uulmov board w'ltlmouit elul-
CiliiOiY 011(1 ( time suictlice of iHttaliiOuiuut
lnui ty interests to versommal ammihltioums.
Candidates iioiuiliiated by $11111) Jumig.
umeuit uomuveimt mumuml picked debega-
lions ire ( oeeiloomuoii to tiefeat. If the
loumghus eouuiity nt'pumbhicaui committee
mire u ) fonitmutumly as to hiiuumgiiue tlutt tii. .
i nuih nil tile of nt'puiiItaIu ) voteus will
ruttify such ii iumit.imi job they uimuierrnte
the imuteiilgeimco of the jmeolle. ) 'lime best
tiulmig It ( flfl do amid I ho only thing to do
is to reruihl time netioum talOn uuuiui issue
a ctll that ts Iil give VuilmiiICuiiS ) ) ahimhule
t I iuie I a select delega te I lint trill teptt.
semmt time PmmtYs : lust uutomtlmimeimt uuimil voice
I I S ii ci Ihe en to J mimi gimiemi t umpomm en mu 1 I lutes
auth idatfonluir 'l'hmls Is esseiutlal imot only
for time 'utCcess of the stute ticket , limit
fet that of 'ji ' ! leglslittive ticket upon
tvhmieli uleimemlulu ; tItm eltctiout of a Ummited
i4tttt's senator.
¶ l'lw eoastttIso siuiiuplmmg ( rule along
time Pacific his Inen omliIg so rapidly
Iii r'ctii I : yours that ftv , \ mup'nieutums have
a ii y umoiucr I mica ti I' I Is I iii pa rt ii ii cc. ' 1' I me
Inurhonummaster at "I'uu.oiuut meports that
d mini tig time ium st t en i nuim I us I iieio I ii S
iiei'ii shi bpieul from 'l'teoumt for Alaska
0 1 ( i1 I I fuuiui in en rgots ti totui I Vii I ti e ( if
it-IOLOou : , or uumu uivtiige 01' hare tliitiu
: t 11)1)1)1) ) ) ) ) a iumonthi. 'l'hiis Is but one of
sevtrtl ports uuiniug the l'mchihc miuil evem.y
oil e lii 4 1 n't'mi tin I H g bumsl ii ess
\Vimy Is Itihat iii ! time raid3 of skin
gim imutugmumuilmiems ijiuve to but nundo l time
sherIff vhieii It is time duty of tIme jiuIte
to amulupress such iatvlessimiss ? i\'htt :
uiiore couitliisive Ivsf could ho tvniuteul
that the 100fl14)Ohk'h stand um : tvllh thai
gmtumiblt'm ye gtinrnmmet-t1 them
limoteetioim ( era coashleratlon ? No uimu-
hllimg gaumue ( 'Ol1i1 ' ( ho run t'mveiity-foimr
haunt without' the eoimnlymm of time
luolice , _ _ _ -
\\'hmat Is thie'Onmaitmi city cOtmimuIt going
to thu to toke umdvumumtuiguu for Ilitu
liiYtiS of time runt hot miecishni v.uim .1 fI or
expeimsii'c iltigat lui , carried through to
Ilium LiltctI States simpreummum court ? Of
vlutt use to tight cimses smiccesfmiliy 1mm
the courts it , after the dochiioiu hi
cured , thit' etf4 rights are not to iii'
asserted ? TJua..iotmimvil might tO tuke
ultepH at eire 'lii , have timi' Sixt 'umthm
street wIth a substumit.
tint struetumnel ts imitve ut mieiv vli'itiii ° t
erected at ' [ ' + ieuIty-fourtli street amid In
have time 'I'elti.eet imnd time ilevemmtlm
street vluihuiotuuiimiuulimtntuicil lit COliuSthimit
repaIr. 'il'iie mAiivoatls ttihl , mit Ooiii'SC , iii-
terpose ohiJttftijjs , lamE lccnumse they
have' evaded their obilgitt so long lit
Imo gooui remhsut'vhmy ( tlit'y shmoumlul h still
further ' , especial ly Whelm t lie
VlhtthiiCt. ' . imrtiIiOt' , only comiveimlemictis f r
time ptmhilie , ilit'Imcttmuul ' ceohmoilly for thu
Time systeni of ueglstimmtluim amid othliiiI
bnliotmm , considutreul nut citueuitial himet of
time uuew uteemet eiectloui systemim iii USC
lii umeanly every stile , ittiiithi Iii time vay
of exteining time fuuumchmise to sobhiems
lii the field uiml esmecIthiy (111)50 III ( its.
