r q'IIE : OMA1A DAIT B1E : tIitJESJAy , .IUNE 21 , 1898. 3 II NEW - OiNTEREST FROM IO\A. : - - - - - - - - - ( COUNCiL BLUFFS. MINoR tITIO ( . p flu1wescr beer. ROaOflfCIt. ( TcI. 323. WIIlInm F' . Smith of this city ha been grantcd a pension ot $ S er mor.tIi , t \Vnnd-Intt eItlon at Council 1I1Irn3 city directory. Itpply at 13cc omee , Mrs. Prank Craig ot. Central CitY , Neb , . M I1IC gtcBt of Mrs. May Crisp cC North "Ir8t trcet. ' - Mra , I ! . A. Cole ot Oakland avenue hi en- teitaining her sitcr-in.Iaw , Mrs. Ernest C. Cole of Chicago. St. Mbnn'a lodge , No , 17 Kiiights . 11ytliIaa will meet tonight to confer wOrk in the first lank. The Fvniis ! aun4ry t the leader In fine vork both for color and finiab. 2O Pearl street. I'liono 200. Dr. II S.VC3t left yesterday evening for Sloug Cty , whcre ho will participate in . , tilC gun ournitinent. , , The 1a.liestIl ( l3ociety of St. John's En. gl Ish Ltittnrati church IneetfI tomorrow afternoon at 407 Broadway. The contract t01 uplyIng ice for the Uo of the dllktent city dcparliiienti tILLS teen nwnrlc'c1 tc J. P. Miilhnllaml. The C. C. of C. C.s ClUb. composed of YOUIIg women , iii laniiiiig an oUtIllg at Lake MaIlnsn during the ltter part of this month. L 'rlL congregzit1on of the Latter Day Satritti' church vlhI teniler Rev. T. W.VI1 hiaiiis a tarewcii rcccjitioii tonight at tile church. The ne lug bell at. St. Pratcis Xavlers 1 church linced In lOSItiOfl In the belfry r ycstcriliy evening and will be in Working order today. IU'sldciita in the neighborhood have peti- tiunpd thi city council for all arc light at liio Iitt'rsoc1ioti of Mynster and , Nor.th Sev cnth streets , , v. C. Collins of Great Falls. Idaho , nnd FrLtncts Roehl of hcieno , Miiin. were , - Innrrleil lii this city yestefday , Justice flurko omciattng. Dent you tilink it IntIst be a pretty good laundry that can please so many huadreds of customeroVeIithut's the 'Eagic , " 724 Broadway. j p , Leech of Mount Pleasant. Ia. , Is teking ill the ( 'posit1on and at the snina $ ; , tltiio visiting ILlS brother , It. 13. Leech of 411 Park , ivcnuo. Thomas ! duiviiiiil of Oriiahii. vlto hn been a initfent for seine time past at St. 1301'IIard'H hospital , has been removed by L4 hIts vifc to a retreat at Lincoln , Nob. MIS. El hill I Inycs returned y.3terIiay from Dcitv'r , Cob. . : tcolLLpanie.t by her daughter. 1IIIIleS'IlO has been Iotirning there for ti lineflt of her health. The case against hurry and C. Jacobs , cilargeLl With creating a disturbance at the . - hebrew Picilie Sunday afternoon , , vas ( Its- 2111550(1 in police court yesterday morning. A ticed tt'ansferriiig tile bank property on the southwest corner of Main street and Broadway from Ernest E. Hart to the Citi- 7.00'S State hank was flied in tIie county recorder's otilce yesterday. l'rot. A. \ \ . Augur , wife allil child of 1)cs MOILICH all ) guests at tim hionie of Mr. nH(1 ( Mrs. George 1' . Sanford. Mrs. Augur Ii ; a sister to Mrs. Sanford and \1iliam 3 , Lcvcrett Of the 'l'ratisniississiiiiitan. All members of I'ark City lodge , No. 60t. Inlepcndcut Order of Odd Fellows , arc re- ( ] lIeStCd to he liresoilt tonight. Ice cream and cake OLiCI 'oi'k in the first and second ( legrees. Visiting brothers will be welcome. 0. Ittlfldage. Who WUS arrested on corn- ilLOflt ) of a neighbor for 1)errnttttug his chickens to run at large , was ( llathargel ( III police court yesterday morning , ho promising to keep his poultry fenced in in the tUtUIC. t _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ - . ' . Jim Johnson , an eniployc at a local brickyard - ' yard , who got drutik anl LIurin all niterca- tion threw a knife and thicatoned to carve the aflatOlily of tile bartender in Goodwiifs saloon , was Ilneti 1O.10 In polIce court yes- k terlny luoriling. Miss Gutreli of ICanas City , who has been visiting her cousin. Mrs. 0. M. Brown , returned - , turned home yesterday. She was accoin- pafliel by Mrs. Brown , who will visit frIends and relatives In Kansas City for a L couple. of weeks. - The cars to take the children of the DeLong Industrial school to tbs exposition VchIl'slLLy ( inoriiint will leave the Eisernan : building PromPtly at 11 o'clock. All cliii. ( iron WIlL ) ilitend going intist be at the build- II by 10:30 : o'clock. Egbert Aylcswortii , a 13cc carrier. was thrown from his 1)01W yesterday morning while delivering lalCS and sustained a FcaipvGind ( several inches In length , which . required a nurnler of etitches to sow - - - - UP. lie will be laid up for a tow days. - Iii the case of Adolph Icnstner against 0. A. Fox and E. A. Wickhiam , recently trIed in the district court and in which I thio jury rcturied a vcrdict against the plaintiff , ut1gincIit VnLi entered yesterday for the ( letenlant. E. A. Wickhuin , fur costs. Mrs. It. Everett and Miss Caroline L. Dodge left last evening for Denver to attend - \ tend the National Federation of Woman's _ _ Clubs. Mrs. Id. T. Evans of Northfielil , Milili. , who has been the guest for a few days of Colonel \V. J. Davenport and family , accOmialkied thorn. 