- - - - TIONA1iAflA1LEEVttEAY , T11.18')8. ) _ AOTJ1ER Ek1IIIX CON VEN'TION Lancaster Oounty &publicans Decide to ot . . sthttea Th18 Week. ANXOtJS TO IIEU LOCAL CANDIDATES ffttii' 1ICIII)1I ( , I eit TIr' n' ls .ta1 TflhICd Ji ( It. ' flotiglits County SInperM-SuPnIv Liticol u L.nI IJMIp. LINCOLN , Juno 20-Speclnl.-Tho ( ) Lan- 'eater county repubilcan convntton will be e1d next. Saturday , ( lits early date having been decided on n orilcr that the contest for , ibe congre8sIouaI ilelegnUon tiiIht ba set- tied at once and thus gh-e the succesfu1 candidate a chance to vl9Lt the other counties - ties ii ! the ( listrict. I'rot. J. V. Crabtrec , who Is manager pt flie Nbraaka tilvialon of the National Eau- catlon.il aasoclatton. saya that the teach- era aru full of enthusta5nl , anl he btllevcs that the attendance at Wa3hIngton next month will ho fully up to Zebraskas av- crag8. Many are also rnakng arrangements to attend the educational convention n Onmalui June 27 to 30. Mrs. A. 'V. Field , preatdent of the Ltncoln Wotimzmn's club , Mrs. Neilk M Richardson , who was elected delegate , and about twenty othmer club women of thu city Jolneit the hester or women hound for the biennial mcettng at Denver tonight , William ICehley was idaced tinder arrest Jast night for taking uimdue liberties with a httt1 5-year-DiLl girl. 11cr cries brought friends before any harm wa3 lomio. The county attorney will thoroughly' investigate the facts and prefer charges accordingly against Kelicy. An unusual sight mighthavc been seen at the Lincoln stock yards yesterday'wherc 500 head of Angora goats , enroute fmont New Mexico to hilair , verc fed. The animals are tobtj uceti for breeding purposes. The state treasurer has Jna4Ie a call , for ' * 32,000 general funa warrants , to come In JuIy 2. Thu aumbers run from 10,332 to 10,580. - ' , Thu Columbus Lumber company , with a capital stock of $10,000 , lileil articles of Incorporation - corporation today. The stockholders are : Werner Schuphach , A. F. II. Ochirich , E. .1. Ernst , George A. Itoaghand nut ! Iavid Schupbacb. The FustIs German Creamery company , capital stock $1,700. a1o flied artiies today , with the following stocitholders : B. E. Wood , E. I' . Dunlap , John Koch , A. Davis , "C. Grabenstein. w. a Cable , charged with having emn- bezzled $2,000 from llargrnvcs I3rothers , while ucting as head clerk in a wholesale groccry house , waS surrendered to the court by his bondsmen Saturday evening amid i5 still In Jail , having failed to get a new bond. Thu governor and staff amid a large num- her of other people will go to Omnaha tomorrow - morrow to witness the Ilhimmois day exercises. Omaha lEOlle at. the hotels : At the Lin-1 deli-A. G. J3ernauty , C. L. Bouflier , Charles II. Ganson , . U. T. White. At the Lincoln- w. M. Ladd , J. A. Elemmetcr , E. Conklin , 0. M. Fish. OutItiiidred J1tiMtered Iii. COLUMBUS , Neb. , June 20.-SpecIal.-- ( ) The recruits \vlmich Captain ICiliami brought from Fails City Saturday , together with those from Wr.lmoo , Fullerton , St. Edward . and this city , were quartered at the armory unlr ( ergcahts SI'sson abdVIlson. . Yes terday 1)rmm. Teissing- and Vos conducte the exainination and 0 out of 130 iuem worn accepted. The oath wes zdmnlnisterel , , ti3i .ftrimoon by Captain Kihiami and the Inca WCFO mustered into the se 'rv ice. Just as soon as the orders and transportation are rCCOIVel the men will start for San Fran- claco. The balance of the 300 men is being nmado ult froni other parts of the state. . SIIflDIl. I3ELLEVUE. Neb. , Jutme 20.-Spe- ( eta ! . ) - 11ev. C. K. Hoyt. late professor - fessor of Latin and Greek at Bellevue ohlege , and pastor of the Presbyterian - terian church , preached his farewell sertnon Sunday. - The members of his congregation tendered bimn a reception Friday evening , at the home of A.'right. . and Presented him a well-IDled purse as a token of their re- gard. Rev , Mr. Hoyt goes to Auburn. N. Y. , for the Present. t GoonS Co i'n % 'zitIt-r , fl WES1'1'OlNT , Neb. , June 20.-Speclal. ( ) -Time growth of corn in this county has bcthm pheimonmemmal during the last four days. ly actual measurement and eomparisoii It has grown fourtecim inches since last Thursday - day morning. Sumail graini is rupldiy recovering - covering froth the damage sustained by the long continued wet weather and hooks line. , ' Wheat is heading out and the Prosiets ) nrc exccllet for a bountiful yieiii. Oats are also in hue condition. Rye will be ready (0 cUt in ten iaysn Thu weather is Intensely - tensely hot , but time mmights are cool , . ( IneekM 1'lminil ltvhnlend , BEATitiCi , Neli. , Juno 20.-pcclal ( Tele- grarn.-E. ) it. Fogg. receiver of the No- breska National bank , is issuing checks for ho final dividend of 11 I-10 per ccitt , This i makes a. total pen' cL'nt on provei chainis of over $165,000. Eastern correspondeimts , wIno were creditors to the amount of $50,000 , were pniit In full because they had collateral : p s the basis of good health , steady nerves , mental , El" physical amid digestive ' , I strength , If you are smer- i 'cousenrlch and purity your blood with . Hood's Sarsmpariiia , It you are weak , I t , bavo lie appetite and desire to bo strong , healthy and rigorous , take Hood's SarI - I enparitla , which wilt tone your utomach , create an appetite and build you up. . , arsa- Hood parilla I Time Uest.-imi fact time Onne True Ihlooci l'unfler. - , . emmrtnanra , immiIgtstlon , Hood S Pills lnIiusmmess , i'riee2'e. , t : s The Omaha Bee I . . , ; Map 01 Cuba Coupon , Present this Coupon with lOcfor AMapotCuba. A Map ofthe West Indlos. L ; And a Map of the World , 4 By Mail 14 cents. . : CUT OUT TillS COUPON. ' 1 . This Coupon with 25 witI. SECURE flt ( , Ollicial Photographs Of the United States Navy1 Address , NAVY PHOTOOPA1H DEPTI ( M UIA IhE , sectir1ty in exe-ese : oe their claims , which makes the actual dIvidend paId 7 per cent. ti ij7nc al1e Jut 13 , i83. CnitI , ' Mi'll Well. IDNY , lel , . , Jone 20.