taut lamahs. It mimight be fenslbio to ap-
IOiimt regist ratioum olilcers numh elect bolt
jnhges froimu mmnmolig tie vohmhuiteers , but
It s'oiihtI hi , lmitil to mmu1 olilcimil billets
to tie Pliiilppities ot to uemttfy umoimilon.
thtiiiu ; iiuntli.i iii soimme ctis Its iiut ItS ten
( laYS beforeelect mu.
Soutd l'uii DC ProuutlnhI.
New York Commercial Advertiser.
'Fhie luromotlon of hbjomis mneuu is sound
policy. The work of war i done by on-
Vatus. Tim was ! to get it done well 1mm to
gIve theni lope of being olflcorB.
Liurvo nf ilaluit.
New York Summi.
lii vIew of time result of the Oregon dcc-
tioii , the geuutbomnemi who comutimue to couu-
struct fimsion ticket In various western
states flutist have uncommonly sangutno
teuuuiernmiuons , o ; be tHu vlctinmuu of habIt.
Stuitit , tiu Ii rttt Cruiser.
St. Liuimt Iteitililk.
? biahnld announces that time Vlzcaya has
been struck by ono of Sampson's shells in
Santiago imambon , but not Injured , Amen.
catis siiI bo glad to learn that this report
ii true. Time Vlzcaya imow belongs to us.
and uuono of ims waumi to hurt the great
A II ( ) iu'i it ( ( tduI liomnuigit.
Cievelnijul l'iahi Denier.
The amlmmexatioui of ilavalI means therefore -
fore , admission Into the unbout' as time rot-
tcnest of "rotten Uorouglu" states , its adop-
tloi as a territory wIth a people contessediy
unfit even for the usual territorial form of
partial self-government , or time creation of
a iow form of government uuot in huarmommy
with our present ystem The annexationists -
tionists "have act given reflection" to that
1'Ineiy AuhiuiotlIlon ,
IiiJftalu Expreits.
Justice flre\'u4 p the UnIted States su-
preumue court atnimci the right note i'hen , Imi
an address tottI ) aw students of the Iowa
Simile Uuutversty , ' said : "We are In hue
midst or a 1ir'immdertaken In a spirit cC
humanity. but. whatever others iiiay think ,
I still believe in George \Vashlngton who
adyised us to'hotti ' all entangling alliances
with foreign i'matlo1us" ' ThIs Is not. tIme voice
of the imperliuhfst ; ' it Is merely' the echo of
the admnomitio dfkhe itrst president.
Au idiusti ion Ireuittire.
ItItiijcmtpoils Tribune.
"Built by thuebo's and girls of the west"
Is the legend over the main entrance of one
of this pnineiluaintsuctuires of the Ounalma ex-
p05111)11. Thl.bulidlng , exclusive of Its plc-
ttirs and decorations , cost $ i0,000 and the
Wliol has berm paid by contributions from cents akiiau'paomflc tak-
tug one shmarc , others a iargo bummber. It
contains the work of the pupils In drawIng ,
penniansimip , composItion , etc. , and prizes
are offered for the best. At the chose of the
fatr , the pictures will be awarded to the
schools that have made the largest contribu-
tious according to enrollment.
.tdin ( ml ) aioul.Ht Stoi- .
Kamisas City Star. .
Admiral Dowey's greatness as commander -
der is emphasized by his modesty in telling
the story of his great victory and by the
splendid tribute lie pays to tie men who
( night 'ithi him. In his official report he
says : " 1 beg to state to thu department
that r doubt If any coninander-in-chiet was
ever served by more loyal. efihcicnt and gallant -
lant captains than those of the squaron
under my commnamuui. " Then lie proceeds
to name men who were conspIcuous for
their courage and skill. That was Grant's
way of telling ubout 115 great achievements
on the battletleld , aiuil it is a practice which
does more than anything else to endear a
commander to time people for wboumi he lights.
luit uui& of tue 11u iiIpIuies.
Chicago Ilecord.