'rho play at the Dohany theater tonight vill he "flip Vam Winkle. " To add to tue strength of time company Manager liowen f has secured the three Mitretta sisters. the noted acrobatic ( lancers. tuniblerH and trapoe performers. They will be hero chum tag the entire week. C. 13. Aitchlson returned yesterday from Nadisoim. Wis , , where imo was called by the ticatli of his brother. Captain W. a Aitchi- Son. Mr. Aitchison's father and mother , however , will not return for about a month , as Mrs. Aitchison lies gone to visit rcia- tivemi in Marengo , Ill. , nini Mr. Altclmlson will visit in Clletck. Wis , , for a few weeks , ilermimmi Johnson , time barber who was - * found In an imisensiblo condition Sunday night from time effects of drinking whisky muni cimloroformim , was fiuied $5 nod costs by Judge Aylesworth yesterday morning , Johnson - son has b'efl workimmg for a South Main street barber. amid till of ills barber tooia and seine of imis employers luive turned up immissing 1111(1 it iii suspected that Joimnsoim Pawmei timerim to secure money with which to buy drink , C. U.'iavi Co. , female remedy ; consulta- tiori free , Oiiico hours. 9 to 12 and to 5. hiommitli book furnished. 32'3-37-32S ter- riani block , Money to loan on city property. Kinne N. Y. Plumbing conipany. Tel , 250 , * Lost-Diamond bOw-knot , Suitable reward 'will be paid for return of same to Bee oulice , Council lhluffs , Ceorje Maitby has purchased a League bicycle front Cole & Cole. We make your shirts. collars and cuffs last longer thami whemi doac at home , lhiuf City laundry , 34 North Main street. uiciio : 13M ) DEBTS Unique Method of the CosInopolitan Ccmpany _ Comes Out in Court1 . ( ' 'h' ' SUING A SUBSCRIBER FOR HIS FEE ( roeer , % 'ildu.nf t''ihfi l'nliN lteit time 1flmr ( ' iit t1m' , Comimpmmim' to "r.ilect simm Ailegc.L Menilier- shIp Clmmirge. A couple of months or so ago whatpur- , ported to' tic artkies' ot incorporation of the Cosmnopol itati Collecting ompany of Council lImits were flied for record in time omco of time county recorder here. The name of 3. M. Quick appeared in the articles as the sole incorporator. The object and ptmrport of the organization of time cornpan ) , time or- ticies stated , were to do a general business imm the way of collecting bad debts and other accounts. Some light. on its business wag brought out yesterday at. the trial of a suit 1mm JustIce Ferrier's court , brought by the company against 0. JVIldc , a merchant of Cedar Falls , in , , to collect a membership fee of $2i wimich the company alleges Wilde entered into a contract to pay. This \Vilde denies amid resists payment. In imla sworn depositions , which vere introduced - troduced as videmice at the trial yesterday , Wiltlo says ho was approached by an agent of tha.Cosmopohitan Colleting agency about two months ago , who asked him to lace his outiawed accounts with the company for eel- lcction. Tlmesc bills them company would coj- loot for a comimmissiomm of 23 her cent. The agent informed Wtido that time membership fee ' was $25 , but that ho wouid not be called upon to pay thu fee until tIme comnpamiy had coilecte $100 of lila bad bills.'Ildo demurred to paying any nmemnbershmip fee , as he had emily about $50 worth of had debts and he swears that the agent told him as that was time case if ime wotmld give ( lie coIn- pany hits collections lie would not be called upomi to pay ammy mmmcrnberalmip fee. On these terms \'Iidc consented to employ time coni- pany and sIgncl a contract. In return Wilde states ime was to receive a guarantee certlilcato from time collecting company , but this so far lie swears has never material- ized. ized.Wildo Wilde swears that otter signing the contract - tract lie never hoard anything more of the conmpany until he received a bill for $25 retainer fee , which lie refused to pay , rely- lag emi the agreement made by time agent. At the trial estortlay J. M. Quick testi- lied that lie Is a resident of Omnahim , but had an office in Council Bluffs. lie is the vice lresident and treasurer of time company , vimile a brother of his , vImo conducted a similar irmstCutlomm in Sioux City , is the imresidenL W'hteu asked as to the capital of the company , Mr. Quick replied ( lint it had 11000 , except time amount collected as mcmn- bership fees. The jury before which the case was tried yesterday failed to agree , and ( lie caae will be tried again today before a new jury. Time suit is regarded as a test one , as it Is un- mlcrslootl there are a number of small merchants - chants throughout this section of time state who have signed membership contracts , but who have declined to pay the fee demanded. Iloffrnayr's fancy patent flour makes ths best and float bread. Ask your grocer for it. The omclalphotograplis of the United States Nayy , containing over 200 iiictures of the vessels. with their ofilcers amid a imurn- of the views of the ill-fated Maine. can be had at time Cotmncii Bluffs omco of The thee for 25 cents and a 13cc coupon. The Preston-h3easley company played to a crowded house last night at Manawa. _ Cmiii for ltejmmlliemimm CBUCU. . Caucuses' t0m th elcLtion of delegates to time county Convention will be held Friday mmiglmt , Julie 24 , at 8 o'clock in the various precincts ot'thme city at the following places , as announced by Edward Canning , chairman of the city republican central committee : First wardFlrst precinct , Sorrenson's carpenter shop , four delegates ; Second