-Speciai ( Tote- grm.-Andjw , IlriVpm today sold a bunch of 2-year-olt cattle to Milton Ahrens for $40 a bead , Thimi is theibest price paid In this sectIonj , tj cotnmt. , , The 2-yemsr-oid boy of Isaac Jones was kicked by a horse in the abdomen at his father's ranch three miles north of here. lie tir&i this nufrning ? . -Another niee reinvietted ciheyenno county tonight. All small grain is looking fine. AIfaIfi"t h'elng' cut a'nd the meadows ara thick .wltlm hay. . Hurt in Si ltIslny. hUMBOLDT , Nob. , Junme 20.-Special.- ( ) The southbound passenger train yesterday aTternoon' frightteni 'a team being driven ly Mrs. Aice llruun and Miss Stella Wit- Ilamson anti the animals ran nwny , throw- big 'outLln , 'twO young Women and a baby , which one of them was holding. The hittlu one was afterwards inicked up out of tIme dItch uninjured , but Mien \Viiilamson was badly hurt , The other woman was unhurt beyond a few bruises , , IvIil vIil Ittiis SL llrisin l'sier , SCIIUYLER , Neb. , June 20.-Special.- ( Frank 1. . Lemon , owner of time IaVkl City l3anner , was In the city recently amid is here again negotiating for the purchase of the Quilt and the Herald , with a view to con- sohldntlng the two and editing a Bryan 1a- per. per.The The county commIssioners are In session as a hoard of Equalization , District court Is in session , on adjourned term. Cliitrt.rt'I aIths fliut legIing. IIUMIIOLIT , Nob. , Jane 20.-Speclal- ( ) i Harry I'erklns ( colored ) was arrested hero I thml5 murmiihg omm a charge of. .hootleggtg. 'Fhree young farmer boys became intoxicated . Saturday night and upon beIng arrested told time officer Where they procured itic liquor , vltich resulted in the arrest of i'er- kins. The temperance People are mnakitig on. energetic effort to stop this illegal tramne. . .li II litcen's nt Cltu ieli. BL\lrt , Neb , , Juno 20.Spclal.Coin ( ) - p tny E of the Third regiment , about cmglity 4 stmomig. 'tttemlcd services : nst miltht at the I Ilaptist church on invitatIon it Rev. Mr. ( ireen of that church. P. t3. 'oatti ' , an ot I I Grand Army of the Republtit mnan , and Cap- tam Don C. Van Detmsen addre.3MOJ the boys. The boya expect to be oiIioJ to tmati. any day mow and are anxlou to go. - ( 'mliii 11iMIIelL ITARTINGTON , Neb. , June 20.-Speciat ( Tclegram.-Tbe ) little 2-year-old son of James Ityan of this city died suddenly thIs mnormitng from the eiTects of poison. The child accinlentally got hold of a bottle con- tabling sonic strychnine mmd belladonna pills and wailowed two of thmemn. Death resulted in hmalf au hour. - UeeriI SM for tint' St.connd. SCHUYLEI1 , Nob. , Juno 20.-Speclal- ( ) N. it , Mites , recrimiting olilcer for company R , Second regiment Nebraska volunteer lufan- try , now stationed at Chmlckamnauga , is in the city securing recruits , having mow ob- tamed twelve of the thirty desired. ! . 'ruLt SIii.ent. DLAIII , Neb. , June 20.-Speclai.-The ( ) first shipment of fruit was started today. Cherries are mow ripe and In a few days raspberries anti blackberries will 1)0 reatly. Cherries are about half .m. crop , but time berries. are heavy this year. _ . . ' ' 1 . ' . ! .tPj : It. - . SCHUYLER , Neb. . June 20.-Special.- ( ) John C. Sprecheredltor of the Quilt has sued ; r , c. Itelnceke of' the' lierald for riniinat libel. Spechcr , has announced that J. A. Utinpison , cotmoty attorney , . refused to prosecute Mr. Reinecke. ziii'enlunrent , . Sinnialny. , cRETE. Nob. , .June 20.-Special.-L'rof. ( ) A. 13. Show. Doane. ' 82. now professor in Stanford timmiworsity , 'Ireached the bacea- laureate ermoa anti iiehivem'tal time address to time graduating class of Doane college yesterday morning. . . . . , - ' Orultrttl t the Front , NEBRASKA CITY Neb , June . , , 20.-Spe- ( cial.-Dr ) , Edward Hayward , a son of Jutlg. M. L' Hayvard , who tendered his services to the goverxmmnent some time ago , has been ordered to rerort for duty at l3rookIyn. ) , , , Iii the 2.llnie lU'er. . . BEAVER CROSSING. Nab. , June 20.- ( SpeclaL-WhIIo ) bathIng In the Tilue river yesterday with several companions Amel Martiusent , 21 yars old , was drowned , DEATH RECORD. ' . Ii , , ru ( e 51 eirl.i e , NORFOL.K , Nob. , June 20.-Spelai ( Teie- graimi.-Horace ) MclIritle , a promlnemit and highly respected citizen of Norfolk , was stricken with apc'piexy Saturday night at 5 nclOck. Ito remained uncomueIous until 10:20 : thIs nmoruliig , at which , tlmmn , he dIed , lie was time ( athor of Viilfs McBride of Mad- Isomi nod Mrs. C. } L Reymioltls of this city , anti besitles these leave a wife and ilaugh- ter , Anna , ( ii't ni Cnlt'I , I I. ! itiit Ii , rWIJUQUE , Jtmuc 20-Speclal ( Teiegram , ) -General Caleb Ii , ilooth died tonight , aged 82 years , tin was for mmmuny years surveyor gencm'at of the Nortltest Territory. tie was Dubuque's ilrst mayor , a uietnbtr of tIme legislature , and until his death a warden in time ipIscopnt church omni secretary ammd treasurer of the Diminique antI Iuniolth lirinlgo ComfliLlmly , lubuiiuo ) & Slotmx City Rnll'ay comnpaimy aiitl Iowa Lammil mumti Loan coininammy. Cliii ' ( tIIzui.4'IlsIslI , I1UMIIOLDT , Nd , . , Juimo 20.-Speclul.- ( ) Cimarles Quaclceimliush , wino hums hsen a rcsi- dent of this SCetlOn to ! ' the last ciuartem' of a century , tIled I.ioimtlay muormnlng at time home of his tiatmghter , Mrs. Ii. P. Tinlei' , in this city. TIme dce ased was iii imis 82t1 you : . . % l It t' 'i'ti liner. COLUMIIUS , Neb , , Jummo 20.-Specinl ( Tel- egram.