The taking of the I'hllippines as an mci-
dent of war lia placed umpouu the nation a
responsibility for the estahhislmnment of a
stable and humane government in those is-
janus which ommr wIsest statesmen would
gladly avoid if timey could.Ve may not
lIghtly shirk 1110 duty wimichi lies boon thrust
uuon us as a result of war , humt none except
time expoimeuuta of a mIlItarism which l in
ill accord with time traditions of this country -
try will look with pleasure upon the lien-
mnauuent occupation of the Philippines by the
United States As a matter of self-interest ,
we do not want those islands , and should
favor that diupositlon of theta which insures
to their inhabitants th best governnmcimt and
gIves to the United States the least excise
and justificatIon ( or exercising military aim-
thonity over them.
IieiehI uir uiiiui Practice.
Chicago Chronicle.
Consiuioriiig that we hear a great deal
about British eynmpatluy tlmese days It is
sonmewluat distressing to note that all time
blockade rumuimeta and coal steamers limit
Imavo been captumred recently are English
vessels , owned by English firma and manned
liy English croWs Of course the Itroceed-
tugs of a few -ilnltlslm ship owners do not
necessarily rbileht ? the eimtlnuent of the
lfngilslm eeoule , 11hL It is certainly singular
limit since tlai 1a F3yetto Incident 811 tIme
blockadU runiflii lmuus ocen done by Ilnitiudm
almilS. 'rho cf&i3ns : ? , limb French and time
Italians , who q81uupt conceal their ( hisliko for
ui. have kepqj ) of the business. it has
remahumt'd bc. gcod friend and pros.
pectivo ally , 14uq Bull , to monopolize time
business of s.pIA'imn time enemy with coal ,
ainnuummition , tYkh supplies , protestiiug time
ivlmlle the denjJpd distnterestediuess of hits
aUectioim for 'rho proceeding Is to say
time least Incongruous ,
'i'iiei iii , ut $ * ) , ullsuuien ,
I'hliunlelpmima Itecord ,
Time spoilsmoocra of limo United States
senate have ui4W a beau'lt.i corijlmrnmlio
arrange menmtffr 'dl'/hding the official mat-
rommagtu of the jjfflSUS of 1900. They have
provided ha thq lietdIag bill that no party
shall hive more than two-timinihs of time
offices which ills prbposu'l to create. Thus
while the repuftmhlcans will .ako time hlon'o
share of the spells the remalider It to bui
distributed among the demnocr.uts , imojiulibte
and silver repuhilramm. Civil scrvi.o . reform
has been used merely as a sinew to exlui I
fronu the republicans a part of the o'Ih ' id
plunder when ( lucy worn disposal lo gobble
time whole , As a rcJlt of this game it
"divIsion loo" over tim pobls the publIc n uuy
expect that the cen8us of 13) ) wIll rIval lb at
of 1SO In the incorrectness , unrehlabthlty
nod delay of Ibis work. 'i'ha census of 190
has not yet beeum quite coaiplet.nh lii all us
details , aunt under hike ausptcet time couple-
tlonm of the iixt , census mnay lie loohed for
seine time near the middle of the tweutieth
Century , I
Among the most potent educational forces
of recent years bmuvo been time great cx-
vositlons of time world , l'recisely , or ciemi
approxlmnmtciy , to what extent they have
quickened the perceptions , aroused thus thor-
mint facimitles and desires , encoumrngu'tt wluler
auth ofitinufom more systematic readIng ,
bmozuloneul the sympathies and enlargeil the
view of nil classes , It is imnpossibie to estl-
mate. That they hmavo , in a largo measure ,
hmrommglit about these results no omme wilt
ouestion.Vhuat opportunities these expo-
sltions have afforded people not fortunately
enough tltuatcd to travel widely , brInging
glImpses not only of the highest IndustrIal
and commercial activities of time world butt
of the best hn science , in art , in all that
pertaIns to the higher form ! of education ,
anti , nenhmnpa heat of all , hiving uopresenta-
tlves of far distant hands. From this point
of vIew , tlme Transmuiuusissippi lixpositlon , as
all entirety , witlm nil Its attendant confer-
dices amid coimgrcsses. tuutist ia regarded na
Ilowever , imsimig the term in it more ro-
strlcted sense , the edumeatlonal features of
the expoIthon may bu classified under the
foilowiug heads , the classification beIng
based partly on the nmmttmrn of the collectIon