pro- duct. blackrnith slicp on orimer f Stuts- ball stteet , und , throadWay , aix delegates. " Second"wardFirst precinct. city iiall. seven delegates ; Second precinct , Pace's meat market , six delegates. Third Vard-First precinct , Ovide Vien's ofilco , six delegates ; Second precinct , hose house No. 1 , six delegates. Fourth ward-First precinct , Farmers' hall , court house , six delegates ; Second precinct , Jensen's store , four delegates. Fifth ward - First precinct , Smith's bakery , seven delegates ; Second precinct , county building , five delegates. Sixth ward-First precinct , Shubert's coal 0111cc , aix ileiegates ; Second precinct , corner I'ifllm and Locust streets. one ( lelegate. Each -caucus vihl select a member of the county central committee who will also be ft member of the city central committee. The county coimvcmmtion will be held Tuesday , Juimo 28 , at 11. a. in , , in the superior court room at tIme court house , to elect twenty-five ( lelegates to each of the following commven- tions : State. congressional and judicial. The attendance at Mammawa grows larger and larger as ( lie nights get warmer , From all indications time attendance at Manawa this seasomi will be very large. Suijerlor Court .Jmmry. Time following jury was drawn yesterday for time June term of the superior court : A. B. Walker , F. 3 , Sclmmiorr , Charles Graves , T , J. Simtigart , C. ' IL , iluber , F. S. iloiliday , I , . J. Enmigo , A , W , Simiek , P. 0. Mikeseil , T , S. Robinson. F. B , Pattomm. Council Bluffs , Joseph Butler , Hazel Dell ; Jake Sniitlm , Car- nor ; S. B. Hall , Garner ; Henry Groepper , Minden. . - Time Termimmal htntlwmiy Co. will run a special train to the exposition grounds \Vednesday at 9 o'clock a. mn , to acconi- modate time clmildreim of Coutmcii Bluffs. Fare , five cents each way. Train starts from 18th and Broadway , Map of Cuba , \Vest Indies and time World mit The thee omce , lOc each. lzids Jim CIINtoir , 'Fwo boys giving time nanmes of George McLaughlimm and Dorr Woodley were taken into custody yesterday afternoon wimile trying - ing to dispose of sonic jewelry , The boys i : : 'APENTA" I THE BEST PURGATIVE WATER. Over five hundl'ecl confidential communications from I oiniiient ; medical practitolI01 ill tjio United States and throughout the world Ilavo been received testifying to ' " 1 ' " " the rcinat'habhi and UfliqtiO value a1 etflcacy of "APENTA" NATURAL MINERAL WAT1iR , bbth for continuous USO by. the constipated , the goiCatfd . t1ie obese , . ' and as an occasional ] axativo. ' of all Druggise8 and Mineral Watci' Deaters. . _ _ toid the aincers that the jewclr had been given them to sehi by two men who had n1ticed them to run away from their homes In Lincoln. The mn were inter arrested at the Rock Island depot and gave the names ofV. . C. Doyle and John Christy. They refused tic talk or give any exphmnation of how they came by the jewelry , which the poliee.suspect is the proceeds'ot some 'rob- bery. The parents of the boys were noti- fled and time lads were not locked up but will be ( letmmlned at police hmcaduarters until arrangements for their roturfl home can be made. 'ilV .JAlTO1tS OW STII' IN , Nenri' , t Clenu Smaeqp for tlmC flemimo- ersitM 1)1 % tIme Hoard. The democratic wing oftlme Board of Education - ucation has nss.rtel , itself , At ( ho regular mnommthly meeting of the hoari , heid last night , Cimnirman J. J , Stewart of the coma- mittec on janitors submitted biB report , rec- omjmmnemmding time appointment of janitors for the different school buildings , for the en suing year , which , despite the Protests of Memberim Sims and Spruit , was with time vote of time four now members elected on tIme democratic ticket , Lulcipted. With the ox- ccption of the janitors at the lligh sclmooi 011(1 ( Eighth avenue t complete sweep is iiiado of all time old janitors and now ones appointed in their places. Time following are the janitors appointedt Washington avenue , Ralph Simpson ; Bloomer , George D. Crum : Third street , Joimmi C. Duff ; 111gb sclmool , 1' . 3. Peterson ; Eighth avenue Bottle Darneil ; Avenue 13 , Isaac Doty ; Second avenue , W. J. Aimny ; Madison avenue , George B. Miles ; Pierce street , Joe Roberts ; harrison street , M. IL Slyter ; North Eighth street , J. 'Vt. ' . Celia- more ; Twentieth uvcmmUe , M. Mikkeltofl 'Fimirty-secommd street , J. N. Wolf , At' the Clark , Cumin , Cotmrtland Place , Wooilbury and Windsor Park schools pro- vislomm for the jmmimitor work vili be arranged with the teathmers. These tire smnnhi one and two-roomn schools. Of the new janitors , with one cxccptiomm , mmone have had Previous experience as scimool janitors. The one ox- ceptiomi is Italplm Simmipson , appointed for time Wnsimingtomm avenue , who previously hold the position at the same buhiding. Chairman Stewart , him his report also rec- mnmended that time omce of supervisor of greumids be abolished 0mm tile ground that it was an ornamnemital omee anti a labor-saving dcvico for time members of time board. Time adoption of timis part of time report met with a vigorous protest from Members Sims , Spruit amid Henry and on motion of Slams action on it was mlcfcrred. A kindergarten is to be established at time Twentieth avenue school. A