-.lIce. ) time third ilaughmtcr of Mr. and Mrs. iI. K. Turmmt'r , tiled this evening , She 'as bom'n coil reared in this city and I about 23 years of ago , Stw had been iimgaged 1mm toachlimg the last few years , until - til saint' six mouths ingo , when , on account of tier health , sIne was compelled to resign. hEAD ACHE "glotli iim wlI'o und mnysollmavt , been usii. cAs14ltl'rs mmd they are thu beat nmetliiae ! W6 have ever mod In the house. Last wool4 flm wIfe was fmaatlo with beadacho for two days. bib tried some of rour CASCAlUTS , and 11mev relieved tIme pain In her head almost lummedlMoiy We both reeommrnmd Cusearets , " CI1AS. STkns1OmtD. Pjuaburg.Safo Deposit Co. , I'Ittsburg , Pa. CANDY TRAPS MASh RIGJSTERIO Vioa&ant , l'aiatalIie l'otent. 'Fable 0004 , 1)0 aoQ , ver Stekue , Vb , makmn , or Gripe , lie , gc. We. . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. , , . ailfmmIfittuitd Iilgs , 51.Ir.l , 5. . t..t. 517 k " ' Sold nid Vuiiranieed by all drug. . y I V V glsts to C1JUE TQIaocq Ust4t. 'iIAToR IIANA.1. TROL1 Ohio State Onventtoti'1oday is in th Hands . of Ui'Pricnds. . . . _ _ t _ _ , KURTZ AND ills' CROWD ' \RE \ DEFEATED - , CoiimrreMwnIlnmit ( rlNen.r \'tll , , lie Ciinli'iiiuit iiiiil SYlil SIIIIIIIL tine ieiiott' Of the A ihmnilin mt ra- I litt's ntIuiiini l'ohley. _ _ _ . . . . $ ' a coLuMuu : a. ; Jtmno 20-Most of time delegates are here tonight , but.timero , is no such contest as at the last repubilcami state convention , hemm M 'A. ilaimnmt was endorsed for senator and Charles L. Kurts s'mrn defeated for state chairman. Kinney , for secretary of state , mind Spear. ( of surenmeJutge are slated for. reimomni- nation , TIme only other nomination Is that tom' the iloani of I'tibliWorhg , foi' which niece there are several contcstant. 'rho main contest. is for the controt of the state committee and' what Is known as tIne llanna or national administration factIon I. said to have the mtmembers of the stale coni- mnittee frommi eighteen of the twenty-one dis. tricta , as against what is termed time iCurts or state administration maca. \Vtien lianna was elected senator last January thoopposing candidate was Mayor 2itcKissom of Cleveland , time home of the senator. There are two dolegatloims here now from Cleveland , but it seems certain that the Ilanna iehegatton wilt be seated over the Mclcissoii delegation amid thus In- stmrtm time selection of a ilanna moan emi the state committee fromim Cleveland amid also the control of tim local committee of Cuya- hoga county , which iil bold over till mmcxl. year. IJoth factions are now wanting , thic con- troi of time party mimachinery , as tiext year nomInatIons vIll he made for govrnor anti .almost nil the state oflicers. There are contested delegations front Allen , Tuscarawas and htardin coumities that will affect the selection of members of the state committee. The Hanna noon have such a large ama- jority among time delegates that they will confrol the convention without contest on anything after time report on credentials is adopted and the conmmnittee on credentials vll1 be comnpoed almost ummaalniously of the senator's friemmds. There is much disappointment over Senators - tors Foraker and lianrma being ummable to leave Washington. It was inteajlcd to have Senator ilaimun for temporary chairman to. morrow amid Snntoi' Foraker for vcrmanent chairman on Wedimesday , but now Charles ii. Grosvenor will be both temporary niid vernianent chairman and make the keynotti speech of tue campuigmm. As Congressman Giosvenor is considered close to the an- tional administration hhn speech is awaited with Interest. ( .tl IS eI''i'i I XA'I'IINt I. Il'iAUt. flnltliiioi' iteiN Cliielitiinti nut tIne Iuvuynrtt Siilt. ! _ CINCINNATI , Juite 20.-'l'ho Rods ll03'ctl their % vurst today. Dam'mnan was lountled all over the lot amid hIs support was ragged , Resurrected Abtul was almost invincible. Attmmdtmiee , : , 3,010. Scone : ct : t.1NN.r1. nia.irmMoltg. 11.I1.O.A.F , I Mclmrhk' . ef 0 1 1 1 0 McGias , 31. 3 2 1 2 0 Sinnitli. ii. . . . . II 0 4 0 m'eIer , rt. , 4 3 1 0 0 MeI'ti'e , 2h. C 0 3 2 0 Jenmn'gs. its. 3 3 2 4 0 Corcoran , ss U 1 1. S \lcUaan , lb 2 1 : m a 0 lt'tmv' , 10 1 2 U 1. U Ilumities , if. . 1. a C (1 ( 0 Mtiler , vt. . I 1 1 0 0 mnrolme , U 1 0 irwin , . . . ) , , , ' utighn , C. . U I 2 t 2 a n , . n , e i 2 2 ii 0 1)iniman , U 0 0 m o ataum. mi. . . . : : 1 U U U 'Wood . . . . . U 0 0 0 0 m1umws , er. U U U U U Totnh , ; . . . . : ) 2717 Tottils.i7182 7 0 l3atted for Damman inn ninth. Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 02 iimtltimnore . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 0 6 0 1 0 5 2-17 Earned rumis : I3altinnore. 9 ; Cinmelmmnmati , 2. 'i'ivo-base hits : It'nonmt , liohnimes. ' [ 'hrec- ban-c lilt : lhtcOanu. Dimble imimns : \ic- Bride to Ihecicley. Beckhiy to Vaughn. FIrst base on bails : Oft Dnunnman , 1 off Maul , 1. Struck out : 13y Damnmnan , I. I'asstl balm : Vatmghn.'ttti ldtches : Dammnan , 2. 'l'ime of game : 'J'wo hours and ten maIn- utes. Umpires : t3niyder amid Connuliy. stI'Omm , li Viins lit tine Sm.th. CIldVELAND , Junta 20.-The ltrookiyns fell on Young for four tilts. two of which were twt.baggt'rs , iii time sIxth limiting. Cleveland's errors verc also costly. At- tendamico , 700. Score : CLEVEJ.AND. 1t1tOOFLYN. ILII.U.A. i : . liurkett. if. . U U I ) 4) 0 OniOn , ci. . 0 2 5 0 0 o'ron'r. 1) ) , . 2 2 t i 0 Jumnes. rr. . . U 2 1 0 (1 ( V'iniiace. , 3b 1 1. 2 2 0 1.aetiCo. 55 2 1 1 U ? iFFtun , , sO 1 3 1 1- . . " karti , mCI 2 7 1 U 'rvm.emu. 2h. 0 2 2 6 1 ' 1'tieter , lb. I I U U Ilmatte , rm. . 0 1 2 0 1 t.tuiiian , i I : I U Zitnnwr , C. . 0 1 4 2 U Shmntmic , lb. 1 I ) 2 4 0 tL'jccr , Cf 1 0 2 0 1 1tan , c. . . . . 1 0 0 0 0 Young , o. . . 0 1 2 3 0 Dean , m' . . . . . t 1 1 2 0 Totala . . . . 4 0 20 l'rotals. . . . 7 13 27 12 0 Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0-- . ! ] Jiookiyn . . . . . . . . . . . . ( I 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0-7 Earned runs : Brooklyn. 