and Partly on its locatIon : First , Time tlnttch
States flurenu of Edtmcatiomm , found of course
1mm tue ( ] ovornmiment building ; second , time
Nebraska cthmcatlonal exhibit , located in limo
gallerIes of thuo Manufactures building ;
third , time exhIbits of othmer states , a majorIty
of wimichm are idaced imi limo gnllery of time
Liberal Arts building , though a few ate
found in the respectIve state bumliuiiimga ;
fourth , sIngle exhibits , chIef among wlmich
may ho mnentioncuh those of Coitmmnhiia ituulver-
ally nmu the Chicago Art lnstittite , time fernier -
nier having a booth on the lower floor of
the Liberal Arts buIlding and tue latter in
the gallery. While passing througim the
( lovernmnemut ltmilhing the other day the ques-
lion vns asked : " \Vhmat are time objects of
thio educatloniti bureau ? " The rcmly was :
"To collect , publish and diffuse educational
nmatter amid statistics. " The reflection nt
once followed : Then time expoitiomi is an
ideal bureau of education , In that it accom-
pushes tImee Inirodses objectively ; mmcl-
thug themmi before one iii concrete form ,
I venture the assertion that the Alaskan
exhibit In charge of the liureaum of Educa-
lion attracts hundreds. while the statistical
charts , mmmnps and other iuubhications are
scarcely glammccd at. Tlmis is largely due to
the fact that In the one are seen eithuer
real objects or faithful reproductions of
them , while the other deals with the mb.
stract. Yet in tlmis particular instaimee tIme
latter Is of Infinitely mono imutnitislc value ,
contaIning as it does imuformatiomi reiatimug
to all phases of education , and especially to
those pertaining to tiio history aimd growth
of education in the transmnisslssippt region.
In mnmtklmmg commmlmilations the bureau aroupa
the states of the union as follows : North
Atlantic division , South Atlantic division ,
South Central division , North Central division -
vision and \Vestern dlvhslon. Nebraska fails
naturally in the North Central group. The
statIstics shown cover the last twenty or
twenty-dye years , a period long enough to
mnke definite comfipanisons and demonstrate
substantIal progress. The umtummost pains are
taken to secure accuracy. Time population
of a atate or group of states is always taken
as the basis. It is veil to keep this in
naiad in viewing the charts , else one may
occasionally be misled ( and possibly reach
the conclusion of the man who in classify-
imig falseimoods made statIstics the worst
form ) . itor Instance , while the actual mum-
her of illiterates in Nebraska or any given
state may have matoriaily increased during
L.e last twenty years , . the percentage of
Iilltcri y may have greatly decreased.
Nebnaskn lmaa limo lowest percentage at
illiteracy of any one state , the North Cen-
Itch and Western divisions having the lowest
of lb0 groups.
As a further instance of the practIcal
vaitmo of the tatlstical Information , one
chart , under the general heading , "Progress
of Education imm the Transmisslssippi States
froni 1870 to 1890 , " gives these items : Increase -
crease in school ioculatlon , in actual at-
tendauc , in value of school properties , resources -
sources and expenditures. Time nmaps , amnomug
other tImings , show time mmumber of schools In
the UnIted States , inciimtilimg the primary amid
secondary schools , colleges , umimiversities ,
normal and tecimnical scimools , and also the
public libraries.
Tue one other statistIcal feature of the
ork of the bureau is that relating to the
agricultural schools and experiment stations
aIded by the general government. Twenty-
five thousand dollars annually is given each
of these schools and $15,000 additional in
case an eximoniment station Is connected
A little reflection shows how the gathering -
ing ammd dIstrIbution of all timeso statistics
indirectly bemmefits the institutions con-
cerned. It temmds , not only to promote the
systematic keeping of records , mm. timing much
to ho desired , limit by enabling theta to make
intelligent comnparisotma of results obtained ,
tends to constantly elevate their standards
of emcmemmcy in instruction and scholarship.
Irop In PrIce ofCmislt % 'Iient Illetimis
the of Amiotlier huh.
lion 1)otinrs.