circular from State Superlntendeimt of Public Instruction It. C. Barrett , warmiing time board agaiims tIme practice of signing contracts for maps , books or any otimer ap- paratums , presuming upon time ratification of time lnmrchmase at a subsequent meeting of time board , as such is illegal , was received amml ordered placed on file for future refer- once. Chmairnian henry of time committee on buildings mind grounds reported ( lint in coal- pany with time supervisor he had vlsted every school In tIme district cud found that without exception repairs wore needed in every building. The report showed that with the exception of the Madison avenue scimool the roofs of every school building in time district imecded more or less fixing. The repairs will emmtail an expenditure of close upon $1,000. Superlntendent-1-hisey read a communication - tion from President Wattles of the Trans- mimississippi Exposi tion that the executive committee of the exposition had designatdd Wednesday of thlsweek as school children'4 ( lay. for time school children of Council I3iuits , Douglas county , Nebraska , and Soutlm Omaha. and that all children of time age of 15 and under would be admitted at the reduced price of 10 cents. Superintendent Ifisey's report for the last month showed that time number of children emmm'ohled was 4,782 , beIng a gain of 421 over time came month of last year , ( ho average daily attenmlan c , 3,1113 , a gain of 424 over the month of May of last year. The usual grist ot bills for the preceding month nero allowed and time rest of time session was devoted to the transaction of routine matters. FOR SALJO-GooO second-head bic'cio et a bargein. Coil at Time lice olfl , Council Lhltmffs. hear the drummer boy of Shiloim , Broadway - way church , Friday and Saturday evenings , June 24 and 25. Grand scenic entertain- memmt. Fine music. Over 100 views thrown uion ( he canvas , including the battles of Shiloim and Manila. Admission. 25 cents ; children under 12 years , 10 cents , Matimmee Saturday , 2 p. in. , 10 cents for all. Ntitli. Notice is hereby giveti timat the firma of F. P. and M. J. flehilnger , engaged in the practice of mnedicimme mind surgery , was on time 2d day of Julie , ThIS , dissolved by mu- tuat consent , Dr. M. 3. Beiiinger contimmuing time practice of his profession in the office 01 1 Broadway. Try Moore's death to lice and mites. St. VrnnclM' IvliIlcIImy CloHes. The twenty-seventh annual commencement - ment of St. Francis academy hold last night attracted a crowd that completely filled time large hail in which the exercises occurred , Many Council Bluffs young women are numn- bored among the pupils and timoir relatives and friends turned out in full force last night. The halt was beautifully decorated with a protmmslon of cut flowers and palms amid the national coiors were conspicuously ( hispiayel on all sides , Thd two graduates , the Misses Bird amid Leo hale , were the recipients - cipients of hanlsomo bouquets. The follow- irmg program was carried out : Openimig cimorus. national airs. Greeting , Miss Birth hale , Mexican dance-First mandolin , Miss Dora Arnoid , Miss Marion Crane ; second niamimlo- un. Miss Florence O'Connor , Mieg Veronica Wickimamu. "I'd Like to Ho Like Grandmna , " Minimmms ; accompammist , Miss M. Margaret Farrell. Time Ammgelmms , recitation and pantomime , junior day pupiis , Recitmitiomi , "Our Telephene , ' Miss M , M. Farrell , 'Mmmnzamiihia , " Robyn , pimmimo , Misses K. Sullivan , A. Wickham. Ii. . hireecher , M , hlamnpton ; mandolins , Misses M. Crane , I ) . Arnold. Essay , "A Charm from time Skies Seems to Hallow Us There. " Miss Leo Hale. "Murmur Soft , Ye Breezes , " Wekerlin , semi-chorus. Fantastics from time "Mikado , " juniors , boarding department. Overture , flossini-ilurchard , first Imiano. Miss Mary Rogers. Miss Lula Thiuii : second piano , Miss Cora Backue , Miss Id. Margaret , Farrell , "Itovel of the Naiada , " senior day itiPiis , "La Tourblliom , " piano soio , Colmlbccl , Miss Mary Rogers. Essay , class motto , "Finis Non Eat , " Miss Iiirml hale. "Time Veil of Eve Is Falling , " Brown , closing cliorua. Conferring honors , graduating medals. etc. Closing address , Very 11ev. P. Smytim , pastor , Sim'rhITs frr 'i'odmi , The opening sesmion of ( lie seventh annual meeting of time Interstate Sheriffs' assocla- tlon will be convened this morning at 10 &ciock in time Royal Arcanum hail iii time Shmigart-Beno block by Vice i'resldent J. J , Trompen of Limmcolmm , Neb. , in the absence of President J. E. Stout of Des Moines. Mayor Jcmmniogs will deliver an addresa of welcome and the ly will be made by $ iio vice prosideoL Sheriff W. C , Iavenpor ( of Sioux City , Ia. , is secretary and trea4urcr of the association. , , ' ; : ; j DEDICATE Io\\TiiL \ \ : , , ; BUiLDING ' . ( "f"Ep Governor Shaw ana OthQr'embcrs of State Executive Oorn Voming. _ _ _ _ bu. GREAT DAY FOR IOWA A11E EXPOSITION * . .L , 4 l'nrty % 'lIL lIe Met at time 'Vrnimi lii Oimimilmft niitl ldst'ord.i Dime i'mmmmt , ummsl COtcImmoIL ) ' to tile Groummils , DES MOINES , Juno 20.-Speclal ( Teic- gram.