2. Left on bitbes : Cleveland , 10 ; Drookl'im , 7. Umtse oil balls : Off Youpg , 1 ; off Dummn , 4. Struck out : Ii ) ' Young , 1. ' 1'vo-hse hilts : Zimmer , Tucker , J0i105 , Lachance. Sacri- lice halt : Stmecicarti. Double plays ; O'Con- mien. to McNcamm. Shlndie to lialiman , lilt by piteher : Young , I.Vihti iItcim : Dumin , I. tjnmpires : Lyincim amid Aiulruws. 'J'inic' : Onto hour amid tlfty-iive minutes. $ tVIIIIi ) ' 11111 114 ii p 1TT S13U110 , Juime 20.-Seymour was wild nild give seveit bases on ballH , but struck seven immeim ( mitt. Killen's gift of bases nil i'ciit to Joyce. Fitch time 'Scrmtply' citine tu imit he "walked. ' ' 1'.Ittsburg played fast tutu sflttiiY ) auth tile Oimtiits were hot in it ut any stage. Attendance , liii , h'core ; m'm'ri'.mmrlum. Nm' YOItK. Jtiiu. F . it. it..A.g.I I 1)oiiovan , rf 1 2 2 0 0 % "ilalt'n , ' 1 U 2 2 0 0 I O'lirIen , cC. I 2 1 0 I ) Terrein , it , 1 1 1 1 0 ( IraN' . ab. . . . 3 1 3 2 0 , iIYet' , lb. . . U U ii U 1 Mc'C'tlmy. itt I I U C. . 1)u'it. s0 I 3 1 2 1)a t. mb. . U U 1 J 0 0 umeaan , b 1. 1 1 U I I'aidt'n. lb. 1 1 1 : 1 MccI'ry , rC U ) 1 J ( I liiIernl'n , C U 0 5 3 0 II'rlnnan. 3m , o 0 3 i I 1:1) ' , 55. . . . . 1 1 1 3 1 Warner , c. U I ) 7 3 I ) Kijion. 1 0 U 2 . I , , 0 0 0 3 0 - - Totals . . . .5 8 27 17 2 Totals . . . . ; 21 ii r l'tttslurg . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 0 ( I 3 0 0 1 ' -9 NewYork . . . . . . . . . . . lOl)000001--2 ) Earned runs : i'lttburg , 2. 'I'vo.bmisc hilts : Grimy. McCritry. Stolen 1)11508 : llowermaii (3) ( ) . 1)oublo idmil's : lilt Co rthiy tt ) Pitdtlt'xi to Iavis ; I liti'tninn to Joyce ; 'l'ien'imun to 0. Dit.jis. virst Imtso on bulls : Off Nillemm , I ; off Soynmotir , 7. StrLilc out : By Killen. 3 ; hiy' Seymour , 7. T'mtsetl bail : \S'ninmcr. 'I'Iine of game ; I's'o hours. Umpires : Cushinun anti lieytiit'r. ( ' , iliuieIM l'lniyi ilir hull .tgahii. LOUlSViiL.F , June 20.-'i'he Colonels do- fettled time SeiiztttrS In a dull ouch unlnter- em4tltlg gamutl. Fraser's iitchiing and a stop r u itiui lilt by htitehmey were tilt , nitty ( cmi- tures , Attendance. 250. Score : LOL'lsvll.i.1 : . W.HlIlNC3TON' . 1tit.O.a'.h. ' lt.1i.O..t.E. t.'tIIrIe , If. . 1 i 1. U U tIt'acii , It. 0 1 2 1 0 ltl1cln ) ' , $5. t 2 4 1 4) ) UiIIiiiiiii. rt 0 0 2 0 0 1l.iy , if. . . . . 3 2 0 0 0 An'run. v ( . U 0 1 0 0 lh'xmer. rI. . 2 2 3 0 ii I'yle. lb. . . U 1 4 II 1 I tt&trfori , lb. I 2 1 1 ( i Metinirt' . e. I I 7 4 1 \400r , It , . ii 3 7 3 0 hells , lb. . . , 0 0 1 1 0 ( 'l'gmaa , Iti 0 2 0 2 ' ) Mtyers , Sb , C I 2 2 0 I'cwers , c , . . 0 0 S I 0 'Etglty , ii , , 0 0 3 2 0 ! "r.Mii , ii. . . 0 0 3 2 0 Vt'yhilng , Ii , 0 0 3 0 0 Totals . , , .I32T 12 0' 'fotoi , . . , 1 4 24 10 LtiuIs'iilo . . . . . . . . . . . I U 0 0 5 0 2 0 -8 \'asliIiigtnii . . . . . . . . ( I I 0 0 0 1) ) U 0 0-i iimti'netl rtmiis : l.nuI3vIIle , \'mtslmIngton : , I. 'I'wo.bast' lilt : Ritchmey. t3toiemi buttes : \Vugner , Clarke , Ietiiilo play : 'iVrigloy nimd loyle. 1'irst , ' oil bulls : Oft Finser , 1 ; uft Ve'hhi1g , 4. Struck out : Ii > ' Frasei' , 7 ; by Vi'eybilng , 4. I'nLssCd bail : 1 uwers. Left Oil bases : i.)1iisviiii. 8 ; W'asimlingtoti , 3. 'I'liiie of gimmuti : Oiie Incur anti Iitty minutes. Ujiiiiirei : , lcl itimnitl , ttnih O'lmty. h'hiihli'ii smuw hiNper. sr. iouis , ' June 20.-Emiikr wits batted all over the fluid today. 'j'Iio I'liililes so. eureti twenty-cite bibs off his delivery. 'mu gmtine V.'lltI IL iisties , ufl , Attemiduitce , 1,000. Si'ore ; sr. iA.t1I. . . IhlI7.uEI.m'Ii IA. ii ! ! .IiO.A.l'3. Steiizrl , Cf. , I ) 0 2 0 0 Couley. cC. . 2 5 4 1 0 hisrley , If. . 0 4 1 0 0 Dougiu , iii 1 6 0 0 . & .ro.s , 3b. . . U 1 4 3 0 1)eiin'ty , if , 2 4 0 I ) ii'eittr , lb. 0 0 5 0 0 141J010 , lb. . 2 3 3 3 0 tuUeii , o. . . 0 0 6 4 0 FlIck , it. . . . 3 4 1 0 0 Qunim , bS. , . 1 1 3 1 MeI'urt'd. c 2 2 ' 6 1 0 trcioii. , lb. , 1 3 3 4 ( I Abbat , 3b , , 0 U U I U hull. ( . . . . . 0 1 1 1 0 Cross , ss. . . i 4 3 1 Lseri ) . . . . . U S 0 2 0 Doriahuep.0 0030 Totals , , .ii'i' 16 1 Totals . , . , i'ii ZT 23 1 'Douglas out , hilt by batte.i bail. St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-2 I'hiliadelphla . , . . . , , 3 1 ii 0 3 0 0 4 0-14 Earned nuns : l'hmiladelphla , 9. Two-baSS bits ; Cooley , 1ariey. Tbre-base WII ; ( "noicy Flkk .1ti , lintili' l'tiii lmiglai lilt bY pitcher . \u1 it , hftible , piay. ( 'ooiey to 7U'i"mtrInmnti t , ( 'ross ; I.nioln tO Prtsu' td 1)niiglIts ; , ltnsci on lmll5 Off Dniiahtii' , 4 ; erf lsper , .2. . .toiu'n lmaae . irlIiiinty , I Flit k , I B triTrl rant : Dy DIIIinhtIC. 3 , by lsper , 2. 'i'Iin of gainci Oite hour ntiul iIty-live minuies. Umpirest Emallo nittl Curry. It ( ) rihns hent the ( 'iiititpltiiia , CHICAGO. Jpnc 20.-Tine Orphans wun their llrst game from the ( 'hmnmpious today In a close t&5L9J ) . For seven innIngs ( 'allmi- ban was lfr1n'ibIt' ' . The locals meanwhile bunched tilr' ; it for live runs. lii the eighth the 't'Illhrs ? used the ntick to good atlvmtnfnge antiwith the old of two gifts scored fotil runs. liergemi started the nInth with a i1oullt'TAlt3t the next three batters were easy tititi. Attentlanco , 3,200. Score : CltlCAUO. - 11OSTON , 1t.lt.OA.I. it.ii.O.A.l' . li3'nn , lf..0 1 2 0 OlIamt'on , c'fO 1 3 0 1 IverItt. lb. , 0 1 10 0 0 iittett , Cf. I 0 1 5 5 I.ti'e ef. . . 0 1 2 0 (1 Tiflhlpy , it ) . , I 1 C 0 2 ltthi5it , ,5. 0 0 5 4 0 Long , , ' . . . . C 0 1 3 0 Mctm'k , 7 ? ) I I t 3 0 mhltt'y , Ic. . . . I 2 2 0 0 Mermett. if. . . 2 2 1 0 Ot'eIIIn .31 , . . i 0 1 2 0 l'onnor. It ) . . 0 1 3 4 0 4ttihi , Ir. . . . 0 1 1 0 0 iIntnhIlp , e. I I I 0 0 TM5 , ti ) , , . 0 2 5 4 0 Callahan , p. 1 1 1 0 0 Ijergen. e. . . 0 1 4 0 0 - : . _ _ _ Icflois , l. . ' 0 0 0 3 0 Totais . . . . 