ChICAGO , Juno2O.-Moro threatening
clouds nrc gathering for Leltcr. Since the
announcement of Loiter's withdrawal fronmi
time deal time price of cash wheat imas ( Ic.
dined 10 cents. That , it in asserted in time
h'ost. today , means an additional hose of
$1,00G,000 within a. week , which the older
Lelter apparently will imavo to pay. An-
otlmer source of evil to the Loiter prospects
is time hiersistemut rumor from across the
watom' that foroignmcrs are rejecting time
wheat LoIter sold , Various reasons are
assigned for time rejection. hut in each case
tlmere nppeams time possibility that LoIter
will fluid lila wheat coming back to iulm in
great quantities. The sale of options this
week which were controlled by Loiter Is
anotlmer Item of loss with a declining mar-
On time oIlier hmnnd , the outside holders of
cash wiment , Imicluding Peavy , camno to time
city today anti the atatement. las been dr.
culated that practically all the wimemmt in
time visible supply of the country will be
Involved iii time Armour-Loiter theal , itecon-
dilation is said to have been effected be-
tweca Letter and Peavy , vluo was erronme-
otmshy regarded by sonic as one of time leaders -
ers of limo mnovemeumt to break time market
In time imorthwest wimicim precIpitated time
Lejter railuro.
On good authority It Is said that both
Pillsbury's wheat at Iullnmieapohlc anti
Peavy's stoch lit Dumlutlm are enimbraced In the
transfer fronmu helter to Armour. Timers is
porimapa 5,000,000 husimels In Mlnimoapolls
and 3,00QOQO at iuiluth , The addition made
by atnmittimmg I'cavy inmto time Armour camp
is said to tue hF the nolglmborhmood of 2,000-
000 bushels ,
hoist I tug lhsii Coinmaissiouts. .
ST. I.OUIS , June 20.-it Is announced that
the oilcera of the flv volunteer regiments
imIcli' WOtQ mutered Into service In this
state tuid wimiclm are now encamped at Camp
Alger and Clmlekamnauga park are holding
their positlomma withommt comnunlesions , wimich ,
it is asserted , arc being whtimimcld by Coy.
elliot Stepimens for political rensoims , A ape-
dab to time Post-lispatch from Cimlckamnnuga
park , rtcIved today , says : Iutalor Juhian of
icansas CIty baa officially stated at timu real-
inmemmial imeadquarters of the Fifth Missouri
that ho Is time only regularly appoInted and
connnmissioaed officer in the Missouri outfit
and that time governor holds the ofilcial lives
of all others In his Imands.
VAit TAXlI. .
Springfield itepumbhlcani People will know
that they no ; uuying them , whIch is more
thamm cnn be said of limo cumatoms nmnl Internal
taxes now In torc , They wIll ining the
war homno to all classes , anti when it , is un-
tlertood that ut policy of annexation oath un
Pcninhtsln means not merely thmo mermnnemucy
of most of timeso taxes , but their extension ,
there will ho some aluatement in thai hires-
their zmc'conimpanying cost of in expensive aunt
dhmIhuirO We untist. pay the imrlco iii cash as
oppressive system of militarism.
floston TranscrIpt : The tea tax is said
to have heeii cngineereui by Senator Tillunan
for tIme uurotection of the South Carolina tea
inulumitry. Whether that Is time secret of II.
or imot it will be n rather serious mmdcc
upon a great mnamiy hioer people , mostly
womeum. whose only luxury ha tea , if indeed
it simould not rather be called a. imecesatty.
'l'lmo bill aims at new rovemmue largely throumgh
increased lnternai revenue taxes on beer
arch tobacco In various forms , on inheritances
anti special branches of business iIkbmnk-
lag and amusements Tlm stamullu 'wIll but
the omnipresent reminder that we are muny-
lag tam' war , and it mmmay also contain a hmint
( hunt If we expand the consequences of war as
home would have us , timese tokens nmay be-
comae permnanenmtiy familIar , for Imnpeniahlsni
imieans vastly increased expense of govern.
macnt ,
Chicago Chronicle : The subjects of taxa-
( loll are so numerous that we are likely to
renllzo I4mat war antI nit Imperial polIcy involving -
volving ( lie mnalnteimammco of Inummueuuso mill-
tary amul naval ostabhisiunoumta tune costiy lax-
eat heedless clamor for dlstammt colonies amid
umnlcs , and tint if we will imayc ' 'glory" auth
neil as Iii life. TIme stnnmps wiuleim we will
encounter at ahiuio3t every turn will not let
his forget thumb we are all victims of time
muon' departure in mmatiummni policy. Amid this
Is as it ought to be. The mmmore distinctly
this business is brought hionm to time masses
of time PeOPlO the more liktly will tile ) ' be
to call a halt before our statesmen lose siglmt
altogether of time avowed objects of the war
mmd commnit the comuumtry thoroughly to a
polIcy , whlcim will ummako thus taxation mien-
luetmini amal evem-Imicreasing.