-'rhie ) morning ( ho state executive council met anti determined to attend 1mm a bo.1y time dedication of the Iowa bumildimig at toe Tramismississippi Exposflion tjmis 'week , The council consists of Governor : Sha'v , State Aimditor McCarthy , State Treasurer - urer Horriott and Secretary of State 1)ob- son , and they will ho dcccinmpanied by their w1ve3. The party will leave Des Moines Thursday morning. Secretary Chase of time Transmigsissippi ComnmIsion has notified the council that time eommimnlttce of arrange- macate will meet thmqIowa party at the train , where time Board of Mmmmiagemnent of time ox- imsition vihl furnish troopers to escort the rnemnbers to Hotel Murray , where they are to be cntertaimiel. The party v1il attend time dedIcatory exercises at 1:30 : p. mu , , after which an lmmformmial luncheon will be served. The commission will tlmeii take time party on a ( our of time grotmnds and exhibits , after which they will return to time Iowa building to attemid aim informal leceptiomm fromu 5:30 to 0:30. : Governor Shaw has decided to accept the light batteries at Burl1ntomi and Ccdnr Rapids to fill time call for two light batteries of artillery. There are lEO is the Cedar Rapids battery and 160 iii the ihumrilngtomi , and but 106 are wanted lim each battery , so that General flyers amid Captain Oiinstemi , U. S. A. , will start for these t\o places to. morrow to pick time best men. A number of places will be rcserveI in the batteries for iimcn fromu several other places , it being' uim- mlerstood that Council Bluffs vhll be permitted - ted to furnish fifteen or twenty mcmi. Judge Bishop of the district court today remmdered a decimiomi In the case immvolving $ : i00,000 imu time estate of Colonel J. N. Dewey , who died In thus city ten years ago. lie left an immimemiso amnoummit of property , most of which is in Des Moines and Omaha. Mrs. Devmy recently tried to soil a lilece of thm Ommialia vroperty and thifl case was brought. Thq court holds that sue sinmpiy has a iife interest In time estate and that she cannot sell ammy of time property. Io'mvn liPrltr I mmleresls. DES MOINES , June 20.-Speciai-Johia. ( ) semi Ilrighamn , state librUrtmm1 has been over- imaulimig time state libramy , to find what there is in It and to familiarize himself whim its contents that he may make time iibrary of time greatest possible use to the public. lie finds timat the iibrary ontmins about 62,000 voiunmes , and ninny treasures have beemm buried lii time galleries for years becaumso no one in the library realized their value. Some rare 'old books , ' of priceless value , have been discovered , rpstimg in umidescrvcd obscurity. Time traveling library was dying trommi lack of use , At a timimo whiemm more than thirty sets wcro liiig in time base- muent of the state lmous and had never been sent omit persons dirimig to secUre thcnm were tOil'tiiflt not a Llt't\'A to be had auth that. tlmcyEmvouid ie supphf'c 'mis soon as any camne in. Mr. I3rigiinm has looked up all who have had any traveling libraries and has renewed the correspondence and sent out all timiut are on imand. He has added three new libraries anti will add twenty mmiore during the slummer , ready for the fall tlemaummi. Some of these new libraries wiil be partly mnade up of special kinds of books , aIapted to aid in special lines of stumdy , though no library will be wholly of that ciiaracthF except two or thmree imitendod to follow and suppleen ( umliversity extension lectures. Gmieviuiet-s , , the Iuii11num. DES MOINES , Jumme 2O-Speclal-A ( ) big delegation of Indians from time Tama reservation - vation was at the state imouso iat Saturday to enlist time support of the governor in an effort to correct wimat the Immdians claim are existing wrongs. It eemns ( lint time trouble is between time progressive and uion-progrcs- sive Indians , ( intl time delegation here repro- seats tIme latter , Their spolcesmnan said when they moved on the reservation they were told they could contlimue to live just like Indians , and now sonic of their number were trying to make them live like wlmite muon , It was charged that some of the Indians are actually violating time conlitions by working and trying to make money , whuile time corn- plalnants do not want to work and don't want. to make money. Timey want time goy- ernor to use his olflce to put an end to the civilizing influences omm time reservation , Coat iii Soutlem'ui Ioyi. LEON , Ia. , June 20.-Special--Tho ( ) most careful examination of the coal vein recently - cently located by the dihiers here proves ( lint it is only twenty-three immcbes thick , The first reports were ( hint It was over five feet. Time drill has now been set at work on a second effort to locate the lower velmi. At present it Is 360 feet tlowmi , time twenty- - _ 7 _ : ' ( - ; _ 1..d rszM 1'4 $1 - ' 4 OR NO. " :1 \ I . \imen a young wo- - 'I - and anubitiotma , young vI nman , It depemuTh large. ly liJcl.m her hmealtim . - wfliUir ? shic'whil be a r who suffers ( rein weap msauid disease of time delicate and Inmpot1tIorgaims that nrc distinctly feuminimic ms smrc to fail of happy wifehood. Dr. Plerce4tFavorite Prescrip- lion himiparta health , i4ttlittlm , virility auid elasticity to tIme womanly orgammistim , It fits for lmeaitlmy wifehood ajimlapahle umiotimcr. lmood. It allays imiflammm tonhieais ; , mmlceu-a- tion , , , soothes palum amidmJihvmgorates amid vmtalmzes. It