5 .9 27 it 0 Total. , , . . S $21 it 3 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 -5 hinstoii . i , . . , , 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0-i Earned runs : hIcngo , s : Boston , 2. heft on bases : Chicago , II ; Boatiumi , 5. Fs'o- hne hits : Ityntil , Dully , Stahl , flergen , Three-base hilts : Lonnor , 'fonney , Stolen bases : Lmtimgo , Mi'rtes , 1)onnlmtte. Struck out : By Callahan , 1 : by Nichols .l. liasi's 01) bulls : OtT ( L'itiiahmnii , 3 ! off Nichols I , lilt with ballt Ityan. 'rinie of giLme ' 11wt ) Incurs. Umnplremu : Swnrtwood and Wood. STANDINII OF TIIFI TIAMS. Played. Von. Lust. 1'.C. CIncinnati . . . . . . . . . . . ( .3 Si iS 63.4 floston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 32 21) ) 131.5 Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . 51 31 20 60.S ikittlnnuro . . . . . . . . . . . 4' ! 2) 19 6).l l'Ittsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . St 29 22 5139 Ciilcagt- , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : to i 513.13 Ne' York . . . . . . . . . . . St 2'l ' 25 51.0 flrtmklyii . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5(1 ( 22 28 41,0 1'hiltttiellhlItL . . . . . . . . 'is 21 27 .11.5 \Vmtslmlmmgton . . . . . . . . . 52 19 31 313.5 St. 1.titlt'4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 19 33 313.5 ' Louisville . . . . . . . . . . . . Si ; 16 40 2S.13 Ounmies todtty Iloston at Chicago ; 11111(1. limorti at Cimicinnati : l3rnokI'ii at Cleveland : \Vmtsiilngtoim at Louisville ; New York at l'lttsburg ; l'hiiludolpliia itt St. LouIs. SCltii4 OF 'I'1lti W'EIS'l'lltN l.IIAGIJI3 , : i I itlirittuill , , i'mihmICitinsittn City loi'ti it , , teii. KANSAS CITY , June 20.-TIme Blues lost to 'itiimimeitpulis ' toilti , ' in a brhiilmumt i'levomt. inning game. Gear was knocked out of ihiti : box In tIme eIghth. 'rime IHues lost an oliportunity to tb time score Iii tIle ele- enthi , s hcnVlox wits caught oft thim'd base by Riley , vhio had concealed the bail. Score : It. II. E. Minneapolis . , . 000101 12001-6 113 1 Kansas City . . 3 0 ft 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 05 14 0 1-tutterles ; Miminmeapolls. MeNeely mitini Itittor ; Kansas City , Gear , l'ardce mind \Vilson. STANDING OF TilE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. I'.C. lmiiiiunapoiI . . . . . . . . ' 17 31 16 rs.o ; Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 16 2 18 130.9 St. I'alil . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 31 21 59.6 1tnit8 CIty . . . . . . . . 51 : io 21 ' ss.s ? iliIvttukee . . . . . . . . . . .51 27 21 52.9 Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii IS 33 33.3 MImiiioaimoli'm . . . . . . . . . 51 18 83 33.3 Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 15 11 31 31.1 Games titiay : St. Paint at Omaha : Mlii- imeapolis at Knasmis City ; Slllwittmkee at Colunibus ; D0trdlt mit IndIanapolIs. 'VvMt'rln AMI400It 0 loin. ROCK ISLAND , June 20.-Score : . R.1I.E. Rock Island . 2 . 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 1-7 10 I ] Ottumnwa . . . . . . 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 0-5 4 2 llnttt'ries : hock tmmlaiiti , Yoummg and Sage : Otttimmi'a. 'su'imler anti 1'eefe. 1'EOIIIA , Ill. , Jumie 20.-Score : R.11.E. l'eorln . . . . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-8 9 5 Qulney . . . . . . . . 0 0 4 2 0 1 1 ' -8 7 3 Batteries : Peoria , IllIncoc timid Quinn ; Quliicy. I'drvln auth Swartu. 1)UI3LJQIJE , 1i. , .June 20.-score : ,1 II. 11. E. Dubuque . , . 0 2 0 2 0 3 1 1 S-il ! 113 3 St. Josepii .2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0-7 13 7 flatterles Dtiiiuque , llnrney and Ilodgo ; St. Joseph , Gootleil amid limtimsemm. 1tit , , , 'is ta I e 1.'zItii e. , FORT \VAXNIf , . , Juno , . 20-Scqre : ' . It. ILE. Fort \rtt.flC . . . : . . o 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 05 10 6 Newcastle . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 4 ' - 8 10 3 ilatterics : Fort 'V''ayne. Allowny and Camnimbell ; Newcastle , DoW'itt and Zinram. Cit' 'I'IiI' trmerinon. Comisltey's bitnd of hasbeemms will be tlowmi here this afternoon to try cuimciuiioxms wIth time Dabes. 'rime Saints have been itS- Ing quIte regularly of late anti will le shoved a little further down the ladder by Manager Fishier's aggregation. At that time Saints have 1)0011 playIng cltSC , even IC they hiLV been losimig games , and consequently the three coming contestS ought to bo ciotte. Itemexnhmer that there are but mm. few more games to ie seen before the team goes away nit the trip. The ilneup : Omnaha Positiomis St. Paul. Lyon't . . . . . . . . . . . . .lhrst butte. . . . . . . Glasscock Iloiiimmgsworthm..secoiiU base. . . . . . . Giemiulvin Eustaco . . . . . . . . .third base. . . . . . . . . . . . 'Gillen Rout . . . . . . . .short stop. Shmug'am't . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'reston . . . . . . . . . .loft Ileltl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gci 'r I'ickerlng . . . . . . .center held. . . . . . . . . . . liurke Flcmnlnt . . . . . . . . . .ight . . . . . . . . . . . . . McCauley . . . . . . . . . .catchier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spies Butler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .hitcher. . . . . . . . . . . . . Denzor , or Fricken P1 ) ! ahii ry Iefets tine 5.en.ler. V1ENNA , June 20.-Ia the fourteenth rouimd of the international chctts tourmma- mont Stelnltz and Mtro defeated Baird mini 'rrcnchard , respectively , and ilalprin and Llpke drew : St'hmleehter beat Ilurn ; Pills. bury beat 'rnrraschi ; Janowsici woi stetl Sehltlers , while Shiowsi ter and \Valbronit and iliacklurm ) iiiiul it lapin ircIv ; n1nrocz } ' also dlspostdof Corn. , ' ' . . Gum Cliii 'I'oniri.nmnie.int , SIOUX CITY , Juime 20.-Speci'il ( Tote. gramn.-'rho ) Son Gilni clubm nimnual amateur - tour tourimaniemit will opi'mi iii thIs city to- num'row , 'l'hme event Is one Of the largest iii the county this SOItSOil , Over 100 crack shots fromn all over time northw'est are ex lectt'th to take imrt , , IIui ' ! ' ' . Iiitiel. 