l'hiladehphia Tlunes : It Is expected that
the new tax haw will ho fully In operation
by time 1st of July , nntl many of Its features
iluli go into effect Imnumiedlately umpon its approval -
proval by time president. The rovemmue
counted on to be realized frou timi law will
he about 2iOO00,000 , which with $100,000-
000 of bonds and $100,000,000 of lmmtemesl-
hearIng notes , will probably be sufficIent to
prosecute the ivan for one year , Iii plain
hlnghishi. we have a war in hammd that Is
likely to cost a billion dollars , and time pee-
Pie will not regret time expenditure , if It shall
iesuit , as imow seemmis inevitable , in the cmi-
tire overthrow of tlmo Stuanish rule lii the
western World , amid teaching to all mmatlons
the great lesson of tolerance and humammlty.
S L'iLY ii a' 'i'i i E WAIL VA''E ,
1mm company 1 , Seventy-first New Yorkvoi-
untoers there nrc four brothers bearIng time
patriotic name of Meeks.
I'hmiladelplmia makers auud dealers have
shipped to the Ammmericazm fleet at hiammila
mmoarly 4,000 cigars , a special box of 000 be-
lug consigned to Admimiral Dewey.
AdmIral Dewey has had another LL. 11.
midded to his annie. If these hommorary titles
keep ptilmig up time gallant tar of Manila
will beconmo an object of hubiie sympathy.
Lieutenant hfobson and his gallant nmates
are too useful to b exchanged in a hurry.
As long as their presence saves the Metro
at Sammtiago they are likely to remnain there.
Omme of time Younger and one dt the James
boys have gone to the trout with the army
of hmmvasion. They will confoimn to anmmmy
tactics. hmowevor. Trauma are too scarce to
try their talents on.
The rAtest race of the sensed fdr a 1)01
of $40.000 occurred in Cammnda lost Monday
when Chicago traders tried to rumm a trainload -
load of tea over the border before the war
tax veumt into effect. Fifteen car loads
failed by 500 feet and Uncle Sam took the
Not until the third year of the civil war
did the exumenses of the gou'ernnieumt moumnt
up to $2,000,000 a day. Time second month
of the Spanish war has not yet passed , bumt
expenses are already iaced at $50,000,000
a month and will soon reach time high vater
mark of the civil war.
Dr. Jolmmm iiiair Gibbs , time New York pimysi-
claim wimo lost imis life at Guammtnnanmo , wa
a graduate of Rutgers college. lie studied
umiedielne in Philadelphia amid for fourteen
years practiced in New York City. lie gave
UI ) a ( iterative busimmesm to go to the war.
Ito was a relative of Theodore iioosevclt ,
Skippers wimo have shown exasperating
contempt for the mmmines placed In time bar-
hors wore given a saummitle of what time mimlnes
can do when time operator touclmes the bumt-
tom. It happened at Newport News. Time
hull of a burning scimooner drifted into a
maIne field , The operator toumcimtnl time html-
ton , tim huh bocamne aim air ship for a
nioment , timen cohlalsed and time fragmuenmts
voro strowhi over several acres of water.
A relative of time hate Captain Charles V.
Orhiley , conumaumtier of the United States
steamer OlympIa , has written to a Cimicago
paper to say that CaptaIn Grldiey was it
lineal descendent of Aihertus Grt'slet , who
camuie to lOnghand with William time Conqueror -
quoror , of itoimert do Grehhiey , 0mb of time
barons at htuimmmymeule , anti of Tlmomas tie
Gretihey , wimo graumted a charter to Manclios.
ter , constituting it a free borough on May
14 , 1501 ,
Some German critics humslnuato timat in
gunnery Ammuenicaims are not as swift as is
claimed. Let us see nbout timat , At thei-
fort during time war of 1870-71 the German
army fired 09,453 projectiles , killing or uteri-
oushy woundiimg only sixty persons , an average -
ago of 1,666 mulmelis to one vietinm. At
? tiatammzas three vessels of time AmerIcan
navy tired .125 shells mmmd killed a mule.