baumishmesiliemnausea nimd coma- plaints of time expectai4iqrmod smith mimakes time little omme's arrival asy amid almost paimmlcss. It lmmsmmrcsbdby's Imeattli nuuti a bountiful supply of mmhiih1mmimcnt. Thou. saiids of homes timatfcmrJ.cars hind emily needed time added tie of a baby to nmake timemmi imappyumowresoundvitlm the laughter of imappy , healthy cimiidhmood , as a result of the use of this renmedy Over oooo wo- amen imave testified to itmnarvclous results In writing. Timis wonderful medichme Is time discovery of an enminent amid skillful specialist , Br , IL V , Pierce , for tlmlrtyyeara cidef comisult. big phmysmciaum to tIme great Invalids' Hotel and Sumrgmeal Institute , t Buffalo , N , V. By wrmtmmmg to Ir , Pierce , ailing voummemm can secure time free advice of a specialist who has treated more wommmen thiaum ammy other phmysiclamm 1mm time world , and avoid time die. gustlumg examumimmatiomis 4qd local treatment insisted upon by' ohbcurc doctors. 'rime I 'Vavormte Prescrmptlomm' is sold by all good I medicine dealers. All about the Imonme.trcatmmment of ordi- . I nary diseases , Send am one-cent stamps , to cover cost of mnaihin only , for a ilaper.cov. ered copy of Dr. Pmerola Comnumon Sense Medical Adviser. Cloth binding 31 stamps. Address Dr. IL V , 1'c Iluffalo ' , N , V. 1 L : t SLAKE MANAWA. . . all . .R , COUNCIL BLUFFS. OPENED FOR THE SEASON OF 1898. : The Attractiotis Booked for the Season Are Strictly High Class. . ' " ( " ' WSTON & BASY VAUDVIft [ . COMrANY , tbc greatest ' ' fun makers on the i'oad , together vit1 Professor Charles , . . ty J-I , . Campbell s wonderful performing and speaking dog , ' "Chicago. " Greatest original acts eVC1 performed by any. dog , Jiviig or dead. , / % # % % # % F Trains leave Broadway and Ninth street at 2 p , in , and cvcry hour after till 7 p. m. Every ha'f ' hour thrcaftcr. Last train lcave Manawa at 1:50 : p. . m. Prompt connections with Omaha and Council Bluffs bridge line. tm Special attention is called o the 2 o'clock train run for the benefit of picnic , parties , women and children , Rates same as last year. PERFORMANCES AFTERNOON ANil EVEN1N AT 4:30 : AND 83O. ' tlmreo-immehm vein being over 200 feet. The nminers amid' geologists all agree tlmmit tIme thimmner vein is sure to be followed by a vein of from four amid a lmimlf to six feet thick , not. over 100 feet lower down. lfforts are nmaklng to organize a commipally to develop time vein. flemimminmi of , Ilmmi ! ! ro'mim'M 1'rI'imdH , TIPTON , ha. , Jumme 20.-Speclal.-A ( ) unique reuimmion was hielti yesterday at Sprimmgdale , 1mm time southern part of Cedar commmity , time occasion beimig a gathering of time fricmmds of old John Brovmm , mmear time little town where lie and his band of abohi- tlonists spent one winter preparatory to their movemncmmt to free time slaves. The reimniomi was mm time farm \Viihianm Maxon , wimero Joimum Brown drilled his nmen. A mamma- ber of ummen who knew Joimn Brown and were his friends forty years ago were present. IIghm * flattery .tt'eciile.l. BURLINGTON , Ia. , June 20.-Special ( Telegramu , i-Captain Frammk Long's I igimt battery , comisistimmg of twelVe pieces and 175 mmien , imas been accepted by Governor Siiaw umuider the secommd call for troops amid will probahiy leave for time froumt this week. The officers are : Frank S. Loimg , captain ; Albert - bert hletmbmmer , first lieutenant ; W. 'i' , Oar- rett , second lieutenant ; F. C. Nortomi , first sergeant. Net'i Not Smmpmmort her IEmmsJnim.l. WATERLOO. Ia. , June 20.-Specinl.-A ( ) dccisiomm has just boon given 1mm district court which removes from Mrs. C. E. Scott all liability for imer husband's maintenaimce in time hospital for the insan at Independ- once. At the April session the board of sumpervisors ordered time county attormmey to bring suit against Mrs. Scott for tile amount ( ho county hind paid for hits keepimmg at time hospital. APPLYTORCHTO POWDER MILL 'I'hmommglmt to lie Ilie VorJ of Fimmeimmlen ( If , the ( os erumm.mei&t-Oume of Immeemmdltrle.s ! ! mmrmmetl. CINCINNATI , Juno 20.-The finishing de- partmmment of time King Powder compammy , ho- catcl ( at King's Mills , in Warremi county , was destroyed last night in a manner leading to tIme belief ( lint it was the work of enemies of time government. The buiidimig in which was stored a quantity of smokeless powder had evidently been fired by two men near mid- night , one of whom was badly burned and has been apparently dragged away from time burning buildimig by his comimanlon , who then ran away in time directiomm of South Leb- anon. Snmokeless powder in the condition It was in this department does not expiode like ordinary powder with a flash , but breaks limb a bright light anti iiumrns for some time. Time great light attracted citlzemms and some per- song going to South Lebammon. The injured mann was taken into custody. He is appar. ontly a foreigner , but is so badly injured that he caim scarcely talk. Time powder burned was imot for the government , and tIme loss Is inconsIderable , perhaps $2,000 , This coma- pany has a contract to supply time government - mont anmi thmls is thouglmt to be the reason its destmumction was attempted. SENATE TAKES UP HAWAII 1toiiomt It ) Aljtimrn liy Ojiumimemmts of Ammumxzmtlmm Ii. Iefcmti'l Spy mmmi Overmm'lmeimmmimm 1tc , WAShINGTON , Juno 20.