51'iti NGF1IdLD , Mmtmini. , June 20.-Presl- dent I'uiwcrtt 91 time Eastern league. Pies. ident Diaper of thmo I'rovitience club mmliii ex-Mmniitiger Dumb of the Droolclyim club meld a conferemice with time local base ball SUPOF I { ( ( C ) WEV ; / ' / THE EXCILCI1 OF SYRUP OF FillS Is duo uodi' to time origimmality mmii simiIp1'tcitu tjtic L'ombiilaton , but also to tlnocaro @nd skill wRIt which it is 1naflhltuct11 by bcientiliu processes Itnown . 1zo Sviut' Co. only , 4lmnFlve wish to imnpress upon till tIme , , of pum'elmnhlimg' the true ammtL'piIiia1 remedy , Mo time genuimle p.uf Figs Is inmtmtmfmtctured by tints Qvoiii.m Fun Sritw Co. only , II icnYsvIedgo ( of that fact will asslat onq In. aVoiding tIme wortliess ] limmitatloims mnunufmictured by other var- tics , 'I'Iic high stjimmding of tue C.ti.i- 11OIINEA F'rn Svnui' Co. with tine mmmcdl. cal profession , nibi the satisfaction which tIme gemmuizie Syrup of Figs hma giveni tq mIllions of families makes tile immune cif the Coznpamiy a guartnty of time excclleueu of its memnedy. it is far in advac of all other laxatives , as it acts on time .ldilmieys , liver mind bowels withOut irritating or weaken. lug theta , zrd it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial cffeets pIeae remember time namne of tine Company- CAUFORUA FIG SYRUP CO. SALFIO.4NCZSVO , Cal. LotL5v1LL1g , ? EW YOIIIC.N.Y , backers here today nimul It wns t1clt1d to continue tIiI chili In the lenigile with Mr. hharnl' . n innimager , Tlmni Piners vero Iflkl ii hart of theIr salarIes nimtl time rest vnIq guaranteed. ' il'II'l'S ON 'I'III'i i1ITN'ii(1 ( ' 1'l1.tCI(4. l'rieet'uiis of I.noii ls ( ioett lii I lie "alit. ' 'hum niinr'lit Pintiul , CiNClNlATi , June 0.-Thmls was "Maiiio" day at time l.ntonla race track. The entrle. gate receIpts nnui nil , vvre turned over to time ' imationul fund for a inoimmlnient to the ilnnl of time Ill-fated battleshIp Maine and a Immmndsonie stun wIll riwesent Latonla's contrIbution to this liObiC cauSe. 'rhiero vero sCt'f'im & ' % 'Oflttt on totiny'S cord antI time sport wits of this I immost exciting order. Weather floe ; track fmtst. Summaries : First nice , one mile. selling : l3ti O'FnmI- % 'OiT Mrs. tb'mmtisimuv second , 1)olnestic third. 'lime : 1:421,4. : Second rtee , live fimrlnimts : Snilvores won , IheZilItiti secuiiti , Dotiiimi. Ilelle tImiril. Tiimme : 1:03 : % , Third race , mile and an eighth , sehhlng Kitty Ii vnn , Charlna second , itemnh ) third. 'rime : ll5i. Foutili rate , soVOit and on.hnlf fur- , lomigs : .leummnet won , Sauher second lie- gtido thmlrti. Tlnie I :35 : % . Fithi race , five furlongs : ihIlly house Wii. Obstiimmite Slinoim secoimil , Estabtooke third , Time : 1:0i'.4. : : Sixth race. one mile , soiling : Kittimie May won , 'I'ho Doctor second , Everest third. Time : 1:43. : . Seventh race , omme mile , sellhimg : hhlultigo von. Elalima ecoimd , Sklmmk tlmlrui. 'l'lme : I :42'4 : ' , NEYOitF' , Julie 20.-Simeepshend flay smnmninitries : First race , live mind one-half furlongs : Cicoplitma won , 1.mtdy 7miitrimmn secommd , Lambent - I bent third. Tinie : I :08 : 2-5. ' Seconil race , one mnhie : lien itoimnlti wail , , Nutu meconth , Lectisrlllo third. 'l'imo 1:42 : 3-5. 'l'hilrni race , Daisy stakes , five furlongs : Klmignion won , Lu rva second , Armunimment thIrul , 'I'ime : I :01 : 4-5. FotJrtlm race. mile unit it fmmrlommg : Orto- land won , iefemiuler tiecomiti , lius'mtrtl Mamma thli'l. Timno : I :513 : 1-5. in ( tim race' , seiliimc , Futtmrity t'otirse : Iltisimer womi , Jack Point itecommil , Fratiels Ii'okcr , thmiril. Tune : I :13 : 1.13. Sixth race , Grass immnugurni , six furlongs : Ishlor woim , Klimnlklnniic second , \'ati Amit- s'erim thmird , Time : 1:13 : 2-5. 'tVi ! t t ! ' " Mhioters. Time most successful tthoot yet given by the Dupont Gun club this sensoim occurred Sunday afternoon. 'I'hmere was time biggest lot of entries In time event auth time biggest turnout of shmectators timmtt has yet visited time grouiids. Tile dub shoot resulted in the following score : Itaniiiett . . . . . . . . . . . 11111 11111 11111 1lli0-h9 lilnulor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11111 11011 11111 llOhO-17 \Vest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11010 11111. 11111 11011-17 Ilaliowell . . . . . . . . . . 11111 11111 11111 11101-19 l3revcr . . . . . . . . . . . . 00011 11111 11111 11111-17 Fogg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00111 11111 11011 11111-17 Youimg . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11111 11111 01101 11011-17 Salisbury . . . . . . . . . . 10011 11111 11111 00111-113 I'iumber . . . . . . . . . . . 01011 01111 01111 11111-16 Tovnsend . . . . . . . . . 11101 00111 01111 11011-15 CmmrtiM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11111 00011 11101 10100-13 'Cnrtlmage . . . . . . . . . . 11011 10011 01111 11011-15 J. Baumait . . . . . . . . 0111(1 ( 00110 OIOIP 10111-12 Johnsomi . . . . . . . . . . . . 11000 11011 00100 11010-10 lVclshm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11111 00001 00101 11000-11) ) Goonirlcim . . . . . . . . . . 11111 01111 11100 00111-15 Davies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11010 10110 11100 11111-14 (3ohilsmnitli . . . . . . . . . 10001 10101 11111 01100-12 Nnsotm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11110 10101 11011 11101-15 Leroy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00001 01011 01001 00000- ( Mtmrrill . . . . . . . . . . . . 041111 11101 11111 01111-1(3 Mtore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11001) 01101 00011 00100- Snapper . . . . . . . . . . . 