Wham it conies to simooting your Uncle
Samuel is mighty handy witim a guum ,
Time alleged 'simocking ' condition" of oumr
army at. Tampa is explained by a carte-
a000dent of an Enmgiishm publication , lie do-
dares timat after time war broke out time tie-
partunemmt imad to issue orders requiring olil-
cers to wear their unmlforumus , But time gray-
eat condition was this : "No sentry shmmmds
guard before time comnmnndimmg genmeral's door ,
A messenger In civIlian clothes is time omuhy
bar between time and time
outside public , ( ieneraily the thoor stands
OIeni , And ( hits is Anmenica 1mm svar , " No
wonder h'ouhtney lligelow was Provoked to
shed a colunnum of raw inuk ,
From West VirginIa ( lore comes a some-
wimat novel call for vohimimteers. A elm-cu-
mr lmas been sent out by ChuariesA , Wimito-
limo ihoysi ii ( lie hl0hrst reda baking powder
Iown. Actual tests show it goes one.
third further timmrn OImy oilier III'CCI ( ,
Ab5oiutcly Purm
CO. , 51W SOCK.
shot of Mannimiaton Vim. , In which r -
emits for a reglmenmt of infantry , suit of
whose macnumbers shall be riot less than six
feet tall , are naked tom' , AccordIng to the
circular teem-mills for such a regimumont are requested -
quested tinder time lureskient's second call
for volunteers , It is limo khea of the organIzer -
Izer to have every state In the Union semi
some of Its able bodied , six-foot citisens
as recrumlts to this rcginuenL 'l'imero is no
limit , above six feet , placed uipmu the height
of any recruit ,
( ttiiI'V' UP ' 11111 % 'AiI.
Cieveinmni Plain 1)emmlerm "Last year , "
said tIme man wilm ( the furry silk lint , "out'
Conalinimy paid $50,000 to ( lie got'enuumnent. "
° Circnt SeoUl" rejoIned his friend , vimose
coat iuieo'cmt were too short , 'areui't yoim
PeOPlO ricim enmomigiu to keep front pmmyiiig
nil Ilmosu taxes ? ' '
Truth : Visiior.-W'lmat ivatu thmo strength
of ( ho tegimument ) . ( fl tent to the front Cmii
home ?
lt'mutumckinnii-Fcummr imumidreut nail eighty-sIx
eolcuiit'ltt , flfL ) ' gemucrals , ammo hmtmimtimeui mimid
fort ) ' majors muumui six i'nlvatus.
l'imilamlelphiia North Ainenienmim "Timinuk of
tlmomue DOor fellows vhmo vIll hate to light
ummoler , time bhimsin i ; hi at Cimbumi stint I' '
" Cs. bumt think of ( lose wimo will imave
to tight ttimder seine fammmout mmman'mu soul"
flrooklymm lhlel 'I'lue General-I iuziv
touid uitimanved wheum simeils were bmmrstln
around mmmc. Coimlh , you 7
Itomen lumuimmatnrnner-\t'cll , timmit would tie-I
peuiti it great ulent 111)0mm ) tIme migo of ( lie
eggs ,
Ietroit Freel'reom : "is Mr. Seiehmest
moult of nnueiu imnportant'ti ? "
' ' I mni'ortn mmee I I shmomilil immy so , ' '
"hut imims un prem'eti it 7"
"Got his son Iiltt ) thu arm ) ' its in oiilcer , "
Atlanta Cemistitutinumu : "Lmivd , Lmitvul I"
exel ii mmmcd it ( tiotms eel oreul 1)1-other , ' 'hum t
ain't tIe bible conniuu' true ev'y tilt ) ' ? Ain't
tvo got mu Smunmmpsoum lirhmtimu' ft'r mitt ? 10mm
ain't tie word coma clear 'cross do ocemun
tint m1 Nutnlted Stmutcs ilmig wmut'es over timu
Phtilitiiie7" ' 1'
Chicago ! Fnitommue : ' 'Comisitlorlng mull lit
( milk u'e lear about Slimmimi tmc'itmg I med
the t'nr. ' ' romnmmrketi time math with the
violent mmecktlum "it's strange It ulesmi't
come forward with its ovuirtuirems for
Pence. "
, ' 'l'crlmitps , " muiggesieti tii mimami with tue
cinmimmumunu whiskers , "Sloilmu can't luu' time
orcimestun , "
Cioveinad l'lnlmu ] ) enler : "Of course It
unH Patriotism I limit cutused ) 'nttng Mr.