-Discussion by the senate of time Hawaiian annexatiomm resolution - lution was begun today in open session , At 4:30 : timis afternoon Mr. White afforded tlmo friends of ammnexntion ( lie opportunity they Imad been awaiting for a test of strength. lie moved to adjourn , and like a flash Mr. Davis demanded the yeas and nays. Time motion was defeated decisively , 44 to 15 , The speakers today were Mr. Merrill , the venerable semmator from Vernmont , anti one of tue republican opponents of annexation , amid Mr. Bacon ( deni , , Ga. ) Mr. Merrill covered time gemmeral questiomm , while Mr. Bacon discussed time , powe of congress to annex territory by legislative enactment , rnaintainlmmg that such legislation was unconstitutional - constitutional , SIJitSClulIll FOlt 'VllliiL.OAN FhtIOtILY , Oiie lmmsm. emmuiec Comnpmm imy lten.iy to 'l'iiIe 'l'vt'Imt ) ' M iii imis , WAShINGTON , Jutme 20.-Although time alnoummt of the subscriptions to the mmew 3 per cent loan is not nuade public , it is 0111- chilly stated that it exceeds all expectatlomis. This is particularly true of time larger amounts , The number of subscriptions received - coived for summmms of $500 amimi less is. smaller , hut time goverimuneot wishes it thmorougimiy understood by time public timat even shmommid time whole loan be subscribed for several times over in large amounts , every subecrip. tion of $500 or baa will lie accepted at once , as all small amounts will take precedemmcmm in time allotments over large ones , A sub. scription for $20,000,000 has been received from a proniiflent' insuramice comnpany of New York , enclosing a certified check for $400,000 , as iequired by the regulations governing - erning ( lie placing of the loan , 4tJIliIt.'I' Ul'ON A tiANAI. hllld , 'l'mikcs it lsmUrely Ommt of * Imltuia.Is If I'rlvato CnrumrnfluuI. WAShINGTON , June 20-Time senate corn. mltee on time Nicaraguan canal today agreed to report a bill providing for time construe- ( ion of ( he Nicaraguan canal , but on iiuemm very different from those of bills previously rpeorted. The bill autimorized today , prac- tcahly provides ior the construction of the canal by the United States , Time Maritime Canal company is to be continued In ez- . $ fr . .I . _ ' . ' ) " "Iv fr 0 .1 . .I , _ _ . 4 4" . . .fr . 0 ' ' - , .f. - . ' $ I at'I , I' 4 ' C ; ; t $ . UIJ AO 6AIIWN FAMN1 PAYS i ; , t * .Around Council l3ltziFs .i .c YOU CflI % Immmr Iummmrvel mm mmml imim luimi m'o't'ti fm'it Ii liimtlN .jliemtiem lit ti i , Sl11mi13' dimnut : mimyvltere 1mm t lie U mmlt'i States. 'l'lm.'m'e IN ilO fmt Ii- : : : of crumbs Imere. l.otK mit n tIC U'rult F'uim'umms aimiii' t hey mire iii Imemir- immg , . , ' . ' IAY . ' , S ItIS , DA.'Y 8z ; ESSS ' 'Cite Itetil i.tmmte mimmml , , , , Imeokers. ' $ " , hI'\'QUM'lIISI'o , smmli Of lmrt' mmmmmmmla'r of \ lI : 4 : 9 Pearl St. Comumioll BhitFs , Ia I Vi'mm I t. I ; mm rmit'mi mmmmmi Cl rm : I mm Fmm mimm ' . . ' 'rito be. . 1'erotmmll : v en (1(1 ( mme I , lnm'ers timrommglm atm r I mmmi for I mm fommimat ion mm mmd St ala wimmut you * , urcimium'tis ireti or cbmmrg. I aumi. : L. 4. 4' 'I' ' 0 4. 0 ' ' ' , , , O 'I- h . . ,4. , . i . ' ' ; ' ' Ce000 0 ' ' 'T 1. , , s' 'isi'0' m.r'c. : + ; - rt C 4S O oS 0' " 0Ph1)1' Rb00 'iImk great Vegetatle , Vltullzurttmeprcscrli , . . acim pimyblclImm , wimi quicitly cure emu of all mmer. or dls'asei of ttme gi'umcruLtvo , Lost .oi1s ( rtmi , muicim as Mammitnod , Imtsonmmmla , I'tli , mm time JittckSt'rmilmiat Emission' , , Nervomu iebllity Pimples , Umilitnesm to Marry , lxmmammstltmg Bralmis , 'nrk'oeeLo ant Constl'uitiomm. it stot'i all ioscx bS'C1a' or mitgtit. l'pe'ents qmmlck- muss oI dmnemmarge , wtmicim If miotclipo4n'i leals to 8pCrlntlorrIcm' , emit EFOR aND AFTE 11 all Iho imorror'of Impoloncy , 4'UI'IlIJ cleauses thuilver , W kldnoy md tIm mirlnary orgatis of alt Impurities. CUPIDt1 .trongthensamui restores uiimll : weal ci gamms. The reason , , mlff'rprtire riot cimmvm by Ioc'tor Ii heeiuse , ninety ier cent nrc troubled wtt ! Pro.'tmstl I I" . OU1'IDi1NI Is tht' only known rernil y to cmrowlmlout mmm opi ratlom , . IO1O t'm'lmnmimii- OIL A wrItten CuRrlItitPeglvPn and money return'd lf clx I'xe ' d's not clleci xi 1ermanciIcure. , m.o0 a box , six fur $5. , by mall. 5mnt for rmmmtm circul.tr amid tesnnitmtals , , , tmidrcss DAVoL MEDICIN E CO. , 1' . 0. Box 27a , San Framic1co , Cal , Jb' S7g bmi MYERS-DILLON IRIJG CO. . 