11011 11001 11110 11011-15 Time shoot , 'as a lmaimdlcap affaIr , each mnii being allowed tnt shoot otT at time item- her of birds ime missed , time three Imlghest scores gettliig time prizes. On thIs shmontoff Ctmrtls mmii Rend tIed for first prize , Con Ycung cuppereni time secontl mind Duly ' .1'ovii- seimni got Imis cinmsv on time third. lit ndli- ( [ lent to the climb shoot there % V0m4 a live bird evnntin hmldm some 204) pigeons were shot. Jtemmtl , Tomvnsefld. Ilahiawell amid l'armtmc'- ice have gomme tnt Sioux City to attend time amattiir mttmtte shoot timat will be hmt'ld there oIl Tuesduy , 'uVednestlay mumil 'rlmtmm'stlay. iIenr 2ntcDntmald will also go up ammil try to cut tIme nnustartl before time affair Is over. i-iii&r i1atein. Billy Lnmbert mmd'aiter Noinimm boxed tell rounds baforo a fair crowni in time rooms cit the Stimithm Omaha Atimietlc climb last imlghmt. 'rho bout was timmlte an Interesting omme. hut restmh t i'd in a d rmtv. Nolan , 'ivinil , ' somimevimat the heavier of time two. ltaYetl a waiting pam't , I.mimnbert dolmig most of time leatllmmg. No lmarr'm was tlommo mit any time 1mm time go , imowever. Lesm'lN lefermls Ynnsuf nit ii Fumil. ChICAGO , June 20.-After it struggle of thren mnimmutes at 'rattersmil's : , Les'ls bi'limg on time lamil , stomach down , the referee ox- aimilnn'nl the mcmi amid gave tIme match to Lewis hecaimse Yousof , ni the referee saId , s'as 3trammgilng' him. AliVeittiNt Cotifcreimce. MITCHELL , S. D. , June 20.-Special ( Telegram.-The ) nineteenth annual conifer- cimeo of the Seventh Day Adventists coin- mcnccd hero today for a sessIon lastitmg one week. People are in attendance from all oven. the state. The coneremmcc Is presided over by W. T. WillIams , formerly of ttme Nebraska conference. The meeting is comn- imosed of three classes , the l13nglislm , Ger- nasa and Scandlmmavian , and services are comiducted in each lmmmmguage. English. sery- ices are conducted iii the corn palace amid tents have been erected for the Germans and Scandinavians. Adjacent to the corn r'aiace ' about 200 touts have been erected 1mm whIch the veople live. A imuniber of iromnlneimt leaders imi Adventism are hem'e to conmduct. mnectirmgs. lInnrIor Ciue 'l'rIat. CFIANUEIILAIN , S. I ) . . Juno 20.-Speciat ( Telegrani.-Thmc ) trial f Lamnbert H. Jones. accused of immimrderlng ticiiry Van Rodeo , commenccdtoday at Wheeler , Over eighty witmesses have beomi subpoenaed. Thme fattier of tIme defendaimt , a Chicago lawyer , was Irosdnt to conduct time defense. The evidemmce agalimst Jomies , tlmough strong , Is purely dr. cunmstantlal. ( iv.s Uo tine linlio liii imili. CHICAGO , June 20.-hope of obtaining possession of tIme ldmmhmo ranch vhmIch Ciiai'ies W. Spaldlnmg deeded to her was abnzmdonetl today by Sarah Louis Erwin. wheim Judge 'ruby continued time commtenmpt roeeetIIngs , , ' ' AMtYSEMES'i'S , , - J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - THREIi NIGHTS ONLY. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'I Chicago APOIIOUHb Concert Fxpositiott Auditorium , ACCOMPANIED BY Theodore Thomus Orcbcstr. Tuesday , June 21 , Wonesday. inne 22 , Thursday , June 2. Admission 50c-No Reserved Seats. C0NCIRT BEGINS PROMPTLY AT 8 P. M. against her , wIth the titmtlcrstnnding that she would withdraw her stilt In the iuhaimn commrts to mcmiii the ileed glvemm to tine re- celver of the Globe .Svingti bank. Time liroporty coimsists of a 'J60.mit're trmtct of land , which Simaldiimg valued mit $25,000. STORM DESTROYS ORCHARDS Swceis a Stt41 , 'Vitionnghm em'r 'urk 'I'hnrit' iU I lett % 'iu1e ii niul Meeisty Miles lnntg , MIDDLEPOI1T , N. Y. . Jtmno 20.-A terrific wIndstorm struck Niagara and Orleans coon- ties early yesterday , Time stormmm traveled in belt three miles wIde and seventy muties I I bug. In Orleans coummty hummdrcds of orchards were entirely destroyed. Tiit' tianu- : age % vlll reach muammy tiiousammds of dollars. A wommmani llviimg near Galimes Is said to hmavc received fatal injuries front a failIng build- lag , Matmy large bmmrims vere destroyed , amid the wreckage carried frommm sivxty to 100 feet. Time wlmid stmrted In time western Part of I Niagara county and traveled east. Izmll 'l'remsmni'y Stateinseint. \VASI1INGTON , Jimmie 20.-Today's State- I meat of time condition of tine treasury shows : Available cash baiammce , $1S9.47,90l ; gold reserve - serve , $163,471,057 , I I ! ilitnnkn r- Time Nebraska Nmitional haink. whose ad- vertmseimment appeam S 1mm The lieu , imas cmi I humid mmow and inns Imad at all timmncs sitice I time boutls vero , olfcred. an nmnphc supply of blanks for the new goverimimmemit leami amid ; is still receiving siibseriptlonms. XL''i'eiineinttuijfOeintin VettseI , .1 untie O. At lii enmen-Arrived-Iirememm. fromn New York. At Southanmptomi-Arrlveul-jCaiser - ltehimm der Grosse ; llerlinm , tronm New York. At Li verpooi-Arrlvi'd-Etruriu , froimi New York : l'avomi in , fm'ommi tiostomi. At New York-Arrtved---Cevic. from Liv- eriiooi ; Mlnmimewasku , frommi Lomidoim. At Philadelphlu-ArrIved-Pemnnlamiti , fronm Liverpool , ISMAIL ' 1'21E G'n'I'SY. 11cr 1Inn ryelonns ltevtimttlins 11 mst I l'y AimS , tMtfllIPihi .tl ! ' . % 'l.o ( 'mmii On : ! t.t. , Time Omnalmmt publIc lma'e so oftenm been hunimbuged by clmarlatnmms Iii time guise of e'ialrvtyanmts mUlti Paiiimists timimi timey ciimnit : , full to apprecIate atmtl visit fur consultation a genuine haiiflIst and citlrvoyaimt. : 11cr truthful rending , i ( the past inmsplres comm- ildenico In her forecast of the future. pj * It mnutters not wlimtt youi. ieiit'f may he. lion' vlmat yutir experlenmce 'ltlm iimoiItinmm , many have becim , isinar will 'omivinc , ' you flint time PAS'I' , PIIESEN'r fIND FIYI'ITIIII CAN ilEl TOLD. lamar wisties Ii nuder- Stotal that she is no sieigimt of hmmmnni hem'- former. miolthmer utro tht'rt. mqiy rinist' lmnmiuPs lid ii oU t to it I lure tIm c conmitling ii ii misc- imhmisticatod 3 imer