Jigglas to nceept. a conimmuissiomi iii thmti
at mn' , " said ohio girl. .
"No" nid ( lie otimer , "it vn'5 fIlth at- " ' -
ft'ctloiu , lie wmtmited to simos' time 1)111)110
hmut a grout mmmiii lit ( mitimer Is. "
P.ishiimigtomm Star : " \t'hmen one of the
tubes aim tie Vesuvimmmt is ulisclmutgi'tt , " re-
mnnrketh tlm ] ilmuiriti mress cemmsor , "it
macrely gives a slIght cough. ' '
"Yes. " repilni his nssitttammt , gravely' .
"Hut thmnre mumo eircunmiuttmumices umider wimic
a Iigimt couglm is a mmilgimty dangerous
synnptomn , ' '
New York Smmn : Time youmng reerumit hami
hinssed iiis exnmuinimuiamm. ( hail tuikemi time
em t ii , immuul been nasigum cii t o ii itt u'omn meummy
anti reglmnemit , hmntl meeeit'ctl Imis arnie anti
nccotmtrenitimltmu nmitl lund intl out hmis hew mumil
beauttifumi uniform of blue.
"Nou' , immtt men I , to do ? ' ' lie inqmmired of
time oiflcntin charge.
' Oh , go a mid hmuvo : you r li't mmre t a ku'mm to
scud back home , of course , " responded ( lie
oflict'r , amuh time recruit obeyed.
' ' , ' ) .
'l'hlIO C1ASS OF 1)8.
ITnrmer's fluzmur. :
Time cimarnmlng Ciamma of 'Nlmuety-eighmt ,
Thu lair , ( lie brIght , time clever ,
W'Itii ( 'yes mihigimt ummh , brows elate
Frunn strlfo and hmigim endeavor :
Tlio college doors betmimmd ( Item swimig ,
They ( mike up life mimiti duty ;
For tlmemmi today time glad bullS ring ,
Thu world is decked st'itlm beauty.
The gallant Cines of 'NInety-eight ,
'lime ladit of oluick and mover ,
't'lit ) haste to mini time Shill , of state ,
\Vim ( , dmuiu thm darkeutt hour ,
\Vii ( ) love their lamuti , amid moan to slmow
'I'Imcir zemI to do her Imonor-
'rime ( lasut of 'Nimmetv-eigimt aglow
To pour their wealth upon lmcr ,
1)enr girls omit ! inca of 'Nlneiy-ciglmt ,
Set free fronim 'immys ' of still ) ' ,
'lyitim iiu'altiu antI strcmigtlm lii mien amid gall ,
t'Itii faces foim anti rimibly' ,
'l'lm ( ) comimmmmontu'Ct ; I t ii lemut p iii cc for you ,
Sue takes yomm frommm timi college ,
Amid gives toii full taskm to tim , ,
\S'Itli skill amid cure mind kuiowledgc ,
God bless time Clns of 'Ninety-eight ;
Time wile limad lifts time chorus ,
00,1 gives timis class tie hmappiest fmtto ,
God bless tile bnmmner o'er mis !
'rime doors of I ramming svi ng mm part ,
'J'imo doors of stern emudi'avor
Still open to time ft'zmniess hmeimrt ,
Nor shah timoy' close forever ,
_ - .
SAN FRANCISCO , Jumme 21 , lsls.-'rhmo first
contingonit of troops dlspatelmed ( roam this
port to time l'imlhiipimmeit to aid Dowpy amut
hold time islands lu dime imu Manila today.
This eximeditlomu will Ini followed by otherS
alt soon as time soldIers and slmIlis mire ready.
_ -
We are ready to greet our II
linois friends-our store and its
modern conveniences for mothers -
ers and children , besides the
mate adults , is at your service.
Our waiting par1ors are the
finest in the west. Make our
store your headquarters-you
are perfectly welcome. Arni - ' '
the display of hot weather wear
is perf. ct in every detail. Aslc'
ard it shall be given you-for
we have every kind of wears
hug apparel in the market and
at very modest prices.
. . w , GUru tttb and ZiouIm. Ole.