3 E. C.i Ifitim ( io1 Fimrimsiumm. Ommiumima. -qmc OTflERS FAIL OON"VI.T Searles & Searles SPECIALISTS Guarantee to cure spccdil und mdi- cully all NlR'OVS , CIIItONIO AD RIVATE dlieaNe of Men mind woutmeu. WEAK RU SYPIIIUS 5EXUALLY. cured for life. Nizht Emissions , Lost Manhood , fly- drocele , Vericocele , Gonorrhea , Gleet , SIph- ills Stricture , Piles , Fistula and IlOctal Uicers , Dlabetea , Bright's Disease cured , Consultation Free. Stritr and by new method wltimout pain or cutting. Callon or address with stamp. Treatment by mail. aria nrnIrn V oranira jJO.14thSL uIo. ( RIILtO i OtMILt . oI.siIA % ED Lake Mlcimiganand Lake SuperiorTransporiation Co. LAKE SUPERIOR STEM ERS. TIlE CREAT LAKE ROUTE. Ow , , 'The New $ mccm Jnlcun.IiIp 5iiuiItou. , SalIing3 From Chicago , i'orMacklnac ikIan4 lThtromt emvulnnii , ltuffnloTor. Oiito4t4c'1'ti0. Li .k.M't't'l. 9 1'.iI.'ihu.11 AJIIit,4 : I'M. or Cfiari.wlx Ilerbom ttprigs , , l'etokei , ec.l Tue..9 AM , Thur. fi All , Hilt , 4 I'M. For iimartmme. Ilnncoci , Itoughton , , &mltizmud , flulutli , , , mcm fvel , mm pjm. iliutraUil mninnhlt' mailed fre , on appilcitton , orrict AND tOCIS , P.USH AND H. WATR sis.crniaoo. Istence , but all its stock is to be held by time governments of the Uumited States , Nicaraguma and Costa Rica. The bill pro. vides for ( lie paymmient of $5,000,000 to time present stockholders for time work already perlornmed. I'IIHM'N tilt' lielicietmey 11111. WASHINGTON , Juno 20-Time Imoutse today p0850(1 tIme general deficiency bill , carrying $224,000,000 , Time hill occasioned little debate - bate , amid It passed practically as reported to time imouso from time commnittec on tmimpro. priatlons. Time remainder of time day was given to District of Columbia business , At 5:50 : ( lie house adjoumrned , ( ( IIm Irmmmeul % lm' time Seism te , WAShINGTON , Juim 20.-Time senate today - day confirmed these nomninations : Edward Martin of I'ennsylvmmnia , brigade surgeorm , witim rank of major , Ii.V. . P. Keayemu , postmaster at hhmmffaio , Wyo. HYMEN EAL , ' .111 ler-iCoimms , BRADSIIAW , Neb. , June 20-Spccial.- ( ) Yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at lime honmo of 0 , A , i3tubbs oeurred time mmiarIngo of Joima Milier , aged 82 years , to Mrs. Eliza Ann Icoons , aged 77 ycars. The' eremnony was performed by Revs A W hiarpey , pas. tar of time Clmristian chmureim , TODAY'S ' WEATHER FORECAST i'm. rJy Clumm.Iy , $ J.sovers immiil C.tit'r in Vostern I'ore of NchrawLu , i'I t ii (1mi miul owVIIIOIM. . WAShINGTON June 20.-Forccat for ' Tuesday : For Nebraska mid cloumiy weather ; showers In western potious ; cooler in western portions ; soutimerly winds , becoming nortltcrly , ' ' For Missouri'-tienershly fair ; warmer ; southerly wimmda , Fo Iowa-Fair weather ; southerly winds. For South Dakota-Occasiommal aimowerim ; cooler ; southerly winds , becommiummg mmortimeriy , For Vyoming--Showers ' ; COO1 : 1n eastern ortionz ; northerly winds , MADE PJ1EA MAN 1ps AJAX TAI3LIITS POSITIVELY ChIlE fil-t .4L124rv00 , JL.eaaea-Faitag ( Moni- OtTiapctonc7 , Sloapmnunoiseto. cus1 . . b FtbtImo'or other Ezccimcs nn.f mdi.- cretlon , g'Let , quIeklf , atmtt sure ! - - restore LostVitmlit in oliloryoung.au . fit a baa for.tndy , tjutoos4 or mnrrlas. - I'roveDt insanIty and Conooxoption If t , nfl mu time. Thoirne. oho , . immodlato imuprovn. moxmtaad effeeta ii CUlLS whore all other lati in- mt.t omen Iiimving the genuine Ajax Tamlets. Tlimf hove cur.l thou.and , and wtIlcuuerou. Wo glvo a poe. ittyowrluenguaranue tootloctai'uro In oachccmseor refund ( ho money. l'riceIJU 'pse pactza , or mix pkgc. ( full tr'ntmoatt for f2.f0. i3 rnailin lainwrep or , Ion rcnltof rie'trula dmtIASAX ! RIMEDY co. . . For sale in ( Jmumaima , Neb. , by , Itm. Fomsyth , 20 * r. . 16th ; Kutma & Co. , 16th and Dougisa : n in Council Iilurr. bit 0. 11. Brown. IJrugItg , _ _ I REPAIR SHOPS imavo ready and steady imwer at a moments notice. Expeumso stops with liCOFIELOI I ri GASand t ; GASOLINE LIWHL ) . 2 to 100 Horse-Power. - vt. ( r , , t.ooitt , ' . Rudy P.u. " w. r. Callahan & Co. , Dayton , 0. 'J. cCREV ? ' ms 'rime ONLY , SPECIALiST , , . , WflO TREATS ALL 'I Private Disease . Wooli , , . . . iut Ifl.rd.p ot ' ME ONLY 2OYnareThxporieUOC. - , . IL ) YoItrm in Omnmiiia. , Bo'ik Free , ClpsImltR4 tioaJmoe. hlo7t36og . , ' 4 . 14th anti Farnanu 13(1 , I. , , ' msrA. i'myifl , TwoWeeks' ' Treatment 0 , , , FREE. , l'ilF.Y Ail 01,1) SPECIALISTS In the treatmomt of sil ChroNIc , Nervous and Prlvatc DIseaseS , uad iii WHAKNflSSHS and iiiSOfl1)BIl OP C&tiritm , oil hloeaa.a qj4 lb. No. . , T.'roat , 0h.t Stomach , L4ver , mmood , Skin snd Kldrm.y Di.- Sal. . , Loot Manhmoon. llydroc.l. , V.rlcoc.l. . Oanorrh.a. Oleete , Hyphill. . Htricture. P11. . , Ii& . tui& and R.ct.I Ulcer. Diotmat. . Dhlgtml' . Di.- Sal. cur.d , Call on or kddrea with .tamp tel ro Book and l'hw Meth'd. , Trentnment liy Mmmii , ( oymuimlttlou frre. Omaha lilCdIc&l and Surgical insttut [ Zia I. . J'IsU. 11th 51. , Ks , ai u I Ii m'rmi 1 I at la pro I 1 l ct he , o I 11 Mrs. Winslow's Sootimlmmg Syrii , has beeti Ut.ed ( or over f,0 years by mmmiiilomms of moth- era for their cimildri'fm 'imiIo teething with ierect emmecess. It sootimes tlio child , soft. ens time gums , allays all pmmin , cures wimm.t cohn mind is the boat r'meiy ( or limirrhoeu _ Sold ly druggists in every lain of time world , lIe smire and mmk for "Mrs.Vhmsiow'me Soothing Syrup" and take no other kind. 25 coats a bottle. r . - LADIIS ooyouo ? : LI DR.FELIX LE BRUN'S" -'r a Steel Pdnnyroyal Treatfflollt 18 tlmo orighial and only VIIENCII , miafo and reliable euro on limo market - kot , l'mico. $1.(0 ; bemi ( by maiL Genuine oJ'l only by M'crs IJhitmm Irmmg Go , , , 11 , ( Iormic , ifitim mmt4k Ft. rntm am S itt , , ( Jimimi mi. Nub. . - DOHANY ' 1iiAnR. STOCK CO. , ' ' ' ' - 'i'OXiCJl'l' , "Rh Van Winkle" Nummmimmer I'ricet-I0e-Iii'o.'s-'o'mI Sent. . Heats arm sale mmt tlmeater box ( illice ( or all season. Telei'lmoumo No. 410. Saturday mCter- aeon Matinee , prices 10c