iatriums ai't' liii' etiinc'tited mm umd c a I I ii roil , a s w'L'il mm tt t inostu ( mtmmi I ito Plainer % vmtllfta of lIft' mmmii imer crt'deimtlalmu u'tmum ii ml umsol I ci t oil . I .nlies mmc't'd tin t I n osi in Ic iii conmutmlt I ng I n. nun r , mitt mu I I her I umterv icsvs ai'o strictly in'ivuitc , stimni cinhj'Ientitmi ' , lamar , time Uyps ) ' , cmiii ix' cotmsuill cul fi'oni 9 a. am , to 6 ii. rn , 1111113' . Suuudutys ( rein 9 11. fli. to 1 P. lii. . at her parlors , 2' ' ) anil 21 Douglas hiltck , corimt'r Slxtecmmth anti iotIgo olilutt4ltft limiytli'lm Ilros. ' attire. DOD ! e /3iu : , I I 1 : LTi Rad FVaL } ( : MaIL - : I1-Ttt'e your garinoiiti cut to I /f / - 'Yolli' OrIOr. \ii i'ttii 1)1lC0 ) ' / ; : ; yolli. oi'dei' wit Ii in jot' LF little - ' . Ii- ' -ii 1S l5 , 18 , or $25 I'm' . _ . -ul--I. 1 SllitS-afl(1 ( $4 , $5 , G 811(1 ( 7 I'or rcia tl'o1iEmc3i'3-wit ii t1it > i'i Vi 1eg of 1- ' ' ' t0CCtlOl1 I rout a ' . : : r' . lila Iciig yotti' ; , - - ' - - - - . - - . . \'Iil'ilty ( 01 (1osigiuI aggregalihig 'a- - . , . _ , ] lefl.l'ly 2 , OO ( ) ) . . Such ii'iees ihl'O ilicleed a ttihilptatlit , JUL'IIOhl hacked 111) by Nicohl's ii l'alltC0 foi' I'll'Mt-'Jitt' WOl'kliilliShi-tl'ihil ] liii img ; atid ftl.ti iig-'Oii Chill 1 11 it IlOl'E ( to o'oi'1ook 1ui' olJor- ) tuiuity of dressing well at a noiiiiiial coit , I\i'o yoit BkOlticit ] aboUt I ho tilihiptilig ) " ( ' ( ? ' .l'iiiiik the vi'ico i ; t o low i'oi' satisfactory gai'iucnts ? 1'1itii let ui Ii'00111' 1)OaStVo'll. ! . be glad to do it. ALL 6AUMLNTS MADE IN OMAIIA-tiY OMAhA TAILORS. 'rROUSEIS , 4 to $12 , SUI'FS , $15 to $40 ' 209 arck 211 S. 15th St , - - - ICarbacli Block . . . , _ , , . _ , ' . ' ' - ! - - - - - im1t ! ,5' * 'I5u.- ' THE coth TRCAERO : * I . hirney Sti i Lemtz'iilinnms . , i'rops. amid Iirgrs. P 1.V. . COl1 , Act , Maumager. 'l'ih C Cool.l.s'l'l'lAcl : 1'i 'Z''N. Tonight and All the. Week. ' 1lll13 VItl'iMl Di" 'VAIJIii'ill.i. Sntim , ICI It ii' mu iiul tIusrni 1unnlsc MORTON liI1.til.iNI'IiiM. _ 1IlNA COl.l.IXS. ' . ( i.ltltIi13 l''l.5l'11L 'fhe Vi IsOll Faini ly. - LILIIAN ' % % 'IiiS'l'llitX . . . . . . ISEISSI1l l'llilL.ll'3. Carroll and Craworcj . . .txll , . La. ictite Adelaide. 'I'n'oemmi..ru , ( 'mini iu ung , ' ( ) relnest rum , I'm ii z Au ci iii , , ni , I ) i rough v. ltt I ii rca 'u'uqI im'aui un y. 'imi t ni rdny Sinuntin , ' , mt ( ) . Matimmee Prices , Adults , 25c ; children , lOr. ltt'frettli uiiu'inla inn 1'lneinl er utnuul Ga ruleii , Evenings , 8:30. : l'i'hcett , 25e , ; tlc , SOc. J ? ( 7 1I'AXT'N ' & 11U11C.1s9 1p _ F 1. 4 _ % . _ M' nnIgtus ' 1 i'I. i:113. : 'm'NIC ! i'I' , Sn I 3. iTatlnees'ctluitstiay mtmmd Sattmn'tluty HOPKINS TRANS-OGEA WIG STAR SPECIALTY CO. 'I'hnu oumly 1 I lgh , I ' 1mm as Vmt tntie' Ii I t' ( 'tmnn panty 1mm Amnerli'mi. I lomuniod Iuy. i"itixui , ttitmmiit Amid his tralimeul riiliimg lt.iboumi Jeshil. ' ttlitl Teum Other tug Acts , l'rices-Lower minor , $1.00- , ; lent. 75e-SOc. Siutimien'mn-l.tmwer tloor , Ilk' ; bmti. &IJc-23e. iiie rg.a U , Creighton I 0. U.V taut iv n I' , I , 1' ' . u lumNenuia in I. 1)1 m'te ior , 'i'Oi I ( 1 u'l'.s nut ) , 'I'll I1 WtfllYA ILl ) S'l'CK Co. Presentling Iucc _ lliogrimuim nimti nmew war vicvs. Prices Ilk' nuud 23c , GuiL's Coiicert Gardeii , S. 113. Cn. 111th iiiiul Imn'eiuiort. I ! .e ( I ni I I I , J1O'L' i.t'l13 IE.tii'IN , The dammcing traummi' ' , tim cmi ou'iglimai act cmmtitled "ml p. N'l' N. Gil I11. ' Aio Miss Agnes Atboitoum , Miss Maimil Kra---- _ . . . , . . tner , Miss \'mirm'emu , Cmuummph&'ll nuid ( 'aitmi'- ' bell , ( liilihianm anti 1)ehmm'orn' , Mrs. Clyde itogem'nu. 8LL TODAY , 3:30 : P. M. OM/1IA / VS. ST. PfrUL 1t1)1l'ii4' lY. I' 'IAON ' . . . _ , t , , . 'J'l , MERRY--GO--.ROUND' - - - - I 5th a nil C u i'mtoi At'u. : . Cahuttirel time llrass fling mind limb Agnimi FR1'ili. ! ins. mt 'lb l"I , i'sto annul 3luimnnngi'i' , F 1 I' i , 'I' 0tH J1't % ' I " (1 C"I l'A N i 'S :1 iI.t l ) I t LADIES' ' AND 6ENTS' ' CONCERT HALL I a I a Cl. Ii'nnau , SI , Situ t ii S Id o J efl'i'u'sou n iii I halt' . GiNi ) CNtli'I' I'Ik' NICI1 I. .A 13.11 I SS ! 0' ni 1111. A. t'1ilICG , I I ( ) 'I' I. I , . MILLARD I 3t Ii a imd loii'ias Sts. , ( ) nu nh m , ClN'ritAt4.Y 1UtA"ull. , _ , tI1EII JOt % A II lii ill ) ' 1'I,1.N , J l. Il ltEl. . ! -HOThL BflKER- colt , 13111 AN ! ) JONJ1S ST. . OAliA. it.t'i'l' : $ $1 ,30 .t % I ) iIIII ( ) i'i : it DAY , Eiictrlc curs direct to exiosIiI0mi grnjuuid. . ff'7iANV lt.1h1C tiii. Catmler. . . . . . . . . .2A3'I l/iJt.1. ) Ciml r ( norma UR RA 1 I i.TLL , 14th and Ifarimoy fit. 4incrlcan l'Immn-3 ' to 4 ultillars per tiny , Street cars fromum tit'pota ninth fn'oumi huot ) to EXIIOSII lent 0 rou a ils I a litt'n'n iii i ii iii es , B. IillJO'.Y , Mmnumuger. 'l'iti.'plniui' 1tJ38. 1'lI'c , , i'l'UE'i % 1. . BroweH ii i [ Oj'ens Sc1t , 1 11th , 181)8 , B ouii'd lug itimil In y Mt1inoI lot' ( I iinmder the tlii'ectitum ut lit Itet' . George "Vorlhington , ii. 'I' I ) . . hi. . I ) , i'm'iintii'y , pi'ciarmitory anti 'olieglim to enmiul semi. I 'me. 1ntu'ntt corps ii r s 00 rIme r . n1 otlt'rui umu't Ii. onltt utntl cven ) ' ituivauutiigo offered. Strict attontioim vmtld to tine uimom"ii , Imtelilfll mliii lmtIyutiL'111 V't'il imeinig of the students. Iiplo. Ina,3 i'oimi'rri'ti. L'i't.pmires ( or nih e'tiiieges opoum to women. Siieelai courses In 1Iiiit iii. t , , III I I mitt , 13c'leime''ni ( , 4 iit'leii I ii imd Til till invnl J.mumgtiuge$1 lii utile mint ! Art , 1'orumlj ) uilQul. erum Ic. I I u I I ii I jig reini I I'Cui H usil lii i's cci I cnn t ortier. $ mt iii I a r iii ii iuihi 1mg , HitI l $ fin c' I cry steam hivtuiiimg , I'ureuulum niiil gtiai'itnm3 u1esIrIn 10 oIlier plilitilt wiii II1OON $ IIpi for t'aluif'iiilu , or mtri pm y initi'sumuitt ii ' to Mri. L. E. Upton , Prii. Ht't'lleil hull Oiiialiii eh ) % % , , . - - - -